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The Reverend Julie Meakin with her proud Mom, the Reverend Glenda Meakin
HERALD is published six times a year
(Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar,
Apr/May, June/July) by
Christ Church Deer Park
1570 Yonge Street
Toronto ON M4T 1Z8
Tel: 416.920.5211
Fax: 416.920.8400
We welcome your submissions.
or the editor (e-mail below).
The Rev. Kevin Robertson
Associate Priest
The Rev. Canon Douglas Graydon
Assistant Curate
The Rev. Julie Meakin
Honorary Assistants
The Rev. Dr. Peter Slater
The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton,
Ecumenical Partner, United Church of Canada
Organist & Director of Music
Eric Robertson
Director of Children’s Education
Natalie Kemp
Rector’s Warden
Genevieve Chornenki
People’s Warden
Carolyn Kearns
Finance Warden/Treasurer
Robert Morrow
Deputy Warden
Henry Zeluski
Joyce Hamilton (
Henry Zaluski,
Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski,
Peter Curzon, Kate Rieger
Brian Dench
Parish Administrator & Rector’s Assistant
Jean King
Elisabeth Lunder
Denis Delisle
THE CONCEPT OF “SABBATH” comes from the very beginning of our tradition. The
opening chapters of the Book of Genesis tell us that after six days of creation, God
rested on the seventh day and blessed that day (Genesis 2:1-3). Thus, a period of
rest was built into the rhythm of life. The word “Sabbath” comes from the Hebrew
“Shabbat”, which means “to cease”, and those of you who have Jewish friends and
family members will know how seriously many of them honour the Shabbat as a
true day of rest. From earliest times, the Sabbath was a cornerstone of Jewish and
Christian practice, and the keeping of the Sabbath was included in the 10
Commandments given to Moses: “Remember the Sabbath Day, and keep it
holy” (Exodus 20:8).
In our own time, most of us are familiar with Sabbath time in the form of a day off
during the week. Historically, that day was Sunday, when the only “work” that was
done was the work of worship and study at church. Many of us can remember a
time when stores were closed on Sundays and, before that, even the swings in public
playgrounds in this province were locked in order to prevent children from playing
on Sundays!
In the past few decades, our society has moved away from the understanding of
a common Sabbath Day. These days, you can do almost anything on Sunday that
you can do any other day of the week! And yet, there is much wisdom in our
tradition which continues to call us to observe a Sabbath as a time for re-creation
and renewal. It is a theological principle, in which we understand ourselves to be
part of the rhythm of creation, as we set aside a specific period to rest in the
presence of the One who created us and sustains us.
In our Diocese, clergy are eligible to take Sabbath time every seven years, and I
have the privilege of being able to do so this summer. With the support of the
bishop and the churchwardens, I will be away from the parish for just over three
months. Though the concept of Sabbath connotes rest, I plan to have a busy
Sabbath Leave - spending time caring for our two young children and also reading
and doing research for the purposes of professional development. I hope to return
re-energized and renewed for the exhilarating work of ministry which lies before us
as a community.
In my absence, the Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon and the Reverend Julie
Meakin will continue to give leadership to the parish and to provide priestly
ministry and pastoral care. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with them.
Finally, I wish you some Sabbath time of your own this summer. I hope that you
will create opportunities for your own rest and renewal in the beauty of God’s
creation. Have a great summer. I look forward to seeing you in September.
Yours faithfully,
The Reverend Kevin Robertson, Rector
to this reality of the Spirit within us, there will be fruits:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control,
as St. Paul tells us. We become more and more like Christ
in the world.
We may, like Peter, be emboldened to proclaim the gospel
through words, or our witness may take a variety of forms.
And even if we don’t pray regularly, or aren’t sure how to
pray, St. Paul assures us that the Spirit prays within us,
interceding for us “with sighs too deep for words. “
On Sundays we say “Hear what the Spirit is saying to the
Church.” We have put this into practice by forming work-
ing groups and encouraging initiatives, small or large. We
are listening for the leading of the Spirit in all that we do
here at Christ Church Deer Park and that is already
bearing fruit.
Finally, I would like to say that I will miss being called
“Deacon Meakin”! but am so very grateful to be able to
serve you as a priest.
Here is a prayer you might like:
Spirit of life
Fill our emptiness with your fullness
Spirit of power
Stir our hearts afresh
Spirit of love,
Touch us, and through us, our neighbour
Spirit of Creativity,
Enable and empower the gifts you have given
Spirit of Eternity
Draw us ever deeper into your Kingdom. Amen.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in
believing....and Happy Birthday to us all!
The Reverend Julie Meakin,
Assistant Curate
WE ARE QUICKLY APPROACHING the end of the Easter
Season for this liturgical year. After the Last Supper, Jesus
promises his disciples that the Father will send them the
Holy Spirit to be their advocate and helper. When Jesus
appears to them in the locked room after his resurrection,
he says “Peace be with you”, breathes on them, and says,
“Receive the Holy Spirit.” He told his followers to remain
in Jerusalem because within a few days they would
“clothed with power from on high.”
And this is what happened 50 days later on Pentecost,
when the apostles were gathered together and tongues of
fire appeared among them. They began to speak in different
languages, much to the amazement of the many Jewish
pilgrims gathered outside the house. Peter subsequently
preached to the crowds and that day 3,000 were baptized.
Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Church and the
culmination of the revelation of the Holy Trinity. We have
many beautiful hymns such as “Come down O Love
divine” that speak of this gift of the Holy Spirit. But what
does it mean for us? What does it mean for us in our busy
lives, here in Toronto, and for our life together at CCDP?
As St. Paul states, “The love of God has been poured into
our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given
to us.” (Romans 5:5) The Holy Spirit is the presence of the
Risen Christ in our hearts – what an amazing, awesome gift!
In the words of St. Basil, “Through the Holy Spirit we are
restored to paradise, led back to the Kingdom of heaven,
and adopted as children, given confidence to call God
“Father” and to share in Christ’s grace, called children of
light and given a share in eternal glory.”
Are we present to this gift as a reality in our lives? Do we
go about our daily tasks with this awareness that the very
breath of God that breathed over creation, that brought
to life our Lord, is a part of us? If we can’t quite grasp it,
we’re in good company, for on the day of Pentecost, “all
were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What
does this mean?”
Its meaning becomes more clear as we turn our attention
towards God. We become rooted and grounded in the
divine life of the Holy Trinity. When we turn our attention
Spring is finally here! We have been busy over the past 3
months in PromiseLand and Y.A.L.
In PromiseLand, throughout the season of Epiphany, we
looked at baptism, made our own miracle turning eggs into
meringues, created promises to ourselves for 2013 inspired
by God’s faithful promises in Luke 4:14-21, and we brain-
stormed how Jesus and the townspeople might have felt
(Luke 4:21-30).
During Transfiguration we made personal connections to
Luke 9:28-36 by creating our own mountain top experience
pictures. Throughout Lent, PromiseLand dramatized Gospel
readings, went on a fruit scavenger hunt and even put on a
Praise Parade on Palm Sunday. Rather than giving up some-
thing for Lent both PromiseLand and Y.A.L. learned about
recycling and how we can help the earth.
Easter Sunday had a large attendance which made our egg
hunt lots of fun! On Easter 2 Thomas doubts the resurrec-
tion, as a symbol of our faith, finger paintings were made in
the shape of a cross to show our belief. The following
Sunday the importance of showing our love in our actions
was a theme. Learning how to sign “I love you” in American
Sign Language gave us a new way to show our love. Additionally,
on Earth day the theme of being safe in God’s hands was
PromiseLand wanted to show that we can make our Earth
a safer place for each other by making Earth Day Discovery
books highlighting how we can help our air, land, forests
and water.
For Y.A.L.’s first social we had fun cosmic bowling, hanging
out with friends and eating pizza. We then dedicated Lent
to helping our family and friends become more aware of
For our second social the issues of racism, bullying, and
self-image were explored through watching the movie Hair
Spray. The historical context was also outlined to provide
a better understanding of the movie.
The third social justice initiative Y.A.L. has undertaken is
looking into the evolution of knowledge surrounding
HIV/AIDS, the stigma attached to the disease and under-
standing current efforts to help locally and globally. We
registered and participated in the Rotary Trump Poker
AIDS Walk lead by the Belleville Rotary Trump Club. A
bake sale during the rummage sale helped us to raise money
to support HIV/AIDS.
With the summer quickly approaching I am currently
trying to get volunteers to help lead the 9 week summer
PromiseLand program. All of the programming will be
Overall I am continuously touched by the generosity of the
members of this parish. I want to thank you for supporting
PromiseLand and Y.A.L.!
Natalie Kemp
Director of Children and Youth Ministry
Marathon Season... upon us again and it seems that all ‘runs’ run down
Yonge Street by CCDP, usually on Sunday mornings.
Thanks to Kathy Lindsey, we have the following photos
from the April 21st run. Next came May 5th...and who
knows what’s to yet come.
Kevin watching the passing
parade...I wonder if that
runner carried her daughter
the whole way?
Heading south
at Heath Street
Shrove Tuesday
On 12th February, 2013, we hosted our traditional pancake
supper followed by imposition of ashes for some of our
young parishioners. Cathy Thomas (our co-ordinator this
year) asked that we remember Joe MacLean, who ran his
first pancake supper at CCDP many years ago, and his
photograph was featured on our poster in the atrium along
with his wife, Carolyn Lennox, and their daughter, Emily
MacLean, who many of you know. Our theme was Mardi
Gras with beads, masks and music, but the food was our
best - pancakes, sausages and ham, not to mention fruit
and desserts - all courtesy of Pearl Cooke, Norma Ross,
Kelly Sudsbury and Rev. Julie Meakin.
Photographs featured some of us enjoying the evening -
thanks to Bob Shea. We fed over 100 people - with gratitude
to the cooking crew of Anne Larkin, Mary Kay Brown,
Norma Ross, Ann Atkins, Nicholas Chornenki, Jim Colley
and Maxine Henry, also to David Thornton, Pam Taylor,
Jayne Miles-Simpson, Emily Chatten and Greg Lowe, and
to Kelly Sudsbury, Claire Colquhoun and Rita Simek and
Edna Quammie for all the decorations.
Julie’s Ordination
Saturday, April 27, 2013
On a beautiful, sunny spring day, surrounded by family,
friends and parishioners here at Christ Church Deer Park,
Bishop Patrick Yu ordained the Reverend Julie Meakin a
priest in the Church.
It was a lovely, happy service, further celebrated at the
reception in Elliott Hall which followed.
‘Deacon Meakin’ no longer (thus the new title on her column),
Julie served as celebrant for her first time at both services
on Sunday.
She didn’t stop smiling the whole weekend!
Julie with the Rev.
Beth Benson, the
NOW THAT OUR EASTER FESTIVALS are past, many of us
have turned our attention to spring and the approach of a
more leisurely summer pace of life. BBQ’s, cottage country
and vacation schedules are our priority. In addition, and
rightly so, many of us eagerly look forward to warmer days
and slower work weeks. It is a reward as it were, for surviving
the long gray days of autumn and winter in the city.
Such thinking reminds me of the deep patterns and
rhythms which resonate throughout our world. Patterns
and rhythms which knit together families and neighbours,
communities and societies. The yearly pattern of holidays,
high holy festivals and anniversaries. The rhythm of fall,
winter and spring, the Lunar cycles which influence us all
and of course the changing patterns of light and dark, day
and night which alert us to approaching winter and inspire
us with the taste of spring.
Mostly, we travel through these rhythms and patterns with
an awareness blunted by familiarity. A familiarity which can
blind us to the beauty of that which we have experienced
so many times before. This dynamic applies as well to our
Christian calendar as the liturgical seasons come and go
with a rhythm born of centuries of faithful witness.
Sometimes I wonder if we have lost the fuller impact and
meaning of Easter to such familiarity. Easter is the central
event of our faith. Everything about us as a people of God
comes from that singular event which transformed and
continues to transform Christ’s followers. For the early
church, the Easter event was more the beginning of an
ongoing event, the building of a new community, a new
way of being and living in relationship with God. Easter
was not just a moment in time, but the energy which
empowered followers to see the world and God in a radically
different way. As we move through our own Easter season
and begin to prepare for the season of Pentecost, our
challenge becomes that of keeping Easter alive in our hearts
and minds and souls.
This past fall, I had the pleasure of listening to Joan
Chittister, OSB, speaker at the annual Trinity Institute in
New York City, who challenged us to reflect upon what it
means to be a 21st century Christian. Fundamental to her
thinking was the understanding that faith and faithful
witness is a dynamic, ever changing part of who we are.
She suggested that organized faith has lost sight of the daily
renewal born out of the eternally unfolding empowerment
found within the Easter event of our faith. In fact, she suggests
that it is always in the best interests of any organized faith
community to achieve a state of stases where tradition
becomes the dominate descriptor of a church’s life and witness.
Such stases must be resisted at all costs otherwise we run
the risk of becoming a faithful presence which is seen and
experienced by many to be “out of touch” with society’s
needs or concerns.
As our liturgical season of Easter draws to a close, we need
to remain diligent in reminding ourselves that we are a
Easter people, a resurrection people not just at Eastertide
but every day of the year. The living dynamic of our faith
captured in our Easter salutation “Alleluia! Christ is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!” is intended to be a
daily lived reality and not something we regulate solely
to our Easter celebrations.
May we continue to live boldly our Easter experience. May
our Easter joy remain with us throughout Pentecost and for
all our days. Happy Easter!
Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon
In Memorium
Helen Joan Cork
Craig Howard Montross
Priscilla Moore
The Sculptor
I woke up early
today, excited over
all I get to do before
the clock strikes
midnight. I have
responsibilities to
fulfill today. I am
important. My job is
to choose what kind
of day I am
going to have...
Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or…
I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.
Today I can feel sad that I don’t have more money or…
I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my
purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.
Today I can grumble about my health or…I can rejoice
that I am alive.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn’t give me
when I was growing up or…I can be grateful that they
allowed me to be born.
Today I can cry because roses have thorns or…I can
celebrate that thorns have roses.
Today I can mourn my lack of friends or…I can excitedly
embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.
Today I can whine because I have to go to work or…
I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.
Today I can complain because I have to go to school or…
eagerly open my mind and fill it with new tidbits of
Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do
housework or…I can feel honoured because the Lord
has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.
Today stretches ahead of me, ready to be shaped…and
here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What
today will be like is up to me, I get to chose what kind
of a day I will have.
The Fall Rummage Sale will be upon us before we know mark your calendars now...
Saturday, October 5
So, whether you are downsizing or just spring cleaning,
remember the Rummage Sale! Please look through your
closets...make room for the new and let us have what you
don’t need anymore...(you can tell your friends too.)
Drop off your items in the box in the Atrium...any time.
And as the date draws nearer you will be hearing from
me,...count on it!
Thank you,
Maxine Henry, Rummage Sale Co-ordinator 416-590-1008
Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but
want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here
a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share?
Join us!
THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together
and what gets done.
New members are always welcome to join any group at
CCDP...choose one that interests you.
Volunteers Welcome!
TAKE A TURN at the Holy Grounds Café...with a friend, as
a’s fun and your efforts are always appreciated.
Please sign up on the sheet just inside the kitchen or speak
to Jayne Miles Simpson.
Food Bank
THE 2013 ANNUAL MEETING of the Board of the Churches-
on-the-Hill Food Bank took place recently, and it is timely
to recap its activities and what has been happening lately.
The Food Bank was started in 1997 and is 100% staffed
by volunteers, none of whom are compensated in any way
but freely give of their time and talent.
There are 12 regular volunteers from CCDP who toil at
shifts on Monday evenings and on Wednesdays. At that
time, goods are sorted and then distributed to clients at
Timothy Eaton church.
Some turn up on both days!
When one adds up the shifts worked in a month by each
CCDP volunteer, the total is the greatest of those from
the various churches involved.
There is also the Community Information Centre, run by
Deirdre Malone, which qualifies new clients and assists
them in accessing other support services in the community.
In 2012, over 9,500 adults and children received three
days’ worth of groceries per visit – food for 85,000 meals!
20% of clients are fairly recent immigrants, 50% are
temporarily down on their luck because of, for example,
job loss, and the remainder have long-term health and
social issues.
Programmes have been developed to address needs for
specific foods, for example, for diabetics. There are
also some cancer patients and allergic clients with special
dietetic needs.
Almost 25% of the food given goes to children. Our
“Babies Programme” provides 100% of the recommended
nutrition for the vital period from birth to 3 years.
Also, a number of TTC tokens are distributed so that
needy clients can get back home with their Food Bank
goods without paying another fare from their meagre
The distributed items are obtained from individual donations
of food and cash, as well as from the the member churches
and the Daily Bread Food Bank.
Each of the churches involved makes great efforts in
providing the basic items needed by the clients.
At CCDP, the following are wonderful examples of these
• A monetary contribution each year is provided by the
Outreach Committee;
• The proceeds from the annual Bridge Luncheon each
fall (planned for November 4 this year), organized by the
ACW under the leadership of Nancy Pickering and Louise
• Generous cash donations from individual parishioners,
as well as contributions, very welcome no matter how
small, that are left in the bin in the Atrium, which is
always open for them.
dropped off
at Timothy
early this
• The annual Canned and Dried Food Drive run by
PromiseLand which produces over 400 items from the
CCDP congregation and which Natalie Kemp is planning
to organize for next October;
• Participation by devoted parishioners in the annual
Food Drive held each year in early November by the Food
Bank as a whole. This involves going from house to house
in the neighbourhood distributing flyers, followed by the
subsequent collection of donations. Last fall, about 250
boxes of items were collected, along with cash of about
• The annual City Carol Sing takes place at Yorkminster
Park Baptist Church and, last December, attracted about
1,400 people. The audience included many CCDP
parishioners. Our rector, Kevin Robertson, officially
participated in the formal welcome and prayers. Eric
Robertson conducted the musical performance which
included some 30 from the CCDP choir. It provided,
in voluntary contributions from the audience, the largest
single donation to the Food Bank in 2012. It was
subsequently televised on City TV.
Needless to say, heartfelt thanks are in order to those who
have contributed, with donations and/or activity, towards
making the Churches-on-the-Hill Food Bank the success
it has been to date.
We look forward to many more years along those lines
and are always looking for new volunteers who can help.
No contribution in devoted time or effort is too small.
A Word from
the Wardens
SINCE VESTRY, the Management Team met 5 times, generally
every other week, for about 2-1/2 hours. At our meetings
we pay attention to content and process. In other words,
we attend to what we need to talk about and how we talk
about it with one other. Our intention is collegial team-
work. Between meetings we work independently and
confer informally about ongoing business.
In addition to attending to the operations of the parish,
one of the Management Team’s immediate priorities this
year was to establish the mandate and process for an
Allocations Committee. This is for the distribution of
funds that Christ Church Deer Park has and will continue
to receive from our participation the diocesan Our Faith -
Our Hope campaign last year. We have called this project
Re-Imagining Church because it is intended for new ideas
that honour and enhance what many dedicated parishioners,
established for our benefit over the years.
The Allocations Committee consists of Tony van
Straubenzee and Walter Blackwell (co-chairs), Edna
Quammie and Ward Lindsey. Its mandate is straightforward:
to receive funding applications for projects and activities
initiated by members of the parish and to help applicants
to develop practical plans for the implementation of their
ideas in collaboration with others. The Allocations
Committee is to make recommendations to the
Management Team, which has oversight of parish resources
and will ultimately allocate funds over a range of initiatives.
Requests for Re-Imagining Church funds may come from
parishioners or from the Management Team itself if
appropriate for corporate needs.
The application process for Re-Imagining Church is some-
what more formal than we are accustomed to in this parish,
but it need not be cumbersome or onerous. The application
form is not complicated and is available in hard copy or
on-line at the parish website. Step-by-step this form guides
the applicant through practical details concerning a proposal.
Importantly, the form invites applicants to indicate how
the funds will contribute to the vitality and/or growth of
Christ Church Deer Park. It also asks what Signpost(s) of
Vitality apply.
The Signpost(s) of Vitality are simply the ideals that guide
us going forward. They speak to the ways in which we at
Christ Church Deer Park can live out our identity as
Christians now and in the future. Or, as deputy warden
Henry Zaluski said at Parish Forum, they are about “Hearts
in pews, not bums in pews.” Alone and together, the sign-
posts can contribute to a parish where people come and
stay out of a sense of commitment and identity as opposed
to a sense of obligation. Once again, here are the Signposts
of Vitality:
Welcoming others whether or not they are like-minded,
without pressure to conform
Deep listening and openness to where the Spirit is leading us
Attending to the spiritual, physical, mental and relational
wellbeing of one another
Honouring silence and cultivating the practice of prayer
Creating a safe space for people to talk about their faith stories
Embracing the rich variety and inherent value of all people.
Embodying Christ’s compassion in the world.
Cultivating a sacred environment that evokes experiences of
the Divine.
Engaging in study and dialogue that supports an enquiring
and open approach to living a Christian life.
Awakening an experience of awe, humility and respect that
yields glimpses of the Transcendent Mystery.
In addition to Re-Imaging Church and the Allocations
Committee, the Management Team’s second and closely
related priority has been In The Works. This is the name
for our continuing process of parish engagement that was
introduced in October 2012 with the establishment of six
working groups under the leadership of parish facilitators.
At our follow-up Parish Forum on April 21, 2013 the
chairs of five working groups gave progress reports and
shared some of the ideas that they had been considering
or developing.
Discerning Our Gifts For Lay Ministry
David Moore
William Jackson
Opening Up Our Sacred Space & Grounds
Bob Hutchison & Henry Zeluski
Developing Spiritual Practices
Gavin Keachie
Raising Spiritual Kids
Andrew van Nostrand & Christopher Symonds
And these individuals suggested additional initiatives so
that interested parishioners could be in touch with them:
Blessing of Animals
Alexis Troubetzkoy
New Moms Movie Night
Rebecca Wells Jopling
Energy Audit
Phyllis Creighton
Life Story Book Project
Anita Liu
Intergenerational Spirituality
Emily Chatten
The April 21st Parish Forum was an information session
and all projects are ultimately subject to approval by the
Management Team. Naturally, major initiatives will also
involve appropriate consultation with the parish.
Working Groups and individual initiators who seek funds
are now responsible to complete a Re-imaging Church
application and submit it to the Allocations Committee, as
described above. Any projects that do not require funding
may be forwarded to the Management Team directly.
Genevieve Chornenki Carolyn Kearns Henry Zaluski
Rector’s Warden People’s Warden Deputy Warden
Robert Morrow
Finance Warden/Treasurer
A Special Luncheon
It started out as an invitation to Kevin to attend a usual
Tuesday ACW ‘bring-your-own’ lunch before he left on his
summer sabbatical. The invitation then widened to include
his partner, Mohan Sharma, and their young twins, Anya
and Kiran.
Word spread, and it seemed everyone wanted to be there,
so…on May 7th, about 80 parishioners and friends filled
Elliott Hall to welcome the family and to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ over
the twins (who seemed to take all the attention in stride).
Kevin and Mohan were presented with a contribution
towards the twin’s education fund (donated by those
present and others…and, it’s not too late to add to the gift
…speak to Joan Huycke or Anne Le Feuvre).
It was a joyous occasion!
The men’s table.
Social Matters
We live in a world where world military expenditures
totalled $1.76 trillion (US) last year. NATO members
accounted for $1 trillion of it. Canada is the 14th highest
military spender in the world, with an estimated $22.5
billion (US) as its 2012 total. That’s what the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) says in the
report it released on April 15 about what the world spent
on weapons.
The International Peace Bureau – the world’s largest peace
federation headquartered in Geneva, with 300 member
organizations in 70 countries – held a Global Day of
Action on Military Spending that day. I served on IPB’s
council for three years some time ago, because like IPB,
I want a world without war. That same day, –
a website of the Rideau Institute, an Ottawa-based
research, advocacy, and consultative group – asked “How
would you spend the money wasted on weapons and war?”
Here’s my 100-word answer:
“Spend the money on:
• producing and distributing a film and educational materials
illustrating the climate crisis, why we must therefore change
our lifestyles, and how we and Canadian communities can
sharply reduce our carbon footprint (greenhouse gas
• pushing the cause of abolishing nuclear weapons;
• increasing research into mental illness, as well as better
care and support for the mentally ill;
• providing adequate public and rent-assisted housing
across Canada;
• instituting a guaranteed annual income in Canada;
• developing school programs on values and ethics;
• promoting conservation as policy and lifestyle;
• helping the world’s poverty-stricken. “ is creating a word cloud using the 100-word
answers it receives. Part of the pressure that forced the
Harper Government to drop the plan to spend an alleged
$35 billion on F-35 attack stealth fighter jets came from
the Rideau Institute. They ferreted out costs that the
government had concealed and forced the truth out. The
pressure from industry lobbyists and their success in exerting
influence is all too clear. Canada will only turn away from
its increasing militarism if there is concerted public pressure
and action. How would you spend the money?
Recent published research provides evidence that war doesn’t
work anymore, that peaceful methods such as negotiation,
mediation, and conflict resolution, are more successful in
dealing with conflicts. Isn’t one promise in the dawn of
light with the coming of Christ that God will guide our
feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:79)? Peace is the Old
Testament prophets’ vision — shalom — when the world
will be alive with the presence of God: love. Think about
it. What path do we choose?
Phyllis Creighton
Saturday, May 25th
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Paperback, hardcover, coffee table; LPs. CDs. Videos
and DVDs’s still not too late to volunteer your time to help out.
Please call Anne Kear,: 416-924-3940
Don’t forget the
JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular
service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city
and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’s
finest jazz musicians!
May 26 Remembering Miles
(a tribute to Miles Davis)
Musicians TBA
June 23 Brian Barlow Big Band
(part of the TD Toronto Jazz Festival)
From the
Organ Bench
Once again this summer, the music
at our Sunday services will be led
by the Christ Church Summer
Singers. The Summer Singers meet
in the chancel at 9:15am every
Sunday throughout the summer to
rehearse music for the 10am service
that follows.
The weather is finally getting warmer and the Spring
segment of Lunchtime Chamber Music is in full swing.
The following recitals, which take place on Thursdays at
12:10pm, will round out the 2012/13 LCM season:
May 23 Madawaska Ensemble
Sarah Fraser Raff, violin / Anna Redekop,
viola / Amber Ghent, cello
May 30 Billy Shawn, piano
June 6 Christopher James, flute
Aaron James, piano
June 13 Quinteto de Tangos
Alheli Pimienta, flute / Rebekah
Wolkstein, violin / Mike Allen, electric
guitar / John Yelland, contrabass
Walter Gugliotta, piano
June 20 Metamorphosis Ensemble
Takayo Noguchi, violin / Kathleen Long,
cello / Corinne Long, piano
June 27 Alan Pulker, flute
Elena Tchernaia, piano
If you would like to learn more about the CCDP music
programme, please get in touch with me through the
contact page of the Christ Church Deer Park website at I’d love to hear from you!
Have a great summer!
Eric Robertson,
Organist & Director of Music
Welcome to the
Book Club
We invite all those who enjoy reading
to come to our gathering on
Wednesday, May 29
at 7:30
in the Arthur Smith Room.
We’ll discuss Jane Austen’s timeless
“Sense and Sensibility”
published in 1811,
the first of her two classic novels.
Please join us for lively conversation,
refreshments and wine
or your own choice of beverage. .
For information, call Anne Kear: 416-924-3940
Hark! Consider advertising
in the HERALD.
HERALD is published 5 times per year; Sept/Oct;
Nov/Dec: Jan/Feb: April/May: June/July. Ad rates are
very reasonable...we can even design your ad if required.
And... since the HERALD is posted in full to our website your advertisements will also get
exposure on the internet.
For details and rates contact Elisabeth Lunder in the
Parish Office.
Deadline for the next HERALD is June 12
DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature
on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory?
An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or
to the Editor.
Articles and announcements may be submitted at any
time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the
Atrium or e-mail the editor at
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The Herald vol39 no2 Apr May 2013

  • 1. HERALDCHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK, TORONTO, CANADA VOLUME 39, NUMBER 2 The Reverend Julie Meakin with her proud Mom, the Reverend Glenda Meakin
  • 2. HERALD is published six times a year (Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr/May, June/July) by Christ Church Deer Park 1570 Yonge Street Toronto ON M4T 1Z8 Tel: 416.920.5211 Fax: 416.920.8400 We welcome your submissions. E-mail: or the editor (e-mail below). PARISH CLERGY Rector The Rev. Kevin Robertson Associate Priest The Rev. Canon Douglas Graydon Assistant Curate The Rev. Julie Meakin Honorary Assistants The Rev. Dr. Peter Slater The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, Ecumenical Partner, United Church of Canada Organist & Director of Music Eric Robertson Director of Children’s Education Natalie Kemp CORPORATION Rector’s Warden Genevieve Chornenki People’s Warden Carolyn Kearns Finance Warden/Treasurer Robert Morrow Deputy Warden Henry Zeluski EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Editor Joyce Hamilton ( Members Henry Zaluski, Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski, Peter Curzon, Kate Rieger Webmaster Brian Dench PARISH STAFF Parish Administrator & Rector’s Assistant Jean King Bookkeeper Elisabeth Lunder Sexton Denis Delisle THE CONCEPT OF “SABBATH” comes from the very beginning of our tradition. The opening chapters of the Book of Genesis tell us that after six days of creation, God rested on the seventh day and blessed that day (Genesis 2:1-3). Thus, a period of rest was built into the rhythm of life. The word “Sabbath” comes from the Hebrew “Shabbat”, which means “to cease”, and those of you who have Jewish friends and family members will know how seriously many of them honour the Shabbat as a true day of rest. From earliest times, the Sabbath was a cornerstone of Jewish and Christian practice, and the keeping of the Sabbath was included in the 10 Commandments given to Moses: “Remember the Sabbath Day, and keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). In our own time, most of us are familiar with Sabbath time in the form of a day off during the week. Historically, that day was Sunday, when the only “work” that was done was the work of worship and study at church. Many of us can remember a time when stores were closed on Sundays and, before that, even the swings in public playgrounds in this province were locked in order to prevent children from playing on Sundays! In the past few decades, our society has moved away from the understanding of a common Sabbath Day. These days, you can do almost anything on Sunday that you can do any other day of the week! And yet, there is much wisdom in our tradition which continues to call us to observe a Sabbath as a time for re-creation and renewal. It is a theological principle, in which we understand ourselves to be part of the rhythm of creation, as we set aside a specific period to rest in the presence of the One who created us and sustains us. In our Diocese, clergy are eligible to take Sabbath time every seven years, and I have the privilege of being able to do so this summer. With the support of the bishop and the churchwardens, I will be away from the parish for just over three months. Though the concept of Sabbath connotes rest, I plan to have a busy Sabbath Leave - spending time caring for our two young children and also reading and doing research for the purposes of professional development. I hope to return re-energized and renewed for the exhilarating work of ministry which lies before us as a community. In my absence, the Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon and the Reverend Julie Meakin will continue to give leadership to the parish and to provide priestly ministry and pastoral care. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with them. Finally, I wish you some Sabbath time of your own this summer. I hope that you will create opportunities for your own rest and renewal in the beauty of God’s creation. Have a great summer. I look forward to seeing you in September. Yours faithfully, The Reverend Kevin Robertson, Rector 2 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Kevin’s CornerHERALD
  • 3. to this reality of the Spirit within us, there will be fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, as St. Paul tells us. We become more and more like Christ in the world. We may, like Peter, be emboldened to proclaim the gospel through words, or our witness may take a variety of forms. And even if we don’t pray regularly, or aren’t sure how to pray, St. Paul assures us that the Spirit prays within us, interceding for us “with sighs too deep for words. “ On Sundays we say “Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.” We have put this into practice by forming work- ing groups and encouraging initiatives, small or large. We are listening for the leading of the Spirit in all that we do here at Christ Church Deer Park and that is already bearing fruit. Finally, I would like to say that I will miss being called “Deacon Meakin”! but am so very grateful to be able to serve you as a priest. Here is a prayer you might like: Spirit of life Fill our emptiness with your fullness Spirit of power Stir our hearts afresh Spirit of love, Touch us, and through us, our neighbour Spirit of Creativity, Enable and empower the gifts you have given Spirit of Eternity Draw us ever deeper into your Kingdom. Amen. ( May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing....and Happy Birthday to us all! The Reverend Julie Meakin, Assistant Curate 3 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Meakin’s Musings WE ARE QUICKLY APPROACHING the end of the Easter Season for this liturgical year. After the Last Supper, Jesus promises his disciples that the Father will send them the Holy Spirit to be their advocate and helper. When Jesus appears to them in the locked room after his resurrection, he says “Peace be with you”, breathes on them, and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” He told his followers to remain in Jerusalem because within a few days they would “clothed with power from on high.” And this is what happened 50 days later on Pentecost, when the apostles were gathered together and tongues of fire appeared among them. They began to speak in different languages, much to the amazement of the many Jewish pilgrims gathered outside the house. Peter subsequently preached to the crowds and that day 3,000 were baptized. Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Church and the culmination of the revelation of the Holy Trinity. We have many beautiful hymns such as “Come down O Love divine” that speak of this gift of the Holy Spirit. But what does it mean for us? What does it mean for us in our busy lives, here in Toronto, and for our life together at CCDP? As St. Paul states, “The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5) The Holy Spirit is the presence of the Risen Christ in our hearts – what an amazing, awesome gift! In the words of St. Basil, “Through the Holy Spirit we are restored to paradise, led back to the Kingdom of heaven, and adopted as children, given confidence to call God “Father” and to share in Christ’s grace, called children of light and given a share in eternal glory.” Are we present to this gift as a reality in our lives? Do we go about our daily tasks with this awareness that the very breath of God that breathed over creation, that brought to life our Lord, is a part of us? If we can’t quite grasp it, we’re in good company, for on the day of Pentecost, “all were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” Its meaning becomes more clear as we turn our attention towards God. We become rooted and grounded in the divine life of the Holy Trinity. When we turn our attention
  • 4. 4 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Spring is finally here! We have been busy over the past 3 months in PromiseLand and Y.A.L. In PromiseLand, throughout the season of Epiphany, we looked at baptism, made our own miracle turning eggs into meringues, created promises to ourselves for 2013 inspired by God’s faithful promises in Luke 4:14-21, and we brain- stormed how Jesus and the townspeople might have felt (Luke 4:21-30). During Transfiguration we made personal connections to Luke 9:28-36 by creating our own mountain top experience pictures. Throughout Lent, PromiseLand dramatized Gospel readings, went on a fruit scavenger hunt and even put on a Praise Parade on Palm Sunday. Rather than giving up some- thing for Lent both PromiseLand and Y.A.L. learned about recycling and how we can help the earth. Easter Sunday had a large attendance which made our egg hunt lots of fun! On Easter 2 Thomas doubts the resurrec- tion, as a symbol of our faith, finger paintings were made in the shape of a cross to show our belief. The following Sunday the importance of showing our love in our actions was a theme. Learning how to sign “I love you” in American Sign Language gave us a new way to show our love. Additionally, on Earth day the theme of being safe in God’s hands was discussed. PromiseLand wanted to show that we can make our Earth a safer place for each other by making Earth Day Discovery books highlighting how we can help our air, land, forests and water. For Y.A.L.’s first social we had fun cosmic bowling, hanging out with friends and eating pizza. We then dedicated Lent to helping our family and friends become more aware of recycling. For our second social the issues of racism, bullying, and self-image were explored through watching the movie Hair Spray. The historical context was also outlined to provide a better understanding of the movie. The third social justice initiative Y.A.L. has undertaken is looking into the evolution of knowledge surrounding HIV/AIDS, the stigma attached to the disease and under- standing current efforts to help locally and globally. We registered and participated in the Rotary Trump Poker AIDS Walk lead by the Belleville Rotary Trump Club. A bake sale during the rummage sale helped us to raise money to support HIV/AIDS. With the summer quickly approaching I am currently trying to get volunteers to help lead the 9 week summer PromiseLand program. All of the programming will be provided. Overall I am continuously touched by the generosity of the members of this parish. I want to thank you for supporting PromiseLand and Y.A.L.! Natalie Kemp Director of Children and Youth Ministry Marathon Season... upon us again and it seems that all ‘runs’ run down Yonge Street by CCDP, usually on Sunday mornings. Thanks to Kathy Lindsey, we have the following photos from the April 21st run. Next came May 5th...and who knows what’s to yet come. Kevin watching the passing parade...I wonder if that runner carried her daughter the whole way? Heading south at Heath Street
  • 5. 5 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Shrove Tuesday On 12th February, 2013, we hosted our traditional pancake supper followed by imposition of ashes for some of our young parishioners. Cathy Thomas (our co-ordinator this year) asked that we remember Joe MacLean, who ran his first pancake supper at CCDP many years ago, and his photograph was featured on our poster in the atrium along with his wife, Carolyn Lennox, and their daughter, Emily MacLean, who many of you know. Our theme was Mardi Gras with beads, masks and music, but the food was our best - pancakes, sausages and ham, not to mention fruit and desserts - all courtesy of Pearl Cooke, Norma Ross, Kelly Sudsbury and Rev. Julie Meakin. Photographs featured some of us enjoying the evening - thanks to Bob Shea. We fed over 100 people - with gratitude to the cooking crew of Anne Larkin, Mary Kay Brown, Norma Ross, Ann Atkins, Nicholas Chornenki, Jim Colley and Maxine Henry, also to David Thornton, Pam Taylor, Jayne Miles-Simpson, Emily Chatten and Greg Lowe, and to Kelly Sudsbury, Claire Colquhoun and Rita Simek and Edna Quammie for all the decorations. Julie’s Ordination Saturday, April 27, 2013 On a beautiful, sunny spring day, surrounded by family, friends and parishioners here at Christ Church Deer Park, Bishop Patrick Yu ordained the Reverend Julie Meakin a priest in the Church. It was a lovely, happy service, further celebrated at the reception in Elliott Hall which followed. ‘Deacon Meakin’ no longer (thus the new title on her column), Julie served as celebrant for her first time at both services on Sunday. She didn’t stop smiling the whole weekend! Julie with the Rev. Beth Benson, the homilist.
  • 6. 6 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Doug’s Discourse NOW THAT OUR EASTER FESTIVALS are past, many of us have turned our attention to spring and the approach of a more leisurely summer pace of life. BBQ’s, cottage country and vacation schedules are our priority. In addition, and rightly so, many of us eagerly look forward to warmer days and slower work weeks. It is a reward as it were, for surviving the long gray days of autumn and winter in the city. Such thinking reminds me of the deep patterns and rhythms which resonate throughout our world. Patterns and rhythms which knit together families and neighbours, communities and societies. The yearly pattern of holidays, high holy festivals and anniversaries. The rhythm of fall, winter and spring, the Lunar cycles which influence us all and of course the changing patterns of light and dark, day and night which alert us to approaching winter and inspire us with the taste of spring. Mostly, we travel through these rhythms and patterns with an awareness blunted by familiarity. A familiarity which can blind us to the beauty of that which we have experienced so many times before. This dynamic applies as well to our Christian calendar as the liturgical seasons come and go with a rhythm born of centuries of faithful witness. Sometimes I wonder if we have lost the fuller impact and meaning of Easter to such familiarity. Easter is the central event of our faith. Everything about us as a people of God comes from that singular event which transformed and continues to transform Christ’s followers. For the early church, the Easter event was more the beginning of an ongoing event, the building of a new community, a new way of being and living in relationship with God. Easter was not just a moment in time, but the energy which empowered followers to see the world and God in a radically different way. As we move through our own Easter season and begin to prepare for the season of Pentecost, our challenge becomes that of keeping Easter alive in our hearts and minds and souls. This past fall, I had the pleasure of listening to Joan Chittister, OSB, speaker at the annual Trinity Institute in New York City, who challenged us to reflect upon what it means to be a 21st century Christian. Fundamental to her thinking was the understanding that faith and faithful witness is a dynamic, ever changing part of who we are. She suggested that organized faith has lost sight of the daily renewal born out of the eternally unfolding empowerment found within the Easter event of our faith. In fact, she suggests that it is always in the best interests of any organized faith community to achieve a state of stases where tradition becomes the dominate descriptor of a church’s life and witness. Such stases must be resisted at all costs otherwise we run the risk of becoming a faithful presence which is seen and experienced by many to be “out of touch” with society’s needs or concerns. As our liturgical season of Easter draws to a close, we need to remain diligent in reminding ourselves that we are a Easter people, a resurrection people not just at Eastertide but every day of the year. The living dynamic of our faith captured in our Easter salutation “Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!” is intended to be a daily lived reality and not something we regulate solely to our Easter celebrations. May we continue to live boldly our Easter experience. May our Easter joy remain with us throughout Pentecost and for all our days. Happy Easter! Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon PARISH REGISTER In Memorium Helen Joan Cork Craig Howard Montross Priscilla Moore
  • 7. The Sculptor I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have... Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or… I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free. Today I can feel sad that I don’t have more money or… I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste. Today I can grumble about my health or…I can rejoice that I am alive. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn’t give me when I was growing up or…I can be grateful that they allowed me to be born. Today I can cry because roses have thorns or…I can celebrate that thorns have roses. Today I can mourn my lack of friends or…I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships. Today I can whine because I have to go to work or… I can shout for joy because I have a job to do. Today I can complain because I have to go to school or… eagerly open my mind and fill it with new tidbits of knowledge. Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or…I can feel honoured because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul. Today stretches ahead of me, ready to be shaped…and here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be like is up to me, I get to chose what kind of a day I will have. anonymous 7 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 WAS ANOTHER GREAT SUCCESS! The Fall Rummage Sale will be upon us before we know mark your calendars now... Saturday, October 5 So, whether you are downsizing or just spring cleaning, remember the Rummage Sale! Please look through your closets...make room for the new and let us have what you don’t need anymore...(you can tell your friends too.) Drop off your items in the box in the Atrium...any time. And as the date draws nearer you will be hearing from me,...count on it! Thank you, Maxine Henry, Rummage Sale Co-ordinator 416-590-1008 Spring Rummage SALE Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share? Join us! THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together and what gets done. New members are always welcome to join any group at CCDP...choose one that interests you. Volunteers Welcome! TAKE A TURN at the Holy Grounds Café...with a friend, as a’s fun and your efforts are always appreciated. Please sign up on the sheet just inside the kitchen or speak to Jayne Miles Simpson.
  • 8. 8 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Churches-on-the-Hill Food Bank THE 2013 ANNUAL MEETING of the Board of the Churches- on-the-Hill Food Bank took place recently, and it is timely to recap its activities and what has been happening lately. The Food Bank was started in 1997 and is 100% staffed by volunteers, none of whom are compensated in any way but freely give of their time and talent. There are 12 regular volunteers from CCDP who toil at shifts on Monday evenings and on Wednesdays. At that time, goods are sorted and then distributed to clients at Timothy Eaton church. Some turn up on both days! When one adds up the shifts worked in a month by each CCDP volunteer, the total is the greatest of those from the various churches involved. There is also the Community Information Centre, run by Deirdre Malone, which qualifies new clients and assists them in accessing other support services in the community. In 2012, over 9,500 adults and children received three days’ worth of groceries per visit – food for 85,000 meals! 20% of clients are fairly recent immigrants, 50% are temporarily down on their luck because of, for example, job loss, and the remainder have long-term health and social issues. Programmes have been developed to address needs for specific foods, for example, for diabetics. There are also some cancer patients and allergic clients with special dietetic needs. Almost 25% of the food given goes to children. Our “Babies Programme” provides 100% of the recommended nutrition for the vital period from birth to 3 years. Also, a number of TTC tokens are distributed so that needy clients can get back home with their Food Bank goods without paying another fare from their meagre resources. The distributed items are obtained from individual donations of food and cash, as well as from the the member churches and the Daily Bread Food Bank. Each of the churches involved makes great efforts in providing the basic items needed by the clients. At CCDP, the following are wonderful examples of these efforts: • A monetary contribution each year is provided by the Outreach Committee; • The proceeds from the annual Bridge Luncheon each fall (planned for November 4 this year), organized by the ACW under the leadership of Nancy Pickering and Louise Saunders; • Generous cash donations from individual parishioners, as well as contributions, very welcome no matter how small, that are left in the bin in the Atrium, which is always open for them. From CCDP - dropped off at Timothy Eaton early this April; • The annual Canned and Dried Food Drive run by PromiseLand which produces over 400 items from the CCDP congregation and which Natalie Kemp is planning to organize for next October; • Participation by devoted parishioners in the annual Food Drive held each year in early November by the Food Bank as a whole. This involves going from house to house in the neighbourhood distributing flyers, followed by the subsequent collection of donations. Last fall, about 250 boxes of items were collected, along with cash of about $12,000. • The annual City Carol Sing takes place at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church and, last December, attracted about 1,400 people. The audience included many CCDP parishioners. Our rector, Kevin Robertson, officially participated in the formal welcome and prayers. Eric Robertson conducted the musical performance which included some 30 from the CCDP choir. It provided, in voluntary contributions from the audience, the largest single donation to the Food Bank in 2012. It was subsequently televised on City TV. Needless to say, heartfelt thanks are in order to those who have contributed, with donations and/or activity, towards making the Churches-on-the-Hill Food Bank the success it has been to date. We look forward to many more years along those lines and are always looking for new volunteers who can help. No contribution in devoted time or effort is too small.
  • 9. 9 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 A Word from the Wardens SINCE VESTRY, the Management Team met 5 times, generally every other week, for about 2-1/2 hours. At our meetings we pay attention to content and process. In other words, we attend to what we need to talk about and how we talk about it with one other. Our intention is collegial team- work. Between meetings we work independently and confer informally about ongoing business. In addition to attending to the operations of the parish, one of the Management Team’s immediate priorities this year was to establish the mandate and process for an Allocations Committee. This is for the distribution of funds that Christ Church Deer Park has and will continue to receive from our participation the diocesan Our Faith - Our Hope campaign last year. We have called this project Re-Imagining Church because it is intended for new ideas that honour and enhance what many dedicated parishioners, established for our benefit over the years. The Allocations Committee consists of Tony van Straubenzee and Walter Blackwell (co-chairs), Edna Quammie and Ward Lindsey. Its mandate is straightforward: to receive funding applications for projects and activities initiated by members of the parish and to help applicants to develop practical plans for the implementation of their ideas in collaboration with others. The Allocations Committee is to make recommendations to the Management Team, which has oversight of parish resources and will ultimately allocate funds over a range of initiatives. Requests for Re-Imagining Church funds may come from parishioners or from the Management Team itself if appropriate for corporate needs. The application process for Re-Imagining Church is some- what more formal than we are accustomed to in this parish, but it need not be cumbersome or onerous. The application form is not complicated and is available in hard copy or on-line at the parish website. Step-by-step this form guides the applicant through practical details concerning a proposal. Importantly, the form invites applicants to indicate how the funds will contribute to the vitality and/or growth of Christ Church Deer Park. It also asks what Signpost(s) of Vitality apply. The Signpost(s) of Vitality are simply the ideals that guide us going forward. They speak to the ways in which we at Christ Church Deer Park can live out our identity as Christians now and in the future. Or, as deputy warden Henry Zaluski said at Parish Forum, they are about “Hearts in pews, not bums in pews.” Alone and together, the sign- posts can contribute to a parish where people come and stay out of a sense of commitment and identity as opposed to a sense of obligation. Once again, here are the Signposts of Vitality: Hospitality Welcoming others whether or not they are like-minded, without pressure to conform Discernment Deep listening and openness to where the Spirit is leading us Healing Attending to the spiritual, physical, mental and relational wellbeing of one another Contemplation Honouring silence and cultivating the practice of prayer Testimony Creating a safe space for people to talk about their faith stories Diversity Embracing the rich variety and inherent value of all people. Justice Embodying Christ’s compassion in the world. Worship Cultivating a sacred environment that evokes experiences of the Divine. Reflection Engaging in study and dialogue that supports an enquiring and open approach to living a Christian life. Beauty Awakening an experience of awe, humility and respect that yields glimpses of the Transcendent Mystery. In addition to Re-Imaging Church and the Allocations Committee, the Management Team’s second and closely related priority has been In The Works. This is the name for our continuing process of parish engagement that was introduced in October 2012 with the establishment of six working groups under the leadership of parish facilitators. At our follow-up Parish Forum on April 21, 2013 the chairs of five working groups gave progress reports and shared some of the ideas that they had been considering or developing.
  • 10. 10 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Discerning Our Gifts For Lay Ministry David Moore Welcoming William Jackson Opening Up Our Sacred Space & Grounds Bob Hutchison & Henry Zeluski Developing Spiritual Practices Gavin Keachie Raising Spiritual Kids Andrew van Nostrand & Christopher Symonds And these individuals suggested additional initiatives so that interested parishioners could be in touch with them: Blessing of Animals Alexis Troubetzkoy New Moms Movie Night Rebecca Wells Jopling Energy Audit Phyllis Creighton Life Story Book Project Anita Liu Intergenerational Spirituality Emily Chatten The April 21st Parish Forum was an information session and all projects are ultimately subject to approval by the Management Team. Naturally, major initiatives will also involve appropriate consultation with the parish. Working Groups and individual initiators who seek funds are now responsible to complete a Re-imaging Church application and submit it to the Allocations Committee, as described above. Any projects that do not require funding may be forwarded to the Management Team directly. Genevieve Chornenki Carolyn Kearns Henry Zaluski Rector’s Warden People’s Warden Deputy Warden Robert Morrow Finance Warden/Treasurer A Special Luncheon It started out as an invitation to Kevin to attend a usual Tuesday ACW ‘bring-your-own’ lunch before he left on his summer sabbatical. The invitation then widened to include his partner, Mohan Sharma, and their young twins, Anya and Kiran. Word spread, and it seemed everyone wanted to be there, so…on May 7th, about 80 parishioners and friends filled Elliott Hall to welcome the family and to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ over the twins (who seemed to take all the attention in stride). Kevin and Mohan were presented with a contribution towards the twin’s education fund (donated by those present and others…and, it’s not too late to add to the gift …speak to Joan Huycke or Anne Le Feuvre). It was a joyous occasion! The men’s table.
  • 11. 11 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Social Matters SPENDING PRIORITIES? We live in a world where world military expenditures totalled $1.76 trillion (US) last year. NATO members accounted for $1 trillion of it. Canada is the 14th highest military spender in the world, with an estimated $22.5 billion (US) as its 2012 total. That’s what the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) says in the report it released on April 15 about what the world spent on weapons. The International Peace Bureau – the world’s largest peace federation headquartered in Geneva, with 300 member organizations in 70 countries – held a Global Day of Action on Military Spending that day. I served on IPB’s council for three years some time ago, because like IPB, I want a world without war. That same day, – a website of the Rideau Institute, an Ottawa-based research, advocacy, and consultative group – asked “How would you spend the money wasted on weapons and war?” Here’s my 100-word answer: “Spend the money on: • producing and distributing a film and educational materials illustrating the climate crisis, why we must therefore change our lifestyles, and how we and Canadian communities can sharply reduce our carbon footprint (greenhouse gas emissions); • pushing the cause of abolishing nuclear weapons; • increasing research into mental illness, as well as better care and support for the mentally ill; • providing adequate public and rent-assisted housing across Canada; • instituting a guaranteed annual income in Canada; • developing school programs on values and ethics; • promoting conservation as policy and lifestyle; • helping the world’s poverty-stricken. “ is creating a word cloud using the 100-word answers it receives. Part of the pressure that forced the Harper Government to drop the plan to spend an alleged $35 billion on F-35 attack stealth fighter jets came from the Rideau Institute. They ferreted out costs that the government had concealed and forced the truth out. The pressure from industry lobbyists and their success in exerting influence is all too clear. Canada will only turn away from its increasing militarism if there is concerted public pressure and action. How would you spend the money? Recent published research provides evidence that war doesn’t work anymore, that peaceful methods such as negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution, are more successful in dealing with conflicts. Isn’t one promise in the dawn of light with the coming of Christ that God will guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:79)? Peace is the Old Testament prophets’ vision — shalom — when the world will be alive with the presence of God: love. Think about it. What path do we choose? Phyllis Creighton BOOK SALE Saturday, May 25th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Paperback, hardcover, coffee table; LPs. CDs. Videos and DVDs’s still not too late to volunteer your time to help out. Please call Anne Kear,: 416-924-3940 Don’t forget the
  • 12. 12 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’s finest jazz musicians! May 26 Remembering Miles (a tribute to Miles Davis) Musicians TBA June 23 Brian Barlow Big Band (part of the TD Toronto Jazz Festival) From the Organ Bench Once again this summer, the music at our Sunday services will be led by the Christ Church Summer Singers. The Summer Singers meet in the chancel at 9:15am every Sunday throughout the summer to rehearse music for the 10am service that follows. The weather is finally getting warmer and the Spring segment of Lunchtime Chamber Music is in full swing. The following recitals, which take place on Thursdays at 12:10pm, will round out the 2012/13 LCM season: May 23 Madawaska Ensemble Sarah Fraser Raff, violin / Anna Redekop, viola / Amber Ghent, cello May 30 Billy Shawn, piano June 6 Christopher James, flute Aaron James, piano June 13 Quinteto de Tangos Alheli Pimienta, flute / Rebekah Wolkstein, violin / Mike Allen, electric guitar / John Yelland, contrabass Walter Gugliotta, piano June 20 Metamorphosis Ensemble Takayo Noguchi, violin / Kathleen Long, cello / Corinne Long, piano June 27 Alan Pulker, flute Elena Tchernaia, piano If you would like to learn more about the CCDP music programme, please get in touch with me through the contact page of the Christ Church Deer Park website at I’d love to hear from you! Have a great summer! Eric Robertson, Organist & Director of Music Welcome to the Book Club We invite all those who enjoy reading to come to our gathering on Wednesday, May 29 at 7:30 in the Arthur Smith Room. We’ll discuss Jane Austen’s timeless “Sense and Sensibility” published in 1811, the first of her two classic novels. Please join us for lively conversation, refreshments and wine or your own choice of beverage. . For information, call Anne Kear: 416-924-3940
  • 13. 13 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Hark! Consider advertising in the HERALD. HERALD is published 5 times per year; Sept/Oct; Nov/Dec: Jan/Feb: April/May: June/July. Ad rates are very reasonable...we can even design your ad if required. And... since the HERALD is posted in full to our website your advertisements will also get exposure on the internet. For details and rates contact Elisabeth Lunder in the Parish Office. HERALD Deadline for the next HERALD is June 12 DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory? An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or to the Editor. Articles and announcements may be submitted at any time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the Atrium or e-mail the editor at Living Well Family Chiropractic Optimizing your health and well-being naturally Dr. Andrea Perricone Chiropractor & Acupuncture provider 1366 Yonge St. Suite 208 (416) 985-1911 (south of St. Clair at Balmoral) Transitions Your trusted partner in change Jennifer Tiviluk founder and principal 416.576.0690 The GalleryIn the Arthur Smith Room Serendipity Spring Paintings by Peggy Dean / Simone Creed Sunday, April 7 - Sunday, May 19 Remember to check our website for updates on these and other events.
  • 14. 14 / HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/MAY 2013 Family owned and operated Withadedicatedteamofthefinestdirectorsintheprofession,theCrawford familycontinuesthetraditionofservingthecommunityofNorthToronto. • Burial Cremation • No obligation Pre-Planning Services • Ample parking available • Chapel, Reception children’s recreation rooms. 159 Eglinton Ave. W. Toronto ON M4R 1A8 416-489-8733 Robert O’Reilly ExecutiveDirector 7BPleasantBlvd.,Box1053 Toronto,OntarioM4T1K2 Tel:416923-3779 Fax:416923-0083 1-800-883-7761 Need a friendly hand to help you with some of the practical tasks of everyday life, such as • errands • shopping • banking • medical appointments? Call on At-Home Help Lorna W. Lang (416) 932-2599