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INSPIRE AND TRANSFORM St Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock
The Social Factor
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
This PPT will be consider everything SOCIAL
FACTOR. This will guide you through some of the
key areas you have covered and will be an
essential study guide.
After each key area you will be provided with
exam type questions relevant to the key area. You
should attempt these and return/submit to your
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
How the Social Factor Impacts Performance
How the Social Factor Impacts other Factors
HOW and WHY we Collect information on the Social Factor
HOW and WHY we Set Goals in the Social Factor
What Social Approaches we use and Why
How we Record and Monitor Progress in the Social Factor
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Answer the questions on:
Slide 10 (allocate yourself 12 minutes to answer this)
Slide 15 (allocate yourself 18 minutes to answer this question)
Slide 27 (allocate yourself 12 minutes per question)
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Within the social Factor there are a number of features that can
impact upon a performance. See below:
Roles and Responsibilities
Contribution to Team
Team Dynamics
How does the SOCIAL
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Within section 1 of the exam it is unlikely you will be asked about the
impact a factor has on a performance but it is highly likely to be asked
such a question in section 3 – the scenario section.
When writing your answers for factors impacting on performance,
you want to gain some real depth so consider:
the impact it initially had on you
the impact it then had on the game/performance
the impact this could have on the opposition
You will be able to do this if you follow our PEgI structure.
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Positive Team Dynamics example:
A team with strong team dynamics will also go above and beyond their own
tactical roles and responsibilities to help others. In football, a full back who
is up against a skilful opponent will get support from their own winger. This
can ensure that they are never facing their direct opponent 1 on 1 and can
lead to them combining to limit the opponent’s space. This can therefore
lead to them making tackles and prevent crosses coming into their box.’
In the point we can see the activity has been mentioned,
the terms ‘strong’ team dynamics and ‘help’ have been
used so we know it is positive.
In the example we can see how it affected the performer
as he/she will receive support from a team mate
In the impact we could then see how it affected the
opposition as he/she does not get the benefit of a 1 on 1.
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Negative Communication example:
Players who do not communicate can not help players in possession of the
ball. In hockey, a winger who does not call for the ball despite being in
space will never alert their teammate to their position. This can lead to
their teammate holding on to the ball for too long, being pressurised and
losing possession.’
In the point we can see the activity has been mentioned, the
term poor ‘do not’ and ‘can not help’ have been used so we
know it is negative.
In the example we can see how it affected the team as the
performer has not called for the ball so they are not aware.
In the impact we could then see how it affected the team even
further as the team mate holds on to the ball for too long and is
Question section
Explain the impact the social Factor could have on a performance (4)
Considering the previous two examples and the features identified
on slide 6. Aim to answer this question.
Make your point (identify factor, feature, activity plus positive or
negative terminology)
Present your example (how does the feature affect you? what are
you able/unable to do?)
Write your impact (how does this affect the rest of the
performance? How might affect your team or opponents?)
How does the SOCIAL
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
A factor can affect many aspects of a performer and their performance.
The impact can affect other features that may be PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL
For example should a performer have poor understanding of their roles
and responsibilities this will impact the performers social performance as
well as impacting
- How they perform practically during the performance (Physical)
- How the feel during the performance (Emotional)
- How they think during the performance (Mental)
The examiner is looking for you to demonstrate a deeper understanding of
the factor. You have scratched the surface when you consider how it
impacts your social performance but when you start to consider how it
impacts your physical, emotional and mental state, you are demonstrating
a deeper understanding of the role of the factor.
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Imagine you are being asked the following question:
Analyse the impact the social factor may have on each of the other three
factors (6)
You must first consider what is needed to analyse. Here you should include
three areas to your answer similar to how you structure PEgI answer.
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Example and answer
Analyse the impact the social factor may have on any other factor of your choice
A lack of understanding of Roles and Responsibilities in the Social Factor can
negatively impact CRE Levels in the Physical Factor during a basketball
performance (Identification).
During the match if the performer does not demonstrate an understanding
of their defensive role and who they should be marking this could cause
them to run much more during the performance by chasing after the ball
and the wrong player (Implication).
This increase in running due to a lack of understanding of where they should
be and what they should be doing could cause the performers CRE to drop.
As a result the performer will no longer have the energy to run back to get
basket side of their marker which would give them space and time to carry
out an attack (Impact).
Question section
Analyse the impact the social Factor could have on each of the other three
factors (6)
Considering the previous two example and aim to answer this
Identify what factor is being affected because of the social factor.
Implicate the social factor by presenting a situation where the
performer is being affected by the social factor.
Offer a detailed impacts explaining what is happening to the
affected factor as a result.
HOW and WHY we
collect information on
the Social Factor
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Having learnt how the social factor can impact on performance, it is
time to assess your levels of performance in the social factor. This
occurs in a process referred to as either collecting information/data
collection or data gathering and is the first step on the Cycle of
Analysis which lies at the heart of our course.
First of all we will consider why it is important to
collect information/gather data on a performance.
We will then consider the methods/tests/tools
we use to collect information
We will then describe, explain, analyse and
evaluate each of these methods/tests/tools.
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Whyis it important to collect information on the social factor?
Collecting information allows a performer to identify their
social strengths and weaknesses.
This can lead to a performer being able to create an
appropriate personal development plan (PDP) that is specific
to their social weakness and sport.
It can also allow the performer to set the social approaches
at the correct intensity and ensure they work at the correct
Collecting information will also provide the performer with a
baseline measurement of their social performance.
This means the performer will always have a reference point
to look back upon to see if they have improved when they
Such comparisons can offer confidence and motivation
boosts which can lead to them putting in 100% effort which
can improve their team dynamics.
Collecting information can allow the performer to gain data
that will guide their target setting
This can then allow the performer to set achievable and
realistic mental goals that can boost their motivation. This
will ensure their effort remains high because the target will
be with their reach
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
HOW can we collect information? WHAT types of information can we use?
Quantitative Data Qualitative Data
Quantitative data provides objective
information with no personal opinion
attached. This data type is usually in the form
of quantities such as scores, numbers, times,
distances etc.
Examples include:
Team Dynamics Questionnaire
Game Scores
Qualitative data is open to subjectivity as
opinions play a role due to you, a partner or a
coach providing/recording information.
Examples include:
Team Dynamics Questionnaire
Focus Group
Internal Thoughts and Feelings
Teacher Feedback
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
HOW did we collect information on the SOCIAL FACTOR = Team Dynamics Questionnaire
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Benefits of the TDQ = EXPLAIN
Mrs Shaw’s email
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person or via email.
Limitations of the TDQ
Limitations Impact
A limitation to using this tool was that for results to be
accurate this must be completed honesty. However given
this is completed anonymously this cannot be
As a result…
A limitation to this tool is that the questions are set and
they cannot be changed and adapted…
This means that…
A limitation to this tool is that it can be difficult to balance
the feedback based on a persons own interpretation of
their performance or dip in performance…
This could mean
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the social factor.
‘I used the Team Dynamics Questionnaire (TDQ) because it provided me with
accurate and reliable data relating to social cohesion and task cohesion within the
social factor. As such, I am able to identify an area of my team dynamics that may
be a strength and an area that may be a weakness. This allows me to the plan a
PDP targeting my weak area.
‘I also used the TDQ because I gained both quantitative data and qualitative data at
the end of tool. This was useful because the quantitative data was easy to interpret
and I could quickly see my strengths and weakness. I could then easily compare
new data to this data during the PDP. Further, the qualitative data could be trusted
as it was personal to the participant. This could allow me to be more specific when
planning PDP and approaches around specific areas that may need attention.
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the social factor.
It is also important that you are totally honest when completing the Team Dynamics
Questionnaire. This is because the responses you provide are completely qualitative as they
are your opinions meaning you may lie to look like you are more of a team player to your
teacher/team mates which means your results will not be accurate and you may
therefore avoid developing an actual weakness as it does not show up in your results.’
A benefit to the approach is that it is quick and easy to complete which would mean that
the performer can read through the 18 statements and rate themselves based on their
own perception of their teams dynamics. As such, it is likely that the performer is not
confused which could increase the likelihood of the results being accurate. However, it is
important that the performer completes this Team Dynamics Questionnaire away from
influence as it may be the case that the performer may be able to answer the
questionnaire ‘quickly and easily’ however they may be feel pressure to rush through it
and not answer it honestly.
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the social
factor. (4)
‘The TDQ sheet was fairly effective in my opinion.
I liked the TDQ questionnaire because it allowed me and my team to identify areas
of our team dynamics that can be improved upon. As such we were able to then
plan approaches that would best suit our area for development which would allow
us to improve as a team.
However, a problem I did find was that I felt pressured to answer the question with
an element of biased. As my team only had five members I wanted to be careful in
that I did not alienate myself by making negative comments. As a result, our
weaknesses may not get addressed through PDPs.
Question Section
Describe one method you could use to collect data on social
factors. (4).
Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the
social factor. (4)
Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the
social factor. (4).
Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the
socialfactor. (4)
HOW and WHY we DO
Social Factor
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Before creating your mental PDP, you need to know what you want to achieve. It is
therefore vital that we set goals for both the short and long-term to guide our
planning. The goals we set are informed by the data we have gathered at the start
of the Cycle of Analysis.
The next few slides will consider:
Why do we set goals?
How do we set effective goals?
What goals can we make?
Why might we reprioritise goals?
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
A performer should set goals when planning their
development plan as it will give each training session a
specific focus
This means performers can fully concentrate on a specified
weakness that they need to improve as it can help them
select relevant approaches that complements their goal.’
A performer should also set goals when planning their
training programme as it can be used to boost their
motivation levels
This means performer will really want to achieve the goals
they have selected and will give 100% effort into every
session and also ask their coach for further feedback in order
to improve
It can also lead to performers doing extra training outside
the training ground to further bolster their weaknesses.’
Setting goals can also help a performer track and monitor
their progress
This means performers can assess how effective their
development plan is by seeing if they have been reaching
their goals.
It can lead to them getting a confidence boost and setting
even higher goals in the future to ensure they do not hit a
plateau or lead to them investigating why this has been
happening and adapting their plan to make it more relevant
to their performance levels.’
Why do we set goals?
Goals cannot be picked at random - for them to be effective they require
clear thought and planning. Therefore, whenever we set goals we should
follow the SMART acronym. Under each heading write down why you
think you need to consider these when planning effective goals.
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
HOW do I set goals?
Explain what a performer may consider when setting goals for social factors. (4).
‘A performer may follow the SMART acronym when setting goals for social factors.’
‘Their goal should be a specific one that is not written as a general statement. This means they can
focus more closely on a certain element of their social weakness and give them a clear aim to focus
upon which can lead to them improving that area.’ – 1st mark
‘Their goal should also be measurable and contain figures (quantitative) that can be compared against.
This means it will be easier for them to measure if they have met their social goals and can help them
when considering their next goal as they simply adjust the figures based on the success of the previous
session.’ - 2nd mark
‘Their goal should also be adjustable and not set in stone. This means they can take into account issues
such as illnesses, injuries or performance plateau’s that crop up and the goal can take this into
consideration and be amended to better suit the performer.’ – 3rd mark
The performer should also ensure their goal is realistic to their ability levels. This means they can set a
target that is challenging but not overstretching which can ensure that they remain motivated in their
pursuit of improvement. This can then lead to them giving 100% in all sessions as they know that
improvements are within their reach and they will be willing to keep persevering even when the going
gets tough.’ – 4th mark
Finally the goals set should follow a timescale. Goals should be planned for the short term and the long
term as this will provide the performer with a clear training focus and end objective. This will ensure
the performer can plan training appropriately. – additional mark
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Goals can be set for either a prolonged period of time (long-term goals) or a
shorter duration (short-term goals). It is important however that you apply
the SMART acronym to your goals in order for them to be considered as
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
WHAT type of goals can I
Provide a SPECIFIC focus to my goal
Provide a TIME-BOUND focus to my goal
Provide a SPECIFIC focus to my goal
Provide a TIME-BOUND focus to my goal
Provide a MEASURABLE focus to my goal
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
By the end of my 6 week development programme I want to improve my
communication levels in football so I can continue contribute to my team
during matches by calling for the ball when I am free.
Long-term goals are usually static in nature and represent an aim you wish
to achieve by the end of your development plan. It is important that you
apply the letters S(pecific), (R)ealistic* and T(ime-bound) to such goals.
Look at the examples below.
Long Term Goal Setting
By the end of today’s team meetings I want to ensure I verbalise any
concerns I have surrounding our team dynamics to help us achieve 100%
win rate .
Short-term goals should act as stepping stones towards achieving your overall
aim and nudge you further along the pathway in pursuit of your long-term
target. Short-term goals are much more dynamic in nature and owe a great
deal to effective monitoring of performance and feelings. Ensure that you
apply the letters (S)pecific, (M)easurable, (A)djustable*, (R)ealistic* and (T)ime
bound to these goals. Take a look at the examples below.
Short Term Goal Setting
Explain why a performer may need to reprioritse goals in the social factor (4)
A performer may need to reprioritise goals if they have set a goal that is too hard.
If the goal is out with the reach of the performer, they will not achieve the goals. As
a result, the performer will experience failure which will hinder the team dynamics
as the team may begin to fall out and argue with one another due to limited
A performer may need to reprioritise goals if they have set a goal that is too easy. If
the goal is too easy to achieve the performer will feel an initial spike in performance
and confidence level however this will be short lived. As a result, the performer will
not progress fully and will experience a plateau in their performance standard.
A performer may need to reprioritise goals if they find a new and more important
weakness. This will mean this new weakness is have a more detrimental impact on their
performance and as such will need to redirect their attention. In doing so, this will mean they are
focus their attention on a priority.
WHAT Social
Approaches we
use and why
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Social Approaches
Once we have completed our data collection and then consider what we want
to achieve in terms of targets and goals we then need to carry out a number of
approaches to improve our performance.
The next few slides will consider:
Team Meetings and Unopposed Drills
We will consider how we describe these approaches
We will consider how we would explain their suitability
We will analyse and evaluate them
Mrs Shaw’s email
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person or via email.
Benefits of Team Meetings=
Mrs Shaw’s email
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person or via email.
Limitations of Team Meetings=
Limitations Impact
A limitation to using team meetings is that the
conversation may be dominated by a more
confident team member..
As a result…
A limitation to this is that the performer may
lack experience in the sport/activity as such…
This means that…
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Analyse an approach used to develop the Social factor. (4)
An approach used to develop the social factor is Team Meetings. This is a
useful approach because the team can express their views in a constructive
setting. In doing so participants can ‘air’ any issues allowing the team to take
the moment to correct this issue which could help improve overall tam
performance. However, it is important that each member has their say. IT
could be the case that teams are dominated by a more confident participant
and as such the views are not shared and are expressed in detail. This could
lead to problems persisting which may negatively impact team performance.
HOW and WHY we record
and monitor progress in
the Social Factor
Regardless if a performer is a beginner such as a pupil in S1 or an elite level
athlete, it is vital that they track their progress when developing any weakness
for a whole host of reasons. In carrying out such monitoring and evaluating
processes, performers can use a wide range of methods.
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Monitoring Progress
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Explain why it is important to collect information on performance (4)
Monitoring allows a performer to see if their performance development
plan is working. This means they can see if they are meeting each short-
term goal and adapt the approaches they are using if they find they are
not meeting their targets to make it more relevant to their performance
Monitoring allows a performer to identify what approaches are working for
them. This means they can use these approaches again in future
development plans should they be appropriate for developing that new
WHY should we monitor
our progress?
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Monitoring allows a performer to measure their progress and enables
them to make comparisons between pre and post results. This means
they can measure their progress and gain a confidence boost if they
see improvements have been made which can lead to them setting
more challenging goals to ensure they do not plateau.’
Monitoring allows a performer to identify any new weaknesses that
may be a priority. This means that rather than get complacent, they
will focus on new weaknesses and develop other areas of their
performance by taking it back through the cycle of analysis.’
. Regardless of the factor (Mental, Emotional, Social or Physical) you will
always use the Training Diary to record progress and within this training diary
you have a number of monitoring methods that are QUANTITATIVE and
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
What does the
training diary look
What information
does it contain?
How did you complete it?
What did you fill in at the
beginning of the lesson?
What did you fill in during the
What did you fill in at the end
of the lesson?
Describing a Training Diary
Mrs Shaw’s email
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Describe one method used to monitor progress in the social factor (4)
One method I used to monitor my progress was a Training Diary.’ (Starting sentence)
‘My training diary was set out on an A4 sheet that I kept with my class work. At the top of
each page it had the date and then it contained spaces for my session objective, a
description of what I did, my feelings during the session and my next steps below as well
as an area for my short term goal’ (what it looked like)
‘At the beginning of the lesson I wrote down my short term target in to my training diary in
order to provide a focus for my training. Thereafter I carried out my approach. During the
session I would return periodically to my training diary to input my progress. Immediately
after each session, I wrote down exactly what I did in chronological order without missing
anything out. I then recorded how I felt about my session. An example of this was that I felt
that I was able to express myself during my first team mate and this meant I felt valued.
This was then reflected in the game scores as we achieved a win in this match.
‘I finished by reading over the information I wrote down and used it to help me set a
realistic goal for my next session.
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Explain how this method was appropriate for monitoring your progress.
‘The Training Diary was appropriate for monitoring my progress as it was very easy to use
and I was able to take it to training with me. This meant that I was able to check it
during training to ensure I was using the correct conditions at the correct stages.’
‘The Training Diary was also appropriate because it kept all recorded information inside a
booklet. This meant that all information was kept in one place meaning it was unlikely
to get lost and easy to find any information on previous sessions.’
‘ Another reason why the Training Diary was appropriate was because it acted as a
permanent record. This meant that I was able to look back at previous sessions and test
results to see if I improved. If I found I had, it would have boosted my motivation and
confidence levels to keep giving 100% to improve even more.’
‘Finally, the Training Diary was appropriate because I was able to complete it immediately
after training. This meant that my feelings were still fresh and I could accurately insert
information. This therefore enabled me to correctly set my next steps in relation to my
performance levels and feelings.’
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Analyse how effective this method was in monitoring your progress. (4).
‘It is important that you complete the Training Diary immediately after
each session. This is because if you did it later, thoughts and feelings
from the session may not be fresh in your mind meaning your entries
are not valid. However, completing it when information is fresh in your
head can lead to you noting this down and help you act on your
feelings to make appropriate changes in your next session.’
‘It is also important that you take the Training Diary to training with
you. This is because if you did not and you forgot what you were
doing, you may end up doing the wrong approaches at the wrong
intensities. However, taking the Training Diary with you will ensure
you are carrying out the correct sessions which will therefore mean
you are more likely to be working at your correct level.’
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Analyse how effective this method was in monitoring your progress. (4).
‘Another important thing about doing the Training Diary is that you get
a teacher to check over your entries to ensure they are correct. This
is because you may not give yourself enough credit and write only
negative comments in your diary. However, having a teacher read
over your entries can ensure that the information in your diary is
correct which can help you accurately track your progress.’
Speak with your class teacher in
person or via email.
Evaluate how effective this method was in monitoring your progress. (4)
The Training Diary was fairly effective in monitoring my progress.’
‘It was effective in that it acted as a permanent record which meant I was able
to compare my re-tests to my initial baseline data to see if I improved. This
was helpful in that it boosted my motivation and confidence levels when I
found I had improved.’
‘It was also effective in that it kept everything in one place inside a booklet.
This was helpful because no sheets were lost and I was able to easily locate
information from previous sessions to see how a certain approach worked.’
‘However, it was quite limited in that I did not always complete the Training
Diary straight after training which lead to me forgetting exactly how I felt. This
lead to some of my information being inaccurate and invalid as a result.’ It was
also limited in that I sometimes forgot to take it to training with me which
meant that all of my sessions were not recorded. This lead to some important
monitoring information being missed out and me not being able to make some
necessary changes in future sessions.’

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The Social Factor

  • 1. INSPIRE AND TRANSFORM St Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock The Social Factor HIGHER PE
  • 2. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. This PPT will be consider everything SOCIAL FACTOR. This will guide you through some of the key areas you have covered and will be an essential study guide. After each key area you will be provided with exam type questions relevant to the key area. You should attempt these and return/submit to your teacher.
  • 3. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. How the Social Factor Impacts Performance How the Social Factor Impacts other Factors HOW and WHY we Collect information on the Social Factor HOW and WHY we Set Goals in the Social Factor What Social Approaches we use and Why How we Record and Monitor Progress in the Social Factor
  • 4. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Answer the questions on: Slide 10 (allocate yourself 12 minutes to answer this) Slide 15 (allocate yourself 18 minutes to answer this question) Slide 27 (allocate yourself 12 minutes per question)
  • 5. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Within the social Factor there are a number of features that can impact upon a performance. See below: Social Communication Cooperation Roles and Responsibilities Conduct Contribution to Team Team Dynamics Etiquette
  • 7. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Within section 1 of the exam it is unlikely you will be asked about the impact a factor has on a performance but it is highly likely to be asked such a question in section 3 – the scenario section. When writing your answers for factors impacting on performance, you want to gain some real depth so consider: the impact it initially had on you the impact it then had on the game/performance the impact this could have on the opposition You will be able to do this if you follow our PEgI structure.
  • 8. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Positive Team Dynamics example: A team with strong team dynamics will also go above and beyond their own tactical roles and responsibilities to help others. In football, a full back who is up against a skilful opponent will get support from their own winger. This can ensure that they are never facing their direct opponent 1 on 1 and can lead to them combining to limit the opponent’s space. This can therefore lead to them making tackles and prevent crosses coming into their box.’ In the point we can see the activity has been mentioned, the terms ‘strong’ team dynamics and ‘help’ have been used so we know it is positive. In the example we can see how it affected the performer as he/she will receive support from a team mate In the impact we could then see how it affected the opposition as he/she does not get the benefit of a 1 on 1.
  • 9. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Negative Communication example: Players who do not communicate can not help players in possession of the ball. In hockey, a winger who does not call for the ball despite being in space will never alert their teammate to their position. This can lead to their teammate holding on to the ball for too long, being pressurised and losing possession.’ In the point we can see the activity has been mentioned, the term poor ‘do not’ and ‘can not help’ have been used so we know it is negative. In the example we can see how it affected the team as the performer has not called for the ball so they are not aware. In the impact we could then see how it affected the team even further as the team mate holds on to the ball for too long and is dispossessed.
  • 10. Question section Explain the impact the social Factor could have on a performance (4) Considering the previous two examples and the features identified on slide 6. Aim to answer this question. Make your point (identify factor, feature, activity plus positive or negative terminology) Present your example (how does the feature affect you? what are you able/unable to do?) Write your impact (how does this affect the rest of the performance? How might affect your team or opponents?)
  • 12. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. A factor can affect many aspects of a performer and their performance. The impact can affect other features that may be PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL. For example should a performer have poor understanding of their roles and responsibilities this will impact the performers social performance as well as impacting - How they perform practically during the performance (Physical) - How the feel during the performance (Emotional) - How they think during the performance (Mental) The examiner is looking for you to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the factor. You have scratched the surface when you consider how it impacts your social performance but when you start to consider how it impacts your physical, emotional and mental state, you are demonstrating a deeper understanding of the role of the factor.
  • 13. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Imagine you are being asked the following question: Analyse the impact the social factor may have on each of the other three factors (6) You must first consider what is needed to analyse. Here you should include three areas to your answer similar to how you structure PEgI answer. = PARAGRAPH 1 = PARAGRAPH 2 = PARAGRAPH 3 IDENTIFICATION IMPLICATION IMPACT
  • 14. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Example and answer Analyse the impact the social factor may have on any other factor of your choice (1) A lack of understanding of Roles and Responsibilities in the Social Factor can negatively impact CRE Levels in the Physical Factor during a basketball performance (Identification). During the match if the performer does not demonstrate an understanding of their defensive role and who they should be marking this could cause them to run much more during the performance by chasing after the ball and the wrong player (Implication). This increase in running due to a lack of understanding of where they should be and what they should be doing could cause the performers CRE to drop. As a result the performer will no longer have the energy to run back to get basket side of their marker which would give them space and time to carry out an attack (Impact).
  • 15. Question section Analyse the impact the social Factor could have on each of the other three factors (6) Considering the previous two example and aim to answer this question. Identify what factor is being affected because of the social factor. Implicate the social factor by presenting a situation where the performer is being affected by the social factor. Offer a detailed impacts explaining what is happening to the affected factor as a result.
  • 16. HOW and WHY we collect information on the Social Factor
  • 17. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Having learnt how the social factor can impact on performance, it is time to assess your levels of performance in the social factor. This occurs in a process referred to as either collecting information/data collection or data gathering and is the first step on the Cycle of Analysis which lies at the heart of our course. First of all we will consider why it is important to collect information/gather data on a performance. We will then consider the methods/tests/tools we use to collect information We will then describe, explain, analyse and evaluate each of these methods/tests/tools.
  • 18. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Whyis it important to collect information on the social factor? EXAMPLE IMPACT Collecting information allows a performer to identify their social strengths and weaknesses. This can lead to a performer being able to create an appropriate personal development plan (PDP) that is specific to their social weakness and sport. It can also allow the performer to set the social approaches at the correct intensity and ensure they work at the correct level. Collecting information will also provide the performer with a baseline measurement of their social performance. This means the performer will always have a reference point to look back upon to see if they have improved when they re-test. Such comparisons can offer confidence and motivation boosts which can lead to them putting in 100% effort which can improve their team dynamics. Collecting information can allow the performer to gain data that will guide their target setting This can then allow the performer to set achievable and realistic mental goals that can boost their motivation. This will ensure their effort remains high because the target will be with their reach
  • 19. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. HOW can we collect information? WHAT types of information can we use? Quantitative Data Qualitative Data Quantitative data provides objective information with no personal opinion attached. This data type is usually in the form of quantities such as scores, numbers, times, distances etc. Examples include: Team Dynamics Questionnaire Game Scores Qualitative data is open to subjectivity as opinions play a role due to you, a partner or a coach providing/recording information. Examples include: Team Dynamics Questionnaire Focus Group Internal Thoughts and Feelings Teacher Feedback
  • 20. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. HOW did we collect information on the SOCIAL FACTOR = Team Dynamics Questionnaire
  • 21.
  • 22. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Benefits of the TDQ = EXPLAIN
  • 23. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Limitations of the TDQ = ANALYSE AND EVALUATE Limitations Impact A limitation to using this tool was that for results to be accurate this must be completed honesty. However given this is completed anonymously this cannot be guaranteed… As a result… A limitation to this tool is that the questions are set and they cannot be changed and adapted… This means that… A limitation to this tool is that it can be difficult to balance the feedback based on a persons own interpretation of their performance or dip in performance… This could mean
  • 24. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the social factor. (4) ‘I used the Team Dynamics Questionnaire (TDQ) because it provided me with accurate and reliable data relating to social cohesion and task cohesion within the social factor. As such, I am able to identify an area of my team dynamics that may be a strength and an area that may be a weakness. This allows me to the plan a PDP targeting my weak area. ‘I also used the TDQ because I gained both quantitative data and qualitative data at the end of tool. This was useful because the quantitative data was easy to interpret and I could quickly see my strengths and weakness. I could then easily compare new data to this data during the PDP. Further, the qualitative data could be trusted as it was personal to the participant. This could allow me to be more specific when planning PDP and approaches around specific areas that may need attention. ‘
  • 25. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the social factor. (4). It is also important that you are totally honest when completing the Team Dynamics Questionnaire. This is because the responses you provide are completely qualitative as they are your opinions meaning you may lie to look like you are more of a team player to your teacher/team mates which means your results will not be accurate and you may therefore avoid developing an actual weakness as it does not show up in your results.’ A benefit to the approach is that it is quick and easy to complete which would mean that the performer can read through the 18 statements and rate themselves based on their own perception of their teams dynamics. As such, it is likely that the performer is not confused which could increase the likelihood of the results being accurate. However, it is important that the performer completes this Team Dynamics Questionnaire away from influence as it may be the case that the performer may be able to answer the questionnaire ‘quickly and easily’ however they may be feel pressure to rush through it and not answer it honestly.
  • 26. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the social factor. (4) ‘The TDQ sheet was fairly effective in my opinion. I liked the TDQ questionnaire because it allowed me and my team to identify areas of our team dynamics that can be improved upon. As such we were able to then plan approaches that would best suit our area for development which would allow us to improve as a team. However, a problem I did find was that I felt pressured to answer the question with an element of biased. As my team only had five members I wanted to be careful in that I did not alienate myself by making negative comments. As a result, our weaknesses may not get addressed through PDPs.
  • 27. Question Section Describe one method you could use to collect data on social factors. (4). Explain why you could use this method to collect data on the social factor. (4) Analyse how suitable this method is in collecting data on the social factor. (4). Evaluate how effective this method was in collecting data on the socialfactor. (4)
  • 28. HOW and WHY we DO WE SET GOALS IN THE Social Factor
  • 29. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Before creating your mental PDP, you need to know what you want to achieve. It is therefore vital that we set goals for both the short and long-term to guide our planning. The goals we set are informed by the data we have gathered at the start of the Cycle of Analysis. The next few slides will consider: Why do we set goals? How do we set effective goals? What goals can we make? Why might we reprioritise goals?
  • 30. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. EXAMPLE IMPACT A performer should set goals when planning their development plan as it will give each training session a specific focus This means performers can fully concentrate on a specified weakness that they need to improve as it can help them select relevant approaches that complements their goal.’ A performer should also set goals when planning their training programme as it can be used to boost their motivation levels This means performer will really want to achieve the goals they have selected and will give 100% effort into every session and also ask their coach for further feedback in order to improve It can also lead to performers doing extra training outside the training ground to further bolster their weaknesses.’ Setting goals can also help a performer track and monitor their progress This means performers can assess how effective their development plan is by seeing if they have been reaching their goals. It can lead to them getting a confidence boost and setting even higher goals in the future to ensure they do not hit a plateau or lead to them investigating why this has been happening and adapting their plan to make it more relevant to their performance levels.’ Why do we set goals?
  • 31. Goals cannot be picked at random - for them to be effective they require clear thought and planning. Therefore, whenever we set goals we should follow the SMART acronym. Under each heading write down why you think you need to consider these when planning effective goals. SMART SPECIFIC MEASURABLE ADJUSTABLE REALISTIC TIMED Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. HOW do I set goals?
  • 32. Explain what a performer may consider when setting goals for social factors. (4). ‘A performer may follow the SMART acronym when setting goals for social factors.’ ‘Their goal should be a specific one that is not written as a general statement. This means they can focus more closely on a certain element of their social weakness and give them a clear aim to focus upon which can lead to them improving that area.’ – 1st mark ‘Their goal should also be measurable and contain figures (quantitative) that can be compared against. This means it will be easier for them to measure if they have met their social goals and can help them when considering their next goal as they simply adjust the figures based on the success of the previous session.’ - 2nd mark ‘Their goal should also be adjustable and not set in stone. This means they can take into account issues such as illnesses, injuries or performance plateau’s that crop up and the goal can take this into consideration and be amended to better suit the performer.’ – 3rd mark The performer should also ensure their goal is realistic to their ability levels. This means they can set a target that is challenging but not overstretching which can ensure that they remain motivated in their pursuit of improvement. This can then lead to them giving 100% in all sessions as they know that improvements are within their reach and they will be willing to keep persevering even when the going gets tough.’ – 4th mark Finally the goals set should follow a timescale. Goals should be planned for the short term and the long term as this will provide the performer with a clear training focus and end objective. This will ensure the performer can plan training appropriately. – additional mark Speak with your class teacher in person or via email.
  • 33. Goals can be set for either a prolonged period of time (long-term goals) or a shorter duration (short-term goals). It is important however that you apply the SMART acronym to your goals in order for them to be considered as effective. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. WHAT type of goals can I make?
  • 34. LONG-TERM GOAL: I CAN… Provide a SPECIFIC focus to my goal Provide a TIME-BOUND focus to my goal SHORT-TERM GOAL: I CAN… Provide a SPECIFIC focus to my goal Provide a TIME-BOUND focus to my goal Provide a MEASURABLE focus to my goal Speak with your class teacher in person or via email.
  • 35. By the end of my 6 week development programme I want to improve my communication levels in football so I can continue contribute to my team during matches by calling for the ball when I am free. LONG TERM EXAMPLE SOCIAL Long-term goals are usually static in nature and represent an aim you wish to achieve by the end of your development plan. It is important that you apply the letters S(pecific), (R)ealistic* and T(ime-bound) to such goals. Look at the examples below. SPECIFIC TIME BOUND Long Term Goal Setting
  • 36. SHORT TERM EXAMPLE SOCIAL By the end of today’s team meetings I want to ensure I verbalise any concerns I have surrounding our team dynamics to help us achieve 100% win rate . Short-term goals should act as stepping stones towards achieving your overall aim and nudge you further along the pathway in pursuit of your long-term target. Short-term goals are much more dynamic in nature and owe a great deal to effective monitoring of performance and feelings. Ensure that you apply the letters (S)pecific, (M)easurable, (A)djustable*, (R)ealistic* and (T)ime bound to these goals. Take a look at the examples below. SPECIFIC TIME BOUND MEASURABLE Short Term Goal Setting
  • 37. Explain why a performer may need to reprioritse goals in the social factor (4) A performer may need to reprioritise goals if they have set a goal that is too hard. If the goal is out with the reach of the performer, they will not achieve the goals. As a result, the performer will experience failure which will hinder the team dynamics as the team may begin to fall out and argue with one another due to limited progress.. A performer may need to reprioritise goals if they have set a goal that is too easy. If the goal is too easy to achieve the performer will feel an initial spike in performance and confidence level however this will be short lived. As a result, the performer will not progress fully and will experience a plateau in their performance standard. A performer may need to reprioritise goals if they find a new and more important weakness. This will mean this new weakness is have a more detrimental impact on their performance and as such will need to redirect their attention. In doing so, this will mean they are focus their attention on a priority.
  • 39. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Social Approaches Once we have completed our data collection and then consider what we want to achieve in terms of targets and goals we then need to carry out a number of approaches to improve our performance. The next few slides will consider: Team Meetings and Unopposed Drills We will consider how we describe these approaches We will consider how we would explain their suitability We will analyse and evaluate them
  • 40.
  • 41. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Benefits of Team Meetings= EXPLAIN
  • 42. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Limitations of Team Meetings= ANALYSE and EVALUATE Limitations Impact A limitation to using team meetings is that the conversation may be dominated by a more confident team member.. As a result… A limitation to this is that the performer may lack experience in the sport/activity as such… This means that…
  • 43. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Analyse an approach used to develop the Social factor. (4) An approach used to develop the social factor is Team Meetings. This is a useful approach because the team can express their views in a constructive setting. In doing so participants can ‘air’ any issues allowing the team to take the moment to correct this issue which could help improve overall tam performance. However, it is important that each member has their say. IT could be the case that teams are dominated by a more confident participant and as such the views are not shared and are expressed in detail. This could lead to problems persisting which may negatively impact team performance.
  • 44. HOW and WHY we record and monitor progress in the Social Factor
  • 45. Regardless if a performer is a beginner such as a pupil in S1 or an elite level athlete, it is vital that they track their progress when developing any weakness for a whole host of reasons. In carrying out such monitoring and evaluating processes, performers can use a wide range of methods. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Monitoring Progress
  • 46. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Explain why it is important to collect information on performance (4) Monitoring allows a performer to see if their performance development plan is working. This means they can see if they are meeting each short- term goal and adapt the approaches they are using if they find they are not meeting their targets to make it more relevant to their performance levels.’ Monitoring allows a performer to identify what approaches are working for them. This means they can use these approaches again in future development plans should they be appropriate for developing that new weakness.’ WHY should we monitor our progress?
  • 47. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Monitoring allows a performer to measure their progress and enables them to make comparisons between pre and post results. This means they can measure their progress and gain a confidence boost if they see improvements have been made which can lead to them setting more challenging goals to ensure they do not plateau.’ Monitoring allows a performer to identify any new weaknesses that may be a priority. This means that rather than get complacent, they will focus on new weaknesses and develop other areas of their performance by taking it back through the cycle of analysis.’
  • 48. . Regardless of the factor (Mental, Emotional, Social or Physical) you will always use the Training Diary to record progress and within this training diary you have a number of monitoring methods that are QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. What does the training diary look like? What information does it contain? How did you complete it? What did you fill in at the beginning of the lesson? What did you fill in during the lesson? What did you fill in at the end of the lesson? Describing a Training Diary
  • 49. (01/06/2020) (15/06/2020) Mrs Shaw’s email (20/10/2020) Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Describe one method used to monitor progress in the social factor (4) One method I used to monitor my progress was a Training Diary.’ (Starting sentence) ‘My training diary was set out on an A4 sheet that I kept with my class work. At the top of each page it had the date and then it contained spaces for my session objective, a description of what I did, my feelings during the session and my next steps below as well as an area for my short term goal’ (what it looked like) ‘At the beginning of the lesson I wrote down my short term target in to my training diary in order to provide a focus for my training. Thereafter I carried out my approach. During the session I would return periodically to my training diary to input my progress. Immediately after each session, I wrote down exactly what I did in chronological order without missing anything out. I then recorded how I felt about my session. An example of this was that I felt that I was able to express myself during my first team mate and this meant I felt valued. This was then reflected in the game scores as we achieved a win in this match. ‘I finished by reading over the information I wrote down and used it to help me set a realistic goal for my next session.
  • 50. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Explain how this method was appropriate for monitoring your progress. (4). ‘The Training Diary was appropriate for monitoring my progress as it was very easy to use and I was able to take it to training with me. This meant that I was able to check it during training to ensure I was using the correct conditions at the correct stages.’ ‘The Training Diary was also appropriate because it kept all recorded information inside a booklet. This meant that all information was kept in one place meaning it was unlikely to get lost and easy to find any information on previous sessions.’ ‘ Another reason why the Training Diary was appropriate was because it acted as a permanent record. This meant that I was able to look back at previous sessions and test results to see if I improved. If I found I had, it would have boosted my motivation and confidence levels to keep giving 100% to improve even more.’ ‘Finally, the Training Diary was appropriate because I was able to complete it immediately after training. This meant that my feelings were still fresh and I could accurately insert information. This therefore enabled me to correctly set my next steps in relation to my performance levels and feelings.’
  • 51. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Analyse how effective this method was in monitoring your progress. (4). ‘It is important that you complete the Training Diary immediately after each session. This is because if you did it later, thoughts and feelings from the session may not be fresh in your mind meaning your entries are not valid. However, completing it when information is fresh in your head can lead to you noting this down and help you act on your feelings to make appropriate changes in your next session.’ ‘It is also important that you take the Training Diary to training with you. This is because if you did not and you forgot what you were doing, you may end up doing the wrong approaches at the wrong intensities. However, taking the Training Diary with you will ensure you are carrying out the correct sessions which will therefore mean you are more likely to be working at your correct level.’
  • 52. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Analyse how effective this method was in monitoring your progress. (4). ‘Another important thing about doing the Training Diary is that you get a teacher to check over your entries to ensure they are correct. This is because you may not give yourself enough credit and write only negative comments in your diary. However, having a teacher read over your entries can ensure that the information in your diary is correct which can help you accurately track your progress.’
  • 53. Speak with your class teacher in person or via email. Evaluate how effective this method was in monitoring your progress. (4) The Training Diary was fairly effective in monitoring my progress.’ ‘It was effective in that it acted as a permanent record which meant I was able to compare my re-tests to my initial baseline data to see if I improved. This was helpful in that it boosted my motivation and confidence levels when I found I had improved.’ ‘It was also effective in that it kept everything in one place inside a booklet. This was helpful because no sheets were lost and I was able to easily locate information from previous sessions to see how a certain approach worked.’ ‘However, it was quite limited in that I did not always complete the Training Diary straight after training which lead to me forgetting exactly how I felt. This lead to some of my information being inaccurate and invalid as a result.’ It was also limited in that I sometimes forgot to take it to training with me which meant that all of my sessions were not recorded. This lead to some important monitoring information being missed out and me not being able to make some necessary changes in future sessions.’