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The Impact Of Pierre Elliott Trudeau On Canadian Society
Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a remarkable man who has made a significant impact in the Canadian
society. Trudeau was voted to be the fifteenth Prime Minister of Canada from April 20, 1968 to June
4, 1979. Trudeau has put a lot of effort into making Canada a better place and he was truly
passionate. His actions spoke louder than words and he proved to a lot of Canadians how he was the
best Prime Minister of the Post– war Era in a lot of people's eyes. Back then, a lot of people liked
and supported him and his actions, that's why he has been re–elected and continued being Canada's
Prime Minister from March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984. Trudeau's ambitious attitude and
determination has brought him to all the successes he had made during the fifteen ... Show more
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He had many good qualities of a successful leader, which is why a lot of people liked him. He had
good communication skills and he was trustworthy, during one of Trudeau's Prime Minister races
against the Progressive Conservatives, he promised all the citizens that he would eliminate or lower
the sale tax if he won. He kept his words and after he won the election, the sale tax did become
lower. He did this because he wanted to share the wealth of Canada more evenly among all different
social classes. Other than that, he also has a visionary outlook, his action speaks louder than words,
he has the ability to motivate people around him, he is consistent and he has the ability to stand
against critics. Besides, Trudeau was a very educated person himself, he went to some of the best
schools like the London school of Economics, the Jesuit College Jean– de– Brebeuf, Harvard
University and Mcgill University and was very educated politically and economically. Before being
a PM, Trudeau started his political career as a lawyer, then an economic policy adviser, that's why he
has so many experiences in these areas, making him even more successful and
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Pierre Trudeau Research Paper
Pierre Trudeau, lawyer, politician, and the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, was a big part of keeping
national unity during the Quebec sovereignty movement and referendum in 1980. He was also a big
part in keeping the Canadian public calm, taking action and standing up to the FLQ during the
October Crisis in 1970.
Born in Outremont, Montreal on October 18, 1919, Pierre Elliott Trudeau (full name Joseph
Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau) was born to a wealthy family, along with one brother and one
sister (another brother died at birth). His father, Charlie Trudeau (full name Joseph Charles–Émile
Trudeau) was a wealthy French–Canadian entrepreneur and lawyer who earned his wealth with his
gas station business, the Automobile Owners' Association. Charlie Trudeau died of a heart attack in
1935, which affected Pierre (15 years old at the time of his father's death) and his family greatly. His
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The FLQ requested demands for his release on behalf of the captors, which included release of 23
prisoners who were part of the FLQ, $500,000 in gold, publication of the FLQ's manifesto, and a
plane to take them to Cuba (a one–party Marxist–Leninist state), also adding they had 48 hours to
fulfill the requests. Despite the pressure of some of the Canadian public and some sources, the
government refused to fulfill them. Their refusal might have caused the next incident five days later,
where four armed members kidnapped Deputy Premier and Minister of Labour of Quebec Pierre
Laporte. The government still refused to fulfill the requests made by the FLQ with the kidnapping of
James Cross after the second kidnapping of Laporte. Laporte was executed by the FLQ on October
17, perhaps intended as a consequence to the government's noncompliance, or a warning that they
are serious with these
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The Actions of Three Great Men and How They Made Canada...
The Actions of Three Great Men and How They Made Canada Stronger Throughout Canadian
history, we experienced many events that made our country both stronger and weaker. At times, we
were looked upon as a nation with great potential, great peacekeeping service, and even a nation
where its citizens were proud to be Canadian. Although, Canada did show signs of negativity as
some of our actions made us look like terrible people and overall others had a "weak" view of the
nation. During the 20th century, there were however 3 men that did prove that they did what they
did not just only for themselves, but for the commonwealth of the population. These 3 men, William
Lyon Mackenzie King, Lester Bowles Pearson, and Pierre Elliot Trudeau shaped ... Show more
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There were some issues in the system and how it operated but overall, Canada's elderly were given
financial help that most needed in order to survive. This was a piece of Canada that was able to
become stronger in the sense of stability. Aside from the Old Age Pension Act, King also created the
Unemployment Insurance Act, which are social welfare payments given to the unemployed
population. At first, the Unemployment Act excluded many types of employment such as
agriculture, and jobs that earned more than $2,000 per year (Makarenko, 1). This was the
responsibility of the provinces, but after acquiring unanimous provincial consent, he made it become
a federal issue (Makarenko, 1). The British Parliament made a change to the British North American
Act (now the Canadian Constitution) stating that unemployment insurance was now a federal power
and not a provincial power (Makarenko, 1). King introduced a nationwide public system of
unemployment insurance, which was funded by employees, employers, and the federal government
(Makarenko, 1). This action helped Canada become stronger due to the fact that it provided an
income for the people who couldn't work due to maternity issues, amputations, and illness. Now, the
people who couldn't support themselves had relief from the government which abled them to be able
to survive and keep poverty on a lower scale. With these 3 actions that Mackenzie King had
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Greatest Canadian: Pierre Trudeau Essay
Pierre Trudeau is the greatest Canadian of the twentieth century due to the fact that he declared
Canada's independence from Great Britain, he abolished the death penalty, and he created the
Official Languages Act, making our nation entirely bilingual. His upbringing was a quiet one, "born
into a family, a home and a neighbourhood of modest means" . Joseph Charles–Émile Trudeau, the
family patriarch, was not a rich man because his parents were Quebec farmers. However, his
maternal grandfather was a businessman. The young Pierre was born on October 18th, 1919 as
Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau. He was enrolled in a bilingual school on the outskirts of
Montreal, yet was taught only English for his first three years. Early on is ... Show more content on ...
As a teenager, Pierre Trudeau attended Collège Jean–de–Brébeuf, a French–speaking Jesuit
institution. At home, the Trudeaus spoke a mixture of French and English, so Pierre found the
transition from an English school to a French one quite effortless . His interest in politics has waned
slightly. Instead, he wanted to become a sea captain, explorer, or an astronaut, a term not yet coined.
He loved to travel, and just before he had graduated from high school, he toured the Gaspé Region
on foot, rode through the three Maritime Provinces on a motorcycle, visited British Columbia, and
took a train to Mexico. Tragedy struck later that year. On a cold winter`s night, Pierre and his
brother Charles Jr. received word that their father had passed away in Florida. In his autobiography
Memoirs, Pierre described it as if "the whole world had gone empty" . Soon after the outbreak of
World War II, Trudeau began to study law at the Université de Montréal. Pierre was strongly against
signing up to fight. Like most French Canadians at that time, he didn`t believe that it was just a war.
Rumours about the Holocaust swirled around campus. Nothing could distract Pierre from his
studies. A few months later, he heard a speech by Ernest Lapointe, who was Prime Minister
Mackenzie King`s right–hand man and Quebec lieutenant. He promised the crowd that there would
be no absolutely no conscription, or so Pierre thought.
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Reflection Of Political Science
Political science is a broad topic that covers the history, political and geographical aspect of the
world. The course started with a revision on the basics of the constitution, types of power and the
political scene that happens around us. My first year at the University, one of the compulsory subject
that is required for arts taking students is Political Science 1101. After several years of taking social
or political course, taking this course opened my knowledge towards politics and the political scene
in Canada. It also taught me about how different ways of information taking could lead to one
learning differently from others. For example this class gave us the opportunity to use our laptops as
a source of note taking, this helped me learn in which whenever a new vocabulary comes up during
the class discussions i could search it up. Through "The Road to Patriation" and Kim Campbell
"Through the Looking Glass" i would further emphasize my ideas on what i have learnt throughout
the course semester.
The concepts provided in the documentary "The Road To Patriation" was about the disagreement
between the federal and provincial government of Canada on what to do with their constitution and
how they would agree on a formula to bring back the Canadian Constitution from England. After the
failure of five prime ministers and several conferences Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau took up the
challenge of bringing back the constitution in early 1970 alongside with his Justice Minister
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An Analysis Of Lancelot's Abandonment Of The Epic
Emily Jessen – 010533719
Professor Watt
History 101
June 11 2015
Abandonment of the Epic The compilation of Chretien de Troyes' Arthurian Romances effectively
portrays various themes previously unexplored in the epic genre that eventually led to the creation
of Lancelot in "The Knight of the Cart" and later Perceval in his unfinished work, "The Story of the
Grail". Lancelot becomes the good example of romantic mythology through his internal struggles
while still remaining loyal to his liege. The early epics contain many common themes and morals
despite having been found throughout different civilizations such as the Old English Beowulf, the
Greek works of The Odyssey and The Iliad by Homer, and the ancient Mesopotamian Epic of
Gilgamesh. In ... Show more content on ...
Lancelot has defining human characteristics that separate him from the deified accounts of epic
poem protagonists, and this shift to vulnerability created a new writing style that reflected the times
as Europe was slowly becoming less centralized. Since the innocent days of Perceval's youth, he had
wanted to become a knight after recklessly chasing after a few with a javelin, and this tale of
maturity is similar to the works of Dickens and other tales of "growing up". The tragic Greek hero or
man of myth portrayed in the epic tales that became immediate folklore for nations across the globe
was no more. Every country had its great epic hero, but the rise of romantic writings led to each
country being able to rediscover itself through a different set of eyes. Perceval and Lancelot could
never have been epic heroes, and the actions of Perceval and Lancelot could never be portrayed in
an epic poem without seeming humorous. Oedipus would never ride in the back of a pillory cart to
reach his destination, and Lancelot would never find himself in a situation where he has to kill his
own father and wed his mother. It is evident that the early romantic works take heavy influence from
epic poetry as the characters may seem to be chivalrous and intimidating at first, but unlike the
protagonists of
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How Did Stephen Lewis Influence Canada
I few things about Stephen Lewis and why I think he should take second place as the best Canadian.
A few things about Stephen Lewis is that he was born on November 11th, 1937 in Ottawa and is 79
years old. Lewis came from a family of three siblings, two sisters and one brother, his dad's name is
David Lewis and his mom's name is Sophie Lewis. Stephen went to school at the university of
Toronto and studied sociology and politics. Stephen was exposed to politics at a young age due to
his father who was the national secretary of the co–operative commonwealth federation, that's why
he chose to study politics. Lewis got married in 1963 to Michele Landsberg and raised a son and two
daughters. From 1970–1978 Stephen was the leader of the new democratic party of Canada. Stephen
Lewis was unfortunately never elected Prime Minister of Canada but still made a significant
influence on the country. ... Show more content on ...
Although Stephen was born in 1937 he made the most of his influence in the 1970s, when he was in
his 30's. Lewis made the most of his impact on Canada in the 70's and throughout the decade, there
was plenty going on with new laws and rights in Canada. He was the leader of the new democratic
party of Canada for most of the 70's. At the time the prime minister was Pierre Trudeau also leader
of the liberal party of Canada. New laws were also being passed which consisted of changing the
voting age to 18 years old, the end of the cigarette advertising, and seat belts being completely
mandatory. Significant advances for women's right and equality were being made such as, the first
woman MP or member of parliament in Quebec, the first woman lieutenant governor, and the first
women recited to the RCMP. But Stephen Lewis is more than the average Canadian politician, he is
a humanitarian trying to change the world one step at a
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Romeo And Juliet Tragic Love
The stories of lovers who believed in each other and their love even if the whole world was against
them still inspire and often, make us sad. A closer investigation of the greatest love stories in history
reveals that many of the most famous lovers met a tragic end. They did, however, show us that true
love is stronger than anything else in the world. And it is the love that they had we are all hopping to
find someday. Of course, with a happier ending.
1. Romeo and Juliet
This is probably the most famous lovers ever. This couple has become a synonym for love itself.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Their love story is very tragic. The tale of
two teenagers from two feuding families who fall in love at first sight and ... Show more content on ...
It takes place during medieval times during the reign of King Arthur. Isolde of Ireland was the
daughter of the King of Ireland. She was betrothed to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his
nephew, Tristan, to Ireland to escort Isolde back to Cornwall. During the voyage, Isolde and Tristan
fell forever in love. Isolde did marry Mark of Cornwall, but could not help but love Tristan. The
love affair continued after the marriage. When King Mark finally learned of the affair, he forgave
Isolde, but Tristan was banned from Cornwall. Tristan went to Brittany. There he met Iseult of
Brittany. He was attracted to her because of the similarity of her name to his true love. He married
her, but did not consummate the marriage because of his love for the "true" Isolde. After falling ill,
he sent for Isolde in hopes that she would be able to cure him. If she agreed to come, the returning
ship's sails would be white, or the sails would be black if she did not agree. Iseult, seeing the white
sails, lied to Tristan and told him that the sails were black. He died of grief before Isolde could reach
him. Isolde died soon after of a broken
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Pierre Trudeau's War Measures Act
Pierre Elliotte Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada during the 1970s, was the man who saved
Quebec from separating from Canada by using the War Measures Act very effectively. At that time,
Quebec was in a bad situation because of a terrorist group called the FLQ (Front de libération du
Québec), that had been bombing Quebec since 1963 and gathering people to carry violent
demonstrations and destruction. The situation got worse by each passing day as the FLQ's
revolutionary movement turned into terrorism. The government faced a tough situation. Pierre
Trudeau could not see his country getting divided and took a strict action. The government didn't
have any safe options, but Trudeau handled the matter very tactfully by following the right path, ...
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Though there had been an initial fear of the military in the minds of the people, the soldiers soon
won their hearts by their devotion and effective actions. The War Measures Act banned the FLQ
demonstrations (which were earlier allowed) to prevent violence, preserve order and protect the
people and public places from attacks. The civilians were completely safe as the officers only
swooped down on suspects chosen from lists assembled by the Quebec and Montreal forces, as told
by John English (88). The fear of the government could be seen in the terrorists only after the
implementation of the act, which showed that Canada will respond harshly and not keep quite. The
terrorists, who claimed to be fearless and revolutionary, rushed to seize their documents and save
their lives as soon as the raids began on October 16, 1970. The police arrested 397 people and
disrupted many others who were linked to FLQ or violence that occurred in the past ("October
Crises of 1970"). The military successfully broke up the strategies of the FLQ, arrested the terrorists,
seized large quantities of weapons, calmed the people and was able to control the situation and
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Buckle Company Merchandise Report
Basic Information
Buckle is a specialty store
The store image specializes in casual fashions; earthy, rocker, and edgy bohemian styles including:
a. Blacks, whites, greys , purples and blues
b. Chain, stud, and stone adornments
c. Intricate designs
d. lace and embroideries #2
Buckle Inc. was founded in 1948. It was formerly known as Mills Clothing Inc. and changed its
name to Buckle in April of 1991. The company's annual sales for 2010 total $898.3 million and are
up 3% from last year. The store carries their own private label – BKE, along with a wide variety of
other brands – these labels include Affliction, Hurley, Element, Roxy, Obey, Roar, Miss Me, Day
Trip, Rock Revival, Big Star, and Sinful. Buckle Inc ... Show more content on ...
Everything was very neat and all of the key items were in perfect size order – which makes
shopping for these products more enjoyable for the customer.
c) The store is set up in a manner that makes it very easy for the customer to locate denim. At the
entrance of the store there were two tables filled with denim with brand signage visible, other brands
were hung with brand signage above the area. Throughout the store the denim is merchandised
perfectly – the skinny and bootcut denim styles are easily accessible and arranged in logical order by
brand, style, and color to make shopping easy.
Markdowns & Markdown Areas
 We could tell just by looking at the items why they were marked down – they were all summer
styles, out of season – lighter denim washes, and tops are sleeveless tanks in a bright range of
 The prices in the denim range from $79.97 to $119.97 the tops range from $17.97 to $34.97. The
items seem to be properly priced however now that the temperature seems to be dropping, I would
expect the prices on the tops especially be slashed again. Even though the denim on sale consists of
mostly lighter colors, they can still be worn year round – so they most likely will not see too many
huge markdowns for the change of weather.
The Buckle location that we visited has a huge Forever 21 store to compete with about three stores
down. Buckle carries a range of premium
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The Once and Future King Guenever Essay
The Once and Future King
Description of Guenever
Guenever is one whose personality and appearance fluctuates often during the course of her life. The
facts that she fell in love with someone other than her husband and that she never bore a child
contributes greatly to these abrupt and drastic changes.
The description of Guenever as a young wife is one with deep, clear blue eyes, which almost beheld
a sort of fearlessness which was startling, as was her black hair. Although Gwen was quite fond of
her husband, she found herself taken a fancy to the young knight, Lancelot. She admired his broken
face and found herself falling in love. She loved both Lance and Arthur. She felt ... Show more
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Such as when Guenever discovered that
Lancelot was the father of Elaine's baby, she did not believe his explanation and became furious.
She claims that Lance betrayed her, that she was the victim of Elaine's cunning and that she'd never
be able to trust Lancelot again. Perhaps in her heart she was jealous of the baby that was not born to
As Guenever began to age, she became restless, more unreasonable and much more cruel, similar to
the personality of Lance. Her three virtues were that of Courage, Generosity, and Honesty, which
remained with her through her life time. When Lance was gone, she became wretched. At 40, Gwen
was a splendid figure, yet only two years later, she begins to badly apply unneeded makeup and to
over dress. Lance still saw her as the passionate spirit of innocent youth, who was now beleaguered
by old age. In his eyes, she was still his Jenny. Guenever had lost her rattled look. For more than a
year the Queen was petulant, cruel, contradictory and miserable. Now she was pleased with
anything and did not hurt the servants. Gwen seemed to be one of those selfish women who insisted
on ruling everything. As Gwen grew older and older, she became more beautiful, sanguine, hot
tempered, demanding, impulsive, acquisitive, and charming–she portrayed all of the qualities of a
'man eating lioncelle';, but she wasn't promiscuous. There was never anyone
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Creative Writing: What's in the Inside is Important Essay
My drive way, always annoyed me, it was made of rocks, not pavement. The rocks made it hard to
first learn how to bike and scooter, and roller blade, I could never balance, because all the rocks
were different. I live in Westport Connecticut, some people in Connecticut imagine westport a place
full of beautiful and perfect and rich people. That word "rich" bothered me. I wasn't rich, so was I
not an official "westport girl?". As a child, when I first learned the stereotype of westport, I always
felt I didn't fit in to westport because I wasn't rich. I lived on a farm, unusual for westport, I know, I
had cool things, but not the coolest, and I got hand–me–downs from friends. I wasn't poor but I
wasn't rich and because of that I felt like I ... Show more content on ...
At school the next day I overheard MMM talking to my friends about my house and how it was
"crappy" and how i was "poor". I felt like an unbalanced rock on my driveway, like I was the
smallest rock, that always made everything unstable. I couldn't believe my ears, Amanda, the girl I
thought was so nice and fun turned out to be a snob. I went home and cried for hours on hours. From
then on, i was ashamed of myself, I never wanted anyone to come to my house again, and see my
rock driveway.
The next year I met a new friend, SSS, She was pretty and nice and popular, every one loved her. I
was so excited to become better friends with her, and I knew we would hit it off! She asked me if
she wanted to hang out after school one day and our parents set up a playdate, we went to her house
and when we stepped out of the car in her driveway, I saw that sydney had a rock driveway! I was
realized that SSS was the nicest friend I had ever had, she was pretty, and had allot of friends who
didn't care if she dressed the way she wanted or if she wasn't up to westport standards, she was nice
and that was enough for me. Over the next year SSS and others had come to my house more than I
could count I wasn't ashamed anymore, I was lucky to have friends who saw me for me and Amanda
just wasn't one of those girls. So in the end I realized it didn't matter that my driveway was
unbalanced or how it looked on the outside, it just matters
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Levi 's Strauss And Co Essay
Levi's Strauss & Co
Two years after his father's passing, Levi Strauss immigrated from Buttenheim, Bavaria to New
York with his sisters in 1848. His two older brothers owned a dry goods business called "J. Strauss
Brother & Co" located in New York City. After becoming more familiar with the trade and how the
business worked, he traveled to California after word got out about the gold rush in 1853. Levi
wanted to keep up with the demand, so where there were people looking for their fortune through
gold, he was there making pants for them and the people who worked in tougher conditions.
Levi received a letter around 1872 from a loyal customer of his. Jacob Davis was a tailor from Reno,
Nevada loved his design of pants and continued to buy from Levi because of the pant's quality. He
had a proposition for Levi. In this letter it proposed on collaborating on a new design for pants were
using metal rivets on the sections that go through the most strain, would make the pants last much
longer. Jacob came to Levi because Levi was already established as a businessman and was familiar
with the trade. Also he needed someone that was familiar with the trade to put this idea into action.
Levi agreed to patent the idea. On May 20, 1873, the patent was given to Jacob Davis and the Levi
Strauss & Company and the " blue jean was born."
The iconic "blue jeans" were originally called "XX." In 1886, Levi had a two horse logo branded
onto a leather patch which represented the strength
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Justin Trudeau's Impact On Canada
From watching his dad become Prime Minister to becoming one himself, here are the impacts Justin
Trudeau has made in this year.
By now, everyone has heard about Trudeau's remarks, on how he wants to work with every culture
or race living in Canada to come together and become more of an economic economy. Trudeau had
vowed to help improve the lives of the Aboriginal Canadians. Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have
been working extremely hard to correct the past injustices served to the Aboriginal people of
Canada. He is confident that they will reach a place of reconciliation. Indeed, Justin Trudeau wants
to help improve the lives the injustice.
Justin Trudeau's idea of legalizing and regulating marijuana wasn't for the purpose of profit but was
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Knight Of The Cart Essay
Through the modern eyes, history of Western civilization, from the fall of the Roman Empire to the
Age of Discovery, is seen through Medieval literature. Ten centuries of history are noticed,
involving individual products of heroic periods and their unique era of culture. Acknowledging
Medieval literature illustrates a society of heroic knights, led by a luxurious king, charging into
battle, romantic connections between royalty and a common person, and new discoveries being
found. As well as times characterized by feudal activity, along with the Catholic Church holding an
influencing control of society, and placing heavily on the laws they laid. The Church ruled
simultaneously with the government, controlling every aspect of the Medieval ... Show more content
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The adulterous affair between King Arthur's most trusted knight Lancelot, and his wife, Guinevere,
is symbolic to the coming of the mischievous serpent in God's garden as a result to an end of a
perfect world. According to the influential work of Sir Thomas Malory at the end of the 15th
century, there became one of the major causes of the downfall of Arthur's Round Table. Through
various parts of literature, Lancelot's romantic character becomes known. In The Knight of the Cart
(ca. 1175), by Chrûtien de Troyes Sir Lanceolt rescues Guinevere from the evil knight, Meleagent,
and ultimately spends the night with the queen in her chamber. He later listens and obeys every
instruction she asks Lancelot to do, such as to do his worst in the Tournament. Another major
romance of which Lancelot is the protagonist is the extensive early 13th–century Prose Lancelot, a
part of the Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian romances. Here, he is raised by the Lady of the Lake, and by
18 sent to Arthur's court after realizing his royal percentage. He is given a sword by Guinevere, who
knights him in a ceremony of divided loyalties. He goes to act of numerous adventures for the king
to earn his reputation, but his adultery with the queen disables his legitimacy to succeed in the quest
for the Holy Grail. In the last romance of the cycle, Lancelot and the
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Yvain The Knight Of The Lion
In Yvain: The Knight Of The Lion, Chretien de Troyes shows how magic plays an important
element in Yvain journey. Magic plays an important element in Yvain's journey since it has positive
and negative effects on his morals. According to Chretien de Troyes the magical items are similes,
Yvain experiences numerous supernatural obstacles. Particular obstacle causes him trouble in
countless various ways. Magic can't truly be described, but can be shown. In the poem Chretien de
Troyes shows how important the stone is If you'd like to sprinkle water From the bowl across that
You'll see such a storm that no Animal Will stay in this wood–every buck, Every doe, every stag,
every boar And even the birds would run off, Because you'd see such lighting, And trees splintering
And such rain, and smashing Thunder, That if you yourself can escape Without harm, without
You'll have better luck than any Knight who ever lived (quoted in Yvain 395–407)
. The storm symbolized how important throwing water on statue declares a battle, and the king
would just show declare a battle; this is weird phenomenal how he knows to battle, appears out
nowhere. Yvain pouring the water shows that if hadn't done he wouldn't fulfill his cousin revenge.
Chretien de Troyes shows how a person can be "more than what meets the eye", telling us there a
bigger picture; . When he meets the herdsman he saw the wild bulls and the giant herdsman who
guarded them
Such a huge
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How Are Women Portrayed In King Arthur And His Knights Of...
How Were Women Portrayed
How often are women portrayed like the "bad guys" or not good people in books? In King Arthur
and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green it shows that it is very often,
Morgana Le Fay throws the Scabbard into a deep lake in the forest, she also tries to murder her
husband, Guinevere cheats on Arthur with his best friend and that is what destroys all of Camelot ,
and then the Lady of the Lake told Arthur to kill Balyn with the cursed sword.
First of all Morgana Le Fay tried to kill her husband and that she is evil and does many evil deeds.
"Go fetch me my lords sword, for I have never saw a better moment than this were to slay him" –
Morgana Le Fay (page 74). She is shown as evil for trying to betray the kingdom and murder her
own husband for power, she hated her husband so that was used to make it so she could kill her
husband. Morgana Le Fay also throws the Scabbard into a deep lake within the forest.
She found Arthur lying asleep with the sword Excalibur naked in his right hand: but the scabbard
leant against a chair at his bedside. 'At Least I can steal this from him' she thought, and hiding it
beneath her cloak, she went quietly out of the abbey, mounted her horse, and rode away. Then she
rode to a deep lake in the forest and threw the scabbard into the middle of it , crying 'Whatever
happens to me, I will at least make sure that my brother never has his scabbard again!' and it sank
for it was heavy with gold and precious
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Pierre Trudeau: Prime Minister Of Canada
Born in Montreal on October 18, 1919, Pierre Trudeau was the 15th prime minister of Canada for
nearly 16 years. His charismatic personality matched the revolutionary ideas of the 1960s. In
additional to several advances he made for the Liberal Party, he gained a reputation for dating high–
profile women. His 1982 partition of the Canadian constitution greatly advanced Canadians' civil
Pierre Trudeau was born on October 18, 1919, and raised in the wealthy Montreal suburb of
Outremont. His mother, Grace Elliott, was of both French and Scottish descent, so Trudeau and his
two siblings grew up speaking both French and English. His family was quite wealthy by the time
he was a teenager, as his father, a businessman and lawyer, had sold his gas station business to
Imperial Oil some years prior. After graduating from the elite Jesuit preparatory school Collège
Jean–de–Brébeuf, Trudeau went on to receive a law degree from the University of Montreal. Shortly
after graduating, he landed a position as a desk officer for the Privy Council. From 1951 to 1961, he
practiced law, specializing in labor and civil liberty cases, issues he would later bring into focus for
all of Canada. ... Show more content on ...
Four years later, Liberal Party leaders were searching for potential candidates. Trudeau and two of
his colleagues were invited to run for party seats. All three men won in the election that year;
Trudeau became Minister of Justice. His flamboyant and charismatic personality meshed well with
the changing attitudes and opinions of the late 1960s. Within a year, he had reformed the divorce
laws and liberalized the laws on abortion and
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Implementation True Religion Jeans
Implementation: True Religion Brand Jeans
True Religion Brand Jeans is a relatively new company, establishing itself in late 2002, and taking
denim in a new direction. Just over three years old, the company has capitalized on the latest
Hollywood trends and narrowed their target market to the likes of celebrities and high fashion
‘gurus' who don't seem to mind forking out $400 for a pair of jeans. Currently, True Religion's
strategy is through differentiation of their product through prestige, brand image and innovation.
They have established a quality product with fashionable trendsetting lines and paying impeccable
attention to detail, appealing directly to their target market and differentiating their product from
their competitors. ... Show more content on ...
True Religion employs a production supervisor to monitor its contract manufacturers and an
accountant to maintain the books and records of the company. In the very near future the company
plans to hire two employees to sew and produce its samples for sale and a chief operating officer
responsible for manufacturing, operations and finance. Being so young, the company is still
branching out, has plans of hiring a lot of new staff, and is looking forward to establishing a real
‘structure'. With only a limited number of employees, it is hard to tell whether these employees are
really educated and informed on the matters of decision making, or if they are just making the best
decisions they can, based on limited information or previous knowledge. It is VERY important to
have professionals in each field (ie. Production, engineering, marketing, R&D, accounting, etc) to
make the best informed decision.
The structure most appropriate for this new brand would be the simple, functional organizational
structure, CEO and Presidents Jeffrey and Kym Lubell reigning high on the ladder, and having a
designated professional working under them and making more centralized decisions. Currently the
Lubells make the final decisions, enhancing the organizational perspective across all functions of the
organization. This structure facilitates career paths and professional development in specialized
areas, and is critical in the overall smoothness and functionality of the implementation
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Wife Of Bath And Queen Guinevere Analysis
Women in the Middle Ages were expected to be wives, mothers, and helpers with no power or
control over their lives in society. They could not be professionals without a man's or a husband's
help. There were no rights for women. Women were supposed to be pretty and do as they were told.
In the stories of The Wife of Bath and Queen Guinevere as characters of the Middle Ages they are
not powerless women.
The Wife of Bath was married five times and she chose men who were old. She had no children.
How she talks in her story says she had no problem saying what she thought. Her nobility was by
marriage. The Wife of Bath gained her wealth and land through the statement,
"The woman's wise who's busy till she's won
The love she wants, or she'll be left with none.
But since I had them wholly in my hand
And they had given me all their land,
Why should I pay them heed and try to please,
Unless it were for profit and fore ease?" (Lines 209–214).
In The Wife of Bath, the woman used her body to gain control over her husbands. As she talks to the
priest she says that the "organs
Wife of Bath understood how women were seen. She was able to use what she knew to survive in a
time when men ruled. From Wife of Bath, she use one man at a time. Not only does she marry for
love. "I swear I loved him best of all ... "(line 513). She defends her actions from other stereotypes
of the Middle Ages, by justifying herself "With coyness we trade in our affairs. Great market crowds
make more expensive
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The Pursuit Of Possession Marketed By Popular Brands Essay
We communicate who we are through fashion. Fashion is poetic through textures, color, design, and
expression which signifies how connected we are to our clothes. Consumers rely on fashions "status
quo" to appeal to their need to buy the best from the best retail markets, yet still have an
unawareness of a "don't ask, don't tell "oblivion towards production of these expensive marvels. The
target of the pursuit of possession marketed by popular brands will make people focus more on
materialistic value instead of the reinvention of the fashion market in how our clothes are really
made. That pair of jeans you saw in a Black Friday sale advertisement, or a crew neck long sleeve
shirt on sale at H & M caught your eye because to you, its worth the bargain, but to the person who
made this item for you, it wasn't worth their demise. The ill–informed consumers of the fashion
industry are unknowingly supportive to the abusive labor practices of exploited sweatshop workers
on the production of our clothing while glorifying expensive brands made from the hands of
penniless workers. The focus of this paper is to be the voice of those workers, who make these
pleasantries with literally their own blood, sweat, and tears that us consumers take for granted, while
shedding some much needed light on the nefarious acts on sweatshop workers.
In the most labor dependent industry on earth, workers have no voice. The supply chain is
constantly on the rise, globalization of production is outsourced
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Justin Trudeau Persuasive Essay
After almost a decade of conservative rule, it's all change in Canada, where red replaced blue as the
predominant political colour in 2015. On October 19th 2015, Justin Trudeau led the liberal party
into victory in the country's election and became Canada's 23rd prime minister.
In the following pages, we will analyse, by using two main arguments, how Justin Trudeau won his
campaign by beating out his opponents in the historic elections of 2015. The first reason why
Trudeau is now the new Prime Minister of Canada revolves around change. Canada was ready for a
change and Trudeau was prepared to give it to us. Secondly, we will discuss Justin Trudeau's
relationship with the media and his presence on social media. These two reasons are why our ...
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(HOPPER) his constant online updates about what he was doing and where he was taking his family
made him seem more relatable to his followers. Trudeau was the most active between all other
campaign leaders. If we look at this in Samuel Popkin's perspective, we see that the voter chooses
which sources he wants to get his information from. Since we live in an era of social media, it's hard
to ignore a party leader on twitter. Trudeau would post daily tweets, whether it was him picking
pumpkins with his family or a shot video of him in the boxing ring. One video in particular shows
Trudeau closing his eyes in delight as he rocks an infant handed to him in a crowd back and forth.
The baby then settles into a peaceful sleep in the arms of our future prime minister. It's a video so
touching and sentimental that no other leader would even attempt to get away with it. He also posts
pictures of him and his wife displaying public displays of affection. One may see other leaders
holding their wives' hands but Trudeau and his wife are often photographed nuzzling noses with
their eyes closed. These behind–the–scenes photos are excellent for community engagement; they
create a greater sense of openness with
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King Arthur Character Analysis
King Arthur isn't a strong leader! Everyone believes that King Arthur had a perfect kingdom and
that he was a strong and brave leader and could face any danger and come back alive. In King
Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green, King Arthur has trouble
making crucial decisions in the story and lets his emotions get the best of him during drastic times,
during the trial of Guinevere he let Lancelot escape with her even though he knew Lancelot would
show up, he let his emotions get the best of him when he heard the rumors of Lancelot and
Guinevere being together because he was scared of the truth of them actually being together, he
doesn't listen to the warnings of Merlin when he says that Guinevere would bring the end to his
kingdom. King Arthur is a weak Leader! His emotions get the best of him. When Merlin told him
that he shouldn't love Guinevere because she will bring the end to Arthur's kingdom and then she did
(p.46). He always lets his feelings take charge of his decisions even though he shouldn't be letting
them overcome the decision of his people and his court. (...) "King Leodegraunce, who had a
beautiful daughter called Guinevere; and Arthur loved Guinevere the moment he saw her, and for
thinking of her could hardly rest or eat when he came home to Camelot.(...) 'A man of your bounty
and nobleness should not be without a wife, nor should the realm of Logres lack a queen... But tell
me now is there any princess whom you love more than another?' 'Yes indeed there is,' said Arthur. 'I
love Guinevere, King Leodegraunce's daughter. And she is the fairest, sweetest, loveliest, and purest
maiden in all the world. Her will I wed, or die a bachelor!' 'Certainly she is among the fairest,' said
Merlin. 'Yet I would that you loved another; for by her very beauty shall come the end of Logres'
(...). Even though Merlin warns Arthur about the danger of him marrying Guinevere and Arthur
refuses to listen to his advisor and this decision did bring the end to the realm of Logres. King
Arthur lets his past get the best of his judgement. King Arthur let Launcelot take Guinevere during
her trial and did nothing to stop it, he even wanted Lancelot to take her away so that she wouldn't
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Pierre Trudeau: Canadian Prime Minister
Pierre Trudeau was one of Canada's most loved and respected Prime Ministers in the history of
Canada. He was born on October 18, 1919 in Montreal, Quebec. Trudeau's father, Charles–Emile
was a successful entrepreneur and lawyer and his mother, Grace Elliot was of French–Scottish
origins and came from a wealthy Montreal family. Both parents spoke French, but English was the
language they preferred to speak at home. He had an older sister named Suzette and a younger
brother named Charles Junior. Trudeau's father, Charlie, was a very successful businessman, during
the Great Depression when most of the world lost their money overnight, he got wealthier. He sold
his car shop, including its 30 service stations, in 1932 to Imperial Oil Company for ... Show more
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As Prime Minister, Trudeau's first and foremost action was accomplishing the Official Languages
Act (1969). This was a federal law that made Canada a bilingual country, by making their official
languages French and English. This gave the people a reflection of his political standing and
personal principles. One of the hardest obstacles he had to overcome would be the October Crisis
(1970). The start of the October Crisis was the kidnapping of James Cross, the British Trade
Commissioner in Montreal. It quickly turned into a terrorist act when Minister of Immigration and
Labour, Pierre Laporte, was kidnapped and killed. The murder raised swift action by the Trudeau
and he implemented the War Measures Act. "The War Measures Act was a federal statute adopted by
Parliament in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War. It gave broad powers to the Canadian
government to maintain security and order during war or insurrection." (Smith) Trudeau was
determined to stop the violence and to show how committed he was, when he was interviewed by
CBC and was asked how far he was willing to go to stop the attack, he replied, "Just watch me."
This is now a catchphrase in North American politics. Five of the terrorists in charge were found and
part of the negotiation for James Cross' life, they sent them to Cuba, however, they eventually came
back to Canada where they served many years in prison. In 1980, Quebec had its first referendum,
they wanted to be its own sovereign country and split away from Canada. Trudeau was recognized
for their defeat in keeping them linked to Canada. Levesque, the minister of the government of
Quebec, refused to apply referendum while Trudeau was still in office. Trudeau was disliked by
many Quebec nationalists. In 1982, Trudeau passed the Constitution Act. The Constitution Act
mainly did two things, it added the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and allowed Canada
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Is King Arthur Real Or Real
For years, historians and scholars have been questioning the truth behind the great King known as
King Arthur. His power and legend have influenced many modern aspects as well as having a direct
effect on various components of British history. Yet, there is not definitive proof as to whether or not
this man was real. King Arthur's story has been told for years upon years and is considered to be on
the of the most heroic legends of all time, but the question still remains: Is King Arthur real? King
Arthur's legend is based off of a true King that was able to defend Britain from a Saxon invasion.
History says that this King was extremely heroic and brave. It is this great King that the legend
comes from. The first time King Arthur's name is mentioned is in the writings of a Welsh historian,
Nennius. He often references to a powerful King named Arthur, who helped the Britain in twelve
specific and real battles. The only problem with this is that it is impossible for one man to have
fought in all said battles. These battles took place all over the country of Britain and over the course
of around a hundred years. It is physically impossible for one man to have fought in all twelve
battles. Ignoring the facts, various Welsh painters decided to paint the famed King Arthur that
Nennius spoke so highly of. Their creation of King Arthur led to the spread of the mighty King's
fame. Nennius's tales went on to spark fire for years to come. "History of the King's of Britain" was
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How Did Pierre Elliot Trudeau Influence Change
Pierre Elliot Trudeau was born on October 18 1919, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada to parents, Grace
Elliot and Charles Trudeau. He was elected as Canada's 15th Prime Minister in 1968 and would last
until 1979 and then later from 1980 until 1984. Pierre Trudeau, with his two siblings, grew up in a
wealthy household due to his father's career as a businessman and a lawyer with his two siblings.
Pierre Trudeau would attend Collège Jean–de–Brébeuf, an elite Jesuit preparatory school, and soon
graduate and later go on to attain his law degree from the University of Montreal where he would
become a professor of law. After the retirement of Lester Pearson in 1967, Trudeau would begin
campaigning for leadership of the Liberal Party. In 1968, he won post and a couple weeks later was
sworn in as the 15th Prime Minster of Canada. Trudeau was Prime Minister for nearly 16 years and
became to be known as one of Canada's most charismatic Prime Ministers.
Affecting Change ... Show more content on ...
One of the earliest changes occurred very early in his career as a Prime Minister and it was the
creation of the Official Language Act in 1969. The act made it so that both the English and French
languages attained equality within the government. Furthermore, this act also made them both the
official languages of Canada. The act also states in Section 2 of that its purpose is to, "support the
development English and French linguistic minority communities and generally advance the
equality of status and use of the English and French languages within Canadian society." When first
introduced, this act was met with some controversy from the English–speaking portion of Canada,
as there were occurrences of anti–French. However, Trudeau went through with the act
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Pierre Trudeau Research Paper
Who? On the 8th day of October Canada's 15th prime minister had been born, Known to be a
charismatic and controversial figure Pierre Elliott Trudeau had been born into a wealthy family out
in Outremont, Montreal. He had studied at many different schools such as the Jesuit Collège Jean–
de–Brébeuf, Université de Montréal, Harvard, and the London School of Economics. He had
married Margaret Trudeau to which he had three sons with, one of them who is currently in 2017
Canada's Prime minister, Justin Trudeau. Margaret and Pierre were divorced in 1984. Trudeau also
had a daughter with another woman named Deborah Coyne but they never married. Pierre Trudeau,
later on in his political life, He became minister of justice in 1965, he campaigned for ... Show more
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Pierre was known to be "The best politician of Canada" both at home and abroad. Throughout his
career he had many different jobs such as a Journalist, Screenwriter, Politician, Author, Professor,
Actor, Jurist and not to mention Prime minister of Canada, throughout his educational life he gained
the skills and knowledge for all these jobs and many more that could have come. While Pierre was
Justice Minister under Pearson he had reformed the criminal codes of Canada –Abortion, Divorce
laws, Homosexuality. Quoting Trudeau himself he said "The state had no business in the bedrooms
of others." Then there was "Trudeaumania" this went on during the period of time that "baby
boomers" became more powerful in the 1960's. Trudeau had been the "Man of the hour" the fact that
he was bilingual in english and french, people believed he would be able to properly address the
concerns of the people in quebec. Pierre was a catch to a lot of people, "Brilliant, complicated,
difficult, entertaining, complex" were words that describe this man, he had been looked at as a hero
to some, and had given off the vibe that he was "cool under pressure." With crowds of people
gathering around him shaking his hands or just listening to his speeches, the crowds loved him and
the press' called this
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Essay on Levis Case
Levis Case
1. Do you think that Levi's was correct to keep the Levi Strauss name on its Signature line? Or
would it have been better off creating a completely new brand name? Present both sides of the case.
Take and justify a position.
I don't think they were correct to use that brand name because the Levi Straus is bringing down the
Levis name. Personally I would not buy Levis jeans anymore if I knew that there were such low
price Levis jeans around. It degrades the brand to the eyes of the higher end customers.
2. What do you think Levi's image is among the following? What are the marketing implications of
your response?
a. Tween girls (aged 10 to 12) (I don't think they will necessarily have a strong opinion, at this age
jeans ... Show more content on ...
5. Repeat Question4 before and after the introduction of Levi's Eco. What are the marketing
implications of the differences?
Levis Jeans, affordable to very expensive, not so cool because of too much diversity, for all ages.
Now saying that Levis Jeans are for everyone and so loosing its value in the eyes of consumers.
6. Which of the six environmental activism segments discussed in Chapter 3 (p. 90) does the Levi's
Eco jean appeal to most? Explain.
The Levis Eco will appeal mostly to the True Naturals because they express deeply felt
environmental concerns and tailor their actions and purchases to these beliefs. Since the jeans are
made out of organic cotton, the True Naturals will be very appealed by it since they are for saving
the environment.
7. Given what you know about organic buyers from Chapter 3, do you think Levi's Eco helps Levi's
with younger consumers? Explain.
Given what I know, Levis Eco brand will not interest the younger customers because in the most
part, the younger don't really pay attention to environmental issues and so having organic cotton
jeans will not impress them to the point that they will buy it for that matter.
8. Do you think there is a core image of Levi's that can survive across the wide range of prices and
outlets that it operates in? What is it?
I don't believe there can be just one core image about Levis because it has such a wide variety of
brands. Levis will be seen as whatever each customer thinks of what
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Canadian History: Lester Bowles Pearson Essay
Over the years, plenty of great Canadians have achieved and shaped Canada to what is it today. One
individual by the name of Lester Bowles Pearson changed Canada in a way very few have. Pearson
was born in 1897 in a small town just outside of Toronto ( His parents Edwin
Pearson and Annie Sarah raised him. Little did they know their son would be one of the greatest
Canadians of all time. Pearson was known as a diplomat, professor, historian and the Prime Minister
of Canada from 1963–1968( Lester B. Pearson was a remarkable
man with a dream to put Canada on the map and he did so not only in a domestic way, but also in an
international way. In particular, his idea to give Canada a new flag, ... Show more content on ...
A man by the name of George Stanley designed one with a leaf in the middle with red bars on either
side. Parliament debated for over 37 sitting days, which in involved over 210 speeches. On
December. 15, 1964 a vote took place with the committee and the results were 163 to
78( On February. 15, 1965 the new flag was raised above Peace Tower and
Diefenbaker said this to Lester B. Pearson, "You have done more to divide the country than any
other prime minister." On that very date Pearson gave Canada its own flag, which would impact
Canadians forever.
Pearson did not only affect Canada, he affected the world on an international level. He achieved
many great things as Prime Minister, but one of his greatest efforts was when he was the External
Affair Minister in 1956. During the 1950's, controversial events were occurring in the Middle East.
The Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nassar took control of the Suez Canal, however, it was owned by
the British and French as a major shipping route( The French and British would not let
this happen, so in October of 1956, they placed an attack on Egypt. Nassar appealed to the Soviet
Union. The Soviet Union threatened to attack the west with nuclear weapons, if the British and
French didn't withdrawal. The world was on the fringe of another war. This was the moment where
Pearson would step in and would give Canada a chance to show its place in the world. Back at
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How Did Pierre Trudeau Affect Canada
The greatest legend of Canada history: Pierre Elliot Trudeau
Pierre Elliot Trudeau was known as one of the most significant Prime Minister of Canada in history.
As a Prime Minister he connected many Canadians around him to believe that he would capture his
goal. Trudeau goal for Canada is that to have a great impact that will affect Canada in positive way.
Pierre Trudeau left a legacy that impacted Canada in many ways for that time and for future
generations. During his time as Prime Minister, he got his respect from the people of Canada. As he
became more popular to the public he became a great phenomenon because he did what no other
Prime Minister has done to entire generation of Canadians. Trudeau has accomplished many goals
that he set ... Show more content on ...
Later in 1971 he proclaimed the Multiculturalism Act. This became an actual law in 1988. This law
/act made Canada more open to the world. This mean the Canada is open to let immigrants to come
to Canada that are having problem in their own country. Before this law/act was created in Canada,
use to be an only English and French speaking country. But now it is a multicultural country. The
view of Canada was that they will have two official languages but it would not have official culture.
The Multiculturalism act helped the people that are struggling in their own country. They are many
reasons why people want to move from their country to other country. The reasons are for education,
war at their own country, better jobs, Friends and relatives live in that country or a higher standard
of living. This act/law was a great idea by Pierre Trudeau because The Multiculturalism act help the
people that are in need of help in other
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Tommy Douglas: The Revolutionization Of Canada
Tommy Douglas is considered to be 'the greatest Canadian,' considering that he revolutionized the
country because of the healthcare system, welfare benefits, and the bill of rights. Without Tommy's
effort towards the benefit of Canada, we would be far from where we are today so much as even the
little things he affected and changed created the biggest impact. Firstly, Tommy Douglas suffered
from a severe infection in his knee and was advised to amputate. However, a charity was organized
for him due to a doctor who was interested and saw potential in saving his leg. By organizing that
charity, they were eventually able to save Douglass leg. After that moment, It was when Tommy felt
and decided that Canada should provide healthcare without any direct cost considering that it would
make a positive impact and is important to the development ... Show more content on ...
There were problems that occurred between the provincial government, the North American medical
establishment, and the province's physicians, which ended up putting things to a stop with the 1962
Saskatchewan Doctors' Strike. On the first day of the Doctor's Strike, a severely injured child died
trying to reach the closest open hospital hours away. After that incident, the doctor's finally decided
to quit the strike leading to Tommy Douglas's win. The adoption of healthcare across Canada ended
up being the work of three men, Tommy Douglas, John Diefenbaker and Lester Pearson. Medicare
made a huge impact considering that around that time, money was a difficult issue and people
tended to go broke by just being sick and paying a large amount of money for their own health.It has
made an immense impact during the 1960's. Moreover, individuals and families to this day, are
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Research Paper On Jean Chretien
Jean Chretien was Canada's 20th prime minister, serving from November 4, 1993, to December 12,
2003. Chretien was born in Shawinigan, Quebec, on January 11, 1934 as the eighteenth of nineteen
children. Only ten of his siblings lived past infancy. In total he served three terms in office as the
leader of the Liberal Party but was already active in politics as young as the age of twelve. He
attended Liberal rallies and worked for the party under his father, Wellie Chretien, who was a
Liberal Party organizer. Along with his mother, Marie Boisvert–Chretien, they lived in an apartment
owned by the mill where his father worked one of his three jobs. Chretien was accepted into the
Laval University with a scholarship and graduated with a Law degree
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50 Shades of Mt Druitt
Chapter 1... Even though he only had one tattoo I yearned him to fill the lonely hours between Dr
Phil and days of our lives. as he approached me with his pasty white arms hanging out of a Nike
vest,his smile told me it was dole day, and I knew my velour track suit would be hanging off the
lampshade tonight. As I stood in line at centrelink, thinking up reasons why I can't work, a sweet
smell drifted past my pig like nostrils. It was a mixture of weed, sweat and lynx Africa! I turned and
there he was Dwayne, with his pants halfway down his arse,our eyes met and he was soon lifting me
onto the wheelie bins behind the Rec Centre. He had already tied his staffy to a post in an alleyway
so we would not be disturbed. There was a tramp watching ... Show more content on ...
I was pulled forward so my bottom was perched on the edge of the sofa. I grabbed at his Bad Boy
jeans and professionally whipped open his buttons in one swift flick of the fingers. His sweet aroma
of Brut and smoke hypnotised me as his yellow stained fingers twisted at my nipples, he got turned
on at the small amount of milk lubricating his movement. As he thrusted inside and I grabbed on his
buttocks I just knew this was the start of something special. I was in love. As we lay back and
smoked a Horizen I thought about what life would be like with Gazza. I knew I had hit the jackpot
with Dwaynes brother, he had much better prospects and was wealthier than Dwayne too. You see
Gaz had twisted his ankle while running from te police after robbing the bottle shop last year. He is
now on the disability. I know in my heart Lauramtha will love him too. We could even pass her as
one of his own children. That is unless she comes out black...... to be continued. Chapter 4... Today
is the day Dwayne comes home. I will be hosting the party of the year. After two months in prison I
know Dwayne will enjoy good knees up with his friends and family. I have not met most of his
family so it will be a great chance for me to mingle and get introduced. The hardest part of the day
will be seeing Gazza. He broke my heart, decided to cheat on me after 2 days with Wanita from
down the road, she will be coming too. Wanita used to be with Dwayne too, she is apretty girl, her
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Jean Chretien: The 1990's In Canadian History
The 1990's in Canada proved to be a relatively quiet and peaceful time in Canadian History. With
this era, came the new, or sometimes already known, historical figures to shape the economy,
government and the well being of the people during the time. From 1993–2003 came the rule of
Prime Minister Jean Chretien, a leader from who was born in the small town of Shawinigan,
Quebec. He proved to be a strong leader with his determination and strive to be "'"a fighter. He must
win.'" as his friend Jean Pelletier described him (Bothwell, Marshall & Koch, 2015). Under him,
came Paul Martin who after rivaling against him in the fight for liberal leadership, was appointed
Finance minister. He too seemed to have quite the influence of the people and proved ... Show more
content on ...
After expo 67 came the October crisis, which consisted of Quebec citizens creating separatist groups
and making open kidnappings and bombs, furthermore disrupting the peace. Chretien, from the
province of Quebec, was determined to bring the people together, so he ran an almost flawless
campaign and "recaptured his old riding of St–Maurice and managed to win 19 seats in Québec in
the face of the onslaught of the Bloc Québécois" (Bothwell, Koch, & Marshall, 2015). Another
cause of his election into parliament that was more of a national event, was the concern of the
people in terms of Liberals spending excessive amounts of money when brought into power.
Because of this concern, it was up to Chretien to ease the public and ensure that he "effectively
answered criticisms that he would mark a return to the spending extravagances of previous Liberal
governments" (Bothwell, Koch, & Marshall, 2015). As a result, Chretien was elected in to power,
and decided upon making many budget cuts and re–establishing the Canadian economy and debt in
order to prove to the people that he was not about going against his word and spending large
amounts of money on projects that were unneeded. This is one of the more prominent points of
cause and consequence during his election into parliament, the cause being the people
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Essay on C2 Bell Jeans Bhd
Case 2 Bell Jeans Berhad Bell Jeans Berhad was founded in the mid–sixties. The firm survived
several lean years and economic recessions largely as the result of the market durability of its
dominant product–blue denim jeans. Bell Jeans had been a market leader with "wash–and–wear,"
bell–bottom and flare jeans, and modern casual pants. By 2009 it was one of Malaysia's largest
clothing manufacturers. It offered a wide variety of dress and fashion jeans for both men and boys
and a complete line of pants for women. It enjoyed a reputation for reasonably priced, quality pants.
The company sold 40 million pairs of pants last year. Production In each of the last 30 years, Bell
Jeans sold virtually all its production and often had to begin to ... Show more content on ...
"The plant budgeting begins with me and my staff determining what a plant's quota (in pairs of
pants) for each month should be for one year ahead of time. We look at the plant's past performance
and add a little to this because we expect people to improve around here. These yearly budgets are
updated at the end of each month in light of the previous month's production. If a plant manager
beats this budget figure, we feel he has done a good job. If he cannot meet the quota, his people
have not been working at what the engineers feel is a very reasonable level of speed and efficiency.
Or possibly absenteeism or worker turnover, big problems in our plants, have been excessively high.
When the quota has not been reached, we want to know why and want the problem corrected as
quickly as we can. "Given the number of pants that a plant actually produces in a month, we can
determine the number of standard labour hours allowed for that month. We compare this figure
against the 3 actual labour hours to determine how a plant manager performed as an expense
centre. I phone every plant manager each month to give prompt feedback on either satisfactory or
unsatisfactory performance. "We also look for other things in evaluating a plant manager. Have his
community relations been good? Are his employees happy? The owners of this company are very
concerned about these factors." An annual bonus constituted the core of Bell Jeans'
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Essay The Knight and the Cart
The Knight of the Cart
By the end of eleventh century, Western Europe had experienced a powerful cultural revival. The
flourish of New towns provided a place for exchange of commerce and flow of knowledge and
ideas. Universities, which replaced monasteries as centers of learning, poured urbanized knowledge
into society. New technological advances and economics transformations provided the means for
building magnificent architectures. These developments were representative of the mental and
behavioral transformations that the medieval world underwent and the new relationships that were
brought about between men, women and society in the twelfth century. As in technology, science,
and scholasticism, Literature was also reborn with a new ... Show more content on
He is tested at various stages in his voyage, such as by the damsel who requires him to sleep with
her if he wants hospitality. Lancelot agrees only after pleading with her not to make him sleep with
her. He did this not because the girl was unattractive for he states, "Many men would have
thanked her five hundred times for such an offer." He agrees to this act only because he
believes that he needs the lodging to rest himself so he can dutifully continue his quest for
Guinevere. Yet, Lancelot does not even look at her when she is naked; his lack of interest causes the
damsel to relinquish him from his promise. He stays perfectly loyal and faithful to his queen.
Obedience is another factor that constitutes courtly behavior in the story. Lancelot battles arduous
combats and suffers severe wounds for the love of Guinevere. However, once throughout his voyage
he falters in his obedience to her love, when he comes across a dwarf, driver of a cart, the dwarf tells
Lancelot to ride in the cart in exchange for information on Guinevere's whereabouts; Lancelot
hesitates momentarily before leaping into the cart. Lancelot regrets this moment of hesitation and
scolds himself, he argues "...Reason, who does not follow love's command, told him to beware of
getting in and admonished him...Love ordered and wished [he would ride in the cart]...; since love
ruled his action, the disgrace should not have mattered." 2 Lancelot is deeply ashamed and never
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Chretien De Troyes's Romances
The romance genre is centered around many themes, the most famous being love. The protagonist is
almost always the one character that is receiving love or working towards obtaining love. The
Romance genre began around the 12th century in Europe. The most famous author of that genre and
time was none other than Chretien De Troyes. Troyes is the author of seven poems, four of which
were completed by just him. The other three have been worked on and finished by other authors. In
this essay the themes from two of his works will be discussed. The works being analyzed are The
Knight of the Cart (Lancelot) and The Story of the Grail (Perceval). The first theme being discussed
is love. Love would be the most common thing found in ... Show more content on ...
Finally, the theme of mercy will be explored. In the story The Knight of the Cart, Lancelot gives
many characters second chances. Lancelot was quite strong in virtue for he showed many people
how merciful he was. One example would be of when Lancelot fought the 'proud knight' and was
going to let him go. Yet, the girl on the tawny mule rode up and persuaded Lancelot to give her the
proud knight's head and so the knight was killed (lines 2784–2947). Even though the knight met his
demise, the situation showed Lancelot's mercy. The knight would have been alive if it were not for
the girl coaxing Lancelot to kill him for her. An example from The Story of the Grail, Perceval
shows mercy to people also. Perceval fights, wins, and shows mercy to both Anguingueron and
Clamadeu. Perceval sends the two men to service the maiden which Kay had slapped in the
beginning of the story. The examples from the two stories show that mercy is a common theme.
Furthermore, mercy is found alongside of the theme of honor. Both virtues are found in knights in
the time period of the romance stories. The themes discussed above are found in both Chreten De
Troyes's stories. The themes can also be found in many other romance stories written in the 12th
century. The difference between an epic and a romance is that epics glorify military victory and
statuses; romances
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What Is The Difference Between Owain And Yvain
Although Susan Aronstein uses her observation that scholars' attempts to "strip away the later
French impositions and to reveal the "real" text" (Aronstein 215) to discuss the historical and
political implications of Owain, that critique should be applied to literary analysis of the text as well.
Somehow, through the oral tradition, The Mabinogion "Owain (The Lady of the Fountain)" Owain
becomes Chretien de Troyes' Yvain (or vice versa, since scholarship continues to debate whether the
French version predates or post–dates the Welsh), but the stark differences between the two versions
cannot be dismissed as translation tweaks. Brynley Roberts correctly identifies that the term
"translating" has simplistic connotations that fail to take into ... Show more content on ...
Yet despite these dubious credentials (and perhaps his attractive facial features?) Luned insists that
Owain has been and would be a paragon of relationships. Thomson notes in his analysis of Owain
that "the hero's charm is taken for granted," implied to be some sort of supernatural, innate ability
(Thomson 166) that works on every woman from the Lady of the Fountain to the handmaiden who
later gives him all her healing ointment. Of course, Luned has to rescue Owain, or else the story
would not continue, but that does not explain the continuation of her faith in him. Her perception of
his nobility should be disproven when he goes on to abandon his wife for three years, but, in what
she believes are her last moments, Luned maintains that Owain is "the friend I think I loved best in
the whole world" and stands up for his reputation to the point of death (Owain 134). In contrast,
Chretien completely glosses over the reasons for her peril in his account, only saying that they
"wrongly attributed to her an intention she had never had" (Chretien 236), which seems deliberate in
that it makes her even more a stereotypical damsel in distress. Owain's Luned chooses to endanger
her own life with her comments, presumably knowing there would be consequences to speaking her
mind. The narrator then
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Essay about Courtly Love as an Ennobler in Romantic...
Lancelot, the knight of the cart, is in love with Queen Guinevere, who constantly compromises his
reputation by embarrassing him . Chretien de Troyes writes Lancelot in The Knight of the Cart to be
deeply in love, so much so that he constantly sacrifices his reputation for the queen. Classically, "the
romantic hero developed from an extravagant to an ideal character" (Williams 275) in typical
Romance literature. Although Romance literature has many variations, Lancelot portrays this
transition from the extravagant, noble, knight to an ideal character in the tale. Lancelot depicts what
is ideal for what a woman would want, and this in turn does ennoble him. Lancelot is ennobled by
courtly love, but unintentionally. By placing himself above ... Show more content on ...
He endures the pain without hurting his reputation because no one knows him, which leads to means
in which he ennobles himself. This is set off by his suicidal thoughts, prompting a young girl to
mistake this action as one of embarrassment for his reputation. "Won't the news of his disgrace in
the cart be known to all? He certainly should want to be killed, for he's better off dead than living.
Henceforth his life is shamed, scorned, and wretched" (de Troyes214). The girl then feels bad
because she mocked him, and gives him horses and equipment with extra care to go find the queen.
Lancelot was never worried about the embarrassment, but rather his love. The embarrassment,
however, led him to both information and equipment to go after her. When he is offered more
information, it's love that makes him "strong and bold" and he literally offers to do anything (de
Troyes 215). Without the girl's compassion he wouldn't have had the armor or information to save
the queen, which would have made him devastated and humiliated without any chance at
redemption. His cart incident is repealed by his ability to save the queen. Lancelot also reinforces
his ability to overcome the petty gossip that emerges from his time in the cart. He sees no reason for
it to bother him, because he knows why he jumped in, and he doesn't refrain from expressing this.
To spare a man he defeated in battle, he forces the man
... Get more on ...

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The Impact Of Pierre Elliott Trudeau On Canadian Society

  • 1. The Impact Of Pierre Elliott Trudeau On Canadian Society Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a remarkable man who has made a significant impact in the Canadian society. Trudeau was voted to be the fifteenth Prime Minister of Canada from April 20, 1968 to June 4, 1979. Trudeau has put a lot of effort into making Canada a better place and he was truly passionate. His actions spoke louder than words and he proved to a lot of Canadians how he was the best Prime Minister of the Post– war Era in a lot of people's eyes. Back then, a lot of people liked and supported him and his actions, that's why he has been re–elected and continued being Canada's Prime Minister from March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984. Trudeau's ambitious attitude and determination has brought him to all the successes he had made during the fifteen ... Show more content on ... He had many good qualities of a successful leader, which is why a lot of people liked him. He had good communication skills and he was trustworthy, during one of Trudeau's Prime Minister races against the Progressive Conservatives, he promised all the citizens that he would eliminate or lower the sale tax if he won. He kept his words and after he won the election, the sale tax did become lower. He did this because he wanted to share the wealth of Canada more evenly among all different social classes. Other than that, he also has a visionary outlook, his action speaks louder than words, he has the ability to motivate people around him, he is consistent and he has the ability to stand against critics. Besides, Trudeau was a very educated person himself, he went to some of the best schools like the London school of Economics, the Jesuit College Jean– de– Brebeuf, Harvard University and Mcgill University and was very educated politically and economically. Before being a PM, Trudeau started his political career as a lawyer, then an economic policy adviser, that's why he has so many experiences in these areas, making him even more successful and ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Pierre Trudeau Research Paper Pierre Trudeau, lawyer, politician, and the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, was a big part of keeping national unity during the Quebec sovereignty movement and referendum in 1980. He was also a big part in keeping the Canadian public calm, taking action and standing up to the FLQ during the October Crisis in 1970. Born in Outremont, Montreal on October 18, 1919, Pierre Elliott Trudeau (full name Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau) was born to a wealthy family, along with one brother and one sister (another brother died at birth). His father, Charlie Trudeau (full name Joseph Charles–Émile Trudeau) was a wealthy French–Canadian entrepreneur and lawyer who earned his wealth with his gas station business, the Automobile Owners' Association. Charlie Trudeau died of a heart attack in 1935, which affected Pierre (15 years old at the time of his father's death) and his family greatly. His ... Show more content on ... The FLQ requested demands for his release on behalf of the captors, which included release of 23 prisoners who were part of the FLQ, $500,000 in gold, publication of the FLQ's manifesto, and a plane to take them to Cuba (a one–party Marxist–Leninist state), also adding they had 48 hours to fulfill the requests. Despite the pressure of some of the Canadian public and some sources, the government refused to fulfill them. Their refusal might have caused the next incident five days later, where four armed members kidnapped Deputy Premier and Minister of Labour of Quebec Pierre Laporte. The government still refused to fulfill the requests made by the FLQ with the kidnapping of James Cross after the second kidnapping of Laporte. Laporte was executed by the FLQ on October 17, perhaps intended as a consequence to the government's noncompliance, or a warning that they are serious with these ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Actions of Three Great Men and How They Made Canada... The Actions of Three Great Men and How They Made Canada Stronger Throughout Canadian history, we experienced many events that made our country both stronger and weaker. At times, we were looked upon as a nation with great potential, great peacekeeping service, and even a nation where its citizens were proud to be Canadian. Although, Canada did show signs of negativity as some of our actions made us look like terrible people and overall others had a "weak" view of the nation. During the 20th century, there were however 3 men that did prove that they did what they did not just only for themselves, but for the commonwealth of the population. These 3 men, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Lester Bowles Pearson, and Pierre Elliot Trudeau shaped ... Show more content on ... There were some issues in the system and how it operated but overall, Canada's elderly were given financial help that most needed in order to survive. This was a piece of Canada that was able to become stronger in the sense of stability. Aside from the Old Age Pension Act, King also created the Unemployment Insurance Act, which are social welfare payments given to the unemployed population. At first, the Unemployment Act excluded many types of employment such as agriculture, and jobs that earned more than $2,000 per year (Makarenko, 1). This was the responsibility of the provinces, but after acquiring unanimous provincial consent, he made it become a federal issue (Makarenko, 1). The British Parliament made a change to the British North American Act (now the Canadian Constitution) stating that unemployment insurance was now a federal power and not a provincial power (Makarenko, 1). King introduced a nationwide public system of unemployment insurance, which was funded by employees, employers, and the federal government (Makarenko, 1). This action helped Canada become stronger due to the fact that it provided an income for the people who couldn't work due to maternity issues, amputations, and illness. Now, the people who couldn't support themselves had relief from the government which abled them to be able to survive and keep poverty on a lower scale. With these 3 actions that Mackenzie King had ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Greatest Canadian: Pierre Trudeau Essay Pierre Trudeau is the greatest Canadian of the twentieth century due to the fact that he declared Canada's independence from Great Britain, he abolished the death penalty, and he created the Official Languages Act, making our nation entirely bilingual. His upbringing was a quiet one, "born into a family, a home and a neighbourhood of modest means" . Joseph Charles–Émile Trudeau, the family patriarch, was not a rich man because his parents were Quebec farmers. However, his maternal grandfather was a businessman. The young Pierre was born on October 18th, 1919 as Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau. He was enrolled in a bilingual school on the outskirts of Montreal, yet was taught only English for his first three years. Early on is ... Show more content on ... As a teenager, Pierre Trudeau attended Collège Jean–de–Brébeuf, a French–speaking Jesuit institution. At home, the Trudeaus spoke a mixture of French and English, so Pierre found the transition from an English school to a French one quite effortless . His interest in politics has waned slightly. Instead, he wanted to become a sea captain, explorer, or an astronaut, a term not yet coined. He loved to travel, and just before he had graduated from high school, he toured the Gaspé Region on foot, rode through the three Maritime Provinces on a motorcycle, visited British Columbia, and took a train to Mexico. Tragedy struck later that year. On a cold winter`s night, Pierre and his brother Charles Jr. received word that their father had passed away in Florida. In his autobiography Memoirs, Pierre described it as if "the whole world had gone empty" . Soon after the outbreak of World War II, Trudeau began to study law at the Université de Montréal. Pierre was strongly against signing up to fight. Like most French Canadians at that time, he didn`t believe that it was just a war. Rumours about the Holocaust swirled around campus. Nothing could distract Pierre from his studies. A few months later, he heard a speech by Ernest Lapointe, who was Prime Minister Mackenzie King`s right–hand man and Quebec lieutenant. He promised the crowd that there would be no absolutely no conscription, or so Pierre thought. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Reflection Of Political Science Political science is a broad topic that covers the history, political and geographical aspect of the world. The course started with a revision on the basics of the constitution, types of power and the political scene that happens around us. My first year at the University, one of the compulsory subject that is required for arts taking students is Political Science 1101. After several years of taking social or political course, taking this course opened my knowledge towards politics and the political scene in Canada. It also taught me about how different ways of information taking could lead to one learning differently from others. For example this class gave us the opportunity to use our laptops as a source of note taking, this helped me learn in which whenever a new vocabulary comes up during the class discussions i could search it up. Through "The Road to Patriation" and Kim Campbell "Through the Looking Glass" i would further emphasize my ideas on what i have learnt throughout the course semester. The concepts provided in the documentary "The Road To Patriation" was about the disagreement between the federal and provincial government of Canada on what to do with their constitution and how they would agree on a formula to bring back the Canadian Constitution from England. After the failure of five prime ministers and several conferences Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau took up the challenge of bringing back the constitution in early 1970 alongside with his Justice Minister ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. An Analysis Of Lancelot's Abandonment Of The Epic Emily Jessen – 010533719 Professor Watt History 101 June 11 2015 Abandonment of the Epic The compilation of Chretien de Troyes' Arthurian Romances effectively portrays various themes previously unexplored in the epic genre that eventually led to the creation of Lancelot in "The Knight of the Cart" and later Perceval in his unfinished work, "The Story of the Grail". Lancelot becomes the good example of romantic mythology through his internal struggles while still remaining loyal to his liege. The early epics contain many common themes and morals despite having been found throughout different civilizations such as the Old English Beowulf, the Greek works of The Odyssey and The Iliad by Homer, and the ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh. In ... Show more content on ... Lancelot has defining human characteristics that separate him from the deified accounts of epic poem protagonists, and this shift to vulnerability created a new writing style that reflected the times as Europe was slowly becoming less centralized. Since the innocent days of Perceval's youth, he had wanted to become a knight after recklessly chasing after a few with a javelin, and this tale of maturity is similar to the works of Dickens and other tales of "growing up". The tragic Greek hero or man of myth portrayed in the epic tales that became immediate folklore for nations across the globe was no more. Every country had its great epic hero, but the rise of romantic writings led to each country being able to rediscover itself through a different set of eyes. Perceval and Lancelot could never have been epic heroes, and the actions of Perceval and Lancelot could never be portrayed in an epic poem without seeming humorous. Oedipus would never ride in the back of a pillory cart to reach his destination, and Lancelot would never find himself in a situation where he has to kill his own father and wed his mother. It is evident that the early romantic works take heavy influence from epic poetry as the characters may seem to be chivalrous and intimidating at first, but unlike the protagonists of ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. How Did Stephen Lewis Influence Canada I few things about Stephen Lewis and why I think he should take second place as the best Canadian. A few things about Stephen Lewis is that he was born on November 11th, 1937 in Ottawa and is 79 years old. Lewis came from a family of three siblings, two sisters and one brother, his dad's name is David Lewis and his mom's name is Sophie Lewis. Stephen went to school at the university of Toronto and studied sociology and politics. Stephen was exposed to politics at a young age due to his father who was the national secretary of the co–operative commonwealth federation, that's why he chose to study politics. Lewis got married in 1963 to Michele Landsberg and raised a son and two daughters. From 1970–1978 Stephen was the leader of the new democratic party of Canada. Stephen Lewis was unfortunately never elected Prime Minister of Canada but still made a significant influence on the country. ... Show more content on ... Although Stephen was born in 1937 he made the most of his influence in the 1970s, when he was in his 30's. Lewis made the most of his impact on Canada in the 70's and throughout the decade, there was plenty going on with new laws and rights in Canada. He was the leader of the new democratic party of Canada for most of the 70's. At the time the prime minister was Pierre Trudeau also leader of the liberal party of Canada. New laws were also being passed which consisted of changing the voting age to 18 years old, the end of the cigarette advertising, and seat belts being completely mandatory. Significant advances for women's right and equality were being made such as, the first woman MP or member of parliament in Quebec, the first woman lieutenant governor, and the first women recited to the RCMP. But Stephen Lewis is more than the average Canadian politician, he is a humanitarian trying to change the world one step at a ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Romeo And Juliet Tragic Love The stories of lovers who believed in each other and their love even if the whole world was against them still inspire and often, make us sad. A closer investigation of the greatest love stories in history reveals that many of the most famous lovers met a tragic end. They did, however, show us that true love is stronger than anything else in the world. And it is the love that they had we are all hopping to find someday. Of course, with a happier ending. 1. Romeo and Juliet This is probably the most famous lovers ever. This couple has become a synonym for love itself. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Their love story is very tragic. The tale of two teenagers from two feuding families who fall in love at first sight and ... Show more content on ... It takes place during medieval times during the reign of King Arthur. Isolde of Ireland was the daughter of the King of Ireland. She was betrothed to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew, Tristan, to Ireland to escort Isolde back to Cornwall. During the voyage, Isolde and Tristan fell forever in love. Isolde did marry Mark of Cornwall, but could not help but love Tristan. The love affair continued after the marriage. When King Mark finally learned of the affair, he forgave Isolde, but Tristan was banned from Cornwall. Tristan went to Brittany. There he met Iseult of Brittany. He was attracted to her because of the similarity of her name to his true love. He married her, but did not consummate the marriage because of his love for the "true" Isolde. After falling ill, he sent for Isolde in hopes that she would be able to cure him. If she agreed to come, the returning ship's sails would be white, or the sails would be black if she did not agree. Iseult, seeing the white sails, lied to Tristan and told him that the sails were black. He died of grief before Isolde could reach him. Isolde died soon after of a broken ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Pierre Trudeau's War Measures Act Pierre Elliotte Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada during the 1970s, was the man who saved Quebec from separating from Canada by using the War Measures Act very effectively. At that time, Quebec was in a bad situation because of a terrorist group called the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec), that had been bombing Quebec since 1963 and gathering people to carry violent demonstrations and destruction. The situation got worse by each passing day as the FLQ's revolutionary movement turned into terrorism. The government faced a tough situation. Pierre Trudeau could not see his country getting divided and took a strict action. The government didn't have any safe options, but Trudeau handled the matter very tactfully by following the right path, ... Show more content on ... Though there had been an initial fear of the military in the minds of the people, the soldiers soon won their hearts by their devotion and effective actions. The War Measures Act banned the FLQ demonstrations (which were earlier allowed) to prevent violence, preserve order and protect the people and public places from attacks. The civilians were completely safe as the officers only swooped down on suspects chosen from lists assembled by the Quebec and Montreal forces, as told by John English (88). The fear of the government could be seen in the terrorists only after the implementation of the act, which showed that Canada will respond harshly and not keep quite. The terrorists, who claimed to be fearless and revolutionary, rushed to seize their documents and save their lives as soon as the raids began on October 16, 1970. The police arrested 397 people and disrupted many others who were linked to FLQ or violence that occurred in the past ("October Crises of 1970"). The military successfully broke up the strategies of the FLQ, arrested the terrorists, seized large quantities of weapons, calmed the people and was able to control the situation and restore ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Buckle Company Merchandise Report Basic Information #1 Buckle is a specialty store The store image specializes in casual fashions; earthy, rocker, and edgy bohemian styles including: a. Blacks, whites, greys , purples and blues b. Chain, stud, and stone adornments c. Intricate designs d. lace and embroideries #2 Buckle Inc. was founded in 1948. It was formerly known as Mills Clothing Inc. and changed its name to Buckle in April of 1991. The company's annual sales for 2010 total $898.3 million and are up 3% from last year. The store carries their own private label – BKE, along with a wide variety of other brands – these labels include Affliction, Hurley, Element, Roxy, Obey, Roar, Miss Me, Day Trip, Rock Revival, Big Star, and Sinful. Buckle Inc ... Show more content on ... Everything was very neat and all of the key items were in perfect size order – which makes shopping for these products more enjoyable for the customer. c) The store is set up in a manner that makes it very easy for the customer to locate denim. At the entrance of the store there were two tables filled with denim with brand signage visible, other brands were hung with brand signage above the area. Throughout the store the denim is merchandised perfectly – the skinny and bootcut denim styles are easily accessible and arranged in logical order by brand, style, and color to make shopping easy. #8 Markdowns & Markdown Areas A:  We could tell just by looking at the items why they were marked down – they were all summer styles, out of season – lighter denim washes, and tops are sleeveless tanks in a bright range of colors. B:  The prices in the denim range from $79.97 to $119.97 the tops range from $17.97 to $34.97. The items seem to be properly priced however now that the temperature seems to be dropping, I would expect the prices on the tops especially be slashed again. Even though the denim on sale consists of mostly lighter colors, they can still be worn year round – so they most likely will not see too many
  • 20. huge markdowns for the change of weather. C: The Buckle location that we visited has a huge Forever 21 store to compete with about three stores down. Buckle carries a range of premium ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Once and Future King Guenever Essay The Once and Future King Description of Guenever Guenever is one whose personality and appearance fluctuates often during the course of her life. The facts that she fell in love with someone other than her husband and that she never bore a child contributes greatly to these abrupt and drastic changes. The description of Guenever as a young wife is one with deep, clear blue eyes, which almost beheld a sort of fearlessness which was startling, as was her black hair. Although Gwen was quite fond of her husband, she found herself taken a fancy to the young knight, Lancelot. She admired his broken face and found herself falling in love. She loved both Lance and Arthur. She felt ... Show more content on ... Such as when Guenever discovered that Lancelot was the father of Elaine's baby, she did not believe his explanation and became furious. She claims that Lance betrayed her, that she was the victim of Elaine's cunning and that she'd never be able to trust Lancelot again. Perhaps in her heart she was jealous of the baby that was not born to her. As Guenever began to age, she became restless, more unreasonable and much more cruel, similar to the personality of Lance. Her three virtues were that of Courage, Generosity, and Honesty, which remained with her through her life time. When Lance was gone, she became wretched. At 40, Gwen was a splendid figure, yet only two years later, she begins to badly apply unneeded makeup and to over dress. Lance still saw her as the passionate spirit of innocent youth, who was now beleaguered by old age. In his eyes, she was still his Jenny. Guenever had lost her rattled look. For more than a year the Queen was petulant, cruel, contradictory and miserable. Now she was pleased with anything and did not hurt the servants. Gwen seemed to be one of those selfish women who insisted on ruling everything. As Gwen grew older and older, she became more beautiful, sanguine, hot tempered, demanding, impulsive, acquisitive, and charming–she portrayed all of the qualities of a 'man eating lioncelle';, but she wasn't promiscuous. There was never anyone ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Creative Writing: What's in the Inside is Important Essay My drive way, always annoyed me, it was made of rocks, not pavement. The rocks made it hard to first learn how to bike and scooter, and roller blade, I could never balance, because all the rocks were different. I live in Westport Connecticut, some people in Connecticut imagine westport a place full of beautiful and perfect and rich people. That word "rich" bothered me. I wasn't rich, so was I not an official "westport girl?". As a child, when I first learned the stereotype of westport, I always felt I didn't fit in to westport because I wasn't rich. I lived on a farm, unusual for westport, I know, I had cool things, but not the coolest, and I got hand–me–downs from friends. I wasn't poor but I wasn't rich and because of that I felt like I ... Show more content on ... At school the next day I overheard MMM talking to my friends about my house and how it was "crappy" and how i was "poor". I felt like an unbalanced rock on my driveway, like I was the smallest rock, that always made everything unstable. I couldn't believe my ears, Amanda, the girl I thought was so nice and fun turned out to be a snob. I went home and cried for hours on hours. From then on, i was ashamed of myself, I never wanted anyone to come to my house again, and see my rock driveway. The next year I met a new friend, SSS, She was pretty and nice and popular, every one loved her. I was so excited to become better friends with her, and I knew we would hit it off! She asked me if she wanted to hang out after school one day and our parents set up a playdate, we went to her house and when we stepped out of the car in her driveway, I saw that sydney had a rock driveway! I was realized that SSS was the nicest friend I had ever had, she was pretty, and had allot of friends who didn't care if she dressed the way she wanted or if she wasn't up to westport standards, she was nice and that was enough for me. Over the next year SSS and others had come to my house more than I could count I wasn't ashamed anymore, I was lucky to have friends who saw me for me and Amanda just wasn't one of those girls. So in the end I realized it didn't matter that my driveway was unbalanced or how it looked on the outside, it just matters ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Levi 's Strauss And Co Essay Levi's Strauss & Co Two years after his father's passing, Levi Strauss immigrated from Buttenheim, Bavaria to New York with his sisters in 1848. His two older brothers owned a dry goods business called "J. Strauss Brother & Co" located in New York City. After becoming more familiar with the trade and how the business worked, he traveled to California after word got out about the gold rush in 1853. Levi wanted to keep up with the demand, so where there were people looking for their fortune through gold, he was there making pants for them and the people who worked in tougher conditions. Levi received a letter around 1872 from a loyal customer of his. Jacob Davis was a tailor from Reno, Nevada loved his design of pants and continued to buy from Levi because of the pant's quality. He had a proposition for Levi. In this letter it proposed on collaborating on a new design for pants were using metal rivets on the sections that go through the most strain, would make the pants last much longer. Jacob came to Levi because Levi was already established as a businessman and was familiar with the trade. Also he needed someone that was familiar with the trade to put this idea into action. Levi agreed to patent the idea. On May 20, 1873, the patent was given to Jacob Davis and the Levi Strauss & Company and the " blue jean was born." The iconic "blue jeans" were originally called "XX." In 1886, Levi had a two horse logo branded onto a leather patch which represented the strength ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Justin Trudeau's Impact On Canada From watching his dad become Prime Minister to becoming one himself, here are the impacts Justin Trudeau has made in this year. By now, everyone has heard about Trudeau's remarks, on how he wants to work with every culture or race living in Canada to come together and become more of an economic economy. Trudeau had vowed to help improve the lives of the Aboriginal Canadians. Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have been working extremely hard to correct the past injustices served to the Aboriginal people of Canada. He is confident that they will reach a place of reconciliation. Indeed, Justin Trudeau wants to help improve the lives the injustice. Justin Trudeau's idea of legalizing and regulating marijuana wasn't for the purpose of profit but was ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Knight Of The Cart Essay Through the modern eyes, history of Western civilization, from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Age of Discovery, is seen through Medieval literature. Ten centuries of history are noticed, involving individual products of heroic periods and their unique era of culture. Acknowledging Medieval literature illustrates a society of heroic knights, led by a luxurious king, charging into battle, romantic connections between royalty and a common person, and new discoveries being found. As well as times characterized by feudal activity, along with the Catholic Church holding an influencing control of society, and placing heavily on the laws they laid. The Church ruled simultaneously with the government, controlling every aspect of the Medieval ... Show more content on ... The adulterous affair between King Arthur's most trusted knight Lancelot, and his wife, Guinevere, is symbolic to the coming of the mischievous serpent in God's garden as a result to an end of a perfect world. According to the influential work of Sir Thomas Malory at the end of the 15th century, there became one of the major causes of the downfall of Arthur's Round Table. Through various parts of literature, Lancelot's romantic character becomes known. In The Knight of the Cart (ca. 1175), by Chrûtien de Troyes Sir Lanceolt rescues Guinevere from the evil knight, Meleagent, and ultimately spends the night with the queen in her chamber. He later listens and obeys every instruction she asks Lancelot to do, such as to do his worst in the Tournament. Another major romance of which Lancelot is the protagonist is the extensive early 13th–century Prose Lancelot, a part of the Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian romances. Here, he is raised by the Lady of the Lake, and by 18 sent to Arthur's court after realizing his royal percentage. He is given a sword by Guinevere, who knights him in a ceremony of divided loyalties. He goes to act of numerous adventures for the king to earn his reputation, but his adultery with the queen disables his legitimacy to succeed in the quest for the Holy Grail. In the last romance of the cycle, Lancelot and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Yvain The Knight Of The Lion In Yvain: The Knight Of The Lion, Chretien de Troyes shows how magic plays an important element in Yvain journey. Magic plays an important element in Yvain's journey since it has positive and negative effects on his morals. According to Chretien de Troyes the magical items are similes, Yvain experiences numerous supernatural obstacles. Particular obstacle causes him trouble in countless various ways. Magic can't truly be described, but can be shown. In the poem Chretien de Troyes shows how important the stone is If you'd like to sprinkle water From the bowl across that stone You'll see such a storm that no Animal Will stay in this wood–every buck, Every doe, every stag, every boar And even the birds would run off, Because you'd see such lighting, And trees splintering And such rain, and smashing Thunder, That if you yourself can escape Without harm, without desperate Struggling, You'll have better luck than any Knight who ever lived (quoted in Yvain 395–407) . The storm symbolized how important throwing water on statue declares a battle, and the king would just show declare a battle; this is weird phenomenal how he knows to battle, appears out nowhere. Yvain pouring the water shows that if hadn't done he wouldn't fulfill his cousin revenge. Chretien de Troyes shows how a person can be "more than what meets the eye", telling us there a bigger picture; . When he meets the herdsman he saw the wild bulls and the giant herdsman who guarded them Such a huge ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. How Are Women Portrayed In King Arthur And His Knights Of... How Were Women Portrayed How often are women portrayed like the "bad guys" or not good people in books? In King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green it shows that it is very often, Morgana Le Fay throws the Scabbard into a deep lake in the forest, she also tries to murder her husband, Guinevere cheats on Arthur with his best friend and that is what destroys all of Camelot , and then the Lady of the Lake told Arthur to kill Balyn with the cursed sword. First of all Morgana Le Fay tried to kill her husband and that she is evil and does many evil deeds. "Go fetch me my lords sword, for I have never saw a better moment than this were to slay him" – Morgana Le Fay (page 74). She is shown as evil for trying to betray the kingdom and murder her own husband for power, she hated her husband so that was used to make it so she could kill her husband. Morgana Le Fay also throws the Scabbard into a deep lake within the forest. She found Arthur lying asleep with the sword Excalibur naked in his right hand: but the scabbard leant against a chair at his bedside. 'At Least I can steal this from him' she thought, and hiding it beneath her cloak, she went quietly out of the abbey, mounted her horse, and rode away. Then she rode to a deep lake in the forest and threw the scabbard into the middle of it , crying 'Whatever happens to me, I will at least make sure that my brother never has his scabbard again!' and it sank for it was heavy with gold and precious ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Pierre Trudeau: Prime Minister Of Canada Synopsis Born in Montreal on October 18, 1919, Pierre Trudeau was the 15th prime minister of Canada for nearly 16 years. His charismatic personality matched the revolutionary ideas of the 1960s. In additional to several advances he made for the Liberal Party, he gained a reputation for dating high– profile women. His 1982 partition of the Canadian constitution greatly advanced Canadians' civil rights. Biography Pierre Trudeau was born on October 18, 1919, and raised in the wealthy Montreal suburb of Outremont. His mother, Grace Elliott, was of both French and Scottish descent, so Trudeau and his two siblings grew up speaking both French and English. His family was quite wealthy by the time he was a teenager, as his father, a businessman and lawyer, had sold his gas station business to Imperial Oil some years prior. After graduating from the elite Jesuit preparatory school Collège Jean–de–Brébeuf, Trudeau went on to receive a law degree from the University of Montreal. Shortly after graduating, he landed a position as a desk officer for the Privy Council. From 1951 to 1961, he practiced law, specializing in labor and civil liberty cases, issues he would later bring into focus for all of Canada. ... Show more content on ... Four years later, Liberal Party leaders were searching for potential candidates. Trudeau and two of his colleagues were invited to run for party seats. All three men won in the election that year; Trudeau became Minister of Justice. His flamboyant and charismatic personality meshed well with the changing attitudes and opinions of the late 1960s. Within a year, he had reformed the divorce laws and liberalized the laws on abortion and ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Implementation True Religion Jeans Implementation: True Religion Brand Jeans True Religion Brand Jeans is a relatively new company, establishing itself in late 2002, and taking denim in a new direction. Just over three years old, the company has capitalized on the latest Hollywood trends and narrowed their target market to the likes of celebrities and high fashion ‘gurus' who don't seem to mind forking out $400 for a pair of jeans. Currently, True Religion's strategy is through differentiation of their product through prestige, brand image and innovation. They have established a quality product with fashionable trendsetting lines and paying impeccable attention to detail, appealing directly to their target market and differentiating their product from their competitors. ... Show more content on ... True Religion employs a production supervisor to monitor its contract manufacturers and an accountant to maintain the books and records of the company. In the very near future the company plans to hire two employees to sew and produce its samples for sale and a chief operating officer responsible for manufacturing, operations and finance. Being so young, the company is still branching out, has plans of hiring a lot of new staff, and is looking forward to establishing a real ‘structure'. With only a limited number of employees, it is hard to tell whether these employees are really educated and informed on the matters of decision making, or if they are just making the best decisions they can, based on limited information or previous knowledge. It is VERY important to have professionals in each field (ie. Production, engineering, marketing, R&D, accounting, etc) to make the best informed decision. The structure most appropriate for this new brand would be the simple, functional organizational structure, CEO and Presidents Jeffrey and Kym Lubell reigning high on the ladder, and having a designated professional working under them and making more centralized decisions. Currently the Lubells make the final decisions, enhancing the organizational perspective across all functions of the organization. This structure facilitates career paths and professional development in specialized areas, and is critical in the overall smoothness and functionality of the implementation ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Wife Of Bath And Queen Guinevere Analysis Women in the Middle Ages were expected to be wives, mothers, and helpers with no power or control over their lives in society. They could not be professionals without a man's or a husband's help. There were no rights for women. Women were supposed to be pretty and do as they were told. In the stories of The Wife of Bath and Queen Guinevere as characters of the Middle Ages they are not powerless women. The Wife of Bath was married five times and she chose men who were old. She had no children. How she talks in her story says she had no problem saying what she thought. Her nobility was by marriage. The Wife of Bath gained her wealth and land through the statement, "The woman's wise who's busy till she's won The love she wants, or she'll be left with none. But since I had them wholly in my hand And they had given me all their land, Why should I pay them heed and try to please, Unless it were for profit and fore ease?" (Lines 209–214). In The Wife of Bath, the woman used her body to gain control over her husbands. As she talks to the priest she says that the "organs Wife of Bath understood how women were seen. She was able to use what she knew to survive in a time when men ruled. From Wife of Bath, she use one man at a time. Not only does she marry for love. "I swear I loved him best of all ... "(line 513). She defends her actions from other stereotypes of the Middle Ages, by justifying herself "With coyness we trade in our affairs. Great market crowds make more expensive ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Pursuit Of Possession Marketed By Popular Brands Essay We communicate who we are through fashion. Fashion is poetic through textures, color, design, and expression which signifies how connected we are to our clothes. Consumers rely on fashions "status quo" to appeal to their need to buy the best from the best retail markets, yet still have an unawareness of a "don't ask, don't tell "oblivion towards production of these expensive marvels. The target of the pursuit of possession marketed by popular brands will make people focus more on materialistic value instead of the reinvention of the fashion market in how our clothes are really made. That pair of jeans you saw in a Black Friday sale advertisement, or a crew neck long sleeve shirt on sale at H & M caught your eye because to you, its worth the bargain, but to the person who made this item for you, it wasn't worth their demise. The ill–informed consumers of the fashion industry are unknowingly supportive to the abusive labor practices of exploited sweatshop workers on the production of our clothing while glorifying expensive brands made from the hands of penniless workers. The focus of this paper is to be the voice of those workers, who make these pleasantries with literally their own blood, sweat, and tears that us consumers take for granted, while shedding some much needed light on the nefarious acts on sweatshop workers. In the most labor dependent industry on earth, workers have no voice. The supply chain is constantly on the rise, globalization of production is outsourced ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Justin Trudeau Persuasive Essay After almost a decade of conservative rule, it's all change in Canada, where red replaced blue as the predominant political colour in 2015. On October 19th 2015, Justin Trudeau led the liberal party into victory in the country's election and became Canada's 23rd prime minister. In the following pages, we will analyse, by using two main arguments, how Justin Trudeau won his campaign by beating out his opponents in the historic elections of 2015. The first reason why Trudeau is now the new Prime Minister of Canada revolves around change. Canada was ready for a change and Trudeau was prepared to give it to us. Secondly, we will discuss Justin Trudeau's relationship with the media and his presence on social media. These two reasons are why our ... Show more content on ... (HOPPER) his constant online updates about what he was doing and where he was taking his family made him seem more relatable to his followers. Trudeau was the most active between all other campaign leaders. If we look at this in Samuel Popkin's perspective, we see that the voter chooses which sources he wants to get his information from. Since we live in an era of social media, it's hard to ignore a party leader on twitter. Trudeau would post daily tweets, whether it was him picking pumpkins with his family or a shot video of him in the boxing ring. One video in particular shows Trudeau closing his eyes in delight as he rocks an infant handed to him in a crowd back and forth. The baby then settles into a peaceful sleep in the arms of our future prime minister. It's a video so touching and sentimental that no other leader would even attempt to get away with it. He also posts pictures of him and his wife displaying public displays of affection. One may see other leaders holding their wives' hands but Trudeau and his wife are often photographed nuzzling noses with their eyes closed. These behind–the–scenes photos are excellent for community engagement; they create a greater sense of openness with ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. King Arthur Character Analysis King Arthur isn't a strong leader! Everyone believes that King Arthur had a perfect kingdom and that he was a strong and brave leader and could face any danger and come back alive. In King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green, King Arthur has trouble making crucial decisions in the story and lets his emotions get the best of him during drastic times, during the trial of Guinevere he let Lancelot escape with her even though he knew Lancelot would show up, he let his emotions get the best of him when he heard the rumors of Lancelot and Guinevere being together because he was scared of the truth of them actually being together, he doesn't listen to the warnings of Merlin when he says that Guinevere would bring the end to his kingdom. King Arthur is a weak Leader! His emotions get the best of him. When Merlin told him that he shouldn't love Guinevere because she will bring the end to Arthur's kingdom and then she did (p.46). He always lets his feelings take charge of his decisions even though he shouldn't be letting them overcome the decision of his people and his court. (...) "King Leodegraunce, who had a beautiful daughter called Guinevere; and Arthur loved Guinevere the moment he saw her, and for thinking of her could hardly rest or eat when he came home to Camelot.(...) 'A man of your bounty and nobleness should not be without a wife, nor should the realm of Logres lack a queen... But tell me now is there any princess whom you love more than another?' 'Yes indeed there is,' said Arthur. 'I love Guinevere, King Leodegraunce's daughter. And she is the fairest, sweetest, loveliest, and purest maiden in all the world. Her will I wed, or die a bachelor!' 'Certainly she is among the fairest,' said Merlin. 'Yet I would that you loved another; for by her very beauty shall come the end of Logres' (...). Even though Merlin warns Arthur about the danger of him marrying Guinevere and Arthur refuses to listen to his advisor and this decision did bring the end to the realm of Logres. King Arthur lets his past get the best of his judgement. King Arthur let Launcelot take Guinevere during her trial and did nothing to stop it, he even wanted Lancelot to take her away so that she wouldn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Pierre Trudeau: Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was one of Canada's most loved and respected Prime Ministers in the history of Canada. He was born on October 18, 1919 in Montreal, Quebec. Trudeau's father, Charles–Emile was a successful entrepreneur and lawyer and his mother, Grace Elliot was of French–Scottish origins and came from a wealthy Montreal family. Both parents spoke French, but English was the language they preferred to speak at home. He had an older sister named Suzette and a younger brother named Charles Junior. Trudeau's father, Charlie, was a very successful businessman, during the Great Depression when most of the world lost their money overnight, he got wealthier. He sold his car shop, including its 30 service stations, in 1932 to Imperial Oil Company for ... Show more content on ... As Prime Minister, Trudeau's first and foremost action was accomplishing the Official Languages Act (1969). This was a federal law that made Canada a bilingual country, by making their official languages French and English. This gave the people a reflection of his political standing and personal principles. One of the hardest obstacles he had to overcome would be the October Crisis (1970). The start of the October Crisis was the kidnapping of James Cross, the British Trade Commissioner in Montreal. It quickly turned into a terrorist act when Minister of Immigration and Labour, Pierre Laporte, was kidnapped and killed. The murder raised swift action by the Trudeau and he implemented the War Measures Act. "The War Measures Act was a federal statute adopted by Parliament in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War. It gave broad powers to the Canadian government to maintain security and order during war or insurrection." (Smith) Trudeau was determined to stop the violence and to show how committed he was, when he was interviewed by CBC and was asked how far he was willing to go to stop the attack, he replied, "Just watch me." This is now a catchphrase in North American politics. Five of the terrorists in charge were found and part of the negotiation for James Cross' life, they sent them to Cuba, however, they eventually came back to Canada where they served many years in prison. In 1980, Quebec had its first referendum, they wanted to be its own sovereign country and split away from Canada. Trudeau was recognized for their defeat in keeping them linked to Canada. Levesque, the minister of the government of Quebec, refused to apply referendum while Trudeau was still in office. Trudeau was disliked by many Quebec nationalists. In 1982, Trudeau passed the Constitution Act. The Constitution Act mainly did two things, it added the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and allowed Canada ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Is King Arthur Real Or Real For years, historians and scholars have been questioning the truth behind the great King known as King Arthur. His power and legend have influenced many modern aspects as well as having a direct effect on various components of British history. Yet, there is not definitive proof as to whether or not this man was real. King Arthur's story has been told for years upon years and is considered to be on the of the most heroic legends of all time, but the question still remains: Is King Arthur real? King Arthur's legend is based off of a true King that was able to defend Britain from a Saxon invasion. History says that this King was extremely heroic and brave. It is this great King that the legend comes from. The first time King Arthur's name is mentioned is in the writings of a Welsh historian, Nennius. He often references to a powerful King named Arthur, who helped the Britain in twelve specific and real battles. The only problem with this is that it is impossible for one man to have fought in all said battles. These battles took place all over the country of Britain and over the course of around a hundred years. It is physically impossible for one man to have fought in all twelve battles. Ignoring the facts, various Welsh painters decided to paint the famed King Arthur that Nennius spoke so highly of. Their creation of King Arthur led to the spread of the mighty King's fame. Nennius's tales went on to spark fire for years to come. "History of the King's of Britain" was the ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. How Did Pierre Elliot Trudeau Influence Change Pierre Elliot Trudeau was born on October 18 1919, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada to parents, Grace Elliot and Charles Trudeau. He was elected as Canada's 15th Prime Minister in 1968 and would last until 1979 and then later from 1980 until 1984. Pierre Trudeau, with his two siblings, grew up in a wealthy household due to his father's career as a businessman and a lawyer with his two siblings. Pierre Trudeau would attend Collège Jean–de–Brébeuf, an elite Jesuit preparatory school, and soon graduate and later go on to attain his law degree from the University of Montreal where he would become a professor of law. After the retirement of Lester Pearson in 1967, Trudeau would begin campaigning for leadership of the Liberal Party. In 1968, he won post and a couple weeks later was sworn in as the 15th Prime Minster of Canada. Trudeau was Prime Minister for nearly 16 years and became to be known as one of Canada's most charismatic Prime Ministers. Affecting Change ... Show more content on ... One of the earliest changes occurred very early in his career as a Prime Minister and it was the creation of the Official Language Act in 1969. The act made it so that both the English and French languages attained equality within the government. Furthermore, this act also made them both the official languages of Canada. The act also states in Section 2 of that its purpose is to, "support the development English and French linguistic minority communities and generally advance the equality of status and use of the English and French languages within Canadian society." When first introduced, this act was met with some controversy from the English–speaking portion of Canada, as there were occurrences of anti–French. However, Trudeau went through with the act ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Pierre Trudeau Research Paper Who? On the 8th day of October Canada's 15th prime minister had been born, Known to be a charismatic and controversial figure Pierre Elliott Trudeau had been born into a wealthy family out in Outremont, Montreal. He had studied at many different schools such as the Jesuit Collège Jean– de–Brébeuf, Université de Montréal, Harvard, and the London School of Economics. He had married Margaret Trudeau to which he had three sons with, one of them who is currently in 2017 Canada's Prime minister, Justin Trudeau. Margaret and Pierre were divorced in 1984. Trudeau also had a daughter with another woman named Deborah Coyne but they never married. Pierre Trudeau, later on in his political life, He became minister of justice in 1965, he campaigned for ... Show more content on ... Pierre was known to be "The best politician of Canada" both at home and abroad. Throughout his career he had many different jobs such as a Journalist, Screenwriter, Politician, Author, Professor, Actor, Jurist and not to mention Prime minister of Canada, throughout his educational life he gained the skills and knowledge for all these jobs and many more that could have come. While Pierre was Justice Minister under Pearson he had reformed the criminal codes of Canada –Abortion, Divorce laws, Homosexuality. Quoting Trudeau himself he said "The state had no business in the bedrooms of others." Then there was "Trudeaumania" this went on during the period of time that "baby boomers" became more powerful in the 1960's. Trudeau had been the "Man of the hour" the fact that he was bilingual in english and french, people believed he would be able to properly address the concerns of the people in quebec. Pierre was a catch to a lot of people, "Brilliant, complicated, difficult, entertaining, complex" were words that describe this man, he had been looked at as a hero to some, and had given off the vibe that he was "cool under pressure." With crowds of people gathering around him shaking his hands or just listening to his speeches, the crowds loved him and the press' called this ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Essay on Levis Case Levis Case 1. Do you think that Levi's was correct to keep the Levi Strauss name on its Signature line? Or would it have been better off creating a completely new brand name? Present both sides of the case. Take and justify a position. I don't think they were correct to use that brand name because the Levi Straus is bringing down the Levis name. Personally I would not buy Levis jeans anymore if I knew that there were such low price Levis jeans around. It degrades the brand to the eyes of the higher end customers. 2. What do you think Levi's image is among the following? What are the marketing implications of your response? a. Tween girls (aged 10 to 12) (I don't think they will necessarily have a strong opinion, at this age jeans ... Show more content on ... 5. Repeat Question4 before and after the introduction of Levi's Eco. What are the marketing implications of the differences? Levis Jeans, affordable to very expensive, not so cool because of too much diversity, for all ages. Now saying that Levis Jeans are for everyone and so loosing its value in the eyes of consumers. 6. Which of the six environmental activism segments discussed in Chapter 3 (p. 90) does the Levi's Eco jean appeal to most? Explain. The Levis Eco will appeal mostly to the True Naturals because they express deeply felt environmental concerns and tailor their actions and purchases to these beliefs. Since the jeans are made out of organic cotton, the True Naturals will be very appealed by it since they are for saving the environment. 7. Given what you know about organic buyers from Chapter 3, do you think Levi's Eco helps Levi's with younger consumers? Explain. Given what I know, Levis Eco brand will not interest the younger customers because in the most part, the younger don't really pay attention to environmental issues and so having organic cotton jeans will not impress them to the point that they will buy it for that matter. 8. Do you think there is a core image of Levi's that can survive across the wide range of prices and outlets that it operates in? What is it? I don't believe there can be just one core image about Levis because it has such a wide variety of brands. Levis will be seen as whatever each customer thinks of what ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Canadian History: Lester Bowles Pearson Essay Over the years, plenty of great Canadians have achieved and shaped Canada to what is it today. One individual by the name of Lester Bowles Pearson changed Canada in a way very few have. Pearson was born in 1897 in a small town just outside of Toronto ( His parents Edwin Pearson and Annie Sarah raised him. Little did they know their son would be one of the greatest Canadians of all time. Pearson was known as a diplomat, professor, historian and the Prime Minister of Canada from 1963–1968( Lester B. Pearson was a remarkable man with a dream to put Canada on the map and he did so not only in a domestic way, but also in an international way. In particular, his idea to give Canada a new flag, ... Show more content on ... A man by the name of George Stanley designed one with a leaf in the middle with red bars on either side. Parliament debated for over 37 sitting days, which in involved over 210 speeches. On December. 15, 1964 a vote took place with the committee and the results were 163 to 78( On February. 15, 1965 the new flag was raised above Peace Tower and Diefenbaker said this to Lester B. Pearson, "You have done more to divide the country than any other prime minister." On that very date Pearson gave Canada its own flag, which would impact Canadians forever. Pearson did not only affect Canada, he affected the world on an international level. He achieved many great things as Prime Minister, but one of his greatest efforts was when he was the External Affair Minister in 1956. During the 1950's, controversial events were occurring in the Middle East. The Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nassar took control of the Suez Canal, however, it was owned by the British and French as a major shipping route( The French and British would not let this happen, so in October of 1956, they placed an attack on Egypt. Nassar appealed to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union threatened to attack the west with nuclear weapons, if the British and French didn't withdrawal. The world was on the fringe of another war. This was the moment where Pearson would step in and would give Canada a chance to show its place in the world. Back at ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. How Did Pierre Trudeau Affect Canada The greatest legend of Canada history: Pierre Elliot Trudeau Pierre Elliot Trudeau was known as one of the most significant Prime Minister of Canada in history. As a Prime Minister he connected many Canadians around him to believe that he would capture his goal. Trudeau goal for Canada is that to have a great impact that will affect Canada in positive way. Pierre Trudeau left a legacy that impacted Canada in many ways for that time and for future generations. During his time as Prime Minister, he got his respect from the people of Canada. As he became more popular to the public he became a great phenomenon because he did what no other Prime Minister has done to entire generation of Canadians. Trudeau has accomplished many goals that he set ... Show more content on ... Later in 1971 he proclaimed the Multiculturalism Act. This became an actual law in 1988. This law /act made Canada more open to the world. This mean the Canada is open to let immigrants to come to Canada that are having problem in their own country. Before this law/act was created in Canada, use to be an only English and French speaking country. But now it is a multicultural country. The view of Canada was that they will have two official languages but it would not have official culture. The Multiculturalism act helped the people that are struggling in their own country. They are many reasons why people want to move from their country to other country. The reasons are for education, war at their own country, better jobs, Friends and relatives live in that country or a higher standard of living. This act/law was a great idea by Pierre Trudeau because The Multiculturalism act help the people that are in need of help in other ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Tommy Douglas: The Revolutionization Of Canada Tommy Douglas is considered to be 'the greatest Canadian,' considering that he revolutionized the country because of the healthcare system, welfare benefits, and the bill of rights. Without Tommy's effort towards the benefit of Canada, we would be far from where we are today so much as even the little things he affected and changed created the biggest impact. Firstly, Tommy Douglas suffered from a severe infection in his knee and was advised to amputate. However, a charity was organized for him due to a doctor who was interested and saw potential in saving his leg. By organizing that charity, they were eventually able to save Douglass leg. After that moment, It was when Tommy felt and decided that Canada should provide healthcare without any direct cost considering that it would make a positive impact and is important to the development ... Show more content on ... There were problems that occurred between the provincial government, the North American medical establishment, and the province's physicians, which ended up putting things to a stop with the 1962 Saskatchewan Doctors' Strike. On the first day of the Doctor's Strike, a severely injured child died trying to reach the closest open hospital hours away. After that incident, the doctor's finally decided to quit the strike leading to Tommy Douglas's win. The adoption of healthcare across Canada ended up being the work of three men, Tommy Douglas, John Diefenbaker and Lester Pearson. Medicare made a huge impact considering that around that time, money was a difficult issue and people tended to go broke by just being sick and paying a large amount of money for their own health.It has made an immense impact during the 1960's. Moreover, individuals and families to this day, are ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Research Paper On Jean Chretien Jean Chretien was Canada's 20th prime minister, serving from November 4, 1993, to December 12, 2003. Chretien was born in Shawinigan, Quebec, on January 11, 1934 as the eighteenth of nineteen children. Only ten of his siblings lived past infancy. In total he served three terms in office as the leader of the Liberal Party but was already active in politics as young as the age of twelve. He attended Liberal rallies and worked for the party under his father, Wellie Chretien, who was a Liberal Party organizer. Along with his mother, Marie Boisvert–Chretien, they lived in an apartment owned by the mill where his father worked one of his three jobs. Chretien was accepted into the Laval University with a scholarship and graduated with a Law degree ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. 50 Shades of Mt Druitt Chapter 1... Even though he only had one tattoo I yearned him to fill the lonely hours between Dr Phil and days of our lives. as he approached me with his pasty white arms hanging out of a Nike vest,his smile told me it was dole day, and I knew my velour track suit would be hanging off the lampshade tonight. As I stood in line at centrelink, thinking up reasons why I can't work, a sweet smell drifted past my pig like nostrils. It was a mixture of weed, sweat and lynx Africa! I turned and there he was Dwayne, with his pants halfway down his arse,our eyes met and he was soon lifting me onto the wheelie bins behind the Rec Centre. He had already tied his staffy to a post in an alleyway so we would not be disturbed. There was a tramp watching ... Show more content on ... I was pulled forward so my bottom was perched on the edge of the sofa. I grabbed at his Bad Boy jeans and professionally whipped open his buttons in one swift flick of the fingers. His sweet aroma of Brut and smoke hypnotised me as his yellow stained fingers twisted at my nipples, he got turned on at the small amount of milk lubricating his movement. As he thrusted inside and I grabbed on his buttocks I just knew this was the start of something special. I was in love. As we lay back and smoked a Horizen I thought about what life would be like with Gazza. I knew I had hit the jackpot with Dwaynes brother, he had much better prospects and was wealthier than Dwayne too. You see Gaz had twisted his ankle while running from te police after robbing the bottle shop last year. He is now on the disability. I know in my heart Lauramtha will love him too. We could even pass her as one of his own children. That is unless she comes out black...... to be continued. Chapter 4... Today is the day Dwayne comes home. I will be hosting the party of the year. After two months in prison I know Dwayne will enjoy good knees up with his friends and family. I have not met most of his family so it will be a great chance for me to mingle and get introduced. The hardest part of the day will be seeing Gazza. He broke my heart, decided to cheat on me after 2 days with Wanita from down the road, she will be coming too. Wanita used to be with Dwayne too, she is apretty girl, her ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Jean Chretien: The 1990's In Canadian History The 1990's in Canada proved to be a relatively quiet and peaceful time in Canadian History. With this era, came the new, or sometimes already known, historical figures to shape the economy, government and the well being of the people during the time. From 1993–2003 came the rule of Prime Minister Jean Chretien, a leader from who was born in the small town of Shawinigan, Quebec. He proved to be a strong leader with his determination and strive to be "'"a fighter. He must win.'" as his friend Jean Pelletier described him (Bothwell, Marshall & Koch, 2015). Under him, came Paul Martin who after rivaling against him in the fight for liberal leadership, was appointed Finance minister. He too seemed to have quite the influence of the people and proved ... Show more content on ... After expo 67 came the October crisis, which consisted of Quebec citizens creating separatist groups and making open kidnappings and bombs, furthermore disrupting the peace. Chretien, from the province of Quebec, was determined to bring the people together, so he ran an almost flawless campaign and "recaptured his old riding of St–Maurice and managed to win 19 seats in Québec in the face of the onslaught of the Bloc Québécois" (Bothwell, Koch, & Marshall, 2015). Another cause of his election into parliament that was more of a national event, was the concern of the people in terms of Liberals spending excessive amounts of money when brought into power. Because of this concern, it was up to Chretien to ease the public and ensure that he "effectively answered criticisms that he would mark a return to the spending extravagances of previous Liberal governments" (Bothwell, Koch, & Marshall, 2015). As a result, Chretien was elected in to power, and decided upon making many budget cuts and re–establishing the Canadian economy and debt in order to prove to the people that he was not about going against his word and spending large amounts of money on projects that were unneeded. This is one of the more prominent points of cause and consequence during his election into parliament, the cause being the people ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Essay on C2 Bell Jeans Bhd Case 2 Bell Jeans Berhad Bell Jeans Berhad was founded in the mid–sixties. The firm survived several lean years and economic recessions largely as the result of the market durability of its dominant product–blue denim jeans. Bell Jeans had been a market leader with "wash–and–wear," bell–bottom and flare jeans, and modern casual pants. By 2009 it was one of Malaysia's largest clothing manufacturers. It offered a wide variety of dress and fashion jeans for both men and boys and a complete line of pants for women. It enjoyed a reputation for reasonably priced, quality pants. The company sold 40 million pairs of pants last year. Production In each of the last 30 years, Bell Jeans sold virtually all its production and often had to begin to ... Show more content on ... "The plant budgeting begins with me and my staff determining what a plant's quota (in pairs of pants) for each month should be for one year ahead of time. We look at the plant's past performance and add a little to this because we expect people to improve around here. These yearly budgets are updated at the end of each month in light of the previous month's production. If a plant manager beats this budget figure, we feel he has done a good job. If he cannot meet the quota, his people have not been working at what the engineers feel is a very reasonable level of speed and efficiency. Or possibly absenteeism or worker turnover, big problems in our plants, have been excessively high. When the quota has not been reached, we want to know why and want the problem corrected as quickly as we can. "Given the number of pants that a plant actually produces in a month, we can determine the number of standard labour hours allowed for that month. We compare this figure against the 3 actual labour hours to determine how a plant manager performed as an expense centre. I phone every plant manager each month to give prompt feedback on either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. "We also look for other things in evaluating a plant manager. Have his community relations been good? Are his employees happy? The owners of this company are very concerned about these factors." An annual bonus constituted the core of Bell Jeans' ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Essay The Knight and the Cart The Knight of the Cart By the end of eleventh century, Western Europe had experienced a powerful cultural revival. The flourish of New towns provided a place for exchange of commerce and flow of knowledge and ideas. Universities, which replaced monasteries as centers of learning, poured urbanized knowledge into society. New technological advances and economics transformations provided the means for building magnificent architectures. These developments were representative of the mental and behavioral transformations that the medieval world underwent and the new relationships that were brought about between men, women and society in the twelfth century. As in technology, science, and scholasticism, Literature was also reborn with a new ... Show more content on ... He is tested at various stages in his voyage, such as by the damsel who requires him to sleep with her if he wants hospitality. Lancelot agrees only after pleading with her not to make him sleep with her. He did this not because the girl was unattractive for he states, "Many men would have thanked her five hundred times for such an offer." He agrees to this act only because he believes that he needs the lodging to rest himself so he can dutifully continue his quest for Guinevere. Yet, Lancelot does not even look at her when she is naked; his lack of interest causes the damsel to relinquish him from his promise. He stays perfectly loyal and faithful to his queen. Obedience is another factor that constitutes courtly behavior in the story. Lancelot battles arduous combats and suffers severe wounds for the love of Guinevere. However, once throughout his voyage he falters in his obedience to her love, when he comes across a dwarf, driver of a cart, the dwarf tells Lancelot to ride in the cart in exchange for information on Guinevere's whereabouts; Lancelot hesitates momentarily before leaping into the cart. Lancelot regrets this moment of hesitation and scolds himself, he argues "...Reason, who does not follow love's command, told him to beware of getting in and admonished him...Love ordered and wished [he would ride in the cart]...; since love ruled his action, the disgrace should not have mattered." 2 Lancelot is deeply ashamed and never falters ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Chretien De Troyes's Romances The romance genre is centered around many themes, the most famous being love. The protagonist is almost always the one character that is receiving love or working towards obtaining love. The Romance genre began around the 12th century in Europe. The most famous author of that genre and time was none other than Chretien De Troyes. Troyes is the author of seven poems, four of which were completed by just him. The other three have been worked on and finished by other authors. In this essay the themes from two of his works will be discussed. The works being analyzed are The Knight of the Cart (Lancelot) and The Story of the Grail (Perceval). The first theme being discussed is love. Love would be the most common thing found in ... Show more content on ... Finally, the theme of mercy will be explored. In the story The Knight of the Cart, Lancelot gives many characters second chances. Lancelot was quite strong in virtue for he showed many people how merciful he was. One example would be of when Lancelot fought the 'proud knight' and was going to let him go. Yet, the girl on the tawny mule rode up and persuaded Lancelot to give her the proud knight's head and so the knight was killed (lines 2784–2947). Even though the knight met his demise, the situation showed Lancelot's mercy. The knight would have been alive if it were not for the girl coaxing Lancelot to kill him for her. An example from The Story of the Grail, Perceval shows mercy to people also. Perceval fights, wins, and shows mercy to both Anguingueron and Clamadeu. Perceval sends the two men to service the maiden which Kay had slapped in the beginning of the story. The examples from the two stories show that mercy is a common theme. Furthermore, mercy is found alongside of the theme of honor. Both virtues are found in knights in the time period of the romance stories. The themes discussed above are found in both Chreten De Troyes's stories. The themes can also be found in many other romance stories written in the 12th century. The difference between an epic and a romance is that epics glorify military victory and statuses; romances ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. What Is The Difference Between Owain And Yvain Although Susan Aronstein uses her observation that scholars' attempts to "strip away the later French impositions and to reveal the "real" text" (Aronstein 215) to discuss the historical and political implications of Owain, that critique should be applied to literary analysis of the text as well. Somehow, through the oral tradition, The Mabinogion "Owain (The Lady of the Fountain)" Owain becomes Chretien de Troyes' Yvain (or vice versa, since scholarship continues to debate whether the French version predates or post–dates the Welsh), but the stark differences between the two versions cannot be dismissed as translation tweaks. Brynley Roberts correctly identifies that the term "translating" has simplistic connotations that fail to take into ... Show more content on ... Yet despite these dubious credentials (and perhaps his attractive facial features?) Luned insists that Owain has been and would be a paragon of relationships. Thomson notes in his analysis of Owain that "the hero's charm is taken for granted," implied to be some sort of supernatural, innate ability (Thomson 166) that works on every woman from the Lady of the Fountain to the handmaiden who later gives him all her healing ointment. Of course, Luned has to rescue Owain, or else the story would not continue, but that does not explain the continuation of her faith in him. Her perception of his nobility should be disproven when he goes on to abandon his wife for three years, but, in what she believes are her last moments, Luned maintains that Owain is "the friend I think I loved best in the whole world" and stands up for his reputation to the point of death (Owain 134). In contrast, Chretien completely glosses over the reasons for her peril in his account, only saying that they "wrongly attributed to her an intention she had never had" (Chretien 236), which seems deliberate in that it makes her even more a stereotypical damsel in distress. Owain's Luned chooses to endanger her own life with her comments, presumably knowing there would be consequences to speaking her mind. The narrator then ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Essay about Courtly Love as an Ennobler in Romantic... Lancelot, the knight of the cart, is in love with Queen Guinevere, who constantly compromises his reputation by embarrassing him . Chretien de Troyes writes Lancelot in The Knight of the Cart to be deeply in love, so much so that he constantly sacrifices his reputation for the queen. Classically, "the romantic hero developed from an extravagant to an ideal character" (Williams 275) in typical Romance literature. Although Romance literature has many variations, Lancelot portrays this transition from the extravagant, noble, knight to an ideal character in the tale. Lancelot depicts what is ideal for what a woman would want, and this in turn does ennoble him. Lancelot is ennobled by courtly love, but unintentionally. By placing himself above ... Show more content on ... He endures the pain without hurting his reputation because no one knows him, which leads to means in which he ennobles himself. This is set off by his suicidal thoughts, prompting a young girl to mistake this action as one of embarrassment for his reputation. "Won't the news of his disgrace in the cart be known to all? He certainly should want to be killed, for he's better off dead than living. Henceforth his life is shamed, scorned, and wretched" (de Troyes214). The girl then feels bad because she mocked him, and gives him horses and equipment with extra care to go find the queen. Lancelot was never worried about the embarrassment, but rather his love. The embarrassment, however, led him to both information and equipment to go after her. When he is offered more information, it's love that makes him "strong and bold" and he literally offers to do anything (de Troyes 215). Without the girl's compassion he wouldn't have had the armor or information to save the queen, which would have made him devastated and humiliated without any chance at redemption. His cart incident is repealed by his ability to save the queen. Lancelot also reinforces his ability to overcome the petty gossip that emerges from his time in the cart. He sees no reason for it to bother him, because he knows why he jumped in, and he doesn't refrain from expressing this. To spare a man he defeated in battle, he forces the man ... Get more on ...