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The Sheet Anchors of Indian
•Toba Supervalconic Eruption (~72000 BCE)
(Evidence found at Jwalapuram in Karnool
district of AP)
•Early Agriculture – 16000 BCE.
Pre-historic era
The Methodology
• Traditional Evidence
• Literary Evidence
• Linguistic Evidence
• Archaeoastronomical Evidence
• Archaeological Evidence
• Study of Palaeochannels of Sarasvati, Satlej, Yamuna Rivers
• Study of Sea Level Rise
Traditional and Literary Evidence
The Chronological order of Vedic corpus Evolution of Vedic Arts and Sciences
&Kalpasutras (Shrauta Sutras, Grihya Sutras
Dharmasutras, Upavedas, Vyakarana,
Jyotisha, Upangas, Purana Samhitas
Krita Yuganta (Surya Siddhanta, Bharata Natya
Smritis, Charaka Samhita, Sushruta
Samhita, Puranas, UpavedasTreta Yuganta (Ramayana Era)
Dvapara Yuganta (Mahabharata Era)
The Evolution of Sanskrit Grammar
• छन्दसि (Vedic Sanskrit)
• Transition Period of Vedic and Laukik Sanskrit
• भाषायाम् (Laukik Sanskrit)
Sanskrit had no regional dialects because it was evolved under strict
grammatical regulatory system. Sanskrit has three distinct stages of
Vedic Sanskrit
• देवााः vs 'देवािाः',। ‘देवाः’ vs ‘देवेसभाः’।
• Uttam Purush Bahuvachan
• Tumun Pratyay vs गन्तव, गमध्य, जीवि, दातव
• Samasa (Compound) vs Devata-Dvandva
• No use of Lrit Lakara?
• Many Vedic words have gone extinct in Laukik Sanskrit.
(1.) तिप् के रूप
भाववषतत भववषतत भवतत
भाववषातत भववषातत भवातत
भाववषत् भववषत् भवत्
भाववषात् भववषात् भवातत
भाववषद् भववषद् भवद्
भववषाद् भववषाद् भवाद्
(2.) िस ् के रूप
भाववषताः भववषताः भवताः
भाववषाताः भववषाताः भवाताः
(3.) झि के रूप
भाववषन्न्त भववषन्न्त भवन्न्त
भाववषान्न्त भववषान्न्त
भाववषन् भववषन् भवन्
(4.) ससप् के रूप
भाववषसि भववषसि भवसि
भाववषासि भववषासि भवासि
भाववषाः भववषाः भवाः
भाववषााः भववषााः भवााः
(5.) थस् के रूप
भाववषथाः भववषथाः भवथाः
भाववषाथाः भववषाथाः भवाथाः
(6.) थ के रूप
भाववषथ भववषथ भवथ
भाववषाथ भववषाथ भवाथ
(7.) सिप् के रूप
भाववषसम भववषसम भवसम
भाववषासम भववषासम भवासम
भाववषम ् भववषम ् भवम ्
भाववषाम ् भववषाम ् भवाम ्
(8.) वस ् के रूप
भाववषवाः भववषवाः भववाः
भाववषावाः भववषावाः भवावाः
भाववषव भववषव भवव
भाववषाव भववषाव भवाव
(9.) िस ् के रूप
भाववषमाः भववषमाः भवमाः
भाववषामाः भववषामाः भवामाः
भाववषम भववषम भवम
भाववषाम भववषाम भवाम
लेट् लकार
Transition Period of Vedic & Laukik Sanskrit
• Aitareya Brahmana : क्रीणीतव यर्हि वाव वो मयाथो भववता तर्ह्येव
वोऽहं पुनरागन्तान्मम (5.1). Here आगन्तान्मम is used in place of
आगसमष्यासम. Seemingly, Lrit lakara evolved little later.
• Vedic and Samhita Sanskrit do not use Samasa or compound words.
Only a samasa of two words is found in Vedas, Brahmanas,
Aranyakas etc.
• Avyaya padas like यर्हि, वाव etc. have been frequently used in Vedic
Sanskrit but not in Laukika Sanskrit.
• Let Lakara: Udadhim Chyaavayaati . Tai. Brahmana
The Absolute Linguistic Chronology of Sanskrit
Language and Grammar
The Chronological order of Vedic and Post Vedic Literature
Vedas, Samhitas Vedic Sanskrit
Brahmanas-Upanishads-Aranyakas &
Kalpasutras (Shrauta Sutras, Grihya
Sutras etc.)
Transition Period
Krita Yuganta (Surya Siddhanta,
Bharata Natya Shastra) Laukika Sanskrit
Treta Yuganta (Ramayana)
Dvapara Yuganta (Mahabharata)
The Concept of Yugas
• Later tradition (Laukika Sanskrit):
• A Yuga of 1200 years.
• A Mahayuga of 12000 years (Krita-4800 years, Treta-3600 years, Dvapara-2400
years and Kali-1200 years).
• Later astronomical tradition refers to 14 Manvantaras and 1000 Chaturyugas
and 432,00,00,000 years (12000 x 360 = 4320000 x 1000).
• 2018 = 197,29,49,120th year and 51st Shveta Varaha Kalpa.
• Divya Varsh vs Manusha Varsha.
• The available Puranas have been updated during the Gupta Period. Puranas refer to the
Saptarshi calendar for the chronological history from Mahabharata era and mention only
Yugas and Manvantaras for the Chronology beyond Mahabharata era.
The Concept of Yugas
• Early tradition (Vedic Sanskrit and Transition period): A Yuga of 5 years and A
Chaturyuga of 20 years. No reference of Manvantaras.
• Vedas follow a Yuga of 5 years.
• Shadvimsha Brahmana mentions the names of four Yugas as Pushya, Dvāpara, Khārvā
and Krita. Chandra is the husband of Anumati, Rākā, Sinivāli and Kuhu.
• Anumati is the Chaturdashi Purnimā and Rākā is the Shodashi Purnimā.
• Sinivāli is the Chaturdashi Amāvāsya and Kuhu is the Shodashi Amāvāsya.
• Anumati is celebrated in Pushya or Kali Yuga whereas Rākā is celebrated in Khārvā or
Tretā Yuga. Sinivāli is celebrated in Dvāpara Yuga whereas Kuhu is celebrated in Krita
• Aitareya Brahmana also refers to Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali (कसलिः शयानो भवति
संजिहानस्िु द्वापरिः । उत्तिष्ठस्रेिा भवति कृ िं संपाद्यिे चरंश्चरैवेति ॥)
• Nidana Sutra of Samaveda also refers to four yugas (
• A Cycle of 20 years (four 5-year Yugas): These four Yugas of 20-year cycles had
been named as Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali.
• Ardhamasa intercalation at the end of the cycle of 20 years.
• The first cycle of 20-years had the Amanta scheme and commenced on Magha
Sukla Pratipada but the last intercalary month of the 20th year consisted of only
15 days and ended on Adhika Pausha Purnima.
• The second cycle of 20-years had the Purnimanta scheme and commenced on
Adhika Pausha Krishna Pratipada but the last intercalary month of the 20th year
consisted of only 15 days and ended on Adhika Pausha Amavasya.
• Thus, the 40-year cycle (two cycles of 20 years) consisted of 14 intercalary
months and two ardhamasa intercalations.
• This 40-year cycle used to accumulate additional 7.5 days. Therefore, a concept of
Kshayamasa (dropping of one intercalary month) might have been introduced in a
cycle of 160 years (eight cycles of 20 years).
The Concept of Yugas
The Concept of Yugas
• The debate on the accurate intercalation scheme, Kshayamasa and
Kshatithis led to the evolution of 18 schools of Vedic astronomy.
• Rishi Yajnavalkya of Shatapatha Brahmana indicates a cycle of 95
years (34698.5 days and 35 intercalary months). The 95-year cycle
consisted of five cycles of 19 years.
Yuga of 5 years vs Jovian cycle of 12 years
• At the end of 28th Krita Yuga, Maya’s Surya Siddhanta introduced a
Jovian cycle of 12 years. This cycle of 12 years led to the concept of a
Yuga of 1200 years (12x100). Kshayamasa in 144 years.
• Thus, a Yuga of 1200 years i.e. 28th Treta Yuga was introduced at the
end of 28th Krita Yuga.
• Saptarshi calendar of 2700 years.
The Epoch of 28th Krita Yuganta (6778 BCE)
• This conjunction took place on
22 Feb 6778 BCE (Chaitra
Shukla Pratipada) within 26
degrees. Winter solstice was at
Ashvini Nakshatra.
• Mayasura introduced seven day
week starting from Sunday on
22 Feb 6778 BCE.
• The epoch of 78 CE i.e. 1 Apr 78
CE was also commenced on
Sunday but it was Wednesday
in Julian calendar.
• Saptarshi Calendar was also
introduced from 6777 BCE and
abandoned the ardhamasa
Before the 28th Krita Yuganta (6777 BCE)
Seemingly, the ancient Indian astronomers and historians had the traditional
information that total 1837 Yugas of 5 years (9185 years) had elapsed from the
epoch of Adiyuga to 6777 BCE. Later, Indian astronomers evolved the concept of 14
Manvantara Elapsed Yugas
1 Svāyambhuva Manvantara 72 x 4 288
2 Swarochisha Manvantara 72 x 4 288
3 Uttama Manvantara 72 x 4 288
4 Tāmasa Manvantara 72 x 4 288
5 Raivata Manvantara 72 x 4 288
6 Chākshusha Manvantara 72 x 4 288
7 Vaivasvata Manvantara (27 x 4) + 1 109
1837 X 5
(9185 years)
• The Epoch of the
first Yuga (Adi
Yuga) was
probably 15962
BCE (6777 +
Archaeoastronomical Evidence
• Rigveda’s Parjanya Sukta (Vasishtha) indicates the
commencement of New Year from Varsha Ritu
(Summer Solstice) but almost entire Vedic corpus
refers to Sharad Ritu (Autumnal Equinox) as the
beginning of Samvatsara.
• The early Rigvedic 5-year Yuga calendar might have
commenced on Summer Solstice but the same had
been shifted to Autumnal equinox in Later Rigvedic
Summer Solstice at Dhanishtha (14500 BCE)
धनिष्ठानिस्तिा कालो ब्रह्मणा परिकल्पितः।
िोनिणी ह्यभवत् पूववमेवं संख्या समाभवत्॥
Brahmarshi Vishvamitra I (~13500 BCE)
Mahabharata states that Vishvamitra started counting the nakshatras
from Shravana nakshatra. Gopatha Brahmana says that Vishvamitra
was the first who observed the precession of equinoxes.
प्रनत श्रवणपूवावनण िक्षत्रानण ससर्व यः
Gopatha Brahmana 2.6.1
Autumnal Equinox at Ashvini (13500 BCE)
Ashvini Sukta of Rishi Vasishtha indicates Autumnal Equinox at Ashvini
Autumnal Equinox at Revati (12500 BCE)
Markandeya Purana, 72nd Adhyaya.
Markandeya Purana indicates the beginning of New Year with Revati
Nakshatra during the time of Raivata Manu.(Beginning of Sharad Calendar)
Winter Solstice at Mrigashira (Orion) – 11250 BCE
• The astronomical data indicates that Prajapati Daksha
performed Yajna when the winter solstice shifted from
Ardra nakshatra to Mrigashira Nakshatra around 11250
BCE. The death of Sati during the Yajna led to the
assumption of Shiva and Prajapati Daksha to be the deities
of Ardra and Mrigashira nakshatras respectively.
• The list of 28 nakshatras was reset starting from
Mrigashira, Prajapati Daksha had been identified with
Mrigashira and the 27 nakshatras starting from Rohini had
been assumed as the 27 daughters of Prajapati.
The Date of Maharshi Agastya (11300-11200 BCE)
• Agastya was the contemporary of Shiva. Prajapati Daksha
and Shiva flourished when winter solstice shifted from Ardra
to Mrigashira Nakshatra.
• Agastya’s date can also be established from Tamil literary
• First Sangam Era : 11266-6826 BCE (4440 years)
• Second Sangam Era : 6826-3126 BCE (3700 years)
• Third Sangam Era : 3126 -1276 BCE (1850 years)
Agastya constellation (Canopus)
Visible for the first time at Kanyakumari around 10500 BCE
Shifting of Winter Solstice from Mrigashira to
Rohini (10200 BCE)
•This astronomical event has been referred to in
Panchavimsha Brahmana (8.2.10), Aitareya Brahmana
(6.5.27), Maitrayani Samhita (4.214, 35.11-15),
Shatapatha Brahmana (, Brihdaranyaka
Upanishad and Adi Shankara’s commentary (1.4.3).
Shifting of Winter Solstice from Rohini to
Krittika (9200 BCE)
•Atharvaveda’s Nakshatra Sukta was recompiled
around 9200-9000 BCE because the list of 28
Nakshatras was reset from Krittika.
•Almost all Brahmanas and Aranyakas were
compiled when Krittka was the first nakshatra in
the list of nakshatras.
Star Kashyapa at Celestial Pole (11000-8000 BCE)
• The Star ‘Kashyapa’ of Shishumara constellation
was at celestial pole starting from ~11000 BCE. It
was still a pole star around 8800-8700 BCE. The
head of Shishumara was at celestial pole during
this period.
Shishumara and Kashyapa in Puranas
4700 BCE
3200 BCE
The Date of Shatapatha Brahmana (8800 BCE)
Shatapatha Brahmana records the following astronomical observations which can only be
explained around 8800 BCE:
• Krittikadi list of Nakshatras. Thus, Krittikas were at the solstice or equinox.
• Magha Shukla Pratipadā at autumnal equinox because Varsha Ritu was the end of
Samvatsara. (In Syena Chiti, Varsha Ritu as tail and Sharad as Uttara Paksha)
• The division of the year into two halves of 189 and 176 days.
• Krittikas do not deviate from the east whereas all other nakshatras do move from the east.
Sh. K Chandra Hari explained that the 189/176 days
division of the year was possible in the past only in either
4000 BC or 1000 AD.
Sh. SB Dikshit argued that Krittikas were at celestial
equator around 3000 BCE. 2926 BCE. (Hasta was also
at celestial equator.)
The Date of Shatapatha Brahmana (8800 BCE)
• Seemingly, Vedic Rishis started observing the right ascension of all nakshatras
when the winter solstice had shifted to Krittika around 9200 BCE. The Rishis of
the period 9200-8700 BCE had carefully observed the right ascension and
declination (RA/Dec) of all 28 nakshatras and found that Krittikas do not
deviate from the right ascension/declination whereas all other nakshatras do
move from their right ascension/declination.
• Most probably, the rishis measured the right ascension from the sun at the
autumnal equinox. The Right ascension and declination of star eta Tauri of
Kriitika constellation was at 17h 45m 10.93s/ -20o 52’ 45.8’’ on 25th Nov 9200
BCE, at 17h 59m 42.44s/ -20o 55’ 46.7’’ on 24th Nov 8950 BCE and at 18h 14m
13.79s/ -20o 53’ 22.1’’ on 22nd Nov 8700 BCE. Evidently, the right ascension of
Krittika was constant and did not deviate much around 9200-8700 BCE whereas
that of all nakshatras had been deviated.
Winter Solstice at Ashvini (7200 BCE)
•Mayasura wrote Surya Siddhanta around 6778-6777
BCE and reset the list of Nakshatras starting from
Ashvini Nakshatra.
•Saptarshi Calendar was also introduced from 6777
BCE and abandoned the ardhamasa intercalation.
•Brahma Siddhanta (Chaitradi calendar, 12-year
[Simhastha Kumbh] and 60-year cycle) was
introduced from 6773 BCE.
•Nasik Simhastha Kumbh is the earliest tradition
(Jupiter in Leo and Sun & Moon in Cancer).
•The Epoch of the 28th Treta Yuga (6777 BCE).
28th Treta Yuga (6777-5577 BCE) – 1200 years
• Bharata wrote Natya Shastra in the Treta Yuga.
• Ramayana era (5677-5577 BCE).
• Rama was born on 3rd Feb 5674 BCE. He killed Ravana in 5635 BCE.
The Epoch of Saptarshi Calendar (6777 BCE)
The Saptarshi Cycle In CE
1 Ashvini 6777-6677 BCE
2 Bharani 6677-6577 BCE
3 Krittika 6577-6477 BCE
4 Rohini 6477-6377 BCE
5 Mrigashira 6377-6277 BCE
6 Ardra 6277-6177 BCE
7 Punarvasu 6177-6077 BCE
8 Pushya 6077-5977 BCE
9 Ashlesha 5977-5877 BCE
10 Magha 5877-5777 BCE
11 Purva Phalguni 5777-5677 BCE
12 Uttara Phalguni 5677-5577 BCE
13 Hasta 5577-5477 BCE
14 Chitra 5477-5377 BCE
15 Svati 5377-5277 BCE
16 Vishakha 5277-5177 BCE
17 Anuradha 5177-5077 BCE
18 Jyeshtha 5077-4977 BCE
20 Purva Ashadha 4877-4777 BCE
21 Uttara Ashadha 4777-4677 BCE
22 Sravana 4677-4577 BCE
23 Shravishtha (Dhanishtha) 4577-4477 BCE
24 Shatabhishaj 4477-4377 BCE
25 Purva Bhadrapada 4377-4277 BCE
26 Uttara Bhadrapada 4277-4177 BCE
27 Revati 4177-4077 BCE
1 Ashvini 4077-3977 BCE
2 Bharani 3977-3877 BCE
3 Krittika 3877-3777 BCE
4 Rohini 3777-3677 BCE
5 Mrigashira 3677-3577 BCE
6 Ardra 3577-3477 BCE
7 Punarvasu 3477-3377 BCE
8 Pushya 3377-3277 BCE
9 Ashlesha 3277-3177 BCE
10 Magha 3177-3077 BCE
Archaeological Evidence
• The history of ancient Indian agriculture dates back to at least 16000 BCE.
Early agriculture on the banks of Lahuradewa Lake in eastern UP have been
carbon dated from 13000 BCE to 7300 BCE. The evidence of the early
cultivation of Barley and Oats has been found from 15500 BCE in Southern
Sri Lanka.
• The sunken city of Kushasthali and Dvaravati in the Gulf of Khambat
supports the presence of human settlements from at least 12000 BCE. This
sunken ancient city was built before 11000 BCE and probably submerged by
sea around 9400-9300 BCE at the end of Meltwater Pulse 1B (10200-9400
BCE). A piece of carbonized wooden sample has been dated around 7500
• The archaeological site of Bhirrana in Hisar, Haryana has also been dated
around 7500 BCE.
• A submerged structure of the ancient Poompuhar city found close to
Kaveripattinam, Tamilnadu has been dated around 9500 BCE.
Vedic and Post Vedic Sarasvati River
Shutudri, Yamuna and Drishadvati
were the main tributaries of
Sarasvati. IITK has dated the
palaeochannel of Sutlej River
around 13000 BCE (15000 years
ago) based on OSL method.
Seemingly, Yamuna, a tributary of
Sarasvati (Y1 palaeochannel) had
changed the course in later Vedic
period. Probably, this change of course
occurred at the same time when
Sarasvati lost in the sands of desert
around 11000 BCE. It appears that the
Avabhritha ritual might have been
introduced to commemorate the past
confluence of Sarasvati and Yamuna.
Sea Level Rise
The Sheet Anchors of Vedic and Post Vedic Chronology
• Proto Vedic Period (16000-14500 BCE)
• Vedic Period (14500-10000 BCE)
• Adiyuga : The Early Manu Dynasty (14500-14000 BCE)
• Devayuga: The Vedic Period (14000-11000 BCE)
• The Great Flood in Vaivasvata Manu’s Kingdom (11200 BCE)
• Later Rigvedic Period (11200-10000 BCE)
• Vedic Sarasvati River lost in Thar desert and started flowing westwards
(11000-10500 BCE)
• The Post Vedic Period (10000-6778 BCE)
• The epoch of the end of the 28th Krita Yuga (6778-6777 BCE)
• The 28th Treta Yuga (6777-5577 BCE) – 1200 years
• The Ramayana era (5677-5577 BCE)
• The Birth of Rama (3rd Feb 5674 BCE)
• The 28th Dvapara Yuga (5577-3177 BCE) – 2400 years
• The Epoch of Mahabharata War and Yudhishthira Era (3162 BCE)
The inscriptions of Early Chalukyas of Badami
• Kurtakoti copper plates – Saka 530 elapsed
 Total solar eclipse on the new moon day of Vaishakha
 The eclipse ended during noon time.
 Sun and Moon were in Vrishabha Rasi.
 Moon was in Rohini Nakshatra.
Total Solar eclipses in North Karnataka
(1500 BCE to 1500 CE)
1 13th Aug 1416 BCE
2 27th Jul 1257 BCE
3 4th Mar 180 BCE
4 9th May 53 BCE
5 27th Jan 111 CE
6 25th Jun 754 CE
7 20th Aug 993 CE
8 23rd Jul 1134 CE
9 6th Nov 1268 CE
10 9th Dec 1322 CE
The eclipse started at 9.04 am and ended at 11.45 am.
Thus, the epoch of the coronation of Saka king commenced
in 583 BCE (53 + 530 = 583)
An Astronomical epoch of 78 CE
Saka era vs Saka Kalatita era
• Saka and Saka kalatita are not identical. The Saka era commenced in
583 BCE whereas the Saka Kalatita era commenced in 78 CE.
• The Saka era was introduced by the Saka king Chashtana in 583 BCE
on his coronation in Ujjain.
• The Saka kalatita era was an astronomical epoch that was introduced
by Indian astronomers in 78 AD for all round astronomical
• During the 8th and 9th centuries, Srivaishnavas speculated that the
Saka era was introduced from the birth of the Pratishthana King
Salivahana. Thus, the name of Salivahana got linked with these
The Date of Buddha Nirvana (1865 BCE)
The Epoch of Buddha Nirvana
1765 BCE + 100 years = 1865 BCE
Northern Tradition (1865 BCE) Southern Tradition (1765 BCE)
Short Chronology
(Ashoka reigned 100 years after Buddha
Nirvana [1865 BCE])
Long Chronology
(Ashoka reigned 218 years after Buddha
Varsha [1765 BCE])
King Kalashoka reigned for 28
years (1765-1737 BCE).
Maurya Ashoka reigned for 36
years (1547-1511 BCE).
The Epoch of Mahabharata War
Saka 556 (27 BCE) + 3135 years = 3162 BCE
The Aihole inscription of Chalukya Pulakeshin II dated in Saka 556 elapsed
(27 BCE) explicitly mentions that 30+3000+100+5 = 3135 years elapsed
up to 27 BCE from the year of Mahabharata war; that means 3135+27 =
3162 BCE was the year of the Mahabharata war. (Trimshatsu Trisahasreshu
Bharatat Ahavaditah, Sahabdasatayukteshu gateshvabdedhu panchasu.)

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  • 2. •Toba Supervalconic Eruption (~72000 BCE) (Evidence found at Jwalapuram in Karnool district of AP) •Early Agriculture – 16000 BCE. Pre-historic era
  • 3. The Methodology • Traditional Evidence • Literary Evidence • Linguistic Evidence • Archaeoastronomical Evidence • Archaeological Evidence • Study of Palaeochannels of Sarasvati, Satlej, Yamuna Rivers • Study of Sea Level Rise
  • 4. Traditional and Literary Evidence The Chronological order of Vedic corpus Evolution of Vedic Arts and Sciences Vedas Samhitas Brahmanas-Upanishads-Aranyakas &Kalpasutras (Shrauta Sutras, Grihya Sutras etc.) Dharmasutras, Upavedas, Vyakarana, Jyotisha, Upangas, Purana Samhitas Krita Yuganta (Surya Siddhanta, Bharata Natya Shastra) Smritis, Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Puranas, UpavedasTreta Yuganta (Ramayana Era) Dvapara Yuganta (Mahabharata Era)
  • 5. The Evolution of Sanskrit Grammar • छन्दसि (Vedic Sanskrit) • Transition Period of Vedic and Laukik Sanskrit • भाषायाम् (Laukik Sanskrit) Sanskrit had no regional dialects because it was evolved under strict grammatical regulatory system. Sanskrit has three distinct stages of evolution:
  • 6. Vedic Sanskrit • देवााः vs 'देवािाः',। ‘देवाः’ vs ‘देवेसभाः’। • Uttam Purush Bahuvachan • Tumun Pratyay vs गन्तव, गमध्य, जीवि, दातव • Samasa (Compound) vs Devata-Dvandva • No use of Lrit Lakara? • Many Vedic words have gone extinct in Laukik Sanskrit.
  • 7. (1.) तिप् के रूप ----------------------- भाववषतत भववषतत भवतत भाववषातत भववषातत भवातत भाववषत् भववषत् भवत् भाववषात् भववषात् भवातत भाववषद् भववषद् भवद् भववषाद् भववषाद् भवाद् (2.) िस ् के रूप ----------------------- भाववषताः भववषताः भवताः भाववषाताः भववषाताः भवाताः (3.) झि के रूप ---------------------- भाववषन्न्त भववषन्न्त भवन्न्त भाववषान्न्त भववषान्न्त भवान्न्त भाववषन् भववषन् भवन् (4.) ससप् के रूप ----------------------- भाववषसि भववषसि भवसि भाववषासि भववषासि भवासि भाववषाः भववषाः भवाः भाववषााः भववषााः भवााः (5.) थस् के रूप ----------------------- भाववषथाः भववषथाः भवथाः भाववषाथाः भववषाथाः भवाथाः (6.) थ के रूप --------------------- भाववषथ भववषथ भवथ भाववषाथ भववषाथ भवाथ (7.) सिप् के रूप ------------------------- भाववषसम भववषसम भवसम भाववषासम भववषासम भवासम भाववषम ् भववषम ् भवम ् भाववषाम ् भववषाम ् भवाम ् (8.) वस ् के रूप ----------------------- भाववषवाः भववषवाः भववाः भाववषावाः भववषावाः भवावाः भाववषव भववषव भवव भाववषाव भववषाव भवाव (9.) िस ् के रूप -------------------------- भाववषमाः भववषमाः भवमाः भाववषामाः भववषामाः भवामाः भाववषम भववषम भवम भाववषाम भववषाम भवाम लेट् लकार
  • 8. Transition Period of Vedic & Laukik Sanskrit • Aitareya Brahmana : क्रीणीतव यर्हि वाव वो मयाथो भववता तर्ह्येव वोऽहं पुनरागन्तान्मम (5.1). Here आगन्तान्मम is used in place of आगसमष्यासम. Seemingly, Lrit lakara evolved little later. • Vedic and Samhita Sanskrit do not use Samasa or compound words. Only a samasa of two words is found in Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas etc. • Avyaya padas like यर्हि, वाव etc. have been frequently used in Vedic Sanskrit but not in Laukika Sanskrit. • Let Lakara: Udadhim Chyaavayaati . Tai. Brahmana
  • 9. The Absolute Linguistic Chronology of Sanskrit Language and Grammar The Chronological order of Vedic and Post Vedic Literature Vedas, Samhitas Vedic Sanskrit Brahmanas-Upanishads-Aranyakas & Kalpasutras (Shrauta Sutras, Grihya Sutras etc.) Transition Period Krita Yuganta (Surya Siddhanta, Bharata Natya Shastra) Laukika Sanskrit Treta Yuganta (Ramayana) Dvapara Yuganta (Mahabharata)
  • 10. The Concept of Yugas • Later tradition (Laukika Sanskrit): • A Yuga of 1200 years. • A Mahayuga of 12000 years (Krita-4800 years, Treta-3600 years, Dvapara-2400 years and Kali-1200 years). • Later astronomical tradition refers to 14 Manvantaras and 1000 Chaturyugas and 432,00,00,000 years (12000 x 360 = 4320000 x 1000). • 2018 = 197,29,49,120th year and 51st Shveta Varaha Kalpa. • Divya Varsh vs Manusha Varsha. • The available Puranas have been updated during the Gupta Period. Puranas refer to the Saptarshi calendar for the chronological history from Mahabharata era and mention only Yugas and Manvantaras for the Chronology beyond Mahabharata era.
  • 11. The Concept of Yugas • Early tradition (Vedic Sanskrit and Transition period): A Yuga of 5 years and A Chaturyuga of 20 years. No reference of Manvantaras. • Vedas follow a Yuga of 5 years. • Shadvimsha Brahmana mentions the names of four Yugas as Pushya, Dvāpara, Khārvā and Krita. Chandra is the husband of Anumati, Rākā, Sinivāli and Kuhu. • Anumati is the Chaturdashi Purnimā and Rākā is the Shodashi Purnimā. • Sinivāli is the Chaturdashi Amāvāsya and Kuhu is the Shodashi Amāvāsya. • Anumati is celebrated in Pushya or Kali Yuga whereas Rākā is celebrated in Khārvā or Tretā Yuga. Sinivāli is celebrated in Dvāpara Yuga whereas Kuhu is celebrated in Krita Yuga. • Aitareya Brahmana also refers to Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali (कसलिः शयानो भवति संजिहानस्िु द्वापरिः । उत्तिष्ठस्रेिा भवति कृ िं संपाद्यिे चरंश्चरैवेति ॥) • Nidana Sutra of Samaveda also refers to four yugas (
  • 12. • A Cycle of 20 years (four 5-year Yugas): These four Yugas of 20-year cycles had been named as Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali. • Ardhamasa intercalation at the end of the cycle of 20 years. • The first cycle of 20-years had the Amanta scheme and commenced on Magha Sukla Pratipada but the last intercalary month of the 20th year consisted of only 15 days and ended on Adhika Pausha Purnima. • The second cycle of 20-years had the Purnimanta scheme and commenced on Adhika Pausha Krishna Pratipada but the last intercalary month of the 20th year consisted of only 15 days and ended on Adhika Pausha Amavasya. • Thus, the 40-year cycle (two cycles of 20 years) consisted of 14 intercalary months and two ardhamasa intercalations. • This 40-year cycle used to accumulate additional 7.5 days. Therefore, a concept of Kshayamasa (dropping of one intercalary month) might have been introduced in a cycle of 160 years (eight cycles of 20 years). The Concept of Yugas
  • 13. The Concept of Yugas • The debate on the accurate intercalation scheme, Kshayamasa and Kshatithis led to the evolution of 18 schools of Vedic astronomy. • Rishi Yajnavalkya of Shatapatha Brahmana indicates a cycle of 95 years (34698.5 days and 35 intercalary months). The 95-year cycle consisted of five cycles of 19 years. Yuga of 5 years vs Jovian cycle of 12 years • At the end of 28th Krita Yuga, Maya’s Surya Siddhanta introduced a Jovian cycle of 12 years. This cycle of 12 years led to the concept of a Yuga of 1200 years (12x100). Kshayamasa in 144 years. • Thus, a Yuga of 1200 years i.e. 28th Treta Yuga was introduced at the end of 28th Krita Yuga. • Saptarshi calendar of 2700 years.
  • 14. The Epoch of 28th Krita Yuganta (6778 BCE) • This conjunction took place on 22 Feb 6778 BCE (Chaitra Shukla Pratipada) within 26 degrees. Winter solstice was at Ashvini Nakshatra. • Mayasura introduced seven day week starting from Sunday on 22 Feb 6778 BCE. • The epoch of 78 CE i.e. 1 Apr 78 CE was also commenced on Sunday but it was Wednesday in Julian calendar. • Saptarshi Calendar was also introduced from 6777 BCE and abandoned the ardhamasa intercalation.
  • 15. Before the 28th Krita Yuganta (6777 BCE) Seemingly, the ancient Indian astronomers and historians had the traditional information that total 1837 Yugas of 5 years (9185 years) had elapsed from the epoch of Adiyuga to 6777 BCE. Later, Indian astronomers evolved the concept of 14 Manvantaras. Manvantara Elapsed Yugas 1 Svāyambhuva Manvantara 72 x 4 288 2 Swarochisha Manvantara 72 x 4 288 3 Uttama Manvantara 72 x 4 288 4 Tāmasa Manvantara 72 x 4 288 5 Raivata Manvantara 72 x 4 288 6 Chākshusha Manvantara 72 x 4 288 7 Vaivasvata Manvantara (27 x 4) + 1 109 1837 X 5 (9185 years) • The Epoch of the first Yuga (Adi Yuga) was probably 15962 BCE (6777 + 9185).
  • 16. Archaeoastronomical Evidence • Rigveda’s Parjanya Sukta (Vasishtha) indicates the commencement of New Year from Varsha Ritu (Summer Solstice) but almost entire Vedic corpus refers to Sharad Ritu (Autumnal Equinox) as the beginning of Samvatsara. • The early Rigvedic 5-year Yuga calendar might have commenced on Summer Solstice but the same had been shifted to Autumnal equinox in Later Rigvedic period.
  • 17. Summer Solstice at Dhanishtha (14500 BCE) धनिष्ठानिस्तिा कालो ब्रह्मणा परिकल्पितः। िोनिणी ह्यभवत् पूववमेवं संख्या समाभवत्॥
  • 18. Brahmarshi Vishvamitra I (~13500 BCE) Mahabharata states that Vishvamitra started counting the nakshatras from Shravana nakshatra. Gopatha Brahmana says that Vishvamitra was the first who observed the precession of equinoxes. प्रनत श्रवणपूवावनण िक्षत्रानण ससर्व यः Mahabharata Gopatha Brahmana 2.6.1
  • 19. Autumnal Equinox at Ashvini (13500 BCE) Ashvini Sukta of Rishi Vasishtha indicates Autumnal Equinox at Ashvini Nakshatra.
  • 20. Autumnal Equinox at Revati (12500 BCE) Markandeya Purana, 72nd Adhyaya. Markandeya Purana indicates the beginning of New Year with Revati Nakshatra during the time of Raivata Manu.(Beginning of Sharad Calendar)
  • 21. Winter Solstice at Mrigashira (Orion) – 11250 BCE • The astronomical data indicates that Prajapati Daksha performed Yajna when the winter solstice shifted from Ardra nakshatra to Mrigashira Nakshatra around 11250 BCE. The death of Sati during the Yajna led to the assumption of Shiva and Prajapati Daksha to be the deities of Ardra and Mrigashira nakshatras respectively. • The list of 28 nakshatras was reset starting from Mrigashira, Prajapati Daksha had been identified with Mrigashira and the 27 nakshatras starting from Rohini had been assumed as the 27 daughters of Prajapati.
  • 22. The Date of Maharshi Agastya (11300-11200 BCE) • Agastya was the contemporary of Shiva. Prajapati Daksha and Shiva flourished when winter solstice shifted from Ardra to Mrigashira Nakshatra. • Agastya’s date can also be established from Tamil literary sources. • First Sangam Era : 11266-6826 BCE (4440 years) • Second Sangam Era : 6826-3126 BCE (3700 years) • Third Sangam Era : 3126 -1276 BCE (1850 years)
  • 23. Agastya constellation (Canopus) Visible for the first time at Kanyakumari around 10500 BCE
  • 24. Shifting of Winter Solstice from Mrigashira to Rohini (10200 BCE) •This astronomical event has been referred to in Panchavimsha Brahmana (8.2.10), Aitareya Brahmana (6.5.27), Maitrayani Samhita (4.214, 35.11-15), Shatapatha Brahmana (, Brihdaranyaka Upanishad and Adi Shankara’s commentary (1.4.3).
  • 25. Shifting of Winter Solstice from Rohini to Krittika (9200 BCE) •Atharvaveda’s Nakshatra Sukta was recompiled around 9200-9000 BCE because the list of 28 Nakshatras was reset from Krittika. •Almost all Brahmanas and Aranyakas were compiled when Krittka was the first nakshatra in the list of nakshatras.
  • 26. Star Kashyapa at Celestial Pole (11000-8000 BCE) • The Star ‘Kashyapa’ of Shishumara constellation was at celestial pole starting from ~11000 BCE. It was still a pole star around 8800-8700 BCE. The head of Shishumara was at celestial pole during this period.
  • 27. Shishumara and Kashyapa in Puranas 4700 BCE 3200 BCE
  • 28. The Date of Shatapatha Brahmana (8800 BCE) Shatapatha Brahmana records the following astronomical observations which can only be explained around 8800 BCE: • Krittikadi list of Nakshatras. Thus, Krittikas were at the solstice or equinox. • Magha Shukla Pratipadā at autumnal equinox because Varsha Ritu was the end of Samvatsara. (In Syena Chiti, Varsha Ritu as tail and Sharad as Uttara Paksha) • The division of the year into two halves of 189 and 176 days. • Krittikas do not deviate from the east whereas all other nakshatras do move from the east. Sh. K Chandra Hari explained that the 189/176 days division of the year was possible in the past only in either 4000 BC or 1000 AD. Sh. SB Dikshit argued that Krittikas were at celestial equator around 3000 BCE. 2926 BCE. (Hasta was also at celestial equator.)
  • 29. The Date of Shatapatha Brahmana (8800 BCE) • Seemingly, Vedic Rishis started observing the right ascension of all nakshatras when the winter solstice had shifted to Krittika around 9200 BCE. The Rishis of the period 9200-8700 BCE had carefully observed the right ascension and declination (RA/Dec) of all 28 nakshatras and found that Krittikas do not deviate from the right ascension/declination whereas all other nakshatras do move from their right ascension/declination. • Most probably, the rishis measured the right ascension from the sun at the autumnal equinox. The Right ascension and declination of star eta Tauri of Kriitika constellation was at 17h 45m 10.93s/ -20o 52’ 45.8’’ on 25th Nov 9200 BCE, at 17h 59m 42.44s/ -20o 55’ 46.7’’ on 24th Nov 8950 BCE and at 18h 14m 13.79s/ -20o 53’ 22.1’’ on 22nd Nov 8700 BCE. Evidently, the right ascension of Krittika was constant and did not deviate much around 9200-8700 BCE whereas that of all nakshatras had been deviated.
  • 30. Winter Solstice at Ashvini (7200 BCE) •Mayasura wrote Surya Siddhanta around 6778-6777 BCE and reset the list of Nakshatras starting from Ashvini Nakshatra. •Saptarshi Calendar was also introduced from 6777 BCE and abandoned the ardhamasa intercalation. •Brahma Siddhanta (Chaitradi calendar, 12-year [Simhastha Kumbh] and 60-year cycle) was introduced from 6773 BCE. •Nasik Simhastha Kumbh is the earliest tradition (Jupiter in Leo and Sun & Moon in Cancer). •The Epoch of the 28th Treta Yuga (6777 BCE).
  • 31. 28th Treta Yuga (6777-5577 BCE) – 1200 years • Bharata wrote Natya Shastra in the Treta Yuga. • Ramayana era (5677-5577 BCE). • Rama was born on 3rd Feb 5674 BCE. He killed Ravana in 5635 BCE.
  • 32. The Epoch of Saptarshi Calendar (6777 BCE) The Saptarshi Cycle In CE 1 Ashvini 6777-6677 BCE 2 Bharani 6677-6577 BCE 3 Krittika 6577-6477 BCE 4 Rohini 6477-6377 BCE 5 Mrigashira 6377-6277 BCE 6 Ardra 6277-6177 BCE 7 Punarvasu 6177-6077 BCE 8 Pushya 6077-5977 BCE 9 Ashlesha 5977-5877 BCE 10 Magha 5877-5777 BCE 11 Purva Phalguni 5777-5677 BCE 12 Uttara Phalguni 5677-5577 BCE 13 Hasta 5577-5477 BCE 14 Chitra 5477-5377 BCE 15 Svati 5377-5277 BCE 16 Vishakha 5277-5177 BCE 17 Anuradha 5177-5077 BCE 18 Jyeshtha 5077-4977 BCE 20 Purva Ashadha 4877-4777 BCE 21 Uttara Ashadha 4777-4677 BCE 22 Sravana 4677-4577 BCE 23 Shravishtha (Dhanishtha) 4577-4477 BCE 24 Shatabhishaj 4477-4377 BCE 25 Purva Bhadrapada 4377-4277 BCE 26 Uttara Bhadrapada 4277-4177 BCE 27 Revati 4177-4077 BCE 1 Ashvini 4077-3977 BCE 2 Bharani 3977-3877 BCE 3 Krittika 3877-3777 BCE 4 Rohini 3777-3677 BCE 5 Mrigashira 3677-3577 BCE 6 Ardra 3577-3477 BCE 7 Punarvasu 3477-3377 BCE 8 Pushya 3377-3277 BCE 9 Ashlesha 3277-3177 BCE 10 Magha 3177-3077 BCE
  • 33. Archaeological Evidence • The history of ancient Indian agriculture dates back to at least 16000 BCE. Early agriculture on the banks of Lahuradewa Lake in eastern UP have been carbon dated from 13000 BCE to 7300 BCE. The evidence of the early cultivation of Barley and Oats has been found from 15500 BCE in Southern Sri Lanka. • The sunken city of Kushasthali and Dvaravati in the Gulf of Khambat supports the presence of human settlements from at least 12000 BCE. This sunken ancient city was built before 11000 BCE and probably submerged by sea around 9400-9300 BCE at the end of Meltwater Pulse 1B (10200-9400 BCE). A piece of carbonized wooden sample has been dated around 7500 BCE. • The archaeological site of Bhirrana in Hisar, Haryana has also been dated around 7500 BCE. • A submerged structure of the ancient Poompuhar city found close to Kaveripattinam, Tamilnadu has been dated around 9500 BCE.
  • 34. Vedic and Post Vedic Sarasvati River Shutudri, Yamuna and Drishadvati were the main tributaries of Sarasvati. IITK has dated the palaeochannel of Sutlej River around 13000 BCE (15000 years ago) based on OSL method. Seemingly, Yamuna, a tributary of Sarasvati (Y1 palaeochannel) had changed the course in later Vedic period. Probably, this change of course occurred at the same time when Sarasvati lost in the sands of desert around 11000 BCE. It appears that the Avabhritha ritual might have been introduced to commemorate the past confluence of Sarasvati and Yamuna.
  • 36. The Sheet Anchors of Vedic and Post Vedic Chronology • Proto Vedic Period (16000-14500 BCE) • Vedic Period (14500-10000 BCE) • Adiyuga : The Early Manu Dynasty (14500-14000 BCE) • Devayuga: The Vedic Period (14000-11000 BCE) • The Great Flood in Vaivasvata Manu’s Kingdom (11200 BCE) • Later Rigvedic Period (11200-10000 BCE) • Vedic Sarasvati River lost in Thar desert and started flowing westwards (11000-10500 BCE) • The Post Vedic Period (10000-6778 BCE) • The epoch of the end of the 28th Krita Yuga (6778-6777 BCE) • The 28th Treta Yuga (6777-5577 BCE) – 1200 years • The Ramayana era (5677-5577 BCE) • The Birth of Rama (3rd Feb 5674 BCE) • The 28th Dvapara Yuga (5577-3177 BCE) – 2400 years • The Epoch of Mahabharata War and Yudhishthira Era (3162 BCE)
  • 37. The inscriptions of Early Chalukyas of Badami • Kurtakoti copper plates – Saka 530 elapsed  Total solar eclipse on the new moon day of Vaishakha month.  The eclipse ended during noon time.  Sun and Moon were in Vrishabha Rasi.  Moon was in Rohini Nakshatra.
  • 38. Total Solar eclipses in North Karnataka (1500 BCE to 1500 CE) 1 13th Aug 1416 BCE 2 27th Jul 1257 BCE 3 4th Mar 180 BCE 4 9th May 53 BCE 5 27th Jan 111 CE 6 25th Jun 754 CE 7 20th Aug 993 CE 8 23rd Jul 1134 CE 9 6th Nov 1268 CE 10 9th Dec 1322 CE The eclipse started at 9.04 am and ended at 11.45 am. Thus, the epoch of the coronation of Saka king commenced in 583 BCE (53 + 530 = 583)
  • 40. Saka era vs Saka Kalatita era • Saka and Saka kalatita are not identical. The Saka era commenced in 583 BCE whereas the Saka Kalatita era commenced in 78 CE. • The Saka era was introduced by the Saka king Chashtana in 583 BCE on his coronation in Ujjain. • The Saka kalatita era was an astronomical epoch that was introduced by Indian astronomers in 78 AD for all round astronomical calculations • During the 8th and 9th centuries, Srivaishnavas speculated that the Saka era was introduced from the birth of the Pratishthana King Salivahana. Thus, the name of Salivahana got linked with these epochs.
  • 41. The Date of Buddha Nirvana (1865 BCE)
  • 42. The Epoch of Buddha Nirvana 1765 BCE + 100 years = 1865 BCE Northern Tradition (1865 BCE) Southern Tradition (1765 BCE) Short Chronology (Ashoka reigned 100 years after Buddha Nirvana [1865 BCE]) Long Chronology (Ashoka reigned 218 years after Buddha Varsha [1765 BCE]) King Kalashoka reigned for 28 years (1765-1737 BCE). Maurya Ashoka reigned for 36 years (1547-1511 BCE).
  • 43. The Epoch of Mahabharata War Saka 556 (27 BCE) + 3135 years = 3162 BCE The Aihole inscription of Chalukya Pulakeshin II dated in Saka 556 elapsed (27 BCE) explicitly mentions that 30+3000+100+5 = 3135 years elapsed up to 27 BCE from the year of Mahabharata war; that means 3135+27 = 3162 BCE was the year of the Mahabharata war. (Trimshatsu Trisahasreshu Bharatat Ahavaditah, Sahabdasatayukteshu gateshvabdedhu panchasu.)