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Title Slide
The presentation will be recorded and animated on screen/PowerPoint Title Slide – The poem that I
have chosen is "the road not taken", by Robert frost. Next Slide – This poem has multiple themes
that give it its structure. The main one being choices. The speaker is walking on a road (which back
then would have been an equivalent of a walking track today). The road is splitting into two
directions, and the speaker needs to choose which way they will go. Now, this path has two
meanings. The first meaning, is obviously the direction in the woods he must choose. But the other
meaning that can be taken from this poem is a choice in life.... Or in this specific case, the speaker's
life. Something is driving them to make a certain ... Show more content on ...
This rhythm is created by the use of four stanzas consisting of five lines each, (show five lines
numbered) when a stanza is built up from five lines, it is called a cinquain. In the first cinquain, lines
one, three.... and four.. rhyme (zoom to show lines). The words that rhyme is wood, stood and could.
Also in the first cinquain lines two and four rhyme. The words that rhyme are both and undergrowth.
This rhyming pattern is repeated throughout each cinquain, with the same lines rhyming and all
consisting of open and closed rhymes in the form of A.B.A.A.B as you can see here. (Blink
A.B.A.A.B) Next Slide – Relevance – The relevance of this poem is the same or even more so in
today's society in–comparison to when the poem was written. This is due to today's society having
so many more opportunities which in–turn creates many more challenges. Peer pressure is a big part
of today's society, and as humans we often follow the path of other, for fear of failure. This poem
shows the point of being different and that makes all the difference to one life. (show pictures of the
relevant lines) Personal response – I feel I am very similar to the speaker due to the fact that I often
take the road less travelled, to make the right decision, enhancing my journey in life and not follow
the general crowd. I often find myself looking at my options and base my decisions on what I feel
will have the best outcome and better my future. (show pictures of the relevant
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Mental Health Essay
Overall feedback
MightSight was an interesting disruptive idea. The mental health market is growing and is
continuing to be a hot topic, an app that places control in the hands of the customer sounds viable.
Group 37 made it clear how Millennials would feel about their data being available on mobile, but I
would have been interested to understand how Group 37 would have overcome the obstacle, via
their branding, about how people would feel about being implanted with a chip.
What went well?
● I felt a clear gap in the market was identified for a personalised mental health App, however,
supported evidence was lacking and would be been helpful.
● It was clear that the app would disrupt the market, giving customers control their own ... Show
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It was a shame they were presented without narration, as I felt they could have made some
substantial claims about how the App would match John and Marie's requirements. Marie's persona
mentioned that she never had the time to go see a psychiatrist, however, for the chip to be implanted
in the customer they would need to find time to see their physician. I think these challenges could
have been covered if the slide would have been narrated.
● Early adopters were depicted in the Business Model Canvas, but it would have been great to hear
why Medical Students and 'young music and sports stars' would have taken to the App and why they
would have been advocates of the business.
● As specified in the proposal, narration wasn't recorded over every single slide.
● The brand mission and purpose were unique, but I felt it would have been interesting to
understand how MindSight would have been positioned and would appeal to the target audience,
creating an authentic experience. The slide was cut off at the end, which again was a shame as I
wanted to hear more.
How could this have been improved?
● More supporting evidence about how the App would disrupt the market would have made the
proposal more compelling.
● I liked the idea of the content marketing strategy, I could how the videos of the personas would be
engaging. It would have been great to see some more examples of the social content with an
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Apollo's Slide Rule
Engineers at NASA used the slide rule to plan the mission that Apollo took on, and to create the
rockets that were used to do so. This is an example of the slide rule which could be seen as older
technology being used for a new purpose. It helped to create something amazing in recent times,
showcasing its long lasting effect since its creation. Some say that that Buzz Aldrin needed the slide
rule for calculations just before landing. This further shows the ease of use of this tool. Sister Paula
Irving, teaches a computer programming class for homeschooled high schoolers. When she covers
the history of the computer, she is sure to teach the students how to use the tool she remembers her
father using as he calculated the finances of their family. ... Show more content on
The main feature allowing this device to work was a special gear created by Leibniz which is now
known as the Leibniz wheel. This was a piece that played the role of a mechanical multiplier. This
piece was simply a metal cylinder with nine horizontal rows of teeth. The first of these rows ran
one–tenth the length of the cylinder. The second row ran two tenths, and so on until the nine–tenths.
The device had eight of these mechanisms linked to a shaft in the center. Turning the shaft rotated
all the cylinders, which rotated the wheels that showed the user their
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The Slide Short Story
The Slide One summer morning, had my hot chocolate and took a shower. Then my stepmom said
that we were going to the waterpark. I was dancing on the inside untill she said we were leaving at
11:00 but it was 7:42. While I was waiting I was never so bored before then finally it was time to go.
Getting in the truck is easier said than done, it felt like Mt.Everest. Finally, I got into the truck and
turned on my tablet. It felt like it took forever to get there; I left like I was a new man when I got
there. For some reason I was starving, they had pizza, but it was tiny. The pizza was expensive five
dollars each for a little snack. I really wanted to ride the tunnel slide, but at the same time I didn't
want to. I swam a few laps and went
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Up The Slide
The two stories by Jack London, "Up the Slide" and "To Build a Fire", feature two men that endure
sub–zero temperatures. Clay, the man from "Up the Slide", is a young man who is outgoing and
filled with energy. The mature man from, "To Build a Fire", is clever, but make poor decisions. Clay
is energetic, outgoing, and determined. He is determined to reach the top of the slide where the tree
he wants to retrieve is waiting. The tree rests on the high slope of a steep, rocky, and snowy cliff.
Earlier, he slipped off the side of the cliff and into a mound of snow, luckily breaking his fall.
Through his persistence, he evaluated his situation, created a plan, scaled the cliff, and successfully
retrieved the tree. The Man from "To Build a Fire"
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stepping Machines
the most straightforward gadget that can be connected to CNC machines since it can change over
advanced information into real mechanical relocation. It is not important to have any simple to–
computerized converter nor criticism gadget for the control framework. They are in a perfect world
suited to open circle frameworks. In any case, Stepping engines are not generally utilized as a part
of machine devices because of the accompanying disadvantages moderate rate, low torque, low
determination and simple to slip if there should be an occurrence of over–burden. Samples of
venturing engine application are the attractive head of floppy–plate drive and hard circle drive of
PC, daisy–wheel sort printer, X–Y tape control, and CNC EDM Wire–cut machine ... Show more
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Automatic Mode (Auto and Single Block):– In this mode the framework permits the execution of a
section program ceaselessly. The part program is executed piece by square. While one piece is being
executed, the following square is perused by the framework, broke down and kept prepared for
execution. Execution of the project can be one piece after another consequently or the framework
will execute a square, stop the execution of the following square till it is started to do as such (by
squeezing the begin button).Selection of part program execution ceaselessly (Auto) or one square at
once (Single Block) is done through the machine control board. Numerous frameworks permit
squares (single or different) to be backtracked the other way. Square follow is permitted just when a
cycle step state is built up. Part program execution can resume and its execution starts with the
followed piece. This is valuable for device investigation or if there should arise an occurrence of
hardware breakage. Project begin can be affected at any piece in the system, through the BLOCK
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Gender In The Slides Show
There was a lot of information about gender. The areas we learned was on slideshows, discussions,
and a film. In class, the slideshows theme was on gender. Then we had discussion more specifically
on Barbie's influences. Another part was the film interviewing boys experiences. These activities
helped with the concept of gender. Gender has biology and social aspects to them. In the slideshow,
gender being a social construction in society. The slideshow changes gave information about the
influences the culture and society person lives through. This gives young children through how to
live up to their gender roles. This lead to discussions developed this idea on gender roles. We talked
about the readings about Barbie in society. One student
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Who I Am I
"I can not make people like me. All I can do is show them who I am , how I feel, and what I believe.
"It is up to them to understand my worth" ,Makayla. What makes me who I am today? Family,
friends, and the sports I play had had always been apart of my life therefore had an effect on the
person I'm am today. To my personality, the way I act and even dress. It's just whom I am. Family is
such an important aspect in many people's lives,especially mine. I just love to spend time with them
(family) since a young age.I had many adventures that I can say we did as a family and those
adventures had influence my personality. For example, we all took a family vacation to together up
to resort in the mountains. During the summer months for a week . I just turned six and I remember
this adventure very vividly till this very day. It was a blast up there and a great experience to have.
We did a lot of activities that involved animals. For instance, we went horseback riding, feed
mountain goats before they chased us for more food. Also we went exploring through the woods to
find plants/ flowers. That's why my love for animals and nature is so strong and is embedded into
my personality. There also was a waterpark (indoor/outdoors). It was very nice and spacious with
fantastic slides. The slides were really frightening to me they look so enormous and giant,remember
was only six years old at that time. So I was very cautious to go on the slides. After staring at them
for a
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Summary: Slide 3
1. Slide 3: I think slide three is important because it helps you to better understand the curriculum.
As future teachers, we need to understand the curriculum to effectively teach it. It is also important
to make sure that you are teaching a child at the right difficulty area because you don't want to teach
them material that they aren't developmentally ready for. 2. Slide 5: I think slide five is really
important because motor skills are very important for a child to develop. It is important to have
activities for children that help them work to develop their motor skills. Gross motor skills can be
used on the playground, but fine motor skills are used more inside the classroom, so it is important
that the teacher creates activities to work on these fine motor skills. One fine motor skill that isn't
worked on a lot from what I've ... Show more content on ...
Slide 6: I think slide six is important because it discusses communication skills. Good
communication skills are important because we will use them for the rest of our lives. I think the
information about age 3 is really important because if the student hasn't acquired all of the major
components of a system of communication by age 3, then there may be some developmental delays
that need to be addressed. 4. Slide 8: I though slide eight was really important because children need
to learn how to do things on their own. The slide reminded me a lot of what I do every day with my
3 and 4 year old students. I work really hard to teach them how to be more independent, and I make
them do most of everything by themselves, like changing clothes, putting away things, cleaning up
messes, etc. 5. Slide 17: I think slide seventeen is important because it talks about developmentally
appropriate practices, which we will need to be very familiar with as future teachers. It is important
that we know what is developmentally appropriate for our students. We wouldn't want to teach our
students something that was at too high or low
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Bone Marrow Slides
One of my main tasks while working in HCMDS is to process bone marrow slides as well as
producing counts and identifying potential clots within the bone marrow samples contained in the
ACD/EDTA samples. This allows the biomedical scientist and consultants to carry out their intended
The samples integrity (physical appearance and information) and preparation must be acceptable. In
the case of bone marrow slides, the best 4 individuals must be picked from the existing group of
delivered samples. This is done by examining the partials present in the slide while maintaining a
specific streak length that allows appropriate staining. Each chosen slide should contain the patient's
name, sample collection date, sample type and hospital number ... Show more content on ...
Once the check has been approved an episode number is assigned and signed by two members of
staff as well as a count sticker and a time stamp. The physical state of the sample is also checked to
detect signs of leakage or an inconsistent anticoagulant volume. This can be reported to a senior so
that a new sample can be requested as stated in (FSOP 477). Orange sticks can then be used to
detect the presence of clots. If present, the size of the clot can be written down on the sample and its
blood count report. 200 micro litres are then placed into Eppendorf tubes. A
WBC/differential/NRBC is performed with this sample on the Sysmex EX5000, producing a full
blood count report. The report is then labelled with the patient's episode number, name, clot
presence and volume. The sample is then packaged in a sealed wallet with the request form, blood
count report and is place within the blue tray labelled P.2013 in
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Video Spin Blaster Pro + Essay
Video spin bluster pro+ is a video creator software that performs that was design specifically for
those who have little or no technical skills for video doesn't require the user to learn how–
to instead the user jumps into it and starts to operate. This software helps you to create photographs
and slides as well. Video spin blaster pro+ can be used to produce numerous specific films. Also you
can create a video that can play for 10 minutes in less than two minutes. This two minutes is
inclusive of picture and sound downloads, addition of textual content together with watermarks in
the video.
The voices of more than 50 men and women are included in this software and over 10 languages.
The most important thing is that there is no restriction of the number of slides you will make.
This is the latest update from the previous one and some changes were made to improve its
efficiency, making easy for a kid to create a fabulous looking motion pictures. From the last
software combination of video and image slide were improve to make it more dynamic, text to
speech engine was improved to give it a real human voice, improving streaming multiple audio
which allows you to add a speech and also add background music and also necessity of multiple
language support.
Features of video spin Blaster Pro+
Video Creator; with only a few clicks and no time waste by waiting for long to render ,you can
videos using the unique software system that will deliver 10 minutes HD videos in
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CALCULUS 2 (BA) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai Department of mathematics
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, VNU–HCM February 25, 2014 Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr.
Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) References Main textbook: M. L. Lial, R. N. Greenwell,
N. P. Ritchey Calculus with Applications, 10ed. Pearson, Boston, 2012. Other textbooks: L. D.
Hoffmann, G. L. Bradley, Calculus, Brief 10ed. McGraw–Hill, Boston, 2010. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen
Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai
CALCULUS 2 (BA) Chapter 1 . Mathematics of Finance Contents 1. Compound Interest 2.
Continuous Money Flow: Total money flow, present value, accumulated amount of money,
continuous ... Show more content on ...
So the answer is "almost". Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest Example 1.3 What principal is required now so that after 6 years at a rate of
interest of 5 per cent p.a. the final amount is 20, 000 EUR? Solution It follows from Equation 1 that
A P= . (1 + i)t Substituting t = 6, i = 0.05 and A = 20, 000, we obtain A 20, 000 P= = = 14, 924.31
EUR 6 (1 + i) (1 + 0.05)6 i.e., the principal required now is equal to 14, 924.31 EUR. Assoc. Prof.
Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Compound interest Part year investment
Often, we do not have an annual period for interest payments, i.e. compounding takes place several
times per year, e.g., semi–annually–there are 2 interest payments per year, namely after every six
months; quarterly–there are 4 payments per year, namely one after every three months; monthly–
there are 12 payments, namely one per month; daily–compounding takes place 360 times per year.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Compound interest If the
annual interest rate is r and there are n interest payments per year, the rate of interest per payment
period is equal to j = r /n, and the number of interest payments within a period of t years is equal to
tn. Denoting by A(t) the amount at the end of t years with n interest payments per year, formula (1)
changes into A(t) = P (1 + j)nt Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc
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Short Story : The Disney Dream
"Hurry up! We're going to miss the boat!," Sonali yelled back to her mom and dad who were
running behind her in the hot Florida sun. As she was running, pulling her 1,000 pound suitcase and
carrying a bulging green backpack, she caught a whiff of the ocean which smelled like a sewer.
Dripping with sweat and tired from what seemed like an eternity of running down the mile long
dock, they made it onto the boat just in time. The crew welcomed them by announcing "The Disney
Dream welcomes the Ciolino Family." After they checked into the room and unpacked, Sonali
suggested they take a tour of the enormous cruise ship and cool off with a frosty mug of lemonade.
"We should check out the opening concert on the upper deck and see everything that there is to do
on the boat." Sonali's parents agreed with her and they made their way to the upper deck. The deck it
smelled like chlorine from the pools and warm homemade chocolate chip cookies the size of
frisbees. The cool sea breeze was refreshing and was making the ornate streamers and balloons
dance in the sky. All of a sudden there was a loud explosion and it began raining rainbow colored
confetti all over us and the music started blaring "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus, as the entire
cast of Disney characters flooded the dance floor that magically appeared over the olympic sized
pool on the deck. It was a giant party and, Sonali and her parents had a blast. Before they knew it, it
was almost midnight and they all crawled back
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Slide: Gender Differences In The Classroom
Sources: sems tv,
Slide 1 Lauren: For our project we made a storyboard to show and persuade you to have more
activities for the school and let 6th graders do more things that involve helping the school.
Slide 2
Lauren: You might be thinking we are too immature to take on that task, but it's not like you are
forcing use to do it. If we chose that we want to do it, we feel like we can. It's having a growth
mindset. So we had the idea to put on a presentation in picture form to help you understand.
Slide 3
Amelia: Activities are used at the school to show us that the school is a big place for opportunities to
learn, and have fun like the plays you could learn new dance moves, and you have fun.
Slide 4
Amelia: These are 3 examples out of millions of ideas we could have at the school. ... Show more
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Slide 5
Destiny: Our school has to let kids have opportunities to do what they love I do a sport that is not a
sport at this school and I love doing it. Not everyone is doing what they love because the school
does not have the sport
Lauren: also, what about the 6th graders. They don't have the same opportunities as 7th and 8th
graders. My evidence is that on SEMS TV, they were giving announcements about a school parties
for only 7th and 8th graders. The school is always saying treat everyone fair.
Destiny: If they want us to be treated fairly then start treating the 6 grades like everyone else and
start trusting us
Slide 6
Amelia: Now you can see that the school needs more activities for 6th graders.
Destiny: We all need to stand up for what we want if we want to have a golf team we have to stand
up we have to go see if have to go talk to the principal and see what we have to do to get
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When The Scientist Presents By Jean Luc Lebrun
A great successful researcher not only rely on the numerous published papers rather depends more
on how many scientific talks has been given to fellow colleagues and peers. The text, 'When the
Scientist Presents' written by Jean Luc Lebrun outlines essential aspects to give a science talk and
ideas are illustrated through detailed examples of scientific presentations. The book is divided
majorly into four parts: Content selection, audience expectation, the slides and the presenter. The
information contained in the book help a scientist to prepare about the content filtering, audiences
expectation and presenters gesture to give science talks.
Content selection should be abreast with knowledge of audience expected from the scientific
presentation. Each slide should be self–contained and must not require external support for
understanding. There are two ways to cut down presentation time: Visual is worth a thousand words
and helps saving time for explaining in depth details of a project especially numerical data. One
should put applicable content on slides because what matters most is the amount of information you
caused to be absorbed by attendee. The Q&A is significant, the audience must gain freedom to
engage with speaker and ask questions for better perspective of the talk. Contents should reflect
critical analysis of evidences supported by research findings. Furthermore, Credibility can be
established through what audience perceive by the presenter's evidence.
In a
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Soccer On The East Coast
It has been said that when one gets injured, one never realizes it until you look at the wounded body
part. No statement is more genuine than that. An individual forgets the details of how they got
injured. The if, how, and whys are only noticed later on when you look back and analyze what had
occurred. More often than not, a lot of different things are to blame. Could it be the slip and slide,
the angle, or just a personal mistake? For some reason, I believe it was the first one, and that could
explain why I'm scared of slip and slides.
You must be asking yourself "what could have possibly happened that led to this erratic fear of slip
and slides?"
Soccer on the East coast is an enormous spectacle. Like football in the south and basketball in
Indiana, soccer in the fall is an attraction that closes towns and turns neighboring schools into blood
rivals. Conditioning begins in June, but the real season doesn't start until the third week of August
when first week commences. First week of practice is the most challenging and fulfilling.
Friendships that last all season, as well as team foundations, develop that first week. That first week
defines your season before you complete a pass or attempt a shot.
The first week is unmerciful. Three or four–hour practices, two a days; the heat makes you question
your decision to play every minute of every day. That last Friday practice, however, always ends on
a softer note. The team pickup game, ice bath, slip and slide, and a bonfire
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Slide Culture Observation Paper
As the growth of fungi were observed and identified according to the morphological characteristic,
then microscopic observation is commonly used in identify the structure by observing the mycelia
and spore produced. In order to do the microscopic observation, there are several way can be use in
obtaining the characteristics of the fungi which is by Slide Culture Preparations and Cellotape Flag
Preparations. Slide Culture Preparations In order to accurately identify many fungi it is
essential to observe the precise arrangement of the conidiophores and the way in which spores are
produced (conidial ontogeny). One plate of nutrient agar commonly potato dextrose is
recommended, however, I used nutrient agar as typical usage. Firstly, cut out an agar block (7 x 7
mm) small enough using a sterile blade to fit under a coverslip. Using a sterile straw to make a circle
out of the fresh agar and fit under a glass slide. Flip the block up onto the new fresh plate and
inoculate the four sides of the agar block with spores or mycelial fragments of the fungus to be
grown. Place a flamed coverslip centrally upon the agar block then incubate the plate at 26oC ...
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For the first step, using clear 2cm wide cellotape and a wooden applicator stick to make a small
cellotape flag (2x2cm). Using sterile technique, gently press the sticky side of the flag onto the
surface of the culture. Remove and apply a drop of 95% alcohol to the flag, this acts as a wetting
agent and also dissolves the adhesive glue holding the flag to the applicator stick. Place the flag onto
a small drop of Lactophenol cotton blue on a clean glass slide, remove the applicator stick and
discard, add another drop of stain, cover with a coverslip, gently press and mop up any excess stain.
Then we can observe under the microscope the sporulation occurred from the fungi
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Speech : ' First Slide '
Speech –
First Slide –
Intro today we are talking about Telstra this is the team..............
Second slide – Overview
This is an overview of some of the topics we will discuss today. The history, products and services,
Key issues, Organizational chart, stock market, solvency. and of course a few references.,
Third Slide – Past
Question 1: Now hands up who has a mobile phone?
Question 2: Now hands up if you are with Telstra. Fact about Telstra is that it is the largest
telecommunication and Media Company according to the Telstra story.
Telecom started way back in the 1900s and was founded by the commonwealth government and was
originated with Australia post,
1901 the government decided to manage all domestic, telegraph and postal services and ... Show
more content on ...
Does anyone know what that stands for?
All organizations needed to have an agreement to roll out the national broadband network and so
Telstra did it straight away and now are potentially looking at over a $280 million dollar income in
the next 4 years, the nbn is an open access data network, which is based at the premises it allows
fixed wireless and satellite
Telstra than discovered 3G and 4G Internet now they both do the same thing, which is for you to
connect to the Internet but 4g, was created to make Internet streaming faster.
Telstra made a joint venture with Nintendo to establish Wi–Fi in café, restaurants and fast–food
stores around Australia. This affected Telstra consumer interests as people where going to local
places and are being able to connect straight to the internet without having to use their own data, it
also allowed Telstra to sell packages offering these products for at home, this made large profits
within the organization.
Telstra today provides to 16.9 million mobile services, 7.2 million fixed voice services and
3.3million retail fixed broadband services they believe it is how we connect according to their
Telstra aims to continue to have a high number of consumers and to continue providing their
services locally, globally and internationally. They will continue to provide the most up to date
technology while creating new innovations. According to the (Telstra history)
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Negative Speech : The Effects Of Violent Entertainment...
The Effects of Violent Entertainment
I enjoyed the depth of this presentation. Not only did this team present first (meaning they had no
reference for the format of their presentation), but also this presentation followed a concise train of
thought that led to the ultimate conclusion. A few examples were used from media in order to
portray your topic. It's understandable that each speaker wanted to discuss their own media example
since each presenter talked about a different entertainment median. However, given that the time
constraint for this project was only eight minutes, multiple media examples can certainly be costly.
Thus, I'd suggest perhaps cutting down on the description of these media examples, or even
eliminating one in order to meet the time limit. As I recall, the presentation was over by around four
minutes. Another thing worth noting would be to cut down on the information provided on each
slide. By using less information on the slide and expanding upon your bullets you'll be able to
demonstrate a wealthier knowledge in the subject area without doing any extra work. Lastly, it's
easy to tell that a lot of work was put into this presentation. The slides are well thought out and there
is plenty of statistical evidence to backup your claims. Ensure that for future presentations, everyone
within the group spends a little time polishing down the slides to their core representations. I believe
everyone spoke clearly and the covering of the topic was
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Slide 2 Summary
Slide 1 Summary Slide one is my introduction slide it discusses both the positive and negative
results that the development of new technology has presented in the workplace. In this slide the
viewer will see the positive effects of technology in the workplace from increased productivity to
higher levels of employee engagement. My original slide had too much information and it could be
overwhelming for the audience to comprehend. The revised slide is much cleaner and illustrates the
positive and negative connotations in a much cleaner manner. Slide 2 Summary Slide two introduces
the audience to the "whys" behind the behavior of some companies. In other words, slide two
provides a good outline detailing reasons why organizations feel the need to monitor employee
email and internet usage. Some of the information provided in this slide are: firms can investigate
complaints ... Show more content on ...
This slide provides a definition of what is considered internet abuse in the workplace. Also, the slide
also goes on further to outline a list of specific acts of abuse. Violations include inappropriate jokes,
downloading music, and frequenting social networking sites. My first slide provided pertinent
information on the topic but I decide to take off all of the detailed information and highlight the
most visited places the associates visit during business hours. Slide 4 Summary The purpose of this
slide is to pose the question if monitoring employee internet usage is really worth it in the
workplace. This slide is informational and provides details like how many companies are actually
monitoring employee internet usage and the financial cost associated to these behaviors. My first
slide, just had too much information on it for the audience to follow. However, on my revised slide I
decided to have some fun using a baby monitor and the illustration of a yes or no buzzer to convey
my message. Slide 5
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Essay On Netboarding
Capturing the investors' imagination with your pitch deck
Now you have the building blocks of a great deck.
You've seen examples of the slides that work and why they work.
You are aware of the information investors want to see, why they want to see it and how you can
convey it convincingly.
But how do you put these elements together?
What are the fundamentals of a winning pitch deck?
It's time to pay attention to the finer details – combining your slides and the information about your
startup with a good storytelling structure.
As I've outlined before, your pitch deck must tell a story – it must not be a list of figures and facts
but an engaging journey down the path your startup is on – from the idea to the business.
So, you need ... Show more content on ...
And it worked, as the startup raised $500k with the pitch deck.
They tell a story
Pitch decks tell stories.
And stories often follow a specific structure, which you should use as the basis for your deck.
The winning storytelling formula comes in the form of Freytag's Pyramid:
So, what does it mean for your pitch deck?
Let's look at the possibilities it offers in its purest form:
That's the basic composition for a good story and a solid way of structuring your essential slides.
However, you can change the impact of your story focusing on how you tell the story, even if you
don't fundamentally change the structure of the slides.
Soren Petersen and Steven Bussard brought up two great examples of this in their blog post 'Using
Storytelling to Pitch Startups'.
They used the slides introduced by Guy Kawasaki and noted that by changing the structure slightly
and focusing on how you engage the listener, you can create different types of stories.
First, you could tell an origin story – emphasising how things started with your
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Up The Slide Mood
In the stories "Up the Slide" and "A Glow in the Dark" the authors make you very nervous and
relieved over and over again. Although the stories have similar moods they are also very different.
"Up the Slide" is about a man who set out to find wood and he find a tree on the side of the
mountain with good wood so he decides to go get it. After falling many times he finally gets the tree
and sells it for lots of money. "A Glow in the Dark" is a story about a man who is in the woods and
he is exploring around when he thinks he sees a ghost but it turns out that it was just a plant. The
theme of "Up the Slide" is staying positive/confident usually helps you reach your goals whether
they are big or small. In the story the main character stayed positive and got the tree from the
mountain, but it was very nerve racking because he went through a series of mishaps trying to get
the tree. "Each step became more difficult and perilous" (London 318). The mood was nervous
because every ... Show more content on ...
In the story the main character believed that ghosts were real because of what he heard from others,
but soon found out for himself that ghosts aren't real. The main character was with his dogs and
dogsled when he decided to take a rest in the woods. When the main character woke up and kept
going he went into the darkness and couldn't tell where he was. "Immediatly we blew into darkness
and the ride was madness" (Paulson 322). The mood was nervous because you never what was
going to happen next. "My headlamp went out" (Paulson 321–322). When the character saw a glow
in the dark he believed there was a ghost because of what others would say. "My legs moved
without my wanting them to move and my body followed them" (Paulson 323). When the main
character finally approached the "glow" he found that it was a plant that had absorbed a chemical.
"So much for ghosts" (Paulson
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Videotape Presentation Self Assessment
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
DPTE 515 Professional Issues 2
Videotape Presentation Self– & Peer–Assessment, Lessons Learned Form
Instructions: Complete this form for your duo/trio. While you watch the videotape of your
presentation, make comments for each section of the form (strengths and opportunities for
improvement for each speaker). Add your combined input on the assignment itself. Review the
presentation outline as well. Combine your thoughts onto one form and submit through Blackboard
as noted in the overall assignment instructions.
Last names of speakers: Gast & Sandhu Date of review: 4/24/17
1. Verbal Behavior:
Comment on the following points: clarity, speed, ... Show more content on ...
For example, there appeared to be a wealth of research regarding prosthesis use in veterans and
athletes, but very limited research revolving around prosthesis use for either the diabetic or the
geriatric populations. Additionally, the fact that he is homeless created a rather unique case for us as
we knew that he had limited health, financial, and social resources. As there appeared to be no prior
research looking into homeless amputees, we had to remember to take his lack of resources into
account when reviewing other articles and attempting to apply their findings to our patient's case. It
was also challenging to set goals knowing that we had limited time with him and needed to tailor
them to his ultimate desire of "returning to street life."
Was the ethical issue obvious? Were you able to address it in your analysis of the case?
In our case, the ethical issue was the fact that the patient is homeless and has a very limited support
system. He is only able to stay with his friend for two weeks for pre–prosthetic training, which
clearly isn't enough time to ensure a successful outcome. He also has very limited financial
resources and would be unable to properly manage a prosthesis. We were able to address these
concerns by proposing a wheelchair as an alternative
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Choosing A Slide Show
When you're celebrating a person's life (such as at a wedding or an anniversary), it's useful to create
some form of photo display. The two most common displays, the photo collage and slide show, each
have their advantages and disadvantages. Make sure to fully consider both option before choosing.
Why Choose A Photo Collage?
Photo collages are generally useful if you have artistic skill and about two to three days to work.
You will choose photos and make either a physical collage or a digital one. Making a physical
college is tricky: it requires cutting out photos and gluing them to a large piece of wood or
cardboard. Each photo should be arranged in an artistically intriguing way or in a way that catches
the eye.
The nice thing about physical collages is that you don't need a computer to display them. However,
digital collages (which require image editing software to make) can be displayed by a large projector
to ... Show more content on ...
People that make slide shows often choose them because they're a lot easier to make than a collage.
Generally speaking, you just need to upload your photos to a computer, run them through a slide
show program, and arrange them in a logical fashion. You'll likely need to create some form of
display labeling the photos, but those can be easily drawn or designed with an imaging program.
The main disadvantage of slide shows is that you're likely going to be limited in what you can
achieve artistically. While transition filters and other effects can be utilized, they won't let you create
the dense effect of a collage. As a result, they're more useful in situations where a logical and
reasonable display of photos is expected, such as at a graduation or athletic award event.
Which Should I Choose?
In the end, the choice really depends on what you want to achieve with your presentation. If you're
trying to create a dense and artistic representation of a person's life (and have some artistic skill), a
college is a great
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Visit Free Slides
Visit Free Slides and Ebooks : CHAPTER 17 Investments
ASSIGNMENT CLASSIFICATION TABLE (BY TOPIC) Topics 1. Debt investments. (a) Held–
for–collection. (b) Trading. 2. Bond amortization. 3. Equity investments. (a) Non–trading. (b)
Trading. Questions 1, 2, 3, 13 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 22 6, 7 1, 12, 17 16, 22 8, 9, 14, 15, 16,
22 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 22 10, 11, 25 23, 27 24 29 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 5 10 11 12 21 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 7, 8 6 1, 3, 10 2, 4 1, 2, 3 Brief Exercises Exercises 1 2, 3, 4
5 3, 4, 5 1 8, 10, 11 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 13, 14, 17, 18 10, 11 6, 7 19, 20 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 1, 2,
7 1, 3, 4, 7 1, 2 4, 7 3 Problems Concepts for ... Show more content on ...
Kieso Intermediate: IFRS Edition, Solutions Manual 17–3 Visit Free Slides and Ebooks : ASSIGNMENT CHARACTERISTICS TABLE (Continued)
Item P17–10 P17–11 P17–12 *P17–13 *P17–14 *P17–15 *P17–16 *P17–17 *P17–18 CA17–1
CA17–2 CA17–3 CA17–4 CA17–5 CA17–6 CA17–7 Description Equity investments. Investments–
statement presentation. Gain on sale of investments and comprehensive income. Derivative financial
instrument. Derivative financial instrument. Free–standing derivative. Fair value hedge interest rate
swap. Cash flow hedge. Fair value hedge. Issues raised about investments. Equity investments.
Financial statement effect of investments. Equity investments. Investment accounted for under the
equity method. Equity investments. Fair value–ethics. Level of Difficulty Complex Moderate
Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Simple
Moderate Simple Moderate Moderate Time (minutes) 30–40 20–30 20–30 20–25 20–25 20–25 30–
40 25–35 25–35 25–30 25–30 20–30 20–25 15–25 25–35 25–35 17–4 Copyright ©
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Essay about Narrative- Water Slide Experience
Narrative– Water Slide Experience
I was so excited. I could hardly breathe through the hour drive it took to get there. I was squished
between my two ten–year–old best friends in the back seat of a white Saturn, but I didn't care. I was
practicing over and over in my head what I was going to say to all the smart–alecky adults who
would tell me I was too young to ride the water slides. I was simply going to reply, "Actually I'm
ten, going on eleven."
On the right of me sat the girl I met in preschool, the swimmer who was named after a state like me:
Tennessee. She was the observant artist. She sat there holding a deck of cards, trying to find all the
queens. I could tell she was nervous. Her hands were sweating. The cards were damp ... Show more
content on ...
We are all exact triposites, if there's any such thing.
I was so nervous and excited at the same time that I practically leaped out of the car with my Gap
backpack and my Wal–Mart towel flying behind me. I could hear the screaming and crying of
After we went through the long line to pay and put on a whole tube of sunscreen, we were ready to
have some real fun. We wandered around trying to find the perfect ride.
Tennessee and I had decided on the water gym when Anna suddenly stopped short. She pointed way
up in the air. Our eyes slowly followed her finger. Through our ten–year old eyes we saw what
looked like the scariest ride in the entire world. It was a 50–foot tall, sky blue slide that went straight
down into a giant pool of deep dark water.
Anna looked around and smiled. Her short brown hair jumped and fell each time she took a long
stride. Her brown eyes twinkled as she walked to the slide. She seemed so proud about being brave
and daring to walk up to "The Death Slide." Tennessee and I felt embarrassed that a girl six months
younger than we were was going to ride it while we were going to play on the water gym. But
Tennessee and I had a plan to cover up our embarrassment. We were going to act like we were going
to ride The Death Slide, and then, at the last minute, say we forgot something and wait at the bottom
for Anna.
As we stood in line, slowly approaching the 50–foot ladder I tried to gather up my strength and
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Factors That Affect The Individual 's Sense Of Self Is...
The main point of Baldwin et al.'s theoretical analysis was to discover how an individual's sense of
self is affected by many components, including personal experiences. The mental association
between these two factors was proposed because self–prospection and close relationships are tied to
how individuals view themselves. We sometimes see ourselves as who we're with, and how they
treat us translates to how we see ourselves. 2. Focus on the first study that Baldwin et al. report (that
is, Study 1, not the first research article they cite). What is the hypothesis that is being tested in this
study? The Hypothesis of the first study is, there is an alteration in an individual's self–prospection
when greeted with responses, whether it be negative or positive. 3. Summarize the design, the
independent variables, and the dependent variables. When you describe the IV and DV, first tell me
what they are at a psychological level (what are the experimenters trying to manipulate or measure
in people's heads?), and then tell me what they are at the level of concrete operations (what exactly
did the experimenters have participants do in the study – what procedure did they use?). The design
of the study is completing three questions, and then getting shown a response. If the response was
positive it reinforced the individual's response to the questions. If the given response was negative,
then the individual reconsidered their past answers. The independent variable of this study
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Slides For International Finance
Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CA Slides
for International Finance Aggregate Demand and the SR (KOM Chapter 17) Alan G. Isaac American
University 2012–10–22 Alan G. Isaac Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts
Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand
PREVIEW AA Curve review SR model of asset market equilibrium AA: Y E (to maintain asset mkt
eq) DD Curve SR model of output market equilibrium DD: E Y (to maintain asset mkt eq) SR
Model AA + DD: simultaneous output market and asset market equilibrium temporary v permanent
changes in monetary and fiscal policies liquidity trap (zero ... Show more content on
Isaac Y Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA
Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand ^M  AA Shifts Up E E E2 E1
E2 E1 Y1 AA' AA Y 0 R∗ + R2 R1 e E1 −E E returns Q1 M1 /P Q2 M2 /P L(R , Y1 ) Alan G. Isaac
Q Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA
Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand ^Ee  AA Shifts Up E E E2 E1
E2 E1 Y1 AA' AA Y R∗ + R∗ + 0 e E1 −E E R1 Q1 L(R , Y1 ) Alan G. Isaac e E2 −E E Q Slides for
International Finance returns Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity
Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand Determinants of Aggregate Demand
Aggregate demand the aggregate amount of goods and services that individuals and institutions are
willing and able to buy C: consumption expenditure I: investment expenditure G: government
expenditure (purchases of final goods and services) CA: net expenditure by foreigners (the current
account) Alan G. Isaac Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model:
DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand Determinants of
Consumption Demand ^ ^ disposable income (Yd = Y – T) (Y–T) C
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The Stolen Generation : 1st Slide
The Stolen Generation 1st Slide Since James Cooke's possession of the entire Australian east coast
in 1770, followed by the arrival of the first fleet in 1788, British perceived domination has caused
momentous and historic controversy between the rightful owners of the land, the aboriginal people,
and the early settlers, the British. 2nd Slide The ongoing spiral effect of clash after clash climaxed in
1897, when the Aboriginal Protection Act was passed in Queensland, allowing the chief protector to
relocate native Aboriginal people onto reserves, whilst holding their children in dormitories. 3rd
Slide Between 1905 to 1969 and even as far as the early 70's, there was a forcible and systematic
removal of aboriginal and Torres Strait islander children from their families by government and
church initiatives. In the Aboriginal culture, language, rituals, traditions, wisdom, dances and
spirituality can only be passed down and live on through the younger generations. With this large
gap in the circle of life, white people planned to control and conclude the existence of aboriginal
beliefs within a short period of time. The incentive of this movement was said to be child protection
and the community was under the impression that Aboriginal children were deprived and in danger
within their own communities. It was said that they'd obtain an enhanced education, more
affectionate parents, as well as a more refined upbringing in government organisations or adopted
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Slide-Twilight Stereotypes
The idea of women being the inferior and submissive gender is no new concept, which has plagued
humanity since ancient times. This dangerous concept consists of many traditional and outdated
gender roles such as women are domestic, weak, powerless and inferior, and men are strong,
heroic and dominant. –slide– Good morning/afternoon everyone, and thank you for inviting me to
speak at todays Equality for All conference. I hope my presentation acts to educate and inform you
all, and hopefully you will leave this room with a bit more insight into why twilight is not the
perfect teen movie it has been presented as. –slide– Twilight, a popular mainstream romance
movie, greatly enforces these harmful gender roles, unbeknown to many of its viewers ... Show
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–slide– She stands there, not moving and instead waiting to be hit. Edward appears just in time to
push her out of the way and stop the car with his vampire strength, and in turn saving her life. This
is a clichéd Damsel in Distress situation, in which a helpless female is saved by a masculine hero.
This unoriginal sequence of events is extremely over used, is both boring and creatively lazy, and on
top of that, once again, enforces dangerous stereotypical roles in society for both males and females.
Scenes like this tell young women that they are incapable of looking after themselves, and will
always need a male to protect and look after them, rendering them useless. This scene is very
unrealistic, and serves no purpose other than to show that Bella is weak, a damsel in distress, and
will always need Edward to protect
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Classroom Reflection
1. After it was all said and done, the presentation was a success in the fact that a good sample of the
technology was out to all. The slides appeared to be in a good order that flowed well with the
presentation. It was simple and straight forward, and it was in keeping with the technology that I
was presenting. Interesting and not so much boring. I like the video clip of the technology that I was
presenting. It was a good length and clear audio that was easily understood at the back of the class.
2. I could have prepped better. Possibly do a dry run in the empty classroom prior to the class to
work on the layout and timing. Adjust the slides so they are timed better. Adjust the slide size so
they will be easier to look at from the student's perspective. It is important that the audiences focus
is on the presentation and not drifting to some other distraction.
3. I will focus on what my audience is experiencing. What may be boring or not interesting. Stuff
that is just filler should not be included, such as how to establish an account, or login, unless that
is what the lesson is about. I have experienced lessons like that, and I do not wish any of my
students or audiences to experience that same thing. If possible, I may have someone sit a practice
presentation, and gather the feedback from them on whether the message came through.
4. What may be interesting and seem good to me, may not seem that way to others. What may sound
logical and sensible
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Analysis Of Dm Slides
We used Sam S. to represent cool in our advertisement. He is wearing a tank top and is the only
one in the hallway wearing the DM Slides. He could be seen as the trendsetter of the school. Sam K.
notices this in the first scene of the ad. One common fear of HPHS students is not fitting in. I
believe that this is a shared fear because people fear not having any friends and being outside of the
in crowd. If people think that what they're wearing is no longer in style and new fashion styles are
being brought in, they will likely follow these trends as a desperate attempt to assure their social
status and become once again a desirable member of society.
If you do not fit in, you will be weird. If you are weird then you are not desirable ... Show more
content on ...
For example, the commons are a place where cool people eat lunch with a clean glass window
making it very easy to see who is sitting in there. So if cool people wear our slides, the insecure
students striving to be like the confident kids in the commons have something to improve on, their
shoes. As a marketing strategy it could be very beneficial towards our brand to provide DM Slides to
kids sitting in the commons for a cheaper price, or even free to promote the quantity of cool kids
wearing them. This will result in a trickle down effect that is seen throughout all clothing phases; the
trendsetters set, and everyone else consumes. Throughout my 4 years at HPHS we have observed
that popularity and the high school standard of happiness revolves around a very unique cycle.
This consists of the logic that if higher up people like you, you get to sit in the commons, and as a
result, boys and especially girls (from a boy's perspective), will notice you. This brings up the
opposing philosophy that if you are not constantly noticed you lose value/popularity. The cool kids,
although may be very insecure personally, surround themselves with other confident kids to hide
their individuality. By branding our slides to represent the newest trend of cool, students who feel
they are on the cusp of being cool can now finally get their big break. Our product's clever name
evokes a mixture of emotions from our audience. DM Slides is a play off of the term DM's which
is a pop culture abbreviation for Direct Messages, which is what you use to contact your desired
lover. Slide is a new common pop culture term used to represent going forth and messaging the
person. For example, Keith slid into Ashley's DM's last night. Indirectly, our advertisement and
brand allows you to be cool, and as we've regarded already, cool people impress YOUR lovers. If
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Descriptive Essay
Ugh. It's just so hot! I can't do anything it's so hot, I groaned. Mika looked over at me and
mirrored the annoyed expression that I realized was on my face. I quickly wiped away the
expression and tried for something a little nicer. After a bit I just gave up and lay down on the
cement floor of our living room. It was cooler down there so it gave a moment of relief. The floor
started to warm up where I lay though, so I had to keep moving from place to place so I wouldn't
start to sweat too much.
It was October of 2014. Towards the end of the year was always the most miserable time for
everyone. It was just before the rains came, so it was very hot and unbearably humid. During the
worst days, I couldn't bring myself to do much. ... Show more content on ...
When it began to dump lots of rain every day, our back yard would turn into a mud bath. You
couldn't walk outside without slipping, sliding or sticking in the mud. Some people might think this
very inconvenient, but Mika, Gabe, Tessa, and I quickly realized how great it could be.
During that time, the termite hills in our yard turned into a giant playground of fun. The top layer of
clay became muddy and slippery, which gave me one of my best ideas, probably to this day.
I gasped in amazement at the brilliance of the idea that had just popped into my head. Guys, I said.
Lets slide down the hill!
At first we tried a few different techniques in an attempt to keep our clothes clean enough to wear
another time in the future. We tried sitting on plastic bags, planks of wood and many other objects,
but that didn't end up working out as well as we planned. Whatever we were sitting on always ended
up slipping out from underneath us.
Eventually we just forgot about all of that and decided it didn't matter that much if our clothes got
ruined. So we struggled up the hills, trying not to slip and slide all the way down before we reached
the top.
Once we got to the summit, we chose the best path to slide down that wasn't blocked by trees,
bushes, or rocks. We then seated ourselves in the mud at the top of the mound, gave ourselves a little
push, and slid down the runway. It was a thrilling moment of
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Essay On SLIDE 8
SLIDE 8: At the relationship level we will address social support of parents. This is important
because there is often a lack of comfort for adolescent females in talking to their parents regarding
contraception and the decision to use it. Many teenage girls fear talking to their parents about sex, A
2015 survey by the national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy found that 68% of
teens don't use birth control or protection because they are scared their parents would find out. We
will use the theory of reasoned action to affect change here. While the theory of reasoned action is
an individual theory it has a social aspect to it in the form of perceived subjective norms. It is
especially relevant when discussing an adolescent ... Show more content on ...
This is important because adolescents spend a lot of their time in peer groups and are often
influenced by observing the behaviors of their peers and the reaction to that behavior. Also of
importance research shows that those who believe their peers are using condoms are more than
twice as likely to use them themselves. The relevant mechanism of change here is social cognitive
theory. It has a specific focus on the individual and their relationship with the environment and will
address the way peer influence can effectively impact dual contraception use among minority
females. Social cognitive theory can address increasing positive peer influence through interventions
that Provide mentorship to our target teen girls by individuals who are of the same ethnicity and
slightly older than our target group but still young enough to identify with them (21–26). The
mentorship would emphasize vicarious learning through safe sex practices of mentors and/or the
consequences mentors faced due to unprotected sex it would influence behavioral capability by
increasing knowledge regarding what is considered safe sex, why dual contraception is safer than
one contraceptive alone and skill in condom and birth control use; self–efficacy would be addressed
to impact sexual health and safety, self control when faced with a situation where their desire to use
dual contraception is questioned and how to make a rational decision would also be
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Summary: Slide 4
Over the last 12 weeks, I have interacted with people from different diversities and cultural
backgrounds as part of the group and at the workplace. Working with them as a team has changed
my very perspective of how I interpret a problem and approach for the solution. Moving forward
and fulfilling something of worth requires that I have the right methodologies to execute a
successful career development plan. Furthermore, adapting new abilities along the way ought to be a
noteworthy part of my plan. It doesn't matter how much I was earning in life, but I will continue
looking to take full advantage in the chosen path.
My goal is to be self–enriched for which I need ... Show more content on ...
But it is really important in the event that when we need to have the capacity to think back and
assess the advancement we made at every progression along the way. Setting objectives can likewise
give us a feasible arrangement of bearings to take after.
I can identify my skills and abilities that needs to be developed by utilizing my career goals as
guides. Then, I will approach and request my higher authority at work to engage me in to on–the–
job learning and initiative exercises and trainings that will develop those leadership skills. I will also
conceptualize the resources that will be required for achievement. Finally, I will list all the steps that
will be needed to finish the planned actions/activities.
This is the most essential step which I feel that in order to add to an expertise or enhance my
competency in a specific area, I need to practice what I have realized and have a chance to construct
my ability. I need to decide what will be the turning points of advancement toward effective
acquisition of skills and the objective consummation dates for every development. For this to
happen, I will set a schedule of meetings to have the capacity to give status reports and get feedback
and exhortation from my higher authority all through these advancement
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Slide 12
I will be commenting on Madison Fox's presentation. Slide 34: I think slide three and four are
important as a future teacher, because we will be using educational standards to teach our students.
We will need to be able to understand what a standard is used for, so that we will be able to
effectively teach it. I also thought the resources on pg 236 were interesting because it breaks down
the standards for each subject. Slide 12: Slide twelve stood out to me because I am in a third grade
classroom for my field experience, and all the teacher is focused on is the FSA. The class is pretty
much always doing iready, and they just recently started to switch classes for extra FSA practice. I
think that the teachers are so focused on the FSA test that they don't even come up with creative
lesson plans. ... Show more content on ...
It seems to me that play is not as important in schools, especially in kindergarten, when they really
need to be playing. I was in a kindergarten class when I did my field experience for Intro to ED, and
the students only got a little time to play at the end of the day. Slide 15: Slide fifteen stood out to me
because I have always really liked math. I really liked the idea of integrating math into real life
situations because that gives the students a purpose for learning math, and it can also spark their
interest in math. I also think that integrating math into other subjects is a good idea, and it wouldn't
be very hard to do because there are a lot of books today that include counting and other
mathematical concepts. I think slide seventeen is important because as future teachers, we will be
integrating technology into our lessons a lot. The third grade class that I am in for my field
experience hours uses the computers daily. I think that the use of technology in a lesson can be
useful, but I also think that it takes the creativity out of
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Personal Narrative: Slide For The Pool
This summer we got a slide for our pool. We have a pool at our house and we wanted something to
add to it because it was getting kind of boring. My sibling and I, had been begging my parent for
months to get a slide for the pool, and they finally agreed! My family started looking for a slide on
the internet on different websites. We finally decided on one website that would work the best. They
had a big variety of different kinds of slides. There were a ton of them! There slides that were tall ,
slides that were short , slides that were straight, and slides that were curvy. We decided on a slide
that was 7 feet tall and had a little curve on the edge. Once we ordered it, the website told us that it
would arrive that week. We waited a week
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Report On Control Testing Results Essay
Control Testing Results (Slides 4 – 8) (CAP Slides 81 – 102)
Overall Comments
 DLA's control testing results does not identify a time period for when the controls were assessed.
 The document does not identify which controls were assessed for the various assessable units.
 Work products for the assessable units (referenced below) will be provided to FIAR the week of
9/28/15 with Group 8 document submission.
 Although the control failures are similar to what we've seen in previous SBA and Inventory
assertion packages, we are unable to specifically identify the controls that were assessed by DLA.
 There were a total number of 80 key controls for the FRR assessable units (Trial Balance
Management/ Invoice to Disbursement/ Billing to Collections) – 56 of which were tested to date.
FIAR will need to determine if the controls were unique to each assessable unit and when DLA
plans to test the 24 remaining controls.
 It appears that assessable unit, Inventory Transaction Reporting, was formerly titled,
P2S_PCM13=NEIQ Perform Inventory Management – IRM. If in fact the process was renamed
during the PCM consolidation process, there were several process and control gaps identified within
the former PCM. FIAR needs to determine if the gaps, previously identified, are being remediated
by the agency and tracked by CAP documentation.
P_FRR_38_Trial_Balance_Management o Please confirm if the 35 key controls noted are specific
to the Trial Balance Management assessable unit;
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Narrative Essay On A Water Slide
Ahhh! Swoosh! I feel like I'm going to fall off this terrifying water slide. What did I put myself into?
During the ride I went around in circles at least 5 times, my mind was spinning. After that hair–
raising moment, I knew that today was going to be a day filled with adventure! Then, my family and
I went to Hershey Park as a birthday gift for me. At the entrance, I saw an enormous light blue and
bright yellow water slide that almost looked like half of a tornado. It was a really hot day, the
temperature was almost 87 degrees.We walked over to the water section, and I was amazed how big
it was, It was like a pool with water slides for gods. My brother told me right away, We must go on
that slide, and that was the moment I knew I would go on that gigantic water slide, I was relieved
because I desperately needed a something to refresh myself, and I was scared. When I was waiting
in–line I went up so many stairs, which took a while. Finally, I was where the slide started, My
brother's back was facing the slide and I was facing the slide on the tube. Shahan, are you ready? 
My brother asked me, I said, No, then the slide started. When you first went down the ride it was
dark and there were scary turns, then you make a big drop and start to spin, when I was spinning in
midair I was so scared. My heart started beating really fast, then I realized that my brother and I
weren't even close to being done with the water slide. Then, the next day I went on a roller coaster
... Get more on ...

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Title Slide

  • 1. Title Slide The presentation will be recorded and animated on screen/PowerPoint Title Slide – The poem that I have chosen is "the road not taken", by Robert frost. Next Slide – This poem has multiple themes that give it its structure. The main one being choices. The speaker is walking on a road (which back then would have been an equivalent of a walking track today). The road is splitting into two directions, and the speaker needs to choose which way they will go. Now, this path has two meanings. The first meaning, is obviously the direction in the woods he must choose. But the other meaning that can be taken from this poem is a choice in life.... Or in this specific case, the speaker's life. Something is driving them to make a certain ... Show more content on ... This rhythm is created by the use of four stanzas consisting of five lines each, (show five lines numbered) when a stanza is built up from five lines, it is called a cinquain. In the first cinquain, lines one, three.... and four.. rhyme (zoom to show lines). The words that rhyme is wood, stood and could. Also in the first cinquain lines two and four rhyme. The words that rhyme are both and undergrowth. This rhyming pattern is repeated throughout each cinquain, with the same lines rhyming and all consisting of open and closed rhymes in the form of A.B.A.A.B as you can see here. (Blink A.B.A.A.B) Next Slide – Relevance – The relevance of this poem is the same or even more so in today's society in–comparison to when the poem was written. This is due to today's society having so many more opportunities which in–turn creates many more challenges. Peer pressure is a big part of today's society, and as humans we often follow the path of other, for fear of failure. This poem shows the point of being different and that makes all the difference to one life. (show pictures of the relevant lines) Personal response – I feel I am very similar to the speaker due to the fact that I often take the road less travelled, to make the right decision, enhancing my journey in life and not follow the general crowd. I often find myself looking at my options and base my decisions on what I feel will have the best outcome and better my future. (show pictures of the relevant ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Mental Health Essay Overall feedback MightSight was an interesting disruptive idea. The mental health market is growing and is continuing to be a hot topic, an app that places control in the hands of the customer sounds viable. Group 37 made it clear how Millennials would feel about their data being available on mobile, but I would have been interested to understand how Group 37 would have overcome the obstacle, via their branding, about how people would feel about being implanted with a chip. What went well? ● I felt a clear gap in the market was identified for a personalised mental health App, however, supported evidence was lacking and would be been helpful. ● It was clear that the app would disrupt the market, giving customers control their own ... Show more content on ... It was a shame they were presented without narration, as I felt they could have made some substantial claims about how the App would match John and Marie's requirements. Marie's persona mentioned that she never had the time to go see a psychiatrist, however, for the chip to be implanted in the customer they would need to find time to see their physician. I think these challenges could have been covered if the slide would have been narrated. ● Early adopters were depicted in the Business Model Canvas, but it would have been great to hear why Medical Students and 'young music and sports stars' would have taken to the App and why they would have been advocates of the business. ● As specified in the proposal, narration wasn't recorded over every single slide. ● The brand mission and purpose were unique, but I felt it would have been interesting to understand how MindSight would have been positioned and would appeal to the target audience, creating an authentic experience. The slide was cut off at the end, which again was a shame as I wanted to hear more. How could this have been improved? ● More supporting evidence about how the App would disrupt the market would have made the proposal more compelling. ● I liked the idea of the content marketing strategy, I could how the videos of the personas would be engaging. It would have been great to see some more examples of the social content with an explanation ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Apollo's Slide Rule Engineers at NASA used the slide rule to plan the mission that Apollo took on, and to create the rockets that were used to do so. This is an example of the slide rule which could be seen as older technology being used for a new purpose. It helped to create something amazing in recent times, showcasing its long lasting effect since its creation. Some say that that Buzz Aldrin needed the slide rule for calculations just before landing. This further shows the ease of use of this tool. Sister Paula Irving, teaches a computer programming class for homeschooled high schoolers. When she covers the history of the computer, she is sure to teach the students how to use the tool she remembers her father using as he calculated the finances of their family. ... Show more content on ... The main feature allowing this device to work was a special gear created by Leibniz which is now known as the Leibniz wheel. This was a piece that played the role of a mechanical multiplier. This piece was simply a metal cylinder with nine horizontal rows of teeth. The first of these rows ran one–tenth the length of the cylinder. The second row ran two tenths, and so on until the nine–tenths. The device had eight of these mechanisms linked to a shaft in the center. Turning the shaft rotated all the cylinders, which rotated the wheels that showed the user their ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Slide Short Story The Slide One summer morning, had my hot chocolate and took a shower. Then my stepmom said that we were going to the waterpark. I was dancing on the inside untill she said we were leaving at 11:00 but it was 7:42. While I was waiting I was never so bored before then finally it was time to go. Getting in the truck is easier said than done, it felt like Mt.Everest. Finally, I got into the truck and turned on my tablet. It felt like it took forever to get there; I left like I was a new man when I got there. For some reason I was starving, they had pizza, but it was tiny. The pizza was expensive five dollars each for a little snack. I really wanted to ride the tunnel slide, but at the same time I didn't want to. I swam a few laps and went ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Up The Slide The two stories by Jack London, "Up the Slide" and "To Build a Fire", feature two men that endure sub–zero temperatures. Clay, the man from "Up the Slide", is a young man who is outgoing and filled with energy. The mature man from, "To Build a Fire", is clever, but make poor decisions. Clay is energetic, outgoing, and determined. He is determined to reach the top of the slide where the tree he wants to retrieve is waiting. The tree rests on the high slope of a steep, rocky, and snowy cliff. Earlier, he slipped off the side of the cliff and into a mound of snow, luckily breaking his fall. Through his persistence, he evaluated his situation, created a plan, scaled the cliff, and successfully retrieved the tree. The Man from "To Build a Fire" ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stepping Machines the most straightforward gadget that can be connected to CNC machines since it can change over advanced information into real mechanical relocation. It is not important to have any simple to– computerized converter nor criticism gadget for the control framework. They are in a perfect world suited to open circle frameworks. In any case, Stepping engines are not generally utilized as a part of machine devices because of the accompanying disadvantages moderate rate, low torque, low determination and simple to slip if there should be an occurrence of over–burden. Samples of venturing engine application are the attractive head of floppy–plate drive and hard circle drive of PC, daisy–wheel sort printer, X–Y tape control, and CNC EDM Wire–cut machine ... Show more content on ... Automatic Mode (Auto and Single Block):– In this mode the framework permits the execution of a section program ceaselessly. The part program is executed piece by square. While one piece is being executed, the following square is perused by the framework, broke down and kept prepared for execution. Execution of the project can be one piece after another consequently or the framework will execute a square, stop the execution of the following square till it is started to do as such (by squeezing the begin button).Selection of part program execution ceaselessly (Auto) or one square at once (Single Block) is done through the machine control board. Numerous frameworks permit squares (single or different) to be backtracked the other way. Square follow is permitted just when a cycle step state is built up. Part program execution can resume and its execution starts with the followed piece. This is valuable for device investigation or if there should arise an occurrence of hardware breakage. Project begin can be affected at any piece in the system, through the BLOCK SEARCH ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Gender In The Slides Show There was a lot of information about gender. The areas we learned was on slideshows, discussions, and a film. In class, the slideshows theme was on gender. Then we had discussion more specifically on Barbie's influences. Another part was the film interviewing boys experiences. These activities helped with the concept of gender. Gender has biology and social aspects to them. In the slideshow, gender being a social construction in society. The slideshow changes gave information about the influences the culture and society person lives through. This gives young children through how to live up to their gender roles. This lead to discussions developed this idea on gender roles. We talked about the readings about Barbie in society. One student ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Who I Am I "I can not make people like me. All I can do is show them who I am , how I feel, and what I believe. "It is up to them to understand my worth" ,Makayla. What makes me who I am today? Family, friends, and the sports I play had had always been apart of my life therefore had an effect on the person I'm am today. To my personality, the way I act and even dress. It's just whom I am. Family is such an important aspect in many people's lives,especially mine. I just love to spend time with them (family) since a young age.I had many adventures that I can say we did as a family and those adventures had influence my personality. For example, we all took a family vacation to together up to resort in the mountains. During the summer months for a week . I just turned six and I remember this adventure very vividly till this very day. It was a blast up there and a great experience to have. We did a lot of activities that involved animals. For instance, we went horseback riding, feed mountain goats before they chased us for more food. Also we went exploring through the woods to find plants/ flowers. That's why my love for animals and nature is so strong and is embedded into my personality. There also was a waterpark (indoor/outdoors). It was very nice and spacious with fantastic slides. The slides were really frightening to me they look so enormous and giant,remember was only six years old at that time. So I was very cautious to go on the slides. After staring at them for a ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Summary: Slide 3 1. Slide 3: I think slide three is important because it helps you to better understand the curriculum. As future teachers, we need to understand the curriculum to effectively teach it. It is also important to make sure that you are teaching a child at the right difficulty area because you don't want to teach them material that they aren't developmentally ready for. 2. Slide 5: I think slide five is really important because motor skills are very important for a child to develop. It is important to have activities for children that help them work to develop their motor skills. Gross motor skills can be used on the playground, but fine motor skills are used more inside the classroom, so it is important that the teacher creates activities to work on these fine motor skills. One fine motor skill that isn't worked on a lot from what I've ... Show more content on ... Slide 6: I think slide six is important because it discusses communication skills. Good communication skills are important because we will use them for the rest of our lives. I think the information about age 3 is really important because if the student hasn't acquired all of the major components of a system of communication by age 3, then there may be some developmental delays that need to be addressed. 4. Slide 8: I though slide eight was really important because children need to learn how to do things on their own. The slide reminded me a lot of what I do every day with my 3 and 4 year old students. I work really hard to teach them how to be more independent, and I make them do most of everything by themselves, like changing clothes, putting away things, cleaning up messes, etc. 5. Slide 17: I think slide seventeen is important because it talks about developmentally appropriate practices, which we will need to be very familiar with as future teachers. It is important that we know what is developmentally appropriate for our students. We wouldn't want to teach our students something that was at too high or low ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Bone Marrow Slides One of my main tasks while working in HCMDS is to process bone marrow slides as well as producing counts and identifying potential clots within the bone marrow samples contained in the ACD/EDTA samples. This allows the biomedical scientist and consultants to carry out their intended tests. The samples integrity (physical appearance and information) and preparation must be acceptable. In the case of bone marrow slides, the best 4 individuals must be picked from the existing group of delivered samples. This is done by examining the partials present in the slide while maintaining a specific streak length that allows appropriate staining. Each chosen slide should contain the patient's name, sample collection date, sample type and hospital number ... Show more content on ... Once the check has been approved an episode number is assigned and signed by two members of staff as well as a count sticker and a time stamp. The physical state of the sample is also checked to detect signs of leakage or an inconsistent anticoagulant volume. This can be reported to a senior so that a new sample can be requested as stated in (FSOP 477). Orange sticks can then be used to detect the presence of clots. If present, the size of the clot can be written down on the sample and its blood count report. 200 micro litres are then placed into Eppendorf tubes. A WBC/differential/NRBC is performed with this sample on the Sysmex EX5000, producing a full blood count report. The report is then labelled with the patient's episode number, name, clot presence and volume. The sample is then packaged in a sealed wallet with the request form, blood count report and is place within the blue tray labelled P.2013 in ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Video Spin Blaster Pro + Essay Video spin bluster pro+ is a video creator software that performs that was design specifically for those who have little or no technical skills for video doesn't require the user to learn how– to instead the user jumps into it and starts to operate. This software helps you to create photographs and slides as well. Video spin blaster pro+ can be used to produce numerous specific films. Also you can create a video that can play for 10 minutes in less than two minutes. This two minutes is inclusive of picture and sound downloads, addition of textual content together with watermarks in the video. The voices of more than 50 men and women are included in this software and over 10 languages. The most important thing is that there is no restriction of the number of slides you will make. This is the latest update from the previous one and some changes were made to improve its efficiency, making easy for a kid to create a fabulous looking motion pictures. From the last software combination of video and image slide were improve to make it more dynamic, text to speech engine was improved to give it a real human voice, improving streaming multiple audio which allows you to add a speech and also add background music and also necessity of multiple language support. Features of video spin Blaster Pro+ Video Creator; with only a few clicks and no time waste by waiting for long to render ,you can videos using the unique software system that will deliver 10 minutes HD videos in ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Slides CALCULUS 2 (BA) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai Department of mathematics INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, VNU–HCM February 25, 2014 Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) References Main textbook: M. L. Lial, R. N. Greenwell, N. P. Ritchey Calculus with Applications, 10ed. Pearson, Boston, 2012. Other textbooks: L. D. Hoffmann, G. L. Bradley, Calculus, Brief 10ed. McGraw–Hill, Boston, 2010. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Chapter 1 . Mathematics of Finance Contents 1. Compound Interest 2. Continuous Money Flow: Total money flow, present value, accumulated amount of money, continuous ... Show more content on ... So the answer is "almost". Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Compound interest Example 1.3 What principal is required now so that after 6 years at a rate of interest of 5 per cent p.a. the final amount is 20, 000 EUR? Solution It follows from Equation 1 that A P= . (1 + i)t Substituting t = 6, i = 0.05 and A = 20, 000, we obtain A 20, 000 P= = = 14, 924.31 EUR 6 (1 + i) (1 + 0.05)6 i.e., the principal required now is equal to 14, 924.31 EUR. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Compound interest Part year investment Often, we do not have an annual period for interest payments, i.e. compounding takes place several times per year, e.g., semi–annually–there are 2 interest payments per year, namely after every six months; quarterly–there are 4 payments per year, namely one after every three months; monthly– there are 12 payments, namely one per month; daily–compounding takes place 360 times per year. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA) Compound interest If the annual interest rate is r and there are n interest payments per year, the rate of interest per payment period is equal to j = r /n, and the number of interest payments within a period of t years is equal to tn. Denoting by A(t) the amount at the end of t years with n interest payments per year, formula (1) changes into A(t) = P (1 + j)nt Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Short Story : The Disney Dream "Hurry up! We're going to miss the boat!," Sonali yelled back to her mom and dad who were running behind her in the hot Florida sun. As she was running, pulling her 1,000 pound suitcase and carrying a bulging green backpack, she caught a whiff of the ocean which smelled like a sewer. Dripping with sweat and tired from what seemed like an eternity of running down the mile long dock, they made it onto the boat just in time. The crew welcomed them by announcing "The Disney Dream welcomes the Ciolino Family." After they checked into the room and unpacked, Sonali suggested they take a tour of the enormous cruise ship and cool off with a frosty mug of lemonade. "We should check out the opening concert on the upper deck and see everything that there is to do on the boat." Sonali's parents agreed with her and they made their way to the upper deck. The deck it smelled like chlorine from the pools and warm homemade chocolate chip cookies the size of frisbees. The cool sea breeze was refreshing and was making the ornate streamers and balloons dance in the sky. All of a sudden there was a loud explosion and it began raining rainbow colored confetti all over us and the music started blaring "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus, as the entire cast of Disney characters flooded the dance floor that magically appeared over the olympic sized pool on the deck. It was a giant party and, Sonali and her parents had a blast. Before they knew it, it was almost midnight and they all crawled back ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Slide: Gender Differences In The Classroom Sources: sems tv, Slide 1 Lauren: For our project we made a storyboard to show and persuade you to have more activities for the school and let 6th graders do more things that involve helping the school. Slide 2 Lauren: You might be thinking we are too immature to take on that task, but it's not like you are forcing use to do it. If we chose that we want to do it, we feel like we can. It's having a growth mindset. So we had the idea to put on a presentation in picture form to help you understand. Slide 3 Amelia: Activities are used at the school to show us that the school is a big place for opportunities to learn, and have fun like the plays you could learn new dance moves, and you have fun. Slide 4 Amelia: These are 3 examples out of millions of ideas we could have at the school. ... Show more content on ... Slide 5 Destiny: Our school has to let kids have opportunities to do what they love I do a sport that is not a sport at this school and I love doing it. Not everyone is doing what they love because the school does not have the sport Lauren: also, what about the 6th graders. They don't have the same opportunities as 7th and 8th graders. My evidence is that on SEMS TV, they were giving announcements about a school parties for only 7th and 8th graders. The school is always saying treat everyone fair. Destiny: If they want us to be treated fairly then start treating the 6 grades like everyone else and start trusting us Slide 6 Amelia: Now you can see that the school needs more activities for 6th graders. Destiny: We all need to stand up for what we want if we want to have a golf team we have to stand up we have to go see if have to go talk to the principal and see what we have to do to get ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. When The Scientist Presents By Jean Luc Lebrun A great successful researcher not only rely on the numerous published papers rather depends more on how many scientific talks has been given to fellow colleagues and peers. The text, 'When the Scientist Presents' written by Jean Luc Lebrun outlines essential aspects to give a science talk and ideas are illustrated through detailed examples of scientific presentations. The book is divided majorly into four parts: Content selection, audience expectation, the slides and the presenter. The information contained in the book help a scientist to prepare about the content filtering, audiences expectation and presenters gesture to give science talks. Content selection should be abreast with knowledge of audience expected from the scientific presentation. Each slide should be self–contained and must not require external support for understanding. There are two ways to cut down presentation time: Visual is worth a thousand words and helps saving time for explaining in depth details of a project especially numerical data. One should put applicable content on slides because what matters most is the amount of information you caused to be absorbed by attendee. The Q&A is significant, the audience must gain freedom to engage with speaker and ask questions for better perspective of the talk. Contents should reflect critical analysis of evidences supported by research findings. Furthermore, Credibility can be established through what audience perceive by the presenter's evidence. In a ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Soccer On The East Coast It has been said that when one gets injured, one never realizes it until you look at the wounded body part. No statement is more genuine than that. An individual forgets the details of how they got injured. The if, how, and whys are only noticed later on when you look back and analyze what had occurred. More often than not, a lot of different things are to blame. Could it be the slip and slide, the angle, or just a personal mistake? For some reason, I believe it was the first one, and that could explain why I'm scared of slip and slides. You must be asking yourself "what could have possibly happened that led to this erratic fear of slip and slides?" Soccer on the East coast is an enormous spectacle. Like football in the south and basketball in Indiana, soccer in the fall is an attraction that closes towns and turns neighboring schools into blood rivals. Conditioning begins in June, but the real season doesn't start until the third week of August when first week commences. First week of practice is the most challenging and fulfilling. Friendships that last all season, as well as team foundations, develop that first week. That first week defines your season before you complete a pass or attempt a shot. The first week is unmerciful. Three or four–hour practices, two a days; the heat makes you question your decision to play every minute of every day. That last Friday practice, however, always ends on a softer note. The team pickup game, ice bath, slip and slide, and a bonfire ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Slide Culture Observation Paper As the growth of fungi were observed and identified according to the morphological characteristic, then microscopic observation is commonly used in identify the structure by observing the mycelia and spore produced. In order to do the microscopic observation, there are several way can be use in obtaining the characteristics of the fungi which is by Slide Culture Preparations and Cellotape Flag Preparations. Slide Culture Preparations In order to accurately identify many fungi it is essential to observe the precise arrangement of the conidiophores and the way in which spores are produced (conidial ontogeny). One plate of nutrient agar commonly potato dextrose is recommended, however, I used nutrient agar as typical usage. Firstly, cut out an agar block (7 x 7 mm) small enough using a sterile blade to fit under a coverslip. Using a sterile straw to make a circle out of the fresh agar and fit under a glass slide. Flip the block up onto the new fresh plate and inoculate the four sides of the agar block with spores or mycelial fragments of the fungus to be grown. Place a flamed coverslip centrally upon the agar block then incubate the plate at 26oC ... Show more content on ... For the first step, using clear 2cm wide cellotape and a wooden applicator stick to make a small cellotape flag (2x2cm). Using sterile technique, gently press the sticky side of the flag onto the surface of the culture. Remove and apply a drop of 95% alcohol to the flag, this acts as a wetting agent and also dissolves the adhesive glue holding the flag to the applicator stick. Place the flag onto a small drop of Lactophenol cotton blue on a clean glass slide, remove the applicator stick and discard, add another drop of stain, cover with a coverslip, gently press and mop up any excess stain. Then we can observe under the microscope the sporulation occurred from the fungi ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Speech : ' First Slide ' Speech – First Slide – Intro today we are talking about Telstra this is the team.............. Second slide – Overview This is an overview of some of the topics we will discuss today. The history, products and services, Key issues, Organizational chart, stock market, solvency. and of course a few references., Third Slide – Past Question 1: Now hands up who has a mobile phone? Question 2: Now hands up if you are with Telstra. Fact about Telstra is that it is the largest telecommunication and Media Company according to the Telstra story. Telecom started way back in the 1900s and was founded by the commonwealth government and was originated with Australia post, 1901 the government decided to manage all domestic, telegraph and postal services and ... Show more content on ... Does anyone know what that stands for? All organizations needed to have an agreement to roll out the national broadband network and so Telstra did it straight away and now are potentially looking at over a $280 million dollar income in the next 4 years, the nbn is an open access data network, which is based at the premises it allows fixed wireless and satellite Telstra than discovered 3G and 4G Internet now they both do the same thing, which is for you to connect to the Internet but 4g, was created to make Internet streaming faster. Telstra made a joint venture with Nintendo to establish Wi–Fi in café, restaurants and fast–food stores around Australia. This affected Telstra consumer interests as people where going to local places and are being able to connect straight to the internet without having to use their own data, it also allowed Telstra to sell packages offering these products for at home, this made large profits within the organization. Telstra today provides to 16.9 million mobile services, 7.2 million fixed voice services and 3.3million retail fixed broadband services they believe it is how we connect according to their slogan. Telstra aims to continue to have a high number of consumers and to continue providing their services locally, globally and internationally. They will continue to provide the most up to date technology while creating new innovations. According to the (Telstra history) ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Negative Speech : The Effects Of Violent Entertainment... The Effects of Violent Entertainment I enjoyed the depth of this presentation. Not only did this team present first (meaning they had no reference for the format of their presentation), but also this presentation followed a concise train of thought that led to the ultimate conclusion. A few examples were used from media in order to portray your topic. It's understandable that each speaker wanted to discuss their own media example since each presenter talked about a different entertainment median. However, given that the time constraint for this project was only eight minutes, multiple media examples can certainly be costly. Thus, I'd suggest perhaps cutting down on the description of these media examples, or even eliminating one in order to meet the time limit. As I recall, the presentation was over by around four minutes. Another thing worth noting would be to cut down on the information provided on each slide. By using less information on the slide and expanding upon your bullets you'll be able to demonstrate a wealthier knowledge in the subject area without doing any extra work. Lastly, it's easy to tell that a lot of work was put into this presentation. The slides are well thought out and there is plenty of statistical evidence to backup your claims. Ensure that for future presentations, everyone within the group spends a little time polishing down the slides to their core representations. I believe everyone spoke clearly and the covering of the topic was ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Slide 2 Summary Slide 1 Summary Slide one is my introduction slide it discusses both the positive and negative results that the development of new technology has presented in the workplace. In this slide the viewer will see the positive effects of technology in the workplace from increased productivity to higher levels of employee engagement. My original slide had too much information and it could be overwhelming for the audience to comprehend. The revised slide is much cleaner and illustrates the positive and negative connotations in a much cleaner manner. Slide 2 Summary Slide two introduces the audience to the "whys" behind the behavior of some companies. In other words, slide two provides a good outline detailing reasons why organizations feel the need to monitor employee email and internet usage. Some of the information provided in this slide are: firms can investigate complaints ... Show more content on ... This slide provides a definition of what is considered internet abuse in the workplace. Also, the slide also goes on further to outline a list of specific acts of abuse. Violations include inappropriate jokes, downloading music, and frequenting social networking sites. My first slide provided pertinent information on the topic but I decide to take off all of the detailed information and highlight the most visited places the associates visit during business hours. Slide 4 Summary The purpose of this slide is to pose the question if monitoring employee internet usage is really worth it in the workplace. This slide is informational and provides details like how many companies are actually monitoring employee internet usage and the financial cost associated to these behaviors. My first slide, just had too much information on it for the audience to follow. However, on my revised slide I decided to have some fun using a baby monitor and the illustration of a yes or no buzzer to convey my message. Slide 5 ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Essay On Netboarding Capturing the investors' imagination with your pitch deck Now you have the building blocks of a great deck. You've seen examples of the slides that work and why they work. You are aware of the information investors want to see, why they want to see it and how you can convey it convincingly. But how do you put these elements together? What are the fundamentals of a winning pitch deck? It's time to pay attention to the finer details – combining your slides and the information about your startup with a good storytelling structure. As I've outlined before, your pitch deck must tell a story – it must not be a list of figures and facts but an engaging journey down the path your startup is on – from the idea to the business. So, you need ... Show more content on ... And it worked, as the startup raised $500k with the pitch deck. They tell a story Pitch decks tell stories. And stories often follow a specific structure, which you should use as the basis for your deck. The winning storytelling formula comes in the form of Freytag's Pyramid: ADD IMAGE So, what does it mean for your pitch deck? Let's look at the possibilities it offers in its purest form:
  • 42. THE EXPOSITION – INTRODUCE THE TEAM AND THE COMPANY PURPOSE (VISION) INCITING INCIDENT – OUTLINE THE PROBLEM RISING ACTION – SET OUT THE CURRENT MARKET, COMPETITION CLIMAX – PROVIDE THE SOLUTION, SHOW THE UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION FALLING ACTION – INTRODUCE THE FINANCIALS RESOLUTION – OUTLINE THE BUSINESS MODEL, FUNDRAISING STRATEGY DENOUEMENT – TALK ABOUT TRENDS AND FUTURE PREDICTIONS That's the basic composition for a good story and a solid way of structuring your essential slides. However, you can change the impact of your story focusing on how you tell the story, even if you don't fundamentally change the structure of the slides. Soren Petersen and Steven Bussard brought up two great examples of this in their blog post 'Using Storytelling to Pitch Startups'. They used the slides introduced by Guy Kawasaki and noted that by changing the structure slightly and focusing on how you engage the listener, you can create different types of stories. First, you could tell an origin story – emphasising how things started with your ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Up The Slide Mood In the stories "Up the Slide" and "A Glow in the Dark" the authors make you very nervous and relieved over and over again. Although the stories have similar moods they are also very different. "Up the Slide" is about a man who set out to find wood and he find a tree on the side of the mountain with good wood so he decides to go get it. After falling many times he finally gets the tree and sells it for lots of money. "A Glow in the Dark" is a story about a man who is in the woods and he is exploring around when he thinks he sees a ghost but it turns out that it was just a plant. The theme of "Up the Slide" is staying positive/confident usually helps you reach your goals whether they are big or small. In the story the main character stayed positive and got the tree from the mountain, but it was very nerve racking because he went through a series of mishaps trying to get the tree. "Each step became more difficult and perilous" (London 318). The mood was nervous because every ... Show more content on ... In the story the main character believed that ghosts were real because of what he heard from others, but soon found out for himself that ghosts aren't real. The main character was with his dogs and dogsled when he decided to take a rest in the woods. When the main character woke up and kept going he went into the darkness and couldn't tell where he was. "Immediatly we blew into darkness and the ride was madness" (Paulson 322). The mood was nervous because you never what was going to happen next. "My headlamp went out" (Paulson 321–322). When the character saw a glow in the dark he believed there was a ghost because of what others would say. "My legs moved without my wanting them to move and my body followed them" (Paulson 323). When the main character finally approached the "glow" he found that it was a plant that had absorbed a chemical. "So much for ghosts" (Paulson ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Videotape Presentation Self Assessment University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science DPTE 515 Professional Issues 2 Videotape Presentation Self– & Peer–Assessment, Lessons Learned Form Instructions: Complete this form for your duo/trio. While you watch the videotape of your presentation, make comments for each section of the form (strengths and opportunities for improvement for each speaker). Add your combined input on the assignment itself. Review the presentation outline as well. Combine your thoughts onto one form and submit through Blackboard as noted in the overall assignment instructions. Last names of speakers: Gast & Sandhu Date of review: 4/24/17 1. Verbal Behavior: Comment on the following points: clarity, speed, ... Show more content on ... For example, there appeared to be a wealth of research regarding prosthesis use in veterans and athletes, but very limited research revolving around prosthesis use for either the diabetic or the geriatric populations. Additionally, the fact that he is homeless created a rather unique case for us as we knew that he had limited health, financial, and social resources. As there appeared to be no prior research looking into homeless amputees, we had to remember to take his lack of resources into account when reviewing other articles and attempting to apply their findings to our patient's case. It was also challenging to set goals knowing that we had limited time with him and needed to tailor them to his ultimate desire of "returning to street life." Was the ethical issue obvious? Were you able to address it in your analysis of the case? In our case, the ethical issue was the fact that the patient is homeless and has a very limited support system. He is only able to stay with his friend for two weeks for pre–prosthetic training, which clearly isn't enough time to ensure a successful outcome. He also has very limited financial resources and would be unable to properly manage a prosthesis. We were able to address these concerns by proposing a wheelchair as an alternative ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Choosing A Slide Show When you're celebrating a person's life (such as at a wedding or an anniversary), it's useful to create some form of photo display. The two most common displays, the photo collage and slide show, each have their advantages and disadvantages. Make sure to fully consider both option before choosing. Why Choose A Photo Collage? Photo collages are generally useful if you have artistic skill and about two to three days to work. You will choose photos and make either a physical collage or a digital one. Making a physical college is tricky: it requires cutting out photos and gluing them to a large piece of wood or cardboard. Each photo should be arranged in an artistically intriguing way or in a way that catches the eye. The nice thing about physical collages is that you don't need a computer to display them. However, digital collages (which require image editing software to make) can be displayed by a large projector to ... Show more content on ... People that make slide shows often choose them because they're a lot easier to make than a collage. Generally speaking, you just need to upload your photos to a computer, run them through a slide show program, and arrange them in a logical fashion. You'll likely need to create some form of display labeling the photos, but those can be easily drawn or designed with an imaging program. The main disadvantage of slide shows is that you're likely going to be limited in what you can achieve artistically. While transition filters and other effects can be utilized, they won't let you create the dense effect of a collage. As a result, they're more useful in situations where a logical and reasonable display of photos is expected, such as at a graduation or athletic award event. Which Should I Choose? In the end, the choice really depends on what you want to achieve with your presentation. If you're trying to create a dense and artistic representation of a person's life (and have some artistic skill), a college is a great ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Visit Free Slides Visit Free Slides and Ebooks : CHAPTER 17 Investments ASSIGNMENT CLASSIFICATION TABLE (BY TOPIC) Topics 1. Debt investments. (a) Held– for–collection. (b) Trading. 2. Bond amortization. 3. Equity investments. (a) Non–trading. (b) Trading. Questions 1, 2, 3, 13 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 22 6, 7 1, 12, 17 16, 22 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 22 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 22 10, 11, 25 23, 27 24 29 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 5 10 11 12 21 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 7, 8 6 1, 3, 10 2, 4 1, 2, 3 Brief Exercises Exercises 1 2, 3, 4 5 3, 4, 5 1 8, 10, 11 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 13, 14, 17, 18 10, 11 6, 7 19, 20 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 1, 2, 7 1, 3, 4, 7 1, 2 4, 7 3 Problems Concepts for ... Show more content on ... Kieso Intermediate: IFRS Edition, Solutions Manual 17–3 Visit Free Slides and Ebooks : ASSIGNMENT CHARACTERISTICS TABLE (Continued) Item P17–10 P17–11 P17–12 *P17–13 *P17–14 *P17–15 *P17–16 *P17–17 *P17–18 CA17–1 CA17–2 CA17–3 CA17–4 CA17–5 CA17–6 CA17–7 Description Equity investments. Investments– statement presentation. Gain on sale of investments and comprehensive income. Derivative financial instrument. Derivative financial instrument. Free–standing derivative. Fair value hedge interest rate swap. Cash flow hedge. Fair value hedge. Issues raised about investments. Equity investments. Financial statement effect of investments. Equity investments. Investment accounted for under the equity method. Equity investments. Fair value–ethics. Level of Difficulty Complex Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Simple Moderate Simple Moderate Moderate Time (minutes) 30–40 20–30 20–30 20–25 20–25 20–25 30– 40 25–35 25–35 25–30 25–30 20–30 20–25 15–25 25–35 25–35 17–4 Copyright © ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Essay about Narrative- Water Slide Experience Narrative– Water Slide Experience I was so excited. I could hardly breathe through the hour drive it took to get there. I was squished between my two ten–year–old best friends in the back seat of a white Saturn, but I didn't care. I was practicing over and over in my head what I was going to say to all the smart–alecky adults who would tell me I was too young to ride the water slides. I was simply going to reply, "Actually I'm ten, going on eleven." On the right of me sat the girl I met in preschool, the swimmer who was named after a state like me: Tennessee. She was the observant artist. She sat there holding a deck of cards, trying to find all the queens. I could tell she was nervous. Her hands were sweating. The cards were damp ... Show more content on ... We are all exact triposites, if there's any such thing. I was so nervous and excited at the same time that I practically leaped out of the car with my Gap backpack and my Wal–Mart towel flying behind me. I could hear the screaming and crying of children. After we went through the long line to pay and put on a whole tube of sunscreen, we were ready to have some real fun. We wandered around trying to find the perfect ride. Tennessee and I had decided on the water gym when Anna suddenly stopped short. She pointed way up in the air. Our eyes slowly followed her finger. Through our ten–year old eyes we saw what looked like the scariest ride in the entire world. It was a 50–foot tall, sky blue slide that went straight down into a giant pool of deep dark water. Anna looked around and smiled. Her short brown hair jumped and fell each time she took a long stride. Her brown eyes twinkled as she walked to the slide. She seemed so proud about being brave and daring to walk up to "The Death Slide." Tennessee and I felt embarrassed that a girl six months younger than we were was going to ride it while we were going to play on the water gym. But Tennessee and I had a plan to cover up our embarrassment. We were going to act like we were going to ride The Death Slide, and then, at the last minute, say we forgot something and wait at the bottom for Anna.
  • 53. As we stood in line, slowly approaching the 50–foot ladder I tried to gather up my strength and suddenly ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Factors That Affect The Individual 's Sense Of Self Is... The main point of Baldwin et al.'s theoretical analysis was to discover how an individual's sense of self is affected by many components, including personal experiences. The mental association between these two factors was proposed because self–prospection and close relationships are tied to how individuals view themselves. We sometimes see ourselves as who we're with, and how they treat us translates to how we see ourselves. 2. Focus on the first study that Baldwin et al. report (that is, Study 1, not the first research article they cite). What is the hypothesis that is being tested in this study? The Hypothesis of the first study is, there is an alteration in an individual's self–prospection when greeted with responses, whether it be negative or positive. 3. Summarize the design, the independent variables, and the dependent variables. When you describe the IV and DV, first tell me what they are at a psychological level (what are the experimenters trying to manipulate or measure in people's heads?), and then tell me what they are at the level of concrete operations (what exactly did the experimenters have participants do in the study – what procedure did they use?). The design of the study is completing three questions, and then getting shown a response. If the response was positive it reinforced the individual's response to the questions. If the given response was negative, then the individual reconsidered their past answers. The independent variable of this study ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Slides For International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CA Slides for International Finance Aggregate Demand and the SR (KOM Chapter 17) Alan G. Isaac American University 2012–10–22 Alan G. Isaac Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand PREVIEW AA Curve review SR model of asset market equilibrium AA: Y E (to maintain asset mkt eq) DD Curve SR model of output market equilibrium DD: E Y (to maintain asset mkt eq) SR Model AA + DD: simultaneous output market and asset market equilibrium temporary v permanent changes in monetary and fiscal policies liquidity trap (zero ... Show more content on ... Isaac Y Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand ^M AA Shifts Up E E E2 E1 E2 E1 Y1 AA' AA Y 0 R∗ + R2 R1 e E1 −E E returns Q1 M1 /P Q2 M2 /P L(R , Y1 ) Alan G. Isaac Q Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand ^Ee AA Shifts Up E E E2 E1 E2 E1 Y1 AA' AA Y R∗ + R∗ + 0 e E1 −E E R1 Q1 L(R , Y1 ) Alan G. Isaac e E2 −E E Q Slides for International Finance returns Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand Determinants of Aggregate Demand Aggregate demand the aggregate amount of goods and services that individuals and institutions are willing and able to buy C: consumption expenditure I: investment expenditure G: government expenditure (purchases of final goods and services) CA: net expenditure by foreigners (the current account) Alan G. Isaac Slides for International Finance Introductory Concepts Short–Run Model: DD and AA Liquidity Trap Macro Policy and CAAA Curve Aggregate Demand Determinants of Consumption Demand ^ ^ disposable income (Yd = Y – T) (Y–T) C ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. The Stolen Generation : 1st Slide The Stolen Generation 1st Slide Since James Cooke's possession of the entire Australian east coast in 1770, followed by the arrival of the first fleet in 1788, British perceived domination has caused momentous and historic controversy between the rightful owners of the land, the aboriginal people, and the early settlers, the British. 2nd Slide The ongoing spiral effect of clash after clash climaxed in 1897, when the Aboriginal Protection Act was passed in Queensland, allowing the chief protector to relocate native Aboriginal people onto reserves, whilst holding their children in dormitories. 3rd Slide Between 1905 to 1969 and even as far as the early 70's, there was a forcible and systematic removal of aboriginal and Torres Strait islander children from their families by government and church initiatives. In the Aboriginal culture, language, rituals, traditions, wisdom, dances and spirituality can only be passed down and live on through the younger generations. With this large gap in the circle of life, white people planned to control and conclude the existence of aboriginal beliefs within a short period of time. The incentive of this movement was said to be child protection and the community was under the impression that Aboriginal children were deprived and in danger within their own communities. It was said that they'd obtain an enhanced education, more affectionate parents, as well as a more refined upbringing in government organisations or adopted white ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Slide-Twilight Stereotypes The idea of women being the inferior and submissive gender is no new concept, which has plagued humanity since ancient times. This dangerous concept consists of many traditional and outdated gender roles such as women are domestic, weak, powerless and inferior, and men are strong, heroic and dominant. –slide– Good morning/afternoon everyone, and thank you for inviting me to speak at todays Equality for All conference. I hope my presentation acts to educate and inform you all, and hopefully you will leave this room with a bit more insight into why twilight is not the perfect teen movie it has been presented as. –slide– Twilight, a popular mainstream romance movie, greatly enforces these harmful gender roles, unbeknown to many of its viewers ... Show more content on ... –slide– She stands there, not moving and instead waiting to be hit. Edward appears just in time to push her out of the way and stop the car with his vampire strength, and in turn saving her life. This is a clichéd Damsel in Distress situation, in which a helpless female is saved by a masculine hero. This unoriginal sequence of events is extremely over used, is both boring and creatively lazy, and on top of that, once again, enforces dangerous stereotypical roles in society for both males and females. Scenes like this tell young women that they are incapable of looking after themselves, and will always need a male to protect and look after them, rendering them useless. This scene is very unrealistic, and serves no purpose other than to show that Bella is weak, a damsel in distress, and will always need Edward to protect ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Classroom Reflection 1. After it was all said and done, the presentation was a success in the fact that a good sample of the technology was out to all. The slides appeared to be in a good order that flowed well with the presentation. It was simple and straight forward, and it was in keeping with the technology that I was presenting. Interesting and not so much boring. I like the video clip of the technology that I was presenting. It was a good length and clear audio that was easily understood at the back of the class. 2. I could have prepped better. Possibly do a dry run in the empty classroom prior to the class to work on the layout and timing. Adjust the slides so they are timed better. Adjust the slide size so they will be easier to look at from the student's perspective. It is important that the audiences focus is on the presentation and not drifting to some other distraction. 3. I will focus on what my audience is experiencing. What may be boring or not interesting. Stuff that is just filler should not be included, such as how to establish an account, or login, unless that is what the lesson is about. I have experienced lessons like that, and I do not wish any of my students or audiences to experience that same thing. If possible, I may have someone sit a practice presentation, and gather the feedback from them on whether the message came through. 4. What may be interesting and seem good to me, may not seem that way to others. What may sound logical and sensible ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Analysis Of Dm Slides We used Sam S. to represent cool in our advertisement. He is wearing a tank top and is the only one in the hallway wearing the DM Slides. He could be seen as the trendsetter of the school. Sam K. notices this in the first scene of the ad. One common fear of HPHS students is not fitting in. I believe that this is a shared fear because people fear not having any friends and being outside of the in crowd. If people think that what they're wearing is no longer in style and new fashion styles are being brought in, they will likely follow these trends as a desperate attempt to assure their social status and become once again a desirable member of society. If you do not fit in, you will be weird. If you are weird then you are not desirable ... Show more content on ... For example, the commons are a place where cool people eat lunch with a clean glass window making it very easy to see who is sitting in there. So if cool people wear our slides, the insecure students striving to be like the confident kids in the commons have something to improve on, their shoes. As a marketing strategy it could be very beneficial towards our brand to provide DM Slides to kids sitting in the commons for a cheaper price, or even free to promote the quantity of cool kids wearing them. This will result in a trickle down effect that is seen throughout all clothing phases; the trendsetters set, and everyone else consumes. Throughout my 4 years at HPHS we have observed that popularity and the high school standard of happiness revolves around a very unique cycle. This consists of the logic that if higher up people like you, you get to sit in the commons, and as a result, boys and especially girls (from a boy's perspective), will notice you. This brings up the opposing philosophy that if you are not constantly noticed you lose value/popularity. The cool kids, although may be very insecure personally, surround themselves with other confident kids to hide their individuality. By branding our slides to represent the newest trend of cool, students who feel they are on the cusp of being cool can now finally get their big break. Our product's clever name evokes a mixture of emotions from our audience. DM Slides is a play off of the term DM's which is a pop culture abbreviation for Direct Messages, which is what you use to contact your desired lover. Slide is a new common pop culture term used to represent going forth and messaging the person. For example, Keith slid into Ashley's DM's last night. Indirectly, our advertisement and brand allows you to be cool, and as we've regarded already, cool people impress YOUR lovers. If you ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Descriptive Essay Ugh. It's just so hot! I can't do anything it's so hot, I groaned. Mika looked over at me and mirrored the annoyed expression that I realized was on my face. I quickly wiped away the expression and tried for something a little nicer. After a bit I just gave up and lay down on the cement floor of our living room. It was cooler down there so it gave a moment of relief. The floor started to warm up where I lay though, so I had to keep moving from place to place so I wouldn't start to sweat too much. It was October of 2014. Towards the end of the year was always the most miserable time for everyone. It was just before the rains came, so it was very hot and unbearably humid. During the worst days, I couldn't bring myself to do much. ... Show more content on ... When it began to dump lots of rain every day, our back yard would turn into a mud bath. You couldn't walk outside without slipping, sliding or sticking in the mud. Some people might think this very inconvenient, but Mika, Gabe, Tessa, and I quickly realized how great it could be. During that time, the termite hills in our yard turned into a giant playground of fun. The top layer of clay became muddy and slippery, which gave me one of my best ideas, probably to this day. I gasped in amazement at the brilliance of the idea that had just popped into my head. Guys, I said. Lets slide down the hill! At first we tried a few different techniques in an attempt to keep our clothes clean enough to wear another time in the future. We tried sitting on plastic bags, planks of wood and many other objects, but that didn't end up working out as well as we planned. Whatever we were sitting on always ended up slipping out from underneath us. Eventually we just forgot about all of that and decided it didn't matter that much if our clothes got ruined. So we struggled up the hills, trying not to slip and slide all the way down before we reached the top. Once we got to the summit, we chose the best path to slide down that wasn't blocked by trees, bushes, or rocks. We then seated ourselves in the mud at the top of the mound, gave ourselves a little push, and slid down the runway. It was a thrilling moment of ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. Essay On SLIDE 8 SLIDE 8: At the relationship level we will address social support of parents. This is important because there is often a lack of comfort for adolescent females in talking to their parents regarding contraception and the decision to use it. Many teenage girls fear talking to their parents about sex, A 2015 survey by the national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy found that 68% of teens don't use birth control or protection because they are scared their parents would find out. We will use the theory of reasoned action to affect change here. While the theory of reasoned action is an individual theory it has a social aspect to it in the form of perceived subjective norms. It is especially relevant when discussing an adolescent ... Show more content on ... This is important because adolescents spend a lot of their time in peer groups and are often influenced by observing the behaviors of their peers and the reaction to that behavior. Also of importance research shows that those who believe their peers are using condoms are more than twice as likely to use them themselves. The relevant mechanism of change here is social cognitive theory. It has a specific focus on the individual and their relationship with the environment and will address the way peer influence can effectively impact dual contraception use among minority females. Social cognitive theory can address increasing positive peer influence through interventions that Provide mentorship to our target teen girls by individuals who are of the same ethnicity and slightly older than our target group but still young enough to identify with them (21–26). The mentorship would emphasize vicarious learning through safe sex practices of mentors and/or the consequences mentors faced due to unprotected sex it would influence behavioral capability by increasing knowledge regarding what is considered safe sex, why dual contraception is safer than one contraceptive alone and skill in condom and birth control use; self–efficacy would be addressed to impact sexual health and safety, self control when faced with a situation where their desire to use dual contraception is questioned and how to make a rational decision would also be ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Summary: Slide 4 Slide 1: NEW MINDSET NEW RESULTS Over the last 12 weeks, I have interacted with people from different diversities and cultural backgrounds as part of the group and at the workplace. Working with them as a team has changed my very perspective of how I interpret a problem and approach for the solution. Moving forward and fulfilling something of worth requires that I have the right methodologies to execute a successful career development plan. Furthermore, adapting new abilities along the way ought to be a noteworthy part of my plan. It doesn't matter how much I was earning in life, but I will continue looking to take full advantage in the chosen path. Slide 2: SELF ASSESSMENT IN MEASURING PROGRESS My goal is to be self–enriched for which I need ... Show more content on ... But it is really important in the event that when we need to have the capacity to think back and assess the advancement we made at every progression along the way. Setting objectives can likewise give us a feasible arrangement of bearings to take after. Slide 4: ROADMAP FOR DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES I can identify my skills and abilities that needs to be developed by utilizing my career goals as guides. Then, I will approach and request my higher authority at work to engage me in to on–the– job learning and initiative exercises and trainings that will develop those leadership skills. I will also conceptualize the resources that will be required for achievement. Finally, I will list all the steps that will be needed to finish the planned actions/activities. Slide 5: TIMELINES TO MEASURE SUCCESS This is the most essential step which I feel that in order to add to an expertise or enhance my competency in a specific area, I need to practice what I have realized and have a chance to construct my ability. I need to decide what will be the turning points of advancement toward effective acquisition of skills and the objective consummation dates for every development. For this to happen, I will set a schedule of meetings to have the capacity to give status reports and get feedback and exhortation from my higher authority all through these advancement ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Slide 12 I will be commenting on Madison Fox's presentation. Slide 34: I think slide three and four are important as a future teacher, because we will be using educational standards to teach our students. We will need to be able to understand what a standard is used for, so that we will be able to effectively teach it. I also thought the resources on pg 236 were interesting because it breaks down the standards for each subject. Slide 12: Slide twelve stood out to me because I am in a third grade classroom for my field experience, and all the teacher is focused on is the FSA. The class is pretty much always doing iready, and they just recently started to switch classes for extra FSA practice. I think that the teachers are so focused on the FSA test that they don't even come up with creative lesson plans. ... Show more content on ... It seems to me that play is not as important in schools, especially in kindergarten, when they really need to be playing. I was in a kindergarten class when I did my field experience for Intro to ED, and the students only got a little time to play at the end of the day. Slide 15: Slide fifteen stood out to me because I have always really liked math. I really liked the idea of integrating math into real life situations because that gives the students a purpose for learning math, and it can also spark their interest in math. I also think that integrating math into other subjects is a good idea, and it wouldn't be very hard to do because there are a lot of books today that include counting and other mathematical concepts. I think slide seventeen is important because as future teachers, we will be integrating technology into our lessons a lot. The third grade class that I am in for my field experience hours uses the computers daily. I think that the use of technology in a lesson can be useful, but I also think that it takes the creativity out of ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Personal Narrative: Slide For The Pool This summer we got a slide for our pool. We have a pool at our house and we wanted something to add to it because it was getting kind of boring. My sibling and I, had been begging my parent for months to get a slide for the pool, and they finally agreed! My family started looking for a slide on the internet on different websites. We finally decided on one website that would work the best. They had a big variety of different kinds of slides. There were a ton of them! There slides that were tall , slides that were short , slides that were straight, and slides that were curvy. We decided on a slide that was 7 feet tall and had a little curve on the edge. Once we ordered it, the website told us that it would arrive that week. We waited a week ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Report On Control Testing Results Essay Control Testing Results (Slides 4 – 8) (CAP Slides 81 – 102) Overall Comments  DLA's control testing results does not identify a time period for when the controls were assessed.  The document does not identify which controls were assessed for the various assessable units.  Work products for the assessable units (referenced below) will be provided to FIAR the week of 9/28/15 with Group 8 document submission.  Although the control failures are similar to what we've seen in previous SBA and Inventory assertion packages, we are unable to specifically identify the controls that were assessed by DLA.  There were a total number of 80 key controls for the FRR assessable units (Trial Balance Management/ Invoice to Disbursement/ Billing to Collections) – 56 of which were tested to date. FIAR will need to determine if the controls were unique to each assessable unit and when DLA plans to test the 24 remaining controls.  It appears that assessable unit, Inventory Transaction Reporting, was formerly titled, P2S_PCM13=NEIQ Perform Inventory Management – IRM. If in fact the process was renamed during the PCM consolidation process, there were several process and control gaps identified within the former PCM. FIAR needs to determine if the gaps, previously identified, are being remediated by the agency and tracked by CAP documentation. P_FRR_38_Trial_Balance_Management o Please confirm if the 35 key controls noted are specific to the Trial Balance Management assessable unit; ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Narrative Essay On A Water Slide Ahhh! Swoosh! I feel like I'm going to fall off this terrifying water slide. What did I put myself into? During the ride I went around in circles at least 5 times, my mind was spinning. After that hair– raising moment, I knew that today was going to be a day filled with adventure! Then, my family and I went to Hershey Park as a birthday gift for me. At the entrance, I saw an enormous light blue and bright yellow water slide that almost looked like half of a tornado. It was a really hot day, the temperature was almost 87 degrees.We walked over to the water section, and I was amazed how big it was, It was like a pool with water slides for gods. My brother told me right away, We must go on that slide, and that was the moment I knew I would go on that gigantic water slide, I was relieved because I desperately needed a something to refresh myself, and I was scared. When I was waiting in–line I went up so many stairs, which took a while. Finally, I was where the slide started, My brother's back was facing the slide and I was facing the slide on the tube. Shahan, are you ready? My brother asked me, I said, No, then the slide started. When you first went down the ride it was dark and there were scary turns, then you make a big drop and start to spin, when I was spinning in midair I was so scared. My heart started beating really fast, then I realized that my brother and I weren't even close to being done with the water slide. Then, the next day I went on a roller coaster ... Get more on ...