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The Success Of Adolf Hitler
Kimberly Land
Honors Political Thought
Professor Nicole Yanoso
02 December 2014
Reeducate the Educated
What comes to mind when the name Adolf Hitler is mentioned? Megamaniac, a genius in all the
wrong ways? Hitler had a vision for Germany. He wanted to eliminate the Jews, make the future of
Germany "brighter;" have a lasting impact on the land that everyone knew. Hitler came to power in
1933 and maintained power until 1945. His main vision was to exterminate all of the Jews or any
"unpure" population that would crowd or get in the way of any of his other goals.
Hitler believed that the youth was the most important group of people in Germany to brainwash. He
wanted to manipulate their thinking because the youth of Germany would become the adults of
Germany. Propaganda was his main method utilized to attempt to achieve his mission of a "brighter"
Germany. Adults were more difficult to persuade because they had already lived a different way than
most of the children that was born during the time of Adolf Hitler. That does not mean Hitler and his
team gave up on the adults, it meant that he had to try harder.
As found on the website, Means used by the Nazi conspirators in gaining control of the German
State. (n.d.). Hitler said on 1 May 1937:
"The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the
task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at
an age when human beings are
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Brutus And Mark Antony In William Shakespeare's The...
History often repeats itself, as if it is a windmill blowing in the breeze, such as "The Tragedy of
Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears", the
influential Mark Antony spoke to the Roman people just hours after Caesars death. Mark Antony
and Brutus both spoke with conviction and purpose, a purpose to persuade their audience to ascend
victorious for the cause of truth and justice against tyrants that would suppress their freedom.
Neither realizing their words and actions would lead to a battlefield of hate, guilt and bloodshed. All
strong and formidable leaders like Brutus and Mark Antony use psychological techniques such as
logic and reasoning to emotion and sentiment, to persuade and manipulate others to respond with
zeal as they deliver their speeches like an adhesive punch that sticks to the people of Rome like
glue, concerning the death of Julius Caesar.
"That I did love thee, Caesar, o'tis true" (act III, scene I). Brutus and Mark Antony both love Caesar
and call him their beloved friend. They hold positions of honor and prestige in the Roman senate
and are in Caesars inner circle. The glory of Rome along with triumphant battle victories and spoils
of conquests are their crowning privilege. Brutus and Mark Antony are essential character plot
developers, they are friends, they love Rome, and they will sacrifice all to obtain the best leadership
and future for their country. As the play rolls out
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College Admissions Essay: Overcoming Obstacles
Riding a unicycle is probably pretty interesting. I originally wanted my parents to get me a pogo
stick for christmas because they never got me one when i was little, but they couldn't find an adult
sized one in their budget. So they figured something else that is equally strange would suffice, and it
really seemed to fit my personality.The reason I started my essay with a reference to my unicycle is
because it shows some good aspects of my character. Since riding a unicycle took multiple months
for me to master, it shows that I am persistent, even if I fall a few times. Though riding a unicycle is
interesting and fun, it's not my main priority. I'm extremely passionate for film and theatre, and there
are a few things about me that really do a fantastic job at getting me ready for a career in acting. My
training in multiple martial arts under Sifu Marc Mcfann for the span of five years allows me to
understand choreography for fight scenes and standard body movement immensely. ... Show more
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I want to make people feel things that they haven't before, in any way possible! In my junior year of
high school, I was on stage for all three of the school's theatrical productions. I played a very minor
character in "Enter Laughing," I played Kit Kendrick, the basketball star, in the Thespian society
exclusive production of "Nothing is the End of the World (Except for the End of the World)" and
finally, I was the puppetmaster for "Little Shop of Horrors." Our school was issued a grant so our
theatre department could rent the Audrey II puppets from the same company that created the
Broadway puppets, and that was a phenomenal experience for me. This year, I wanted to participate
in all of the productions again, but i was informed by the director of the first play that he didn't want
me working backstage on steel magnolias because he wanted to use me on a different
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An Exploration Of The Great Dictator
OF THE GREAT DICTATOR (1940) 2 An Exploration of Charlie Chaplin 's Influences, Symbolism,
and Use of Sound in The Great Dictator (1940) Vincent G. Foisy Cleveland State University. An
Exploration of Charlie Chaplin?s Influences, Symbolism, and Use of Sound in The Great Dictator
(1940) In the early 1900?s, Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous filmmakers in American
history. His clumsy portrayal of The Little Tramp in many silent pictures led to him becoming a
household name by 1917; his vast writing and directing career was just getting started. By the 1930?
s, sound had taken over the silver screen; however, Chaplin refused to ... Show more content on ...
By this time, Chaplin, a vocally political anti–fascist, had expressed his dislike for Germany?s
Fuhrer and had been working on The Great Dictator since 1937 (Cole, 2001). Despite this, Chaplin
was pressured ?either to render the images and message of his film inoffensive to Hitler and
Mussolini, which meant eliminating any anti–fascist propaganda element, or else to drop the project
altogether? from the start of his work on the film (Cole, 2001). Until this point in time, the American
cinema had ignored Hitler?s presence and actions, as propaganda films were still slightly looked
down upon, due to their misuse during World War I (Cole, 2001). Perhaps another reason for
Chaplin?s public dislike of Hitler, was that his wife at the time, Paulette Goddard, was herself
Jewish (Brownlow & Kloft, 2002). In the film itself, Chaplin shows many events that reflect the
reality of late 1930?s Germany including most prominently the treatment of the Jewish people
through representations of anti–semitic graffiti and an event reminiscent of Kristallnacht. In the
early scenes of the Jewish ghetto, the windows all have painted graffiti reading "Jew" (Sherman,
2002). During the beginning of Jewish persecution in Germany, it was not uncommon for Nazis and
Nazi sympathizers to paint anti–semitic texts on to the windows of Jewish–owned shops and homes.
Through enormous set pieces, innovative camera work, and great attention to detail, Chaplin was
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Analysis Of Shakespeare 's Macbeth 's ' Macbeth '
Deemed Shakespeare's shortest and most bloody tragedy, Macbeth is the tale of a valiant Scottish
general whose unchecked ambition elicited his transformation into an immoral and tyrannical ruler.
The story follows Macbeth's encounter with the three Weird Sisters whose ambivalent "prophecies"
prompted him to murder King Duncan and ultimately triggered his moral decline.
Most prominent in the play is the theme of equivocation and a pervasive feeling of uncertainty is felt
throughout the entirety of the play. The uncertainty is caused by several instances of elusiveness and
the storyline is exacerbated by situations containing paradoxical elements that flaw Macbeth's moral
judgments. This paper aims to examine the effect of ambiguity in the play and the role it plays in
Macbeth's downfall.
Several prominent characters in the play make use of equivocations to hide their treacherous
intentions and some even come to recognize the danger of equivocal language. The three witches,
the porter and Macbeth are the most significant characters who take part in acts of subterfuge.
However, despite his own usage of double speak, Macbeth becomes a victim to the speech
manipulation of the Weird Sisters and regrettably fails to see the hidden deception in the witches'
words. The most famous paradoxical line of the witches: "Fair is foul and foul is fair" (1.1.11) visits
the tragedy in various forms and embodies the very essence of the play. It warns the audience that
all events, things and
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Analysis Of Star Wars : A New Hope
Upon its release, Star Wars: A New Hope, had an immediate impact on society and aspects of this
film are still embedded into popular culture today. This film is considered to be the pioneer of visual
effects. These new–found visuals led the public to believe it was the inspiration for the United States
Department of Defense to create a missile protection system during the Cold War. May 25th, 1977,
Star Wars: A New Hope, was released in 32 cinemas, accumulating $307,263,857 within its initial,
18–month, run. The film was taken out of theaters, on July 20th, 1978; however, the film was re–
released the following day due to its immense popularity. This release lasted until November 7th,
1978, adding another $33,908,317 to its gross receipts. Following its re–release, this blockbuster
was put back in theaters four more times. Finally, on January 31st, 1997, Star Wars: Special Edition,
was released and held the number 1 position for three weeks. All of these releases contributed to the
final domestic earnings of $460,998,007 and a worldwide total of $775,398,007. Filmed in the
country of Tunisia, Star Wars: A New Hope, tells the story of a rebellion against the Galactic
Empire. It begins with Luke Skywalker, a young man who lives with his foster aunt and uncle on a
farm on Tatooine. Skywalker is eventually sent away by his Uncle, to find a man by the name of
Obi–Wan Kenobi, who also possesses the gift of the force. However, many other obstacles become
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Social Criticism in Laurie Simmons Early Color Interiors
The Pictures generation of artists in the 1970s and 80s was marked by a rejection of the legacy of
the male–dominated world of painting by a new generation of artists working with photography,
video and performance art. The desire to find a new aesthetic that suited the changing culture of the
U.S. led many artists to express themselves using the immediate nature of photography. The most
influential members of this group were women concerned with questioning conventional
representations of gender in the media and film. Laurie Simmons' early photography was an
exploration of societal expectations about women's roles. Her Early Color Interiors photographs
(1978–79) critiqued conventional representations of women in domestic spaces. Her ... Show more
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Of the connection between her work and the media, Simmons says: "I was conscious of both
looking back at my own childhood and commenting upon the way this period of time was portrayed
in the media." She discusses the imagery in Post–World War II America, explaining that her
photographs served to "point out the darker subtext lurking beneath the whitewashed presentation of
this time period." She has said that she inspired by things like LIFE magazines and old commercials,
media that was full of images of domesticity and a "sterilized" image of the ideal American home. It
was these that she was reacting against by creating images with a similar color and format, but
replacing the happy homemaker with posed dolls in a scene of chaos and frustration. It seems that
Simmons is pointing out the postmodern feminist view that "femininity is a masquerade, a set of
poses adopted by women in order to conform to societal expectations about womanhood." In an
essay discussing the relationship between domesticity and aesthetics, Kevin Melchionne notes that
though "feminists are...suspicious of any attempt to idealize the home" because they see it as a
"sabotage" of their efforts to "enter public life," but he acknowledges that "many feminists are
committed to recognizing the importance of what women traditionally contribute." It is this
complexity of a woman's experience that Simmons
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Elizabethan Era Cinema
What were theatres like?
The beginning of theatres was very similar to how they are today. For example, they still had a large
audience watching performing actors who have scripted and learnt a set play. They also had teared
seating as well.
The beginning of theatres was in 500 B.C. and back then going to the theatre was a big event. All of
the women use to get their slaves to do their hair especially nice and choose out the best dress they
One of the reasons this event was so big was because it was occasional– unlike today when we can
book a theatre production all year around, back in 500 B.C you had to wait because the Theatre
group only visited a few days every year.
Another difference was that to go and watch this theatre group ... Show more content on ...
During the summer of 1851, there was a count of theatres, and there were 19 theatres in London.
Stage managers were introduced. Their jobs were the equivalent of modern–day directors and
producers. Because of stage manager, a lot of backstage confusion was stopped and chaos was
Who were the audiences?
The theatres were not restricted to certain classes of society. This is because they had improved the
transportation system so the streets were far safer to travel along (especially at night). This meant
that plays could run longer into the night without people having to worry about how they were going
to get home safe. Therefore, theatres produced more money and consequently produced better plays.
Which plays were performed?
The main type of play was 'comedy'. This was a combination of high and low comedy. Plots based
on coincidence and/or mistaken identities The characters usually puppets of fate. They were usually
unable to get married because they were too poor or too rich. They would also suffer a loss of
identity due to an accident. Another popular plot was where twins were separated and then they are
unaware as to their double.
Some of the techniques used as well were:
Loud noises
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Japanese Theater : A Theater Oriented Around Puppetry
Japanese culture is notable for developing various, unique forms of entertainment. In our
contemporary society these forms of entertainment could take fruition in the form of a drama, or an
animated series. However, the roots to these developments originate from the progression of
Japanese theater. Japanese theater includes three main categories, Bunraku, Kabuki, and Noh.
Bunraku is a theater oriented around puppetry, while Kabuki is a theater that is centralized around
dance and drama. Noh is a traditional Japanese theatrical form and one of the oldest extant theatrical
forms in the world. Noh performers are simply storytellers who use their visual appearances and
their movements to suggest the essence of their tale rather than to enact ... Show more content on ...
However, it was later adapted to Kabuki the following month and staged for the first time in Kyôto
at the Kitagawa no Shibai. Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami seems more suitable to be performed as
a Kabuki play rather than a Bunraku, because the transition of this play was enhanced to be several
times more dramatic and poignant. Produced by Nakamura Kiyosaburô I, Sugawara Denju Tenarai
Kagami was performed for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza, in the 3rd Lunar Month of 1747.
Along with Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura and Kanadehon Chūshingura, these three productions were
recognized as one of the three most famous and popular plays in the Kabuki Repertory. "Sugawara
was first performed as a Bunraku in August 1746 at the Takemoto–za in Osaka, debuting on the
kabuki stage the following month in Kyoto." (Historical Basis of Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami)
The importance of this information shows that it debuted and became popular after it was
transitioned into a Kabuki themed play. Being performed as a Bunraku, it didn 't have that impact to
make a debut and become popular. This is the first step in realizing that Bunraku is less efficient in
bringing out the true potential of a play. Kabuki proves to be more entertaining/interesting and that's
why it became popular after the change in performance. The Edo debut was held
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Evil In Frankenstein
In many works of literature, some characters are driven by lust, power, hatred, acknowledgement,
and greed. Such motivations can be either used to harness good or evil. The composition of an
extraordinary villain can bring frustration, suspense, and create a love– hate relationship with the
audience. Consequently, a remarkable villain is a crucial aspect of the plot. The villain is a deciding
factor as to whether the plot of the story will be compelling or not. A description of a bad guy
according to Agnes Repplier, "A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace.
He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough
to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. We must triumph ... Show more content on ...
King Lear's oldest daughter, Goneril, is the most villainous among the siblings. She is steered by
power and lust thus committing wicked deeds.When to call upon to by King Lear to profess her love
she created lies within her speech and said: " Sir, I love you more than words can wield matter"
conversely Goneril plots with Oswald and Regan to reduce King Lear's authority and power. The
readers discover her true identity when Goneril has a conversation with Regan "We must do
something, and I'th' hea." (Act I.II. 355). This proves how Shakespear explicitly establishes
Goneril's intentions at the onset of the play. Goneril intentions are to betray her father and cut all ties
with him promptly. The first plan she executes is to ask Oswald, her servant to behave in a rude
manner to King Lear and his knights to ignite a dispute. The second move she devises is to reduce
King Lear's knights " This man hath good counsel. A hundred knights" ( I, iv, 340). Thirdly, Goneril
closes the doors on King Lear when there was a storm outside this prove that she is a cold–blooded
daughter. Lastly, she supports the idea of prosecuting anyone who tries to aid King Lear "Pluck out
his eyes." (III, vii, 6) Not only she commits horrible actions to her Father but, also have an affair
with Edmund while married to Albany due to her selfish and narcissistic attitude she
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Betrayal In King Lear
Shakespeare's King Lear fabricated a world of its own, in which distinct virtues and vices were
personified by individuals with diverse points of view. With each conflict in the play, the characters'
actions and decisions were parallel to the integrity of their heart and mind, exhibiting the virtue or
vice they represented. With this strategy, Shakespeare shares that with trust should come discretion.
In these situations, the cast confronts instances of betrayal and eventually self–growth. The story
initiates with King Lear's urgency for flattery, which drives him to commit a decision that instigated
the power–hungry course of his daughters. The betrayal of Goneril and Regan caused Lear to
separate from his man–made principles and praise those of nature. Besides the change in Lear, the
audience also observed Gloucester's position concerning the legitimacy of his two sons. Societal
views were a detriment regarding the rights of illegitimate children, like Edmund. Seeing his brother
Edgar conquer all his father's treasures, Edmund left his praise of nature behind and instead
exploited the reliance of status and relationships in his royal family to overcome the laws of society,
forming a great deception against his own family.
Edmund's frustration at the treatment of illegitimate children was present from the start of the play,
as he exclaimed: "Why 'bastard'?/ [..] When my mind as generous and my shape as true / As honest
madam's issue?" (I ii 6–7). He considered himself an
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How Did Louis Xiv Influence Madame De Maintenon
with the Eclat of Victories, and would thing more seriously of their Salvation (139–140). With the
establishment of Louis XIV's new government, Louis XIV took a more active role in his
government and did not appreciate his advisers involving themselves in affairs outside of those that
he explicitly allowed them to participate in. Accordingly, Maintenon's projects were restricted;
consequently, her influence suffered a reduction. Even though during this period, Louis XIV spent
every night in Maintenon's company, Madam de Maintenon felt a gulf between herself and Louis
XIV. Initially, she feared that someone had successfully placed distance between herself and the
king; however, in 1697, she realized that it was Louis XIV, not a third party, who created the
distance between them. Despite the fact that Maintenon felt her influence waning, the increased
amount of time that they passed ... Show more content on ...
The Madame de Maintenon was restricted by society; as the daughter of a vagabond and Protestant
champion, there were only certain things that she could involve herself with without creating too
much outcry (Bryant 37). As a result, she was relegated primarily to issues of religion and family
and although her influence did encroach into politics and diplomacy, the majority of her influence
remained rooted in religion. In his 1955 biography of the marquise, Jean Cordelier noted that "sur la
fin, elle participe aux délibérations et discute des affaires, mais elle n'impose jamais sa décision"
(qtd in Bryant 23). Even though she was restricted, Madame de Maintenon still possessed a great
amount of influence; however, it is interring to entertain Cardinal d'Estrées remark, "She was but a
woman; though had she been a man, would it have made any difference in the case, I pray you?"
(qtd. in Caylus
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Winston Churchill Accomplishments
Nicki Hooten
Mr. Severs
English 9
28 January 2016
Winston Churchill
The world was at war. Germany quickly invaded Poland and France with brute force, appearing to
be pushing westward toward Great Britain. Without Winston Churchill, Britain and the rest of the
Allied world would have been unprepared for the power of Germany. Through his brilliant mind,
military experience, and leadership capabilities, Winston Churchill changed the tide of World War
Winston Churchill's powerful mind began developing at a young age. He enjoyed learning, but only
what interested him (Vander Hook 20). According to a teacher at Harrow, he had "a brilliant brain,
but he would only work when he chose to, and for the matters he approved of" (Vander Hook 24).
He ... Show more content on ...
Strong leadership is called upon most during a crisis." Churchill began working with Joseph Stalin,
head of the Soviet Union, and convinced Franklin Roosevelt to do the same (Vander Hook 77). At
the Yalta conference in 1945, Churchill told FDR that any government in Poland was better than a
Soviet puppet government (Kimball). He later asked FDR to confront Stalin about the situation
"Churchill had immense determination, exuding passion as well as purpose... Passion is infectious;
if a leader has passion and shows determination, so will those who follow him," Longstaffe also says
in her article. Churchill's greatest attribute was that he approached everything in his life with
courage, even his death (Vander Hook 90).
Against all odds, the little boy who struggled in school transformed into the strong–willed leader
that Great Britain needed to win World War II. Winston Churchill saved potentially the whole world
from the hands of Adolf Hitler. His brilliant mind, military experience, and leadership skills were the
solution to the havoc caused by Germany in World War
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King Charles IIi By Mark Bartlett
I tremendously enjoyed the play King Charles III by Mark Bartlett. It dealt with the very modern
issues of privacy and the press through the medium of blank verse and the modern–day monarchs
with some Shakespearean precursors lurking in the background. Charles III opens just after the
death of Elizabeth II, and traces the remaining royals' actions and reactions through the next
coronation. We see Charles, attempting to follow his own moral compass, becoming embroiled in
politics He nearly destroys the monarchy by refusing to pass a bill that would censor certain types of
scandals out of the press, despite the bill having strong support in the House of Commons. Will and
Kate, the publicly popular and more politically savvy pair, pull strings (with questionable morality)
to keep the palace together, both for themselves and posterity. Prince Harry is off running around on
the town, drinking too much and continuing his famous shenanigans, until he meets and falls in love
with Jess, a republican who is strongly against the monarchy. One of Jess's previous boyfriends
threatens to release nude pictures of her to the gossip rags to extort money out of the royal family.
This problem could be easily solved by the passage of the bill in Parliament that Charles is still
blocking, even as he promises to protect Jess after meeting her. Harry contemplates leaving the royal
family to be with Jess, as she is staunchly opposed to everything royal, with the idea that some
people are just
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Criticism In Dorian Shelley's The Player And Dorian Gray
Monika and Lord Henry are the opposite of The Player and Dorian Gray, driving the plot to fit their
intention of changing the protagonist to fit some ideology. Their archetype is the Puppet Master,
exerting control by manipulating others. Without Monika's "epiphany" (Team Salvato) in realizing
that she is just a side character, but wanting more, or Lord Henry fascination of Dorian Gray's aura
of innocence, the plot of the stories would be quite dull and would not have been notable pieces of
rhetoric. When sharing poems in the "day" part of Doki Doki Literature Club, Monika states that her
writing has changed, telling The Player "You can say I kind of had a sort of epiphany lately." She
later adds a file into the game files that say "I did not do anything dangerous... All I did was untie
the knot" (Team Salvato). Monika has a mentality that the other character's actions are their own,
and that she is not at fault for the events resulting of her influence. This mentality directly correlates
with Lord Henry's idea of Dorian's change in expression after he shared his intense views of vanity
and life. Lord Henry observes "He [Lord Henry] was amazed at the sudden impression that his
words had produced... He had merely shot an arrow into the air. Had it hit the mark? How
fascinating the lad was!" (Wilde, 22). Though Oscar Wilde quickly hints that there is something
deeper to his novel by writing the reader as omnipotent, Team Salvato preferred to make the reader a
character. The team subtlety hints that there is something strange occurring in the game, saving their
big reveal that Monika is the Puppet Master until the "Good Ending." This difference shows another
aspect of how archetypes have withstood time, the ability to adapt to what the author needs out of
the archetype. Oscar Wilde wanted his audience to know who was the Puppet Master from the start
of the novel to set his novel apart from other Victorian–era novels; on the other hand, Team Salvato
used the Puppet Master archetype to first seem like a standard dating simulator until the ending,
shocking The Player more than if they revealed Monika's intentions in the beginning of the game.
The archetype stays true to role they play as– manipulation of other
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Examples Of Betrayal In Julius Caesar
According to, a betrayer is defined as a person who is unfaithful in guarding or
fulfilling a promise, or committing treachery, against another person. This is a flawless
characterization of Brutus in William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar". Brutus was a senator of
Rome who assassinated the future monarch, Julius Caesar. However, Brutus killed Caesar out of the
love he had for his country's wellbeing and to prevent the spread of tyranny. Conversely, the senator
misleads his king into believing that he could be trusted. Brutus betrayed Caesar by deceiving him
with false loyalty until he had a chance to kill the monarch, thus breaking the sacred vow of trust
that came with their friendship.
To begin, some may argue that Brutus ... Show more content on ...
However, the present situation when Caesar took power led to the corruption of several senators,
including Brutus, by Cassius acting as a master puppeteer. Brutus made many poor decisions
following his decision to join Cassius's cause. He had many opportunities to join Antony in standing
by Caesar, but he did not. Additionally, Brutus forgot to access the risks of his endeavors. As a
result, Brutus betrayed his best friend, Caesar. In conclusion, if Brutus would have seen through this
cloud of deception, he could have made more rational decisions and saved
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Othello, by William Shakespeare Essay
In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago is portrayed as a cruel puppet master, using his high order critical
analysis and manipulative skills to exact on those he believe wronged him; as he weaves a web of
deceit to ensnare the play's protagonist (and namesake of the play) Othello. Various movie
adaptations have portrayed the characters in different ways, often resulting in a fusion of the context
of the age, artistic license and Shakespeare's character. One such fusion is Stuart Burge's 1965 filmic
portrayal of Iago in his Othello. Act II, scene I is a prime example of how Iago can be adapted for
Other characters within the play assist in Iago's plot by revealing their weaknesses. Cassio, who
speaks of Desdemona as the "Divine Desdemona," ... Show more content on ...
Roderigo stands as a contrast to the deceptive Iago, who is both easily fooled and manipulated by
Iago. After circling Roderigo in a manner likened to that of a predatory animal, he positions himself
beside Roderigo's shoulder, which is representative of his insidious nature and ill motive. Iago and
Roderigo's relative positioning is also relevant and symbolic to their respective natures; upon
expressing disbelief he pushes past Iago, who then lures Roderigo back into a submissive, seated
position, demonstrating his control with playful strikes on the shoulder. This, coupled with the initial
good natured touch of the chin, contrast with Iago's true feelings towards Iago; as the audience and
readers know of Iago's superiority complex, made evident by the soliloquy at the conclusion of act I
which describes Roderigo as Iago's personal coin purse. Roderigo concludes his role in the scene
with a rise to Iago's eye level, symbolic of Iago's deception in that Roderigo truly believes that he is
not only a dear friend, but on an equal level to Iago.
One of Iago's primary motives is jealousy, and his wanton acts of vengeance with little to no proof
all substantially contribute to the portrayal of his character both in the movie and in the play.
Cassio's over embellished description of Desdemona attests to his attitudes toward her and the
apologetic manner in which he explains his mannerism after
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Macbeth Quotes
Macbeth RAVE Act 2 and 3
Act 2 and 3 summary: (1) Act 2 starts out with Banquo saying how the King is in a good mood and
Macbeth is nervous about killing the king. (2) Then Macbeth has killed the king, Lady Macbeth and
Macbeth are worried that someone woke up. (3) Macbeth brought the daggers out instead of leaving
them for evidence, so Lady Macbeth puts them back. (4) Then Macduff and Lennox come to get
King Duncan to find that he is dead and Macbeth killed the servants so they could not say they did
not do it and the king's sons run away. (5) Finally, and old man talks of all the weird things that
happened the night Duncan died. (6) So, Act 3 begins with Macbeth Hiring Murders to kill Banquo
and Fleance. (7) Banquo is killed and buried, but ... Show more content on ...
How did you feel when you had to decide if the reward was worth the risk? What considerations did
you have to make? What was your ultimate decision and its outcome? Was it worth it in the end?
One time I had this goal of getting ahead in science so I was going to tale honors chemistry online
during the summer, and the summer between freshmen and sophomore year was the only time I
could do it, but I had been so busy, that I forgot about the class until there were only three weeks of
summer left. I was then worried that going so fast in the class to finish it would make me fail it, but I
decided that finishing was better that skipping the opportunity. I felt scared, I had to figure out if it
was worth doing all the extra work, if it might be all for nothing. I decide to do it and it turned out
great I ended up finishing it just in time, I could move forward in my science classes and it was
totally worth
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Plato And Philo Reflection Paper
Philosophy came from two Greek words: Philo (love) and Sophia (wisdom). It was Pythagoras who
coined the term and he was the first to call himself as a "lover of wisdom." According to St. Thomas
Aquinas, a theologian and a philosopher who was inspired from the works of Aristotle said that
Philosophy is the science of all things in their ultimate causes. In Modern Period, the Rationalists
believed that reason makes man and it is the most necessary whenever one philosophizes. On the
other hand, the empiricists will tell that Sensation is the most important whenever we philosophize.
It's like the notion of Aristotle that it is by the senses, one achieve knowledge for mind is a tabula
rasa. Unlike Plato's notion that it is in the mind that the ... Show more content on ...
According to him, it is through the senses or perception that human achieves knowledge. Based on
his idea, forms lie on the object itself. For example, a boy sees Cockroach for the first time. Since it
was his first time, he touched the cockroach and soon was bitten by the cockroach. Through this
experience, the boy will conclude that cockroaches are harmful insects. It also gave him a
realization not to touch it anymore and it should be killed since a pest. In this example, the boy is
innocent and has no knowledge in an object. That's why further experience results into further
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The Role Of Human Reasoning In Othello
The human mind is a fickle thing. Where once we may dismiss an idea or concept as unfeasible or
insane, when faced with drastic circumstances we grasp at anything to console ourselves. Be it far
from the truth, the human mind will create delusions that are contingent upon their stresses and quiet
rational thought. In the case of "Othello," by Shakespeare, Iago use the faults of human reasoning to
great effect, preying on those ill of mind. Despite the fact that he is considered Othello's trustworthy
servant, this conniving man uses his stature to secure his revenge, shaping every mishap and whim
to his own dastardly schemes. Iago thoroughly muddles Othello's mind, using his jealousy and
persecution as the Moor against him; he becomes the puppet
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Japan: Pacific Ocean and Junior High School
Japan Geographical Setting Japan is an island country in the North Pacific Ocean. It lies off the
northeast coast of mainland Asia and faces Russia,Korea, and China. Four large islands and
thousands of smaller ones make up Japan. The four major islands– Hokkaido,Honshu,Kyushu and
Shikoku form a curve that extends for about 1,900 kilometres. Topography Japan is a land of great
natural beauty. mountains and hills cover about 70% of the country. IN fact, Japanese islands consist
of the rugged upper part of a great mountain range that rises from the floor of the North Pacific
Ocean. Jagged peaks, rocky gorges, and thundering mountain waterfalls provide some of the
country's most spectacular scenery. Thick forests thrive on mountansides, ... Show more content on ...
Students spend much time learning to read and write japanese because the language is so difficult.
Secondary Education Senior high school runs for three years. To enter senior high school the
students must pass an entrance examination. Classes include many of the same subjects studied in
junior high school. Senior schools also offer courses to prepare students for college or to train them
for jobs. About 95% of junior high school leavers go to senior high school. Higher Education Japan
has about 460 Universities and about 600 junior and technical colleges. The largest University is
Nihon (Japan) University in Tokyo, which has about 80, 000 students. The country has 90 National
Universities, which are supported by the government. Some of these universities––such as the
University of Tokyo and the University of Kyoto––have exceptionally high reputations. Highly
regarded private universities include Doshisha University in Kyoto and Keio University and Waseda
University in Tokyo Senior high school graduates who want to attend a college or university must
pass the entrance examination given by the school of their choice. Large numbers of students
compete for admission to the top Japanese universities. About 38% of senior high school graduates
go to an institution of higher learning. Political System Political Structure Japan's parliament ,
makes the country's laws. it consists of two houses. The house of
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Jealousy And Manipulation In Shakespeare's Othello
Shakespeare's play Othello is a play that is fueled by the themes of jealousy and manipulation. The
jealousy in and manipulation of the characters in Othello are instigated by a mischievous character
named Iago. As one reads Othello, it is shown that Shakespeare took much time in developing the
character of Iago. Throughout the entire play, Iago manipulates each and every character. His
manipulation can be compared to a puppet master's work. Iago used the people around him, as his
own puppets in order to complete his own agenda; to get revenge on the main character, Othello.
The first scene of Othello opens with the dialogue between Iago and a fellow military officer
Roderigo. Iago declares his hatred of Othello to Roderigo during their interaction which makes it
clear that Iago is out for revenge. Iago explains the reasoning of his hatred to Roderigo by saying,
"Despise me / If I do not. Three great ones of the city / Off–capped to him, and by the faith of man /
I know my ... Show more content on ...
Within one scene, he was able to remove Cassio from his position and initiate the beginning of
Othello's suspicion of his wife's loyalty. After Cassio was removed from his lieutenantship, he was
devastated. Iago saw Cassio's devastation as an opportunity to continue his revenge. He then directs
Cassio to beg Desdemona to help him so she can persuade Othello to give Cassio back his
lieutenantship. Iago explains, "For whiles this honest fool / Plies Desdemona to repair his fortune /
And she for him pleads strongly to the Moor, / I'll pour this pestilence into his ear" (II.iii.262–265).
Cassio believes that Iago is trying to help him gain Othello's respect again; however, Iago states that
as Desdemona pleads her case to Othello, Iago himself will tell Othello that Desdemona is only
pleading Cassio's case because she is having an affair with him. Iago's cruel scheme initiates
Othello's growing jealousy that results in his own
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Assessment Acc
1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for the same.
i) There are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. True
Tbere are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. In prenatal period the skeletal
system of girls grows faster as compared to boys. Therefore, at b i girls are ahead of boys in their
skeletal development. The period of puberty is about two years earlier for girls than for boys.
ii) Critical periods are the only times for learning particular skills. Fasle
Critical periods are the best times for learning particular skills. Such periods are critical for
development because during these periods the child is ready to leam a particular skill. For example,
a child ... Show more content on ...
They also show more empathy towards other adults and children. Secure or insecure attachment thus
has long–term impact on the child's personality. (5 x 2 = 10 marks)
3. What do you understand by the term 'cognition'? Discuss how caregivers can promote cognitive
development of children during the first six years of life.
Cognition deals with the development of thought. It is mncerned with how children and adults
understand the world around them.
Caregivers must channelize the child's initiative towards constructive ends, which will help her to
develop self–confidence.
The caregivers have to teach the child self–control and limits of her behaviour but they have to do so
without curbing her initiative. If something must not be done, they must explain to the child why it
is so, instead of simply restricting her actions.
It would be more useful if caregivers inculcate desirable social values, without being overly
concerned about whether the values are conventionally masculine or feminine.
Affection–oriented techniques, which rely on reasoning with the child to foster the desired
behaviour and appeal to the child's sense of responsibility, have a beneficial impact, while power–
oriented techniques, which rely on threatening the child or withholding privileges without
explanation, can be harmful.
The affection–oriented way of disciplining is more effective in
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Militant Monks Essay
The Knights Templar, a military order of monks answerable only to the Pope himself, were founded
in 1118. Their primary responsibility, at least initially, was to provide protection to Christians
making pilgrimages to the
Holy Land. They rose in power, both religious and secular, to become one of the richest and most
powerful entities in Christendom. By the time of their disbandment in 1307, this highly secretive
organization controlled vast wealth, a fleet of merchant ships, and castles and estates spanning the
entire Mediterranean area.
When the crusaders captured Jerusalem from the Muslims in 1099, the Church encouraged all
faithful Christians to visit that holy city in order to affirm their faith. The area, however, was still
subject ... Show more content on ...
Upon their arrival at Clairvaux, the two knights presented Bernard with Baldwin's letter, which
came right to the point. [Upton–Ward 3] "The brothers Templar, whom God has raised up for
the defence of our province and to whom he has accorded special protection, desire to receive
apostolic approval and also their own Rule of life ... Since we know well the weight of your
intercession with God and also with His Vicar and with the other princes of
Europe, we give into your care this two–fold mission, whose success will be very welcome to us.
Let the constitution of the Templars be such as is suitable for men who live in the clash and tumult
of war, and yet of a kind which will be acceptable to the Christian princes, of whom they have been
the valuable auxiliaries. So far as in you lies and if God pleases, strive to bring this matter to a
speedy and successful issue." [qtd. in Howarth 50–51]
Bernard realized at once the genius of the proposal to combine religious and military endeavors.
Through such organizations, the borders of
Christendom could be extended and fortified. He immediately granted his approval of the plan and
pledged his full support. He petitioned Pope
Honorius II for a special council to consider the matter, and he notified
Hugh of his actions. [Howarth 51]
The Council of Troyes convened on January 13, 1128, a bitterly cold Saint
Hilary's Day, for the primary purpose of considering the request of the
Knights Templar.
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Catch 22 Character Analysis
Catch–22, published in 1955 by Joseph Heller, follows the antics of Yossarian, a World War II
bombardier, as he tries to avoid flying particularly dangerous combat missions on the Italian island
of Pianosa. He and his squadron, the 256th Squadron, constantly try to avoid combat missions by
sabotaging the plans of the missions with a myriad of rather jocular attempts to do so. These
attempts range from simply moving a string over a target so that the squadron does not have to fly
over that specific target to Yossarian poisoning the entire squadron's food with soap so that they all
were too sick to fly. The main conflict of the novel is not a person: it is an ideal. The ideal of the
"Catch–22" is the driving force behind the antics of the 256th Squadron, Yossarian in particular. The
"catch" in the case of the flying squadron is a real Air Force rule: a pilot who continuously flies
combat missions without asking for relief is insane, but is considered sane enough to keep flying if
he does ask for relief. Yossarian continuously asks for relief, which for the generals and majors label
him as "sane", but his is not close to being sane whatsoever. Since the harrowing death of Snowden,
a gunner in one of Yossarian's planes, Yossarian has been dealing with the trauma in multiple ways.
From being in the nude for parts of the novel, for Snowden's blood soaked his uniform and he
vowed to never wear a uniform again, to becoming increasingly paranoid about the fact that he
thinks that
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The Invasion Of World War II
The invasion by the German military into Poland on September 1, 1939 is frequently recognized as
the legitimate beginning to World War II, as Britain and France formally declared war on Germany
following Germany's invasion into Poland. However, although Hitler's hostile military action toward
Poland triggered the outbreak of World War II, this does not necessarily mean that Hitler intended to
start a world war in 1939. Indeed, historians debate whether Hitler planned to provoke a word war
when he invaded Poland. In order to better understand Hitler's motivations, it is necessary to gain a
broader of understanding of the geopolitical and economic environment leading up to World War II.
The events that led to World War II are closely connected to the roots of World War I. Germany and
its leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and its allies, were defeated by the United Kingdom and France in
World War I. Germany was the scapegoat of the war, and after the Treaty of Versailles, Germany
was forced to pay heavy war reparations ($30 billion) and to disarm. In addition, land was taken
away from Germany and given to other countries. There were additional restrictions on Germany,
i.e., it could not form a union with Austria. The Germans resented the Treaty, and the reparations
had an impact on Germany's economy which was struggling in the wake of the Great Depression of
1929, which led to high unemployment and general discontentment in the population. It is not
surprising then that in the
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The Effectiveness Of Nazi Propaganda
Maryann Ritter Dr. Megan Sethi HIS 241: World War Two 28 June 2015 The effectiveness of Nazi
Propaganda There have been many varied opinions on the effectiveness of the Nazi propaganda
used by Hitler and his teams of propaganda writers throughout World War II. His popularity was
astounding with the German masses and grew into a frenzied state quickly. Hitler's rise of his image
was built on a fairly new manner of technology allowing more exposure to the people. This paper
will examine the exponents of this new image building phenomena and prove its use built the man
into a myth of sorts. The effectiveness of Nazi propaganda was greater than anyone could have
anticipated because Hitler 's regime constructed a "language of the people" using logical fallacies to
win the hearts and minds of the German populace. In Hitler 's speeches he would state three or four
bullet points that the average citizen knew to be true, then couple those bullet points with his own
agenda. His lies, therefore, became truthful by association. Introduction World War II was a most
horrific loss of human life and the technical advances since the first World War I seemed to push
those numbers to the limits. If we want to look at the causes of the Second World War, we must look
to the First World War and what were the remainders of limitations placed. Germany's economy was
drained following WWI, to recover it increased the social spending and tried to create projects of
transportation and
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Solonia feels alienated and alone. Not because she is, most of the young students at the college want
to be friends with her. She seems to them the kind of rebel spirit that growing people take interest in,
and even though she is appears taciturn, and at times, downright brutish, this makes her all the more
appealing, for she feels like they do. Besides she is handsome and well poised, and has that
expression of wit, without speaking that makes her peers curious to know her thoughts. But it no act,
she prefers alienation, and on one or more occasion let it be known by way of terse words in
reaction to a kind hello or intentional chance meeting. But this is not her true nature, and she chides
herself in ... Show more content on ...
She even begins to make friends with her class mates. This all shows in her letter home to her
mother Mia who can tell right away. Her mother encourages her progress, letting her know it was
just as she intimated.
"I'm so proud that you are becoming comfortable with your surroundings. Your father misses you
terribly and has often threaten to fetch you back on horse back, can you imagine that. And of course
I miss you as well. But what comforts me is the young educated lady I will embrace when you
return home.
I told you you would adjust, its all part of growing up... I'm so happy for you. And no, I've never
seen a puppet play, but Rome, what I can remember as a young girl myself, is full of all sorts of
curious and wonderful things. Well, work extra hard at your books, listen to your instructors and
respect your classmates. You are doing well, it won't be long before your father and I come to fetch
you home at semester break, that is, if Callus doesn't go out of his mind first, and decides to
recapture you like some god gone mad. Never forget to write...
As always
Your Loving Mother
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Masculinity In Othello
1. Military discipline and prowess are incompatible with romantic love.
From the beginning of act I, Othello is defined as a soldier. He is most comfortable and revered on
the battlefield and quite awkward everywhere else, perhaps most importantly in the bedroom and in
his relationship with Desdemona. Othello refers to Desdemona as his "fair warrior" (II.i.179) and
likes her best when she is beside him during military issues or business, perhaps because he feels he
can impress her the most when he is in his element. Othello won Desdemona heart in his eyes by
wooing her with his extravagant stories of military travel and battle. Othello's masculinity, honor,
and manhood are intrinsically tied with his career. From Act I–II Othello and Desdemona's
consummation of the marriage is constantly interrupted by matters related to Othello's career, i.e.,
the war with the Turks and having to go to Cyprus, and rather than Desdemona being annoyed by
the interruption, she is just as invested as Othello, indicating that their relationship is very much
built on Othello's ... Show more content on ...
The setting and society of Othello isolates the characters, enabling many important events to play
out, i.e, Iago's plan for revenge breeding successfully jealously and paranoia and culminating in the
death of Desdemona and Othello, among others. Iago is able to manipulate and execute his plan
because he can always seem to get them alone, and they have a hard time communicating truths to
each other effectively. Iago's plan works because the characters are isolated physically and
emotionally, perfect victims to exploit their insecurities, desires and fears. Everyone becomes island
themselves in hopes of protecting themselves as the island of Cyprus is able to, but it only leads to
miscommunication and the death of Othello, Desdemona, Emilia, and Roderigo as well as the
downfall of
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Plato's The Allegory Of The Cave
Part I
The Allegory of the Cave is Plato's interpretation of individuals that are illiterate, or blindly
following what the majority of others believe to be true. Every element in the cave represents the
course to enlightenment beginning with the path that symbolizes the path to understanding. Plato
regards it as conviction that those who inform themselves on matters of the mind and matters of the
physical world can elevate themselves to freedom (Lawhead, 2009) .The shadows that are objects
that appear to the prisoners are merely flickers of what the prisoners interpret them to be, this
characterizing an individuals limited view of the world. First comes imagination and then what our
limited thought or belief. The allegory charges the naïve, ... Show more content on
He soon discovers what he saw in the cave was lies provoked by Puppet masters putting on shows to
make the prisoners assume things about life that were not true. Even after pulling the curtain and the
prisoners seeing the truth they denied it. The prisoners stayed shackled to the fear of thinking for
themselves. Being unfamiliar with Plato's philosophy before this assignment, I found the principals
behind the story captivating. In the instance the prisoner escapes the cave, or the assumptions that
are being presumed he is elevated to a higher level of intellect where facts are within his reach. In
the scene, where he returns to the cave to assist others' in obtaining their freedom from the chains of
society he is cursed and mocked due to the stupidity of the other prisoners lack of understanding.
Plato, I believe was accurately pointing out the fear people have to step out into the light and see the
truth behind what really life is, without being told what to think. People don't question their
traditions, or religion. For instance, some people celebrate a holiday because that is what they have
done all their life or because the country of origin participates. Then, the minority of people who do
not participate are condemned for taking another path. José Martí made quite the controversy when
he stated "The first duty of a man is to
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Reaction Paper About Puppetry
I. Introduction
Puppetry is an arts genre in which the objects created are made in such ways to resemble the real life
form and character of things. But what defines a puppet?
A puppet play can be as simple as a girl who picks up her favourite figurines and arranged them
around her table pretending to have an afternoon tea party. Any inanimate object that is
characterized and put in a scenario, could be categorized as a puppet.
According to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary, a puppet is "a doll that is moved by putting your
hand inside it or by pulling strings or wires that are attached to it". Based on this explanation, we
can see that a puppet is different from other figurines because they are made for control and
The amount of elaborate ... Show more content on ...
They developed an organizational support structure, and a degree program in puppetry is available
to acquire. Puppetry evolved from being a traditional art form into something more modern, and is
used in Broadway shows, festivals, and now is starred in television shows.
Some companies are well accomplished and are well known in public, such as the Avenue Q, and
the Bread and Puppet show. Some of the others are performing traditionally and were subsidised by
the government for they are labelled as a part of national heritage that attracts the foreign tourists'
attention, such is the Water Puppet Theatre Company in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Robin Ruizendaal (2009) stated that there is a steady decline in the interest of traditional puppetry
since the arrival of home television. And a lot of puppet theatre companies disappeared as their
opportunities decreased. As a result, some puppet companies tried to blend their traditional art with
a touch of modernity in terms of music and lighting. However, Ruizendaal also stated that he
expects more companies to disappear in the upcoming years, and the survivors being the well–
known and subsidized companies, along with the countryside troupes who performed on a smaller
scale for a
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Plato's Cave Comparison Essay
The similarities and differences I see after reading The Matrix, Plato's cave and Descartes is that all
three question the reality they're living in as being either not real, real and on how to uncover the
truth. Descartes is controlled by evil demons. The Matrix is controlled by a super computer in which
the characters in it all live their lives according to the way we live our lives today. In the Matrix Neo
is one of the characters in the Matrix who is trapped in the Matrix and then freed by a group of
people who work together and help free one another. Neo trapped in the Matrix and the prisoners in
Plato cave are similar to one another. Neo also believes that the world is an illusion and a mind
manipulated computer controls the minds of human beings. In both stories Neo and the prisoner
breaks free and are brought into the light in seeking their true reality. In the Matrix the people were
forced to believe and live a life that had a greater force over their generation. In both stories the
Matrix and the allegory of the cave the people can only believe in the reality they live in. In the cave
these shadows are puppet masters who take objects and animals and walk them in ... Show more
content on ...
Plato's allegory of the cave and the Matrix both show us how to distinguish between what is real, not
real and how to perceive our own reality. In the story the Matrix a machine is controlling people
minds and making humans see what it want them to see. The allegory of the cave is a metaphor for
senses for which the prisoners in the cage are blind by true reality of the outside world. The
prisoners inside the cave can only see shadows of what they believe are real a wall and people
passing by. While in the cave the prisoner is able to accept reality of the cave and the real world
outside of the
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Analysis of the Film Chost in the Shell Essays
The Science Fiction film "Ghost in the Shell" is a complex movie, which at times one may find it
difficult to follow. This may be because before this film was created in 1995 there was a manga
series that provided some essential background knowledge of what was going on and why. Watching
the film could be like watching Pokémon movies without watching the series'. First, you would be
confused as to why Ash, the main character has a particular interest in re–catching Pikachu. But like
most movies you eventually start to get a feel as to what is going on. Ghost in the Shell takes place
in a futuristic Hong Kong, where technology is so advanced that mankind is able to create a whole
new species of humans known as cyborgs. Cyborgs are ... Show more content on ...
He was seeking asylum and had a peculiar interest in Major, leading him towards Section 9. Major
was also very interested in the Puppet Master as she saw a mirrored self in him. She was so eager to
connect with him for the opportunity to understand where she came from (they were both made by
the same company). The Puppet Master's Plan to receive asylum failed, so he convinced Major to
merge with him as a form of reproduction. They were connected and emerged in to the same shall
right before her own shell was destroyed by section 6. In the final scene Major was replaced in a
little girl's Body and found herself accepting this new identity of a merged Puppet Master and old
This movie portrays cyborgs as both good for humanity and dangerously bad. Starting with the
Puppet Master being a deadly threat to humans not just violently but also in other ways. His greater
threat he presented was his highly advanced hacking skills. He had the ability to hack in to people's
ghosts, one of the hardest areas of the brain to reach. He was able to creat fake memories and erase
the ones they originally had. This is more than a physical danger to humanity but a danger to the
integrity of humanity as a whole. Imagine if the hacker decided to hack in to someone with extreme
power, such as the president. The hacker would then be able to control the country to its violent end.
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Executive Summary: Rolex SA '
Executive Summary
Rolex SA is a privately owned Swiss firm and it is the world's largest manufacturer of luxury
watches. Rolex is one of the most influential companies that design, manufacture, distribute and
service wristwatches since 1905. The company was ranked by Forbes magazine as 57 on its 2012
list for the world's most influential international brands. The firm manufactures watches which are
sold under the brand names of Rolex and Tudor. Both brand's watches are extremely accurate,
durable and elegant with a well–crafted mechanism. People who purchase Rolex timepieces buy
them not for the sake of telling time but for the high social status and wealth they convey.
Founded in 1905 in London, the brand has achieved remarkable success over the past century.
Although, the company is one of the major innovators in the wristwatch making industry, they are
famous for their classic, even conservative designs. Several Rolex models such as those from the
Oyster or Cellini collections have changed relatively little over several decades. However, critics
point out that the firm needs "young ideas" to serve younger generations (1). The company
responded to that by hiring Jean–Frederic Dufour for the CEO position – the third top leadership
change since 2008. The company is ... Show more content on ...
Every year it generates around $ 4.7 billion in revenues (2). In fact, since the world wealth
inequality is growing at a fast pace Rolex expects an increase in the number of their customers (3).
This paper aims to examine the brand's major strengths and weaknesses, the current target market
and the new markets that Rolex has not yet covered. It will also investigate the state of affairs of the
company's major competitors, together with their marketing and pricing strategies. This report also
provides some insight into the company's operations and strategies that aim to preserve its
leadership in the luxury watchmaking
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The Shield Of Achilles Poetry Analysis
W.H. Auden's The Shield of Achilles and Musee des Beaux Arts encapsulate the sense of nihilism
that pervade society after World War II. It is an age of disillusionment when people can no longer
put faith in science and technology, since they have witnessed the catastrophe brought about by
machines; nor can they rely on their government, as totalitarianism has created a frigid world where
nothingness stands. However, although the prospect of the contemporary world seems bleak, W.H.
Auden still harbors a flicker of hope. Through the use of ekphrasis and other poetic techniques,
Auden implies that it is a matter of one's choice to break away from this prevailing pessimism.
Indeed, in The Shield of Achilles, it seems that Auden has no confidence ... Show more content on ...
Paintings are mute in themselves and ekphrasis brings them alive. Auden lives in a world that is so
bleak that one can no longer find expressions – people resign to their current condition and
totalitarianism represses people's voices. Also, when we look at paintings, we "feel" instead of
"describe" – the process of verbalization takes more efforts. Very few are willing to take a step
further and take an active stance. It's a boundary that only a few attempts to take. Auden breaks the
silence by using ekphrasis; He adds another layer of sensation– auditory aspect that forces us to take
notice of the situation. In Musee des Beaux Arts, Auden uses onomatopoeia like "splashing" and
"forsaken cry," as if he is calling our attention to the fall of Icarus in reality. His use of progressive
verbs "walking...waiting...skating... falling" and repetitive sound of "ing" imply that it is up to our
responsibility to stop this continuous insensitivity. In The Shield of Achilles, he uses consonance –
"column ... column ... cloud" –– to create a cacophonous effect that stirs unease within us, raising
our awareness of the severity of current condition. Moreover, by reading the poems without seeing
the paintings, Auden suggests that we can envision, construct, and reshape our own paintings. After
all, our own realities are creations of our
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Fascism. The name of this movement alone provokes thoughts of hate, racism and evil throughout
all modern western civilizations. Never before has one word created such a cultural taboo for nearly
two generations. As a people, we immediately think of Fascism as Hitler's methodical destruction of
nearly six million Jews during World War II, but as a movement, there is so much more to be
learned. It is the aim of this paper to accurately and without judgement look at Fascism from its
creation to modern day applications.
Benito Mussolini was catapulted into power in 1919 after helping create and naming his movement
Fascism. Italian Fascism began on the left but stressed the dire need for strong nationalism with ...
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This best explains the motivation for Mussolini to take up struggle as his centerpiece. He believed
peace to be impossible, so he claimed for himself, and the citizens of Italy the right to express
themselves through the glory of war. This idea is logical, based on the rejection of perpetual peace.
Benito also plants the seeds of something that no western politician had done so prominently before,
connect politics with a spiritualistic sense of identity. This sense of spirituality in thinking led
Mussolini to immediately regard socialism as his enemy.
"Fascism [is] the complete opposite of...Marxian Socialism, the materialist conception of
history of human civilization can be explained simply through the conflict of interests among the
various social groups and by the change and development in the means and instruments of
production.... Fascism, now and always, believes in holiness and in heroism; that is to say, in actions
influenced by no economic motive, direct or indirect. And if the economic conception of history be
denied, according to which theory men are no more than puppets, carried to and fro by the waves of
chance, while the real directing forces are quite out of their control, it follows that the existence of
an unchangeable and unchanging class–war is also denied "
Here, Mussolini begins to lay out his burden with socialism. Instead of economy being the driving
force of
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Expressionism In The Cabinet Of Dr Cligari
German Expressionism emerged in the 1920s prior to World War I, and continued to be influenced
as the war raged on. The style that developed due to Germany's ban on foreign cinema was an
abstract, low–budget method cultivating around the rebellious and manic nature of the films.
German Expressionism embodies the political ideals of the time because it was born from the ashes
of World War I. Hanz Janowitz and Cal Mayer's, The Cabinet of Dr. Cligari, directed by Robert
Weine, can be said to have transformed and shaped political views in Germany, along with the
expressionism in the entire film industry as a whole through its use of complex story lines and the
creation of abstract settings. Weine's film fosters the idea of total authority and ... Show more
content on ...
The deep emotions that emerged from this time help influence the works, as well as shaping how
European directors, such as Alfred Hitchcock filmed. Weine's The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
revolutionizes the use of art as settings as an influential aspect of film, a long with underlying his
film with strong political messages of peace and anti–authoritarity. Later works that can be seen that
are influenced by Weine's film would be Anouilh's adaptation of the play
... Get more on ...
The Origins Of The Aztecs
The Aztecs were an amazing people who in 1518 had a population of thirty million. They showed up
in the Valley of Mexico after the fall of the Teotihuacan. The Teotihuacan people lived in the first
large city of Mexico. The origins of the Aztecs is unknown but it is speculated that they came from
an island in a lake known as Aztlan. The speculation comes from old folk legends (Duiker). Their
known name, Aztecs, was derived from the name of their homeland. The Aztecs were a powerful
warrior people just like the Spartans in Greece. After they established alliances with neighboring
city–states, they set out to expand their territory. They succeeded and at the Aztecs peak their
territory extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The kingdom was not a centralized state
but a collection of small territories. The Aztec's used their God, Huitzilopochtli, to unify the
territories under one ruler.
The Aztec's lived under an authoritarian leader. The leader was both a political leader and a religious
one. They did not separate the government and their religion like many present day countries.
Religion and politics went hand in hand in everyday life. Similar to other ancient societies, the ruler
of the Aztecs would claim that they were a descendent of their patron god and that that meant they
were the only one who could communicate what the god(s) wanted. There were individual leaders of
the territories that were expected to pay taxes to the central government and the form of
... Get more on ...
Essay Heavy Metal in the 1980s
Heavy metal in the 1980's is hard to describe. Its static style did not change much from the 1970's,
but the lyrics, image, and theatrics took a step forward. Heavy metal had a huge impact in the 1980's
and there were many successful bands.
Van Halen took heavy metal to new heights. After more than two decades of playing sold–out
concert halls, selling millions of albums and enduring various lineup changes and solo projects, Van
Halen is recognized as one of the most resilient and successful rock bands to emerge from the 1970s
and continue into the 1980's. Eddie and Alex Van Halen were raised in Pasadena, the children of
Dutch immigrants who immigrated to California in 1967. The Van Halen brothers grew up taking
classical piano lessons. ... Show more content on ...
All was not well within the band, however. Rising tensions between Roth and the other band
members were increasingly evident; on their 1984 world tour the band didn't even play on the same
stage, but rather performed on four separate platforms, symbolic of the escalating rift among its
members. Finally, in 1985, after taking time off to record a successful solo album (and delaying
work on the follow–up to 1984) Roth parted ways with Van Halen. This group proved to be the
starting point of heavy metal, starting out in the 1970's and continuing through the first half of the
After groups paved the way for heavy metal, one band can be the representative of the heavy metal
style in the 1980's. Metallica was formed on October 15, 1981 by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich.
Lars played the drums while James was on vocals and guitar. Kirk Hammett joined the band in 1982
and became the band's lead guitarist. Metallica's bass player was Jason Newsted, after their first
bassist, Cliff Murton, was killed in a bus crash. It was on March fourteenth that Metallica played
their first gig at radio city Anaheim in California. On June fourteenth the Metal Massacre LP was
released and it was Metallica's first appearance on an official record. The first release of the LP
contained a few mistakes including band's name being miss spelt Mettallica and Lloyd grants name
being misspelled as Loydd Grant.
1983 was the year that Metallica really made an impact. They moved to San
... Get more on ...

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The Success Of Adolf Hitler

  • 1. The Success Of Adolf Hitler Kimberly Land Honors Political Thought Professor Nicole Yanoso 02 December 2014 Reeducate the Educated What comes to mind when the name Adolf Hitler is mentioned? Megamaniac, a genius in all the wrong ways? Hitler had a vision for Germany. He wanted to eliminate the Jews, make the future of Germany "brighter;" have a lasting impact on the land that everyone knew. Hitler came to power in 1933 and maintained power until 1945. His main vision was to exterminate all of the Jews or any "unpure" population that would crowd or get in the way of any of his other goals. Hitler believed that the youth was the most important group of people in Germany to brainwash. He wanted to manipulate their thinking because the youth of Germany would become the adults of Germany. Propaganda was his main method utilized to attempt to achieve his mission of a "brighter" Germany. Adults were more difficult to persuade because they had already lived a different way than most of the children that was born during the time of Adolf Hitler. That does not mean Hitler and his team gave up on the adults, it meant that he had to try harder. As found on the website, Means used by the Nazi conspirators in gaining control of the German State. (n.d.). Hitler said on 1 May 1937: "The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Brutus And Mark Antony In William Shakespeare's The... History often repeats itself, as if it is a windmill blowing in the breeze, such as "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears", the influential Mark Antony spoke to the Roman people just hours after Caesars death. Mark Antony and Brutus both spoke with conviction and purpose, a purpose to persuade their audience to ascend victorious for the cause of truth and justice against tyrants that would suppress their freedom. Neither realizing their words and actions would lead to a battlefield of hate, guilt and bloodshed. All strong and formidable leaders like Brutus and Mark Antony use psychological techniques such as logic and reasoning to emotion and sentiment, to persuade and manipulate others to respond with zeal as they deliver their speeches like an adhesive punch that sticks to the people of Rome like glue, concerning the death of Julius Caesar. "That I did love thee, Caesar, o'tis true" (act III, scene I). Brutus and Mark Antony both love Caesar and call him their beloved friend. They hold positions of honor and prestige in the Roman senate and are in Caesars inner circle. The glory of Rome along with triumphant battle victories and spoils of conquests are their crowning privilege. Brutus and Mark Antony are essential character plot developers, they are friends, they love Rome, and they will sacrifice all to obtain the best leadership and future for their country. As the play rolls out ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. College Admissions Essay: Overcoming Obstacles Riding a unicycle is probably pretty interesting. I originally wanted my parents to get me a pogo stick for christmas because they never got me one when i was little, but they couldn't find an adult sized one in their budget. So they figured something else that is equally strange would suffice, and it really seemed to fit my personality.The reason I started my essay with a reference to my unicycle is because it shows some good aspects of my character. Since riding a unicycle took multiple months for me to master, it shows that I am persistent, even if I fall a few times. Though riding a unicycle is interesting and fun, it's not my main priority. I'm extremely passionate for film and theatre, and there are a few things about me that really do a fantastic job at getting me ready for a career in acting. My training in multiple martial arts under Sifu Marc Mcfann for the span of five years allows me to understand choreography for fight scenes and standard body movement immensely. ... Show more content on ... I want to make people feel things that they haven't before, in any way possible! In my junior year of high school, I was on stage for all three of the school's theatrical productions. I played a very minor character in "Enter Laughing," I played Kit Kendrick, the basketball star, in the Thespian society exclusive production of "Nothing is the End of the World (Except for the End of the World)" and finally, I was the puppetmaster for "Little Shop of Horrors." Our school was issued a grant so our theatre department could rent the Audrey II puppets from the same company that created the Broadway puppets, and that was a phenomenal experience for me. This year, I wanted to participate in all of the productions again, but i was informed by the director of the first play that he didn't want me working backstage on steel magnolias because he wanted to use me on a different ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. An Exploration Of The Great Dictator Running head: AN EXPLORATION OF THE GREAT DICTATOR (1940) 1 AN EXPLORATION OF THE GREAT DICTATOR (1940) 2 An Exploration of Charlie Chaplin 's Influences, Symbolism, and Use of Sound in The Great Dictator (1940) Vincent G. Foisy Cleveland State University. An Exploration of Charlie Chaplin?s Influences, Symbolism, and Use of Sound in The Great Dictator (1940) In the early 1900?s, Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous filmmakers in American history. His clumsy portrayal of The Little Tramp in many silent pictures led to him becoming a household name by 1917; his vast writing and directing career was just getting started. By the 1930? s, sound had taken over the silver screen; however, Chaplin refused to ... Show more content on ... By this time, Chaplin, a vocally political anti–fascist, had expressed his dislike for Germany?s Fuhrer and had been working on The Great Dictator since 1937 (Cole, 2001). Despite this, Chaplin was pressured ?either to render the images and message of his film inoffensive to Hitler and Mussolini, which meant eliminating any anti–fascist propaganda element, or else to drop the project altogether? from the start of his work on the film (Cole, 2001). Until this point in time, the American cinema had ignored Hitler?s presence and actions, as propaganda films were still slightly looked down upon, due to their misuse during World War I (Cole, 2001). Perhaps another reason for Chaplin?s public dislike of Hitler, was that his wife at the time, Paulette Goddard, was herself Jewish (Brownlow & Kloft, 2002). In the film itself, Chaplin shows many events that reflect the reality of late 1930?s Germany including most prominently the treatment of the Jewish people through representations of anti–semitic graffiti and an event reminiscent of Kristallnacht. In the early scenes of the Jewish ghetto, the windows all have painted graffiti reading "Jew" (Sherman, 2002). During the beginning of Jewish persecution in Germany, it was not uncommon for Nazis and Nazi sympathizers to paint anti–semitic texts on to the windows of Jewish–owned shops and homes. Through enormous set pieces, innovative camera work, and great attention to detail, Chaplin was ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Analysis Of Shakespeare 's Macbeth 's ' Macbeth ' Deemed Shakespeare's shortest and most bloody tragedy, Macbeth is the tale of a valiant Scottish general whose unchecked ambition elicited his transformation into an immoral and tyrannical ruler. The story follows Macbeth's encounter with the three Weird Sisters whose ambivalent "prophecies" prompted him to murder King Duncan and ultimately triggered his moral decline. Most prominent in the play is the theme of equivocation and a pervasive feeling of uncertainty is felt throughout the entirety of the play. The uncertainty is caused by several instances of elusiveness and the storyline is exacerbated by situations containing paradoxical elements that flaw Macbeth's moral judgments. This paper aims to examine the effect of ambiguity in the play and the role it plays in Macbeth's downfall. Several prominent characters in the play make use of equivocations to hide their treacherous intentions and some even come to recognize the danger of equivocal language. The three witches, the porter and Macbeth are the most significant characters who take part in acts of subterfuge. However, despite his own usage of double speak, Macbeth becomes a victim to the speech manipulation of the Weird Sisters and regrettably fails to see the hidden deception in the witches' words. The most famous paradoxical line of the witches: "Fair is foul and foul is fair" (1.1.11) visits the tragedy in various forms and embodies the very essence of the play. It warns the audience that all events, things and ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Analysis Of Star Wars : A New Hope Upon its release, Star Wars: A New Hope, had an immediate impact on society and aspects of this film are still embedded into popular culture today. This film is considered to be the pioneer of visual effects. These new–found visuals led the public to believe it was the inspiration for the United States Department of Defense to create a missile protection system during the Cold War. May 25th, 1977, Star Wars: A New Hope, was released in 32 cinemas, accumulating $307,263,857 within its initial, 18–month, run. The film was taken out of theaters, on July 20th, 1978; however, the film was re– released the following day due to its immense popularity. This release lasted until November 7th, 1978, adding another $33,908,317 to its gross receipts. Following its re–release, this blockbuster was put back in theaters four more times. Finally, on January 31st, 1997, Star Wars: Special Edition, was released and held the number 1 position for three weeks. All of these releases contributed to the final domestic earnings of $460,998,007 and a worldwide total of $775,398,007. Filmed in the country of Tunisia, Star Wars: A New Hope, tells the story of a rebellion against the Galactic Empire. It begins with Luke Skywalker, a young man who lives with his foster aunt and uncle on a farm on Tatooine. Skywalker is eventually sent away by his Uncle, to find a man by the name of Obi–Wan Kenobi, who also possesses the gift of the force. However, many other obstacles become ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Social Criticism in Laurie Simmons Early Color Interiors The Pictures generation of artists in the 1970s and 80s was marked by a rejection of the legacy of the male–dominated world of painting by a new generation of artists working with photography, video and performance art. The desire to find a new aesthetic that suited the changing culture of the U.S. led many artists to express themselves using the immediate nature of photography. The most influential members of this group were women concerned with questioning conventional representations of gender in the media and film. Laurie Simmons' early photography was an exploration of societal expectations about women's roles. Her Early Color Interiors photographs (1978–79) critiqued conventional representations of women in domestic spaces. Her ... Show more content on ... Of the connection between her work and the media, Simmons says: "I was conscious of both looking back at my own childhood and commenting upon the way this period of time was portrayed in the media." She discusses the imagery in Post–World War II America, explaining that her photographs served to "point out the darker subtext lurking beneath the whitewashed presentation of this time period." She has said that she inspired by things like LIFE magazines and old commercials, media that was full of images of domesticity and a "sterilized" image of the ideal American home. It was these that she was reacting against by creating images with a similar color and format, but replacing the happy homemaker with posed dolls in a scene of chaos and frustration. It seems that Simmons is pointing out the postmodern feminist view that "femininity is a masquerade, a set of poses adopted by women in order to conform to societal expectations about womanhood." In an essay discussing the relationship between domesticity and aesthetics, Kevin Melchionne notes that though "feminists are...suspicious of any attempt to idealize the home" because they see it as a "sabotage" of their efforts to "enter public life," but he acknowledges that "many feminists are committed to recognizing the importance of what women traditionally contribute." It is this complexity of a woman's experience that Simmons ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Elizabethan Era Cinema What were theatres like? The beginning of theatres was very similar to how they are today. For example, they still had a large audience watching performing actors who have scripted and learnt a set play. They also had teared seating as well. The beginning of theatres was in 500 B.C. and back then going to the theatre was a big event. All of the women use to get their slaves to do their hair especially nice and choose out the best dress they owned. One of the reasons this event was so big was because it was occasional– unlike today when we can book a theatre production all year around, back in 500 B.C you had to wait because the Theatre group only visited a few days every year. Another difference was that to go and watch this theatre group ... Show more content on ... During the summer of 1851, there was a count of theatres, and there were 19 theatres in London. Stage managers were introduced. Their jobs were the equivalent of modern–day directors and producers. Because of stage manager, a lot of backstage confusion was stopped and chaos was reduced. Who were the audiences? The theatres were not restricted to certain classes of society. This is because they had improved the transportation system so the streets were far safer to travel along (especially at night). This meant that plays could run longer into the night without people having to worry about how they were going to get home safe. Therefore, theatres produced more money and consequently produced better plays. Which plays were performed? The main type of play was 'comedy'. This was a combination of high and low comedy. Plots based on coincidence and/or mistaken identities The characters usually puppets of fate. They were usually unable to get married because they were too poor or too rich. They would also suffer a loss of identity due to an accident. Another popular plot was where twins were separated and then they are unaware as to their double. Some of the techniques used as well were: Slapstick Loud noises Physical ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Japanese Theater : A Theater Oriented Around Puppetry Japanese culture is notable for developing various, unique forms of entertainment. In our contemporary society these forms of entertainment could take fruition in the form of a drama, or an animated series. However, the roots to these developments originate from the progression of Japanese theater. Japanese theater includes three main categories, Bunraku, Kabuki, and Noh. Bunraku is a theater oriented around puppetry, while Kabuki is a theater that is centralized around dance and drama. Noh is a traditional Japanese theatrical form and one of the oldest extant theatrical forms in the world. Noh performers are simply storytellers who use their visual appearances and their movements to suggest the essence of their tale rather than to enact ... Show more content on ... However, it was later adapted to Kabuki the following month and staged for the first time in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai. Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami seems more suitable to be performed as a Kabuki play rather than a Bunraku, because the transition of this play was enhanced to be several times more dramatic and poignant. Produced by Nakamura Kiyosaburô I, Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami was performed for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza, in the 3rd Lunar Month of 1747. Along with Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura and Kanadehon Chūshingura, these three productions were recognized as one of the three most famous and popular plays in the Kabuki Repertory. "Sugawara was first performed as a Bunraku in August 1746 at the Takemoto–za in Osaka, debuting on the kabuki stage the following month in Kyoto." (Historical Basis of Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami) The importance of this information shows that it debuted and became popular after it was transitioned into a Kabuki themed play. Being performed as a Bunraku, it didn 't have that impact to make a debut and become popular. This is the first step in realizing that Bunraku is less efficient in bringing out the true potential of a play. Kabuki proves to be more entertaining/interesting and that's why it became popular after the change in performance. The Edo debut was held ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Evil In Frankenstein In many works of literature, some characters are driven by lust, power, hatred, acknowledgement, and greed. Such motivations can be either used to harness good or evil. The composition of an extraordinary villain can bring frustration, suspense, and create a love– hate relationship with the audience. Consequently, a remarkable villain is a crucial aspect of the plot. The villain is a deciding factor as to whether the plot of the story will be compelling or not. A description of a bad guy according to Agnes Repplier, "A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. We must triumph ... Show more content on ... King Lear's oldest daughter, Goneril, is the most villainous among the siblings. She is steered by power and lust thus committing wicked deeds.When to call upon to by King Lear to profess her love she created lies within her speech and said: " Sir, I love you more than words can wield matter" conversely Goneril plots with Oswald and Regan to reduce King Lear's authority and power. The readers discover her true identity when Goneril has a conversation with Regan "We must do something, and I'th' hea." (Act I.II. 355). This proves how Shakespear explicitly establishes Goneril's intentions at the onset of the play. Goneril intentions are to betray her father and cut all ties with him promptly. The first plan she executes is to ask Oswald, her servant to behave in a rude manner to King Lear and his knights to ignite a dispute. The second move she devises is to reduce King Lear's knights " This man hath good counsel. A hundred knights" ( I, iv, 340). Thirdly, Goneril closes the doors on King Lear when there was a storm outside this prove that she is a cold–blooded daughter. Lastly, she supports the idea of prosecuting anyone who tries to aid King Lear "Pluck out his eyes." (III, vii, 6) Not only she commits horrible actions to her Father but, also have an affair with Edmund while married to Albany due to her selfish and narcissistic attitude she ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Betrayal In King Lear Shakespeare's King Lear fabricated a world of its own, in which distinct virtues and vices were personified by individuals with diverse points of view. With each conflict in the play, the characters' actions and decisions were parallel to the integrity of their heart and mind, exhibiting the virtue or vice they represented. With this strategy, Shakespeare shares that with trust should come discretion. In these situations, the cast confronts instances of betrayal and eventually self–growth. The story initiates with King Lear's urgency for flattery, which drives him to commit a decision that instigated the power–hungry course of his daughters. The betrayal of Goneril and Regan caused Lear to separate from his man–made principles and praise those of nature. Besides the change in Lear, the audience also observed Gloucester's position concerning the legitimacy of his two sons. Societal views were a detriment regarding the rights of illegitimate children, like Edmund. Seeing his brother Edgar conquer all his father's treasures, Edmund left his praise of nature behind and instead exploited the reliance of status and relationships in his royal family to overcome the laws of society, forming a great deception against his own family. Edmund's frustration at the treatment of illegitimate children was present from the start of the play, as he exclaimed: "Why 'bastard'?/ [..] When my mind as generous and my shape as true / As honest madam's issue?" (I ii 6–7). He considered himself an ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. How Did Louis Xiv Influence Madame De Maintenon with the Eclat of Victories, and would thing more seriously of their Salvation (139–140). With the establishment of Louis XIV's new government, Louis XIV took a more active role in his government and did not appreciate his advisers involving themselves in affairs outside of those that he explicitly allowed them to participate in. Accordingly, Maintenon's projects were restricted; consequently, her influence suffered a reduction. Even though during this period, Louis XIV spent every night in Maintenon's company, Madam de Maintenon felt a gulf between herself and Louis XIV. Initially, she feared that someone had successfully placed distance between herself and the king; however, in 1697, she realized that it was Louis XIV, not a third party, who created the distance between them. Despite the fact that Maintenon felt her influence waning, the increased amount of time that they passed ... Show more content on ... The Madame de Maintenon was restricted by society; as the daughter of a vagabond and Protestant champion, there were only certain things that she could involve herself with without creating too much outcry (Bryant 37). As a result, she was relegated primarily to issues of religion and family and although her influence did encroach into politics and diplomacy, the majority of her influence remained rooted in religion. In his 1955 biography of the marquise, Jean Cordelier noted that "sur la fin, elle participe aux délibérations et discute des affaires, mais elle n'impose jamais sa décision" (qtd in Bryant 23). Even though she was restricted, Madame de Maintenon still possessed a great amount of influence; however, it is interring to entertain Cardinal d'Estrées remark, "She was but a woman; though had she been a man, would it have made any difference in the case, I pray you?" (qtd. in Caylus ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Winston Churchill Accomplishments Nicki Hooten Mr. Severs English 9 28 January 2016 Winston Churchill The world was at war. Germany quickly invaded Poland and France with brute force, appearing to be pushing westward toward Great Britain. Without Winston Churchill, Britain and the rest of the Allied world would have been unprepared for the power of Germany. Through his brilliant mind, military experience, and leadership capabilities, Winston Churchill changed the tide of World War II. Winston Churchill's powerful mind began developing at a young age. He enjoyed learning, but only what interested him (Vander Hook 20). According to a teacher at Harrow, he had "a brilliant brain, but he would only work when he chose to, and for the matters he approved of" (Vander Hook 24). He ... Show more content on ... Strong leadership is called upon most during a crisis." Churchill began working with Joseph Stalin, head of the Soviet Union, and convinced Franklin Roosevelt to do the same (Vander Hook 77). At the Yalta conference in 1945, Churchill told FDR that any government in Poland was better than a Soviet puppet government (Kimball). He later asked FDR to confront Stalin about the situation (Kimball). "Churchill had immense determination, exuding passion as well as purpose... Passion is infectious; if a leader has passion and shows determination, so will those who follow him," Longstaffe also says in her article. Churchill's greatest attribute was that he approached everything in his life with courage, even his death (Vander Hook 90). Against all odds, the little boy who struggled in school transformed into the strong–willed leader that Great Britain needed to win World War II. Winston Churchill saved potentially the whole world from the hands of Adolf Hitler. His brilliant mind, military experience, and leadership skills were the solution to the havoc caused by Germany in World War ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. King Charles IIi By Mark Bartlett I tremendously enjoyed the play King Charles III by Mark Bartlett. It dealt with the very modern issues of privacy and the press through the medium of blank verse and the modern–day monarchs with some Shakespearean precursors lurking in the background. Charles III opens just after the death of Elizabeth II, and traces the remaining royals' actions and reactions through the next coronation. We see Charles, attempting to follow his own moral compass, becoming embroiled in politics He nearly destroys the monarchy by refusing to pass a bill that would censor certain types of scandals out of the press, despite the bill having strong support in the House of Commons. Will and Kate, the publicly popular and more politically savvy pair, pull strings (with questionable morality) to keep the palace together, both for themselves and posterity. Prince Harry is off running around on the town, drinking too much and continuing his famous shenanigans, until he meets and falls in love with Jess, a republican who is strongly against the monarchy. One of Jess's previous boyfriends threatens to release nude pictures of her to the gossip rags to extort money out of the royal family. This problem could be easily solved by the passage of the bill in Parliament that Charles is still blocking, even as he promises to protect Jess after meeting her. Harry contemplates leaving the royal family to be with Jess, as she is staunchly opposed to everything royal, with the idea that some people are just ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Criticism In Dorian Shelley's The Player And Dorian Gray Monika and Lord Henry are the opposite of The Player and Dorian Gray, driving the plot to fit their intention of changing the protagonist to fit some ideology. Their archetype is the Puppet Master, exerting control by manipulating others. Without Monika's "epiphany" (Team Salvato) in realizing that she is just a side character, but wanting more, or Lord Henry fascination of Dorian Gray's aura of innocence, the plot of the stories would be quite dull and would not have been notable pieces of rhetoric. When sharing poems in the "day" part of Doki Doki Literature Club, Monika states that her writing has changed, telling The Player "You can say I kind of had a sort of epiphany lately." She later adds a file into the game files that say "I did not do anything dangerous... All I did was untie the knot" (Team Salvato). Monika has a mentality that the other character's actions are their own, and that she is not at fault for the events resulting of her influence. This mentality directly correlates with Lord Henry's idea of Dorian's change in expression after he shared his intense views of vanity and life. Lord Henry observes "He [Lord Henry] was amazed at the sudden impression that his words had produced... He had merely shot an arrow into the air. Had it hit the mark? How fascinating the lad was!" (Wilde, 22). Though Oscar Wilde quickly hints that there is something deeper to his novel by writing the reader as omnipotent, Team Salvato preferred to make the reader a character. The team subtlety hints that there is something strange occurring in the game, saving their big reveal that Monika is the Puppet Master until the "Good Ending." This difference shows another aspect of how archetypes have withstood time, the ability to adapt to what the author needs out of the archetype. Oscar Wilde wanted his audience to know who was the Puppet Master from the start of the novel to set his novel apart from other Victorian–era novels; on the other hand, Team Salvato used the Puppet Master archetype to first seem like a standard dating simulator until the ending, shocking The Player more than if they revealed Monika's intentions in the beginning of the game. The archetype stays true to role they play as– manipulation of other ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Examples Of Betrayal In Julius Caesar According to, a betrayer is defined as a person who is unfaithful in guarding or fulfilling a promise, or committing treachery, against another person. This is a flawless characterization of Brutus in William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar". Brutus was a senator of Rome who assassinated the future monarch, Julius Caesar. However, Brutus killed Caesar out of the love he had for his country's wellbeing and to prevent the spread of tyranny. Conversely, the senator misleads his king into believing that he could be trusted. Brutus betrayed Caesar by deceiving him with false loyalty until he had a chance to kill the monarch, thus breaking the sacred vow of trust that came with their friendship. To begin, some may argue that Brutus ... Show more content on ... However, the present situation when Caesar took power led to the corruption of several senators, including Brutus, by Cassius acting as a master puppeteer. Brutus made many poor decisions following his decision to join Cassius's cause. He had many opportunities to join Antony in standing by Caesar, but he did not. Additionally, Brutus forgot to access the risks of his endeavors. As a result, Brutus betrayed his best friend, Caesar. In conclusion, if Brutus would have seen through this cloud of deception, he could have made more rational decisions and saved ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Othello, by William Shakespeare Essay In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago is portrayed as a cruel puppet master, using his high order critical analysis and manipulative skills to exact on those he believe wronged him; as he weaves a web of deceit to ensnare the play's protagonist (and namesake of the play) Othello. Various movie adaptations have portrayed the characters in different ways, often resulting in a fusion of the context of the age, artistic license and Shakespeare's character. One such fusion is Stuart Burge's 1965 filmic portrayal of Iago in his Othello. Act II, scene I is a prime example of how Iago can be adapted for film. Other characters within the play assist in Iago's plot by revealing their weaknesses. Cassio, who speaks of Desdemona as the "Divine Desdemona," ... Show more content on ... Roderigo stands as a contrast to the deceptive Iago, who is both easily fooled and manipulated by Iago. After circling Roderigo in a manner likened to that of a predatory animal, he positions himself beside Roderigo's shoulder, which is representative of his insidious nature and ill motive. Iago and Roderigo's relative positioning is also relevant and symbolic to their respective natures; upon expressing disbelief he pushes past Iago, who then lures Roderigo back into a submissive, seated position, demonstrating his control with playful strikes on the shoulder. This, coupled with the initial good natured touch of the chin, contrast with Iago's true feelings towards Iago; as the audience and readers know of Iago's superiority complex, made evident by the soliloquy at the conclusion of act I which describes Roderigo as Iago's personal coin purse. Roderigo concludes his role in the scene with a rise to Iago's eye level, symbolic of Iago's deception in that Roderigo truly believes that he is not only a dear friend, but on an equal level to Iago. One of Iago's primary motives is jealousy, and his wanton acts of vengeance with little to no proof all substantially contribute to the portrayal of his character both in the movie and in the play. Cassio's over embellished description of Desdemona attests to his attitudes toward her and the apologetic manner in which he explains his mannerism after ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Macbeth Quotes Macbeth RAVE Act 2 and 3 Act 2 and 3 summary: (1) Act 2 starts out with Banquo saying how the King is in a good mood and Macbeth is nervous about killing the king. (2) Then Macbeth has killed the king, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are worried that someone woke up. (3) Macbeth brought the daggers out instead of leaving them for evidence, so Lady Macbeth puts them back. (4) Then Macduff and Lennox come to get King Duncan to find that he is dead and Macbeth killed the servants so they could not say they did not do it and the king's sons run away. (5) Finally, and old man talks of all the weird things that happened the night Duncan died. (6) So, Act 3 begins with Macbeth Hiring Murders to kill Banquo and Fleance. (7) Banquo is killed and buried, but ... Show more content on ... How did you feel when you had to decide if the reward was worth the risk? What considerations did you have to make? What was your ultimate decision and its outcome? Was it worth it in the end? One time I had this goal of getting ahead in science so I was going to tale honors chemistry online during the summer, and the summer between freshmen and sophomore year was the only time I could do it, but I had been so busy, that I forgot about the class until there were only three weeks of summer left. I was then worried that going so fast in the class to finish it would make me fail it, but I decided that finishing was better that skipping the opportunity. I felt scared, I had to figure out if it was worth doing all the extra work, if it might be all for nothing. I decide to do it and it turned out great I ended up finishing it just in time, I could move forward in my science classes and it was totally worth ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Plato And Philo Reflection Paper Philosophy came from two Greek words: Philo (love) and Sophia (wisdom). It was Pythagoras who coined the term and he was the first to call himself as a "lover of wisdom." According to St. Thomas Aquinas, a theologian and a philosopher who was inspired from the works of Aristotle said that Philosophy is the science of all things in their ultimate causes. In Modern Period, the Rationalists believed that reason makes man and it is the most necessary whenever one philosophizes. On the other hand, the empiricists will tell that Sensation is the most important whenever we philosophize. It's like the notion of Aristotle that it is by the senses, one achieve knowledge for mind is a tabula rasa. Unlike Plato's notion that it is in the mind that the ... Show more content on ... According to him, it is through the senses or perception that human achieves knowledge. Based on his idea, forms lie on the object itself. For example, a boy sees Cockroach for the first time. Since it was his first time, he touched the cockroach and soon was bitten by the cockroach. Through this experience, the boy will conclude that cockroaches are harmful insects. It also gave him a realization not to touch it anymore and it should be killed since a pest. In this example, the boy is innocent and has no knowledge in an object. That's why further experience results into further ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. The Role Of Human Reasoning In Othello The human mind is a fickle thing. Where once we may dismiss an idea or concept as unfeasible or insane, when faced with drastic circumstances we grasp at anything to console ourselves. Be it far from the truth, the human mind will create delusions that are contingent upon their stresses and quiet rational thought. In the case of "Othello," by Shakespeare, Iago use the faults of human reasoning to great effect, preying on those ill of mind. Despite the fact that he is considered Othello's trustworthy servant, this conniving man uses his stature to secure his revenge, shaping every mishap and whim to his own dastardly schemes. Iago thoroughly muddles Othello's mind, using his jealousy and persecution as the Moor against him; he becomes the puppet ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Japan: Pacific Ocean and Junior High School Japan Geographical Setting Japan is an island country in the North Pacific Ocean. It lies off the northeast coast of mainland Asia and faces Russia,Korea, and China. Four large islands and thousands of smaller ones make up Japan. The four major islands– Hokkaido,Honshu,Kyushu and Shikoku form a curve that extends for about 1,900 kilometres. Topography Japan is a land of great natural beauty. mountains and hills cover about 70% of the country. IN fact, Japanese islands consist of the rugged upper part of a great mountain range that rises from the floor of the North Pacific Ocean. Jagged peaks, rocky gorges, and thundering mountain waterfalls provide some of the country's most spectacular scenery. Thick forests thrive on mountansides, ... Show more content on ... Students spend much time learning to read and write japanese because the language is so difficult. Secondary Education Senior high school runs for three years. To enter senior high school the students must pass an entrance examination. Classes include many of the same subjects studied in junior high school. Senior schools also offer courses to prepare students for college or to train them for jobs. About 95% of junior high school leavers go to senior high school. Higher Education Japan has about 460 Universities and about 600 junior and technical colleges. The largest University is Nihon (Japan) University in Tokyo, which has about 80, 000 students. The country has 90 National Universities, which are supported by the government. Some of these universities––such as the University of Tokyo and the University of Kyoto––have exceptionally high reputations. Highly regarded private universities include Doshisha University in Kyoto and Keio University and Waseda University in Tokyo Senior high school graduates who want to attend a college or university must pass the entrance examination given by the school of their choice. Large numbers of students compete for admission to the top Japanese universities. About 38% of senior high school graduates go to an institution of higher learning. Political System Political Structure Japan's parliament , makes the country's laws. it consists of two houses. The house of ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Jealousy And Manipulation In Shakespeare's Othello Shakespeare's play Othello is a play that is fueled by the themes of jealousy and manipulation. The jealousy in and manipulation of the characters in Othello are instigated by a mischievous character named Iago. As one reads Othello, it is shown that Shakespeare took much time in developing the character of Iago. Throughout the entire play, Iago manipulates each and every character. His manipulation can be compared to a puppet master's work. Iago used the people around him, as his own puppets in order to complete his own agenda; to get revenge on the main character, Othello. The first scene of Othello opens with the dialogue between Iago and a fellow military officer Roderigo. Iago declares his hatred of Othello to Roderigo during their interaction which makes it clear that Iago is out for revenge. Iago explains the reasoning of his hatred to Roderigo by saying, "Despise me / If I do not. Three great ones of the city / Off–capped to him, and by the faith of man / I know my ... Show more content on ... Within one scene, he was able to remove Cassio from his position and initiate the beginning of Othello's suspicion of his wife's loyalty. After Cassio was removed from his lieutenantship, he was devastated. Iago saw Cassio's devastation as an opportunity to continue his revenge. He then directs Cassio to beg Desdemona to help him so she can persuade Othello to give Cassio back his lieutenantship. Iago explains, "For whiles this honest fool / Plies Desdemona to repair his fortune / And she for him pleads strongly to the Moor, / I'll pour this pestilence into his ear" (II.iii.262–265). Cassio believes that Iago is trying to help him gain Othello's respect again; however, Iago states that as Desdemona pleads her case to Othello, Iago himself will tell Othello that Desdemona is only pleading Cassio's case because she is having an affair with him. Iago's cruel scheme initiates Othello's growing jealousy that results in his own ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Assessment Acc 1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for the same. i) There are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. True Tbere are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. In prenatal period the skeletal system of girls grows faster as compared to boys. Therefore, at b i girls are ahead of boys in their skeletal development. The period of puberty is about two years earlier for girls than for boys. ii) Critical periods are the only times for learning particular skills. Fasle Critical periods are the best times for learning particular skills. Such periods are critical for development because during these periods the child is ready to leam a particular skill. For example, a child ... Show more content on ... They also show more empathy towards other adults and children. Secure or insecure attachment thus has long–term impact on the child's personality. (5 x 2 = 10 marks) 3. What do you understand by the term 'cognition'? Discuss how caregivers can promote cognitive development of children during the first six years of life. Cognition deals with the development of thought. It is mncerned with how children and adults understand the world around them. Caregivers must channelize the child's initiative towards constructive ends, which will help her to develop self–confidence. The caregivers have to teach the child self–control and limits of her behaviour but they have to do so without curbing her initiative. If something must not be done, they must explain to the child why it is so, instead of simply restricting her actions. It would be more useful if caregivers inculcate desirable social values, without being overly concerned about whether the values are conventionally masculine or feminine. Affection–oriented techniques, which rely on reasoning with the child to foster the desired behaviour and appeal to the child's sense of responsibility, have a beneficial impact, while power– oriented techniques, which rely on threatening the child or withholding privileges without explanation, can be harmful. The affection–oriented way of disciplining is more effective in ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Militant Monks Essay The Knights Templar, a military order of monks answerable only to the Pope himself, were founded in 1118. Their primary responsibility, at least initially, was to provide protection to Christians making pilgrimages to the Holy Land. They rose in power, both religious and secular, to become one of the richest and most powerful entities in Christendom. By the time of their disbandment in 1307, this highly secretive organization controlled vast wealth, a fleet of merchant ships, and castles and estates spanning the entire Mediterranean area. When the crusaders captured Jerusalem from the Muslims in 1099, the Church encouraged all faithful Christians to visit that holy city in order to affirm their faith. The area, however, was still subject ... Show more content on ... Upon their arrival at Clairvaux, the two knights presented Bernard with Baldwin's letter, which came right to the point. [Upton–Ward 3] "The brothers Templar, whom God has raised up for the defence of our province and to whom he has accorded special protection, desire to receive apostolic approval and also their own Rule of life ... Since we know well the weight of your intercession with God and also with His Vicar and with the other princes of Europe, we give into your care this two–fold mission, whose success will be very welcome to us. Let the constitution of the Templars be such as is suitable for men who live in the clash and tumult of war, and yet of a kind which will be acceptable to the Christian princes, of whom they have been the valuable auxiliaries. So far as in you lies and if God pleases, strive to bring this matter to a speedy and successful issue." [qtd. in Howarth 50–51] Bernard realized at once the genius of the proposal to combine religious and military endeavors. Through such organizations, the borders of Christendom could be extended and fortified. He immediately granted his approval of the plan and pledged his full support. He petitioned Pope Honorius II for a special council to consider the matter, and he notified Hugh of his actions. [Howarth 51] The Council of Troyes convened on January 13, 1128, a bitterly cold Saint Hilary's Day, for the primary purpose of considering the request of the Knights Templar. ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Catch 22 Character Analysis Catch–22, published in 1955 by Joseph Heller, follows the antics of Yossarian, a World War II bombardier, as he tries to avoid flying particularly dangerous combat missions on the Italian island of Pianosa. He and his squadron, the 256th Squadron, constantly try to avoid combat missions by sabotaging the plans of the missions with a myriad of rather jocular attempts to do so. These attempts range from simply moving a string over a target so that the squadron does not have to fly over that specific target to Yossarian poisoning the entire squadron's food with soap so that they all were too sick to fly. The main conflict of the novel is not a person: it is an ideal. The ideal of the "Catch–22" is the driving force behind the antics of the 256th Squadron, Yossarian in particular. The "catch" in the case of the flying squadron is a real Air Force rule: a pilot who continuously flies combat missions without asking for relief is insane, but is considered sane enough to keep flying if he does ask for relief. Yossarian continuously asks for relief, which for the generals and majors label him as "sane", but his is not close to being sane whatsoever. Since the harrowing death of Snowden, a gunner in one of Yossarian's planes, Yossarian has been dealing with the trauma in multiple ways. From being in the nude for parts of the novel, for Snowden's blood soaked his uniform and he vowed to never wear a uniform again, to becoming increasingly paranoid about the fact that he thinks that ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Invasion Of World War II The invasion by the German military into Poland on September 1, 1939 is frequently recognized as the legitimate beginning to World War II, as Britain and France formally declared war on Germany following Germany's invasion into Poland. However, although Hitler's hostile military action toward Poland triggered the outbreak of World War II, this does not necessarily mean that Hitler intended to start a world war in 1939. Indeed, historians debate whether Hitler planned to provoke a word war when he invaded Poland. In order to better understand Hitler's motivations, it is necessary to gain a broader of understanding of the geopolitical and economic environment leading up to World War II. The events that led to World War II are closely connected to the roots of World War I. Germany and its leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and its allies, were defeated by the United Kingdom and France in World War I. Germany was the scapegoat of the war, and after the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to pay heavy war reparations ($30 billion) and to disarm. In addition, land was taken away from Germany and given to other countries. There were additional restrictions on Germany, i.e., it could not form a union with Austria. The Germans resented the Treaty, and the reparations had an impact on Germany's economy which was struggling in the wake of the Great Depression of 1929, which led to high unemployment and general discontentment in the population. It is not surprising then that in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Effectiveness Of Nazi Propaganda Maryann Ritter Dr. Megan Sethi HIS 241: World War Two 28 June 2015 The effectiveness of Nazi Propaganda There have been many varied opinions on the effectiveness of the Nazi propaganda used by Hitler and his teams of propaganda writers throughout World War II. His popularity was astounding with the German masses and grew into a frenzied state quickly. Hitler's rise of his image was built on a fairly new manner of technology allowing more exposure to the people. This paper will examine the exponents of this new image building phenomena and prove its use built the man into a myth of sorts. The effectiveness of Nazi propaganda was greater than anyone could have anticipated because Hitler 's regime constructed a "language of the people" using logical fallacies to win the hearts and minds of the German populace. In Hitler 's speeches he would state three or four bullet points that the average citizen knew to be true, then couple those bullet points with his own agenda. His lies, therefore, became truthful by association. Introduction World War II was a most horrific loss of human life and the technical advances since the first World War I seemed to push those numbers to the limits. If we want to look at the causes of the Second World War, we must look to the First World War and what were the remainders of limitations placed. Germany's economy was drained following WWI, to recover it increased the social spending and tried to create projects of transportation and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Solonia SOLONIA MEETS A FAMILY OF PUPPETEERS Solonia feels alienated and alone. Not because she is, most of the young students at the college want to be friends with her. She seems to them the kind of rebel spirit that growing people take interest in, and even though she is appears taciturn, and at times, downright brutish, this makes her all the more appealing, for she feels like they do. Besides she is handsome and well poised, and has that expression of wit, without speaking that makes her peers curious to know her thoughts. But it no act, she prefers alienation, and on one or more occasion let it be known by way of terse words in reaction to a kind hello or intentional chance meeting. But this is not her true nature, and she chides herself in ... Show more content on ... She even begins to make friends with her class mates. This all shows in her letter home to her mother Mia who can tell right away. Her mother encourages her progress, letting her know it was just as she intimated. "I'm so proud that you are becoming comfortable with your surroundings. Your father misses you terribly and has often threaten to fetch you back on horse back, can you imagine that. And of course I miss you as well. But what comforts me is the young educated lady I will embrace when you return home. I told you you would adjust, its all part of growing up... I'm so happy for you. And no, I've never seen a puppet play, but Rome, what I can remember as a young girl myself, is full of all sorts of curious and wonderful things. Well, work extra hard at your books, listen to your instructors and respect your classmates. You are doing well, it won't be long before your father and I come to fetch you home at semester break, that is, if Callus doesn't go out of his mind first, and decides to recapture you like some god gone mad. Never forget to write... As always Your Loving Mother ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Masculinity In Othello 1. Military discipline and prowess are incompatible with romantic love. From the beginning of act I, Othello is defined as a soldier. He is most comfortable and revered on the battlefield and quite awkward everywhere else, perhaps most importantly in the bedroom and in his relationship with Desdemona. Othello refers to Desdemona as his "fair warrior" (II.i.179) and likes her best when she is beside him during military issues or business, perhaps because he feels he can impress her the most when he is in his element. Othello won Desdemona heart in his eyes by wooing her with his extravagant stories of military travel and battle. Othello's masculinity, honor, and manhood are intrinsically tied with his career. From Act I–II Othello and Desdemona's consummation of the marriage is constantly interrupted by matters related to Othello's career, i.e., the war with the Turks and having to go to Cyprus, and rather than Desdemona being annoyed by the interruption, she is just as invested as Othello, indicating that their relationship is very much built on Othello's ... Show more content on ... The setting and society of Othello isolates the characters, enabling many important events to play out, i.e, Iago's plan for revenge breeding successfully jealously and paranoia and culminating in the death of Desdemona and Othello, among others. Iago is able to manipulate and execute his plan because he can always seem to get them alone, and they have a hard time communicating truths to each other effectively. Iago's plan works because the characters are isolated physically and emotionally, perfect victims to exploit their insecurities, desires and fears. Everyone becomes island themselves in hopes of protecting themselves as the island of Cyprus is able to, but it only leads to miscommunication and the death of Othello, Desdemona, Emilia, and Roderigo as well as the downfall of ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Plato's The Allegory Of The Cave Part I The Allegory of the Cave is Plato's interpretation of individuals that are illiterate, or blindly following what the majority of others believe to be true. Every element in the cave represents the course to enlightenment beginning with the path that symbolizes the path to understanding. Plato regards it as conviction that those who inform themselves on matters of the mind and matters of the physical world can elevate themselves to freedom (Lawhead, 2009) .The shadows that are objects that appear to the prisoners are merely flickers of what the prisoners interpret them to be, this characterizing an individuals limited view of the world. First comes imagination and then what our limited thought or belief. The allegory charges the naïve, ... Show more content on ... He soon discovers what he saw in the cave was lies provoked by Puppet masters putting on shows to make the prisoners assume things about life that were not true. Even after pulling the curtain and the prisoners seeing the truth they denied it. The prisoners stayed shackled to the fear of thinking for themselves. Being unfamiliar with Plato's philosophy before this assignment, I found the principals behind the story captivating. In the instance the prisoner escapes the cave, or the assumptions that are being presumed he is elevated to a higher level of intellect where facts are within his reach. In the scene, where he returns to the cave to assist others' in obtaining their freedom from the chains of society he is cursed and mocked due to the stupidity of the other prisoners lack of understanding. Plato, I believe was accurately pointing out the fear people have to step out into the light and see the truth behind what really life is, without being told what to think. People don't question their traditions, or religion. For instance, some people celebrate a holiday because that is what they have done all their life or because the country of origin participates. Then, the minority of people who do not participate are condemned for taking another path. José Martí made quite the controversy when he stated "The first duty of a man is to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Reaction Paper About Puppetry I. Introduction Puppetry is an arts genre in which the objects created are made in such ways to resemble the real life form and character of things. But what defines a puppet? A puppet play can be as simple as a girl who picks up her favourite figurines and arranged them around her table pretending to have an afternoon tea party. Any inanimate object that is characterized and put in a scenario, could be categorized as a puppet. According to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary, a puppet is "a doll that is moved by putting your hand inside it or by pulling strings or wires that are attached to it". Based on this explanation, we can see that a puppet is different from other figurines because they are made for control and movement. The amount of elaborate ... Show more content on ... They developed an organizational support structure, and a degree program in puppetry is available to acquire. Puppetry evolved from being a traditional art form into something more modern, and is used in Broadway shows, festivals, and now is starred in television shows. Some companies are well accomplished and are well known in public, such as the Avenue Q, and the Bread and Puppet show. Some of the others are performing traditionally and were subsidised by the government for they are labelled as a part of national heritage that attracts the foreign tourists' attention, such is the Water Puppet Theatre Company in Hanoi, Vietnam. Robin Ruizendaal (2009) stated that there is a steady decline in the interest of traditional puppetry since the arrival of home television. And a lot of puppet theatre companies disappeared as their opportunities decreased. As a result, some puppet companies tried to blend their traditional art with a touch of modernity in terms of music and lighting. However, Ruizendaal also stated that he expects more companies to disappear in the upcoming years, and the survivors being the well– known and subsidized companies, along with the countryside troupes who performed on a smaller scale for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Plato's Cave Comparison Essay The similarities and differences I see after reading The Matrix, Plato's cave and Descartes is that all three question the reality they're living in as being either not real, real and on how to uncover the truth. Descartes is controlled by evil demons. The Matrix is controlled by a super computer in which the characters in it all live their lives according to the way we live our lives today. In the Matrix Neo is one of the characters in the Matrix who is trapped in the Matrix and then freed by a group of people who work together and help free one another. Neo trapped in the Matrix and the prisoners in Plato cave are similar to one another. Neo also believes that the world is an illusion and a mind manipulated computer controls the minds of human beings. In both stories Neo and the prisoner breaks free and are brought into the light in seeking their true reality. In the Matrix the people were forced to believe and live a life that had a greater force over their generation. In both stories the Matrix and the allegory of the cave the people can only believe in the reality they live in. In the cave these shadows are puppet masters who take objects and animals and walk them in ... Show more content on ... Plato's allegory of the cave and the Matrix both show us how to distinguish between what is real, not real and how to perceive our own reality. In the story the Matrix a machine is controlling people minds and making humans see what it want them to see. The allegory of the cave is a metaphor for senses for which the prisoners in the cage are blind by true reality of the outside world. The prisoners inside the cave can only see shadows of what they believe are real a wall and people passing by. While in the cave the prisoner is able to accept reality of the cave and the real world outside of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Analysis of the Film Chost in the Shell Essays The Science Fiction film "Ghost in the Shell" is a complex movie, which at times one may find it difficult to follow. This may be because before this film was created in 1995 there was a manga series that provided some essential background knowledge of what was going on and why. Watching the film could be like watching Pokémon movies without watching the series'. First, you would be confused as to why Ash, the main character has a particular interest in re–catching Pikachu. But like most movies you eventually start to get a feel as to what is going on. Ghost in the Shell takes place in a futuristic Hong Kong, where technology is so advanced that mankind is able to create a whole new species of humans known as cyborgs. Cyborgs are ... Show more content on ... He was seeking asylum and had a peculiar interest in Major, leading him towards Section 9. Major was also very interested in the Puppet Master as she saw a mirrored self in him. She was so eager to connect with him for the opportunity to understand where she came from (they were both made by the same company). The Puppet Master's Plan to receive asylum failed, so he convinced Major to merge with him as a form of reproduction. They were connected and emerged in to the same shall right before her own shell was destroyed by section 6. In the final scene Major was replaced in a little girl's Body and found herself accepting this new identity of a merged Puppet Master and old Major. This movie portrays cyborgs as both good for humanity and dangerously bad. Starting with the Puppet Master being a deadly threat to humans not just violently but also in other ways. His greater threat he presented was his highly advanced hacking skills. He had the ability to hack in to people's ghosts, one of the hardest areas of the brain to reach. He was able to creat fake memories and erase the ones they originally had. This is more than a physical danger to humanity but a danger to the integrity of humanity as a whole. Imagine if the hacker decided to hack in to someone with extreme power, such as the president. The hacker would then be able to control the country to its violent end. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Executive Summary: Rolex SA ' Executive Summary Rolex SA is a privately owned Swiss firm and it is the world's largest manufacturer of luxury watches. Rolex is one of the most influential companies that design, manufacture, distribute and service wristwatches since 1905. The company was ranked by Forbes magazine as 57 on its 2012 list for the world's most influential international brands. The firm manufactures watches which are sold under the brand names of Rolex and Tudor. Both brand's watches are extremely accurate, durable and elegant with a well–crafted mechanism. People who purchase Rolex timepieces buy them not for the sake of telling time but for the high social status and wealth they convey. Founded in 1905 in London, the brand has achieved remarkable success over the past century. Although, the company is one of the major innovators in the wristwatch making industry, they are famous for their classic, even conservative designs. Several Rolex models such as those from the Oyster or Cellini collections have changed relatively little over several decades. However, critics point out that the firm needs "young ideas" to serve younger generations (1). The company responded to that by hiring Jean–Frederic Dufour for the CEO position – the third top leadership change since 2008. The company is ... Show more content on ... Every year it generates around $ 4.7 billion in revenues (2). In fact, since the world wealth inequality is growing at a fast pace Rolex expects an increase in the number of their customers (3). This paper aims to examine the brand's major strengths and weaknesses, the current target market and the new markets that Rolex has not yet covered. It will also investigate the state of affairs of the company's major competitors, together with their marketing and pricing strategies. This report also provides some insight into the company's operations and strategies that aim to preserve its leadership in the luxury watchmaking ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Shield Of Achilles Poetry Analysis W.H. Auden's The Shield of Achilles and Musee des Beaux Arts encapsulate the sense of nihilism that pervade society after World War II. It is an age of disillusionment when people can no longer put faith in science and technology, since they have witnessed the catastrophe brought about by machines; nor can they rely on their government, as totalitarianism has created a frigid world where nothingness stands. However, although the prospect of the contemporary world seems bleak, W.H. Auden still harbors a flicker of hope. Through the use of ekphrasis and other poetic techniques, Auden implies that it is a matter of one's choice to break away from this prevailing pessimism. Indeed, in The Shield of Achilles, it seems that Auden has no confidence ... Show more content on ... Paintings are mute in themselves and ekphrasis brings them alive. Auden lives in a world that is so bleak that one can no longer find expressions – people resign to their current condition and totalitarianism represses people's voices. Also, when we look at paintings, we "feel" instead of "describe" – the process of verbalization takes more efforts. Very few are willing to take a step further and take an active stance. It's a boundary that only a few attempts to take. Auden breaks the silence by using ekphrasis; He adds another layer of sensation– auditory aspect that forces us to take notice of the situation. In Musee des Beaux Arts, Auden uses onomatopoeia like "splashing" and "forsaken cry," as if he is calling our attention to the fall of Icarus in reality. His use of progressive verbs "walking...waiting...skating... falling" and repetitive sound of "ing" imply that it is up to our responsibility to stop this continuous insensitivity. In The Shield of Achilles, he uses consonance – "column ... column ... cloud" –– to create a cacophonous effect that stirs unease within us, raising our awareness of the severity of current condition. Moreover, by reading the poems without seeing the paintings, Auden suggests that we can envision, construct, and reshape our own paintings. After all, our own realities are creations of our ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Fascism Fascism. The name of this movement alone provokes thoughts of hate, racism and evil throughout all modern western civilizations. Never before has one word created such a cultural taboo for nearly two generations. As a people, we immediately think of Fascism as Hitler's methodical destruction of nearly six million Jews during World War II, but as a movement, there is so much more to be learned. It is the aim of this paper to accurately and without judgement look at Fascism from its creation to modern day applications. Benito Mussolini was catapulted into power in 1919 after helping create and naming his movement Fascism. Italian Fascism began on the left but stressed the dire need for strong nationalism with ... Show more content on ... This best explains the motivation for Mussolini to take up struggle as his centerpiece. He believed peace to be impossible, so he claimed for himself, and the citizens of Italy the right to express themselves through the glory of war. This idea is logical, based on the rejection of perpetual peace. Benito also plants the seeds of something that no western politician had done so prominently before, connect politics with a spiritualistic sense of identity. This sense of spirituality in thinking led Mussolini to immediately regard socialism as his enemy. "Fascism [is] the complete opposite of...Marxian Socialism, the materialist conception of history of human civilization can be explained simply through the conflict of interests among the various social groups and by the change and development in the means and instruments of production.... Fascism, now and always, believes in holiness and in heroism; that is to say, in actions influenced by no economic motive, direct or indirect. And if the economic conception of history be denied, according to which theory men are no more than puppets, carried to and fro by the waves of chance, while the real directing forces are quite out of their control, it follows that the existence of an unchangeable and unchanging class–war is also denied " Here, Mussolini begins to lay out his burden with socialism. Instead of economy being the driving force of ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Expressionism In The Cabinet Of Dr Cligari German Expressionism emerged in the 1920s prior to World War I, and continued to be influenced as the war raged on. The style that developed due to Germany's ban on foreign cinema was an abstract, low–budget method cultivating around the rebellious and manic nature of the films. German Expressionism embodies the political ideals of the time because it was born from the ashes of World War I. Hanz Janowitz and Cal Mayer's, The Cabinet of Dr. Cligari, directed by Robert Weine, can be said to have transformed and shaped political views in Germany, along with the expressionism in the entire film industry as a whole through its use of complex story lines and the creation of abstract settings. Weine's film fosters the idea of total authority and ... Show more content on ... The deep emotions that emerged from this time help influence the works, as well as shaping how European directors, such as Alfred Hitchcock filmed. Weine's The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari revolutionizes the use of art as settings as an influential aspect of film, a long with underlying his film with strong political messages of peace and anti–authoritarity. Later works that can be seen that are influenced by Weine's film would be Anouilh's adaptation of the play ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Origins Of The Aztecs The Aztecs were an amazing people who in 1518 had a population of thirty million. They showed up in the Valley of Mexico after the fall of the Teotihuacan. The Teotihuacan people lived in the first large city of Mexico. The origins of the Aztecs is unknown but it is speculated that they came from an island in a lake known as Aztlan. The speculation comes from old folk legends (Duiker). Their known name, Aztecs, was derived from the name of their homeland. The Aztecs were a powerful warrior people just like the Spartans in Greece. After they established alliances with neighboring city–states, they set out to expand their territory. They succeeded and at the Aztecs peak their territory extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The kingdom was not a centralized state but a collection of small territories. The Aztec's used their God, Huitzilopochtli, to unify the territories under one ruler. The Aztec's lived under an authoritarian leader. The leader was both a political leader and a religious one. They did not separate the government and their religion like many present day countries. Religion and politics went hand in hand in everyday life. Similar to other ancient societies, the ruler of the Aztecs would claim that they were a descendent of their patron god and that that meant they were the only one who could communicate what the god(s) wanted. There were individual leaders of the territories that were expected to pay taxes to the central government and the form of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Essay Heavy Metal in the 1980s Heavy metal in the 1980's is hard to describe. Its static style did not change much from the 1970's, but the lyrics, image, and theatrics took a step forward. Heavy metal had a huge impact in the 1980's and there were many successful bands. Van Halen took heavy metal to new heights. After more than two decades of playing sold–out concert halls, selling millions of albums and enduring various lineup changes and solo projects, Van Halen is recognized as one of the most resilient and successful rock bands to emerge from the 1970s and continue into the 1980's. Eddie and Alex Van Halen were raised in Pasadena, the children of Dutch immigrants who immigrated to California in 1967. The Van Halen brothers grew up taking classical piano lessons. ... Show more content on ... All was not well within the band, however. Rising tensions between Roth and the other band members were increasingly evident; on their 1984 world tour the band didn't even play on the same stage, but rather performed on four separate platforms, symbolic of the escalating rift among its members. Finally, in 1985, after taking time off to record a successful solo album (and delaying work on the follow–up to 1984) Roth parted ways with Van Halen. This group proved to be the starting point of heavy metal, starting out in the 1970's and continuing through the first half of the 1990's. After groups paved the way for heavy metal, one band can be the representative of the heavy metal style in the 1980's. Metallica was formed on October 15, 1981 by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich. Lars played the drums while James was on vocals and guitar. Kirk Hammett joined the band in 1982 and became the band's lead guitarist. Metallica's bass player was Jason Newsted, after their first bassist, Cliff Murton, was killed in a bus crash. It was on March fourteenth that Metallica played their first gig at radio city Anaheim in California. On June fourteenth the Metal Massacre LP was released and it was Metallica's first appearance on an official record. The first release of the LP contained a few mistakes including band's name being miss spelt Mettallica and Lloyd grants name being misspelled as Loydd Grant. 1983 was the year that Metallica really made an impact. They moved to San ... Get more on ...