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                      (YEAR 2012 – 2013)

  According to Nelson
 Mandela, “Education is
     the most powerful
 weapon that you can use
to change the world”. It is
   essential to social and
human development for it
  is in education that our
    lives will transform.
  In the first few years,          According to UNICEF, one
UNESCO announced that                  of UNESCO program,
                                   because of poverty, children
 there are more than 900                fail to develop critical
  million illiterates in the        thinking and learning skills.
  developing countries.                 They’ve developed a
Behind these numbers are            program called Early Child
some 113 million children              Development (ECD), it
                                       creates awareness in
  who have no access to            families and communities as
 primary education, these             partner in uplifting lives
are the children who lived          against poverty and also to
         in poverty.                  provide basic education
                                           among children.
   In pursue of illiteracy             As stated in the
 reduction, Education for        Philippine Constitution of
All Movement (EFA) was             1897, education is the
 established in 1990. It is          right of everyone. In
 a global commitment to          pursuant to this law, there
 provide basic education          are many organizations
  for all and contribute to            in our country that
 the global pursuit of the             provide services in
      eight Millennium            reducing the number of
    Development Goals              illiteracy in our country
 (MDGs), it was adopted             due to poverty, one of
by 189 countries and with                these is Lingap
 UNESCO as the leading                   Pangkabataan
          institution.                 Incorporated (LPI)
 In the Field Theory of
      Kurt Lewin, the
       people, their
     surroundings and
    conditions depend
closely on each other, the
society has great effect in
   human development.
     LPI, is a social
 organization committed
 themselves in providing
basic education and also
  developing children to
   become an effective
  member of the society.
 They works with street-
    working children in
     Cubao’s poorest
  They developed two
  programs, Child-focused
   Development Program
   (CCDP) and Situation
Oriented Approach to Early
    Childhood Education
(SOAECE). CCDP aims to
 strengthen the community
while SOAECE is based on
    UNICEF Early Child
 Education Program which
to provide basic education
 among children who lives
       under poverty.
   LPI. adopted Lewin’s Social
       Responsibility Theory in
      correlation with his Field
         Theory and the main
      purpose of this research is
    to identify the impact of LPI
       programs, SOAECE and
    CCDP in reducing illiteracy
    among children as well as to
      appraise if these programs
        have an effect to their
       recipients in becoming a
     socially responsible person.

                         In Kurt Lewin’s
                          theory known as
                        the Field theory, it
                         stresses the effect
                          of the society to
                            especially on
                             behavior. In
                        psychology, it is a
                        conceptual model
                              of human
     His mathematical
 Lewin drew from physics
                                  representation of life space
     and mathematics to
                                        also accounted for
 construct his theory. From
                                      directions of pathways
  physics, he borrowed the
                                   toward a goal and amount
    concept of the field as
                                    of attraction or repulsion
 psychological field or “life
                                 toward a given object in the
  space”, it is the locus of a
                                    space. He also postulated
  person’s experiences and
                                       that persons strive to
   needs. In geometry, he
                                   maintain equilibrium with
adopted topology to map the
                                 their environment; a tension
spatial relationships of goals
                                       (need) will stimulate
 and solutions contained in
                                     locomotion (activity) to
 regions within a life space.
                                    reinstate the equilibrium.
 Since there is an idea of
 “need and activity” and its
 forces affects the latter, it
shows that human behavior,
   influences by the major
forces from its society, will
create its values in life and
  will see the ideal society,
there for creating their own
    force to be part of the
 society and executing their
    Field theory in connection      Now, education is every
     with social responsibility,       Filipino’s right, it will
      pertains to the effects of     stabilize their status in the
    forces that constitute to the     society. In these theories
      individual in the society         presented, the idea of
       should have resulted to          entwining the two is
      having participated and        anchored to the Philippine
    executing its responsibility        Constitution of 1897,
     to the society for this will   Article XIV, The Education,
      balance the equilibrium         Science and Technology,
    between the society and the       Arts, Culture and Sports.

     This study will be a significant endeavor in the
     improvement of literacy rate as well as the values
    formation of the poorest children or street-working
    children in Cubao specifically in the barangay of E.
 This research will also be helpful in serving as guide in
   the assessment of the effects of LPI programs to help
              uplift the lives of these children.
 For others, the study can be a source of valuable up-to-
   date information which can be very valuable for their
      own similar studies on the subject matters well.
  The main purpose of this research    b. Family background
   is to determine if the two              b.1. Father’s educational
   programs of the Lingap
   Pangkabataan (SOAECE and                background and occupation?
   CCDP) helps reduce the illiteracy       b.2. Mother’s educational
   level and building a better social
   responsibility especially among         background and occupation?
   children of three barangays of          b.3. Parents’ marital status?
   Cubao’s poorest
   community, specifically in E.           b.4. Number of siblings?
   Rodriguez. Basically, the            2. What is the level of literacy of the
   proponents intend to solve the
   following problems:                     learners as assessed by the
1. What is the profile of the              respondents?
   respondent in terms of :             3. What is the level of social
a. Personal background                     responsibility of the learners as
   a.1. gender?                            assessed by the respondents?
   a.2. age?                            4. Is there a significant relationship
   a.3. number of months in the            between the levels of literacy and
   program?                                social responsibility?

   In this study, Field Theory will
      be used where in the social
      environment is the dynamic
    field which have great impact,
       in an interactive way, with
        human consciousness in
        solving social problems.
     United Nations Children's
        Fund (UNICEF) saw the
      importance of this theory. It
       created the program Early
      Child Development (ECD),
       that was designed on how
       different sectors can work
     together. It aims to promote
    child development through the
         support of families and
   In our country, the KAAKBAY
     CDI, said that poverty here has
  reached a point where education is
    no longer a right but a privilege.
      The public school system was
      further found to have failed in
  teaching the requisite competence
       in order for the young age to
    become responsible, productive,
    and self-fulfilling human beings.
 Linggap Pangkabataan Inc., is an
     organization that had perceived
   this social problem. Being funded
       by UNICEF, it also created a
        program based on ECD, the
     Situation-oriented Approach to
        Early Childhood Education
  (SOAECE) and Community-based
     Development Program (CCDP)
 Since it is the moral obligation of
    everyone to help, by giving poor
    children a head start in life, LPI,
    UNICEF and its partners, aim to
 obtain the balance between society
                and people.

  Field theory is a psychological theory which examines
   patterns of interaction between the individual and the
     environment. It tackles about human behavior as a
     function of both the person and the environment in
    which the behavior takes place, including the social
  There’s a dynamic interaction of elements in the field
  and these are the organized perceptions of an individual
          that are being laid upon the field/society.
        LingapPangkabataan
       Incorporated, as a social
   development organization, has
    touched the life of more than
 18,000 Filipino children including
      their families. It is directly
     assisting 2,500 children and
 youths in Metro Manila and other
  selected provinces and reaching
  out to more than 3,000 children-
     at-risk through their various
  programs implemented by local
     project partners nationwide.
      Lingap aims to give needy
        children in the poorest
  communities a good start in life
  ensuring basic education as well
     as community development
    program to the families of the
   In this framework, the Field
     Theory of Kurt Lewin was
    used to conceptualized the
        impacts of the Lingap
    Pangkabataan Inc. Programs
          to Cubao’s poorest
    community, and understand
    the effect of the program in
       illiteracy reduction for
     better social responsibility
         by the use of Social
       Responsibility Theory.

 In order for the researchers to seek for the answers to the
  problems stated in this research specifically in problem
  number 4 in the Statement of the Problem, the
  proponents used two hypotheses, namely, the null
  hypothesis H0, and the alternative hypothesis H1. That is,
 H0: There is no significant relationship between the
  literacy level and social responsibility level of the
  learners of Lingap Pangkabataan in Barangay E.
  Rodriguez Sr.
 H1: There is a significant relationship between the
  literacy level and social responsibility level of the
  learners of Lingap Pangkabataan in Barangay E.
  Rodriguez Sr.

        In his research, we denoted the LPI educational
    programs as independent variables, a driving force that
    reduces the illiteracy rate of the street children of Cubao.
    The illiteracy rate as the dependent variable and the
    effect of the said programs to the literacy and social
    responsibility of the said subject of this study.

 Research      Design
   Descriptive Statistics: The proponents used the
    descriptive method in summarizing the properties and
    behavior of the sample data. This method includes the
    measures of central tendency (the weighted mean),
    measures of variability (standard deviation), tabular
    method, percentage and rank. The proponents used
    questionnaires to gather data that they needed in this
    research. The response of the respondents was quantified
    using a scale that is introduced in the remaining section
    of this chapter.

 The respondents of this research are the LPI’s learners of barangay E.
 Rodriguez under the programs of SOAECE and CCDP. The age bracket of
 the respondents is from 5 years old and above. The population is
 composed of the biggest barangay namely E. Rodriguez. The population
 comprises of 118 students with 51 boys and 67 girls as of February 2013.
 Table 3.1 shows the summary of the population of LPI learners in
 Barangay E. Rodriguez.
To get the respondents for this study, the proponents selected the
50% of the population or 59 individuals that was chosen randomly
using the Quota Sampling technique. Table 3.2 shows the result of
the quota sampling method. As stated from above, the proponents
computed the 50% of the population or 59 individuals. Out of 59
samples, 26 or 44.07% are male and 33 or 55.93% are female.
 This consists of the students’ assessment on how
  effective is the SOAECE and CCDP programs.
       The questionnaire is composed of two parts: Part 1
  is about the Profile of the Respondents in terms of their
  name, age bracket, gender; and their parents’ profile and
  their respective educational attainment, employment
  status, marital status, and the respondent’s number of
  siblings., and Part 2 is the Self-assessment of Pupil
  Competencies, it contains two sub-parts, the learners’
  Assessment of Basic Competencies and the learners’
  Assessment of Acquired Values and Social

         The data gathering instrument was derived from the
    unpublished field study research paper of Lingap
    Pangkabataan Inc. in SOAECE last 2010. The statistical
    tools used in their research paper were designed to
    measure and evaluate the pupil competencies and the
    pupil’s parent involvement. The proponents adopt some
    of the parts of the questionnaires of LPI SOAECE
    research and modify it for the purpose of data gathering.
    The said instrument from SOAECE was said to be
    standardized and therefore it was proven to be effective
    measuring tool for assessing the students’ level of
    literacy as assessed by both the respondents and their
    program facilitators.

         In gathering data, the proponents scheduled an
    initial visit to Lingap Pangkabataan Inc. located in Ermin
    Garcia Street, Cubao, Quezon City. Written reports and
    list of current students where provided by LPI
    coordinator. After the finalization, questionnaires were
    given to LPI students randomly who have direct bearing
    of the study. There were also home visitation in
    Barangay E. Rodriguez and questionnaires were
    provided to respondents who have benefited to LPI

   Frequency and                     Ranking Method:
    Percentage Distribution
    Table Method:

  where:                          R1 – the rank of one
P = percentage for a category       variable as arranged in
f = frequency or number of          chronological order
   response per category           R2 – the rank of the other
N = total number of respondents.    variable.
   Weighted Mean:              Likert Scale: was used in this
                                 research to interpret or
                                 describe the computed
                                 weighted mean for each
                                Standard Deviation:
  where:
f = frequency or number of
x = weight of response
N = total number of

   The test of relationship between the     Profile of the Respondents in
    computed weighted means of the           Terms of Gender
    assessment of basic           literacy
    competencies and the assessment of
    acquired     values     and     social
    awareness, the following hypotheses
    were tested:
   H0: There is no significant
    relationship between the literacy
    level and social responsibility level
    of the learners of Lingap
    Pangkabataan in Barangay E.
   H1: There is a significant
    relationship between the literacy
    level and social responsibility level
    of the learners of Lingap
    Pangkabataan in Barangay E.
Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Profile of the Respondents in Terms of
Age.                                   Numbers of Months Spend in LPI
Profile of the Respondents in   Profile of the Respondents in Terms of
Terms of Their Father’s         Their Father’s Employment Status.
Educational Background
Profile of the Respondents in
                                Profile of the Respondents in Terms of
Terms of Their Mother’s
                                Their Mother’s Employment Status
Educational Background
Profile of the Respondents in     Profile of the Respondents in Terms of
Terms of Their Parent’s Marital   the Number of Siblings.

   Result of computation for the relationship between the set of
   weighted values of the levels of literacy and social
 1. Profile of the           a.2. age
  respondents in terms         Out of 59 respondents, 2
  of:                             or 3.39% are from age
 Personal background            bracket 5 and below, 13
a.1. gender                     or 22.03% are from 6 – 8
                                age group, 35 or 59.32%
           Out of 59                are from 9 – 12 age
      respondents, 26 or        bracket, 6 or 10.17% are
     44.07% composed of          from 13 – 15 age group,
     male.33 or 55.93% are      and 3 or 5.08% are from
   female. The figures show     16 and above age group.
        that the female          These figures show that
       respondents are           most of the respondents
    dominant than the male.     are from the age group of
                                     9 to 12 years old.
a.3. number of months in the         b. Family background
               program                            b.1. Father’s
 Out of 59 respondents, 14 or         educational background and
 23.73% has been participating         occupation
   in their programs for about a      Out of 59 respondents, 13 or
 month and below, 6 or 10.17%          22.03% have father who’ve
  for 2 to 3 months, 4 or 6.78%        finished elementary, 34 or 57.63%
                                       have finished high school, 2 or
    for 4 to 5 months, and 35 or       3.39% have finished vocational
      59.32% for 6 months and          courses, and 10 or 16.95% have
     beyond. Figures show that         collegiate level. Figures shows that
  most of the respondents have         most of the respondents’ father
     been in the programs for 6        have only finished high school
         months and above.             level.
                                      54 or 91.53% have fathers who are
                                       currently working and 5 or 8.47%
                                       are unemployed. It shows that
                                       most of the respondents’ fathers
                                       are currently employed.
    b.2. Mother’s educational         b.3. Parents’ marital
  background and occupation                     status
 Out of 59 respondents, 11 or
                                     Out of 59 respondents, 43
     18.64% have mother who
     finished elementary, 32 or        or 72.88% have parents
     54.24% have finished high          who are married, 10 or
 school, 2 or 3.39% have finished       16.95% who are living
  vocational courses, and 14 or       together and 6 or 10.17%
   23.73% have collegiate level.      who have divorce parents.
  The figures shows that most of
   the respondents have mother         These figures show that
  who only finished high school        most of the respondents
                level.               belong to a complete family.
 Out of 59 respondents, 38 or
  64.41% have mothers who are
    currently working and 21 or
 35.59% are unemployed. These
   figures show that most of the
     respondents’ mothers are
         currently employed.
b.4. Number of siblings            2. Level of literacy of the
  Therefore, out of 59               learners as assessed by
   respondents, only 1 or                  the respondents.
 1.69% said that he is the             The computed grand
only child of his parents, 33        weighted mean is equal to
  or 55.93% said that they          4.20, it follows that the level
 have 2 to 4 siblings, 14 or         of literacy of the learners of
23.73% said that they have           Lingap Pangkabataan Inc.
5 to 6 siblings, 8 or 13.56%        in Barangay E. Rodriguez is
 said that they have 7 to 8           in High Level, that is, they
  siblings, and 3 or 5.08%               meet the standard or
  said that they have 9 or             essential skills needed to
 more siblings. Most of the          become literate individuals.
respondents answered that
 they have 2 to 4 siblings.
   Level of social responsibility
     of the learners as assessed            Is there a significant relationship
          by the respondents.                   between the levels of literacy
                                                  and social responsibility?
                Since the grand
         weighted mean is 4.48,              The computed value of correlation
       therefore, it follows that the             was r = -0.091397915 and its
     level of social responsibility of          computed value has an interval
                                                    0.00 - ±0.24, therefore the
          the learners of Lingap                relationship between the sets of
    Pangkabataan Inc. in Barangay                 weighted means of levels of
      E. Rodriguez is evaluated as            literacy and social responsibility is
      Very High Level, that is, they              negligible, that is, there is no
         exceed the standard or              significant relationship between the
        essential skills needed to              given set of variables. Thus, the
    become social and community                    levels of literacy and social
         responsible individuals.            responsibility are independent, they
                                                do not affect the values of each

        The researcher recommends the continuous
    implementation of Lingap Pangkabataan programs,
    SOAECE and CCDP because of its effectiveness
    regarding illiteracy reduction and inculcating social
    responsibility among its recipients. We also
    recommend that LPI should extend its programs to
    other poor Metropolitan areas. In addition to these,
    colleges and universities should provide NSTP
    volunteers (National Service Training Program) to
    assists and help LPI in attaining their objectives.

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Thesis presentation

  • 2. CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDIES  According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world”. It is essential to social and human development for it is in education that our lives will transform.
  • 3.  In the first few years,  According to UNICEF, one UNESCO announced that of UNESCO program, because of poverty, children there are more than 900 fail to develop critical million illiterates in the thinking and learning skills. developing countries. They’ve developed a Behind these numbers are program called Early Child some 113 million children Development (ECD), it creates awareness in who have no access to families and communities as primary education, these partner in uplifting lives are the children who lived against poverty and also to in poverty. provide basic education among children.
  • 4. IN THE PHILIPPINES, ILLITERACY HAS GROWN INTO 15MILLION IN THE LAST 6 YEARS (EDECIO DELA TORRE, PRESIDENT OF CIVIL SOCIETY NETWORK FOR EDUCATION REFORMS)  In pursue of illiteracy  As stated in the reduction, Education for Philippine Constitution of All Movement (EFA) was 1897, education is the established in 1990. It is right of everyone. In a global commitment to pursuant to this law, there provide basic education are many organizations for all and contribute to in our country that the global pursuit of the provide services in eight Millennium reducing the number of Development Goals illiteracy in our country (MDGs), it was adopted due to poverty, one of by 189 countries and with these is Lingap UNESCO as the leading Pangkabataan institution. Incorporated (LPI)
  • 5.  In the Field Theory of Kurt Lewin, the people, their surroundings and conditions depend closely on each other, the society has great effect in human development.  LPI, is a social development organization committed themselves in providing basic education and also developing children to become an effective member of the society. They works with street- working children in Cubao’s poorest community.
  • 6.  They developed two programs, Child-focused Community-based Development Program (CCDP) and Situation Oriented Approach to Early Childhood Education (SOAECE). CCDP aims to strengthen the community while SOAECE is based on UNICEF Early Child Education Program which to provide basic education among children who lives under poverty.
  • 7. LPI. adopted Lewin’s Social Responsibility Theory in correlation with his Field Theory and the main purpose of this research is to identify the impact of LPI programs, SOAECE and CCDP in reducing illiteracy among children as well as to appraise if these programs have an effect to their recipients in becoming a socially responsible person.
  • 8. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK  In Kurt Lewin’s theory known as the Field theory, it stresses the effect of the society to human development, especially on behavior. In psychology, it is a conceptual model of human behavior.
  • 9. His mathematical  Lewin drew from physics representation of life space and mathematics to also accounted for construct his theory. From directions of pathways physics, he borrowed the toward a goal and amount concept of the field as of attraction or repulsion psychological field or “life toward a given object in the space”, it is the locus of a space. He also postulated person’s experiences and that persons strive to needs. In geometry, he maintain equilibrium with adopted topology to map the their environment; a tension spatial relationships of goals (need) will stimulate and solutions contained in locomotion (activity) to regions within a life space. reinstate the equilibrium.
  • 10.  Since there is an idea of “need and activity” and its forces affects the latter, it shows that human behavior, influences by the major forces from its society, will create its values in life and will see the ideal society, there for creating their own force to be part of the society and executing their responsibility.
  • 11. Field theory in connection  Now, education is every with social responsibility, Filipino’s right, it will pertains to the effects of stabilize their status in the forces that constitute to the society. In these theories individual in the society presented, the idea of should have resulted to entwining the two is having participated and anchored to the Philippine executing its responsibility Constitution of 1897, to the society for this will Article XIV, The Education, balance the equilibrium Science and Technology, between the society and the Arts, Culture and Sports. people.
  • 12. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY  This study will be a significant endeavor in the improvement of literacy rate as well as the values formation of the poorest children or street-working children in Cubao specifically in the barangay of E. Rodriguez.  This research will also be helpful in serving as guide in the assessment of the effects of LPI programs to help uplift the lives of these children.  For others, the study can be a source of valuable up-to- date information which can be very valuable for their own similar studies on the subject matters well.
  • 13. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM  The main purpose of this research b. Family background is to determine if the two b.1. Father’s educational programs of the Lingap Pangkabataan (SOAECE and background and occupation? CCDP) helps reduce the illiteracy b.2. Mother’s educational level and building a better social responsibility especially among background and occupation? children of three barangays of b.3. Parents’ marital status? Cubao’s poorest community, specifically in E. b.4. Number of siblings? Rodriguez. Basically, the 2. What is the level of literacy of the proponents intend to solve the following problems: learners as assessed by the 1. What is the profile of the respondents? respondent in terms of : 3. What is the level of social a. Personal background responsibility of the learners as a.1. gender? assessed by the respondents? a.2. age? 4. Is there a significant relationship a.3. number of months in the between the levels of literacy and program? social responsibility?
  • 14. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND OTHER STUDIES  In this study, Field Theory will be used where in the social environment is the dynamic field which have great impact, in an interactive way, with human consciousness in solving social problems.  United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) saw the importance of this theory. It created the program Early Child Development (ECD), that was designed on how different sectors can work together. It aims to promote child development through the support of families and communities.
  • 15. In our country, the KAAKBAY CDI, said that poverty here has reached a point where education is no longer a right but a privilege. The public school system was further found to have failed in teaching the requisite competence in order for the young age to become responsible, productive, and self-fulfilling human beings.  Linggap Pangkabataan Inc., is an organization that had perceived this social problem. Being funded by UNICEF, it also created a program based on ECD, the Situation-oriented Approach to Early Childhood Education (SOAECE) and Community-based Development Program (CCDP)  Since it is the moral obligation of everyone to help, by giving poor children a head start in life, LPI, UNICEF and its partners, aim to obtain the balance between society and people.
  • 16. FIELD THEORY AND THE SOCIETY  Field theory is a psychological theory which examines patterns of interaction between the individual and the environment. It tackles about human behavior as a function of both the person and the environment in which the behavior takes place, including the social parameters.  There’s a dynamic interaction of elements in the field and these are the organized perceptions of an individual that are being laid upon the field/society.
  • 17. LINGAPPANGKABATAAN  LingapPangkabataan Incorporated, as a social development organization, has touched the life of more than 18,000 Filipino children including their families. It is directly assisting 2,500 children and youths in Metro Manila and other selected provinces and reaching out to more than 3,000 children- at-risk through their various programs implemented by local project partners nationwide. Lingap aims to give needy children in the poorest communities a good start in life ensuring basic education as well as community development program to the families of the children.
  • 19. In this framework, the Field Theory of Kurt Lewin was used to conceptualized the impacts of the Lingap Pangkabataan Inc. Programs to Cubao’s poorest community, and understand the effect of the program in illiteracy reduction for better social responsibility by the use of Social Responsibility Theory.
  • 20.
  • 21. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS  In order for the researchers to seek for the answers to the problems stated in this research specifically in problem number 4 in the Statement of the Problem, the proponents used two hypotheses, namely, the null hypothesis H0, and the alternative hypothesis H1. That is,  H0: There is no significant relationship between the literacy level and social responsibility level of the learners of Lingap Pangkabataan in Barangay E. Rodriguez Sr.  H1: There is a significant relationship between the literacy level and social responsibility level of the learners of Lingap Pangkabataan in Barangay E. Rodriguez Sr.
  • 22. VARIABLES  In his research, we denoted the LPI educational programs as independent variables, a driving force that reduces the illiteracy rate of the street children of Cubao. The illiteracy rate as the dependent variable and the effect of the said programs to the literacy and social responsibility of the said subject of this study.
  • 23. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  Research Design  Descriptive Statistics: The proponents used the descriptive method in summarizing the properties and behavior of the sample data. This method includes the measures of central tendency (the weighted mean), measures of variability (standard deviation), tabular method, percentage and rank. The proponents used questionnaires to gather data that they needed in this research. The response of the respondents was quantified using a scale that is introduced in the remaining section of this chapter.
  • 24. POPULATION AND SAMPLING The respondents of this research are the LPI’s learners of barangay E. Rodriguez under the programs of SOAECE and CCDP. The age bracket of the respondents is from 5 years old and above. The population is composed of the biggest barangay namely E. Rodriguez. The population comprises of 118 students with 51 boys and 67 girls as of February 2013. Table 3.1 shows the summary of the population of LPI learners in Barangay E. Rodriguez.
  • 25. To get the respondents for this study, the proponents selected the 50% of the population or 59 individuals that was chosen randomly using the Quota Sampling technique. Table 3.2 shows the result of the quota sampling method. As stated from above, the proponents computed the 50% of the population or 59 individuals. Out of 59 samples, 26 or 44.07% are male and 33 or 55.93% are female.
  • 26. DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENTS  This consists of the students’ assessment on how effective is the SOAECE and CCDP programs.  The questionnaire is composed of two parts: Part 1 is about the Profile of the Respondents in terms of their name, age bracket, gender; and their parents’ profile and their respective educational attainment, employment status, marital status, and the respondent’s number of siblings., and Part 2 is the Self-assessment of Pupil Competencies, it contains two sub-parts, the learners’ Assessment of Basic Competencies and the learners’ Assessment of Acquired Values and Social Responsibility.
  • 27. VALIDATION OF THE INSTRUMENT  The data gathering instrument was derived from the unpublished field study research paper of Lingap Pangkabataan Inc. in SOAECE last 2010. The statistical tools used in their research paper were designed to measure and evaluate the pupil competencies and the pupil’s parent involvement. The proponents adopt some of the parts of the questionnaires of LPI SOAECE research and modify it for the purpose of data gathering. The said instrument from SOAECE was said to be standardized and therefore it was proven to be effective measuring tool for assessing the students’ level of literacy as assessed by both the respondents and their program facilitators.
  • 28. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURES  In gathering data, the proponents scheduled an initial visit to Lingap Pangkabataan Inc. located in Ermin Garcia Street, Cubao, Quezon City. Written reports and list of current students where provided by LPI coordinator. After the finalization, questionnaires were given to LPI students randomly who have direct bearing of the study. There were also home visitation in Barangay E. Rodriguez and questionnaires were provided to respondents who have benefited to LPI programs.
  • 29. STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA  Frequency and  Ranking Method: Percentage Distribution Table Method: where:  where: R1 – the rank of one P = percentage for a category variable as arranged in f = frequency or number of chronological order response per category R2 – the rank of the other N = total number of respondents. variable.
  • 30. Weighted Mean:  Likert Scale: was used in this research to interpret or describe the computed weighted mean for each question.  Standard Deviation:  where: f = frequency or number of responses x = weight of response N = total number of respondents.
  • 33. CHAPTER 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION  The test of relationship between the Profile of the Respondents in computed weighted means of the Terms of Gender assessment of basic literacy competencies and the assessment of acquired values and social awareness, the following hypotheses were tested:  H0: There is no significant relationship between the literacy level and social responsibility level of the learners of Lingap Pangkabataan in Barangay E. Rodriguez.  H1: There is a significant relationship between the literacy level and social responsibility level of the learners of Lingap Pangkabataan in Barangay E. Rodriguez.
  • 34. Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Age. Numbers of Months Spend in LPI
  • 35. Profile of the Respondents in Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Terms of Their Father’s Their Father’s Employment Status. Educational Background
  • 36. Profile of the Respondents in Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Terms of Their Mother’s Their Mother’s Employment Status Educational Background
  • 37. Profile of the Respondents in Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Terms of Their Parent’s Marital the Number of Siblings. Status
  • 40. COMPUTATION OF CORRELATION ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF LITERACY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY USING THE MICROSOFT EXCEL™ Result of computation for the relationship between the set of weighted values of the levels of literacy and social responsibility
  • 41. CONCLUSION  1. Profile of the a.2. age respondents in terms  Out of 59 respondents, 2 of: or 3.39% are from age  Personal background bracket 5 and below, 13 a.1. gender or 22.03% are from 6 – 8 age group, 35 or 59.32% Out of 59 are from 9 – 12 age respondents, 26 or bracket, 6 or 10.17% are 44.07% composed of from 13 – 15 age group, male.33 or 55.93% are and 3 or 5.08% are from female. The figures show 16 and above age group. that the female These figures show that respondents are most of the respondents dominant than the male. are from the age group of 9 to 12 years old.
  • 42. a.3. number of months in the  b. Family background program  b.1. Father’s  Out of 59 respondents, 14 or educational background and 23.73% has been participating occupation in their programs for about a  Out of 59 respondents, 13 or month and below, 6 or 10.17% 22.03% have father who’ve for 2 to 3 months, 4 or 6.78% finished elementary, 34 or 57.63% have finished high school, 2 or for 4 to 5 months, and 35 or 3.39% have finished vocational 59.32% for 6 months and courses, and 10 or 16.95% have beyond. Figures show that collegiate level. Figures shows that most of the respondents have most of the respondents’ father been in the programs for 6 have only finished high school months and above. level.  54 or 91.53% have fathers who are currently working and 5 or 8.47% are unemployed. It shows that most of the respondents’ fathers are currently employed.
  • 43. b.2. Mother’s educational  b.3. Parents’ marital background and occupation status  Out of 59 respondents, 11 or  Out of 59 respondents, 43 18.64% have mother who finished elementary, 32 or or 72.88% have parents 54.24% have finished high who are married, 10 or school, 2 or 3.39% have finished 16.95% who are living vocational courses, and 14 or together and 6 or 10.17% 23.73% have collegiate level. who have divorce parents. The figures shows that most of the respondents have mother These figures show that who only finished high school most of the respondents level. belong to a complete family.  Out of 59 respondents, 38 or 64.41% have mothers who are currently working and 21 or 35.59% are unemployed. These figures show that most of the respondents’ mothers are currently employed.
  • 44. b.4. Number of siblings  2. Level of literacy of the  Therefore, out of 59 learners as assessed by respondents, only 1 or the respondents. 1.69% said that he is the  The computed grand only child of his parents, 33 weighted mean is equal to or 55.93% said that they 4.20, it follows that the level have 2 to 4 siblings, 14 or of literacy of the learners of 23.73% said that they have Lingap Pangkabataan Inc. 5 to 6 siblings, 8 or 13.56% in Barangay E. Rodriguez is said that they have 7 to 8 in High Level, that is, they siblings, and 3 or 5.08% meet the standard or said that they have 9 or essential skills needed to more siblings. Most of the become literate individuals. respondents answered that they have 2 to 4 siblings.
  • 45. Level of social responsibility of the learners as assessed  Is there a significant relationship by the respondents. between the levels of literacy and social responsibility?  Since the grand weighted mean is 4.48,  The computed value of correlation therefore, it follows that the was r = -0.091397915 and its level of social responsibility of computed value has an interval 0.00 - ±0.24, therefore the the learners of Lingap relationship between the sets of Pangkabataan Inc. in Barangay weighted means of levels of E. Rodriguez is evaluated as literacy and social responsibility is Very High Level, that is, they negligible, that is, there is no exceed the standard or significant relationship between the essential skills needed to given set of variables. Thus, the become social and community levels of literacy and social responsible individuals. responsibility are independent, they do not affect the values of each other.
  • 46. RECOMMENDATIONS  The researcher recommends the continuous implementation of Lingap Pangkabataan programs, SOAECE and CCDP because of its effectiveness regarding illiteracy reduction and inculcating social responsibility among its recipients. We also recommend that LPI should extend its programs to other poor Metropolitan areas. In addition to these, colleges and universities should provide NSTP volunteers (National Service Training Program) to assists and help LPI in attaining their objectives.