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Tune Up Success
Think You Know What Makes You
-By Sudipta Kr Maiti made with
1. Introduction 2. About The Author 3. 7 Tips On How To Be
Unhappy In Life
4. 15 reasons why you
should stop worrying
about the future
5. 15 Most Powerful
Practical Ways to
Overcome Stress
6. 10 Truth of Life You
May Not be Ready to
7. 15 Easiest Way To
Make Your Life Simple
8. Anxiety-5 Self Help
Tips for relief from
anxiety in life
9. 7 Secrets of Staying
Energized Throughout
the Day
10. How To Enjoy
Every Day Life With 10
Simple Steps
11. Live Your Life From
The Front Seat
You might wonder why I have given the name as " Download happiness" and
why happiness is important. If you believe as I do that happiness is a choice
and a skill that can be learned, why is it important enough to go out of your
way for.
Key Focus
Let's me explore how do this book can help you.
You can find what actually makes you unhappy.
Provide clarity of your unhappiness and it's reason.
You can say good by to worry about future ,stress anxiety, frustration from
your life.
How can you live life fullest with lot of energy and enjoyment.
I have read many wonderful self-help and inspirational books that I even care
to remember. At the end of the day each of these books leave us with certain
key concepts and ideas. These key ideas are expressed and captured as
"Download Happiness"
Thank you for showing your interest on motivational quotes.
Sudipta Kumar Maiti
Sudipta Kr Maiti
I'm Awesome at:
Social Media , Blogging, Reading Self Development Books, Ideas on life
success,Happiness project.I love painting, play with my daughter, play
mouth-organ , tabla.I have an small aquarium and garden too. I have
participate many cultural function and small stage show.
Something personal
An Engineer by profession. A father of a little daughter. Born on 1982 at
Midnapur, a small town near Kolkata,India.Start blogging to share the secret
of success, whenever discover any failure in every step and every moment of
my life.
During professional journey since 2003 , where I met with lots of people ,
leader,fresher’s .Their story is become my blog and books on personal
About The Author
You may think that what type of title this is “How to be Unhappy in life”, yes
we all want to happy but sometime subconsciously we follow those things in
life make us unhappy.
If you want to be happy in life first you have to eliminate the reason of your
unhappiness in life. Is not it?
This all are well-known by you but perhaps some time forgot or overlook
those things causing your unhappiness.
So how you can invite unhappy life, here it is:
Unhappiness comes when the thing goes wrong:
“Why always such things happen with me only?”
7 Tips On How To Be
Unhappy In Life
“Does the rain not start after some time, always remain bad weather here!”
“The new boss is not good at all; he is total irresponsible and always firing me
We always expect goodness situation but we have to think nothing to do with
the weather.
We try to find something else to complain about, because that’s just the way
they are. And also after resolve the issues we are not stop complaining about
with new issue again.
How we can control the tendency of complain:
Awareness: Consciousness is the first step to solve problem
Understand the source of problem: Why we does complain on particular
thing/person/situation, find out there should something hidden, only need
to address it.
Be positive: Spend on things make you happy, focusing on other thing
make you unhappy is not help at all to sort out the things.
Less Talk: More action instead more talks useful to solve issues.
Do I have a habit of comparing with others?
“She is doing well in her career than me”
“Why I am not so rich person than Mr X”
It is value less to compare with others as other people are not you and you
are not other people. I think rather discourage yourself on thinking about
others what they have , think about what you want to have in your life.
Worry before the thing happen:
It is very easy to be unhappy when we think about thing yet to happen as:
Giving a presentation at monthly meeting: What if question arises and I
can’t answer well? If people think it is boring?
Attend a social event: What if no one talks with me?
Start a new business: If my business fails? If investors not interested?
When you think and worrying about future, you are not living in the present.
Avoiding issues:
If you hide your problem, it not at all helps to sort out the same and that
actually help to make you unhappy.
So don’t avoid the problem persist in your life, acknowledge and address it.
You can solve anything just need :
5 ways to break your comfort zone
Do things you don’t like:
People do the things they not at all like/enjoy. They help themselves to be
remaining unhappy by doing things they not love.
But why do you follow that? Stop it and do what you love most. If you don’t
like your job then switch to anywhere you love to do. Remember you are the
CEO of your own life.
Change other people:
This is a simple way of being unhappy. Can you really change others? It is
impossible. Even if people do change in response to your action, it’s does not
solve your problem and may be initially you become happy but ultimately
after sometime it will be vanish.
Because problem is not they, it is your desire to change them.
Please others:
Just like to change others, trying to please everyone around you will help you
to be unhappy , because:
It’s impossible to please everyone.
Everyone is different
Be living for yourself.
Don’t change yourself just because someone has different expectation on
how you should be. You live for yourself not for others.
Now time for your turn. If you want to be happy in the life, please avoid above
things as much as possible according to the situation and share with your
near and dear once for more happiness.
Are you worried about the future? If yes then why? Don’t you think there is a
way to stop it? Yes stop worrying about the future today .
Yes worrying about the future is very common nature of us in today scenario.
Worry is the reaction to a threat and just like animals; we either fight or run
away. But many of us, even you also stuck between choices. Gradually you
become helpless towards life. Many people believe that worrying over
something negative that might happen, actually prevents it from happening.
These habitual worries think that by fretting about something, they can
control that it’s not going to happen.
However you can find out there are many situations when there’s no logical
reason to worry which causes a significant amount of anxiety.
15 reasons why you should
stop worrying about the
Today I want to tell you some excellent reasons why you should stop
worrying about the future. You can find out more about the reasons we
worry, the root cause of worrying, how it affects your life, some practical
guide and suggestions to escape from it
Do you know that worrying takes up a lot of energy from your body and
mind? It causes stress, results in neglecting important things. Ultimately
takes a lot of fun out of your life. If you feel stress right now check my earlier
article here.
“You cannot run from the future , but you can give your best to
create a positive future right here and now”
1. Help to wasting the present
Just think how worry starts work. “What if this happens?” Then you develop
another worry in your mind. This new worry again leads to the same question
and the cycle start and continue.
So better to focus on today as “ Life is too short” and you should not be
wasted on worrying about what may or may not be happen tomorrow . If
you’re feeling yourself successful today , may be try doing whatever it is you
love the most and watch the worries disappear. Please try to recognize that
the real truth lies in the present so live in the moment.
2. Do worries help to predict or control your future?
It’s impossible to have complete control on individual’s life when so
intermingled with the outside world. No one has the power to forecast the
future and control it.
You can only control the two things, one is your thoughts and other is your
action. Don’t even try to see what the future holds or make a plan for it. You
should motivate yourself to live today and stop worrying about the future.
“God says don’t worry about your future. He is the author of your
story and He’s already written the final chapter” –Max Lucado
3. Worries lack a sense of perception
The perception of losing a job and that’s where the worry begins. Then it
continues to grow and grow until the person is homeless, living in the streets,
and is all alone in the world. Even they can’t move away from the situation to
have the right perception.
If the person on the above example was talk through this scenario; it would
become apparent how improbable this outcome would happen.
4. Worries exaggerate the possible outcome
It actually tends to exaggerate and over stress the negative things that might
happen when there isn’t any evidence it will happen. One single thought will
bring another thought in mind. Before they know it, these negative thoughts
are all stuck together. Now come the fear and fretting and stress appear.
You can never predict what will happen and you are not able to control what
does happen. We are for a short time here, so just forget and stop worrying
about the future, live in the present and enjoy everything that happens.
“I’m blessed, because of my faith, that I don’t have to worry about
the future because I know that who holds my future”
5. Worries try to show that they are thinking constructive
Worries think that they can anticipate the problems of the future; it will help
them somehow- which is totally wrong thinking. Once they start, they keep
going as they can’t stop the thinking. Do you notice that?
You must change from generating problems to solving problems. So please
take care of solving problem of today by let it go and stop worrying about the
6. Worries help to take away from the focus
As you seen worry start and continue as a cycle of negative things that might
happen in the future. So they have a problem to make decision for today that
may concern their job, family, relationship many other important things.
If you start living for today and practicing the awareness then it will help you
to turn your focus away from what “might” be happen. People need to focus
on their values and live in that moment to enable them to make right choices
and decisions.
Please get out from your comfort zone start writing something new , may be
blog. Yes start it , you can do .
“If you‘re worried about what the future brings, simply remind
yourself that you didn’t get where you are today by worrying
about tomorrow”
7. Brain will perform differently during worries
When you worry excessively, have a difficult time even just trying to change a
negative thought into a positive one. The difficulty you have endured shows
in the brain as a boomerang type of effect.
You need to understand how worrying (that actually negative thought) can
affect the brain in an unhealthy way. So please try to concentrate on the
positive things in life.
8. It creates trouble to make decision.
It’s is very difficult for worriers to make decision. They take much more time
as they dwell on all of the impending negative results. Actually when they
make a decision, they worry that it might not be right one.
A non-worrier is more compliant in thinking than a worrier. They also have
more capabilities to try out a solution even if there’s a possibility that the
result could be bad.
9. Worries have trouble getting to the cause of their worry
First of all you need to identify the actual problem before you start to worry
and stop the cycle of negative thinking. Otherwise it will continue to spin until
the initial worry is entirely removed from the real issue at hand. You need to
realize that a problem may lead to another, but it’s not worth worrying about
because that’s in the future.
10. Worriers worry –wherever, when ever
It seems that worriers are able to worry anywhere, anytime. As soon any
problem arises they feel they need to fix the problem right away.
Immediately they feel the need to plan for any bad situation that could
happen. Surprisingly during the period they forget to take care of their
present life, job, family or other things that need their attention.
If you till worry about the future then set aside a few minutes every day to do
nothing but worry! If you have 15-20 minutes of “worry time” from then on
when a worry arrives, you should remember to put it off until the time end.
Chances are by the time it comes; the worry will have been forgotten.
11. Worry helps to lower down your confidence
Worriers always try to create ideas on the thing that could go askew, and they
also don’t believe they can cope with anything that might go wrong. They
have spent a lot of time considering the worst scenario which makes them
able to cope. The odd thing is the same worriers perform well during a crisis.
On the other hand non-worriers can perform just as well in a crisis. However
they have the confidence that no matter what happens they can deal with it.
If you want to build self-confidence, you need to do something that you enjoy
and love to do. That’s the best suggestion to avoid feeling stick in life.
12. Worry not help to conclude positively in dismal situation
If a worrier tries to see a picture of really bad car crash, with people inside,
the first thought would be a dreadful scenario. Mostly they just can’t see
anything good happening in this situation.
But a non-worrier has the capabilities to think something positive in this
situation. Even though there might be injuries but everyone lives because the
passenger were well protected with the seat belt and the airbag.
If you know deep within yourself that something positive will happen in any
negative situation, you’ll be able to reduce the anxiety you feel about the
“Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun. Fall in
love .Regret nothing, and don’t let people bring you down”
13. Don’t know the right answer
When worry begins the question like
If it’s important to me? Is it actually a problem? Can I control it? Because
worriers don’t know the answer, they just start worrying.
A non-worrier ask the question and knows the answer will probably be, no. So
it is then dismissed, and the need to worry is gone. It’s a simple but effective
process to stop worrying about the future.
14. Helps to build negative attitude
Worriers find that negativity is not acceptable to them and they can’t tolerate
uncertainty at all.
But the non-worriers have much more healthier attitude. They are actually
inclined to understand that whatever negative emotion they’re feeling, it’s in
need of attention.
15. It’s thinking of failing always
The worriers are so much worry about failing that it’s harder for them when
do fail. They also forgot to learn from the failure.
You know that failing is a fact of life and happens to everyone. However
painful the failing was , we just using the experience to make life better. It will
help you in the future by refraining from making the same mistakes again.
Bringing all together:
There’s nothing wrong with worrying because everyone does it. But it does
matter how much and how often you worried. Extensive worry is total
wastage of energy and time. It’s also very unhealthy for you.
So stop worrying about the future and free yourself from the pressure of
anxiety. Enjoy your life, job, family today. Realize that the future, whatever it
is , will take care of itself.
Are you feeling stress in daily life? Do you confronted with deadlines, high
expectation and huge workload? Do you not able to maintain a quality life
under pressure? Is it seems like that stress is unavoidable in regular life?
Sometime you may feel nothing you can do to reduce trace. You are
responsible enough and the tasks you can do are continuously getting more
demanding. Then you’re feeling entirely helpless .
But there are many different steps you can follow to better cope with it. Here
are some effective and scientifically proven ways to overcome stress.
I must say that the way you deal with it can make all the difference. It is the
difference between those who are exceptionally successful and those who
are average.
15 Most Powerful Practical
Ways to Overcome Stress
“It’s not stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it.”
-Hans Selye.
When stress come on the way?
When different responsibilities placed on us which exceed our ability to deal
with it effectively then it arises. It is the body response to a potential danger.
Why you should learn to overcome stress?
When you’re feeling stress, normally variety of hormones is released in your
body. They actually help you to quickly respond to the dangerous situation. In
modern lifestyle of “fight or flight” response actually triggered stress
hormones can become a great hindrance. When it comes on regular basis
with prolonged periods of stress our survival becomes harmful to our health.
Later on I will discuss on negative side effect of it. But you must note that
some common problem like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease,
insomnia, anxiety arises because of stress. Here are,
15 Most Powerful Practical Ways to Overcome Stress
1. Meditation / mindfulness
One of the most effective way of reducing the stress significantly is
meditation. It helps to overcome the pressure on you if you start and follow
diligently. Check more on why you should start meditation here.
In general stress can’t be avoidable. But you can keep stress at healthy and
balanced level with mediation. In many scientific studies it has been proven .A
case study of 3,515 patients by John Hopkins University found that
mindfulness meditation improve the anxiety.
Most of us assume that meditation is nothing more than relaxation
technique. But actually it is a concentration technique that promotes
mindfulness. Therefore it can have far effective than sleeping or sitting
Beginners who want to reduce stress can explore an excellent program called
“Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction” that was developed by Professor
Kabat-Zinn in the 1970s. The program was specifically developed to utilize
mindfulness meditation to overcome stress.
2. Exercise
Exercise is can play vital role in reducing the effects of stress. When you do
physical activity it actually release endorphin that make you feel good and
provide a welcome distraction from your daily stresses and anxieties. Exercise
is an integral part of stress management.
How much time you require to exercise? You don’t need to spend countless
hours at gym. Any form of physical activity is just fine. 10 minutes of activity
are enough to help you experience the stress-relieving benefits of exercise.
For getting full benefits of exercise you can spend 30 minutes.
3. Healthy food
Food is the fuel that yours body needs to function properly and to balance the
effects of stress. So to maintain stress effectively healthy diet is necessary. It
keeps your body healthy, strong and properly nurtured, which is very much
essential to fight with stress.
Research says that some foods, like complex carbs, calm the brain by
releasing various chemicals, such as serotonin. Other foods, such as oranges
and fatty fish, have been shown to effectively reduce stress hormones.
Further research on stress has been highlighted that drinking water can help
to relieve stress.
Eat a healthy breakfast
Eat healthy snacks throughout the day
Drink sufficient water
Make sure not to skip meals.
Limit caffeine
Avoid soft drinks
Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
Limit sugar intake, especially refined sugar
Eat more complex carbohydrates
4. Yoga
Another important and highly effective tool is yoga. The practice of yoga does
not only relieve stress, but it also releases tension.
Yoga combines essential techniques to calm the mind and body, by
combining physical stretches, controlled breathing and muscle
Study found that yoga could effectively reduce stress and anxiety. The
scientists concluded from the findings that practicing yoga accomplished
more effective results than simply relaxing.
5. Sleep
It is well known fact that if you are not sleep well or not doing it sufficiently,
you’re more likely to feel stressed. Sleep is closely interrelated with it.
Give your body the necessary amount of sleep it demands. You will definitely
see the great impact on your well being. Sufficient sleep helps the body
regenerate and fuels your mind and energy level.
In various studies it’s found that when sleep was decreased the stress level
Start improve your life in next 7 days with these proven steps.
6. Social engagement
You may notice that when you talking with the person you trust help you
quickly to calm down. Social engagement is the easiest and quickest solution
to overcome stress. When you are around a good friend, the feeling of being
safe will release stress reducing hormones from your body.
If someone address your issue and help to find the ways out then it’s really
great. But the reason behind engaging socially is to simply help you to reduce
stress .The people you engaged with may not fix your problem but they may
a good listener.
7. Time management
When too many challenging task assign and you don’t have enough time to
manage all the responsibilities then stress come. Hence time management is
very much crucial to maintain the stress level.
You can’t reduce the number of task. But you can do, however, is properly
manage the time you have available though priority setting. A scientific
research on 525 employee indicated that time management behaviors could
reduce the impact of stressors. One study on stress also shown that the
buffering effect of time management behaviors on perceived stress was
greater than leisure satisfaction activities.
Keeping ‘to-do’ lists
Radically prioritizing your tasks
Setting goals for the day/week
Delegating tasks and responsibilities
Overcoming procrastination
Eliminating distractions
Applying the 80/20 rule (Pareto principle)
Breaking down tasks
Setting rewards for the accomplishment of tasks
Reducing time-wasting activities
Using a time log
8. Simple life
Generally our lives are filled with responsibilities, task and activities in which
some are of no use. Some activities may be entertaining but don’t provide
any true value to your life. Pursuing these activities increases unnecessary
Actually it comes from complexity. It’s important to introduce simplicity in life.
It helps you to get better organized and be more productive.
For more information on how to make life simple one read my one of the
popular article here.
9. Focus on decision-making energy
When asked why he’s always wearing the same T-shirt, Mark Zuckerberg,
founder of Facebook, responded:
“I really want to clear my life so that I have to make as few decisions as
possible about anything except how to best serve this community. and I feel
like I’m not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly
or frivolous about my life, so that way I can dedicate all of my energy towards
just building the best products and services.”
If you ask me the causes of my stress then some common facts will come.
Like heavy workload, tight deadlines, relationship problems and family issues.
But, maximum time I have found later on that due to the unstructured
behaviour in the workplaces and daily life caused my stress. So sometime you
may also noticed that you have wasting time and energy on other issues on
same unstructured way. And in doing so, you have less energy to spend on
the major challenges you have , which in turn causes stress.
They make their decision
Barrack Obama spoke about something similar when he said:
“I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about
what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to
make. You need to focus your decision-making energy. You need to routinize
yourself. You can’t be going through the day distracted by trivia.”
The scientists found that the decision making process draws on the same
energy reservoirs used for self-control. It was therefore highlighted that
meeting decisions reduces physical stamina, persistence and contributed to
increased procrastination.
After every decision you make, you lost some of the decision making energy
you reserved. Making a choice induce a state of mental tension. Hence the
solution is the reduction of number of (unimportant) decision you meet.
Sticking to your routines can effectively help you to reduce stress.
10. Keep a stress diary
The biggest problem almost all of us let stress go unnoticed. We all
experience it, but we seldom take the time to record it. Keeping a stress diary
can be helpful in identifying the root cause . After all, by developing an
understanding about the factors that increase stress, you’ll be in a better
position to reduce these factors.
That’s where the idea of a stress diary comes in handy. By recording the
different types of stress you experience on a regular basis, you can find
patterns and analyze the causes more closely.
It therefore can be a valuable technique to quickly learn how you can better
cope with the different stressors you is confronted with. Even more
importantly, it helps you to reflect on the way you currently react to stress.
This kind of insight helps you to develop better and healthier reactions to
11. Do more of what you love to do
Doing things you’re not excited or passionate about can sooner or later
contribute to the feeling of being stressed. If you have to pursue another
person’s dreams or aims, you’ll run out of motivation quickly. At the same
time, the pursuit of your own vision will give you a sense of fulfillment. Even
more so, going the extra mile is not at all stressful, if you’re truly passionate
about what you do. Doing what you truly love can ignite a powerful energy
within you. The stress-reducing benefits, however, can also be gained by
finding hobbies or leisure activities that enrich your life.
If you’re able to include more of the activities you love in your life, you can
significantly reduce it. As a positive side effect, spending more time doing
what you love will make you feel better and helps you to relax.
12. Learn to say ‘no’
Saying no is not easy for us. It makes us feel uncomfortable. Having to turn
down a request can therefore be quite a struggle. But in the reality , it’s
simply not possible to accept all requests you’re confronted with. You cannot
be in everyone’s good book.
If you are being capable of saying ‘no’ to unimportant, irrelevant or time-
wasting requests can therefore you will contribute greatly to a reduction of
your stress.
13. Keeping the ‘Big Picture’ in mind
We often give attention on a specific task with narrow focus. We can’t able to
see the “Big picture” of the things and trapped in the box by not going
through out of box thinking. When we involved heavily to complete a given
task , we actually lost the track of importance and priority.
It actually means that we attribute too much important to things that are not
important at all. In doing so we increase our stress.
You may experience that some of your colleagues or friends who got
obsessed about things that were not at all important. The ability to identify
the same kind of irrational behaviour within ourselves, however, can be quite
difficult. By continuously evaluating the outcome of our task, you can
properly evaluate their importance and in doing so, reduce stress.
Another aspect of keeping the ‘Big Picture’ in mind is that it helps us to
remain motivated and energized. Especially when you’re confronted with
difficulties, it’s all the more important to remember the higher purpose of
your task. Going the extra mile might not be pleasurable. But if you do know
exactly what you are doing it for, it’ll be less stressful.
14. If-then plans
It is a highly effective tool which will give you a concrete strategy on how to
react on a situation.
Developing if-then plans is not very difficult task. All you need to do is to think
about a stressful situation you’re regularly confronted with and a desired
For example, “If my workload becomes unbearable, then I will strictly focus
on the high-priority tasks.”
Take a break now...!!!
15. Take a break
Yes the last one, if anything else fails, take a break! Even a 15-minute
‘timeout’ can help you to calm down. When you take a break it actually
decrease lots of stress and recharge your energy.
You must check my article on weekend here.
Do you confused about life and its truth? Let me remind you quickly some
brutal truth of life, most of the people generally ignore. Believe me sometime
you need to head into the storm to appreciate the light and have a renewed
passion for the truth of life.
Here is top 10 truth of life for you: Can you handle this
“I don’t regret the things I’ve done; I regret the things I didn’t do
when I had the chance”
1. Death is Inevitable:
Dear friend, do you agree with it? If you are alive today, you will die
too.Everyone you love is going to die, and you don't know when.
10 Truth of Life You May
Not be Ready to Accept
Acknowledge this fact of your own mortality, and then start structuring your
life in a more meaningful way.
2. You come with empty hand:
You can’t take anything with you, not even your memory too. Peace and
satisfaction can’t be purchase even after spending your wealth. Your material
wealth won't make you a better or happier person. It comes when you think
how much actually you need to survive.
Happiness is always present in your life--it's just a matter of connecting to it
and allowing it to flow through you that's challenging.
“The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your
3. You can't reverse the time?
Can you control the past? Can you predict the future? Trying to do so only
removes you from one thing you can control –“the present”. Do you believe
that’s the truth of life? Time is running every second. You can never reverse
the time. But you can understand its preciousness and spent it wisely to
achieve back.
4. Can you stop your aging?
Medical science can delay the process of aging, but can’t stop it. Your will
power and positive thought can never age. It’s better to live your life fullest
before age can overpower your strength and desires.
“Sometimes in life, your situation will keep repeating itself until
you learn your lesson”
5. You came here alone:
The truth of life is you came alone and will go alone. It manifests, you should
learn to live and learn happiness in solitude. It is your greatest strength.
6. Trust Cannot Be Rebuilt:
Trust on others but not blindly without knowing the facts. Once broken, trust
cannot be rebuilt.Stop looking for people to give you sympathy and start
creating the life story you want to read.
“You can’t change the truth but the truth can change you”
7. Nothing is perfect:
Of course you can try to do everything in a different way and to
the best possible manner. You or anyone can’t be perfect. The
truth of life is we all are bundle of good and bad attributes. Don’t
make unnecessary efforts and hold yourself to unrealistic
standards which create suffering.
8. You Cannot Please Everyone:
Stop trying to please everyone, and start respecting your values, principles,
and autonomy. There are people who will never please with you, let them be
in their own world.Be responsible and take actions that increase positive
attitude and love. When you think you have no debts, there is someone
whom you owe an apology.
“Life is short, smile while you still have teeth”
9. Its matters how you react:
The truth of life is not what happens; it’s how you react that matters. So train
yourself to respond in a way that leads better outcomes.
“Action speaks louder than words, so believe what you see and
forget what you heard”
10. Change is Unavoidable:
The greatest truth of life is change. It actually teaches us something new and
makes us a good person. Just be ready to accept change in life.
These are some of the truth of life but you are the real hero to accept those.
Try it out feel the difference.
I am really busy to prove myself ? But to whom ?
My life is so complicated ! or I am complicated ?
I am always trying to be perfect in every prospect of my life ! Who told me to
be perfect ?
I am always serious about my corporate life ! Where is my personal life ?
My dear , I am missing something serious ….!!!
“The Simple Life” yes I try t0 find my own very simple life .
Are you also try to find out for yours?
If yes then please move forward for just 10 to 15 minutes. I promise, I will not
waste your valuable time.
15 Easiest Way To Make
Your Life Simple One
Here are 15 easy way of making a simple life for you.
1. Think: will this matter to you just 2 months from now?
Or even 2 weeks from now? So please do this to avoid creating an
unnecessary pressure on you.
2. Do what you really want to do.
Do not get stuck in trying to live on someone’s wish.
3. Stop worrying and complaining.
You have no control over all the things around, isn’t it ? So why not focus only
on the things you can control rather worrying over those uncontrollable
things and do complaining.
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” ~
4. Be kind.
Be kind to other people and especially to yourself.
5. Stop trying to please everyone.
Everybody is not like you. There will always be people who you don’t get
along with.
Do you face difficult coworker around your workplace then :
How to deal with difficult people in workplace
6. Stop trying to do things perfectly.
Get things all the way to done this way and then move on to the next thing.
7. Spend more and more time to focus on solution.
Instead of the focusing on problem just concentrate on the root cause and
the solution.
Turn your problem into solution with:
How Success may Achieve by Turn Bad Situation into Good One
8.Stop guessing.
Reading minds is hard. So, please ask questions and communicate directly.
This will help you to minimize unnecessary conflicts, misunderstandings and
change your life from complicated to simple one.
9. Make practice to go grocery shopping once a week.
You’ll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to
shop for it all at once.
“Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants
of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.”~ Edwin Way Teale
10.Have a glass of water.
When you bored , instead of eating foods or meals have 1-2 glasses of water.
This will help you to keep to those cravings away until the next meal and to
maintain your health and weight.
11. Eat slowly and enjoy your food.
Make your lunch time a time of relaxation rather than a time to just add to
the stress of your morning.
12. Exercise every day.
This will reduce stress, up your energy levels and in my experience reduces
negative thoughts.
“Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage
enough.” ~ Charles Warner
Wish to start meditation ?
Benefit of Meditation| why you must start Meditation today
13. Stop doing what you don’t like doing anymore.
Life changes and so do you. If you don’t like doing something anymore then
perhaps it is time to stop doing that .
14. Learn to let go technique.
You must be willing to let go of the life you planned for so you can enjoy the
life that is waiting for you
15. Try to focus on a few priorities in your life.
Keep things simple to be able to put enough effort, attention and energy into
those most important things.
Discover your life principle here:
70 Life Principles To Follow In Life To Redesign Your Future
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it
yourself.” ~ Albert Einstein
If you are suffering from Anxiety, then I believe you also suffer from any of
bellow physical challenges.
Tension and headaches
Gastroenterology difficulties – I personally suffer a lot from this..!!
Dizziness or tingling in the extremities – as blood rushes from the brain to
the legs
Muscle aches and fatigue – eventually the body is exhausted from the
increased tension
Insomnia – a frequent consequence of all of the anxiety disorders…and
many more.
So you want to get relief from anxiety, Tune Up Success here to help you.
Please don’t waste your time, energy, being anxious ,it actually not help you
to solve any problem of your life.
Anxiety-5 Self Help Tips for
relief from anxiety in life
Here is 5 Self Help Tips for relief from Anxiety for you:
1. Recognize your Anxiety and what are the reasons behind it:
Check whether you are feeling fear to meet someone? Or talking with your
boss? Or travelling on road? Or worrying about your future? Or about your
children education? Or on you’re after retirement plan? Or your daughter
So what to do now? After recognize the reason of anxiousness, till we remain
anxious or try to resolve the issue immediately to relief from anxiety?
I know that all issues can’t be resolve by you as you can do your best only.
But you can resolve it partially and get some help from your near and dear
2. Keep yourself busy from start of your day:
Do something dear..!! “Life is too short”..! Activity keeps your mind off your
Check when you wake up in the morning what is you doing? Cleaning the
house? Washing dishes or working in your garden? Meditating or exercising
your body? Reading or studying?
Yes that’s all may keep you busy and keep your mind away from anxiety.
Here I will suggest you to check
Benefits of Wake Up Early
Also make practice to think about the GOOD things that are happening to you
at the time of go to bed at night and when you wake up in the morning.
Keep your body fit through daily exercise, walk, swim, yoga, any sports
activity etc.
Staying idle and thinking about your problems won’t help you at all to
overcome them.
3. Find Reason To Lough:
3. Find Reason To Lough:
Watch comedies on TV, spend time with friends, spend with your children and
listen their words- you know very well that what makes you laugh..!!
Share or discuss about your anxiety with someone you trust. It will help to
reduce the intensity of your anxiousness.
4. Don’t expect perfection always:
I am not the best father! My Air Condition not facing in perfect direction! May
mail writing is not perfect! I’m a failure!
Those are helping us to become anxious. So stop doing things perfectly.
Accept imperfection and uncertainty. You don't have to be perfect to make
progress. You don't have to know something for sure in order to do it. Doing
it is better than worrying about it.
5. Control your thoughts:
“Something bad will happen”
“He thinks, I am a big looser”
Control over your thoughts and strengthen your anxiety If negative thought
increase then anxiety also increase.
I believe the tips I have mention here will definitely help you in major cases.
But in critical cases you may need professional help.
If I able to help you up to some extent then expect your valuable comments,
and hope you will definitely share with your near and dear ones.
Staying energized throughout the day in work is a big concern for me.
Sometimes I feel like I’m with marathon pace during the day. From the
moment my feet touch the floor after wake up in the morning to the time
finally fall asleep, it’s only –go-go and go!
Do you feel exhausted at PM? Is it hard for you to stay energized throughout
the work? Do you simply want another cup of coffee to energize again and
again to overcome continuous stress of mind and body? But fail to get
energized again! To get the answer I have reach out to some my busiest
friends to ask how they maintain their energy levels and knocking internet for
some solution of it.
7 Secrets of Staying
Energized Throughout the
I have summarized the top advice .As a telecom guy it’s very tough for me to
maintain the energy level. But finally I have noticed the some remarkable
changes after adopting them.
Here are my secrets of staying energized
throughout the day:
Your workday is hard enough with the assignments, deadlines and meetings.
Believe me it will take only 7 minutes of reading but works a lot for you.
Try it to sustain your hard work day with full of assignments, deadlines, and
Getting up early and take bath on the same time every morning:
This will enable your circadian rhythms, which are governed by your body’s
“maser clock” in the hypothalamus gland, to stay in sync with the 24-hour
day. According to science your body’s sleep-wake cycle want to delay by an
average 12 minutes every day.
Know your life passion today : Get your free template here.
I will suggest reading:15 Simple Tips On How To Wake Up Early
To keep balance in this body cycle aim for 30 minutes of light first thing, even
on Saturday when you’ve decided to sleep in. An easy way to get it is to go for
a half-hour stroll outdoors or have your breakfast by a sunny window. If your
schedule requires you to rise when it's dark outside, crank up the lights
indoors—every little bit may help.
I personally wake up early and start with honey lemon and bathing. It gives
me a fresh mind and body.
You can try this: What experts are saying on lemon honey and hot water in
every morning.
Healthy Breakfast:
An energizing breakfast can help your body to stay energized throughout the
day. Always eat breakfast shortly after you wake up and follow above step.
Choose your breakfast that contains healthy carbohydrates and high quality
proteins. They actually help power up your body and feel fresh mind. For
example, have a slice of whole wheat bread with two hard boiled eggs. Try
having a piece of fruit or a serving of veggies with your breakfast as well.
Get Moving:
Any kind of movement really is a great way to get your heart rate up and your
blood pumping right to your brain.
According to study you can boosts your energy with a 20 minute walk. So be
flexible at your desk or workplace. This could be as simple as getting up from
your seat to stretch your back, or as intense as pausing midday for a trip to
the gym.
Another simple way of stay energized by adding some stairs to your day.
Taking the stairs to the office is a great workout and boosts energy.
Boost up with :20 Best Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes Will Inspire You Most
Drink Water:
Dehydration is a cause of fatigue so does not neglect your water intake. Keep
a water bottle near you at all times and periodically take a sip. You should
also take advantage of any water fountains you see during your day.
I found that keeping a water bottle on my desk really encourages me to drink
up. I have an aquarium too in my drawing room, which also energized me a
Smart snack & listen to some tunes:
Healthy snacking can help you an energy boost whenever you feel stress
during work. Instead of processed snack (oftentimes, which actually leads to
a crash not long after consumption), turn to healthy and natural snacks like
apples, oranges, almonds, and yogurt. You may try for a very dark chocolate.
Refresh your mind a change of pace and listen to some music as you work.
Try light songs, music so you won’t get too distracted from the task at hand.
Listening to instruments is a good option.
Earlier I was told you how meditation can help you. But in this case I am not
asking you to give dedicated full time 20 minutes to meditating each time you
feel stressed.
The process can be as simple as closing your eyes for 3 minutes and paying
attention to your breathing and physical sensations. It will redirect your
thoughts to the present, eliminating stressful thoughts that’s drain your
Stare off into space:
Staring at desktop or laptop screen for 7 hours on end really strains the eyes
and worsen exhaustion.
You can try a 20-20-20 rule in mind when you are feeling stress. Look at a
point 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes to break continuous
computer screen fixation.
Sitting up straight is also in a way a form of exercise, as it requires your core
muscles to work hard to help you maintain that position.
Let’s eliminate the fight with low energy using above 7 simple ideas. If you
want to include an ideas to stay energized throughout the day can comment
below. I will be happy to hear what works for you!! Don’t forget to share with
your colleagues and friends.
Enjoy every day life, many of us advice others. But do you think you really enjoy
your everyday life. Does it seem you need to change some habit? Wait, I’m not
going to tell you to change your habit here. You are not alone in the today’s
worlds, who are not able to enjoying their life everyday due to some
Some days before I have met some of my old friends, where a common subject of
discussion was about our own daily life.
Truly speaking where common words or conclusion came out like-
“I am fade up with this boring life”
“We are only doing responsibility on our job and our family what I am doing for
How To Enjoy Every Day Life
With 10 Simple Steps
I think you are also in same platform. But believe me later on, I thought deeply on
the problem and found some gap among me too in the way I am handling my
everyday life.
So don’t worry friends,give me just 5 minutes of time , I will tell you 10 very simple
steps to enjoy everyday life.
It will help you out:
Maintain enthusiasm towards life
Boosting you to get more enjoyment in everyday life
Bring more happiness
“ No one lives forever.Take your time and enjoy your life as long as
you can”
1. Make time for what you love most to do:
As you have seen some of my friends even me or even you also over burden on
only on responsibilities on others. So I must say you it’s important to take care of
our responsibilities, parallel to that we should also try to balance the need to do
activities with a few things we really want to do.
If you never think and make the time to do things you love most and excited
about, then you ruin your daily life.If you only attend to your obligations, it
could become difficult to find any feelings of enjoyment in day to day life. So start
to make time ever day for the things you really enjoy to do.
“ Each day is a little lifetime,so just enjoy every moment of life”
2. Eliminate unnecessary commitments:
Do you ever think what value added with your daily life when you do
commitments? Is it really enhancing your life or just adding some more stress? If
it doesn’t add any spice in your daily life to enjoy fullest then straightway you
should eliminate it. But I know sometime it’s really difficult for you so try to
minimize things that just consume time and energy with no real payoff. Take
some things simply aren’t negotiable, but other so-called obligation aren’t really
“Life is like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still have
3. Adopt simplicity:
I will recommend you to adopt simplicity in life. You can take a help fromhere.
You may notice that for some time you seem to accumulate physical mental and
emotional clutter. So please try to end up rushing one demanding situation to
another where no real feeling of enjoyment and happiness. To quite your minds
and restore a sense of order to your daily life you need to value on simplicity.
Remember simple things are the less distracted for your mind.
4. Enjoy little things
During my college life we used to gather at a tea shop at evening. The real thing
was we had not so much pocket money from home but what we had that is “ a
cup of tea with lot of gossips – happiness and enjoyment” . Literally we kick out all
stress, tension of examination and start a fresh evening in hostel again after this
Why I am telling youthe story? You also in same platform, so find the little things
that give a lot of enjoyment in daily life. If you never take the time to actually be in
the moment then I can say that we are really living our daily life? Even the
smallest activities can be enjoyable if you stay concentrate on the actual
experience. Isn't it?
“Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back , and
realize they were the big things”
The next time you eat a piece of fruit or enjoy a cup of coffee simply enjoy it. As
per my knowledge our sense of smell and taste are connected to our brains
pleasure enter. So when you savor what goes into your stomach you tend to eat
less and enjoy it more.
5. Enjoy daily life with generosity:
Your act of kindness is an act of generosity. Smile at strangers, hold the door open
for the other person behind you, listen while someone else is talking and being
respectful etc. These all simple acts are not costly but give you an inner peace
which will keep always and enjoyable moment for you.
“It is not happy people who are thankful.It is thankful people who are
Do you know your passion of life? If not then you must check oncehere.
6. Start a daily review on gratitude:
This is the simplest and most powerful way to enjoy every day life. If you take a
moment every day to review your blessing, you will notice more and more things
to be grateful for. Gratitude is actually the antidote for selfishness. It is easy to get
caught up in selfish pursuits and forget how much there is to be grateful for. Once
you start review and make the list take and put up one thing among them into
action in your life, this should be it.
“It’s not an issue of Wants vs. Needs.It’s an issue of Wants vs.
7. Chose your priority wisely:
If you reevaluate your priorities on regular basis then youfeel that life is an ever
exchange experience. Examine your priorities and check what is the most
important to you and why. So give your top priorities in first place otherwise they
will get swallowed up by everything else.
You must agree with me that this is your life and you need to set your own
priorities . So please choose wisely your priorities to enjoy every day life.
Try to find your life purposehere.
8. Learn let go technique:
Let consider you have missed out an very important work today , if you keep your
mind obsessing over that then you will not able to relax. And obviously you know
that when it comes to relaxation the body follows mind.
“ Letting go gives us freedom , and freedom is the only condition for happiness”
So you can understood that your body can only experiencerelaxation if your mind
has let go of anything and everything that causes your stress ,worry and anxiety.
Lets start enjoy your every day life by let it go technique.
“When you focus on what you want , everything else falls away.”
9. Keep focus on what matters:
Lets take an example: Someone who whose live hood comes from political
background , spending time in politics might represent productivity. However for
you it might just be a distraction from what really matter when you spend more
than 5-10 minuets of your every day life for watching political news in TV.
So you need to differentiate between the matter which gives productivity and
busy work . You must analyze your own situation and focus your time accordingly.
10. Bring some spice in your daily routine:
Take a different path , try something new. It can be something simple like start
blogging, learn to play guitar or any other musical instrument.
“Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good
poem, see one exquisite picture, and if possible speak a few sensible
Believe me right now , it is an excellent time to do something you have always
wanted to do, but have never gotten around to because today may never come.
Now start walking instead of watching television after dinner. Or make a plan for
enjoy the next weekend.
“ And in the end , it’s not the years in your life that count.It’s the life in
your years”- Abraham Lincoln.
Did any of these points resonate with you?
Live Your Life
From The
Front Seat
Start here to know yourself better
for your personal development and
growth to achieve highest success
and happiness in life.
“Thousands of candles can be lit
from a single candle, and the life
of the candle will not be
shortened. Happiness never
decreases by being shared.” -
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Download happiness

  • 1. Tune Up Success Download Happiness Think You Know What Makes You Unhappy -By Sudipta Kr Maiti made with
  • 2. 1. Introduction 2. About The Author 3. 7 Tips On How To Be Unhappy In Life 4. 15 reasons why you should stop worrying about the future 5. 15 Most Powerful Practical Ways to Overcome Stress 6. 10 Truth of Life You May Not be Ready to Accept 7. 15 Easiest Way To Make Your Life Simple One 8. Anxiety-5 Self Help Tips for relief from anxiety in life 9. 7 Secrets of Staying Energized Throughout the Day 10. How To Enjoy Every Day Life With 10 Simple Steps 11. Live Your Life From The Front Seat Conten
  • 3. You might wonder why I have given the name as " Download happiness" and why happiness is important. If you believe as I do that happiness is a choice and a skill that can be learned, why is it important enough to go out of your way for. Key Focus Let's me explore how do this book can help you. You can find what actually makes you unhappy. Provide clarity of your unhappiness and it's reason. You can say good by to worry about future ,stress anxiety, frustration from your life. How can you live life fullest with lot of energy and enjoyment. I have read many wonderful self-help and inspirational books that I even care to remember. At the end of the day each of these books leave us with certain key concepts and ideas. These key ideas are expressed and captured as "Download Happiness" Introduction Thank you for showing your interest on motivational quotes. Sudipta Kumar Maiti
  • 4. Sudipta Kr Maiti I'm Awesome at: Social Media , Blogging, Reading Self Development Books, Ideas on life success,Happiness project.I love painting, play with my daughter, play mouth-organ , tabla.I have an small aquarium and garden too. I have participate many cultural function and small stage show. Something personal An Engineer by profession. A father of a little daughter. Born on 1982 at Midnapur, a small town near Kolkata,India.Start blogging to share the secret of success, whenever discover any failure in every step and every moment of my life. During professional journey since 2003 , where I met with lots of people , leader,fresher’s .Their story is become my blog and books on personal development. About The Author
  • 5. You may think that what type of title this is “How to be Unhappy in life”, yes we all want to happy but sometime subconsciously we follow those things in life make us unhappy. If you want to be happy in life first you have to eliminate the reason of your unhappiness in life. Is not it? This all are well-known by you but perhaps some time forgot or overlook those things causing your unhappiness. So how you can invite unhappy life, here it is: Complain: Unhappiness comes when the thing goes wrong: “Why always such things happen with me only?” 7 Tips On How To Be Unhappy In Life
  • 6. “Does the rain not start after some time, always remain bad weather here!” “The new boss is not good at all; he is total irresponsible and always firing me only” We always expect goodness situation but we have to think nothing to do with the weather. We try to find something else to complain about, because that’s just the way they are. And also after resolve the issues we are not stop complaining about with new issue again. How we can control the tendency of complain: Awareness: Consciousness is the first step to solve problem Understand the source of problem: Why we does complain on particular thing/person/situation, find out there should something hidden, only need to address it. Be positive: Spend on things make you happy, focusing on other thing make you unhappy is not help at all to sort out the things. Less Talk: More action instead more talks useful to solve issues. Compare: Do I have a habit of comparing with others? “She is doing well in her career than me” “Why I am not so rich person than Mr X” It is value less to compare with others as other people are not you and you are not other people. I think rather discourage yourself on thinking about others what they have , think about what you want to have in your life.
  • 7. Worry before the thing happen: It is very easy to be unhappy when we think about thing yet to happen as: Giving a presentation at monthly meeting: What if question arises and I can’t answer well? If people think it is boring? Attend a social event: What if no one talks with me? Start a new business: If my business fails? If investors not interested? When you think and worrying about future, you are not living in the present. Avoiding issues: If you hide your problem, it not at all helps to sort out the same and that actually help to make you unhappy. So don’t avoid the problem persist in your life, acknowledge and address it. You can solve anything just need : 5 ways to break your comfort zone Do things you don’t like: People do the things they not at all like/enjoy. They help themselves to be remaining unhappy by doing things they not love. But why do you follow that? Stop it and do what you love most. If you don’t like your job then switch to anywhere you love to do. Remember you are the CEO of your own life.
  • 8. Change other people: This is a simple way of being unhappy. Can you really change others? It is impossible. Even if people do change in response to your action, it’s does not solve your problem and may be initially you become happy but ultimately after sometime it will be vanish. Because problem is not they, it is your desire to change them. Please others: Just like to change others, trying to please everyone around you will help you to be unhappy , because: It’s impossible to please everyone. Everyone is different Be living for yourself. Don’t change yourself just because someone has different expectation on how you should be. You live for yourself not for others. Now time for your turn. If you want to be happy in the life, please avoid above things as much as possible according to the situation and share with your near and dear once for more happiness.
  • 9. Are you worried about the future? If yes then why? Don’t you think there is a way to stop it? Yes stop worrying about the future today . Yes worrying about the future is very common nature of us in today scenario. Worry is the reaction to a threat and just like animals; we either fight or run away. But many of us, even you also stuck between choices. Gradually you become helpless towards life. Many people believe that worrying over something negative that might happen, actually prevents it from happening. These habitual worries think that by fretting about something, they can control that it’s not going to happen. However you can find out there are many situations when there’s no logical reason to worry which causes a significant amount of anxiety. 15 reasons why you should stop worrying about the future
  • 10. Today I want to tell you some excellent reasons why you should stop worrying about the future. You can find out more about the reasons we worry, the root cause of worrying, how it affects your life, some practical guide and suggestions to escape from it Do you know that worrying takes up a lot of energy from your body and mind? It causes stress, results in neglecting important things. Ultimately takes a lot of fun out of your life. If you feel stress right now check my earlier article here. “You cannot run from the future , but you can give your best to create a positive future right here and now” 1. Help to wasting the present Just think how worry starts work. “What if this happens?” Then you develop another worry in your mind. This new worry again leads to the same question and the cycle start and continue. So better to focus on today as “ Life is too short” and you should not be wasted on worrying about what may or may not be happen tomorrow . If you’re feeling yourself successful today , may be try doing whatever it is you love the most and watch the worries disappear. Please try to recognize that the real truth lies in the present so live in the moment. 2. Do worries help to predict or control your future? It’s impossible to have complete control on individual’s life when so intermingled with the outside world. No one has the power to forecast the future and control it. You can only control the two things, one is your thoughts and other is your action. Don’t even try to see what the future holds or make a plan for it. You should motivate yourself to live today and stop worrying about the future. “God says don’t worry about your future. He is the author of your story and He’s already written the final chapter” –Max Lucado
  • 11. 3. Worries lack a sense of perception The perception of losing a job and that’s where the worry begins. Then it continues to grow and grow until the person is homeless, living in the streets, and is all alone in the world. Even they can’t move away from the situation to have the right perception. If the person on the above example was talk through this scenario; it would become apparent how improbable this outcome would happen. 4. Worries exaggerate the possible outcome It actually tends to exaggerate and over stress the negative things that might happen when there isn’t any evidence it will happen. One single thought will bring another thought in mind. Before they know it, these negative thoughts are all stuck together. Now come the fear and fretting and stress appear. You can never predict what will happen and you are not able to control what does happen. We are for a short time here, so just forget and stop worrying about the future, live in the present and enjoy everything that happens. “I’m blessed, because of my faith, that I don’t have to worry about the future because I know that who holds my future” 5. Worries try to show that they are thinking constructive Worries think that they can anticipate the problems of the future; it will help them somehow- which is totally wrong thinking. Once they start, they keep going as they can’t stop the thinking. Do you notice that? You must change from generating problems to solving problems. So please take care of solving problem of today by let it go and stop worrying about the future. 6. Worries help to take away from the focus As you seen worry start and continue as a cycle of negative things that might happen in the future. So they have a problem to make decision for today that may concern their job, family, relationship many other important things.
  • 12. If you start living for today and practicing the awareness then it will help you to turn your focus away from what “might” be happen. People need to focus on their values and live in that moment to enable them to make right choices and decisions. Please get out from your comfort zone start writing something new , may be blog. Yes start it , you can do . “If you‘re worried about what the future brings, simply remind yourself that you didn’t get where you are today by worrying about tomorrow” 7. Brain will perform differently during worries When you worry excessively, have a difficult time even just trying to change a negative thought into a positive one. The difficulty you have endured shows in the brain as a boomerang type of effect. You need to understand how worrying (that actually negative thought) can affect the brain in an unhealthy way. So please try to concentrate on the positive things in life.
  • 13. 8. It creates trouble to make decision. It’s is very difficult for worriers to make decision. They take much more time as they dwell on all of the impending negative results. Actually when they make a decision, they worry that it might not be right one. A non-worrier is more compliant in thinking than a worrier. They also have more capabilities to try out a solution even if there’s a possibility that the result could be bad. 9. Worries have trouble getting to the cause of their worry First of all you need to identify the actual problem before you start to worry and stop the cycle of negative thinking. Otherwise it will continue to spin until the initial worry is entirely removed from the real issue at hand. You need to realize that a problem may lead to another, but it’s not worth worrying about because that’s in the future. 10. Worriers worry –wherever, when ever It seems that worriers are able to worry anywhere, anytime. As soon any problem arises they feel they need to fix the problem right away. Immediately they feel the need to plan for any bad situation that could happen. Surprisingly during the period they forget to take care of their present life, job, family or other things that need their attention. If you till worry about the future then set aside a few minutes every day to do nothing but worry! If you have 15-20 minutes of “worry time” from then on when a worry arrives, you should remember to put it off until the time end. Chances are by the time it comes; the worry will have been forgotten. 11. Worry helps to lower down your confidence Worriers always try to create ideas on the thing that could go askew, and they also don’t believe they can cope with anything that might go wrong. They have spent a lot of time considering the worst scenario which makes them able to cope. The odd thing is the same worriers perform well during a crisis. On the other hand non-worriers can perform just as well in a crisis. However they have the confidence that no matter what happens they can deal with it.
  • 14. If you want to build self-confidence, you need to do something that you enjoy and love to do. That’s the best suggestion to avoid feeling stick in life. 12. Worry not help to conclude positively in dismal situation If a worrier tries to see a picture of really bad car crash, with people inside, the first thought would be a dreadful scenario. Mostly they just can’t see anything good happening in this situation. But a non-worrier has the capabilities to think something positive in this situation. Even though there might be injuries but everyone lives because the passenger were well protected with the seat belt and the airbag. If you know deep within yourself that something positive will happen in any negative situation, you’ll be able to reduce the anxiety you feel about the future. “Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun. Fall in love .Regret nothing, and don’t let people bring you down” 13. Don’t know the right answer When worry begins the question like If it’s important to me? Is it actually a problem? Can I control it? Because worriers don’t know the answer, they just start worrying. A non-worrier ask the question and knows the answer will probably be, no. So it is then dismissed, and the need to worry is gone. It’s a simple but effective process to stop worrying about the future. 14. Helps to build negative attitude Worriers find that negativity is not acceptable to them and they can’t tolerate uncertainty at all. But the non-worriers have much more healthier attitude. They are actually inclined to understand that whatever negative emotion they’re feeling, it’s in
  • 15. need of attention. 15. It’s thinking of failing always The worriers are so much worry about failing that it’s harder for them when do fail. They also forgot to learn from the failure. You know that failing is a fact of life and happens to everyone. However painful the failing was , we just using the experience to make life better. It will help you in the future by refraining from making the same mistakes again. Bringing all together: There’s nothing wrong with worrying because everyone does it. But it does matter how much and how often you worried. Extensive worry is total wastage of energy and time. It’s also very unhealthy for you. So stop worrying about the future and free yourself from the pressure of anxiety. Enjoy your life, job, family today. Realize that the future, whatever it is , will take care of itself.
  • 16. Are you feeling stress in daily life? Do you confronted with deadlines, high expectation and huge workload? Do you not able to maintain a quality life under pressure? Is it seems like that stress is unavoidable in regular life? Sometime you may feel nothing you can do to reduce trace. You are responsible enough and the tasks you can do are continuously getting more demanding. Then you’re feeling entirely helpless . But there are many different steps you can follow to better cope with it. Here are some effective and scientifically proven ways to overcome stress. I must say that the way you deal with it can make all the difference. It is the difference between those who are exceptionally successful and those who are average. 15 Most Powerful Practical Ways to Overcome Stress
  • 17. “It’s not stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it.” -Hans Selye. When stress come on the way? When different responsibilities placed on us which exceed our ability to deal with it effectively then it arises. It is the body response to a potential danger. Why you should learn to overcome stress? When you’re feeling stress, normally variety of hormones is released in your body. They actually help you to quickly respond to the dangerous situation. In modern lifestyle of “fight or flight” response actually triggered stress hormones can become a great hindrance. When it comes on regular basis with prolonged periods of stress our survival becomes harmful to our health. Later on I will discuss on negative side effect of it. But you must note that some common problem like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, anxiety arises because of stress. Here are, 15 Most Powerful Practical Ways to Overcome Stress 1. Meditation / mindfulness One of the most effective way of reducing the stress significantly is meditation. It helps to overcome the pressure on you if you start and follow diligently. Check more on why you should start meditation here. In general stress can’t be avoidable. But you can keep stress at healthy and balanced level with mediation. In many scientific studies it has been proven .A case study of 3,515 patients by John Hopkins University found that mindfulness meditation improve the anxiety. Most of us assume that meditation is nothing more than relaxation technique. But actually it is a concentration technique that promotes mindfulness. Therefore it can have far effective than sleeping or sitting around. Beginners who want to reduce stress can explore an excellent program called
  • 18. “Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction” that was developed by Professor Kabat-Zinn in the 1970s. The program was specifically developed to utilize mindfulness meditation to overcome stress. 2. Exercise Exercise is can play vital role in reducing the effects of stress. When you do physical activity it actually release endorphin that make you feel good and provide a welcome distraction from your daily stresses and anxieties. Exercise is an integral part of stress management. How much time you require to exercise? You don’t need to spend countless hours at gym. Any form of physical activity is just fine. 10 minutes of activity are enough to help you experience the stress-relieving benefits of exercise. For getting full benefits of exercise you can spend 30 minutes. 3. Healthy food Food is the fuel that yours body needs to function properly and to balance the effects of stress. So to maintain stress effectively healthy diet is necessary. It keeps your body healthy, strong and properly nurtured, which is very much essential to fight with stress.
  • 19. Research says that some foods, like complex carbs, calm the brain by releasing various chemicals, such as serotonin. Other foods, such as oranges and fatty fish, have been shown to effectively reduce stress hormones. Further research on stress has been highlighted that drinking water can help to relieve stress. Eat a healthy breakfast Eat healthy snacks throughout the day Drink sufficient water Make sure not to skip meals. Limit caffeine Avoid soft drinks Avoid alcohol and cigarettes Limit sugar intake, especially refined sugar Eat more complex carbohydrates 4. Yoga Another important and highly effective tool is yoga. The practice of yoga does not only relieve stress, but it also releases tension. Yoga combines essential techniques to calm the mind and body, by combining physical stretches, controlled breathing and muscle strengthening. Study found that yoga could effectively reduce stress and anxiety. The scientists concluded from the findings that practicing yoga accomplished more effective results than simply relaxing. 5. Sleep It is well known fact that if you are not sleep well or not doing it sufficiently, you’re more likely to feel stressed. Sleep is closely interrelated with it. Give your body the necessary amount of sleep it demands. You will definitely see the great impact on your well being. Sufficient sleep helps the body regenerate and fuels your mind and energy level. In various studies it’s found that when sleep was decreased the stress level increased. Start improve your life in next 7 days with these proven steps.
  • 20. 6. Social engagement You may notice that when you talking with the person you trust help you quickly to calm down. Social engagement is the easiest and quickest solution to overcome stress. When you are around a good friend, the feeling of being safe will release stress reducing hormones from your body. If someone address your issue and help to find the ways out then it’s really great. But the reason behind engaging socially is to simply help you to reduce stress .The people you engaged with may not fix your problem but they may a good listener. 7. Time management When too many challenging task assign and you don’t have enough time to manage all the responsibilities then stress come. Hence time management is very much crucial to maintain the stress level. You can’t reduce the number of task. But you can do, however, is properly manage the time you have available though priority setting. A scientific research on 525 employee indicated that time management behaviors could reduce the impact of stressors. One study on stress also shown that the buffering effect of time management behaviors on perceived stress was greater than leisure satisfaction activities. Keeping ‘to-do’ lists Radically prioritizing your tasks Setting goals for the day/week Delegating tasks and responsibilities Overcoming procrastination Eliminating distractions Applying the 80/20 rule (Pareto principle) Breaking down tasks Setting rewards for the accomplishment of tasks
  • 21. Reducing time-wasting activities Using a time log 8. Simple life Generally our lives are filled with responsibilities, task and activities in which some are of no use. Some activities may be entertaining but don’t provide any true value to your life. Pursuing these activities increases unnecessary stress. Actually it comes from complexity. It’s important to introduce simplicity in life. It helps you to get better organized and be more productive. For more information on how to make life simple one read my one of the popular article here. 9. Focus on decision-making energy When asked why he’s always wearing the same T-shirt, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, responded: “I really want to clear my life so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community. and I feel like I’m not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life, so that way I can dedicate all of my energy towards just building the best products and services.” If you ask me the causes of my stress then some common facts will come. Like heavy workload, tight deadlines, relationship problems and family issues. But, maximum time I have found later on that due to the unstructured behaviour in the workplaces and daily life caused my stress. So sometime you may also noticed that you have wasting time and energy on other issues on same unstructured way. And in doing so, you have less energy to spend on the major challenges you have , which in turn causes stress.
  • 22. They make their decision Barrack Obama spoke about something similar when he said: “I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make. You need to focus your decision-making energy. You need to routinize yourself. You can’t be going through the day distracted by trivia.” The scientists found that the decision making process draws on the same energy reservoirs used for self-control. It was therefore highlighted that meeting decisions reduces physical stamina, persistence and contributed to increased procrastination. After every decision you make, you lost some of the decision making energy you reserved. Making a choice induce a state of mental tension. Hence the solution is the reduction of number of (unimportant) decision you meet. Sticking to your routines can effectively help you to reduce stress. 10. Keep a stress diary The biggest problem almost all of us let stress go unnoticed. We all experience it, but we seldom take the time to record it. Keeping a stress diary can be helpful in identifying the root cause . After all, by developing an understanding about the factors that increase stress, you’ll be in a better position to reduce these factors.
  • 23. That’s where the idea of a stress diary comes in handy. By recording the different types of stress you experience on a regular basis, you can find patterns and analyze the causes more closely. It therefore can be a valuable technique to quickly learn how you can better cope with the different stressors you is confronted with. Even more importantly, it helps you to reflect on the way you currently react to stress. This kind of insight helps you to develop better and healthier reactions to stress. 11. Do more of what you love to do Doing things you’re not excited or passionate about can sooner or later contribute to the feeling of being stressed. If you have to pursue another person’s dreams or aims, you’ll run out of motivation quickly. At the same time, the pursuit of your own vision will give you a sense of fulfillment. Even more so, going the extra mile is not at all stressful, if you’re truly passionate about what you do. Doing what you truly love can ignite a powerful energy within you. The stress-reducing benefits, however, can also be gained by finding hobbies or leisure activities that enrich your life. If you’re able to include more of the activities you love in your life, you can significantly reduce it. As a positive side effect, spending more time doing what you love will make you feel better and helps you to relax. 12. Learn to say ‘no’ Saying no is not easy for us. It makes us feel uncomfortable. Having to turn down a request can therefore be quite a struggle. But in the reality , it’s simply not possible to accept all requests you’re confronted with. You cannot be in everyone’s good book. If you are being capable of saying ‘no’ to unimportant, irrelevant or time- wasting requests can therefore you will contribute greatly to a reduction of your stress.
  • 24. 13. Keeping the ‘Big Picture’ in mind We often give attention on a specific task with narrow focus. We can’t able to see the “Big picture” of the things and trapped in the box by not going through out of box thinking. When we involved heavily to complete a given task , we actually lost the track of importance and priority. It actually means that we attribute too much important to things that are not important at all. In doing so we increase our stress. You may experience that some of your colleagues or friends who got obsessed about things that were not at all important. The ability to identify the same kind of irrational behaviour within ourselves, however, can be quite difficult. By continuously evaluating the outcome of our task, you can properly evaluate their importance and in doing so, reduce stress. Another aspect of keeping the ‘Big Picture’ in mind is that it helps us to remain motivated and energized. Especially when you’re confronted with difficulties, it’s all the more important to remember the higher purpose of your task. Going the extra mile might not be pleasurable. But if you do know exactly what you are doing it for, it’ll be less stressful. 14. If-then plans It is a highly effective tool which will give you a concrete strategy on how to react on a situation. Developing if-then plans is not very difficult task. All you need to do is to think about a stressful situation you’re regularly confronted with and a desired response. For example, “If my workload becomes unbearable, then I will strictly focus on the high-priority tasks.”
  • 25. Take a break now...!!! 15. Take a break Yes the last one, if anything else fails, take a break! Even a 15-minute ‘timeout’ can help you to calm down. When you take a break it actually decrease lots of stress and recharge your energy. You must check my article on weekend here.
  • 26. Do you confused about life and its truth? Let me remind you quickly some brutal truth of life, most of the people generally ignore. Believe me sometime you need to head into the storm to appreciate the light and have a renewed passion for the truth of life. Here is top 10 truth of life for you: Can you handle this truth? “I don’t regret the things I’ve done; I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance” 1. Death is Inevitable: Dear friend, do you agree with it? If you are alive today, you will die too.Everyone you love is going to die, and you don't know when. 10 Truth of Life You May Not be Ready to Accept
  • 27. Acknowledge this fact of your own mortality, and then start structuring your life in a more meaningful way. 2. You come with empty hand: You can’t take anything with you, not even your memory too. Peace and satisfaction can’t be purchase even after spending your wealth. Your material wealth won't make you a better or happier person. It comes when you think how much actually you need to survive. Happiness is always present in your life--it's just a matter of connecting to it and allowing it to flow through you that's challenging. “The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your gift.” 3. You can't reverse the time? Can you control the past? Can you predict the future? Trying to do so only removes you from one thing you can control –“the present”. Do you believe that’s the truth of life? Time is running every second. You can never reverse the time. But you can understand its preciousness and spent it wisely to achieve back. 4. Can you stop your aging? Medical science can delay the process of aging, but can’t stop it. Your will power and positive thought can never age. It’s better to live your life fullest before age can overpower your strength and desires. “Sometimes in life, your situation will keep repeating itself until you learn your lesson”
  • 28. 5. You came here alone: The truth of life is you came alone and will go alone. It manifests, you should learn to live and learn happiness in solitude. It is your greatest strength. 6. Trust Cannot Be Rebuilt: Trust on others but not blindly without knowing the facts. Once broken, trust cannot be rebuilt.Stop looking for people to give you sympathy and start creating the life story you want to read. “You can’t change the truth but the truth can change you” 7. Nothing is perfect: Of course you can try to do everything in a different way and to the best possible manner. You or anyone can’t be perfect. The truth of life is we all are bundle of good and bad attributes. Don’t make unnecessary efforts and hold yourself to unrealistic standards which create suffering. 8. You Cannot Please Everyone: Stop trying to please everyone, and start respecting your values, principles, and autonomy. There are people who will never please with you, let them be in their own world.Be responsible and take actions that increase positive attitude and love. When you think you have no debts, there is someone whom you owe an apology.
  • 29. “Life is short, smile while you still have teeth” 9. Its matters how you react: The truth of life is not what happens; it’s how you react that matters. So train yourself to respond in a way that leads better outcomes. “Action speaks louder than words, so believe what you see and forget what you heard” 10. Change is Unavoidable: The greatest truth of life is change. It actually teaches us something new and makes us a good person. Just be ready to accept change in life. These are some of the truth of life but you are the real hero to accept those. Try it out feel the difference.
  • 30. I am really busy to prove myself ? But to whom ? My life is so complicated ! or I am complicated ? I am always trying to be perfect in every prospect of my life ! Who told me to be perfect ? I am always serious about my corporate life ! Where is my personal life ? My dear , I am missing something serious ….!!! “The Simple Life” yes I try t0 find my own very simple life . Are you also try to find out for yours? If yes then please move forward for just 10 to 15 minutes. I promise, I will not waste your valuable time. 15 Easiest Way To Make Your Life Simple One
  • 31. Here are 15 easy way of making a simple life for you. 1. Think: will this matter to you just 2 months from now? Or even 2 weeks from now? So please do this to avoid creating an unnecessary pressure on you. 2. Do what you really want to do. Do not get stuck in trying to live on someone’s wish. 3. Stop worrying and complaining. You have no control over all the things around, isn’t it ? So why not focus only on the things you can control rather worrying over those uncontrollable things and do complaining. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” ~ Confucius 4. Be kind. Be kind to other people and especially to yourself. 5. Stop trying to please everyone. Everybody is not like you. There will always be people who you don’t get along with. Do you face difficult coworker around your workplace then : How to deal with difficult people in workplace 6. Stop trying to do things perfectly. Get things all the way to done this way and then move on to the next thing.
  • 32. 7. Spend more and more time to focus on solution. Instead of the focusing on problem just concentrate on the root cause and the solution. Turn your problem into solution with: How Success may Achieve by Turn Bad Situation into Good One 8.Stop guessing. Reading minds is hard. So, please ask questions and communicate directly. This will help you to minimize unnecessary conflicts, misunderstandings and change your life from complicated to simple one. 9. Make practice to go grocery shopping once a week. You’ll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once. “Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.”~ Edwin Way Teale 10.Have a glass of water. When you bored , instead of eating foods or meals have 1-2 glasses of water. This will help you to keep to those cravings away until the next meal and to maintain your health and weight. 11. Eat slowly and enjoy your food. Make your lunch time a time of relaxation rather than a time to just add to the stress of your morning. 12. Exercise every day. This will reduce stress, up your energy levels and in my experience reduces negative thoughts.
  • 33. “Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.” ~ Charles Warner Wish to start meditation ? Benefit of Meditation| why you must start Meditation today 13. Stop doing what you don’t like doing anymore. Life changes and so do you. If you don’t like doing something anymore then perhaps it is time to stop doing that . 14. Learn to let go technique. You must be willing to let go of the life you planned for so you can enjoy the life that is waiting for you 15. Try to focus on a few priorities in your life. Keep things simple to be able to put enough effort, attention and energy into those most important things. Discover your life principle here: 70 Life Principles To Follow In Life To Redesign Your Future “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” ~ Albert Einstein
  • 34. If you are suffering from Anxiety, then I believe you also suffer from any of bellow physical challenges. Tension and headaches Gastroenterology difficulties – I personally suffer a lot from this..!! Dizziness or tingling in the extremities – as blood rushes from the brain to the legs Muscle aches and fatigue – eventually the body is exhausted from the increased tension Insomnia – a frequent consequence of all of the anxiety disorders…and many more. So you want to get relief from anxiety, Tune Up Success here to help you. Please don’t waste your time, energy, being anxious ,it actually not help you to solve any problem of your life. Anxiety-5 Self Help Tips for relief from anxiety in life
  • 35. Here is 5 Self Help Tips for relief from Anxiety for you: 1. Recognize your Anxiety and what are the reasons behind it: Check whether you are feeling fear to meet someone? Or talking with your boss? Or travelling on road? Or worrying about your future? Or about your children education? Or on you’re after retirement plan? Or your daughter marriage? So what to do now? After recognize the reason of anxiousness, till we remain anxious or try to resolve the issue immediately to relief from anxiety? I know that all issues can’t be resolve by you as you can do your best only. But you can resolve it partially and get some help from your near and dear once. 2. Keep yourself busy from start of your day: Do something dear..!! “Life is too short”..! Activity keeps your mind off your anxiety. Check when you wake up in the morning what is you doing? Cleaning the house? Washing dishes or working in your garden? Meditating or exercising your body? Reading or studying? Yes that’s all may keep you busy and keep your mind away from anxiety. Here I will suggest you to check Benefits of Wake Up Early Also make practice to think about the GOOD things that are happening to you at the time of go to bed at night and when you wake up in the morning. Keep your body fit through daily exercise, walk, swim, yoga, any sports activity etc. Staying idle and thinking about your problems won’t help you at all to overcome them. 3. Find Reason To Lough:
  • 36. 3. Find Reason To Lough: Watch comedies on TV, spend time with friends, spend with your children and listen their words- you know very well that what makes you laugh..!! Share or discuss about your anxiety with someone you trust. It will help to reduce the intensity of your anxiousness. 4. Don’t expect perfection always: I am not the best father! My Air Condition not facing in perfect direction! May mail writing is not perfect! I’m a failure! Those are helping us to become anxious. So stop doing things perfectly. Accept imperfection and uncertainty. You don't have to be perfect to make progress. You don't have to know something for sure in order to do it. Doing it is better than worrying about it. 5. Control your thoughts: “Something bad will happen” “He thinks, I am a big looser” Control over your thoughts and strengthen your anxiety If negative thought increase then anxiety also increase. I believe the tips I have mention here will definitely help you in major cases. But in critical cases you may need professional help. If I able to help you up to some extent then expect your valuable comments, and hope you will definitely share with your near and dear ones.
  • 37. Staying energized throughout the day in work is a big concern for me. Sometimes I feel like I’m with marathon pace during the day. From the moment my feet touch the floor after wake up in the morning to the time finally fall asleep, it’s only –go-go and go! Do you feel exhausted at PM? Is it hard for you to stay energized throughout the work? Do you simply want another cup of coffee to energize again and again to overcome continuous stress of mind and body? But fail to get energized again! To get the answer I have reach out to some my busiest friends to ask how they maintain their energy levels and knocking internet for some solution of it. 7 Secrets of Staying Energized Throughout the Day
  • 38. I have summarized the top advice .As a telecom guy it’s very tough for me to maintain the energy level. But finally I have noticed the some remarkable changes after adopting them. Here are my secrets of staying energized throughout the day: Your workday is hard enough with the assignments, deadlines and meetings. Believe me it will take only 7 minutes of reading but works a lot for you. Try it to sustain your hard work day with full of assignments, deadlines, and meetings Getting up early and take bath on the same time every morning: This will enable your circadian rhythms, which are governed by your body’s “maser clock” in the hypothalamus gland, to stay in sync with the 24-hour day. According to science your body’s sleep-wake cycle want to delay by an average 12 minutes every day. Know your life passion today : Get your free template here. I will suggest reading:15 Simple Tips On How To Wake Up Early
  • 39. To keep balance in this body cycle aim for 30 minutes of light first thing, even on Saturday when you’ve decided to sleep in. An easy way to get it is to go for a half-hour stroll outdoors or have your breakfast by a sunny window. If your schedule requires you to rise when it's dark outside, crank up the lights indoors—every little bit may help. I personally wake up early and start with honey lemon and bathing. It gives me a fresh mind and body. You can try this: What experts are saying on lemon honey and hot water in every morning. Healthy Breakfast: An energizing breakfast can help your body to stay energized throughout the day. Always eat breakfast shortly after you wake up and follow above step. Choose your breakfast that contains healthy carbohydrates and high quality proteins. They actually help power up your body and feel fresh mind. For example, have a slice of whole wheat bread with two hard boiled eggs. Try having a piece of fruit or a serving of veggies with your breakfast as well. Get Moving: Any kind of movement really is a great way to get your heart rate up and your blood pumping right to your brain. According to study you can boosts your energy with a 20 minute walk. So be flexible at your desk or workplace. This could be as simple as getting up from your seat to stretch your back, or as intense as pausing midday for a trip to the gym. Another simple way of stay energized by adding some stairs to your day. Taking the stairs to the office is a great workout and boosts energy.
  • 40. Boost up with :20 Best Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes Will Inspire You Most Drink Water: Dehydration is a cause of fatigue so does not neglect your water intake. Keep a water bottle near you at all times and periodically take a sip. You should also take advantage of any water fountains you see during your day. I found that keeping a water bottle on my desk really encourages me to drink up. I have an aquarium too in my drawing room, which also energized me a lot. Smart snack & listen to some tunes: Healthy snacking can help you an energy boost whenever you feel stress during work. Instead of processed snack (oftentimes, which actually leads to a crash not long after consumption), turn to healthy and natural snacks like apples, oranges, almonds, and yogurt. You may try for a very dark chocolate.
  • 41. Refresh your mind a change of pace and listen to some music as you work. Try light songs, music so you won’t get too distracted from the task at hand. Listening to instruments is a good option. Meditation: Earlier I was told you how meditation can help you. But in this case I am not asking you to give dedicated full time 20 minutes to meditating each time you feel stressed.
  • 42. The process can be as simple as closing your eyes for 3 minutes and paying attention to your breathing and physical sensations. It will redirect your thoughts to the present, eliminating stressful thoughts that’s drain your energy. Stare off into space: Staring at desktop or laptop screen for 7 hours on end really strains the eyes and worsen exhaustion. You can try a 20-20-20 rule in mind when you are feeling stress. Look at a point 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes to break continuous computer screen fixation. Sitting up straight is also in a way a form of exercise, as it requires your core muscles to work hard to help you maintain that position. Let’s eliminate the fight with low energy using above 7 simple ideas. If you want to include an ideas to stay energized throughout the day can comment below. I will be happy to hear what works for you!! Don’t forget to share with your colleagues and friends.
  • 43. Enjoy every day life, many of us advice others. But do you think you really enjoy your everyday life. Does it seem you need to change some habit? Wait, I’m not going to tell you to change your habit here. You are not alone in the today’s worlds, who are not able to enjoying their life everyday due to some circumstance. Some days before I have met some of my old friends, where a common subject of discussion was about our own daily life. Truly speaking where common words or conclusion came out like- “I am fade up with this boring life” “We are only doing responsibility on our job and our family what I am doing for me?” How To Enjoy Every Day Life With 10 Simple Steps
  • 44. I think you are also in same platform. But believe me later on, I thought deeply on the problem and found some gap among me too in the way I am handling my everyday life. So don’t worry friends,give me just 5 minutes of time , I will tell you 10 very simple steps to enjoy everyday life. It will help you out: Maintain enthusiasm towards life Boosting you to get more enjoyment in everyday life Bring more happiness “ No one lives forever.Take your time and enjoy your life as long as you can” 1. Make time for what you love most to do: As you have seen some of my friends even me or even you also over burden on only on responsibilities on others. So I must say you it’s important to take care of our responsibilities, parallel to that we should also try to balance the need to do activities with a few things we really want to do. If you never think and make the time to do things you love most and excited about, then you ruin your daily life.If you only attend to your obligations, it could become difficult to find any feelings of enjoyment in day to day life. So start to make time ever day for the things you really enjoy to do. “ Each day is a little lifetime,so just enjoy every moment of life” 2. Eliminate unnecessary commitments: Do you ever think what value added with your daily life when you do commitments? Is it really enhancing your life or just adding some more stress? If it doesn’t add any spice in your daily life to enjoy fullest then straightway you should eliminate it. But I know sometime it’s really difficult for you so try to minimize things that just consume time and energy with no real payoff. Take some things simply aren’t negotiable, but other so-called obligation aren’t really necessary. “Life is like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still have
  • 45. meaning” 3. Adopt simplicity: I will recommend you to adopt simplicity in life. You can take a help fromhere. You may notice that for some time you seem to accumulate physical mental and emotional clutter. So please try to end up rushing one demanding situation to another where no real feeling of enjoyment and happiness. To quite your minds and restore a sense of order to your daily life you need to value on simplicity. Remember simple things are the less distracted for your mind. 4. Enjoy little things During my college life we used to gather at a tea shop at evening. The real thing was we had not so much pocket money from home but what we had that is “ a cup of tea with lot of gossips – happiness and enjoyment” . Literally we kick out all stress, tension of examination and start a fresh evening in hostel again after this break. Why I am telling youthe story? You also in same platform, so find the little things that give a lot of enjoyment in daily life. If you never take the time to actually be in the moment then I can say that we are really living our daily life? Even the smallest activities can be enjoyable if you stay concentrate on the actual experience. Isn't it? “Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back , and realize they were the big things” The next time you eat a piece of fruit or enjoy a cup of coffee simply enjoy it. As per my knowledge our sense of smell and taste are connected to our brains pleasure enter. So when you savor what goes into your stomach you tend to eat less and enjoy it more. 5. Enjoy daily life with generosity: Your act of kindness is an act of generosity. Smile at strangers, hold the door open for the other person behind you, listen while someone else is talking and being respectful etc. These all simple acts are not costly but give you an inner peace which will keep always and enjoyable moment for you.
  • 46. “It is not happy people who are thankful.It is thankful people who are happy” Do you know your passion of life? If not then you must check oncehere. 6. Start a daily review on gratitude: This is the simplest and most powerful way to enjoy every day life. If you take a moment every day to review your blessing, you will notice more and more things to be grateful for. Gratitude is actually the antidote for selfishness. It is easy to get caught up in selfish pursuits and forget how much there is to be grateful for. Once you start review and make the list take and put up one thing among them into action in your life, this should be it. “It’s not an issue of Wants vs. Needs.It’s an issue of Wants vs. Priorities.” 7. Chose your priority wisely: If you reevaluate your priorities on regular basis then youfeel that life is an ever exchange experience. Examine your priorities and check what is the most important to you and why. So give your top priorities in first place otherwise they will get swallowed up by everything else. You must agree with me that this is your life and you need to set your own priorities . So please choose wisely your priorities to enjoy every day life. Try to find your life purposehere. 8. Learn let go technique: Let consider you have missed out an very important work today , if you keep your mind obsessing over that then you will not able to relax. And obviously you know that when it comes to relaxation the body follows mind. “ Letting go gives us freedom , and freedom is the only condition for happiness” So you can understood that your body can only experiencerelaxation if your mind has let go of anything and everything that causes your stress ,worry and anxiety. Lets start enjoy your every day life by let it go technique. “When you focus on what you want , everything else falls away.”
  • 47. 9. Keep focus on what matters: Lets take an example: Someone who whose live hood comes from political background , spending time in politics might represent productivity. However for you it might just be a distraction from what really matter when you spend more than 5-10 minuets of your every day life for watching political news in TV. So you need to differentiate between the matter which gives productivity and busy work . You must analyze your own situation and focus your time accordingly. 10. Bring some spice in your daily routine: Take a different path , try something new. It can be something simple like start blogging, learn to play guitar or any other musical instrument. “Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and if possible speak a few sensible words” Believe me right now , it is an excellent time to do something you have always wanted to do, but have never gotten around to because today may never come. Now start walking instead of watching television after dinner. Or make a plan for enjoy the next weekend. “ And in the end , it’s not the years in your life that count.It’s the life in your years”- Abraham Lincoln. Did any of these points resonate with you?
  • 48. Live Your Life From The Front Seat Start here to know yourself better for your personal development and growth to achieve highest success and happiness in life. “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha Visit My Blog Today made with