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The Importance Of International Students
International Students United State is becoming the destination of choice for international students.
Every university, college and institution of higher studies has a lot of international students from all
around the world. It is widely acknowledged that United State receives millions of students every
year from all over the world. In 2013 to 2014, according to the date released recently by the institute
of international education in cooperation with the State Department, international student studying
in the United State was recorded at 886,052 which is almost twice the amount listed two decades
ago. International students in the United State calculate for up to 4.2%. Just in Kansas, international
student record for about 6% of all college and university. The number of international student at
State Universities is go up as a high as nearly about 12 %; which is double the percent in the
Kansas. According to the same data WSU at this years get the highest number of international
student in the school history, which is about 1,900 students from 105 countries. The first cause why
international student choose to come and study in the United State is because the country's
reputation for famous higher education programs. The educational system in the united state is
developing which has gone to engage international students. Also, international students can study
any subject they think of. For instant, if you want to study computer and become supper in tech,
study engineering
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International Students Face Three Principle Challenges
Paper 2
Nowadays, an increasing number of international students come to the State to pursue higher
degrees. International students contribute significantly to the diversity of the campus, as well as
helping to increase schools' funding. However, lots of international students have to experience a
tough period in the State, due to culture difference and the language barrier. People might notice that
most of the international students are shy and don't talk too much in the class. But people might not
be aware of the kinds of insights thoughts international students possess, along with the lack of
confidence with which they struggle. In this paper, I try to summarize and explain the main
difficulties faced by ... Show more content on ...
Third, language barrier can be a huge problem for international students, especially for those whose
first language is not English. Although they have learned English for a while and got good scores in
TOEFL exams, they still need one or two years to get used to a English–speaking environment.
Although most of international students experience similar difficulties, different groups of students
face different main problems. Students from totally different political system might experience more
severe culture difference, for example, Chinese students. Fan use her own experience to explain how
she struggled between "I" and "we". I honestly understand this difficulty. As he mentioned in the
article, "In China, I is always subordinated to We – be it the working class, the Party, the country, or
some other collective body" (Shen, P2). I am also a Chinese and educated by Chinese schools for 12
years. In our culture, modest and low–key are very valuable personalities. A person who refers to
him or herself with the pronoun "I" can be considered selish and individualistic. However, in the
State, people don't need to hind themselves and can just express themselves. I am surprised about
this culture and very excited to embrace this difference. I want to be myself and make my own
voice! Not like Fan, although I struggle with this culture difference, I am happy to change. For
example, at the beginning, during group discussion, I like to start with "we think"
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Higher Education For International Students
Higher education in the UK has probably become one of the most popular choices for international
students. The study devoted into the experiences of the international students report that the
phenomenon of culture shock as a part of challenges could be troubling them (UKCISA, 2008).
Whereas, the students who come from developing countries responded that the higher education in
the UK would extend work field as well as the effect of social cognition (Mazzarol and Soutar,
Hence, it will be discussed in this essay whether opportunities outweigh the challenges by analyzing
the phenomenon, reasons and drawing the conclusion.
2.0The opportunities for international students
In the UK, a pluralistic country, there is diversified culture promoting to the cultural
communication. "Over 60% of the survey respondents reported their agreement that the UK was a
tolerant society, with more than on in 10 (12%) indicating strong agreement. "(Schweisfurth and Gu,
2009) Not only possibly could it broaden horizons of the international students, but also improve
their learning skills.
2.1Broaden horizons through multicultural society
Multicultural means including multiple people who have varying manners and faiths (Cambridge
dictionaries online). In 2004, UKCOSA did a survey was reported that over 50% of respondents
looked forward to getting more opportunities to experience the culture in UK (UKCOSA, 2004).
Firstly, studying in a multicultural country like the UK is an excellent chance
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International Student And High Tuition Essay
Studying with those from another background other than our own provides opportunities for greater
discovery, understanding, and cooperation. International students bring a variety of ideas and new
perspectives to the classroom, aiding in the educational process for all and are an important
component to many universities' campus climate. Beyond the important cultural components they
bring to campus, International students are also a source of high tuition revenue for universities.
Students are often charged multiple times the rate of tuition that in–state domestic students pay, such
as the University of Washington, where international students pay almost three times as much per
year (Lewin, 2012). The retention and graduation rates of all students are important to universities;
however, research on international student persistence has largely been missing in the literature
(Andrade 2009; Andrade and Evans 2009). Interestingly enough, the Institute of International
Education (IIE) and other government agencies do not report data on international student
persistence rates (Evans et al, 2009). The majority of universities report their student graduation and
retention rates on their websites, with many universities including their percentages by ethnic
groups; however, very few universities identify the specific rates for the international student
population. According to the IIE, the international student population in the United States comprises
only about 3.5% of the total
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International Students Information-Seeking Behaviors
Journal Article 1
Sara Jackson
Liberty University Summary Cho and Lee (2016) created a study to find out how international
students that attended colleges in the United States sought out information on the correct behaviors
of life on college campuses. "Considering the continuous increase of international students, the main
goal of this study was to investigate how international students' information–seeking behaviors
directly and indirectly impacted communication satisfaction with instructors and school–life
satisfaction" (Cho & Lee, 2016, p.597). The researchers had to become familiar with cultural
backgrounds of the students. This was an important variable to understand which provided light as
to why certain students acted the ways in ... Show more content on ...
I am a firm believer that as teacher we most know all of our students' backgrounds. As Jones and
Jones state, " is absolutely essential that you understand your students' beliefs and values about
learning and personal relationships and that you incorporate them into your decision making" (Jones
& Jones, 2016, p.23). Teachers cannot treat all students the same way. Even if your students are not
from another country it is important to treat their beliefs and values equally. I do not want to offend
any student or parents by assuming that I know how all students should act and respond in a
situation. "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more
significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the
interests of others" (Philippians 2:3–4). This is an appropriate verse for my discussion. It represents
everything you need to know about treat people. Think of others and do not assume everyone is the
same. This is made possible by knowing others and their beliefs and
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Common Stressors To International Students Essay
Nowadays, a great many of international students come to universities and clolleges in United States
(U.S). Growing in a different culture, they tend to have distinct problems compared with local
American students. College counselors often need to make some adjustment of the theories and
approaches they use to help international students. The article selected discussed the common
stressors and the coping strategies of international students, as well as the implication to college
counselors when working with international students. One of the common stressors to international
students is the adjustment difficulty. Immersed in a different culture and a new environment, it is
normal for international students to feel more stressful to adapt ... Show more content on ...
This tendency may be due to the heterogeneous nature of this special population. Some of the
international students may assume that college counselors may not understand their experiences and
feelings because of the differences, while some other international students are not familiar with the
professional counseling services and are reluctant to make use of them. Considering international
students' less active participation in traditional counseling, colleges counselor could develop some
program to facilitate international students' understanding of counseling services and reduce their
apprehension. In addition, college counselors should also make use of other non–traditional
counseling approaches to help international students achieve a higher level of adjustment. For
example, college counselors can implement some psycho–educational programs, mentoring
programs, prevention services and some support groups. The new student orientations are a good
opportunities for counselors to help international students get familiar with the helping services
available on campus. Counselors can also use this platform to explain some cultural and educational
differences to international students. In this way, they would be better prepared and not attribute
themselves as the sources of adjustment
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International Student Retentions
The United States leads the world in the number of international students who have chosen to study
away from their home nation (Witherell & Clayton, 2014). However, other nations such as the
United Kingdom and Australia are gaining on the United States and have higher retention rates
(Burkholder & Holland, 2014). Moreover, these nations have clearly defined national policies to
improve the recruitment and retention of international students, which the United States lacks
(Andrade, 2006). International students provide an abundant source of benefits, which include
financial stability, cultural awareness, and improved skills among domestic students (Luo &
Jamieson–Drake, 2013; Owens, Srivastava, & Feerasta, 2011). However, adjusting ... Show more
content on ...
International students from non–Western cultures have more concerns with academics than students
from other Western cultures.
The responses were analyzed with IBM SPSS. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the first
hypothesis. The second and third hypotheses were tested with independent samples t–tests. Results
of these analyses follow below.
First, international students have identified numerous concerns about their academic endeavors in
the U.S. These students found it difficult to participate in class discussions, to find others to
collaborate with, and to understand degree requirements. In contrast, classroom lectures, textbooks,
and tests in English were not as much of a concern. As expected, undergraduate students (N=19)
indicated higher levels of concern. For example, undergraduates were lower than graduate students
on I find it difficult to participate in class discussions, t(50) = 3.34, p = .002. I find it difficult to
receive help from my advisor was also significant, t(50) = 2.57, p = .013, with undergraduate
students scoring lower. Similarly, I find it difficult to receive adequate help from my professors was
significantly different for undergraduates and graduate students, t(50) = 2,47, p = .017. In every
case, the undergraduate students were more concerned about aspects of academics than graduate
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Advantages And Challenges Of International Students
The following paragraphs will discuss the challenges and expectation or support needed by
international students based on some empirical studies by other researchers Challenges can be
defined as a situation that faced by someone with some of problems or difficulties. The international
students experience transition and adjustment difficulties is not a new issue when we talk about
International and education. As stated by Malaklolunthu et al., (2011) which is with the rising
interest of foreign students towards Malaysia, the Malaysian education sector both private and
public must pay attention to the adjustment and transition issues of international students. Studies
have shown, international students experience challenges adjusting ... Show more content on ...
In order to attract more international students, it is important to understand and develop measures to
overcome the various kinds of adjustment problems they face (Malaklolunthu et al., 2011). The
international student really needs some support to overcome their difficulties in order to have a good
life and environment while studying in Malaysia. It is supported by the finding of Umar et. al.,
(2014) stated that students have some expectation to support them while they stay outside their
home country. According to Mahmud et al., (2010) efficient international offices, multicultural
trained student personnel, and support programs built for international students will help improve
services for international students. University language centers need to be empowered to ensure that
international students secure their language ability before joining the academic programs. On the
students' part, good performance in both local language and English language help international
students to learn about local culture and to enable them to make the most of their study experience
in Malaysia. Other than that, Yusoff & Chelliah (2010) find that adjustments by students fall into
two categories: socio–cultural adjustments are related to behavioural ability to fit in and could be
considered from a social learning perspective predicted by variables related to the social skills
acquisitions and cognitive
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International Students Can Overcome Challenges
International students face many different challenges when studying abroad. This is due to many
factors. First, they are living in a country very far away from their own. The country they are
studying at has a very different way of life than theirs. Further more, the laws in that country are
much different than the laws in their own country. Due to that they face a lot of problems trying to
adapt to this new culture. Me personally as an international student in the US studying at ASU, have
faced three particularly difficult challenges that I was able to overcome through time. In this essay I
will explain how international students can overcome tough challenges and situations. The first
challenge, and in my opinion the most crucial challenge that I had to face was learning the English
language, and communicating with different people. Almost every international student is faced with
this challenge; Alberto Fernández Fernández said, "International students often face adjustment
issues impacting their level of satisfaction with their experience. These involve oral language
proficiency, as well as feelings of anxiety and isolation resulting from language deficiencies". This
challenge was important for me to overcome due to the fact that I am here for the sole purpose to
study in an American University, so obviously I am required to learn the language. Likewise, I have
to learn how to speak so that I can be able to communicate with other students and professors. I
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Benefits Of International Student Recruitment
This is one major reason that many students choose to study in the US and participation in
multicultural groups may help students to make the needed connections to enjoy a successful stay
after graduation (Chue & Nie, 2016).
In addition to fiscal benefits to international students, there are benefits to the university and
surrounding community that are gained from an improved relationship with the international student
population For instance, international students who remain after graduation become members of the
community and promote cultural awareness and competence (Bodycott & Walker, 2000; Kumasi &
Hill, 2011). Moreover, universities can benefit from greater retention and completion among
students. Other nations such as the ... Show more content on ...
Improved relationships between institutions and international students should be a major focal point
for researchers and administrators for the future.
The low response rate of this study and many others shows the necessity to determine what may be
preventing students and potential participants from answering surveys. Is this an issue of a lack of
English skills or are there other mechanisms at play that need to be considered? For instance,
differences in culture could preclude some people from participating and some may be reluctant to
participate due to unethical survey research they may have dealt with in the past. Learning
communities in US higher education are very diverse and each group, including international
students, deserves recognition and inclusion (Petrovich & Lowe, 2005). However, it is problematic
to address issues when one cannot get enough participants to warrant attention from those in
decision making roles. Therefore, determining if there are differences in participation based on
demographic information as well as overall reluctance to participate should be explored to improve
the quality and quantity of data that is collected from international students. More research can also
help to determine which incentives are the most helpful when attempting to perform a
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International Student Immigration Research Paper
As an international student, every year I must go and get my visa from the U.S embassy in Nassau.
It is required of me, and without my visa, I wouldn't be able to attend school the upcoming year, or
perhaps even travel to the United States. The process is a hard one, sometimes taking several days
and leaving many waiting for hours and even weeks only to be decline, and due to recent political
events, that process has only gotten worst. For international students, how we are viewed at times,
and the growing problem of immigration and how that affects our goals of education is an increasing
social problem that needs to be addressed immediately. In society today we are faced with a growing
hotbed of tensions between races, political parties
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International And International Students At Universities
All over most college campuses there is a group of students that commonly get over looked; the
international students. International students make up a good majority of a lot of college campuses.
Statistics have shown that 1,000,000 international students are enrolled at universities in the United
States of America (Migration Policy Institute). I chose to observe a group of international students at
universities, because this is a topic that is of interest to me. Since international students are so
common at universities, they play a big part in our society. It does seem that possibly at times,
international students can get overlooked because at many universities they are in the minority. Even
though there are many differences between non international and international students, we all share
one purpose; to get an education at a university in the United States of America. If an international
student is at a university in America, in most cases you can assume they are there for a purpose. For
international students, they are in a complete different country than their family. Most students
would not do that, unless they have a purpose in doing it. Most international students come to the
states to get better quality education, so they can have a future with better opportunities. People's
view on international students, in most cases would completely depend on the person. It seems that
most people have some level of respect for them considering the sacrifices that they make
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The Challenges Of Being An International Student
A challenge is being a student, a bigger one challenge is being an international student. I believe that
in my home country student life is easy, but being an international student that is a student of a
different country can be hard. When I was 18 years old I landed to London .It's been nine months
now and I faced some tough experiences which I will remember throughout my life. The challenges
which I have faced that most international student will experience. For all those who are planning to
study in London, I would like to share some challenges that the student might have to face and
suggest ways to tackle them.
More specific challenges are encountered by international students compared to domestic students
such as language ... Show more content on ...
Speaking English as a second language in front of others can prove to be anxiety–provoking and
when an international student develops this kind of fear they limit their ability to participate in
discussions of class and develop a social relationship. For entry of international student in
universities would normally consist of a TOEFL or IELTS score. However, even when the entry
level requirement is fulfilled by students, they are not acquainted with the terminology that is
technical for a subject area specialist. Difficult time is faced by international students while reading
because of lack of familiarity with English vocabulary, a weak understanding of complex syntax,
lack of background knowledge in a subject and lack of equivalent words between English and their
native language (Mertin, 2013). Criteria of language which is the only thing achieved by the
students, studying in English, especially at the level of master's, can result stressful and onerous.
The language entry requirement which is pass by the international students and the independent
study was problematic for the international students required at a very early stage of the
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International Students Should Be Taught At A University
International students who come from different parts of the world to study with later hopes of
finding a job, take loans to help pay for education ending up in large debts. This sadly is a harsh
reality for students who come as international students into the United States. International students
are not permitted to work off campus while studying at a university. According to the U.S.
Citizenship & Immigration Services, visas granted to foreign students are prohibited to any
execution of a job (Working). This can include any work ranging from working in motels and liquor
stores to in some cases, on campus. Inability to abide by these rules can result in deportation or can
affect the student visa and further permissions for a work visa and a green card. Making it incapable
for international students to work off–campus, builds a financial burden on these students as well as
their parents back home. Not only are these students burdened with thousands of dollars of debt, the
currency exchange rate makes it tougher for these students to pay for their tuitions, housing, and
food, without earning it in American dollars. Some students are fortunate enough to find and do jobs
on campus, but only small number of students admitted in United States universities are hired for
on–campus and the availability is quite low in comparison to a number of international students.
This makes it difficult for international students to get an on–campus job and help pay their tuitions,
as well as
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Write An Essay On International Students
International Students
According to the Migration Policy Institute, since the end of WWII the United States (U.S.) has
been the destination of choice for international students. In past few decades campus diversity has
increased dramatically. International students have become a considerable population in United
States (U.S.) HEI. According to the Open Dorr Data collected in 2014~2015 academic year, there
were 974,926 registered international students studying in U.S. (there are many non–documented
international students that are not included in this number). The highest enrollment–rates boost of
international students happened in 1978~1979 academic year. In 2015, there are 10% increases of
enrollment rates compare with prior year. The U.S. is one of the top choices for study abroad, and
HEI in U.S. gain benefits from international students. The Institute of International Education
(2010) reported that international students were important ... Show more content on
Coming to the U.S., many international students have different career expectations according to
their sociocultural backgrounds preventing them from pursuing different career paths. International
students encounter various policies that limit them from finding a job after graduation, such as a
policy that international students have a time limit of three months after graduation in obtaining a
job in order to stay in the country legally. After International students need working visa sponsorship
for work longterm, which most of companies will not provide. Additionally, international students
hoping to return to their home country face the obstacle of rebuilding their social network and
catching up on the social as well as career environment that has occurred since coming the U.S.
(Andrade, 2006; McClure,
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International Students Essay example
Differences between American Students and International Students Most young people believe that
studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and
learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because
International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot
handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very
unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student. International students have to
learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more
expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study they ... Show more content on ...
They know their structure and have a very superior vocabulary, so they can compose excellent
essays. In addition, since American students speak English very well, they do not have any problem
participating in class. They have confidence in themselves, so they will not be afraid of saying
something wrong. Consequently, because American students do not have to learn any language to
study their mayor, it is much easier for them to achieve excellent grades. Most university students
feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money in order to be
independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students because they also
feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is responsible for
them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very difficult because
they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited since some of the
campuses in which they study are very small. Also for an international student to find a job on
campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is not going to have
any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from Venezuela who is
studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to have his own money.
He went to
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Being An International Student Essay
Being accepted into a U.S university is obviously more challenging for a foreign student like you
planning to study in America than for a U.S citizen. However, being a foreign (or "international")
student does mean you have a different perspective that schools in the USA are valuable than the
ones in your country.
International students create a significant contribution to US campus life, as well as to college and
university revenues. Consequently, USA colleges and universities admit and welcome international
Which means that, although, you might want to overcome some obstacles as a way to study in
America, international students can be seen as a valuable commodity here. U.S government needs
you and your money to develop the country. ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, this choice is not immediately open to foreign students /international students
studying in the United States on the student visa.
Note: Working On Campus with a Student Visa: No Work Permit Needed for a Foreign Student
/International Student
Many US universities provide work–study programs to foreign students / international students.
These jobs usually entail manning at the school help desk, working with the university library, or
maybe even mowing the campus lawns.
Payments from these jobs are generally low, but every dollar can help when it's time to purchase
another textbook or if you intent to buy more foods to cook than eating microwave popcorn every
Foreign students / international students are limited to working 20 hours weekly, off or on–campus
(although off–campus needs a special international student work permit and is available once after
the 1st academic year), so you shouldn't depend on work–study program to provide you with much
money throughout the school year.
During holidays and schools vacation, however, a foreign student / international student using the
proper paperwork can work unlimited hours on–campus, so you could probably earn a reasonable
amount over the summer
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University Of Montana International Student Association
While writing my profile essay on University of Montana International Student Association to
discover the challenges, international students face when they moved away thousands of miles from
their home country to study here at the University of Montana. Many face challenges from social
(unfamiliar living circumstances), academic (learning style) to cultural (language, culture and
personal barriers) issues. Some students adapt easily to life here in Missoula while others experience
difficulties. I began to wonder if these problems faced by international students here at the
University of Montana are the same compared to other international students attending other
university throughout the United States (US). I started doing my research for ... Show more content
on ...
They contribute to the diversity and internationalization of their classrooms, campuses and
communities. In this essay we will be looking into the academic, social and cultural challenges
international students face when they study here in the US. Follow by why students from different
regions (Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Australia etc.) adapt to US culture differently. Lastly I
will look into why International students mostly associated with other international students instead
of associating with American students.
In most college and university here in the US, your courses will most likely be graded in many ways
such as in a test, class participation and writing papers. For students that are not used to these
assessment such as writing a research paper and citing sources they will have difficult time
undertaking these assessment. For example students like Vuk Bojovic from Serbia studying in
Illinois wrote "When I first came here, I had a problem with research papers, as I have never wrote
them in high school in Serbia, I was not familiar with the structure of a paper as well as academic
resources and citations. It took me a whole term to work both on my own and with people in the
Reading–Writing Center to get a good grade on a paper."(3).
While some students having a hard time writing research papers others struggle in class participation
assessment. Many college professors in the US
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International Student 's Challenge And Adjustment
Overcoming International Student's Challenge and Adjustment to College
A critical look into the experts' article Ashvarya Jain
Northeastern University College of Professional Studies
Hsio–Ping Wu, Esther Gaza, and Norma Guzman's article entitled "International Student's
Challenge and Adjustment to College" has the implied intention of informing universities in the
United States (US) the problems faced by the international students in higher education. The authors
have done a fine job providing comprehensive, but overwhelming information of the challenges
international students face. The article is explanatory which makes it drawn–out and ho–hum, still
the universities and colleges can greatly benefit from the information as it is supported by the
authors' own experiences, researches, surveys and lot of details in the woods of citations. This is
anticipated as the authors are ESL Professors at the Texas A&M University. The authors are
qualified to write about the topic as their profession involves direct contact with international
students, which expands article's purpose to enriching, and not just informing. The article is the
secondary source of information, compiling work by various authors such as D. Celleja, W. F. Hull
and many more. Moreover, it gives a great insight in the real issues faced by students, even the
smaller ones such as feeling left out at parties. The article is published on 15 January 2015 and its
presence on the
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Problems of International Students Essays
"In 2006 to 2007, according to the data compiled by the Institute of International Education,
582,984 students from all over the world were enrolled in American colleges and universities in a
wide range of fields" (Carter, Paragraph 2, 2008). The United States has the highest number of
students who are coming to study abroad than any other countries. Each year, the number of
international students coming to the United States to obtain degrees is increasing by thousands, and
home countries of these students are primarily India, China and Korea, all located in the whole
different continent. But what are the motives of students who are crossing the sea to study? Their
goal of studying abroad is to experience diversity and to adapt attitudes ... Show more content on ...
For me, art history discussion session is most challenging. I become very nervous the night before
the discussion and "participation grade" is the only word that pops out of my head during every
session. I start to lose confidence as I observe other students analyzing the art work perfectly.
Although participation grade is not based on correctness, I cannot stop worrying about whether what
I am thinking is right or wrong and how people are going to think of my accents. Not only do
students feel stressful in verbal context, they also face difficulties in essays. Because of their limited
vocabulary, students have hard time expressing their knowledge clearly on essay exams or research
paper, and the different format of writings preferred in American colleges and universities often
confuse international students with their native format of writings (Lin and Yi, Paragraph 7, 1997).
For example, while American writings follow a specific structure with a clear main idea, supporting
evidence and a conclusion, Eastern Asian writings don't have a specific format. Also, according to
Lin and Yi, many international students are hired as teaching assistants, and students who are
enrolled in their classes can misinterpret due to their accents or incorrect application of language.
International students face difficulties in social communication as well as academic
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International Students: A Vulnerable Student Population
Studying abroad, which has become a common phenomenon, can be a fun and meaningful
experience. Many university students are interested in studying abroad because it gives them an
opportunity to explore different cultures and broaden their horizons. As Mark Sherry, Peter Thomas
and Wing Hong Chui argue in "International Students: a Vulnerable Student Population," the goals
that students pursue international study are often to acquire different ways of learning and to
improve cross–cultural understanding, which helps them gain self–confidence as well as maturity
(33). This experience turns out to be beneficial to those who study abroad. Nevertheless, when
students are surrounded by a wholly new environment, many problems that hinder their ... Show
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For example, they may start with making friends with local students and hang out with them more
often. Or they can simply apply for a conversation partner on the school website who will help
enhance their language fluency in an effective way. In addition, adjusting themselves to academic
customs is also a good way of adaptation. By figuring out the process of a lecture and observing the
interaction between educators and students, those who study abroad should learn to participate into
the class discussion and share their own opinions on the same issue. As time passes, they will find
themselves popular among the students, and their language proficiency and academic grades will be
highly improved due to their participation in class.
What's more, international students are supposed to adapt to local foods and customs. Though it is
not difficult for some students to accept and get used to the new eating habits, for others who cannot
grow accustomed to the local food, they had better learn to cook for themselves. As to local
customs, international students have to inevitably accept some different cultures and values in order
to fit into this society. This is not asking them to give up their traditional values, but to treat other
cultures with a lenient attitude. By accepting or adapting to the local customs, they will also gain a
better understanding of this culture.
Last but not least, students should pay more attention to the
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International Student Stress
Academic Stress Among College Students: Comparison of American and International Students
Ranjita Misra and Linda G. Castillo
Texas A&M University
This study compared academic stressors and reactions to stressors between American and
international students using Gadzella's Life Stress Inventory (B. M. Gadzella, 1991). Five categories
of academic stressors (i.e., frustrations, conflicts, pressures, changes, and self–imposed) and four
categories describing reactions to these stressors (i.e., physiological, emotional, behavioral, and
cognitive) were examined. The sample consisted of 392 international and American students from 2
Midwestern universities. American students reported higher self–imposed stressors and greater
behavioral ... Show more content on ...
Gender differences also influence a student's perception and reaction to academic stressors (Misra et
al., 2000). For example, female students more often report letting out their feelings, whereas men
more often report controlling their emotions, accepting the problem, not thinking about the situation,
and engaging in problem–solving efforts (Hyde & Plant, 1995; Milkie & Thoits, 1993). Coping
styles to stressors also differ by gender. When compared at similar levels of stress, women exhibit
stress more overtly than males (Hyde & Plant, 1995; Thomas & Williams, 1991). International
students share some common characteristics regardless of their diverse cultural, social, religious,
and political backgrounds. Most international students are in the United States temporarily to fulfill
their educational objectives and succeed in academic pursuits (Yang & Clum, 1994). However, the
majority of these students are deprived of their traditional sources of social support and familiar
means of communication (Pederson, 1991). Many of these students experience stressful life changes
and cultural adjustments (Leong & Mallinckrodt, 1992). For example, difficulties have been
reported with English–language proficiency and with adjustments to the American culture that might
contribute to academic stress. Furthermore, international students have difficulties adapting to a new
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International Student Club Personal Statement Examples
I am interested in applying to be the Vice President of the International Student Club because I want
to become proactive about the role I play in creating a wholesome community for international
students on this campus. Given the shifts occurring on campus with respect to international students
in terms of ISC not being very active this academic year, lapse in communication with exchange
students in a structured manner, and the dissolving of International House and consolidation in
South Hall, it has become difficult for international students to find their footing in the campus and
assimilate into LeTourneau. As a cabinet member of ISC I want to actively enable building this
community anew. The lack of a physical space for international students will play a huge role; in
that vacuum, I believe that intentional organization and synergy of all international student led
initiatives like ISC, SINC, Mosaic, Graduate student cohorts and PA's should work together to
generate a community which enables incoming students and current students to connect ... Show
more content on ...
Culture and differences will be at the focus of these events because I understand what the disconnect
from your home feels like and how community would aid in rekindling that connection to home
away from home. Having been on this campus for a while and having had the opportunity to get to
know the different institutions and bureaucracy, I feel that I am in a strong place to host events that
not only create holistic community for international students, but are also planned meticulously
given fiscal and time constraints. . I hope that my vision for ISC and qualities of being organized,
responsible, and my friendliness builds trust among the members and the future committee leading
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International Student Sojourners
International students experience various social, cultural, psychological and behavioral challenges
throughout their tertiary study. Student sojourners primarily struggle with social integration and
educational expectations, 'resulting from the loss of well–known cultural signs and symbols, causing
individuals to experience anxiety, frustration and helplessness' (Oberg 1960). These symptoms are
recognised collectively as results of 'culture shock'.
The increase in cultural diversity and promotion of global understanding in Australia, is reflected
through the educational systems and their growing acceptance of international students. According
to Australian Education International (AEI), the size of the international student population in
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International Students At The American University
How many of you guys study well in the American University? Maybe some of you have problem
in your academic study? To be a successful International student in the American University,
International students should work hard and go to the student center of school and go to the writing
center in order to find tutors for help. Also they can take lots of student's activities in school. For
most of International students, taking the activities in school, including language communication or
club activities, will give then chances to communicate with local people and will give them chance
to develop their English skills. Firstly, International students should go to the student center of
school if they want to be a successful student in American ... Show more content on
332). As I am the international student, I have the same experience because I can't adapt into the
American culture at the beginning of my university's life. All of the two information show that if
International students feel alone or missing home problem, they will distressful with their study and
therefore they can't study well at school. At this time, they can go to the school center for help. The
author, Lee(2013) indicates that most school have the counseling service in the school center, this
service is special for the international students who have difficulties in adjusting with the new
environment and feel homesick and can't have a good life in the university. After counseling with
tutor, students feel better because tutors comfort them. After comforting by tutors, they can focus on
their academic study because they will not remember the homesick or the difficulties in American.
Secondly, International students should go to the Learning & Writing Center if they want to be a
successful student in American University. From the Journal of International Students,
Banjong(2015) argues that International students haven't any ability to fully follow lectures and take
sufficient notes from these lectures because they can't adequate the speaking speed of their
professors and therefore they can't understand the class lectures. (p. 137). Exactly,
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Common Problems Faced by International Students in the UK
In the last few years, studying abroad has become an increasingly popular choice for higher
education among international students (Accessibility Navigation, 2014). An average of 10% of
students in universities all across the UK are international students from countries all over the world.
(Accessibility Navigation, 2014). Although the experience is different for each individual student,
there are many common problems that international students face. Those problems include: culture
shock to varying degrees coupled with emotional issues(Bailey, 2005), Language barriers along with
other communication problems (Sherry et al, 2009), and academic problems due to a change in
school curriculum (Ramachandran, 2011). This essay will expand on the ... Show more content on ...
It can be argued that if international students are given accurate information on what to expect, the
culture shock can be minimised or avoided(Sherry et al, 2009). Instead of limiting the orientation
experience to getting a geographical and academic feel of the campus, the students should also be
given the opportunity to have a supervised cultural feel of their new country of study (Turner, 2009).
Another solution that has been suggested is that the institution organise more formalised social
interaction (Sherry et al, 2009). Instead of leaving students solely to their own devices where
making new friends and meeting people in their new community is involved, the institution can
organise events and activities that group students from different parts of the world together (Sherry
et al, 2009). A common suggestion is that social clubs be put in place to bridge the gap between
international students and other students on campus. One main focus of these social clubs would be
to improve the social interaction and verbal communication skills of international students (Sherry
et al, 2009). The social clubs could also be a way for the international students to overcome the
language barrier (Sherry et al, 2009). Feedback and past data from international students on the
steps taken by the institution to promote integration could also be helpful in setting precedent for
other action to stem from (Sherry et al, 2009).
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International Students Impact
The impact of international students in USA In modern times U.S. colleges and universities have
more international students than ever before. The number of international students in the classrooms
has increased dramatically the past couple of years. When I started classes here in US, I feel as if
we, the foreign students were just more students. I saw it as people coming from different places but
not different thoughts. After I started classes I realized that international students think in another
way. We see things with different perspectives because we come from other cultures. We have a
perspective based on our experience out of the country. Which means, we get to different
conclusions. We have been raised different than people here in U.S.A. They were thought in another
way, so we think different. I realized that, students from other countries can contribute a lot to a
country. Not only economically, international students contribute culturally, as well with making
improvements in institutions and education. They help by making the international relations of the
country better. Outside the classroom, international students have an impact on more than just the
education sector. They help supporting the economic activity, food, transportation, communication
and more. International students have a potential to change methods and content of the education
due to their different perspective. This challenges teachers to improve the process of teaching in
class to
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Challenges Facing International Students
Most international students happen to have some major and minor struggles when they come to the
USA. People from different countries usually have different background, different thoughts,
different culture. Therefore, international students who come to the USA, tend to struggle with some
problems. The three most important challenges international students face can be categorized into
three groups: emotional challenges such as culture shock and homesick, social challenges, and
academic challenges. The emotional struggles that international students have are homesickness and
culture shock. According to Ivan Sekyonda from Uganda, he appreciates the school faculties for
helping him with going through homesickness and culture shock (Sewall, p. 127). Students from
different countries happen to have trouble adapting to American culture that is more liberal. This
inability of getting along with American culture due to culture difference causes homesickness
which makes students want to go back home. Many international students seem to not enjoy their
first year in America for such problems. The social challenges that international students face
include international students only relating to other international students. According to Macalester
College, a group of Chinese students were already bonded altogether within themselves even before
they came to the campus (Fischer, p. 100). Usually, American students find other students, who are
planning go to the same school, on social
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International Students Advantages
Another advantage coming from international students is that they bring cultural values to university
life as well as local communities. American students achieve benefits from studying and interacting
with foreign students. Monroe France, assistant vice president of Student Diversity of New York
University, points out that his students can "engage with people who are different from themselves"
and "it creates a much more interesting campus community." (qtd. in Haynie). The domestic
students who have more international interaction can enhance their cultural knowledge and develop
set of life skills. They see the world outside America through different points of view and gain the
deeper understanding of unwritten cultural values. For example, most students know that Asians use
chopsticks to get food, but they cannot recognize that each country have special features for their
chopsticks. Moreover, they increase the ability to learn and speak a new language. It is clearly
understandable because the best way to learn a new language is to learn the culture and
communicate with native speakers. As an international student, I value the opportunities to master a
different language by the help of others F–1 students. I have been speaking four languages up to
now and I am planning to learn more in my free time; this clearly broadens my mind and becomes
my strength in the worldwide workforce. Besides, building international friendships helps these
students have great advantage in the
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Domestic And International Asian Students
Table 3 shows that no significant difference was observed between the overall scores of adjustment
in domestic and international Asian students. This finding is different from previous studies that
showed East Asian students to have difficulty understanding the academic content resulting in poor
adjustment success (Lee, Farruggia, & Brown, 2013). To test our main hypothesis, JASP was used to
generate data through descriptive statistics, ANOVA and further post hoc analyses. Initially, we
generated descriptive statistics to show the raw means. Table 4 displays this descriptive data
indicating that international students performed better than domestic students on university
adjustment (M = 34.60, SD = 2.60) and social interaction (M = 15.20, ... Show more content on ...
To test the second hypothesis, further sampled t–test comparisons were conducted. Table 3 shows a
strong significance between the different categories of adjustment, F(2, 81) = 197.09, p < .001, η² =
.813; however, the significance was ambiguous. To see where the difference happened, we
conducted t test comparisons. When comparing local university adjustment with international
university adjustment (t[4] = –1.990, p> .05, d = –.890), local social interaction with international
social interaction (t[4] = –0.732, p> .05, d = –.328) and local academic achievement with
international academic achievement (t[4] = .793, p> .05, d = –.355)–no significance was found. In
addition, the significant values were found when academic achievement was compared with
university adjustment in domestic and international students. This was a potential error of key score
differences between the categories (Table 2). Table 5 provides the complete list of all the
comparisons and displays where the results showed significance. Through this statistical analysis,
our second hypothesis failed to be true as well.
Interestingly, an interaction was found to be significant for social interaction and academic
achievement. Figure 2 provides a visual representation of this result.
The purpose of this study was to find the underlying differences between international and domestic
students. We used Asian students specifically for data to see whether they differ from one another
depending on their
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Difficulties Faced By International Students
Why does international students tend to group themselves away from American students? What are
some possible aspects that cause difficulties for international students to make American friends? In
Karin Fischer's article, she used the online questionnaire that professor Elisabeth Gareis conducted
on international students in America to answer those questions proposed above. This survey's result
claims that cultural and regional differences affect international students to have difficulties when
trying to make American friends. This research was conducted on various non–American students
with different genders, cultural backgrounds and circumstances. Not even half of the participants
responded that they have a good friendship with American students. Karin argues that students'
home region, university's location and language differences took critical roles which made a barrier
between international ... Show more content on ...
Regional differences basically mean cultural differences. For instance, as Ms. Gareis said, "...the
United States is a highly individualistic country, whereas other societies, particularly in Asia, put a
greater emphasis on social relationships and community ties and these students may be unprepared
for Americans' independence and more relaxed attitudes toward friendships..." (2012). Furthermore,
students from non–English speaking country like East Asian students were most likely to have
bigger challenge than those from English–speaking country. Because of the lack of the English skill,
it will be hard for non–English speaking country natives will have less confidence to start a
conversation or a relationship. Even though there are few apparent factors that are acting like
obstacles between international students and American students, it still is a difficult issue for
institutions to figure out the way to lessen these challenges and make these groups get along without
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Benefits Of International Students In The US
Essam Mukhtar Prof Heather S. ENG 1250 24 April 2017 Benefits of International Students in the
USA Introduction The United States accommodates the largest pool of international students
globally, with over one million students choosing to extend their education and life experience in the
US. The number has grown since the 1950s and continues to grow due to the quality of teaching
offered and the multi–cultured environment that allows for wholesome growth and unforgettable life
experience. Additionally, the prospect of getting into the US labor market has made international
students prefer the US as a study destination. The number of universities and colleges offering a
broad range of courses has also grown thereby encouraging more ... Show more content on ...
International students in the US have a choice of a broad range of programs that they can choose.
The US is home to over 4500 colleges and universities offering an extensive array of degrees
(Florea). The institutions of higher learning also give the international students the opportunity to
combine various subjects as 'minors' and 'majors. ' Students who want to experiment with different
subjects and classes have the option of choosing to study in the US. Globally, no country offers such
a wide range of flexibility and programs. Students who wish to study in the US have the opportunity
to choose a course that matches their future aspirations. The international students also have the
ability to pursue some of the most innovative programs offered and interact with globally
recognized scholars who tutor them throughout their years of study. The programs are also tailored
to meet the demands of the job market, thereby enabling the international students to leave college
while having the requisite skills required for the job. Owing to a large number of courses available
for the international students, they have an option of choosing the kind of college experience they
want. Such considerations include the location of the college or university, the type of
accommodation, the sports programs and facilities available among others (Florea). The availability
of a diverse range of programs implies that the classes often have few students with
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University Services That Assist International Students
University Services that assist International Students in their successful
Transition to studying in the US Gopi Nadh Kancharla
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Introduction Each and every international student will definitely feel it difficult initially to the
sudden change of culture, environmental conditions and language. It would be a common scenario
in most of the international student cases including me. Being an international scholar, I found it
really hard to accommodate these changes, but the sources provided by my university specially in
case of the international students helped me a great deal overcoming these troubles. Every university
should provide their international students ... Show more content on ...
The workshop is a friendly face to face conversation that helps the students to get advices regarding
all aspects of student requirement.
Reading and Writing Enhancement Workshops The basic requirement for any international non
English speaking student is a proper reading and writing. Fairleigh Dickinson University has taken
an initiative by starting a program named English as a Second Language (ESL) specially for non
native speakers of English. The students are made to attend classes which consist of lots of activities
and learning. Students are provided with certain tasks as research papers where the student has to
analyze and write on several issues. The students' writing skills are assisted by Metro Writing Studio
(MWS) which focuses mainly on the writing skills of the student. MWS helps the students to focus
on their writing by making them comfortable with the formats of writing and by guiding them
whenever required. Students are given access to almost all the materials and research papers from
experts regarding the field. These sources helps the students to redirect their research by presenting
their ideas with the ideas of the experts. In addition academically, students should be provided with
guidance towards the career options where Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional
Practical Training (OPT) are considered. The CPT and OPT include the areas where students are
assisted with the
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Stereotypes Of International School Students
With a growing demand for international schools worldwide, is there really that much of a
difference in the character outcomes of students studying there? Many perceive international school
students to be bratty, rebellious students. This stereotype, however, is clearly false. International
school students are simply foreign or local students sent to international schools to receive education
for various reasons. There is no solid evidence that all of them are spoilt brats. It is inevitable that
there are students with poor attitudes, but this is represented by the minority. Thus, the title should
not be given to the whole cohort.
Firstly, it is true and inevitable that there exist students who display poor attitudes. These cases are
present in every school. Students' attitude and view on things are mostly based on their upbringing.
The way they were brought up at home since young is a major factor as to how they act in the
future. Of course, peer pressure may ... Show more content on ...
This is an incorrect and unfair assumption as firstly, international school students, as the name
suggests, are foreign students coming from many parts of the world, including China, Japan,
America and so on. Some studying in international schools may also have dropped out from local
schools in search of a better study courses to offer. I have seen cases of my seniors transferring to
international schools because they could not cope with the pace of learning despite having already
dropped from the IP stream to the O level stream in local schools. Thus, I feel that international
school student should not be generalized as Caucasians who do not care much about studying. Yet
again, not all Caucasians do not bother about their studies. They are just given more breaks from
studying and don't necessarily have a competitive mindset to strive to achieve the best
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The Common Problems Faced By International Students Essay
The most common problems faced by international students in UK
Feeling Homesick
You may feel homesick, as do many students, however for international students it is more difficult
to deal with. Students from this country may be able to return home for a visit to help alleviate their
homesickness. International students are not able to do this. This means that you may need more
support than home students. You may need to talk to someone in confidence about how you are
feeling. The counselling service is here to help.
Problems Integrating
You may find it difficult to integrate into another culture. Even within Europe cultures can be
different. It may be difficult to get used to a new culture. You may wish to talk about this with other
international students in a support group run by the counselling service. Please contact the
counselling service for further information on support groups.
You may find it difficult at first to communicate with others in university. This may be due to
difficulties with language or difficulties with accents. You may find it difficult to understand your
lecturer or other students. You must not be embarrassed. It is important to tell someone of your
difficulties, so that you can receive help.
Family Worries
It is always painful to leave family behind. You may find that you are worried about your family and
this may interfere with your ability to concentrate on your work.
It is expensive to come to university and you may find that
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International Student Retention Efforts : A Correlational...
International Student Retention Efforts: A Correlational Study
A Research Proposal Submitted to the
Department of Graduate Education of Lincoln Memorial University
For: EDUC 511
JoAnn M. Russell
Fall 2015
International students attending U.S. colleges and universities bring valuable cultural and
educational diversity as well as economic contributions to American campuses and their
communities (Andrade, 2006). Internationalization on college campuses encourages cultural
awareness which can provide beneficial skills for students as they enter the workplace in our
globally interconnected society. As international student recruiting increases, research suggests that
universities must become more aware of the adjustment and acclimation challenges international
students face and provide appropriate services to keep them enrolled. This qualitative study of
international students in a North Eastern Tennessee university, will attempt to explore best
institutional efforts to boost student retention, confirming that additional recruitment resources alone
does not guarantee international student retention. Key words: Acclimation, Globally Interconnected
Society, Internationalization, International Students
Abstract 2
Statement of Problem 4
Purpose of Study 4
Justification 5
Research Question 5
Definition of Terms 6
Literature Review 7
Methodology 9
References 10
Appendix 12
Statement of Problem
There is a big push
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Attract International Students
MSU recruitment date shows international students are 7% of the population and 20% of a class on
the graduate level and undergraduate students are 5% of the population. To attract and retain
international papulation n campus university is using different tactic and strategies.
A website is an important tool to attract international students because 80% population depends on it
to know about a university. A well–developed website intrigued interest of the viewer, a user–
friendly website increase 30% chances of a university to be picked by the student (.....)
Murray State University has a page specifically dedicated on its website for international students,
and it has the ability to provide translation in five languages Chinese, ... Show more content on ...
The Pathway programs information is available in the brochure of all countries.
Strategies to recruit and retention of students Every university adopts some strategies for
recruitment and retention of international students. Those strategies are according to university
resources and programs.
Students as Resources
Students are a real resource of an institution and can help a university in the planning of strategic
plan for recruitment of more students. All students have gone through the procedure of recruitment
at a university and they know well which factors were motivational. They can tell reasons why
students chose those programs and what features need to be changed. They can tell what kind of
communication will work with another student from their home country because they have lived in
that culture so they know more than any other person. Using the student endorsement for
recruitment is "words of mouth" tacit which more successful practice is. Continuously taking
feedback from international population helps to know what they want and what they are expecting
from a program? Why do they like university? A focus group or survey once a semester will help to
Leadership, Campus Involvement, and Employment Involvement is very necessary for the process
to make international students experience more valuable, and it is
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International Student Transition Paper
The United States has always been a main attraction for international students to gain intellectual
knowledge, technical skills, cross–cultural experience, and better opportunities for professional
development (Han, Han, Luo, Jacobs, & Jean–Baptiste, 2013; Zhang & Goodson, 2010). According
to the Institute of International Education (2017), in the academic year of 2015/2016, there was an
increase of 7% in the number of international student pursuing higher education in the United States
over the previous year with total international students of 1,043,839 and 5.2% representing the total
of U.S College enrollment. International students make higher education one of the largest service
sector exports in the United States (Rice, Choi, Zhang, Morero, & Anderson, 2012; Zhang &
Goodson, 2010). They are regarded as a vital financial commodity for countries ... Show more
content on ...
However, the change from home to college can be difficult for international students (Mesidor &
Sly, 2016). While some international students find it easy to adjust to the transition, others
international students find it challenging to adjust to the transition (Mesidor & Sly, 2016). Studies
show that international students experience many challenges as a result of language and cultural
barriers, academic difficulties, financial difficulties, medical issues, housing concerns, food
differences, alienation, homesickness, lack of social support system, racial discrimination, and
cross–cultural loss) (Akanwa, 2015; Guzman et al., 2015; Mesidor & Sly, 2016; Sherry et al., 2010;
Smith & Khawaja, 2011; Tung, 2011; Zhang & Goodson, 2010). According to Prieto–Welch (2016),
international students as a group are regarded as a main minority population in campuses
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Challenges As An International Student Essay
Challenges as an International Student and How to Succeed in a Foreign Country
Who wants to study abroad or planning for JTA? I would like to tell you that studying abroad as an
international student is very challenging event in our lives. But, once we accomplish our challenges,
we have a bunch of chances to have a better job. So let me talk about my five challenges while
staying here in the Philippines. The first challenge I was dealing with was of course the weather.
Since Philippines is hot all the time, I really had to deal with the hotness. I was sweating every
single time, but now I got used to this weather. I think the best way to adapt to the weather is to
increase our fluid intake with water or sports drinks. Staying hydrated is extremely important when
staying in hot weather. The second challenge was adapting to the people. People in the Philippines
are kind of friendly. Wherever I go, people are trying to talk to me even if I don't know them. Maybe
since I am a foreigner, they are kind of interested on me, but I felt uncomfortable at first, because
people in Korea actually don't talk to the strangers that much. In this case, we really have to get use
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Home–sickness is another big challenge that you might have to face when going to a foreign
country, unless you already have family or friends there. Based on my friend who went to
Philippines alone, knowing absolutely no one, he faced this problem every day for the first month or
so. This is a very natural and common feeling, but again you cannot sit at a place and wish for things
to change. Make a habit of talking to your friends and family back home regularly, but try not to
only talk to them. Go out and talk to people in your new home; make friends, go hang out with some
people, it's not bad. Always try something new which can help us to survive while staying in a
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The Importance Of International Students

  • 1. The Importance Of International Students International Students United State is becoming the destination of choice for international students. Every university, college and institution of higher studies has a lot of international students from all around the world. It is widely acknowledged that United State receives millions of students every year from all over the world. In 2013 to 2014, according to the date released recently by the institute of international education in cooperation with the State Department, international student studying in the United State was recorded at 886,052 which is almost twice the amount listed two decades ago. International students in the United State calculate for up to 4.2%. Just in Kansas, international student record for about 6% of all college and university. The number of international student at State Universities is go up as a high as nearly about 12 %; which is double the percent in the Kansas. According to the same data WSU at this years get the highest number of international student in the school history, which is about 1,900 students from 105 countries. The first cause why international student choose to come and study in the United State is because the country's reputation for famous higher education programs. The educational system in the united state is developing which has gone to engage international students. Also, international students can study any subject they think of. For instant, if you want to study computer and become supper in tech, study engineering ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. International Students Face Three Principle Challenges Paper 2 Nowadays, an increasing number of international students come to the State to pursue higher degrees. International students contribute significantly to the diversity of the campus, as well as helping to increase schools' funding. However, lots of international students have to experience a tough period in the State, due to culture difference and the language barrier. People might notice that most of the international students are shy and don't talk too much in the class. But people might not be aware of the kinds of insights thoughts international students possess, along with the lack of confidence with which they struggle. In this paper, I try to summarize and explain the main difficulties faced by ... Show more content on ... Third, language barrier can be a huge problem for international students, especially for those whose first language is not English. Although they have learned English for a while and got good scores in TOEFL exams, they still need one or two years to get used to a English–speaking environment. Although most of international students experience similar difficulties, different groups of students face different main problems. Students from totally different political system might experience more severe culture difference, for example, Chinese students. Fan use her own experience to explain how she struggled between "I" and "we". I honestly understand this difficulty. As he mentioned in the article, "In China, I is always subordinated to We – be it the working class, the Party, the country, or some other collective body" (Shen, P2). I am also a Chinese and educated by Chinese schools for 12 years. In our culture, modest and low–key are very valuable personalities. A person who refers to him or herself with the pronoun "I" can be considered selish and individualistic. However, in the State, people don't need to hind themselves and can just express themselves. I am surprised about this culture and very excited to embrace this difference. I want to be myself and make my own voice! Not like Fan, although I struggle with this culture difference, I am happy to change. For example, at the beginning, during group discussion, I like to start with "we think" ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Higher Education For International Students Higher education in the UK has probably become one of the most popular choices for international students. The study devoted into the experiences of the international students report that the phenomenon of culture shock as a part of challenges could be troubling them (UKCISA, 2008). Whereas, the students who come from developing countries responded that the higher education in the UK would extend work field as well as the effect of social cognition (Mazzarol and Soutar, 2002). Hence, it will be discussed in this essay whether opportunities outweigh the challenges by analyzing the phenomenon, reasons and drawing the conclusion. 2.0The opportunities for international students In the UK, a pluralistic country, there is diversified culture promoting to the cultural communication. "Over 60% of the survey respondents reported their agreement that the UK was a tolerant society, with more than on in 10 (12%) indicating strong agreement. "(Schweisfurth and Gu, 2009) Not only possibly could it broaden horizons of the international students, but also improve their learning skills. 2.1Broaden horizons through multicultural society Multicultural means including multiple people who have varying manners and faiths (Cambridge dictionaries online). In 2004, UKCOSA did a survey was reported that over 50% of respondents looked forward to getting more opportunities to experience the culture in UK (UKCOSA, 2004). Firstly, studying in a multicultural country like the UK is an excellent chance ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. International Student And High Tuition Essay Studying with those from another background other than our own provides opportunities for greater discovery, understanding, and cooperation. International students bring a variety of ideas and new perspectives to the classroom, aiding in the educational process for all and are an important component to many universities' campus climate. Beyond the important cultural components they bring to campus, International students are also a source of high tuition revenue for universities. Students are often charged multiple times the rate of tuition that in–state domestic students pay, such as the University of Washington, where international students pay almost three times as much per year (Lewin, 2012). The retention and graduation rates of all students are important to universities; however, research on international student persistence has largely been missing in the literature (Andrade 2009; Andrade and Evans 2009). Interestingly enough, the Institute of International Education (IIE) and other government agencies do not report data on international student persistence rates (Evans et al, 2009). The majority of universities report their student graduation and retention rates on their websites, with many universities including their percentages by ethnic groups; however, very few universities identify the specific rates for the international student population. According to the IIE, the international student population in the United States comprises only about 3.5% of the total ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. International Students Information-Seeking Behaviors Journal Article 1 Sara Jackson Liberty University Summary Cho and Lee (2016) created a study to find out how international students that attended colleges in the United States sought out information on the correct behaviors of life on college campuses. "Considering the continuous increase of international students, the main goal of this study was to investigate how international students' information–seeking behaviors directly and indirectly impacted communication satisfaction with instructors and school–life satisfaction" (Cho & Lee, 2016, p.597). The researchers had to become familiar with cultural backgrounds of the students. This was an important variable to understand which provided light as to why certain students acted the ways in ... Show more content on ... I am a firm believer that as teacher we most know all of our students' backgrounds. As Jones and Jones state, " is absolutely essential that you understand your students' beliefs and values about learning and personal relationships and that you incorporate them into your decision making" (Jones & Jones, 2016, p.23). Teachers cannot treat all students the same way. Even if your students are not from another country it is important to treat their beliefs and values equally. I do not want to offend any student or parents by assuming that I know how all students should act and respond in a situation. "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:3–4). This is an appropriate verse for my discussion. It represents everything you need to know about treat people. Think of others and do not assume everyone is the same. This is made possible by knowing others and their beliefs and ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Common Stressors To International Students Essay Nowadays, a great many of international students come to universities and clolleges in United States (U.S). Growing in a different culture, they tend to have distinct problems compared with local American students. College counselors often need to make some adjustment of the theories and approaches they use to help international students. The article selected discussed the common stressors and the coping strategies of international students, as well as the implication to college counselors when working with international students. One of the common stressors to international students is the adjustment difficulty. Immersed in a different culture and a new environment, it is normal for international students to feel more stressful to adapt ... Show more content on ... This tendency may be due to the heterogeneous nature of this special population. Some of the international students may assume that college counselors may not understand their experiences and feelings because of the differences, while some other international students are not familiar with the professional counseling services and are reluctant to make use of them. Considering international students' less active participation in traditional counseling, colleges counselor could develop some program to facilitate international students' understanding of counseling services and reduce their apprehension. In addition, college counselors should also make use of other non–traditional counseling approaches to help international students achieve a higher level of adjustment. For example, college counselors can implement some psycho–educational programs, mentoring programs, prevention services and some support groups. The new student orientations are a good opportunities for counselors to help international students get familiar with the helping services available on campus. Counselors can also use this platform to explain some cultural and educational differences to international students. In this way, they would be better prepared and not attribute themselves as the sources of adjustment ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. International Student Retentions Purpose The United States leads the world in the number of international students who have chosen to study away from their home nation (Witherell & Clayton, 2014). However, other nations such as the United Kingdom and Australia are gaining on the United States and have higher retention rates (Burkholder & Holland, 2014). Moreover, these nations have clearly defined national policies to improve the recruitment and retention of international students, which the United States lacks (Andrade, 2006). International students provide an abundant source of benefits, which include financial stability, cultural awareness, and improved skills among domestic students (Luo & Jamieson–Drake, 2013; Owens, Srivastava, & Feerasta, 2011). However, adjusting ... Show more content on ... International students from non–Western cultures have more concerns with academics than students from other Western cultures. The responses were analyzed with IBM SPSS. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the first hypothesis. The second and third hypotheses were tested with independent samples t–tests. Results of these analyses follow below. Findings First, international students have identified numerous concerns about their academic endeavors in the U.S. These students found it difficult to participate in class discussions, to find others to collaborate with, and to understand degree requirements. In contrast, classroom lectures, textbooks, and tests in English were not as much of a concern. As expected, undergraduate students (N=19) indicated higher levels of concern. For example, undergraduates were lower than graduate students on I find it difficult to participate in class discussions, t(50) = 3.34, p = .002. I find it difficult to receive help from my advisor was also significant, t(50) = 2.57, p = .013, with undergraduate students scoring lower. Similarly, I find it difficult to receive adequate help from my professors was significantly different for undergraduates and graduate students, t(50) = 2,47, p = .017. In every case, the undergraduate students were more concerned about aspects of academics than graduate ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Advantages And Challenges Of International Students The following paragraphs will discuss the challenges and expectation or support needed by international students based on some empirical studies by other researchers Challenges can be defined as a situation that faced by someone with some of problems or difficulties. The international students experience transition and adjustment difficulties is not a new issue when we talk about International and education. As stated by Malaklolunthu et al., (2011) which is with the rising interest of foreign students towards Malaysia, the Malaysian education sector both private and public must pay attention to the adjustment and transition issues of international students. Studies have shown, international students experience challenges adjusting ... Show more content on ... In order to attract more international students, it is important to understand and develop measures to overcome the various kinds of adjustment problems they face (Malaklolunthu et al., 2011). The international student really needs some support to overcome their difficulties in order to have a good life and environment while studying in Malaysia. It is supported by the finding of Umar et. al., (2014) stated that students have some expectation to support them while they stay outside their home country. According to Mahmud et al., (2010) efficient international offices, multicultural trained student personnel, and support programs built for international students will help improve services for international students. University language centers need to be empowered to ensure that international students secure their language ability before joining the academic programs. On the students' part, good performance in both local language and English language help international students to learn about local culture and to enable them to make the most of their study experience in Malaysia. Other than that, Yusoff & Chelliah (2010) find that adjustments by students fall into two categories: socio–cultural adjustments are related to behavioural ability to fit in and could be considered from a social learning perspective predicted by variables related to the social skills acquisitions and cognitive ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. International Students Can Overcome Challenges International students face many different challenges when studying abroad. This is due to many factors. First, they are living in a country very far away from their own. The country they are studying at has a very different way of life than theirs. Further more, the laws in that country are much different than the laws in their own country. Due to that they face a lot of problems trying to adapt to this new culture. Me personally as an international student in the US studying at ASU, have faced three particularly difficult challenges that I was able to overcome through time. In this essay I will explain how international students can overcome tough challenges and situations. The first challenge, and in my opinion the most crucial challenge that I had to face was learning the English language, and communicating with different people. Almost every international student is faced with this challenge; Alberto Fernández Fernández said, "International students often face adjustment issues impacting their level of satisfaction with their experience. These involve oral language proficiency, as well as feelings of anxiety and isolation resulting from language deficiencies". This challenge was important for me to overcome due to the fact that I am here for the sole purpose to study in an American University, so obviously I am required to learn the language. Likewise, I have to learn how to speak so that I can be able to communicate with other students and professors. I personally ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Benefits Of International Student Recruitment This is one major reason that many students choose to study in the US and participation in multicultural groups may help students to make the needed connections to enjoy a successful stay after graduation (Chue & Nie, 2016). In addition to fiscal benefits to international students, there are benefits to the university and surrounding community that are gained from an improved relationship with the international student population For instance, international students who remain after graduation become members of the community and promote cultural awareness and competence (Bodycott & Walker, 2000; Kumasi & Hill, 2011). Moreover, universities can benefit from greater retention and completion among students. Other nations such as the ... Show more content on ... Improved relationships between institutions and international students should be a major focal point for researchers and administrators for the future. The low response rate of this study and many others shows the necessity to determine what may be preventing students and potential participants from answering surveys. Is this an issue of a lack of English skills or are there other mechanisms at play that need to be considered? For instance, differences in culture could preclude some people from participating and some may be reluctant to participate due to unethical survey research they may have dealt with in the past. Learning communities in US higher education are very diverse and each group, including international students, deserves recognition and inclusion (Petrovich & Lowe, 2005). However, it is problematic to address issues when one cannot get enough participants to warrant attention from those in decision making roles. Therefore, determining if there are differences in participation based on demographic information as well as overall reluctance to participate should be explored to improve the quality and quantity of data that is collected from international students. More research can also help to determine which incentives are the most helpful when attempting to perform a ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. International Student Immigration Research Paper As an international student, every year I must go and get my visa from the U.S embassy in Nassau. It is required of me, and without my visa, I wouldn't be able to attend school the upcoming year, or perhaps even travel to the United States. The process is a hard one, sometimes taking several days and leaving many waiting for hours and even weeks only to be decline, and due to recent political events, that process has only gotten worst. For international students, how we are viewed at times, and the growing problem of immigration and how that affects our goals of education is an increasing social problem that needs to be addressed immediately. In society today we are faced with a growing hotbed of tensions between races, political parties ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. International And International Students At Universities All over most college campuses there is a group of students that commonly get over looked; the international students. International students make up a good majority of a lot of college campuses. Statistics have shown that 1,000,000 international students are enrolled at universities in the United States of America (Migration Policy Institute). I chose to observe a group of international students at universities, because this is a topic that is of interest to me. Since international students are so common at universities, they play a big part in our society. It does seem that possibly at times, international students can get overlooked because at many universities they are in the minority. Even though there are many differences between non international and international students, we all share one purpose; to get an education at a university in the United States of America. If an international student is at a university in America, in most cases you can assume they are there for a purpose. For international students, they are in a complete different country than their family. Most students would not do that, unless they have a purpose in doing it. Most international students come to the states to get better quality education, so they can have a future with better opportunities. People's view on international students, in most cases would completely depend on the person. It seems that most people have some level of respect for them considering the sacrifices that they make ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Challenges Of Being An International Student INTRODUCTION A challenge is being a student, a bigger one challenge is being an international student. I believe that in my home country student life is easy, but being an international student that is a student of a different country can be hard. When I was 18 years old I landed to London .It's been nine months now and I faced some tough experiences which I will remember throughout my life. The challenges which I have faced that most international student will experience. For all those who are planning to study in London, I would like to share some challenges that the student might have to face and suggest ways to tackle them. More specific challenges are encountered by international students compared to domestic students such as language ... Show more content on ... Speaking English as a second language in front of others can prove to be anxiety–provoking and when an international student develops this kind of fear they limit their ability to participate in discussions of class and develop a social relationship. For entry of international student in universities would normally consist of a TOEFL or IELTS score. However, even when the entry level requirement is fulfilled by students, they are not acquainted with the terminology that is technical for a subject area specialist. Difficult time is faced by international students while reading because of lack of familiarity with English vocabulary, a weak understanding of complex syntax, lack of background knowledge in a subject and lack of equivalent words between English and their native language (Mertin, 2013). Criteria of language which is the only thing achieved by the students, studying in English, especially at the level of master's, can result stressful and onerous. The language entry requirement which is pass by the international students and the independent study was problematic for the international students required at a very early stage of the ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. International Students Should Be Taught At A University International students who come from different parts of the world to study with later hopes of finding a job, take loans to help pay for education ending up in large debts. This sadly is a harsh reality for students who come as international students into the United States. International students are not permitted to work off campus while studying at a university. According to the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, visas granted to foreign students are prohibited to any execution of a job (Working). This can include any work ranging from working in motels and liquor stores to in some cases, on campus. Inability to abide by these rules can result in deportation or can affect the student visa and further permissions for a work visa and a green card. Making it incapable for international students to work off–campus, builds a financial burden on these students as well as their parents back home. Not only are these students burdened with thousands of dollars of debt, the currency exchange rate makes it tougher for these students to pay for their tuitions, housing, and food, without earning it in American dollars. Some students are fortunate enough to find and do jobs on campus, but only small number of students admitted in United States universities are hired for on–campus and the availability is quite low in comparison to a number of international students. This makes it difficult for international students to get an on–campus job and help pay their tuitions, as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Write An Essay On International Students International Students Background According to the Migration Policy Institute, since the end of WWII the United States (U.S.) has been the destination of choice for international students. In past few decades campus diversity has increased dramatically. International students have become a considerable population in United States (U.S.) HEI. According to the Open Dorr Data collected in 2014~2015 academic year, there were 974,926 registered international students studying in U.S. (there are many non–documented international students that are not included in this number). The highest enrollment–rates boost of international students happened in 1978~1979 academic year. In 2015, there are 10% increases of enrollment rates compare with prior year. The U.S. is one of the top choices for study abroad, and HEI in U.S. gain benefits from international students. The Institute of International Education (2010) reported that international students were important ... Show more content on ... Coming to the U.S., many international students have different career expectations according to their sociocultural backgrounds preventing them from pursuing different career paths. International students encounter various policies that limit them from finding a job after graduation, such as a policy that international students have a time limit of three months after graduation in obtaining a job in order to stay in the country legally. After International students need working visa sponsorship for work longterm, which most of companies will not provide. Additionally, international students hoping to return to their home country face the obstacle of rebuilding their social network and catching up on the social as well as career environment that has occurred since coming the U.S. (Andrade, 2006; McClure, ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. International Students Essay example Differences between American Students and International Students Most young people believe that studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student. International students have to learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study they ... Show more content on ... They know their structure and have a very superior vocabulary, so they can compose excellent essays. In addition, since American students speak English very well, they do not have any problem participating in class. They have confidence in themselves, so they will not be afraid of saying something wrong. Consequently, because American students do not have to learn any language to study their mayor, it is much easier for them to achieve excellent grades. Most university students feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money in order to be independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students because they also feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is responsible for them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very difficult because they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited since some of the campuses in which they study are very small. Also for an international student to find a job on campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is not going to have any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from Venezuela who is studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to have his own money. He went to ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Being An International Student Essay Being accepted into a U.S university is obviously more challenging for a foreign student like you planning to study in America than for a U.S citizen. However, being a foreign (or "international") student does mean you have a different perspective that schools in the USA are valuable than the ones in your country. International students create a significant contribution to US campus life, as well as to college and university revenues. Consequently, USA colleges and universities admit and welcome international students. Which means that, although, you might want to overcome some obstacles as a way to study in America, international students can be seen as a valuable commodity here. U.S government needs you and your money to develop the country. ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, this choice is not immediately open to foreign students /international students studying in the United States on the student visa. Note: Working On Campus with a Student Visa: No Work Permit Needed for a Foreign Student /International Student Many US universities provide work–study programs to foreign students / international students. These jobs usually entail manning at the school help desk, working with the university library, or maybe even mowing the campus lawns. Payments from these jobs are generally low, but every dollar can help when it's time to purchase another textbook or if you intent to buy more foods to cook than eating microwave popcorn every night! Foreign students / international students are limited to working 20 hours weekly, off or on–campus (although off–campus needs a special international student work permit and is available once after the 1st academic year), so you shouldn't depend on work–study program to provide you with much money throughout the school year. During holidays and schools vacation, however, a foreign student / international student using the proper paperwork can work unlimited hours on–campus, so you could probably earn a reasonable amount over the summer ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. University Of Montana International Student Association While writing my profile essay on University of Montana International Student Association to discover the challenges, international students face when they moved away thousands of miles from their home country to study here at the University of Montana. Many face challenges from social (unfamiliar living circumstances), academic (learning style) to cultural (language, culture and personal barriers) issues. Some students adapt easily to life here in Missoula while others experience difficulties. I began to wonder if these problems faced by international students here at the University of Montana are the same compared to other international students attending other university throughout the United States (US). I started doing my research for ... Show more content on ... They contribute to the diversity and internationalization of their classrooms, campuses and communities. In this essay we will be looking into the academic, social and cultural challenges international students face when they study here in the US. Follow by why students from different regions (Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Australia etc.) adapt to US culture differently. Lastly I will look into why International students mostly associated with other international students instead of associating with American students. In most college and university here in the US, your courses will most likely be graded in many ways such as in a test, class participation and writing papers. For students that are not used to these assessment such as writing a research paper and citing sources they will have difficult time undertaking these assessment. For example students like Vuk Bojovic from Serbia studying in Illinois wrote "When I first came here, I had a problem with research papers, as I have never wrote them in high school in Serbia, I was not familiar with the structure of a paper as well as academic resources and citations. It took me a whole term to work both on my own and with people in the Reading–Writing Center to get a good grade on a paper."(3). While some students having a hard time writing research papers others struggle in class participation assessment. Many college professors in the US ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. International Student 's Challenge And Adjustment Overcoming International Student's Challenge and Adjustment to College A critical look into the experts' article Ashvarya Jain Northeastern University College of Professional Studies Hsio–Ping Wu, Esther Gaza, and Norma Guzman's article entitled "International Student's Challenge and Adjustment to College" has the implied intention of informing universities in the United States (US) the problems faced by the international students in higher education. The authors have done a fine job providing comprehensive, but overwhelming information of the challenges international students face. The article is explanatory which makes it drawn–out and ho–hum, still the universities and colleges can greatly benefit from the information as it is supported by the authors' own experiences, researches, surveys and lot of details in the woods of citations. This is anticipated as the authors are ESL Professors at the Texas A&M University. The authors are qualified to write about the topic as their profession involves direct contact with international students, which expands article's purpose to enriching, and not just informing. The article is the secondary source of information, compiling work by various authors such as D. Celleja, W. F. Hull and many more. Moreover, it gives a great insight in the real issues faced by students, even the smaller ones such as feeling left out at parties. The article is published on 15 January 2015 and its presence on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Problems of International Students Essays "In 2006 to 2007, according to the data compiled by the Institute of International Education, 582,984 students from all over the world were enrolled in American colleges and universities in a wide range of fields" (Carter, Paragraph 2, 2008). The United States has the highest number of students who are coming to study abroad than any other countries. Each year, the number of international students coming to the United States to obtain degrees is increasing by thousands, and home countries of these students are primarily India, China and Korea, all located in the whole different continent. But what are the motives of students who are crossing the sea to study? Their goal of studying abroad is to experience diversity and to adapt attitudes ... Show more content on ... For me, art history discussion session is most challenging. I become very nervous the night before the discussion and "participation grade" is the only word that pops out of my head during every session. I start to lose confidence as I observe other students analyzing the art work perfectly. Although participation grade is not based on correctness, I cannot stop worrying about whether what I am thinking is right or wrong and how people are going to think of my accents. Not only do students feel stressful in verbal context, they also face difficulties in essays. Because of their limited vocabulary, students have hard time expressing their knowledge clearly on essay exams or research paper, and the different format of writings preferred in American colleges and universities often confuse international students with their native format of writings (Lin and Yi, Paragraph 7, 1997). For example, while American writings follow a specific structure with a clear main idea, supporting evidence and a conclusion, Eastern Asian writings don't have a specific format. Also, according to Lin and Yi, many international students are hired as teaching assistants, and students who are enrolled in their classes can misinterpret due to their accents or incorrect application of language. International students face difficulties in social communication as well as academic ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. International Students: A Vulnerable Student Population Studying abroad, which has become a common phenomenon, can be a fun and meaningful experience. Many university students are interested in studying abroad because it gives them an opportunity to explore different cultures and broaden their horizons. As Mark Sherry, Peter Thomas and Wing Hong Chui argue in "International Students: a Vulnerable Student Population," the goals that students pursue international study are often to acquire different ways of learning and to improve cross–cultural understanding, which helps them gain self–confidence as well as maturity (33). This experience turns out to be beneficial to those who study abroad. Nevertheless, when students are surrounded by a wholly new environment, many problems that hinder their ... Show more content on ... For example, they may start with making friends with local students and hang out with them more often. Or they can simply apply for a conversation partner on the school website who will help enhance their language fluency in an effective way. In addition, adjusting themselves to academic customs is also a good way of adaptation. By figuring out the process of a lecture and observing the interaction between educators and students, those who study abroad should learn to participate into the class discussion and share their own opinions on the same issue. As time passes, they will find themselves popular among the students, and their language proficiency and academic grades will be highly improved due to their participation in class. What's more, international students are supposed to adapt to local foods and customs. Though it is not difficult for some students to accept and get used to the new eating habits, for others who cannot grow accustomed to the local food, they had better learn to cook for themselves. As to local customs, international students have to inevitably accept some different cultures and values in order to fit into this society. This is not asking them to give up their traditional values, but to treat other cultures with a lenient attitude. By accepting or adapting to the local customs, they will also gain a better understanding of this culture. Last but not least, students should pay more attention to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. International Student Stress Academic Stress Among College Students: Comparison of American and International Students Ranjita Misra and Linda G. Castillo Texas A&M University This study compared academic stressors and reactions to stressors between American and international students using Gadzella's Life Stress Inventory (B. M. Gadzella, 1991). Five categories of academic stressors (i.e., frustrations, conflicts, pressures, changes, and self–imposed) and four categories describing reactions to these stressors (i.e., physiological, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive) were examined. The sample consisted of 392 international and American students from 2 Midwestern universities. American students reported higher self–imposed stressors and greater behavioral ... Show more content on ... Gender differences also influence a student's perception and reaction to academic stressors (Misra et al., 2000). For example, female students more often report letting out their feelings, whereas men more often report controlling their emotions, accepting the problem, not thinking about the situation, and engaging in problem–solving efforts (Hyde & Plant, 1995; Milkie & Thoits, 1993). Coping styles to stressors also differ by gender. When compared at similar levels of stress, women exhibit stress more overtly than males (Hyde & Plant, 1995; Thomas & Williams, 1991). International students share some common characteristics regardless of their diverse cultural, social, religious, and political backgrounds. Most international students are in the United States temporarily to fulfill their educational objectives and succeed in academic pursuits (Yang & Clum, 1994). However, the majority of these students are deprived of their traditional sources of social support and familiar means of communication (Pederson, 1991). Many of these students experience stressful life changes and cultural adjustments (Leong & Mallinckrodt, 1992). For example, difficulties have been reported with English–language proficiency and with adjustments to the American culture that might contribute to academic stress. Furthermore, international students have difficulties adapting to a new educational ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. International Student Club Personal Statement Examples I am interested in applying to be the Vice President of the International Student Club because I want to become proactive about the role I play in creating a wholesome community for international students on this campus. Given the shifts occurring on campus with respect to international students in terms of ISC not being very active this academic year, lapse in communication with exchange students in a structured manner, and the dissolving of International House and consolidation in South Hall, it has become difficult for international students to find their footing in the campus and assimilate into LeTourneau. As a cabinet member of ISC I want to actively enable building this community anew. The lack of a physical space for international students will play a huge role; in that vacuum, I believe that intentional organization and synergy of all international student led initiatives like ISC, SINC, Mosaic, Graduate student cohorts and PA's should work together to generate a community which enables incoming students and current students to connect ... Show more content on ... Culture and differences will be at the focus of these events because I understand what the disconnect from your home feels like and how community would aid in rekindling that connection to home away from home. Having been on this campus for a while and having had the opportunity to get to know the different institutions and bureaucracy, I feel that I am in a strong place to host events that not only create holistic community for international students, but are also planned meticulously given fiscal and time constraints. . I hope that my vision for ISC and qualities of being organized, responsible, and my friendliness builds trust among the members and the future committee leading ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. International Student Sojourners International students experience various social, cultural, psychological and behavioral challenges throughout their tertiary study. Student sojourners primarily struggle with social integration and educational expectations, 'resulting from the loss of well–known cultural signs and symbols, causing individuals to experience anxiety, frustration and helplessness' (Oberg 1960). These symptoms are recognised collectively as results of 'culture shock'. The increase in cultural diversity and promotion of global understanding in Australia, is reflected through the educational systems and their growing acceptance of international students. According to Australian Education International (AEI), the size of the international student population in ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. International Students At The American University How many of you guys study well in the American University? Maybe some of you have problem in your academic study? To be a successful International student in the American University, International students should work hard and go to the student center of school and go to the writing center in order to find tutors for help. Also they can take lots of student's activities in school. For most of International students, taking the activities in school, including language communication or club activities, will give then chances to communicate with local people and will give them chance to develop their English skills. Firstly, International students should go to the student center of school if they want to be a successful student in American ... Show more content on ... 332). As I am the international student, I have the same experience because I can't adapt into the American culture at the beginning of my university's life. All of the two information show that if International students feel alone or missing home problem, they will distressful with their study and therefore they can't study well at school. At this time, they can go to the school center for help. The author, Lee(2013) indicates that most school have the counseling service in the school center, this service is special for the international students who have difficulties in adjusting with the new environment and feel homesick and can't have a good life in the university. After counseling with tutor, students feel better because tutors comfort them. After comforting by tutors, they can focus on their academic study because they will not remember the homesick or the difficulties in American. Secondly, International students should go to the Learning & Writing Center if they want to be a successful student in American University. From the Journal of International Students, Banjong(2015) argues that International students haven't any ability to fully follow lectures and take sufficient notes from these lectures because they can't adequate the speaking speed of their professors and therefore they can't understand the class lectures. (p. 137). Exactly, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Common Problems Faced by International Students in the UK In the last few years, studying abroad has become an increasingly popular choice for higher education among international students (Accessibility Navigation, 2014). An average of 10% of students in universities all across the UK are international students from countries all over the world. (Accessibility Navigation, 2014). Although the experience is different for each individual student, there are many common problems that international students face. Those problems include: culture shock to varying degrees coupled with emotional issues(Bailey, 2005), Language barriers along with other communication problems (Sherry et al, 2009), and academic problems due to a change in school curriculum (Ramachandran, 2011). This essay will expand on the ... Show more content on ... It can be argued that if international students are given accurate information on what to expect, the culture shock can be minimised or avoided(Sherry et al, 2009). Instead of limiting the orientation experience to getting a geographical and academic feel of the campus, the students should also be given the opportunity to have a supervised cultural feel of their new country of study (Turner, 2009). Another solution that has been suggested is that the institution organise more formalised social interaction (Sherry et al, 2009). Instead of leaving students solely to their own devices where making new friends and meeting people in their new community is involved, the institution can organise events and activities that group students from different parts of the world together (Sherry et al, 2009). A common suggestion is that social clubs be put in place to bridge the gap between international students and other students on campus. One main focus of these social clubs would be to improve the social interaction and verbal communication skills of international students (Sherry et al, 2009). The social clubs could also be a way for the international students to overcome the language barrier (Sherry et al, 2009). Feedback and past data from international students on the steps taken by the institution to promote integration could also be helpful in setting precedent for other action to stem from (Sherry et al, 2009). ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. International Students Impact The impact of international students in USA In modern times U.S. colleges and universities have more international students than ever before. The number of international students in the classrooms has increased dramatically the past couple of years. When I started classes here in US, I feel as if we, the foreign students were just more students. I saw it as people coming from different places but not different thoughts. After I started classes I realized that international students think in another way. We see things with different perspectives because we come from other cultures. We have a perspective based on our experience out of the country. Which means, we get to different conclusions. We have been raised different than people here in U.S.A. They were thought in another way, so we think different. I realized that, students from other countries can contribute a lot to a country. Not only economically, international students contribute culturally, as well with making improvements in institutions and education. They help by making the international relations of the country better. Outside the classroom, international students have an impact on more than just the education sector. They help supporting the economic activity, food, transportation, communication and more. International students have a potential to change methods and content of the education due to their different perspective. This challenges teachers to improve the process of teaching in class to ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Challenges Facing International Students Most international students happen to have some major and minor struggles when they come to the USA. People from different countries usually have different background, different thoughts, different culture. Therefore, international students who come to the USA, tend to struggle with some problems. The three most important challenges international students face can be categorized into three groups: emotional challenges such as culture shock and homesick, social challenges, and academic challenges. The emotional struggles that international students have are homesickness and culture shock. According to Ivan Sekyonda from Uganda, he appreciates the school faculties for helping him with going through homesickness and culture shock (Sewall, p. 127). Students from different countries happen to have trouble adapting to American culture that is more liberal. This inability of getting along with American culture due to culture difference causes homesickness which makes students want to go back home. Many international students seem to not enjoy their first year in America for such problems. The social challenges that international students face include international students only relating to other international students. According to Macalester College, a group of Chinese students were already bonded altogether within themselves even before they came to the campus (Fischer, p. 100). Usually, American students find other students, who are planning go to the same school, on social ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. International Students Advantages Another advantage coming from international students is that they bring cultural values to university life as well as local communities. American students achieve benefits from studying and interacting with foreign students. Monroe France, assistant vice president of Student Diversity of New York University, points out that his students can "engage with people who are different from themselves" and "it creates a much more interesting campus community." (qtd. in Haynie). The domestic students who have more international interaction can enhance their cultural knowledge and develop set of life skills. They see the world outside America through different points of view and gain the deeper understanding of unwritten cultural values. For example, most students know that Asians use chopsticks to get food, but they cannot recognize that each country have special features for their chopsticks. Moreover, they increase the ability to learn and speak a new language. It is clearly understandable because the best way to learn a new language is to learn the culture and communicate with native speakers. As an international student, I value the opportunities to master a different language by the help of others F–1 students. I have been speaking four languages up to now and I am planning to learn more in my free time; this clearly broadens my mind and becomes my strength in the worldwide workforce. Besides, building international friendships helps these students have great advantage in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Domestic And International Asian Students Table 3 shows that no significant difference was observed between the overall scores of adjustment in domestic and international Asian students. This finding is different from previous studies that showed East Asian students to have difficulty understanding the academic content resulting in poor adjustment success (Lee, Farruggia, & Brown, 2013). To test our main hypothesis, JASP was used to generate data through descriptive statistics, ANOVA and further post hoc analyses. Initially, we generated descriptive statistics to show the raw means. Table 4 displays this descriptive data indicating that international students performed better than domestic students on university adjustment (M = 34.60, SD = 2.60) and social interaction (M = 15.20, ... Show more content on ... To test the second hypothesis, further sampled t–test comparisons were conducted. Table 3 shows a strong significance between the different categories of adjustment, F(2, 81) = 197.09, p < .001, η² = .813; however, the significance was ambiguous. To see where the difference happened, we conducted t test comparisons. When comparing local university adjustment with international university adjustment (t[4] = –1.990, p> .05, d = –.890), local social interaction with international social interaction (t[4] = –0.732, p> .05, d = –.328) and local academic achievement with international academic achievement (t[4] = .793, p> .05, d = –.355)–no significance was found. In addition, the significant values were found when academic achievement was compared with university adjustment in domestic and international students. This was a potential error of key score differences between the categories (Table 2). Table 5 provides the complete list of all the comparisons and displays where the results showed significance. Through this statistical analysis, our second hypothesis failed to be true as well. Interestingly, an interaction was found to be significant for social interaction and academic achievement. Figure 2 provides a visual representation of this result. Discussion The purpose of this study was to find the underlying differences between international and domestic students. We used Asian students specifically for data to see whether they differ from one another depending on their ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Difficulties Faced By International Students Why does international students tend to group themselves away from American students? What are some possible aspects that cause difficulties for international students to make American friends? In Karin Fischer's article, she used the online questionnaire that professor Elisabeth Gareis conducted on international students in America to answer those questions proposed above. This survey's result claims that cultural and regional differences affect international students to have difficulties when trying to make American friends. This research was conducted on various non–American students with different genders, cultural backgrounds and circumstances. Not even half of the participants responded that they have a good friendship with American students. Karin argues that students' home region, university's location and language differences took critical roles which made a barrier between international ... Show more content on ... Regional differences basically mean cultural differences. For instance, as Ms. Gareis said, "...the United States is a highly individualistic country, whereas other societies, particularly in Asia, put a greater emphasis on social relationships and community ties and these students may be unprepared for Americans' independence and more relaxed attitudes toward friendships..." (2012). Furthermore, students from non–English speaking country like East Asian students were most likely to have bigger challenge than those from English–speaking country. Because of the lack of the English skill, it will be hard for non–English speaking country natives will have less confidence to start a conversation or a relationship. Even though there are few apparent factors that are acting like obstacles between international students and American students, it still is a difficult issue for institutions to figure out the way to lessen these challenges and make these groups get along without ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Benefits Of International Students In The US Essam Mukhtar Prof Heather S. ENG 1250 24 April 2017 Benefits of International Students in the USA Introduction The United States accommodates the largest pool of international students globally, with over one million students choosing to extend their education and life experience in the US. The number has grown since the 1950s and continues to grow due to the quality of teaching offered and the multi–cultured environment that allows for wholesome growth and unforgettable life experience. Additionally, the prospect of getting into the US labor market has made international students prefer the US as a study destination. The number of universities and colleges offering a broad range of courses has also grown thereby encouraging more ... Show more content on ... International students in the US have a choice of a broad range of programs that they can choose. The US is home to over 4500 colleges and universities offering an extensive array of degrees (Florea). The institutions of higher learning also give the international students the opportunity to combine various subjects as 'minors' and 'majors. ' Students who want to experiment with different subjects and classes have the option of choosing to study in the US. Globally, no country offers such a wide range of flexibility and programs. Students who wish to study in the US have the opportunity to choose a course that matches their future aspirations. The international students also have the ability to pursue some of the most innovative programs offered and interact with globally recognized scholars who tutor them throughout their years of study. The programs are also tailored to meet the demands of the job market, thereby enabling the international students to leave college while having the requisite skills required for the job. Owing to a large number of courses available for the international students, they have an option of choosing the kind of college experience they want. Such considerations include the location of the college or university, the type of accommodation, the sports programs and facilities available among others (Florea). The availability of a diverse range of programs implies that the classes often have few students with ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. University Services That Assist International Students University Services that assist International Students in their successful Transition to studying in the US Gopi Nadh Kancharla Fairleigh Dickinson University Abstract Introduction Each and every international student will definitely feel it difficult initially to the sudden change of culture, environmental conditions and language. It would be a common scenario in most of the international student cases including me. Being an international scholar, I found it really hard to accommodate these changes, but the sources provided by my university specially in case of the international students helped me a great deal overcoming these troubles. Every university should provide their international students ... Show more content on ... The workshop is a friendly face to face conversation that helps the students to get advices regarding all aspects of student requirement. Reading and Writing Enhancement Workshops The basic requirement for any international non English speaking student is a proper reading and writing. Fairleigh Dickinson University has taken an initiative by starting a program named English as a Second Language (ESL) specially for non native speakers of English. The students are made to attend classes which consist of lots of activities and learning. Students are provided with certain tasks as research papers where the student has to analyze and write on several issues. The students' writing skills are assisted by Metro Writing Studio (MWS) which focuses mainly on the writing skills of the student. MWS helps the students to focus on their writing by making them comfortable with the formats of writing and by guiding them whenever required. Students are given access to almost all the materials and research papers from experts regarding the field. These sources helps the students to redirect their research by presenting their ideas with the ideas of the experts. In addition academically, students should be provided with guidance towards the career options where Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical Training (OPT) are considered. The CPT and OPT include the areas where students are assisted with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Stereotypes Of International School Students With a growing demand for international schools worldwide, is there really that much of a difference in the character outcomes of students studying there? Many perceive international school students to be bratty, rebellious students. This stereotype, however, is clearly false. International school students are simply foreign or local students sent to international schools to receive education for various reasons. There is no solid evidence that all of them are spoilt brats. It is inevitable that there are students with poor attitudes, but this is represented by the minority. Thus, the title should not be given to the whole cohort. Firstly, it is true and inevitable that there exist students who display poor attitudes. These cases are present in every school. Students' attitude and view on things are mostly based on their upbringing. The way they were brought up at home since young is a major factor as to how they act in the future. Of course, peer pressure may ... Show more content on ... This is an incorrect and unfair assumption as firstly, international school students, as the name suggests, are foreign students coming from many parts of the world, including China, Japan, America and so on. Some studying in international schools may also have dropped out from local schools in search of a better study courses to offer. I have seen cases of my seniors transferring to international schools because they could not cope with the pace of learning despite having already dropped from the IP stream to the O level stream in local schools. Thus, I feel that international school student should not be generalized as Caucasians who do not care much about studying. Yet again, not all Caucasians do not bother about their studies. They are just given more breaks from studying and don't necessarily have a competitive mindset to strive to achieve the best ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Common Problems Faced By International Students Essay The most common problems faced by international students in UK Feeling Homesick You may feel homesick, as do many students, however for international students it is more difficult to deal with. Students from this country may be able to return home for a visit to help alleviate their homesickness. International students are not able to do this. This means that you may need more support than home students. You may need to talk to someone in confidence about how you are feeling. The counselling service is here to help. Problems Integrating You may find it difficult to integrate into another culture. Even within Europe cultures can be different. It may be difficult to get used to a new culture. You may wish to talk about this with other international students in a support group run by the counselling service. Please contact the counselling service for further information on support groups. Language You may find it difficult at first to communicate with others in university. This may be due to difficulties with language or difficulties with accents. You may find it difficult to understand your lecturer or other students. You must not be embarrassed. It is important to tell someone of your difficulties, so that you can receive help. Family Worries It is always painful to leave family behind. You may find that you are worried about your family and this may interfere with your ability to concentrate on your work. Finance It is expensive to come to university and you may find that ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. International Student Retention Efforts : A Correlational... International Student Retention Efforts: A Correlational Study A Research Proposal Submitted to the Department of Graduate Education of Lincoln Memorial University For: EDUC 511 JoAnn M. Russell Fall 2015 Abstract International students attending U.S. colleges and universities bring valuable cultural and educational diversity as well as economic contributions to American campuses and their communities (Andrade, 2006). Internationalization on college campuses encourages cultural awareness which can provide beneficial skills for students as they enter the workplace in our globally interconnected society. As international student recruiting increases, research suggests that universities must become more aware of the adjustment and acclimation challenges international students face and provide appropriate services to keep them enrolled. This qualitative study of international students in a North Eastern Tennessee university, will attempt to explore best institutional efforts to boost student retention, confirming that additional recruitment resources alone does not guarantee international student retention. Key words: Acclimation, Globally Interconnected Society, Internationalization, International Students TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 2 Statement of Problem 4 Purpose of Study 4 Justification 5 Research Question 5 Definition of Terms 6 Literature Review 7 Methodology 9 References 10 Appendix 12 Statement of Problem There is a big push
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  • 74. Attract International Students MSU recruitment date shows international students are 7% of the population and 20% of a class on the graduate level and undergraduate students are 5% of the population. To attract and retain international papulation n campus university is using different tactic and strategies. Website A website is an important tool to attract international students because 80% population depends on it to know about a university. A well–developed website intrigued interest of the viewer, a user– friendly website increase 30% chances of a university to be picked by the student (.....) Murray State University has a page specifically dedicated on its website for international students, and it has the ability to provide translation in five languages Chinese, ... Show more content on ... The Pathway programs information is available in the brochure of all countries. Strategies to recruit and retention of students Every university adopts some strategies for recruitment and retention of international students. Those strategies are according to university resources and programs. Students as Resources Students are a real resource of an institution and can help a university in the planning of strategic plan for recruitment of more students. All students have gone through the procedure of recruitment at a university and they know well which factors were motivational. They can tell reasons why students chose those programs and what features need to be changed. They can tell what kind of communication will work with another student from their home country because they have lived in that culture so they know more than any other person. Using the student endorsement for recruitment is "words of mouth" tacit which more successful practice is. Continuously taking feedback from international population helps to know what they want and what they are expecting from a program? Why do they like university? A focus group or survey once a semester will help to improve. Leadership, Campus Involvement, and Employment Involvement is very necessary for the process to make international students experience more valuable, and it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. International Student Transition Paper The United States has always been a main attraction for international students to gain intellectual knowledge, technical skills, cross–cultural experience, and better opportunities for professional development (Han, Han, Luo, Jacobs, & Jean–Baptiste, 2013; Zhang & Goodson, 2010). According to the Institute of International Education (2017), in the academic year of 2015/2016, there was an increase of 7% in the number of international student pursuing higher education in the United States over the previous year with total international students of 1,043,839 and 5.2% representing the total of U.S College enrollment. International students make higher education one of the largest service sector exports in the United States (Rice, Choi, Zhang, Morero, & Anderson, 2012; Zhang & Goodson, 2010). They are regarded as a vital financial commodity for countries ... Show more content on ... However, the change from home to college can be difficult for international students (Mesidor & Sly, 2016). While some international students find it easy to adjust to the transition, others international students find it challenging to adjust to the transition (Mesidor & Sly, 2016). Studies show that international students experience many challenges as a result of language and cultural barriers, academic difficulties, financial difficulties, medical issues, housing concerns, food differences, alienation, homesickness, lack of social support system, racial discrimination, and cross–cultural loss) (Akanwa, 2015; Guzman et al., 2015; Mesidor & Sly, 2016; Sherry et al., 2010; Smith & Khawaja, 2011; Tung, 2011; Zhang & Goodson, 2010). According to Prieto–Welch (2016), international students as a group are regarded as a main minority population in campuses ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Challenges As An International Student Essay Challenges as an International Student and How to Succeed in a Foreign Country Who wants to study abroad or planning for JTA? I would like to tell you that studying abroad as an international student is very challenging event in our lives. But, once we accomplish our challenges, we have a bunch of chances to have a better job. So let me talk about my five challenges while staying here in the Philippines. The first challenge I was dealing with was of course the weather. Since Philippines is hot all the time, I really had to deal with the hotness. I was sweating every single time, but now I got used to this weather. I think the best way to adapt to the weather is to increase our fluid intake with water or sports drinks. Staying hydrated is extremely important when staying in hot weather. The second challenge was adapting to the people. People in the Philippines are kind of friendly. Wherever I go, people are trying to talk to me even if I don't know them. Maybe since I am a foreigner, they are kind of interested on me, but I felt uncomfortable at first, because people in Korea actually don't talk to the strangers that much. In this case, we really have to get use ... Show more content on ... Home–sickness is another big challenge that you might have to face when going to a foreign country, unless you already have family or friends there. Based on my friend who went to Philippines alone, knowing absolutely no one, he faced this problem every day for the first month or so. This is a very natural and common feeling, but again you cannot sit at a place and wish for things to change. Make a habit of talking to your friends and family back home regularly, but try not to only talk to them. Go out and talk to people in your new home; make friends, go hang out with some people, it's not bad. Always try something new which can help us to survive while staying in a foreign ... Get more on ...