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Thomas Edison Essay
Thomas Edison was a man who influenced America more than anyone else. Some of the inventions he pioneered are still used to this day. He was a
man who spent almost his entire life working as a scientist, and receiving more than 1,200 patents in his lifetime. (Anderson pg.7) Thomas Edison's
life was probably twice as productive as a modern day chemist, he was a firm believer of an eight hour work day, eight hours in the morning, and eight
in the afternoon. Aside from his amazing history as an adult Edison lived an equally exciting childhood. Thomas Edison was born in Milan Ohio on
February 11, 1847. At the time, his father was owner of a successful shingle and lumber company. However with new railroads being built through
Milan his more content...
The fire was quickly spotted and only caused minor damage. Tom was then banned from experimenting on the train. Along with chemistry he began
to work with telegraphy. When he was fourteen, he and another boy who lived nearby set up a telegraphic connection between their houses. By
using the telegrapher so often Tom became equivalent to a second class which could earn a very steady pay. (Vanderbilt, 17). With his knowledge in
telegraphy he began working as a full time operator soon after he made his first major invention it was a telegraphic repeating instrument that
enabled messages to be transmitted automatically over a second line without the need for an operator. He had invented a machine that does the job
he is hired to do. For a while Edison kept this invention secret. He began using it while at work, but was caught asleep with it on. After he was fired
he moved to Boston, here he planned to dedicate all of his time to research for new inventions. Soon after he invented an automatic vote counter. Now
the presidential votes could be counted in a fraction of the time it used to take. But the government didn't like it, it was too fast. Those who decided not
to use it argued that people want time between the time that they vote and the time they hear the results. However, this machine is later used, and the
same design is still used today. Since his last invention didn't produce any profit, he was hoping his next invention would help him financially. Edison
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Research Paper On Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison: Amazing American Inventor
Thomas Edison was an amazing Inventor who everyone knows about. He was born in Milan Ohio, February 11("Thomas Alva Edison–Book"). Edison
created many wonderful things like the electric lightbulb. He held more than 1,000 patents for his inventions(""). Thomas was also the last of
seven children of Nancy and Samuel Edison("")From being a very smart child, to becoming an amazing inventor, Thomas Edison became
one of the most important Americans in history.
Younger Years
His mother was a great influence on him when he was a child(""). Edison got scarlet fever and ear infections which gave him hearing
problems(""). 1854 is when his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan("") more content...
This is when he decided to dedicate his life to inventing(""). In 1870, He created his first small laboratory in Newark, New
Jersey(""). Edison employed mechanists to help him(""). Thomas was paid 100,000 dollars for the quadruplex
telegraph(""). Edison's wife died at age 29 from a suspected brain tumor(""). 1876 is when he moved to Menlo Park, New
Jersey(""). In 1877, he created the phonograph, and he built a great laboratory(""). Edison once said, "I have not failed, I've just
found 10,000 ways that won't work"(""). At the end of his life he worked on the alkaline battery and he experimented with natural
rubber(""). Edison died in his home from diabetes Oct. 18, 1931(""). Thomas Edison is considered one of America's best
businessmen(""). Thomas is still remembered as a great American today. Thomas has probably inspired many people to invent new things.
Work Cited
–edison–9284349 http:/
/–edison Thomas Alva Edison–Book– Written By Michael
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Thomas. Edison : The Invention Of Thomas Edison
Who is Thomas Edison? Before learning about his other inventions I only knew Thomas Edison as the man who invented the electrical light bulb. Did
you know the light bulb was not Thomas Edison's only invention? Yes it is the most the popular and is still used today but Thomas Edison is also
responsible for many inventions that have helped make advances in Mass Communications. These inventions include the kinetograph/kinetophone,
phonograph and multiple models of the telegraph and telephone. Due to the success of these inventions Thomas Edison holds 1,093 U.S patents and
has received a plethora of awards. (, n.d.) Thomas Edison's inventions have made him pioneer in recording music and motion
picture, hence making him an important inventor in the world of Mass Communications. The inventions of Thomas Edison have been duplicated
many times. His work still has an impact on the things that we use today. I believe Thomas Edison is an inventor with one of the biggest impacts
on our modern day technology. Most of his inventions were ahead of its time making it hard for some people to operate which is why some of his
inventions did not receive as much praise as it should've. (Wikipedia Website , n.d.) Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan,
Ohio. He always had a passion for knowledge and was homeschooled by his mother. At the age of 12 Thomas Edison began selling newspapers
along the railroads. While selling newspapers Thomas Edison discovered his access to the news bulletins that were sent to the office every day.
With this newfound information Edison began to publish his own newspaper called the "Grand Trunk Herald". He also sold this newspaper along
the line of the railroad, his newspaper was very successful with the passengers. In addition to his interest in newspapers Edison was also fascinated
by science. To carry out his science curiosities, Edison began to perform his own chemical experiments in the baggage car of the trains he'd been
selling his newspapers on. Unfortunately he ignited a small fire and his unofficial laboratory was discovered. Edison was kicked off the train and was
forced to sell his newspapers in various other stations. Although
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Thomas Edison Essay
Thomas Alva Edison is considered one of the greatest inventors in history. He was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847 and died in 1931. During
his life he patented 1,093 inventions. Many of these inventions are in use today and changed the world forever. Some of his inventions include
telegraphy, phonography, electric lighting and photography. His most famous inventions were the phonograph and theincandescent light bulb.
Edison did some of his greatest work at Menlo Park. While experimenting on an underwater cable for the automatic telegraph, he found that the
electrical resistance and conductivity of carbon varied accordingly to the pressure it was under. This was a major theoretical discovery, which enabled
Edison to invent more content...
His most famous and most commonly used invention is the incandescent light bulb. American scientists including Samuel Langley needed a highly
sensitive instrument that could be used to measure minute temperature changes in heat emitted from the Sun's corona during a solar eclipse along the
rocky mountains on July 29,1878. To please those needs Edison invented a "microtasimeter" employing a carbon button. This was
a time when great advances were being made in arc lights so that electricity could be used for lighting in the same fashion as with small, individual gas
"burners". The basic problem seemed to be to keep the burner, or the bulb, from being consumed by preventing it from
overheating. Edison thought he would be able to solve this by coming up with a microtasimeter–like device to control the current. He proclaimed that
he would invent a safe, mild, and inexpensive electric light that would replace the gaslight.
Inventors had been attempting to devise the incandescent light bulb for fifty years, but Edison's reputation and past achievements commanded respect
for his bold prediction. As a result, a group of leading financiers, including J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts, established the Edison Electric Light
Company, and advanced him $30,000 for his research
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Thomas Edison Edison
So we all know Thomas Edison, but we didn't really know what he did for us. So you ask yourself who is Thomas Edison, well he was an inventor
and he was well known for it. Was he the greatest inventor of all time? He made the phonograph. Also he made one of the greatest invention and it
was the light bulb, but you ask , How did he invent light. What was his childhood like? what was his education like? what inventions did he make?
Did he get married? Did he have kids? Childhood He was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He had seven siblings and he was the
youngest out of all of them, but when he was seven years old his whole family moved to Michigan. He went to Cooper Union, but he only stayed
there for a short time and while he was in school, he dropped out and started working at a railroad between Detroit and Port Huron. During the Civil
war he got into technology, but when he got a little bit older he started to have hearing problems in both of his ears from a train accident but when he
was an adult he almost went deaf. When he got into technology, he started to get into electricity in 1869. He always did chemistry experiments in his
basement and his mom would be worried and scared because she would think stuff could go bad down there. Education Thomas went to Cooper Union
in 1854, for school. That was the first school he went to,
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Thomas Edison Essay
I decided to do my report on Thomas Alva Edison because he brought a lot of things into our world. He invented the light bulb, the alkaline battery,
the phonograph, and many other things. Many of our modern electronics origins came from Thomas A. Edison. I thought he was very interesting.
That is why I chose him.Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847, and lived with his middle class parents, Samuel Edison
(his father) and Nancy Edison (his mother). Surprisingly, the young boy did not even talk until he was four years old.
In 1854, at age seven, Tom and his parents moved to Port Huron, Michigan. There, near the beginning of the year in a noisy schoolhouse with 38 other
kids, his teacher lost his more content...
His newspaper publishing and selling was over after he was thrown off the train by a railroad supervisor. This incident happened for no reason; Tom
had not done anything wrong. Even so, he continued to visit the train station. One day, the stationmaster's son happened to be wandering near the track
when a train was coming. Tom quickly saved the boy from being run over. In reward for saving his son, James Mackenzie (the stationmaster) taught
Tom Morse Code and how to operate the telegraph.
During this time, Thomas Edison invented the automatic repeater. This invention repeated a message automatically to the person you ware sending it
to until it was answered. Surprisingly, he never got paid for inventing this, even though it was very popular. After this, in 1868, he moved to Boston,
Massachusetts. Here he invented the vote counter. The vote counter counted votes quickly and electronically. However, the politicians (people who are
running for something such as president) did not want it because they wanted more time to persuade people to vote for them.
After this, he moved to New York, New York and was basically starving because he had no money. He walked down the street and begged for a cup
of tea from the person at a drink stand. Then he noticed a crowd standing around a broken stock ticker. He made his way through the crowd and saw
the owner who was panicking because he needed it
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Thomas Edison: A True Hero Essay
Thomas Alva Edison is a true hero for his admirable and tremendous actions and contributions. Born on February 11, 1847 near Lake Erie, he
showed much interest in mechanics and chemical experiments. He was seven years old when he moved to Port Huron. Edison, or Al as his other
seven siblings called him, was very curious and attempted to test how things worked. Some of his childhood experiences included trying to hatch
goose eggs, attempting to create electricity with cats, and making a boy float up into the air. At the age of twelve, Al got a job on the Grand Trunk
Railroad as a candy butcher, which means he sold newspapers, candy, and drinks to people on the trip. During his free time on the train, he made his
own laboratory in more content...
In 1862, he saved a telegrapherВ’s son from an incoming train and received training as a reward. By the age of twenty, he was supposedly the fastest
telegrapher in the U.S. He left the job after telegraphing all over the U.S. and Canada to pay more attention to his inventions by recording his methods
and results. In 1868, Alva invented the Electric Vote Recorder and received a patent by the government. But in the end, Congress didnВ’t want to use it
and Edison decided only to invent things that the people wanted. Thomas Edison moved to New York City at the age of twenty–two. His friend, who
worked for a Gold Indicator Company, asked him to come quickly and fix the stock ticker that had broken not to long ago. He quickly reassembled
the stock ticker and was then hired by the boss to fix and improve the mechanics at GIC. In 1869, he invented the Edison Universal Stock Ticker,
which was then used for the next eighty years. He decided he wanted to sell the new Stock Ticker for a price of $5000. It ended up being $40000
when the president of Gold and Stock Telegraphic Co. offered it to him. Edison recalled that В“It caused me to come as near fainting as I ever
got.В” The Edison Universal Stock Ticker was his first commercial invention. From then on he improved the typewriter and the telegraph in 1872 and
1874. In April of 1876, Edison built a laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ. His factory made only inventions. In fact,
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Thomas Edison Research Paper
Thomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison once said "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety–nine percent perspiration." Edison is often known as not
only the greatest American inventor but one of the greatest inventors to in the whole world. He was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan Ohio, and
was the last of seven children. His father, Samuel, worked as a Canadian political firebrand and his mother, Nancy, was a school teacher. His family
moved from Ohio to Port Huron, Michigan when Edison was only 7 years old due to financial problems and his parents being in search of work. As
expected at that age, Thomas Edison began attending school just like every other little boy and girl, however his experience in the school system was
a lot different and ended a lot quicker. His teacher highly considered Edison to be a dull/boring pupil, Thomas showed great disinterest in subjects
such as mathematics and often asked far too many questions in class that his teacher liked to hear. Shortly after spending approximately three months
in his new school, Edison's teacher approached his mother and informed her that he truly believed that Thomas Edison was incapable of learning.
Following that incident it was said he briefly attended other schools but most of his education took place at home being taught by his mother. His very
first job was that of a candy butcher on a Grand Trunk Railroad. Then at 15 Edison traveled through the Midwest and apprenticed to a telegraph
operator, and spent the
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The Pros And Cons Of Thomas Edison Company
In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the first incandescent light bulb in a competitive community. The invention of the electrical light bulb was built
on commutative work done by previous scientists and researchers. Edison was invited to William Wallace workshop to examine the Wallace's
prototype. Edison thought that the prototype has something wrong, "I believe that I can beat you making the electrical light. I do not think that you
are working in the right direction" Edison told Wallace [1]. Therefore, he decided to do make his own electrical light and there race was started.
After a week of his visit to Wallace workshop, Edison was already invented the first light bulb. The success that was achieved by Edison led to a big
success for his company, more content...
Even though, Edison failed when General Electric offered a proposal to electrify a project in Chicago using Edison's direct current for $554,000, but
lost to their biggest competitor, George Westinghouse, who offered a contract to power the fair for only $399,000 using Tesla'salternating current [3].
Also, another failure in 1893 for Edison, when Niagara Falls Power Company decided to build power station and was convinced by George Forbes
to award the contract to Westinghouse, and to reject General Electric and Edison's proposal. Work began in 1893 on the Niagara Falls generation
project: power was to be generated and transmitted as alternating current, at a frequency of 25 Hz to minimize losses in transmission (changed to 60
Hz in the 1950s). In 1909, the power station was generation AC current from Niagara Falls and deliver it to New York which was a historical
achievement in the Electrical systems
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Thomas Edison Essay
Thomas Edison      Thomas (Alva) Edison was one of America's most important and famous inventors. Edison was
born into a time and place where there wasn't much technological advancements. His inventions helped a lot of things quickly change in the world.
His inventions contributed to many inventions today such as the night light, movies, telephones, and records and CDs.
     Edison is most famous for the development of the first electric light bulb. Like I said Edison was born into a
time where America wasn't very developed. He was born, and electricity had not been developed. But thanks to Edison when he had passed away on
October 18, 1931 whole cities were lit up in electricity. more content...
     The next day Thomas and his mom went back to school to have a talk with Reverend Engle. He continued to
say things about Thomas' knowledge saying such remarks like Thomas can't learn. His mother was extremely offended and decided to take him out
of that school. His mom later decided that she would homeschool him. During these times of home schooled he was enrolled in 2 other public
schools. His attendance was very sporadic so it is known that most of his schooling was done at home. Undergoing His Inventions Automatic
Telegraph      Nine years before Edison was born, Samuel Morse was famous for inventing the telegraph. The
telegraph sent messages over wires using "Morse code". In Morse code, the alphabet and numbers are written in combinations of dots,
dashes, and short and long sounds. By the time Edison began doing experiments, telegraph lines went across the country. He wanted to learn how to
be a telegrapher and send messages over telegraph wires.      One day while selling newspapers along the railroad,
something happened that was going to change Edison's life. Edison saved the life of a "station official's" child. The child fell onto the tracks of an
oncoming train. Edison ran to his helplessness and took the boy off the tracks before the train flew bye. The boy's father thanked Edison by teaching
him how to use the telegraph. Edison used scrap metal to build a
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Thomas Edison
Today people are using many conveniences that come from the inventors in 1880 's and 1890 's. And Thomas Edison is one of the famous inventor.
So many of Edison 's inventions are held in such a high regard that he is considered the greatest inventor of all time. The New York World, in 1901,
called Edison "Our Greatest Living American, The Foremost Creative and Constructive Mind of This Country, Our True National Genius." Edison was
a successful manufacturer and business. What did Edison make the changed and impacted the world today?
In 1868, When Edison was twenty–two years old. He invented an electrical vote recorder and he got his first patent for it. The purpose of an electrical
vote recorder was to helping legislators in US Congress record their votes in quicker than the voice vote system. To make this vote recorder to work
was to connect a voting device to a clerk 's desk where the names of the legislators were embedded. The legislators would move a switch to either yes
or no. The wheels that said yes or no kept track of the votes and showed the final results. Edison also created the world 's first industrial research
laboratory known as "The Wizard of Menlo Park," for the New Jersey town. Edison's goal was always want to create a small invention every ten days
and a big invention every six months (Thomas Edison's Research Laboratory). Edison wasn 't obsessed with self–promotion and public relations.
Partially deaf and more at home in his laboratory
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The Invention Of Thomas Edison Essay
Imagine a world where ideas and inventions are stolen off each other with no legal consequences. Imagine a world where Samsung wasn't sued by
Apple because legally, there is no penalty for stealing designs. Imagine a world where Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison wasn't famous for
their inventions because someone else had stolen their ideas and created the inventions publicly first. This is what the world would have been like
without the use of patents. Patents ensure that no idea is stolen, sold, or replicated without the appropriate permission. Every inventor has ad their fair
share of troubling experiences with patents. However, an inventor that did not allow his dilemmas with patents stop him from achieving great things is
Thomas Edison. Due to the patent process, Edison was able to succeed at a young age, own numerous inventions, competed other inventors' patents, and
inspired others to compete with his inventions to further improve technology.
Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 to a middle–class family in Milan, Ohio. His interest in gaining knowledge sprouted from a young age.
At the mere age of twelve, he had expanded his reading from The History of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire to various works in practical
chemistry. This intelligence and interest later motivated Edison into creating numerous inventions throughout his life time. At the young age of 16
Edison had built his own telegraph, which had already been in use for more than forty years,
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Thomas Edison Essay
Jada Logan HIS 132 Josh Dobson 11 October 2017 Thomas Edison On average, two billion five hundred million light bulbs are sold each year.
Thomas Edison was an American inventor, who happened to "invent," the lightbulb. He is considered one of America's greatest inventors. He is also
considered "The Wizard of Menlo Park." Even in the nineteenth century, he has contributed to the world today. Born on February 11th, 1854 he was
born to Nancy Matthews Elliott and Samuel Ogden Edison Jr. They were two hard working class citizens in Milan, Ohio. At the age of seven Edison
moved to Port Huron, Michigan. While in school, he had found it difficult to pay attention and he would've been diagnosed with ADHD if he was born
in present times, but more content...
He had soon gotten a job as the operator at the telegraph office in Port Huron. This job soon came to an end when one of Edison's experiments
almost blew up the office. After this incident, he traveled the country for five years mostly working as a telegraph operator. People probably
wonder how he was a telegraph operator when he was almost completely deaf, but the telegraph clicks were clear to him rather than worldly
noises. After being downgraded and quitting his job at the Western Telegraph office in Boston, for a prank he played on his bosses in December,
he decided to quit working as a telegraph officer. He then decided to focus and what he truly had a passion for, inventions (Leonard). So by
changing his profession to telegraph officer to an inventor, his first invention was an electric vote recorder, a device intended to use by Congress,
senators, etc... to speed up the voting process. Like all great inventors, his first time was a failure (Edison). After a few failures, he had lost faith of
his investors and became broke. Bankrupt, Edison moved to New York. He had continued to pursue his interest in inventions, and developed his first
successful invention. This had landed him forty thousand dollars in his pocket with this money he had set up a business and started a family. In
1876, Edison had sold his company, and moved his family to Menlo Park, a small village right outside New York City (Gerald). This right here, is
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Biography of Thomas Edison Essay
Biography of Thomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most famous inventors. He saw many changes take place in his lifetime. His inventions
were responsible for many of those changes. Some of his inventions were the telephone, the light bulb, the movie projector, and the phonograph. These
inventions contributed to modern day, lights, movies, telephones, records and CDs. When Edison was born, there was no such thing as electricity, but
by the time he died entire cities were lit by electricity ( Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio.
He was one of the seven children of Samuel Edison, Jr. and Nancy Elliot Edison. His mother was more content...
Thomas sold newspapers and candy to the passengers. He also printed a weekly paper called the Weekly Herald. He spent all of the money he
earned on supplies for his laboratory. During the year he was there he got permission to move his lab to a baggage car. This let him work on his
experiments during the five–hour layover. One day the train moved slightly spilling his chemicals. The laboratory caught fire and the conductor
threw him off the train ( Edison had ear problems throughout his childhood. He had scarlet fever when he
was young which damaged his hearing significantly. When he was fifteen a freak accident caused him to go deaf. When he tried to jump on a
moving train the conductor grabbed him by the ear to help pull him up. He said he felt something pop inside his head. His deafness could have been
cured by an operation but he refused. He said being deaf helped him concentrate. He also said, "Deafness probably drove me to reading". He was one
of the first people to use the Detroit Free Library. He went through the library reading as many books as he could. He spent much of his time reading
books on electricity, mechanics, chemical analysis, manufacturing, and technology ( While Edison was at the
train station he learned to use the telegraph from one the station officials. He used scrap metal to build a telegraph set and
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Thomas Edison Biography
Thomas Edison
I chose to research American inventor Thomas Alva Edison. Born on February 11, 1847 to middle–class parents in Milan, Ohio, Thomas Edison was
labeled as a unique and remarkable individual with a curious passion for knowledge even as a child. Edison was taken out of school at age seven
when his teacher had run out of patience with the child's relentless questioning, constant need for attention, and what would now most likely be
considered ADHD. His beloved mother, Nancy, began teaching Tom the "three R's and the Bible", and was convinced his unusual behavior was largely
because of his extraordinary intelligence (Guthridge 23). After his parents introduced him to the multiple resources of their local library, Thomas began more content...
While walking down the street one day, Edison noticed through a window that a brokerage firm manager was in panic from what looked like a
"critical stock ticker had broken down" (Israel 175). Pushing his way through the crowd to the manager, Thomas took seconds to fix the unfamiliar
machine. His actions astonished the manager, who immediately gave Edison a high paying job in the firm to do future maintenance on all machines.
This incident became a major event in Edison's life because he felt like he was "suddenly delivered out of abject poverty and into prosperity" (Israel
It was during the next three years that Edison's line of major inventions really took off. In 1874, he received enough money from selling an "electrical
engineering firm that he opened his first complete testing and development lab in New Jersey" (Israel 186). Edison developed the carbon transmitter in
1876, which allowed the recently invented telephone to be "audible enough for practical use" (Bellis). A year later, he developed the first phonograph.
Shortly after, Edison was mad at himself that Alexander Graham Bell had completed the telephone before him, because he was close to finishing the
product himself. However, Edison did develop a carbon transmitter which innovated the telephone and created its massive expansion. Edison's
disappointment in himself for being
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Thomas Edison Research Paper
Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. His parents were Sam and Nancy Edison. His father Samuel Edison Jr. was a rebel
against the Royal Canadian Government and high tempered and stubborn like his father Samuel Edison Sr. Thomas Edison's mother was the daughter
of a Baptist Minister and was the base in the Edison family. She also has the same temper as her husband which countered Samuel Edison Jr. They
were married in 1828 in Vienna, Ontario. At the age of 14Thomas Edison was pretty much interested in Electricity or any sort of thing involving
electricity. He worked patiently as a newsboy going from city of Detroit and back. They moved from Milan to Port Huron when Thomas Edison was
nine years old. He worked as more content...
The Edison's have left Milan when Thomas was nine years old where they moved and lived in Port Huron. At age 14 Thomas work as a newsboy
and a candy butcher on the Grand Trunk Railway. The Grand Trunk Railway was between Port Huron and Detroit in his time period in 1861. Also
in the young age of 14 he has shown a great interest in telegraphy. In order for him to sell newspapers he would had to travel by train from Port
Huron each day at 7 A.M., and arriving in Detroit at 10 A.M. there in Detroit he would buy all his supplies of candy, fruits and papers. As a
newsboy he has an opportunity to drive the train for that the fireman and the engineer aboard could catch up on their sleep. Thomas Edison's
unfortunate deafness occurs one morning just as freight was pulling out at the station. Running after it with his arms full of newspapers, he tried to
lift himself up on the rear step. "A trainman reached over and grabbed me by the ears and lifted me... I felt something snap inside my head, and the
deafness started from that time and has progressed ever since... If it was that man who lifted me by the ears who injured me, he did it to save my
life."(The Thomas Alva Edison Album, 32)
From newsboy to night telegraph operator at Stratford Junction, Thomas has moved to Ontario at age 16 in 1863 where the Grand Trunk Railway
was paying him $25 a month. His new home in Ontario was about 40 miles from the old home of his. He work 12 hours a day from 7 P.M. through 7
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Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was a man who influenced America more than anyone else. Some of the inventions he pioneered are still used to this day. He was a
man who spent almost his entire life working as a scientist, and receiving more than 1,200 patents in his lifetime. (Anderson pg.7) Thomas Edison's
life was probably twice as productive as a modern day chemist, he was a firm believer of an eight hour work day, eight hours in the morning, and eight
in the afternoon. Aside from his amazing history as an adult Edison lived an equally exciting childhood. Thomas Edison was born in Milan Ohio on
February 11, 1847. At the time, his father was owner of a successful shingle and lumber company. However with new railroads being built through
Milan his more content...
By adding a carbon transmitter, it enabled people to talk, rather than shout into the receiver. On Christmas 1871, when he turned 24, he married Mary
Stilwell, age 16, but that hardly affected his working life (Vanderbilt p. 24). He was then asked to improve the telegraph by increasing the maximum
number of words able to be sent per minute. He increased it from 40–50 to around 200. In 1872 he received 38 patents. In 1873 he invented a working
model of the duplex, and then the quadruplex lines. This invention saved $500,000 for telegraphers. While studying for new paper for the telegraph,
Edison came upon paraffin wax paper and introduced it as wrapping paper for candies. Because Edison was not very well studied in the world of
business, he was having some problems like most inventors. He therefore moved to a place called Menlo Park, New Jersey, to continue research. There
he started his own laboratories so no one could bother him with business problems, and started a new life where the only thing he would do would be to
continue research and development. In this stage of life he made some of his most important inventions (Vanderbilt p. 28). In early 1877, Edison started
working with things other than telegraphy. He invented the carbon transmitter, which made the invention of the phone possible. He stumbled into the
invention of the phonograph. The invention of the phonograph made him famous and he
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Thomas Edison
What do you use to see at night? You probably said some form of light containing a light bulb of some kind. Well, before Thomas Edison came along
people used gas lamps, and fire to see. Thomas Edison was person who revolutionized the world with his amazing invention of the incandescent light
bulb, and he also had other revolutionary inventions. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio (Edison's Light bulb). His
parents were Samuel and Nancy Edison, and he was the last of seven children. As a child he had very little education. He only attended school for only
a couple months, his mother taught him, reading, writing, and arithmetic (Edison Biography). He was curious though, and taught himself by reading.
At more content...
He also worked on motion pictures. Edison is quoted in saying "I am experimenting upon an instrument which does for the eye what the
phonograph does for the ear" in 1888. He and an assistant, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, started working on movies in 1889 (Edison Motion
Pictures). They invented the actual motion picture camera called a Kinetograph, and the Kinetoscope, which was used to see the motion pictures
(Edison Motion Pictures). He demonstrated them in 1891, and production began in 1893 (called movies), he developed the equipment needed to
film and show movies. Others became interested in the idea and continued to improve it (Edison Biography). Then came Edison's biggest failure.
He tried to find methods of mining iron ore, and spent millions and 10 years of research on this project, but couldn't come up with anything that
worked. He would have been ruined (money wise), have it not been that he was working on the phonograph and motion pictures at the same time
(Edison Biography). He then worked on creating a better storage battery for electric cars. He began to develop alalikine battery in 1899 (Edison
Biography). It took him ten years, and by the time he finished gasoline cars had gotten better and were used more than electric cars. Instead his
batteries were used for lighting miners lamps, railway signals and cars, lamps, and ocean buoys. This invention was his most profitable (Edison
Biography). In 1915, Edison asked (and did)
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Thomas Alva Edison Essay
Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors. He was a smart man. Thomas invented many things such as the light bulb
and phonograph. Without the light bulb we would still be using candles and lanterns like they did many years ago. Although Thomas was deaf he
worked hard and never gave up.
Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He had manyfamily members. He had a father named Samuel Odgen Edison and a
mother named Nancy Elliott Edison. Thomas' mother pulled him from school because Thomas' teacher called him a"retard." Nancy Edison taught her
son at home. Thomas has six siblings and he was the youngest child in the Edison family. Thomas was interested in more content...
Thomas studied books on mechanics, manufacturing, and chemistry at the public library. He spent a long time studying Newtown's Principles. He
also read lots of books such as Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Hume's History of England,
Sear's History of the World, Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, and The Dictoinaries of Sciences.
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. In October of 1879 Edison patented his incandescent lamp. Edison and his team made a new vacuum pump to
make better vacuums in glass light bulbs. It was better known as the "glow bulb." Thomas' second attempt at the glow bulb successfully lit for forty
hours. On New Year's Eve Edison lit up Menlo
Park with thirty glow bulbs. Electricity would replace gas for lighting purposes. The light bulb gives off light so that we can see with out lanterns and
candles. The Edison Lamp Company produced 1,000 lightbulbs a day.
It has improved since it's original version. In 1880, Edison invented the incandescent lamp. In the year 1910, Tungsten filament was discovered giving
off white light instead of yellow light. In 1925, lamps were given an inside frosting that had a fine spray of hydrofluoric acid. In the late 19th century,
florescent lamps were invented. Theyare tubes filled with low–pressure neon gas.
Thomas Edison invented many things we still used today. I think the light bulb was the greatest invention because it is hard to see with out light bulbs.
Without the
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Thomas Edison Essay

  • 1. Thomas Edison Essay Thomas Edison was a man who influenced America more than anyone else. Some of the inventions he pioneered are still used to this day. He was a man who spent almost his entire life working as a scientist, and receiving more than 1,200 patents in his lifetime. (Anderson pg.7) Thomas Edison's life was probably twice as productive as a modern day chemist, he was a firm believer of an eight hour work day, eight hours in the morning, and eight in the afternoon. Aside from his amazing history as an adult Edison lived an equally exciting childhood. Thomas Edison was born in Milan Ohio on February 11, 1847. At the time, his father was owner of a successful shingle and lumber company. However with new railroads being built through Milan his more content... The fire was quickly spotted and only caused minor damage. Tom was then banned from experimenting on the train. Along with chemistry he began to work with telegraphy. When he was fourteen, he and another boy who lived nearby set up a telegraphic connection between their houses. By using the telegrapher so often Tom became equivalent to a second class which could earn a very steady pay. (Vanderbilt, 17). With his knowledge in telegraphy he began working as a full time operator soon after he made his first major invention it was a telegraphic repeating instrument that enabled messages to be transmitted automatically over a second line without the need for an operator. He had invented a machine that does the job he is hired to do. For a while Edison kept this invention secret. He began using it while at work, but was caught asleep with it on. After he was fired he moved to Boston, here he planned to dedicate all of his time to research for new inventions. Soon after he invented an automatic vote counter. Now the presidential votes could be counted in a fraction of the time it used to take. But the government didn't like it, it was too fast. Those who decided not to use it argued that people want time between the time that they vote and the time they hear the results. However, this machine is later used, and the same design is still used today. Since his last invention didn't produce any profit, he was hoping his next invention would help him financially. Edison Get more content on
  • 2. Research Paper On Thomas Edison Thomas Edison: Amazing American Inventor Thomas Edison was an amazing Inventor who everyone knows about. He was born in Milan Ohio, February 11("Thomas Alva Edison–Book"). Edison created many wonderful things like the electric lightbulb. He held more than 1,000 patents for his inventions(""). Thomas was also the last of seven children of Nancy and Samuel Edison("")From being a very smart child, to becoming an amazing inventor, Thomas Edison became one of the most important Americans in history. Younger Years His mother was a great influence on him when he was a child(""). Edison got scarlet fever and ear infections which gave him hearing problems(""). 1854 is when his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan("") more content... This is when he decided to dedicate his life to inventing(""). In 1870, He created his first small laboratory in Newark, New Jersey(""). Edison employed mechanists to help him(""). Thomas was paid 100,000 dollars for the quadruplex telegraph(""). Edison's wife died at age 29 from a suspected brain tumor(""). 1876 is when he moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey(""). In 1877, he created the phonograph, and he built a great laboratory(""). Edison once said, "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"(""). At the end of his life he worked on the alkaline battery and he experimented with natural rubber(""). Edison died in his home from diabetes Oct. 18, 1931(""). Thomas Edison is considered one of America's best businessmen(""). Thomas is still remembered as a great American today. Thomas has probably inspired many people to invent new things. Work Cited –edison–9284349 http:/ /–edison Thomas Alva Edison–Book– Written By Michael Get more content on
  • 3. Thomas. Edison : The Invention Of Thomas Edison Who is Thomas Edison? Before learning about his other inventions I only knew Thomas Edison as the man who invented the electrical light bulb. Did you know the light bulb was not Thomas Edison's only invention? Yes it is the most the popular and is still used today but Thomas Edison is also responsible for many inventions that have helped make advances in Mass Communications. These inventions include the kinetograph/kinetophone, phonograph and multiple models of the telegraph and telephone. Due to the success of these inventions Thomas Edison holds 1,093 U.S patents and has received a plethora of awards. (, n.d.) Thomas Edison's inventions have made him pioneer in recording music and motion picture, hence making him an important inventor in the world of Mass Communications. The inventions of Thomas Edison have been duplicated many times. His work still has an impact on the things that we use today. I believe Thomas Edison is an inventor with one of the biggest impacts on our modern day technology. Most of his inventions were ahead of its time making it hard for some people to operate which is why some of his inventions did not receive as much praise as it should've. (Wikipedia Website , n.d.) Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He always had a passion for knowledge and was homeschooled by his mother. At the age of 12 Thomas Edison began selling newspapers along the railroads. While selling newspapers Thomas Edison discovered his access to the news bulletins that were sent to the office every day. With this newfound information Edison began to publish his own newspaper called the "Grand Trunk Herald". He also sold this newspaper along the line of the railroad, his newspaper was very successful with the passengers. In addition to his interest in newspapers Edison was also fascinated by science. To carry out his science curiosities, Edison began to perform his own chemical experiments in the baggage car of the trains he'd been selling his newspapers on. Unfortunately he ignited a small fire and his unofficial laboratory was discovered. Edison was kicked off the train and was forced to sell his newspapers in various other stations. Although Get more content on
  • 4. Thomas Edison Essay Thomas Alva Edison is considered one of the greatest inventors in history. He was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847 and died in 1931. During his life he patented 1,093 inventions. Many of these inventions are in use today and changed the world forever. Some of his inventions include telegraphy, phonography, electric lighting and photography. His most famous inventions were the phonograph and theincandescent light bulb. Edison did some of his greatest work at Menlo Park. While experimenting on an underwater cable for the automatic telegraph, he found that the electrical resistance and conductivity of carbon varied accordingly to the pressure it was under. This was a major theoretical discovery, which enabled Edison to invent more content... His most famous and most commonly used invention is the incandescent light bulb. American scientists including Samuel Langley needed a highly sensitive instrument that could be used to measure minute temperature changes in heat emitted from the Sun's corona during a solar eclipse along the rocky mountains on July 29,1878. To please those needs Edison invented a "microtasimeter" employing a carbon button. This was a time when great advances were being made in arc lights so that electricity could be used for lighting in the same fashion as with small, individual gas "burners". The basic problem seemed to be to keep the burner, or the bulb, from being consumed by preventing it from overheating. Edison thought he would be able to solve this by coming up with a microtasimeter–like device to control the current. He proclaimed that he would invent a safe, mild, and inexpensive electric light that would replace the gaslight. Inventors had been attempting to devise the incandescent light bulb for fifty years, but Edison's reputation and past achievements commanded respect for his bold prediction. As a result, a group of leading financiers, including J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts, established the Edison Electric Light Company, and advanced him $30,000 for his research Get more content on
  • 5. Thomas Edison Edison So we all know Thomas Edison, but we didn't really know what he did for us. So you ask yourself who is Thomas Edison, well he was an inventor and he was well known for it. Was he the greatest inventor of all time? He made the phonograph. Also he made one of the greatest invention and it was the light bulb, but you ask , How did he invent light. What was his childhood like? what was his education like? what inventions did he make? Did he get married? Did he have kids? Childhood He was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He had seven siblings and he was the youngest out of all of them, but when he was seven years old his whole family moved to Michigan. He went to Cooper Union, but he only stayed there for a short time and while he was in school, he dropped out and started working at a railroad between Detroit and Port Huron. During the Civil war he got into technology, but when he got a little bit older he started to have hearing problems in both of his ears from a train accident but when he was an adult he almost went deaf. When he got into technology, he started to get into electricity in 1869. He always did chemistry experiments in his basement and his mom would be worried and scared because she would think stuff could go bad down there. Education Thomas went to Cooper Union in 1854, for school. That was the first school he went to, Get more content on
  • 6. Thomas Edison Essay I decided to do my report on Thomas Alva Edison because he brought a lot of things into our world. He invented the light bulb, the alkaline battery, the phonograph, and many other things. Many of our modern electronics origins came from Thomas A. Edison. I thought he was very interesting. That is why I chose him.Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847, and lived with his middle class parents, Samuel Edison (his father) and Nancy Edison (his mother). Surprisingly, the young boy did not even talk until he was four years old. In 1854, at age seven, Tom and his parents moved to Port Huron, Michigan. There, near the beginning of the year in a noisy schoolhouse with 38 other kids, his teacher lost his more content... His newspaper publishing and selling was over after he was thrown off the train by a railroad supervisor. This incident happened for no reason; Tom had not done anything wrong. Even so, he continued to visit the train station. One day, the stationmaster's son happened to be wandering near the track when a train was coming. Tom quickly saved the boy from being run over. In reward for saving his son, James Mackenzie (the stationmaster) taught Tom Morse Code and how to operate the telegraph. During this time, Thomas Edison invented the automatic repeater. This invention repeated a message automatically to the person you ware sending it to until it was answered. Surprisingly, he never got paid for inventing this, even though it was very popular. After this, in 1868, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts. Here he invented the vote counter. The vote counter counted votes quickly and electronically. However, the politicians (people who are running for something such as president) did not want it because they wanted more time to persuade people to vote for them. After this, he moved to New York, New York and was basically starving because he had no money. He walked down the street and begged for a cup of tea from the person at a drink stand. Then he noticed a crowd standing around a broken stock ticker. He made his way through the crowd and saw the owner who was panicking because he needed it Get more content on
  • 7. Thomas Edison: A True Hero Essay Thomas Alva Edison is a true hero for his admirable and tremendous actions and contributions. Born on February 11, 1847 near Lake Erie, he showed much interest in mechanics and chemical experiments. He was seven years old when he moved to Port Huron. Edison, or Al as his other seven siblings called him, was very curious and attempted to test how things worked. Some of his childhood experiences included trying to hatch goose eggs, attempting to create electricity with cats, and making a boy float up into the air. At the age of twelve, Al got a job on the Grand Trunk Railroad as a candy butcher, which means he sold newspapers, candy, and drinks to people on the trip. During his free time on the train, he made his own laboratory in more content... In 1862, he saved a telegrapherВ’s son from an incoming train and received training as a reward. By the age of twenty, he was supposedly the fastest telegrapher in the U.S. He left the job after telegraphing all over the U.S. and Canada to pay more attention to his inventions by recording his methods and results. In 1868, Alva invented the Electric Vote Recorder and received a patent by the government. But in the end, Congress didnВ’t want to use it and Edison decided only to invent things that the people wanted. Thomas Edison moved to New York City at the age of twenty–two. His friend, who worked for a Gold Indicator Company, asked him to come quickly and fix the stock ticker that had broken not to long ago. He quickly reassembled the stock ticker and was then hired by the boss to fix and improve the mechanics at GIC. In 1869, he invented the Edison Universal Stock Ticker, which was then used for the next eighty years. He decided he wanted to sell the new Stock Ticker for a price of $5000. It ended up being $40000 when the president of Gold and Stock Telegraphic Co. offered it to him. Edison recalled that В“It caused me to come as near fainting as I ever got.В” The Edison Universal Stock Ticker was his first commercial invention. From then on he improved the typewriter and the telegraph in 1872 and 1874. In April of 1876, Edison built a laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ. His factory made only inventions. In fact, Get more content on
  • 8. Thomas Edison Research Paper Thomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison once said "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety–nine percent perspiration." Edison is often known as not only the greatest American inventor but one of the greatest inventors to in the whole world. He was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan Ohio, and was the last of seven children. His father, Samuel, worked as a Canadian political firebrand and his mother, Nancy, was a school teacher. His family moved from Ohio to Port Huron, Michigan when Edison was only 7 years old due to financial problems and his parents being in search of work. As expected at that age, Thomas Edison began attending school just like every other little boy and girl, however his experience in the school system was a lot different and ended a lot quicker. His teacher highly considered Edison to be a dull/boring pupil, Thomas showed great disinterest in subjects such as mathematics and often asked far too many questions in class that his teacher liked to hear. Shortly after spending approximately three months in his new school, Edison's teacher approached his mother and informed her that he truly believed that Thomas Edison was incapable of learning. Following that incident it was said he briefly attended other schools but most of his education took place at home being taught by his mother. His very first job was that of a candy butcher on a Grand Trunk Railroad. Then at 15 Edison traveled through the Midwest and apprenticed to a telegraph operator, and spent the Get more content on
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Thomas Edison Company In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the first incandescent light bulb in a competitive community. The invention of the electrical light bulb was built on commutative work done by previous scientists and researchers. Edison was invited to William Wallace workshop to examine the Wallace's prototype. Edison thought that the prototype has something wrong, "I believe that I can beat you making the electrical light. I do not think that you are working in the right direction" Edison told Wallace [1]. Therefore, he decided to do make his own electrical light and there race was started. After a week of his visit to Wallace workshop, Edison was already invented the first light bulb. The success that was achieved by Edison led to a big success for his company, more content... Even though, Edison failed when General Electric offered a proposal to electrify a project in Chicago using Edison's direct current for $554,000, but lost to their biggest competitor, George Westinghouse, who offered a contract to power the fair for only $399,000 using Tesla'salternating current [3]. Also, another failure in 1893 for Edison, when Niagara Falls Power Company decided to build power station and was convinced by George Forbes to award the contract to Westinghouse, and to reject General Electric and Edison's proposal. Work began in 1893 on the Niagara Falls generation project: power was to be generated and transmitted as alternating current, at a frequency of 25 Hz to minimize losses in transmission (changed to 60 Hz in the 1950s). In 1909, the power station was generation AC current from Niagara Falls and deliver it to New York which was a historical achievement in the Electrical systems Get more content on
  • 10. Thomas Edison Essay Thomas Edison      Thomas (Alva) Edison was one of America's most important and famous inventors. Edison was born into a time and place where there wasn't much technological advancements. His inventions helped a lot of things quickly change in the world. His inventions contributed to many inventions today such as the night light, movies, telephones, and records and CDs.      Edison is most famous for the development of the first electric light bulb. Like I said Edison was born into a time where America wasn't very developed. He was born, and electricity had not been developed. But thanks to Edison when he had passed away on October 18, 1931 whole cities were lit up in electricity. more content...      The next day Thomas and his mom went back to school to have a talk with Reverend Engle. He continued to say things about Thomas' knowledge saying such remarks like Thomas can't learn. His mother was extremely offended and decided to take him out of that school. His mom later decided that she would homeschool him. During these times of home schooled he was enrolled in 2 other public schools. His attendance was very sporadic so it is known that most of his schooling was done at home. Undergoing His Inventions Automatic Telegraph      Nine years before Edison was born, Samuel Morse was famous for inventing the telegraph. The telegraph sent messages over wires using "Morse code". In Morse code, the alphabet and numbers are written in combinations of dots, dashes, and short and long sounds. By the time Edison began doing experiments, telegraph lines went across the country. He wanted to learn how to be a telegrapher and send messages over telegraph wires.      One day while selling newspapers along the railroad, something happened that was going to change Edison's life. Edison saved the life of a "station official's" child. The child fell onto the tracks of an oncoming train. Edison ran to his helplessness and took the boy off the tracks before the train flew bye. The boy's father thanked Edison by teaching him how to use the telegraph. Edison used scrap metal to build a Get more content on
  • 11. Thomas Edison Today people are using many conveniences that come from the inventors in 1880 's and 1890 's. And Thomas Edison is one of the famous inventor. So many of Edison 's inventions are held in such a high regard that he is considered the greatest inventor of all time. The New York World, in 1901, called Edison "Our Greatest Living American, The Foremost Creative and Constructive Mind of This Country, Our True National Genius." Edison was a successful manufacturer and business. What did Edison make the changed and impacted the world today? In 1868, When Edison was twenty–two years old. He invented an electrical vote recorder and he got his first patent for it. The purpose of an electrical vote recorder was to helping legislators in US Congress record their votes in quicker than the voice vote system. To make this vote recorder to work was to connect a voting device to a clerk 's desk where the names of the legislators were embedded. The legislators would move a switch to either yes or no. The wheels that said yes or no kept track of the votes and showed the final results. Edison also created the world 's first industrial research laboratory known as "The Wizard of Menlo Park," for the New Jersey town. Edison's goal was always want to create a small invention every ten days and a big invention every six months (Thomas Edison's Research Laboratory). Edison wasn 't obsessed with self–promotion and public relations. Partially deaf and more at home in his laboratory Get more content on
  • 12. The Invention Of Thomas Edison Essay Imagine a world where ideas and inventions are stolen off each other with no legal consequences. Imagine a world where Samsung wasn't sued by Apple because legally, there is no penalty for stealing designs. Imagine a world where Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison wasn't famous for their inventions because someone else had stolen their ideas and created the inventions publicly first. This is what the world would have been like without the use of patents. Patents ensure that no idea is stolen, sold, or replicated without the appropriate permission. Every inventor has ad their fair share of troubling experiences with patents. However, an inventor that did not allow his dilemmas with patents stop him from achieving great things is Thomas Edison. Due to the patent process, Edison was able to succeed at a young age, own numerous inventions, competed other inventors' patents, and inspired others to compete with his inventions to further improve technology. Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 to a middle–class family in Milan, Ohio. His interest in gaining knowledge sprouted from a young age. At the mere age of twelve, he had expanded his reading from The History of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire to various works in practical chemistry. This intelligence and interest later motivated Edison into creating numerous inventions throughout his life time. At the young age of 16 Edison had built his own telegraph, which had already been in use for more than forty years, Get more content on
  • 13. Thomas Edison Essay Jada Logan HIS 132 Josh Dobson 11 October 2017 Thomas Edison On average, two billion five hundred million light bulbs are sold each year. Thomas Edison was an American inventor, who happened to "invent," the lightbulb. He is considered one of America's greatest inventors. He is also considered "The Wizard of Menlo Park." Even in the nineteenth century, he has contributed to the world today. Born on February 11th, 1854 he was born to Nancy Matthews Elliott and Samuel Ogden Edison Jr. They were two hard working class citizens in Milan, Ohio. At the age of seven Edison moved to Port Huron, Michigan. While in school, he had found it difficult to pay attention and he would've been diagnosed with ADHD if he was born in present times, but more content... He had soon gotten a job as the operator at the telegraph office in Port Huron. This job soon came to an end when one of Edison's experiments almost blew up the office. After this incident, he traveled the country for five years mostly working as a telegraph operator. People probably wonder how he was a telegraph operator when he was almost completely deaf, but the telegraph clicks were clear to him rather than worldly noises. After being downgraded and quitting his job at the Western Telegraph office in Boston, for a prank he played on his bosses in December, he decided to quit working as a telegraph officer. He then decided to focus and what he truly had a passion for, inventions (Leonard). So by changing his profession to telegraph officer to an inventor, his first invention was an electric vote recorder, a device intended to use by Congress, senators, etc... to speed up the voting process. Like all great inventors, his first time was a failure (Edison). After a few failures, he had lost faith of his investors and became broke. Bankrupt, Edison moved to New York. He had continued to pursue his interest in inventions, and developed his first successful invention. This had landed him forty thousand dollars in his pocket with this money he had set up a business and started a family. In 1876, Edison had sold his company, and moved his family to Menlo Park, a small village right outside New York City (Gerald). This right here, is Get more content on
  • 14. Biography of Thomas Edison Essay Biography of Thomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most famous inventors. He saw many changes take place in his lifetime. His inventions were responsible for many of those changes. Some of his inventions were the telephone, the light bulb, the movie projector, and the phonograph. These inventions contributed to modern day, lights, movies, telephones, records and CDs. When Edison was born, there was no such thing as electricity, but by the time he died entire cities were lit by electricity ( Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He was one of the seven children of Samuel Edison, Jr. and Nancy Elliot Edison. His mother was more content... Thomas sold newspapers and candy to the passengers. He also printed a weekly paper called the Weekly Herald. He spent all of the money he earned on supplies for his laboratory. During the year he was there he got permission to move his lab to a baggage car. This let him work on his experiments during the five–hour layover. One day the train moved slightly spilling his chemicals. The laboratory caught fire and the conductor threw him off the train ( Edison had ear problems throughout his childhood. He had scarlet fever when he was young which damaged his hearing significantly. When he was fifteen a freak accident caused him to go deaf. When he tried to jump on a moving train the conductor grabbed him by the ear to help pull him up. He said he felt something pop inside his head. His deafness could have been cured by an operation but he refused. He said being deaf helped him concentrate. He also said, "Deafness probably drove me to reading". He was one of the first people to use the Detroit Free Library. He went through the library reading as many books as he could. He spent much of his time reading books on electricity, mechanics, chemical analysis, manufacturing, and technology ( While Edison was at the train station he learned to use the telegraph from one the station officials. He used scrap metal to build a telegraph set and Get more content on
  • 15. Thomas Edison Biography Thomas Edison I chose to research American inventor Thomas Alva Edison. Born on February 11, 1847 to middle–class parents in Milan, Ohio, Thomas Edison was labeled as a unique and remarkable individual with a curious passion for knowledge even as a child. Edison was taken out of school at age seven when his teacher had run out of patience with the child's relentless questioning, constant need for attention, and what would now most likely be considered ADHD. His beloved mother, Nancy, began teaching Tom the "three R's and the Bible", and was convinced his unusual behavior was largely because of his extraordinary intelligence (Guthridge 23). After his parents introduced him to the multiple resources of their local library, Thomas began more content... While walking down the street one day, Edison noticed through a window that a brokerage firm manager was in panic from what looked like a "critical stock ticker had broken down" (Israel 175). Pushing his way through the crowd to the manager, Thomas took seconds to fix the unfamiliar machine. His actions astonished the manager, who immediately gave Edison a high paying job in the firm to do future maintenance on all machines. This incident became a major event in Edison's life because he felt like he was "suddenly delivered out of abject poverty and into prosperity" (Israel 177). It was during the next three years that Edison's line of major inventions really took off. In 1874, he received enough money from selling an "electrical engineering firm that he opened his first complete testing and development lab in New Jersey" (Israel 186). Edison developed the carbon transmitter in 1876, which allowed the recently invented telephone to be "audible enough for practical use" (Bellis). A year later, he developed the first phonograph. Shortly after, Edison was mad at himself that Alexander Graham Bell had completed the telephone before him, because he was close to finishing the product himself. However, Edison did develop a carbon transmitter which innovated the telephone and created its massive expansion. Edison's disappointment in himself for being Get more content on
  • 16. Thomas Edison Research Paper Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. His parents were Sam and Nancy Edison. His father Samuel Edison Jr. was a rebel against the Royal Canadian Government and high tempered and stubborn like his father Samuel Edison Sr. Thomas Edison's mother was the daughter of a Baptist Minister and was the base in the Edison family. She also has the same temper as her husband which countered Samuel Edison Jr. They were married in 1828 in Vienna, Ontario. At the age of 14Thomas Edison was pretty much interested in Electricity or any sort of thing involving electricity. He worked patiently as a newsboy going from city of Detroit and back. They moved from Milan to Port Huron when Thomas Edison was nine years old. He worked as more content... The Edison's have left Milan when Thomas was nine years old where they moved and lived in Port Huron. At age 14 Thomas work as a newsboy and a candy butcher on the Grand Trunk Railway. The Grand Trunk Railway was between Port Huron and Detroit in his time period in 1861. Also in the young age of 14 he has shown a great interest in telegraphy. In order for him to sell newspapers he would had to travel by train from Port Huron each day at 7 A.M., and arriving in Detroit at 10 A.M. there in Detroit he would buy all his supplies of candy, fruits and papers. As a newsboy he has an opportunity to drive the train for that the fireman and the engineer aboard could catch up on their sleep. Thomas Edison's unfortunate deafness occurs one morning just as freight was pulling out at the station. Running after it with his arms full of newspapers, he tried to lift himself up on the rear step. "A trainman reached over and grabbed me by the ears and lifted me... I felt something snap inside my head, and the deafness started from that time and has progressed ever since... If it was that man who lifted me by the ears who injured me, he did it to save my life."(The Thomas Alva Edison Album, 32) From newsboy to night telegraph operator at Stratford Junction, Thomas has moved to Ontario at age 16 in 1863 where the Grand Trunk Railway was paying him $25 a month. His new home in Ontario was about 40 miles from the old home of his. He work 12 hours a day from 7 P.M. through 7 Get more content on
  • 17. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison was a man who influenced America more than anyone else. Some of the inventions he pioneered are still used to this day. He was a man who spent almost his entire life working as a scientist, and receiving more than 1,200 patents in his lifetime. (Anderson pg.7) Thomas Edison's life was probably twice as productive as a modern day chemist, he was a firm believer of an eight hour work day, eight hours in the morning, and eight in the afternoon. Aside from his amazing history as an adult Edison lived an equally exciting childhood. Thomas Edison was born in Milan Ohio on February 11, 1847. At the time, his father was owner of a successful shingle and lumber company. However with new railroads being built through Milan his more content... By adding a carbon transmitter, it enabled people to talk, rather than shout into the receiver. On Christmas 1871, when he turned 24, he married Mary Stilwell, age 16, but that hardly affected his working life (Vanderbilt p. 24). He was then asked to improve the telegraph by increasing the maximum number of words able to be sent per minute. He increased it from 40–50 to around 200. In 1872 he received 38 patents. In 1873 he invented a working model of the duplex, and then the quadruplex lines. This invention saved $500,000 for telegraphers. While studying for new paper for the telegraph, Edison came upon paraffin wax paper and introduced it as wrapping paper for candies. Because Edison was not very well studied in the world of business, he was having some problems like most inventors. He therefore moved to a place called Menlo Park, New Jersey, to continue research. There he started his own laboratories so no one could bother him with business problems, and started a new life where the only thing he would do would be to continue research and development. In this stage of life he made some of his most important inventions (Vanderbilt p. 28). In early 1877, Edison started working with things other than telegraphy. He invented the carbon transmitter, which made the invention of the phone possible. He stumbled into the invention of the phonograph. The invention of the phonograph made him famous and he Get more content on
  • 18. Thomas Edison What do you use to see at night? You probably said some form of light containing a light bulb of some kind. Well, before Thomas Edison came along people used gas lamps, and fire to see. Thomas Edison was person who revolutionized the world with his amazing invention of the incandescent light bulb, and he also had other revolutionary inventions. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio (Edison's Light bulb). His parents were Samuel and Nancy Edison, and he was the last of seven children. As a child he had very little education. He only attended school for only a couple months, his mother taught him, reading, writing, and arithmetic (Edison Biography). He was curious though, and taught himself by reading. At more content... He also worked on motion pictures. Edison is quoted in saying "I am experimenting upon an instrument which does for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear" in 1888. He and an assistant, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, started working on movies in 1889 (Edison Motion Pictures). They invented the actual motion picture camera called a Kinetograph, and the Kinetoscope, which was used to see the motion pictures (Edison Motion Pictures). He demonstrated them in 1891, and production began in 1893 (called movies), he developed the equipment needed to film and show movies. Others became interested in the idea and continued to improve it (Edison Biography). Then came Edison's biggest failure. He tried to find methods of mining iron ore, and spent millions and 10 years of research on this project, but couldn't come up with anything that worked. He would have been ruined (money wise), have it not been that he was working on the phonograph and motion pictures at the same time (Edison Biography). He then worked on creating a better storage battery for electric cars. He began to develop alalikine battery in 1899 (Edison Biography). It took him ten years, and by the time he finished gasoline cars had gotten better and were used more than electric cars. Instead his batteries were used for lighting miners lamps, railway signals and cars, lamps, and ocean buoys. This invention was his most profitable (Edison Biography). In 1915, Edison asked (and did) Get more content on
  • 19. Thomas Alva Edison Essay Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors. He was a smart man. Thomas invented many things such as the light bulb and phonograph. Without the light bulb we would still be using candles and lanterns like they did many years ago. Although Thomas was deaf he worked hard and never gave up. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He had manyfamily members. He had a father named Samuel Odgen Edison and a mother named Nancy Elliott Edison. Thomas' mother pulled him from school because Thomas' teacher called him a"retard." Nancy Edison taught her son at home. Thomas has six siblings and he was the youngest child in the Edison family. Thomas was interested in more content... Thomas studied books on mechanics, manufacturing, and chemistry at the public library. He spent a long time studying Newtown's Principles. He also read lots of books such as Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Hume's History of England, Sear's History of the World, Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, and The Dictoinaries of Sciences. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. In October of 1879 Edison patented his incandescent lamp. Edison and his team made a new vacuum pump to make better vacuums in glass light bulbs. It was better known as the "glow bulb." Thomas' second attempt at the glow bulb successfully lit for forty hours. On New Year's Eve Edison lit up Menlo Park with thirty glow bulbs. Electricity would replace gas for lighting purposes. The light bulb gives off light so that we can see with out lanterns and candles. The Edison Lamp Company produced 1,000 lightbulbs a day. It has improved since it's original version. In 1880, Edison invented the incandescent lamp. In the year 1910, Tungsten filament was discovered giving off white light instead of yellow light. In 1925, lamps were given an inside frosting that had a fine spray of hydrofluoric acid. In the late 19th century, florescent lamps were invented. Theyare tubes filled with low–pressure neon gas. Thomas Edison invented many things we still used today. I think the light bulb was the greatest invention because it is hard to see with out light bulbs. Without the
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