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Timbre Essay
Assignment 1 Timbre is what allows a listener to distinguish between two different sounds. It allows
the listener to recognize the difference between different songs, such as ABC (The Jackson 5)
(1970), and Back in Black (AC/DC) (1980). It also enables the listener to decipher a variety of notes
in a piece of music, and even recognize individuals by the sound of their voice.
The Sound I chose the song Imagine (John Lennon) (1971) because of the powerful lyrics that hold
so much meaning, and how relevant the lyrics still are 40 years later. People will be able to relate to
the piece for years to come, as Lennon paints a world which many dream of, but will never achieve.
The piece also has very strong timbre, and is a very recognizable piece ... Show more content on ...
There are many aspects of timbre in this piece, all which allow us to identify the song, and feel the
emotion that Lennon is trying to convey. Different types of timbre in this piece include voice, piano,
drums, and violin. The piece begins with a solo piano, which sets the tone for the song. It introduces
the listener to the piece in a way that allows us to understand that the song will be slow, and ballad–
like. The sounds of multiple violins playing at once, as they do later in the piece, gives the listener a
sense of unison, which is one of the main messages the piece is trying to convey.
Why Is It Meaningful? This piece is renowned for having a very deep meaning. Lennon describes
this vast idea of a world without concepts that separates the human population into distinct
segregations, and brews a hate for each other. He discusses how the world would be a better place if
there were
no such things as religion, no war, no countries, and no hate. Lennon pictures a world without
disparity, hunger, and suffering.
Anyone can relate to these ideas if they reflect on their lives, as most people have received some
sort of hate, or intolerance in their lives. This could include sexism, racism, homophobia, or
intolerance towards people who have mental or physical disabilities. The world that the lyrics in this
song paint is something that almost every person has wished for, sometime in their
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Imagine Dragons Research Paper
When it comes to bands and singers, Imagine Dragons is definitely one of the best. They are an
American indie/rock/alternative band from Las Vegas. Their variety in music, appealing sound and
development is what makes them worth your time. This band should definitely be added to your
playlist and here's why:
Imagine Dragons is an amazing band because of their variety of music. To some extent, it does not
matter what style of music you like, there will be a song they have written you will enjoy. They
range from alternative rock, to indie pop, electropop, indie rock and pop rock. Their songs can be
upbeat, mellow, aggressive or melancholic. 'Thunder' is an example of a more upbeat song while
'Battle Cry' is a more mellow/sad song. Imagine Dragons' ... Show more content on
No one is going to listen to a poor sounding singer or band. Imagine Dragons definitely covers
sounding good. Their lead vocalist, Dan Reynolds, is loved by fans for his 'impassioned vocals [that]
often feel tailor–made for shout–out–loud choruses' ( but also his
passionate vocals in other songs. Atwood magazine wrote a review for Imagine Dragons newest
album and said, 'Dan's vocals stretch over the music and into the silence, I can almost feel all of the
things the band's been through to get here.' Imagine Dragons has been through some difficulties in
their career and for a while, no one knew who they were and also having some members fight
depression. But then they wrote the right song and became famous. Although they became famous,
they stayed true to their original image and their fans. As reviews have shown, Imagine Dragons has
a very pleasant and also passionate sound. Some of their music can be slightly distorted, and this is
not to everyone's taste, but this only applies to a couple of their songs. Although their sound may not
be organic on the rare occasion, overall Dan Reynolds has an extremely pleasant sounding voice and
the instrumental side of the band is
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It is Impossible to Accurately Imagine What is it like to...
It is Impossible to Accurately Imagine What is it like to be a Bat
Insofar as I can imagine this (which is not very far), it tells me only what it would be like for me to
behave as a bat behaves. But that is not the question. I want to know what it is like for a bat to be a
bat... – Thomas Nagel
In order to take the above request seriously, one must assume that bats have experience and
consciousness. Assuming so, one must then imagine the consciousness that a bat must live with. Its
brain is "designed to correlate outgoing impulses with subsequent echoes, and the information thus
acquired enables the bat to make precise discriminations of distance, size, shape, motion, and texture
comparable to those we make by vision." ... Show more content on ...
Is a bat aware of its own existence? If a bat is not aware of its own existence, then the above
question is immediately answered: a bat simply flutters around carrying out its activities of life,
experiencing nothing, just living. If a bat is aware of its existence, there are infinitely more
questions to be raised to discover exactly what life as a bat is like.
Many would argue that the key difference between the human consciousness and that of a bat is
vision – I disagree. In order to see its world, a bat relies on sound and echoes to create the complex
world that a human sees by vision; is that a key difference? The difference in the electromagnetic
sound waves and light waves is little more than wavelength and frequency, therefore it is very
reasonable to assume that a bat's vision is nearly as accurate as a human's, perhaps better if the
bouncing waves are sent frequent enough to produce a constant image.
Vision is not a key difference, but only an integral part of the sensory system that produces any
creature's consciousness. For the most accurate depiction, one would need to know how a bat's
senses of smell, taste, and touch compare to that of a human's, or more importantly, how a bat
thinks. Humans have developed many complex
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Imagination; a Human's Special Sence Essay
Daimaly Gines
FD #3
Expos, Section
Imagination: A Human's Special Sense
Human beings have the ability to create their own individual worlds through imagination. However,
the imagination is limited because of the constant use of technology and the reliance on vision. The
technological culture has separated humans from the actual world and their senses; much like vision
has done. In the essay "The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses", Juhani Pallasmaa
focuses on the exploration of the senses and how they interact with one another. We also see his
discussion on how vision can affect the human experience. The more visually capable we are, the
more we begin to lose our sense of imagination. Similarly in the essay ... Show more content on ...
We see that our imagination comes into play when our vision is obscured. Without the sense of
vision, our other senses quickly assume richness and power. This occurs to blind people such as
Hull, who at the age of forty–eight became completely blind. Sacks states that Hull "speaks of how
the sound of the rain, never before accorded much attention, can now delineate a whole landscape
for throws a coloured blanket over previously invisible things" (304). In other words, we see
that Sacks is showing us how strong Hull's imagination was after becoming blind. Just because Hull
became blind, it did not mean that Hull's life was over. On the other hand, it was a new beginning
for Hull. He was able to make use of his other senses and see how important they are. With Hull's
imagination also came a sense of intimacy with his surroundings. He felt as though with his strong
visual imagery, he had a strong sense of closeness, which evolves from imagining. The term
'delineate' has a significant meaning in Sack's text because imagination is what led Hull to be able to
portray the images precisely in his mind. Similarly, Pallasmaa states, "anyone who has half–woken
up to the sound of a train or an ambulance in a nocturnal city, and though his/her sleep experienced
the space of the city with its countless inhabitants scattered within its structures, knows the
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I Felt A Funeral In My Brain Diction
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain during an in class Essay Emily Dickinson's poems are in many ways
very different from the Enlightenment writings and also the Romantic movement. In her poem, "I
felt a Funeral, in my Brain," her style is completely unique in terms of punctuation, meaning, and
imagery. By discussing her own feelings and inner thoughts rather than just glorifying nature like
many poets of her day, Dickinson's poems are insightful on human emotions and help us understand
her emotions. One way that she portrays her feelings is through word choice and sentence structure.
For example, the first line begins with the phrase "I felt a Funeral." At first glance, that is a little bit
strange, but many will be able to identify with the distinct emotions associated with funerals: gloom,
mourning, sadness. The beginning of the sentence is easy for the reader to identify with. But then
she adds, "in my Brain." This experience is less familiar for most people, but because the reader has
already identified what a funeral feels like, it is easier to understand what she means by the first line
and to imagine that same emotion, whether or not we have ever actually had brain funerals. Another
example of blending familiar feelings to create complex concepts is in the beginning of the third ...
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The experience of lifting a box or casket is quite easy to understand. The next line is quite odd, but
because it is possible to picture a loud, old, creaky box making a horrid sound as it opens, it is easier
to imagine that it creaked across her soul, especially if the funeral is in her head. Even the word
choice itself helps communicate her agony. The word 'creak' sounds a lot like what it means. It is
sharp and not very pleasant. This is in contrast to the word 'Soul,' which sounds like 'soothe,' 'soup,'
and 'swell,' and has a much nicer sound. The sharp contrast helps the audience identify with the
sound of a loud
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Most Dangerous Game Imagery Examples
Imagery is incredibly crucial to stories and their plots. It helps the reader vividly imagine what is
being written in their mind and make it seem as if they are a character in the story. A piece of
literature that has incredible examples of imagery is The Most Dangerous Game, written by Richard
Connell. The imagery in this story appeals to all five senses while also contributing to the plot.
There are examples of imagery that appeals to three out of the five senses and also contributes to the
plot of the story The Most Dangerous Game. To restate, the author uses imagery to develop the
plotline. One sense that the author incorporates into the literature work The Most Dangerous Game
is smell. The author states, "...and the night breeze brought him the perfume of the general's
cigarette." This imagery is important to the plotline because it tells when Rainsford smells General
Zaroff. Without this piece of imagery, the author would not have let the readers know that Rainsford
smelled Zaroff approaching. To summarize, the author uses the imagery of smell to let the readers
know what is going on. ... Show more content on ...
One example of imagery in the text is the sense sound. The author used the sense of sound to create
imagery so that the reader can imagine what is going on. The author reports, "He knew his pursuer
was coming; He heard the padding sound of feet on the soft earth." This is an example of imagery
because Rainsford described what he heard so that the reader could imagine what sound he heard.
This is important to the plot line because the main part of the story revolves on not getting found
and to stay alive. If he can hear the padding of his pursuers feet than he might lose "the game.''
Therefore the sense of sound is incorporated into the literature to help develop the plot of the
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Bible School Vacation Paper
Vacation Bible school is ending at Morris Brown AME Church as the clock strikes 7:30 p.m. on
June 17, 2015. Anxious to take their pick from hot dogs, chips, lemon cakes and sodas, children
scurry to the fellowship hall.
The teens walk in collectively, laughing and kidding about the things teens laugh and kid about. The
adults trail closely behind. Some are sharing stories about their day at work, others telling about
their day babysitting grandchildren. Many have not seen one another since the previous Sunday, so
it's a good time to catch –up.
I imagine the vibe is similar a few blocks up the street at Mother Emanuel AME Church. After
conducting a quarterly conference meeting, they are preparing for Bible study.
I envision the church members ... Show more content on ...
"Amen," the group says collectively. Pages flip, pens click and the Bible study begins.
It is not long after the prayer when they dig into the fourth chapter of Mark, when the entrance door
creeks open. Members turn their heads slightly to notice a young, white man entering the room.
I imagine one of the members motioning to him, encouraging him to grab a seat. "Good evening
young man," says one of the older women as she smiles. The young man asks for the pastor. I
envision the members directing him to Reverend Pinckney, who shakes the visitor's hand as the
young man sits beside him.
One member passes the visitor a sheet of paper to follow along the group's study. The group does
not know the young man. Sporting a bowl–shaped haircut, he looks rather young. He stands out
from the rest of them, but they accept him.
I imagine Morris Brown would have done the same.
To Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Rev. Sharonda Coleman–Singleton, Tywanza Sanders, Ethel Lance,
Susie Jackson, DePayne Middleton Doctor, Rev. Daniel Simmons, Myra Thompson and Cynthia
May your souls rest in
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Character Analysis: Burn Down The Ground
Hands of My Father "The Sound of Color" opened my eyes to the intricacies of American Sign
Language. My only experiences with Deaf families and Deaf communities comes from the book
"Burn Down the Ground" by Kambri Crews and the information I learned in CDS 201. Needless to
say, I have a lot to learn. Uhlberg's description of all the different ways people can display their sex,
geographic origin, and personality through their use of sign enlightened me. I can vividly imagine a
person who is shy, signing in a reserved, guarded and confined fashion, and then I see the person
who is outgoing, signing in an expansive, full bodied and overly expressive way. Although people
speaking in ASL may not have an audibly loud or soft voice, I now understand
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All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury Imagery Essay
In the short story "All Summer in a Day", the author Ray Bradbury uses sensory imagery such as
sight and sound to describe the setting of his version of planet Venus and to describe the children.
He then uses the absence of sensory imagery when describing Margot to create contrast which helps
us understand the idea that people who are different are ostracised and hated. With the use of
sensory imagery, Ray Bradbury paints a picture in our minds of how the planet Venus in his story
looks and sounds like. He describes this planet where it "...had been raining for seven years..." as the
sound and look of "...tatting drum, the endless shaking down of clear bead necklaces upon the rood,
the walk, the gardens, the forest..." This tells us that the ... Show more content on ...
Not only did they exclude her but they also hater her for her differences, for the absence of colour
on "...her pale snow face, her waiting silence, her thinness and her possible future." They acted on
this hate and "...put her in a closet..." and caused her to miss the sun coming out. They excluded her
from all the fun they had in the sun but more than that, they made her miss the event she had been
looking forward to since she came to this planet five years ago. By showing us this, Ray Bradbury
successfully explains to us how Margot is different from the rest of the children in the way she acts
and because of this difference she is ostracised and hated. Ray Bradbury shows us that people with a
difference are ostracised and hated with the example of how the children treat Margot differently for
being different to them. He explains by using contrasting sensory imagery just how much just the
way that a person acts can make them look different to everyone else and how much they stand out
in a crowd. He is also implying to us that just because someone is different it doesn't mean we have
to exclude them just because that's what normally happens because you might just cost them the joy
for the next seven years to
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Analysis Of Nature, By Ray Bradbury
In Ray Bradbury's novel, the author uses a range of rhetorical devices to emphasize the atmosphere
Douglas is living in.
In lines 3–5, the author uses personification to attribute the weather of summer as if it was a human
doing something, for example, "summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the
breathing of the world was long and warm and slow." In the quote, the weather of summer is calm
and relaxing referencing it as "long and warm" and the wind blowing as if it were a person blowing
air. In line 11, the author uses another instance of personification to amaze Douglas of summer, for
example, "let summer idle him", which means that summer "idles" him as in, makes him still of
amazement on its early morning stream. In line 14, the author uses hyperbole to exaggerate the
summer wind, for instance, "riding high in the June wind", which means Douglas is overstating the
feeling wind of summer as if he was riding it. In line 16, the author uses a metaphor to make trees
clean each other with water, for example, "At night when the trees washed together" which means
when its at night the trees end up being washed when they are close together. In lines 16–17, the
author uses simile to compare Douglas with an object, for instance, "he flashed his gaze like a
beacon from his lighthouse", which means that Douglas looks steadily at the outside of his house
like a "beacon from a lighthouse" and compares him as a "lighthouse" to show how he gazes the
outside. In
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Personal Narrative: The Culture Of Deaf People
Benjamin Franklin Once said "You can do anything you set your mind to." Only now have I realized
how true this is. I always thought that Deaf people couldn't do what hearing people could do. and
that they had all these things that they couldn't do, when in reality I was being naive . Deaf people
can do anything they want to, except hear. I was also naive for not thinking about how Deaf people
have their own culture. And now that I think about it, it's obvious that they have their own culture.
All languages have their own culture. Part of their culture is that many of them, if they had the
choice, would choose to stay deaf than be able to hear. And to me this is just weird, but that's just
part of my culture. It's scary for me to imagine a life
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Giving Up A Sense
Have you ever thought about giving up a sense? People lose their sense to touch, see, taste, hear and
smell every day. These are the things that we take for granted. Therefore, if I had to choose to give
up a sense; it would have to be the sense of taste. Taste is a major sense that people would refuse to
give up because they will be separated from their favorite meals or snacks. On second thought,
giving up taste may not be a bad idea. Think about it, you will no longer be forced to eat healthy
foods. Although taste and smell work together, giving up the sense of taste is a great choice to the
contrary of the other four senses because smelling the food would give me a sense as to how it may
taste or if the food has become tainted. Losing ... Show more content on ...
It would be very difficult having to adjust to a world without sound. The sounds that's warn us, such
as horns, alarms and bells, for example, are very important in our everyday lives. These type of
sounds gives people a heads up, like it is a train blowing its horn to warn drivers that a train is
approaching the crossing. Also, tornado sirens alerts people to give them crucial time to evacuate
and get to safety. Being able to hear these sounds are very important because they keep you safe and
out of harm's way. Another reason why, out of the five senses, taste would be the one I would be
able to give up so easily is because unlike taste, the sense of touch is extremely important. Could
you imagine coming home, from a long and stressful day, and not be embraced by something or
someone you love? Without the sense of touch, you could not feel the warmth of that embrace.
Touch is essential to our lives because, just like hearing, it warns us if something is to hot or too
cold. In conclusion, I would give up taste over smell, sight, hearing and touching, because unlike
these senses, it does not affect my interaction with the
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Notes on the Sea and Ozymandias
Points to remember:
1. The statue of Ozymandias stands as a metaphor (symbol) of the temporal (not permanent) nature
of political power. Time and history have a destructive power that brings all to an end.
2. The statue in the poem also symbolizes pride or 'hubris' (arrogance) of all humanity in any form it
may take.
3. Material possessions do not last.
4. The poet points out to us that all that is left is art (the remains) and a few words (what is written
on the pedestal). It seems therefore that art and language outlast the legacies of power. (see
Shakespeare's Sonnet LX)
5. In describing Ozymandias the poet distances him from our present reality in fact the narrator
meets a traveller who describes the ... Show more content on ...
Even the way the verses are placed like waves to completely immerse the reader into the
atmosphere, shows imagination.
In the first two stanzas the atmosphere at sea is wild and frightening. The poet describes the wild sea
as if it is a 'hungry dog'. This is a metaphor that carries along throughout the poem. The poet takes
the qualities of a dog and transfers them to the sea, for example the sea is 'giant and grey' and it has
'clashing teeth' and 'shaggy jaws'. The poet makes us imagine the atmosphere at sea when it is rough
and dangerous. The repetition of the word 'bones' conveys an idea of rocks being eroded by the sea
as it gnaws the rocks or else we are reminded of the bones of those whose life ended at sea. In the
second stanza the rough sea becomes a stormy sea and the dog is now angry. The waves crash on the
rocks and we can imagine the sea spray in the metaphor, 'shaking his wet sides over the cliffs'. The
poet also describes sounds in an imaginative way reminding us of the sounds made by a dog, 'snuffs
and sniffs' and 'howls and hollos'. These alliterations emphasise the scary atmosphere with a kind of
death–like omen. Even the moon in the sky seems to be 'rocking' because the wind is very strong
and clouds are flying fast.
There is a sudden contrast in stanza three, where the sea calms down and the 'dog' is sleeping
peacefully. The atmosphere is calm and we imagine
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How Does Poe Build Suspense In The Tell Tale Heart
The Tell Tale Heart Summary Imagine being haunted by one object your entire life. One object that
you can't get rid of unless you kill a nice old man. Well this is what the narrator in The Tell Tale
Heart by Edgar Allen Poe has to deal with. In this story the main character is haunted by the blue
eye of an old man. I bothers him so much, in fact, that he has decided to kill the old man so that he
can get rid of the eye forever. So he watches the man every night at midnight, waiting for the perfect
moment to kill him. But the eye is always closed. After about a week of watching the old man the
narrator accidentally scares him awake. The old man's heart starts to beat louder and louder so the
narrator pulls him to the ground and suffocates him ... Show more content on ...
He said things like "... it was four o'clock– still dark as midnight" (Poe 93). The reader can imagine
the narrator burying the body in pitch black darkness.This gives the reader a feel for the creepiness
of it all. This builds suspense in the story. The setting is also described by saying "And every night,
about midnight, I turned the latch of his door" (Poe 90). The reader can picture the narrator holding
his lamp and turning the door to the old man's chamber. This adds suspense because the reader can
see how creepy it is for the narrator to be doing this. And they can also imagine this happening to
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Warriors By Imagine Dragon Research Paper
Music essay
Music is something that can impact a person's life in a negative or positive way. Ways it impacts my
life is by how it helps me exercise, how it tells my story, and how it helps me relax.
Music helps me exercise by motivating me when i feel that i want to give up. One song that helps
me exercise is "Warriors", by Imagine Dragon. The song just feels me and I love the way it sounds.
A quote in that song that really motivates me is "Awake at night and scheme of all the things that
you would change ,but it was just a dream."
Music tells my story in many songs ,but one song that really stuck to me was "Blood Brothers", by
Luke Bryan. The song explains how you would do anything for your brother no matter what the
cost. "Blood brothers
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Imagery In Unbroken
Laura Hillenbrand's biography titled Unbroken recounts the life of Louie Zamperini and major
events that occurred throughout it. Hillenbrand's purpose was to emphasize the inspirational story of
heroic Zamperini as he qualified and participated in the Olympics, as well as describe the endless
struggle of pain in the plane crash and in the Japanese POW camps. She also portrays the
importance of dignity and resilience and how without it, the chances of surviving the cruel events
Louie experienced during World War II would have been minimal. In the first part of the story, since
the book didn't have a point of view from Louie, the author uses many different types of imagery to
allow the reader to imagine what Louie experienced and how it impacted
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Thunder By Imagine Dragons: Music Analysis
'I was dreaming of bigger things, and wanna leave my own life behind' (Imagine Dragons, 2017).
Loud chaotic noises are what is heard from a boat race and that is why a rock song is the best choice
for 'The Thunder' Offshore Superboat Championship campaign. That's why I believe that the song,
Thunder by Imagine Dragons, is the best choice as thunder can be associated with engines. This
song is also extremely loud throughout the whole song and this will capture the attention of the
audience more than if the advertisement was quiet. A rock song is perfect for the next event in 'The
Thunder' Offshore Superboat Championship to be held in Hervey Bay. As this song is called
Thunder it causes the name of the event stand out more as it is repeated multiple ... Show more
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This is why Thunder by Imagine Dragons would be the best choice for the campaign to advertise
this wonderful event. Thunder grabs the attention of the audience as it is loud, mainly because of the
drums that are played that causes everyone look and listen to what is there. The loud engines can be
linked to the sound of thunder in various ways, including the use of sound and the unknown of what
may occur during the race. The use of pitch, duration and timbre help prove that this is the best song
for the event. This song will motivate the listeners into coming to the race and supporting the fellow
racers and those that made this event
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Poem Analysis: 'The Weary Blues'
Poetry Analysis: The Weary Blues In the poem The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes, the poet is
able to use many sound devices and symbolism to fully develop clear sounds and images that the
poem makes. This poem creates vivid images by using similes and personification. In line 13, the
author makes reference to the musician playing the piano "like a fool". This is able to give the
readers a picture of the man not playing the piano seriously, but is so brilliantly foolish that the
music comes out to be perfection. Also in line 35, Hughes uses the simile of "the man is sleeping
like a rock" because it describes how deeply the man is sleeping without movement or action.
However, also in line 35 it says the musician is resting "like a dead man" this is so ... Show more
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In lines 23, Hughes uses the sound device of onomatopoeia to create a sound image for the reader.
He uses such words like "Thump, thump, thump" to let the audience know that the mans' foot makes
this sound when hitting the floor. It is easy to imagine a musician sitting on a porch playing his
music while the thumping of his feet wanders in the background. Also in line one, the dragging
sounds of O in "drowning and drowsy" create a sound device of alliteration. Both these words start
with the letter D that makes the sounds of yawning of a "syncopated tune". This allows the audience
to create the sound images of a man singing his blues that ends in yawning from his tiredness. Lastly
the final sound device used in this poem is repetition. Many lines in this poem are repeated, this
creates the symbol of importance. When using repetition as a sound device it creates emphasis on
certain words or phrases that can result in making sounds. For example in the lines "a lazy sway, a
lazy sway" gets drawn out when reading because of the repetition it creates the "O" sound. Finally in
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Film Analysis : ' The Film '
Spatial Horror
A movie is a series of images shown very rapidly one after another. Each frame is just a flat two–
dimensional image, yet with certain formal elements directors can create a sense of a three–
dimensional space. Some techniques utilized by filmmakers are the same as those painters' use;
things such as lighting, color, contrast, and shadows. Yet when the painting starts to move a whole
new world of spatial elements open up, giving a filmmaker many ways to bring a two–dimensional
image to life. The space created by such elements can be used to make the audience feel a certain
way about a scene or movie as a whole. In the Swedish horror film Let the Right One In there are
three scenes in which the vampire Eli murders people. The director Tomas Alfredson uses space
differently in each of these scenes, evoking different emotions in the audience each time and
escalating the horror sequentially as the film progresses. In the first, the audience is shown
everything; Alfredson uses a single take and a motionless camera in a wide angle to show the entire
attack. Secondly, the audience is taken around a small dimly lit house and is subjected to a jump
scare when Eli attacks her victim (I will be referring to Eli as "her" despite the fact that her gender is
left ambiguous). In the final murder scene, almost the entirety of the horror is done in an off–screen
space. In Let the Right One In the use of varying camera angles, sounds, lighting, and editing
establish space in each
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How Does Yamanaka Use Similes In The Lemon Tree Billiards...
John Green once stated, "If you don't imagine, nothing ever happens at all." When the author uses
Descriptive adjectives and Similes their goal is to create an image in the reader's head, because if
they didn't it would be dull, and boring. In the story "The Lemon Tree Billiard House" Cedric
Yamanaka uses similes, and descriptive adjectives to describe, mood, settings, and the characters in
the story. In the story "The Lemon Tree Billiards House" Cedric Yamanaka used descriptive
adjectives to express the setting, mood, and characters. In the story the author used descriptive
adjectives to describe Locust Cordero by saying, "Wearing, of all things, a purple tuxedo with a red
carnation on the lapel." This allowed the reader to imagine what Locust was wearing. The author
made it easy to guess that Locust had an expensive taste, and made him sound rich. The author uses
this technique to make the book sound interesting. ... Show more content on ...
This is very important in the story, because the story included many billiards games, and without the
simile it wouldn't be as exciting as when it was included. Lastly, the author uses a simile to describe
Mitch's negativity by saying, "If you beat 'em, da curse going be pau. But if you lose, da rest of your
life going shrivel up like one slug aftah you pour salt on top." This helps, describe that the curse
Mitch believes he had can destroy him, but if he beats it the curse will be done. These are the
reasons on how the author used Descriptive Adjectives and similes to describe different aspects of
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Essay On Sherk's Swamp Stories
This week, I have met an awesome guy Nick Toti who was a graduated student in Truman State
University and now has a wonderful job in film industry in LA. Throughout his discussion, he has
mentioned one statement which I impressed the most: "Horror is an accessible form of surrealism."
This week, I decied to watch the first episode of Sherk's Swamp Stories. At first, people will think
that what is the connection between a cartoon movie and element of horror which I refered above.
Do not underestimate a movie through it outlook until you actually experience it. Like me, when I
choose this series, I did not imagine that I would pick Nick's statement about horror. However, when
I saw it, this episode had change my perspective. Although this is ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, by associating with the sound effect, the frighten scene at that time can convey its full
potential. In every horror movie, especially cartoon (I think), mysterious jungle and haunted castle
are very useful. In the magnetic jungle, there will be many unexpected things which the audience
cannot predict, and that is the most interesting part in horror movie. People's imagination is
magneficent. The more they want to know something, the more they will imagine it in an ugliest and
scariest image. Moreover, combine the scene with the thunder sound, it will be more scary. Similar
to the jungle is a haunted castle which also contains many scary elements. Another detail in the
movie which is also adequate is the torch when Sherk and his friend enter the castle. The light from
the torch is very weak and can only illuminate a narrow area. To the audience, it pretty normal, but
if you imagine you are the character in the movie it is another story. Visualize you are entering the
haunted castle, and the only thing you can use to see the around is the torch. You cannot see
everything clearly, and you will imagine that there will be something come out of nowhere. The
filmmakers are very intelligent when using this material because they understand the audience's
spychology: they scare what they do not
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Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons
Antonio Vivaldi was a composer in the baroque period of music.
He was born March 4, 1678 in Venice Italy, and died on July 28, 1741. He lived most of his life in
Italy where his dad taught him how to play the violin. At often times he and his father played
together. Vivaldi was at one time a priest but his bad asthma held him back. He was often called the
red priest because of his beautiful red hair. His father Giovanni Vivaldi was also a professional
violinist, while also being his music teacher. He left to study for the priesthood when he was around
14 or 15, and was ordained in 1703. When Vivaldi was 25 he was given the name master or violin at
the Devout Hospital of Mercy. Antonio was also incharge of a girls orphanage. His two most
renowned operatic works were Furnace, and La costanza trionfante. They were revived multiple
times during his life. Added on to Vivaldi's regular employment, he also accepted many short term
positions funded by Rome, and Mantua. While in Mantua he wrote one of his masterpieces, "The
Four Seasons". He pared the piece with four sonnets, which were thought might of been written by
himself. ... Show more content on ...
In this piece Vivaldi attempts to describe spring, summer, fall, and winter with music, and he does a
very good job. Most likely you have heard parts of this piece without knowing it. It starts spring
very slowly he makes it so you can imagine what spring looks like. Me personally imagine
waterfalls and little kids running around in the fields. You can hear the violin very clearly during
most of spring. It's very soft and subtle but every thirty seconds or so comes my favorite part it gets
very fast pace and many instruments jump in all at once, I start to imagine the little kids running,
and jumping! Then out of nowhere with not even the slightest sign of it slowing stops.
Everything goes very soft and another thirty seconds or so it repeats, it does this about five
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How Does Ocean Noise Affect Sea Life
Different studies on how sound affects marine wildlife have shown many different results. One
showed that there were many negative affects on the sea life and the other shows that there are little
no no damages caused to the animals. I believe that the sounds in the ocean do, in fact, have a
negative impact on the sea life. Just like us, these sea animals are living things. We may dislike
similar things. Just like us, sea life does not deserve to deal with deafening sounds, preventing them
from communicating with their friends, family, and pod members. Would you like to live in a home
surrounded by construction, continuously banging? The first reason that I believe that there are
negative affects on whales due to ocean noise is that, just like us, even everyday noises can harm
their ears. The passage states, "Whales communicate with each other by sending out sound waves.
Scientists suspect that the increase in underwater noise has interfered with the whales' ability to
'hear' one another." Whales communicate using sound waves, in which increased sound waves can
interfere with. Imagine if you were trying to talk to someone beside you during a very energetic
concert. How hard would it be to raise your voice just to talk to them. This is what happens with the
whales. The whales will have to use more energy to communicate with other pod members. ... Show
more content on ...
Since whales use sound waves to communicate and travel, if their ears are damaged, it could affect
the way they live the rest of their life. Imagine what would happen if a musician lost their hearing...
They would never be able to play music for a living ever again. Just like people, whales rely heavily
in their hearing to make sure they are out of danger, finding food, or communicate with others. How
would you feel if you could not do any of those
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Grace Nichols' Island Man
The mood of this poem is very soothing and is a sense of relaxation and security. Grace Nichols is
showing that the island mans first home is the Caribbean. "the steady breaking and wombing." The
word "wombing" is a made up word by the writer. It has many associations but it makes us the
readers imagine a place of comfort and security but more importantly a sense of home and
belonging. The reason why this image is put in to the readers mind is because babies grow in the
mothers' womb, so we could say that the womb is everyone's "first home". The word 'wombing' can
also mean his mother land.
The first line in this poem is only taken up by one word, 'morning' this may represent a peaceful
approach to the day. I came to this conclusion ... Show more content on ...
This signals to the reader that he is not actually in this place. This makes me imagine that he carries
his homeland in his head. This also gives you an idea that island man is both in London and
The writer makes us envision a scene of beauty and only something we can dream of. The scene is
also revealed as precious to the island man. "small emerald island" portrays that the island is an
emerald. An emerald is very hard to get and in many cases people could only dream of getting one.
The writer uses a technique called a metaphor. The reason why the writer uses this technique is
because it allows the reader to imagine the scene better. For example the writer compares an
'emerald' with the 'island'. Emeralds can be green this then represents green tress and most islands
usually have a lot of trees.
Grace Nichols describes the sun as a positive image. 'the sun surfacing defiantly' makes the reader
picture an image of the sun climbing in to the sky. The word 'defiantly' allows the sun to stand out.
'sun surfacing defiantly' could also represent that he doesn't want the sun to rise, he just wants to lye
here in his small island and just relax but know matter what he does the sun still rises.
Another technique the poet uses is something called sibilance which is a repetitive s sound. The
sound of the s is actually trying to recreate the sounds of the island as well as having the mellow
imagery of the blue surf. One of the examples the letter s creates
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Minnesota Wind Power
Our city is Lincoln county, Minnesota we decided to use wind power because the average wind
speed is around 21 mph. To spin an average wind turbine you need winds of 8.7 or more miles per
hour. Minnesota could really benefit from wind turbines It's ranked 18 for the most energy usage in
the USA, so imagine how much that's polluting our earth. Some advantages of using wind power are
wind does not pollute the earth, It's an abundant energy source so it will never run out. In
Minnesota, there is a small population of 5 million and in California it's 38 million, in California we
have wind farms so imagine how much space there is for wind farms in Minnesota. Rhode Island is
the smallest state and they have wind farms so imagine how much more space ... Show more content
on ...
It has to be AT LEAST 8.7mph to turn a wind turbine. Another disadvantage about wind power is
shadow flicker it is when the blades of the wind turbine cause a shadow as it turns. It would cause
unwanted repetitive shadows over neighboring houses or buildings, it could be mistaken for power
outages or even earthquakes. Finally, the sound of wind turbines they are not silent for the people
that live near the wind farms would get unwanted noise in their houses content during the day and at
Wind turbines are a great way of conserving energy,there are some disadvantages to it though, but
here are some solutions to those disadvantages. A solution to the problem of the loud sound of the
wind turbines is that people who live in that area could get sound proofed walls. Even though it is
expensive though soundproofing is expensive it would be well worth it not keeping you up at night.
For the shadow flicker you could always get curtains or shades for your windows for your house.
Sadly you wouldn't have much sunlight but that's better than on and off
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Abbey's Five Senses
In Abbey's Essay, he does a very good job describing all the various objectives and is very inclusive
on using the five senses to describe every detail. In his essay, Abbey describes the sunsets as
"elaborate sunsets in every named and unnamed hue of gold, purple, crimson, green, orange, and
blue, spread out for fifty or a hundred miles among the floating ranks of clouds." The inclusiveness
of the senses continues in his description of the sounds or the silence that he hears in the desert. In
his essay, he articulates that "Almost every day of the week I have been honored by the serenade of
a den of coyotes." And further on Abbey reveals that the coyote's music sounds "like the legendary
wail of banshees, or more precisely, like the sounds
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Ambrose Bierce At Owl Creek Symbolism
"Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath
the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge". This line seals the fate of Ambrose Bierce's protagonist, who
believed that he could change it. In "An Occurrence at Owl Creek", Ambrose Bierce tells the story
of a man struggling to face his reality. Symbolism enhances the total effect of Ambrose Bierce's "An
Occurrence at Owl Creek" because it leads the reader to the protagonist's fate, adds to the imagery,
and makes the reader connect smaller details to a deeper meaning. Symbolism leads the reader to the
conclusion of what happens to the protagonist in the end. From the beginning, symbols are a form of
foreshadowing. Bierce writes "Striking through the thought
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The Impacts Of Far-Reaching Addiction
Imagine not being able to breath because of vicious cigarette smoke floating all around in the air.
Imagine a world where everyone is high off some different drug, and doing anything they can to
obtain that drug. A world where there are hundreds of overdoses and different types of deaths
everyday. If people keep doing drugs this is where the world is heading. Even after one dose of any
drug, anyone can become addicted. Addiction can take over the brain and make anyone do actions
they would not normally do. It can also slowly or quickly end any valuable life.
Drugs can and will work to take over the brain of any and every addict. Drugs may work in many
different ways to take over the brain. Drugs interfere with how the brain communicates with itself
and your body. Drugs can Interfere with sending, receiving, and processing information. Drugs such
as marijuana and heroin fool receptors ... Show more content on ...
Drugs can kill by the impact of far–reaching addiction. Impact of far–reaching addiction can be very
fatal. Far–reaching addiction could cause cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, lung disease, and
many mental disorders. Although impacts of far–reaching addiction are very serious, combinations
of different drugs are usually more fatal. Combinations such as alcohol and heroin or painkillers are
are fatal and common combination. That combination is deadly because all three of those substances
suppress breathing in a different way. Painkillers and alcohols suppress breathing and heroin
increases it. This will cause the excitatory, breathing out, and inhibitory, breathing in, to be out of
balance. Stimulants such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine can kill in a various amount of
ways. They can kill by overheating, brain damage, and heart attack. Smoking can also kill. Smoking
can kill by lung cancer or a nicotine overdose which will paralyze breathing muscles causing a
failure in breathing. Drugs can kill in many different
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Persuasive Speech On Mobile Phone
Obviously, It's your steady friend. It's in your pocket, in your pack, in your grasp, or against your
head. You utilize it at home, in class, at the rec center, in coffeehouses, before you go to rest during
the evening and first thing when you get up in the morning. I'm talking, obviously, about your
mobile phone. How many of you use your mobile phone more than an hour a day? Of course,
everyone of us uses it many times each day. Yet, imagine a scenario where your steady friend is
unsafe to your wellbeing. Confirmation is heaping up that long haul utilization of mobile phone can
prompt tissue harm, tumors, and even cerebrum growth.
Transition: First, I would like to verbalize about the quandaries that mobile phone gives to our body
and what ... Show more content on ...
Headsets extremely safe use to lessen the danger of getting cerebrum disease.
A. RF Safe has been offering consumers a radiation safe optional to wired–hands free headsets more
than 10 years now.
1. "The RF Safe Air Tube Headset was produced utilizing acoustic innovation to keep conceivably
destructive radiation not even close to your head.
2. According to John Coates, Founder of RF Safe Air Tube Headset, an air–tube leads the sound to
your head, there are simply no electrical parts directing audio to your head. Much like a specialist's
stethoscope, just an air tube is utilized to direct sound to the headset.
B. RF Safe sells a safe cell phone accessory package deal that provides mobile phone radiation
protection that addresses three major areas of radiation exposure when using a headset.
1. This package features an air–tube headset and RF Safe radiation protected case for your body
when the phone is in your pocket or handbag.
2. An additional level of RF protection, the package deal also includes a clip on Ferrite filter that
further reduces the amount of microwave frequency radiation that can travel up the headset wire
across a cell phone user's
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Jabberwocky Essay
Lewis Carroll(1832–1898) is a British writer with impressive works including, "Alice In
Wonderland" as well as "Jabberwocky". In "Jabberwocky", readers are taken on an adventurous
journey through sounds and images of a world all its own. His main purpose when using those
details was to to make a creative world in which the reader would feel not only like they're reading
the poem, but that they're actually going through the same journey as the main characters. He
achieves the purpose by using the poetic devices; imagery, onomatopoeia, and alliteration.
Carroll's use of imagery not only made the poem better, it helped the reader grasp the main purpose.
When a young character is being warned by his elder of the dangers that plague their world ... Show
more content on ...
When explaining the dangers of the jabberwocky it is mentioned that the monster has,"claws that
catch!"(6). Both of the words start with the letter c, which seems to have a dangerous and harsh ring
to it. The sound is aggressive in the way that it is a very pronounced syllable in many words that
envelope fear such as; cut or kill, and almost sounds like actual claws snapping together. When
heard it exerts a feeling of danger, therefore letting the reader interpret the sounds to the
jabberwocky's physical and mental traits that mirror those of a big and scary monster. He used
alliteration to further the feeling of a creative world that the reader feels a part
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Theme Of Mending Wall And Birches
To know the meaning of these two poems, "Mending Wall" and "Birches", we first must understand
what are these poems about on a literal level. "Mending Wall" tells about the story of a rock wall,
that is build to separate two properties (the speaker and his neighbor) in the countryside, and
something is always destroying it. On the other hand, we have the poem of "Birches" and the
speaker talks about how he does not like how the birches bend because of the storm so he imagines
that children are the ones who climb the birch tree as high as they can and then when they have
reached the point where the birch can support their weight any more, they bend the birch because
the kick their legs and pull the tree down to one side. With this information we can discuss and try to
understand the deeper meaning of these two poems and how ... Show more content on ...
In the poem of "Mending Wall", Frost uses sound to enrich and enhances his theme/meaning of the
poem. He writes in a soft and harmonious way, almost in a reflective tone. He enriches more his
theme of separation/barrier–building to give empathy towards the speaker and the way he asks
himself, why is the stonewall still there separating both the speaker and his neighbor. "Before I built
a Wall/I'd ask to know/What I was walling in or walling out,/And to whom I was like to give
offense." However, there is the implication that something even deeper is going on and Frost uses a
harsh tone for it. When he inscribes a certain type of "dialogue" between the speaker and his
neighbor, the neighbor's response is very harsh and discordant. "My apple trees will never get
across/And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him/He only says/Good fences make good
neighbors". With this response the reader can connect with the speaker and see how harsh the
speaker's neighbor response is. Here we can see the theme of this poem is that a respectful distance
between neighbors is the recipe for harmonious relationships: 'Good fences make good neighbors'.
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Does The Parietal Lobe Affect The Human Brain?
It is a good question, indeed we can train our brain to be smarter, but we cannot deny that world has
people that was born with an advanced brain. To clarify this the documentary "How Smart Are You"
by National Geographic, shows many ways to improve our capacity to memorize things; as a names,
numbers, days, words, etc.; in sequence. They tell about of how some people can develops parts of
the brain faster than other humans. A curiosity of an Einstein's brain is that, the parietal lobe is 15%
larger than the others in the sample researched. The brain is divided into four areas, the Parietal
lobe, the Frontal lobe, Occipital and temporal Lobe. The frontal lobe is associated with reasoning,
planning, movements, emotions and problem solving; the Parietal Lobe is associated with
movement, orientation, recognition and perception; the Occipital Lobe is associated with visual
processing; and the Temporal Lobe is associated with perception and recognition of auditory,
memorize, and speech. People can develop and enlarge the brain with training, the most part of
musician that play a piano or violin, they are capable in increase the part of his brain that is
responsible to the musician ability, with a long session of training. ... Show more content on ...
Next, in the step two, we have to imagine the words that we have to memorize acting in the ambient
that we analyzed before; but, we need imagine the sound too, to be more alive. Now the last step is,
remember the scene that you imagine to memorize the words and say them. To conclude, the
technique is, how big is your imagination, how big is the scene that you create; with sounds,
connections, etc; more easy to remember will
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Hamilton Musical Analysis
Album: Soundtrack from the Original Cast of Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda
Headline: "Hamilton Soundtrack Will Make You Want to Major In US History"
Lead: In the world of musicals, Hamilton has become a rising star. However, some of us cannot
afford to pay $500 a ticket to see the show, which is sold out for months into the future, performed
live. But do not fear, the soundtrack to the musical in itself is wonderfully enjoyable, and tells much
of the musical's story as well.
To start off, the soundtrack can be listened to for free online (and on music programs like Spotify
and Itunes), thanks to the kindness of Lin Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton. Second, the
soundtrack is divided into two halves, both containing 23 tracks.
I was
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Sound Is All Around Us By Jason Torres States
Sound is very important in our lives, we need it to talk, sing, and for some animals for food. But
have you ever wondered how sound works? Well, there are two main reasons because of energy and
we are able to understand what does. without these two elements, sound would not be as important
as it is. One reason why sound is essential to us is because it is energy. You might think something
else but sound is really just energy. The article, Sound is All around us, written by Jason Torres
states,"energy is released in the form of vibrations. The vibrations emit from whatever has made the
sound in what is known as a longitudinal wave." So as basic as it is sound is just energy being
released in the form of vibrations. The second reason
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Permissive Style Induction to Pmr Essay examples
I would like you to sit down or lie down and make yourself as comfortable as you can... you have a
choice to loosen any tight clothes or take off your shoes.... If at any time you want to move to make
yourself more comfortable... you can do that... you are in control.... Now once you feel settled you
may close your eyes and simply enjoy.... This is your time to relax and experience your own
sensations, Feel calm in this moment. Nothing else matters. You are safe. Concentrate on your
breathing Take a deep breath. Breathe in... and exhale. As you concentrate on your breathing you
may notice some sounds from outside,... let them disperse, ...nothing can disturb you. ...If you feel
any areas of your body are carrying the tension of the ... Show more content on ...
imagine all those muscles that connect to your spine and tummy... imagine how much they can
relax... and let them relax ... and with each gentle breath you can relax those muscles more and
more... That's right. You can allow yourself to let go now... really let go and go deeper and deeper ..
relax every muscle in your body... and maybe you can feel a wave of exhilaration flowing down
your body... from your head down.... all the way down to your toes..... And the more you relax... the
easier it becomes to relax even more...As your body becomes relaxed; your mind becomes more
relaxed, as well. ...If you notice any further tensions maybe in the muscles along the hip or buttocks
or in your upper leg. .. you may Let that tension simply flow from the top of your leg.... though your
calves.... and through the muscles of the feet and ankles and out of your toes.................... At this
point, you may feel very relaxed.... You may experience the tranquillity and peace..... If you need to
swallow, that's okay..... If you adjust for comfort, that's okay, as well.... From your head to your toes,
you have allowed yourself to become completely and totally relaxed.... Your mind has now also
become relaxed.... This relaxation feels so good..., you may want to enjoy this experience for a few
moments. (Pause) As you allow your entire body to become limp and loose and feel relaxed,... this
time may become
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How Does Montag Use Imagery In Fahrenheit 451
Think about a time when you had a headache, whether from confusion, a sickness, annoyance, or
anything else. How did you feel? An example of sensory imagery is shown on page 103, with the
author saying: "Montag's head whirled sickeningly. He felt beaten unmercifully on brow, eyes, nose,
lips, chin, on shoulders, on upflailing arms." (Pg.103) From this quote describing how Montag felt
when Beatty was talking about his dream, and our own personal experiences with headaches, we get
a good sense of how confused Montag must have felt while listening to Beatty, and we can relate to
him. Another example of sensory imagery can be seen in the first sentence of Burning Bright, which
says: "Lights flicked on and house doors opened all down the street, to watch the carnival set up."
(Pg.107) ... Show more content on ...
Ironically, earlier in the book Clarisse states that people were afraid of firemen, however, the people
on Montag's street do not seem afraid at all of the firemen, as they are coming out to watch them. In
fact, as they compare the firemen setting up to a carnival being set up, it's likely that firemen are a
source of entertainment for everyone, except for the people who are having their house burnt down.
The fact that people are coming out to watch Montag's house burn down could be emphasizing the
society's love for entertainment, and lack of care for life and other
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Harry Strains By Jk Rowling Summary
The author J. K. Rowling wrote a book called Harry Potter. He intrigued his audience by having
different uses of imagery. J. K. Rowling describes various different ideas in his book to create
imagery, the tastes and smell of food, sounds from the forest, sights Harry Potter saw at Hogwarts,
and the feelings Harry got from his scar, therefore these are all unlike examples of different types of
imagery. The imagery used by Rowling including senses of taste, smell, hearing, sight, and touch.
The authors writing stories as Indian literature, use many various forms of structure and more to get
readers into the works. India and Pakistan writers use three types of imagery to intrigue the readers
into reading more into the writing. Auditory, visual, ... Show more content on ...
This imagery helps readers imagine dark, gross, and scary events. The author, Faiz Ahmed Faiz,
wrote a poem called "Three Quatrains," which gives an example, through his third paragraph, of
dark imagery that can be gross, "I dip my fingers into my heart's blood," (Faiz 550). By imagining
the hearts blood, one can infer that the person is dying and this shows how this imagery is dark.
Dark imagery also expressed the pain through words, as the author has used pain from the tree that
gives a scary and dark image, "This night is the tree of pain," (Faiz 552). Both of the words "night"
and "pain" is a start to a horror movie, but it could scare the reader, when they imagine the same
dark place. Dark imagery is also used as a confliction to confuse the readers. In the poem, "Be Near
Me," the author contradicts the writing, which may confuse the audience, "My tormentor, my love...
darkness comes With the balm of musk in its hands," (Faiz). This confusion between torment and
love is conflicting to be a dark image, therefore, one's mind might ultimately imagine hate. Imagery
is a strong part of Indian and Pakistan literature to ensure the audience is engaged and interested in
the works of
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What Is Coin Two Sides And The Line Combiner?
The category: 1234 (a, b, c, d) a or b are two states like day and night then c is the one who
differentiate the other two existing states thus it is the one who separates and that equals to Strength
that combines Both States. Total 3 are constructing a unique form of Coin two Sides and the line
Combiner in between. The third line the Line In Between is Equal to an Arrow Directed at, Ends up
in the centre of the cycle and that Particular position, the Centre, is equal to the position of human
head Human Head. [And that defines North, South Polls of the magnet, and Head to Feet are in
equal ratio with Sky, Earth, and States: Gravity, levity gravity force toward the earth toward and
levity force toward the sky example Smock, Gases and Time Space
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Meditation Analysis
Before I take this class, I know that meditation is just sitting on the floor, close eyes and meditating.
Because I did not know how to do it, I didn't know how difficult it is. The first day of meditation
class, I had hard time to follow. We were sitting on the chair instead of floor. I thought meditation is
only sitting on the floor. It was interesting. Probably sitting on the chair is easier than floor; we all
used to sitting on the chair. I tried both at home on the floor, chair and bed. Sitting on the chair was
the best. It was comfortable and my body was more relax.
The first meditation in the class was difficult because I had too much thought in my mind. I was
trying to focus on my breaths, but after I count three, so much thoughts ... Show more content on ...
I am used to make noise my ears with music or TV. If I stay quietly, I feel lonesome. When I don't
listen music, I researching online or play game with my phone. During I do my assignment I turn on
a fan in my room because I just need any sound. I just could not stay in the quiet places. I thought it
is good opportunity to calm down and practice stay quietly.
During I am taking meditation class, I did meditation almost everyday. It was easy to sitting on the
floor with right pose for ten minutes, but it was not easy to focus on present moment. I kept judged
myself that stop thinking about other things for few days. Finally I found the way to aware of
present moment. When I meditation, I aware of sounds and smell. If I hear the sound of wind and
leaves are shaking, I imagine that I am at the mountain or field. Sometimes I imagine that I am at the
snow–clad mountain. I look around. There are many mountains, but other mountains are lower than
the mountain that I am hiking. While I imagine them, I kept aware of present moment.
During we do meditating in the class, we aware of any sensation on part of my body. When Miss
Julie said finger, I focused on my finger. When she said left ear, my ear was sore. I used to get sored
once a while, but I never got sore in the
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Timbre Essay

  • 1. Timbre Essay 3 Assignment 1 Timbre is what allows a listener to distinguish between two different sounds. It allows the listener to recognize the difference between different songs, such as ABC (The Jackson 5) (1970), and Back in Black (AC/DC) (1980). It also enables the listener to decipher a variety of notes in a piece of music, and even recognize individuals by the sound of their voice. The Sound I chose the song Imagine (John Lennon) (1971) because of the powerful lyrics that hold so much meaning, and how relevant the lyrics still are 40 years later. People will be able to relate to the piece for years to come, as Lennon paints a world which many dream of, but will never achieve. The piece also has very strong timbre, and is a very recognizable piece ... Show more content on ... There are many aspects of timbre in this piece, all which allow us to identify the song, and feel the emotion that Lennon is trying to convey. Different types of timbre in this piece include voice, piano, drums, and violin. The piece begins with a solo piano, which sets the tone for the song. It introduces the listener to the piece in a way that allows us to understand that the song will be slow, and ballad– like. The sounds of multiple violins playing at once, as they do later in the piece, gives the listener a sense of unison, which is one of the main messages the piece is trying to convey. Why Is It Meaningful? This piece is renowned for having a very deep meaning. Lennon describes this vast idea of a world without concepts that separates the human population into distinct segregations, and brews a hate for each other. He discusses how the world would be a better place if there were 4 no such things as religion, no war, no countries, and no hate. Lennon pictures a world without disparity, hunger, and suffering. Anyone can relate to these ideas if they reflect on their lives, as most people have received some sort of hate, or intolerance in their lives. This could include sexism, racism, homophobia, or intolerance towards people who have mental or physical disabilities. The world that the lyrics in this song paint is something that almost every person has wished for, sometime in their ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Imagine Dragons Research Paper When it comes to bands and singers, Imagine Dragons is definitely one of the best. They are an American indie/rock/alternative band from Las Vegas. Their variety in music, appealing sound and development is what makes them worth your time. This band should definitely be added to your playlist and here's why: Imagine Dragons is an amazing band because of their variety of music. To some extent, it does not matter what style of music you like, there will be a song they have written you will enjoy. They range from alternative rock, to indie pop, electropop, indie rock and pop rock. Their songs can be upbeat, mellow, aggressive or melancholic. 'Thunder' is an example of a more upbeat song while 'Battle Cry' is a more mellow/sad song. Imagine Dragons' ... Show more content on ... No one is going to listen to a poor sounding singer or band. Imagine Dragons definitely covers sounding good. Their lead vocalist, Dan Reynolds, is loved by fans for his 'impassioned vocals [that] often feel tailor–made for shout–out–loud choruses' ( but also his passionate vocals in other songs. Atwood magazine wrote a review for Imagine Dragons newest album and said, 'Dan's vocals stretch over the music and into the silence, I can almost feel all of the things the band's been through to get here.' Imagine Dragons has been through some difficulties in their career and for a while, no one knew who they were and also having some members fight depression. But then they wrote the right song and became famous. Although they became famous, they stayed true to their original image and their fans. As reviews have shown, Imagine Dragons has a very pleasant and also passionate sound. Some of their music can be slightly distorted, and this is not to everyone's taste, but this only applies to a couple of their songs. Although their sound may not be organic on the rare occasion, overall Dan Reynolds has an extremely pleasant sounding voice and the instrumental side of the band is ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. It is Impossible to Accurately Imagine What is it like to... It is Impossible to Accurately Imagine What is it like to be a Bat Insofar as I can imagine this (which is not very far), it tells me only what it would be like for me to behave as a bat behaves. But that is not the question. I want to know what it is like for a bat to be a bat... – Thomas Nagel In order to take the above request seriously, one must assume that bats have experience and consciousness. Assuming so, one must then imagine the consciousness that a bat must live with. Its brain is "designed to correlate outgoing impulses with subsequent echoes, and the information thus acquired enables the bat to make precise discriminations of distance, size, shape, motion, and texture comparable to those we make by vision." ... Show more content on ... Is a bat aware of its own existence? If a bat is not aware of its own existence, then the above question is immediately answered: a bat simply flutters around carrying out its activities of life, experiencing nothing, just living. If a bat is aware of its existence, there are infinitely more questions to be raised to discover exactly what life as a bat is like. Many would argue that the key difference between the human consciousness and that of a bat is vision – I disagree. In order to see its world, a bat relies on sound and echoes to create the complex world that a human sees by vision; is that a key difference? The difference in the electromagnetic sound waves and light waves is little more than wavelength and frequency, therefore it is very reasonable to assume that a bat's vision is nearly as accurate as a human's, perhaps better if the bouncing waves are sent frequent enough to produce a constant image. Vision is not a key difference, but only an integral part of the sensory system that produces any creature's consciousness. For the most accurate depiction, one would need to know how a bat's senses of smell, taste, and touch compare to that of a human's, or more importantly, how a bat thinks. Humans have developed many complex ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Imagination; a Human's Special Sence Essay Daimaly Gines 10/25/12 FD #3 Expos, Section Imagination: A Human's Special Sense Human beings have the ability to create their own individual worlds through imagination. However, the imagination is limited because of the constant use of technology and the reliance on vision. The technological culture has separated humans from the actual world and their senses; much like vision has done. In the essay "The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses", Juhani Pallasmaa focuses on the exploration of the senses and how they interact with one another. We also see his discussion on how vision can affect the human experience. The more visually capable we are, the more we begin to lose our sense of imagination. Similarly in the essay ... Show more content on ... We see that our imagination comes into play when our vision is obscured. Without the sense of vision, our other senses quickly assume richness and power. This occurs to blind people such as Hull, who at the age of forty–eight became completely blind. Sacks states that Hull "speaks of how the sound of the rain, never before accorded much attention, can now delineate a whole landscape for throws a coloured blanket over previously invisible things" (304). In other words, we see that Sacks is showing us how strong Hull's imagination was after becoming blind. Just because Hull became blind, it did not mean that Hull's life was over. On the other hand, it was a new beginning for Hull. He was able to make use of his other senses and see how important they are. With Hull's imagination also came a sense of intimacy with his surroundings. He felt as though with his strong visual imagery, he had a strong sense of closeness, which evolves from imagining. The term 'delineate' has a significant meaning in Sack's text because imagination is what led Hull to be able to portray the images precisely in his mind. Similarly, Pallasmaa states, "anyone who has half–woken up to the sound of a train or an ambulance in a nocturnal city, and though his/her sleep experienced the space of the city with its countless inhabitants scattered within its structures, knows the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. I Felt A Funeral In My Brain Diction I felt a Funeral, in my Brain during an in class Essay Emily Dickinson's poems are in many ways very different from the Enlightenment writings and also the Romantic movement. In her poem, "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain," her style is completely unique in terms of punctuation, meaning, and imagery. By discussing her own feelings and inner thoughts rather than just glorifying nature like many poets of her day, Dickinson's poems are insightful on human emotions and help us understand her emotions. One way that she portrays her feelings is through word choice and sentence structure. For example, the first line begins with the phrase "I felt a Funeral." At first glance, that is a little bit strange, but many will be able to identify with the distinct emotions associated with funerals: gloom, mourning, sadness. The beginning of the sentence is easy for the reader to identify with. But then she adds, "in my Brain." This experience is less familiar for most people, but because the reader has already identified what a funeral feels like, it is easier to understand what she means by the first line and to imagine that same emotion, whether or not we have ever actually had brain funerals. Another example of blending familiar feelings to create complex concepts is in the beginning of the third ... Show more content on ... The experience of lifting a box or casket is quite easy to understand. The next line is quite odd, but because it is possible to picture a loud, old, creaky box making a horrid sound as it opens, it is easier to imagine that it creaked across her soul, especially if the funeral is in her head. Even the word choice itself helps communicate her agony. The word 'creak' sounds a lot like what it means. It is sharp and not very pleasant. This is in contrast to the word 'Soul,' which sounds like 'soothe,' 'soup,' and 'swell,' and has a much nicer sound. The sharp contrast helps the audience identify with the sound of a loud ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Most Dangerous Game Imagery Examples Imagery is incredibly crucial to stories and their plots. It helps the reader vividly imagine what is being written in their mind and make it seem as if they are a character in the story. A piece of literature that has incredible examples of imagery is The Most Dangerous Game, written by Richard Connell. The imagery in this story appeals to all five senses while also contributing to the plot. There are examples of imagery that appeals to three out of the five senses and also contributes to the plot of the story The Most Dangerous Game. To restate, the author uses imagery to develop the plotline. One sense that the author incorporates into the literature work The Most Dangerous Game is smell. The author states, "...and the night breeze brought him the perfume of the general's cigarette." This imagery is important to the plotline because it tells when Rainsford smells General Zaroff. Without this piece of imagery, the author would not have let the readers know that Rainsford smelled Zaroff approaching. To summarize, the author uses the imagery of smell to let the readers know what is going on. ... Show more content on ... One example of imagery in the text is the sense sound. The author used the sense of sound to create imagery so that the reader can imagine what is going on. The author reports, "He knew his pursuer was coming; He heard the padding sound of feet on the soft earth." This is an example of imagery because Rainsford described what he heard so that the reader could imagine what sound he heard. This is important to the plot line because the main part of the story revolves on not getting found and to stay alive. If he can hear the padding of his pursuers feet than he might lose "the game.'' Therefore the sense of sound is incorporated into the literature to help develop the plot of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Bible School Vacation Paper Vacation Bible school is ending at Morris Brown AME Church as the clock strikes 7:30 p.m. on June 17, 2015. Anxious to take their pick from hot dogs, chips, lemon cakes and sodas, children scurry to the fellowship hall. The teens walk in collectively, laughing and kidding about the things teens laugh and kid about. The adults trail closely behind. Some are sharing stories about their day at work, others telling about their day babysitting grandchildren. Many have not seen one another since the previous Sunday, so it's a good time to catch –up. I imagine the vibe is similar a few blocks up the street at Mother Emanuel AME Church. After conducting a quarterly conference meeting, they are preparing for Bible study. I envision the church members ... Show more content on ... "Amen," the group says collectively. Pages flip, pens click and the Bible study begins. It is not long after the prayer when they dig into the fourth chapter of Mark, when the entrance door creeks open. Members turn their heads slightly to notice a young, white man entering the room. I imagine one of the members motioning to him, encouraging him to grab a seat. "Good evening young man," says one of the older women as she smiles. The young man asks for the pastor. I envision the members directing him to Reverend Pinckney, who shakes the visitor's hand as the young man sits beside him. One member passes the visitor a sheet of paper to follow along the group's study. The group does not know the young man. Sporting a bowl–shaped haircut, he looks rather young. He stands out from the rest of them, but they accept him. I imagine Morris Brown would have done the same. To Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Rev. Sharonda Coleman–Singleton, Tywanza Sanders, Ethel Lance, Susie Jackson, DePayne Middleton Doctor, Rev. Daniel Simmons, Myra Thompson and Cynthia Hurd. May your souls rest in ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Character Analysis: Burn Down The Ground Hands of My Father "The Sound of Color" opened my eyes to the intricacies of American Sign Language. My only experiences with Deaf families and Deaf communities comes from the book "Burn Down the Ground" by Kambri Crews and the information I learned in CDS 201. Needless to say, I have a lot to learn. Uhlberg's description of all the different ways people can display their sex, geographic origin, and personality through their use of sign enlightened me. I can vividly imagine a person who is shy, signing in a reserved, guarded and confined fashion, and then I see the person who is outgoing, signing in an expansive, full bodied and overly expressive way. Although people speaking in ASL may not have an audibly loud or soft voice, I now understand ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury Imagery Essay In the short story "All Summer in a Day", the author Ray Bradbury uses sensory imagery such as sight and sound to describe the setting of his version of planet Venus and to describe the children. He then uses the absence of sensory imagery when describing Margot to create contrast which helps us understand the idea that people who are different are ostracised and hated. With the use of sensory imagery, Ray Bradbury paints a picture in our minds of how the planet Venus in his story looks and sounds like. He describes this planet where it "...had been raining for seven years..." as the sound and look of "...tatting drum, the endless shaking down of clear bead necklaces upon the rood, the walk, the gardens, the forest..." This tells us that the ... Show more content on ... Not only did they exclude her but they also hater her for her differences, for the absence of colour on "...her pale snow face, her waiting silence, her thinness and her possible future." They acted on this hate and "...put her in a closet..." and caused her to miss the sun coming out. They excluded her from all the fun they had in the sun but more than that, they made her miss the event she had been looking forward to since she came to this planet five years ago. By showing us this, Ray Bradbury successfully explains to us how Margot is different from the rest of the children in the way she acts and because of this difference she is ostracised and hated. Ray Bradbury shows us that people with a difference are ostracised and hated with the example of how the children treat Margot differently for being different to them. He explains by using contrasting sensory imagery just how much just the way that a person acts can make them look different to everyone else and how much they stand out in a crowd. He is also implying to us that just because someone is different it doesn't mean we have to exclude them just because that's what normally happens because you might just cost them the joy for the next seven years to ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Analysis Of Nature, By Ray Bradbury In Ray Bradbury's novel, the author uses a range of rhetorical devices to emphasize the atmosphere Douglas is living in. In lines 3–5, the author uses personification to attribute the weather of summer as if it was a human doing something, for example, "summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the breathing of the world was long and warm and slow." In the quote, the weather of summer is calm and relaxing referencing it as "long and warm" and the wind blowing as if it were a person blowing air. In line 11, the author uses another instance of personification to amaze Douglas of summer, for example, "let summer idle him", which means that summer "idles" him as in, makes him still of amazement on its early morning stream. In line 14, the author uses hyperbole to exaggerate the summer wind, for instance, "riding high in the June wind", which means Douglas is overstating the feeling wind of summer as if he was riding it. In line 16, the author uses a metaphor to make trees clean each other with water, for example, "At night when the trees washed together" which means when its at night the trees end up being washed when they are close together. In lines 16–17, the author uses simile to compare Douglas with an object, for instance, "he flashed his gaze like a beacon from his lighthouse", which means that Douglas looks steadily at the outside of his house like a "beacon from a lighthouse" and compares him as a "lighthouse" to show how he gazes the outside. In ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Personal Narrative: The Culture Of Deaf People Benjamin Franklin Once said "You can do anything you set your mind to." Only now have I realized how true this is. I always thought that Deaf people couldn't do what hearing people could do. and that they had all these things that they couldn't do, when in reality I was being naive . Deaf people can do anything they want to, except hear. I was also naive for not thinking about how Deaf people have their own culture. And now that I think about it, it's obvious that they have their own culture. All languages have their own culture. Part of their culture is that many of them, if they had the choice, would choose to stay deaf than be able to hear. And to me this is just weird, but that's just part of my culture. It's scary for me to imagine a life ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Giving Up A Sense Have you ever thought about giving up a sense? People lose their sense to touch, see, taste, hear and smell every day. These are the things that we take for granted. Therefore, if I had to choose to give up a sense; it would have to be the sense of taste. Taste is a major sense that people would refuse to give up because they will be separated from their favorite meals or snacks. On second thought, giving up taste may not be a bad idea. Think about it, you will no longer be forced to eat healthy foods. Although taste and smell work together, giving up the sense of taste is a great choice to the contrary of the other four senses because smelling the food would give me a sense as to how it may taste or if the food has become tainted. Losing ... Show more content on ... It would be very difficult having to adjust to a world without sound. The sounds that's warn us, such as horns, alarms and bells, for example, are very important in our everyday lives. These type of sounds gives people a heads up, like it is a train blowing its horn to warn drivers that a train is approaching the crossing. Also, tornado sirens alerts people to give them crucial time to evacuate and get to safety. Being able to hear these sounds are very important because they keep you safe and out of harm's way. Another reason why, out of the five senses, taste would be the one I would be able to give up so easily is because unlike taste, the sense of touch is extremely important. Could you imagine coming home, from a long and stressful day, and not be embraced by something or someone you love? Without the sense of touch, you could not feel the warmth of that embrace. Touch is essential to our lives because, just like hearing, it warns us if something is to hot or too cold. In conclusion, I would give up taste over smell, sight, hearing and touching, because unlike these senses, it does not affect my interaction with the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Notes on the Sea and Ozymandias Ozymandias Points to remember: 1. The statue of Ozymandias stands as a metaphor (symbol) of the temporal (not permanent) nature of political power. Time and history have a destructive power that brings all to an end. 2. The statue in the poem also symbolizes pride or 'hubris' (arrogance) of all humanity in any form it may take. 3. Material possessions do not last. 4. The poet points out to us that all that is left is art (the remains) and a few words (what is written on the pedestal). It seems therefore that art and language outlast the legacies of power. (see Shakespeare's Sonnet LX) 5. In describing Ozymandias the poet distances him from our present reality in fact the narrator meets a traveller who describes the ... Show more content on ... Even the way the verses are placed like waves to completely immerse the reader into the atmosphere, shows imagination. In the first two stanzas the atmosphere at sea is wild and frightening. The poet describes the wild sea as if it is a 'hungry dog'. This is a metaphor that carries along throughout the poem. The poet takes the qualities of a dog and transfers them to the sea, for example the sea is 'giant and grey' and it has 'clashing teeth' and 'shaggy jaws'. The poet makes us imagine the atmosphere at sea when it is rough and dangerous. The repetition of the word 'bones' conveys an idea of rocks being eroded by the sea as it gnaws the rocks or else we are reminded of the bones of those whose life ended at sea. In the second stanza the rough sea becomes a stormy sea and the dog is now angry. The waves crash on the rocks and we can imagine the sea spray in the metaphor, 'shaking his wet sides over the cliffs'. The poet also describes sounds in an imaginative way reminding us of the sounds made by a dog, 'snuffs and sniffs' and 'howls and hollos'. These alliterations emphasise the scary atmosphere with a kind of death–like omen. Even the moon in the sky seems to be 'rocking' because the wind is very strong and clouds are flying fast.
  • 26. There is a sudden contrast in stanza three, where the sea calms down and the 'dog' is sleeping peacefully. The atmosphere is calm and we imagine ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. How Does Poe Build Suspense In The Tell Tale Heart The Tell Tale Heart Summary Imagine being haunted by one object your entire life. One object that you can't get rid of unless you kill a nice old man. Well this is what the narrator in The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe has to deal with. In this story the main character is haunted by the blue eye of an old man. I bothers him so much, in fact, that he has decided to kill the old man so that he can get rid of the eye forever. So he watches the man every night at midnight, waiting for the perfect moment to kill him. But the eye is always closed. After about a week of watching the old man the narrator accidentally scares him awake. The old man's heart starts to beat louder and louder so the narrator pulls him to the ground and suffocates him ... Show more content on ... He said things like "... it was four o'clock– still dark as midnight" (Poe 93). The reader can imagine the narrator burying the body in pitch black darkness.This gives the reader a feel for the creepiness of it all. This builds suspense in the story. The setting is also described by saying "And every night, about midnight, I turned the latch of his door" (Poe 90). The reader can picture the narrator holding his lamp and turning the door to the old man's chamber. This adds suspense because the reader can see how creepy it is for the narrator to be doing this. And they can also imagine this happening to ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Warriors By Imagine Dragon Research Paper Music essay Music is something that can impact a person's life in a negative or positive way. Ways it impacts my life is by how it helps me exercise, how it tells my story, and how it helps me relax. Music helps me exercise by motivating me when i feel that i want to give up. One song that helps me exercise is "Warriors", by Imagine Dragon. The song just feels me and I love the way it sounds. A quote in that song that really motivates me is "Awake at night and scheme of all the things that you would change ,but it was just a dream." Music tells my story in many songs ,but one song that really stuck to me was "Blood Brothers", by Luke Bryan. The song explains how you would do anything for your brother no matter what the cost. "Blood brothers ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Imagery In Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand's biography titled Unbroken recounts the life of Louie Zamperini and major events that occurred throughout it. Hillenbrand's purpose was to emphasize the inspirational story of heroic Zamperini as he qualified and participated in the Olympics, as well as describe the endless struggle of pain in the plane crash and in the Japanese POW camps. She also portrays the importance of dignity and resilience and how without it, the chances of surviving the cruel events Louie experienced during World War II would have been minimal. In the first part of the story, since the book didn't have a point of view from Louie, the author uses many different types of imagery to allow the reader to imagine what Louie experienced and how it impacted ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Thunder By Imagine Dragons: Music Analysis 'I was dreaming of bigger things, and wanna leave my own life behind' (Imagine Dragons, 2017). Loud chaotic noises are what is heard from a boat race and that is why a rock song is the best choice for 'The Thunder' Offshore Superboat Championship campaign. That's why I believe that the song, Thunder by Imagine Dragons, is the best choice as thunder can be associated with engines. This song is also extremely loud throughout the whole song and this will capture the attention of the audience more than if the advertisement was quiet. A rock song is perfect for the next event in 'The Thunder' Offshore Superboat Championship to be held in Hervey Bay. As this song is called Thunder it causes the name of the event stand out more as it is repeated multiple ... Show more content on ... This is why Thunder by Imagine Dragons would be the best choice for the campaign to advertise this wonderful event. Thunder grabs the attention of the audience as it is loud, mainly because of the drums that are played that causes everyone look and listen to what is there. The loud engines can be linked to the sound of thunder in various ways, including the use of sound and the unknown of what may occur during the race. The use of pitch, duration and timbre help prove that this is the best song for the event. This song will motivate the listeners into coming to the race and supporting the fellow racers and those that made this event ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Poem Analysis: 'The Weary Blues' Poetry Analysis: The Weary Blues In the poem The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes, the poet is able to use many sound devices and symbolism to fully develop clear sounds and images that the poem makes. This poem creates vivid images by using similes and personification. In line 13, the author makes reference to the musician playing the piano "like a fool". This is able to give the readers a picture of the man not playing the piano seriously, but is so brilliantly foolish that the music comes out to be perfection. Also in line 35, Hughes uses the simile of "the man is sleeping like a rock" because it describes how deeply the man is sleeping without movement or action. However, also in line 35 it says the musician is resting "like a dead man" this is so ... Show more content on ... In lines 23, Hughes uses the sound device of onomatopoeia to create a sound image for the reader. He uses such words like "Thump, thump, thump" to let the audience know that the mans' foot makes this sound when hitting the floor. It is easy to imagine a musician sitting on a porch playing his music while the thumping of his feet wanders in the background. Also in line one, the dragging sounds of O in "drowning and drowsy" create a sound device of alliteration. Both these words start with the letter D that makes the sounds of yawning of a "syncopated tune". This allows the audience to create the sound images of a man singing his blues that ends in yawning from his tiredness. Lastly the final sound device used in this poem is repetition. Many lines in this poem are repeated, this creates the symbol of importance. When using repetition as a sound device it creates emphasis on certain words or phrases that can result in making sounds. For example in the lines "a lazy sway, a lazy sway" gets drawn out when reading because of the repetition it creates the "O" sound. Finally in the ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Film Analysis : ' The Film ' Spatial Horror A movie is a series of images shown very rapidly one after another. Each frame is just a flat two– dimensional image, yet with certain formal elements directors can create a sense of a three– dimensional space. Some techniques utilized by filmmakers are the same as those painters' use; things such as lighting, color, contrast, and shadows. Yet when the painting starts to move a whole new world of spatial elements open up, giving a filmmaker many ways to bring a two–dimensional image to life. The space created by such elements can be used to make the audience feel a certain way about a scene or movie as a whole. In the Swedish horror film Let the Right One In there are three scenes in which the vampire Eli murders people. The director Tomas Alfredson uses space differently in each of these scenes, evoking different emotions in the audience each time and escalating the horror sequentially as the film progresses. In the first, the audience is shown everything; Alfredson uses a single take and a motionless camera in a wide angle to show the entire attack. Secondly, the audience is taken around a small dimly lit house and is subjected to a jump scare when Eli attacks her victim (I will be referring to Eli as "her" despite the fact that her gender is left ambiguous). In the final murder scene, almost the entirety of the horror is done in an off–screen space. In Let the Right One In the use of varying camera angles, sounds, lighting, and editing establish space in each ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. How Does Yamanaka Use Similes In The Lemon Tree Billiards... John Green once stated, "If you don't imagine, nothing ever happens at all." When the author uses Descriptive adjectives and Similes their goal is to create an image in the reader's head, because if they didn't it would be dull, and boring. In the story "The Lemon Tree Billiard House" Cedric Yamanaka uses similes, and descriptive adjectives to describe, mood, settings, and the characters in the story. In the story "The Lemon Tree Billiards House" Cedric Yamanaka used descriptive adjectives to express the setting, mood, and characters. In the story the author used descriptive adjectives to describe Locust Cordero by saying, "Wearing, of all things, a purple tuxedo with a red carnation on the lapel." This allowed the reader to imagine what Locust was wearing. The author made it easy to guess that Locust had an expensive taste, and made him sound rich. The author uses this technique to make the book sound interesting. ... Show more content on ... This is very important in the story, because the story included many billiards games, and without the simile it wouldn't be as exciting as when it was included. Lastly, the author uses a simile to describe Mitch's negativity by saying, "If you beat 'em, da curse going be pau. But if you lose, da rest of your life going shrivel up like one slug aftah you pour salt on top." This helps, describe that the curse Mitch believes he had can destroy him, but if he beats it the curse will be done. These are the reasons on how the author used Descriptive Adjectives and similes to describe different aspects of the ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Essay On Sherk's Swamp Stories This week, I have met an awesome guy Nick Toti who was a graduated student in Truman State University and now has a wonderful job in film industry in LA. Throughout his discussion, he has mentioned one statement which I impressed the most: "Horror is an accessible form of surrealism." This week, I decied to watch the first episode of Sherk's Swamp Stories. At first, people will think that what is the connection between a cartoon movie and element of horror which I refered above. Do not underestimate a movie through it outlook until you actually experience it. Like me, when I choose this series, I did not imagine that I would pick Nick's statement about horror. However, when I saw it, this episode had change my perspective. Although this is ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, by associating with the sound effect, the frighten scene at that time can convey its full potential. In every horror movie, especially cartoon (I think), mysterious jungle and haunted castle are very useful. In the magnetic jungle, there will be many unexpected things which the audience cannot predict, and that is the most interesting part in horror movie. People's imagination is magneficent. The more they want to know something, the more they will imagine it in an ugliest and scariest image. Moreover, combine the scene with the thunder sound, it will be more scary. Similar to the jungle is a haunted castle which also contains many scary elements. Another detail in the movie which is also adequate is the torch when Sherk and his friend enter the castle. The light from the torch is very weak and can only illuminate a narrow area. To the audience, it pretty normal, but if you imagine you are the character in the movie it is another story. Visualize you are entering the haunted castle, and the only thing you can use to see the around is the torch. You cannot see everything clearly, and you will imagine that there will be something come out of nowhere. The filmmakers are very intelligent when using this material because they understand the audience's spychology: they scare what they do not ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons Antonio Vivaldi was a composer in the baroque period of music. He was born March 4, 1678 in Venice Italy, and died on July 28, 1741. He lived most of his life in Italy where his dad taught him how to play the violin. At often times he and his father played together. Vivaldi was at one time a priest but his bad asthma held him back. He was often called the red priest because of his beautiful red hair. His father Giovanni Vivaldi was also a professional violinist, while also being his music teacher. He left to study for the priesthood when he was around 14 or 15, and was ordained in 1703. When Vivaldi was 25 he was given the name master or violin at the Devout Hospital of Mercy. Antonio was also incharge of a girls orphanage. His two most renowned operatic works were Furnace, and La costanza trionfante. They were revived multiple times during his life. Added on to Vivaldi's regular employment, he also accepted many short term positions funded by Rome, and Mantua. While in Mantua he wrote one of his masterpieces, "The Four Seasons". He pared the piece with four sonnets, which were thought might of been written by himself. ... Show more content on ... In this piece Vivaldi attempts to describe spring, summer, fall, and winter with music, and he does a very good job. Most likely you have heard parts of this piece without knowing it. It starts spring very slowly he makes it so you can imagine what spring looks like. Me personally imagine waterfalls and little kids running around in the fields. You can hear the violin very clearly during most of spring. It's very soft and subtle but every thirty seconds or so comes my favorite part it gets very fast pace and many instruments jump in all at once, I start to imagine the little kids running, and jumping! Then out of nowhere with not even the slightest sign of it slowing stops. Everything goes very soft and another thirty seconds or so it repeats, it does this about five ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. How Does Ocean Noise Affect Sea Life Different studies on how sound affects marine wildlife have shown many different results. One showed that there were many negative affects on the sea life and the other shows that there are little no no damages caused to the animals. I believe that the sounds in the ocean do, in fact, have a negative impact on the sea life. Just like us, these sea animals are living things. We may dislike similar things. Just like us, sea life does not deserve to deal with deafening sounds, preventing them from communicating with their friends, family, and pod members. Would you like to live in a home surrounded by construction, continuously banging? The first reason that I believe that there are negative affects on whales due to ocean noise is that, just like us, even everyday noises can harm their ears. The passage states, "Whales communicate with each other by sending out sound waves. Scientists suspect that the increase in underwater noise has interfered with the whales' ability to 'hear' one another." Whales communicate using sound waves, in which increased sound waves can interfere with. Imagine if you were trying to talk to someone beside you during a very energetic concert. How hard would it be to raise your voice just to talk to them. This is what happens with the whales. The whales will have to use more energy to communicate with other pod members. ... Show more content on ... Since whales use sound waves to communicate and travel, if their ears are damaged, it could affect the way they live the rest of their life. Imagine what would happen if a musician lost their hearing... They would never be able to play music for a living ever again. Just like people, whales rely heavily in their hearing to make sure they are out of danger, finding food, or communicate with others. How would you feel if you could not do any of those ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Grace Nichols' Island Man The mood of this poem is very soothing and is a sense of relaxation and security. Grace Nichols is showing that the island mans first home is the Caribbean. "the steady breaking and wombing." The word "wombing" is a made up word by the writer. It has many associations but it makes us the readers imagine a place of comfort and security but more importantly a sense of home and belonging. The reason why this image is put in to the readers mind is because babies grow in the mothers' womb, so we could say that the womb is everyone's "first home". The word 'wombing' can also mean his mother land. The first line in this poem is only taken up by one word, 'morning' this may represent a peaceful approach to the day. I came to this conclusion ... Show more content on ... This signals to the reader that he is not actually in this place. This makes me imagine that he carries his homeland in his head. This also gives you an idea that island man is both in London and Caribbean. The writer makes us envision a scene of beauty and only something we can dream of. The scene is also revealed as precious to the island man. "small emerald island" portrays that the island is an emerald. An emerald is very hard to get and in many cases people could only dream of getting one. The writer uses a technique called a metaphor. The reason why the writer uses this technique is because it allows the reader to imagine the scene better. For example the writer compares an 'emerald' with the 'island'. Emeralds can be green this then represents green tress and most islands usually have a lot of trees. Grace Nichols describes the sun as a positive image. 'the sun surfacing defiantly' makes the reader picture an image of the sun climbing in to the sky. The word 'defiantly' allows the sun to stand out. 'sun surfacing defiantly' could also represent that he doesn't want the sun to rise, he just wants to lye here in his small island and just relax but know matter what he does the sun still rises. Another technique the poet uses is something called sibilance which is a repetitive s sound. The sound of the s is actually trying to recreate the sounds of the island as well as having the mellow imagery of the blue surf. One of the examples the letter s creates ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Minnesota Wind Power Our city is Lincoln county, Minnesota we decided to use wind power because the average wind speed is around 21 mph. To spin an average wind turbine you need winds of 8.7 or more miles per hour. Minnesota could really benefit from wind turbines It's ranked 18 for the most energy usage in the USA, so imagine how much that's polluting our earth. Some advantages of using wind power are wind does not pollute the earth, It's an abundant energy source so it will never run out. In Minnesota, there is a small population of 5 million and in California it's 38 million, in California we have wind farms so imagine how much space there is for wind farms in Minnesota. Rhode Island is the smallest state and they have wind farms so imagine how much more space ... Show more content on ... It has to be AT LEAST 8.7mph to turn a wind turbine. Another disadvantage about wind power is shadow flicker it is when the blades of the wind turbine cause a shadow as it turns. It would cause unwanted repetitive shadows over neighboring houses or buildings, it could be mistaken for power outages or even earthquakes. Finally, the sound of wind turbines they are not silent for the people that live near the wind farms would get unwanted noise in their houses content during the day and at night. Wind turbines are a great way of conserving energy,there are some disadvantages to it though, but here are some solutions to those disadvantages. A solution to the problem of the loud sound of the wind turbines is that people who live in that area could get sound proofed walls. Even though it is expensive though soundproofing is expensive it would be well worth it not keeping you up at night. For the shadow flicker you could always get curtains or shades for your windows for your house. Sadly you wouldn't have much sunlight but that's better than on and off ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Abbey's Five Senses In Abbey's Essay, he does a very good job describing all the various objectives and is very inclusive on using the five senses to describe every detail. In his essay, Abbey describes the sunsets as "elaborate sunsets in every named and unnamed hue of gold, purple, crimson, green, orange, and blue, spread out for fifty or a hundred miles among the floating ranks of clouds." The inclusiveness of the senses continues in his description of the sounds or the silence that he hears in the desert. In his essay, he articulates that "Almost every day of the week I have been honored by the serenade of a den of coyotes." And further on Abbey reveals that the coyote's music sounds "like the legendary wail of banshees, or more precisely, like the sounds ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Ambrose Bierce At Owl Creek Symbolism "Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge". This line seals the fate of Ambrose Bierce's protagonist, who believed that he could change it. In "An Occurrence at Owl Creek", Ambrose Bierce tells the story of a man struggling to face his reality. Symbolism enhances the total effect of Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence at Owl Creek" because it leads the reader to the protagonist's fate, adds to the imagery, and makes the reader connect smaller details to a deeper meaning. Symbolism leads the reader to the conclusion of what happens to the protagonist in the end. From the beginning, symbols are a form of foreshadowing. Bierce writes "Striking through the thought ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Impacts Of Far-Reaching Addiction Imagine not being able to breath because of vicious cigarette smoke floating all around in the air. Imagine a world where everyone is high off some different drug, and doing anything they can to obtain that drug. A world where there are hundreds of overdoses and different types of deaths everyday. If people keep doing drugs this is where the world is heading. Even after one dose of any drug, anyone can become addicted. Addiction can take over the brain and make anyone do actions they would not normally do. It can also slowly or quickly end any valuable life. Drugs can and will work to take over the brain of any and every addict. Drugs may work in many different ways to take over the brain. Drugs interfere with how the brain communicates with itself and your body. Drugs can Interfere with sending, receiving, and processing information. Drugs such as marijuana and heroin fool receptors ... Show more content on ... Drugs can kill by the impact of far–reaching addiction. Impact of far–reaching addiction can be very fatal. Far–reaching addiction could cause cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, lung disease, and many mental disorders. Although impacts of far–reaching addiction are very serious, combinations of different drugs are usually more fatal. Combinations such as alcohol and heroin or painkillers are are fatal and common combination. That combination is deadly because all three of those substances suppress breathing in a different way. Painkillers and alcohols suppress breathing and heroin increases it. This will cause the excitatory, breathing out, and inhibitory, breathing in, to be out of balance. Stimulants such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine can kill in a various amount of ways. They can kill by overheating, brain damage, and heart attack. Smoking can also kill. Smoking can kill by lung cancer or a nicotine overdose which will paralyze breathing muscles causing a failure in breathing. Drugs can kill in many different ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Persuasive Speech On Mobile Phone Obviously, It's your steady friend. It's in your pocket, in your pack, in your grasp, or against your head. You utilize it at home, in class, at the rec center, in coffeehouses, before you go to rest during the evening and first thing when you get up in the morning. I'm talking, obviously, about your mobile phone. How many of you use your mobile phone more than an hour a day? Of course, everyone of us uses it many times each day. Yet, imagine a scenario where your steady friend is unsafe to your wellbeing. Confirmation is heaping up that long haul utilization of mobile phone can prompt tissue harm, tumors, and even cerebrum growth. Transition: First, I would like to verbalize about the quandaries that mobile phone gives to our body and what ... Show more content on ... Headsets extremely safe use to lessen the danger of getting cerebrum disease. A. RF Safe has been offering consumers a radiation safe optional to wired–hands free headsets more than 10 years now. 1. "The RF Safe Air Tube Headset was produced utilizing acoustic innovation to keep conceivably destructive radiation not even close to your head. 2. According to John Coates, Founder of RF Safe Air Tube Headset, an air–tube leads the sound to your head, there are simply no electrical parts directing audio to your head. Much like a specialist's stethoscope, just an air tube is utilized to direct sound to the headset. B. RF Safe sells a safe cell phone accessory package deal that provides mobile phone radiation protection that addresses three major areas of radiation exposure when using a headset. 1. This package features an air–tube headset and RF Safe radiation protected case for your body when the phone is in your pocket or handbag. 2. An additional level of RF protection, the package deal also includes a clip on Ferrite filter that further reduces the amount of microwave frequency radiation that can travel up the headset wire across a cell phone user's ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Jabberwocky Essay Lewis Carroll(1832–1898) is a British writer with impressive works including, "Alice In Wonderland" as well as "Jabberwocky". In "Jabberwocky", readers are taken on an adventurous journey through sounds and images of a world all its own. His main purpose when using those details was to to make a creative world in which the reader would feel not only like they're reading the poem, but that they're actually going through the same journey as the main characters. He achieves the purpose by using the poetic devices; imagery, onomatopoeia, and alliteration. Carroll's use of imagery not only made the poem better, it helped the reader grasp the main purpose. When a young character is being warned by his elder of the dangers that plague their world ... Show more content on ... When explaining the dangers of the jabberwocky it is mentioned that the monster has,"claws that catch!"(6). Both of the words start with the letter c, which seems to have a dangerous and harsh ring to it. The sound is aggressive in the way that it is a very pronounced syllable in many words that envelope fear such as; cut or kill, and almost sounds like actual claws snapping together. When heard it exerts a feeling of danger, therefore letting the reader interpret the sounds to the jabberwocky's physical and mental traits that mirror those of a big and scary monster. He used alliteration to further the feeling of a creative world that the reader feels a part ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Theme Of Mending Wall And Birches To know the meaning of these two poems, "Mending Wall" and "Birches", we first must understand what are these poems about on a literal level. "Mending Wall" tells about the story of a rock wall, that is build to separate two properties (the speaker and his neighbor) in the countryside, and something is always destroying it. On the other hand, we have the poem of "Birches" and the speaker talks about how he does not like how the birches bend because of the storm so he imagines that children are the ones who climb the birch tree as high as they can and then when they have reached the point where the birch can support their weight any more, they bend the birch because the kick their legs and pull the tree down to one side. With this information we can discuss and try to understand the deeper meaning of these two poems and how ... Show more content on ... In the poem of "Mending Wall", Frost uses sound to enrich and enhances his theme/meaning of the poem. He writes in a soft and harmonious way, almost in a reflective tone. He enriches more his theme of separation/barrier–building to give empathy towards the speaker and the way he asks himself, why is the stonewall still there separating both the speaker and his neighbor. "Before I built a Wall/I'd ask to know/What I was walling in or walling out,/And to whom I was like to give offense." However, there is the implication that something even deeper is going on and Frost uses a harsh tone for it. When he inscribes a certain type of "dialogue" between the speaker and his neighbor, the neighbor's response is very harsh and discordant. "My apple trees will never get across/And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him/He only says/Good fences make good neighbors". With this response the reader can connect with the speaker and see how harsh the speaker's neighbor response is. Here we can see the theme of this poem is that a respectful distance between neighbors is the recipe for harmonious relationships: 'Good fences make good neighbors'. ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Does The Parietal Lobe Affect The Human Brain? It is a good question, indeed we can train our brain to be smarter, but we cannot deny that world has people that was born with an advanced brain. To clarify this the documentary "How Smart Are You" by National Geographic, shows many ways to improve our capacity to memorize things; as a names, numbers, days, words, etc.; in sequence. They tell about of how some people can develops parts of the brain faster than other humans. A curiosity of an Einstein's brain is that, the parietal lobe is 15% larger than the others in the sample researched. The brain is divided into four areas, the Parietal lobe, the Frontal lobe, Occipital and temporal Lobe. The frontal lobe is associated with reasoning, planning, movements, emotions and problem solving; the Parietal Lobe is associated with movement, orientation, recognition and perception; the Occipital Lobe is associated with visual processing; and the Temporal Lobe is associated with perception and recognition of auditory, memorize, and speech. People can develop and enlarge the brain with training, the most part of musician that play a piano or violin, they are capable in increase the part of his brain that is responsible to the musician ability, with a long session of training. ... Show more content on ... Next, in the step two, we have to imagine the words that we have to memorize acting in the ambient that we analyzed before; but, we need imagine the sound too, to be more alive. Now the last step is, remember the scene that you imagine to memorize the words and say them. To conclude, the technique is, how big is your imagination, how big is the scene that you create; with sounds, connections, etc; more easy to remember will ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Hamilton Musical Analysis Album: Soundtrack from the Original Cast of Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda Headline: "Hamilton Soundtrack Will Make You Want to Major In US History" Lead: In the world of musicals, Hamilton has become a rising star. However, some of us cannot afford to pay $500 a ticket to see the show, which is sold out for months into the future, performed live. But do not fear, the soundtrack to the musical in itself is wonderfully enjoyable, and tells much of the musical's story as well. To start off, the soundtrack can be listened to for free online (and on music programs like Spotify and Itunes), thanks to the kindness of Lin Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton. Second, the soundtrack is divided into two halves, both containing 23 tracks. I was ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Sound Is All Around Us By Jason Torres States Sound is very important in our lives, we need it to talk, sing, and for some animals for food. But have you ever wondered how sound works? Well, there are two main reasons because of energy and we are able to understand what does. without these two elements, sound would not be as important as it is. One reason why sound is essential to us is because it is energy. You might think something else but sound is really just energy. The article, Sound is All around us, written by Jason Torres states,"energy is released in the form of vibrations. The vibrations emit from whatever has made the sound in what is known as a longitudinal wave." So as basic as it is sound is just energy being released in the form of vibrations. The second reason ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Permissive Style Induction to Pmr Essay examples I would like you to sit down or lie down and make yourself as comfortable as you can... you have a choice to loosen any tight clothes or take off your shoes.... If at any time you want to move to make yourself more comfortable... you can do that... you are in control.... Now once you feel settled you may close your eyes and simply enjoy.... This is your time to relax and experience your own sensations, Feel calm in this moment. Nothing else matters. You are safe. Concentrate on your breathing Take a deep breath. Breathe in... and exhale. As you concentrate on your breathing you may notice some sounds from outside,... let them disperse, ...nothing can disturb you. ...If you feel any areas of your body are carrying the tension of the ... Show more content on ... imagine all those muscles that connect to your spine and tummy... imagine how much they can relax... and let them relax ... and with each gentle breath you can relax those muscles more and more... That's right. You can allow yourself to let go now... really let go and go deeper and deeper .. relax every muscle in your body... and maybe you can feel a wave of exhilaration flowing down your body... from your head down.... all the way down to your toes..... And the more you relax... the easier it becomes to relax even more...As your body becomes relaxed; your mind becomes more relaxed, as well. ...If you notice any further tensions maybe in the muscles along the hip or buttocks or in your upper leg. .. you may Let that tension simply flow from the top of your leg.... though your calves.... and through the muscles of the feet and ankles and out of your toes.................... At this point, you may feel very relaxed.... You may experience the tranquillity and peace..... If you need to swallow, that's okay..... If you adjust for comfort, that's okay, as well.... From your head to your toes, you have allowed yourself to become completely and totally relaxed.... Your mind has now also become relaxed.... This relaxation feels so good..., you may want to enjoy this experience for a few moments. (Pause) As you allow your entire body to become limp and loose and feel relaxed,... this time may become ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. How Does Montag Use Imagery In Fahrenheit 451 Think about a time when you had a headache, whether from confusion, a sickness, annoyance, or anything else. How did you feel? An example of sensory imagery is shown on page 103, with the author saying: "Montag's head whirled sickeningly. He felt beaten unmercifully on brow, eyes, nose, lips, chin, on shoulders, on upflailing arms." (Pg.103) From this quote describing how Montag felt when Beatty was talking about his dream, and our own personal experiences with headaches, we get a good sense of how confused Montag must have felt while listening to Beatty, and we can relate to him. Another example of sensory imagery can be seen in the first sentence of Burning Bright, which says: "Lights flicked on and house doors opened all down the street, to watch the carnival set up." (Pg.107) ... Show more content on ... Ironically, earlier in the book Clarisse states that people were afraid of firemen, however, the people on Montag's street do not seem afraid at all of the firemen, as they are coming out to watch them. In fact, as they compare the firemen setting up to a carnival being set up, it's likely that firemen are a source of entertainment for everyone, except for the people who are having their house burnt down. The fact that people are coming out to watch Montag's house burn down could be emphasizing the society's love for entertainment, and lack of care for life and other ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Harry Strains By Jk Rowling Summary The author J. K. Rowling wrote a book called Harry Potter. He intrigued his audience by having different uses of imagery. J. K. Rowling describes various different ideas in his book to create imagery, the tastes and smell of food, sounds from the forest, sights Harry Potter saw at Hogwarts, and the feelings Harry got from his scar, therefore these are all unlike examples of different types of imagery. The imagery used by Rowling including senses of taste, smell, hearing, sight, and touch. The authors writing stories as Indian literature, use many various forms of structure and more to get readers into the works. India and Pakistan writers use three types of imagery to intrigue the readers into reading more into the writing. Auditory, visual, ... Show more content on ... This imagery helps readers imagine dark, gross, and scary events. The author, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, wrote a poem called "Three Quatrains," which gives an example, through his third paragraph, of dark imagery that can be gross, "I dip my fingers into my heart's blood," (Faiz 550). By imagining the hearts blood, one can infer that the person is dying and this shows how this imagery is dark. Dark imagery also expressed the pain through words, as the author has used pain from the tree that gives a scary and dark image, "This night is the tree of pain," (Faiz 552). Both of the words "night" and "pain" is a start to a horror movie, but it could scare the reader, when they imagine the same dark place. Dark imagery is also used as a confliction to confuse the readers. In the poem, "Be Near Me," the author contradicts the writing, which may confuse the audience, "My tormentor, my love... darkness comes With the balm of musk in its hands," (Faiz). This confusion between torment and love is conflicting to be a dark image, therefore, one's mind might ultimately imagine hate. Imagery is a strong part of Indian and Pakistan literature to ensure the audience is engaged and interested in the works of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. What Is Coin Two Sides And The Line Combiner? The category: 1234 (a, b, c, d) a or b are two states like day and night then c is the one who differentiate the other two existing states thus it is the one who separates and that equals to Strength that combines Both States. Total 3 are constructing a unique form of Coin two Sides and the line Combiner in between. The third line the Line In Between is Equal to an Arrow Directed at, Ends up in the centre of the cycle and that Particular position, the Centre, is equal to the position of human head Human Head. [And that defines North, South Polls of the magnet, and Head to Feet are in equal ratio with Sky, Earth, and States: Gravity, levity gravity force toward the earth toward and levity force toward the sky example Smock, Gases and Time Space ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Meditation Analysis Before I take this class, I know that meditation is just sitting on the floor, close eyes and meditating. Because I did not know how to do it, I didn't know how difficult it is. The first day of meditation class, I had hard time to follow. We were sitting on the chair instead of floor. I thought meditation is only sitting on the floor. It was interesting. Probably sitting on the chair is easier than floor; we all used to sitting on the chair. I tried both at home on the floor, chair and bed. Sitting on the chair was the best. It was comfortable and my body was more relax. The first meditation in the class was difficult because I had too much thought in my mind. I was trying to focus on my breaths, but after I count three, so much thoughts ... Show more content on ... I am used to make noise my ears with music or TV. If I stay quietly, I feel lonesome. When I don't listen music, I researching online or play game with my phone. During I do my assignment I turn on a fan in my room because I just need any sound. I just could not stay in the quiet places. I thought it is good opportunity to calm down and practice stay quietly. During I am taking meditation class, I did meditation almost everyday. It was easy to sitting on the floor with right pose for ten minutes, but it was not easy to focus on present moment. I kept judged myself that stop thinking about other things for few days. Finally I found the way to aware of present moment. When I meditation, I aware of sounds and smell. If I hear the sound of wind and leaves are shaking, I imagine that I am at the mountain or field. Sometimes I imagine that I am at the snow–clad mountain. I look around. There are many mountains, but other mountains are lower than the mountain that I am hiking. While I imagine them, I kept aware of present moment. During we do meditating in the class, we aware of any sensation on part of my body. When Miss Julie said finger, I focused on my finger. When she said left ear, my ear was sore. I used to get sored once a while, but I never got sore in the ... Get more on ...