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The Unicode Standard
The latest version of Unicode Standard has been released and includes 72 new emojis. Prose
challenged "texters" can now use the "shrug", "facepalm", "fingers crossed" and other symbols in
order to say what's on their mind without actually saying anything. While most of these additions
seem rather innocent, one emoji trend seems to resemble a drooling face high on marijuana. EMOJI
TREND IS NOT GOING AWAY ANYTIME SOON For those hoping the emoji fad would die
quickly, think again. Version 9.0 of the Unicode Standard includes 72 new faces, hand jesters,
animals, gender pairings, food, sports, drinks and more. Faces, of course, are the most popular
category and now, users can say so much with so little. No longer will a simple smile dictate how
happy one is. There are different levels of smiling now. Don't dare put an average smile after hearing
some good news or that may come across as an insult. There is a wide range of emojis available to
suit every response, so use them correctly. Not feeling well? Go with the green face emoji. Feeling
goofy? Then go for the clown face. What if you're pregnant? There's even a face for that, so go wild.
MARIJUANAADDICT EMOJI IS A WEIRD TREND Sure, clowns, pregnant woman, and
Pinocchio faces all make for some weird emojis but one particular trend is causing some ... Show
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Emojis can be interpersonal danger zones. There is no written book on what the symbols mean.
Sure, you may think a smiley face means a smile but did you take sarcasm into play there? When it
comes to this kind of communication, there's too much room for messages to get lost in translation.
With the invention of texting, communication has changed. It's much more difficult to express how
one actually feels through text and now, emojis make it even worse. Emojis are even seen in politics
and journalism these days. It's just a matter of time before they consume us
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Marc Ching Research Paper
Many, scratch that probably all except a handful of people claim Marc Ching is a hero. Wildlife
Planet believes otherwise and now we are calling on California or the federal government to arrest
arrested and charge hiw with . Marc Ching should also be charged with premeditated felony animal
abuse and/or as an accomplice in the torturing, injuring and death of an unknown number of dogs in
China. Federal authorities should immediately revoke his passport due to the fact that his trips
abroad have led to animal abuse that he himself has initiated. I have devoted countless hours
investigating this fraud and it's amazing to me that so many failed to see what was staring them in
their faces. Marc Ching came on the scene by his own admission on Sept 1st, 2015. He claims to
have known very little about the dog meat trade but was so ... Show more content on ...
His "conscious decisions" statement actually triggered why we are calling for his arrest. Marc Ching
made the conscious decision to enter these slaughterhouses and pretend to be either a buyer or a
representative of an American buyer who wanted to purchase dog meat. When the butcher offered to
show marc Ching how this slaughter house tortures their animals he readily agreed. So Marc Ching
knowing that if he agreed an animal or animals would be tortured on his say so... and Marc Ching
enthusiastically said YES! So while Marc Ching cries 'oh the horror I have seen, legs sawed off,
Dogs boiled alive, Dogs hung and sometimes even worse" it was all done on his say so, because he
needed his film to make him a star. Now the sheep that follow him will of course say BAAAAACK
Up... He did it to expose the treatment and show the world what was going on... and Wildlife Planet
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Example Of Emoji
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – The Oxford English Dictionary declared an emoji its 2015 word of the
year. This was puzzling for many. The emoji it singled out – an image of a laughing yellow face
crying tears of joy – didn't fit most people's definition of a word.
Language experts around the world, on the other hand, weren't shocked. Most linguists agree that a
word is a unit that is meaningful; emoji fits that definition. Plus, the choice recognizes how the
yellow smiley faces and other colorful emojis representing food, animals and hand gestures affect
the way people talk online.
Bangor University linguistics professor Vyv Evans conducted a 2015 study. Evans found that 80
percent of smartphone users in Britain use emojis. Almost all smartphone ... Show more content on ...
Type ":–)" into your iPhone or Android phone, and the symbols automatically turn into a yellow
smiley face. Thanks to Unicode, emojis became accessible and easy to use.
Linguist Neil Cohn researches how humans are programmed to use visual communication. In other
words, people prefer drawing to convey their point. It's no wonder communicating digitally with
emojis is a no–brainer.
Language experts note that emojis also help people online say what they mean. When they write
"What the heck?", for example, they can include a laughing emoji or an angry–faced emoji. That
detail communicates whether a person is amused or mad.
Things that are quickly adopted are likely to quickly disappear. Emojis fit so seamlessly into the
way we communicate that linguists believe they are here to stay.
Anyone Can Suggest An Emoji
The Unicode Consortium is made up of the major software developing stakeholders such as Apple,
Facebook, and Google. Anyone can submit a emoji request for free. It can take Unicode's technical
committee up to two years to accept a new emoji. About 100 proposals are received a year, and
approval rates vary from year to
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Nt1330 Unit 1 Assignment Of Character Data
Character Data is how users translate words and phrases into a language computers understand and
communicate back to said users in a universal presentation. Character data is made up of two things,
characters and strings. First, alphabetic letters, numbers, and symbols are setup and defined in a
specific way that the CPU can understand. All twenty six letters of the English alphabet are used,
but only in an uppercase presentation. Basic numbers ranging from zero to nine are defined and
used. From using just these ten numbers, we can create any other number the system may need to
represent. These letters, numbers, and symbols individually are called characters. Any grouping of
characters is called a string.
Character data uses a predetermined ... Show more content on ...
The book states that there are three rules that coding methods should adhere to. When it comes to
coding and decoding, a coding method needs to be followed by everyone properly. Users must be
able to store, send, and retrieve code using the coding method. The coding method must be able to
follow the goals of computer data representation which are compactness and range, accuracy, ease
of manipulation, and standardization.
From the textbook, we are shown five examples of coding methods, with three explained in deeper
detail. They are the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC), the American
Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), Unicode, International Alphabet 5 (IA5), and
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Each of these coding methods are different,
but do have some similarities. ASCII was the standard coding method used due to vendors using it
as the bases for their devices for so many years. Unicode is special due to being made as the
multilingual coding method. It borrows from other coding methods to generate a code that can be
deciphered by most major technology based regions around the world. It uses ASCII as part of its
bases, which allows user to translate ASCII based programing code into
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Thesis On Headscarf
When Rayouf Alhumedhi and her friends chat together on the messaging app WhatsApp, they don't
use names to identify themselves. Instead, they use emojis. But Rayouf, who wears a headscarf,
couldn't find one that looked like her.
"My friends, who don't wear the headscarf, they found something," Rayouf says. "For me? I had to
opt to not use an image of a woman wearing a headscarf. Because there isn't one."
The 15–year–old high school student decided to change that.
Rayouf was born in Saudi Arabia and currently lives in Berlin, Germany. She wrote a proposal to
create a hijab emoji. Hijab is another word for headscarf. Many Muslim women wear such scarves
every day for religious reasons. For many Muslims, it is not proper for a women's hair to ... Show
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She wrote to Apple asking for a headscarf emoji, but she never heard back from the company. Then,
on the app Snapchat, she watched a video about how to propose a new emoji. The video explained
that anyone can ask Unicode for a new emoji, and gave directions on how to get started.
Rayouf sent two paragraphs describing her idea to Unicode. Her proposal was much shorter than
typical emoji requests, which can include pages and pages of details and designs. Still, she heard
back from a member of Unicode, who offered to help her shape up her idea for formal consideration.
An artist created the headscarf emoji design for her.
Rayouf's proposal would create a headscarf emoji that could be used with the many human emojis
that already exist. It works kinds of like putting an outfit on a paper doll. The proposal is supposed
to be formally reviewed by Unicode in November. If it is approved, the new emoji could be
announced as soon as mid–2017.
Emoji Would Not Just Be For
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A Look Now At China
Look now at China. The earliest inscriptions we have unearthed are dated at 1400 B.C., and the use
of these inscriptions was, once again, for religious use. As in other cultures, this required a
"magician", or a priest. The priest would heat an ox scapula or a tortoise shell until it cracks, and
would then attempt to read the cracks in order to answer a question. This reading often involved the
priest carving the "answers" into the bone under the guise of creating clarity (Lyons, 18). However
fraudulent their practices were, these priests had a huge influence on Chinese writing. The questions
the priest's client had would be written from top to bottom on the bone, and this is still the
traditional direction of Chinese script. In ... Show more content on ...
One con of using silk was its expense. Throughout the early world and the Middle Ages, silk was a
very time consuming product to produce. As a result, it could be sold for a higher cost, and the
method of producing it was, like the secret of producing papyrus, jealously guarded by the silk
growers. Another consequence of silk's value was that when scribes wanted to write important texts,
they would often need to write a rough draft on a jiandu strip before copying the perfected version
onto the silk. In about 104 A.D., a eunuch of the Chinese imperial court, named Cai Lun, changed
the course of writing's history by making the first sheet of paper (The Invention of Paper). To do
this, he mixed bamboo fibers and the inner bark of a mulberry tree with water, and then dried the
pulp on a cloth screen. With paper, writing became easier, more transportable, and, in general, less
expensive. Eventually, the technique for making paper spread to Korea, and from there some monks
took the process to Japan. Paper spread to Africa and Europe through the Arabs, who went on raids
in China and captured many Chinese soldiers and craftsmen. Before this happened, however, the
Greeks and Romans had to be crafty in finding new writing resources. The Romans, though they
couldn't make their own paper yet, had animal skins. Through this, they discovered that animal skins
could be stretched, cleaned, and bleached to create what was known
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Supervisor Business System Analyst
This third party implementation started December 7th with the anticipation to go life within the
same month based on the External Communication Plan (Appendix A) with Viewpost facilitator
Kristin Flentke, Information Technology Representative, James Collins, and Director Net Revenue
& Analyst, Andrew Whitlock. Accounts Payable team joined soon after, starting with Manager of
Accounts Payable, Kay Hamilton, Supervisor of Accounts Payable, Gregory Bush, follow by
Supervisor Business System Analyst, Allison Baschnagel and her team, Karla Smith, and Megan
Wilson, who are both Business System Analyst. Vendors Services Team was the last to join that
included Eiden Hughes and I, to contribute with onboarding vendors. In order to communicate
effectively ... Show more content on ...
A challenge accorded during one of our weekly meetings. James, our IT representative brought up a
major concern. There was a system error that needed to be fixed before Go Live date. The file
exchange from Century to ViewPost, and ViewPost to Centura was pulling incorrectly, more
specifically on our end. The issue began when the file was extracted from our database and ready to
be sent out as a CVS file to Viewpost. The different fields within a vendor's file were being pulling
incorrectly. For example, think about it as a gallon of milk in a refrigerator. Before you gab the
gallon of milk it was in the second compartment from the top, of the right door of the refrigerator.
You take it out and when some else puts back in, it has the option to go anywhere in the refrigerator.
The likelihood of retuning to it's original spot is unlikely and if I am in a hurry and need to serve
myself a glass of milk before missing the bus it would be ideal to have it where I last pulled it from.
Similarly, when the data, it is ideal to keep the information in their rightful category, but the way it
was being placed after was not consistent. James didn't have an anticipated data on how or when the
issue was going tp get resolve so we were left with a new Go Life date to be announce. This issue
did get resolve before the end of the week so our Go
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Essay On Object Oriented Approach
OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Introduction to object– oriented approach Basic concepts of
object–oriented programming Benefits of OOP Applications of OOP How java differs from C and
C++ Java character set Keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, separators INTRODUCTION
Object–oriented approach was developed in late 1950's in MIT to overcome the drawbacks of
procedural– oriented approach. Ii is commonly known as OOPS. Now, it has become most preferred
programming approach by software engineers to solve real world complex problems. The traditional
procedural languages solve problems in terms of the structure of the computer i.e. memory bits and
bytes, array, decision, loop rather than thinking in terms of the problem which is to be solved. Some
of the noticeable drawbacks of traditional procedural–oriented programming languages such as C,
Fortran, Cobol and Pascal are: Procedural–oriented programs are designed by functions which are
less reusable and not well encapsulated. Global variables and other functions are also need to be
referenced while using same function for other program. This makes reusability of functions very
difficult in procedural– oriented programming. Procedural languages are not suitable of high–level
abstraction for solving real life problems. Traditional procedural–languages separate the data
structures and algorithms of the software entities. To overcome these problems
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Sample Resume : ' Void Lineh '
// REQUIRED HEADER FILES #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<fstream.h>
#include<graphics.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<dos.h> #include<process.h>
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> // PUBLIC FUNCTION TO DRAW A
HORIZONTAL LINE(x1,x2,y) void lineh(int row1,int row2,int column,char c) {
for(row1;row1<=row2;row1++) { gotoxy(row1,column); cout<<c; } } // PUBLIC FUNCTION TO
DRAW A VERTICAL LINE (y1,y2,x) void linev(int column1,int column2,int row,char c) {
for(column1;column1<=column2;column1++) { gotoxy(row,column1); cout<<c; } } //
name[20],sex[2],des[20],from[20],age[4],sstatus[2]; int passno; }; // CLASS TO CONTROL ALL
THE FUNCTIONS RELATED TO SHIP RESERVATION class airways { private: sahara s; void
help(); void getdata(int); void add(); void list(); void pinfo(); void cancel(); void mod(); char
select(); public: void opening(); }; //FUNCTION NAME : OPENING //DESCRIPTION : This
function opens up the MAIN MENU and calls other related functions. void airways::opening() { int
gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"tcbgi"); setcolor(WHITE);
settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT,CENTER_TEXT);
setlinestyle(1,1,3); outtextxy(320,75,"A I R W A Y S"); outtextxy(320,175,"R E S E R V A T I O
N"); outtextxy(320,275,"S Y S T E M");
... Get more on ...
When I Came To America Essay
Wang Si Yu is my foreign exchange student who has lived with me for the past year. Her name, Si
Yu, means rain and was chosen for her because her parents thought it sounded beautiful. However, I
know her as Ella. When she came to America to complete her junior and senior years of high school
she chose an english name. We went through a complex naming process but she finally decided on
Ella because that was the easiest for her to pronounce. Ella is from North East China, a province
called Harbin. Harbin's seasons are a lot like ours in the Quad Cities except that the winter months
are significantly colder. Harbin is often called ice city because in winter they have entire buildings
made of ice. So naturally, Ella loves snow. In China, Ella is ... Show more content on ...
Their Saturdays are often filled with studying and Sundays are usually devoted to studying, sports,
and for some families, church. For the adults, fathers spend most of their time working and mothers
spend their time working, cooking, or teaching their children when they are home from school.
According to Ella, both friends and family are very important and equally valued in her culture.
Along with friends and family, the Chinese also value their hobbies, money, and being unique. Food
is another part of their culture that is very important. In America we often eat food in a rush, on the
go, or not even at a table. But in China they take their time eating, follow a slow process eating
course by course, and do it all together as a family and even with friends. History is also very
important to the Chinese culture. With such a rich and long history of their country, students spend
much time learning about China's past and they even learn the old Chinese language. The main
purpose in the lives of Chinese people is to have children, grow their family, and leave a legacy. In
China things like school, family, friends, and their history are just a few things that their culture
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Similarities Between Emoticons And Emojis
Emojis, A History
Emojis – the little picture messages that have worked their way into our devices, hearts, and to some
extent, our speech! Where did they come from? Furthermore, how did they take over? For that
matter, what even constitutes an emoji? Relatively few of us take the time consider these questions,
despite their central, all encompassing role in our daily lives. The answers, as will soon be
discovered, are rich and fascinating!
A tiny misnomer that needs to be clarified, before we go down the emoji rabbit hole, is that emojis
are not emoticons. These two terms are often interchangeably used, but they are in fact quite
Emoticons VS Emojis
The distinction between emoticons and emojis is actually fairly simple to ... Show more content on ...
Regardless of the fact that he invented the former, he believes that the latter lacks the same
imagination that spurred interesting emoticons. Furthermore, he briefly noted in Smiley Lore how
it's "interesting to note that Microsoft and AOL now intercept these character strings and turn them
into little pictures. Personally, I think this destroys the whimsical element of the original."
The Father of Emoji: Shigetaka Kurita
About a decade after the birth of the emoticon, the first iteration of the emoji was created in Tokyo.
Pagers were booming in popularity amongst the youth in Japan, and the mobile device company
NTT Docomo decided to add a heart symbol to their Pocket Bell device. This allowed people to
send a cute picture message to their friends. Pocket Bell users loved this feature. However, when
NTT Docomo decided to market their devices to a more business–friendly market, they abandoned
their heart emoji precursor. To say that the users were upset is an understatement. Imagine if Apple
took a feature away from the iPhone, and you hated the move so much that you actually switched
phones. (We lose features all the time, but we don't all feel as strongly about it). Users actually
started to leave NTT Docomo pagers, in favor of competitors that had adopted the heart symbol.
Enter Shigetaka Kurita – a man working on a revolutionary project at NTT Docomo known as i–
mode. This mobile platform would prove to be nearly a decade ahead
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Notes On Codes And Codes
//********************************************************************** //
#include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<graphics.h>
#include<iomanip.h> #include<dos.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h>
//********************************************************************** // PUBLIC
//********************************************************************** void
lineh(int row1,int row2,int column,char c) { for(row1;row1<=row2;row1++) {
gotoxy(row1,column); cout<<c; } }
//********************************************************************** // PUBLIC
//********************************************************************** void
linev(int column1,int column2,int row,char c) { for(column1;column1<=column2;column1++) {
gotoxy(row,column1); cout<<c; } }
//********************************************************************** //
//********************************************************************** struct
sahara { char name[20],sex[2],des[20],from[20],age[4],sstatus[2]; int passno; };
//********************************************************************** // CLASS
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Character Recognition By Machines, An Innovative Way By...
Abstract–Character Recognition by machines is an innovative way by which the dependence on
manpower is reduced. Character recognition provides a reliable alternative of converting manual
text into digitized format. Now–a–days, as technology becomes integral part of human life, many
applications have enabled the incorporation of English OCR for real time inputs. The advantages
that the English alphabet has is its simplicity offered by less number of letters i.e. 26 and easier
classification due to the concept of lowercase and uppercase. If we consider Devnagari script in this
scenario, we will come across myriad hurdles because this script lacks the simplicity of English. The
concept of fused letters, modifiers, shirorekha and spitting similarities in some letters make
recognition difficult. Also, character recognition for handwritten text is far more complex than that
for machine printed characters. This is because of the versatility and different writing techniques
adopted by people. The direction of strokes, pressure applied on writing equipments, quality of
writing equipment and the mentality of the writer itself highly affects the written text. These
problems when combined with the intricate details of Devnagari script, the complications in
constructing a HCR of this script are increased. The proposed system focuses on these two issues by
adopting Hough transform for detecting features from lines and curves. Further, for classification,
SVM is used. These two methods
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Spanish Baby Names Essay
Since the day when you first know what is your name? You were surely thought about what does
that mean and from where it is originated. Meaning and origin of your name are vital; there are
many versatile names origins all across the globe. If you would like to find out the meaning or
origin of any of the names, you can simply search over the internet, as there are some sites that
could tell from where your name has been originated. Chinese baby names have become appealing
to many American parents in the recent years because they sound beautiful and typically have
beautiful meanings too. In addition, they are very rare but this probably will not be the case for long
considering the rising popularity of rare and less common names. Just like the ... Show more content
on ...
The important fact about the Spanish names for girls who carry their as the names of his brothers
which are followed by the surnames of their husbands. Most Dutch baby names are derived from the
names of the Christian saints and Biblical characters. These became popular after Christianization in
the Middle Ages when the Old Germanic names were largely replaced by Latin or Dutch versions of
the Christian names which in turn are mostly of Hebrew origin. Babies in the Netherlands were
traditionally named after their relatives – parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., while the religion
had and still has a major influence on the selection of the name as well. Despite the fact that
Egyptian baby are famous worldwide, they remain uncommon in the United States. On the other
hand, they are not particularly common in modern Egypt either because the country is mostly
Muslim, while the Muslims typically give their Arabic babies. Nevertheless, many Egyptian baby
names sound beautiful and evoke the image of the mighty Egyptian pharaohs and other famous
ancient Egyptians who were either real historical figures or mythological
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Essay On Emoji
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – The Oxford English Dictionary declared an emoji its 2015 word of the
year. This was puzzling for many. The emoji it singled out – an image of a laughing yellow face
crying tears of joy – didn't fit most people's definition of a word.
Language experts around the world, on the other hand, weren't shocked. Most linguists agree that a
word is a unit that is meaningful; emoji fits that definition. Plus, the choice recognizes how the
yellow smiley faces and other colorful emojis representing food, animals and hand gestures affect
the way people talk online.
Bangor University linguistics professor Vyv Evans conducted a 2015 study. Evans found that 80
percent of smartphone users in Britain use emojis. Almost all smartphone users under age 25 text
with emojis. A study conducted ... Show more content on ...
"I can make a whale or a penguin," said Internet language expert Gretchen McCulloch. "I don't even
know how I would do that with emoticons."
How To Say What You Mean
Unicode is an international system that standardizes characters across different operating systems.
Type ":–)" into your iPhone or Android phone, and the symbols automatically turn into a yellow
smiley face. Thanks to Unicode, emojis became accessible and easy to use.
Linguist Neil Cohn researches how humans are programmed to use visual communication. In other
words, people prefer drawing to convey their point. It's no wonder communicating digitally with
emojis is a no–brainer.
Language experts note that emojis also help people online say what they mean. When they write
"What the heck?", for example, they can include a laughing emoji or an angry–faced emoji. That
detail communicates whether a person is amused or mad.
Things that are quickly adopted are likely to quickly disappear. Emojis fit so seamlessly into the
way we communicate that linguists believe they are here to stay.
Anyone Can Suggest An
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Difference Between Alphabetistic And Alphabetic Writing...
Alphabetic and Logographic writing systems almost symbolizes two major cultures in the world.
The Western, Rome, Greece is where the alphabet was created and developed over the course of
centuries. Alphabetic Writing System such as Latin, French, and English had been used as the main
language and device of Western Culture. Particularly English, it is the franca langua. Although
English dominates most of the globe, through colonization, political powers and such, English or
any other alphabetic writing system before that failed to be completely dominant. The reason is the
existence of logographic writing systems particularly Eastern ones, Chinese as the most relevant
example. China was by definition, an empire and it did have many influences ... Show more content
on ...
This proves that the rise of English is not dominant. Why is that? Why is one writing system not
completely dominates the other? There are two reasons for that which is the enormous civilization
and culture that was already built upon these writing systems and the fundamentals difference
between these two writing systems.
First of all, what are these Alphabetic and Logographic writing systems and why are they
fundamentally different? The alphabetic writing system, the original principle of the alphabetic
writing system, in strong contrast to ideographic writing, is a visualization of speech. Ideally each
letter represents one speech sound (grapheme–phoneme correspondence), and rules govern
combinations from this small set of basic symbols into higher order linguistic units.(1) While on the
other hand, in a logographic writing system, in theory, each symbol represents one idea. (2). The
main advantage of the alphabet principle is the consistency of the spelling for each word. Because
words' consistent spelling, the alphabetic systems have many patterns recurring in many words
making it easier to learn. Also Alphabetic words, since the spelling
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Cos-101 Written Assignment 1
Written Assignment 1
What is the most important difference between a computer and a calculator?
A calculator is a computer with specific program or set of instruction for mathematical calculations
A computer is equipment that is centralized around the CPU, microprocessor running specific
instruction or application. Calculator is a program or app that can run on a computer
So the most important difference is the set of instruction that each is designed for. A calculator
instruction is specific for mathematical calculation and a computer can accept different programs for
several different computation or task.
How are computers today similar to those from World War II? How are they different
Today computers ... Show more content on ...
ASCII was initially designed for the English language, and the 256 character limitation struggled to
keep pace with the multitude of different languages. Unicode and the support of 100,000 unique
character is better suited for the majority of the world language
Why do many PC manufacturers include graphics–processing units (GPUs) in their machines?
The Graphic Process Unit frees up the CPU for other non–graphic task this allows the GPU to focus
exclusively on graphics
Describe several ways you can minimize your negative impact on the environment when you
purchase and use a computer.
Proof read your work without printing, this is an easy way to contribute to green environment.
Another is to print on both side of your paper. Using the power save feature put your computer in a
sleep mode until activated. Screen saver are a absolute no for a green
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What Is The Process Of Front End Text Processing
subsection{Front–end text processor} label{subsec:front–end}
Front–end text processor produces Linguistic representation from the input text. This component
does the majority of the text pre–processing and then gives the Linguistic Representation of the text
to the Statistical Model. The task of pre–processing varies based on what kind of Front–end it is.
There can be two types of front–end.
item Trained front–end. item Minimal front–end.
subsubsection{Trained Front End}
By trained front end, we mean a front end text processor which is trained on a specific language
using language specific rules, grammar etc, e.g: Front end text processors of Festival cite{festival},
Mary Text to ... Show more content on ...
It depends on what type of text we are trying to normalize. There is no one consistent algorithm to
normalize texts. It varies from language to language. One example of text normalization can be
processing of NSW or Non–Standard Words, such as– year, cardinal number, ordinal number,
acronyms etc. par For example: For example: Consider the Bangla sentence, textbengali{"আমি
পরীক্ষায় ৭ম হয়েছি।"} Here, textbengali{"৭ম"} is an ordinal number which is supposed to be
pronounced as textbengali{"সপ্তম" }। During text normalization we can replace
textbengali{"৭ম"} with textbengali{"সপ্তম" }. item textbf{POS Taggging} POS tagging or
Parts of Speech tagging is labeling the tokens as their Corresponding Parts of Speech. POS tagging
is done keeping in consideration what parts of speech the token is in its sentence. POS tagging helps
in deciding prosodic information as different parts of speech tend to be pronounced differently
item textbf{Phoneme Detection} Phoneme detection is creating the pronunciation model, which
contains phoneme set, that the text must follow. The tokens are basically broken down into
phonemes by looking up a dictionary or some rules. A vast knowledge of the language is required to
create the phoneme set and the dictionary. item textbf{Phrase Break} Finding the proper position
to put the prosodic break is another important step in
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The Pros And Cons Of Steganography
Steganography has been widely used, including in recent historical times and the present day.
Known examples include:
Hidden messages within wax tablet–in ancient Greece, people wrote messages on wood and covered
it with wax that bore an innocent covering message.
Hidden messages on messenger's body–also used in ancient Greece. Herodotus told the story of a
message tattooed on the part of the body i.e. shaved head of a slave of Histiaeus, covered by the hair
that later grew over it, and exposed by shaving the head. This method has the drawbacks, such as
delayed transmission while waiting for the slave's hair to grow, and restrictions on the number and
size of messages that can be written on one person's scalp.
During World War II, the French Resistance sent ... Show more content on ...
This nomenclature was originally introduced by Krzysztof Szczypiorski in 2003. [27] Contrary to
typical steganographic methods that use digital media (images, audio and video files) to hide data,
network steganography uses communication protocols' control elements and their intrinsic
functionality. As a result, such methods are harder to detect and eliminate. [28]
Typical network steganography methods involve modification of the properties of a single network
protocol. Such modification can be applied to the PDU (Protocol Data Unit), [29][30][31] to the
time relations between the exchanged PDUs,[32] or both (hybrid methods).[33]
Moreover, it is feasible to utilize the relation between two or more different network protocols to
enable secret communication. These applications fall under the term inter–protocol steganography.
Network steganography covers a broad spectrum of techniques, which include, among
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User Assistance Paper
User assistance is an important part of any product that helps to improve user experience with a
particular product. Many products that are released for global markets require that user assistance
help and documentation be translated in multiple languages for specific target locales. This paper
presents the process of optimizing user assistance help content for translation in the following two
categories: writing suggestions and technical considerations.
Writing suggestions 1. Use a style guide. A style guide defines the grammar, syntax and tone
translators should use to facilitate a higher quality of translation and convey the source content
2. Develop a terminology glossary. A glossary should provide a comprehensive set of terminology
that includes product names, trademarked terms, ... Show more content on ...
Simplify the written language. To make documents clear and easy to translate, keep headlines and
sub–headlines parallel. Use the same term to mean the same thing throughout the documentation.
This can be implemented through the utilization of a source style guide and glossary.
4. Include universal units of measure. Different countries use different units of measure. Lack of
clearly defined units of measure can cause significant confusion and costly errors. Therefore, it is
important to include both metric and imperial measurements in the documentation.
5. Include international phone and date formats. Because phone numbers and date formats vary from
region to region, these formats should be displayed correctly in the source and translated copies of
documentation. For example, in the U.S., phone numbers are expressed as (425) 517–2577.
However, international customers also need to know the country code, which for the US is +1. Thus,
displaying the phone number as +1 425.517.2577 helps international customers. Likewise, many
countries use dd/mm/yyyy. To avoid confusion, it is necessary to indicate clearly which date format
is used or to spell out the
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Module 5 Assignment
Module 5 Assignment (20 possible points)
Name: __Marcus E. Mackey, Sr._________________________
All assignments are to be completed individually without the assistance of classmates or anyone
else. If you have questions, contact the professor who will be glad to help you. By turning in this
assignment, you are stating that this work is yours alone.
PART A: In this module, we explore how what is deemed right or wrong by society find its way into
a law. Sometimes institutionalization occurs as a voluntary standard, an industry standard, or as a
requirement by law. Consider an industry such as retail or sales. Give me an example of each of
those standards.
Voluntary Standard : –Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc., a global leader in premium spirits ... Show
more content on ...
I come to this conclusion with a heavy heart. If it was my choice I think governmental regulation or
oversight should be used for all of the industries listed in Part B. Really any industry I choose I can
come up with a thousand reason why they should be regulated. Retail is less important simply
because it is kind of self–regulated by supply and demand (unless we are talking about food). Once
consumers find out something about a retailer they show support by buying or lack of support by not
purchasing products.
PART C: It seems that whenever there is a corporate scandal, Congress responds by trying to
strengthen the laws. Sarbanes–Oxley was passed to address the Enron accounting abuses. Review
the video links and information about Sarbanes–Oxley found in the text and module. Many of the
SOX provisions were contained in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
Which of these provisions are effective? Why do you think so?
Provision #2 (from textbook). Requires CEOs and CFOs to certify that their companies' financial
statements are true and without misleading statements. A major impetus behind the Sarbanes–Oxley
Act was deliberate financial statement fraud. When committed on a large scale, billions of dollars
can be lost and investor confidence in financial market will be reduced. Evidence suggests that the
incidence of fraud has declined relative to the pre–SOX era. This can only be interpreted as
suggesting that SOX
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Character Encoding Essay
COMP323 FOUNDATION OF CHINESE COMPUTING Lecture 2: Concept of Character Set,
Code Set and Encoding Monday, 24 September, 2012 Student Name: _________________ Student
ID: _________________ NOTE: Please hand in your answers before the end of class. Exercise 1:
(a) How many characters can be encoded with the 3–bit codes? (b) To encode 100 characters, at
least how many bits are required? (c) For a character set with n number of characters, what is the
minimum number of bits required so that all characters can be given different values? Exercise 2:
Assume six Chinese characters are placed in a 6×6 table and in particular in the 6 positions specified
below, what binary values can be assigned to these ... Show more content on ...
Exercise 2: Assume six Chinese characters are placed in a 6×6 table and in particular in the 6
positions specified below, what binary values can be assigned to these 6 characters according to the
given two–dimensional code space? 啊 阿 唉 作 坐 座 COMP323 FOUNDATION OF CHINESE
COMPUTING Lecture 2: Concept of Character Set, Code Set and Encoding Monday, 24 September,
2012 Student Name: _________________ Student ID: _________________ NOTE: Please hand in
your answers before the end of class. Exercise 1: (a) How many characters can be encoded with the
3–bit codes? (b) To encode 100 characters, at least how many bits are required? (c) For a character
set with n number of characters, what is the minimum number of bits required so that all characters
can be given different values? Exercise 2: Assume six Chinese characters are placed in a 6×6 table
and in particular in the 6 positions specified below, what binary values can be assigned to these 6
characters according to the given two–dimensional code space? 啊 阿 唉 作 坐 座 COMP323
FOUNDATION OF CHINESE COMPUTING Lecture 2: Concept of Character Set, Code Set and
Encoding Monday, 24 September, 2012 Student Name: _________________ Student ID:
_________________ NOTE: Please hand in your
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Measuring The Ability Of Correctly Recall Different...
The primary outcome in the current study was measuring the ability to correctly recall different
character sets that included similar or dissimilar distractor tasks. To test this hypothesis, the number
of correctly recalled character sets were analyzed by a 2 (character set: consonants vs. digits) X 2
(distractor task: word–based vs. number–based) between–subjects ANOVA. The main effect for
character sets was not statistically significant, F(1, 106) = 1.16, p = .284, ηp² = .01. The main effect
for distractor tasks also produced non–statistically significant results, F(1, 106) = 1.0, p = .758, ηp²
= .001 . Lastly the interaction effect showed a non–statistically significant result F(1, 106) = 1.22, p
= .271, ηp² = .011. Descriptive statistics for these data can be found in Table 1. The secondary
outcome in the current study was measuring the perceived difficulty of learning the character sets,
and having to recall them with a similar or dissimilar distractor task. Using a 2 (character set:
consonants vs. digits) X 2 (distractor task: word–based vs. number–based) between–subjects
ANOVA to analyze the perceived difficulty of the character sets and distractor tasks. The main effect
for character set difficulty also showed a non–statistically significant main effect F(1, 106) = <.000.
As for the main effect for distractor type, a non–statistically significant result was reported F(1, 106)
= 3.06 p = .337, ηp² = .009. Lastly, the interaction effect also resulted in a
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Investigating Concepts Of A Digital Device Essay
The purpose of this assessment is to investigate concepts relating to a system that is used within a
digital device. For my assessment, I chose the A5158 model MP3 player that belongs to my dad.
The features of this device include:
High–Contrast LCD Display, Resolution 96 x 32
Integrated Flash Memory
Plays MP3 and WMA Digital Music Files FM Radio
4GB – Stores up to 1000 songs
USB 2.0 Hi–Speed for fast file transfers
Key lock preventing accidental key presses
Integrated 100mAh Lithium rechargeable battery – for up to 5 hours playback
Data Representation
In computer terms, a bit is a numeric value – either a zero or a one – that holds a single unit of
digital information. Bits are usually strung together in a sequence – eight bits normally equals one
byte. Bits are used to write binary numbers, which can be used to store decimal numbers such as 244
or 93 as patterns of ones and zeroes.
ASCII – or American Standard Code for Information Interchange – is a computer code that was
developed to allow computers to convert human text into bits that computers could understand. In
ASCII code, for example, the letter A is 65 – a number that can then be converted into the binary
value 1000001.
In the 1960's, the 7 bit ASCII table was first adopted. Within a 7 bit number, 128 different characters
can be stored – English letters from A–Z (upper and lower case), numeric digits from 0–9 and
"special" characters such as !/*+. The eighth bit was used to detect transmission errors.
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Questions On Business And Information Technology Essay
Whitireia New Zealand Faculty of Business & Information Technology Auckland Campus
STUDENT NAME Chandrasekar V S DUE DATE DATE SUBMITTED I certify that this is my
own work: Student Signature: NB: Assignments will not be accepted without a certification
signature. Refer to the BInfoTech handbook for information on plagiarised work. MARK MARK
(%) GRADE LECTURER'S SIGNATURE Table of Contents 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3.
Literature Reviews 3.1 Literature Review by Ramgovind S, Eloff MM and Smith E 3.1.1 Types of
Cloud 3.1.2 Cloud Delivery Models 3.2 Literature Review by Ankur Mishra, Ruchita Mathur,
Shishir Jain and Jitendra Singh Rathore 3.2.1 Virtualization 3.2.2 Multi–tenancy 3.3 Literature
Review by Rabi Prasad Padhy, Manas Ranjan Patra and Suresh Chandra Satapathy 3.4 Literature
Review by Balachandra Reddy Kandukuri, Ramakrishna Paturi V and Dr. Atanu Rakshit 3.5
Literature Review by R. Kalaichelvi Chandrahasan, S Shanmuga Priya and Dr. L. Arockiam 3.6
Literature Review by Mervat Adib Bamiah and Sarfraz Nawaz Brohi 3.7 Literature Review by
Dimitrios Zissis and Dimitrios Lekkas 3.8 Literature Review by Ramalingam Sugumar, A Janet
Rajeswari and Shanmugasundaram Hariharan 4. Discussion 5. Literature Map 6. Concept Matrix 7.
Conclusion 8. Glossary 9. References 1. Abstract Security is the hottest field in
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Relational Database Management System
1. A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a type of database management system
that stores data in the form of related tables. The system does not require many assumptions about
how data is related t or how it is to be extracted from the database. The database can be viewed in
several forms.
2. De–Normalization is a process of adding redundant data to get rid of complex joins for
optimizing database performance.
3. A view is an SQL statement that is stored within a database that is also associated with a name. A
view is also a table in the form of a query. A view can contain all rows of a table or select rows from
a table.
4. Subqueries are often referred as subselects, as they allow a SELECT statement to be executed
within ... Show more content on ...
The process of restoring the backup of log files and database on a primary server and restoring them
to a standby server is called Log shipping.
21. Local temporary tables are visible only to their creators during the same connection to an
instance of SQL Server as when the tables were first created or referenced. Local temporary tables
are deleted after the user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. Global temporary tables are
visible to any user and on any connection after they are created, and are deleted when all users that
are referencing the table disconnect from the instance of SQL Server.
22. Scheduled jobs are automated pieces of work that can be performed at a customized date and
time on a recurring schedule. Scheduled tasks are created using SQL server, which enables the SQL
commands to be executed automatically at regularly timed intervals.
23. A Heap Table is a table that does not have cluster or a non–cluster indices. Multiple non–
clustered indices can be created on tables that are stored as a Heap. When they are stored in a Heap
they are not ordered in any specific way.
24. The process that writes the modified pages from Buffer Cache to physical disk is called the
CHECKPOINT process. This process is run automatically by SQL Server at specific
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Creating A Better Recognition System
Bangla word recognition is extremely challenging and there are too few works reported on online
cursive Bangla word recognition. Bangla is a complicated script and it needs rigorous investigations
to implement a better recognition system. While we have sophisticated classifiers like Hidden
Markov Models or BLSTM Neural Networks for recognition of complicated scripts, we have very
little comparative studies about the appropriate feature sets for such scripts. In this paper, our aim is
to implement an appropriate recognition system for author–independent unconstrained Bangla word
where a modified feature set is proposed. To construct the modified feature set, we modify existing
feature sets and add new features for improvement of recognition accuracy. We test performances of
various existing feature sets and proposed feature set on same Bangla dataset for fair comparison
and report the comparative results using various lexicons upto 20,000–word lexicon. Each time an
HMM–based classifier is used to test the feature set. Finally, a recognition system is built over the
combination of existing and modified feature sets.
Keywords: Online handwriting recognition, online character recognition, lexicon driven approach,
Bangla script, Indic script, cursive text recognition.
1. Introduction
Bangla text recognition is more challenging than Latin text recognition in several ways. Bangla
alphabet has complex shapes. There are more than 300 characters (including 50 vowel and
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Analysis Of Rod Chester's Article More Than Just A Smiley...
In his article 'More than just a smiley face' (The Advertiser, 30 May 2015, p. 49), Rod Chester
discusses how some experts are branding emoji as the fastest growing language. Chester describes
how emoji are pictographs which found their beginning during the 1990s in Japan and are now
changing the way we communicate. He admits that while emoji may not qualify as a language, he is
certain that it is commonly sought after for electronic communication.
While examining the origins of the pictographs, Chester highlights that if the Japanese
telecommunication companies that gave birth to emoji had applied a copyrighted system to their
images, emoji may have never become so prevalent. Chester explains that emoji is alternatively
governed by the not
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Application Of A Handwriting From A
Abstract :
The Objective of this project is to recognise english handwriting from a given document image. In
this report we have used 40point feature extraction to extract pattern from the characters and then
use this data to train artificial neural network.This system is very successful in recognition of
handwritten characters. Hence this system will be suitable to convert handwritten text into text
Introduction :
Optical Character Recognition is one of the most researching field in recent years. It has numerous
applications in the field of automation and advancement of machine interface with man.
Handwritten recognition is one of the challenging and fascinating area for research in Optical
Character Recognition. Online and Offline are two modes for handwritten recognition. In Offline
method, writing is captured by scanner and final text is formed. The data formed from 40point
feature extraction is used to feed artificial neural network to train it and produce more accurate
result. Several applications such as document reading, mail sorting, postal address recognition and
bank processing require offline handwritten recognition. As a result, offline method is very active
area for research for more accurate solutions. In this project we used english alphabet characters to
train artificial neural network and test its accuracy of character recognition.
Previous Works :
In recent years, many research papers have been published in the field of optical character
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Essay Layering & Internet Model
There are three parts to this assignment relating to each lecture in Module 1.
Part 1: Layering and the Internet Model
Imagine that a technology organization has been in business for decades, and that the organization
developed its own method of computer–to–computer communication. Because this method of
communication only occurs within this organization, it is not layered, but rather is designed to
operate as quickly and efficiently as possible on the custom hardware by using the least amount of
overhead possible. The organization continues to create its own communication hardware and
software that works with modern computers, but the CTO of the organization is considering
replacing this custom communication solution with the adoption ... Show more content on ...
Thus Cost will be reduced as there will be many vendors offering the products at different layers.
Competition and compatibility of the products will be more, which will in turn reduce the cost.
Topic 2: The Disadvantages of a Layered Model
Identify and describe the disadvantages of a layered solution when compared to the organization's
non–layered solution.
1.The processing and data overhead because for any communication to take place it has to go
through all 5 layers (internet model ) and 7 layers for OSI model.
2. The data overhead as it adds headers at each layer as the datagram moves down the stack. Thus
part of bandwidth is used for the protocol headers instead of message/data.
3. Addition of headers at each layer also increases the computation overhead.
Topic 3: The Layers of the Internet Model
Identify the layers of the Internet Model, and explain what functionality each layer would provide
for the organization, if adopted.
Layers of the Internet Model :
1. The Physical Layer 2. The Data link layer 3. The Network layer 4. The Transport layer 5. The
Application layer
Physical layer : The Physical layer is the lowest layer of the internet model and is concerned with
the transmission and reception of the unstructured raw bit stream. It describes the electrical/optical,
mechanical, and functional interfaces to the physical medium, and carries the signals for all of
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Informal Complaint Sample
On 04/10/2018 I received an informal complaint from you, dated 04/10/2018. The topic of your
informal complaint was a missing hobby craft that you claim to have dropped off at the Santa Cruz
Unit programs office to COIII Keaton. In your complaint you stated that on March 1st you gave
COIII Keaton a painting that you wanted to be included in a Tedx logo contest that was being held
on March 2nd. You stated the painting needed to be turned into COIV Contreras, who was not in the
programs office when you dropped the painting. You stated that COIII Keaton took possession of
your painting, and told you that he would take it to COIV Contreras. You stated that on April 6th,
Inmate Mounla #140057 informed you that your painting was lost, and that she confirmed this by
asking COIV Contreras, COIV Flores, COIII Keaton, and Deputy Warden Theodore. You stated that
inmate Mounla informed you that COIII Keaton stated that he did receive your painting, and that he
immediately put it on COIV Contreras desk. Your proposed resolution was for your painting to be
located. I conducted an ... Show more content on ...
Neither COIV Contreras, nor COIV Flores had any knowledge a painting that you submitted. COIII
Keaton did recall that you gave him either a painting or drawing, and that he placed it into COIV
Contreras mail box on the door to her office in the programs area, contrary to inmate Mounla's
statement that COIII Keaton personally placed the painting on COIV Contreras desk. Unfortunately,
the painting was in an unsecure area of the programs office, and could have been taken by another
inmate in the area. The programs office has a fairly high volume of inmate traffic during the day.
While you were correct to deliver this item to program staff, I suggest in the future that you hold off
on turning in similar items until the appropriate staff (COIV Contreras or COIV Flores) area
available to secure the items
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Cuneiform : Images And Images
"Emojis are Unicode graphic symbols, used as a shorthand to express concepts and ideas"(Kralj).
Emoticons are basically little pictures that are sent through different types of messaging systems to
express emotion after or before the sender types what he/she is saying. On the other hand,
hieroglyphics were drawings that were strictly one type of communication. "The ancient Egyptians
expressed their ideas in writing by means of a large number of picture signs which are commonly
called hieroglyphics"(Budge1). These pictures were drawn to express emotion, sound, and
description, that told the comprehender what the writing was saying. Hieroglyphics and emoticons
were both pictures that displayed a message, but hieroglyphics were more complicated than
emoticons. Hieroglyphics were strictly pictures that represented writing, therefore they had to be
really elaborate to create no confusion as to what the drawings were saying. However, emoticons are
very simple symbols that display emotions and objects. They are simple because when a writer is
using them it is either supported with words or what the writer is trying to convey is so simple that
an emoticon can be enough to get the message across. "Emojis on smartphones, in chat, and email
applications have become extremely popular worldwide."(Kralj) As time progresses, it is possible
that emoticons can become more elaborate, such as hieroglyphics were to become more independent
in communication. By comparing hieroglyphics
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The Importance Of Social Media On The Form Of Communication
Language is a property found solely in humans. It helps humans communicate feelings and ideas to
those around them. Through the invention of the internet and the smartphone, a new form of
communication has risen. Called microtexts, this form of communication refers to text or IM
messages, and posts on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Reddit, or other social media
websites. Microtexts are limited either by the website (ex. Twitter) or by those consuming the
content on these sites; if posts are too long, they might not get read. In this paper, the phrase "textual
paralinguistic features" refers to capitalization, punctuation, repetition of letters, emojis/emoticons,
and other features added to text that are not words with the intention of adding meaning. Let
emoticons be defined as faces created by symbols found on a keyboard (ex. ;–) ) and let emojis be
the small pictures typically found on mobile devices (ex.☺). The influence of social media on
informal writing allows for a much more exact sentiment to be conveyed to the audience in
comparison to traditional rhetorical and style devices found in formal writing. This is because the
smaller chunks of writing emulate spoken language, making microtexts a more natural form of
communication. Adding extra features to the text such as punctuation marks and emojis replaces
emotion that may be lost in a message that is just text. Likewise, capitalization and manipulation of
text can add tone to an otherwise dry message. These
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Software Localization Strategies
There are two possible strategies for software localization as:
2.1. For designing a new localized software product
This strategy based on designing and developing a software product according to specific culture
from scratch. Developer can put every resources needed for localized software product in some type
of resource repository. This repository may be Windows resource files, .NET assemble files, or a
database. This resource repository is easily editable, and also eliminates the need for source code
2.2. For localizing an already existing software product
Here it is assumed that the source code (in the source language) for the software product to be
localized is already available. This strategy reuses the existing software product for the target locale.
The localization tool explained in this paper is based on this strategy. Programmer has the code of
notepad software (available in English) and this code pass as input test case to the tool.
Service oriented architecture is software architecture design pattern that provide application
functionality as services, known as Service–orientation. Similar to cloud computing in SOA services
are shared and there exists a cloud of services. Hence SOA based on the concept of cloud
computing. Cloud computing used to describe a variety of different types of computing concepts
that involve a large number of computers connected through a real–time communication
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Semantic Web And The Web
another day, right now we are sticking to the Semantic Web. We should first wait until the Semantic
Web is completed before we jump to the next thing on the list. (Aghaei, Nematbakhsh and Farsani)
The million dollar question is: what is the Semantic Web? The Semantic Web is not a completely
new web that is going to replace the current web, it is simply and extension from the present web.
The idea of Web 3.0 is for the information in the web to be understood and recognized by the
computer. Today the web is a big global storage that stores files for humans to read, not computers,
humans. This in what the Semantic Web is going to change by allowing computers to read and
understand the information and data stored in the web. ... Show more content on ...
A better way to help understand the Semantic Web would be a scenario placed by the Tim Berners–
Lee. First, imagine that you are registering for an online conference. The website of the conference
contains not only the event date, time and location, but also information from the closest hotel and
airport. In real and regular life a you would have to make sure you have a time in your schedule that
is compatible with the online conference for you to be able to attend. Next you would have to make
arrangements for the flight by buying a ticket and for the hotel by reserving a room that meets your
needs. According to Berners–Lee right now there is no way you can simply say "I want to go to the
event" because you have to make plans by making arrangements. However, with the semantic web
this scenario of simply wanting to go without making previous arrangements is possible because
with the Semantic Web the airport and hotel arrangements can be done by simply pressing a button.
The SM would book your flight and it will reserve your room as well, without you having the need
to pick up the phone to call a reservation desk, or you having to visit the hotel's or airport's website.
As you can see Web 3.0 can facilitate our tasks tremendously.(Frauenfelder) (Dumbill) (Hendler,
Berners–Lee and Miller)
After reading about what the Semantic Web is it might seem like there is
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Optical Character Recognition Is Becoming Popular Areas Of...
Abstract: The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is becoming popular areas of
research under pattern recognition and smart device applications. It requires the intelligence
like human brain to recognize the various handwritten characters. Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) is used together the information required to recognize the characters adaptively. This
paper presents a performance analysis of character recognition by Scale Invariant Feature
(SIF) matrix with a Back Propagation Neural network (BPN). A GUI based OCR system is
developed using Mat lab. The results are shown for the English alphabets and numeric. This
is observed that the perceptron network converges faster, whereas the BPN can handle the
complex script recognition when the training set is enriched.
Character recognition, back–propagation neural network, scale invariant feature
Automatic character recognition is a well–accepted area of research under pattern recognition.
In handwritten character recognition, characters are written by different individuals that vary
drastically from person to person due to variation in the writing style, its size and orientation
of characters. This makes the system difficult to recognize the characters. Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) helps to solve the problem of identifying handwritten characters in an
automated manner. ANN is an adaptive
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Review of Essential Terms and Concepts Essay
Review of Essential Terms and Concepts
1. The word bit is a contraction for what two words?
Binary digit
2. Explain how the terms bit, byte, nibble, and word are related.
A bit is one digit, a nibble consists of four bits, and a byte consists of eight bits, while a word
consists of two or more adjacent its.
3. Why are binary and decimal called positional numbering systems?
Each position in a number of is weighted by a power of the radix
4. Explain how base 2, base 8, and base 16 are related.
Base 2 each bit stands on its own example 1011011111
Base 8 you divide 1011011111 into groups of 3 Example 001–011–011–111
Base 16 you divide 1011011111 into groups of 4 Example 0010–1101–1111
5. What is a radix?
In ... Show more content on ...
12. With reference to the previous question, what are the drawbacks of the other two conversion
Using the double–dabble method does not require remembering several different rules such as what
signed to use and which number to add or subtract from, it is straightforward math.
13. What is overflow and how can it be detected? How does overflow in unsigned numbers differ
from overflow in signed numbers?
Overflow is when you have a carryover of a number, thus giving the wrong sign example causing
two numbers to be added together, giving the result a negative number. It can be detected by simply
knowing if the carry into signed bit equals the carry out signed bit, no overflow has occurred in
unsigned numbers. We know they are positive so overflow does not change this, it will always
remain positive, while in signed numbers. This overflow, unless programmed correctly, could
change the entire outcome of the intended result.
14. If a computer is capable only of manipulating and storing integers, what difficulties present
themselves? How are these difficulties overcome?
Should the programmer of the system not take appropriate measures to check all be code written for
a specific program, mathematical calculations could produce in accurate results. Difficulties like
these be overcome by checking all programs and having other programmers and users test the
system prior to deployment.
15. What are the goals of Booth's algorithm?
To increase
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Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment 1
Question #1: Let us assume that a full–feature movie in MP4 format has a size of 2.4GB. How long
would it take to download such a movie over: a) a T1 connection b) a T3 connection c) a cable
modem with 2Mbps connection d) a telephone modem of 56Kbps Answer #1: Before specifically
talk about how long the 2.4GB will take to completely get downloaded, I would like to talk about
the difference between Byte (B) and bits (b) first. A bit is a single number or a single value which
can be either 0 or 1 and this value is represent the digital information. A byte is a sequence of bits;
like a sequence of digital information, usually eight bits equals to one byte. Now coming to the
question, whenever you are downloading any file or software over internet it takes time to get
downloaded depending on the downloading speed of your internet connection. Similarly, if we refer
to the question and assume to download a MP4 format movie of total size 2.4GB (gigabytes), the
downloading time of our movie will depend on the type of connection we are using. Below are few
types of connection which can tell how long ... Show more content on ...
Some of the advantages are; it adds weight to the authentication of the website – like if you are a
retailer and your website ranks PR7 which means you are big and can be trusted by the customer.
Similarly the advertisers uses your website to place ads due to its market reach and popularity and
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... Get more on ...
Descriptive Essay About Yi Li
I came into the world, one fall windy night, on September 7, 2000, exactly 4 minutes behind my
twin sister. At 12:04 in the morning, when the roads were quiet except for the cries of the new born
babies at Brooklyn, New York hospital, I was born. My parents told me that my hand, not my head,
came out first. The reason behind this was because I was clinging to Yi Wen's leg with a firm grip
and refused to let go. Perhaps I didn't want to come out or I wasn't happy with being second to come
out because immediately after I was born, I cried and cried, and thrashed around with such force that
my parents decide to named me Yi Ling. My name, Yi Ling Ni, represents me fairly well in some
ways of my life, but as I grew up, I found myself pondering; why was I named this name? My name
was chosen before I was born. Knowing that we were twin girls, my parents thought of names that
would fit for twins. After consulting with my grandparents, known to be very wise when it came to
Chinese characters and poetry; the names Yi Wen and Yi Ling were chosen. The Ling in my name is
a Chinese character that represents one who is full of spirit, energy, and thinks very logically. So
when my parents saw me as the energetic child, they named me Yi Ling. Yi was a character given to
many Chinese people's names because it means to bring fortune and abundance in whatever they do.
What I found interesting about my name compared to Yi Wen's name was the Wen part of her name.
Wen, another Chinese character,
... Get more on ...

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The Unicode Standard

  • 1. The Unicode Standard The latest version of Unicode Standard has been released and includes 72 new emojis. Prose challenged "texters" can now use the "shrug", "facepalm", "fingers crossed" and other symbols in order to say what's on their mind without actually saying anything. While most of these additions seem rather innocent, one emoji trend seems to resemble a drooling face high on marijuana. EMOJI TREND IS NOT GOING AWAY ANYTIME SOON For those hoping the emoji fad would die quickly, think again. Version 9.0 of the Unicode Standard includes 72 new faces, hand jesters, animals, gender pairings, food, sports, drinks and more. Faces, of course, are the most popular category and now, users can say so much with so little. No longer will a simple smile dictate how happy one is. There are different levels of smiling now. Don't dare put an average smile after hearing some good news or that may come across as an insult. There is a wide range of emojis available to suit every response, so use them correctly. Not feeling well? Go with the green face emoji. Feeling goofy? Then go for the clown face. What if you're pregnant? There's even a face for that, so go wild. MARIJUANAADDICT EMOJI IS A WEIRD TREND Sure, clowns, pregnant woman, and Pinocchio faces all make for some weird emojis but one particular trend is causing some ... Show more content on ... Emojis can be interpersonal danger zones. There is no written book on what the symbols mean. Sure, you may think a smiley face means a smile but did you take sarcasm into play there? When it comes to this kind of communication, there's too much room for messages to get lost in translation. With the invention of texting, communication has changed. It's much more difficult to express how one actually feels through text and now, emojis make it even worse. Emojis are even seen in politics and journalism these days. It's just a matter of time before they consume us ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Marc Ching Research Paper Many, scratch that probably all except a handful of people claim Marc Ching is a hero. Wildlife Planet believes otherwise and now we are calling on California or the federal government to arrest arrested and charge hiw with . Marc Ching should also be charged with premeditated felony animal abuse and/or as an accomplice in the torturing, injuring and death of an unknown number of dogs in China. Federal authorities should immediately revoke his passport due to the fact that his trips abroad have led to animal abuse that he himself has initiated. I have devoted countless hours investigating this fraud and it's amazing to me that so many failed to see what was staring them in their faces. Marc Ching came on the scene by his own admission on Sept 1st, 2015. He claims to have known very little about the dog meat trade but was so ... Show more content on ... His "conscious decisions" statement actually triggered why we are calling for his arrest. Marc Ching made the conscious decision to enter these slaughterhouses and pretend to be either a buyer or a representative of an American buyer who wanted to purchase dog meat. When the butcher offered to show marc Ching how this slaughter house tortures their animals he readily agreed. So Marc Ching knowing that if he agreed an animal or animals would be tortured on his say so... and Marc Ching enthusiastically said YES! So while Marc Ching cries 'oh the horror I have seen, legs sawed off, Dogs boiled alive, Dogs hung and sometimes even worse" it was all done on his say so, because he needed his film to make him a star. Now the sheep that follow him will of course say BAAAAACK Up... He did it to expose the treatment and show the world what was going on... and Wildlife Planet ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Example Of Emoji SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – The Oxford English Dictionary declared an emoji its 2015 word of the year. This was puzzling for many. The emoji it singled out – an image of a laughing yellow face crying tears of joy – didn't fit most people's definition of a word. Language experts around the world, on the other hand, weren't shocked. Most linguists agree that a word is a unit that is meaningful; emoji fits that definition. Plus, the choice recognizes how the yellow smiley faces and other colorful emojis representing food, animals and hand gestures affect the way people talk online. Bangor University linguistics professor Vyv Evans conducted a 2015 study. Evans found that 80 percent of smartphone users in Britain use emojis. Almost all smartphone ... Show more content on ... Type ":–)" into your iPhone or Android phone, and the symbols automatically turn into a yellow smiley face. Thanks to Unicode, emojis became accessible and easy to use. Linguist Neil Cohn researches how humans are programmed to use visual communication. In other words, people prefer drawing to convey their point. It's no wonder communicating digitally with emojis is a no–brainer. Language experts note that emojis also help people online say what they mean. When they write "What the heck?", for example, they can include a laughing emoji or an angry–faced emoji. That detail communicates whether a person is amused or mad. Things that are quickly adopted are likely to quickly disappear. Emojis fit so seamlessly into the way we communicate that linguists believe they are here to stay. Anyone Can Suggest An Emoji The Unicode Consortium is made up of the major software developing stakeholders such as Apple, Facebook, and Google. Anyone can submit a emoji request for free. It can take Unicode's technical committee up to two years to accept a new emoji. About 100 proposals are received a year, and approval rates vary from year to ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Nt1330 Unit 1 Assignment Of Character Data Character Data is how users translate words and phrases into a language computers understand and communicate back to said users in a universal presentation. Character data is made up of two things, characters and strings. First, alphabetic letters, numbers, and symbols are setup and defined in a specific way that the CPU can understand. All twenty six letters of the English alphabet are used, but only in an uppercase presentation. Basic numbers ranging from zero to nine are defined and used. From using just these ten numbers, we can create any other number the system may need to represent. These letters, numbers, and symbols individually are called characters. Any grouping of characters is called a string. Character data uses a predetermined ... Show more content on ... The book states that there are three rules that coding methods should adhere to. When it comes to coding and decoding, a coding method needs to be followed by everyone properly. Users must be able to store, send, and retrieve code using the coding method. The coding method must be able to follow the goals of computer data representation which are compactness and range, accuracy, ease of manipulation, and standardization. From the textbook, we are shown five examples of coding methods, with three explained in deeper detail. They are the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC), the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), Unicode, International Alphabet 5 (IA5), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Each of these coding methods are different, but do have some similarities. ASCII was the standard coding method used due to vendors using it as the bases for their devices for so many years. Unicode is special due to being made as the multilingual coding method. It borrows from other coding methods to generate a code that can be deciphered by most major technology based regions around the world. It uses ASCII as part of its bases, which allows user to translate ASCII based programing code into ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Thesis On Headscarf When Rayouf Alhumedhi and her friends chat together on the messaging app WhatsApp, they don't use names to identify themselves. Instead, they use emojis. But Rayouf, who wears a headscarf, couldn't find one that looked like her. "My friends, who don't wear the headscarf, they found something," Rayouf says. "For me? I had to opt to not use an image of a woman wearing a headscarf. Because there isn't one." The 15–year–old high school student decided to change that. Rayouf was born in Saudi Arabia and currently lives in Berlin, Germany. She wrote a proposal to create a hijab emoji. Hijab is another word for headscarf. Many Muslim women wear such scarves every day for religious reasons. For many Muslims, it is not proper for a women's hair to ... Show more content on ... She wrote to Apple asking for a headscarf emoji, but she never heard back from the company. Then, on the app Snapchat, she watched a video about how to propose a new emoji. The video explained that anyone can ask Unicode for a new emoji, and gave directions on how to get started. Rayouf sent two paragraphs describing her idea to Unicode. Her proposal was much shorter than typical emoji requests, which can include pages and pages of details and designs. Still, she heard back from a member of Unicode, who offered to help her shape up her idea for formal consideration. An artist created the headscarf emoji design for her. Rayouf's proposal would create a headscarf emoji that could be used with the many human emojis that already exist. It works kinds of like putting an outfit on a paper doll. The proposal is supposed to be formally reviewed by Unicode in November. If it is approved, the new emoji could be announced as soon as mid–2017. Emoji Would Not Just Be For ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. A Look Now At China Look now at China. The earliest inscriptions we have unearthed are dated at 1400 B.C., and the use of these inscriptions was, once again, for religious use. As in other cultures, this required a "magician", or a priest. The priest would heat an ox scapula or a tortoise shell until it cracks, and would then attempt to read the cracks in order to answer a question. This reading often involved the priest carving the "answers" into the bone under the guise of creating clarity (Lyons, 18). However fraudulent their practices were, these priests had a huge influence on Chinese writing. The questions the priest's client had would be written from top to bottom on the bone, and this is still the traditional direction of Chinese script. In ... Show more content on ... One con of using silk was its expense. Throughout the early world and the Middle Ages, silk was a very time consuming product to produce. As a result, it could be sold for a higher cost, and the method of producing it was, like the secret of producing papyrus, jealously guarded by the silk growers. Another consequence of silk's value was that when scribes wanted to write important texts, they would often need to write a rough draft on a jiandu strip before copying the perfected version onto the silk. In about 104 A.D., a eunuch of the Chinese imperial court, named Cai Lun, changed the course of writing's history by making the first sheet of paper (The Invention of Paper). To do this, he mixed bamboo fibers and the inner bark of a mulberry tree with water, and then dried the pulp on a cloth screen. With paper, writing became easier, more transportable, and, in general, less expensive. Eventually, the technique for making paper spread to Korea, and from there some monks took the process to Japan. Paper spread to Africa and Europe through the Arabs, who went on raids in China and captured many Chinese soldiers and craftsmen. Before this happened, however, the Greeks and Romans had to be crafty in finding new writing resources. The Romans, though they couldn't make their own paper yet, had animal skins. Through this, they discovered that animal skins could be stretched, cleaned, and bleached to create what was known ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Supervisor Business System Analyst This third party implementation started December 7th with the anticipation to go life within the same month based on the External Communication Plan (Appendix A) with Viewpost facilitator Kristin Flentke, Information Technology Representative, James Collins, and Director Net Revenue & Analyst, Andrew Whitlock. Accounts Payable team joined soon after, starting with Manager of Accounts Payable, Kay Hamilton, Supervisor of Accounts Payable, Gregory Bush, follow by Supervisor Business System Analyst, Allison Baschnagel and her team, Karla Smith, and Megan Wilson, who are both Business System Analyst. Vendors Services Team was the last to join that included Eiden Hughes and I, to contribute with onboarding vendors. In order to communicate effectively ... Show more content on ... A challenge accorded during one of our weekly meetings. James, our IT representative brought up a major concern. There was a system error that needed to be fixed before Go Live date. The file exchange from Century to ViewPost, and ViewPost to Centura was pulling incorrectly, more specifically on our end. The issue began when the file was extracted from our database and ready to be sent out as a CVS file to Viewpost. The different fields within a vendor's file were being pulling incorrectly. For example, think about it as a gallon of milk in a refrigerator. Before you gab the gallon of milk it was in the second compartment from the top, of the right door of the refrigerator. You take it out and when some else puts back in, it has the option to go anywhere in the refrigerator. The likelihood of retuning to it's original spot is unlikely and if I am in a hurry and need to serve myself a glass of milk before missing the bus it would be ideal to have it where I last pulled it from. Similarly, when the data, it is ideal to keep the information in their rightful category, but the way it was being placed after was not consistent. James didn't have an anticipated data on how or when the issue was going tp get resolve so we were left with a new Go Life date to be announce. This issue did get resolve before the end of the week so our Go ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Essay On Object Oriented Approach LESSON 1: FUNDAMENTAL OF OBJECT–ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Introduction to object– oriented approach Basic concepts of object–oriented programming Benefits of OOP Applications of OOP How java differs from C and C++ Java character set Keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, separators INTRODUCTION Object–oriented approach was developed in late 1950's in MIT to overcome the drawbacks of procedural– oriented approach. Ii is commonly known as OOPS. Now, it has become most preferred programming approach by software engineers to solve real world complex problems. The traditional procedural languages solve problems in terms of the structure of the computer i.e. memory bits and bytes, array, decision, loop rather than thinking in terms of the problem which is to be solved. Some of the noticeable drawbacks of traditional procedural–oriented programming languages such as C, Fortran, Cobol and Pascal are: Procedural–oriented programs are designed by functions which are less reusable and not well encapsulated. Global variables and other functions are also need to be referenced while using same function for other program. This makes reusability of functions very difficult in procedural– oriented programming. Procedural languages are not suitable of high–level abstraction for solving real life problems. Traditional procedural–languages separate the data structures and algorithms of the software entities. To overcome these problems ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Sample Resume : ' Void Lineh ' // REQUIRED HEADER FILES #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<dos.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> // PUBLIC FUNCTION TO DRAW A HORIZONTAL LINE(x1,x2,y) void lineh(int row1,int row2,int column,char c) { for(row1;row1<=row2;row1++) { gotoxy(row1,column); cout<<c; } } // PUBLIC FUNCTION TO DRAW A VERTICAL LINE (y1,y2,x) void linev(int column1,int column2,int row,char c) { for(column1;column1<=column2;column1++) { gotoxy(row,column1); cout<<c; } } // STRUCTURE CONTAINING VARIABLES FOR SHIP RESERVATION struct sahara { char name[20],sex[2],des[20],from[20],age[4],sstatus[2]; int passno; }; // CLASS TO CONTROL ALL THE FUNCTIONS RELATED TO SHIP RESERVATION class airways { private: sahara s; void help(); void getdata(int); void add(); void list(); void pinfo(); void cancel(); void mod(); char select(); public: void opening(); }; //FUNCTION NAME : OPENING //DESCRIPTION : This function opens up the MAIN MENU and calls other related functions. void airways::opening() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"tcbgi"); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT,CENTER_TEXT); setlinestyle(1,1,3); outtextxy(320,75,"A I R W A Y S"); outtextxy(320,175,"R E S E R V A T I O N"); outtextxy(320,275,"S Y S T E M"); ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. When I Came To America Essay Wang Si Yu is my foreign exchange student who has lived with me for the past year. Her name, Si Yu, means rain and was chosen for her because her parents thought it sounded beautiful. However, I know her as Ella. When she came to America to complete her junior and senior years of high school she chose an english name. We went through a complex naming process but she finally decided on Ella because that was the easiest for her to pronounce. Ella is from North East China, a province called Harbin. Harbin's seasons are a lot like ours in the Quad Cities except that the winter months are significantly colder. Harbin is often called ice city because in winter they have entire buildings made of ice. So naturally, Ella loves snow. In China, Ella is ... Show more content on ... Their Saturdays are often filled with studying and Sundays are usually devoted to studying, sports, and for some families, church. For the adults, fathers spend most of their time working and mothers spend their time working, cooking, or teaching their children when they are home from school. According to Ella, both friends and family are very important and equally valued in her culture. Along with friends and family, the Chinese also value their hobbies, money, and being unique. Food is another part of their culture that is very important. In America we often eat food in a rush, on the go, or not even at a table. But in China they take their time eating, follow a slow process eating course by course, and do it all together as a family and even with friends. History is also very important to the Chinese culture. With such a rich and long history of their country, students spend much time learning about China's past and they even learn the old Chinese language. The main purpose in the lives of Chinese people is to have children, grow their family, and leave a legacy. In China things like school, family, friends, and their history are just a few things that their culture greatly ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Similarities Between Emoticons And Emojis Emojis, A History Emojis – the little picture messages that have worked their way into our devices, hearts, and to some extent, our speech! Where did they come from? Furthermore, how did they take over? For that matter, what even constitutes an emoji? Relatively few of us take the time consider these questions, despite their central, all encompassing role in our daily lives. The answers, as will soon be discovered, are rich and fascinating! A tiny misnomer that needs to be clarified, before we go down the emoji rabbit hole, is that emojis are not emoticons. These two terms are often interchangeably used, but they are in fact quite different! Emoticons VS Emojis The distinction between emoticons and emojis is actually fairly simple to ... Show more content on ... Regardless of the fact that he invented the former, he believes that the latter lacks the same imagination that spurred interesting emoticons. Furthermore, he briefly noted in Smiley Lore how it's "interesting to note that Microsoft and AOL now intercept these character strings and turn them into little pictures. Personally, I think this destroys the whimsical element of the original." The Father of Emoji: Shigetaka Kurita About a decade after the birth of the emoticon, the first iteration of the emoji was created in Tokyo. Pagers were booming in popularity amongst the youth in Japan, and the mobile device company NTT Docomo decided to add a heart symbol to their Pocket Bell device. This allowed people to send a cute picture message to their friends. Pocket Bell users loved this feature. However, when NTT Docomo decided to market their devices to a more business–friendly market, they abandoned their heart emoji precursor. To say that the users were upset is an understatement. Imagine if Apple took a feature away from the iPhone, and you hated the move so much that you actually switched phones. (We lose features all the time, but we don't all feel as strongly about it). Users actually started to leave NTT Docomo pagers, in favor of competitors that had adopted the heart symbol. Enter Shigetaka Kurita – a man working on a revolutionary project at NTT Docomo known as i– mode. This mobile platform would prove to be nearly a decade ahead ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Notes On Codes And Codes //********************************************************************** // REQUIRED HEADER FILES //********************************************************************** #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<dos.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> //********************************************************************** // PUBLIC FUNCTION TO DRAW A HORIZONTAL LINE(x1,x2,y) //********************************************************************** void lineh(int row1,int row2,int column,char c) { for(row1;row1<=row2;row1++) { gotoxy(row1,column); cout<<c; } } //********************************************************************** // PUBLIC FUNCTION TO DRAW A VERTICAL LINE (y1,y2,x) //********************************************************************** void linev(int column1,int column2,int row,char c) { for(column1;column1<=column2;column1++) { gotoxy(row,column1); cout<<c; } } //********************************************************************** // STRUCTURE CONTAINING VARIABLES FOR SHIP RESERVATION //********************************************************************** struct sahara { char name[20],sex[2],des[20],from[20],age[4],sstatus[2]; int passno; }; //********************************************************************** // CLASS TO CONTROL ALL THE FUNCTIONS RELATED TO SHIP ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Character Recognition By Machines, An Innovative Way By... Abstract–Character Recognition by machines is an innovative way by which the dependence on manpower is reduced. Character recognition provides a reliable alternative of converting manual text into digitized format. Now–a–days, as technology becomes integral part of human life, many applications have enabled the incorporation of English OCR for real time inputs. The advantages that the English alphabet has is its simplicity offered by less number of letters i.e. 26 and easier classification due to the concept of lowercase and uppercase. If we consider Devnagari script in this scenario, we will come across myriad hurdles because this script lacks the simplicity of English. The concept of fused letters, modifiers, shirorekha and spitting similarities in some letters make recognition difficult. Also, character recognition for handwritten text is far more complex than that for machine printed characters. This is because of the versatility and different writing techniques adopted by people. The direction of strokes, pressure applied on writing equipments, quality of writing equipment and the mentality of the writer itself highly affects the written text. These problems when combined with the intricate details of Devnagari script, the complications in constructing a HCR of this script are increased. The proposed system focuses on these two issues by adopting Hough transform for detecting features from lines and curves. Further, for classification, SVM is used. These two methods ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Spanish Baby Names Essay Since the day when you first know what is your name? You were surely thought about what does that mean and from where it is originated. Meaning and origin of your name are vital; there are many versatile names origins all across the globe. If you would like to find out the meaning or origin of any of the names, you can simply search over the internet, as there are some sites that could tell from where your name has been originated. Chinese baby names have become appealing to many American parents in the recent years because they sound beautiful and typically have beautiful meanings too. In addition, they are very rare but this probably will not be the case for long considering the rising popularity of rare and less common names. Just like the ... Show more content on ... The important fact about the Spanish names for girls who carry their as the names of his brothers which are followed by the surnames of their husbands. Most Dutch baby names are derived from the names of the Christian saints and Biblical characters. These became popular after Christianization in the Middle Ages when the Old Germanic names were largely replaced by Latin or Dutch versions of the Christian names which in turn are mostly of Hebrew origin. Babies in the Netherlands were traditionally named after their relatives – parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., while the religion had and still has a major influence on the selection of the name as well. Despite the fact that Egyptian baby are famous worldwide, they remain uncommon in the United States. On the other hand, they are not particularly common in modern Egypt either because the country is mostly Muslim, while the Muslims typically give their Arabic babies. Nevertheless, many Egyptian baby names sound beautiful and evoke the image of the mighty Egyptian pharaohs and other famous ancient Egyptians who were either real historical figures or mythological ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Essay On Emoji SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – The Oxford English Dictionary declared an emoji its 2015 word of the year. This was puzzling for many. The emoji it singled out – an image of a laughing yellow face crying tears of joy – didn't fit most people's definition of a word. Language experts around the world, on the other hand, weren't shocked. Most linguists agree that a word is a unit that is meaningful; emoji fits that definition. Plus, the choice recognizes how the yellow smiley faces and other colorful emojis representing food, animals and hand gestures affect the way people talk online. Bangor University linguistics professor Vyv Evans conducted a 2015 study. Evans found that 80 percent of smartphone users in Britain use emojis. Almost all smartphone users under age 25 text with emojis. A study conducted ... Show more content on ... "I can make a whale or a penguin," said Internet language expert Gretchen McCulloch. "I don't even know how I would do that with emoticons." How To Say What You Mean Unicode is an international system that standardizes characters across different operating systems. Type ":–)" into your iPhone or Android phone, and the symbols automatically turn into a yellow smiley face. Thanks to Unicode, emojis became accessible and easy to use. Linguist Neil Cohn researches how humans are programmed to use visual communication. In other words, people prefer drawing to convey their point. It's no wonder communicating digitally with emojis is a no–brainer. Language experts note that emojis also help people online say what they mean. When they write "What the heck?", for example, they can include a laughing emoji or an angry–faced emoji. That detail communicates whether a person is amused or mad. Things that are quickly adopted are likely to quickly disappear. Emojis fit so seamlessly into the way we communicate that linguists believe they are here to stay. Anyone Can Suggest An ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Difference Between Alphabetistic And Alphabetic Writing... Alphabetic and Logographic writing systems almost symbolizes two major cultures in the world. The Western, Rome, Greece is where the alphabet was created and developed over the course of centuries. Alphabetic Writing System such as Latin, French, and English had been used as the main language and device of Western Culture. Particularly English, it is the franca langua. Although English dominates most of the globe, through colonization, political powers and such, English or any other alphabetic writing system before that failed to be completely dominant. The reason is the existence of logographic writing systems particularly Eastern ones, Chinese as the most relevant example. China was by definition, an empire and it did have many influences ... Show more content on ... This proves that the rise of English is not dominant. Why is that? Why is one writing system not completely dominates the other? There are two reasons for that which is the enormous civilization and culture that was already built upon these writing systems and the fundamentals difference between these two writing systems. First of all, what are these Alphabetic and Logographic writing systems and why are they fundamentally different? The alphabetic writing system, the original principle of the alphabetic writing system, in strong contrast to ideographic writing, is a visualization of speech. Ideally each letter represents one speech sound (grapheme–phoneme correspondence), and rules govern combinations from this small set of basic symbols into higher order linguistic units.(1) While on the other hand, in a logographic writing system, in theory, each symbol represents one idea. (2). The main advantage of the alphabet principle is the consistency of the spelling for each word. Because words' consistent spelling, the alphabetic systems have many patterns recurring in many words making it easier to learn. Also Alphabetic words, since the spelling ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Cos-101 Written Assignment 1 COS–101 Written Assignment 1 What is the most important difference between a computer and a calculator? A calculator is a computer with specific program or set of instruction for mathematical calculations A computer is equipment that is centralized around the CPU, microprocessor running specific instruction or application. Calculator is a program or app that can run on a computer So the most important difference is the set of instruction that each is designed for. A calculator instruction is specific for mathematical calculation and a computer can accept different programs for several different computation or task. How are computers today similar to those from World War II? How are they different Today computers ... Show more content on ... ASCII was initially designed for the English language, and the 256 character limitation struggled to keep pace with the multitude of different languages. Unicode and the support of 100,000 unique character is better suited for the majority of the world language Why do many PC manufacturers include graphics–processing units (GPUs) in their machines? The Graphic Process Unit frees up the CPU for other non–graphic task this allows the GPU to focus exclusively on graphics Describe several ways you can minimize your negative impact on the environment when you purchase and use a computer. Proof read your work without printing, this is an easy way to contribute to green environment. Another is to print on both side of your paper. Using the power save feature put your computer in a sleep mode until activated. Screen saver are a absolute no for a green ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. What Is The Process Of Front End Text Processing subsection{Front–end text processor} label{subsec:front–end} Front–end text processor produces Linguistic representation from the input text. This component does the majority of the text pre–processing and then gives the Linguistic Representation of the text to the Statistical Model. The task of pre–processing varies based on what kind of Front–end it is. There can be two types of front–end. begin{enumerate} item Trained front–end. item Minimal front–end. end{enumerate} subsubsection{Trained Front End} By trained front end, we mean a front end text processor which is trained on a specific language using language specific rules, grammar etc, e.g: Front end text processors of Festival cite{festival}, Mary Text to ... Show more content on ... It depends on what type of text we are trying to normalize. There is no one consistent algorithm to normalize texts. It varies from language to language. One example of text normalization can be processing of NSW or Non–Standard Words, such as– year, cardinal number, ordinal number, acronyms etc. par For example: For example: Consider the Bangla sentence, textbengali{"আমি পরীক্ষায় ৭ম হয়েছি।"} Here, textbengali{"৭ম"} is an ordinal number which is supposed to be pronounced as textbengali{"সপ্তম" }। During text normalization we can replace textbengali{"৭ম"} with textbengali{"সপ্তম" }. item textbf{POS Taggging} POS tagging or Parts of Speech tagging is labeling the tokens as their Corresponding Parts of Speech. POS tagging is done keeping in consideration what parts of speech the token is in its sentence. POS tagging helps in deciding prosodic information as different parts of speech tend to be pronounced differently sometimes. . item textbf{Phoneme Detection} Phoneme detection is creating the pronunciation model, which contains phoneme set, that the text must follow. The tokens are basically broken down into phonemes by looking up a dictionary or some rules. A vast knowledge of the language is required to create the phoneme set and the dictionary. item textbf{Phrase Break} Finding the proper position to put the prosodic break is another important step in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Pros And Cons Of Steganography Steganography has been widely used, including in recent historical times and the present day. Known examples include: Hidden messages within wax tablet–in ancient Greece, people wrote messages on wood and covered it with wax that bore an innocent covering message. Hidden messages on messenger's body–also used in ancient Greece. Herodotus told the story of a message tattooed on the part of the body i.e. shaved head of a slave of Histiaeus, covered by the hair that later grew over it, and exposed by shaving the head. This method has the drawbacks, such as delayed transmission while waiting for the slave's hair to grow, and restrictions on the number and size of messages that can be written on one person's scalp. During World War II, the French Resistance sent ... Show more content on ... This nomenclature was originally introduced by Krzysztof Szczypiorski in 2003. [27] Contrary to typical steganographic methods that use digital media (images, audio and video files) to hide data, network steganography uses communication protocols' control elements and their intrinsic functionality. As a result, such methods are harder to detect and eliminate. [28] Typical network steganography methods involve modification of the properties of a single network protocol. Such modification can be applied to the PDU (Protocol Data Unit), [29][30][31] to the time relations between the exchanged PDUs,[32] or both (hybrid methods).[33] Moreover, it is feasible to utilize the relation between two or more different network protocols to enable secret communication. These applications fall under the term inter–protocol steganography. [34] Network steganography covers a broad spectrum of techniques, which include, among ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. User Assistance Paper User assistance is an important part of any product that helps to improve user experience with a particular product. Many products that are released for global markets require that user assistance help and documentation be translated in multiple languages for specific target locales. This paper presents the process of optimizing user assistance help content for translation in the following two categories: writing suggestions and technical considerations. Writing suggestions 1. Use a style guide. A style guide defines the grammar, syntax and tone translators should use to facilitate a higher quality of translation and convey the source content accurately. 2. Develop a terminology glossary. A glossary should provide a comprehensive set of terminology that includes product names, trademarked terms, ... Show more content on ... Simplify the written language. To make documents clear and easy to translate, keep headlines and sub–headlines parallel. Use the same term to mean the same thing throughout the documentation. This can be implemented through the utilization of a source style guide and glossary. 4. Include universal units of measure. Different countries use different units of measure. Lack of clearly defined units of measure can cause significant confusion and costly errors. Therefore, it is important to include both metric and imperial measurements in the documentation. 5. Include international phone and date formats. Because phone numbers and date formats vary from region to region, these formats should be displayed correctly in the source and translated copies of documentation. For example, in the U.S., phone numbers are expressed as (425) 517–2577. However, international customers also need to know the country code, which for the US is +1. Thus, displaying the phone number as +1 425.517.2577 helps international customers. Likewise, many countries use dd/mm/yyyy. To avoid confusion, it is necessary to indicate clearly which date format is used or to spell out the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Module 5 Assignment Module 5 Assignment (20 possible points) Name: __Marcus E. Mackey, Sr._________________________ All assignments are to be completed individually without the assistance of classmates or anyone else. If you have questions, contact the professor who will be glad to help you. By turning in this assignment, you are stating that this work is yours alone. PART A: In this module, we explore how what is deemed right or wrong by society find its way into a law. Sometimes institutionalization occurs as a voluntary standard, an industry standard, or as a requirement by law. Consider an industry such as retail or sales. Give me an example of each of those standards. Voluntary Standard : –Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc., a global leader in premium spirits ... Show more content on ... I come to this conclusion with a heavy heart. If it was my choice I think governmental regulation or oversight should be used for all of the industries listed in Part B. Really any industry I choose I can come up with a thousand reason why they should be regulated. Retail is less important simply because it is kind of self–regulated by supply and demand (unless we are talking about food). Once consumers find out something about a retailer they show support by buying or lack of support by not purchasing products. PART C: It seems that whenever there is a corporate scandal, Congress responds by trying to strengthen the laws. Sarbanes–Oxley was passed to address the Enron accounting abuses. Review the video links and information about Sarbanes–Oxley found in the text and module. Many of the SOX provisions were contained in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Which of these provisions are effective? Why do you think so? Provision #2 (from textbook). Requires CEOs and CFOs to certify that their companies' financial statements are true and without misleading statements. A major impetus behind the Sarbanes–Oxley Act was deliberate financial statement fraud. When committed on a large scale, billions of dollars can be lost and investor confidence in financial market will be reduced. Evidence suggests that the incidence of fraud has declined relative to the pre–SOX era. This can only be interpreted as suggesting that SOX ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Character Encoding Essay COMP323 FOUNDATION OF CHINESE COMPUTING Lecture 2: Concept of Character Set, Code Set and Encoding Monday, 24 September, 2012 Student Name: _________________ Student ID: _________________ NOTE: Please hand in your answers before the end of class. Exercise 1: (a) How many characters can be encoded with the 3–bit codes? (b) To encode 100 characters, at least how many bits are required? (c) For a character set with n number of characters, what is the minimum number of bits required so that all characters can be given different values? Exercise 2: Assume six Chinese characters are placed in a 6×6 table and in particular in the 6 positions specified below, what binary values can be assigned to these ... Show more content on ... Exercise 2: Assume six Chinese characters are placed in a 6×6 table and in particular in the 6 positions specified below, what binary values can be assigned to these 6 characters according to the given two–dimensional code space? 啊 阿 唉 作 坐 座 COMP323 FOUNDATION OF CHINESE COMPUTING Lecture 2: Concept of Character Set, Code Set and Encoding Monday, 24 September, 2012 Student Name: _________________ Student ID: _________________ NOTE: Please hand in your answers before the end of class. Exercise 1: (a) How many characters can be encoded with the 3–bit codes? (b) To encode 100 characters, at least how many bits are required? (c) For a character set with n number of characters, what is the minimum number of bits required so that all characters can be given different values? Exercise 2: Assume six Chinese characters are placed in a 6×6 table and in particular in the 6 positions specified below, what binary values can be assigned to these 6 characters according to the given two–dimensional code space? 啊 阿 唉 作 坐 座 COMP323 FOUNDATION OF CHINESE COMPUTING Lecture 2: Concept of Character Set, Code Set and Encoding Monday, 24 September, 2012 Student Name: _________________ Student ID: _________________ NOTE: Please hand in your ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Measuring The Ability Of Correctly Recall Different... The primary outcome in the current study was measuring the ability to correctly recall different character sets that included similar or dissimilar distractor tasks. To test this hypothesis, the number of correctly recalled character sets were analyzed by a 2 (character set: consonants vs. digits) X 2 (distractor task: word–based vs. number–based) between–subjects ANOVA. The main effect for character sets was not statistically significant, F(1, 106) = 1.16, p = .284, ηp² = .01. The main effect for distractor tasks also produced non–statistically significant results, F(1, 106) = 1.0, p = .758, ηp² = .001 . Lastly the interaction effect showed a non–statistically significant result F(1, 106) = 1.22, p = .271, ηp² = .011. Descriptive statistics for these data can be found in Table 1. The secondary outcome in the current study was measuring the perceived difficulty of learning the character sets, and having to recall them with a similar or dissimilar distractor task. Using a 2 (character set: consonants vs. digits) X 2 (distractor task: word–based vs. number–based) between–subjects ANOVA to analyze the perceived difficulty of the character sets and distractor tasks. The main effect for character set difficulty also showed a non–statistically significant main effect F(1, 106) = <.000. As for the main effect for distractor type, a non–statistically significant result was reported F(1, 106) = 3.06 p = .337, ηp² = .009. Lastly, the interaction effect also resulted in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Investigating Concepts Of A Digital Device Essay The purpose of this assessment is to investigate concepts relating to a system that is used within a digital device. For my assessment, I chose the A5158 model MP3 player that belongs to my dad. The features of this device include: High–Contrast LCD Display, Resolution 96 x 32 Integrated Flash Memory Plays MP3 and WMA Digital Music Files FM Radio 4GB – Stores up to 1000 songs USB 2.0 Hi–Speed for fast file transfers Key lock preventing accidental key presses Integrated 100mAh Lithium rechargeable battery – for up to 5 hours playback Data Representation In computer terms, a bit is a numeric value – either a zero or a one – that holds a single unit of digital information. Bits are usually strung together in a sequence – eight bits normally equals one byte. Bits are used to write binary numbers, which can be used to store decimal numbers such as 244 or 93 as patterns of ones and zeroes. ASCII – or American Standard Code for Information Interchange – is a computer code that was developed to allow computers to convert human text into bits that computers could understand. In ASCII code, for example, the letter A is 65 – a number that can then be converted into the binary value 1000001. In the 1960's, the 7 bit ASCII table was first adopted. Within a 7 bit number, 128 different characters can be stored – English letters from A–Z (upper and lower case), numeric digits from 0–9 and "special" characters such as !/*+. The eighth bit was used to detect transmission errors. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Questions On Business And Information Technology Essay Whitireia New Zealand Faculty of Business & Information Technology Auckland Campus ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET PROGRAMME Postgraduate Diploma in IT COURSE CODE IT8401 ASSIGNMENT NUMBER 1 LECTURER Dr. Zawar Shah STUDENT ID 21403039 STUDENT NAME Chandrasekar V S DUE DATE DATE SUBMITTED I certify that this is my own work: Student Signature: NB: Assignments will not be accepted without a certification signature. Refer to the BInfoTech handbook for information on plagiarised work. MARK MARK (%) GRADE LECTURER'S SIGNATURE Table of Contents 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Literature Reviews 3.1 Literature Review by Ramgovind S, Eloff MM and Smith E 3.1.1 Types of Cloud 3.1.2 Cloud Delivery Models 3.2 Literature Review by Ankur Mishra, Ruchita Mathur, Shishir Jain and Jitendra Singh Rathore 3.2.1 Virtualization 3.2.2 Multi–tenancy 3.3 Literature Review by Rabi Prasad Padhy, Manas Ranjan Patra and Suresh Chandra Satapathy 3.4 Literature Review by Balachandra Reddy Kandukuri, Ramakrishna Paturi V and Dr. Atanu Rakshit 3.5 Literature Review by R. Kalaichelvi Chandrahasan, S Shanmuga Priya and Dr. L. Arockiam 3.6 Literature Review by Mervat Adib Bamiah and Sarfraz Nawaz Brohi 3.7 Literature Review by Dimitrios Zissis and Dimitrios Lekkas 3.8 Literature Review by Ramalingam Sugumar, A Janet Rajeswari and Shanmugasundaram Hariharan 4. Discussion 5. Literature Map 6. Concept Matrix 7. Conclusion 8. Glossary 9. References 1. Abstract Security is the hottest field in ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Relational Database Management System 1. A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a type of database management system that stores data in the form of related tables. The system does not require many assumptions about how data is related t or how it is to be extracted from the database. The database can be viewed in several forms. 2. De–Normalization is a process of adding redundant data to get rid of complex joins for optimizing database performance. 3. A view is an SQL statement that is stored within a database that is also associated with a name. A view is also a table in the form of a query. A view can contain all rows of a table or select rows from a table. 4. Subqueries are often referred as subselects, as they allow a SELECT statement to be executed within ... Show more content on ... The process of restoring the backup of log files and database on a primary server and restoring them to a standby server is called Log shipping. 21. Local temporary tables are visible only to their creators during the same connection to an instance of SQL Server as when the tables were first created or referenced. Local temporary tables are deleted after the user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. Global temporary tables are visible to any user and on any connection after they are created, and are deleted when all users that are referencing the table disconnect from the instance of SQL Server. 22. Scheduled jobs are automated pieces of work that can be performed at a customized date and time on a recurring schedule. Scheduled tasks are created using SQL server, which enables the SQL commands to be executed automatically at regularly timed intervals. 23. A Heap Table is a table that does not have cluster or a non–cluster indices. Multiple non– clustered indices can be created on tables that are stored as a Heap. When they are stored in a Heap they are not ordered in any specific way. 24. The process that writes the modified pages from Buffer Cache to physical disk is called the CHECKPOINT process. This process is run automatically by SQL Server at specific ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Creating A Better Recognition System ABSTRACT Bangla word recognition is extremely challenging and there are too few works reported on online cursive Bangla word recognition. Bangla is a complicated script and it needs rigorous investigations to implement a better recognition system. While we have sophisticated classifiers like Hidden Markov Models or BLSTM Neural Networks for recognition of complicated scripts, we have very little comparative studies about the appropriate feature sets for such scripts. In this paper, our aim is to implement an appropriate recognition system for author–independent unconstrained Bangla word where a modified feature set is proposed. To construct the modified feature set, we modify existing feature sets and add new features for improvement of recognition accuracy. We test performances of various existing feature sets and proposed feature set on same Bangla dataset for fair comparison and report the comparative results using various lexicons upto 20,000–word lexicon. Each time an HMM–based classifier is used to test the feature set. Finally, a recognition system is built over the combination of existing and modified feature sets. Keywords: Online handwriting recognition, online character recognition, lexicon driven approach, Bangla script, Indic script, cursive text recognition. 1. Introduction Bangla text recognition is more challenging than Latin text recognition in several ways. Bangla alphabet has complex shapes. There are more than 300 characters (including 50 vowel and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Analysis Of Rod Chester's Article More Than Just A Smiley... In his article 'More than just a smiley face' (The Advertiser, 30 May 2015, p. 49), Rod Chester discusses how some experts are branding emoji as the fastest growing language. Chester describes how emoji are pictographs which found their beginning during the 1990s in Japan and are now changing the way we communicate. He admits that while emoji may not qualify as a language, he is certain that it is commonly sought after for electronic communication. While examining the origins of the pictographs, Chester highlights that if the Japanese telecommunication companies that gave birth to emoji had applied a copyrighted system to their images, emoji may have never become so prevalent. Chester explains that emoji is alternatively governed by the not ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Application Of A Handwriting From A Abstract : The Objective of this project is to recognise english handwriting from a given document image. In this report we have used 40point feature extraction to extract pattern from the characters and then use this data to train artificial neural network.This system is very successful in recognition of handwritten characters. Hence this system will be suitable to convert handwritten text into text document. Introduction : Optical Character Recognition is one of the most researching field in recent years. It has numerous applications in the field of automation and advancement of machine interface with man. Handwritten recognition is one of the challenging and fascinating area for research in Optical Character Recognition. Online and Offline are two modes for handwritten recognition. In Offline method, writing is captured by scanner and final text is formed. The data formed from 40point feature extraction is used to feed artificial neural network to train it and produce more accurate result. Several applications such as document reading, mail sorting, postal address recognition and bank processing require offline handwritten recognition. As a result, offline method is very active area for research for more accurate solutions. In this project we used english alphabet characters to train artificial neural network and test its accuracy of character recognition. Previous Works : In recent years, many research papers have been published in the field of optical character ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Essay Layering & Internet Model There are three parts to this assignment relating to each lecture in Module 1. Part 1: Layering and the Internet Model Imagine that a technology organization has been in business for decades, and that the organization developed its own method of computer–to–computer communication. Because this method of communication only occurs within this organization, it is not layered, but rather is designed to operate as quickly and efficiently as possible on the custom hardware by using the least amount of overhead possible. The organization continues to create its own communication hardware and software that works with modern computers, but the CTO of the organization is considering replacing this custom communication solution with the adoption ... Show more content on ... Thus Cost will be reduced as there will be many vendors offering the products at different layers. Competition and compatibility of the products will be more, which will in turn reduce the cost. Topic 2: The Disadvantages of a Layered Model Identify and describe the disadvantages of a layered solution when compared to the organization's non–layered solution. 1.The processing and data overhead because for any communication to take place it has to go through all 5 layers (internet model ) and 7 layers for OSI model. 2. The data overhead as it adds headers at each layer as the datagram moves down the stack. Thus part of bandwidth is used for the protocol headers instead of message/data. 3. Addition of headers at each layer also increases the computation overhead. Topic 3: The Layers of the Internet Model Identify the layers of the Internet Model, and explain what functionality each layer would provide for the organization, if adopted. Layers of the Internet Model : 1. The Physical Layer 2. The Data link layer 3. The Network layer 4. The Transport layer 5. The Application layer Physical layer : The Physical layer is the lowest layer of the internet model and is concerned with
  • 60. the transmission and reception of the unstructured raw bit stream. It describes the electrical/optical, mechanical, and functional interfaces to the physical medium, and carries the signals for all of ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Informal Complaint Sample On 04/10/2018 I received an informal complaint from you, dated 04/10/2018. The topic of your informal complaint was a missing hobby craft that you claim to have dropped off at the Santa Cruz Unit programs office to COIII Keaton. In your complaint you stated that on March 1st you gave COIII Keaton a painting that you wanted to be included in a Tedx logo contest that was being held on March 2nd. You stated the painting needed to be turned into COIV Contreras, who was not in the programs office when you dropped the painting. You stated that COIII Keaton took possession of your painting, and told you that he would take it to COIV Contreras. You stated that on April 6th, Inmate Mounla #140057 informed you that your painting was lost, and that she confirmed this by asking COIV Contreras, COIV Flores, COIII Keaton, and Deputy Warden Theodore. You stated that inmate Mounla informed you that COIII Keaton stated that he did receive your painting, and that he immediately put it on COIV Contreras desk. Your proposed resolution was for your painting to be located. I conducted an ... Show more content on ... Neither COIV Contreras, nor COIV Flores had any knowledge a painting that you submitted. COIII Keaton did recall that you gave him either a painting or drawing, and that he placed it into COIV Contreras mail box on the door to her office in the programs area, contrary to inmate Mounla's statement that COIII Keaton personally placed the painting on COIV Contreras desk. Unfortunately, the painting was in an unsecure area of the programs office, and could have been taken by another inmate in the area. The programs office has a fairly high volume of inmate traffic during the day. While you were correct to deliver this item to program staff, I suggest in the future that you hold off on turning in similar items until the appropriate staff (COIV Contreras or COIV Flores) area available to secure the items ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Cuneiform : Images And Images "Emojis are Unicode graphic symbols, used as a shorthand to express concepts and ideas"(Kralj). Emoticons are basically little pictures that are sent through different types of messaging systems to express emotion after or before the sender types what he/she is saying. On the other hand, hieroglyphics were drawings that were strictly one type of communication. "The ancient Egyptians expressed their ideas in writing by means of a large number of picture signs which are commonly called hieroglyphics"(Budge1). These pictures were drawn to express emotion, sound, and description, that told the comprehender what the writing was saying. Hieroglyphics and emoticons were both pictures that displayed a message, but hieroglyphics were more complicated than emoticons. Hieroglyphics were strictly pictures that represented writing, therefore they had to be really elaborate to create no confusion as to what the drawings were saying. However, emoticons are very simple symbols that display emotions and objects. They are simple because when a writer is using them it is either supported with words or what the writer is trying to convey is so simple that an emoticon can be enough to get the message across. "Emojis on smartphones, in chat, and email applications have become extremely popular worldwide."(Kralj) As time progresses, it is possible that emoticons can become more elaborate, such as hieroglyphics were to become more independent in communication. By comparing hieroglyphics ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Importance Of Social Media On The Form Of Communication Language is a property found solely in humans. It helps humans communicate feelings and ideas to those around them. Through the invention of the internet and the smartphone, a new form of communication has risen. Called microtexts, this form of communication refers to text or IM messages, and posts on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Reddit, or other social media websites. Microtexts are limited either by the website (ex. Twitter) or by those consuming the content on these sites; if posts are too long, they might not get read. In this paper, the phrase "textual paralinguistic features" refers to capitalization, punctuation, repetition of letters, emojis/emoticons, and other features added to text that are not words with the intention of adding meaning. Let emoticons be defined as faces created by symbols found on a keyboard (ex. ;–) ) and let emojis be the small pictures typically found on mobile devices (ex.☺). The influence of social media on informal writing allows for a much more exact sentiment to be conveyed to the audience in comparison to traditional rhetorical and style devices found in formal writing. This is because the smaller chunks of writing emulate spoken language, making microtexts a more natural form of communication. Adding extra features to the text such as punctuation marks and emojis replaces emotion that may be lost in a message that is just text. Likewise, capitalization and manipulation of text can add tone to an otherwise dry message. These ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Software Localization Strategies 2. LOCALIZATION STRATEGIES There are two possible strategies for software localization as: 2.1. For designing a new localized software product This strategy based on designing and developing a software product according to specific culture from scratch. Developer can put every resources needed for localized software product in some type of resource repository. This repository may be Windows resource files, .NET assemble files, or a database. This resource repository is easily editable, and also eliminates the need for source code recompiling. 2.2. For localizing an already existing software product Here it is assumed that the source code (in the source language) for the software product to be localized is already available. This strategy reuses the existing software product for the target locale. The localization tool explained in this paper is based on this strategy. Programmer has the code of notepad software (available in English) and this code pass as input test case to the tool. 3. SERVICE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE Service oriented architecture is software architecture design pattern that provide application functionality as services, known as Service–orientation. Similar to cloud computing in SOA services are shared and there exists a cloud of services. Hence SOA based on the concept of cloud computing. Cloud computing used to describe a variety of different types of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers connected through a real–time communication ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Semantic Web And The Web another day, right now we are sticking to the Semantic Web. We should first wait until the Semantic Web is completed before we jump to the next thing on the list. (Aghaei, Nematbakhsh and Farsani) (Frauenfelder) The million dollar question is: what is the Semantic Web? The Semantic Web is not a completely new web that is going to replace the current web, it is simply and extension from the present web. The idea of Web 3.0 is for the information in the web to be understood and recognized by the computer. Today the web is a big global storage that stores files for humans to read, not computers, humans. This in what the Semantic Web is going to change by allowing computers to read and understand the information and data stored in the web. ... Show more content on ... A better way to help understand the Semantic Web would be a scenario placed by the Tim Berners– Lee. First, imagine that you are registering for an online conference. The website of the conference contains not only the event date, time and location, but also information from the closest hotel and airport. In real and regular life a you would have to make sure you have a time in your schedule that is compatible with the online conference for you to be able to attend. Next you would have to make arrangements for the flight by buying a ticket and for the hotel by reserving a room that meets your needs. According to Berners–Lee right now there is no way you can simply say "I want to go to the event" because you have to make plans by making arrangements. However, with the semantic web this scenario of simply wanting to go without making previous arrangements is possible because with the Semantic Web the airport and hotel arrangements can be done by simply pressing a button. The SM would book your flight and it will reserve your room as well, without you having the need to pick up the phone to call a reservation desk, or you having to visit the hotel's or airport's website. As you can see Web 3.0 can facilitate our tasks tremendously.(Frauenfelder) (Dumbill) (Hendler, Berners–Lee and Miller) After reading about what the Semantic Web is it might seem like there is ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Optical Character Recognition Is Becoming Popular Areas Of... Project Title:OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Abstract: The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is becoming popular areas of research under pattern recognition and smart device applications. It requires the intelligence like human brain to recognize the various handwritten characters. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used together the information required to recognize the characters adaptively. This paper presents a performance analysis of character recognition by Scale Invariant Feature (SIF) matrix with a Back Propagation Neural network (BPN). A GUI based OCR system is developed using Mat lab. The results are shown for the English alphabets and numeric. This is observed that the perceptron network converges faster, whereas the BPN can handle the complex script recognition when the training set is enriched. Keywords: Character recognition, back–propagation neural network, scale invariant feature Introduction: Automatic character recognition is a well–accepted area of research under pattern recognition. In handwritten character recognition, characters are written by different individuals that vary drastically from person to person due to variation in the writing style, its size and orientation of characters. This makes the system difficult to recognize the characters. Artificial Neural
  • 73. Network (ANN) helps to solve the problem of identifying handwritten characters in an automated manner. ANN is an adaptive ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Review of Essential Terms and Concepts Essay Review of Essential Terms and Concepts CIS–300 1. The word bit is a contraction for what two words? Binary digit 2. Explain how the terms bit, byte, nibble, and word are related. A bit is one digit, a nibble consists of four bits, and a byte consists of eight bits, while a word consists of two or more adjacent its. 3. Why are binary and decimal called positional numbering systems? Each position in a number of is weighted by a power of the radix 4. Explain how base 2, base 8, and base 16 are related. Base 2 each bit stands on its own example 1011011111 Base 8 you divide 1011011111 into groups of 3 Example 001–011–011–111 Base 16 you divide 1011011111 into groups of 4 Example 0010–1101–1111 5. What is a radix? In ... Show more content on ... 12. With reference to the previous question, what are the drawbacks of the other two conversion methods? Using the double–dabble method does not require remembering several different rules such as what signed to use and which number to add or subtract from, it is straightforward math. 13. What is overflow and how can it be detected? How does overflow in unsigned numbers differ from overflow in signed numbers? Overflow is when you have a carryover of a number, thus giving the wrong sign example causing two numbers to be added together, giving the result a negative number. It can be detected by simply knowing if the carry into signed bit equals the carry out signed bit, no overflow has occurred in unsigned numbers. We know they are positive so overflow does not change this, it will always remain positive, while in signed numbers. This overflow, unless programmed correctly, could change the entire outcome of the intended result. 14. If a computer is capable only of manipulating and storing integers, what difficulties present themselves? How are these difficulties overcome? Should the programmer of the system not take appropriate measures to check all be code written for a specific program, mathematical calculations could produce in accurate results. Difficulties like these be overcome by checking all programs and having other programmers and users test the system prior to deployment.
  • 76. 15. What are the goals of Booth's algorithm? To increase ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment 1 Question #1: Let us assume that a full–feature movie in MP4 format has a size of 2.4GB. How long would it take to download such a movie over: a) a T1 connection b) a T3 connection c) a cable modem with 2Mbps connection d) a telephone modem of 56Kbps Answer #1: Before specifically talk about how long the 2.4GB will take to completely get downloaded, I would like to talk about the difference between Byte (B) and bits (b) first. A bit is a single number or a single value which can be either 0 or 1 and this value is represent the digital information. A byte is a sequence of bits; like a sequence of digital information, usually eight bits equals to one byte. Now coming to the question, whenever you are downloading any file or software over internet it takes time to get downloaded depending on the downloading speed of your internet connection. Similarly, if we refer to the question and assume to download a MP4 format movie of total size 2.4GB (gigabytes), the downloading time of our movie will depend on the type of connection we are using. Below are few types of connection which can tell how long ... Show more content on ... Some of the advantages are; it adds weight to the authentication of the website – like if you are a retailer and your website ranks PR7 which means you are big and can be trusted by the customer. Similarly the advertisers uses your website to place ads due to its market reach and popularity and hence it results in generating revenue from the website owner perspective. Another advantage of PageRank is that if you rank high, there are more chances that Google spider will index the contents like article present on your website which results in more re–directed traffic. If a general user searches something and based on your PageRank your website appears on top – it leads to conversion of potential customer to end customer if you are doing B2C business or even ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Descriptive Essay About Yi Li I came into the world, one fall windy night, on September 7, 2000, exactly 4 minutes behind my twin sister. At 12:04 in the morning, when the roads were quiet except for the cries of the new born babies at Brooklyn, New York hospital, I was born. My parents told me that my hand, not my head, came out first. The reason behind this was because I was clinging to Yi Wen's leg with a firm grip and refused to let go. Perhaps I didn't want to come out or I wasn't happy with being second to come out because immediately after I was born, I cried and cried, and thrashed around with such force that my parents decide to named me Yi Ling. My name, Yi Ling Ni, represents me fairly well in some ways of my life, but as I grew up, I found myself pondering; why was I named this name? My name was chosen before I was born. Knowing that we were twin girls, my parents thought of names that would fit for twins. After consulting with my grandparents, known to be very wise when it came to Chinese characters and poetry; the names Yi Wen and Yi Ling were chosen. The Ling in my name is a Chinese character that represents one who is full of spirit, energy, and thinks very logically. So when my parents saw me as the energetic child, they named me Yi Ling. Yi was a character given to many Chinese people's names because it means to bring fortune and abundance in whatever they do. What I found interesting about my name compared to Yi Wen's name was the Wen part of her name. Wen, another Chinese character, ... Get more on ...