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1		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
The Wall Rhapsody
Sirin Al Masri
As I don’t want to call my project a research because yet I don’t call myself a
researcher, it would be enough for me to call it small project to a future researcher.
“The wall rhapsody” As I would like to call my project “I named it after two of my
favorite songs which are sort of media who influenced me”
(Another brick the wall, is the title of three songs set to
variations of the same basic theme subtitled Part 1 (working title
"Reminiscing"), Part 2 (working title "Education"), and Part 3
(working title "Drugs", on Pink Floyd's 1979 rock opera, The
Wall) (1) Pink Floyd's the Wall is one of the most intriguing
and imaginative albums in the history of rock music. Since the
studio album's release in 1979, the tour of 1980-81, and the
subsequent movie of 1982, the Wall has become synonymous
with, if not the very definition of, the term "concept album."
Aurally explosive on record, astoundingly complex on stage, and
visually explosive on the screen, the Wall traces the life of the
fictional protagonist, Pink Floyd, from his boyhood days in post-
World-War-II England to his self-imposed isolation as a world-
renowned rock star, leading to a climax that is as cathartic as it
is destructive.
And (Bohemian Rhapsody is a song by the British rock band
Queen band's 1975 studio album A Night at the Opera)
Freddie Mercury wrote "Bohemian Rhapsody" at his
home in London. Related how Mercury once played the opening
ballad section on the piano for him: "He played the beginning on
the piano, then stopped and said, 'and this is where the opera
section comes in!' Then we went out to eat dinner.
Music scholar Sheila Whiteley(2) suggests "the title draws
strongly on contemporary rock ideology, the individualism of
the bohemian artists' world, with rhapsody affirming the
romantic ideals of art rock". (3) Bohemian Rhapsody was
greeted like a miracle from heaven in the largely barren musical
ground of the mid-Seventies.
At the time it was produced like most expensive single at that time.
2		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
The wall rhapsody is divided in chapters I will talk about the communication and
communication theory then Bandwagon Effect, the psychology of media audience,
analyzing the difference, I will try my best to collect enough definition, articles,
opinions and theories.
Then as part of the project is a conceptual Advertisement for Caterpillar Middle-
Chapter I
What is mass communication?
You can always communicate with other people weather oral words or with your
physics psychology standard and your body language “action, emotion, facial
expressions” So what is difference in the mass communication world?
In mass communication world you are dealing with audience where there is major
difference between communicating with individuals.
Communicating with individuals its like you are riding a horse ”leading horse” by
yourself, where is communicating with audience is like riding a horse with a group
of horses behind you “leading your horse with a group of horses following you”
So when you are controlling one horse its not like you are controlling 50 horses on
the road.
Communication in the media world has a massive propose which is LEADING and
to know how to guide others weather to your ideas, products, concepts or any
3		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
“Mass communication is the study of how people and entities relay information
through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time. It is
usually understood to relate newspaper, magazine, and book publishing, as well as
radio, television and film, even via internet as these mediums are used for
disseminating information, news and advertising. Mass communication differs from
the studies of other forms of communication, such as interpersonal communication
or organizational communication, in that it focuses on a single source transmitting
information to a large number of receivers. The study of mass communication is
chiefly concerned with how the content of mass communication persuades or
otherwise affects the behavior, attitude, opinion, or emotion of the person or people
receiving the information.
In recent decades the number and variety of mass communication theories have
steadily increased. Media theory has emerged as a more or less independent body of
thought in both the social science and humanistic literatures.
Ideas have also been drawn from the humanities, especially from philosophy and
literary analysis. The resulting ferment of ideas is both challenging and heuristic.
These theories provide the raw materials for constructing even more useful and
powerful theoretical perspectives.
In other words mass communication when a source, typically an organization,
employs a technology as a medium to communicate with a large audience
When an organization employs a technology as a medium to communicate with a
large audience, Mass communication is said to have occurred.
The professionals at the New York Times (an organization) use printing presses and
the newspaper (technology and medium) to reach their readers (a large audience).
The writers, producers, filmmakers, and other professionals at the Cartoon Network
use various audio and video technologies satellites, cable television, and home
receivers to communicate with their audience. Warner Brothers places ads in
magazine to tell readers what movies it’s releasing.
But as you no doubt know – and as you’ll be reminded constantly throughout this
text – the mass communication environment is changing quite radically. When you
receive a piece of direct-mail advertising addressed to you by name, and in which
Your name is used throughout; you are an audience of one – not the large audience
envisioned in traditional notions of mass communication. When you sit at your
computer and send e-mail to twenty thousand people who have signed on to a
LISTSERV dedicated to a particular subject, you are obviously communicating
with a large audience but you are not a organization in the sense of a newspaper,
cable television network, or movie studio. The availability of lightweight, portable,
inexpensive video equipment, combined with the development of easy-to-use
Internet video sites like YouTube, makes it possible for an “everyday” person like
you to be a television writer and producer, reaching audiences numbering in the
tens of millions.(Baran & Davis 2012:6-7)” (4)
employed to
manage online
mailing lists,
boards, or
groups that
cover a variety
of subjects
4		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Mass communication is "the process by which a person, group of people, or large
organization creates a message and transmits it through some type of medium to a
large audience. This implies that the audiences of mass communication are mostly
made up of different cultures, behavior and belief systems.
Mass communication is regularly associated with media influence or media effects,
and media studies. Mass communication is a branch of social science that falls under
the larger umbrella of communication studies of communication
The history of communication stretches from prehistoric forms of art and writing
through modern communication methods such as the Internet. Mass
communication began when humans could transmit messages from a single source
to multiple receivers. Mass communication has moved from theories such as the
hypodermic needle model (or magic bullet theory) through more modern theories
such as computer-mediated communication.
In the United States, the study of mass communication is often associated with the
practical applications of journalism (Print media), television and radio broadcasting,
film, public relations, or advertising. With the diversification of media options, the
study of communication has extended to include social media and new media, which
have stronger feedback models than traditional media sources. While the field of
mass communication is continually evolving, the following four fields are generally
considered the major areas of study within mass communication. They exist in
different forms and configurations at different schools or universities, but are (in
some form) practiced at most institutions that study mass communication
Chapter II
What is communication
Human beings have always communicated in some way or another, it took some
time before communication itself was analyzed. In the twentieth century, people
began to study the communication process with intensity. Over time, this study
became known as Communication Theory. Because communication is central to the
human experience, it is the main focus to the study of Communication Theory.
“S. F. Scudder proposed communication theory in the year 1980. It states that all
living beings existing on the planet communicate although the way of	
communication is different.
Plants communicate their need to be taken care of and watered immediately through
visible changes in the colour of the leaves, and the falling of leaves and flowers.
5		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Animals communicate by sounds, several movements to indicate that they are
hungry or unwell or need medical attention.
A mother would never understand that her child is hungry unless and until the child
cries. Crying is again a form through which the child communicates that he is hungry
and needs food. The same applies when he is injured, where he uses crying again as a
tool to communicate his pain and need of urgent medical attention.
Thus the universal law of communication theory says that all living beings whether
they are plants, animals, human beings communicate through sound, speech, visible
changes, body movements, gestures or in the best possible way to make the others
aware of their thoughts, feelings, problems, happiness or any other information.
If a child scores less marks in examinations, parents would not speak to the child for
sometime- again an effort to communicate that the parents are angry over the child’s
performance and he needs to buck up for his further examinations. Try to irritate a
stray dog, he will surely bark on you - again an animal’s way to communicate that he
is angry and should not be irritated further.
Like human beings, animals also communicate among themselves through gestures
and body movements. Monkeys always carry their babies with them wherever they
go, again a way through which the mother tries to communicate that their babies are
safe and the mother is there to take good care of them. During the mating season of
animals, communication through gestures plays a very important role in bringing
them close, the same way a peacock dances to attract its partner.
Another model of communication says that communication is simply the process of
transferring information from the sender to the recipient where the recipient
decodes the information and acts accordingly. Large number of people also supports
this model of communication.”	
Chapter	III	
Bandwagon effect
“The bandwagon effect is a phenomenon whereby the rate of uptake of beliefs,
ideas, fads and trends increases the more that others have already adopted them. In
other words, the bandwagon effect is characterized by the probability of individual
adoption increasing with respect to the proportion that have already done so.	 “	
“Colman, Andrew; 77” (6)	
“DEFINITION of 'Bandwagon Effect'
A psychological phenomenon whereby people do something primarily because other
people are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, which they may ignore or
6		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
The bandwagon effect has wide implications, but is commonly seen in politics and
consumer behavior. This phenomenon can also be seen during bull markets and the
growth of asset bubbles.
This tendency of people to align their beliefs and behaviors with those of a group is
also called "herd mentality.” (7)
A company releases a new product and shows adverts with a big group of people
having a good time using the product.
A political party holds a rousing rally, with music, speeches and much cheering.
Those who go are encouraged to 'keep the faith' and 'bring others on board' and
otherwise keep the bandwagon going.
Another example from our daily life, if somebody was just finishing a cigarette and
saw another person who is smoking one he will smoke again not because his body
needs nicotine from bad behavior because he just saw another one is smoking.
“Media writing as mass
Communication theories
have implications of you
as a media writer because
they attempt to explain
what people pay attention
to and why, and how
messages become lost or
distorted communicators’
best efforts.”	 (Whitaker,
Ramsey, & Smith;02) (8)
“A	range	of	media,from	the	news	and	talk	shows	to	TV	dramas,	have	since	
September	11	engaged	in	debates	on	which	measures	were	appropriate	or	
justifiable	in	securing	the	nation-from	racial	profiling	at	airports	to	wiretapping	
telephones	to	indefinitely	detaining	or	deporting	Arab	or	Muslim	men”	
(Alsultany;15) (9)
7		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Chapter	IV	
The psychology of media
Media psychology
is the branch of psychology that focuses on the relationships between human
behavior and the media. This branch is a relatively new field of study because of
advancement in technology. It uses various methods of critical analysis and
investigation to develop a working model of a user's perception on media experience.
These methods are used for society as a whole and on an individual basis. Media
psychologists are able to perform activities that include consulting, design, and
production in various media like television, video games, films, and news
The audience in media
“mcQuail (1997) identified a number of different ways in which the audience has
been conceptualised in media and communication research. An important
distinction concerns the source of the audience, depending on whether the audience
is believed to exist before the medium, or whether the medium creates the audience.
In the first instance, the audience is conceived as a pre-established social group –for
example, the population of an entire country –that is reconceptualised as an
audience for the purposes of entire country-that is reconceptualised as an audience
for the purposes of media research, such a perspective is adopted when we make the
distinction between the general public and media figures (important for audience
participation media, Alternatively, the audience may be thought of as a ‘’gratification
set ‘’ for whom media serve to satisfy fundamental human requirements. In this case,
the audience is still viewed as a social group whose existence precedes the medium;
this functional approach to media works on the assumption that if the needs of the
group are not met by the medium, then the medium will fail to become established”
(Giles; 186) (10)
“Perhaps	the	greatest	difference	between	the	traditional	mass	communications	
paradigm	and	television	studies	is	the	reflexive	turn	in	which	scholarships	takes	
account	of	its	own	role	in	relation	to	the	object	and	the	people	who	watch	TV”	
(Gray	&	Lotz;17)	(11)
8		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Chapter	V	
Caterpillar Advertisement
Advertisement type:
Cartoon Animation
Advertisement concept:
In my project I liked to create a video Ad that is matching with my project title
concept “The Wall Rhapsody” and the communication theory that I have choose to
talk about 'Bandwagon Effect'.
I will take about the blindness in the people who is just follow others with closed eyes
without even think about the subject who are just following and then the people
discover that they were cheated by their stupidity or their curiosity, the propose of
this Ad that you can think before follow you can discover thinks that you couldn’t
imagine its existence.
This Ad it’s about an imaged faked planet, with two groups of people are lived in
completely separated and isolated from each others so none of this group is aware of
the other group because this planet is controlled by a massive power which is media
to control the people minds and let them follow the orders without arguing or
thinking, until they discover that there is something distracting their attention and
there is something more than what they were watching and they have to find
something “which is Caterpillar truck” to break the wall the is separating the two
group from each other
9		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Advertisement storyboard:
First Seen:
On imagined planet
animated cartoon Kids
are playing normally
people are living a
normal life “the seen
must be drawn with
colors then it should be
as animation video”
Second Seen:
A bigger view of the
imagined planet; where
there are two groups of
people living in the same planet with big wall separating between them
and isolate each group of people from the other “ here each group are
living by itself without any knowledge that there is another group on the
10		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
same planet because of the WALL”.
Third seen:
A bigger shot on
the planet with the
wall and a huge
screen hanging on
the wall from the
both sides, the
screen is turned
on and its showing
something to
audience and the
people left
everything thy
were doing to
watch what’s there
on the screen
Fourth seen:
On the screen
there is an
arrows moving
one time to the
left and another
to the right.
11		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Fifth seen:
People on the planet
are amazed by the
vision action on the
They are shocked
from what they are
watching, their
mind is start to be
controlled, they are
following each
other they are
repeating their
Sixth seen:
A big arrow
“full screen”
heading to
the right
12		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Seventh seen:
All the people who are
watching the screen
moved to the right,
follow the arrow and
follow each other
without acknowledge
of the propose of the
Eighth seen:
A big arrow “full
screen” heading
to the left
13		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Ninth seen:
All the people
who are
watching the
screen moved
to the left,
follow the
arrow and
follow each
other without
of the propose
of the arrow.
P.S the
forth, fifth,
eighth, ninth
is repeating
on the both
sides of the
planet , its
for the two
groups of
14		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Tenth seen:
On the screen
there is something
moving! It’s
claiming the
screen, the screen
that is hanging on
the wall, it’s a
Caterpillar s
Eleventh seen:
The Caterpillar still claiming the wall , its on the top of it , a part from it
can be seen the other part is in the other side of the wall
15		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Twelfth seen:
Where is the
It’s gone on the other
side of the wall!
There is other side of
the wall; there is
something behind it.
What is that?
Thirteenth seen:
After discovering that there is an other side of the wall, the people where the saw the
Caterpillar are thinking what is behind the wall, what is this could be, so they want to
break the wall to see clearly to know what story behind it,
The group start build a huge machine to break the wall and call it Caterpillar after
the Caterpillar that they saw, which made them think that we should break the wall
and see further!
16		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
Final seen:
After making a Caterpillar machine to break the wall, the group start
breaking they break the screen and the wall!
But what a surprise there is another group on the other side of the wall!
The two groups see each other for the first time. they are shocked.
17		“The	Wall	Rhapsody”	By	Sirin	Al	Masri-	Media	Impact	Project.	
You should communicate and think don’t just follow, you should have
the courage to know more, don’t be blind see better, don’t be another
brick in the wall.
Works	Cited:		
- 1
- 1
- 2 Sheila Whiteley :
- 3
- 3
- 4 Stanley J. baran & Dennis K. Davis “Mass Communication Theory
Foundation, Ferment, and Future” WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning, 2012.
- 5
- 6	Colman, Andrew (2003). Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. New York:
Oxford University Press. p. 77.
- 7
- 8		W. Richard Whitaker, Janet E. Ramdey, and Ronald D.Smit, (2012)
Media Writing print, broadcast, and public relations. Routledge 711 Third
Avenue, New York.p.02
- 9 Evelyn Alsultany(2012), Arabs and Muslims in the media race and
representation after 9/11, New York university press New York and
- 10	David Giles (2009)	Media Psychology. Routledge 270 Madison, New
York p. 186
- 11	Jonathan Gray & Amanda D. Lots(2012), Television Studies, Polity
Press,UK .p.11.

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A Review Of Media Effect Theories And Their Extension To Digital Media

The Wall Rhapsody - CUD

  • 1. 1 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. The Wall Rhapsody Sirin Al Masri Introduction As I don’t want to call my project a research because yet I don’t call myself a researcher, it would be enough for me to call it small project to a future researcher. “The wall rhapsody” As I would like to call my project “I named it after two of my favorite songs which are sort of media who influenced me” (Another brick the wall, is the title of three songs set to variations of the same basic theme subtitled Part 1 (working title "Reminiscing"), Part 2 (working title "Education"), and Part 3 (working title "Drugs", on Pink Floyd's 1979 rock opera, The Wall) (1) Pink Floyd's the Wall is one of the most intriguing and imaginative albums in the history of rock music. Since the studio album's release in 1979, the tour of 1980-81, and the subsequent movie of 1982, the Wall has become synonymous with, if not the very definition of, the term "concept album." Aurally explosive on record, astoundingly complex on stage, and visually explosive on the screen, the Wall traces the life of the fictional protagonist, Pink Floyd, from his boyhood days in post- World-War-II England to his self-imposed isolation as a world- renowned rock star, leading to a climax that is as cathartic as it is destructive. And (Bohemian Rhapsody is a song by the British rock band Queen band's 1975 studio album A Night at the Opera) Freddie Mercury wrote "Bohemian Rhapsody" at his home in London. Related how Mercury once played the opening ballad section on the piano for him: "He played the beginning on the piano, then stopped and said, 'and this is where the opera section comes in!' Then we went out to eat dinner. Music scholar Sheila Whiteley(2) suggests "the title draws strongly on contemporary rock ideology, the individualism of the bohemian artists' world, with rhapsody affirming the romantic ideals of art rock". (3) Bohemian Rhapsody was greeted like a miracle from heaven in the largely barren musical ground of the mid-Seventies. At the time it was produced like most expensive single at that time.
  • 2. 2 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. The wall rhapsody is divided in chapters I will talk about the communication and communication theory then Bandwagon Effect, the psychology of media audience, analyzing the difference, I will try my best to collect enough definition, articles, opinions and theories. Then as part of the project is a conceptual Advertisement for Caterpillar Middle- East. Chapter I What is mass communication? You can always communicate with other people weather oral words or with your physics psychology standard and your body language “action, emotion, facial expressions” So what is difference in the mass communication world? In mass communication world you are dealing with audience where there is major difference between communicating with individuals. Communicating with individuals its like you are riding a horse ”leading horse” by yourself, where is communicating with audience is like riding a horse with a group of horses behind you “leading your horse with a group of horses following you” So when you are controlling one horse its not like you are controlling 50 horses on the road. Communication in the media world has a massive propose which is LEADING and to know how to guide others weather to your ideas, products, concepts or any project.
  • 3. 3 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. “Mass communication is the study of how people and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time. It is usually understood to relate newspaper, magazine, and book publishing, as well as radio, television and film, even via internet as these mediums are used for disseminating information, news and advertising. Mass communication differs from the studies of other forms of communication, such as interpersonal communication or organizational communication, in that it focuses on a single source transmitting information to a large number of receivers. The study of mass communication is chiefly concerned with how the content of mass communication persuades or otherwise affects the behavior, attitude, opinion, or emotion of the person or people receiving the information. In recent decades the number and variety of mass communication theories have steadily increased. Media theory has emerged as a more or less independent body of thought in both the social science and humanistic literatures. Ideas have also been drawn from the humanities, especially from philosophy and literary analysis. The resulting ferment of ideas is both challenging and heuristic. These theories provide the raw materials for constructing even more useful and powerful theoretical perspectives. In other words mass communication when a source, typically an organization, employs a technology as a medium to communicate with a large audience When an organization employs a technology as a medium to communicate with a large audience, Mass communication is said to have occurred. The professionals at the New York Times (an organization) use printing presses and the newspaper (technology and medium) to reach their readers (a large audience). The writers, producers, filmmakers, and other professionals at the Cartoon Network use various audio and video technologies satellites, cable television, and home receivers to communicate with their audience. Warner Brothers places ads in magazine to tell readers what movies it’s releasing. But as you no doubt know – and as you’ll be reminded constantly throughout this text – the mass communication environment is changing quite radically. When you receive a piece of direct-mail advertising addressed to you by name, and in which Your name is used throughout; you are an audience of one – not the large audience envisioned in traditional notions of mass communication. When you sit at your computer and send e-mail to twenty thousand people who have signed on to a LISTSERV dedicated to a particular subject, you are obviously communicating with a large audience but you are not a organization in the sense of a newspaper, cable television network, or movie studio. The availability of lightweight, portable, inexpensive video equipment, combined with the development of easy-to-use Internet video sites like YouTube, makes it possible for an “everyday” person like you to be a television writer and producer, reaching audiences numbering in the tens of millions.(Baran & Davis 2012:6-7)” (4) Listserv Software employed to manage online mailing lists, bulletin boards, or discussion groups that cover a variety of subjects
  • 4. 4 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Mass communication is "the process by which a person, group of people, or large organization creates a message and transmits it through some type of medium to a large audience. This implies that the audiences of mass communication are mostly made up of different cultures, behavior and belief systems. Mass communication is regularly associated with media influence or media effects, and media studies. Mass communication is a branch of social science that falls under the larger umbrella of communication studies of communication The history of communication stretches from prehistoric forms of art and writing through modern communication methods such as the Internet. Mass communication began when humans could transmit messages from a single source to multiple receivers. Mass communication has moved from theories such as the hypodermic needle model (or magic bullet theory) through more modern theories such as computer-mediated communication. In the United States, the study of mass communication is often associated with the practical applications of journalism (Print media), television and radio broadcasting, film, public relations, or advertising. With the diversification of media options, the study of communication has extended to include social media and new media, which have stronger feedback models than traditional media sources. While the field of mass communication is continually evolving, the following four fields are generally considered the major areas of study within mass communication. They exist in different forms and configurations at different schools or universities, but are (in some form) practiced at most institutions that study mass communication Chapter II What is communication Theory? Human beings have always communicated in some way or another, it took some time before communication itself was analyzed. In the twentieth century, people began to study the communication process with intensity. Over time, this study became known as Communication Theory. Because communication is central to the human experience, it is the main focus to the study of Communication Theory. “S. F. Scudder proposed communication theory in the year 1980. It states that all living beings existing on the planet communicate although the way of communication is different. Plants communicate their need to be taken care of and watered immediately through visible changes in the colour of the leaves, and the falling of leaves and flowers.
  • 5. 5 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Animals communicate by sounds, several movements to indicate that they are hungry or unwell or need medical attention. A mother would never understand that her child is hungry unless and until the child cries. Crying is again a form through which the child communicates that he is hungry and needs food. The same applies when he is injured, where he uses crying again as a tool to communicate his pain and need of urgent medical attention. Thus the universal law of communication theory says that all living beings whether they are plants, animals, human beings communicate through sound, speech, visible changes, body movements, gestures or in the best possible way to make the others aware of their thoughts, feelings, problems, happiness or any other information. If a child scores less marks in examinations, parents would not speak to the child for sometime- again an effort to communicate that the parents are angry over the child’s performance and he needs to buck up for his further examinations. Try to irritate a stray dog, he will surely bark on you - again an animal’s way to communicate that he is angry and should not be irritated further. Like human beings, animals also communicate among themselves through gestures and body movements. Monkeys always carry their babies with them wherever they go, again a way through which the mother tries to communicate that their babies are safe and the mother is there to take good care of them. During the mating season of animals, communication through gestures plays a very important role in bringing them close, the same way a peacock dances to attract its partner. Another model of communication says that communication is simply the process of transferring information from the sender to the recipient where the recipient decodes the information and acts accordingly. Large number of people also supports this model of communication.” (5) Chapter III Bandwagon effect “The bandwagon effect is a phenomenon whereby the rate of uptake of beliefs, ideas, fads and trends increases the more that others have already adopted them. In other words, the bandwagon effect is characterized by the probability of individual adoption increasing with respect to the proportion that have already done so. “ “Colman, Andrew; 77” (6) “DEFINITION of 'Bandwagon Effect' A psychological phenomenon whereby people do something primarily because other people are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, which they may ignore or override.
  • 6. 6 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. The bandwagon effect has wide implications, but is commonly seen in politics and consumer behavior. This phenomenon can also be seen during bull markets and the growth of asset bubbles. This tendency of people to align their beliefs and behaviors with those of a group is also called "herd mentality.” (7) Example A company releases a new product and shows adverts with a big group of people having a good time using the product. A political party holds a rousing rally, with music, speeches and much cheering. Those who go are encouraged to 'keep the faith' and 'bring others on board' and otherwise keep the bandwagon going. Another example from our daily life, if somebody was just finishing a cigarette and saw another person who is smoking one he will smoke again not because his body needs nicotine from bad behavior because he just saw another one is smoking. “Media writing as mass communication Communication theories have implications of you as a media writer because they attempt to explain what people pay attention to and why, and how messages become lost or distorted communicators’ best efforts.” (Whitaker, Ramsey, & Smith;02) (8) “A range of media,from the news and talk shows to TV dramas, have since September 11 engaged in debates on which measures were appropriate or justifiable in securing the nation-from racial profiling at airports to wiretapping telephones to indefinitely detaining or deporting Arab or Muslim men” (Alsultany;15) (9)
  • 7. 7 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Chapter IV The psychology of media audience Media psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on the relationships between human behavior and the media. This branch is a relatively new field of study because of advancement in technology. It uses various methods of critical analysis and investigation to develop a working model of a user's perception on media experience. These methods are used for society as a whole and on an individual basis. Media psychologists are able to perform activities that include consulting, design, and production in various media like television, video games, films, and news broadcasting. The audience in media “mcQuail (1997) identified a number of different ways in which the audience has been conceptualised in media and communication research. An important distinction concerns the source of the audience, depending on whether the audience is believed to exist before the medium, or whether the medium creates the audience. In the first instance, the audience is conceived as a pre-established social group –for example, the population of an entire country –that is reconceptualised as an audience for the purposes of entire country-that is reconceptualised as an audience for the purposes of media research, such a perspective is adopted when we make the distinction between the general public and media figures (important for audience participation media, Alternatively, the audience may be thought of as a ‘’gratification set ‘’ for whom media serve to satisfy fundamental human requirements. In this case, the audience is still viewed as a social group whose existence precedes the medium; this functional approach to media works on the assumption that if the needs of the group are not met by the medium, then the medium will fail to become established” (Giles; 186) (10) “Perhaps the greatest difference between the traditional mass communications paradigm and television studies is the reflexive turn in which scholarships takes account of its own role in relation to the object and the people who watch TV” (Gray & Lotz;17) (11)
  • 8. 8 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Chapter V Caterpillar Advertisement Advertisement type: Cartoon Animation video Advertisement concept: In my project I liked to create a video Ad that is matching with my project title concept “The Wall Rhapsody” and the communication theory that I have choose to talk about 'Bandwagon Effect'. I will take about the blindness in the people who is just follow others with closed eyes without even think about the subject who are just following and then the people discover that they were cheated by their stupidity or their curiosity, the propose of this Ad that you can think before follow you can discover thinks that you couldn’t imagine its existence. This Ad it’s about an imaged faked planet, with two groups of people are lived in completely separated and isolated from each others so none of this group is aware of the other group because this planet is controlled by a massive power which is media to control the people minds and let them follow the orders without arguing or thinking, until they discover that there is something distracting their attention and there is something more than what they were watching and they have to find something “which is Caterpillar truck” to break the wall the is separating the two group from each other
  • 9. 9 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Advertisement storyboard: First Seen: On imagined planet animated cartoon Kids are playing normally people are living a normal life “the seen must be drawn with colors then it should be as animation video” Second Seen: A bigger view of the imagined planet; where there are two groups of people living in the same planet with big wall separating between them and isolate each group of people from the other “ here each group are living by itself without any knowledge that there is another group on the
  • 10. 10 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. same planet because of the WALL”. Third seen: A bigger shot on the planet with the wall and a huge screen hanging on the wall from the both sides, the screen is turned on and its showing something to audience and the people left everything thy were doing to watch what’s there on the screen Fourth seen: On the screen there is an arrows moving one time to the left and another to the right.
  • 11. 11 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Fifth seen: People on the planet are amazed by the vision action on the screen. They are shocked from what they are watching, their mind is start to be controlled, they are following each other they are repeating their action. Sixth seen: A big arrow “full screen” heading to the right
  • 12. 12 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Seventh seen: All the people who are watching the screen moved to the right, follow the arrow and follow each other without acknowledge of the propose of the arrow. Eighth seen: A big arrow “full screen” heading to the left
  • 13. 13 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Ninth seen: All the people who are watching the screen moved to the left, follow the arrow and follow each other without acknowledge of the propose of the arrow. P.S the forth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth is repeating on the both sides of the planet , its for the two groups of people.
  • 14. 14 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Tenth seen: On the screen there is something moving! It’s claiming the screen, the screen that is hanging on the wall, it’s a Caterpillar s Eleventh seen: The Caterpillar still claiming the wall , its on the top of it , a part from it can be seen the other part is in the other side of the wall
  • 15. 15 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Twelfth seen: Where is the Caterpillar? It’s gone on the other side of the wall! There is other side of the wall; there is something behind it. What is that? Thirteenth seen: After discovering that there is an other side of the wall, the people where the saw the Caterpillar are thinking what is behind the wall, what is this could be, so they want to break the wall to see clearly to know what story behind it, The group start build a huge machine to break the wall and call it Caterpillar after the Caterpillar that they saw, which made them think that we should break the wall and see further!
  • 16. 16 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Final seen: After making a Caterpillar machine to break the wall, the group start breaking they break the screen and the wall! But what a surprise there is another group on the other side of the wall! The two groups see each other for the first time. they are shocked.
  • 17. 17 “The Wall Rhapsody” By Sirin Al Masri- Media Impact Project. Concussion: You should communicate and think don’t just follow, you should have the courage to know more, don’t be blind see better, don’t be another brick in the wall. Works Cited: - 1 - 1 - 2 Sheila Whiteley : - 3 - 3 - 4 Stanley J. baran & Dennis K. Davis “Mass Communication Theory Foundation, Ferment, and Future” WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning, 2012. - 5 - 6 Colman, Andrew (2003). Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 77. - 7 - 8 W. Richard Whitaker, Janet E. Ramdey, and Ronald D.Smit, (2012) Media Writing print, broadcast, and public relations. Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York.p.02 - 9 Evelyn Alsultany(2012), Arabs and Muslims in the media race and representation after 9/11, New York university press New York and London.p.15. - 10 David Giles (2009) Media Psychology. Routledge 270 Madison, New York p. 186 - 11 Jonathan Gray & Amanda D. Lots(2012), Television Studies, Polity Press,UK .p.11.