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Chapter I

                       THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING


       The catering business is one of the most lucrative and

profitable      home     businesses          with       a    high       potential     for

expansion and growth. It is both financially rewarding and

fun.   Each    catered     event       -    whether         birthday      parties     for

children, breakfast in bed and intimate candlelight dinners

for    two,    company        dinner       parties          for    50     and     wedding

receptions involving a hundred or more guests -- is a new

experience      and     challenge      with        a    new       group    of     people.

Whether it is a catering event on a full-time or part-time

basis, the opportunities are excellent.

       However,       catering      is      a   demanding           work,       requiring

stamina,      ability    to    work        under       pressure,        and     excellent

interpersonal skills. The success will greatly depend on

reputation. To build a good reputation in the business,

owner should be willing to work hard and the ability to

work under pressure. This kind of entrepreneurial business

is definitely growing and becoming more popular with people

of all income levels.

       In the province, there are several catering services

that occur, extending services in the group of people on

which they are offering services for the hectic scheduled

families and those people who does not want to have to work

in the kitchen preparing for a hundred of people who will

attend   parties,    catering    services   will    be   the   one   who

assist and done all the works.

     Many people are urging to put up a small business like

catering services and this study will tackle first their

success indicators and their preparation in putting up a

business so that people who wish to establish a catering

service, this paper will help them a lot.

Statement of the Problem

     This    study   aims   to   describe   the   Success   Indicators

among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City.

     Specifically; it will answer the following questions:

1. How may the owners demographic profile be described in

  terms of :

            1.1 location of business

            1.2 operating capital

            1.3 types of catering services offered

            1.4 number of manpower

2. How may the different Success Indicators among Catering

   Services in Cabanatuan City bedescribed in terms of:

            2.1 Market research

            2.2 Menu composition

2.3 Lay-out and designs

3.    What   are       the     possible        outcomes      that    affects     the

      different factors in operating catering services be

      identified as to:

              3.1 Income generation

     3.2 Competition

Scope and Limitations of the Study

      This study entitled ”Success Indicators among Catering

Services     in    Cabanatuan          City”    will     cover      the   different

experiences       of   selected        owners     of   catering       services   in

Cabanatuan City. Their experiences and suggestions will be

used and help a lot of future entrepreneurs in putting same


      Descriptive methods of research will be used in the

study and a total of ten (10) Catering Services owners will

be involved as respondents to this study, and they are

Paulino’s Catering, Dina’s Catering, Rod Rose Catering Café

Cristina     Catering        La   Parilla       Hotel,    Aracelis,       Rosenda’s

Restaurant,       Plaza      Leticia,     Belle’s      Catering       and   P-enoys

Catering     which      will      be   chosen     by   the    researchers      thru

convenience sampling.

Questionnaire will be the main tool in data gathering

and this study will be conducted during the school year


Theoretical Framework

     According to Hetahers,(2008) Catering operations are

generally one of the more complex components of a venue’s

activities.   It   is   estimated    that   only   15%   to   30%    of

restaurant,   hotel     and   club    catering     operations       are

profitable. A successful catering department requires the

effective management of everything from price and portion

size to marketing and Human Resources. The benefit of a

successful catering operation is that it not only brings in

profits from the catering department, it also serves to

enhance other areas of the business.

Input                                 Process                      Output

1. the profile of the participants
   be described in terms of :
     Location of business
     Types of catering services
     Number of manpower

2. Different contributing factors
   in operating catering services
   be described in terms of:
     Market research
     Menu composition                       Questionnaires
     Lay-out and designs                Statistical Treatment of    Improvement in the
                                                   data              Catering Services
3. The possible outcomes that            Percentage, weighted
   affects the different factors in               mean
   operating catering services be       Frequency Distribution
   identified as to:
        Income generation

                                 Figure 1.Research Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

      The conceptual framework of the study uses the input –

process-output (IPO) whereas the input of the study that

the researchers aims to determine is the profile the of the

respondents     be    described       in   terms   of:    age,   gender,civil

status,      educational        background,        number      of     children,

location of business, capital, types of catering services

offered,     number     of    manpower,       Success     Indicators         among

Catering Services in Cabanatuan City be described in terms

of Market research,           Menu composition, lay-out and designs

possible     outcomes    if     the   different      factors     in   operating

catering services are followed The process is the Gathering

of   data    thru    questionnaires.         Statistical      analyzation      of

data and the output of the study is Improvement in the

Catering Services.

Significance of the Study
      This    study     is    identified      to   be    beneficial     to    the


      Catering       Services    Owners.     The   study      will    give    them

      opportunity       to    give    what    they      had   experienced      in

      putting up he          business so that others will be given

      opportunity to study the consequences they are facing

and avoid the possible problem it may brought in the


Future Entrepreneurs. The findings of the study will

help them a lot in studying the possible consequences

and factors in putting up catering services so that

hey can assess freely and when they decide to put up a

business like catering services they will exactly know

what they should do.

The   Hotel   and     Restaurant     Management   students.   The

study which will be the output of this study could be

of great help to HRIM students because it will allow

them to learn and review the different procedures in

catering services. It can be used as a reference in

their studies regarding catering service to provide

them a vital information and better understanding and

equip them with knowledge.

The   Hotel     and    Restaurant      Management    Professors.

Through this study, their method of instruction can be

improved      and     this   would     help   facilitate      the

application of various processes involved in catering

services. Also, it will enable them to have ample time

in doing other works for the benefit of the students.

Costumers.      This    study    will    help    the     costumers       to

     understand the operation and enable them to evaluate

     or asses the problems encountered in catering services

     The Researchers. Through this study, they will have an

     effective way of show casing what they have learned

     and come up with an output, in the form of making a

     research study that would be of benefit to others.,

     this    study    will    also     this    study        will    serve    as

     background and added information on how to establish a

     successful start in a catering services business, this

     study   will    also    enable    the    researcher       to    be     more

     resourceful and studious in the field of this study.

Definition of Terms

     For better understanding of the study, some terms are

operationally defined:

Catering Services.Is the business of providing foodservice

at a remote site or a site like a hotel, public house (pub)

and other various locations.

Contributing   Factors.      The     term    refers    to    the    different

terms that affect the operation of the catering services,

how it will improve or can attract customers.

Lay-out    and   Designs.    The   term    refers      to     the    different

physical    arrangement     of   the    business    in      which    customers

feel at ease when they are in the location.

Market    Research.It   refers     to    the   study     of    the    possible

people who will obtain services of the catering services in

the area.

Menu Composition.The term refers to the kind of foods that

will be offered to the customer in which it will be a

factor to attract them.

Profile.It refers to the distinct characteristics of the

owner of catering services like ages and gender in which

researchers believe has bearing in the present study.

Chapter II


     This chapter presents the review of related literature

and studies which is relevant to the present study.

Foreign Literature

     The catering business is tough, with the details of

preparing    food    off-premises       and   on-site       for   hundreds    of

people often times mind-boggling. It is not easy to cater

to an event of 400 people, much more if people                    start to do

thousands, some 60 miles from your home (what if you forget

the sauce?). Successfully running a small catering business

takes much more than a passion for cooking and a knack for

preparing tasty dishes. You have to be a superb planner and

manager as well. they need to be extremely organized, yet

flexible    enough    to   be    able    to    deal     with      last   minute

changes. You also need a strong affinity for people and a

kind of intuition as to what people enjoy in different

environmental settings.

     As     the   culinary      sophistication        and     desire     to   be

entertained of many people have grown, customers today are

looking for the catered experience to be more restaurant-

like. Many caterers are now offering signature dishes and

house     specialties        as    customers          broaden   their     culinary

experience.         Others        are     offering          family-style     menu,

especially for large informal functions and even corporate


        Caterers today have to be adept not only in satisfying

the taste buds but also excel in food preparation.                               With

the goal of wowing the socks off the clients, many caterers

give ample focus on plate presentations, venue selection,

and table decoration, among others. Some even hire artists

to improve the presentation of the food, while some go to

such    lengths     as     indoor       pyrotechnics,        confetti     guns    and

laser-light        shows.     Others          employ    in-house       artists     to

customize each catered event from passing platters to plate

presentations.        Given       the     intense       competition,      caterers

nowadays are prepared to do anything to keep the customer

happy (and coming back for more).

        You   do   not     need    special       education      or     training   to

become a successful caterer. Although taking some courses

at culinary institutes or vocational schools can help. Some

start out by working for one or more catering businesses to

get an inside look at how the business goes.

        As with any business, your success will be directly

related to the soundness of planning and the working of

that    plan.      Start    small       and    keep    it    simple.    Understand

exactly what your client wants, and give him what he wants

in the way of service that reflects upon the client in a

complimentary manner.

      Many    people    dream      of    running        a     successful         catering

business.     They     imagine          preparing           delicious        food       for

appreciative     people,          building        up     a     steady        clientele.

Running a catering business takes a lot of work, too --

thus, as with any small business, the owner will enjoy more

success if she has the ability to think creatively, work

independently, and network widely.

      Some    caterers       choose     to   specialize            in   a    particular

menu or type of function. The business owner must ensure

the   local   area     has    a    demand    for       this     type        of   food.    A

successful     business        owner       does        his     home     work      before

preparing the menu. This includes getting copies of menus

from successful businesses to find out what's popular, and

deciding on the target audience, as Joyce Wineberg says in

her book "The Everything Guide to Starting and Running a

Catering Business." The business owner should also include

his   specialties      in    the    menu     and       keep    a    running       log    of

ideas, so he can update the menu occasionally, she adds --

offering seasonal choices like cold soup in summer, for

instance, is key to success.

A   stellar       reputation        plays       a       key    role     in    landing

catering assignments. Catering businesses become known in

their       communities         for      their          quality           of     food        and

reliability,         and    word      of     mouth          will       still      form       the

foundation      of    a    business'        reputation.               This     means     being

professional and providing excellent quality food at every

engagement, since attendees will share their opinion of the


        As Lora Arduser and Douglas Robert Brown say in "The

Professional       Caterer's        Handbook,"              a    caterer       must     remain

highly organized and efficient. A caterer's job involves

planning how to prepare menus for all of her engagements,

preparing the food, managing staff, transporting the food,

talking     with     clients,       advertising,                and    handling       various

unforeseen glitches such as equipment malfunctioning, as

the   authors      describe.       She      must    effectively                juggle    these

tasks while remaining personable and professional.

        A   website        is      crucial         in           today's        marketplace,

especially      for       anyone    marketing           to       upscale       clients.       In

addition      to     marketing        the    business'                services,       it's     a

considerate way to display the services to clients without

requiring them to drive to a particular location. If a

catering business owner hasn't developed a website, many

potential clients may overlook the business.

Connecting     with     organizations     such    as     the   American

Culinary Federation and the National Caterers Association

will keep the owners of small businesses clued in to events

and   developments    in    the    catering    world,    as     Arduser   and

Brown point out. Connecting with other professionals also

provides     moral    support      and     education,        increasing   the

chances of success.

Local Literature

      Catering operations, as either a stand-alone facility

or as part of a larger hospitality-related business, exist

in a wide variety of formats, or styles. Most common are

those that are readily identifiable as private rooms in

restaurant    operations,        hotel    facilities,    and     independent

catering     facilities.         The     increased      demand       by    the

international public for private function space outside of

their own homes and businesses has led the catering segment

of the foodservice sector of the hospitality industry to be

a leader in the continued growth of both facilities and

revenue. Forward thinking foodservice businesses from fine

dining     restaurants      to    delicatessens        are     incorporating

catering services into their operations in recognition of

the   expanding      market      for     prepared    foodservices.        Off-

premise catering and take-out services offer an excellent

avenue for increasing            revenue with minimal costs.

The proximity of the restaurant to office complexes

and   centralized       business    areas   will     help     to    establish

whether its catering service will be focused on business or

social marketing efforts. Businesses in the twenty-first

century are spread from urban centers to suburban locations

in    office     parks.      Central     urban     locations            offer   a

concentrated market for both office delivery and take-out.

A significant factor in developing the market for business

catering is that service is generally required during the

business      week,   leaving     weekend   periods    free        to    service

social business. In addition, locations such as museums,

concert    halls,      and   historical     sites     offer     interesting

venues to catered functions for both local businesses and


      Both urban and suburban restaurants can successfully

develop social catering business. Suburban locations are

generally more appropriate for social catering to private

homes,    clubs,      churches,    and   other   facilities.            Delivery

to    urban    locations     can    pose    security    and        logistical

problems, creating additional costs for transportation and

service labor. Population density also affects the volume

of anticipated catering business.                   Restaurants situated

in rural areas with low population density cannot expect

immediate high volumes of catering business. Areas of high-

density        population           yield         a     variety           of      catering

opportunities         that     steadily         increase        in    volume      through

referrals       and    reputation.          The       location       of   the    physical

restaurant building plays a role in the type of catering

services       to     be    offered.        Storage       facilities,            expansion

possibilities, and access to major transportation routes

are    factors        important       to       catering     service            production.

Customer Profile Restaurants have the advantage of a built-

in customer pool to whom they can market in-house and off-

premise catering services. In addition, the attraction of

being associated with a restaurant's reputation will help

to expand the possible market to include new business and

social        clients.       The      market          profile        should       classify

customers        as        business       or      social        catering          clients,

designated       by    income      bracket.       In     addition         the    range   of

activities for which each customer pool will need catering

services should be researched as thoroughly as possible.

This will help in developing package programs along with

potential menu programs and accompanying pricing concepts.

       Full-Service Restaurants Style or Concept The style,

concept, and/or theme of the restaurant should be taken

into     consideration             when     planning        potential             catering

services. Off-premise catering services do not necessarily

have     to     blend       with      the      facilities        offered          by     the

restaurant. On-premise catering services should, however,

be designed to function within the restaurant facilities.

        Restaurants facilities are a major factor in providing

on-premise     catering.       The     ratio    of    catering      functions      to

restaurant services that can be handled at a given time is

dependent      on    the     size    and     flexibility      of    the   physical

plant. Small private parties are often incorporated into

the     general      dining    room        setting.    Large       parties   must,

however, be given facilities that are separated from the

general public.

        This restaurant has a private dining room and bar

facility    with      a    dance     floor    that    can    also   be    used    for

additional restaurant seating during busy time periods and

holidays.      Flexible        facilities       such     as    these      allow    a

restaurant      to    maximize        revenues.       Many    restaurants        that

offer    in-house         catering    schedule       large    parties,     such    as

weddings, anniversaries, luncheons, and dinners, on days

and times when the restaurant is not otherwise open. Often

catering business must be refused because sufficient on-

premise     facilities        are     not     available.       When      management

is continually turning away catering business, a decision

will need to be made as to how the restaurant will balance

is    future      development        of     catering    versus        full-service

dining services. Kitchen facilities play a major part in

determining when and how catering                   service demands can be

met. Kitchen equipment must be flexible, allowing                            for

volume production to take place simultaneously with à la

carte restaurant service.

       The   kitchen       cooking    load    and    holding     capacity     of

ovens and auxiliary equipment is important to determine if

a kitchen is to be used to its full capacity during busy

times. Storage and refrigeration facilities determine the

amount of food products                   available at any given time.

The   cost   of    waste    from     food    spoilage    due     to   lack    of

refrigeration      and   freezer     space    could     dilute    the   profit

from additional          catering business. A further discussion

of equipment capability for catering service is found in

Chapter Twelve. Cuisine and Menu The primary cuisine and

menu offerings of a restaurant constitute one of the most

important     considerations         for     on-premise        catering.      As

discussed    earlier,      off-premise       catering    services       do   not

necessarily need to be the same as those offered at the

restaurant for full-service dining.

      Purchasing and production requirements are crucial to

the successful development of catering services. On-premise

catering     should      offer     menu     items    that   duplicate        the

established menu as closely as possible in order to enhance

production        capabilities.       Surrounding       items,        such    as

vegetables and starches, are the most effective area of the

menu   to   duplicate.   Kitchen   production   is   more   efficient

when the number of surrounding menu items is 28 Chapter 2

Styles of Catering Operations

Chapter III


     This chapter discusses the method of research used,

locale    of     the   study,    the   respondents,    sample/sampling

design,    the     data   gathering    techniques     and   instrument,

validation of data and the statistical treatment of data.

Method of Research Used

     The study utilized the descriptive method of research.

Descriptive research according to Burns and Grove (2003),

is a method that provides an accurate portrayal or account

of characteristics of a particular individual, event, or

group in real life situations. This type of research is

conducted to discover new meaning, describe what exists,

determine the frequency with which something occurs, and

categorize information.

     In the words of Shields (2006), she stated further:

                    “Descriptive research is also called
               Statistical Research. The main goal of
               this type of research is to describe the
               data and characteristics about what is
               being studied. The idea behind this type
               of research is to study frequencies,
               averages,     and    other    statistical
               calculations. Although this research is
               highly accurate, it does not gather the
               causes behind a situation. Descriptive
               research is mainly done when a researcher
               wants to gain a better understanding of a

Research Site

     The City of Cabanatuan (Ilokano: Ciudad ti Cabanatuan;

Kapampangan:         Lakanbalenning            Cabanatuan/Siudadning

Cabanatuan;      Pangasinan:       Siyudadna      Cabanatuan/Lunsodna

Cabanatuan;     Filipino:    Lungsodng    Cabanatuan)    is     a   first

class,   urban    city      in   the   province    of   Nueva       Ecija,

Philippines. It is considered the commerce, industrial and

educational hub of the province. According to the latest

census, it has a population of 259,267 people in 45,424

households. It is a bustling city home to many jeepneys and

tricycles. It bears the title as the "Tricycle Capital of

the Philippines", because it has about over 38,202 (as of

September 2009) registered tricycles.

     The old provincial capitol of Nueva Ecija is located

here and is still used by the provincial government and the


Location Map

        The map showing the area of CabanatuanCity

                     Figure 2. Location Map of the Study

Sources of Data

        There        were   5   owners      of    Catering        services    in

CabanatuanCity. Those respondents were given questionnaires

by   means      of    convenience      sampling   whereby    limitation      has

been set in the selection of respondents. A total of 5

questionnaires will be prepared and the survey ended after

these    questionnaires         were    filled    up   by   the   respondents;

then collected, tallied, analyzed and interpreted.

Sampling Design

Descriptive      method     is    used    in     the     study       using

purposive sampling (Grove & Burns, 2005).

     Purposive sampling was the sampling method used by the


Data Gathering Techniques and Instrument

     Interview.     Structured    or    unstructured        interview          was

used in order to determine the different perception of the

participants   to     the   contributing       factors       in    operating

catering services among selected owners in Cabanatuan City,

the questions and answer given by the participants is a

great help in the construction of the study, although the

question made is not typically used in the questionnaires.

     Questionnaire.     The    questionnaire        was     the    main    tool

used by this study in data gathering. A questionnaire is a

research instrument consisting of series of items and other

prompts for the purpose of gathering information from the

respondents.   Specifically,          the     researchers          used    the

structured   questionnaire.       Structured        questionnaire         is    a

questionnaire used in large surveys where specific answers

are anticipated. It includes the use of multiple choice and

scaled   questions.    It     generates     quantitative          information

(data), which can be analyzed statistically, and endeavors

to remove any bias potentially originating from either the

researchers or the respondents (LLP, 2006).

Local or Actual Observation. Is used to determine the

clarity and accuracy of the data taken from interview and


      Description of the Questionnaire. The instrument used

was a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers

which consisted of a number of items that the respondents

have to answer in a set format. The questionnaire developed

consisted of two parts: the profile of the respondents and

the   contributing     factors    in   operating    catering   Services

among Selected Owners in CabanatuanCity.

       Part I which is the profile of the respondents in

terms of their age, sex and civil status.

      Part II consisted of three factors that might help the

determination     of   the   participant     in    Success   Indicators

among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City.

      The    respondents         indicated    the      agreement     or

disagreement to the listed attitudes using the following

response mode:

            Rating                           Verbal
             Scale                       Interpretation
               4       Very Satisfactory      (VS)
               3       Satisfactory            (S)
               2       Fairly                 (FS)
              1        Unsatisfactory         (US)

Scoring. The scoring and verbal interpretations of the

responses were arranged using the Likert-five point scale

given below:

      Rating Scale
       4.20-5.00           Very Satisfactory                    (VS)
       3.40-4.19           Satisfactory                          (S)
       2.60-3.39           Fairly                               (FS)
       1.00-2.59           Unsatisfactory                        (US)

Validation of the Questionnaire. The questionnaire used by

the    researchers        was     developed          by    the    group.     It    was

initially    drafted       as    a     result        of   several    readings       and

consultations. The draft was presented to the researchers’

research    adviser       and     Dean     of    the       College      of   HRM   for

comments.    Group     sat      together        to    improve     and    revise     the

questionnaire and incorporated all suggestions that came

out after the validation.

Administration of the Questionnaire.                        The researcher will

seek permission from the dean of the College of Nursing.

Upon     approval,        the     researchers             will    administer        the

questionnaires       to         the     target         participants.         In     the

administration       of    the        instrument,         the    researchers       will

personally     visit       the        family     and      will    distribute       the


The researcher allowed a period of two months for data

gathering      to     give   ample      time   for   the   retrieval    of   the


Statistical Treatment of Data

       After       collecting     the    data    needed,    the    researchers

tabulated and analyzed the gathered data with the help of

statistical tools. The following are the statistical tools

used     in    this       study   together      with   their      corresponding


       1.      The profile of the respondents was determined by

using and          percentage, ranking and weighted mean (Trochim,



       (P)% =       ───      x    100

Where:      F = Frequency

   N = total number of the respondents

   P = percentage

Weighted Mean

       Weighted mean is used in parts 2 and 3 , the formula

used is:       WM = TWF/N

Where:         WM = weighted mean

               N    = total number of responses

               WF = weighted frequency

Chapter IV


     This chapter presents the presentation of data , its

analysis and its interpretation of data, it dealt primarily

on   the   Success   Indicators       among   Catering   Services    in

Cabanatuan City.

1. Profile of the Participants in terms of:

                            Table 1.1

                      Location of Business

                                  F                        %
    Residential                   7                       70
 Lease within the                 3                       30
       Total                      10                      100

     The location of their business is explained in the

table, 7 of the participants admitted that they                 located

their business in their residential home with 70% and 1

answered that they lease within the city with 30%.

     Majority of the catering business owners prefer their

home as the primary location for their business because of

the fact of easiness and accessible on what they need, and

their customers can easily locate them.

Table 1.2


                                 F                        %
P 100,000-P200,000               10                      100
  P 201-P 300,000                0                        0
       Total                     10                      100

    Majority of the participants admitted that they have

staring capital of P 100,000 – P 200,000.

                          Table 1.3

              Types of Catering Services Offered

                                 F                        %
   All types of                  10                      100
Catering services
 like Marriage,
 Birthday Party,
 business party,
 Birthday party                  0                        0
       Total                     10                      100

       Participants   admitted       that   their   business   offered

all types of catering services and this includes Marriage,

Christening, birthday Party, business party, etc.

                          Table 1.4

                      Number of Manpower

                                 F                         %
       0-10                      7                        70
      11-15                      3                        30
      Total                      10                      100

7 of the participant have 0-10 people working with

them with 805 of the population of participants and 3 has

11-15 manpower with 30%.

        Result shows that majority of the participants has

0-10   people   working   with   them,    it   includes   the   cook,

liaison officers, helper and caterer.

2. Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan

City in terms of:

                              Table 2.1

                          Market Research

                                  W       F    WF   WM    VI    Rank
1.    Demographics:   the         5       7    35
population                        4       3    12
characteristics   of  the         3       0    0    4.7   SA     1
local area (ie; families,         2       0    0
retirees, income levels,          1       0    0
age,structures, etc.)
                                          10   47
2. Portion Size: what             5        5   25
preferences do local area         4        5   20
residents place on                3        0   0    4.5   SA     3
portion size, food                2        0   0
quality and price                 1        0   0
                                          10   45
3. Customers    willingness       5        6   30
to pay                            4        4   16
                                  3        0   0    4.6   SA     2
                                  2        0   0
                                  1        0   0
                                          10   46
4. Popular items are on           5        0   0
competitor’s menu?                4        8   32
                                  3        2   6    3.8    A     4
                                  2        0   0
                                  1        0   0

10     38
5. How much variety             is        5           0     0
needed on the menu?                       4           0     0
                                          3           7     28     3.7      MA        5
                                          2           3     9
                                          1           0     0
                                                     10     37

     One of the factors that needed in the operation of

catering    business       is   the      market          research,    rank        1   are

Demographics: the population characteristics of the local

area (ie; families, retirees, income levels, age structures

etcwith both have 4.7 in weighted mean and interpreted as

strongly    agree    ,     rank      2   is        Customer’s      willingness            to

paywith weighted mean of 4.6 strongly agree,                              rank 3 is

Portion    Size:    what    preferences             do    local    area     residents

place on portion size, food quality and price with 4.5 also

strongly agree , rank 4 is popular items are on competitor

menu’s with 3.8 and it means agree and the last is How much

variety is needed on the menu with 3.7 and interpreted as

moderately agree.

     Market     research        plays         an     important       role        in   the

catering     business      it     is     the       kind    of     study     that      the

perspective businessmen should studied they should started

the population of the location, to see if there is a demand

and their capacity to seek catering service,because present

lifestyles    have   also       given     way       to    increased       demand      for

catered food service. Instead of laboring for hours, even

days, in the kitchen preparing for parties or events, many

homemakers now call on a caterer to provide sumptuous and

unforgettable feasts for their guests. An increasing number

of working mothers are paying to have catered birthday and

graduation parties, as well as wedding receptions handled

by caterers. The reasons are simple: if she is working

outside the home, today's mother just does not have the

time or the energy to do all the planning and staging of a

memorable party.

                                   Table 2.2

                                Menu Composition

                                                   W   F    WF   WM    VI   Rank
1. Menu management                                 5   6    30
                                                   4   4    16
                                                   3   0    0    4.6   SA    2
                                                   2   0    0
                                                   1   0    0
                                                       10   46
                                                   5   5    25
2.   When    composing      a    menu   it   is
                                                   4   5    20
essential      that    all        meals      are   3   0    0    4.5   SA    3
costed      with   strict       adherence    to    2   0    0
                                                   1   0    0
portion control.

                                                       10   45
3.Recipe cards                                     5   9    45
                                                   4   1    4
                                                   3   0    0    4.9   SA    1
                                                   2   0    0
                                                   1   0    0
                                                       10   49

5   0     0
4. Inventory management
                                            4   8     32
                                            3   2     6     3.8    A     4
                                            2   0     0
                                            1   0     0
                                                10    38
5. Predicting and assessing when            5   0     0
to change certain aspects of the            4   6     24
menu                                        3   4     12    3.6    MA    5
                                            2   0     4
                                            1   0     0
                                                10    36

        Rank 1 is Recipe cardswith 4.9 in weighted mean and

interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Menu Management

and it is interpreted as strongly agree, rank 3 is When

composing a menu it is essential that all meals are costs

with strict adherence to portion control with 4.5 and also

interpreted     as     strongly   agree,    rank     4      is    Inventory

management with 3.8 and interpreted as agree and the last

is Predicting and assessing when to change certain aspects

of the menu with 3.6 and it means moderately agree.

       Menu management is an ongoing task; menus should be

reviewed and changed regularly when pricing a meal it is

necessary to determine the quantity of each ingredient, the

cost    per   unit   of    that   ingredient    and        the    cost   per

meal/cover.Menu cards assist chefs and management to cost

menu   items,   they    ensure    food   presentation       and    quantity

remain consistent and they serve as a reference for all

kitchen staff reducing the need for verbal questions thus

saving time. Inventory management is critical to successful

catering operations. Having too much inventory on hand can

harm your business in two distinct ways. The most obvious

is that food will spoil and will need to be thrown out

adding to wastage, which is usually already a major cost in

catering operations and a cost which is notoriously hard to

manage and control.

                            Table 2.3

                        Lay-Out and Design

                        W     F    Wm F      WM    VI   Rank
Menu                    5     9     45
considerations          4     1      4
                        3     0      0       4.9   SA    1
                        2     0      0
                        1     0      0
                             10     49
Table size and mix      5     7     35
                        4     3     12
                        3     0      0       4.7   SA    2
                        2     0      0
                        1     0      0
                             10     47
Spacing       between   5     6     30
tables                  4     4     16
                        3     0      0       4.6   SA    3
                        2     0      0
                        1     0      0
                             10     46
Entry   and   waiting   5     0      0
area                    4     5     20
                        3     5     15       3.5   MA    5
                        2     0      0
                        1     0      0
                             10     35
Access             to   5     0      0
restrooms         and   4     7     28

Layout Efficiency             3        3       9          3.7        A        4
                              2        0       0
                              1        0       0
                                      10      37

         Rank 1 is Menu considerations with weighted mean of

4.9 and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Table size

and mix with 4.7 as weighted mean and is interpreted as

strongly agree,rank 3 is Spacing between tables with 4.6

and it means strongly agree, rank 4 is Access to restrooms

and Layout Efficiency with 3.7 and it means agree and the

last is Entry and waiting area with 3.5, interpreted as

moderately agree.

         The    designs       of    the    facilities      that     support   the

catering operation are vital. A well design catering venue

will    incorporate       a       work/service     area     that     facilitates

maximum efficiency thus keeping wages, power, energy and

wastage to a minimum.

Venue layout considerations can include the following:

       Menu considerations: these factors will dictate what

       types of equipment will be needed in the kitchen, size

       and     locations      of      preparation       areas      and   storage


       Table    size   and         mix:    what    is     your     stereotypical

       customer and what is your customer group mix

Spacing between tables: how much privacy and comfort

do customers require

Entry and waiting area: is the venue layout designed

so that when customers enter the catering area, front

of house staff are ready to greet them and allocate a


Access to restrooms: are bathroom facilities within

walking distance, and is their size adequate to cater

for     the    number      of    patrons.       Department       of     Health

requirements must be satisfied

Layout        Efficiency:        A    catering      operation         can   be

simplified         down     to       a      eight   step     process        1.

Delivery/receipt of food and beverage; 2. Storage of

materials;         3.     Pre-service         preparation;       6.      Order

receipt; 5. Cooking; 6. Serving food to customers; 7.

Removal       of   materials         from    tables/     dishwashing;       8.

Removal of waste. Each of these processes needs to be

taken into account when designing a catering venue.

Consideration           should       be     given   to   cross        traffic,

potential bottlenecks, clearances

3. Possible outcomes as to its:

                                Table 3.1

                          Income generation

                          W       F     Wm F       WM      VI           Rank
1. Creates jobs           5       6      30
                          4       4      16
                          3       0       0       4.6      SA            3
                          2       0       0
                          1       0       0
                                 10      46
2. Ideas of               5       8      40
catering services         4       2       8
will be                   3       0       0       4.8      SA            1
distributed               2       0       0
                          1       0       0
                                 10      48
3. small     business     5       7      35
will          emerged     4       3      12
within            the     3       0       0       4.7      SA            2
vicinity                  2       0       0
                          1       0       0
                                  5      47
4.          creates       5       0       0
transportation            4       5      20
routes within the         3       5      15       3.5          A         4
vicinity                  2       0       0
                          1       0       0
                                  5      18

          The possible effect as to the income generation are

Ideas of catering services will be distributed with 4.8 and

interpreted as strongly agree next is small business will

emerged    within   the   vicinity      with      4.7    and       it   means

strongly agree, next is creates jobs and is interpreted as

strongly    agree   and   the    last   is     creates   transportation

routes within the vicinity           with 3.5 and interpreted as


         It implies that the catering services will creates

job among its employees added to this will creates line or

area of transportation and the emergence of small business

around the establishments offering different products.

                               Table 3.2


                          W      F    Wm F     WM    VI     Rank
1.         possible       5      9     45
competition    will       4      1      4
emerged                   3      0      0     4.9    SA       1
                          2      0      0
                          1      0      0
                                10     49
2. Competing with         5      8     40
other restaurants         4      2      8
                          3      0      0     4.8    SA       2
                          2      0      0
                          1      0      0
                                10     48
3.       increasing       5      5     25
number   of   small       4      5     20
catering   services       3      0      0     4.5    SA       3
in   every    three       2      0      0
barangay                  1      0      0
                                10     45

         The   possible       competition    will   be    possible

competition will emerged with 4.9, next is competing with

other restaurants with 4.8 and it means strongly agree and

the last increasing number of small catering services in

every   three   barangay   also   strongly    agree      with   4.5   as

weighted mean.

        Based    on   findings,   there      will   be    significant

competitors that will emerged on the catering services most

especially when they see that their business is booming ,

others will try to compete on them.

Chapter V


          This chapter presents the summary of the findings,

its    conclusions       and     recommendation             offered        by    the



             This   study      entitled       ”Success      Indicators          among

Catering     Services    in     Cabanatuan       City”       will       cover     the

different     experiences       of     selected       owners       of      catering

services     in     Cabanatuan        City.     Their       experiences          and

suggestion     will     be     used    and     help     a    lot      of    future

entrepreneurs in putting same business.

       Descriptive methods of research will be used in the

study and a total of ten (10) Catering Services owners will

be involved as respondents to this study, and they areLa

Parilla Hotel and restaurant, Aracelli’s Restaurant, Plaza

Leticia,      Rosenda’s          Restaurant,          N.E.          Cakes        and

Restaurant,Paulino’s         Catering,       Dina’s    Catering,         Rod    Rose

catering Café Cristina Catering and P-enoys catering which

will    be   chosen     by     the     researchers          thru     convenience


Questionnaire will be the main tool in data gathering

and this study will be conducted during the school year


       Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1.    How    may    the    owners    profile    demographic    profile    be

described in terms of :

            1.1 number of children

            1.6 location of business

            1.7 operating capital

            1.8 types of catering services offered

            1.9 number of manpower

2. How may the different contributing Success Indicators

among Catering Services in CabanatuanCitybe described in

terms of:

              2.1 Market research

              2.2 Menu composition

              2.3 lay-out and designs

3.    What    are    the    possible     outcomes    that     affects    the

different      factors       in     operating    catering     services    be

identified as to:

              3.1 income generation

     3.2    Competition

Summary of Findings

     1. Profile of the Participants in terms of:

Location of Business

     The location of their business is explained in the

table,7 of the participants admitted that they                located

their business in their residential home with 70% and 3

answered that they lease within the city with 30%.


     Majority of the participants admitted that they have

staring capital of P 100,000 – P 200,000.

Types of Catering Services Offered

          Participants   admitted   that   their   business   offered

all types of catering services and this includes Marriage,

Christening, birthday Party, business party etc.

Number of Manpower

          7 of the participant have 0-10 people working with

them with 70% of the population of participants and 3 has

11-15 manpower with 30%.

2. Success Indicators among Catering Services in

CabanatuanCityin terms of:

Market Research

     One of the factors that needed in the operation of

catering    business        is   the   market        research,    rank     1   are

Demographics: the population characteristics of the local

area (ie; families, retirees, income levels, age structures

etcwith both have 4.7 in weighted mean and interpreted as

strongly    agree     ,     rank   2   is   Customer’s          willingness     to

paywith weighted mean of 4.6 strongly agree,                           rank 3 is

Portion    Size:     what    preferences        do    local     area    residents

place on portion size, food quality and price with 4.5 also

strongly agree , rank 4 is popular items are on competitor

menu’s with 3.8 and it means agree and the last is How much

variety is needed on the menu with 3.7 and interpreted as

moderately agree.

Menu Composition

          Rank 1 is Recipe cardswith 4.9 in weighted mean and

interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Menu Management

and it is interpreted as strongly agree, rank 3 is When

composing a menu it is essential that all meals are costs

with strict adherence to portion control with 4.5 and also

interpreted     as     strongly        agree,        rank   4    is     Inventory

management with 3.8 and interpreted as agree and the last

is Predicting and assessing when to change certain aspects

of the menu with 3.6 and it means moderately agree.

Lay-Out and Design

          Rank 1 is Menu considerations with weighted mean of

4.9 and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Table size

and mix with 4.7 as weighted mean and is interpreted as

strongly agree,rank 3 is Spacing between tables with 4.6

and it means strongly agree, rank 4 is Access to restrooms

and Layout Efficiency with 3.7 and it means agree and the

last is Entry and waiting area with 3.5, interpreted as

moderately agree.

3. Possible outcomes as to its:

Income generation

          The possible effect as to the income generation are

Ideas of catering services will be distributed with 4.8 and

interpreted as strongly agree next is small business will

emerged    within   the   vicinity     with      4.7    and   it   means

strongly agree, next is creates jobs and is interpreted as

strongly    agree   and   the   last   is     creates   transportation

routes within the vicinity           with 3.5 and interpreted as


          It implies that the catering services will creates

job among its employees added to this will creates line or

area of transportation and the emergence of small business

around the establishments offering different products.


          The     possible          competition           will         be         possible

competition will emerged with 4.9, next is competing with

other restaurants with 4.8 and it means strongly agree and

the last increasing number of small catering services in

every     three   barangay         also     strongly      agree        with        4.5    as

weighted mean.

          Based       on     findings,      there        will     be        significant

competitors that will emerged on the catering services most

especially when they see that their business is booming ,

others will try to compete on them.


          On    the        light   of     the     findings        of        the     study,

researchers concluded the following:

1. Market research plays an important role in the catering

  business it is the kind of study that the perspective

  businessmen          should      studied        they    should        started          the

  population of the location, to see if there is a demand

  and     their       capacity      to     seek     catering      service,because

  present       lifestyles         have    also     given       way    to     increased

  demand for catered food service.

2. Menu    management         is   an     ongoing    task;       menus       should       be

  reviewed and changed regularly when pricing a meal it is

  necessary to determine the quantity of each ingredient,

the cost per unit of that ingredient and the cost per


3. The designs of the facilities that support the catering

  operation are vital. A well design catering venue will

  incorporate a work/service area that facilitates maximum

  efficiency thus keeping wages, power, energy and wastage

  to a minimum.


  1. The researchers recommended that those who want to put

     a business like the catering business a superb planner

     and   manager    as   well    is   needed   they     need    to   be

     extremely organized, yet flexible enough to be able to

     deal with last minute changes.

  2. The researchers recommended offering signature dishes

     and   house     specialties    as    customers     broaden   their

     culinary experience.

  3. The researchers recommended that the caterers today

     have to be adept not only in satisfying the taste buds

     but also excel in food preparation

  4. The researchers recommended that a caterer does not

     need to undergo a special education or training to

     become a successful caterer.

  5. The researchers recommended starting a small business

     and keeping it simple.


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  • 1. Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction The catering business is one of the most lucrative and profitable home businesses with a high potential for expansion and growth. It is both financially rewarding and fun. Each catered event - whether birthday parties for children, breakfast in bed and intimate candlelight dinners for two, company dinner parties for 50 and wedding receptions involving a hundred or more guests -- is a new experience and challenge with a new group of people. Whether it is a catering event on a full-time or part-time basis, the opportunities are excellent. However, catering is a demanding work, requiring stamina, ability to work under pressure, and excellent interpersonal skills. The success will greatly depend on reputation. To build a good reputation in the business, owner should be willing to work hard and the ability to work under pressure. This kind of entrepreneurial business is definitely growing and becoming more popular with people of all income levels. In the province, there are several catering services that occur, extending services in the group of people on 1
  • 2. which they are offering services for the hectic scheduled families and those people who does not want to have to work in the kitchen preparing for a hundred of people who will attend parties, catering services will be the one who assist and done all the works. Many people are urging to put up a small business like catering services and this study will tackle first their success indicators and their preparation in putting up a business so that people who wish to establish a catering service, this paper will help them a lot. Statement of the Problem This study aims to describe the Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City. Specifically; it will answer the following questions: 1. How may the owners demographic profile be described in terms of : 1.1 location of business 1.2 operating capital 1.3 types of catering services offered 1.4 number of manpower 2. How may the different Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City bedescribed in terms of: 2.1 Market research 2.2 Menu composition 2
  • 3. 2.3 Lay-out and designs 3. What are the possible outcomes that affects the different factors in operating catering services be identified as to: 3.1 Income generation 3.2 Competition Scope and Limitations of the Study This study entitled ”Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City” will cover the different experiences of selected owners of catering services in Cabanatuan City. Their experiences and suggestions will be used and help a lot of future entrepreneurs in putting same business. Descriptive methods of research will be used in the study and a total of ten (10) Catering Services owners will be involved as respondents to this study, and they are Paulino’s Catering, Dina’s Catering, Rod Rose Catering Café Cristina Catering La Parilla Hotel, Aracelis, Rosenda’s Restaurant, Plaza Leticia, Belle’s Catering and P-enoys Catering which will be chosen by the researchers thru convenience sampling. 3
  • 4. Questionnaire will be the main tool in data gathering and this study will be conducted during the school year 2011-2012. Theoretical Framework According to Hetahers,(2008) Catering operations are generally one of the more complex components of a venue’s activities. It is estimated that only 15% to 30% of restaurant, hotel and club catering operations are profitable. A successful catering department requires the effective management of everything from price and portion size to marketing and Human Resources. The benefit of a successful catering operation is that it not only brings in profits from the catering department, it also serves to enhance other areas of the business. 4
  • 5. Input Process Output 1. the profile of the participants be described in terms of : Location of business Capital Types of catering services offered Number of manpower 2. Different contributing factors in operating catering services be described in terms of: Market research Menu composition Questionnaires Lay-out and designs Statistical Treatment of Improvement in the data Catering Services 3. The possible outcomes that Percentage, weighted affects the different factors in mean operating catering services be Frequency Distribution identified as to: Income generation Competition Figure 1.Research Paradigm 5
  • 6. Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework of the study uses the input – process-output (IPO) whereas the input of the study that the researchers aims to determine is the profile the of the respondents be described in terms of: age, gender,civil status, educational background, number of children, location of business, capital, types of catering services offered, number of manpower, Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City be described in terms of Market research, Menu composition, lay-out and designs possible outcomes if the different factors in operating catering services are followed The process is the Gathering of data thru questionnaires. Statistical analyzation of data and the output of the study is Improvement in the Catering Services. Significance of the Study This study is identified to be beneficial to the following: Catering Services Owners. The study will give them opportunity to give what they had experienced in putting up he business so that others will be given opportunity to study the consequences they are facing 6
  • 7. and avoid the possible problem it may brought in the future. Future Entrepreneurs. The findings of the study will help them a lot in studying the possible consequences and factors in putting up catering services so that hey can assess freely and when they decide to put up a business like catering services they will exactly know what they should do. The Hotel and Restaurant Management students. The study which will be the output of this study could be of great help to HRIM students because it will allow them to learn and review the different procedures in catering services. It can be used as a reference in their studies regarding catering service to provide them a vital information and better understanding and equip them with knowledge. The Hotel and Restaurant Management Professors. Through this study, their method of instruction can be improved and this would help facilitate the application of various processes involved in catering services. Also, it will enable them to have ample time in doing other works for the benefit of the students. 7
  • 8. Costumers. This study will help the costumers to understand the operation and enable them to evaluate or asses the problems encountered in catering services The Researchers. Through this study, they will have an effective way of show casing what they have learned and come up with an output, in the form of making a research study that would be of benefit to others., this study will also this study will serve as background and added information on how to establish a successful start in a catering services business, this study will also enable the researcher to be more resourceful and studious in the field of this study. Definition of Terms For better understanding of the study, some terms are operationally defined: Catering Services.Is the business of providing foodservice at a remote site or a site like a hotel, public house (pub) and other various locations. Contributing Factors. The term refers to the different terms that affect the operation of the catering services, how it will improve or can attract customers. 8
  • 9. Lay-out and Designs. The term refers to the different physical arrangement of the business in which customers feel at ease when they are in the location. Market Research.It refers to the study of the possible people who will obtain services of the catering services in the area. Menu Composition.The term refers to the kind of foods that will be offered to the customer in which it will be a factor to attract them. Profile.It refers to the distinct characteristics of the owner of catering services like ages and gender in which researchers believe has bearing in the present study. 9
  • 10. Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which is relevant to the present study. Foreign Literature The catering business is tough, with the details of preparing food off-premises and on-site for hundreds of people often times mind-boggling. It is not easy to cater to an event of 400 people, much more if people start to do thousands, some 60 miles from your home (what if you forget the sauce?). Successfully running a small catering business takes much more than a passion for cooking and a knack for preparing tasty dishes. You have to be a superb planner and manager as well. they need to be extremely organized, yet flexible enough to be able to deal with last minute changes. You also need a strong affinity for people and a kind of intuition as to what people enjoy in different environmental settings. As the culinary sophistication and desire to be entertained of many people have grown, customers today are looking for the catered experience to be more restaurant- like. Many caterers are now offering signature dishes and 10
  • 11. house specialties as customers broaden their culinary experience. Others are offering family-style menu, especially for large informal functions and even corporate meetings. Caterers today have to be adept not only in satisfying the taste buds but also excel in food preparation. With the goal of wowing the socks off the clients, many caterers give ample focus on plate presentations, venue selection, and table decoration, among others. Some even hire artists to improve the presentation of the food, while some go to such lengths as indoor pyrotechnics, confetti guns and laser-light shows. Others employ in-house artists to customize each catered event from passing platters to plate presentations. Given the intense competition, caterers nowadays are prepared to do anything to keep the customer happy (and coming back for more). You do not need special education or training to become a successful caterer. Although taking some courses at culinary institutes or vocational schools can help. Some start out by working for one or more catering businesses to get an inside look at how the business goes. As with any business, your success will be directly related to the soundness of planning and the working of that plan. Start small and keep it simple. Understand 11
  • 12. exactly what your client wants, and give him what he wants in the way of service that reflects upon the client in a complimentary manner. Many people dream of running a successful catering business. They imagine preparing delicious food for appreciative people, building up a steady clientele. Running a catering business takes a lot of work, too -- thus, as with any small business, the owner will enjoy more success if she has the ability to think creatively, work independently, and network widely. Some caterers choose to specialize in a particular menu or type of function. The business owner must ensure the local area has a demand for this type of food. A successful business owner does his home work before preparing the menu. This includes getting copies of menus from successful businesses to find out what's popular, and deciding on the target audience, as Joyce Wineberg says in her book "The Everything Guide to Starting and Running a Catering Business." The business owner should also include his specialties in the menu and keep a running log of ideas, so he can update the menu occasionally, she adds -- offering seasonal choices like cold soup in summer, for instance, is key to success. 12
  • 13. A stellar reputation plays a key role in landing catering assignments. Catering businesses become known in their communities for their quality of food and reliability, and word of mouth will still form the foundation of a business' reputation. This means being professional and providing excellent quality food at every engagement, since attendees will share their opinion of the business. As Lora Arduser and Douglas Robert Brown say in "The Professional Caterer's Handbook," a caterer must remain highly organized and efficient. A caterer's job involves planning how to prepare menus for all of her engagements, preparing the food, managing staff, transporting the food, talking with clients, advertising, and handling various unforeseen glitches such as equipment malfunctioning, as the authors describe. She must effectively juggle these tasks while remaining personable and professional. A website is crucial in today's marketplace, especially for anyone marketing to upscale clients. In addition to marketing the business' services, it's a considerate way to display the services to clients without requiring them to drive to a particular location. If a catering business owner hasn't developed a website, many potential clients may overlook the business. 13
  • 14. Connecting with organizations such as the American Culinary Federation and the National Caterers Association will keep the owners of small businesses clued in to events and developments in the catering world, as Arduser and Brown point out. Connecting with other professionals also provides moral support and education, increasing the chances of success. Local Literature Catering operations, as either a stand-alone facility or as part of a larger hospitality-related business, exist in a wide variety of formats, or styles. Most common are those that are readily identifiable as private rooms in restaurant operations, hotel facilities, and independent catering facilities. The increased demand by the international public for private function space outside of their own homes and businesses has led the catering segment of the foodservice sector of the hospitality industry to be a leader in the continued growth of both facilities and revenue. Forward thinking foodservice businesses from fine dining restaurants to delicatessens are incorporating catering services into their operations in recognition of the expanding market for prepared foodservices. Off- premise catering and take-out services offer an excellent avenue for increasing revenue with minimal costs. 14
  • 15. The proximity of the restaurant to office complexes and centralized business areas will help to establish whether its catering service will be focused on business or social marketing efforts. Businesses in the twenty-first century are spread from urban centers to suburban locations in office parks. Central urban locations offer a concentrated market for both office delivery and take-out. A significant factor in developing the market for business catering is that service is generally required during the business week, leaving weekend periods free to service social business. In addition, locations such as museums, concert halls, and historical sites offer interesting venues to catered functions for both local businesses and conventions. Both urban and suburban restaurants can successfully develop social catering business. Suburban locations are generally more appropriate for social catering to private homes, clubs, churches, and other facilities. Delivery to urban locations can pose security and logistical problems, creating additional costs for transportation and service labor. Population density also affects the volume of anticipated catering business. Restaurants situated in rural areas with low population density cannot expect immediate high volumes of catering business. Areas of high- 15
  • 16. density population yield a variety of catering opportunities that steadily increase in volume through referrals and reputation. The location of the physical restaurant building plays a role in the type of catering services to be offered. Storage facilities, expansion possibilities, and access to major transportation routes are factors important to catering service production. Customer Profile Restaurants have the advantage of a built- in customer pool to whom they can market in-house and off- premise catering services. In addition, the attraction of being associated with a restaurant's reputation will help to expand the possible market to include new business and social clients. The market profile should classify customers as business or social catering clients, designated by income bracket. In addition the range of activities for which each customer pool will need catering services should be researched as thoroughly as possible. This will help in developing package programs along with potential menu programs and accompanying pricing concepts. Full-Service Restaurants Style or Concept The style, concept, and/or theme of the restaurant should be taken into consideration when planning potential catering services. Off-premise catering services do not necessarily have to blend with the facilities offered by the 16
  • 17. restaurant. On-premise catering services should, however, be designed to function within the restaurant facilities. Restaurants facilities are a major factor in providing on-premise catering. The ratio of catering functions to restaurant services that can be handled at a given time is dependent on the size and flexibility of the physical plant. Small private parties are often incorporated into the general dining room setting. Large parties must, however, be given facilities that are separated from the general public. This restaurant has a private dining room and bar facility with a dance floor that can also be used for additional restaurant seating during busy time periods and holidays. Flexible facilities such as these allow a restaurant to maximize revenues. Many restaurants that offer in-house catering schedule large parties, such as weddings, anniversaries, luncheons, and dinners, on days and times when the restaurant is not otherwise open. Often catering business must be refused because sufficient on- premise facilities are not available. When management is continually turning away catering business, a decision will need to be made as to how the restaurant will balance is future development of catering versus full-service dining services. Kitchen facilities play a major part in 17
  • 18. determining when and how catering service demands can be met. Kitchen equipment must be flexible, allowing for volume production to take place simultaneously with à la carte restaurant service. The kitchen cooking load and holding capacity of ovens and auxiliary equipment is important to determine if a kitchen is to be used to its full capacity during busy times. Storage and refrigeration facilities determine the amount of food products available at any given time. The cost of waste from food spoilage due to lack of refrigeration and freezer space could dilute the profit from additional catering business. A further discussion of equipment capability for catering service is found in Chapter Twelve. Cuisine and Menu The primary cuisine and menu offerings of a restaurant constitute one of the most important considerations for on-premise catering. As discussed earlier, off-premise catering services do not necessarily need to be the same as those offered at the restaurant for full-service dining. Purchasing and production requirements are crucial to the successful development of catering services. On-premise catering should offer menu items that duplicate the established menu as closely as possible in order to enhance production capabilities. Surrounding items, such as 18
  • 19. vegetables and starches, are the most effective area of the menu to duplicate. Kitchen production is more efficient when the number of surrounding menu items is 28 Chapter 2 Styles of Catering Operations 19
  • 20. Chapter III METHODS OF RESEARCH AND PROCEDURE This chapter discusses the method of research used, locale of the study, the respondents, sample/sampling design, the data gathering techniques and instrument, validation of data and the statistical treatment of data. Method of Research Used The study utilized the descriptive method of research. Descriptive research according to Burns and Grove (2003), is a method that provides an accurate portrayal or account of characteristics of a particular individual, event, or group in real life situations. This type of research is conducted to discover new meaning, describe what exists, determine the frequency with which something occurs, and categorize information. In the words of Shields (2006), she stated further: “Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a topic”. 20
  • 21. Research Site The City of Cabanatuan (Ilokano: Ciudad ti Cabanatuan; Kapampangan: Lakanbalenning Cabanatuan/Siudadning Cabanatuan; Pangasinan: Siyudadna Cabanatuan/Lunsodna Cabanatuan; Filipino: Lungsodng Cabanatuan) is a first class, urban city in the province of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. It is considered the commerce, industrial and educational hub of the province. According to the latest census, it has a population of 259,267 people in 45,424 households. It is a bustling city home to many jeepneys and tricycles. It bears the title as the "Tricycle Capital of the Philippines", because it has about over 38,202 (as of September 2009) registered tricycles. The old provincial capitol of Nueva Ecija is located here and is still used by the provincial government and the governor. 21
  • 22. Location Map The map showing the area of CabanatuanCity Figure 2. Location Map of the Study Sources of Data There were 5 owners of Catering services in CabanatuanCity. Those respondents were given questionnaires by means of convenience sampling whereby limitation has been set in the selection of respondents. A total of 5 questionnaires will be prepared and the survey ended after these questionnaires were filled up by the respondents; then collected, tallied, analyzed and interpreted. Sampling Design 22
  • 23. Descriptive method is used in the study using purposive sampling (Grove & Burns, 2005). Purposive sampling was the sampling method used by the researchers. Data Gathering Techniques and Instrument Interview. Structured or unstructured interview was used in order to determine the different perception of the participants to the contributing factors in operating catering services among selected owners in Cabanatuan City, the questions and answer given by the participants is a great help in the construction of the study, although the question made is not typically used in the questionnaires. Questionnaire. The questionnaire was the main tool used by this study in data gathering. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of series of items and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from the respondents. Specifically, the researchers used the structured questionnaire. Structured questionnaire is a questionnaire used in large surveys where specific answers are anticipated. It includes the use of multiple choice and scaled questions. It generates quantitative information (data), which can be analyzed statistically, and endeavors to remove any bias potentially originating from either the researchers or the respondents (LLP, 2006). 23
  • 24. Local or Actual Observation. Is used to determine the clarity and accuracy of the data taken from interview and questionnaires. Description of the Questionnaire. The instrument used was a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers which consisted of a number of items that the respondents have to answer in a set format. The questionnaire developed consisted of two parts: the profile of the respondents and the contributing factors in operating catering Services among Selected Owners in CabanatuanCity. Part I which is the profile of the respondents in terms of their age, sex and civil status. Part II consisted of three factors that might help the determination of the participant in Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City. The respondents indicated the agreement or disagreement to the listed attitudes using the following response mode: Rating Verbal Scale Interpretation 4 Very Satisfactory (VS) 3 Satisfactory (S) 2 Fairly (FS) Satisfactory 1 Unsatisfactory (US) 24
  • 25. Scoring. The scoring and verbal interpretations of the responses were arranged using the Likert-five point scale given below: Verbal Rating Scale Interpretation 4.20-5.00 Very Satisfactory (VS) 3.40-4.19 Satisfactory (S) 2.60-3.39 Fairly (FS) Satisfactory 1.00-2.59 Unsatisfactory (US) Validation of the Questionnaire. The questionnaire used by the researchers was developed by the group. It was initially drafted as a result of several readings and consultations. The draft was presented to the researchers’ research adviser and Dean of the College of HRM for comments. Group sat together to improve and revise the questionnaire and incorporated all suggestions that came out after the validation. Administration of the Questionnaire. The researcher will seek permission from the dean of the College of Nursing. Upon approval, the researchers will administer the questionnaires to the target participants. In the administration of the instrument, the researchers will personally visit the family and will distribute the questionnaire. 25
  • 26. The researcher allowed a period of two months for data gathering to give ample time for the retrieval of the instrument. Statistical Treatment of Data After collecting the data needed, the researchers tabulated and analyzed the gathered data with the help of statistical tools. The following are the statistical tools used in this study together with their corresponding formulas. 1. The profile of the respondents was determined by using and percentage, ranking and weighted mean (Trochim, 2006). Percentage F (P)% = ─── x 100 N Where: F = Frequency N = total number of the respondents P = percentage Weighted Mean Weighted mean is used in parts 2 and 3 , the formula used is: WM = TWF/N Where: WM = weighted mean N = total number of responses WF = weighted frequency 26
  • 27. Chapter IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the presentation of data , its analysis and its interpretation of data, it dealt primarily on the Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City. 1. Profile of the Participants in terms of: Table 1.1 Location of Business F % Residential 7 70 Lease within the 3 30 city Total 10 100 The location of their business is explained in the table, 7 of the participants admitted that they located their business in their residential home with 70% and 1 answered that they lease within the city with 30%. Majority of the catering business owners prefer their home as the primary location for their business because of the fact of easiness and accessible on what they need, and their customers can easily locate them. 27
  • 28. Table 1.2 Capital F % P 100,000-P200,000 10 100 P 201-P 300,000 0 0 Total 10 100 Majority of the participants admitted that they have staring capital of P 100,000 – P 200,000. Table 1.3 Types of Catering Services Offered F % All types of 10 100 Catering services like Marriage, Christening, Birthday Party, business party, etc. Birthday party 0 0 alone Total 10 100 Participants admitted that their business offered all types of catering services and this includes Marriage, Christening, birthday Party, business party, etc. Table 1.4 Number of Manpower F % 0-10 7 70 11-15 3 30 Total 10 100 28
  • 29. 7 of the participant have 0-10 people working with them with 805 of the population of participants and 3 has 11-15 manpower with 30%. Result shows that majority of the participants has 0-10 people working with them, it includes the cook, liaison officers, helper and caterer. 2. Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City in terms of: Table 2.1 Market Research W F WF WM VI Rank 1. Demographics: the 5 7 35 population 4 3 12 characteristics of the 3 0 0 4.7 SA 1 local area (ie; families, 2 0 0 retirees, income levels, 1 0 0 age,structures, etc.) 10 47 2. Portion Size: what 5 5 25 preferences do local area 4 5 20 residents place on 3 0 0 4.5 SA 3 portion size, food 2 0 0 quality and price 1 0 0 10 45 3. Customers willingness 5 6 30 to pay 4 4 16 3 0 0 4.6 SA 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 46 4. Popular items are on 5 0 0 competitor’s menu? 4 8 32 3 2 6 3.8 A 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 29
  • 30. 10 38 5. How much variety is 5 0 0 needed on the menu? 4 0 0 3 7 28 3.7 MA 5 2 3 9 1 0 0 10 37 One of the factors that needed in the operation of catering business is the market research, rank 1 are Demographics: the population characteristics of the local area (ie; families, retirees, income levels, age structures etcwith both have 4.7 in weighted mean and interpreted as strongly agree , rank 2 is Customer’s willingness to paywith weighted mean of 4.6 strongly agree, rank 3 is Portion Size: what preferences do local area residents place on portion size, food quality and price with 4.5 also strongly agree , rank 4 is popular items are on competitor menu’s with 3.8 and it means agree and the last is How much variety is needed on the menu with 3.7 and interpreted as moderately agree. Market research plays an important role in the catering business it is the kind of study that the perspective businessmen should studied they should started the population of the location, to see if there is a demand and their capacity to seek catering service,because present lifestyles have also given way to increased demand for 30
  • 31. catered food service. Instead of laboring for hours, even days, in the kitchen preparing for parties or events, many homemakers now call on a caterer to provide sumptuous and unforgettable feasts for their guests. An increasing number of working mothers are paying to have catered birthday and graduation parties, as well as wedding receptions handled by caterers. The reasons are simple: if she is working outside the home, today's mother just does not have the time or the energy to do all the planning and staging of a memorable party. Table 2.2 Menu Composition W F WF WM VI Rank 1. Menu management 5 6 30 4 4 16 3 0 0 4.6 SA 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 46 5 5 25 2. When composing a menu it is 4 5 20 essential that all meals are 3 0 0 4.5 SA 3 costed with strict adherence to 2 0 0 1 0 0 portion control. 10 45 3.Recipe cards 5 9 45 4 1 4 3 0 0 4.9 SA 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 49 31
  • 32. 5 0 0 4. Inventory management 4 8 32 3 2 6 3.8 A 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 38 5. Predicting and assessing when 5 0 0 to change certain aspects of the 4 6 24 menu 3 4 12 3.6 MA 5 2 0 4 1 0 0 10 36 Rank 1 is Recipe cardswith 4.9 in weighted mean and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Menu Management and it is interpreted as strongly agree, rank 3 is When composing a menu it is essential that all meals are costs with strict adherence to portion control with 4.5 and also interpreted as strongly agree, rank 4 is Inventory management with 3.8 and interpreted as agree and the last is Predicting and assessing when to change certain aspects of the menu with 3.6 and it means moderately agree. Menu management is an ongoing task; menus should be reviewed and changed regularly when pricing a meal it is necessary to determine the quantity of each ingredient, the cost per unit of that ingredient and the cost per meal/cover.Menu cards assist chefs and management to cost menu items, they ensure food presentation and quantity remain consistent and they serve as a reference for all 32
  • 33. kitchen staff reducing the need for verbal questions thus saving time. Inventory management is critical to successful catering operations. Having too much inventory on hand can harm your business in two distinct ways. The most obvious is that food will spoil and will need to be thrown out adding to wastage, which is usually already a major cost in catering operations and a cost which is notoriously hard to manage and control. Table 2.3 Lay-Out and Design W F Wm F WM VI Rank Menu 5 9 45 considerations 4 1 4 3 0 0 4.9 SA 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 49 Table size and mix 5 7 35 4 3 12 3 0 0 4.7 SA 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 47 Spacing between 5 6 30 tables 4 4 16 3 0 0 4.6 SA 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 46 Entry and waiting 5 0 0 area 4 5 20 3 5 15 3.5 MA 5 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 35 Access to 5 0 0 restrooms and 4 7 28 33
  • 34. Layout Efficiency 3 3 9 3.7 A 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 37 Rank 1 is Menu considerations with weighted mean of 4.9 and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Table size and mix with 4.7 as weighted mean and is interpreted as strongly agree,rank 3 is Spacing between tables with 4.6 and it means strongly agree, rank 4 is Access to restrooms and Layout Efficiency with 3.7 and it means agree and the last is Entry and waiting area with 3.5, interpreted as moderately agree. The designs of the facilities that support the catering operation are vital. A well design catering venue will incorporate a work/service area that facilitates maximum efficiency thus keeping wages, power, energy and wastage to a minimum. Venue layout considerations can include the following: Menu considerations: these factors will dictate what types of equipment will be needed in the kitchen, size and locations of preparation areas and storage requirements Table size and mix: what is your stereotypical customer and what is your customer group mix 34
  • 35. Spacing between tables: how much privacy and comfort do customers require Entry and waiting area: is the venue layout designed so that when customers enter the catering area, front of house staff are ready to greet them and allocate a table Access to restrooms: are bathroom facilities within walking distance, and is their size adequate to cater for the number of patrons. Department of Health requirements must be satisfied Layout Efficiency: A catering operation can be simplified down to a eight step process 1. Delivery/receipt of food and beverage; 2. Storage of materials; 3. Pre-service preparation; 6. Order receipt; 5. Cooking; 6. Serving food to customers; 7. Removal of materials from tables/ dishwashing; 8. Removal of waste. Each of these processes needs to be taken into account when designing a catering venue. Consideration should be given to cross traffic, potential bottlenecks, clearances 35
  • 36. 3. Possible outcomes as to its: Table 3.1 Income generation W F Wm F WM VI Rank 1. Creates jobs 5 6 30 4 4 16 3 0 0 4.6 SA 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 46 2. Ideas of 5 8 40 catering services 4 2 8 will be 3 0 0 4.8 SA 1 distributed 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 48 3. small business 5 7 35 will emerged 4 3 12 within the 3 0 0 4.7 SA 2 vicinity 2 0 0 1 0 0 5 47 4. creates 5 0 0 transportation 4 5 20 routes within the 3 5 15 3.5 A 4 vicinity 2 0 0 1 0 0 5 18 The possible effect as to the income generation are Ideas of catering services will be distributed with 4.8 and interpreted as strongly agree next is small business will emerged within the vicinity with 4.7 and it means strongly agree, next is creates jobs and is interpreted as strongly agree and the last is creates transportation 36
  • 37. routes within the vicinity with 3.5 and interpreted as agree. It implies that the catering services will creates job among its employees added to this will creates line or area of transportation and the emergence of small business around the establishments offering different products. Table 3.2 Competition W F Wm F WM VI Rank 1. possible 5 9 45 competition will 4 1 4 emerged 3 0 0 4.9 SA 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 49 2. Competing with 5 8 40 other restaurants 4 2 8 3 0 0 4.8 SA 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 48 3. increasing 5 5 25 number of small 4 5 20 catering services 3 0 0 4.5 SA 3 in every three 2 0 0 barangay 1 0 0 10 45 The possible competition will be possible competition will emerged with 4.9, next is competing with other restaurants with 4.8 and it means strongly agree and the last increasing number of small catering services in 37
  • 38. every three barangay also strongly agree with 4.5 as weighted mean. Based on findings, there will be significant competitors that will emerged on the catering services most especially when they see that their business is booming , others will try to compete on them. 38
  • 39. Chapter V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of the findings, its conclusions and recommendation offered by the researchers. Summary This study entitled ”Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cabanatuan City” will cover the different experiences of selected owners of catering services in Cabanatuan City. Their experiences and suggestion will be used and help a lot of future entrepreneurs in putting same business. Descriptive methods of research will be used in the study and a total of ten (10) Catering Services owners will be involved as respondents to this study, and they areLa Parilla Hotel and restaurant, Aracelli’s Restaurant, Plaza Leticia, Rosenda’s Restaurant, N.E. Cakes and Restaurant,Paulino’s Catering, Dina’s Catering, Rod Rose catering Café Cristina Catering and P-enoys catering which will be chosen by the researchers thru convenience sampling. 39
  • 40. Questionnaire will be the main tool in data gathering and this study will be conducted during the school year 2011-2012. Specifically, it will answer the following questions: 1. How may the owners profile demographic profile be described in terms of : 1.1 number of children 1.6 location of business 1.7 operating capital 1.8 types of catering services offered 1.9 number of manpower 2. How may the different contributing Success Indicators among Catering Services in CabanatuanCitybe described in terms of: 2.1 Market research 2.2 Menu composition 2.3 lay-out and designs 3. What are the possible outcomes that affects the different factors in operating catering services be identified as to: 3.1 income generation 3.2 Competition 40
  • 41. Summary of Findings 1. Profile of the Participants in terms of: Location of Business The location of their business is explained in the table,7 of the participants admitted that they located their business in their residential home with 70% and 3 answered that they lease within the city with 30%. Capital Majority of the participants admitted that they have staring capital of P 100,000 – P 200,000. Types of Catering Services Offered Participants admitted that their business offered all types of catering services and this includes Marriage, Christening, birthday Party, business party etc. Number of Manpower 7 of the participant have 0-10 people working with them with 70% of the population of participants and 3 has 11-15 manpower with 30%. 2. Success Indicators among Catering Services in CabanatuanCityin terms of: 41
  • 42. Market Research One of the factors that needed in the operation of catering business is the market research, rank 1 are Demographics: the population characteristics of the local area (ie; families, retirees, income levels, age structures etcwith both have 4.7 in weighted mean and interpreted as strongly agree , rank 2 is Customer’s willingness to paywith weighted mean of 4.6 strongly agree, rank 3 is Portion Size: what preferences do local area residents place on portion size, food quality and price with 4.5 also strongly agree , rank 4 is popular items are on competitor menu’s with 3.8 and it means agree and the last is How much variety is needed on the menu with 3.7 and interpreted as moderately agree. Menu Composition Rank 1 is Recipe cardswith 4.9 in weighted mean and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Menu Management and it is interpreted as strongly agree, rank 3 is When composing a menu it is essential that all meals are costs with strict adherence to portion control with 4.5 and also interpreted as strongly agree, rank 4 is Inventory management with 3.8 and interpreted as agree and the last is Predicting and assessing when to change certain aspects of the menu with 3.6 and it means moderately agree. 42
  • 43. Lay-Out and Design Rank 1 is Menu considerations with weighted mean of 4.9 and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is Table size and mix with 4.7 as weighted mean and is interpreted as strongly agree,rank 3 is Spacing between tables with 4.6 and it means strongly agree, rank 4 is Access to restrooms and Layout Efficiency with 3.7 and it means agree and the last is Entry and waiting area with 3.5, interpreted as moderately agree. 3. Possible outcomes as to its: Income generation The possible effect as to the income generation are Ideas of catering services will be distributed with 4.8 and interpreted as strongly agree next is small business will emerged within the vicinity with 4.7 and it means strongly agree, next is creates jobs and is interpreted as strongly agree and the last is creates transportation routes within the vicinity with 3.5 and interpreted as agree. It implies that the catering services will creates job among its employees added to this will creates line or area of transportation and the emergence of small business around the establishments offering different products. 43
  • 44. Competition The possible competition will be possible competition will emerged with 4.9, next is competing with other restaurants with 4.8 and it means strongly agree and the last increasing number of small catering services in every three barangay also strongly agree with 4.5 as weighted mean. Based on findings, there will be significant competitors that will emerged on the catering services most especially when they see that their business is booming , others will try to compete on them. Conclusions On the light of the findings of the study, researchers concluded the following: 1. Market research plays an important role in the catering business it is the kind of study that the perspective businessmen should studied they should started the population of the location, to see if there is a demand and their capacity to seek catering service,because present lifestyles have also given way to increased demand for catered food service. 2. Menu management is an ongoing task; menus should be reviewed and changed regularly when pricing a meal it is necessary to determine the quantity of each ingredient, 44
  • 45. the cost per unit of that ingredient and the cost per meal/cover. 3. The designs of the facilities that support the catering operation are vital. A well design catering venue will incorporate a work/service area that facilitates maximum efficiency thus keeping wages, power, energy and wastage to a minimum. Recommendations 1. The researchers recommended that those who want to put a business like the catering business a superb planner and manager as well is needed they need to be extremely organized, yet flexible enough to be able to deal with last minute changes. 2. The researchers recommended offering signature dishes and house specialties as customers broaden their culinary experience. 3. The researchers recommended that the caterers today have to be adept not only in satisfying the taste buds but also excel in food preparation 4. The researchers recommended that a caterer does not need to undergo a special education or training to become a successful caterer. 5. The researchers recommended starting a small business and keeping it simple. 45
  • 46. 46