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Thyroid Stress and Disease
4,000,000 kids a year from 3yo-17yo DX
with behavioral disorder every year
..the transition from an "age of pestilence and famine," in which
the mortality pattern was dominated by high rates of infectious
disease deaths, especially in the young, to the current "age of
degenerative and man-made diseases" in which mortality from
chronic diseases predominates. JAMA 1999 Trends in infect.
The thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4)
•regulation of metabolism
•Iodine is necessary for the production of T3 and T4
•ratio of T4 to T3 released into the blood is roughly 20 to 1
• T4 is converted to the active T3 (three to four times more potent
than T4) within the Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Lungs
•dietary selenium is essential for T3 production.
Causes of Hypothyroid
•Nutrient Deficiencies, Heavy metal exposure, Adrenal Stress,
enzyme deficiencies, chronic illness, Oxidized PUFA’s PUFA’s=
canola oil, soy oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil,
walnut oil, ect…),Processed food additives
Lab Testing:
•Total T4
•T3 uptake (measured unsaturated binding sites for thyroid
transport proteins … Estrogen binds to this)
•T7 (FTI , Free Thyroxin Index)
•Total T3 (Decreased in Hypothyroidism, high bp meds,
acute illness, starvation, steroids, anything that affects
Thyroid Binding Globulin)
[LOW T3 Syndrome]
A Key to Lower Thyroid Lab Tests Food Processing:
•Things that affect = Thyroid Binding Globulin
(PUFA’s= canola oil, soy oil, vegetable oil, safflower
oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, ect…), Estrogens,
Lab Tests and Missed Things That Affect Them
T4 99.9% is bound to TBG (Thyroxine Binding Globuline)
T3 99.5% Is Bound to TBG
salicylates decrease the binding (aspirin therapy contributes to
Heart Rate
Blood pressure
Blood Sugar
LDL Cholesterol
Cortisol and all
Stress Hormones
Gut blood supply
Immune system
Body Regeneration
TSH Decreased
Low Thyroid
Physical, Chemical,
General Adaptation Syndrome
1936 showing in three phases
Scientist Hans Selye (1907-1982)
stress is a major cause of disease because chronic stress
causes long-term chemical changes.
•body would respond to any
external biological source of
stress with a predictable
biological pattern in an
attempt to restore the body’s
internal homeostasis.
1. Alarm
2. Resistance
3. Exhaustion
stressful event, you are now immediately equipped with
enough energy to handle it.
•the fight or flight response (SNS)
• Activation of the HPA axis
• adrenal glands
•stress hormones:
•cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline
If this energy is repeatedly not
used by physical activity, it can become harmful
•High blood pressure
•damage blood vessels
•heart and brain..heart attack / stroke.
•gastric ulcers
•high blood sugar
•source of stress being possibly resolved
•Homeostasis begins restoring balance and a period of
recovery for repair and renewal takes place
•Stress hormone levels may return to normal but you may
have reduced defenses and adaptive energy left
If a stressful condition persists, your body adapts
by a continued effort in resistance and remains in
a state of arousal.
overload, burnout, adrenal fatigue, maladaptation
most hazardous to your health
•the stress has continued for some time
•body’s ability to resist is lost
•its adaptation energy supply is gone
Chronic stress can damage and cause:
•nerve cells
•Thinking and memory (Alzheimer’s, dementia etc..)
•anxiety and depression
•high blood pressure
•heart disease
•rheumatoid arthritis
•cancer, and other stress related illness.
High Cortisol
 hyperoxidation, the formation of free radicals, is one of the
basic damaging processes in the body
 damage tissues at the cellular level and at the tissue level
Antidote to Adrenaline and Cortisol
 Vitamin B-3
 Vitamin C,
 Vitamin E,
 beta carotene
 selenium and others
 protect the body against the effect of the free radicals by
removing them more rapidly from the body.
Stress Hormones
Catecholamine's Adrenaline, Cortisol
Stress hormones
TSH decreased
Thyroid decreased
Digestion decreased
Serotonin decreased
Sleep Rx
Thyroid the Canary
in the mine
MSG & Aspartame are excitotoxins
causing brain damage
•Learning disabilities
•Bipolar disorders
• Alzheimer’s disease
•Parkinson’s disease
•Lou Gehrig’s disease and more.
Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified
neurosurgeon and author of
“Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.”
Here is a list of ingredients that ALWAYS contain MSG:
These ingredients OFTEN contain MSG or create MSG
during processing: Monosodium glutamate
Hydrolyzed Protein
Glutamic Acid
Monopotassium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate
Textured Protein
Yeast Extract
Autolyzed Yeast
Yeast Food
Yeast Nutrient
Calcium Caseinate
Anything Protein Fortified
Barley Malt lon
Natural Beef Flavoring
Corn Starch 
Flavors and Flavorings
Natural Flavors and
Natural Pork Flavoring
 Natural Chicken Flavoring
Soy Sauce 
Soy Protein Isolate 
Soy Protein 
 Citric Acid 
Powdered Milk 
Anything Protein Fortified 
Anything Enzyme Modified
Malt Extract 
Malt Flavoring 
Barley Malt 
 Whey Protein
55 Year old Woman
Before care: Couldn’t
walk 50 feet without
pain taking multiple
medications for
asthma, pain, etc…
90 Days After:
Medication free, able
to walk the length of
the mall without pain,
“I got my Life back”
Produced :
Fat cells
Excess Estrogens:
•Low Thyroid
•Mood swings
•Higher risk of Stroke
Xenoestrogens and Estrogens :
•Plastics (cook ware, water bottles, etc…)
•Hormones in Meats
•Foaming agents
•Birth control pills
HFCS & High Cholesterol & High Triglycerides
•HFCS increases triglycerides
•Estrogen treatment is a common cause of high triglycerides
•High triglycerides can be from deficiencies of magnesium, copper, and protein
•Toxins, including some drugs and herbs, can irritate or stimulate the liver to
produce too much triglyceride
• High cholesterol is more closely connected to hypothyroidism than
•Increased T3 will immediately increase the conversion of cholesterol to
progesterone and bile acids.
•Progesterone protects against the catabolic effects of cortisol, its
effects are the opposite of estrogen's.
•Progesterone can instantly activate the thyroid and the
•Cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone and progesterone by
the ovaries, the adrenals, and the brain
Food that increase Progesterone:
•eggs, wild yams, shell fish, turmeric, walnuts, oregano, thyme
Blood Health & PUFA’s
One microliter of blood contains:
4.7 to 6.1 million (male), RBC
All polyunsaturated oils provide a source of
free radi-cals which can damage arterial
walls which initiates the plaque-building
vegetable oils constricts blood vessels and
increases platelet stickiness, which raises
blood pressure and causes further damage
to arterial walls.
 Healthy Diet / food 1:1 to 3:1
 Disease start at 8:1
 American Diet 20:1
 Corn oil 60:1
 safflower oil 77:1
soybean, sunflower, Corn, Peanut,
Cottonseed, Grape seed, Canola.
omega-6 and low omega-3 fats profile
in these oils (as much as 200:1!)
McDonald’s Chicken McNugget is 56% corn
GMO Corn Dangers
Chicken McNuggets contain 38 “quasi-edible substances
that ultimately come not from a corn or soybean field
but from a petroleum refinery or chemical plant”.
-Congressional Record 21 July
-Chief chemist of the National
Cancer Institute, Dr. Dean Burk
A 1998 laboratory analysis showed very high
concentrations of fluoride in the following foods:
Dole pineapple, canned
Coke Classic
Hansen's soda
Minute Maid orange juice
Gerber strawberry juice for babies
Amstel Lite beer
Rice Dream
Sunny Delight orange drink
Pepsi "A seven ounce tube of toothpaste, theoretically at
least, contains enough fluoride to kill a small child." -
Fluoride as a Medical Intervention for
The use of fluoride as an anti-thyroid treatment beginning in
the 1800s linking fluoride ingestion to goiter, a swelling of the
thyroid gland resulting from a hypothyroid condition.
Up until the 1970s, scientists in Europe prescribed fluoride to
reduce the basal metabolism rate in patients with an over-
active thyroid gland
doses of just 2 to 3 milligrams of fluoride is sufficient to
reduce thyroid activity in hyperthyroid patients
Dose (mg)
 12 oz. Coke
 8 oz Milk
 6 oz. Wheaties
 Causes : neurotoxins, GMO, antibiotics, poisons, RX Drugs,
 Fat absorption gallbladder function
asthma, diabetes, lupus, scleroderma, internal
colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis,
chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's disease, Autism
•Frontal Lobes
•Inhibitory Mechanisms of the Cortex
•Limbic System
•Reticular Activating System, and more
Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Lack of
mood swings
quick temper
quick to startle
everything around
Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormone
Iodine deficiency linked to Breast Cancer
Iodine is Mimicked By:
Chlorine, fluorine and bromine
•halides like iodine, they compete for your iodine receptors.
Bromine (40 years ago Iodine was replaced by Bromine):
• Banned in UK 1990, Canada 1994
• plastics, pesticides, hot tub treatments, fire retardants, some
flours and bakery goods, and even some soft drinks
Soy is not a Health Food
Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story,
•thousands of studies linking soy to malnutrition, digestive distress,
immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline,
reproductive disorders and infertility—even cancer and heart disease
health effects that have been linked to soy consumption:
Breast cancer
Brain damage
Infant abnormalities
Thyroid disorders
Kidney stones
Immune system impairment
Severe, potentially fatal food allergies
Impaired fertility
Danger during pregnancy and nursing
Soy infant formula puts your baby’s
health at risk.
Nearly 20 percent of U.S. infants are now
fed soy formula,
•can irreversibly harm your baby’s sexual
development and reproductive health.
Infants fed soy formula take in an
estimated five birth control pills’ worth
of estrogen every day.
Infants fed soy formula have up to 20,000
times the amount of estrogen
"living wisely in accordance with natural laws."
Dimensions of living wisely:
•Adopting an attitude of gratitude toward life rather than seeking
revenge for injuries or slights.
•Acting toward others from altruistic rather than self-centered
•Retaining a capacity for wonder and delight in the genuinely good
and beautiful things in life.
•Finding a purpose for one's life and expressing one's individuality
in fulfilling that purpose.
•Keeping a healthy sense of modesty about one's goals or
•thyroid gland, which normally produces some T3, will decrease
its production in the presence of increased thyroxine
•thyroxine often acts as a "thyroid anti-hormone," especially in
•thyroxine used in hypothyroid cases can suppress the oxidative
Thyroid Hormone Replacement= thyroxineT4
Thyroxine is NOT "the thyroid hormone."
Walking and Bouncing With or
Without Trampoline
Cardiac Arrhythmias a structural source
Take Action Today
Disease Risk Assessment is $275.00
5 Step Disease Risk Assessment!!
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Johnbchiro (subject here)
Reverse Arthritis
Eliminate High Blood Pressure
Reverse Cancer
Correct Fibromyalgia
Headaches solution
Sciatica Low back pain
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Infertility and dysfunction
RLS Restless leg Syndrome
Be part of the Health Renaissance
Dave 56 Years Old
15 Years of
High Blood Pressure
10 Medications
•Joint Pain – Tylenol
•Asthma – Inhaler Steroids
•Indigestion – Prevacid
•High Blood Sugar - Metformin
•High Cholesterol – Lipitor
•Neck Muscle Spasms – Soma
•Sleep Problems – Ambian
•Sexual Dysfunction – Viagra
•Depression - Prozac
•Aspirin – To Thin Blood?
30lbs over weight
After 90 Days no
medications 25 lbs loss
Add to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinationsAdd to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinations
And you get America’s ChildrenAnd you get America’s Children
Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%,Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%,
Learning Disabled 14%Learning Disabled 14%
Add to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinationsAdd to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinations
And you get America’s ChildrenAnd you get America’s Children
Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%,Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%,
Learning Disabled 14%Learning Disabled 14%
9 months later NO Medications
and feels great
Time Line
25 diagnosed
with low thyroid
35 Gall Bladder
45 Fibroids &
55 Breast
Bad Luck
Bad Genes or
Bad Medical Care
14% reduction in Scoliosis in 90 days in a Patient 68 Y.O.
High BP, High Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar
Before After

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Thyroid stress and disease

  • 1. Thyroid Stress and Disease VS 4,000,000 kids a year from 3yo-17yo DX with behavioral disorder every year ..the transition from an "age of pestilence and famine," in which the mortality pattern was dominated by high rates of infectious disease deaths, especially in the young, to the current "age of degenerative and man-made diseases" in which mortality from chronic diseases predominates. JAMA 1999 Trends in infect.
  • 2. The thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) •regulation of metabolism •Iodine is necessary for the production of T3 and T4 •ratio of T4 to T3 released into the blood is roughly 20 to 1 • T4 is converted to the active T3 (three to four times more potent than T4) within the Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Lungs •dietary selenium is essential for T3 production. Causes of Hypothyroid •Nutrient Deficiencies, Heavy metal exposure, Adrenal Stress, enzyme deficiencies, chronic illness, Oxidized PUFA’s PUFA’s= canola oil, soy oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, ect…),Processed food additives
  • 3. Lab Testing: •TSH •Total T4 •T3 uptake (measured unsaturated binding sites for thyroid transport proteins … Estrogen binds to this) •T7 (FTI , Free Thyroxin Index) •Total T3 (Decreased in Hypothyroidism, high bp meds, acute illness, starvation, steroids, anything that affects Thyroid Binding Globulin) [LOW T3 Syndrome] A Key to Lower Thyroid Lab Tests Food Processing: •Things that affect = Thyroid Binding Globulin (PUFA’s= canola oil, soy oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, ect…), Estrogens, Lab Tests and Missed Things That Affect Them T4 99.9% is bound to TBG (Thyroxine Binding Globuline) T3 99.5% Is Bound to TBG salicylates decrease the binding (aspirin therapy contributes to Hypothyroid)
  • 4. Heart Rate Blood pressure Blood Sugar LDL Cholesterol Cortisol and all Stress Hormones ---------------------------- Gut blood supply Immune system Body Regeneration TSH Decreased Low Thyroid Stress Physical, Chemical, Emotional
  • 5. General Adaptation Syndrome 1936 showing in three phases Scientist Hans Selye (1907-1982) stress is a major cause of disease because chronic stress causes long-term chemical changes. •body would respond to any external biological source of stress with a predictable biological pattern in an attempt to restore the body’s internal homeostasis. 1. Alarm 2. Resistance 3. Exhaustion
  • 6. ALARM STAGE stressful event, you are now immediately equipped with enough energy to handle it. •the fight or flight response (SNS) • Activation of the HPA axis • adrenal glands •stress hormones: •cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline If this energy is repeatedly not used by physical activity, it can become harmful •High blood pressure •damage blood vessels •heart and brain..heart attack / stroke. •gastric ulcers •high blood sugar
  • 7. RESISTANCE STAGE = Second Phase •source of stress being possibly resolved •Homeostasis begins restoring balance and a period of recovery for repair and renewal takes place •Stress hormone levels may return to normal but you may have reduced defenses and adaptive energy left If a stressful condition persists, your body adapts by a continued effort in resistance and remains in a state of arousal.
  • 8. EXHAUSTION STAGE – overload, burnout, adrenal fatigue, maladaptation most hazardous to your health •the stress has continued for some time •body’s ability to resist is lost •its adaptation energy supply is gone Chronic stress can damage and cause: •nerve cells •Tissues •Organs •Thinking and memory (Alzheimer’s, dementia etc..) •anxiety and depression •high blood pressure •heart disease •rheumatoid arthritis •cancer, and other stress related illness.
  • 10.  hyperoxidation, the formation of free radicals, is one of the basic damaging processes in the body  damage tissues at the cellular level and at the tissue level Antidote to Adrenaline and Cortisol  Vitamin B-3  Vitamin C,  Vitamin E,  beta carotene  selenium and others  protect the body against the effect of the free radicals by removing them more rapidly from the body. Stress Hormones Catecholamine's Adrenaline, Cortisol
  • 11. Stress Physical Chemical Emotional Stress hormones Released TSH decreased Thyroid decreased Digestion decreased Serotonin decreased Prescribed: Thyroxine Anti-acids Antidepressants Sleep Rx Thyroid the Canary in the mine
  • 12. MSG & Aspartame are excitotoxins causing brain damage •Learning disabilities • ADD •Depression •Bipolar disorders • Alzheimer’s disease •Parkinson’s disease •Lou Gehrig’s disease and more. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and author of “Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.”
  • 13. Here is a list of ingredients that ALWAYS contain MSG: These ingredients OFTEN contain MSG or create MSG during processing: Monosodium glutamate MSG: Hydrolyzed Protein Glutamic Acid Monopotassium Glutamate Monosodium Glutamate Textured Protein Yeast Extract Autolyzed Yeast Yeast Food Yeast Nutrient Calcium Caseinate Gelatin Anything Protein Fortified Barley Malt lon Natural Beef Flavoring Protease  Corn Starch  Flavors and Flavorings Seasonings  Natural Flavors and Flavorings  Natural Pork Flavoring  Natural Chicken Flavoring Soy Sauce  Soy Protein Isolate  Soy Protein  Bouillon   Stock  Broth  Citric Acid  Powdered Milk  Anything Protein Fortified  Anything Enzyme Modified   Malt Extract  Malt Flavoring  Barley Malt   Whey Protein Carrageenan  Maltodextrin  Pectin  Enzymes 
  • 14. 55 Year old Woman Before care: Couldn’t walk 50 feet without pain taking multiple medications for asthma, pain, etc… 90 Days After: Medication free, able to walk the length of the mall without pain, “I got my Life back”
  • 15. Estrogen Produced : Ovaries Adrenals Fat cells Excess Estrogens: •Fibroids •Endometriosis •Low Thyroid •Migraines •Mood swings •Higher risk of Stroke Xenoestrogens and Estrogens : •Plastics (cook ware, water bottles, etc…) •Hormones in Meats •Foaming agents •Cosmetics •Birth control pills •Spermacides •Pesticides
  • 16. HFCS & High Cholesterol & High Triglycerides •HFCS increases triglycerides •Estrogen treatment is a common cause of high triglycerides •High triglycerides can be from deficiencies of magnesium, copper, and protein •Toxins, including some drugs and herbs, can irritate or stimulate the liver to produce too much triglyceride • High cholesterol is more closely connected to hypothyroidism than hypertriglyceridemia •Increased T3 will immediately increase the conversion of cholesterol to progesterone and bile acids.
  • 17. •Progesterone protects against the catabolic effects of cortisol, its effects are the opposite of estrogen's. •Progesterone can instantly activate the thyroid and the ovaries •Cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone and progesterone by the ovaries, the adrenals, and the brain Food that increase Progesterone: •eggs, wild yams, shell fish, turmeric, walnuts, oregano, thyme Progesterone
  • 18. Blood Health & PUFA’s One microliter of blood contains: 4.7 to 6.1 million (male), RBC All polyunsaturated oils provide a source of free radi-cals which can damage arterial walls which initiates the plaque-building process. vegetable oils constricts blood vessels and increases platelet stickiness, which raises blood pressure and causes further damage to arterial walls.
  • 19.  Healthy Diet / food 1:1 to 3:1  Disease start at 8:1  American Diet 20:1  Corn oil 60:1  safflower oil 77:1 soybean, sunflower, Corn, Peanut, Cottonseed, Grape seed, Canola. omega-6 and low omega-3 fats profile in these oils (as much as 200:1!)
  • 20. McDonald’s Chicken McNugget is 56% corn GMO Corn Dangers Chicken McNuggets contain 38 “quasi-edible substances that ultimately come not from a corn or soybean field but from a petroleum refinery or chemical plant”.
  • 21. -Congressional Record 21 July 1976 -Chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Dean Burk A 1998 laboratory analysis showed very high concentrations of fluoride in the following foods: Dole pineapple, canned Snapple Coke Classic Hansen's soda Minute Maid orange juice Gerber strawberry juice for babies Amstel Lite beer Rice Dream Sunny Delight orange drink Pepsi "A seven ounce tube of toothpaste, theoretically at least, contains enough fluoride to kill a small child." - Procter&Gamble
  • 22. Fluoride as a Medical Intervention for Hyperthyroid The use of fluoride as an anti-thyroid treatment beginning in the 1800s linking fluoride ingestion to goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland resulting from a hypothyroid condition. Up until the 1970s, scientists in Europe prescribed fluoride to reduce the basal metabolism rate in patients with an over- active thyroid gland doses of just 2 to 3 milligrams of fluoride is sufficient to reduce thyroid activity in hyperthyroid patients . . Dose (mg) .353 .173 1.80 Item  12 oz. Coke  8 oz Milk  6 oz. Wheaties Fluoride PPM .98 .72 10   Exceeds "Optimum Dose"  233%
  • 23.  Causes : neurotoxins, GMO, antibiotics, poisons, RX Drugs,  Fat absorption gallbladder function asthma, diabetes, lupus, scleroderma, internal colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's disease, Autism
  • 24. ADD,ADHD, ANGER, HOSTILITY,DEPRESSION •Frontal Lobes •Inhibitory Mechanisms of the Cortex •Limbic System •Reticular Activating System, and more Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Lack of Inhibition anger, frustration Irritability impulsively mood swings quick temper outbursts over-aroused quick to startle touching everything around hyper-vigilant.
  • 25. Iodine Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormone Iodine deficiency linked to Breast Cancer Iodine is Mimicked By: Chlorine, fluorine and bromine •halides like iodine, they compete for your iodine receptors. Bromine (40 years ago Iodine was replaced by Bromine): • Banned in UK 1990, Canada 1994 • plastics, pesticides, hot tub treatments, fire retardants, some flours and bakery goods, and even some soft drinks
  • 26. Soy is not a Health Food Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story, •thousands of studies linking soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility—even cancer and heart disease health effects that have been linked to soy consumption: Breast cancer Brain damage Infant abnormalities Thyroid disorders Kidney stones Immune system impairment Severe, potentially fatal food allergies Impaired fertility Danger during pregnancy and nursing Soy infant formula puts your baby’s health at risk. Nearly 20 percent of U.S. infants are now fed soy formula, •can irreversibly harm your baby’s sexual development and reproductive health. Infants fed soy formula take in an estimated five birth control pills’ worth of estrogen every day. Infants fed soy formula have up to 20,000 times the amount of estrogen
  • 27. SOLUTION TO STRESS Selye: "living wisely in accordance with natural laws." Dimensions of living wisely: •Adopting an attitude of gratitude toward life rather than seeking revenge for injuries or slights. •Acting toward others from altruistic rather than self-centered motives. •Retaining a capacity for wonder and delight in the genuinely good and beautiful things in life. •Finding a purpose for one's life and expressing one's individuality in fulfilling that purpose. •Keeping a healthy sense of modesty about one's goals or achievements.
  • 28. •thyroid gland, which normally produces some T3, will decrease its production in the presence of increased thyroxine •thyroxine often acts as a "thyroid anti-hormone," especially in women •thyroxine used in hypothyroid cases can suppress the oxidative metabolism Thyroid Hormone Replacement= thyroxineT4 Thyroxine is NOT "the thyroid hormone."
  • 29.
  • 30. Walking and Bouncing With or Without Trampoline
  • 31.
  • 32. Cardiac Arrhythmias a structural source
  • 33. Take Action Today Disease Risk Assessment is $275.00 5 Step Disease Risk Assessment!! •Disease Proof your Body •Get Your Vitality Back •Feel Young Again •Reduce or Eliminate Your Dependency on Rx Only $20
  • 34. Johnbchiro (subject here) Reverse Arthritis Eliminate High Blood Pressure Diabetes Reverse Cancer Correct Fibromyalgia Headaches solution Sciatica Low back pain Irritable Bowel Syndrome Infertility and dysfunction RLS Restless leg Syndrome Neuropathy Be part of the Health Renaissance
  • 36. Dave 56 Years Old 15 Years of High Blood Pressure 10 Medications •Joint Pain – Tylenol •Asthma – Inhaler Steroids •Indigestion – Prevacid •High Blood Sugar - Metformin •Constipation •High Cholesterol – Lipitor •Neck Muscle Spasms – Soma •Sleep Problems – Ambian •Sexual Dysfunction – Viagra •Depression - Prozac •Aspirin – To Thin Blood? 30lbs over weight After 90 Days no medications 25 lbs loss
  • 37. Add to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinationsAdd to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinations And you get America’s ChildrenAnd you get America’s Children Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%,Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%, Learning Disabled 14%Learning Disabled 14% Add to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinationsAdd to this diet , Antibiotics, 74 vaccinations And you get America’s ChildrenAnd you get America’s Children Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%,Diabetes 30%, Depression 20%, Asthma 25%, Learning Disabled 14%Learning Disabled 14%
  • 38. 9 months later NO Medications and feels great
  • 39. Time Line 25 diagnosed with low thyroid 35 Gall Bladder removed 45 Fibroids & Hysterectomy 55 Breast Cancer Mastectomy Bad Luck Bad Genes or Bad Medical Care
  • 40. 14% reduction in Scoliosis in 90 days in a Patient 68 Y.O. High BP, High Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar Before After

Editor's Notes

  1. Blues and purples not only add beautiful shades of tranquility and richness to your plate, they add health-enhancing flavonoids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. The phytochemical known as Anthocyanins are pigments responsible for the blue color in vegetables and fruits, and are being studied for their role in the body’s defense of harmful carcinogens. Blueberries, in particular, are not only rich in Vitamin C and folic acid and high in fiber and potassium, but they are proven to be the #1 source of antioxidants of any food available today.