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The West Influence
Sugar had a major influence of the rise of the West; social, cultural, and political factors all
contribute to the Rise of the West, and was essential to make this happen.
The rise of Western Europe after 1500 is due to growth in countries with access to the Atlantic
Ocean. The New World, Africa, and Asia from the Atlantic are countries that traded and had
relations with Europe, and made the rise of the west possible. The three most important things to the
rise of the west were politics, economies, and culture. Politics were important to the sugar trade and
the rise of the west, because without colonies and countries being taken over because of their
resources, sugar wouldn't have profited like it did. The economy of ... Show more content on ...
Without the Jewish people, who mostly grew the sugarcane, the trade would've collapsed. "making
and selling sugar from sugarcane was one of the most common occupations of Jews in the Middle
Ages"(Sugar Industry and Trade) The Jewish people's jobs in the middle ages mostly consisted of
growing, producing, and selling sugarcane. Sugar was sold mostly to Europe, they became addicted
and sugar became a part of their diet. "During the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries there
were many Jews among the merchants of Antwerp, the Portuguese colony, which was central to the
sugar trade in the port and played a vital part in the development of Antwerp as the central European
sugar market,..."(Pohl, 1) The Jewish people around the 16th and 17th century were mostly
merchants of a Portuguese colony, called Antwerp, which was the center of the sugar trade. The port
located in Antwerp also played a vital part in the development of the colony that it , and was the
reason that it became the central European sugar market. Many sugar plantations were also nearby,
which helped them get goods easier.
Political:Govt, Legislation, (Who was running the countries at this time)
The political aspect of the sugar trade was very important. The places where sugar was grown, and
is still grown today are were called colonized regions. These places were mostly ruled by other more
powerful countries, and were taken over because of their access to sugar. Portugal was one of these
countries that was taking control over other countries because of their access to sugar, and their
climate, a special type of climate was needed to grow sugarcane.
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Vacations Of Lanzarote
Holiday Rentals & Lanzarote
Lanzarote is the fourth largest of the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory in the Atlantic Ocean off the
northwestern coast of Africa. Like the neighbouring islands of Tenerife and Fuerteventura,
Lanzarote is a volcanic island, however the panorama of Lanzarote is volcanic to the severe. It's
known as "the island of 100 volcanoes" for just right purpose. With dramatic peaks, scorched sand,
lunar–like craters and bizarre rock formations, you'll believe you're taking a vacation on one other
Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote– Visitor Attractions
Lanzarote vacations promise warm breezes and dry climate, ultimate for days at the beach. Right
here you'll in finding the largest aquarium within the Canaries, theme parks, waterparks and
memorable experiences equivalent to a camel journey to the fire Mountains. Faraway from the
lovely seashores of the coast, Lanzarote's inside offers sheer drama with its lunar volcanic
landscapes. ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore to those five essential islands are two rather quiet unspoiled average paradises known
as Hierro and Gomera which can be a favourite with walkers, hikers and nature fans. This island is
volcanic in nature although it is characterised by using enormously exclusive landscapes that
include towering mountain peaks, tropical forests, white sand seashores, verdant pine forests and
majestic sand dunes. Four of Spain's seven predominant typical reserves are located right here
within the Canaries. By the Point of View Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote is a place to make your
vacation spend
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Summary Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell
The play Trifles is a one–act play written by Susan Glaspell. This play is a murder mystery. The
husband of Mrs. Wright, John Wright, is strangled with a rope around his neck, but no one knows
who did it. The main suspect, however, is his wife, Mrs. Wright. The farmer, Lewis Hale, discovered
Mr. Wrights death when he went into his home to try to convince him to be in a party telephone line
with him. County attorney, the town sheriff, and farmer Lewis Hale begin to investigate the house to
try to solve the murder. Between the three of them, none can figure out what happened between Mr.
and Mrs. Wright. The real investigators turn out to be Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale. They find out
exactly how their relationship was and how it ended. This ... Show more content on
Wright makes this clear. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, together, solve this crime. Mrs. Hale says, "No,
Wright wouldn't like the bird – a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that, too" (781). By
killing the bird, Mr. Wright silenced Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Wright used to sing in a choir, and just like
her, the canary bird sang also. Mr. Wright killed the canary by strangling it with a rope. When
Minnie Foster, Mrs. Wright, was young she was, "kind of like a bird herself – real sweet and pretty,
but kind of timid and – fluttery" (780), but according to Mrs. Hale, things changed. When she
married John Wright, things changed. When a woman gets married, she is immediately dominated
by the man. She takes on her husband's name; therefore she is his and is changed for life. Mrs.
Wright was trapped in the marriage, just like the bird was trapped in the cage. Being that Mr. Wright
killed her bird, she was sick of her marriage and her husband. She plotted her revenge. She gave him
a taste of his own medicine. As told by Mrs. Peters, "Killing a man while he slept, slipping a rope
around his neck that choked the life out of him" (782). She strangled him with a rope just like he did
to her canary. When Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale discovered this, they decided to keep it to themselves
because the men had made fun of them for paying attention to the girly insignificant things.
Throughout this play, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale make evident just how suffocating and abusive
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The Old Man And The Sea Essay
Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest writing icons of the early to mid 20th century. Known
mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea,
Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works.
Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the
mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man
growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the
beginning of his writing career, he has been putting these allusions and important uses of the bible
into his work. Critics of these works such as, "The Old Man and the Sea," have discovered and have
been aware of these references and parallels for some time. Some critics have always believed these
biblical allusions to be just coincidence or false. Evidence will be shown of these writings and
analyzed to show how they translate to not only to the book but also to Hemingway's life. Almost 20
years of Hemingway 's life was spent living in Cuba. He often visited Cojimar, which was the
village that "The Old Man and the Sea" took place in. Hemingway spent much time shark and
marlin fishing while staying in Cuba. His inspiration for writing his novel were the tireless
fishermen that enduring so many obstacles and struggles everyday just to get by. This shows the
spirit of the individual as having virtues of determination as well as
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Settlement Of San Antonio And The Defense Of All This New...
"For through observation and exploration of those lands and coasts, both by land and sea, it must be
recognized that these settlements must be the rampart, fortress, and the defense of all this New
Spain." (pg. 1). The author Jesus F. de la Teja takes a objective look of settlement of San Antonio
and its surroundings. His book covers over the course of a period of the 18th Century. His writings
describe the life of the settlers, economics, living conditions, and their use of the land. He does a
superior job of characterizing the early Texas Colonial settlers' daily life. The author uses distinct
unbiased information that rundowns the growth of the settlement of San Antonio. Tejada addresses a
past that encompasses the length of the 18th ... Show more content on ...
How livestock were rounded up and then taken on cattle drives. The cattle drives would end at train
stations where the livestock were loaded up. The trains would transport the cattle to meat producing
plants. The author Teja also does an acceptable analysis of the land–use patterns around the Mission
of San Antonio. With the many diverse groups and families settling San Antonio, Teja covers the
diversity the area goes through. Teja could have placed more emphasis in painting a picture that San
Antonio was the focal point in the Northern Boundary lands. I highly endorse this book for a person
looking to study the growth of San Antonio in the 18th Century. "Community in San Antonio de
Bexar did not spring up overnight. It was the product of a Shared struggle for survival among people
who initially had little in common." (pg. 160) According to Chipman, The author Teja is a scholar
who is focused on the formation of the community at San Antonio de Bexar during the 18th Century.
(Chipman) Teja provides a precise overview of the early settlers' norms, beliefs, and attitudes in
occupying San Antonio in an nonpartisan manner. "Permanently settled in 1718, San Antonio began
as a military and missionary outpost on the northern frontier of New Spain." (Chipman) Teja also
captures how the older settlers viewed their relationship with the arrogant Islenos. Chipman further
reflects on Teja's
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The Culture Of Spain
The Culture of Spain
Located in the Iberian Peninsula, Spain boasts of one of the most unique cultures in Europe. At
different times, the country has been ruled by the Romans, the Visigoths, and the Moors from North
Africa. Later, the Spanish colonized the Americas and contributed greatly to the emergence of the
New World especially through the impact of Spanish explorers such as Christopher Columbus. The
historical contacts left a lasting mark on this European nation especially in relation to culture, which
has made Spain a popular tourist destination. Among other cultural aspects, Spain is reputed for its
raucous festivals as well as ruby–red sangria. Today, Spanish culture still varies from one region to
the other although there are some common traditions that serve as the nation's iconic elements
(Rodgers, 2002). With its distinctive blend of food, entertainment, art, and social conventions, Spain
stand out in the whole of Europe as far as culture is concerned.
To begin with, the people of Spain are referred to as Spanish or Spaniards. Notably, there are a
number of distinct ethnic groups in Spain, including Castilians, Catalans, Galician, and Basques
comprising of 74.4%, 16.9%, 6.4%, and 1.6% respectively. All these ethnic groups have their
respective native languages, but Castilian Spanish is the country's official language (Rodgers, 2002).
With regard to religion, Spain's population is predominantly Christian. Specifically, over 90% of the
country's population
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Arrow And The Flash Character Analysis
In contrast, the love interest of Barry Allen, Iris West, is a woman of color that has ambitious and
leadership qualities establishing that women in general and women of color can be respected and
achieve success through diversity in these TV shows. However, Iris, a high achiever, places herself
in dangerous situations when completing her job as a journalist, puts her character in the damsel in
distress stereotype as Barry often saves her when she is in trouble. This establishes to the viewer that
women are always going to need a man supporting them in times of need, which negatively affects
female viewers and their own self–esteem as some female adolescents struggle with their problems
of being restricted in leadership roles along with meeting ... Show more content on
These depictions lead female adolescents and peoples of color to perceive themselves as useful but
not important in society which causes them to interact and behave differently with others. While
these characters have many positive qualities, they are shoved into stereotypical and archetypical
boxes that reduces their worth to the viewers. The female characters provide strong examples of
women towards young viewers but are followed up with a reason why the female character should
be put in a corner. The characters of color have noble intentions and are respected but pushed to the
sidelines when their cause gets show time by the male protagonists. Thus, while these characters do
provide positive and influential examples to adolescent viewers, the characters have easily definable
qualities that can negatively affect the viewers. As such, young viewers can follow either the
vigilantism or heroism route since they are impressionable by huge media figures. This suggests that
directors and creators of superhero television shows should diversify their cast with a purpose to
express that women and minorities can break social barriers and are important to
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Brave New World Theme Analysis Essay
"'God isn't compatible with machinery and scientific medicine and universal happiness.'" So says
Mustapha Mond, the World Controller for Western Europe in Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New
World. In doing so, he highlights a major theme in this story of a Utopian society. Although the
people in this modernized world enjoy no disease, effects of old age, war, poverty, social unrest, or
any other infirmities or discomforts, Huxley asks 'is the price they pay really worth the benefits?'
This novel shows that when you must give up religion, high art, true science, and other foundations
of modern life in place of a sort of unending happiness, it is not worth the sacrifice.
True, the citizens of this "brave new world" do enjoy many ... Show more content on ...
One might be led to believe that this society is a perfect place to live, since all the inhabitants are
eternally happy. There are no wars, pain, or suffering, all definite pluses, yet readers must not judge
too quickly.
Everything comes at a price, and the price that is paid for the new order is sadly high, costing the
Utopians the benefits of high art, true religion, real science, and family life, which all have been
removed to promote stability. "'Othello's better than those feelies.' 'Of course it is But that's the
price we have to pay for stability. You've got to choose between happiness and what people used to
call high art. We've sacrificed the high art. We have the feelies and the scent organ instead.' 'But they
don't mean anything,'" (Huxley 226) This conversation shows one of the tradeoffs made. Stories like
Othello are inspired by strong emotions, and Utopia has done away with them. Now, there is nothing
to write about, and if something was written along the lines of Othello it might cause people to
think, causing instability. The movies people see are idiotic and plotless, based solely on sensations.
Religion as we know it has been done away with also, as Mustapha Mond showed by his comments
quoted at the beginning of this paper. Religion usually involves self–denial, and that is contrary to
everything the new society is based on. With instant gratification
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Business Communication in Spain
Business communication is essential in the business world; it may be the key to success. These skills
and tools should be learned and taken into practice in the business field. Due to the expanding
businesses in today's world, whether it's to reduce their cost, or for expansion, many companies have
taken their business abroad. Although many or all of us are familiar with America's way of handling
any business issues, it is also necessary that we are aware of other countries' business
communication and etiquettes. Spain is a country that has many important facts and business
etiquettes that need to be considered when doing business in Spain. The main fact that should be
known is that the predominant language spoken in Spain which is ... Show more content on ...
Spaniards usually don't follow times or schedules. In one of the books the author writes "Although
you should be punctual yourself, keep in mind that "el tiempo is como el espacio" in Spain– or,
"time is space"". (Sabath 217) Spaniards are not extremely concerned with punctuality. It's expected
to wait for some of the meeting members to arrive around 15 to 30 minutes late. Decisions are not
usually made in the business meetings; it is mainly for discussions and exchange of ideas. Dinners
are usually more sociable and there is not much business talk; if there is any business talk it should
only be done if the Spanish host initiates it. The business conversations usually take place during
lunch meetings around two in the afternoon. Meetings that are held during dinner are usually held
after nine. This is due to the fact that most places have siestas (break period in which restaurants and
stores close for a few hours) and they reopen late in the afternoon. Therefore, it's a good idea to take
advantage of the siesta and be ready for the late night meetings. If you are the one hosting a meeting
dinner and would like to bring your spouse, you should expand the invitations to the Spaniard's
contact's spouse. Besides being able to communicate verbally with the Spaniards, it is also important
to understand their non verbal communications. Body
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Brave New World Literary Devices
In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930's
to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence,
segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his
society looks like during the 1930's. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal
to the world because there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some of those
devices are simile, details, metaphor...
One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the
literary devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening to
Lenina and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. "Lenina liked the drums.
Shutting her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her
consciousness more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but that one
deep pulse of sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services
and Ford's Day celebrations. "Orgy–porgy," she whispered to herself.
These drums beat out just the same rhythms " (107–8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and
what she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over
and over it reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today's
Sawyer 2
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The Controllers Of The Air Controllers
Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977 was
light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport was not
equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the appropriate
size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the appropriate
maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are moving in and
minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the controllers ever
feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why did they not
ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the planes safely
land and take off by managing the order of takeoff and each plane's direction. If they cannot see
them how are they able to effectively do this?
Leadership Style Van Zanten's leadership style not only affected the performance of his own team,
but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers on both
planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision–making at Tenerife, and it is
not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in the case of
Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him to not focus
fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day
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The Cross Pollination Religious Customs And Material Culture
The cross–pollination religious customs and material culture in the Cuban Diaspora has provided a
wealth of indigenous and assimilative sources (Gordon, 2014: 53), and this has afforded Mendive a
rich abundance of inherited iconography of fauna, flora and otherworldly phenomena to consume
and use in the process of creating his artworks. Mendive is able to animate the pantheon of Orishas,
depicted as either interacting with or sometimes assimilating human postures and gestures. Such
representations of the Santería cosmic beings investigate concepts of hybridity, "New Word"
practices of syncretism, and notions of a perceived "combining" of different and seemingly
contradictory beliefs through the "blending" of customs and traditions of different schools of
thought and discourse (Turner, 2014).
The earliest mention of syncretism appeared in the philosophy of Plutarch as "the act or system of
blending, combining or reconciling inharmonious elements... to forget dissensions and to unite in
the face of common danger" (Showerman, 1910–11: 292–93). In 'The Creation of Afro–Caribbean
Religions and their Incorporation of Catholic Elements' Bettina Schmidt maintains that syncretism is
too simple a term to use in attempting to encapsulate the full meaning behind the creation process of
Santería. According to her, it upholds the belief that the Cuban religion was formed by the sheer
"mixing" of the dominant Catholicism doctrine with the suppressed religious practices of the Yoruba
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Vigilantes In Oliver Storm : The Flash, The Flash
Vigilantes Courage, selflessness, and devotion, are few of the qualities that a hero may possess.
These qualities are evidently found in Oliver Queen, also known as the "Arrow," and Barry Allen,
also known as the "Flash." These two fictional characters possess those heroism qualities, in putting
their lives in danger, to protect the people in their city, and fight against their enemies. For example,
Oliver goes out of his way to protect the people of Starling City, and Barry goes out of his way to
protect the people in Central City. Nevertheless, they sometimes come together to join forces in
helping each other out. They are vigilantes, meaning they prevent and stop crime, and protect,
without having the legal authority to do so. They both wear a disguise to hide their identity from the
world. Oliver wears a dark green jacket with a hood, and pants, and a green mask covering his eyes,
and Barry wears a red one–piece with a lightning bolt on it, and a mask covering his whole face.
Although they are quite similar, they are different in many aspects. For instance, Oliver uses martial
arts and a bow with arrows to defeat his enemies, while Barry uses his speed and ability to control
time, to defeat his enemies and fight crime. Oliver and Barry share qualities of courage, selflessness,
and devotion because of their movement and hunger to protect the people in their cities, while
having few differences such as their personalities. Before Oliver Queen was the "Arrow", he had
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Brave New World By Aldous Huxley
Imagine a world where complete control is in the hands of the government. Imagine a world where
science, literature, religion, and even family, do not exist. Imagine a world where citizens are
conditioned to accept this. This is exactly how the world is portrayed in Brave New World by
Aldous Huxley. The focus of the World State is on society as a whole rather than on individuals.
Some characters from the novel have a harder time accepting the conditioning. Through these
characters, we learn the true cost of a government–dominated society. In Brave New World, Huxley
conveys that a totalitarian government will provide happiness and peace by abolishing individuality
and free thinking. In a Brave New World, the government creates a society that provides prosperity
and unity even after revoking individuality. The characters are conditioned to be happy and accept
their place in society. They are assigned a caste position which determines their physical features
and also their job. The control extends to the color of clothes they wear and the transportation they
use. In this society, citizens are not allowed to be an individual. It is difficult to believe that citizens
in any society could accept this amount of control and remain content. Why are there no revolutions
by the people? Why don't they question their placements and roles in society? Why don't the citizens
accost the government? Mustapha Mond explains to John, Helmholtz, and Bernard why the
government believes the
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What Is Gran Canaria Nightlife Essay
Gran Canaria Nightlife: Where to Party and Staying Safe
Gran Canaria nightlife is one of the paradise island's strongest draws. Though it's hardly one of the
reasons why you would go there, it's something you would want to experience. The urbanised
capital of Las Palmas has a number of bars and disco areas. The same can be said to the resort town
of Maspalomas which is also a well–known party centre.
Before you strap on your disco shoes and order your martinis, there are a few things you would want
to know about beforehand. There are a few must–visit spots, as well as a few observances. Here are
some of which:
Nothing Happens Before Midnight
Elsewhere around the world, the highlight of nightlife starts at 10:00 PM onwards. In Gran Canaria
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Though it's ok to drink and go partying, it wouldn't be smart to chug a barrel of booze in one sitting.
Do it in moderation and be sure not to drink to the point of passing out.
Have a designated driver. When going out with friends, have someone close to you take the car keys
to bring you back to your hotel or apartment. You can always flag a taxi, but it's always best to have
someone you know.
Watch what you drink. This is especially if you don't know who you're talking with. Keep your eyes
on your drinks, but don't do it to the point of being paranoid.
Gran Canaria's nightlife is pretty vibrant and you would want to experience it for yourself. Just take
note that events don't start until midnight. If you're in Las Palmas, spend some time in Plaza de
Espana, or the Paper Club and the El Gallinero Cafe Arte. Moreover, there are also some good spots
in Maspalomas. Finally, it would be best to keep yourself safe by drinking in moderation, having an
assigned driver, and by being wary of what you put in your lips.
Taking a tennis holiday to Gran Canaria doesn't mean you should be avoiding the nightlife. Have us
at Isla Tennis help organise your trip by calling us at 07966 370527 or by sending a message through
our contact form. We'll provide you with the best experience anyone going to Gran Canaria will
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Differences Of Superheroes : The Flash And The Green Arrow
Superheroes almost all have the same goal: to save their city. Although they all seem to have the
same goal, they are not the same person. One superhero might have social anxiety, while another
superhero is a social butterfly. No superhero has the same exact same superpower or personality. In
the Detective Comics series, there are over ten thousand characters, including superhero's. Two of
my favorite superheroes are The Flash and The Green Arrow. Although the Flash and The Green
Arrow seem to be very different, when taking a closer look, the reader will find how similar they are
in becoming superheroes to save their city, becoming orphans because of who they are, and having
troubled past. When taking a first glance at The Flash and The Green Arrow, readers will find that
they are very different. The Flash uses super speed to fight crime in Central City, while The Green
Arrow fights crime using a bow and arrow in Starling City, later named Star City. There are a few
differences between the two, as found with any two superheroes. The Green Arrow killed people
before realizing from a colleague that there was another way to find justice with criminals. The
Flash, on the other hand, has never killed anyone. He does not believe that killing is the way to
create justice. When The Green Arrow began his crusade, he was alone. He had no help from
anyone. This changed gradually when, slowly, one by one, more people joined the team. The Flash
was in a unique situation. After he was
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Culturally Aware Asia Pacific
Before leaving home, it is important to understand the Countries culture that you are going to. Be
mindful of limited resources like water, fuel and electricity, and make sure you have had all
necessary vaccinations before leaving. Also check that all your health insurance is up to date and
you have put travel insurance in place. Be sure to always carry a bag. Make sure you always have
your passport on you. Make sure your passport and ID is all up to date and valid. Dress respectfully
and understand the reasons behind certain dress rules. Therefore, make sure you have packed
appropriate clothing. Pack a camera to capture your holiday, although always ask before taking
photos. There are a number of ethnic groups throughout Asia Pacific. The ethnic groups within the
Asia Pacific adapt to the climate zones within the region. Throughout the Asia Pacific there are also
many distinctive styles of architecture. Within Asia specifically, there are many symbolic structures
and ancient structures. One of these that are a must see is the Islamicmosques and the castles of
Japan. Another structure is the Angkor Wat in Cambodia and this is a symbolic structure within the
region as it is shown on the country flag. There are many different religions within the region, and it
is important to understand the different beliefs of each religion when travelling. Some of these
religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Confucianism. When travelling with the Asia
Pacific, it is important to
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Female Supers Essay
There is no secret that the demand for female #superheroes is on the rise. From #WonderWoman's
success at the box office (We love you, #PattyJenkins!) to the upcoming #Batgirl, fans are coming
out in force.
Even before WonderWoman, #YoungJustice helped to launch female supers into a male dominated
Young Justice evenly uses its male and female characters. Within the first season of the show, there
are only two main female heroes. During Season 2, additional female characters were added.
Let's take a good, long look at the female characters in Young Justice that kicked butt.
The Mentors
You can't have heroes without mentors. For example, Young Justice introduces four generations of
The Flash family into the series. ... Show more content on ...
After 'Speedy' becomes Red Arrow, Green Arrow takes on Artemis. He tries to pass her off as his
niece but it is soon established that she isn't.
Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz
Martian Manhunter is not just a member of The Justice League, he is a family martian. He is the
uncle of a niece, M'gann who becomes the first female member of The Team. J'onn loves his niece
and seen to be protective over her.
Black Canary/Dinah Lance
While she does not take on an apprentice of her own, Black Canary is the combat trainer for The
Team. She even serves as a counsellor to the kids and is there when they need someone to talk to.
She is the daughter of the original Black Canary, Dinah Drake and cop Larry Lance.
WonderWoman/Diana Prince
The Amazon does not play much of a role. During Season 2, she becomes the mentor of
WonderGirl, Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark. WonderWoman serves as founding member of the
Justice League alongside Batman and Superman.
Zatara is a minor member of the Justice League. He becomes Doctor Fate. He serves as the mentor
to his daughter, Zatanna.
Icon serves as the partner and mentor of Rocket. He serves the Justice League and Rocket was once
a member of The Team before she joined the League.
Known as Ray Palmer, Atom is the mentor of Bumblebee.
The Female Members Of The Team
Let's meet them now.
Miss Martian
Born a white martian, the enemy of the green martian, M'gann M'orzz is the niece of Martian
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Spain : Unique And Different From Other European Countries
Spain – Unique in Every Way
Spain – what makes this unique country so special and so different from other European countries?
Is it the people, the fascinating history, the beautiful, intrinsic structures, or the old world feel of the
countryside and landscape that has not changed much over history? The answer to this last question
can be answered simply as – YES. The Spaniards have embraced their history, heritage and roots
and continue to teach the younger generations about this great land. Through the many struggles and
challenges in Spain's past, and the many battles over more than an 800 year span, this great land
started to take shape but there were still struggles that lay ahead. Many years of fighting for their
land and trying to incorporate the New World into Western civilization would pass, but they soon
made progress in a very short time. Spain was responsible for showing the way for European life
and the radical change it had gone through. It seemed to be a never ending battle of power but they
always looked to the future with confidence. Yet, for all of these weeds of controversy, the Spanish
people knew that they carried within themselves the seed of greatness and were ready to flourish in
the most difficult of circumstances. Their culture, their history and their strife's would live through
everyone with pride. The geographic distinctions as north, south, coastal, interior, mountain,
lowland, plateau, and Mediterranean–Atlantic are overwhelmed by
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We Must Go Wrong Will Going Wrong
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Even with the knowledge that human error, internal and
external factors can, do, and will affect the outcome of any given task, individuals strive towards
creating environments in which risk levels can be safely and satisfactorily managed by facing those
threats head on. There is a lesson behind each disappointment or negative outcome that leads us to a
greater understanding of and appreciation for our surroundings. More importantly, this newfound
knowledge and experience contribute to the evolution of safer, more manageable systems that are
capable of anticipating future threats to any given environment. This type of learning is especially
beneficial in the aviation industry. Without a true appreciation of the costly mistakes that have
forever changed the face of the industry, aviation would neither have evolved into the safest mode of
transportation in the world, nor would it be as rich in technological and human behavioral resources.
We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect the aircraft
only to learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "[that] the safety of the operator is more important than any
other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." Wright suggests that it is not a
measure of technology or individual crewmember capabilities, rather the issue at the center of
aviation is the lack of caution and preparation that exists within the cabin. Information gathered
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Brave New World By Aldous Huxley
In the book Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, the character John the Savage is brought from his
homeland of Malpais to London. When he arrives he finds that this world is very different from his
own. Saddened and angered by the injustice of the society, he attempts to isolate himself from the
world. John the Savage's experience of being exiled from Malpais was enriching in that it showed
him the true nature of the Other Place and alienating in that he was separated from his culture and
not able to integrate into the new one. This illuminates the meaning of the work in that it shows the
negative side of the "utopian" society. John the Savage's exile from his homeland was enriching in
that it showed him the true nature of the Other Place. ... Show more content on ...
Don't you even understand what manhood and freedom are?'" (Huxley 212–213) This quote shows
how he became aware of the injustice of the system. His discovery of the true nature of the Other
Place was an enriching experience. It allowed him to no longer wonder about what the outside world
was like and to no longer hold an idea in high regard that was not worthy of it. The truth is better
than the lie and in learning the truth, John was enriched by his experience of being cut off from his
homeland. John the Savage's exile from his homeland was alienating in that it separated him from
his culture and he was not able to integrate into the new one. John the Savage grew up in a society
with very different views from that of the society in London. It was very difficult for him to not be
around other people who shared similar ideas with him. This is exemplified by the quote "'... Listen,
Lenina; in Malpais people get married." "Get what?" The irritation had begun to creep back into her
voice. What was he talking about now? "For always. They make a promise to live together for
always." "What a horrible idea!" Lenina was genuinely shocked." (Huxley 191) He was unable to
connect with anyone on a deep level because of this intrinsic difference between them. Therefore,
this experience was alienating for him because he was set apart from the rest of the society. The
experience was so alienating that John the Savage removed himself from the society around him. "'I
shall go away
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The Discount Travel Websites Of And
With the country in the financial shape that it is presently in, consumers are looking for any and
every way to save a buck. Therefore, thoughts of a recession on the horizon makes travelers
reconsider their summer vacations. This brings up methods that families and the like can still have
some form of vacation. Enter the discount travel websites of and Before
making a comparison, it is best to take a look at both sites individually. Kayak is a
website that enables potential travelers the opportunity to search for flights, hotels, cars, and cruises
from one convenient site. This eliminates the need for a consumer to visit multiple sites to gather
this information. It also offers deals that are available for users to take advantage. One is able to
look at pricing for any flight available to a destination, and is able to check the price for it on several
different sites, including Orbitz, CheapTickets, and even the airline itself. This site offers a listing, a
matrix, and a chart in which to view the selected flights. For hotels it offers a listing, a map, or
photos. The other unique thing about the site it that it has sliders allow one to move them left or
right to narrow the options. One also can remove check marks to omit specific carriers or star rating
from the search results. The one downside of using this for flights is that it does not include
Southwest Airlines in search results. Sidestep is another website that
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Similarities Between Arrow And The Flash
Has there ever been a point in your life that you wished you could be a superhero or superhuman?
Most, if not all, people's answer to that question would be a resounding "yes," including mine. Over
the years, more TV shows and movies have begun to incorporate what we would consider to be our
"heroes" into them. These shows, or movies, consist of a hero, or heroes, that are typically aided by
friends and a team that help them fight evil; two examples of this are Arrow and The Flash. Hero
shows, or movies, can be a quite broad category, but it can be broken into smaller categories like
superhuman heroes, mortal heroes, dark heroes, or otherworldly heroes. The Flash is a superhuman
hero while Green Arrow is a mortal, but dark hero. The two ... Show more content on ...
Oliver vows that every person on his father's list will wish he too had died on that island. Similar to
the first episode of Arrow, The Flash has it's first episode named Pilot as well. It begins with a
flashback to when Barry Allen's, the main character, mom is killed in an unexplainable event and his
dad is convicted of her murder... which Barry believes to be untrue. Now, 14 years later, Barry
works for Central City C.S.I and is quite good at his job. On one particular night a particle
accelerator, created by Harrison Wells and was supposed to change the way everyone thought about
physics, exploded releasing an unimaginable amount of dark energy. Lightning then struck Barry,
which put him in a coma for nine months. After waking up, Barry began to notice certain things
were slowing down... or so he thought. In reality, he was just moving unexplainably fast. When a
man named Clyde Martin that can inexplicably control the weather starts terrorizing the city, Barry
takes it upon himself to take him down. He speaks with Oliver Queen for advice, Barry knows
Oliver is the Arrow, and Oliver tells him that he can inspire people the way he himself never could.
Barry then takes on Clyde Martin head on and defeats him. The storylines between the two shows
are similar because they both begin by showing what made the two heroes and what made them who
they are stemmed from former accidents.
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John In Brave New World
Try to imagine yourself in a utopian society where people are drugged to feel happy and you have
no clue what is going on in the outside world around you. John also known as "Savage" tries to
imagine what life would be like if he lived in the utopian society instead of the real world only to
realize it isn't all that it seems. "O brave new world," he repeated. "O brave new world that has so
much people in it. Let's start at once." (Huxley 139) John was born in the outside world, he wasn't
born from a tube he came from a whomp, yet people didn't like him because his mother did come
from a tube she was a part of the utopian society at one point. Along most of the story John is an
outsider, he wasn't allowed to join in on the indian cultural ... Show more content on
"In fact', said Mustapha Mond, 'you're claiming the right to be unhappy.''All right then,' said the
Savage defiantly, 'I'm claiming the right to be unhappy." (Huxley 240) John went to Mustapha Mond
and requested to leave with Bernard to iceland and Mustapha Mond replied saying that was like
asking to have the right to be unhappy so John said he wants them all. Even though Mustapha
denied his request to go to iceland with Bernard John left in the helicopter and was dropped off at an
abandoned lighthouse. John was discovered one day whipping himself by reservation guards they
tried to stop him from whipping himself but he frightened them so they left but sent a reporter, John
kicked the reporter and ended up in the paper giving away where he was staying so one day dozen
of people showed up chanting for him to do the whip stunt again and to whip himself. "What do you
want with me?" "The whip," replied a hundred voices confusedly. "Do the whipping stunt. Let's see
the whipping stunt." (Huxley 256) John ended up doing it and in the end he killed himself, he was
different than everyone else, he saw things people didn't dare to see for themselves. In conclusion
John was just an outsider, left alone, no one included him in things because he was different but at
the same time he was just like everyone else. John was born like everyone else at the reservation but
they still didn't accept him because of his family. All John had was his mother Linda. John was like
everyone else externally but internally he was diverse and that's what made John
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Geography: Canary Islands and Algeria
Geography is the study of Earth's landscapes, peoples, places and environments and one thing that
geographers say is people do not live where it is too hot, too cold, too humid, and too dry. With this
statement one would thing that Morocco is not a place anyone would live because of its dry hot
weather, however, Morocco has a population of 33 million people, according to the website. Morocco is located in the Maghreb region of North Africa
which is in the upper left hand side of Africa next to the Canary Islands and Algeria. Morocco is
known for its rugged mountainous interior and large portions of desert. The climate is
Mediterranean in the north and in some mountains, which becomes more extreme towards the
interior regions. Morocco has approximately 12% of forests but only 5% is irrigated which means
that there isn't much water that the people can drink or use for their crops. Without that imperative
water Morocco would lose their exports; winter wheat and barley, with vegetables, fruits, grapes,
and olives.
These products along with textiles, electric components, and petroleum products bring in 22 billion
dollars in exporting to France, Spain, and Brazil. Morocco's main import and export ally is France
which controls 60% of foreign direct investment. France is still Morocco's number one trading
partner but Moroccan and US trade has been going up, in fact it has risen from $1.4 billion to $2.3
billion within one year. In 2006 Moroccan
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What Is The Theme Of Alienation In Brave New World
It is not uncommon for someone to experience being cut off from their "home"; you are cut off when
you go to college, the military, move, study abroad, etc. However, in these situations people tend to
adapt, but imagine going somewhere where everything is different; the way people eat, socialize,
sleep, have relationships, everything changes. Some people could say this is similar to moving into
another country where the culture and language is different. In situations where everything you've
come accustomed to changes, you can feel like you don't belong. However, immersing yourself in a
completely different lifestyle can also be enlightening. For John leaving his home meant everything
was changing, but because his exile, he is not only alienated but enriched with completely different
outlooks on life. In the novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses imagery to develop John's
experience and to show that exile brings both alienation and enlightenment in order to illustrate the
theme of happiness is not worth individualism.
Alex Huxley contrasts John's "home" and the Ford society in order to show that exile can bring
alienation. Prior to John being cut off from his home, two members of the Ford society visit. Huxley
uses imagery to contrast John's birthplace to the part of society that follows the Ford way. When
Lenina and Bernard visit the reservation where John was born, Alex Huxley says "The place was
queer, so was the music, so were the clothes and the goitres and the skin
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A Short Story : The Story Of Moana And The Ruose
Moana is the daughter of the chief who leads a Polynesian tribe. The tribe lived on an island which
the people survived from. Islanders used what they had on the island to survive. Moana's father and
mother raise her to one day lead her people. As a tribe, they made baskets from the leaf, drink the
water from the coconuts, and fished within the rife for food to eat. The chief showed his daughter
how to take on the responsibility. If she could she lead her people successfully she would put her
stone on the mountain. This was an ancient ritual passed down from the chiefs who came before
them. Moana knew the task that lied ahead, but Moana was a daring and strong–willed teenager who
want to sail the ocean. Going beyond the rife was forbidden for all islanders, due to the chiefs past
experience. Moana had a passion for the ocean and was chosen by the ocean to reunite a small
greenstone. Her Grandmother, Tala also felt her passion and knew her calling as she would tell the
tale of the heart of Te Fiti to all the young children. Moana was able to share her feelings with her
grandmother as she was someone who was very sacred to her heart. Tala showed her a secret cave,
and told her to go in and bang the drums. Inside she found boats and discovered the history of her
ancestors were voyagers. Her grandmother explains why they stopped voyaging, due to Maui
stealing the sacred heart which the heart would create life between the islands. She also tells Moana
the Te Ka's darkness
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African Horseback Research Paper
For the days where you find yourself needing a break from riding, the Caballadas Estancia offers
other activities that will not leave you saddle sore. Guests may choose to attend a local Polo match,
play a round of golf, hike and trek through the park, go boating in the lake, or even try fly fishing.
After a day of alternative activity, the horses and trails will beckon you back to the saddle, and have
you falling in love with Caballadas Estancia all over again. African Horseback Safaris (Botswana) On a two hundred thousand hectare private Okavango Delta
concession, the luxury services and accommodations of African Horseback Safaris effortlessly
melds the love of equestrian sport and safari adventure into ... Show more content on ...
Some may enjoy the bird and animal viewing in the area, while others will relish the chance to cool
off in the hidden swimming pool. Additional options include game drives via safari jeep, fishing,
and seasonal boating. Even for those travellers who do not wish to spend their holiday riding, it is
impossible to not appreciate the majesty and beauty of the local horse population at the African
Horseback Safaris. The Ranch at Rock Creek (USA) The
Ranch at Rock Creek, located in the rolling hills of Philipsburg, Montana, provides adventurous
travellers with fine accommodations and exhilarating adventures. A true working ranch, guests are
invited to experience the daily life of a rancher throughout the six thousand plus acre private
property. Signature Horseback Activities and More The Ranch at Rock Creek offers guests an
overwhelming list of signature activities and experiences. Try your hand at fly fishing or archery, the
ropes course or even shooting sports. With an eye on family participation, the ranch even offers a
Little Grizzlies Club for younger guests. However, the most popular signature experiences provided
to guests are the iconic horseback riding adventures. With a diverse system of trails and over 75
horses, the possibilities for equine activity are never
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Freedom Vs. Enslavement
The topic I chose to examine in this novel in freedom vs enslavement. I chose this topic because in
the first two chapters it becomes evident that the people have no say in what they do, they are born
with a specific purpose. The Hatcheries and the idea of scientifically creating a baby in a factory and
conditioning them to act a certain way were introduced. The ten controllers have total freedom and
rule the world, but people in the Gamma, Beta, Delta, and Epsilon castes are slaves of the
controllers, conditioned into whatever person the controllers want or would benefit the economy.
The Alphas have a bit of freedom because they were conditioned to have a higher intellect which
makes it hard for them to accept all of the rules of society, but they were still made that way because
the controllers wanted them to be. My tentative thesis is: Enslavement from the beginning of your
existence creates an illusion of freedom. There are several supports for this thesis in the beginning of
the novel when the Hatcheries are explained. Some embryos are conditioned by going through hot
tunnels followed by cold tunnels paired with the discomfort of hard X–rays to ensure that they grow
up hating the cold. These embryos are predestined to move to the tropics and work as miners or
acetate silk spinners or steel workers. The Delta babies are conditioned with loud noises and ...
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Everyone in the novel so far seems pretty content with the way things work and they are conditioned
to not rebel or question authority. I predict that there will be a person from the Alpha caste that will
stand up though and question the controllers processes. Another challenge I may face is trying to
follow and understand the society that they are living in where babies and embryos are produced in
a factory and can be conditioned into whatever the controller
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Reflection Paper
There are seven official sacraments in the Catholic Church, but actually, there are an unlimited
number of sacraments in the universe. The love of God is not limited to the seven official
sacraments. The love of God is infinite, and He can show it to us anyway he chooses. Over the
course of my life, God has revealed himself to me during my travels. During the summer of 2016, I
had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica with my mother, and my grandmother was able to join us
as well. We went on a tour, with about two dozen strangers. A few native Costa Ricans guided us
through the country. We were able to interact with new people, see the wildlife, and explore the
country. This is what life is about, traveling to new places, meeting new people, exploring other
cultures. We could not have gone on such an amazing trip if God had not allowed us to do so. It was
truly a blessing. God was present in all of the trees, the animals, the rivers and oceans, and all of the
people. I remember going ziplining on that trip. It was the longest zipline in the country, one line
was over half a mile long. It was high in the mountains, you could go very fast, and you could see
for miles. You could even see the ocean, even though we weren't near the coast. I was very high up,
and the wind in my face was exhilarating. Everytime I go ziplining, I think about the long fall to the
ground, yet I feel no fear. Science kept me from falling, but science only works because God makes
it work. If God
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Reflection Paper
It's been said, "Behind every cloud, there is a rainbow."
To most, living on a tropical island sounds like paradise or something out of a dream. People often
fantasize about tropical islands filled with warm breezes, swaying coconut trees, sandy beaches, and
exotic animals. Unfortunately I know that those dreams are not an accurate reflection of most
tropical islands. I know because when I was six years old my parents decided that our family of five
should become missionaries in the South Pacific. In 2006, without much notice or discussion, we
moved from South Carolina to the distant land of Tutuila, American Samoa, an unorganized,
unincorporated territory of the United States located deep within the South Pacific. We lived there
for four years, and they were the most interesting and formative years of my life.
Before moving to Samoa, we lived in a typical middle class neighborhood with picket fences as
white as our neighbors. My interactions were always with people that looked like me and talked like
me. In Lexington, I was the majority, in Samoa I was the minority. While in Samoa, our house was
filled with mosquitoes, harmless geckos, friendly interns, scurrying rats, a hilarious uncle, and flying
termites. I met Kiwis and Australians, Samoans and Tongans, transgendered men and alcoholics.
Unlike my time in South Carolina, in the South Pacific, I was the peculiar one. My family was
wealthier than most people at my church, who were mainly Samoan, yet not as wealthy as most
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Black, Black And Black
As one compares Marvel and DC characters, it can be seen that many of the characters are almost
identical. For example, Black Widow and Black Canary are two female superheroes from Marvel
and DC graphic novels respectively. These two female crime fighters play key roles on their teams,
have great skills, and are exceedingly agile. However, which character is the better superheroine?
Marvel's Black Widow is far superior to Black Canary in her more consistent background and
history, more widespread experience, and more numerous skills. Admittedly, it is true that Black
Canary far exceeds Widow in terms of her role as a part of a team. Black Widow played a key role
as one of the Avengers, but she then took up the mantle of leadership from Captain America because
he "left active Avengers duty following internal ethical disputes regarding the Kree–Shi'ar War"
(Fichera). In contrast, Black Canary has experience leading the Justice League, the Birds of Prey,
and the Outsiders to name a few. Black Canary has been an important figure in all of her teams,
even when she was not a leader. Over her crime fighting career, Black Canary has fought alongside
Batman, Supergirl, Green Arrow, and Aquaman, to name a few. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In
regards to their backgrounds, Black Widow has a more stable history that becomes more elaborate
with her every appearance. Black Widow was born around 1928
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Black Canary and the Double Trouble
In a Rugged City Black Canary was awaking from a dark alley. Just then she heard a cry for help.
Black Canary jumped through her underground portal and onto her armory of weapons and then she
grabbed her suit, she was ready to go. She seeked the evil approaching with her super sonic hearing
and then spotted a group of children. Black Canary said to the children "Don't be afraid, I am here to
help when there is danger or evil approaching." One of the children replied back and said "We saw a
women dressed in black and she had blood everywhere." Another child named Margaret said "She
came up to us screaming when the clock strikes twelve you will be dead, the city will be dead, and
then she walked away." Black Canary asked if she said what her name was and they all said Black
Alice is her name. Right then, Black Canary had a flashback. She knew Black Alice, they used to be
Alias in the Secret Society. Black Alice then turned evil that night when Satan possessed her and
took her super powers away and she then became a villain. Black Canary asked the children which
direction the villain headed in and then she left.
Black Canary found that more than half of the city was a wreck. The street signs were wiped out,
trees were laying in half on the ground, cars were flipped, and even more terrible things. Black
Canary knew where to find her though, everyone knows. She lives in the streets of Elm in the dark
mist of the trench hole. Black Canary waited to find her, because she knew now
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Aldous Huxley 's Brave New World
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World kindles many questions about today's social order and considers
the questionable society exposed in the book. Throughout the book, Huxley presents a world much
different than the one we are accustomed to. Some question whether the novel portrays a dystopian
or utopian civilization. There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages of Huxley's world
paralleled to the one we live in today. Two major disadvantages considered consist of the lack of
family, monogamy, and social organization; as well as the need for soma in lieu of happiness, or
rather the 'fake' happiness it compromises. In contrast, the benefits of the society are limited. These
consist of concepts behind the elimination of conflicts, commitments, and worries. Everybody
observes the story from a different perspective. Knowing the gains and losses of each society, which
pertain to the family system, monogamy, feelings of world peace, elimination of commitment, and
the exclusion of disease, will assist a person in concluding their belief on whether each culture is
flawless or severely corrupt.
Some may argue that Huxley's removal of the normal family system and replacement of it with a
polygamous arrangement is an enthusiastic one. However, the concept behind monogamy and
family is a beautiful one. Monogamy is strength, it gives people a home and a person they can trust
and believe in with their whole heart. With polygamy arises drama, distrust, hatred, lust, and
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Social And Social Impacts Of Tourism On Las Palmas
What are the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism on Las Palmas?
Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands in Spain is a beautiful place to visit
during the holiday. A subtropical climate, mild to warm temperatures which stay quite the same
throughout the entire year and sandy beaches tempt tourists every year. These great features promote
the tourism in Las Palmas. Literally tourism, or in this case, mass tourism, is a move of people
around the world. It is all about presenting the character of a touristic destination and providing
great facilities in order to satisfy customers (tourists) desires and their changing, dynamic needs,
mainly focusing on their preferences. If tourism was not provided in Las Palmas, people would go
bankrupt as tourism states 32% of GDP in ... Show more content on ...
However, Las Palmas exists only thanks to tourism. The Canary Islands would not be able to exist if
tourism was not provided. The economic impacts of tourism on Las Palmas are that tourism became
a major economy, that it makes up 32% of GDP. It creates a lot of new temporary jobs, but they are
low paid so they unfortunately are not any good opportunities for inhabitants. Due to big numbers of
people coming, main infrastructures of Las Palmas get worse. The social impacts are that both
inhabitants and tourists interact together, get to know about each other's culture. Global interest and
awareness is raised. Tourists destroy cultural monuments, act bad after drinking alcohol and speak
other language what is confusing for original residents. The environmental impacts on Las Palmas
are that a lot of woodlands are cut down in order to place new accommodations there. It causes the
loss in diversity of the landscape. However, there are some places full of trees as some people prefer
spending their holiday in wood houses in forests. Therefore, trees are
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Analysis Of Aldous Huxley 's Brave New World
The identity of a person is often considered to be synonymous with his culture, whether it be to a
distinct nation, race, or way of thought. However, one of the greatest conflicts a person can endure is
one with himself, when he is caught between the innate desire to belong and a sense of self and
difference from the society that he belongs to. In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, such is the
case with Bernard Marx. Marx faces the immense dilemma of not fitting in in the greatly socialized
and cohesive civilization that he lives in, the "Brave New World." Despite how much Bernard
disdains this world, which he identifies as brainwashed and infantile, he cannot help desiring to
belong. Huxley brilliantly contrasts Marx's hatred of his civilization with his eventual plea to remain
a part of it after his exile is sealed in order to highlight the natural desire of man to belong,
regardless of how different he may feel from his surroundings. While most people in Bernard 's
world belong to one of a handful of groups, and are mere copies of identical clones, Bernard is
entirely unique. Despite belonging to the highest caste of "Alphas" in his society, Bernard lacks both
the physical and psychological characteristics of any Alpha. Unlike everyone else in his caste,
Bernard is very small, lacks the appreciation for trivial games like "electromagnetic golf," and most
seriously, believes there is more to an individual than pleasure–seeking and his role as a component
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Examples Of Religion In Lord Of The Flies
Religion in Chaotic Societies Such as Brave New World and Lord of the Flies Differences dominate
the varying cultures and societies of the world. Differences appear everywhere, from cultural norms
to forms of government. Most, if not all civilizations rely on some form of religion. Whether a
society relies on a singular extraterrestrial force as a god, or many gods who exist as one, each
culture relies on religion to calm the chaotic nature of the world. The 20th century novels, Lord of
the Flies by William Golding, and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, both use the of Christ–like
archetypes, upon which societies depend when they fall into chaos, in an attempt to calm the
disarray of everyday reality. Human nature naturally gravitates towards a religious figure when
reality becomes overwhelming. Selflessness and sympathy build the archetype of a Christ–like
figure. Christ–like figures work to aid the society, demonstrating selflessness and generosity. In
Lord of the Flies, Simon remains selfless in the face of adversity. While the other boys obsess and
fight over hunting and fire, Simon helps take care of the littluns. To the littluns, Simon acts as a
Christ–like figure: "Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from
up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands"(Golding 56). Golding
shows how Christ–like figures demonstrate selflessness to others, providing the best for other people
rather than for
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Why We Must Go Wrong
As the saying goes "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong", yet being fully aware of this,
humans don't avoid doing things altogether, instead we intentionally thrive toward finding that
which can go wrong out of curiosity for knowledge and fear that we might miss out on something if
we don't. There is a lesson to be found in every disappointment and negative outcome therefore, we
gain experience, we discover, and learn to live with things going wrong because that means we are
one step closer to it going right. We learn to live with these things by jotting down our mistakes and
others prior mistakes to help us prepare accordingly to future situations. This is especially true in
aviation. Without things going wrong, flying would not hold the safest mode of transportation nor
would it be as advanced, as there would be nothing to aid us in how to prepare for the next flight
otherwise. We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect
aircraft to only learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "...the safety of the operator is more important than
any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." This meaning that it isn't the
technology or the aircrews' individual capabilities; it is the lack of caution and preparation instilled
into the aircrew. Information gathered from flight data recorders, FDRs, and cockpit voice recorders,
CVRs, revealed new insights on aircraft accidents. The result of several accidents was
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Examples Of Etiquette In Hiking
Hiking Etiquette 101: A Guide for Canary Island Mountaineers
Whenever you're hiking, you're always honor–bound to follow the rules and observances of the
hobby, whether they're on a bulletin board or unwritten. These come into play if you're hiking on the
numerous trails across the Canary islands. So, if you're planning to take a nature trip in the Masca
Valley or the rocky outcrops of Roque Nublo, here are some notable etiquette rules for both veteran
and newbie hikers.
Priority: Horses > Hikers > Bikers
There is always a sort of hierarchy on the trail: horses always go first, followed by hikers, and then
bikers. Considering that horses have the tendency to be spooked by incoming traffic by the opposite
direction or a biker that is suddenly overtaking them, it's wise to let them go first, unless if the rider
is signaling otherwise. ... Show more content on ...
If you're riding a bike or a horse, shout out "on your left" or "hi, just passing by" to give them fair
warning. Moreover, always keep right when on the trail and stay there when faster hikers are
passing by.
Clean Up
Littering is absolutely the worst thing anyone can ever do during a hike. Leave no waste on the trail:
keep a paper bag or a pocket on your backpack for empty water bottles, paper towels, and food
wrappers. Throw them away in proper disposal facilities once you get back to civilisation. This also
applies if you're bring a dog along with you. Be sure to bring a waste bag and a pair of tongs to pick
it up. Remember, no one wants to see or smell your canine companion's excrement on the trail!
Enjoy the Silence
One of the best things about hiking is the "noise of nature". The trail is full of the sound of singing
birds, gushing streams, and the music the wind plays when it rustles the leaves. It's relaxing and the
feeling they provide is something you would want to
... Get more on ...

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The West Influence

  • 1. The West Influence Thesis: Sugar had a major influence of the rise of the West; social, cultural, and political factors all contribute to the Rise of the West, and was essential to make this happen. Introduction: The rise of Western Europe after 1500 is due to growth in countries with access to the Atlantic Ocean. The New World, Africa, and Asia from the Atlantic are countries that traded and had relations with Europe, and made the rise of the west possible. The three most important things to the rise of the west were politics, economies, and culture. Politics were important to the sugar trade and the rise of the west, because without colonies and countries being taken over because of their resources, sugar wouldn't have profited like it did. The economy of ... Show more content on ... Without the Jewish people, who mostly grew the sugarcane, the trade would've collapsed. "making and selling sugar from sugarcane was one of the most common occupations of Jews in the Middle Ages"(Sugar Industry and Trade) The Jewish people's jobs in the middle ages mostly consisted of growing, producing, and selling sugarcane. Sugar was sold mostly to Europe, they became addicted and sugar became a part of their diet. "During the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries there were many Jews among the merchants of Antwerp, the Portuguese colony, which was central to the sugar trade in the port and played a vital part in the development of Antwerp as the central European sugar market,..."(Pohl, 1) The Jewish people around the 16th and 17th century were mostly merchants of a Portuguese colony, called Antwerp, which was the center of the sugar trade. The port located in Antwerp also played a vital part in the development of the colony that it , and was the reason that it became the central European sugar market. Many sugar plantations were also nearby, which helped them get goods easier. Political:Govt, Legislation, (Who was running the countries at this time) The political aspect of the sugar trade was very important. The places where sugar was grown, and is still grown today are were called colonized regions. These places were mostly ruled by other more powerful countries, and were taken over because of their access to sugar. Portugal was one of these countries that was taking control over other countries because of their access to sugar, and their climate, a special type of climate was needed to grow sugarcane. ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Vacations Of Lanzarote Holiday Rentals & Lanzarote Lanzarote is the fourth largest of the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa. Like the neighbouring islands of Tenerife and Fuerteventura, Lanzarote is a volcanic island, however the panorama of Lanzarote is volcanic to the severe. It's known as "the island of 100 volcanoes" for just right purpose. With dramatic peaks, scorched sand, lunar–like craters and bizarre rock formations, you'll believe you're taking a vacation on one other planet. Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote– Visitor Attractions Lanzarote vacations promise warm breezes and dry climate, ultimate for days at the beach. Right here you'll in finding the largest aquarium within the Canaries, theme parks, waterparks and memorable experiences equivalent to a camel journey to the fire Mountains. Faraway from the lovely seashores of the coast, Lanzarote's inside offers sheer drama with its lunar volcanic landscapes. ... Show more content on ... Furthermore to those five essential islands are two rather quiet unspoiled average paradises known as Hierro and Gomera which can be a favourite with walkers, hikers and nature fans. This island is volcanic in nature although it is characterised by using enormously exclusive landscapes that include towering mountain peaks, tropical forests, white sand seashores, verdant pine forests and majestic sand dunes. Four of Spain's seven predominant typical reserves are located right here within the Canaries. By the Point of View Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote is a place to make your vacation spend ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Summary Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell The play Trifles is a one–act play written by Susan Glaspell. This play is a murder mystery. The husband of Mrs. Wright, John Wright, is strangled with a rope around his neck, but no one knows who did it. The main suspect, however, is his wife, Mrs. Wright. The farmer, Lewis Hale, discovered Mr. Wrights death when he went into his home to try to convince him to be in a party telephone line with him. County attorney, the town sheriff, and farmer Lewis Hale begin to investigate the house to try to solve the murder. Between the three of them, none can figure out what happened between Mr. and Mrs. Wright. The real investigators turn out to be Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale. They find out exactly how their relationship was and how it ended. This ... Show more content on ... Wright makes this clear. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, together, solve this crime. Mrs. Hale says, "No, Wright wouldn't like the bird – a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that, too" (781). By killing the bird, Mr. Wright silenced Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Wright used to sing in a choir, and just like her, the canary bird sang also. Mr. Wright killed the canary by strangling it with a rope. When Minnie Foster, Mrs. Wright, was young she was, "kind of like a bird herself – real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and – fluttery" (780), but according to Mrs. Hale, things changed. When she married John Wright, things changed. When a woman gets married, she is immediately dominated by the man. She takes on her husband's name; therefore she is his and is changed for life. Mrs. Wright was trapped in the marriage, just like the bird was trapped in the cage. Being that Mr. Wright killed her bird, she was sick of her marriage and her husband. She plotted her revenge. She gave him a taste of his own medicine. As told by Mrs. Peters, "Killing a man while he slept, slipping a rope around his neck that choked the life out of him" (782). She strangled him with a rope just like he did to her canary. When Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale discovered this, they decided to keep it to themselves because the men had made fun of them for paying attention to the girly insignificant things. Throughout this play, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale make evident just how suffocating and abusive ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Old Man And The Sea Essay Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest writing icons of the early to mid 20th century. Known mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works. Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the beginning of his writing career, he has been putting these allusions and important uses of the bible into his work. Critics of these works such as, "The Old Man and the Sea," have discovered and have been aware of these references and parallels for some time. Some critics have always believed these biblical allusions to be just coincidence or false. Evidence will be shown of these writings and analyzed to show how they translate to not only to the book but also to Hemingway's life. Almost 20 years of Hemingway 's life was spent living in Cuba. He often visited Cojimar, which was the village that "The Old Man and the Sea" took place in. Hemingway spent much time shark and marlin fishing while staying in Cuba. His inspiration for writing his novel were the tireless fishermen that enduring so many obstacles and struggles everyday just to get by. This shows the spirit of the individual as having virtues of determination as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Settlement Of San Antonio And The Defense Of All This New... "For through observation and exploration of those lands and coasts, both by land and sea, it must be recognized that these settlements must be the rampart, fortress, and the defense of all this New Spain." (pg. 1). The author Jesus F. de la Teja takes a objective look of settlement of San Antonio and its surroundings. His book covers over the course of a period of the 18th Century. His writings describe the life of the settlers, economics, living conditions, and their use of the land. He does a superior job of characterizing the early Texas Colonial settlers' daily life. The author uses distinct unbiased information that rundowns the growth of the settlement of San Antonio. Tejada addresses a past that encompasses the length of the 18th ... Show more content on ... How livestock were rounded up and then taken on cattle drives. The cattle drives would end at train stations where the livestock were loaded up. The trains would transport the cattle to meat producing plants. The author Teja also does an acceptable analysis of the land–use patterns around the Mission of San Antonio. With the many diverse groups and families settling San Antonio, Teja covers the diversity the area goes through. Teja could have placed more emphasis in painting a picture that San Antonio was the focal point in the Northern Boundary lands. I highly endorse this book for a person looking to study the growth of San Antonio in the 18th Century. "Community in San Antonio de Bexar did not spring up overnight. It was the product of a Shared struggle for survival among people who initially had little in common." (pg. 160) According to Chipman, The author Teja is a scholar who is focused on the formation of the community at San Antonio de Bexar during the 18th Century. (Chipman) Teja provides a precise overview of the early settlers' norms, beliefs, and attitudes in occupying San Antonio in an nonpartisan manner. "Permanently settled in 1718, San Antonio began as a military and missionary outpost on the northern frontier of New Spain." (Chipman) Teja also captures how the older settlers viewed their relationship with the arrogant Islenos. Chipman further reflects on Teja's ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Culture Of Spain The Culture of Spain Located in the Iberian Peninsula, Spain boasts of one of the most unique cultures in Europe. At different times, the country has been ruled by the Romans, the Visigoths, and the Moors from North Africa. Later, the Spanish colonized the Americas and contributed greatly to the emergence of the New World especially through the impact of Spanish explorers such as Christopher Columbus. The historical contacts left a lasting mark on this European nation especially in relation to culture, which has made Spain a popular tourist destination. Among other cultural aspects, Spain is reputed for its raucous festivals as well as ruby–red sangria. Today, Spanish culture still varies from one region to the other although there are some common traditions that serve as the nation's iconic elements (Rodgers, 2002). With its distinctive blend of food, entertainment, art, and social conventions, Spain stand out in the whole of Europe as far as culture is concerned. To begin with, the people of Spain are referred to as Spanish or Spaniards. Notably, there are a number of distinct ethnic groups in Spain, including Castilians, Catalans, Galician, and Basques comprising of 74.4%, 16.9%, 6.4%, and 1.6% respectively. All these ethnic groups have their respective native languages, but Castilian Spanish is the country's official language (Rodgers, 2002). With regard to religion, Spain's population is predominantly Christian. Specifically, over 90% of the country's population ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Arrow And The Flash Character Analysis In contrast, the love interest of Barry Allen, Iris West, is a woman of color that has ambitious and leadership qualities establishing that women in general and women of color can be respected and achieve success through diversity in these TV shows. However, Iris, a high achiever, places herself in dangerous situations when completing her job as a journalist, puts her character in the damsel in distress stereotype as Barry often saves her when she is in trouble. This establishes to the viewer that women are always going to need a man supporting them in times of need, which negatively affects female viewers and their own self–esteem as some female adolescents struggle with their problems of being restricted in leadership roles along with meeting ... Show more content on ... These depictions lead female adolescents and peoples of color to perceive themselves as useful but not important in society which causes them to interact and behave differently with others. While these characters have many positive qualities, they are shoved into stereotypical and archetypical boxes that reduces their worth to the viewers. The female characters provide strong examples of women towards young viewers but are followed up with a reason why the female character should be put in a corner. The characters of color have noble intentions and are respected but pushed to the sidelines when their cause gets show time by the male protagonists. Thus, while these characters do provide positive and influential examples to adolescent viewers, the characters have easily definable qualities that can negatively affect the viewers. As such, young viewers can follow either the vigilantism or heroism route since they are impressionable by huge media figures. This suggests that directors and creators of superhero television shows should diversify their cast with a purpose to express that women and minorities can break social barriers and are important to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Brave New World Theme Analysis Essay "'God isn't compatible with machinery and scientific medicine and universal happiness.'" So says Mustapha Mond, the World Controller for Western Europe in Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World. In doing so, he highlights a major theme in this story of a Utopian society. Although the people in this modernized world enjoy no disease, effects of old age, war, poverty, social unrest, or any other infirmities or discomforts, Huxley asks 'is the price they pay really worth the benefits?' This novel shows that when you must give up religion, high art, true science, and other foundations of modern life in place of a sort of unending happiness, it is not worth the sacrifice. True, the citizens of this "brave new world" do enjoy many ... Show more content on ... One might be led to believe that this society is a perfect place to live, since all the inhabitants are eternally happy. There are no wars, pain, or suffering, all definite pluses, yet readers must not judge too quickly. Everything comes at a price, and the price that is paid for the new order is sadly high, costing the Utopians the benefits of high art, true religion, real science, and family life, which all have been removed to promote stability. "'Othello's better than those feelies.' 'Of course it is But that's the price we have to pay for stability. You've got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art. We've sacrificed the high art. We have the feelies and the scent organ instead.' 'But they don't mean anything,'" (Huxley 226) This conversation shows one of the tradeoffs made. Stories like Othello are inspired by strong emotions, and Utopia has done away with them. Now, there is nothing to write about, and if something was written along the lines of Othello it might cause people to think, causing instability. The movies people see are idiotic and plotless, based solely on sensations. Religion as we know it has been done away with also, as Mustapha Mond showed by his comments quoted at the beginning of this paper. Religion usually involves self–denial, and that is contrary to everything the new society is based on. With instant gratification ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Business Communication in Spain Business communication is essential in the business world; it may be the key to success. These skills and tools should be learned and taken into practice in the business field. Due to the expanding businesses in today's world, whether it's to reduce their cost, or for expansion, many companies have taken their business abroad. Although many or all of us are familiar with America's way of handling any business issues, it is also necessary that we are aware of other countries' business communication and etiquettes. Spain is a country that has many important facts and business etiquettes that need to be considered when doing business in Spain. The main fact that should be known is that the predominant language spoken in Spain which is ... Show more content on ... Spaniards usually don't follow times or schedules. In one of the books the author writes "Although you should be punctual yourself, keep in mind that "el tiempo is como el espacio" in Spain– or, "time is space"". (Sabath 217) Spaniards are not extremely concerned with punctuality. It's expected to wait for some of the meeting members to arrive around 15 to 30 minutes late. Decisions are not usually made in the business meetings; it is mainly for discussions and exchange of ideas. Dinners are usually more sociable and there is not much business talk; if there is any business talk it should only be done if the Spanish host initiates it. The business conversations usually take place during lunch meetings around two in the afternoon. Meetings that are held during dinner are usually held after nine. This is due to the fact that most places have siestas (break period in which restaurants and stores close for a few hours) and they reopen late in the afternoon. Therefore, it's a good idea to take advantage of the siesta and be ready for the late night meetings. If you are the one hosting a meeting dinner and would like to bring your spouse, you should expand the invitations to the Spaniard's contact's spouse. Besides being able to communicate verbally with the Spaniards, it is also important to understand their non verbal communications. Body ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Brave New World Literary Devices In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930's to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence, segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his society looks like during the 1930's. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal to the world because there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some of those devices are simile, details, metaphor... One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the literary devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening to Lenina and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. "Lenina liked the drums. Shutting her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her consciousness more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but that one deep pulse of sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services and Ford's Day celebrations. "Orgy–porgy," she whispered to herself. These drums beat out just the same rhythms " (107–8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and what she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over and over it reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today's Sawyer 2 ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Controllers Of The Air Controllers Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977 was light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport was not equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the appropriate size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the appropriate maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are moving in and minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the controllers ever feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why did they not ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the planes safely land and take off by managing the order of takeoff and each plane's direction. If they cannot see them how are they able to effectively do this? Leadership Style Van Zanten's leadership style not only affected the performance of his own team, but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers on both planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision–making at Tenerife, and it is not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in the case of Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him to not focus fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Cross Pollination Religious Customs And Material Culture The cross–pollination religious customs and material culture in the Cuban Diaspora has provided a wealth of indigenous and assimilative sources (Gordon, 2014: 53), and this has afforded Mendive a rich abundance of inherited iconography of fauna, flora and otherworldly phenomena to consume and use in the process of creating his artworks. Mendive is able to animate the pantheon of Orishas, depicted as either interacting with or sometimes assimilating human postures and gestures. Such representations of the Santería cosmic beings investigate concepts of hybridity, "New Word" practices of syncretism, and notions of a perceived "combining" of different and seemingly contradictory beliefs through the "blending" of customs and traditions of different schools of thought and discourse (Turner, 2014). The earliest mention of syncretism appeared in the philosophy of Plutarch as "the act or system of blending, combining or reconciling inharmonious elements... to forget dissensions and to unite in the face of common danger" (Showerman, 1910–11: 292–93). In 'The Creation of Afro–Caribbean Religions and their Incorporation of Catholic Elements' Bettina Schmidt maintains that syncretism is too simple a term to use in attempting to encapsulate the full meaning behind the creation process of Santería. According to her, it upholds the belief that the Cuban religion was formed by the sheer "mixing" of the dominant Catholicism doctrine with the suppressed religious practices of the Yoruba people ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Vigilantes In Oliver Storm : The Flash, The Flash Vigilantes Courage, selflessness, and devotion, are few of the qualities that a hero may possess. These qualities are evidently found in Oliver Queen, also known as the "Arrow," and Barry Allen, also known as the "Flash." These two fictional characters possess those heroism qualities, in putting their lives in danger, to protect the people in their city, and fight against their enemies. For example, Oliver goes out of his way to protect the people of Starling City, and Barry goes out of his way to protect the people in Central City. Nevertheless, they sometimes come together to join forces in helping each other out. They are vigilantes, meaning they prevent and stop crime, and protect, without having the legal authority to do so. They both wear a disguise to hide their identity from the world. Oliver wears a dark green jacket with a hood, and pants, and a green mask covering his eyes, and Barry wears a red one–piece with a lightning bolt on it, and a mask covering his whole face. Although they are quite similar, they are different in many aspects. For instance, Oliver uses martial arts and a bow with arrows to defeat his enemies, while Barry uses his speed and ability to control time, to defeat his enemies and fight crime. Oliver and Barry share qualities of courage, selflessness, and devotion because of their movement and hunger to protect the people in their cities, while having few differences such as their personalities. Before Oliver Queen was the "Arrow", he had ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Brave New World By Aldous Huxley Imagine a world where complete control is in the hands of the government. Imagine a world where science, literature, religion, and even family, do not exist. Imagine a world where citizens are conditioned to accept this. This is exactly how the world is portrayed in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The focus of the World State is on society as a whole rather than on individuals. Some characters from the novel have a harder time accepting the conditioning. Through these characters, we learn the true cost of a government–dominated society. In Brave New World, Huxley conveys that a totalitarian government will provide happiness and peace by abolishing individuality and free thinking. In a Brave New World, the government creates a society that provides prosperity and unity even after revoking individuality. The characters are conditioned to be happy and accept their place in society. They are assigned a caste position which determines their physical features and also their job. The control extends to the color of clothes they wear and the transportation they use. In this society, citizens are not allowed to be an individual. It is difficult to believe that citizens in any society could accept this amount of control and remain content. Why are there no revolutions by the people? Why don't they question their placements and roles in society? Why don't the citizens accost the government? Mustapha Mond explains to John, Helmholtz, and Bernard why the government believes the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. What Is Gran Canaria Nightlife Essay Gran Canaria Nightlife: Where to Party and Staying Safe Gran Canaria nightlife is one of the paradise island's strongest draws. Though it's hardly one of the reasons why you would go there, it's something you would want to experience. The urbanised capital of Las Palmas has a number of bars and disco areas. The same can be said to the resort town of Maspalomas which is also a well–known party centre. Before you strap on your disco shoes and order your martinis, there are a few things you would want to know about beforehand. There are a few must–visit spots, as well as a few observances. Here are some of which: Nothing Happens Before Midnight Elsewhere around the world, the highlight of nightlife starts at 10:00 PM onwards. In Gran Canaria ... Show more content on ... Though it's ok to drink and go partying, it wouldn't be smart to chug a barrel of booze in one sitting. Do it in moderation and be sure not to drink to the point of passing out. Have a designated driver. When going out with friends, have someone close to you take the car keys to bring you back to your hotel or apartment. You can always flag a taxi, but it's always best to have someone you know. Watch what you drink. This is especially if you don't know who you're talking with. Keep your eyes on your drinks, but don't do it to the point of being paranoid. Gran Canaria's nightlife is pretty vibrant and you would want to experience it for yourself. Just take note that events don't start until midnight. If you're in Las Palmas, spend some time in Plaza de Espana, or the Paper Club and the El Gallinero Cafe Arte. Moreover, there are also some good spots in Maspalomas. Finally, it would be best to keep yourself safe by drinking in moderation, having an assigned driver, and by being wary of what you put in your lips. Taking a tennis holiday to Gran Canaria doesn't mean you should be avoiding the nightlife. Have us at Isla Tennis help organise your trip by calling us at 07966 370527 or by sending a message through our contact form. We'll provide you with the best experience anyone going to Gran Canaria will
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  • 32. Differences Of Superheroes : The Flash And The Green Arrow Superheroes almost all have the same goal: to save their city. Although they all seem to have the same goal, they are not the same person. One superhero might have social anxiety, while another superhero is a social butterfly. No superhero has the same exact same superpower or personality. In the Detective Comics series, there are over ten thousand characters, including superhero's. Two of my favorite superheroes are The Flash and The Green Arrow. Although the Flash and The Green Arrow seem to be very different, when taking a closer look, the reader will find how similar they are in becoming superheroes to save their city, becoming orphans because of who they are, and having troubled past. When taking a first glance at The Flash and The Green Arrow, readers will find that they are very different. The Flash uses super speed to fight crime in Central City, while The Green Arrow fights crime using a bow and arrow in Starling City, later named Star City. There are a few differences between the two, as found with any two superheroes. The Green Arrow killed people before realizing from a colleague that there was another way to find justice with criminals. The Flash, on the other hand, has never killed anyone. He does not believe that killing is the way to create justice. When The Green Arrow began his crusade, he was alone. He had no help from anyone. This changed gradually when, slowly, one by one, more people joined the team. The Flash was in a unique situation. After he was ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Culturally Aware Asia Pacific Before leaving home, it is important to understand the Countries culture that you are going to. Be mindful of limited resources like water, fuel and electricity, and make sure you have had all necessary vaccinations before leaving. Also check that all your health insurance is up to date and you have put travel insurance in place. Be sure to always carry a bag. Make sure you always have your passport on you. Make sure your passport and ID is all up to date and valid. Dress respectfully and understand the reasons behind certain dress rules. Therefore, make sure you have packed appropriate clothing. Pack a camera to capture your holiday, although always ask before taking photos. There are a number of ethnic groups throughout Asia Pacific. The ethnic groups within the Asia Pacific adapt to the climate zones within the region. Throughout the Asia Pacific there are also many distinctive styles of architecture. Within Asia specifically, there are many symbolic structures and ancient structures. One of these that are a must see is the Islamicmosques and the castles of Japan. Another structure is the Angkor Wat in Cambodia and this is a symbolic structure within the region as it is shown on the country flag. There are many different religions within the region, and it is important to understand the different beliefs of each religion when travelling. Some of these religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Confucianism. When travelling with the Asia Pacific, it is important to ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Female Supers Essay There is no secret that the demand for female #superheroes is on the rise. From #WonderWoman's success at the box office (We love you, #PattyJenkins!) to the upcoming #Batgirl, fans are coming out in force. Even before WonderWoman, #YoungJustice helped to launch female supers into a male dominated world. Young Justice evenly uses its male and female characters. Within the first season of the show, there are only two main female heroes. During Season 2, additional female characters were added. Let's take a good, long look at the female characters in Young Justice that kicked butt. The Mentors You can't have heroes without mentors. For example, Young Justice introduces four generations of The Flash family into the series. ... Show more content on ... After 'Speedy' becomes Red Arrow, Green Arrow takes on Artemis. He tries to pass her off as his niece but it is soon established that she isn't. Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz Martian Manhunter is not just a member of The Justice League, he is a family martian. He is the uncle of a niece, M'gann who becomes the first female member of The Team. J'onn loves his niece and seen to be protective over her. Black Canary/Dinah Lance While she does not take on an apprentice of her own, Black Canary is the combat trainer for The Team. She even serves as a counsellor to the kids and is there when they need someone to talk to. She is the daughter of the original Black Canary, Dinah Drake and cop Larry Lance. WonderWoman/Diana Prince The Amazon does not play much of a role. During Season 2, she becomes the mentor of WonderGirl, Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark. WonderWoman serves as founding member of the
  • 37. Justice League alongside Batman and Superman. Zatara Zatara is a minor member of the Justice League. He becomes Doctor Fate. He serves as the mentor to his daughter, Zatanna. Icon Icon serves as the partner and mentor of Rocket. He serves the Justice League and Rocket was once a member of The Team before she joined the League. Atom Known as Ray Palmer, Atom is the mentor of Bumblebee. The Female Members Of The Team Let's meet them now. Miss Martian Born a white martian, the enemy of the green martian, M'gann M'orzz is the niece of Martian ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Spain : Unique And Different From Other European Countries Spain – Unique in Every Way Spain – what makes this unique country so special and so different from other European countries? Is it the people, the fascinating history, the beautiful, intrinsic structures, or the old world feel of the countryside and landscape that has not changed much over history? The answer to this last question can be answered simply as – YES. The Spaniards have embraced their history, heritage and roots and continue to teach the younger generations about this great land. Through the many struggles and challenges in Spain's past, and the many battles over more than an 800 year span, this great land started to take shape but there were still struggles that lay ahead. Many years of fighting for their land and trying to incorporate the New World into Western civilization would pass, but they soon made progress in a very short time. Spain was responsible for showing the way for European life and the radical change it had gone through. It seemed to be a never ending battle of power but they always looked to the future with confidence. Yet, for all of these weeds of controversy, the Spanish people knew that they carried within themselves the seed of greatness and were ready to flourish in the most difficult of circumstances. Their culture, their history and their strife's would live through everyone with pride. The geographic distinctions as north, south, coastal, interior, mountain, lowland, plateau, and Mediterranean–Atlantic are overwhelmed by ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. We Must Go Wrong Will Going Wrong Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Even with the knowledge that human error, internal and external factors can, do, and will affect the outcome of any given task, individuals strive towards creating environments in which risk levels can be safely and satisfactorily managed by facing those threats head on. There is a lesson behind each disappointment or negative outcome that leads us to a greater understanding of and appreciation for our surroundings. More importantly, this newfound knowledge and experience contribute to the evolution of safer, more manageable systems that are capable of anticipating future threats to any given environment. This type of learning is especially beneficial in the aviation industry. Without a true appreciation of the costly mistakes that have forever changed the face of the industry, aviation would neither have evolved into the safest mode of transportation in the world, nor would it be as rich in technological and human behavioral resources. We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect the aircraft only to learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "[that] the safety of the operator is more important than any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." Wright suggests that it is not a measure of technology or individual crewmember capabilities, rather the issue at the center of aviation is the lack of caution and preparation that exists within the cabin. Information gathered from ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Brave New World By Aldous Huxley In the book Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, the character John the Savage is brought from his homeland of Malpais to London. When he arrives he finds that this world is very different from his own. Saddened and angered by the injustice of the society, he attempts to isolate himself from the world. John the Savage's experience of being exiled from Malpais was enriching in that it showed him the true nature of the Other Place and alienating in that he was separated from his culture and not able to integrate into the new one. This illuminates the meaning of the work in that it shows the negative side of the "utopian" society. John the Savage's exile from his homeland was enriching in that it showed him the true nature of the Other Place. ... Show more content on ... Don't you even understand what manhood and freedom are?'" (Huxley 212–213) This quote shows how he became aware of the injustice of the system. His discovery of the true nature of the Other Place was an enriching experience. It allowed him to no longer wonder about what the outside world was like and to no longer hold an idea in high regard that was not worthy of it. The truth is better than the lie and in learning the truth, John was enriched by his experience of being cut off from his homeland. John the Savage's exile from his homeland was alienating in that it separated him from his culture and he was not able to integrate into the new one. John the Savage grew up in a society with very different views from that of the society in London. It was very difficult for him to not be around other people who shared similar ideas with him. This is exemplified by the quote "'... Listen, Lenina; in Malpais people get married." "Get what?" The irritation had begun to creep back into her voice. What was he talking about now? "For always. They make a promise to live together for always." "What a horrible idea!" Lenina was genuinely shocked." (Huxley 191) He was unable to connect with anyone on a deep level because of this intrinsic difference between them. Therefore, this experience was alienating for him because he was set apart from the rest of the society. The experience was so alienating that John the Savage removed himself from the society around him. "'I shall go away ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Discount Travel Websites Of And With the country in the financial shape that it is presently in, consumers are looking for any and every way to save a buck. Therefore, thoughts of a recession on the horizon makes travelers reconsider their summer vacations. This brings up methods that families and the like can still have some form of vacation. Enter the discount travel websites of and Before making a comparison, it is best to take a look at both sites individually. Kayak is a website that enables potential travelers the opportunity to search for flights, hotels, cars, and cruises from one convenient site. This eliminates the need for a consumer to visit multiple sites to gather this information. It also offers deals that are available for users to take advantage. One is able to look at pricing for any flight available to a destination, and is able to check the price for it on several different sites, including Orbitz, CheapTickets, and even the airline itself. This site offers a listing, a matrix, and a chart in which to view the selected flights. For hotels it offers a listing, a map, or photos. The other unique thing about the site it that it has sliders allow one to move them left or right to narrow the options. One also can remove check marks to omit specific carriers or star rating from the search results. The one downside of using this for flights is that it does not include Southwest Airlines in search results. Sidestep is another website that ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Similarities Between Arrow And The Flash Has there ever been a point in your life that you wished you could be a superhero or superhuman? Most, if not all, people's answer to that question would be a resounding "yes," including mine. Over the years, more TV shows and movies have begun to incorporate what we would consider to be our "heroes" into them. These shows, or movies, consist of a hero, or heroes, that are typically aided by friends and a team that help them fight evil; two examples of this are Arrow and The Flash. Hero shows, or movies, can be a quite broad category, but it can be broken into smaller categories like superhuman heroes, mortal heroes, dark heroes, or otherworldly heroes. The Flash is a superhuman hero while Green Arrow is a mortal, but dark hero. The two ... Show more content on ... Oliver vows that every person on his father's list will wish he too had died on that island. Similar to the first episode of Arrow, The Flash has it's first episode named Pilot as well. It begins with a flashback to when Barry Allen's, the main character, mom is killed in an unexplainable event and his dad is convicted of her murder... which Barry believes to be untrue. Now, 14 years later, Barry works for Central City C.S.I and is quite good at his job. On one particular night a particle accelerator, created by Harrison Wells and was supposed to change the way everyone thought about physics, exploded releasing an unimaginable amount of dark energy. Lightning then struck Barry, which put him in a coma for nine months. After waking up, Barry began to notice certain things were slowing down... or so he thought. In reality, he was just moving unexplainably fast. When a man named Clyde Martin that can inexplicably control the weather starts terrorizing the city, Barry takes it upon himself to take him down. He speaks with Oliver Queen for advice, Barry knows Oliver is the Arrow, and Oliver tells him that he can inspire people the way he himself never could. Barry then takes on Clyde Martin head on and defeats him. The storylines between the two shows are similar because they both begin by showing what made the two heroes and what made them who they are stemmed from former accidents. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. John In Brave New World Try to imagine yourself in a utopian society where people are drugged to feel happy and you have no clue what is going on in the outside world around you. John also known as "Savage" tries to imagine what life would be like if he lived in the utopian society instead of the real world only to realize it isn't all that it seems. "O brave new world," he repeated. "O brave new world that has so much people in it. Let's start at once." (Huxley 139) John was born in the outside world, he wasn't born from a tube he came from a whomp, yet people didn't like him because his mother did come from a tube she was a part of the utopian society at one point. Along most of the story John is an outsider, he wasn't allowed to join in on the indian cultural ... Show more content on ... "In fact', said Mustapha Mond, 'you're claiming the right to be unhappy.''All right then,' said the Savage defiantly, 'I'm claiming the right to be unhappy." (Huxley 240) John went to Mustapha Mond and requested to leave with Bernard to iceland and Mustapha Mond replied saying that was like asking to have the right to be unhappy so John said he wants them all. Even though Mustapha denied his request to go to iceland with Bernard John left in the helicopter and was dropped off at an abandoned lighthouse. John was discovered one day whipping himself by reservation guards they tried to stop him from whipping himself but he frightened them so they left but sent a reporter, John kicked the reporter and ended up in the paper giving away where he was staying so one day dozen of people showed up chanting for him to do the whip stunt again and to whip himself. "What do you want with me?" "The whip," replied a hundred voices confusedly. "Do the whipping stunt. Let's see the whipping stunt." (Huxley 256) John ended up doing it and in the end he killed himself, he was different than everyone else, he saw things people didn't dare to see for themselves. In conclusion John was just an outsider, left alone, no one included him in things because he was different but at the same time he was just like everyone else. John was born like everyone else at the reservation but they still didn't accept him because of his family. All John had was his mother Linda. John was like everyone else externally but internally he was diverse and that's what made John ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Geography: Canary Islands and Algeria Geography is the study of Earth's landscapes, peoples, places and environments and one thing that geographers say is people do not live where it is too hot, too cold, too humid, and too dry. With this statement one would thing that Morocco is not a place anyone would live because of its dry hot weather, however, Morocco has a population of 33 million people, according to the website. Morocco is located in the Maghreb region of North Africa which is in the upper left hand side of Africa next to the Canary Islands and Algeria. Morocco is known for its rugged mountainous interior and large portions of desert. The climate is Mediterranean in the north and in some mountains, which becomes more extreme towards the interior regions. Morocco has approximately 12% of forests but only 5% is irrigated which means that there isn't much water that the people can drink or use for their crops. Without that imperative water Morocco would lose their exports; winter wheat and barley, with vegetables, fruits, grapes, and olives. These products along with textiles, electric components, and petroleum products bring in 22 billion dollars in exporting to France, Spain, and Brazil. Morocco's main import and export ally is France which controls 60% of foreign direct investment. France is still Morocco's number one trading partner but Moroccan and US trade has been going up, in fact it has risen from $1.4 billion to $2.3 billion within one year. In 2006 Moroccan ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. What Is The Theme Of Alienation In Brave New World It is not uncommon for someone to experience being cut off from their "home"; you are cut off when you go to college, the military, move, study abroad, etc. However, in these situations people tend to adapt, but imagine going somewhere where everything is different; the way people eat, socialize, sleep, have relationships, everything changes. Some people could say this is similar to moving into another country where the culture and language is different. In situations where everything you've come accustomed to changes, you can feel like you don't belong. However, immersing yourself in a completely different lifestyle can also be enlightening. For John leaving his home meant everything was changing, but because his exile, he is not only alienated but enriched with completely different outlooks on life. In the novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses imagery to develop John's experience and to show that exile brings both alienation and enlightenment in order to illustrate the theme of happiness is not worth individualism. Alex Huxley contrasts John's "home" and the Ford society in order to show that exile can bring alienation. Prior to John being cut off from his home, two members of the Ford society visit. Huxley uses imagery to contrast John's birthplace to the part of society that follows the Ford way. When Lenina and Bernard visit the reservation where John was born, Alex Huxley says "The place was queer, so was the music, so were the clothes and the goitres and the skin ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. A Short Story : The Story Of Moana And The Ruose Moana Moana is the daughter of the chief who leads a Polynesian tribe. The tribe lived on an island which the people survived from. Islanders used what they had on the island to survive. Moana's father and mother raise her to one day lead her people. As a tribe, they made baskets from the leaf, drink the water from the coconuts, and fished within the rife for food to eat. The chief showed his daughter how to take on the responsibility. If she could she lead her people successfully she would put her stone on the mountain. This was an ancient ritual passed down from the chiefs who came before them. Moana knew the task that lied ahead, but Moana was a daring and strong–willed teenager who want to sail the ocean. Going beyond the rife was forbidden for all islanders, due to the chiefs past experience. Moana had a passion for the ocean and was chosen by the ocean to reunite a small greenstone. Her Grandmother, Tala also felt her passion and knew her calling as she would tell the tale of the heart of Te Fiti to all the young children. Moana was able to share her feelings with her grandmother as she was someone who was very sacred to her heart. Tala showed her a secret cave, and told her to go in and bang the drums. Inside she found boats and discovered the history of her ancestors were voyagers. Her grandmother explains why they stopped voyaging, due to Maui stealing the sacred heart which the heart would create life between the islands. She also tells Moana the Te Ka's darkness ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. African Horseback Research Paper For the days where you find yourself needing a break from riding, the Caballadas Estancia offers other activities that will not leave you saddle sore. Guests may choose to attend a local Polo match, play a round of golf, hike and trek through the park, go boating in the lake, or even try fly fishing. After a day of alternative activity, the horses and trails will beckon you back to the saddle, and have you falling in love with Caballadas Estancia all over again. African Horseback Safaris (Botswana) On a two hundred thousand hectare private Okavango Delta concession, the luxury services and accommodations of African Horseback Safaris effortlessly melds the love of equestrian sport and safari adventure into ... Show more content on ... Some may enjoy the bird and animal viewing in the area, while others will relish the chance to cool off in the hidden swimming pool. Additional options include game drives via safari jeep, fishing, and seasonal boating. Even for those travellers who do not wish to spend their holiday riding, it is impossible to not appreciate the majesty and beauty of the local horse population at the African Horseback Safaris. The Ranch at Rock Creek (USA) The Ranch at Rock Creek, located in the rolling hills of Philipsburg, Montana, provides adventurous travellers with fine accommodations and exhilarating adventures. A true working ranch, guests are invited to experience the daily life of a rancher throughout the six thousand plus acre private property. Signature Horseback Activities and More The Ranch at Rock Creek offers guests an overwhelming list of signature activities and experiences. Try your hand at fly fishing or archery, the ropes course or even shooting sports. With an eye on family participation, the ranch even offers a Little Grizzlies Club for younger guests. However, the most popular signature experiences provided to guests are the iconic horseback riding adventures. With a diverse system of trails and over 75 horses, the possibilities for equine activity are never ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Freedom Vs. Enslavement The topic I chose to examine in this novel in freedom vs enslavement. I chose this topic because in the first two chapters it becomes evident that the people have no say in what they do, they are born with a specific purpose. The Hatcheries and the idea of scientifically creating a baby in a factory and conditioning them to act a certain way were introduced. The ten controllers have total freedom and rule the world, but people in the Gamma, Beta, Delta, and Epsilon castes are slaves of the controllers, conditioned into whatever person the controllers want or would benefit the economy. The Alphas have a bit of freedom because they were conditioned to have a higher intellect which makes it hard for them to accept all of the rules of society, but they were still made that way because the controllers wanted them to be. My tentative thesis is: Enslavement from the beginning of your existence creates an illusion of freedom. There are several supports for this thesis in the beginning of the novel when the Hatcheries are explained. Some embryos are conditioned by going through hot tunnels followed by cold tunnels paired with the discomfort of hard X–rays to ensure that they grow up hating the cold. These embryos are predestined to move to the tropics and work as miners or acetate silk spinners or steel workers. The Delta babies are conditioned with loud noises and ... Show more content on ... Everyone in the novel so far seems pretty content with the way things work and they are conditioned to not rebel or question authority. I predict that there will be a person from the Alpha caste that will stand up though and question the controllers processes. Another challenge I may face is trying to follow and understand the society that they are living in where babies and embryos are produced in a factory and can be conditioned into whatever the controller ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Reflection Paper There are seven official sacraments in the Catholic Church, but actually, there are an unlimited number of sacraments in the universe. The love of God is not limited to the seven official sacraments. The love of God is infinite, and He can show it to us anyway he chooses. Over the course of my life, God has revealed himself to me during my travels. During the summer of 2016, I had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica with my mother, and my grandmother was able to join us as well. We went on a tour, with about two dozen strangers. A few native Costa Ricans guided us through the country. We were able to interact with new people, see the wildlife, and explore the country. This is what life is about, traveling to new places, meeting new people, exploring other cultures. We could not have gone on such an amazing trip if God had not allowed us to do so. It was truly a blessing. God was present in all of the trees, the animals, the rivers and oceans, and all of the people. I remember going ziplining on that trip. It was the longest zipline in the country, one line was over half a mile long. It was high in the mountains, you could go very fast, and you could see for miles. You could even see the ocean, even though we weren't near the coast. I was very high up, and the wind in my face was exhilarating. Everytime I go ziplining, I think about the long fall to the ground, yet I feel no fear. Science kept me from falling, but science only works because God makes it work. If God ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Reflection Paper It's been said, "Behind every cloud, there is a rainbow." To most, living on a tropical island sounds like paradise or something out of a dream. People often fantasize about tropical islands filled with warm breezes, swaying coconut trees, sandy beaches, and exotic animals. Unfortunately I know that those dreams are not an accurate reflection of most tropical islands. I know because when I was six years old my parents decided that our family of five should become missionaries in the South Pacific. In 2006, without much notice or discussion, we moved from South Carolina to the distant land of Tutuila, American Samoa, an unorganized, unincorporated territory of the United States located deep within the South Pacific. We lived there for four years, and they were the most interesting and formative years of my life. Before moving to Samoa, we lived in a typical middle class neighborhood with picket fences as white as our neighbors. My interactions were always with people that looked like me and talked like me. In Lexington, I was the majority, in Samoa I was the minority. While in Samoa, our house was filled with mosquitoes, harmless geckos, friendly interns, scurrying rats, a hilarious uncle, and flying termites. I met Kiwis and Australians, Samoans and Tongans, transgendered men and alcoholics. Unlike my time in South Carolina, in the South Pacific, I was the peculiar one. My family was wealthier than most people at my church, who were mainly Samoan, yet not as wealthy as most ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Black, Black And Black As one compares Marvel and DC characters, it can be seen that many of the characters are almost identical. For example, Black Widow and Black Canary are two female superheroes from Marvel and DC graphic novels respectively. These two female crime fighters play key roles on their teams, have great skills, and are exceedingly agile. However, which character is the better superheroine? Marvel's Black Widow is far superior to Black Canary in her more consistent background and history, more widespread experience, and more numerous skills. Admittedly, it is true that Black Canary far exceeds Widow in terms of her role as a part of a team. Black Widow played a key role as one of the Avengers, but she then took up the mantle of leadership from Captain America because he "left active Avengers duty following internal ethical disputes regarding the Kree–Shi'ar War" (Fichera). In contrast, Black Canary has experience leading the Justice League, the Birds of Prey, and the Outsiders to name a few. Black Canary has been an important figure in all of her teams, even when she was not a leader. Over her crime fighting career, Black Canary has fought alongside Batman, Supergirl, Green Arrow, and Aquaman, to name a few. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In regards to their backgrounds, Black Widow has a more stable history that becomes more elaborate with her every appearance. Black Widow was born around 1928 ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Black Canary and the Double Trouble In a Rugged City Black Canary was awaking from a dark alley. Just then she heard a cry for help. Black Canary jumped through her underground portal and onto her armory of weapons and then she grabbed her suit, she was ready to go. She seeked the evil approaching with her super sonic hearing and then spotted a group of children. Black Canary said to the children "Don't be afraid, I am here to help when there is danger or evil approaching." One of the children replied back and said "We saw a women dressed in black and she had blood everywhere." Another child named Margaret said "She came up to us screaming when the clock strikes twelve you will be dead, the city will be dead, and then she walked away." Black Canary asked if she said what her name was and they all said Black Alice is her name. Right then, Black Canary had a flashback. She knew Black Alice, they used to be Alias in the Secret Society. Black Alice then turned evil that night when Satan possessed her and took her super powers away and she then became a villain. Black Canary asked the children which direction the villain headed in and then she left. Black Canary found that more than half of the city was a wreck. The street signs were wiped out, trees were laying in half on the ground, cars were flipped, and even more terrible things. Black Canary knew where to find her though, everyone knows. She lives in the streets of Elm in the dark mist of the trench hole. Black Canary waited to find her, because she knew now ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Aldous Huxley 's Brave New World Aldous Huxley's Brave New World kindles many questions about today's social order and considers the questionable society exposed in the book. Throughout the book, Huxley presents a world much different than the one we are accustomed to. Some question whether the novel portrays a dystopian or utopian civilization. There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages of Huxley's world paralleled to the one we live in today. Two major disadvantages considered consist of the lack of family, monogamy, and social organization; as well as the need for soma in lieu of happiness, or rather the 'fake' happiness it compromises. In contrast, the benefits of the society are limited. These consist of concepts behind the elimination of conflicts, commitments, and worries. Everybody observes the story from a different perspective. Knowing the gains and losses of each society, which pertain to the family system, monogamy, feelings of world peace, elimination of commitment, and the exclusion of disease, will assist a person in concluding their belief on whether each culture is flawless or severely corrupt. Some may argue that Huxley's removal of the normal family system and replacement of it with a polygamous arrangement is an enthusiastic one. However, the concept behind monogamy and family is a beautiful one. Monogamy is strength, it gives people a home and a person they can trust and believe in with their whole heart. With polygamy arises drama, distrust, hatred, lust, and jealousy. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Social And Social Impacts Of Tourism On Las Palmas What are the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism on Las Palmas? Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands in Spain is a beautiful place to visit during the holiday. A subtropical climate, mild to warm temperatures which stay quite the same throughout the entire year and sandy beaches tempt tourists every year. These great features promote the tourism in Las Palmas. Literally tourism, or in this case, mass tourism, is a move of people around the world. It is all about presenting the character of a touristic destination and providing great facilities in order to satisfy customers (tourists) desires and their changing, dynamic needs, mainly focusing on their preferences. If tourism was not provided in Las Palmas, people would go bankrupt as tourism states 32% of GDP in ... Show more content on ... However, Las Palmas exists only thanks to tourism. The Canary Islands would not be able to exist if tourism was not provided. The economic impacts of tourism on Las Palmas are that tourism became a major economy, that it makes up 32% of GDP. It creates a lot of new temporary jobs, but they are low paid so they unfortunately are not any good opportunities for inhabitants. Due to big numbers of people coming, main infrastructures of Las Palmas get worse. The social impacts are that both inhabitants and tourists interact together, get to know about each other's culture. Global interest and awareness is raised. Tourists destroy cultural monuments, act bad after drinking alcohol and speak other language what is confusing for original residents. The environmental impacts on Las Palmas are that a lot of woodlands are cut down in order to place new accommodations there. It causes the loss in diversity of the landscape. However, there are some places full of trees as some people prefer spending their holiday in wood houses in forests. Therefore, trees are ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Analysis Of Aldous Huxley 's Brave New World The identity of a person is often considered to be synonymous with his culture, whether it be to a distinct nation, race, or way of thought. However, one of the greatest conflicts a person can endure is one with himself, when he is caught between the innate desire to belong and a sense of self and difference from the society that he belongs to. In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, such is the case with Bernard Marx. Marx faces the immense dilemma of not fitting in in the greatly socialized and cohesive civilization that he lives in, the "Brave New World." Despite how much Bernard disdains this world, which he identifies as brainwashed and infantile, he cannot help desiring to belong. Huxley brilliantly contrasts Marx's hatred of his civilization with his eventual plea to remain a part of it after his exile is sealed in order to highlight the natural desire of man to belong, regardless of how different he may feel from his surroundings. While most people in Bernard 's world belong to one of a handful of groups, and are mere copies of identical clones, Bernard is entirely unique. Despite belonging to the highest caste of "Alphas" in his society, Bernard lacks both the physical and psychological characteristics of any Alpha. Unlike everyone else in his caste, Bernard is very small, lacks the appreciation for trivial games like "electromagnetic golf," and most seriously, believes there is more to an individual than pleasure–seeking and his role as a component of ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Examples Of Religion In Lord Of The Flies Religion in Chaotic Societies Such as Brave New World and Lord of the Flies Differences dominate the varying cultures and societies of the world. Differences appear everywhere, from cultural norms to forms of government. Most, if not all civilizations rely on some form of religion. Whether a society relies on a singular extraterrestrial force as a god, or many gods who exist as one, each culture relies on religion to calm the chaotic nature of the world. The 20th century novels, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, both use the of Christ–like archetypes, upon which societies depend when they fall into chaos, in an attempt to calm the disarray of everyday reality. Human nature naturally gravitates towards a religious figure when reality becomes overwhelming. Selflessness and sympathy build the archetype of a Christ–like figure. Christ–like figures work to aid the society, demonstrating selflessness and generosity. In Lord of the Flies, Simon remains selfless in the face of adversity. While the other boys obsess and fight over hunting and fire, Simon helps take care of the littluns. To the littluns, Simon acts as a Christ–like figure: "Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands"(Golding 56). Golding shows how Christ–like figures demonstrate selflessness to others, providing the best for other people rather than for ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Why We Must Go Wrong As the saying goes "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong", yet being fully aware of this, humans don't avoid doing things altogether, instead we intentionally thrive toward finding that which can go wrong out of curiosity for knowledge and fear that we might miss out on something if we don't. There is a lesson to be found in every disappointment and negative outcome therefore, we gain experience, we discover, and learn to live with things going wrong because that means we are one step closer to it going right. We learn to live with these things by jotting down our mistakes and others prior mistakes to help us prepare accordingly to future situations. This is especially true in aviation. Without things going wrong, flying would not hold the safest mode of transportation nor would it be as advanced, as there would be nothing to aid us in how to prepare for the next flight otherwise. We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect aircraft to only learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "...the safety of the operator is more important than any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." This meaning that it isn't the technology or the aircrews' individual capabilities; it is the lack of caution and preparation instilled into the aircrew. Information gathered from flight data recorders, FDRs, and cockpit voice recorders, CVRs, revealed new insights on aircraft accidents. The result of several accidents was ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Examples Of Etiquette In Hiking Hiking Etiquette 101: A Guide for Canary Island Mountaineers Whenever you're hiking, you're always honor–bound to follow the rules and observances of the hobby, whether they're on a bulletin board or unwritten. These come into play if you're hiking on the numerous trails across the Canary islands. So, if you're planning to take a nature trip in the Masca Valley or the rocky outcrops of Roque Nublo, here are some notable etiquette rules for both veteran and newbie hikers. Priority: Horses > Hikers > Bikers There is always a sort of hierarchy on the trail: horses always go first, followed by hikers, and then bikers. Considering that horses have the tendency to be spooked by incoming traffic by the opposite direction or a biker that is suddenly overtaking them, it's wise to let them go first, unless if the rider is signaling otherwise. ... Show more content on ... If you're riding a bike or a horse, shout out "on your left" or "hi, just passing by" to give them fair warning. Moreover, always keep right when on the trail and stay there when faster hikers are passing by. Clean Up Littering is absolutely the worst thing anyone can ever do during a hike. Leave no waste on the trail: keep a paper bag or a pocket on your backpack for empty water bottles, paper towels, and food wrappers. Throw them away in proper disposal facilities once you get back to civilisation. This also applies if you're bring a dog along with you. Be sure to bring a waste bag and a pair of tongs to pick it up. Remember, no one wants to see or smell your canine companion's excrement on the trail! Enjoy the Silence One of the best things about hiking is the "noise of nature". The trail is full of the sound of singing birds, gushing streams, and the music the wind plays when it rustles the leaves. It's relaxing and the feeling they provide is something you would want to ... Get more on ...