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Vol. 44 February 26, 2019 Number 7
“Amazing Grace”
By Barry Kennedy
If you were to ask someone to name a religious hymn, the odds are that most of
them would say “Amazing Grace.” Even those who have never darkened the doors of a
church building could likely quote at least the first verse of this song. Why not? After all,
the song’s theme is one of the most comforting thoughts one could ever imagine. It does not
take a “rocket scientist” to know that we all make mistakes and have done things that are
wrong throughout the course of our lives. Having said that, do we not think that a reset
button would be most valuable in any life? Just think about having the ability to reset any
mistake and have it taken away forever. That is to say, never again will that wrong be
brought against us. Would that not be simply amazing?
The Bible student understands that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of
God” (Romans 3:23). According to the prophet Isaiah, sin separates people (even God’s
chosen people) from God (Isaiah 59:1, 2). If one were to tie these two verses together and
reject the whole of scripture (Psalm 119:160 ASV), we would be forced to conclude that
there is no hope for having a right relationship with God. However, when the true Bible
“STUDENT,” i.e. one who actually takes the time to rightly divide the word of truth
(2Timothy 3:15), looks into the “perfect law of liberty” (James 1:25), he is forced to see one
of the most beautiful words in the English language “GRACE.” The King James Version
translated the Hebrew word “chen” thirty-nine times (Old Testament) and the Greek word
“charis” one hundred thirty times as GRACE. Grace has been defined as “favor or
unmerited favor.” God created mankind that we might be in, or have, fellowship with Him.
Of course, the fact that we choose our destiny (Joshua 24:15; John 6:66, 67; Luke 14:25-33)
has a lot to do with our relationship with God. He is not going to force anyone to serve Him
(Matthew 7:13, 14; Revelation 22:17).
So how then do we explain God’s amazing grace? One of the most well-known
scriptures pertaining to grace has to be Ephesians 2:8, 9 which states: “For by GRACE
(emh. mine BK) are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
not of works, lest any man should boast.” Many look at this verse, compare their inability to
be perfect, and conclude that God does everything for man. That is to say, “God saves
whomsoever God wants to save and we have no say in the matter.” The problem with this
theory is that God is also called merciful, and just; which does not fit the above description.
After all, where is the justice and mercy for the ones Jesus “chooses” not to save if they are
not offered a chance?
To better understand grace and how it is applied to mankind let us consider Titus
chapter two. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,” (Titus
2:11). Now to sit down on this verse alone one might very easily assume that God’s grace is
going to save every soul. Is that what the Holy Spirit was having Paul pen? Is it the case that
God is going to enact universalism in the end? Seems to be pointless to have a “judgment
day” when He is going to save everyone, doesn’t it? Ok, so this does not sound right;
therefore, one must dig a little deeper to ensure that we are coming to the knowledge of
--article continued page 3--
Mike Childers..............397-6453
Dennis Hallmark .........255-5557
Mark Hitt.....................322-0917
Bobby Lindley.............260-9193
Wade Bryan.................419-5552
William Harris.............416-8149
Ricky Lindsey .............255-8136
Jeff Mansel..................871-0357
Jimmy Spearman.........840-8957
Michael Wilson ...........891-0891
Barry Kennedy ... (931)787-7108
Renee Childers
Worship....................... 9:00 a.m.
Bible Classes............. 10:15 a.m.
Worship..................... 11:15 a.m.
Singing or Devotional
Last Sunday of the Month
Wednesday Classes .....7:00 p.m.
1606 East Main Street
P. O. Box 1761
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
“Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee”
(Deut. 17:10)
--article continued from page 1--
Testament church pattern and strive to lead the
congregation in the direction of faithfulness, as
opposed to a loose philosophy which alleges that
most all “Christian” churches are okay, and
doctrine really doesn’t matter? Does the church
have an “open-door” policy where folks can simply
float in or out at their convenience, with no
accountability to the leadership? Such is not a
responsible way to conduct the Lord’s business.
Does sound doctrine emanate from the
pulpit—teaching that enriches the soul and
inoculates against worldliness and false doctrine?
Or are people looking for speakers who are
jokesters, stand-up comics, with a repertoire of
jokes that ridicule the church and biblical
Are we anxious to have leaders who love us
and are concerned about our souls? Or do we
prefer to be left alone to craft religious procedure
according to our personal tastes? Do we want
healthy teaching that reproves, exhorts and, when
needed rebukes? Or would we rather have that
mushy, feel-good psycho-babble?
Are we still interested in restoring the
original church, or have we gravitated toward the
Joel Osteen, Rick Warren “community church”
motif? There is much talk these days about the
“emerging church.” The so-called church is one that
has “emerged” from the restraints of New
Testament authority and is of the Jeroboam variety
(1 Kings 12:25-33). Far too many want a religion
fashioned after their own inclinations (Colossians
2:23), with just a faint aroma of pristine
Congregations that have been identified
with a “restoration” principle for many years are
coming under a new leadership that is charting a
course more toward Rome than Jerusalem, and
scores of naive people can’t tell the difference.
Many need to look into the mirror of divine truth
(James 1:23-24), and ask themselves this question:
“What am I looking for in a church?”
Visitation Team #4
Visitation team #4, Mike Ratliff’s team, will
meet briefly after services in Room 10 this Sunday,
Feb. 24. There will be NO meal this month.
Thank You Note
To the East Main congregation,
No words can express how grateful I am. There
has been an endless outpour of love shown to me
during my sickness. The prayers, visits, food, phone
calls, texts, money—the list just goes on and on.
Please continue to remember me as I continue to heal.
I love you all so much. Love,
Gospel Meeting
The Amory congregation will host a Gospel
Meeting February 24-27 with B. J. Clarke speaking
at 1:30 p.m. Sunday and at 7:00 p.m. Monday
through Wednesday.
The Ripley congregation is hosting a lectureship
on the topic “Christ is King” Feb. 24-27. A flyer is
posted on the bulletin board across from the library
with a schedule of speakers, topics, and times.
Challenge Youth
We have 51 youth and adults
from East Main attending the
Challenge Youth Conference in
Pigeon Forge, TN this year, Feb.
21-24. If you would like to donate
water, soft drinks, chips, desserts, please bring them to
the building by Wednesday night, Feb. 20. Please
place your items on the library table. See Tim Davis
or Amy Voyles with any questions.
Community Outreach
Item for February:
John Duke is stationed in Long Beach, MS.
Caleb Williams is stationed in Norway.
Dylan Kelly, Steve Kelly’s grandson, is in Kuwait.
March 2019
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Maggie &
Joshua 1-5
Joshua 6-8
Chase Stanford
Joshua 9-13
Joshua 14-16
Star Ray
Joshua 17-21
Joshua 22-24
Pete Barber
Sr. Adult
fellowship @ 6
Judges 1-2
Judges 3-5
Patsy Nichols
Judges 6-8
Justin & Brittany
Area Youth
@ Fulton
Judges 9-12
Judges 13-16
Scarlett Smith
Judges 17-19
Judges 20-21
Kinsley Floyd
Perry Hand
Madi Harris
Ladies’ fellowship
@ 6 pm
Ruth 1-4
1 Samuel 1-3
Jennie Cox
1 Samuel 4-8
Marlon Geno
Sr. Bible Bowl @
Jr. Youth/ES Devo
Visitation team #3
Nursing Home
1 Samuel 9-12
Storm Ray
1 Samuel 13-15
1 Samuel 16-17
Jenna Davis
1 Samuel 18-19
Alicia Smith
1 Samuel 20-23
Hugh & Rachel
1 Samuel 24-26
1 Samuel 27-31
Sr. Youth Devo.
Visitation Team #4
2 Samuel 1-4
2 Samuel 5-7
David Bates
2 Samuel 8-10
2 Samuel 11-12
Erin Moore
Crafton Laney
2 Samuel 13-14
Kristie Webb
2 Samuel 15-18
2 Samuel 19-20
Youth Led Service
2 Samuel 21-24
Daily Bible Reading
February 27................................... Deuteronomy 27-30
February 28................................... Deuteronomy 31-34
March 1........................................................ Joshua 1-5
March 2........................................................ Joshua 6-8
March 3...................................................... Joshua 9-13
March 4.................................................... Joshua 14-16
March 5.................................................... Joshua 17-21
Birthdays &
Birthdays: Carrie Hitt (Feb. 27), Charlie Ruth
Hallmark (Feb. 28), Micah Laney (Feb. 28),
Aaron Willis (Feb. 28), Chase Stanford (Mar.
3), Star Ray (Mar. 5), Chevela Underwood
(Mar. 5). Anniversaries: Maggie & Norman
Simineau (Mar. 1).
Our Sick
Jean Mounce will undergo more surgery
Wednesday at UAB. Christina Lindley’s uncle, Lee
Graham, is back in ICU at NMMC following
another stroke. Jill Rice, Debbie Vines’ mother,
continues at the Sanctuary Hospice House. Weston
Agnew, a friend of Lauren Long, will undergo more
eye surgery soon. Mitch Maclean, Billie McNutt’s
brother’s grandson, is recuperating from surgery at
St. Jude. Robert Parker and Scarlett are sick at
home. Judy Bates’ brother, Frankie Griggs, is home
following triple heart bypass surgery.
On-Going Illnesses
Laverne Raper, Frankie Estes, Donny Dulaney, Adam
McCurley, Linda McCurley, Mary Jordan, Bretta
Robinson, James Goddard, Bill Goff, Tommy Goff,
James Nichols, Sheba Tuggers, Sherry Gregory, Shirley
Owens, Nathan Hale, Leroy Brown, Jadon Parish, Carol
Nichols, Jerry Smith
Nursing Homes/Assisted
Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway, Shirley
McCarthy, Mary Southern, Veona Harris
--article continued from page 1—
truth (John 8:32). Jesus made known that there will be
a great divide on judgment day (Matthew 7:13, 14;
25:31-46). These verses are not difficult to
understand, but how do we understand the fact that
His grace hath (past tense) appeared to all mankind?
The simple answer is His grace has been made
available to all men, but not all men will accept His
grace and be saved. Compare what the Hebrew writer
penned, “Though he were a Son, yet learned he
obedience by the things which he suffered; And being
made perfect, he became the author of eternal
salvation unto all them that obey him;” (Hebrews 5:8,
9). This is the root of the problem; far too many
people do not want to accept any responsibility for
their actions.
God’s word is balanced and has the ability to
balance our lives as well (2Peter 1:3). The grace of
God is amazing when we consider how that God
wants to “save a wretch like me.” Yes, His grace has
appeared to all men, making salvation available to all
those who will conform to His will (Romans 8:29). Is
the amazing grace compelling us to conform to His
image? Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that
saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am
found, was blind but now I see.”
To be continued. . .
Thank You Note
Dear Brothers & Sister,
Thank you again for your wonderful support of our
work. We enjoyed so much our visit with all of you.
Your congregation is a wonderful example of our
Lord’s church. Please keep us in your prayers as we
leave for overseas on March 4th
. In Christian love,
Jerry & Paula Bates
Challenge Youth
We had 49 youth and adults
from East Main to attend the
Challenge Youth Conference in
Pigeon Forge this past weekend!
Thank you so very much to all
who donated bottled water, can drinks, and snacks.
We had an abundance! A special thanks to Tim Davis
and Amy Voyles for organizing and planning
everything. We all grew closer as a church family and
to God as a result! #unashamed #cyc2019
Go Into All the World
June 7th-8th
Please register at
Speakers: Eric Owens, Joe Wells, Jonathan Bates & Harrison Moran
This camp is for ages 13-22 and is being hosted by the East Main Church of Christ, 1606 East
Main St., Tupelo, MS 38804. Please see Josh or Barry Kennedy for more information.
Men to Serve Sunday, March 3, 2019 a.m.
Announcements..................................... Wade Bryan
Bible Reading......................................Jacob Bradley
Opening Prayer ...........................Bobby Joe Lindley
Lord’s Supper
Mike Ratliff & Larry Presley
Serve Congregation, East Side:
Ricky Lindsey, Andy Baldwyn, Joe Minor
Serve Congregation, West Side:
Greg Hughes, Chad Willis, Ian Willis
Lead Singing..............................................Mark Hitt
Closing Prayer.............................Hunter Underwood
Ushers ................................Larry Long & Greg Lyle
Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon
Opening Prayer ...................................Mike Childers
Closing Prayer................................... William Harris
Lead Singing.......................................Josh Kennedy
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Prayer .................................................Ricky Johnson
Lead Singing....................................Michael Wilson
Contact Michael Wilson (891-0891) if unable to serve.
The elders kindly request that men leading in public
worship wear the best dress clothes they have.
Greeters ....................................Perry & Linda Hand
................................Zac & Savannah Tucker
Prepare Lord’s Supper—March....................Jason &
Amanda Dickinson
Nursery...................Beth Reed & McKenna Lindsey
Pantry............................................Spaghetti noodles
Attendance & Contribution
Mid-Week, 2-20-19..............................................150
Sunday 1st
Worship, 2-24-19 ...............................152
Sunday Bible Class ..............................................139
Sunday 2nd
Contribution (budget $7,900)............................7,934

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East main informer, 2 26-19

  • 1. 4 Hugh Vol. 44 February 26, 2019 Number 7 “Amazing Grace” By Barry Kennedy If you were to ask someone to name a religious hymn, the odds are that most of them would say “Amazing Grace.” Even those who have never darkened the doors of a church building could likely quote at least the first verse of this song. Why not? After all, the song’s theme is one of the most comforting thoughts one could ever imagine. It does not take a “rocket scientist” to know that we all make mistakes and have done things that are wrong throughout the course of our lives. Having said that, do we not think that a reset button would be most valuable in any life? Just think about having the ability to reset any mistake and have it taken away forever. That is to say, never again will that wrong be brought against us. Would that not be simply amazing? The Bible student understands that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). According to the prophet Isaiah, sin separates people (even God’s chosen people) from God (Isaiah 59:1, 2). If one were to tie these two verses together and reject the whole of scripture (Psalm 119:160 ASV), we would be forced to conclude that there is no hope for having a right relationship with God. However, when the true Bible “STUDENT,” i.e. one who actually takes the time to rightly divide the word of truth (2Timothy 3:15), looks into the “perfect law of liberty” (James 1:25), he is forced to see one of the most beautiful words in the English language “GRACE.” The King James Version translated the Hebrew word “chen” thirty-nine times (Old Testament) and the Greek word “charis” one hundred thirty times as GRACE. Grace has been defined as “favor or unmerited favor.” God created mankind that we might be in, or have, fellowship with Him. Of course, the fact that we choose our destiny (Joshua 24:15; John 6:66, 67; Luke 14:25-33) has a lot to do with our relationship with God. He is not going to force anyone to serve Him (Matthew 7:13, 14; Revelation 22:17). So how then do we explain God’s amazing grace? One of the most well-known scriptures pertaining to grace has to be Ephesians 2:8, 9 which states: “For by GRACE (emh. mine BK) are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Many look at this verse, compare their inability to be perfect, and conclude that God does everything for man. That is to say, “God saves whomsoever God wants to save and we have no say in the matter.” The problem with this theory is that God is also called merciful, and just; which does not fit the above description. After all, where is the justice and mercy for the ones Jesus “chooses” not to save if they are not offered a chance? To better understand grace and how it is applied to mankind let us consider Titus chapter two. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,” (Titus 2:11). Now to sit down on this verse alone one might very easily assume that God’s grace is going to save every soul. Is that what the Holy Spirit was having Paul pen? Is it the case that God is going to enact universalism in the end? Seems to be pointless to have a “judgment day” when He is going to save everyone, doesn’t it? Ok, so this does not sound right; therefore, one must dig a little deeper to ensure that we are coming to the knowledge of --article continued page 3-- ELDERS Mike Childers..............397-6453 Dennis Hallmark .........255-5557 Mark Hitt.....................322-0917 Bobby Lindley.............260-9193 DEACONS Wade Bryan.................419-5552 William Harris.............416-8149 Ricky Lindsey .............255-8136 Jeff Mansel..................871-0357 Jimmy Spearman.........840-8957 Michael Wilson ...........891-0891 PREACHER Barry Kennedy ... (931)787-7108 SECRETARY Renee Childers Office...........................842-6116 Fax...............................842-7091 E-MAIL WEB PAGE SUNDAY SERVICES Worship....................... 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes............. 10:15 a.m. Worship..................... 11:15 a.m. Singing or Devotional Last Sunday of the Month MID-WEEK SERVICES Wednesday Classes .....7:00 p.m. EAST MAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST 1606 East Main Street P. O. Box 1761 Tupelo, Mississippi 38802 “Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee” (Deut. 17:10)
  • 2. --article continued from page 1-- Testament church pattern and strive to lead the congregation in the direction of faithfulness, as opposed to a loose philosophy which alleges that most all “Christian” churches are okay, and doctrine really doesn’t matter? Does the church have an “open-door” policy where folks can simply float in or out at their convenience, with no accountability to the leadership? Such is not a responsible way to conduct the Lord’s business. Does sound doctrine emanate from the pulpit—teaching that enriches the soul and inoculates against worldliness and false doctrine? Or are people looking for speakers who are jokesters, stand-up comics, with a repertoire of jokes that ridicule the church and biblical preaching? Are we anxious to have leaders who love us and are concerned about our souls? Or do we prefer to be left alone to craft religious procedure according to our personal tastes? Do we want healthy teaching that reproves, exhorts and, when needed rebukes? Or would we rather have that mushy, feel-good psycho-babble? Are we still interested in restoring the original church, or have we gravitated toward the Joel Osteen, Rick Warren “community church” motif? There is much talk these days about the “emerging church.” The so-called church is one that has “emerged” from the restraints of New Testament authority and is of the Jeroboam variety (1 Kings 12:25-33). Far too many want a religion fashioned after their own inclinations (Colossians 2:23), with just a faint aroma of pristine Christianity. Congregations that have been identified with a “restoration” principle for many years are coming under a new leadership that is charting a course more toward Rome than Jerusalem, and scores of naive people can’t tell the difference. Many need to look into the mirror of divine truth (James 1:23-24), and ask themselves this question: “What am I looking for in a church?” Visitation Team #4 Visitation team #4, Mike Ratliff’s team, will meet briefly after services in Room 10 this Sunday, Feb. 24. There will be NO meal this month. Thank You Note To the East Main congregation, No words can express how grateful I am. There has been an endless outpour of love shown to me during my sickness. The prayers, visits, food, phone calls, texts, money—the list just goes on and on. Please continue to remember me as I continue to heal. I love you all so much. Love, Jean Gospel Meeting The Amory congregation will host a Gospel Meeting February 24-27 with B. J. Clarke speaking at 1:30 p.m. Sunday and at 7:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Lectureship The Ripley congregation is hosting a lectureship on the topic “Christ is King” Feb. 24-27. A flyer is posted on the bulletin board across from the library with a schedule of speakers, topics, and times. Challenge Youth Conference We have 51 youth and adults from East Main attending the Challenge Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN this year, Feb. 21-24. If you would like to donate water, soft drinks, chips, desserts, please bring them to the building by Wednesday night, Feb. 20. Please place your items on the library table. See Tim Davis or Amy Voyles with any questions. Community Outreach Item for February: Shampoo John Duke is stationed in Long Beach, MS. Caleb Williams is stationed in Norway. Dylan Kelly, Steve Kelly’s grandson, is in Kuwait. March 2019 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Maggie & Norman Simineau Joshua 1-5 2 Joshua 6-8 3 Chase Stanford Joshua 9-13 4 Joshua 14-16 5 Star Ray Chevela Underwood Joshua 17-21 6 Christine Wilson Joshua 22-24 7 Pete Barber Sr. Adult fellowship @ 6 pm Judges 1-2 8 Judges 3-5 9 Patsy Nichols Judges 6-8 10 Justin & Brittany Webb Area Youth Meeting @ Fulton Judges 9-12 11 Judges 13-16 12 Scarlett Smith Judges 17-19 13 Judges 20-21 14 Kinsley Floyd Perry Hand Madi Harris Ladies’ fellowship @ 6 pm Ruth 1-4 15 1 Samuel 1-3 16 Jennie Cox 1 Samuel 4-8 17 Marlon Geno Sr. Bible Bowl @ Nettleton Jr. Youth/ES Devo Visitation team #3 Nursing Home Singing 1 Samuel 9-12 18 Storm Ray 1 Samuel 13-15 19 1 Samuel 16-17 20 Jenna Davis 1 Samuel 18-19 21 Alicia Smith 1 Samuel 20-23 22 Hugh & Rachel Scribner 1 Samuel 24-26 23 1 Samuel 27-31 24 Sr. Youth Devo. Visitation Team #4 2 Samuel 1-4 25 2 Samuel 5-7 26 David Bates 2 Samuel 8-10 27 2 Samuel 11-12 28 Erin Moore Crafton Laney 2 Samuel 13-14 29 Kristie Webb 2 Samuel 15-18 30 2 Samuel 19-20 31 Youth Led Service 2 Samuel 21-24
  • 3. Daily Bible Reading February 27................................... Deuteronomy 27-30 February 28................................... Deuteronomy 31-34 March 1........................................................ Joshua 1-5 March 2........................................................ Joshua 6-8 March 3...................................................... Joshua 9-13 March 4.................................................... Joshua 14-16 March 5.................................................... Joshua 17-21 Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays: Carrie Hitt (Feb. 27), Charlie Ruth Hallmark (Feb. 28), Micah Laney (Feb. 28), Aaron Willis (Feb. 28), Chase Stanford (Mar. 3), Star Ray (Mar. 5), Chevela Underwood (Mar. 5). Anniversaries: Maggie & Norman Simineau (Mar. 1). Our Sick Jean Mounce will undergo more surgery Wednesday at UAB. Christina Lindley’s uncle, Lee Graham, is back in ICU at NMMC following another stroke. Jill Rice, Debbie Vines’ mother, continues at the Sanctuary Hospice House. Weston Agnew, a friend of Lauren Long, will undergo more eye surgery soon. Mitch Maclean, Billie McNutt’s brother’s grandson, is recuperating from surgery at St. Jude. Robert Parker and Scarlett are sick at home. Judy Bates’ brother, Frankie Griggs, is home following triple heart bypass surgery. On-Going Illnesses Laverne Raper, Frankie Estes, Donny Dulaney, Adam McCurley, Linda McCurley, Mary Jordan, Bretta Robinson, James Goddard, Bill Goff, Tommy Goff, James Nichols, Sheba Tuggers, Sherry Gregory, Shirley Owens, Nathan Hale, Leroy Brown, Jadon Parish, Carol Nichols, Jerry Smith Nursing Homes/Assisted Living Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway, Shirley McCarthy, Mary Southern, Veona Harris --article continued from page 1— truth (John 8:32). Jesus made known that there will be a great divide on judgment day (Matthew 7:13, 14; 25:31-46). These verses are not difficult to understand, but how do we understand the fact that His grace hath (past tense) appeared to all mankind? The simple answer is His grace has been made available to all men, but not all men will accept His grace and be saved. Compare what the Hebrew writer penned, “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;” (Hebrews 5:8, 9). This is the root of the problem; far too many people do not want to accept any responsibility for their actions. God’s word is balanced and has the ability to balance our lives as well (2Peter 1:3). The grace of God is amazing when we consider how that God wants to “save a wretch like me.” Yes, His grace has appeared to all men, making salvation available to all those who will conform to His will (Romans 8:29). Is the amazing grace compelling us to conform to His image? Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.” To be continued. . . Thank You Note Dear Brothers & Sister, Thank you again for your wonderful support of our work. We enjoyed so much our visit with all of you. Your congregation is a wonderful example of our Lord’s church. Please keep us in your prayers as we leave for overseas on March 4th . In Christian love, Jerry & Paula Bates Challenge Youth Conference We had 49 youth and adults from East Main to attend the Challenge Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge this past weekend! Thank you so very much to all who donated bottled water, can drinks, and snacks. We had an abundance! A special thanks to Tim Davis and Amy Voyles for organizing and planning everything. We all grew closer as a church family and to God as a result! #unashamed #cyc2019
  • 4. Go Into All the World “IN CHRIST ALONE...” June 7th-8th Please register at Speakers: Eric Owens, Joe Wells, Jonathan Bates & Harrison Moran This camp is for ages 13-22 and is being hosted by the East Main Church of Christ, 1606 East Main St., Tupelo, MS 38804. Please see Josh or Barry Kennedy for more information. Men to Serve Sunday, March 3, 2019 a.m. Announcements..................................... Wade Bryan Bible Reading......................................Jacob Bradley Opening Prayer ...........................Bobby Joe Lindley Lord’s Supper Mike Ratliff & Larry Presley Serve Congregation, East Side: Ricky Lindsey, Andy Baldwyn, Joe Minor Serve Congregation, West Side: Greg Hughes, Chad Willis, Ian Willis Lead Singing..............................................Mark Hitt Closing Prayer.............................Hunter Underwood Ushers ................................Larry Long & Greg Lyle Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m. Sunday Afternoon Opening Prayer ...................................Mike Childers Closing Prayer................................... William Harris Lead Singing.......................................Josh Kennedy Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Prayer .................................................Ricky Johnson Lead Singing....................................Michael Wilson Contact Michael Wilson (891-0891) if unable to serve. The elders kindly request that men leading in public worship wear the best dress clothes they have. Greeters ....................................Perry & Linda Hand ................................Zac & Savannah Tucker Prepare Lord’s Supper—March....................Jason & Amanda Dickinson Nursery...................Beth Reed & McKenna Lindsey Pantry............................................Spaghetti noodles Attendance & Contribution Mid-Week, 2-20-19..............................................150 Sunday 1st Worship, 2-24-19 ...............................152 Sunday Bible Class ..............................................139 Sunday 2nd Worship.............................................125 Contribution (budget $7,900)............................7,934