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Looking Back and
Moving Forward
P R E S I D E N T T H O M A S S. M O N S O N

Together we shall move forward doing His work.

                                               you from the absolute depths of
                                               humility. I feel very keenly my
                                               dependence upon the Lord. I humbly
                                               seek the guidance of the Spirit as I
                                               share with you the feelings of my
                                                  Just two months ago we said
                                               farewell to our dear friend and leader
                                               Gordon B. Hinckley, the 15th
                                               President of The Church of Jesus
                                               Christ of Latter-day Saints, an out-
                                               standing ambassador of truth to the
                                               entire world and beloved of all. We
                                               miss him. More than 53,000 men,
                                               women, and children journeyed to
                                               the beautiful Hall of the Prophets in
                                               this very building to pay their last

     think this has been a remarkable          respects to this giant of the Lord, who
     session. The messages have been           now belongs to the ages.
     inspiring; the music has been                With the passing of President
beautiful, the testimonies sincere. I          Hinckley, the First Presidency was dis-
think anyone who has attended this             solved. President Eyring and I, who
session will never forget it—for the           served as counselors to President
Spirit we’ve felt.                             Hinckley, returned to our places in
    My beloved brothers and sisters,           the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,
over 44 years ago, in October of 1963,         and that quorum became the presid-
I stood at the pulpit in the Tabernacle,       ing authority of the Church.
having just been sustained as a mem-              On Saturday, February 2, 2008,
ber of the Quorum of the Twelve                funeral services for President
Apostles. On that occasion I men-              Hinckley were held in this magnifi-
tioned a small sign I had seen on              cent Conference Center—a building
another pulpit. The words on the sign          which will ever stand as a monument
were these: “Who stands at this pul-           to his foresight and vision. During the
pit, let him be humble.” I assure you          funeral, beautiful and loving tributes
that I was humbled by my call to the           were paid to this man of God.
Twelve at that time. However, as I                The following day, all 14 or-
stand at this pulpit today, I address          dained Apostles living on the earth

                                               MAY 2008                                  87
assembled in an upper room of the                                                    Seventy have been called and were
     Salt Lake Temple. We met in a spirit of                                              sustained yesterday, and I look for-
     fasting and prayer. During that                                                      ward to associating with them in the
     solemn and sacred gathering, the                                                     work of the Master.
     Presidency of the Church was re-                                                         A sweet spirit of unity exists among
     organized in accordance with well-                                                   the General Authorities. The Lord has
     established precedent, after the                                                     declared, “If ye are not one ye are not
     pattern which the Lord Himself put                                                   mine.”1 We will continue to be united
     in place.                                                                            in one purpose—namely, the further-
         Members of the Church around                                                     ance of the work of the Lord.
     the world convened yesterday in a                                                        I feel to express thanks to my
     solemn assembly. You raised your                                                     Heavenly Father for His countless
     hands in a sustaining vote to approve                                                blessings to me. I can say, as did
     the action which was taken in that                                                   Nephi of old, that I was born of
     meeting in the temple to which I                                                     goodly parents, whose own parents
     have just referred. As your hands                                                    and grandparents were gathered out
     were raised toward heaven, my heart                                                  of the lands of Sweden and Scotland
     was touched. I felt your love and                                                    and England by dedicated missionar-
     support, as well as your commitment                                                  ies. As those missionaries bore hum-
     to the Lord.                               those 15 men. I have the sure knowl-      ble testimonies, they touched the
         I know without question, my            edge, as I am confident they had, that    hearts and the spirits of my forebears.
     brothers and sisters, that God lives. I    God directs His prophet. My earnest       After joining the Church, these noble
     testify to you that this is His work. I    prayer is that I might continue to be     men, women, and children made
     testify as well that our Savior Jesus      a worthy instrument in His hands to       their way to the valley of the Great
     Christ is at the head of this Church,      carry on this great work and to fulfill   Salt Lake. Many were the trials and
     which bears His name. I know that          the tremendous responsibilities           heartaches they encountered along
     the sweetest experience in all this life   which come with the office of             the way.
     is to feel His promptings as He            President.                                    In the spring of 1848, my great-
     directs us in the furtherance of His          I thank the Lord for wonderful         great-grandparents, Charles Stewart
     work. I felt those promptings as a         counselors. President Henry B. Eyring     Miller and Mary McGowan Miller,
     young bishop, guided to the homes          and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf are      who had joined the Church in their
     where there was spiritual—or per-          men of great ability and sound under-     native Scotland, left their home in
     haps temporal—want. I felt them            standing. They are counselors in the      Rutherglen, Scotland, and journeyed
     again as a mission president in            true sense of the word. I value their     to St. Louis, Missouri, with a group of
     Toronto, Canada, working with won-         judgment. I believe they have been        Saints, arriving there in 1849. One of
     derful missionaries who were a living      prepared by the Lord for the posi-        their 11 children, Margaret, would
     witness and testimony to the world         tions they now occupy. I love the         become my great-grandmother.
     that this work is divine and that we       members of the Quorum of the                  While the family was in St. Louis
     are led by a prophet. I have felt them     Twelve Apostles and treasure my asso-     working to earn enough money to
     throughout my service in the Twelve        ciation with them. They, too, are dedi-   complete their journey to the Salt
     and in the First Presidency and now        cated to the work of the Lord and are     Lake Valley, a plague of cholera swept
     as President of the Church. I testify      spending their lives in His service. I    through the area, leaving death and
     that each one of us can feel the           look forward to serving with Elder        heartache in its wake. The Miller fam-
     Lord’s inspiration as we live worthily     Christofferson, who has now been          ily was hard hit. In the space of two
     and strive to serve Him.                   called to that quorum and who has         weeks, four of the family members
         I am keenly aware of the 15 men        received your sustaining vote. He,        succumbed. The first, on June 22,
     who preceded me as President of the        too, has been prepared for the posi-      1849, was 18-year-old William. Five
     Church. Many of them I have known          tion to which he has been called. It      days later Mary McGowan Miller, my
     personally. I have had the blessing        has also been a joy to serve with the     great-great-grandmother and the
     and privilege of serving as a counselor    members of the quorums of the             mother of the family, died. Two days
     to three of them. I am grateful for the    Seventy and with the Presiding            afterward, 15-year-old Archibald
     abiding legacy left by each one of         Bishopric. New members of the             passed away, and five days after his

death, my great-great-grandfather,
Charles Stewart Miller, father of the
family, succumbed. The children who
survived were left orphans, including
my great-grandmother Margaret, who
was 13 years old at the time.
    Because of so many deaths in the
area, there were no caskets available,
at any price, in which to bury the
deceased family members. The older
surviving boys dismantled the family’s
oxen pens in order to make caskets
for the family members who had
passed away.
    Little is recorded of the heartache
and struggles of the nine remaining
Miller children as they continued to
work and save for that journey their
parents and brothers would never
make. We know that they left St. Louis
in the spring of 1850 with four oxen
and one wagon, arriving finally in the
Salt Lake Valley that same year.
    Others of my ancestors faced simi-
lar hardships. Through it all, how-
ever, their testimonies remained
steadfast and firm. From all of them I
received a legacy of total dedication
to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because
of these faithful souls, I stand before
you today.
    I thank my Father in Heaven for
my sweet companion, Frances. This
October she and I will celebrate
60 wonderful years of marriage.           Father for our three children and        spirit and your love. I look forward to
Although my Church service began at       their companions, for eight wonderful    many more such opportunities.
an early age, she has never once com-     grandchildren, and for four beautiful        Throughout the journey along the
plained when I’ve left home to attend     great-grandchildren.                     pathway of life, there are casualties.
meetings or to fulfill an assignment.        It’s difficult for me to find the     Some depart from the road markers
For many years my assignments as a        words to convey to you, my brothers      which point toward life eternal, only to
member of the Twelve took me away         and sisters, my heartfelt appreciation   discover the detour chosen ultimately
from Salt Lake City often—sometimes       for the lives you live, for the good     leads to a dead end. Indifference, care-
for five weeks at a time—leaving her      you do, for the testimonies you bear.    lessness, selfishness, and sin all take
alone to care for our small children      You serve one another willingly. You     their costly toll in human lives.
and our home. Beginning when I            are dedicated to the gospel of Jesus         Change for the better can come to
was called as a bishop at the age of      Christ.                                  all. Over the years we have issued
22, we have seldom had the luxury            During more than 44 years as a        appeals to the less active, the of-
of sitting together during a Church       General Authority, I have had the        fended, the critical, the transgressor—
service. I could not have asked for a     opportunity to travel the world over.    to come back. “Come back and feast
more loyal, loving, and understand-       One of my greatest joys has been to      at the table of the Lord, and taste
ing companion.                            meet with you, the members, wher-        again the sweet and satisfying fruits
    I express gratitude to my Heavenly    ever you may be—to feel of your          of fellowship with the Saints.”2

                                                                                   MAY 2008                                   89
Heavenly Father. In order to be tested,
                                                                                         we must sometimes face challenges
                                                                                         and difficulties. At times there appears
                                                                                         to be no light at the tunnel’s end—no
                                                                                         dawn to break the night’s darkness.
                                                                                         We feel surrounded by the pain of bro-
                                                                                         ken hearts, the disappointment of
                                                                                         shattered dreams, and the despair of
                                                                                         vanished hopes. We join in uttering
                                                                                         the biblical plea “Is there no balm in
                                                                                         Gilead?”6 We are inclined to view our
                                                                                         own personal misfortunes through
                                                                                         the distorted prism of pessimism.
                                                                                         We feel abandoned, heartbroken,
         In the private sanctuary of one’s     show kindness and respect for all         alone. If you find yourself in such a sit-
     own conscience lies that spirit, that     people everywhere. The world in           uation, I plead with you to turn to our
     determination to cast off the old per-    which we live is filled with diversity.   Heavenly Father in faith. He will lift
     son and to measure up to the stature      We can and should demonstrate             you and guide you. He will not always
     of true potential. In this spirit, we     respect toward those whose beliefs        take your afflictions from you, but He
     again issue that heartfelt invitation:    differ from ours.                         will comfort and lead you with love
     Come back. We reach out to you in             May we also demonstrate kindness      through whatever storm you face.
     the pure love of Christ and express       and love within our own families. Our        With all my heart and the fervency
     our desire to assist you and to wel-      homes are to be more than sanctuar-       of my soul, I lift my voice in testimony
     come you into full fellowship. To         ies; they should also be places where     today as a special witness and declare
     those who are wounded in spirit or        God’s Spirit can dwell, where the         that God does live. Jesus is His Son,
     who are struggling and fearful, we say,   storm stops at the door, where love       the Only Begotten of the Father in the
     Let us lift you and cheer you and calm    reigns and peace dwells.                  flesh. He is our Redeemer; He is our
     your fears. Take literally the Lord’s         The world can at times be a fright-   Mediator with the Father. He loves us
     invitation, “Come unto me, all ye that    ening place in which to live. The         with a love we cannot fully compre-
     labour and are heavy laden, and I will    moral fabric of society seems to be       hend, and because He loves us, He
     give you rest. Take my yoke upon you,     unraveling at an alarming speed.          gave His life for us. My gratitude to
     and learn of me; for I am meek and        None—whether young or old or in-          Him is beyond expression.
     lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest    between—is exempt from exposure              I invoke His blessings upon you,
     unto your souls. For my yoke is easy,     to those things which have the poten-     my beloved brothers and sisters, in
     and my burden is light.”3                 tial to drag us down and destroy us.      your homes, in your work, in your
         It was said of the Savior that He     Our youth, our precious youth, in         service to one another and to the
     “went about doing good . . . for God      particular, face temptations we can       Lord Himself. Together we shall move
     was with him.”4 May we follow that        scarcely comprehend. The adversary        forward doing His work.
     perfect example. In this sometimes        and his hosts seem to be working             I pledge my life, my strength—all
     precarious journey through mortality,     nonstop to cause our downfall.            that I have to offer—in serving Him
     may we also follow that advice from           We are waging a war with sin, my      and in directing the affairs of His
     the Apostle Paul which will help          brothers and sisters, but we need not     Church in accordance with His will
     to keep us safe and on course:            despair. It is a war we can and will      and by His inspiration, and I do so in
     “Whatsoever things are true, whatso-      win. Our Father in Heaven has given       His holy name—even the Lord Jesus
     ever things are honest, whatsoever        us the tools we need in order to do       Christ—amen. ■
     things are just, whatsoever things are    so. He is at the helm. We have noth-
     pure, whatsoever things are lovely,       ing to fear. He is the God of light. He   NOTES
                                                                                          1. D&C 38:27.
     whatsoever things are of good report;     is the God of hope. I testify that He      2. First Presidency statement, in Ensign,
     if there be any virtue, and if there be   loves us—each one.                            Mar. 1986, 88.
     any praise, think on these things.”5          Mortality is a period of testing, a    3. Matthew 11:28–30.
                                                                                          4. Acts 10:38.
         I would encourage members of          time to prove ourselves worthy to          5. Philippians 4:8.
     the Church wherever they may be to        return to the presence of our              6. Jeremiah 8:22.


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Looking Back and Moving Forward by Thomas S. Monson

  • 1. Looking Back and Moving Forward P R E S I D E N T T H O M A S S. M O N S O N Together we shall move forward doing His work. you from the absolute depths of humility. I feel very keenly my dependence upon the Lord. I humbly seek the guidance of the Spirit as I share with you the feelings of my heart. Just two months ago we said farewell to our dear friend and leader Gordon B. Hinckley, the 15th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, an out- standing ambassador of truth to the entire world and beloved of all. We miss him. More than 53,000 men, women, and children journeyed to the beautiful Hall of the Prophets in this very building to pay their last I think this has been a remarkable respects to this giant of the Lord, who session. The messages have been now belongs to the ages. inspiring; the music has been With the passing of President beautiful, the testimonies sincere. I Hinckley, the First Presidency was dis- think anyone who has attended this solved. President Eyring and I, who session will never forget it—for the served as counselors to President Spirit we’ve felt. Hinckley, returned to our places in My beloved brothers and sisters, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, over 44 years ago, in October of 1963, and that quorum became the presid- I stood at the pulpit in the Tabernacle, ing authority of the Church. having just been sustained as a mem- On Saturday, February 2, 2008, ber of the Quorum of the Twelve funeral services for President Apostles. On that occasion I men- Hinckley were held in this magnifi- tioned a small sign I had seen on cent Conference Center—a building another pulpit. The words on the sign which will ever stand as a monument were these: “Who stands at this pul- to his foresight and vision. During the pit, let him be humble.” I assure you funeral, beautiful and loving tributes that I was humbled by my call to the were paid to this man of God. Twelve at that time. However, as I The following day, all 14 or- stand at this pulpit today, I address dained Apostles living on the earth MAY 2008 87
  • 2. assembled in an upper room of the Seventy have been called and were Salt Lake Temple. We met in a spirit of sustained yesterday, and I look for- fasting and prayer. During that ward to associating with them in the solemn and sacred gathering, the work of the Master. Presidency of the Church was re- A sweet spirit of unity exists among organized in accordance with well- the General Authorities. The Lord has established precedent, after the declared, “If ye are not one ye are not pattern which the Lord Himself put mine.”1 We will continue to be united in place. in one purpose—namely, the further- Members of the Church around ance of the work of the Lord. the world convened yesterday in a I feel to express thanks to my solemn assembly. You raised your Heavenly Father for His countless hands in a sustaining vote to approve blessings to me. I can say, as did the action which was taken in that Nephi of old, that I was born of meeting in the temple to which I goodly parents, whose own parents have just referred. As your hands and grandparents were gathered out were raised toward heaven, my heart of the lands of Sweden and Scotland was touched. I felt your love and and England by dedicated missionar- support, as well as your commitment ies. As those missionaries bore hum- to the Lord. those 15 men. I have the sure knowl- ble testimonies, they touched the I know without question, my edge, as I am confident they had, that hearts and the spirits of my forebears. brothers and sisters, that God lives. I God directs His prophet. My earnest After joining the Church, these noble testify to you that this is His work. I prayer is that I might continue to be men, women, and children made testify as well that our Savior Jesus a worthy instrument in His hands to their way to the valley of the Great Christ is at the head of this Church, carry on this great work and to fulfill Salt Lake. Many were the trials and which bears His name. I know that the tremendous responsibilities heartaches they encountered along the sweetest experience in all this life which come with the office of the way. is to feel His promptings as He President. In the spring of 1848, my great- directs us in the furtherance of His I thank the Lord for wonderful great-grandparents, Charles Stewart work. I felt those promptings as a counselors. President Henry B. Eyring Miller and Mary McGowan Miller, young bishop, guided to the homes and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf are who had joined the Church in their where there was spiritual—or per- men of great ability and sound under- native Scotland, left their home in haps temporal—want. I felt them standing. They are counselors in the Rutherglen, Scotland, and journeyed again as a mission president in true sense of the word. I value their to St. Louis, Missouri, with a group of Toronto, Canada, working with won- judgment. I believe they have been Saints, arriving there in 1849. One of derful missionaries who were a living prepared by the Lord for the posi- their 11 children, Margaret, would witness and testimony to the world tions they now occupy. I love the become my great-grandmother. that this work is divine and that we members of the Quorum of the While the family was in St. Louis are led by a prophet. I have felt them Twelve Apostles and treasure my asso- working to earn enough money to throughout my service in the Twelve ciation with them. They, too, are dedi- complete their journey to the Salt and in the First Presidency and now cated to the work of the Lord and are Lake Valley, a plague of cholera swept as President of the Church. I testify spending their lives in His service. I through the area, leaving death and that each one of us can feel the look forward to serving with Elder heartache in its wake. The Miller fam- Lord’s inspiration as we live worthily Christofferson, who has now been ily was hard hit. In the space of two and strive to serve Him. called to that quorum and who has weeks, four of the family members I am keenly aware of the 15 men received your sustaining vote. He, succumbed. The first, on June 22, who preceded me as President of the too, has been prepared for the posi- 1849, was 18-year-old William. Five Church. Many of them I have known tion to which he has been called. It days later Mary McGowan Miller, my personally. I have had the blessing has also been a joy to serve with the great-great-grandmother and the and privilege of serving as a counselor members of the quorums of the mother of the family, died. Two days to three of them. I am grateful for the Seventy and with the Presiding afterward, 15-year-old Archibald abiding legacy left by each one of Bishopric. New members of the passed away, and five days after his 88
  • 3. death, my great-great-grandfather, Charles Stewart Miller, father of the family, succumbed. The children who survived were left orphans, including my great-grandmother Margaret, who was 13 years old at the time. Because of so many deaths in the area, there were no caskets available, at any price, in which to bury the deceased family members. The older surviving boys dismantled the family’s oxen pens in order to make caskets for the family members who had passed away. Little is recorded of the heartache and struggles of the nine remaining Miller children as they continued to work and save for that journey their parents and brothers would never make. We know that they left St. Louis in the spring of 1850 with four oxen and one wagon, arriving finally in the Salt Lake Valley that same year. Others of my ancestors faced simi- lar hardships. Through it all, how- ever, their testimonies remained steadfast and firm. From all of them I received a legacy of total dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of these faithful souls, I stand before you today. I thank my Father in Heaven for my sweet companion, Frances. This October she and I will celebrate 60 wonderful years of marriage. Father for our three children and spirit and your love. I look forward to Although my Church service began at their companions, for eight wonderful many more such opportunities. an early age, she has never once com- grandchildren, and for four beautiful Throughout the journey along the plained when I’ve left home to attend great-grandchildren. pathway of life, there are casualties. meetings or to fulfill an assignment. It’s difficult for me to find the Some depart from the road markers For many years my assignments as a words to convey to you, my brothers which point toward life eternal, only to member of the Twelve took me away and sisters, my heartfelt appreciation discover the detour chosen ultimately from Salt Lake City often—sometimes for the lives you live, for the good leads to a dead end. Indifference, care- for five weeks at a time—leaving her you do, for the testimonies you bear. lessness, selfishness, and sin all take alone to care for our small children You serve one another willingly. You their costly toll in human lives. and our home. Beginning when I are dedicated to the gospel of Jesus Change for the better can come to was called as a bishop at the age of Christ. all. Over the years we have issued 22, we have seldom had the luxury During more than 44 years as a appeals to the less active, the of- of sitting together during a Church General Authority, I have had the fended, the critical, the transgressor— service. I could not have asked for a opportunity to travel the world over. to come back. “Come back and feast more loyal, loving, and understand- One of my greatest joys has been to at the table of the Lord, and taste ing companion. meet with you, the members, wher- again the sweet and satisfying fruits I express gratitude to my Heavenly ever you may be—to feel of your of fellowship with the Saints.”2 MAY 2008 89
  • 4. Heavenly Father. In order to be tested, we must sometimes face challenges and difficulties. At times there appears to be no light at the tunnel’s end—no dawn to break the night’s darkness. We feel surrounded by the pain of bro- ken hearts, the disappointment of shattered dreams, and the despair of vanished hopes. We join in uttering the biblical plea “Is there no balm in Gilead?”6 We are inclined to view our own personal misfortunes through the distorted prism of pessimism. We feel abandoned, heartbroken, In the private sanctuary of one’s show kindness and respect for all alone. If you find yourself in such a sit- own conscience lies that spirit, that people everywhere. The world in uation, I plead with you to turn to our determination to cast off the old per- which we live is filled with diversity. Heavenly Father in faith. He will lift son and to measure up to the stature We can and should demonstrate you and guide you. He will not always of true potential. In this spirit, we respect toward those whose beliefs take your afflictions from you, but He again issue that heartfelt invitation: differ from ours. will comfort and lead you with love Come back. We reach out to you in May we also demonstrate kindness through whatever storm you face. the pure love of Christ and express and love within our own families. Our With all my heart and the fervency our desire to assist you and to wel- homes are to be more than sanctuar- of my soul, I lift my voice in testimony come you into full fellowship. To ies; they should also be places where today as a special witness and declare those who are wounded in spirit or God’s Spirit can dwell, where the that God does live. Jesus is His Son, who are struggling and fearful, we say, storm stops at the door, where love the Only Begotten of the Father in the Let us lift you and cheer you and calm reigns and peace dwells. flesh. He is our Redeemer; He is our your fears. Take literally the Lord’s The world can at times be a fright- Mediator with the Father. He loves us invitation, “Come unto me, all ye that ening place in which to live. The with a love we cannot fully compre- labour and are heavy laden, and I will moral fabric of society seems to be hend, and because He loves us, He give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, unraveling at an alarming speed. gave His life for us. My gratitude to and learn of me; for I am meek and None—whether young or old or in- Him is beyond expression. lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest between—is exempt from exposure I invoke His blessings upon you, unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, to those things which have the poten- my beloved brothers and sisters, in and my burden is light.”3 tial to drag us down and destroy us. your homes, in your work, in your It was said of the Savior that He Our youth, our precious youth, in service to one another and to the “went about doing good . . . for God particular, face temptations we can Lord Himself. Together we shall move was with him.”4 May we follow that scarcely comprehend. The adversary forward doing His work. perfect example. In this sometimes and his hosts seem to be working I pledge my life, my strength—all precarious journey through mortality, nonstop to cause our downfall. that I have to offer—in serving Him may we also follow that advice from We are waging a war with sin, my and in directing the affairs of His the Apostle Paul which will help brothers and sisters, but we need not Church in accordance with His will to keep us safe and on course: despair. It is a war we can and will and by His inspiration, and I do so in “Whatsoever things are true, whatso- win. Our Father in Heaven has given His holy name—even the Lord Jesus ever things are honest, whatsoever us the tools we need in order to do Christ—amen. ■ things are just, whatsoever things are so. He is at the helm. We have noth- pure, whatsoever things are lovely, ing to fear. He is the God of light. He NOTES 1. D&C 38:27. whatsoever things are of good report; is the God of hope. I testify that He 2. First Presidency statement, in Ensign, if there be any virtue, and if there be loves us—each one. Mar. 1986, 88. any praise, think on these things.”5 Mortality is a period of testing, a 3. Matthew 11:28–30. 4. Acts 10:38. I would encourage members of time to prove ourselves worthy to 5. Philippians 4:8. the Church wherever they may be to return to the presence of our 6. Jeremiah 8:22. 90