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The Rotten Damage Of Food Waste
The Rotten Damage of Food Waste
Growing up, children were most likely told to always finish all the food on their plates because somewhere else in the world, another child was
starving. Most kids never really understand how serious the matter actually is and it is expected for adults to know better but here we are in 2016
where roughly one third of food produced is wasted every year. The problem with this is that about 21,000 people die per day fromstarvation, but where
is that food they need to live? It's rotting in the fridge, it's being used for contests to see who can eat the fastest, or it's simply been thrown away
because the sun has gone down and people refuse to buy it the following day if it's not new. What's even more depressing is that most starvation deaths
are of children.
The first problem here is poverty. How can someone work when they're so hungry and sick? How can someone get a job they're too sick to work?
It's bad enough that a child would die of starvation, but if the father or mother dies of starvation, then the whole family could die too due to the fact
that there's no one to go to work. Not many people step up to help the hungry child because they have their own family to think about. This isn't to say
that no one notices starving countries because it's more than likely that everyone has seen the commercials on tv of children in different countries
running around while the narrator explains how anyone can help by simply donating maybe five dollars.
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Extracting Wealth From The Earth And Forest Summary
Geoffrey L. Buckley's "Extracting Wealth from the Earth and Forest," featured in North American Odyssey, examines how private and commercial
logging and mining "shaped and reshaped North America's physical environment during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries." (139) Specifically, the
author narrows his focus to observing the role of the federal government in sanctioning such practices, industrial logging, and commercial mining, all
with a particular eye toward Appalachia (140). Buckley's essay begins with the section titled "Get Rid of it Quick," in which the author emphasizes the
role of national governments in authorizing destructive practices as a result of legislation such as the Homestead Act and Mining Law of 1872 in the
United States,
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What Is Overfishing?
Marine Environmental Ethics.–– Human actions show that our marine environmental ethics are less advanced than the ones we have on land
(Stokstad, 2003). There are three main sources of evidence that prove this. The first is ocean dumping, or waste disposal into the ocean. Before 1972,
it was believed the ocean had an "unlimited capacity to mix and disperse wastes" (Gunther, 2017). The ocean became a dumping ground for chemical
and industrial wastes for decades, leading to severe consequences. Little attention was given to the negative impacts ocean dumping had on marine
environments. While this also occurs on land, it is done on a much smaller scale. Another source of evidence for our lacking marine environmental
ethics comes from the shortage... Show more content on ...
Currently, MPAs cover only 3% of the world's oceans (Morgan, 2018). One of the biggest problems that comes with MPAs is the logistical and
economical challenge of attempting to monitor large expanses of ocean. Getting the public to comply with regulations is a major component to the
effectiveness of these areas (Morgan, 2018). International partnerships and collaborations are necessary to ensure that these regions are being
monitored and regulations are being enforced. Monitoring human activity is a must in these areas, but it proves to be
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Essay on Environmental Racism
When one discusses acts of racism, slander or the stereotyping of a group of people may come to mind. However, the concept of environmental racism
is rarely considered. This form of racism positions dominant environmental framing as racially driven, in which people of color (i.e. minorities) are
affected disproportionately by poor environmental practices. Communities of color throughout the United States have become the dumping grounds for
our nation's waste disposal, as well as home to agricultural and/or manufacturing industries that pollute the land. Government regulations and cultural
practices have all contributed to environmental racism. The government's policies have also negatively impacted low income groups as well as people of
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Historically, "ideas of Black inferiority and White superiority have been embedded in multiple aspects of American culture, and many images and ideas
in contemporary popular culture continue to devalue, marginalize, and subordinate non–White racial populations". Racism has influenced decades of
land use, housing patterns, and infrastructure development. With the creation of housing subdivisions, the white and wealthy moved to modern
communities, while the non–white and poor were left to live in areas that were rundown. Today, we see that in some cases, zoning laws have fueled
environmental, as well as residential, racism. In certain communities around the nation, "expulsive" zoning has pushed out residents, and allowed
industries to move into communities, and pollute the land, air, and water. These zoning laws define land for residential, commercial, or industrial uses,
and impose narrower land–use restrictions. In this case certain individuals are forced to leave their community, and give any property they have up to
these "dirty" industries. Without more stringent enforcement mechanisms and penalties in place, this nation will continue to see this type of
discrimination and environmental racism.
Certain environmental justice frameworks attempt to turn the dominant environmental paradigm on its head and seek to prevent environmental threats
before they occur. This paradigm is known as the Precautionary
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Why Hire Emergency Plumbers
Why Hire Emergency Plumbers in Werribee to do Your Plumbing
In most cases, plumbing accidents are unavoidable as it can happen anywhere, anytime. Some would say that they can repair any plumbing problem all
on their own. However, there is the off chance that something else might go wrong. Would it be wise on their part to tackle anyplumbing issues without
consulting Emergency Plumbers in Werribee first?
Hardly, trying to fix broken heaters, water heaters and clogged drains on your own steam can result in severe damages to your office or home. It is
far better to spend a little extra and get in the experts to sort out the problem for you. Let's take a look at some of the services they offer:
Clogged Sewer lines – Master plumbers offer an
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Construction Essay
Is the construction project ruining the green areas or pathways? Does it require any roads to be narrowed disturbing the smooth flow of the traffic?
Does the project jeopardize any park, playground or any such place of socializing and entertainment? These are some of the questions which must be
there in minds of the managers who are given the responsibility of constructing the project. how much the contractors compromise on their initial
design and plan for the project, and how much they are going to be careful about not resulting in environmental pollution as well as not to violate an of
such rights of the people living in the community. The size and scale of the object must be kept in mind all the time while making an environmental plan
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On demolition of this farm house, the birds will become homeless and the oxygen production will be decreased (Plant, 2004). This is a direct
impact of this construction project on the environment. It must be kept in mind that we are only considering the environmental factor and impacts
here and we do not have to mention the property rights of the owner of the farm house, has he been adequately compensated and dealt with before
the start of this project. We just assume that the owner of the farm house has been dealt with considering all his rights and he is agreed to give
away the rights and authority of this farm house to the contractors of the new project. The demolition will not only cause damage to the greenery of
the neighborhood but also will enhance the pollution in the form of dust and noise. This will impact the neighbors of the housing complex which is
only one thousand feet away from this project's site. The first activity which is to be expected to be done first is the clearance of vegetation which is
a direct damage to the environment. The agricultural value and output of this land will be multiplied with zero once the vegetations will be cleared of
the surface. 200 acre of the farm land which this project has bought for the current project is a vast land and clear vegetation from it will damage not
only the view from the site but also will be a decrease in economy. The environmental plan must have something arranged for the
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Oak Flats Waste Management
Oak Flats is a community in Australia that has a growing population in 2529. Due to an increasing population I started to wonder whether the waste
in Oak Flats was in control and how much of this waste is recycled. My aim is to find out how much waste is produced form each household and how
much is recycled in each household and depending on my results ways to reduce the amount of waste produced from each household. My
investigations have led to their being a moderate amount of waste being produced in Oak Flats community although it's low it could be lower and I
will explain strategies in to how we can reduce the amount of waste and ways to show what can be recycled and what can't as I surveyed a few houses
and found about ... Show more content on ...
It will also be easier to deal with, as E Waste is highly toxic when it breaks down.
Figure 5 shows the percentage some types of recycling compared to Oak Flats recycling. Oak Flats recycling sits the same with the whole of
Australia so they are not behind but still the whole of Australia would benefit by having information packs of what can or cannot be recycled. Due
to my investigations 4 out of 10 households now what can and can't be recycled and only 1 out of 5 households don't care about recycling. I only
interviewed 20 households, which was my aim and was really surprised of how many people aren't up to date to what can or cannot be recycled. Which
makes me believe having a day in which people go around every house and have an information booklet so that people more people will recycle and
reduce waste in the whole of Australia instead of just in Oak Flats. On my field trip to Whyte Gully's I saw a lot of waste that could be reused or sold
to other people I saw a lot of plastic bottles which could be recycled, I saw a few balls which weren't ruined which could've been given to younger kids
because these items are just taking up space in the dump site and if all these thing weren't there the place would of lasted for a lot longer instead of
being filled and needing to get a new site to bury waste in.
How is it Affecting Oak Flats?
It isn't
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Wood Vs. Steel: Which Is More Environmentally Friendly?
For over many years mankind has tried to make are world more eco–friendly efficient. People have discussed many different examples like gas vs.
electricity, paper vs. plastic, or even wood vs. steel. All these objects have something in common and that is that they all benefit society in some kind
of way. People have done research about one of the examples more specifically, wood vs.steel and found pros and cons for both. Steel is more
environmentally friendly in ones opinion.
Steel is a light element and is a lot easier to carry than wood. This being, it is easier to work with steel and to make sure you get the best use of it.
When you cut a piece of wood it is very different from when you cut steel. The scrap that falls off of steel can be melted down and used to make a
new steel post. when you cut off wood you can reuse it but it will not be exactly the same as the material you cut it off of, it would be plywood.
The price for steel lowers the more people use it for construction. In residential construction steel is gaining popularity. When building houses steel cost
about 14% more than wood and would require more time to complete. Ever since the first skyscraper went up in Chicago during the late 1800's steel
has a major component in commercial construction buildings (Source; Striepe). Its gains popularity throughout the years.
Problems can occur while using steel in construction in very humid areas, coastal regions, or even rooms like bathrooms that get very moist.
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Superfund Home Environmental Case Study
Superfund sites are districts in communities that have abandoned hazardous wastes on territories that need immediate removal.In the early 70's the
Comprehensive Environmental Response and Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 encouraged Superfund statues in Washington and these statues
handle issues associated with land pollution and abandoned hazardous waste on territories .Superfund acts aid Washington and environmental agencies
with removing hazardous waste and it also, allows them to pursue people and corporations that own hazardous waste territories. The principles for the
Superfund acts include the quick removal of hazardous materials when environmental regulations demand it, bringing legal disputes against owners of
hazardous waste territories, initiating communities and states in waste removal processes and developing extended programs that protect citizens from
hazardous waste territories .In the late 70's environmental advocates discovered the contamination at the Superfund site called the Love Canal in
Niagara Falls ,NY and they also discovered the surrounding territories contained pollutants and abandoned hazardous waste .The Love Canal is New
York states first case of environmental neglect by a corporation and this community and facilities contained hazardous polluted water and dirt that
resulted from years of accidental spills ,leaks and irresponsible business recycling ... Show more content on ...
It also aided environmental protection agencies with maintaining these treatments. Superfund sites can cause birthing and birth issues in pregnant
women and in infants that leave near contaminated areas. I believe the bureaucracy should allow communities to use land near Superfund sites for
commercial businesses purposes since, it enables them to create fresh productive business opportunities, revenue and sales for citizens and
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Biological Macromolecule Polyhydroxybutyrate ( Phb )
The important biological macromolecule polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) producing Bacillus subtilis was isolated from the sewage sample and identified
by means of 16S rRNA analysis. The renewable nature and biodegradability of PHBs make them suitable materials to replace synthetic plastics in many
applications. Currently their production is expensive, but these plastics are only in their first stage of commercial development. In the present study the
physico–chemical parameters such as Time, Temperature and pH were optimized for increased production of PHB. It was found that maximum
production of PHB was observed at 48th hour (328Вµg/ml) of incubation time, temperature 370C (336Вµg/ml), pH 7.5 (362 Вµg/ml). The low cost
production media was developed using fruit peel extract and sugarcane industrial waste. The amount of PHB produced using low cost production
media in fruit peel (234Вµg/ml) and industrial waste (218Вµg/ml). The PHB was characterized using FTIR and NMR analysis.
Keywords: polyhydroxybutyrate, Bacillus subtilis, optimization, INTRODUCTION The human population has led to the accumulation of huge
amounts of non–degradable waste materials across our planet. The problem of environmental pollution was caused by indiscriminate dumping of plastic
waste has assumed global proportions. They are used in almost all industries, especially for packaging and they account for more than 50% of total
consumption, especially they are used for bottling and baling. They
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Clean Water Act Argument Essay
Furthermore, the Shore Protection Act is applicable to the transportation of municipal and commercial waste in coastal waters aiming to minimize
debris from being deposited into coastal waters from inadequate waste handling procedures by waste transporting vessels (Laws That Protect). The
Center for Biodiversity had petitioned the EPA to begin regulating plastics as a pollutant under TheClean Water Act– a crucial first step in reducing the
amount of plastic. The Clean Water Act is the nation's strongest law protecting water quality. Recognition of plastic pollution under the clean water act
enables states to develop water–quality standards to finally begin curbing the amount of plastic dumped in the oceans.
Yet despite all these efforts... Show more content on ...
Serving as the number one source of our plastic use, companies opt for plastic containers because it's easy, feasible, and convenient. Food packaging
alone makes up for 30–40% of landfills with much of that plastic being carried into the oceans. Going off of this, a new concept that's quickly
becoming popular are package free grocery stores. These cost– effective grocery stores have everything you could possible need in bulk form and
consumers bring glass or reusable containers, or cloth bags and fill them with the food they need. First popping up in cities like Berlin, Vienna, and
Barcelona, many are finding this a more sustainable and eco–friendly option resulting in these sort of grocery stores quickly spreading across the ocean,
with the first one in the United States expected to open in Brooklyn, New York. Business operators are extremely optimistic that this could serve a very
impactful solution to getting rid of unnecessary plastic. (Che Jenny).
In conclusion, it should have been learned that the issue of plastic pollution has become ruinous. The cost of repair and the inconvenience of lifestyle
changes cannot compare to the frightful future this planet is headed. At current rates, hazards are not just inflicted on Earth's oceans but individual
human health and the other creatures that rightly inhabit this land. With this concern
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Major Environmental Issues Of Pollution
1.Pollution: It is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical
substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally
occurring contaminants.
Forms of Pollution:
The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular contaminant relevant to each of them:
a.Air pollution: The release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide,
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen
oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight.
b.Light pollution: It includes light trespass, over–illumination and astronomical interference.
c.Littering: The criminal throwing of inappropriate man–made objects, onto public and private properties.
d.Noise pollution: It encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high–intensity sonar.
e.Soil Contamination: It occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are
hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, Herbicides, Pesticides and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons.
f.Radioactive contamination: Resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons
research, manufacture and deployment.
g.Thermal pollution: It is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant.
h.Visual pollution: It can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of
trash, municipal solid waste or space debris.
i.Water pollution: It occurs by the discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into surface waters;
discharges of untreated domestic sewage, and chemical contaminants, such as chlorine, from treated sewage; release of waste and contaminants into
surface runoff flowing to surface waters (including
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It's Time To Stop Food Waste In The United States
All of us have most likely wasted food in one way or another, some people without thinking about it, others without caring. But when we scrape off our
plates after a large meal, unable to finish the remaining's because we're too full, we rarely stop to think about the meaning and the consequences of our
actions. It is said that about one–third of all the food we produce in the world is wasted. Therefore, food waste has quickly become a highly ranked
global issue. It has become a serious problem in our society where the consequences are bigger than you might think.
But what is Food Waste exactly? TheUnited States EPA, or the United States Environmental Protection Agency, defines food waste as "uneaten food
and food preparation wastes from ... Show more content on ...
Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint.
Conserves energy and resources, preventing pollution involved in the growing, manufacturing, transporting, and selling food (not to mention hauling
the food waste and then landfilling it).
Supports your community by providing donated untouched food that would have otherwise gone to waste to those who might not have a steady food
So, just think about this. How many of you have, say the last week, eaten every single bit and bite from your plate for dinner? None of us can
really say that we always eat all of our food. Just think about all the food you wasted this week. All the food one of us wasted all together this
week, could have helped feed another person, or maybe even a whole family somewhere in Africa or other poor places. Of course, some of us are
more cautious than others, but one way or the other, we will always be wasting food and this is a problem that has been climbing higher and higher
on the global issues ranking. Food waste is now one of the top issues in the world today, a1nd especially in America. So next time you decide to throw
away food, think it through. "Let's feed people," "Not
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Important Provisions Of The Law Relevant Public Health
1. Explain five main important provisions of the law relevant to public health.
2. Discuss why these provisions are important to public health and/or why they are important to you as public health officers.
3. Identify the offences under the law and state penalties for violations.
4. Outline the steps you will take to deal with ant breach under the law as a public health officer
Table of Contents
Definition of terms .....................................................................3
The types of garbage ...................................................................4
A list of the five main provisions .....................................................5
Explanation of the five main provisions ...........................................6–9
The importance of these provisions to public health ............................10&11
The offences ............................................................................12
The Penalties ...........................................................................13
Steps taken by the Public Health officer in responding to a breach .............14
Appendices ...........................................................................15–18
Reference .................................................................................19
a.Garbage includes refuse of any kind, whether generated by domestic, commercial or industrial activities and all forms of solid and liquid waste matter.
b.A contractor is someone that is employed by the Local Board or the owner of an industrial or commercial premise to collect and dispose of garbage.
c.A receptacle is a hollow container used for the collection and disposal of garbage.
d.A special
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Waste Generation and Need for Waste Management
Waste, or rubbish, trash, junk, garbage, depending on the type of material or the regional terminology, is an unwanted or undesired material or
substance. It may consist of the unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process (industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations,)
or from community and household activities. The material may be discarded or accumulated, stored, or treated (physically, chemically, or
biologically), prior to being discarded or recycled. It is also used to describe something we use inefficiently or inappropriately. ... Show more content on ...
Some solid waste can also be converted to a liquid waste form for disposal. It includes point source and non–point source discharges such as storm
water and wastewater. Examples of liquid waste include wash water from homes, liquids used for cleaning in industries and waste detergents.
Solid type:
Solid waste predominantly, is any garbage, refuse or rubbish that we make in our homes and other places. These include old car tires, old newspapers,
broken furniture and even food waste. They may include any waste that is non–liquid.
Hazardous type:
Hazardous or harmful waste are those that potentially threaten public health or the environment. Such waste could be inflammable (can easily catch
fire), reactive (can easily explode), corrosive (can easily eat through metal) or toxic (poisonous to human and animals). In many countries, it is required
by law to involve the appropriate authority to supervise the disposal of such hazardous waste. Examples include fire extinguishers, old propane tanks,
pesticides, mercury–containing equipment (e.g, thermostats) and lamps (e.g. fluorescent bulbs) and batteries.
Organic type:
Organic waste comes from plants or animals sources. Commonly, they include food waste, fruit and vegetable peels, flower trimmings and even dog
poop can be classified as organic waste. They are biodegradable (this means they are easily broken down by other organisms over time and turned into
manure). Many people turn their
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Building Homes : Green And Environmentally Friendly
Building homes that are green and environmentally friendly has become the mantra for more and more builders and homeowners, as they discover
how easy it can be to attain all the benefits of sustainable construction without sacrificing aesthetics or breaking the budget. In fact, going green often
saves money, especially over a period of time, while being kinder to the environment. Decorative cement–based finishes are the perfect example of this
synergy of beauty, sustainability and economy, providing a durable, low–maintenance finish that will last the life span of the building. Concrete hosts a
range of stunning products that are ideally suited to clean spaces such as bathroom walls, floors, bath surrounds and vanities.( 2011 architectural
finishes at spruce tree house, Rebekah Krieger)
In its simplest form, concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates, or rocks. The paste, composed of Portland cement and water, coats the surface of the
fine (small) and coarse (larger) aggregates. Through a chemical reaction called hydration, the paste hardens and gains strength to form the rock–like
mass known as concrete. Within this process lies the key to a remarkable trait of concrete: it's plastic and malleable when newly mixed, strong and
durable when hardened. These qualities explain why one material, concrete, can build skyscrapers, bridges, sidewalks and superhighways, house and
dams. (Cement $ concrete institution) 2015)
Cement, or concrete, is natural an extremely durable
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Greywater Research Paper
The recycling of water, or "greywater" is household water that is collected from appliances like sinks, showers and water using appliances such as
washing machines. In a raw unpurified state is commonly used for vegetation, places like parks, golf courses and local governments report needing to
use decreased amounts of expensive fertilizers. Although any water used on city or government property that is "greywater" must first go through a
purification process. The decreased need for fertilizer was found to be a cause of nutrients previously in the water that were not removed during the
purification process.
Although the possible benefits of using greywater there are problems arising with public use, greywater is substantially more expensive to use. So
many substantial users such as farmers and other large scale potential users of greywater very rarely use greywater because of the expense difference,
water costs about $130 per–acre foot. But when using greywater it costs about $300 per–acre foot due to the necessary treatment process. The cost
difference very commonly outweighs the environmental benefits.
Blackwater? Blackwater is the water is the waste water from most other household appliances such as toilets,dishwashers and garbage disposals. This
is different from greywater because it is deemed unsafe because of ... Show more content on ...
Colorado river, Mississippi river) which almost always receive wastewater discharges from cities along the river. Water from many large rivers has
been reused, treated and replaced back into the river at least several times before it reaches many of the lower cities down river. Planned recycling is
commonly done onsite at many commercial, residential, and multi–residential facilities using water filtration systems that purposely reuse the water for
a beneficial onsite
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The Importance Of Food Waste
Through the innovation of technology, mankind has been able to create great, and extraordinary feats of nature. Taking the smallest indesirable object,
then constructing it into a skyscraper or the smallest most powerful computer. Also through the process of innovation we humans have almost
completely mastered the art of mass manufacturing products making our daily needs and wants readily available to us. The food industry is a one of
many examples of this mass manufacturing evolution, going from food being made over camp fires to being made in huge factory pumping out
fathoming quantities of product. With this evolution comes the downfall of waste. Food waste is not always avoidable but in some cases the waste is
necessary as some things are not safe for consumption after undergoing certain processes. But no matter the waste product some form of use should be
found for the seemingly invaluable waste product or a way to reduce unnecessary food waste. Food waste is a huge problem most americans are
completely oblivious too. According to a United states department of Agriculture report, 133 billion pounds of food went unused in 2010. While
animal products like meat and dairy being towards the top of the list, added up to $105 billion of wasted food.( Waste Not, Want not 26) While
worldwide about one third of all food produced is either lost or gone to waste which adds up to about 1.3 Billion tons of waste. To put into a better
prospective 1.3 billion tons is
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Environmental Justice Across Class And Race
My report is on Environmental Justice across Class and Race. Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and fair distribution of environmental
protection. It is the meaningful involvement of all people regardless or face, color, sex, national origin, or income with respect to the development,
implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. It is the civil right of all people to be able to enjoy equally high
levels of environmental protection. Environmental justice supporters have shown that this is no accident. Those communities of African American and
Latinos, which are often low income, are regularly target to host hazards facilities that have negative environmental impacts.
The Environmental Justice Movement started when a group of minorities started to notice that their environmental protection was been violated. It was
violated by hazards facilities that were been place in their communities. The groups of minorities consist of African–Americans, and Latinos. The
environmental justice movement came up with the fact that people who live, work and play in America's most polluted environment are most likely to
be people of color and the low income. As the Natural Resources Defense Council mentioned, "The statistics provide clear evidence of what the
movement rightly calls "environmental racism." The communities of color and Latinos of low–income have been battling this environment injustice
for decades. The Environmental
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Food Waste In The United States
Every year, prosperous countries tend to throw out large amounts of edible food. This wasted food primarily comes from people throwing out fresh
food at home and at restaurants as well as large companies, such as grocery stores, throwing out edible food. Many people and companies would
confess to being guilty of this. Throwing out a piece of fruit or leftovers may seem harmless but it eventually adds up. The worlds large population
makes this an issue creating enormous numbers of waste that could be food for starving people. Millions of people deal with hunger daily while the
United States, as well as other developed countries, waste enough edible food to feed every hungry person on the planet. "Forty percent of the food in
the United States ... Show more content on ...
However, most restaurants do not see this as a major issue. Restaurant owners say, "it is just part of running a restaurant and that it is something we
are used to" (Barclay, 2012). Chefs are said to obsess over the quality of their vegetables because they want to make sure everything is prefect for the
customers (Barclay, 2012). Unfortunately, food waste is not one of the high priorities when running a restaurant. This is because consumers are
contributors to the problem as well. A customer will not want to pay money for a meal that does not look prefect even though "about three cents of
every dollar consumers spend on food away from home ends up in the trash" (Barclay,
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Literature Study On Construction, Six Sigma, And Lean...
This chapter describes the concepts of waste, Lean Construction, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma. It provides an explanation of the tools and
techniques of Lean and Six Sigma from the literature study. It also provides the case studies and frameworks for implementation of Lean and Six Sigma
in the construction industry by various authors.
2.2.1 Introduction
Lean Construction is inspired from the Toyota Production. Toyota production provided the Transform–Flow –Value(TFV) philosophy of production in
1950's.(Koskela, 1992).According to this philosophy the production is not only transformation of the inputs to outputs but there exists a flow of
resources and information which seeks to generate ... Show more content on ...
It is the integration of the Should–Can–Will–Did analysis to provide different schedule. It is opposite to the conventional planning process where
adherence to the master schedule is the most important.
Lean Project Delivery System (LPDS)
Lean Project Deliver system is a conceptual framework to implement the Lean construction for a project in all the stages in the project definition,
design and construction.
It is defined as the collaboration of all the stakeholders in the planning, design, and construction process. Various tools like Building Integrated
Modelling (BIM), Lean Project delivery system, communication techniques facilitate it.
Kaizen is defined as the continuous improvement while using the techniques of Lean construction. The organization implementing lean construction
has a mechanism to evaluate performance of the techniques and continues improvements based on lessons. Implementation of lean construction is a
continuous pursuit of perfection.
Visual Aids
Visual Aids help to understand the process and elements for all the part of the construction. They are also used to guide the workforce to do difficult
2.3 SIX
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The Affects of Hazardous Waste Material to the Environment
The Affects of Hazardous Waste Material to the Environment
What are Hazardous Waste Materials?
Hazardous wastes are poisonous byproducts of manufacturing, farming, city septic systems, construction, automotive shops, laboratories, hospitals, and
other industries such as Military installations and military training areas. The waste may be liquid, solid, or sludge and contain chemicals, heavy metals,
radiation, dangerous pathogens, or other toxins. Even households generate hazardous waste from items such as batteries, used computer equipment,
and leftover paints or pesticides. The waste can harm humans, animals, and plants if they encounter these toxins buried in the ground, in stream runoff,
in groundwater that supplies drinking ... Show more content on ...
If a very small amount of a hazardous substance is released, it may become diluted to the point where it will not cause injury. A hazardous substance
can cause injury or death to a person, plant, or animal if:
A large amount is released at one time
A small amount is released many times at the same place
The substance does not become diluted
The substance is very toxic (for example, arsenic).
Coming into contact with a substance is called an exposure. The effects of exposure depend on:
How the substance is used and disposed of
Who is exposed to it?
The concentration, or dose, of exposure
How someone is exposed
How long or how often someone is exposed.
Humans, plants, and animals can be exposed to hazardous substances through inhalation, ingestion, or dermal exposure.
Inhalation – we can breathe vapors from hazardous liquids or even from contaminated water while taking a shower.
Ingestion – we can eat fish, fruits and vegetables, or meat that has been contaminated through exposure to hazardous substances. Also, small children
often eat soil or household materials that may be contaminated, such as paint chips containing lead. Probably the most common type of exposure is
drinking contaminated water.
Dermal exposure – a substance can come into direct contact with and be absorbed by our skin.
Exposures can be either acute or chronic. An acute exposure is a single exposure to a hazardous substance for a
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The Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment Essay
Air pollution can result from both human and natural actions. Natural events that pollute the air include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion,
pollen dispersal, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radioactivity. Pollution from natural occurrences is not very often. Human action
include but not limited to industrial pollution, bush burning, biomass and many others.
"Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural
characteristics of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air
pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor
and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases, which can be fatal." (n.d world health organization para. 1)
Villages, communities, and even cities in the developing world often suffer poor air quality, which can be hazardous to health, yet there have been
relatively few studies. Waste management is becoming one of the critical issues in Ghana at large in recent years. Despite the environmental and
sanitation policies, waste is currently a public menace in all cities, towns, communities and in Ghana at large. Following recent incidents in Ghana,
such as the cholera outbreak which claimed over 100 lives and the June 6th disaster which claimed about 150
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Forget Buffer Showers Mckibben Analysis
Jennifer D. Shyu
Professor Patrick Hendricks
English 111
01 February 2017
Individual Waste Reduction Versus Industrial Waste Reduction Who enjoys going to a body of water for recreational activities to find the lack of
water or that it is too polluted to enjoy? I know I find it quite frustrating. Having Smoky Mountains National Park as my back yard growing up, I
enjoyed fishing and tubing on the vast lakes, rivers, and streams. Now, living in Illinois, I still try to enjoy lakes and rivers, but find many of the
bodies of water are either depleted or polluted. Like Derrick Jensen shows in "Forget Shorter Showers", I believe that large scale waste reduction will
decrease the damage done to the environment. I do agree to an extent with ... Show more content on ...
Jensen provides statistical evidence and proof that industries consume more and waste more than individuals. He keeps his credibility by providing
proof for his evidence and avoiding stereotyping.
While I do agree with Mckibben's ideas to an extent, I am not convinced that merely getting back to the basics is enough to repair the damage already
done to the environment. Individuals can minimize wasteful habits and provide a positive impact, but it will be minimal. Jensen's thoughts that
corporations and industries must reduce waste and pollution to repair the environment is proven through the examples he provides. Individuals should
recycle and reduce waste to help, but industries need to do their part as well.
Works Cited
Jensen, Derrick. "Forget Shorter Showers." The Bedford Reader. 12th ed. Bedford St. Martin's Press. Kennedy, Kennedy, Aaron, and Repetto, eds.
Boston, MA. 2014. Print. 564–567.
Kennedy, X. J., et al., eds. The Bedford Reader. 12th ed. Bedford St. Martin's Press. Boston, MA. 2014. Print.
McKibben, Bill. "Waste Not, Want Not." The Bedford Reader. 12th ed. Bedford St. Martin's Press.Boston, MA. 2014. Print.
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A Research On Plastic Pollution
Throughout my research on Plastic Pollution I learned that plastic is a material that our planet cannot digest but it has become the lubricant growth of
globalization. Thus, Plastic is made from oil that contains many chemicals harmful to humans and animals. Humans are barely aware that Plastic is so
part of our lives that it can be found in everyday products that we consume and even the food we eat. Humanity plastic foot print in the oceans has
caused a major garbage path located thousands of miles off the coast of California, called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is caused due to humans
that throw their waste into the sea and went those plastics are in the water, it breaks down into smaller particles; then pushed by winds, tides and
currents, plastic particles form with other debris into large swirling glutinous accumulation zones. For instance, The World Economic Forum (WEF)
report stated that if we keep producing plastic and improperly dispose of it, there will be more pound of plastic debris than fish by 2050 because we
have been made three times more plastic stuff since we did in 2014. The dangers of over–produced plastic, is that much of it escapes from collection
systems that end up floating in the ocean than into the stomachs of marine birds and sea turtles. This is very alarming to me because we are killing
thousands of marine's lives and its ecosystem by over producing plastic.
However, I learned that it's never too late to decrease the amount of
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The Importance Of Environmental Health
The importance of environmental health With a population of 6.8 billion and growing at a rate of about 75 million per year, it is important we have a
safe environment to live in. "Every time we venture beyond the boundaries of our everyday world, whether traveling to a less–developed country or
camping in a wilderness area, we are reminded of the importance of these basics: clean water, sanitary waste disposal, safe food, and insect and rodent
control" (Core Concepts 572). Elements that we survive on and that are being polluted are our air and water quality. As well as our solid waste,
chemical, radiation, and noise pollution having a detrimental effect on the world we live in. Our surrounds directly affect our personal health and we
affect what surrounds us, so improving what we can is the most important responsibility we have. Environmental health is "the collective interactions
of humans with the environment and the short–term and long–term health consequences of those interactions" (Core Concepts 572). Environmental
pollutants contribute to infectious and chronic diseases and the growing population and technological advances are increasing the damage on the
environment. The large population is a key factor in chemical pollution, global warming, and thinning of the ozone layer. Food, land, water, and
energy are in high demand and not all sustainable. With our medical care system as good as it is, people are living longer and besides making sure
there is family planning
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Construction and Demolition Waste
Briefing Paper: Construction and Demolition Waste
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a significant issue in New Zealand. Teo and Loosemore (2001) maintain: "Levels of waste within the
construction industry need to be reduced for environmental and economic reasons. Changing people's wasteful behaviour can make a significant
contribution" (pp.741). This paper defines the CDW issue, significant stakeholders, relevant ethical theories and costs.
CDW has increased as construction volumes have risen generally, and following natural disasters. For example, the Canterbury Earthquakes generated
a major increase in CDW. "Major damage to buildings, rock falls and landslips, liquefaction and major infrastructure damage has left an estimated $7.1
billion [Earthquake Commission] EQC bill," says Mackenzie (2011 pp.33). The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA, n.d.) estimated 8
million tonnes of CDW. CERA (n.d.) points to the construction industry and local authorities working together to find and quickly implement new
solutions for recycling or reusing waste.
More generally, Level Organisation (2013) noted that demolition and construction processes are the most significant producer of waste as opposed to
other stages of buildings' lives. Much CDW is seen to be preventable: "Most of this dumping of construction waste is unnecessary – it has been
demonstrated that simply by sorting waste, at least half of it could be diverted from landfills" (Level Organisation, 2013).
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Food Waste Essay
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Through the innovation of technology, mankind has been able to create great, and extraordinary feats of nature. Taking the smallest indesirable object,
then constructing it into a skyscraper or the smallest most powerful computer. Also through the process of innovation, we humans have almost
completely mastered the art of mass manufacturing products making our daily needs and wants readily available to us. The food industry is one of many
examples of this mass manufacturing evolution, going from food being made over campfires to being made in huge factory pumping out fathoming
quantities of product. With this evolution comes the downfall of waste. Food waste is not always avoidable but in some cases, the waste is necessary
as some things are not safe for consumption after undergoing certain processes. But no matter the waste product some form of use should be found for
the seemingly invaluable waste product or a way to reduce unnecessary food waste. Food waste is a huge problem most Americans are completely
oblivious too. According to a United States Department of Agriculture report, 133 billion pounds of food went unused in 2010. While animal products
like meat and dairy being towards the top of the list, added up to $105 billion of wasted food. ( Waste Not, Want not 26) While worldwide about
one–third of all food produced is either lost or gone to waste which adds up to about 1.3 Billion tons of waste. To put into a better perspective 1.3
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Growth And Development Of A Linear Economy
The increase in population not only leads to an increase in waste production, but also to an increase in material consumption. This is causing scarcity
in key resources, leading to volatile prices and impacting the environment negatively. The scarcity in key resources will surge as urbanization
increases and it projected that by 2050 66% of the world's population will be living in urban areas. In order to separate the growth and development of
the economy with the consumption of limited resources we need to transform our current linear economy into a circular economy.
In linear economies raw materials are used to manufacture goods, after which it is sold, used and eventually discarded. As opposed to a linear
economy, a ... Show more content on ...
Reducing waste is not only an indication of corporate responsibility, but it also complies with the requirements for green building and ultimately
reduces construction costs.
With the current economic and environmental market, we find that businesses are desperately seeking ways of saving money or cutting back on
current expenditures. However they are often unaware of the savings that creative waste management solutions can have for their business. (Van Wyk
With an area of approximately 17,010 km2 Gauteng constitutes only 1.4% of the total area of South Africa. (Des Ligneris 2013) However Gauteng
has the largest population with an estimated 13, 20 million people residing in this province. (Statistics South Africa 2015) The density of Gauteng is
776 per km2 and growing at a mammoth rate. The population stood at 12.2 million in 2011 and grew to 13.2 million in 2015. (Eye
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Targeting Waste Reduction
This campaign is likely to target house cleaners and office workers since they have numerous zero waste strategies at their disposal.
House Cleaners
This group of people constitutes the largest percentage of this campaign's target audience. House cleaners are given the responsibilities of doing
laundry and general house cleaning activities. The target audience for the campaign should also include house cleaning companies, which are often
contacted by busy house owners to do cleaning for them. Consequently, most of them are likely to contribute toward the accumulation of wastes, which
are generated during laundry work. Through a well–planned social marketing, house cleaners can be empowered on how best to implement the zero
waste ... Show more content on ...
They fail to understand that open windows are natural air fresheners. The new zero waste approach encourages letting houseplants to freshen up the air
in the house by absorbing toxins.
To save more power and time, this approach encourages washing clothes once in a week using green (recyclable) detergents to minimize time and
drier power expenses. Zero waste laundry also necessitates utilizing as much cold water cycles as possible and drying garments on the clothesline to
avoid using an electric drier. House cleaners need this approach to avoid wastage of money as a result of buying new cleaning tools and detergents.
This is because the zero waste cleaning technique encourages the use of homemade cleaning tools and detergents such as feather duster, microfiber
cloths, lemon, loofah, and even old toothbrushes. The homemade feather duster can be efficient in speed dusting, while microfiber cloths are excellent
in window cleaning. Loofah is a plant that can be grown in the backyard and can be used for light scrubbing. On the other hand, old toothbrushes can
help in cleaning places that are hard to reach. All these strategies explain why this fresh zero waste approach in needed in every household.
The zero waste approach also encourages the use of alternatives to disposable items, especially in the kitchen. For example, paper towels need to be
swapped with reusable rags. In addition, zero waste approach encourages the use of
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The Horizon 's Setting 2020 Strategy
Abstract: The term dependable (examination and) advancement has increased expanding EU arrangement significance in the most recent two years,
specifically inside of the European Commission 's Science in Society program, in the Horizon 's setting 2020 Strategy. We give a brief verifiable
diagram of the idea, and distinguish three particular components that are rising up out of related talks. The principal is an accentuation on the equitable
administration of the reasons of exploration and advancement and their introduction towards the 'right effects '. The second is responsiveness,
underscoring the joining and regulation of set up methodologies of expectation, reflection and pondering in and around examination and advancement,
impacting... Show more content on ...
Humans have been innovators, from the first shapers of stone and wood into crude implements, to the inventors of electronic gadgets that entertain us
and help us manage our lives from our shirt pockets.
Today innovation is based not only on the challenges, problems, and needs but also on the social, political, and cultural conditions prevailing in the
prospective market. People fear the unknown Гі especially when they believe that it could adversely affect their health or established social systems.
The triangle of technology, innovation, and society is one of the central spheres of modern activities. Successful innovation frequently is not only the
result of scientific–technical progress. Non–technical aspects, such as political and economic framework conditions, acceptance by the population, or
ethical questions also play an important role in the decision whether and which technologies contribute to the solution of societal problems.
Background Theory: By the 1980 's, the use of technology began to escalate.
A 1982 study by The New York Times stated, "The study was made by the
Institute for the Future, a Menlo Park, Calif., and agency under contract to the
National Science Foundation. It was an attempt at the risky business of technology assessment, peering into the future of an electronic world".
The study focused on the emerging videotext
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The Importance of Recycling
Today we have a serious problem with pollution, resulting not only soil contamination, environmental, noise or air, we can significantly reduce this
impact all being aware and knowing that recycling is reuse; if we make a daily habit will give more life to our planet.
On the other hand, if we see further recycling is environmental sustainability and if done properly would take advantage of a more effective way of
natural resources.
But really know what is recyclable? Is a physical–chemical or mechanical process is to submit to a substance or a product already used to a cycle of
total or partial treatment for a commodity or a new product. Could also be defined as the raw materials from waste, introducing them back into the cycle
of ... Show more content on ...
Glass recycling saved a ton of resources for every ton produced, reduce by 75% mining waste involved in their production and reduce pollution
resulting there from by 20%.
The main problem with plastics is due to a completely inappropriate use of it, because it is a very resistant and durable, used to make objects that
have use for a very short space of time, which are then thrown into the trash. This is evident with the variety of bags, plastic packaging and disposable
Plastics are materials of great variety. Although they have a common origin, are polymers made from oil, but its molecular structure varies greatly from
one plastic to another.
Ferrous scrap
Tin cans are so easy to recycle as aluminum, and recycled saves huge amounts of energy and resources.
Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce virgin materials; at least 70% to 80% tin is recovered by recycling a can. Cans
may be crushed, cut the bottom to save space. Containing aerosol cans are difficult to recycle for its explosive contents; it is preferable not to buy.
The scrap metal is recyclable, but should be reasonably free of other materials.
It is also very easy to recycle and get a good price in the market, so many projects include recycling the cans.
It is suitable to crush cans to store
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Plastics And The Plastic Age
The current period in human history is referred to as the plastic age (CГіzar et al 2014). Plastic is synthetic polymers derived from petroleum (Vikas &
Dwarakish 2015), it is lightweight, inexpensive to produce and hailed as an industrial achievement (Detloff & Istel 2016). Moreover, plastic does not
decompose, the durable material simply breaks into smaller particles, pervading the water and marine life (Detloff & Istel 2016). Our current society
has established a constant consume and discard rhythm, fuelling the 'plastic economy'. Marine plastic pollution mainly occurs from land based
plastic debris, comprised of: littering, incessant plastic bag use and inappropriate disposal (Derriak 2002). Microplastics are pieces of plastic less
than five millimetres in size (Detloff & Istel 2016). These particles account for 92% of the plastics in the ocean (Shim & Thomposon 2015).
Microplastics have become ubiquitous in the ocean, found as far as the Arctic and Antarctic seas (Obbard et al 2014 as cited in Shim & Thomposon
2015; Law & Thompson 2014 as cited in Shim & Thomposon 2015). Plastic pollution is also significantly damaging the fragile marine ecosystem, as
well as massacring innocent marine creatures (Deltoff & Istell 2016; Avio, Gorbi & Regoli 2017). Overall, preventing ocean plastic pollution is
difficult, due to the large volume of production and contamination, particularly microplastics, coupled with inadequate disposal practices of plastic.
In 2014, 311 million tonnes of plastic were produced (Detloff & Istel 2016), and half was disposed of within the year (Singh & Sharma 2016). The
most commonly used and plentiful polymers are: high–density polyethylene, low–density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, polypropylene
and polyethylene terephthalate (Andray & Neal 2009 as cited in Li, Tse and Fok 2016). These polymers account for 90% of total plastic production,
and as a result are the most common plastics found in aquatic environments (Andray 2011 and Engel 2012 as cited in Li, Tse and Fok 2016). Plastic
debris often migrates to form five subtropical gyres, large garbage patches colloquially dubbed 'marine soup' (Eriksen et al 2013; Weinstein 2009). It is
estimated five to thirteen tonnes of
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Lake Erie
When you turn on your tap in the summer, do you expect the water to be green? No? Well, the people who receive their water from Lake Erie do.
Lake Erie, one of the biggest freshwater sources in the world and a huge economy booster, is being ailed by the same problems we had 40 and 50 years
ago. In the 1960's, the very industrialized shores of Lake Erie began to see pollution, mainly in the Cleveland area: factories and other companies were
dumping their waste into the lake and its tributaries, without any supervision from the government. Because of this waste, the presence of phosphates
and nitrates increased, leading to the development of algae, or eutrophication. (Rotman) Oxygen was low in the water, and massive fish kills happened
as a result. In 1969, the Cuyahoga River caught on fire, leading to more negative publicity about the health of the tributaries of the lake. The lake
earned the ... Show more content on ...
After more than 8 billion dollars of spending, the lake was back to normal. Phosphorous levels fell by two thirds. There was more oxygen in the
water. Fish kills decreased. However, in the 1990's and the 2000's, the phosphorous, and subsequently the algae, came back. The amount of walleye
caught per year has now become one fifth of what it was. The number of charter fishing companies has decreased by 40%. The smelt catches of
commercial fisheries are now three fifths of what they used to be. The shores and beaches are now repulsing tourists, rather than attracting them,
cutting down a tourism industry that earns $10 billion a year. When the water from the lake is tainted, 2.8 million have a tainted water supply.
This is a major issue, as some algae releases a deadly liver toxin into the water called microcystin, while consuming oxygen to fuel this process. We've
found ourselves digging another grave for Lake Erie, so let's try not to dig it any
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The Ecological Aspects Of The Waste Problem
Imagine a world with no breathable air, drinkable water and contaminated food. The destruction of Earth may sound like a bad science fiction movie,
but it is not. Solid waste threatens our drinking water, pollutes our oceans and contaminates the air we breathe. If the world does not deal with these
environmental issues that threaten our very existence, we will not have a world to leave our children. Amongst the many issues we face, solid waste is
one of the many immediate problems we must solve in this environmental crisis. An effective way of addressing the waste problem is eliminating the
entire concept of waste. How can we get to the point where waste is no longer a concern in society? The purpose of this paper is to ... Show more
content on ...
It also strongly impacts the environmental ecosystems and has the potential to affect our world harmfully. Solid Waste is one of the major
environmental problems that are harmful to civilization and the universe (Adedipe, Sridhar, Baker, and Madhu 3). We all contribute to the
accumulation of waste that is destroying our world. It is imperative that we manage and reduce waste in order to preserve and leave a sustainable
ecosphere for future generations. 1. In order for humans to ensure and continue basic consummation of needs for present and future generations, we
must reduce the Ecological bearings of waste on the environment ("Monitoring the Ecological Effects of Coastal Aquaculture Waste Food"). Natural
aspects and impacts of waste are measured by an environmental management structure that assesses the potential significant effect carried out and
detected. The ability to detect an ecological change in the environment is relative to the degree of the waste impact ("Environmental and Ecological
Aspects" 5). We must sustain our planet by managing and sustaining our natural resources, therefore, instituting change in the way we eliminate waste.
Solid waste is included in the ecological footprint of everyone. The term "ecological footprint" means the volume of land and water a social
population requires to yield the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes. Disposing of excess material has an enormous conservational bearing
and can cause
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Food Waste In Australia
The issue of food waste within Australia is a large issue. The issue this investigation focuses on is the amount of food we waste as a nation and then
formulating a conclusion to reduce the amount or prevent the damages it is now causing.
The aim of the investigation is to determine why so much food is being wasted within Australia and how bad is it affecting the environment we live
in. This is a concern to the environment and to us as civilians who are occupying the land. Money is being wasted on food that we as a nation are not
consuming. There are multiple ways that this could be reduced so why aren't we?
The questions that unpin the investigation are the following:
I.How much food is wasted in the Australian food and hospitality industry ... Show more content on ...
Food waste causes a large amount of environmental issues. These are caused by the loss of natural resources which are in the production of food.
Hospitality food waste has a major economic impact due to the cost of disposal and the profit loss that's caused by throwing away the consumable
and sellable food. Food that is wasted generally goes to landfill. Organic landfill creates Methane which is a massive 25 more potent then carbon
dioxide. Most of the waste that's disposed is organic waste which creates methane.
Approximately 23 percent of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions were made by the national food supply chain. Coal fired power stations come after
Natural resources are used in the production of produce, harvest, transport, process, packaging, and the distribution of the product. A vast amount of
water is particularly used in the growth of fruits, vegetables, cereals, and grains and to support livestock. When food is wasted the energy and
resources used into producing those products are also wasted.
The negative environmental issues can't be stopped, however they can be reduced. There are several solutions to waste problems but the first step is to
reduce the amount being
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Enormous Waste of Food While People Starve Essay
While the world's farmers produce enough food to feed the planet, one–third of the food produced for human consumption is not really consumed.
Globally, there exists up to 1.3 billion metric tons of uneaten food very year. And in addition to that, growing and transporting that food is estimated to
create 3.3 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year, which makes wasted food one of the world's largest emission contributor.
Around the globe, 1.6 billion people have no access to refrigeration at all. In developing countries, food fails to make the journey from producers to
consumers simply due to issues such as lack of refrigeration.
In the United States, wasted food is a 165 billion dollar problem. America wasted 33.79 ... Show more content on ...
Conventional shipping cartons have ventilation holes which allows air to circulate around the product, but this also allows the produce to continue
ripening and exposes to bacteria and pathogens, which contributes to loss. FreshTec's patented packaging technology employs a breathable plastic
liner inside a cardboard carton, which is sealed with a plastic lid. It's part of a growing segment of food packaging using modified atmosphere
technology. The liner and plastic lid slow the amount of oxygen entering the carton and also traps some of the carbon dioxide the produce expels,
effectively putting it to sleep for up to a month of travel time. Overall, FreshTec provides more time for produce to reach the market, which reduce the
likelihood of loss or waste. Solution 3 – LeanPath
LeanPath is a automated food waste tracking systems to help users reduce pre–consumer food waste. LeanPath quantifies how much food is thrown out
in a commercial kitchen due to spoilage, expiration or overproduction, with the goal being to reduce food purchases to match demand. A camera linked
to a countertop scale documents each portion of food before it enters the garbage bin, providing photographic evidence. LeanPath turns waste reduction
into a sort of competition, using online scoreboards that allow users to analyze the data to understand the underlying causes for waste. LeanPath can
enable dramatic reduction in global food waste and
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Beyond The Deepwater Horizon Essay
Beyond the Deepwater Horizon: What's Killing the Oceans?
The ocean has been a used as a dumping ground for centuries, with corporations and nations the world over using it to get rid of all sorts of unwanted
things, from sewage to nuclear waste. The ocean is so vast and deep that what gets swallowed up by it seems to disappear forever. Unfortunately, as
scientists and fishermen are increasingly finding out, what we put in the ocean is coming back to haunt us.
The most widely known incidents of marine pollution involve oil tankers and drilling rigs, such as the Exxon Valdez incident and the Deepwater
Horizon catastrophe. But you may be surprising to know that at least 80% of marine pollution comes from land–based activities, according to the World
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It is the combination of small amounts of pollution from a variety of different sources that get washed up by rain and collect in our water bodies.
Unlike other forms of pollutions, NSP isn't limited to one type of pollutant. Instead, runoff can contain things like:
Excess fertilizer and pesticides from farms and backyards
Chemicals and sediment from improperly managed construction sites
Bacteria and organic waste from livestock and damaged septic tanks
Motor oil and other harmful toxic chemicals from urban runoff, car leaks, and industry waste
This one's a given. Whenever a tanker springs a leak in rough seas or an oil rig has a faulty valve, a media frenzy soon follows. Images of black goop
covering large swaths of ocean and washing up on once–pristine beaches can seem apocalyptic. However, according to WWF, while oil spills do cause
huge damage to the environment, they are only responsible for 12% of the oil entering the ocean each year. A much larger proportion actually comes
from our cities, through untreated sewage, polluted rivers, and surface runoff.
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Littering Effects
The Detrimental Effects of Littering This essay is going to discuss the detrimental effects of littering by introducing the menaing of littering. Then it
will discuss about the effects of littering to wildlife, health and communities. The essay also provides suggestion to combat littering and illegal dumping
of trash and waste. Littering is the careless and casual disposal of trash or waste, often along roadways and in other public places. It may include items
as large as automobile tires and parts or as small as cigarette butts. Littering may be either intentional or unintentional. Unintentional littering occurs as a
result of uncovered trucks, unsecured vehicle loads, loss of vehicle parts, trash can spills, ... Show more content on ...
Other indicators of neighborhood decline and disorder include vandalism, abandoned buildings, graffiti, and vacant lots. Of all of the indicators
assessed in a study done by Perkins, Meeks, and Taylor in 1992, litter was found to have the strongest correlation with perceptions of neighborhood
decline and disorder (as in Florida Litter Study, 1998). A study by Skogan in 1990, indicates that the effects of this perception of neighborhood
decline range from a decrease in property values to an increase in crime, or at least an increase in criminals' perception that crime will be tolerated
(as in Florida Litter Study, 1998). This study goes on to explain that as people's perceptions of neighborhood decline increase, it is more likely that
crime will occur and that criminals will be drawn to the area because it appears more likely that criminal behavior will be tolerated or ignored. A
study by DeFrances and Titus in 1994 found a statistically significant relationship between neighborhood disorder and burglary outcome indicating that
burglaries are more likely to be completed in neighborhoods with higher levels of disorder (as in Florida Litter Study, 1998). The study by Skogan
indicates that the effect of this perception of neighborhood decline and increase in crime can also negatively impact property values and investment
interest (as in Florida Litter Study, 1998).
To conclude, litter has
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The Rotten Damage Of Food Waste

  • 1. The Rotten Damage Of Food Waste The Rotten Damage of Food Waste Growing up, children were most likely told to always finish all the food on their plates because somewhere else in the world, another child was starving. Most kids never really understand how serious the matter actually is and it is expected for adults to know better but here we are in 2016 where roughly one third of food produced is wasted every year. The problem with this is that about 21,000 people die per day fromstarvation, but where is that food they need to live? It's rotting in the fridge, it's being used for contests to see who can eat the fastest, or it's simply been thrown away because the sun has gone down and people refuse to buy it the following day if it's not new. What's even more depressing is that most starvation deaths are of children. The first problem here is poverty. How can someone work when they're so hungry and sick? How can someone get a job they're too sick to work? It's bad enough that a child would die of starvation, but if the father or mother dies of starvation, then the whole family could die too due to the fact that there's no one to go to work. Not many people step up to help the hungry child because they have their own family to think about. This isn't to say that no one notices starving countries because it's more than likely that everyone has seen the commercials on tv of children in different countries running around while the narrator explains how anyone can help by simply donating maybe five dollars. ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Extracting Wealth From The Earth And Forest Summary Geoffrey L. Buckley's "Extracting Wealth from the Earth and Forest," featured in North American Odyssey, examines how private and commercial logging and mining "shaped and reshaped North America's physical environment during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries." (139) Specifically, the author narrows his focus to observing the role of the federal government in sanctioning such practices, industrial logging, and commercial mining, all with a particular eye toward Appalachia (140). Buckley's essay begins with the section titled "Get Rid of it Quick," in which the author emphasizes the role of national governments in authorizing destructive practices as a result of legislation such as the Homestead Act and Mining Law of 1872 in the United States, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. What Is Overfishing? Marine Environmental Ethics.–– Human actions show that our marine environmental ethics are less advanced than the ones we have on land (Stokstad, 2003). There are three main sources of evidence that prove this. The first is ocean dumping, or waste disposal into the ocean. Before 1972, it was believed the ocean had an "unlimited capacity to mix and disperse wastes" (Gunther, 2017). The ocean became a dumping ground for chemical and industrial wastes for decades, leading to severe consequences. Little attention was given to the negative impacts ocean dumping had on marine environments. While this also occurs on land, it is done on a much smaller scale. Another source of evidence for our lacking marine environmental ethics comes from the shortage... Show more content on ... Currently, MPAs cover only 3% of the world's oceans (Morgan, 2018). One of the biggest problems that comes with MPAs is the logistical and economical challenge of attempting to monitor large expanses of ocean. Getting the public to comply with regulations is a major component to the effectiveness of these areas (Morgan, 2018). International partnerships and collaborations are necessary to ensure that these regions are being monitored and regulations are being enforced. Monitoring human activity is a must in these areas, but it proves to be ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay on Environmental Racism When one discusses acts of racism, slander or the stereotyping of a group of people may come to mind. However, the concept of environmental racism is rarely considered. This form of racism positions dominant environmental framing as racially driven, in which people of color (i.e. minorities) are affected disproportionately by poor environmental practices. Communities of color throughout the United States have become the dumping grounds for our nation's waste disposal, as well as home to agricultural and/or manufacturing industries that pollute the land. Government regulations and cultural practices have all contributed to environmental racism. The government's policies have also negatively impacted low income groups as well as people of ... Show more content on ... Historically, "ideas of Black inferiority and White superiority have been embedded in multiple aspects of American culture, and many images and ideas in contemporary popular culture continue to devalue, marginalize, and subordinate non–White racial populations". Racism has influenced decades of land use, housing patterns, and infrastructure development. With the creation of housing subdivisions, the white and wealthy moved to modern communities, while the non–white and poor were left to live in areas that were rundown. Today, we see that in some cases, zoning laws have fueled environmental, as well as residential, racism. In certain communities around the nation, "expulsive" zoning has pushed out residents, and allowed industries to move into communities, and pollute the land, air, and water. These zoning laws define land for residential, commercial, or industrial uses, and impose narrower land–use restrictions. In this case certain individuals are forced to leave their community, and give any property they have up to these "dirty" industries. Without more stringent enforcement mechanisms and penalties in place, this nation will continue to see this type of discrimination and environmental racism. Certain environmental justice frameworks attempt to turn the dominant environmental paradigm on its head and seek to prevent environmental threats before they occur. This paradigm is known as the Precautionary ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Why Hire Emergency Plumbers Why Hire Emergency Plumbers in Werribee to do Your Plumbing In most cases, plumbing accidents are unavoidable as it can happen anywhere, anytime. Some would say that they can repair any plumbing problem all on their own. However, there is the off chance that something else might go wrong. Would it be wise on their part to tackle anyplumbing issues without consulting Emergency Plumbers in Werribee first? Hardly, trying to fix broken heaters, water heaters and clogged drains on your own steam can result in severe damages to your office or home. It is far better to spend a little extra and get in the experts to sort out the problem for you. Let's take a look at some of the services they offer: Clogged Sewer lines – Master plumbers offer an ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Construction Essay Is the construction project ruining the green areas or pathways? Does it require any roads to be narrowed disturbing the smooth flow of the traffic? Does the project jeopardize any park, playground or any such place of socializing and entertainment? These are some of the questions which must be there in minds of the managers who are given the responsibility of constructing the project. how much the contractors compromise on their initial design and plan for the project, and how much they are going to be careful about not resulting in environmental pollution as well as not to violate an of such rights of the people living in the community. The size and scale of the object must be kept in mind all the time while making an environmental plan ... Show more content on ... On demolition of this farm house, the birds will become homeless and the oxygen production will be decreased (Plant, 2004). This is a direct impact of this construction project on the environment. It must be kept in mind that we are only considering the environmental factor and impacts here and we do not have to mention the property rights of the owner of the farm house, has he been adequately compensated and dealt with before the start of this project. We just assume that the owner of the farm house has been dealt with considering all his rights and he is agreed to give away the rights and authority of this farm house to the contractors of the new project. The demolition will not only cause damage to the greenery of the neighborhood but also will enhance the pollution in the form of dust and noise. This will impact the neighbors of the housing complex which is only one thousand feet away from this project's site. The first activity which is to be expected to be done first is the clearance of vegetation which is a direct damage to the environment. The agricultural value and output of this land will be multiplied with zero once the vegetations will be cleared of the surface. 200 acre of the farm land which this project has bought for the current project is a vast land and clear vegetation from it will damage not only the view from the site but also will be a decrease in economy. The environmental plan must have something arranged for the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Oak Flats Waste Management Introduction Oak Flats is a community in Australia that has a growing population in 2529. Due to an increasing population I started to wonder whether the waste in Oak Flats was in control and how much of this waste is recycled. My aim is to find out how much waste is produced form each household and how much is recycled in each household and depending on my results ways to reduce the amount of waste produced from each household. My investigations have led to their being a moderate amount of waste being produced in Oak Flats community although it's low it could be lower and I will explain strategies in to how we can reduce the amount of waste and ways to show what can be recycled and what can't as I surveyed a few houses and found about ... Show more content on ... It will also be easier to deal with, as E Waste is highly toxic when it breaks down. Figure 5 shows the percentage some types of recycling compared to Oak Flats recycling. Oak Flats recycling sits the same with the whole of Australia so they are not behind but still the whole of Australia would benefit by having information packs of what can or cannot be recycled. Due to my investigations 4 out of 10 households now what can and can't be recycled and only 1 out of 5 households don't care about recycling. I only interviewed 20 households, which was my aim and was really surprised of how many people aren't up to date to what can or cannot be recycled. Which makes me believe having a day in which people go around every house and have an information booklet so that people more people will recycle and reduce waste in the whole of Australia instead of just in Oak Flats. On my field trip to Whyte Gully's I saw a lot of waste that could be reused or sold to other people I saw a lot of plastic bottles which could be recycled, I saw a few balls which weren't ruined which could've been given to younger kids because these items are just taking up space in the dump site and if all these thing weren't there the place would of lasted for a lot longer instead of being filled and needing to get a new site to bury waste in. How is it Affecting Oak Flats? It isn't ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Wood Vs. Steel: Which Is More Environmentally Friendly? For over many years mankind has tried to make are world more eco–friendly efficient. People have discussed many different examples like gas vs. electricity, paper vs. plastic, or even wood vs. steel. All these objects have something in common and that is that they all benefit society in some kind of way. People have done research about one of the examples more specifically, wood vs.steel and found pros and cons for both. Steel is more environmentally friendly in ones opinion. Steel is a light element and is a lot easier to carry than wood. This being, it is easier to work with steel and to make sure you get the best use of it. When you cut a piece of wood it is very different from when you cut steel. The scrap that falls off of steel can be melted down and used to make a new steel post. when you cut off wood you can reuse it but it will not be exactly the same as the material you cut it off of, it would be plywood. The price for steel lowers the more people use it for construction. In residential construction steel is gaining popularity. When building houses steel cost about 14% more than wood and would require more time to complete. Ever since the first skyscraper went up in Chicago during the late 1800's steel has a major component in commercial construction buildings (Source; Striepe). Its gains popularity throughout the years. Problems can occur while using steel in construction in very humid areas, coastal regions, or even rooms like bathrooms that get very moist. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Superfund Home Environmental Case Study Superfund sites are districts in communities that have abandoned hazardous wastes on territories that need immediate removal.In the early 70's the Comprehensive Environmental Response and Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 encouraged Superfund statues in Washington and these statues handle issues associated with land pollution and abandoned hazardous waste on territories .Superfund acts aid Washington and environmental agencies with removing hazardous waste and it also, allows them to pursue people and corporations that own hazardous waste territories. The principles for the Superfund acts include the quick removal of hazardous materials when environmental regulations demand it, bringing legal disputes against owners of hazardous waste territories, initiating communities and states in waste removal processes and developing extended programs that protect citizens from hazardous waste territories .In the late 70's environmental advocates discovered the contamination at the Superfund site called the Love Canal in Niagara Falls ,NY and they also discovered the surrounding territories contained pollutants and abandoned hazardous waste .The Love Canal is New York states first case of environmental neglect by a corporation and this community and facilities contained hazardous polluted water and dirt that resulted from years of accidental spills ,leaks and irresponsible business recycling ... Show more content on ... It also aided environmental protection agencies with maintaining these treatments. Superfund sites can cause birthing and birth issues in pregnant women and in infants that leave near contaminated areas. I believe the bureaucracy should allow communities to use land near Superfund sites for commercial businesses purposes since, it enables them to create fresh productive business opportunities, revenue and sales for citizens and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Biological Macromolecule Polyhydroxybutyrate ( Phb ) ABSTRACT The important biological macromolecule polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) producing Bacillus subtilis was isolated from the sewage sample and identified by means of 16S rRNA analysis. The renewable nature and biodegradability of PHBs make them suitable materials to replace synthetic plastics in many applications. Currently their production is expensive, but these plastics are only in their first stage of commercial development. In the present study the physico–chemical parameters such as Time, Temperature and pH were optimized for increased production of PHB. It was found that maximum production of PHB was observed at 48th hour (328Вµg/ml) of incubation time, temperature 370C (336Вµg/ml), pH 7.5 (362 Вµg/ml). The low cost production media was developed using fruit peel extract and sugarcane industrial waste. The amount of PHB produced using low cost production media in fruit peel (234Вµg/ml) and industrial waste (218Вµg/ml). The PHB was characterized using FTIR and NMR analysis. Keywords: polyhydroxybutyrate, Bacillus subtilis, optimization, INTRODUCTION The human population has led to the accumulation of huge amounts of non–degradable waste materials across our planet. The problem of environmental pollution was caused by indiscriminate dumping of plastic waste has assumed global proportions. They are used in almost all industries, especially for packaging and they account for more than 50% of total consumption, especially they are used for bottling and baling. They ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Clean Water Act Argument Essay Furthermore, the Shore Protection Act is applicable to the transportation of municipal and commercial waste in coastal waters aiming to minimize debris from being deposited into coastal waters from inadequate waste handling procedures by waste transporting vessels (Laws That Protect). The Center for Biodiversity had petitioned the EPA to begin regulating plastics as a pollutant under TheClean Water Act– a crucial first step in reducing the amount of plastic. The Clean Water Act is the nation's strongest law protecting water quality. Recognition of plastic pollution under the clean water act enables states to develop water–quality standards to finally begin curbing the amount of plastic dumped in the oceans. Yet despite all these efforts... Show more content on ... Serving as the number one source of our plastic use, companies opt for plastic containers because it's easy, feasible, and convenient. Food packaging alone makes up for 30–40% of landfills with much of that plastic being carried into the oceans. Going off of this, a new concept that's quickly becoming popular are package free grocery stores. These cost– effective grocery stores have everything you could possible need in bulk form and consumers bring glass or reusable containers, or cloth bags and fill them with the food they need. First popping up in cities like Berlin, Vienna, and Barcelona, many are finding this a more sustainable and eco–friendly option resulting in these sort of grocery stores quickly spreading across the ocean, with the first one in the United States expected to open in Brooklyn, New York. Business operators are extremely optimistic that this could serve a very impactful solution to getting rid of unnecessary plastic. (Che Jenny). In conclusion, it should have been learned that the issue of plastic pollution has become ruinous. The cost of repair and the inconvenience of lifestyle changes cannot compare to the frightful future this planet is headed. At current rates, hazards are not just inflicted on Earth's oceans but individual human health and the other creatures that rightly inhabit this land. With this concern ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Major Environmental Issues Of Pollution MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 1.Pollution: It is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Forms of Pollution: The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular contaminant relevant to each of them: a.Air pollution: The release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. b.Light pollution: It includes light trespass, over–illumination and astronomical interference. c.Littering: The criminal throwing of inappropriate man–made objects, onto public and private properties. d.Noise pollution: It encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high–intensity sonar. e.Soil Contamination: It occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, Herbicides, Pesticides and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. f.Radioactive contamination: Resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. g.Thermal pollution: It is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant. h.Visual pollution: It can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash, municipal solid waste or space debris. i.Water pollution: It occurs by the discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into surface waters; discharges of untreated domestic sewage, and chemical contaminants, such as chlorine, from treated sewage; release of waste and contaminants into surface runoff flowing to surface waters (including ... Get more on ...
  • 13. It's Time To Stop Food Waste In The United States All of us have most likely wasted food in one way or another, some people without thinking about it, others without caring. But when we scrape off our plates after a large meal, unable to finish the remaining's because we're too full, we rarely stop to think about the meaning and the consequences of our actions. It is said that about one–third of all the food we produce in the world is wasted. Therefore, food waste has quickly become a highly ranked global issue. It has become a serious problem in our society where the consequences are bigger than you might think. But what is Food Waste exactly? TheUnited States EPA, or the United States Environmental Protection Agency, defines food waste as "uneaten food and food preparation wastes from ... Show more content on ... Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint. Conserves energy and resources, preventing pollution involved in the growing, manufacturing, transporting, and selling food (not to mention hauling the food waste and then landfilling it). Supports your community by providing donated untouched food that would have otherwise gone to waste to those who might not have a steady food supply. So, just think about this. How many of you have, say the last week, eaten every single bit and bite from your plate for dinner? None of us can really say that we always eat all of our food. Just think about all the food you wasted this week. All the food one of us wasted all together this week, could have helped feed another person, or maybe even a whole family somewhere in Africa or other poor places. Of course, some of us are more cautious than others, but one way or the other, we will always be wasting food and this is a problem that has been climbing higher and higher on the global issues ranking. Food waste is now one of the top issues in the world today, a1nd especially in America. So next time you decide to throw away food, think it through. "Let's feed people," "Not ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Important Provisions Of The Law Relevant Public Health Questions: 1. Explain five main important provisions of the law relevant to public health. 2. Discuss why these provisions are important to public health and/or why they are important to you as public health officers. 3. Identify the offences under the law and state penalties for violations. 4. Outline the steps you will take to deal with ant breach under the law as a public health officer Table of Contents TitlePage Definition of terms .....................................................................3 The types of garbage ...................................................................4 A list of the five main provisions .....................................................5 Explanation of the five main provisions ...........................................6–9 The importance of these provisions to public health ............................10&11 The offences ............................................................................12 The Penalties ...........................................................................13 Steps taken by the Public Health officer in responding to a breach .............14 Appendices ...........................................................................15–18 Reference .................................................................................19 DEFINITION OF TERMS a.Garbage includes refuse of any kind, whether generated by domestic, commercial or industrial activities and all forms of solid and liquid waste matter. b.A contractor is someone that is employed by the Local Board or the owner of an industrial or commercial premise to collect and dispose of garbage. c.A receptacle is a hollow container used for the collection and disposal of garbage. d.A special
  • 15. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Waste Generation and Need for Waste Management GEOGRAPHY WASTE GENERATION AND ITS MANAGEMENT DEFINATION OF WASTE DEFINATION OF WASTE Waste, or rubbish, trash, junk, garbage, depending on the type of material or the regional terminology, is an unwanted or undesired material or substance. It may consist of the unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process (industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations,) or from community and household activities. The material may be discarded or accumulated, stored, or treated (physically, chemically, or biologically), prior to being discarded or recycled. It is also used to describe something we use inefficiently or inappropriately. ... Show more content on ... Some solid waste can also be converted to a liquid waste form for disposal. It includes point source and non–point source discharges such as storm water and wastewater. Examples of liquid waste include wash water from homes, liquids used for cleaning in industries and waste detergents. Solid type: Solid waste predominantly, is any garbage, refuse or rubbish that we make in our homes and other places. These include old car tires, old newspapers, broken furniture and even food waste. They may include any waste that is non–liquid. Hazardous type: Hazardous or harmful waste are those that potentially threaten public health or the environment. Such waste could be inflammable (can easily catch fire), reactive (can easily explode), corrosive (can easily eat through metal) or toxic (poisonous to human and animals). In many countries, it is required by law to involve the appropriate authority to supervise the disposal of such hazardous waste. Examples include fire extinguishers, old propane tanks, pesticides, mercury–containing equipment (e.g, thermostats) and lamps (e.g. fluorescent bulbs) and batteries. Organic type: Organic waste comes from plants or animals sources. Commonly, they include food waste, fruit and vegetable peels, flower trimmings and even dog poop can be classified as organic waste. They are biodegradable (this means they are easily broken down by other organisms over time and turned into manure). Many people turn their ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Building Homes : Green And Environmentally Friendly Building homes that are green and environmentally friendly has become the mantra for more and more builders and homeowners, as they discover how easy it can be to attain all the benefits of sustainable construction without sacrificing aesthetics or breaking the budget. In fact, going green often saves money, especially over a period of time, while being kinder to the environment. Decorative cement–based finishes are the perfect example of this synergy of beauty, sustainability and economy, providing a durable, low–maintenance finish that will last the life span of the building. Concrete hosts a range of stunning products that are ideally suited to clean spaces such as bathroom walls, floors, bath surrounds and vanities.( 2011 architectural finishes at spruce tree house, Rebekah Krieger) In its simplest form, concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates, or rocks. The paste, composed of Portland cement and water, coats the surface of the fine (small) and coarse (larger) aggregates. Through a chemical reaction called hydration, the paste hardens and gains strength to form the rock–like mass known as concrete. Within this process lies the key to a remarkable trait of concrete: it's plastic and malleable when newly mixed, strong and durable when hardened. These qualities explain why one material, concrete, can build skyscrapers, bridges, sidewalks and superhighways, house and dams. (Cement $ concrete institution) 2015) Cement, or concrete, is natural an extremely durable ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Greywater Research Paper The recycling of water, or "greywater" is household water that is collected from appliances like sinks, showers and water using appliances such as washing machines. In a raw unpurified state is commonly used for vegetation, places like parks, golf courses and local governments report needing to use decreased amounts of expensive fertilizers. Although any water used on city or government property that is "greywater" must first go through a purification process. The decreased need for fertilizer was found to be a cause of nutrients previously in the water that were not removed during the purification process. Although the possible benefits of using greywater there are problems arising with public use, greywater is substantially more expensive to use. So many substantial users such as farmers and other large scale potential users of greywater very rarely use greywater because of the expense difference, water costs about $130 per–acre foot. But when using greywater it costs about $300 per–acre foot due to the necessary treatment process. The cost difference very commonly outweighs the environmental benefits. Blackwater? Blackwater is the water is the waste water from most other household appliances such as toilets,dishwashers and garbage disposals. This is different from greywater because it is deemed unsafe because of ... Show more content on ... Colorado river, Mississippi river) which almost always receive wastewater discharges from cities along the river. Water from many large rivers has been reused, treated and replaced back into the river at least several times before it reaches many of the lower cities down river. Planned recycling is commonly done onsite at many commercial, residential, and multi–residential facilities using water filtration systems that purposely reuse the water for a beneficial onsite ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Importance Of Food Waste Through the innovation of technology, mankind has been able to create great, and extraordinary feats of nature. Taking the smallest indesirable object, then constructing it into a skyscraper or the smallest most powerful computer. Also through the process of innovation we humans have almost completely mastered the art of mass manufacturing products making our daily needs and wants readily available to us. The food industry is a one of many examples of this mass manufacturing evolution, going from food being made over camp fires to being made in huge factory pumping out fathoming quantities of product. With this evolution comes the downfall of waste. Food waste is not always avoidable but in some cases the waste is necessary as some things are not safe for consumption after undergoing certain processes. But no matter the waste product some form of use should be found for the seemingly invaluable waste product or a way to reduce unnecessary food waste. Food waste is a huge problem most americans are completely oblivious too. According to a United states department of Agriculture report, 133 billion pounds of food went unused in 2010. While animal products like meat and dairy being towards the top of the list, added up to $105 billion of wasted food.( Waste Not, Want not 26) While worldwide about one third of all food produced is either lost or gone to waste which adds up to about 1.3 Billion tons of waste. To put into a better prospective 1.3 billion tons is ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Environmental Justice Across Class And Race My report is on Environmental Justice across Class and Race. Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and fair distribution of environmental protection. It is the meaningful involvement of all people regardless or face, color, sex, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. It is the civil right of all people to be able to enjoy equally high levels of environmental protection. Environmental justice supporters have shown that this is no accident. Those communities of African American and Latinos, which are often low income, are regularly target to host hazards facilities that have negative environmental impacts. The Environmental Justice Movement started when a group of minorities started to notice that their environmental protection was been violated. It was violated by hazards facilities that were been place in their communities. The groups of minorities consist of African–Americans, and Latinos. The environmental justice movement came up with the fact that people who live, work and play in America's most polluted environment are most likely to be people of color and the low income. As the Natural Resources Defense Council mentioned, "The statistics provide clear evidence of what the movement rightly calls "environmental racism." The communities of color and Latinos of low–income have been battling this environment injustice for decades. The Environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Food Waste In The United States Every year, prosperous countries tend to throw out large amounts of edible food. This wasted food primarily comes from people throwing out fresh food at home and at restaurants as well as large companies, such as grocery stores, throwing out edible food. Many people and companies would confess to being guilty of this. Throwing out a piece of fruit or leftovers may seem harmless but it eventually adds up. The worlds large population makes this an issue creating enormous numbers of waste that could be food for starving people. Millions of people deal with hunger daily while the United States, as well as other developed countries, waste enough edible food to feed every hungry person on the planet. "Forty percent of the food in the United States ... Show more content on ... However, most restaurants do not see this as a major issue. Restaurant owners say, "it is just part of running a restaurant and that it is something we are used to" (Barclay, 2012). Chefs are said to obsess over the quality of their vegetables because they want to make sure everything is prefect for the customers (Barclay, 2012). Unfortunately, food waste is not one of the high priorities when running a restaurant. This is because consumers are contributors to the problem as well. A customer will not want to pay money for a meal that does not look prefect even though "about three cents of every dollar consumers spend on food away from home ends up in the trash" (Barclay, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Literature Study On Construction, Six Sigma, And Lean... 2 LITERATURE STUDY 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the concepts of waste, Lean Construction, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma. It provides an explanation of the tools and techniques of Lean and Six Sigma from the literature study. It also provides the case studies and frameworks for implementation of Lean and Six Sigma in the construction industry by various authors. 2.2. LEAN CONSTRUCTION 2.2.1 Introduction Lean Construction is inspired from the Toyota Production. Toyota production provided the Transform–Flow –Value(TFV) philosophy of production in 1950's.(Koskela, 1992).According to this philosophy the production is not only transformation of the inputs to outputs but there exists a flow of resources and information which seeks to generate ... Show more content on ... It is the integration of the Should–Can–Will–Did analysis to provide different schedule. It is opposite to the conventional planning process where adherence to the master schedule is the most important. Lean Project Delivery System (LPDS) Lean Project Deliver system is a conceptual framework to implement the Lean construction for a project in all the stages in the project definition, design and construction. Collaboration It is defined as the collaboration of all the stakeholders in the planning, design, and construction process. Various tools like Building Integrated Modelling (BIM), Lean Project delivery system, communication techniques facilitate it. Kaizen Kaizen is defined as the continuous improvement while using the techniques of Lean construction. The organization implementing lean construction has a mechanism to evaluate performance of the techniques and continues improvements based on lessons. Implementation of lean construction is a continuous pursuit of perfection. Visual Aids
  • 23. Visual Aids help to understand the process and elements for all the part of the construction. They are also used to guide the workforce to do difficult tasks. 2.3 SIX ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Affects of Hazardous Waste Material to the Environment The Affects of Hazardous Waste Material to the Environment What are Hazardous Waste Materials? Hazardous wastes are poisonous byproducts of manufacturing, farming, city septic systems, construction, automotive shops, laboratories, hospitals, and other industries such as Military installations and military training areas. The waste may be liquid, solid, or sludge and contain chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, dangerous pathogens, or other toxins. Even households generate hazardous waste from items such as batteries, used computer equipment, and leftover paints or pesticides. The waste can harm humans, animals, and plants if they encounter these toxins buried in the ground, in stream runoff, in groundwater that supplies drinking ... Show more content on ... If a very small amount of a hazardous substance is released, it may become diluted to the point where it will not cause injury. A hazardous substance can cause injury or death to a person, plant, or animal if: A large amount is released at one time A small amount is released many times at the same place The substance does not become diluted The substance is very toxic (for example, arsenic). Coming into contact with a substance is called an exposure. The effects of exposure depend on: How the substance is used and disposed of Who is exposed to it? The concentration, or dose, of exposure How someone is exposed How long or how often someone is exposed. Humans, plants, and animals can be exposed to hazardous substances through inhalation, ingestion, or dermal exposure. Inhalation – we can breathe vapors from hazardous liquids or even from contaminated water while taking a shower. Ingestion – we can eat fish, fruits and vegetables, or meat that has been contaminated through exposure to hazardous substances. Also, small children often eat soil or household materials that may be contaminated, such as paint chips containing lead. Probably the most common type of exposure is drinking contaminated water. Dermal exposure – a substance can come into direct contact with and be absorbed by our skin.
  • 25. Exposures Exposures can be either acute or chronic. An acute exposure is a single exposure to a hazardous substance for a ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment Essay Air pollution can result from both human and natural actions. Natural events that pollute the air include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radioactivity. Pollution from natural occurrences is not very often. Human action include but not limited to industrial pollution, bush burning, biomass and many others. "Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases, which can be fatal." (n.d world health organization para. 1) Villages, communities, and even cities in the developing world often suffer poor air quality, which can be hazardous to health, yet there have been relatively few studies. Waste management is becoming one of the critical issues in Ghana at large in recent years. Despite the environmental and sanitation policies, waste is currently a public menace in all cities, towns, communities and in Ghana at large. Following recent incidents in Ghana, such as the cholera outbreak which claimed over 100 lives and the June 6th disaster which claimed about 150 ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Forget Buffer Showers Mckibben Analysis Jennifer D. Shyu Professor Patrick Hendricks English 111 01 February 2017 Individual Waste Reduction Versus Industrial Waste Reduction Who enjoys going to a body of water for recreational activities to find the lack of water or that it is too polluted to enjoy? I know I find it quite frustrating. Having Smoky Mountains National Park as my back yard growing up, I enjoyed fishing and tubing on the vast lakes, rivers, and streams. Now, living in Illinois, I still try to enjoy lakes and rivers, but find many of the bodies of water are either depleted or polluted. Like Derrick Jensen shows in "Forget Shorter Showers", I believe that large scale waste reduction will decrease the damage done to the environment. I do agree to an extent with ... Show more content on ... Jensen provides statistical evidence and proof that industries consume more and waste more than individuals. He keeps his credibility by providing proof for his evidence and avoiding stereotyping. While I do agree with Mckibben's ideas to an extent, I am not convinced that merely getting back to the basics is enough to repair the damage already done to the environment. Individuals can minimize wasteful habits and provide a positive impact, but it will be minimal. Jensen's thoughts that corporations and industries must reduce waste and pollution to repair the environment is proven through the examples he provides. Individuals should recycle and reduce waste to help, but industries need to do their part as well. Works Cited Jensen, Derrick. "Forget Shorter Showers." The Bedford Reader. 12th ed. Bedford St. Martin's Press. Kennedy, Kennedy, Aaron, and Repetto, eds. Boston, MA. 2014. Print. 564–567. Kennedy, X. J., et al., eds. The Bedford Reader. 12th ed. Bedford St. Martin's Press. Boston, MA. 2014. Print. McKibben, Bill. "Waste Not, Want Not." The Bedford Reader. 12th ed. Bedford St. Martin's Press.Boston, MA. 2014. Print. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. A Research On Plastic Pollution Throughout my research on Plastic Pollution I learned that plastic is a material that our planet cannot digest but it has become the lubricant growth of globalization. Thus, Plastic is made from oil that contains many chemicals harmful to humans and animals. Humans are barely aware that Plastic is so part of our lives that it can be found in everyday products that we consume and even the food we eat. Humanity plastic foot print in the oceans has caused a major garbage path located thousands of miles off the coast of California, called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is caused due to humans that throw their waste into the sea and went those plastics are in the water, it breaks down into smaller particles; then pushed by winds, tides and currents, plastic particles form with other debris into large swirling glutinous accumulation zones. For instance, The World Economic Forum (WEF) report stated that if we keep producing plastic and improperly dispose of it, there will be more pound of plastic debris than fish by 2050 because we have been made three times more plastic stuff since we did in 2014. The dangers of over–produced plastic, is that much of it escapes from collection systems that end up floating in the ocean than into the stomachs of marine birds and sea turtles. This is very alarming to me because we are killing thousands of marine's lives and its ecosystem by over producing plastic. However, I learned that it's never too late to decrease the amount of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Importance Of Environmental Health The importance of environmental health With a population of 6.8 billion and growing at a rate of about 75 million per year, it is important we have a safe environment to live in. "Every time we venture beyond the boundaries of our everyday world, whether traveling to a less–developed country or camping in a wilderness area, we are reminded of the importance of these basics: clean water, sanitary waste disposal, safe food, and insect and rodent control" (Core Concepts 572). Elements that we survive on and that are being polluted are our air and water quality. As well as our solid waste, chemical, radiation, and noise pollution having a detrimental effect on the world we live in. Our surrounds directly affect our personal health and we affect what surrounds us, so improving what we can is the most important responsibility we have. Environmental health is "the collective interactions of humans with the environment and the short–term and long–term health consequences of those interactions" (Core Concepts 572). Environmental pollutants contribute to infectious and chronic diseases and the growing population and technological advances are increasing the damage on the environment. The large population is a key factor in chemical pollution, global warming, and thinning of the ozone layer. Food, land, water, and energy are in high demand and not all sustainable. With our medical care system as good as it is, people are living longer and besides making sure there is family planning ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Construction and Demolition Waste Briefing Paper: Construction and Demolition Waste Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a significant issue in New Zealand. Teo and Loosemore (2001) maintain: "Levels of waste within the construction industry need to be reduced for environmental and economic reasons. Changing people's wasteful behaviour can make a significant contribution" (pp.741). This paper defines the CDW issue, significant stakeholders, relevant ethical theories and costs. CDW has increased as construction volumes have risen generally, and following natural disasters. For example, the Canterbury Earthquakes generated a major increase in CDW. "Major damage to buildings, rock falls and landslips, liquefaction and major infrastructure damage has left an estimated $7.1 billion [Earthquake Commission] EQC bill," says Mackenzie (2011 pp.33). The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA, n.d.) estimated 8 million tonnes of CDW. CERA (n.d.) points to the construction industry and local authorities working together to find and quickly implement new solutions for recycling or reusing waste. More generally, Level Organisation (2013) noted that demolition and construction processes are the most significant producer of waste as opposed to other stages of buildings' lives. Much CDW is seen to be preventable: "Most of this dumping of construction waste is unnecessary – it has been demonstrated that simply by sorting waste, at least half of it could be diverted from landfills" (Level Organisation, 2013). ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Food Waste Essay Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Through the innovation of technology, mankind has been able to create great, and extraordinary feats of nature. Taking the smallest indesirable object, then constructing it into a skyscraper or the smallest most powerful computer. Also through the process of innovation, we humans have almost completely mastered the art of mass manufacturing products making our daily needs and wants readily available to us. The food industry is one of many examples of this mass manufacturing evolution, going from food being made over campfires to being made in huge factory pumping out fathoming quantities of product. With this evolution comes the downfall of waste. Food waste is not always avoidable but in some cases, the waste is necessary as some things are not safe for consumption after undergoing certain processes. But no matter the waste product some form of use should be found for the seemingly invaluable waste product or a way to reduce unnecessary food waste. Food waste is a huge problem most Americans are completely oblivious too. According to a United States Department of Agriculture report, 133 billion pounds of food went unused in 2010. While animal products like meat and dairy being towards the top of the list, added up to $105 billion of wasted food. ( Waste Not, Want not 26) While worldwide about one–third of all food produced is either lost or gone to waste which adds up to about 1.3 Billion tons of waste. To put into a better perspective 1.3 ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Growth And Development Of A Linear Economy Introduction The increase in population not only leads to an increase in waste production, but also to an increase in material consumption. This is causing scarcity in key resources, leading to volatile prices and impacting the environment negatively. The scarcity in key resources will surge as urbanization increases and it projected that by 2050 66% of the world's population will be living in urban areas. In order to separate the growth and development of the economy with the consumption of limited resources we need to transform our current linear economy into a circular economy. In linear economies raw materials are used to manufacture goods, after which it is sold, used and eventually discarded. As opposed to a linear economy, a ... Show more content on ... Reducing waste is not only an indication of corporate responsibility, but it also complies with the requirements for green building and ultimately reduces construction costs. With the current economic and environmental market, we find that businesses are desperately seeking ways of saving money or cutting back on current expenditures. However they are often unaware of the savings that creative waste management solutions can have for their business. (Van Wyk 2014) With an area of approximately 17,010 km2 Gauteng constitutes only 1.4% of the total area of South Africa. (Des Ligneris 2013) However Gauteng has the largest population with an estimated 13, 20 million people residing in this province. (Statistics South Africa 2015) The density of Gauteng is 776 per km2 and growing at a mammoth rate. The population stood at 12.2 million in 2011 and grew to 13.2 million in 2015. (Eye ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Targeting Waste Reduction This campaign is likely to target house cleaners and office workers since they have numerous zero waste strategies at their disposal. House Cleaners This group of people constitutes the largest percentage of this campaign's target audience. House cleaners are given the responsibilities of doing laundry and general house cleaning activities. The target audience for the campaign should also include house cleaning companies, which are often contacted by busy house owners to do cleaning for them. Consequently, most of them are likely to contribute toward the accumulation of wastes, which are generated during laundry work. Through a well–planned social marketing, house cleaners can be empowered on how best to implement the zero waste ... Show more content on ... They fail to understand that open windows are natural air fresheners. The new zero waste approach encourages letting houseplants to freshen up the air in the house by absorbing toxins. To save more power and time, this approach encourages washing clothes once in a week using green (recyclable) detergents to minimize time and drier power expenses. Zero waste laundry also necessitates utilizing as much cold water cycles as possible and drying garments on the clothesline to avoid using an electric drier. House cleaners need this approach to avoid wastage of money as a result of buying new cleaning tools and detergents. This is because the zero waste cleaning technique encourages the use of homemade cleaning tools and detergents such as feather duster, microfiber cloths, lemon, loofah, and even old toothbrushes. The homemade feather duster can be efficient in speed dusting, while microfiber cloths are excellent in window cleaning. Loofah is a plant that can be grown in the backyard and can be used for light scrubbing. On the other hand, old toothbrushes can help in cleaning places that are hard to reach. All these strategies explain why this fresh zero waste approach in needed in every household. The zero waste approach also encourages the use of alternatives to disposable items, especially in the kitchen. For example, paper towels need to be swapped with reusable rags. In addition, zero waste approach encourages the use of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Horizon 's Setting 2020 Strategy Abstract: The term dependable (examination and) advancement has increased expanding EU arrangement significance in the most recent two years, specifically inside of the European Commission 's Science in Society program, in the Horizon 's setting 2020 Strategy. We give a brief verifiable diagram of the idea, and distinguish three particular components that are rising up out of related talks. The principal is an accentuation on the equitable administration of the reasons of exploration and advancement and their introduction towards the 'right effects '. The second is responsiveness, underscoring the joining and regulation of set up methodologies of expectation, reflection and pondering in and around examination and advancement, impacting... Show more content on ... Humans have been innovators, from the first shapers of stone and wood into crude implements, to the inventors of electronic gadgets that entertain us and help us manage our lives from our shirt pockets. Today innovation is based not only on the challenges, problems, and needs but also on the social, political, and cultural conditions prevailing in the prospective market. People fear the unknown Гі especially when they believe that it could adversely affect their health or established social systems. The triangle of technology, innovation, and society is one of the central spheres of modern activities. Successful innovation frequently is not only the result of scientific–technical progress. Non–technical aspects, such as political and economic framework conditions, acceptance by the population, or ethical questions also play an important role in the decision whether and which technologies contribute to the solution of societal problems. Background Theory: By the 1980 's, the use of technology began to escalate. A 1982 study by The New York Times stated, "The study was made by the Institute for the Future, a Menlo Park, Calif., and agency under contract to the National Science Foundation. It was an attempt at the risky business of technology assessment, peering into the future of an electronic world". The study focused on the emerging videotext ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Importance of Recycling Today we have a serious problem with pollution, resulting not only soil contamination, environmental, noise or air, we can significantly reduce this impact all being aware and knowing that recycling is reuse; if we make a daily habit will give more life to our planet. On the other hand, if we see further recycling is environmental sustainability and if done properly would take advantage of a more effective way of natural resources. But really know what is recyclable? Is a physical–chemical or mechanical process is to submit to a substance or a product already used to a cycle of total or partial treatment for a commodity or a new product. Could also be defined as the raw materials from waste, introducing them back into the cycle of ... Show more content on ... Glass recycling saved a ton of resources for every ton produced, reduce by 75% mining waste involved in their production and reduce pollution resulting there from by 20%. Plastics The main problem with plastics is due to a completely inappropriate use of it, because it is a very resistant and durable, used to make objects that have use for a very short space of time, which are then thrown into the trash. This is evident with the variety of bags, plastic packaging and disposable products. Plastics are materials of great variety. Although they have a common origin, are polymers made from oil, but its molecular structure varies greatly from one plastic to another. Ferrous scrap Tin cans are so easy to recycle as aluminum, and recycled saves huge amounts of energy and resources. Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce virgin materials; at least 70% to 80% tin is recovered by recycling a can. Cans may be crushed, cut the bottom to save space. Containing aerosol cans are difficult to recycle for its explosive contents; it is preferable not to buy. The scrap metal is recyclable, but should be reasonably free of other materials.
  • 36. Aluminum It is also very easy to recycle and get a good price in the market, so many projects include recycling the cans. It is suitable to crush cans to store ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Plastics And The Plastic Age The current period in human history is referred to as the plastic age (CГіzar et al 2014). Plastic is synthetic polymers derived from petroleum (Vikas & Dwarakish 2015), it is lightweight, inexpensive to produce and hailed as an industrial achievement (Detloff & Istel 2016). Moreover, plastic does not decompose, the durable material simply breaks into smaller particles, pervading the water and marine life (Detloff & Istel 2016). Our current society has established a constant consume and discard rhythm, fuelling the 'plastic economy'. Marine plastic pollution mainly occurs from land based plastic debris, comprised of: littering, incessant plastic bag use and inappropriate disposal (Derriak 2002). Microplastics are pieces of plastic less than five millimetres in size (Detloff & Istel 2016). These particles account for 92% of the plastics in the ocean (Shim & Thomposon 2015). Microplastics have become ubiquitous in the ocean, found as far as the Arctic and Antarctic seas (Obbard et al 2014 as cited in Shim & Thomposon 2015; Law & Thompson 2014 as cited in Shim & Thomposon 2015). Plastic pollution is also significantly damaging the fragile marine ecosystem, as well as massacring innocent marine creatures (Deltoff & Istell 2016; Avio, Gorbi & Regoli 2017). Overall, preventing ocean plastic pollution is difficult, due to the large volume of production and contamination, particularly microplastics, coupled with inadequate disposal practices of plastic. In 2014, 311 million tonnes of plastic were produced (Detloff & Istel 2016), and half was disposed of within the year (Singh & Sharma 2016). The most commonly used and plentiful polymers are: high–density polyethylene, low–density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate (Andray & Neal 2009 as cited in Li, Tse and Fok 2016). These polymers account for 90% of total plastic production, and as a result are the most common plastics found in aquatic environments (Andray 2011 and Engel 2012 as cited in Li, Tse and Fok 2016). Plastic debris often migrates to form five subtropical gyres, large garbage patches colloquially dubbed 'marine soup' (Eriksen et al 2013; Weinstein 2009). It is estimated five to thirteen tonnes of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Lake Erie When you turn on your tap in the summer, do you expect the water to be green? No? Well, the people who receive their water from Lake Erie do. Lake Erie, one of the biggest freshwater sources in the world and a huge economy booster, is being ailed by the same problems we had 40 and 50 years ago. In the 1960's, the very industrialized shores of Lake Erie began to see pollution, mainly in the Cleveland area: factories and other companies were dumping their waste into the lake and its tributaries, without any supervision from the government. Because of this waste, the presence of phosphates and nitrates increased, leading to the development of algae, or eutrophication. (Rotman) Oxygen was low in the water, and massive fish kills happened as a result. In 1969, the Cuyahoga River caught on fire, leading to more negative publicity about the health of the tributaries of the lake. The lake earned the ... Show more content on ... After more than 8 billion dollars of spending, the lake was back to normal. Phosphorous levels fell by two thirds. There was more oxygen in the water. Fish kills decreased. However, in the 1990's and the 2000's, the phosphorous, and subsequently the algae, came back. The amount of walleye caught per year has now become one fifth of what it was. The number of charter fishing companies has decreased by 40%. The smelt catches of commercial fisheries are now three fifths of what they used to be. The shores and beaches are now repulsing tourists, rather than attracting them, cutting down a tourism industry that earns $10 billion a year. When the water from the lake is tainted, 2.8 million have a tainted water supply. This is a major issue, as some algae releases a deadly liver toxin into the water called microcystin, while consuming oxygen to fuel this process. We've found ourselves digging another grave for Lake Erie, so let's try not to dig it any ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Ecological Aspects Of The Waste Problem Introduction Imagine a world with no breathable air, drinkable water and contaminated food. The destruction of Earth may sound like a bad science fiction movie, but it is not. Solid waste threatens our drinking water, pollutes our oceans and contaminates the air we breathe. If the world does not deal with these environmental issues that threaten our very existence, we will not have a world to leave our children. Amongst the many issues we face, solid waste is one of the many immediate problems we must solve in this environmental crisis. An effective way of addressing the waste problem is eliminating the entire concept of waste. How can we get to the point where waste is no longer a concern in society? The purpose of this paper is to ... Show more content on ... It also strongly impacts the environmental ecosystems and has the potential to affect our world harmfully. Solid Waste is one of the major environmental problems that are harmful to civilization and the universe (Adedipe, Sridhar, Baker, and Madhu 3). We all contribute to the accumulation of waste that is destroying our world. It is imperative that we manage and reduce waste in order to preserve and leave a sustainable ecosphere for future generations. 1. In order for humans to ensure and continue basic consummation of needs for present and future generations, we must reduce the Ecological bearings of waste on the environment ("Monitoring the Ecological Effects of Coastal Aquaculture Waste Food"). Natural aspects and impacts of waste are measured by an environmental management structure that assesses the potential significant effect carried out and detected. The ability to detect an ecological change in the environment is relative to the degree of the waste impact ("Environmental and Ecological Aspects" 5). We must sustain our planet by managing and sustaining our natural resources, therefore, instituting change in the way we eliminate waste. Solid waste is included in the ecological footprint of everyone. The term "ecological footprint" means the volume of land and water a social population requires to yield the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes. Disposing of excess material has an enormous conservational bearing and can cause ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Food Waste In Australia The issue of food waste within Australia is a large issue. The issue this investigation focuses on is the amount of food we waste as a nation and then formulating a conclusion to reduce the amount or prevent the damages it is now causing. The aim of the investigation is to determine why so much food is being wasted within Australia and how bad is it affecting the environment we live in. This is a concern to the environment and to us as civilians who are occupying the land. Money is being wasted on food that we as a nation are not consuming. There are multiple ways that this could be reduced so why aren't we? The questions that unpin the investigation are the following: I.How much food is wasted in the Australian food and hospitality industry ... Show more content on ... Food waste causes a large amount of environmental issues. These are caused by the loss of natural resources which are in the production of food. Hospitality food waste has a major economic impact due to the cost of disposal and the profit loss that's caused by throwing away the consumable and sellable food. Food that is wasted generally goes to landfill. Organic landfill creates Methane which is a massive 25 more potent then carbon dioxide. Most of the waste that's disposed is organic waste which creates methane. Approximately 23 percent of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions were made by the national food supply chain. Coal fired power stations come after them. Natural resources are used in the production of produce, harvest, transport, process, packaging, and the distribution of the product. A vast amount of water is particularly used in the growth of fruits, vegetables, cereals, and grains and to support livestock. When food is wasted the energy and resources used into producing those products are also wasted. The negative environmental issues can't be stopped, however they can be reduced. There are several solutions to waste problems but the first step is to reduce the amount being ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Enormous Waste of Food While People Starve Essay While the world's farmers produce enough food to feed the planet, one–third of the food produced for human consumption is not really consumed. Globally, there exists up to 1.3 billion metric tons of uneaten food very year. And in addition to that, growing and transporting that food is estimated to create 3.3 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year, which makes wasted food one of the world's largest emission contributor. Around the globe, 1.6 billion people have no access to refrigeration at all. In developing countries, food fails to make the journey from producers to consumers simply due to issues such as lack of refrigeration. In the United States, wasted food is a 165 billion dollar problem. America wasted 33.79 ... Show more content on ... Conventional shipping cartons have ventilation holes which allows air to circulate around the product, but this also allows the produce to continue ripening and exposes to bacteria and pathogens, which contributes to loss. FreshTec's patented packaging technology employs a breathable plastic liner inside a cardboard carton, which is sealed with a plastic lid. It's part of a growing segment of food packaging using modified atmosphere technology. The liner and plastic lid slow the amount of oxygen entering the carton and also traps some of the carbon dioxide the produce expels, effectively putting it to sleep for up to a month of travel time. Overall, FreshTec provides more time for produce to reach the market, which reduce the likelihood of loss or waste. Solution 3 – LeanPath LeanPath is a automated food waste tracking systems to help users reduce pre–consumer food waste. LeanPath quantifies how much food is thrown out in a commercial kitchen due to spoilage, expiration or overproduction, with the goal being to reduce food purchases to match demand. A camera linked to a countertop scale documents each portion of food before it enters the garbage bin, providing photographic evidence. LeanPath turns waste reduction into a sort of competition, using online scoreboards that allow users to analyze the data to understand the underlying causes for waste. LeanPath can enable dramatic reduction in global food waste and ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Beyond The Deepwater Horizon Essay Beyond the Deepwater Horizon: What's Killing the Oceans? The ocean has been a used as a dumping ground for centuries, with corporations and nations the world over using it to get rid of all sorts of unwanted things, from sewage to nuclear waste. The ocean is so vast and deep that what gets swallowed up by it seems to disappear forever. Unfortunately, as scientists and fishermen are increasingly finding out, what we put in the ocean is coming back to haunt us. The most widely known incidents of marine pollution involve oil tankers and drilling rigs, such as the Exxon Valdez incident and the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. But you may be surprising to know that at least 80% of marine pollution comes from land–based activities, according to the World ... Show more content on ... It is the combination of small amounts of pollution from a variety of different sources that get washed up by rain and collect in our water bodies. Unlike other forms of pollutions, NSP isn't limited to one type of pollutant. Instead, runoff can contain things like: Excess fertilizer and pesticides from farms and backyards Chemicals and sediment from improperly managed construction sites Bacteria and organic waste from livestock and damaged septic tanks Motor oil and other harmful toxic chemicals from urban runoff, car leaks, and industry waste Oil This one's a given. Whenever a tanker springs a leak in rough seas or an oil rig has a faulty valve, a media frenzy soon follows. Images of black goop covering large swaths of ocean and washing up on once–pristine beaches can seem apocalyptic. However, according to WWF, while oil spills do cause huge damage to the environment, they are only responsible for 12% of the oil entering the ocean each year. A much larger proportion actually comes from our cities, through untreated sewage, polluted rivers, and surface runoff. Garbage ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Littering Effects PART A The Detrimental Effects of Littering This essay is going to discuss the detrimental effects of littering by introducing the menaing of littering. Then it will discuss about the effects of littering to wildlife, health and communities. The essay also provides suggestion to combat littering and illegal dumping of trash and waste. Littering is the careless and casual disposal of trash or waste, often along roadways and in other public places. It may include items as large as automobile tires and parts or as small as cigarette butts. Littering may be either intentional or unintentional. Unintentional littering occurs as a result of uncovered trucks, unsecured vehicle loads, loss of vehicle parts, trash can spills, ... Show more content on ... Other indicators of neighborhood decline and disorder include vandalism, abandoned buildings, graffiti, and vacant lots. Of all of the indicators assessed in a study done by Perkins, Meeks, and Taylor in 1992, litter was found to have the strongest correlation with perceptions of neighborhood decline and disorder (as in Florida Litter Study, 1998). A study by Skogan in 1990, indicates that the effects of this perception of neighborhood decline range from a decrease in property values to an increase in crime, or at least an increase in criminals' perception that crime will be tolerated (as in Florida Litter Study, 1998). This study goes on to explain that as people's perceptions of neighborhood decline increase, it is more likely that crime will occur and that criminals will be drawn to the area because it appears more likely that criminal behavior will be tolerated or ignored. A study by DeFrances and Titus in 1994 found a statistically significant relationship between neighborhood disorder and burglary outcome indicating that burglaries are more likely to be completed in neighborhoods with higher levels of disorder (as in Florida Litter Study, 1998). The study by Skogan indicates that the effect of this perception of neighborhood decline and increase in crime can also negatively impact property values and investment interest (as in Florida Litter Study, 1998). To conclude, litter has ... Get more on ...