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The Strength Within
Jeff Parke
The Strength Within
If there’s one thing in life which we must all work hard to overcome, it’s the difficulties that
we face in life. Sometimes we have control and sometimes don’t but one thing that we
can always do is make our situation/s better.
Easier said than done sure… but you’ll need a little willpower, belief in yourself and a
good support system.
Overcoming a difficult situation is not easy by any means but there are certainly ways to
do it. You have to be willing to take action and so something about the situation in order to
improve it. Nobody has ever sat still and overcome any adversity.
We have to develop personal strength if we are to be resilient and even effective at
overcoming difficult circumstances… we must start somewhere.
Use the following lessons and daily prompts to work through developing a better sense of
self and personal strength.
You can use this daily or all in one go.
Realize That Your Difficulties Need to Be Dealt With
Being in denial will only cause you more problems and difficulties. You’ll have to do a
lot of catching up if you simply ignore your difficulties. If you want to change a difficult
situation then you have to understand that you have a difficult situation.
You’ve taken the first step and now you’re ready to tackle your challenges, but the
good thing is you don’t have to do it alone.
You can start by…
● Setting aside time specifically for working toward improvement/s
● Asking for help in getting to the root of your difficult situation
Making time for your well-being is crucial. Some people may be able to accomplish
things and improve on their own but if you’re too overwhelmed, it’s ok.
Having someone to motivate and hold you accountable can be extremely helpful and
valuable. So, don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Most people do!
Start by naming below the problem(s) you want to work on.
● Where and when can you set aside time specifically for working toward
improvement/s on these problems?
● Who can you ask for help in getting to the root of your difficult situation?
Ask Yourself Why?
Why is your current situation/s causing difficulty? Is it in or out of your control?
If your situation is in your control…
● You can do something to change it
● What needs to be done now?
If your situation is out of your control…
● You have to change your perspective and/or accept the situation as is.
If you don’t know why, then you won’t have an answer. There’s always an answer to
your difficulties but they may not be ideal.
However, you do have control of your mind and yourself and that’s the most important
Below, write out why you think the situation is in or out of your control and what is so
difficult about the entire situation.
If your situation is in your control… You can do something to change it, but what?
What needs to be done now?
● If your situation is out of your control… You have to change your
perspective and/or accept the situation as is. How can you shift the way you
look at this?
Take Care of Yourself
Unfortunately, life throws us a curveball and it may be difficult to deal with. However,
in the midst of these difficulties it’s easy to neglect your health and this can be
You never want to want to get to the point to where you are your last thought.
If you notice something wrong:
● Get help immediately
● Make some important lifestyle changes
● Forget about what’s not important
You are important and although external circumstances can be unbearable,
remember that you can overcome anything. Making necessary lifestyle changes and
neglecting things that only bring harm to you can and will improve your situation.
Write out ways in which you are not taking care of yourself.
● Make some important lifestyle changes - what is the first change you can make
that will positively affect your own self care?
● Forget about what’s not important - in this situation, what can you let go of that
is not really important in the grand scheme of things that is also keeping you
from taking care of health? (mental, physical, & emotional health)
Don’t Neglect Your Loved Ones
When you’re going through a storm it’s easy to forget about the well-being of others
around because you’re so concerned with yourself. However, you never want to shut
out those close to you.
Family and friends are important for comforting you and vice versa. Our support
system includes people that bring us comfort and positivity. We can also be the
support system for someone else experiencing difficulties.
Although being selfish can be a good thing sometimes, nobody wants to struggle
alone, and the love you give does come back to you, though not always in the way
we expect.
Do you feel like you are neglecting anyone through this difficult time, or because of
the situation you are dealing with? Write it out below.
● For those you named before, who can you reach out to and why?
● Who give you comfort and support and who can you give or offer support to
that you aren’t already?
Be Disciplined
Overcoming difficulties take commitment and discipline. If we lose control in the
middle of a chaotic situation, we prolong the pain.
How can we become more disciplined?
● Decide that you want change and to be happy.
● Involve others and inform them of your situation so they can hold you
● Create a daily routine and stick with it!
Write out what your typical day looks like now and why that isn’t supporting you in
being the best version of yourself.
● Decide that you want change and to be happy. Shift your perspective to
include how you’ll enjoy each day despite the stress.
● Involve others and inform them of your situation so they can hold you
accountable. Who do think will be your best supporters during this step? What
about them will help you?
Develop Structure
Structure is absolutely necessary and vital to well-being. Just imagine if we had no
structure in our society… it would be a disaster! There is a strategy to everything
and everything requires a strategy.
With structure we create habits. Good habits allow us to overcome negative
situations that we face on a daily basis.
Create the habit of managing your mind and body so you can be equipped to
What do you see as your worst habits right now? Why do you consider them the
● With structure we create habits. How can you restructure your day to support
positive habits in your life?
● Good habits allow us to overcome negative situations that we face on a daily
basis. How can flip those bad habits into better habits?
Manage Your Stress
Stress comes with difficulty and excessive stress is detrimental to your health and
life. If you’re too stressed to manage your life, then you’re in trouble.
Fortunately for you, there are ways to manage stress…
● Meditate
● Have good company
● Eat well
● Pursue what makes you happy
Difficulty and no leisure/relaxation is dangerous. You need to be able to give your
mind and body time to recover in order to deal with difficulty in a healthy way.
When you’re burnt out from stress, you’ve got to take care of it immediately.
What brings you joy? Listening to music, drawing, binging Netflix, or knitting?
Whatever it is, write it out and explain what the details are that creates the joy.
Explain the feeling it creates in you.
● Meditation has many forms. Dance can be meditative, as can music. Whatever
allows your mind to drift or not be engaged in the stress can be meditative.
What might you try?
● Eating well doesn’t mean a restricting diet. Where can you adjust what you eat
to still be satisfying, but more healthy? Is there anyone who would bring you joy
to share your meals with?
Leave Your Current Situation
Sometimes you have no choice but to leave your current place/situation. There’s
nothing wrong with going somewhere else if where you’re at isn’t working for you.
We are all different and our needs are different.
Before you leave, you might ask yourself ;
What about this situation or place isn’t working for me? Can I change that aspect?
Will an alternative be better? In what way?
Is the pain of staying in this situation worse than the fear of something new?
What about this situation or place isn’t working for me? Can I change that aspect?
● Will an alternative be better? In what way?
● Is the pain of staying in this situation worse than the fear of something new?
Do Something That Gives You A Sense of Fulfillment
We all have a passion of some sort.
Fulfillment is found through doing something that makes us feel good. Something
important that we can become a part of is satisfying.
What does now, or has in the past, given you satisfaction, joy, or a sense of
● What would you like to try doing that you expect to be fulfilling?
● Are there people who you enjoy doing these things with? Or places that would
be more conducive to these activities?
Join a Support Group
This may sound unpopular but a group of people which are going through difficulties
themselves can be great support for your situation.
You can find one nearly anywhere. Try facebook groups or Google “support group for
whatever the issue is”.
Get New Friends
While you can’t change your blood relatives, you can certainly choose who you
spend your time with. Sometimes you have to let people go and move them out of
your life.
It’s just a normal part of life that no-one talks about.
They may be holding you back and causing more headache than necessary. Your
health is important and reducing your stress associated with specific people will keep
you healthy.
What kind of support group would you like to find? How would it support you?
● Who among your friends and family could you let go of? Who is not a positive
force in your life?
● What is your vision of the perfect friend?
Work on Becoming a Better Person
We find out who a person really is when faced with difficulty.
Often times we are experiencing unnecessary difficulty because our attitudes prevent
us from overcoming tough situations. You’d be surprised how a different mindset
could change everything.
This doesn’t have to mean being “positive” all the time But, expanding our
understanding of people or situations can shift how we view our own life.
You can read books about foreign lands, the most recent political issues (from all
sides), famous or infamous people.
You could watch movies on those same topics. How about taking a class (online or
locally), or going to a seminar?
Are you open to new experiences and learning about and understanding things
outside of your own life’s bubble? If not, why not?
● What would you consider doing, or want to do, that could help you expand your
understanding of the world?
● What is keeping you from moving forward with these actions?
Have a plan
Often times we fail because we have not planned properly. Have an idea of where
you’d like to be in life. Even the things out of your control can be better managed with
a good plan.
No big business succeeds without a plan.
Sometimes creating a plan starts with imagining the worst case scenario. What could
go wrong and how can you best deal with it?
This often removes the anxiety before a possible situation happens because you
know what you can at least try.
Write out your worst case scenarios related to your current issues. What is the worst
outcome that you can imagine? Write it down.
● Now that you know what you imagine to the the worst, what actions can you
take to respond in the most positive way if that did happen?
● Others have been through this. Who can you ask about how they dealt with a
similar situation? You may learn some great coping strategies that you never
thought of.
Don’t Allow Yourself to Get Overwhelmed
There’s nothing wrong with saying no to something. Unnecessary stress and
responsibility can contribute to great difficulty in life.
Do what you can and what allows you to maintain your inner strength as a person.
Take it back a notch and start with the essentials. Stand up for yourself and your
What is making you feel overwhelmed right now? Write out the feelings it creates and
how the situation happens.
● What situations, duties or people can you start saying no to? How will it feel to
not have that on your plate after you’ve said no?
● Is there something that you can now actually say yes to? Have you removed
things from your plate that leaves space for joy to move into your life?
Don’t try to please others
If your boss requires something of you, then by all means do your best work.
However, we often run into people who require too much from us.
Many times, these people are not concerned with our well-being. In this case it’s ok
to walk away. If something doesn’t seem right, then you only have to please yourself
with the right decisions. You’ll thank yourself later on.
Do you stress yourself out trying to please everyone or just one person who never
seems satisfied with your efforts? Write that out here.
● Are you people pleasing to keep others happy or are you feeling addicted to
feeling like you are needed?
● What are some things you can do to address the people pleasing in your life?
Can you leave those people out of your life, or is there another solution?
Don’t try to please others
If your boss requires something of you, then by all means do your best work.
However, we often run into people who require too much from us.
Many times, these people are not concerned with our well-being. In this case it’s ok
to walk away. If something doesn’t seem right, then you only have to please yourself
with the right decisions. You’ll thank yourself later on.
Do you stress yourself out trying to please everyone or just one person who never
seems satisfied with your efforts? Write that out here.
● Are you people pleasing to keep others happy or are you feeling addicted to
feeling like you are needed?
● What are some things you can do to address the people pleasing in your life?
Can you leave those people out of your life, or is there another solution?
Decide Who You Want To Be & Have Purpose In
Everything You Do
Often times we are defeated by difficulty because we don’t yet know enough about
ourselves. Knowing ourselves is a powerful weapon against adversity.
We become more confident with our situations when we understand what we’re
capable of when it comes to personal strength.
Purpose creates personal strength.
Purpose prevents us from wasting time.
Purpose is crucial to overcoming difficulties in life.
Make the decision to do things with purpose because you owe it to yourself. When
you have purpose, you can rest assured that you’re doing the best you can.
Who do you want to be and how does that tie into your
● Who you are isn’t about what you do for a living. What type of person do you
want to be? In what ways can you begin to learn more about yourself?
● Purpose can change over time. So, as it relates to what you are going through
now, think on your purpose and how it can help you stay fast to your end goals.
Understand That Your Experiences Are Meant to Better You
Nothing we experience is wasted because everything is a learning experience. We
will often find that the things we go through are our greatest teacher in life. Without
our struggles we lack a personal strength that is developed over time.
Learning is a part of life that we must experience.
Learning is one of the most powerful things we can do. If you want to overcome
something, then learn what you need to do in order to overcome it.
Life’s lessons are incredibly valuable, and you’ll learn things that no book or
computer can teach you.
Make it a priority to learn through any and all circumstances. You’ll soon see how
learning is an amazing resource.
What have you learned so far about yourself through your
current difficulty?
● What have you learned about those around you during this current situation?
● Understanding what you do about yourself and others, how can you change
your response if or when this type of situation comes up again?.
Watch Your Words
The tongue can be responsible for life and death. Don’t ruin your chances of
overcoming all obstacles by speaking negativity.
Speak positive words and you’ll start to believe that what you’re saying is absolutely
true. This is an important step if you want to overcome a difficult situation.
Make time daily to speak to your situation and you’ll soon realize that it’s easier to
overcome difficulty than you thought.
How have words negatively impacted your current situation?
● Can you change the language you use with yourself to be kinder? Share some
● How have your words effected those around you? Family, children, co-
Be An Example & Help Someone Who is Worse Off Than
Helping others who have it worse puts things into perspective. You might think… well
my situation may not be as bad as I’ve made it to be.
Now, maybe your situation is bad but helping someone else to get through something
is incredibly satisfying. We are all in this together and nobody wants to fight life alone.
Just be the example of what you need or want from others. Isolation is the worst thing
we can do to get out of a rut. We see no progression and it makes things much
worse. Sometimes all we need is to the be the example of kindness to someone else
to help us out of our own rut.
A bad situation can cause someone to become bitter. Do you want to be around that?
No, but other people see the decisions we make and the things we say and may find
themselves softening.
If you want to become better at handling difficulty, learn to be a good person and
things will be less bumpy along the way.
Who can you be an example for?
● In what ways can you set a positive example for others around you?
● Looking back, how have you set bad examples and what can you do to change
Be Thankful
One of the best things we can do to overcome a difficult mindset is to be thankful.
When we show gratitude, we start to have a better outlook on life. We start to see the
positive rather than the negative.
When we are thankful, we get an energy that allows us to see the importance in life.
To be thankful is one of our greatest gifts in life.
The universe gives back to us when we appreciate our existence and reach out to
help others.
You want to show gratitude?
● Meditate/pray daily
● Treat yourself and your health with respect
● Write down the things you’re thankful for
It could most certainly be worse but there’s something positive we can all identify.
In what ways can you practice graditude daily?
● Don’t be picky about your greatfulness. Thank the fact you woke up, or that you
can walk/talk/ect. Find the good things even if they seem tiny.
● Get specific by thinking or writing “Today my husband brought my favorite
lunch when he knew I was really stressed” or "My sister invited me over for
dinner so I didn't have to cook after a long day." And be sure to stretch yourself
beyond the great stuff right in front of you.
You Can Overcome Your Difficulties
Difficulties will come and go. They’re a natural part of our existence but we don’t have
to let them hold us back in any way. When we lose control of our situations, we lose
control of our lives.
Fortunately, there are things we can do to better ourselves and our situations. We
may never be able to overcome a tough situation on our own and that is why having
people that care near to you. Any support system is a good one as long as it’s
positive. Seek help if things get to become too much out of your control.
It’s easy to get discouraged but rather than wallow in our problems, we’d be better
served to tackle them strategically. Be smart and take the necessary steps to get
yourself back to normal.

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The strength within

  • 2. The Strength Within If there’s one thing in life which we must all work hard to overcome, it’s the difficulties that we face in life. Sometimes we have control and sometimes don’t but one thing that we can always do is make our situation/s better. Easier said than done sure… but you’ll need a little willpower, belief in yourself and a good support system. Overcoming a difficult situation is not easy by any means but there are certainly ways to do it. You have to be willing to take action and so something about the situation in order to improve it. Nobody has ever sat still and overcome any adversity. We have to develop personal strength if we are to be resilient and even effective at overcoming difficult circumstances… we must start somewhere. Use the following lessons and daily prompts to work through developing a better sense of self and personal strength. You can use this daily or all in one go.
  • 3. Realize That Your Difficulties Need to Be Dealt With Being in denial will only cause you more problems and difficulties. You’ll have to do a lot of catching up if you simply ignore your difficulties. If you want to change a difficult situation then you have to understand that you have a difficult situation. You’ve taken the first step and now you’re ready to tackle your challenges, but the good thing is you don’t have to do it alone. You can start by… ● Setting aside time specifically for working toward improvement/s ● Asking for help in getting to the root of your difficult situation Making time for your well-being is crucial. Some people may be able to accomplish things and improve on their own but if you’re too overwhelmed, it’s ok. Having someone to motivate and hold you accountable can be extremely helpful and valuable. So, don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Most people do! Start by naming below the problem(s) you want to work on.
  • 4. ● Where and when can you set aside time specifically for working toward improvement/s on these problems? ● Who can you ask for help in getting to the root of your difficult situation?
  • 5. Ask Yourself Why? Why is your current situation/s causing difficulty? Is it in or out of your control? If your situation is in your control… ● You can do something to change it ● What needs to be done now? If your situation is out of your control… ● You have to change your perspective and/or accept the situation as is. If you don’t know why, then you won’t have an answer. There’s always an answer to your difficulties but they may not be ideal. However, you do have control of your mind and yourself and that’s the most important thing. Below, write out why you think the situation is in or out of your control and what is so difficult about the entire situation.
  • 6. If your situation is in your control… You can do something to change it, but what? What needs to be done now? ● If your situation is out of your control… You have to change your perspective and/or accept the situation as is. How can you shift the way you look at this?
  • 7. Take Care of Yourself Unfortunately, life throws us a curveball and it may be difficult to deal with. However, in the midst of these difficulties it’s easy to neglect your health and this can be problematic. You never want to want to get to the point to where you are your last thought. If you notice something wrong: ● Get help immediately ● Make some important lifestyle changes ● Forget about what’s not important You are important and although external circumstances can be unbearable, remember that you can overcome anything. Making necessary lifestyle changes and neglecting things that only bring harm to you can and will improve your situation. Write out ways in which you are not taking care of yourself.
  • 8. ● Make some important lifestyle changes - what is the first change you can make that will positively affect your own self care? ● Forget about what’s not important - in this situation, what can you let go of that is not really important in the grand scheme of things that is also keeping you from taking care of health? (mental, physical, & emotional health)
  • 9. Don’t Neglect Your Loved Ones When you’re going through a storm it’s easy to forget about the well-being of others around because you’re so concerned with yourself. However, you never want to shut out those close to you. Family and friends are important for comforting you and vice versa. Our support system includes people that bring us comfort and positivity. We can also be the support system for someone else experiencing difficulties. Although being selfish can be a good thing sometimes, nobody wants to struggle alone, and the love you give does come back to you, though not always in the way we expect. Do you feel like you are neglecting anyone through this difficult time, or because of the situation you are dealing with? Write it out below.
  • 10. ● For those you named before, who can you reach out to and why? ● Who give you comfort and support and who can you give or offer support to that you aren’t already?
  • 11. Be Disciplined Overcoming difficulties take commitment and discipline. If we lose control in the middle of a chaotic situation, we prolong the pain. How can we become more disciplined? ● Decide that you want change and to be happy. ● Involve others and inform them of your situation so they can hold you accountable. ● Create a daily routine and stick with it! Write out what your typical day looks like now and why that isn’t supporting you in being the best version of yourself.
  • 12. ● Decide that you want change and to be happy. Shift your perspective to include how you’ll enjoy each day despite the stress. ● Involve others and inform them of your situation so they can hold you accountable. Who do think will be your best supporters during this step? What about them will help you?
  • 13. Develop Structure Structure is absolutely necessary and vital to well-being. Just imagine if we had no structure in our society… it would be a disaster! There is a strategy to everything and everything requires a strategy. With structure we create habits. Good habits allow us to overcome negative situations that we face on a daily basis. Create the habit of managing your mind and body so you can be equipped to overcome! What do you see as your worst habits right now? Why do you consider them the worst?
  • 14. ● With structure we create habits. How can you restructure your day to support positive habits in your life? ● Good habits allow us to overcome negative situations that we face on a daily basis. How can flip those bad habits into better habits?
  • 15. Manage Your Stress Stress comes with difficulty and excessive stress is detrimental to your health and life. If you’re too stressed to manage your life, then you’re in trouble. Fortunately for you, there are ways to manage stress… ● Meditate ● Have good company ● Eat well ● Pursue what makes you happy Difficulty and no leisure/relaxation is dangerous. You need to be able to give your mind and body time to recover in order to deal with difficulty in a healthy way. When you’re burnt out from stress, you’ve got to take care of it immediately. What brings you joy? Listening to music, drawing, binging Netflix, or knitting? Whatever it is, write it out and explain what the details are that creates the joy. Explain the feeling it creates in you.
  • 16. ● Meditation has many forms. Dance can be meditative, as can music. Whatever allows your mind to drift or not be engaged in the stress can be meditative. What might you try? ● Eating well doesn’t mean a restricting diet. Where can you adjust what you eat to still be satisfying, but more healthy? Is there anyone who would bring you joy to share your meals with?
  • 17. Leave Your Current Situation Sometimes you have no choice but to leave your current place/situation. There’s nothing wrong with going somewhere else if where you’re at isn’t working for you. We are all different and our needs are different. Before you leave, you might ask yourself ; What about this situation or place isn’t working for me? Can I change that aspect? Will an alternative be better? In what way? Is the pain of staying in this situation worse than the fear of something new? What about this situation or place isn’t working for me? Can I change that aspect?
  • 18. ● Will an alternative be better? In what way? ● Is the pain of staying in this situation worse than the fear of something new?
  • 19. Do Something That Gives You A Sense of Fulfillment We all have a passion of some sort. Fulfillment is found through doing something that makes us feel good. Something important that we can become a part of is satisfying. What does now, or has in the past, given you satisfaction, joy, or a sense of accomplishment?
  • 20. ● What would you like to try doing that you expect to be fulfilling? ● Are there people who you enjoy doing these things with? Or places that would be more conducive to these activities?
  • 21. Join a Support Group This may sound unpopular but a group of people which are going through difficulties themselves can be great support for your situation. You can find one nearly anywhere. Try facebook groups or Google “support group for whatever the issue is”. Get New Friends While you can’t change your blood relatives, you can certainly choose who you spend your time with. Sometimes you have to let people go and move them out of your life. It’s just a normal part of life that no-one talks about. They may be holding you back and causing more headache than necessary. Your health is important and reducing your stress associated with specific people will keep you healthy. What kind of support group would you like to find? How would it support you?
  • 22. ● Who among your friends and family could you let go of? Who is not a positive force in your life? ● What is your vision of the perfect friend?
  • 23. Work on Becoming a Better Person We find out who a person really is when faced with difficulty. Often times we are experiencing unnecessary difficulty because our attitudes prevent us from overcoming tough situations. You’d be surprised how a different mindset could change everything. This doesn’t have to mean being “positive” all the time But, expanding our understanding of people or situations can shift how we view our own life. You can read books about foreign lands, the most recent political issues (from all sides), famous or infamous people. You could watch movies on those same topics. How about taking a class (online or locally), or going to a seminar? Are you open to new experiences and learning about and understanding things outside of your own life’s bubble? If not, why not?
  • 24. ● What would you consider doing, or want to do, that could help you expand your understanding of the world? ● What is keeping you from moving forward with these actions?
  • 25. Have a plan Often times we fail because we have not planned properly. Have an idea of where you’d like to be in life. Even the things out of your control can be better managed with a good plan. No big business succeeds without a plan. Sometimes creating a plan starts with imagining the worst case scenario. What could go wrong and how can you best deal with it? This often removes the anxiety before a possible situation happens because you know what you can at least try. Write out your worst case scenarios related to your current issues. What is the worst outcome that you can imagine? Write it down.
  • 26. ● Now that you know what you imagine to the the worst, what actions can you take to respond in the most positive way if that did happen? ● Others have been through this. Who can you ask about how they dealt with a similar situation? You may learn some great coping strategies that you never thought of.
  • 27. Don’t Allow Yourself to Get Overwhelmed There’s nothing wrong with saying no to something. Unnecessary stress and responsibility can contribute to great difficulty in life. Do what you can and what allows you to maintain your inner strength as a person. Take it back a notch and start with the essentials. Stand up for yourself and your health. What is making you feel overwhelmed right now? Write out the feelings it creates and how the situation happens.
  • 28. ● What situations, duties or people can you start saying no to? How will it feel to not have that on your plate after you’ve said no? ● Is there something that you can now actually say yes to? Have you removed things from your plate that leaves space for joy to move into your life?
  • 29. Don’t try to please others If your boss requires something of you, then by all means do your best work. However, we often run into people who require too much from us. Many times, these people are not concerned with our well-being. In this case it’s ok to walk away. If something doesn’t seem right, then you only have to please yourself with the right decisions. You’ll thank yourself later on. Do you stress yourself out trying to please everyone or just one person who never seems satisfied with your efforts? Write that out here.
  • 30. ● Are you people pleasing to keep others happy or are you feeling addicted to feeling like you are needed? ● What are some things you can do to address the people pleasing in your life? Can you leave those people out of your life, or is there another solution?
  • 31. Don’t try to please others If your boss requires something of you, then by all means do your best work. However, we often run into people who require too much from us. Many times, these people are not concerned with our well-being. In this case it’s ok to walk away. If something doesn’t seem right, then you only have to please yourself with the right decisions. You’ll thank yourself later on. Do you stress yourself out trying to please everyone or just one person who never seems satisfied with your efforts? Write that out here.
  • 32. ● Are you people pleasing to keep others happy or are you feeling addicted to feeling like you are needed? ● What are some things you can do to address the people pleasing in your life? Can you leave those people out of your life, or is there another solution?
  • 33. Decide Who You Want To Be & Have Purpose In Everything You Do Often times we are defeated by difficulty because we don’t yet know enough about ourselves. Knowing ourselves is a powerful weapon against adversity. We become more confident with our situations when we understand what we’re capable of when it comes to personal strength. Purpose creates personal strength. Purpose prevents us from wasting time. Purpose is crucial to overcoming difficulties in life. Make the decision to do things with purpose because you owe it to yourself. When you have purpose, you can rest assured that you’re doing the best you can. Who do you want to be and how does that tie into your purpose?
  • 34. ● Who you are isn’t about what you do for a living. What type of person do you want to be? In what ways can you begin to learn more about yourself? ● Purpose can change over time. So, as it relates to what you are going through now, think on your purpose and how it can help you stay fast to your end goals.
  • 35. Understand That Your Experiences Are Meant to Better You Nothing we experience is wasted because everything is a learning experience. We will often find that the things we go through are our greatest teacher in life. Without our struggles we lack a personal strength that is developed over time. Learning is a part of life that we must experience. Learning is one of the most powerful things we can do. If you want to overcome something, then learn what you need to do in order to overcome it. Life’s lessons are incredibly valuable, and you’ll learn things that no book or computer can teach you. Make it a priority to learn through any and all circumstances. You’ll soon see how learning is an amazing resource. What have you learned so far about yourself through your current difficulty?
  • 36. ● What have you learned about those around you during this current situation? ● Understanding what you do about yourself and others, how can you change your response if or when this type of situation comes up again?.
  • 37. Watch Your Words The tongue can be responsible for life and death. Don’t ruin your chances of overcoming all obstacles by speaking negativity. Speak positive words and you’ll start to believe that what you’re saying is absolutely true. This is an important step if you want to overcome a difficult situation. Make time daily to speak to your situation and you’ll soon realize that it’s easier to overcome difficulty than you thought. How have words negatively impacted your current situation?
  • 38. ● Can you change the language you use with yourself to be kinder? Share some examples. ● How have your words effected those around you? Family, children, co- workers?
  • 39. Be An Example & Help Someone Who is Worse Off Than You Helping others who have it worse puts things into perspective. You might think… well my situation may not be as bad as I’ve made it to be. Now, maybe your situation is bad but helping someone else to get through something is incredibly satisfying. We are all in this together and nobody wants to fight life alone. Just be the example of what you need or want from others. Isolation is the worst thing we can do to get out of a rut. We see no progression and it makes things much worse. Sometimes all we need is to the be the example of kindness to someone else to help us out of our own rut. A bad situation can cause someone to become bitter. Do you want to be around that? No, but other people see the decisions we make and the things we say and may find themselves softening. If you want to become better at handling difficulty, learn to be a good person and things will be less bumpy along the way. Who can you be an example for?
  • 40. ● In what ways can you set a positive example for others around you? ● Looking back, how have you set bad examples and what can you do to change that?
  • 41. Be Thankful One of the best things we can do to overcome a difficult mindset is to be thankful. When we show gratitude, we start to have a better outlook on life. We start to see the positive rather than the negative. When we are thankful, we get an energy that allows us to see the importance in life. To be thankful is one of our greatest gifts in life. The universe gives back to us when we appreciate our existence and reach out to help others. You want to show gratitude? ● Meditate/pray daily ● Treat yourself and your health with respect ● Write down the things you’re thankful for It could most certainly be worse but there’s something positive we can all identify. In what ways can you practice graditude daily?
  • 42. ● Don’t be picky about your greatfulness. Thank the fact you woke up, or that you can walk/talk/ect. Find the good things even if they seem tiny. ● Get specific by thinking or writing “Today my husband brought my favorite lunch when he knew I was really stressed” or "My sister invited me over for dinner so I didn't have to cook after a long day." And be sure to stretch yourself beyond the great stuff right in front of you.
  • 43. You Can Overcome Your Difficulties Difficulties will come and go. They’re a natural part of our existence but we don’t have to let them hold us back in any way. When we lose control of our situations, we lose control of our lives. Fortunately, there are things we can do to better ourselves and our situations. We may never be able to overcome a tough situation on our own and that is why having people that care near to you. Any support system is a good one as long as it’s positive. Seek help if things get to become too much out of your control. It’s easy to get discouraged but rather than wallow in our problems, we’d be better served to tackle them strategically. Be smart and take the necessary steps to get yourself back to normal.