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The Internet And Globalization
The evidence of globalisation can be seen in our daily lives, as we are being influenced by the rush
of social and economic forces in which internet possibly has been the most visible aspect of
globalisation and in many situations its driving force. The internet has helped breaking down
barriers of communication between cultures and nations in such a way that could not be dreamed of
previously. Recently, the world has been going through a period of globalization in all spheres of
social life and in this process, the internet has a key role, which with the help of communications
technology, has revolutionized how people expand the global knowledge base, work and provides a
variety of ways to bring people and cultures closer together. The largest contributors to globalization
are computers, a global telecommunications infrastructure, and the Internet, this article focuses on
various aspects that internet plays in globalisation.
Firstly, according to Borcuch (2012), globalization is the process of integration & interaction
between the companies, people, and governments of different nations, a process which involves
international trade and investment and guided by information technology. Societies around the
world change as globalisation influence the culture, environment, economic development, political
systems, prosperity, and on the human physical well–being of these societies. Globalisation has also
been used to describe socio–cultural integration among countries and
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How To Increase Illegal Downloading Of Music
There is not only one dominated reason describes the trend of increasing in illegal downloading of
music. Technology, Human Behavior and no global obligation are the main reasons for this trend
which finally effects on different issues (e.g., music market progression, buy CDs). This essay is
structured as one reason and possible effects in each paragraph and finally to sum up with
conclusion paragraph.
The technology development of computer and communication led to increase the illegal
downloading of digital multimedia (e.g. music). In general, there is no change in the behavior of
buyers, but starting of internet network and uprising of computerized systems, result in latest rise in
piracy. The digital revolution has been one of the most important causes in control of piracy. As the
arrival of the digital revolution, it has become not difficult to copy digital information without losing
in its features. One more significant cause has been the introduction of the Internet, a commercial
Internet protocol that has basically opened the front gate to low cost worldwide sharing. A third
facilitator has been the fast growth of high speed internet. Developments in broadband technology
have permitted people to upload and download enormous files fast. The existence of these three
causes has become a 'perfect storm' for illegal downloading. As a result this could considerably
destroy market progression and sustainability of companies. (Sudler, 2013).
Another reason for increase the
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Essay on Censoring Internet Pornography
Pornography engages people on many levels. Some people enjoy pornography while others believe
that the world would be best without it. Some would think that a song like It's Nice to be Nude is a
cute song that is celebrating the joys of the human body. Others may think that it is obscene and not
worth listening to.
Pornography is highly subjective in respect to what it is, how it is defined, and its merits. The intent
of this paper is to discuss pornography in a historical context and how it affects librarians in regards
to its presence on the Internet.
Definitions: Getting to Know All About "It"
* Pornography:
The word pornography originates from the Greek pornographes meaning literally ... Show more
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From drawings on cave walls7 to HBOs Sex and the City the depiction of sex appears to be one of
the threads that ties the centuries together. Montgomery Hyde, while exploring the roots of Western
pornography, found that even in the Bible "there is an abundance of material in the Old Testament
on the subject of pornography in its original sense of writing about prostitutes and their patrons, as
there are also references which are certainly obscene if not pornographic in the wider sense as it is
generally understood today."8
In early Greece, "representations of men and women enjoying various forms of sexual intercourse
were even depicted on the bottoms of children's drinking bowls and plates, so that they could have
something amusing to look at when they were having their meals."9 About the time of the birth of
Christ, Ovid wrote for a Roman audience Ars Amorato ? a work "if not pornographic in the strictest
sense, at least highly erotic."10
The pornographic tradition continued in Western culture with works such as "the Decameron, The
Canterbury Tales in England, and the Heptameron in France."11 Fascination with the bawdy is also
the basis for many a literary classic. Much of Shakespeare's writing, for example, is of "uninhibited
ribaldries and obscenities."12 The depiction of the naked, sexual human form is also found
throughout the art world.13 Indeed, walk into virtually any museum, art
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The Internet Revolution
The Internet Revolution Now, with the click of a button, consumers are buying just about anything
imaginable, and all from the convenience of the internet. People no longer have to leave their
homes, work or where ever there is internet access to make important purchases. Technology has
advanced so that companies are conducting business around the world with out ever meeting. No
longer do consumers or businessmen have to shake to complete a deal or a sale, but merely click
down on the mouse and the numbers change. Some internet companies have never seen their
customers and yet some traditional retailers have not yet acknowledged the internet. However,
“convergence is the new religion (“The Real…” ... Show more content
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They also allow the investor to take all responsibility and buy, sell or trade as much as they want for
a minimal fee. “In the first two months of 1999 alone, the number of trades executed over
the internet has increased by 25% to 425,000 per day (Wilson 36).” Internet trading is
growing steadily and the same can be said for on–line banking. “From 1993 to 1998, the
typical U.S. banks assets grew at 8%. Over the same period, Telebank, the nations largest on–line
bank, grew at 53% per year (Wilson 35).” This is a great sign for the public. With so much
competition with online trading and banking, companies are constantly offering cheaper trading
rates and boosting interest rates to gain the attention of potential customers. Banks are also saving
money through the web too with the cost of an in perosn transaction costing $1.07 and an on–line
transaction costing only $.01, as reported in “Can Online Banking Replace Conventional
Banks? (32).” With the holidays soon approaching, companies are rushing to update their
internet sites for the shopping season. Department stores such as J.C. Penny, Nordstrom, Sears and
K–Mart are all upgrading for the rush (“The Real…”53). Tiffany, having
sworn never to sell their diamonds and pearls over something as common as the web, are doing just
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Benefits Of Agriculture In Agriculture
Firstly what is IOT?
The Internet of things (IOT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital
machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to
transfer data over a network without requiring human–to–human or human–to–computer interaction.
E– Agriculture focused on the enhancement of Agriculture and development through improved
information and communication processes. More specifically, e–agriculture involves the
conceptualization, design, development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to use
information and communication technologies (it) in the rural domain, with a primary focus on
agriculture is a relatively new term and we fully expects its scope to change and evolve as our
understanding of the area grows. Indian agriculture contributes to 18.6 per cent Indians derive living
hood from the agriculture sector. Private sector initiatives like contracts farming having
commercialized the Indian agricultural sector. To enable Community members to exchange
opinions, experiences, goods practices and resources related to e–Agriculture, and to ensure that the
knowledge created is effectively shared and used world wild. But there is some advantages and
drawback which reside in every technology. This paper gives some gloms what the technologies
give and take in area of Agriculture. Office automation in E
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The American Government 's Involvements And Influences On...
What are the American government's involvements and influences in the Internet compare to
Chinese government?
The United States' government had played the most important role of developing Internet, and did a
great contribution certainly. However, Chinese government had a very different attitudes with
American government for Internet at last century when Internet started developing because of some
domestic factors. Later, Chinese government changed its attitudes and behaviors. The Internet began
developing so fast and played more and more important roles in both countries, but with many
problems, Internet censorship is one of the most important problem has to be solved.
Nowadays, Internet becomes a very ... Show more content on ...
They saw a great potential value of Internet in scientific and military field, and sharing the
informations. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT was one of the visionary people. He's the first one who
proposed the global network. Then the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) took
over the program of developing global network at late 1962 with MIT and University of California
at Los Angeles. At 1965, they connected a Massachusetts' computer with a California computer
which was a big progress. Robert moved to DARPA and started his plan for ARPANET which was
the real start of the Internet's life. At 1969, during the Cold War, the program's purpose changed to
"to aid researchers in the process of sharing information, and not coincidentally to study how
communications could be maintained in the event of nuclear attack". Fortunately, with the
developed of Internet technique. It's usage became wider. Like later the emergence of ARPANET
include many usages such as file transfer, sent e–mail, and even online discuss. In 1973, APRA
continued a program named "Internetting Project" for "to develop communication protocols which
would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet
networks". The development of Internet had never stopped. By 1980s, private could use Internet
which we called "TCP/IP", and it was funded by National
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The Internet And The Internet
Internet is an electronic communication networks that connects computer networks and
organizational computer facilities around the word (Merriam–, 1974). Internet Users are
increasing daily the number of internet users where it has increased from 1.024 billion to 3.578
billion between 2005 till 2017 (, 2017). This shows that internet is now used in most
parts of the world and it is contributing more and more every day. Indeed, internet is now an
addiction it became part of our life, it is now used by every one and by all different age groups. The
power of internet has transformed technologies such as computer, phones, Radio etc., like nothing
before it is revolutionary, this have the stage for this extraordinary integration of capabilities (Leiner
et al, 1997). The internet is a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals using
devices without any regards for geographic location, internet is a world full of information (Cerf et
al, 1997). Nowadays internet contributed in politics, economy, and in our social life. The continues
internet revolution still questioned in todays world. Undoubtedly the internet has been beneficial for
social, economical and political development in the 21st century. Some people may agree with that
opinion and some may disagree this essay will discuss both views in details using many different
sources. The essay will discuss the Political, Social and economical revolution of internet, by how it
has been
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The Internet Of Things ( Iot )
The Internet of Things (IOT)
The Internet of Things (IOT) is said to be the next new revolution after the mobile devices. IOT is
simply a technology that allows the interconnection of billions of devices to each other so as to
provide more intuitive insights. This works to help both individuals and companies revolutionize
their data and make life better. According to Mayer–Schönberger & Cukier, (2013), "the Internet of
Things envisions a self–configuring and adaptive complex system made out of networks of sensors
and smart objects." IOT has recently become a household name. As a matter of fact, as of 2015, IOT
technology has started to be rolled out.
For instance the smart watches being rolled out be apple and other technology companies represent
IOT. Based on Manyika et al., (2011), " IOT covers all types of sensors, communication protocols,
computational tools, techniques, devices, processors, embedded systems, data warehousing, big
data, cloud computing, server farms, grid computing etc." We can thus conclude that IOT is the most
disruptive technology since the internet. It is expected that by the end of 2020, billions of objects
will be connected to the internet through IOT.
There are several themes about IOT that are likely to shape businesses by the years 2020, the first
one is the presence of intelligent systems. This includes machine to machine automation such as
connected cars which are likely to be a big breakthrough in the near future. We also have platform to
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Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Networking
"Like all revolutions, the social networking revolution is accompanied by concerns and questions
about whether the changes have wrought something better or something worse." (Szumski and
Karson ¶ 4) The social networking revolution has come a long way in its accessibility and
effectiveness and has become a great resource for many people. But with its benefits come more
serious downfalls that need to be acknowledged and dealt with. While social networking can be used
as a clear, accessible source, for communication, social networking also has several negative effects
on a person in ways such as socially, mentally, and physically; by limiting internet time, restricting
the accessibility, and monitoring what kids are doing, social networking ... Show more content on ...
It not only affects the user, but also the people around them, and the effects are more serious than
most people know. In a article written by Shivani Jain, Rakesh Sharma and Sushil they explain that
By using social networking in the wrong way can cause behavior or a narcissistic and antisocial
behavior in children. (Jain and Sharma et al. ¶ 18) A problem comes when people create
relationships over the internet and beleive that it is a true genuine relationship. In a study done by
The Royal Society Open Science Organization, they found that social network users only feel as
though 27.6% of their onlines friends are people that would be there for them in hard times like a
real friends. (Dunbar ¶11) Children have a hard time understanding that social networking is not
always real and accurate. As awesome as it is that we can meet new people on the internet that we
would likely not meet in person, unfortunately it cannot be certain exactly who it is we are making a
connection with. In an article from Gale Cengage Learning, a columnist for the Times, Eleanor Mills
exclaims that the skills that create long lasting friendships needed in life by everyone are not being
portrayed by social networking sites. She continues to explain that the relationships developed and
maintained on the internet should not be taken as seriously as the relationships in real life. (Mills ¶)
By not teaching kids what it takes to make real life relationship it is going to be a problem when
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Globalization And Internet Revolution Has Changed The World
Globalization and internet revolution has changed the world drastically. The revolution gave birth to
social media in the electronic world. The interconnectivity of societies' members around the world
through website such as facebook, twitter, or google circles, etc. using internet source is termed as
social Medias' networks. The media has removed the distances among the people in a certain way
(Anderson, Jason, 2012). The people are brought together through cheaper means in the world.
Another side of the media is dark because the same media let the people to avoid the interpersonal
meetings to go with one another, and might experience the real taste of life. The media has changed
the real world into an artificial world. Social media has changed the real world into an artificial
world. People have become social animals. The society is made of human beings and their
interaction in many forms. The interconnected chain of people to one another in all aspects of life is
termed someway a social value. An emergence of globalization and information technology's
revolution posed many significant impacts on the humans' life. The traditional society turned into
digital societies, such as the keeping links, debates, discussions, speeches, gathering, online dating
(examples are eHormony, Spark Networks,, Plenty of fish), orientation, training, and
video conferencing through many websites such as facebook, twitter, Google circle, whatsapp, and Skype etc. These are
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Analysis Of The Documentary 'Chacagogirl'
Netflix Documentary Summary #1
The documentary #chicagoGirl shows the integral role the internet, particularly social networking
sites, have played in mobilizing activists in the middle east. The film follows Alaa Basatneh and her
role in coordinating protests and supporting the revolution from across the world via social media.
Basatneh was born in Syria but her family moved to Chicago to escape the oppressive regime. She
and her family got out far before many others could. She began living a normal teenage life;
frequenting the mall, hanging out with friends, and casual social media usage. As news trickled out
of Syria Basatneh new she needed to do something but felt too far away to make an impact. She
soon realized her role in fighting the horrific conditions created in by President Assad was through
social media.
Basatneh ran a revolution from her laptop. All forms of resistance require a way of communicating
and coordinating with other groups to maintain unity against the government controlled attacks.
Social networking sites such as ... Show more content on ...
The internet is a powerful tool for activists, but can also be utilized by the other side by promoting
propaganda and mobilizing their own supporters. Networking sites have revolutionized the way
people activists approach revolutions. Moreover, the internet has connected people from across the
world and has caused people in the states (like myself) to become invested in a civil war occurring
in a part of the world I never knew existed. The internet has empowered and enabled people by
connecting like–minded people, providing access to information, broadcasting events, and creating
real connections between people. Alone, the internet is not enough to bring down an oppressive,
authoritarian state; but when coupled with the power and will of the people, it can create real
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The Internet And Its Effect On Society
We are living in a world where the Internet has become an integral part of our everyday life.
Everything is at our fingertips through the Internet: school, work, business, personal, and so forth;
that our society has made its usage almost mandatory. It has made everything easier and people
today cannot even imagine how their lives would be without this genre of technologies. But, we
cannot expect that something as useful as the Internet will not have adversely effects in people.
However, in this technological era where the world is open to us as much as we want with just a
touch of a button, the Internet has been more helpful than harmful to our society.
The Internet was created with a sole purpose: to research and interchange information. Today, the
Internet has a variety of uses in societies worldwide. Its history speaks by itself: "It took to the radio
38 years to reach 50 million users, to the Television 13 years, but to the Internet only four years"
(Smith). According to eMarketer, an independent market research company founded in 1998 and
located in New York, today, Internet uses in the world are 3,000,000,000 compared with
750,000,000 users by 2003. As July of 2013 Internet users by regions were in Asia 48.4%; in North
and South America 21.8%; in Europe 19%; in Africa 9.8%; Oceania 2%. The three Countries with a
higher usage of Internet are China, United States and India (eMarketer). As a result, "The number of
social network users around the world will rise from
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The Digital Divide
What are the causes and consequences of the digital divide?
To what extent is there a global dimension to this divide?
Is the divide narrowing or widening?
The digital divide marks the gap between those who have access and utilize Information
communication technologies and those who lack access or ability (reference). Causes for this
division have traditionally stemmed through economic circumstance. Due to the existing
disproportions between countries economic situations, a large global dimension exists within the
digital divide. Socio–demographic factors also significantly affect ones positioning on the spectrum
of the digital divide. Through examination it becomes clear that the gap in some senses is showing
signs of narrowing. On ... Show more content on ...
Whilst there currently is lacking evidence to indicate a decline in other forms of social disparity due
to computer and Internet access, these members at the adverse end of social classes are not
benefiting through this digital emergence. Thus their position is remaining the same. On the other
end of the spectrum however, there are indicators suggesting this emergence is helping to secure or
even increase the favorable social position of these in higher social classes. Thus the digital divide is
arguable contributing towards further divisions among social classes, enhancing not only economic
division, but social hierarchy on a national and international scale.
Research suggest the environment in which a person is born into and raised, determines ones
attitudes towards new technologies (reference). This is globally and most certainly influenced
through geographic positioning, however also through the era in which one grew up. Sackmann and
Weymann (1995), developed an approached, depicting four ideal types; the pre–technical generation
(born before 1939), the generation of household revolution (born between 1939 and 1948), the
generation of advanced household technology (born between 1949 and 1964), followed by the
computer generation (born after 1964). Evidence suggests those who were born in the computer
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The Internet : The Impact Of Social Media And The Internet
The Internet is the decisive technology of the Information Age, and with the explosion of wireless
communication in the early twenty–first century, people, companies, and institutions feel the depth
of this technological change, but the speed and scope of the transformation has triggered all manner
of perceptions. For instance, media often report that intense use of the Internet increases the risk of
isolation, alienation, and withdrawal from society, but available evidence shows that the Internet
neither isolates people nor reduces their sociability; it actually increases sociability, civic
engagement, and the intensity of family and friendship relationships, in all cultures.
Our current "network society" is a product of the digital revolution and some major sociocultural
changes. One of these is the rise of the "Me–centered society," marked by an increased focus on
individual growth and a decline in community understood in terms of space, work, and family in
general. But individuation does not mean isolation, or the end of community. Instead, social
relationships are being reconstructed on the basis of individual interests, values, and projects.
Community is formed through individuals' quests for like–minded people in a process that combines
online interaction with offline interaction, cyberspace, and the local space.
Globally, time spent on social networking sites surpassed time spent on e–mail in November 2007,
and the number of social networking users surpassed the
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Technology And The Internet Has Changed The Method Of...
This essay will explore a teenager's practice of a mobile device in their daily life and comparing
their practices to the findings of teenagers' engagement in mobile culture. The interviewee is a
female named Angela Dao who is nineteen years old studying her second year of Bachelor of
Applied Science (MRS) Diagnostic Radiography at the University of Sydney. This essay will cover
Angela's use of a mobile phone and explore how technology and the Internet has changed the
method of communication, how teenagers are becoming more networked individuals, how has the
language of textspeak created barriers for communication, how has the mobile devices transcended
place, how has multifunctional mobile devices instigated multitasking and the ... Show more content
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This has allowed the creation of the mobile Internet on smartphones, which has permitted
technologies to be incorporated in people's social lives (Rainie & Wellman, 2012, p.6). Using the
Internet to communicate with others online using a mobile device is both rapid and private, this
speed of communication is faster than postal mail or exchanging voicemail (Rainie & Wellman,
2012, p.67). This parallels with Angela's situation where she previously used traditional methods of
communication to exchange messages with her friends. After connecting her iPhone to the Internet
she believes that the mobile Internet is quicker, more convenient and effective. Technology and the
Internet has authorised teenagers to have a type of communication which they did have before.
Teenagers are becoming more and more networked individuals. In the world of networked
individuals, the focus is on the individual rather than family, work, neighbours or other social groups
(Rainie & Wellman, 2012, p.6). Teenagers have transformed into networked individuals rather than
embedded in groups (Rainie & Wellman, 2012, p.6) as they are the centre of attention. What matters
the most in the communication is the individual's comfort and desires and no body else's. Angela
regards that teenagers have become increasingly networked individuals due to broadening and
disseminated community groups. In her own circumstances, she believes that she has also become
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What is The Internet?
What is The Internet?
The internet is also called 'The Net'. It has a collection of inter–connected networks that are globally
spread. In short, internet is a network of global system of computer network. Millions of computers
are inter–connected by the internet forming a network where every single computer could
communicate with one another. For example in a university computer lab, if there were no network,
all the computers need to have their own personal printer. But now, with network, we could cut cost
by getting one printer and connect all the computers in the computer lab to the printer through
Information Technology 061
Revolution of Internet Page 3
The Beginning of the Internet
The internet was only a research project by the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) an agency under the US Department of Defence. In the year 1969, the Pentagon had
introduced ARPANET. The internet was only discussed by engineers who built, engineered and
nurtured its growth and not by the general public in the 1970s. After a decade, the public still have
no idea of the existences of the internet even after the internet has broaden its reach and enlarged its
info resources and services. There were two goals for building a network, first it gives opportunities
to scientist from various locations to work together on military projects and share information;
second goal is whenever a disaster occurs like a nuclear attack and parts of the network has been
disabled or
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Smartphones : The Greatest Tech Revolution Since The Internet
Production Needs: PC magazine defines a smartphone as "the greatest tech revolution since the
Internet" (PCmag). Smartphones have combined many functions that used to be performed by
multiple devices all into one. Smartphone users have the ability to navigate directions through the
phones GPS system, surf the web any time they want right from their device, play music, take
pictures, record video, text message friends and family members, and make phone calls. With all the
capabilities and features that smartphones can offer, it is no wonder that the industry continues to
grow on an annual basis. In fact, by next year it is estimated that there will be 2.6 billion smartphone
users worldwide; that is a third of the world's population (Statista). With a potential customer base
like that, it is very important for an industry leader such as Samsung to have facilities in place that
can manufacture and produce a high volume of smartphones. Samsung currently has six mobile
phone manufacturing facilities that are located in various countries throughout the world. Those
countries include the following: Vietnam (2 facilities) China (2 facilities) India Korea Brazil
Indonesia The success of these facilities is largely based on their layout and design. An effective
layout has the ability to maximize output in the production process by ensuring that material, people
and products move through the facility smoothly. Samsung's new smartphone will require a large
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The Impact Of The Internet Of Things
As the internet continues to expand, so does the number of smart gadgets, where intelligence is
embedded into these smart gadgets and devices. These devices are used across various domains
ranging from health and agriculture to transport and defense. As companies such as Google and
BMW continue their research into driverless cars and implement the Internet of Things into
vehicles, it is exciting to imagine a world where we can control everything from one device, but
how will these innovations be kept secure?
Gartner forecasts that one in five vehicles on the road will have some form of wireless connection
by 2020 ("Gartner Says By 2020", 2015). In the age of the Internet of Things, previously
unconnected devices are now being wirelessly linked to the Internet to be able to capture data and
automate systems. Cars are now becoming a major element of the Internet of Things. These
"connected cars" are beginning to revolutionize the industry.
In an article by Richard Kirk, Kirk links the Internet of Things to the Industrial Revolution. During
the Industrial Revolution society paid a huge price, in the name of progress. Was it worth it? Are we
entering a similar phase? Where does security fit into the Internet of Things?
Topic Description
Internet of Things The Internet of Things is a simple concept. Simply put, the Internet of Things
involves "connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet" (Morgan, 2017). This
includes anything and
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Networks Of Outrage And Hope : Social Movements
In his book, Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age, Manuel
Castells, a Spanish professor of sociology and communication, focuses on current social movements
and protests in the world recently. Examples of such movements are the revolutions in Tunisia,
Egypt, and Spain. These revolutions demonstrate the role of social networks and the Internet which
broadcast the details of these social movements. Each movement has social, cultural, and political
aspects, which are what Castells examines in his book. The Internet and social networks obviously
give people a greater power of communication to achieve the goals of their revolution. Their success
has proved the internet and social networks as a valuable tool. The common factors of social
movements that Castells has observed are that they were non–violent of getting rid of the
dictatorship, and were based on social networks.
The second chapter of the book focuses on Tunisia and Iceland's movements. The reason that
Castells starts with these two movements is to draw attention to their importance to the following
movements. Every revolution has its own circumstances, but the Tunisian and Icelandic movements
had many common traits, which is one of Castells' arguments in his book. Social networks played
significant roles in the success of these movements by giving them the power of widely–spread
information. According to Castells, "Moreover, both in Tunisia and in Iceland, there were tangible
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The Time Of The Internet Of Things
To stay connected from any time and any where to any one, any thing and all the things in between
is the sole job of the internet of things (IoT). The internet plays an important role in the modern
lifestyle of almost all people around the world. From daily routine home chores to industrial means,
everything is dependent on the internet either directly or indirectly in order to have network
connectivity to each other. The Internet of things came to define several technologies that enable the
use of wireless networks and smart sensors to communicate. The Internet of things allows things to
be sensed and controlled remotely in wireless network infrastructure (Watts, & Porter, 1997).
The early working system in wireless communication started in 1832 by Baron Schilling in Russia,
who created electromagnetic telegraph using electrical signals. In 1833, Carl Friedrich Gauss and
Wilhelm Weber created a new code, which could communicate over 1200 meter distance in
Göttingen, Germany. Shortly after, in 1835 Joseph Henry and Edward Davy reshaped electrical relay
by using a magnetic coil that amplified currents. As a result, they could send their electrical signal to
far longer distances. 1926 was a year for yet another revolution in the wireless world. Nikola Tesla,
an electrical engineer and futurist, invented wireless power transfer (WPT). Wireless power transfer
was used to transmit signals to long distances by using electromagnetic fields in a relative field to
transmit the power
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The Pros And Cons Of National Cyber Defense
When people hear the words "National Cyber Defense" and "Government Cyber Surveillance", I'm
sure the common image that comes to mind is a room of employees hidden somewhere in the depths
of a concrete room, headphones on with little more than the soft hue of computer screens lighting
the endless clickity–clack of keys typing out endless lines of code. Somehow, we, as a country, have
convinced ourselves that we belong in this exclusive "internet" stronghold, in which we are free
from the attacks of various state actors. However, the headlines that have plastered American media
for the past months would suggest otherwise. "Clinton Email Server Risked Instructions" reads one.
Another, "Feds identify 'second leaker' to Snowden Journalists", graces the front page of many news
outlets websites. ... Show more content on ...
Our corporations, and even government agencies, continue to demonstrate the variation in defense
and mitigation techniques, as we are more or less unsurprised when another company reports an
erroneous amount of stolen credit card and banking data. Indeed, our visage of unconditional safety
is leaving us vulnerable on the cusp of another internet revolution.
It is no secret that today everything is connected to the internet. The house lights can be turned off
or on remotely, the car can dial calls and play spotify, and soon the fridge will be displaying
Pinterest recipes and advising users when the eggs are going bad. It is the Internet revolution of the
millennial generation – the rise of the "Internet Of Things". Therefore, security – at both an
individual and societal level – is becoming increasingly vital to maintaining the privacy and
standard of living which now exists. This is the time where Americans need to educate themselves
on exactly what a "firewall" is, or what constitutes or a strong password, or that the Nigerian princes
which have millions of dollars in their bank accounts ready for transfer are simply frauds. It's not
just the old or
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The Impact Of The Internet And The Computer Revolution
The computer revolution that started in middle of the 20th Century is potentially just as significant
as the industrial revolution that began two centuries before it – and may well turn out to have even
more impact on the way that human beings live, work and communicate with each other. "One of
the major developments to come out of the advances in computer and communication technology
was the creation of the internet, an innovation with effects on the economic and social development
of humanity that are still evolving and being assessed".2
The internet revolution has transformed the way we live, work, communicate and do business,
creating new techniques that are a feature of our daily lives. The effects may not all be positive,
however. Increasing restrictions and spying by governments, individual privacy, child pornography,
Internet frauds, bullying are just a few examples of negatives that the internet has brought with it.
Usage of Internet
Internet availability is not limited to computers or laptops now a days. Even mobile phones with
internet facility are available at affordable process helping indirectly the internet to reach maximum
number of users. In the recent years everything is related or trying to relate to internet. Television
took more than 25 years to reach 10 million users where as computers took more than 10 years to
reach the same number. But internet took less than 5 years to reach the same number.
In developing countries like India more than 40% of people are using internet and the purposes of
internet usage is diverse. People are using internet for social networking, to know news instantly, to
listen to music, to search or know something etc.3
Many positive and negative aspects of the internet affect our society. One major impact the internet
is used for today is communication for people working. Communication has a positive
* jaam–e–jam magical globe of Persian ruler, he used to watch his friend and enemies.
1.Abdus Sallam( Aasim Head UNI Urdu Service) from Anthem Mazharul Islam School Delhi
2 Mitsuhiro Kagami,The IT revolution and its meaning to society P1
3.ITU, the UN specialized agency for information and communication technology (ICT)
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Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism Is Turning The Internet...
Over the past few decades our generation has witnessed a communication revolution no generation
has ever witnessed before. The Internet was fully commercialized in the U.S. by mid–1990s and
instant communication including the World Wide Web, email, and instant messaging have all played
part of an enormous impact on media, commerce, and politics during that time and up until now.
U.S. scholar and activist Robert McChesney has spent the past twenty years studying and
documenting the effects of this Internet revolution and its relationship with capitalism and
democracy. In his 2013 work "Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against
Democracy," McChesney addresses the relationship between the economic power and the digital ...
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He believes that the capitalist colonization of the digital world has led to this collapse of
professional–quality journalism as a result of the further commercialization of journalism. In recent
years, investigative journalism has been declining and media companies have shifted away from it
and settled for repeating prepackaged messages. It is difficult for real journalism to exist when its
revenue is based on advertisement. McChesney argues that journalism should be considers as public
goods and that we should create non–commercial forms of journalism and non–profit media. One of
the "darkest episodes of American journalism history" was the invasion of Iraq based on the U.S.
administration's claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. These claims went unchallenged
by the media because of the lack of investigative journalism, McChesney believes. Furthermore, he
ends with bold proposals to reform journalism and the entire media. He proposes a strict regulation
of advertising and limitations on ownership of broadcast media and expansion of nonprofit and
publicly supported journalism. I agree with McChesney about the decline of quality journalism and I
believe reforms to media must happen. However, I am uncertain how this would be possible with all
the control these wealthy corporations, and their partners, have over the media. It will need a huge
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The Internet Is The Core Of A Technological Communication...
Manuel Castells describes the Internet as the core of a technological communication revolution
which brings about a new, post–industrial"information age." While not the cause of this
transformation, the internet provides the material support needed to sustain and spread it. This is
characteristic of Castells ' thinking about the internet, as he suggests that it tends to intensify
existing social and cultural trends rather than create new ones. (Gelerenter, L., & Regev, M., 2013)
The internet plays an integral part in the way in which as a society we function, this is because of
the way it lets us access the ability to reach content and people from anywhere around the world.
It is said that the Internet as a Global Medium challenges national boundaries, and I will be looking
at the way in which the Internet as a medium intensifies and accelerates globalization between
nations and challenges national and communication boundaries and how the internet influences our
social, professional and personal life and the way in which as a society we live and work.
The internet is a very important form of communication as it reaches a large amount of people with
a considerably small amount of effort. Because the internet is continuously changing and evolving
this makes is easy for people to communicate anonymously and quickly and therefore effectively
across country boarders and means the internet has an almost limitless audience. There are many
benefits to the internet and I will be
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The Internet : The Influence Of The Internet In The World
The worldwide influence of the internet is felt and acknowledged in all spheres of life. According to
Mun, Chun & Cho (2014), the internet has changed the way individuals socialize, work, share
information, conduct business, and organize the flow of ideas. Apparently, the evolution/penetration
rate of the internet has been remarkable, where almost a third of the human population access it. As
many people are logged onto the web, the way businesses get conducted in this digital arena has
changed too. Furthermore, the development of IT and communication media has further
strengthened the role of the Internet connection in fostering business continuity (Jorgenson & Vu,
2016). Most of the organizations have adopted the use of the Internet to conduct their daily routines,
such as marketing and promotion, selection and recruitment, sharing of information and selling of
business products. While national economies and large organizations have acquired significant
merits from the internet revolution, consumers, individuals, and upstarting entrepreneurs have also
been beneficiaries of the Internet usage.
Effect of Internet Revolution in the Economy
From a network of technology experts and researchers, three decades ago, the internet has turned to
be part of peoples' lives, where more than a third of the world human population use it in their day
to day activities. Today, approximately 3.5 billion individuals access and use the internet, where
almost $10 trillion trade
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Military Information Revolution
The information revolution era that we are currently living in has wrapped its long web around just
about every aspect of our lives. From our home life to our professional careers. Being in the military
we use information technology everyday whether it be email to communicate or the internet to
research new technics to accomplish certain task. We use GPS in the place of maps and compass to
navigate. Information technology and the mobile revolution has cut the time it takes to research,
plan, and take action in half if not more.
In the military we have become so reliant on email for communication that we have all but lost
personal face to face communication. If you do not check your email every day you will not know
meeting times or events ... Show more content on ...
Each soldier can use a program within a mobile smart phone to track their position and all the other
soldiers in their unit. This technology allows commanders to know exactly where all their soldiers
are at all times to make better and faster decisions in real time. This type of technology is great until
it doesn't work or there is a malfunction. The new generation of soldiers joining the military have
not had to become proficient using a map and compass to navigate. They rely heavily on GPS
technology to navigate and rout plan. Technology is grate but I believe we need to keep the basic
skills incase technology fails. The mobile revolution has expanded our ability to communicate at a
moment notice. It has made our world seem smaller with the rapid availability of information and
ease of accessibility. The ability for commanders to locate and task troops quicker allows for faster
more strategic decision making. Going forward information technology and the mobile revolution
will continue to shape not only our culture and society as Americans, but our military as
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Essay On Rural India
Access to Internet is a prerequisite to go digital. But how many indians have the fortune of
possessing it? As per TRAI report, the figure is not more than 28 per cent of the population. Out of
36.74 core internet subscribers till September, 2016, 24.7 core of the connections are concentrated
only in cities. Urban India is way ahead with 61.9 internet subscriptions per 100 people while rural
India is struggling with 13.7 subscriptions per 100 people. Digital disparity is so high that Delhi
alone has 2.2 core internet connections while the entire North–East lags behind with just 4.3 lakh
connection. Half of the 3 core connections in Maharashtra are concentrated in Mumbai.
It is to be noted that urban population constitute only 32.7 per cent ... Show more content on ...
1.7 Awareness
Reaction is impulsive and rigorous in case of a threat. It is mild and lukewarm in case of an
opportunity. Same is the case with going cashless. Cyber security is one of the retarding factor
which can cast doubt in the mind of people, especially in those areas lagging behind in financial
literacy. The mass should be made aware of the benefits of going cashless. At the same time, they
should have the faith that their digital money is safe. India fares quite high in the United Nation's
Telecommunication Union's index of cyber security, placed in the' maturing category' at 23rd
position out of 165 nations. However, most of the ATMs in India still run on the outdated Windows
XP which is vulnerable and proned to cyber attacks. The case of 3.2 million debits of Yes Bank,
Axis Bank, HDFC, SBI, ICICI compromised last year makes cyber security a challenge that need to
be given due importance else people will not have the confidence to go digital.
1.8 Suggestions
1. Limit in cash withdrawal should be reinstated to restrict uncontrolled flow of cash back into the
2. ATMs should be upgraded regularly to latest version of Windows.
3. Startups in smartphone sector should be encouraged by proving subsidies to local entrepreneur so
that these can be availed at reasonable price in the market which is now being dominated by the
Chinese manufacturers.
4. Projects like Bharatnet should be allocated maximum fund( an
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The Greatest Communication Revolution Of The Internet For...
Recent studies have indicated that students nowadays spend a considerable amount of time on the
Internet for educational purposes. (Lenhart, Madden & Hitlin, 2005)
Today, nobody discusses the importance of technology in the actual life; it has become the greatest
communication revolution since the invention of printing. Human being uses in their everyday
behaviour an immense rage of contributions of technology, it can be refer to the simplest such as
mobile phone, clock, books, newspaper that gives an important exchange of information. Society is
now absorbed by social media and the style of life coexists with the messages that transmit mass
media. Moreover, technology has an important impact on socialization, education and professional
life: Habits/customs and the influence of ideas (Maestres, 2007). All areas and activities of human
behaviour have been influenced and affected by technology development. Methods of
communication are a powerful educational tool with the advantages and disadvantages. But educate
it is not the only purpose and though the internet, academic achievement has been related with many
negatives outcomes. This essay will evaluate and analyse the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of
technology in the academic world and how students will approach the real world of work.
Academic people recognize that technology and methods of communication is an important tool that
build up and complement academic achievement, and the lack of this technology may lead
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Umbrella Revolution Case Analysis
Case Analysis: Umbrella Revolution
The Internet environment of Hong Kong is different from that in Mainland China in terms of
freedom, including freedom of Internet access, freedom of speech and freedom of press. This
freedom allows the Internet to play an important role in mobilizing Hong Kong people to engage in
socio–political participation and facilitating the formation of civil society. The power of the Internet
in influencing public policy was recognized since the movement against the Moral and National
Education in 2012. In the review, Umbrella Revolution is used as an example to illustrate the
relationship between the Internet and social movements.
 Background
The Umbrella Revolution is a civil disobedience movement with more than one hundred thousand
participants ... Show more content on ...
Yet, it is also a crucial tool in cultivating the idea of freedom and facilitating the democratic
development. This is the reason that the CCP puts great concern on Internet censorship.
Nevertheless, the citizens still have the means to access the so–called sensitive information and
cultivate their critical thinking. This implies that the CCP cannot foster a "Hexie" society simply by
site blocking. On the other hand, Hong Kong is obvious an "inharmonious" society as we enjoy the
freedom of surfing the Internet and freedom of speech. People can freely exchange their ideas about
political and social affairs online and it is common for conflicts to emerge as people have different
considerations. Through the case analysis of Umbrella Revolution, the importance of the Internet in
social and political aspect is showed. As an accessible and informative platform, the Internet played
a leading role in disseminating information and mobilizing participants massively. Therefore, it is
believed that the Internet has the influential power to facilitate democratic progress of our
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The Role Of Escapism In The 2000's
However, these concepts were thought of in the early 90's, the world has gone under the most
significant change to present day. The last 25 years the world has undergone a transformation similar
to that of the industrial revolution. The internet revolution or the information age has fundamentally
changed the way the world is run in every facet. Every industry has adapted or been revolutionised
by the information age, with media being no exception. As new forms of media emerged, concepts
such as online gaming and online gambling became reality in the 2000's. A limiting factor in
consumerism being a form of escapism it the monetary component, not everyone has disposable
income nor do they engage with spending their money on frivolous items. However, the internet
gave anyone means in which to consume without the dollar price tag attached. For example, one ...
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That key factor was that the internet was all artificial stimulus. The internet is artificial stimulus, it is
not real or tangible, one cannot go a physically grab or hold the internet. Therefore, the internet is
itself, a hyperreality. Baudrillard feared the era of hyperreality as the reality principle disappears in
this new paradigm (Baudrillard, 1991, pg 331). According to Baudrillard, in the electronic era, "it is
the real that has become our utopia – but a utopia that is no longer in the realm of possible that can
only be dreamt of as one would dream of a lost object" (Baudrillard, 1991, pg.123). Baudrillard
feared what was the simulation simulacra, the concept of a system in which "their aim is maximum
operation, hyperreality & total control" (Baudrillard, pg, 1991, pg.309). This could be
misunderstood as total control of the world, however it means total control of the individual.
Baudrillard feared the fact that the world would 'prefer' the simulacrum over reality, that simulacrum
would become
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The Internet Revolution Has Provided Valuable...
The Internet revolution has provided valuable opportunities for Business. In the last few years, a
recent internet technology called Web 2.0 has become a common phenomenon and has been
increasingly introduced into organisations. The use of Web 2.0 in organisational contexts is known
as Enterprise Social Networking .
Employees' use of Enterprise Social Networking within organisations enhances their
communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Organization 's use of social media, internally
and externally, to connect individuals who share similar business interests or activities.
Enterprise Social Networking is a secure and private space where all members of an organization
can have and participate in:
1. The exchange of corporate information
2. Better internal communication
3. Centralized management of projects, documents and contacts.
All done from a social point of view, collaboratively building the organization knowledge and with
complete integration with all management and productivity tools in your organization. Despite the
valuable benefits of Enterprise Social Networking , its adoption by employees is challenging and
lengthy. After organisations introduce Web 2.0 technologies, the next step is for employees to adopt
it. However, this is not a smooth process. It may meet with employee resistance.
Enterprise Social Network technologies have been adopted by companies, creating the term
Enterprise 2.0. From my view the Enterprise 2.0 is more than a simple
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Why The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted
In the essay 'Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted' by Malcolm Gladwell, he
writes of how the revolutions of today will never amount to those of the past due to the lack of
interactions that social media provides. In the article Tweet Like An Egyptian by Kevin Clarke, who
writes of the revolution started by Arab women who learned of all the freedoms in the world by
interacting on the Internet and wanting the same rights as all of the other women who have freedom
in civilized countries around the world. Gladwell writes in depth of the revolutions that happened in
the past like the sit–in protest of four African American men that turned into a much larger protest
built on conversations, the same viewpoints on issues happening
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The Impact Of Facebook On Citizen Engagement
on the power that social media sites possess on citizen engagement. However, a study done in 2011
examined the usefulness of Facebook pages as a way to connect citizens with each other (many–to–
many) for policy input versus the utilization of those social media sites to transmit to and receive
from government to citizens (one–to–many) in a more authoritative manner . The study was done to
examine the use of Facebook to maintain power relations and inform citizens about their views
rather than using the platform for the soft of connectivity for which it was intended: that is flat,
egalitarian networked communications or even iterated and critical feedback exchanges . Results are
promising to better the future link for citizen engagement. Social media can be the resource used to
increase interaction between government and citizens. Today this form of social media
communication is on a rise and is becoming an accepted part of everyday life. By establishing a
right kind of respect and privacy this tool will replace the old with the new and open doors to new
interactions between the government and social media. As much as social media may appear to be
the missing link between government and citizen interaction, it may have a dark side. Social media
can be used against the government. It can be used as a tool for protest. Still something that is new
and upcoming, social media in protests is making quite the impact. Current conventional wisdom
has it that social networks have
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Bill Clinton's Technological Revolution
During Bill Clinton's presidency many changes happened, but the most noticeable is the
technological revolution. The United States was embracing technology and what it offered to so
many. It was a time to set aside the paper and pencil, and purchase a computer, a computer could be
used to store information in a digital format. Information was becoming easily accessible at your
finger tips, the internet could be used to look up all sorts of information. People were using cell
phones and considering cellular devices as a necessity. As America recovered from the Ronald
Reagan recession, the country began to embrace the information age. The United States did not only
embrace this change, but led the world in this change. America led the world in
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Successful Social Activism
Social media has changed how social activism is done by "making it easier for the powerless to
collaborate, coordinate, and give voice to their concerns" (Gladwell 68). However, this does not
mean that social media has changed what a successful social activism has always required. There
has been a common misbelief that when a social campaign "go viral" on the internet, it means a
successful social activism. Social media can be used as a tool for the organization and the
communication of real activists, but not an effective tool for starting a social change by convincing
people on the internet to become real activists and take real–life action. Social media is just one of
the tools available to social activists. There is no doubt that social media can be an incredibly
powerful tool for spreading an issue, but regardless of what tool was used, the real activists behind
the tool is what mattered the most for a successful social activism. Real activists are the people who
are willing to sacrifice time and risk their lives for the social change they've longed wanted. They
are people who are directly affected by the issue to the point where they had enough and are
determined in making ... Show more content on ...
The Kony 2012 video went "viral" on the social media, but its "Cover the Night" campaign was not
successful. It is because the "Cover the Night" campaign is a real–life action that required real
activists to take action. However, the campaign targeted people that were not real activists of the
issue. It supports Gladwells' argument that you are asking too much when you ask people who
barely know the people that are affected by the use to take actual action and make actual sacrifice
for them. According to Rick Cohen, the author of "Why Did 'Kony 2012' Fizzle Out?' , the "Cover
the Night" campaign didn't turn out as anticipated because it wasn't like the Arab Spring revolution
where the use of social media was by Arab Spring
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The Importance Of The Choice Of Tunisia
1. Introduction
In this introduction, some of the reasons will be presented to justify the choice of Tunisia as the
main subject of this paper. First of all, Tunisia is a great example for our as a model of countries that
switched from a complete oppressing and Internet censorship to a country where freedom of Speech
is preserved. Second, Tunisia gave birth to the Arab spring through its Tunisian Revolution in
January 2011. It was fueled by the use of social medias where the protests were being organized and
supported through online networks (The use was mainly on Twitter and Facebook since other social
networks, video–sharing and blogs such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Amnesty International website..).
The main reasons of these ... Show more content on ...
Tunisia aims to become an internationally competitive player in the global market in term of ICT
2. The Tunisian Ecosystem
The beginning of Internet in Tunisia was back to 1991, when the first that was established a full IP
connectivity with the Internet and was hence the first country in Africa and Middle East to get a
fully IP connected Internet node. This project was conducted with collaboration with National
Science Foundation (NSF) in USA and INRIA research center in France[*]. Let us take a detailed
look about the background of telecommunication.
a. Timeline and Background
Telecommunication in Tunisia is centralized in a telecommunication facility. Before 1995, Internet
was totally controlled by the government. In 1995, the government created TT (Tunisie Telecom)
which the incumbent telecom operator. In April 1996, the ministry of Communication established
the ATI (Tunisian Internet Agency) to regulate the country 's Internet and domain name system
(DNS) services (*). it is a whole–saler of connectivity. Everything related to Internet is within the
framework of ATI. The years between 1997 and 2000, where the years when the internet market was
opened to competiveness, giving licenses to 5 privates ISPs which were given fixed and mobile
2G/3G licenses starting from 2002. These following years, the telecom sector witnessed market
Liberalization. Before 2011, and the
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What Is The Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Western civilization has already witnessed three industrial revolutions, which have led to disruptive
changes in industrial processes, resulting in a significant increase in productivity. The first
introduced steam and water power to mechanize production. The second used electric power to
create mass production (assembly lines) and the third used electronics and IT to automate
production. The fourth industrial revolution is already in progress. This time, the Internet is
combining with intelligent machines, systems and processes to form a sophisticated network that
integrates the cyber and the physical worlds (Dujin, Geissler, & Horstkötter, 2014).
At the core of the "Industry 4.0" there is big data that has become an important factor of production
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The Prosecution Of Child Pornography In Australia
"Prosecution of child pornography"
The law is already enforced against child pornography and it is implemented and enforced over the
5. Social behaviour
Further social study proves that "cyber porn" distributed psychological difficulties. This domain is
causing problem in our society. At present there are more teenage single mums then ever before. The
psychological effects of the increased needs of sexual drive cause STD (Sexually Transmitted
disease). Over all, the easy access to "cyber porn" leading to potential negative psychological
Case Against
1. Censorship for child, who is the responsible?
After taking close look at the circumstances in relation to "cyber porn" and access to internet for a
child, it is ... Show more content on ...
One perspective is that the "Arab Spring" may refer as "Twitter Revolution" or "Facebook
revolution". Social media played a vital role to reshape the politics of "Middle East". The impact of
this change was very crucial for the governments. The lash back of this change was different in
different countries. In "Tunisia" and "Egypt" government regimes did not have any social media
base and they could not estimate the impact of social media in the society. In "Tunisia" and in
"Egypt" nine out ten people responded to a poll conducted by the "facebook" to organise the protest.
Finally its ended up with a regime change democracy won through social media
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A Call To Occupy Movement Essay
The Occupy Movement has inspired a domino–like effect the world over, starting rebellions from
the Americas to Asia. The universal vision of the movement is its aim to get the 99% to overthrow
the rules decided and regulated by the rich, the powerful and the one percent for the greater benefit
of the one percent. According to the anonymous writers of the official Occupy Movement page, "to
occupy is to embody the spirit of liberation that we wish to manifest in our society. It is to exercise
our freedom to assemble. We are creating space for community, values, ideas, and a level of
meaningful dialogue that is absent in the present discourse" (, 2011). The
circulation of this idea to reach an extensive spectrum of people ... Show more content on ...
Exactly what is the Occupy Movement trying to accomplish? It's simple. The occupiers, mostly
composed of average Joes, want to eliminate the outdated and inapplicable practices and rules in the
world today. Most of the people in power are old men and women living by the rules of a decade
that has gone passé. The people of the Occupy Movement aim to overthrow the outdated ideas that
are still trying to be pushed now, and the occupiers intend to do this by using technology as an
extended limb or digital war cry.
The Occupy Movement has truly digitized and brought into the new world the ways in which people
come together to defend their rights as citizens of a swiftly globalizing society. People flock to
online social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to demonstrate their outrage and
beliefs toward systems set by the 1% that do not mesh with what the majority need or what the
majority deems they need. People, who want to start a movement, go online and tell anyone with
access to the Internet to join him or her in a stand against government or large corporations, and for
a minimal fee at that. A great ordeal for the people from the 60s/70s/80s was trying to get their
messages across to as much people as possible without any tampering from outside forces (editors,
government officials) and with as little budget as possible. The movement has revolutionized the
revolution, changing how the
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The Internet And Globalization

  • 1. The Internet And Globalization The evidence of globalisation can be seen in our daily lives, as we are being influenced by the rush of social and economic forces in which internet possibly has been the most visible aspect of globalisation and in many situations its driving force. The internet has helped breaking down barriers of communication between cultures and nations in such a way that could not be dreamed of previously. Recently, the world has been going through a period of globalization in all spheres of social life and in this process, the internet has a key role, which with the help of communications technology, has revolutionized how people expand the global knowledge base, work and provides a variety of ways to bring people and cultures closer together. The largest contributors to globalization are computers, a global telecommunications infrastructure, and the Internet, this article focuses on various aspects that internet plays in globalisation. Firstly, according to Borcuch (2012), globalization is the process of integration & interaction between the companies, people, and governments of different nations, a process which involves international trade and investment and guided by information technology. Societies around the world change as globalisation influence the culture, environment, economic development, political systems, prosperity, and on the human physical well–being of these societies. Globalisation has also been used to describe socio–cultural integration among countries and ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. How To Increase Illegal Downloading Of Music There is not only one dominated reason describes the trend of increasing in illegal downloading of music. Technology, Human Behavior and no global obligation are the main reasons for this trend which finally effects on different issues (e.g., music market progression, buy CDs). This essay is structured as one reason and possible effects in each paragraph and finally to sum up with conclusion paragraph. The technology development of computer and communication led to increase the illegal downloading of digital multimedia (e.g. music). In general, there is no change in the behavior of buyers, but starting of internet network and uprising of computerized systems, result in latest rise in piracy. The digital revolution has been one of the most important causes in control of piracy. As the arrival of the digital revolution, it has become not difficult to copy digital information without losing in its features. One more significant cause has been the introduction of the Internet, a commercial Internet protocol that has basically opened the front gate to low cost worldwide sharing. A third facilitator has been the fast growth of high speed internet. Developments in broadband technology have permitted people to upload and download enormous files fast. The existence of these three causes has become a 'perfect storm' for illegal downloading. As a result this could considerably destroy market progression and sustainability of companies. (Sudler, 2013). Another reason for increase the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Essay on Censoring Internet Pornography Introduction Pornography engages people on many levels. Some people enjoy pornography while others believe that the world would be best without it. Some would think that a song like It's Nice to be Nude is a cute song that is celebrating the joys of the human body. Others may think that it is obscene and not worth listening to. Pornography is highly subjective in respect to what it is, how it is defined, and its merits. The intent of this paper is to discuss pornography in a historical context and how it affects librarians in regards to its presence on the Internet. Definitions: Getting to Know All About "It" * Pornography: The word pornography originates from the Greek pornographes meaning literally ... Show more content on ... From drawings on cave walls7 to HBOs Sex and the City the depiction of sex appears to be one of the threads that ties the centuries together. Montgomery Hyde, while exploring the roots of Western pornography, found that even in the Bible "there is an abundance of material in the Old Testament on the subject of pornography in its original sense of writing about prostitutes and their patrons, as there are also references which are certainly obscene if not pornographic in the wider sense as it is generally understood today."8 In early Greece, "representations of men and women enjoying various forms of sexual intercourse were even depicted on the bottoms of children's drinking bowls and plates, so that they could have something amusing to look at when they were having their meals."9 About the time of the birth of Christ, Ovid wrote for a Roman audience Ars Amorato ? a work "if not pornographic in the strictest sense, at least highly erotic."10 The pornographic tradition continued in Western culture with works such as "the Decameron, The Canterbury Tales in England, and the Heptameron in France."11 Fascination with the bawdy is also the basis for many a literary classic. Much of Shakespeare's writing, for example, is of "uninhibited ribaldries and obscenities."12 The depiction of the naked, sexual human form is also found throughout the art world.13 Indeed, walk into virtually any museum, art
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  • 7.
  • 8. The Internet Revolution The Internet Revolution Now, with the click of a button, consumers are buying just about anything imaginable, and all from the convenience of the internet. People no longer have to leave their homes, work or where ever there is internet access to make important purchases. Technology has advanced so that companies are conducting business around the world with out ever meeting. No longer do consumers or businessmen have to shake to complete a deal or a sale, but merely click down on the mouse and the numbers change. Some internet companies have never seen their customers and yet some traditional retailers have not yet acknowledged the internet. However, “convergence is the new religion (“The Real…” ... Show more content on ... They also allow the investor to take all responsibility and buy, sell or trade as much as they want for a minimal fee. “In the first two months of 1999 alone, the number of trades executed over the internet has increased by 25% to 425,000 per day (Wilson 36).” Internet trading is growing steadily and the same can be said for on–line banking. “From 1993 to 1998, the typical U.S. banks assets grew at 8%. Over the same period, Telebank, the nations largest on–line bank, grew at 53% per year (Wilson 35).” This is a great sign for the public. With so much competition with online trading and banking, companies are constantly offering cheaper trading rates and boosting interest rates to gain the attention of potential customers. Banks are also saving money through the web too with the cost of an in perosn transaction costing $1.07 and an on–line transaction costing only $.01, as reported in “Can Online Banking Replace Conventional Banks? (32).” With the holidays soon approaching, companies are rushing to update their internet sites for the shopping season. Department stores such as J.C. Penny, Nordstrom, Sears and K–Mart are all upgrading for the rush (“The Real…”53). Tiffany, having sworn never to sell their diamonds and pearls over something as common as the web, are doing just that ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Benefits Of Agriculture In Agriculture "APPLICATION OF IOT TO IMPROVE AGRICULTURE OUTPUT AND REDUCE OVERHEAD COST. Firstly what is IOT? The Internet of things (IOT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human–to–human or human–to–computer interaction. E– Agriculture focused on the enhancement of Agriculture and development through improved information and communication processes. More specifically, e–agriculture involves the conceptualization, design, development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (it) in the rural domain, with a primary focus on agriculture is a relatively new term and we fully expects its scope to change and evolve as our understanding of the area grows. Indian agriculture contributes to 18.6 per cent Indians derive living hood from the agriculture sector. Private sector initiatives like contracts farming having commercialized the Indian agricultural sector. To enable Community members to exchange opinions, experiences, goods practices and resources related to e–Agriculture, and to ensure that the knowledge created is effectively shared and used world wild. But there is some advantages and drawback which reside in every technology. This paper gives some gloms what the technologies give and take in area of Agriculture. Office automation in E ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. The American Government 's Involvements And Influences On... Question: What are the American government's involvements and influences in the Internet compare to Chinese government? Thesis: The United States' government had played the most important role of developing Internet, and did a great contribution certainly. However, Chinese government had a very different attitudes with American government for Internet at last century when Internet started developing because of some domestic factors. Later, Chinese government changed its attitudes and behaviors. The Internet began developing so fast and played more and more important roles in both countries, but with many problems, Internet censorship is one of the most important problem has to be solved. Content: Nowadays, Internet becomes a very ... Show more content on ... They saw a great potential value of Internet in scientific and military field, and sharing the informations. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT was one of the visionary people. He's the first one who proposed the global network. Then the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) took over the program of developing global network at late 1962 with MIT and University of California at Los Angeles. At 1965, they connected a Massachusetts' computer with a California computer which was a big progress. Robert moved to DARPA and started his plan for ARPANET which was the real start of the Internet's life. At 1969, during the Cold War, the program's purpose changed to "to aid researchers in the process of sharing information, and not coincidentally to study how communications could be maintained in the event of nuclear attack". Fortunately, with the developed of Internet technique. It's usage became wider. Like later the emergence of ARPANET include many usages such as file transfer, sent e–mail, and even online discuss. In 1973, APRA continued a program named "Internetting Project" for "to develop communication protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks". The development of Internet had never stopped. By 1980s, private could use Internet which we called "TCP/IP", and it was funded by National ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. The Internet And The Internet Internet is an electronic communication networks that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the word (Merriam–, 1974). Internet Users are increasing daily the number of internet users where it has increased from 1.024 billion to 3.578 billion between 2005 till 2017 (, 2017). This shows that internet is now used in most parts of the world and it is contributing more and more every day. Indeed, internet is now an addiction it became part of our life, it is now used by every one and by all different age groups. The power of internet has transformed technologies such as computer, phones, Radio etc., like nothing before it is revolutionary, this have the stage for this extraordinary integration of capabilities (Leiner et al, 1997). The internet is a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals using devices without any regards for geographic location, internet is a world full of information (Cerf et al, 1997). Nowadays internet contributed in politics, economy, and in our social life. The continues internet revolution still questioned in todays world. Undoubtedly the internet has been beneficial for social, economical and political development in the 21st century. Some people may agree with that opinion and some may disagree this essay will discuss both views in details using many different sources. The essay will discuss the Political, Social and economical revolution of internet, by how it has been ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Internet Of Things ( Iot ) The Internet of Things (IOT) The Internet of Things (IOT) is said to be the next new revolution after the mobile devices. IOT is simply a technology that allows the interconnection of billions of devices to each other so as to provide more intuitive insights. This works to help both individuals and companies revolutionize their data and make life better. According to Mayer–Schönberger & Cukier, (2013), "the Internet of Things envisions a self–configuring and adaptive complex system made out of networks of sensors and smart objects." IOT has recently become a household name. As a matter of fact, as of 2015, IOT technology has started to be rolled out. For instance the smart watches being rolled out be apple and other technology companies represent IOT. Based on Manyika et al., (2011), " IOT covers all types of sensors, communication protocols, computational tools, techniques, devices, processors, embedded systems, data warehousing, big data, cloud computing, server farms, grid computing etc." We can thus conclude that IOT is the most disruptive technology since the internet. It is expected that by the end of 2020, billions of objects will be connected to the internet through IOT. There are several themes about IOT that are likely to shape businesses by the years 2020, the first one is the presence of intelligent systems. This includes machine to machine automation such as connected cars which are likely to be a big breakthrough in the near future. We also have platform to ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Networking "Like all revolutions, the social networking revolution is accompanied by concerns and questions about whether the changes have wrought something better or something worse." (Szumski and Karson ¶ 4) The social networking revolution has come a long way in its accessibility and effectiveness and has become a great resource for many people. But with its benefits come more serious downfalls that need to be acknowledged and dealt with. While social networking can be used as a clear, accessible source, for communication, social networking also has several negative effects on a person in ways such as socially, mentally, and physically; by limiting internet time, restricting the accessibility, and monitoring what kids are doing, social networking ... Show more content on ... It not only affects the user, but also the people around them, and the effects are more serious than most people know. In a article written by Shivani Jain, Rakesh Sharma and Sushil they explain that By using social networking in the wrong way can cause behavior or a narcissistic and antisocial behavior in children. (Jain and Sharma et al. ¶ 18) A problem comes when people create relationships over the internet and beleive that it is a true genuine relationship. In a study done by The Royal Society Open Science Organization, they found that social network users only feel as though 27.6% of their onlines friends are people that would be there for them in hard times like a real friends. (Dunbar ¶11) Children have a hard time understanding that social networking is not always real and accurate. As awesome as it is that we can meet new people on the internet that we would likely not meet in person, unfortunately it cannot be certain exactly who it is we are making a connection with. In an article from Gale Cengage Learning, a columnist for the Times, Eleanor Mills exclaims that the skills that create long lasting friendships needed in life by everyone are not being portrayed by social networking sites. She continues to explain that the relationships developed and maintained on the internet should not be taken as seriously as the relationships in real life. (Mills ¶) By not teaching kids what it takes to make real life relationship it is going to be a problem when they ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Globalization And Internet Revolution Has Changed The World Globalization and internet revolution has changed the world drastically. The revolution gave birth to social media in the electronic world. The interconnectivity of societies' members around the world through website such as facebook, twitter, or google circles, etc. using internet source is termed as social Medias' networks. The media has removed the distances among the people in a certain way (Anderson, Jason, 2012). The people are brought together through cheaper means in the world. Another side of the media is dark because the same media let the people to avoid the interpersonal meetings to go with one another, and might experience the real taste of life. The media has changed the real world into an artificial world. Social media has changed the real world into an artificial world. People have become social animals. The society is made of human beings and their interaction in many forms. The interconnected chain of people to one another in all aspects of life is termed someway a social value. An emergence of globalization and information technology's revolution posed many significant impacts on the humans' life. The traditional society turned into digital societies, such as the keeping links, debates, discussions, speeches, gathering, online dating (examples are eHormony, Spark Networks,, Plenty of fish), orientation, training, and video conferencing through many websites such as facebook, twitter, Google circle, whatsapp, and Skype etc. These are ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Analysis Of The Documentary 'Chacagogirl' Netflix Documentary Summary #1 The documentary #chicagoGirl shows the integral role the internet, particularly social networking sites, have played in mobilizing activists in the middle east. The film follows Alaa Basatneh and her role in coordinating protests and supporting the revolution from across the world via social media. Basatneh was born in Syria but her family moved to Chicago to escape the oppressive regime. She and her family got out far before many others could. She began living a normal teenage life; frequenting the mall, hanging out with friends, and casual social media usage. As news trickled out of Syria Basatneh new she needed to do something but felt too far away to make an impact. She soon realized her role in fighting the horrific conditions created in by President Assad was through social media. Basatneh ran a revolution from her laptop. All forms of resistance require a way of communicating and coordinating with other groups to maintain unity against the government controlled attacks. Social networking sites such as ... Show more content on ... The internet is a powerful tool for activists, but can also be utilized by the other side by promoting propaganda and mobilizing their own supporters. Networking sites have revolutionized the way people activists approach revolutions. Moreover, the internet has connected people from across the world and has caused people in the states (like myself) to become invested in a civil war occurring in a part of the world I never knew existed. The internet has empowered and enabled people by connecting like–minded people, providing access to information, broadcasting events, and creating real connections between people. Alone, the internet is not enough to bring down an oppressive, authoritarian state; but when coupled with the power and will of the people, it can create real ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. The Internet And Its Effect On Society We are living in a world where the Internet has become an integral part of our everyday life. Everything is at our fingertips through the Internet: school, work, business, personal, and so forth; that our society has made its usage almost mandatory. It has made everything easier and people today cannot even imagine how their lives would be without this genre of technologies. But, we cannot expect that something as useful as the Internet will not have adversely effects in people. However, in this technological era where the world is open to us as much as we want with just a touch of a button, the Internet has been more helpful than harmful to our society. The Internet was created with a sole purpose: to research and interchange information. Today, the Internet has a variety of uses in societies worldwide. Its history speaks by itself: "It took to the radio 38 years to reach 50 million users, to the Television 13 years, but to the Internet only four years" (Smith). According to eMarketer, an independent market research company founded in 1998 and located in New York, today, Internet uses in the world are 3,000,000,000 compared with 750,000,000 users by 2003. As July of 2013 Internet users by regions were in Asia 48.4%; in North and South America 21.8%; in Europe 19%; in Africa 9.8%; Oceania 2%. The three Countries with a higher usage of Internet are China, United States and India (eMarketer). As a result, "The number of social network users around the world will rise from ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. The Digital Divide What are the causes and consequences of the digital divide? To what extent is there a global dimension to this divide? Is the divide narrowing or widening? The digital divide marks the gap between those who have access and utilize Information communication technologies and those who lack access or ability (reference). Causes for this division have traditionally stemmed through economic circumstance. Due to the existing disproportions between countries economic situations, a large global dimension exists within the digital divide. Socio–demographic factors also significantly affect ones positioning on the spectrum of the digital divide. Through examination it becomes clear that the gap in some senses is showing signs of narrowing. On ... Show more content on ... Whilst there currently is lacking evidence to indicate a decline in other forms of social disparity due to computer and Internet access, these members at the adverse end of social classes are not benefiting through this digital emergence. Thus their position is remaining the same. On the other end of the spectrum however, there are indicators suggesting this emergence is helping to secure or even increase the favorable social position of these in higher social classes. Thus the digital divide is arguable contributing towards further divisions among social classes, enhancing not only economic division, but social hierarchy on a national and international scale. Research suggest the environment in which a person is born into and raised, determines ones attitudes towards new technologies (reference). This is globally and most certainly influenced through geographic positioning, however also through the era in which one grew up. Sackmann and Weymann (1995), developed an approached, depicting four ideal types; the pre–technical generation (born before 1939), the generation of household revolution (born between 1939 and 1948), the generation of advanced household technology (born between 1949 and 1964), followed by the computer generation (born after 1964). Evidence suggests those who were born in the computer ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. The Internet : The Impact Of Social Media And The Internet The Internet is the decisive technology of the Information Age, and with the explosion of wireless communication in the early twenty–first century, people, companies, and institutions feel the depth of this technological change, but the speed and scope of the transformation has triggered all manner of perceptions. For instance, media often report that intense use of the Internet increases the risk of isolation, alienation, and withdrawal from society, but available evidence shows that the Internet neither isolates people nor reduces their sociability; it actually increases sociability, civic engagement, and the intensity of family and friendship relationships, in all cultures. Our current "network society" is a product of the digital revolution and some major sociocultural changes. One of these is the rise of the "Me–centered society," marked by an increased focus on individual growth and a decline in community understood in terms of space, work, and family in general. But individuation does not mean isolation, or the end of community. Instead, social relationships are being reconstructed on the basis of individual interests, values, and projects. Community is formed through individuals' quests for like–minded people in a process that combines online interaction with offline interaction, cyberspace, and the local space. Globally, time spent on social networking sites surpassed time spent on e–mail in November 2007, and the number of social networking users surpassed the ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Technology And The Internet Has Changed The Method Of... This essay will explore a teenager's practice of a mobile device in their daily life and comparing their practices to the findings of teenagers' engagement in mobile culture. The interviewee is a female named Angela Dao who is nineteen years old studying her second year of Bachelor of Applied Science (MRS) Diagnostic Radiography at the University of Sydney. This essay will cover Angela's use of a mobile phone and explore how technology and the Internet has changed the method of communication, how teenagers are becoming more networked individuals, how has the language of textspeak created barriers for communication, how has the mobile devices transcended place, how has multifunctional mobile devices instigated multitasking and the ... Show more content on ... This has allowed the creation of the mobile Internet on smartphones, which has permitted technologies to be incorporated in people's social lives (Rainie & Wellman, 2012, p.6). Using the Internet to communicate with others online using a mobile device is both rapid and private, this speed of communication is faster than postal mail or exchanging voicemail (Rainie & Wellman, 2012, p.67). This parallels with Angela's situation where she previously used traditional methods of communication to exchange messages with her friends. After connecting her iPhone to the Internet she believes that the mobile Internet is quicker, more convenient and effective. Technology and the Internet has authorised teenagers to have a type of communication which they did have before. Teenagers are becoming more and more networked individuals. In the world of networked individuals, the focus is on the individual rather than family, work, neighbours or other social groups (Rainie & Wellman, 2012, p.6). Teenagers have transformed into networked individuals rather than embedded in groups (Rainie & Wellman, 2012, p.6) as they are the centre of attention. What matters the most in the communication is the individual's comfort and desires and no body else's. Angela regards that teenagers have become increasingly networked individuals due to broadening and disseminated community groups. In her own circumstances, she believes that she has also become ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. What is The Internet? What is The Internet? The internet is also called 'The Net'. It has a collection of inter–connected networks that are globally spread. In short, internet is a network of global system of computer network. Millions of computers are inter–connected by the internet forming a network where every single computer could communicate with one another. For example in a university computer lab, if there were no network, all the computers need to have their own personal printer. But now, with network, we could cut cost by getting one printer and connect all the computers in the computer lab to the printer through network. Information Technology 061 Revolution of Internet Page 3 The Beginning of the Internet The internet was only a research project by the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) an agency under the US Department of Defence. In the year 1969, the Pentagon had introduced ARPANET. The internet was only discussed by engineers who built, engineered and nurtured its growth and not by the general public in the 1970s. After a decade, the public still have no idea of the existences of the internet even after the internet has broaden its reach and enlarged its info resources and services. There were two goals for building a network, first it gives opportunities to scientist from various locations to work together on military projects and share information; second goal is whenever a disaster occurs like a nuclear attack and parts of the network has been disabled or ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Smartphones : The Greatest Tech Revolution Since The Internet Production Needs: PC magazine defines a smartphone as "the greatest tech revolution since the Internet" (PCmag). Smartphones have combined many functions that used to be performed by multiple devices all into one. Smartphone users have the ability to navigate directions through the phones GPS system, surf the web any time they want right from their device, play music, take pictures, record video, text message friends and family members, and make phone calls. With all the capabilities and features that smartphones can offer, it is no wonder that the industry continues to grow on an annual basis. In fact, by next year it is estimated that there will be 2.6 billion smartphone users worldwide; that is a third of the world's population (Statista). With a potential customer base like that, it is very important for an industry leader such as Samsung to have facilities in place that can manufacture and produce a high volume of smartphones. Samsung currently has six mobile phone manufacturing facilities that are located in various countries throughout the world. Those countries include the following: Vietnam (2 facilities) China (2 facilities) India Korea Brazil Indonesia The success of these facilities is largely based on their layout and design. An effective layout has the ability to maximize output in the production process by ensuring that material, people and products move through the facility smoothly. Samsung's new smartphone will require a large volume ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Impact Of The Internet Of Things Introduction As the internet continues to expand, so does the number of smart gadgets, where intelligence is embedded into these smart gadgets and devices. These devices are used across various domains ranging from health and agriculture to transport and defense. As companies such as Google and BMW continue their research into driverless cars and implement the Internet of Things into vehicles, it is exciting to imagine a world where we can control everything from one device, but how will these innovations be kept secure? Gartner forecasts that one in five vehicles on the road will have some form of wireless connection by 2020 ("Gartner Says By 2020", 2015). In the age of the Internet of Things, previously unconnected devices are now being wirelessly linked to the Internet to be able to capture data and automate systems. Cars are now becoming a major element of the Internet of Things. These "connected cars" are beginning to revolutionize the industry. In an article by Richard Kirk, Kirk links the Internet of Things to the Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution society paid a huge price, in the name of progress. Was it worth it? Are we entering a similar phase? Where does security fit into the Internet of Things? Topic Description Internet of Things The Internet of Things is a simple concept. Simply put, the Internet of Things involves "connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet" (Morgan, 2017). This includes anything and ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Networks Of Outrage And Hope : Social Movements In his book, Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age, Manuel Castells, a Spanish professor of sociology and communication, focuses on current social movements and protests in the world recently. Examples of such movements are the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, and Spain. These revolutions demonstrate the role of social networks and the Internet which broadcast the details of these social movements. Each movement has social, cultural, and political aspects, which are what Castells examines in his book. The Internet and social networks obviously give people a greater power of communication to achieve the goals of their revolution. Their success has proved the internet and social networks as a valuable tool. The common factors of social movements that Castells has observed are that they were non–violent of getting rid of the dictatorship, and were based on social networks. The second chapter of the book focuses on Tunisia and Iceland's movements. The reason that Castells starts with these two movements is to draw attention to their importance to the following movements. Every revolution has its own circumstances, but the Tunisian and Icelandic movements had many common traits, which is one of Castells' arguments in his book. Social networks played significant roles in the success of these movements by giving them the power of widely–spread information. According to Castells, "Moreover, both in Tunisia and in Iceland, there were tangible political ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Time Of The Internet Of Things To stay connected from any time and any where to any one, any thing and all the things in between is the sole job of the internet of things (IoT). The internet plays an important role in the modern lifestyle of almost all people around the world. From daily routine home chores to industrial means, everything is dependent on the internet either directly or indirectly in order to have network connectivity to each other. The Internet of things came to define several technologies that enable the use of wireless networks and smart sensors to communicate. The Internet of things allows things to be sensed and controlled remotely in wireless network infrastructure (Watts, & Porter, 1997). The early working system in wireless communication started in 1832 by Baron Schilling in Russia, who created electromagnetic telegraph using electrical signals. In 1833, Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber created a new code, which could communicate over 1200 meter distance in Göttingen, Germany. Shortly after, in 1835 Joseph Henry and Edward Davy reshaped electrical relay by using a magnetic coil that amplified currents. As a result, they could send their electrical signal to far longer distances. 1926 was a year for yet another revolution in the wireless world. Nikola Tesla, an electrical engineer and futurist, invented wireless power transfer (WPT). Wireless power transfer was used to transmit signals to long distances by using electromagnetic fields in a relative field to transmit the power ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of National Cyber Defense When people hear the words "National Cyber Defense" and "Government Cyber Surveillance", I'm sure the common image that comes to mind is a room of employees hidden somewhere in the depths of a concrete room, headphones on with little more than the soft hue of computer screens lighting the endless clickity–clack of keys typing out endless lines of code. Somehow, we, as a country, have convinced ourselves that we belong in this exclusive "internet" stronghold, in which we are free from the attacks of various state actors. However, the headlines that have plastered American media for the past months would suggest otherwise. "Clinton Email Server Risked Instructions" reads one. Another, "Feds identify 'second leaker' to Snowden Journalists", graces the front page of many news outlets websites. ... Show more content on ... Our corporations, and even government agencies, continue to demonstrate the variation in defense and mitigation techniques, as we are more or less unsurprised when another company reports an erroneous amount of stolen credit card and banking data. Indeed, our visage of unconditional safety is leaving us vulnerable on the cusp of another internet revolution. It is no secret that today everything is connected to the internet. The house lights can be turned off or on remotely, the car can dial calls and play spotify, and soon the fridge will be displaying Pinterest recipes and advising users when the eggs are going bad. It is the Internet revolution of the millennial generation – the rise of the "Internet Of Things". Therefore, security – at both an individual and societal level – is becoming increasingly vital to maintaining the privacy and standard of living which now exists. This is the time where Americans need to educate themselves on exactly what a "firewall" is, or what constitutes or a strong password, or that the Nigerian princes which have millions of dollars in their bank accounts ready for transfer are simply frauds. It's not just the old or ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Impact Of The Internet And The Computer Revolution INTORDUCTION The computer revolution that started in middle of the 20th Century is potentially just as significant as the industrial revolution that began two centuries before it – and may well turn out to have even more impact on the way that human beings live, work and communicate with each other. "One of the major developments to come out of the advances in computer and communication technology was the creation of the internet, an innovation with effects on the economic and social development of humanity that are still evolving and being assessed".2 The internet revolution has transformed the way we live, work, communicate and do business, creating new techniques that are a feature of our daily lives. The effects may not all be positive, however. Increasing restrictions and spying by governments, individual privacy, child pornography, Internet frauds, bullying are just a few examples of negatives that the internet has brought with it. Usage of Internet Internet availability is not limited to computers or laptops now a days. Even mobile phones with internet facility are available at affordable process helping indirectly the internet to reach maximum number of users. In the recent years everything is related or trying to relate to internet. Television took more than 25 years to reach 10 million users where as computers took more than 10 years to reach the same number. But internet took less than 5 years to reach the same number. In developing countries like India more than 40% of people are using internet and the purposes of internet usage is diverse. People are using internet for social networking, to know news instantly, to listen to music, to search or know something etc.3 Many positive and negative aspects of the internet affect our society. One major impact the internet is used for today is communication for people working. Communication has a positive * jaam–e–jam magical globe of Persian ruler, he used to watch his friend and enemies. 1.Abdus Sallam( Aasim Head UNI Urdu Service) from Anthem Mazharul Islam School Delhi 2 Mitsuhiro Kagami,The IT revolution and its meaning to society P1 3.ITU, the UN specialized agency for information and communication technology (ICT) Page:2 impact ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism Is Turning The Internet... Over the past few decades our generation has witnessed a communication revolution no generation has ever witnessed before. The Internet was fully commercialized in the U.S. by mid–1990s and instant communication including the World Wide Web, email, and instant messaging have all played part of an enormous impact on media, commerce, and politics during that time and up until now. U.S. scholar and activist Robert McChesney has spent the past twenty years studying and documenting the effects of this Internet revolution and its relationship with capitalism and democracy. In his 2013 work "Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against Democracy," McChesney addresses the relationship between the economic power and the digital ... Show more content on ... He believes that the capitalist colonization of the digital world has led to this collapse of professional–quality journalism as a result of the further commercialization of journalism. In recent years, investigative journalism has been declining and media companies have shifted away from it and settled for repeating prepackaged messages. It is difficult for real journalism to exist when its revenue is based on advertisement. McChesney argues that journalism should be considers as public goods and that we should create non–commercial forms of journalism and non–profit media. One of the "darkest episodes of American journalism history" was the invasion of Iraq based on the U.S. administration's claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. These claims went unchallenged by the media because of the lack of investigative journalism, McChesney believes. Furthermore, he ends with bold proposals to reform journalism and the entire media. He proposes a strict regulation of advertising and limitations on ownership of broadcast media and expansion of nonprofit and publicly supported journalism. I agree with McChesney about the decline of quality journalism and I believe reforms to media must happen. However, I am uncertain how this would be possible with all the control these wealthy corporations, and their partners, have over the media. It will need a huge ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The Internet Is The Core Of A Technological Communication... Manuel Castells describes the Internet as the core of a technological communication revolution which brings about a new, post–industrial"information age." While not the cause of this transformation, the internet provides the material support needed to sustain and spread it. This is characteristic of Castells ' thinking about the internet, as he suggests that it tends to intensify existing social and cultural trends rather than create new ones. (Gelerenter, L., & Regev, M., 2013) The internet plays an integral part in the way in which as a society we function, this is because of the way it lets us access the ability to reach content and people from anywhere around the world. It is said that the Internet as a Global Medium challenges national boundaries, and I will be looking at the way in which the Internet as a medium intensifies and accelerates globalization between nations and challenges national and communication boundaries and how the internet influences our social, professional and personal life and the way in which as a society we live and work. The internet is a very important form of communication as it reaches a large amount of people with a considerably small amount of effort. Because the internet is continuously changing and evolving this makes is easy for people to communicate anonymously and quickly and therefore effectively across country boarders and means the internet has an almost limitless audience. There are many benefits to the internet and I will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Internet : The Influence Of The Internet In The World Introduction The worldwide influence of the internet is felt and acknowledged in all spheres of life. According to Mun, Chun & Cho (2014), the internet has changed the way individuals socialize, work, share information, conduct business, and organize the flow of ideas. Apparently, the evolution/penetration rate of the internet has been remarkable, where almost a third of the human population access it. As many people are logged onto the web, the way businesses get conducted in this digital arena has changed too. Furthermore, the development of IT and communication media has further strengthened the role of the Internet connection in fostering business continuity (Jorgenson & Vu, 2016). Most of the organizations have adopted the use of the Internet to conduct their daily routines, such as marketing and promotion, selection and recruitment, sharing of information and selling of business products. While national economies and large organizations have acquired significant merits from the internet revolution, consumers, individuals, and upstarting entrepreneurs have also been beneficiaries of the Internet usage. Effect of Internet Revolution in the Economy From a network of technology experts and researchers, three decades ago, the internet has turned to be part of peoples' lives, where more than a third of the world human population use it in their day to day activities. Today, approximately 3.5 billion individuals access and use the internet, where almost $10 trillion trade ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Military Information Revolution The information revolution era that we are currently living in has wrapped its long web around just about every aspect of our lives. From our home life to our professional careers. Being in the military we use information technology everyday whether it be email to communicate or the internet to research new technics to accomplish certain task. We use GPS in the place of maps and compass to navigate. Information technology and the mobile revolution has cut the time it takes to research, plan, and take action in half if not more. In the military we have become so reliant on email for communication that we have all but lost personal face to face communication. If you do not check your email every day you will not know meeting times or events ... Show more content on ... Each soldier can use a program within a mobile smart phone to track their position and all the other soldiers in their unit. This technology allows commanders to know exactly where all their soldiers are at all times to make better and faster decisions in real time. This type of technology is great until it doesn't work or there is a malfunction. The new generation of soldiers joining the military have not had to become proficient using a map and compass to navigate. They rely heavily on GPS technology to navigate and rout plan. Technology is grate but I believe we need to keep the basic skills incase technology fails. The mobile revolution has expanded our ability to communicate at a moment notice. It has made our world seem smaller with the rapid availability of information and ease of accessibility. The ability for commanders to locate and task troops quicker allows for faster more strategic decision making. Going forward information technology and the mobile revolution will continue to shape not only our culture and society as Americans, but our military as ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Essay On Rural India Access to Internet is a prerequisite to go digital. But how many indians have the fortune of possessing it? As per TRAI report, the figure is not more than 28 per cent of the population. Out of 36.74 core internet subscribers till September, 2016, 24.7 core of the connections are concentrated only in cities. Urban India is way ahead with 61.9 internet subscriptions per 100 people while rural India is struggling with 13.7 subscriptions per 100 people. Digital disparity is so high that Delhi alone has 2.2 core internet connections while the entire North–East lags behind with just 4.3 lakh connection. Half of the 3 core connections in Maharashtra are concentrated in Mumbai. It is to be noted that urban population constitute only 32.7 per cent ... Show more content on ... 1.7 Awareness Reaction is impulsive and rigorous in case of a threat. It is mild and lukewarm in case of an opportunity. Same is the case with going cashless. Cyber security is one of the retarding factor which can cast doubt in the mind of people, especially in those areas lagging behind in financial literacy. The mass should be made aware of the benefits of going cashless. At the same time, they should have the faith that their digital money is safe. India fares quite high in the United Nation's Telecommunication Union's index of cyber security, placed in the' maturing category' at 23rd position out of 165 nations. However, most of the ATMs in India still run on the outdated Windows XP which is vulnerable and proned to cyber attacks. The case of 3.2 million debits of Yes Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC, SBI, ICICI compromised last year makes cyber security a challenge that need to be given due importance else people will not have the confidence to go digital. 1.8 Suggestions 1. Limit in cash withdrawal should be reinstated to restrict uncontrolled flow of cash back into the system. 2. ATMs should be upgraded regularly to latest version of Windows. 3. Startups in smartphone sector should be encouraged by proving subsidies to local entrepreneur so that these can be availed at reasonable price in the market which is now being dominated by the Chinese manufacturers. 4. Projects like Bharatnet should be allocated maximum fund( an ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Greatest Communication Revolution Of The Internet For... Recent studies have indicated that students nowadays spend a considerable amount of time on the Internet for educational purposes. (Lenhart, Madden & Hitlin, 2005) Today, nobody discusses the importance of technology in the actual life; it has become the greatest communication revolution since the invention of printing. Human being uses in their everyday behaviour an immense rage of contributions of technology, it can be refer to the simplest such as mobile phone, clock, books, newspaper that gives an important exchange of information. Society is now absorbed by social media and the style of life coexists with the messages that transmit mass media. Moreover, technology has an important impact on socialization, education and professional life: Habits/customs and the influence of ideas (Maestres, 2007). All areas and activities of human behaviour have been influenced and affected by technology development. Methods of communication are a powerful educational tool with the advantages and disadvantages. But educate it is not the only purpose and though the internet, academic achievement has been related with many negatives outcomes. This essay will evaluate and analyse the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of technology in the academic world and how students will approach the real world of work. Academic people recognize that technology and methods of communication is an important tool that build up and complement academic achievement, and the lack of this technology may lead ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Umbrella Revolution Case Analysis Case Analysis: Umbrella Revolution The Internet environment of Hong Kong is different from that in Mainland China in terms of freedom, including freedom of Internet access, freedom of speech and freedom of press. This freedom allows the Internet to play an important role in mobilizing Hong Kong people to engage in socio–political participation and facilitating the formation of civil society. The power of the Internet in influencing public policy was recognized since the movement against the Moral and National Education in 2012. In the review, Umbrella Revolution is used as an example to illustrate the relationship between the Internet and social movements.  Background The Umbrella Revolution is a civil disobedience movement with more than one hundred thousand participants ... Show more content on ... Yet, it is also a crucial tool in cultivating the idea of freedom and facilitating the democratic development. This is the reason that the CCP puts great concern on Internet censorship. Nevertheless, the citizens still have the means to access the so–called sensitive information and cultivate their critical thinking. This implies that the CCP cannot foster a "Hexie" society simply by site blocking. On the other hand, Hong Kong is obvious an "inharmonious" society as we enjoy the freedom of surfing the Internet and freedom of speech. People can freely exchange their ideas about political and social affairs online and it is common for conflicts to emerge as people have different considerations. Through the case analysis of Umbrella Revolution, the importance of the Internet in social and political aspect is showed. As an accessible and informative platform, the Internet played a leading role in disseminating information and mobilizing participants massively. Therefore, it is believed that the Internet has the influential power to facilitate democratic progress of our ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Role Of Escapism In The 2000's However, these concepts were thought of in the early 90's, the world has gone under the most significant change to present day. The last 25 years the world has undergone a transformation similar to that of the industrial revolution. The internet revolution or the information age has fundamentally changed the way the world is run in every facet. Every industry has adapted or been revolutionised by the information age, with media being no exception. As new forms of media emerged, concepts such as online gaming and online gambling became reality in the 2000's. A limiting factor in consumerism being a form of escapism it the monetary component, not everyone has disposable income nor do they engage with spending their money on frivolous items. However, the internet gave anyone means in which to consume without the dollar price tag attached. For example, one ... Show more content on ... That key factor was that the internet was all artificial stimulus. The internet is artificial stimulus, it is not real or tangible, one cannot go a physically grab or hold the internet. Therefore, the internet is itself, a hyperreality. Baudrillard feared the era of hyperreality as the reality principle disappears in this new paradigm (Baudrillard, 1991, pg 331). According to Baudrillard, in the electronic era, "it is the real that has become our utopia – but a utopia that is no longer in the realm of possible that can only be dreamt of as one would dream of a lost object" (Baudrillard, 1991, pg.123). Baudrillard feared what was the simulation simulacra, the concept of a system in which "their aim is maximum operation, hyperreality & total control" (Baudrillard, pg, 1991, pg.309). This could be misunderstood as total control of the world, however it means total control of the individual. Baudrillard feared the fact that the world would 'prefer' the simulacrum over reality, that simulacrum would become ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Internet Revolution Has Provided Valuable... The Internet revolution has provided valuable opportunities for Business. In the last few years, a recent internet technology called Web 2.0 has become a common phenomenon and has been increasingly introduced into organisations. The use of Web 2.0 in organisational contexts is known as Enterprise Social Networking . Employees' use of Enterprise Social Networking within organisations enhances their communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Organization 's use of social media, internally and externally, to connect individuals who share similar business interests or activities. Enterprise Social Networking is a secure and private space where all members of an organization can have and participate in: 1. The exchange of corporate information 2. Better internal communication 3. Centralized management of projects, documents and contacts. All done from a social point of view, collaboratively building the organization knowledge and with complete integration with all management and productivity tools in your organization. Despite the valuable benefits of Enterprise Social Networking , its adoption by employees is challenging and lengthy. After organisations introduce Web 2.0 technologies, the next step is for employees to adopt it. However, this is not a smooth process. It may meet with employee resistance. Enterprise Social Network technologies have been adopted by companies, creating the term Enterprise 2.0. From my view the Enterprise 2.0 is more than a simple ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Why The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted In the essay 'Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted' by Malcolm Gladwell, he writes of how the revolutions of today will never amount to those of the past due to the lack of interactions that social media provides. In the article Tweet Like An Egyptian by Kevin Clarke, who writes of the revolution started by Arab women who learned of all the freedoms in the world by interacting on the Internet and wanting the same rights as all of the other women who have freedom in civilized countries around the world. Gladwell writes in depth of the revolutions that happened in the past like the sit–in protest of four African American men that turned into a much larger protest built on conversations, the same viewpoints on issues happening ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Impact Of Facebook On Citizen Engagement on the power that social media sites possess on citizen engagement. However, a study done in 2011 examined the usefulness of Facebook pages as a way to connect citizens with each other (many–to– many) for policy input versus the utilization of those social media sites to transmit to and receive from government to citizens (one–to–many) in a more authoritative manner . The study was done to examine the use of Facebook to maintain power relations and inform citizens about their views rather than using the platform for the soft of connectivity for which it was intended: that is flat, egalitarian networked communications or even iterated and critical feedback exchanges . Results are promising to better the future link for citizen engagement. Social media can be the resource used to increase interaction between government and citizens. Today this form of social media communication is on a rise and is becoming an accepted part of everyday life. By establishing a right kind of respect and privacy this tool will replace the old with the new and open doors to new interactions between the government and social media. As much as social media may appear to be the missing link between government and citizen interaction, it may have a dark side. Social media can be used against the government. It can be used as a tool for protest. Still something that is new and upcoming, social media in protests is making quite the impact. Current conventional wisdom has it that social networks have ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Bill Clinton's Technological Revolution During Bill Clinton's presidency many changes happened, but the most noticeable is the technological revolution. The United States was embracing technology and what it offered to so many. It was a time to set aside the paper and pencil, and purchase a computer, a computer could be used to store information in a digital format. Information was becoming easily accessible at your finger tips, the internet could be used to look up all sorts of information. People were using cell phones and considering cellular devices as a necessity. As America recovered from the Ronald Reagan recession, the country began to embrace the information age. The United States did not only embrace this change, but led the world in this change. America led the world in ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Successful Social Activism Social media has changed how social activism is done by "making it easier for the powerless to collaborate, coordinate, and give voice to their concerns" (Gladwell 68). However, this does not mean that social media has changed what a successful social activism has always required. There has been a common misbelief that when a social campaign "go viral" on the internet, it means a successful social activism. Social media can be used as a tool for the organization and the communication of real activists, but not an effective tool for starting a social change by convincing people on the internet to become real activists and take real–life action. Social media is just one of the tools available to social activists. There is no doubt that social media can be an incredibly powerful tool for spreading an issue, but regardless of what tool was used, the real activists behind the tool is what mattered the most for a successful social activism. Real activists are the people who are willing to sacrifice time and risk their lives for the social change they've longed wanted. They are people who are directly affected by the issue to the point where they had enough and are determined in making ... Show more content on ... The Kony 2012 video went "viral" on the social media, but its "Cover the Night" campaign was not successful. It is because the "Cover the Night" campaign is a real–life action that required real activists to take action. However, the campaign targeted people that were not real activists of the issue. It supports Gladwells' argument that you are asking too much when you ask people who barely know the people that are affected by the use to take actual action and make actual sacrifice for them. According to Rick Cohen, the author of "Why Did 'Kony 2012' Fizzle Out?' , the "Cover the Night" campaign didn't turn out as anticipated because it wasn't like the Arab Spring revolution where the use of social media was by Arab Spring ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Importance Of The Choice Of Tunisia 1. Introduction In this introduction, some of the reasons will be presented to justify the choice of Tunisia as the main subject of this paper. First of all, Tunisia is a great example for our as a model of countries that switched from a complete oppressing and Internet censorship to a country where freedom of Speech is preserved. Second, Tunisia gave birth to the Arab spring through its Tunisian Revolution in January 2011. It was fueled by the use of social medias where the protests were being organized and supported through online networks (The use was mainly on Twitter and Facebook since other social networks, video–sharing and blogs such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Amnesty International website..). The main reasons of these ... Show more content on ... Tunisia aims to become an internationally competitive player in the global market in term of ICT industry. 2. The Tunisian Ecosystem The beginning of Internet in Tunisia was back to 1991, when the first that was established a full IP connectivity with the Internet and was hence the first country in Africa and Middle East to get a fully IP connected Internet node. This project was conducted with collaboration with National Science Foundation (NSF) in USA and INRIA research center in France[*]. Let us take a detailed look about the background of telecommunication. a. Timeline and Background Telecommunication in Tunisia is centralized in a telecommunication facility. Before 1995, Internet was totally controlled by the government. In 1995, the government created TT (Tunisie Telecom) which the incumbent telecom operator. In April 1996, the ministry of Communication established the ATI (Tunisian Internet Agency) to regulate the country 's Internet and domain name system (DNS) services (*). it is a whole–saler of connectivity. Everything related to Internet is within the framework of ATI. The years between 1997 and 2000, where the years when the internet market was opened to competiveness, giving licenses to 5 privates ISPs which were given fixed and mobile 2G/3G licenses starting from 2002. These following years, the telecom sector witnessed market Liberalization. Before 2011, and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. What Is The Fourth Industrial Revolution? Western civilization has already witnessed three industrial revolutions, which have led to disruptive changes in industrial processes, resulting in a significant increase in productivity. The first introduced steam and water power to mechanize production. The second used electric power to create mass production (assembly lines) and the third used electronics and IT to automate production. The fourth industrial revolution is already in progress. This time, the Internet is combining with intelligent machines, systems and processes to form a sophisticated network that integrates the cyber and the physical worlds (Dujin, Geissler, & Horstkötter, 2014). At the core of the "Industry 4.0" there is big data that has become an important factor of production ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Prosecution Of Child Pornography In Australia "Prosecution of child pornography" The law is already enforced against child pornography and it is implemented and enforced over the internet. 5. Social behaviour Further social study proves that "cyber porn" distributed psychological difficulties. This domain is causing problem in our society. At present there are more teenage single mums then ever before. The psychological effects of the increased needs of sexual drive cause STD (Sexually Transmitted disease). Over all, the easy access to "cyber porn" leading to potential negative psychological consequences. Case Against 1. Censorship for child, who is the responsible? After taking close look at the circumstances in relation to "cyber porn" and access to internet for a child, it is ... Show more content on ... One perspective is that the "Arab Spring" may refer as "Twitter Revolution" or "Facebook revolution". Social media played a vital role to reshape the politics of "Middle East". The impact of this change was very crucial for the governments. The lash back of this change was different in different countries. In "Tunisia" and "Egypt" government regimes did not have any social media base and they could not estimate the impact of social media in the society. In "Tunisia" and in "Egypt" nine out ten people responded to a poll conducted by the "facebook" to organise the protest. Finally its ended up with a regime change democracy won through social media ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. A Call To Occupy Movement Essay The Occupy Movement has inspired a domino–like effect the world over, starting rebellions from the Americas to Asia. The universal vision of the movement is its aim to get the 99% to overthrow the rules decided and regulated by the rich, the powerful and the one percent for the greater benefit of the one percent. According to the anonymous writers of the official Occupy Movement page, "to occupy is to embody the spirit of liberation that we wish to manifest in our society. It is to exercise our freedom to assemble. We are creating space for community, values, ideas, and a level of meaningful dialogue that is absent in the present discourse" (, 2011). The circulation of this idea to reach an extensive spectrum of people ... Show more content on ... Exactly what is the Occupy Movement trying to accomplish? It's simple. The occupiers, mostly composed of average Joes, want to eliminate the outdated and inapplicable practices and rules in the world today. Most of the people in power are old men and women living by the rules of a decade that has gone passé. The people of the Occupy Movement aim to overthrow the outdated ideas that are still trying to be pushed now, and the occupiers intend to do this by using technology as an extended limb or digital war cry. The Occupy Movement has truly digitized and brought into the new world the ways in which people come together to defend their rights as citizens of a swiftly globalizing society. People flock to online social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to demonstrate their outrage and beliefs toward systems set by the 1% that do not mesh with what the majority need or what the majority deems they need. People, who want to start a movement, go online and tell anyone with access to the Internet to join him or her in a stand against government or large corporations, and for a minimal fee at that. A great ordeal for the people from the 60s/70s/80s was trying to get their messages across to as much people as possible without any tampering from outside forces (editors, government officials) and with as little budget as possible. The movement has revolutionized the revolution, changing how the ... Get more on ...