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The Future of Employee
Collaboration Experience
Richard Harbridge
2toLead Chief Technology
Officer & Microsoft MVP
and how to prepare today
Session 2
Thu., May 5, 2022 2:00 PM (EST)
My Twitter is @RHarbridge, I’m super friendly & proud to work at @2toLead.
Richard Harbridge
2toLead Chief
Technology Officer &
Microsoft MVP
Speaker & Author
Super Friendly
What are we hearing?
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Are we collaborating enough? Should we collaborate more? Why aren’t we collaborating more?
Of surveyed employees
believe that people in
their own
organization don’t
collaborate enough.
Of employees and
executives cite lack of
collaboration or
communication for
workplace failures.
Source: Salesforce
Source: Visix
Of employees say the
ability to collaborate
makes them more loyal.
Source: The Economist
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Some industry leaders have concerns about the increased risk of data leakage and more as
collaboration volume increases along with velocity and variety.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Some industry leaders have concerns about the increased risk of data leakage and more as
collaboration volume increases along with velocity and variety.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Some industry leaders have concerns about the increased risk of data leakage and more as
collaboration volume increases along with velocity and variety.
Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design
Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience
Planning for the Future
Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design
Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience
Planning for the Future
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
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Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
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Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
We work across more silos, teams and orgs. We work with contractors, customers or partners more.
Collaborating with external parties is accelerating as are expectations around collaboration.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to
those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security
while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security
while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security
while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security
while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
When we think of historic ways we organize and work on content we often are providing metadata based on
the location or where content resides. That folder hierarchy represents multiple metadata values.
If we access a file from this point onwards, we
know that the department = human resources.
The metadata about the type of file, or
additional context is also provided in greater
detail the further down a hierarchy it is stored.
This can be set by
default and integrated
into the content
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
New AI and intelligent content services and capabilities make it easier to build content understanding
and classification apps directly into the content management flow such as with SharePoint Syntex.
Object Detection
Form Processing
Process digital content -
photos, scans,
receipts, business cards,
videos with OCR & text
Capture content types and
metadata from purchase
orders, applications, other
structured documents
Customize for
your org’s forms
Taught by your
subject matter experts
Capture content types and
metadata from contracts,
resumes, other
unstructured documents
Smart, right out of the box
Data entry and labor-
intensive processing
Any content
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
New AI and intelligent content services and capabilities make it easier to build content understanding
and classification apps directly into the content management flow such as with SharePoint Syntex.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
New AI and intelligent content services and capabilities make it easier to build content understanding
and classification apps directly into the content management flow such as with SharePoint Syntex.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Valuable experiences are driven by metadata which not only facilitates compliance and findability but also is
the cornerstone for effective process and information management.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
The metadata about each workspace that is automatically tagged or assigned when filing becomes
invaluable for searching for, retrieving and working with that content as a user or when applying
sensitivity or retention rules.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Metadata or labels themselves can manage lifecycle.
Automated disposition approval
based on applied retention policies
can ensure documents are kept
and stored in accordance with
compliance policies
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Metadata or labels themselves can manage sensitivity.
Automated content marking can
help identify a content’s sensitivity
classification and make it obvious
how it should be handled
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
For technology experts and leaders to support the business it’s been a challenge understanding
where the opportunities or challenges reside. New capabilities, models and approaches are viable.
Try the SharePoint Syntex Assessment, the first module of the new
Microsoft 365 Assessment Tool.
Or explore capabilities
Microsoft Purview.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Manage team tasks
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Our Integrated Intranet
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Our Integrated Intranet
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
At one point in time being able to collaborate effectively anywhere, at any time and on any device
was a bold ambition. Microsoft and vendors have long since realized this, but it has a cost.
People spend 80% of their
time collaborating, find
44% of meeting time
Note: Collaboration Occurs Before,
During & After Meetings!
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Most of the dissatisfaction in
meetings comes from not
collaborating enough before
it, after it, or in a different
way during it. Meetings are
important but they are often
overused and used poorly.
Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to
those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org.
People spend 80% of their
time collaborating, find
44% of meeting time
Note: Collaboration Occurs Before,
During & After Meetings!
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
By leveraging personal insights, you can also learn more about your meeting habits. How many
calendar invitations do you send last minute? How many do you accept?
People spend 80% of their
time collaborating, find
44% of meeting time
Note: Collaboration Occurs Before,
During & After Meetings!
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence
to those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org.
People spend 80% of their
time collaborating, find
44% of meeting time
Note: Collaboration Occurs Before,
During & After Meetings!
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence
to those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org.
People spend 80% of their
time collaborating, find
44% of meeting time
Note: Collaboration Occurs Before,
During & After Meetings!
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
At one point of time being able to collaborate effectively anywhere, at any time and on any
device was a bold ambition. Microsoft and vendors have long since realized this, but it has a cost.
People spend 80% of their
time collaborating, find
44% of meeting time
Note: Collaboration Occurs Before,
During & After Meetings!
75% of people have
experienced burnout at
work with 40% of people
report work disrupts
personal/family time at
least weekly
Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to
those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org.
75% of people have
experienced burnout at
work with 40% of people
report work disrupts
personal/family time at
least weekly
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Help your employees have the tools to manage and improve their well-being and personal
productivity. Start by leveraging the capabilities built into Insights.
75% of people have
experienced burnout at
work with 40% of people
report work disrupts
personal/family time at
least weekly
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Help your employees have the tools to manage and improve their well-being and personal
productivity. Start by leveraging the capabilities built into Insights.
75% of people have
experienced burnout at
work with 40% of people
report work disrupts
personal/family time at
least weekly
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Help your employees have the tools to manage and improve their well-being and personal
productivity. Start by leveraging the capabilities built into Insights.
75% of people have
experienced burnout at
work with 40% of people
report work disrupts
personal/family time at
least weekly
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Our Integrated Intranet
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Our Integrated Intranet
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
42% of IWs rarely meet
new people at their
company, managers rarely
make those connections
IWs rarely meet new people at their company; when they do meet new people, it’s most often
through a formal or informal company event. How many have you had during this pandemic?
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
42% of IWs rarely meet
new people at their
company, managers rarely
make those connections
Empower insights that enable employees to be more connected. Enable employees to extend
and strengthen their networks within the organization with solutions that improve retention,
connection and engagement.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Our Integrated Intranet
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
New experiences on the horizon
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
New experiences on the horizon
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Our Integrated Intranet
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
Our Integrated Intranet
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
New experiences on the horizon
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Our Integrated Intranet
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Our Integrated Intranet
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Align work to corporate objectives
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Our Integrated Intranet
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Our Integrated Intranet
Manage team tasks
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
There are plenty of additional Microsoft apps and solutions that further enhance the use of
Teams in a workforce whether that be for frontline workers or desk workers.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
Our Integrated Intranet
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates
as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice.
Capture notes
Team meetings
Manage team time
Track information & work
Store team files
Schedule work dependencies
Team instructions
Share screen/present
Chat with team members
Performance insights
Manage shift-work
Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast
Organizational behaviour
Knowledge and expertise
Manage shift-work
Leader and manager behaviour
Find documents & people
Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning
Team learning
Plus much more!
Manage team tasks
Our Integrated Intranet
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
The problem isn’t a relationship between these things. It’s that many organizations as volume, velocity
and variety increase so do the tools they use.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
The problem isn’t a relationship between these things. It’s that many organizations as volume, velocity
and variety increase so do the tools they use.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
It’s not just about Teams being the place where users work with others internally in Microsoft 365, it’s
also about how they will use Teams across marketplace tools over time.
apps and
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
35% of the workforce
is millennials
Surging digital
Not enough
The Great
42% of US employees
working remote
contraction in the
Global GDP
more apps will
be created in the
next 5 years than
in the last 40
of digital work
can be automated
with current tech
developer shortfall
What is driving the demand?
86%of companies struggle
to hire tech talent
75% of the 2025
global workforce
will be millennials
Momentum and demand are building with more need for solutions and integration than ever
before. 65% of all app dev will be low-code by 2024. So how does Teams fit into this wave of change?
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Business data is available to everyone, everywhere. This means we need to be able to easily
communicate as part of any business process and that business application is now multiplayer.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
There is a comprehensive strategy from the architecture level to the experience level that is responsible for
why Microsoft 365 scales collaboration, compliance and security across applications and solutions.
ce Cost
Worse &
ed User
ce Cost
ce & More
Secure &
Better &
Microsoft Collaborative Apps
Device OS
UX Microsoft Teams Microsoft Office
Components Fluid Framework • Adaptive Cards • Connectors
Logic Azure PaaS Power Platform
Data Microsoft Graph Microsoft Dataverse
Communications Azure Communications Services
Identity Azure Active Directory
Pro-dev Low/no code
Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design
Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience
Planning for the Future
Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design
Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience
Planning for the Future
Project Discovery &
Project Applications
Business Process
Enable discovery and capture
staff interest in projects. Manage
project applications, enable
project intake, and simplify team
onboarding all in an integrated
experience in Microsoft Teams.
Learn More About This Idea
Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
Digital Workplace
Organizing the Digital Workplace
Navigating sites, teams,
communities and enterprise digital
workspaces can be a challenge, but
with metadata, user-led filtering
and effective directory experiences
you can solve this challenge.
Implement the most important
investment for solving governance-
related challenges with sprawl while
providing a better experience.
See A Demo Of This In Action Today
2toLead Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
Understand how to
solve common Sprawl
issues, and how they
impact end-users and
IT, in our eBook.
Icebreaker: Connect
Employees Together
Employee Networking & Connection
Enable employees to extend
and strengthen their networks
within the organization with
virtual or in-person
connections that improve
retention and engagement.
Pair team members up for a
meet up every week and let
the bot help find an available
timeslot for both parties.
Try It Yourself Today
Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
Management Platform
The Champion Management
Platform enables organizations
to adopt, onboard and maintain
Champions, allowing everyone
to discover Champions right
where they collaborate.
Hold organizational-wide
tournaments promoting
adoption themes and more.
Try It Yourself Today
Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
Employee Training &
Events Registration
Employee Networking & Connection
From registration to expressing
interest enable employees to
engage in training and events
while in Microsoft Teams.
This can greatly compliment Teams
webinars and SharePoint events to
meet organization needs.
Try It Yourself Today
Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
Staff Check-Ins
Business Process
First-line staff in organizations
typically need to communicate and
check-in with their teams
periodically with time-critical
updates. With the app, managers or
supervisors can get task updates or
check-ins from employees on a
schedule or an ad-hoc basis. The
staff check-in can include real-time
location, photos, and notes.
Try It Yourself Today
Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
Grow Your
Skills App
Employee Networking & Connection
Grow Your Skills is an app for
employees to discover & contribute
to gig projects or volunteer
activities based on their interest
which will help them to acquire new
skills or master the ones that they
already have right inside teams.
Try It Yourself Today
Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
Great Ideas
This idea routing app enables
employees to submit and share
ideas beyond the confines of an
idea generation campaign with
something like Yammer. It provides
users with the ability to vote and
help highlight the ideas worth
further qualification and can further
foster an innovation culture.
Try It Yourself Today
Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design
Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience
Planning for the Future
Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design
Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience
Planning for the Future
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
It’s important to modernize how you approach, plan and support collaboration so that when
further changes come your organization is resilient and ready enough to take advantage of them.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
The distribution of collaborative work is often extremely lopsided. In most cases, 20% to 35% of
value-added collaborations come from only 3% to 5% of employees.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
How the roadmap is broken down into categories
Facilitate Governance & Responsibly Empower
Absorb complexity into management, align with policies, simplify compliance, security and performance.
Establish An Effective Foundation
Foundational and important work from strategy to architecture that is necessary for continued digital workplace success.
Migrate & Modernize
Move away from legacy systems into long-term, supported, and more integrated experiences.
Foster Collaboration, Connection & Engagement
Make it easy and efficient for employees to onboard, teams to work together, from anywhere, to gain insights on
what is important and feel included.
Improve Communication, Navigation & Search
Provide more effective ways to communicate, reduce noise, feel informed, engaged and get their core tasks done
with increased efficiency.
You will love the way we work. Together. ™
PHASE 1 - Modernize
0-6 months
PHASE 2 – Connect & Integrate
6-12 months
PHASE 3 – Intelligent & Automated
12-24 months
A summary of the initiatives planned over the next 24 months
Digital Workplace
Strategy & Roadmap
Modern Navigation
(Custom Header & Footer)
Employee Preboarding
Migrate & Develop
Intranet Content
Establish Digital
Workplace Backlog
Intranet Site, Page &
Team Template Design
Intranet Governance
Design & Planning
Employee Networking &
Connection App (Release 1)
Foster Collaboration,
Connection & Engagement
Improve Communication,
Navigation & Search
& Modernize
Establish An
Effective Foundation
Facilitate Governance
& Responsibly Empower
Teams Company
Communicator App
Employee Onboarding
Organization Portal(s)
Employee Onboarding
Departmental Site(s)
Digital Workplace
Directory (Release 1)
Digital Workplace
Directory (Release 2)
Employee Networking &
Connection App (Release 2)
Teams Company
Communicator App (Enhancements)
Targeted Search Experience
& Search Refiners
Intranet Navigation
& Search Design
Intranet Integration
& Solution Design
Intranet Content Design
& Migration Planning
Build Of Sites, Pages,
Teams & IA
Automating & Improving Onboarding,
Transfers & Offboarding Solution(s) (Release 1)
Bring The Intranet Into
Context Of Work (Topics)
Bring Knowledge To Users In The Context
Of Their Work (Topics Broader Rollout)
Enhanced Intranet
Insights (Release 1)
My Links, Alerts &
Subscriptions (Release 1)
Digital Center Of
Excellence (Release 1)
Digital Center Of
Excellence (Release 2)
Targeted Viva
Learning (Pilot)
Intranet Launch
Explore 800+ Pages of
Free Expert Guidance…
Let’s connect and find ways to do more and work together.
Message me on LinkedIn or email
200+ Awesome Presentations at:
Richard Harbridge
2toLead Chief Technology
Officer & Microsoft MVP
Super Friendly
Thank You
700+ Pages of Whitepapers at:
Thank you!

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Richard Harbridge
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The Future Of Employee Collaboration

  • 1. The Future of Employee Collaboration Experience Richard Harbridge 2toLead Chief Technology Officer & Microsoft MVP and how to prepare today Session 2 Thu., May 5, 2022 2:00 PM (EST)
  • 2. My Twitter is @RHarbridge, I’m super friendly & proud to work at @2toLead. Richard Harbridge 2toLead Chief Technology Officer & Microsoft MVP Speaker & Author Super Friendly
  • 3. What are we hearing? Collaboration
  • 4. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Are we collaborating enough? Should we collaborate more? Why aren’t we collaborating more? Of surveyed employees believe that people in their own organization don’t collaborate enough. Of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures. 86 % 39 % Source: Salesforce Source: Visix Of employees say the ability to collaborate makes them more loyal. 33 % Source: The Economist
  • 5. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Some industry leaders have concerns about the increased risk of data leakage and more as collaboration volume increases along with velocity and variety. Compliance Collaboration
  • 6. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Some industry leaders have concerns about the increased risk of data leakage and more as collaboration volume increases along with velocity and variety. Compliance Collaboration
  • 7. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Some industry leaders have concerns about the increased risk of data leakage and more as collaboration volume increases along with velocity and variety. Compliance Collaboration Compliant Collaboration
  • 8. Agenda Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience Planning for the Future
  • 9. Agenda Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience Planning for the Future
  • 10. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Manage team tasks Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Our Integrated Intranet Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more!
  • 11. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ We work across more silos, teams and orgs. We work with contractors, customers or partners more. Collaborating with external parties is accelerating as are expectations around collaboration.
  • 12. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org.
  • 13. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
  • 14. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
  • 15. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
  • 16. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Today it’s not only easy to share externally, but the options we have available both improve security while reducing the friction involved. Let’s explore shared channels as an example.
  • 17. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ When we think of historic ways we organize and work on content we often are providing metadata based on the location or where content resides. That folder hierarchy represents multiple metadata values. If we access a file from this point onwards, we know that the department = human resources. The metadata about the type of file, or additional context is also provided in greater detail the further down a hierarchy it is stored. This can be set by default and integrated into the content experience.
  • 18. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ New AI and intelligent content services and capabilities make it easier to build content understanding and classification apps directly into the content management flow such as with SharePoint Syntex. Object Detection Form Processing Document Understanding Manual Process digital content - photos, scans, receipts, business cards, videos with OCR & text Capture content types and metadata from purchase orders, applications, other structured documents Customize for your org’s forms Taught by your subject matter experts Capture content types and metadata from contracts, resumes, other unstructured documents Smart, right out of the box Data entry and labor- intensive processing Any content
  • 19. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ New AI and intelligent content services and capabilities make it easier to build content understanding and classification apps directly into the content management flow such as with SharePoint Syntex.
  • 20. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ New AI and intelligent content services and capabilities make it easier to build content understanding and classification apps directly into the content management flow such as with SharePoint Syntex.
  • 21. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Valuable experiences are driven by metadata which not only facilitates compliance and findability but also is the cornerstone for effective process and information management.
  • 22. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ The metadata about each workspace that is automatically tagged or assigned when filing becomes invaluable for searching for, retrieving and working with that content as a user or when applying sensitivity or retention rules.
  • 23. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Metadata or labels themselves can manage lifecycle. Automated disposition approval based on applied retention policies can ensure documents are kept and stored in accordance with compliance policies
  • 24. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Metadata or labels themselves can manage sensitivity. Automated content marking can help identify a content’s sensitivity classification and make it obvious how it should be handled
  • 25. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ For technology experts and leaders to support the business it’s been a challenge understanding where the opportunities or challenges reside. New capabilities, models and approaches are viable. Try the SharePoint Syntex Assessment, the first module of the new Microsoft 365 Assessment Tool. Or explore capabilities in Microsoft Purview.
  • 26. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Manage team tasks Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Our Integrated Intranet Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more!
  • 27. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Our Integrated Intranet Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks
  • 28. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ At one point in time being able to collaborate effectively anywhere, at any time and on any device was a bold ambition. Microsoft and vendors have long since realized this, but it has a cost. Collaboration Overload People spend 80% of their time collaborating, find 44% of meeting time unproductive Note: Collaboration Occurs Before, During & After Meetings!
  • 29. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Most of the dissatisfaction in meetings comes from not collaborating enough before it, after it, or in a different way during it. Meetings are important but they are often overused and used poorly. Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org. Collaboration Overload People spend 80% of their time collaborating, find 44% of meeting time unproductive Note: Collaboration Occurs Before, During & After Meetings!
  • 30. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ By leveraging personal insights, you can also learn more about your meeting habits. How many calendar invitations do you send last minute? How many do you accept? Collaboration Overload People spend 80% of their time collaborating, find 44% of meeting time unproductive Note: Collaboration Occurs Before, During & After Meetings!
  • 31. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org. Collaboration Overload People spend 80% of their time collaborating, find 44% of meeting time unproductive Note: Collaboration Occurs Before, During & After Meetings!
  • 32. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org. Collaboration Overload People spend 80% of their time collaborating, find 44% of meeting time unproductive Note: Collaboration Occurs Before, During & After Meetings!
  • 33. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ At one point of time being able to collaborate effectively anywhere, at any time and on any device was a bold ambition. Microsoft and vendors have long since realized this, but it has a cost. Collaboration Overload People spend 80% of their time collaborating, find 44% of meeting time unproductive Note: Collaboration Occurs Before, During & After Meetings! Blurred Boundaries 75% of people have experienced burnout at work with 40% of people report work disrupts personal/family time at least weekly
  • 34. Today Microsoft not only matches this need with great experiences but even adds intelligence to those experiences to improve collaboration further whether for the individual, team or org. Blurred boundaries 75% of people have experienced burnout at work with 40% of people report work disrupts personal/family time at least weekly
  • 35. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Help your employees have the tools to manage and improve their well-being and personal productivity. Start by leveraging the capabilities built into Insights. Blurred Boundaries 75% of people have experienced burnout at work with 40% of people report work disrupts personal/family time at least weekly
  • 36. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Help your employees have the tools to manage and improve their well-being and personal productivity. Start by leveraging the capabilities built into Insights. Blurred Boundaries 75% of people have experienced burnout at work with 40% of people report work disrupts personal/family time at least weekly
  • 37. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Help your employees have the tools to manage and improve their well-being and personal productivity. Start by leveraging the capabilities built into Insights. Blurred Boundaries 75% of people have experienced burnout at work with 40% of people report work disrupts personal/family time at least weekly
  • 38. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Our Integrated Intranet Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks
  • 39. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Our Integrated Intranet Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks
  • 40. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Limited Network 42% of IWs rarely meet new people at their company, managers rarely make those connections IWs rarely meet new people at their company; when they do meet new people, it’s most often through a formal or informal company event. How many have you had during this pandemic?
  • 41. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Limited Network 42% of IWs rarely meet new people at their company, managers rarely make those connections Empower insights that enable employees to be more connected. Enable employees to extend and strengthen their networks within the organization with solutions that improve retention, connection and engagement.
  • 42. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Our Integrated Intranet Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks
  • 43. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ New experiences on the horizon
  • 44. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ New experiences on the horizon
  • 45. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Our Integrated Intranet Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks
  • 46. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks Our Integrated Intranet
  • 47. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ New experiences on the horizon
  • 48.
  • 49. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Our Integrated Intranet Manage team tasks
  • 50. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Our Integrated Intranet Manage team tasks
  • 51. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Align work to corporate objectives
  • 52. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Our Integrated Intranet Manage team tasks
  • 53. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Our Integrated Intranet Manage team tasks
  • 54. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ There are plenty of additional Microsoft apps and solutions that further enhance the use of Teams in a workforce whether that be for frontline workers or desk workers.
  • 55. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks Our Integrated Intranet
  • 56. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ While the Microsoft 365 digital employee experience is comprised of many tools Outlook still dominates as a “me” tool of choice and Microsoft Teams as the “me”, “we” and even “us” tool of choice. Capture notes Team meetings Manage team time Track information & work Store team files Schedule work dependencies Team instructions Share screen/present Chat with team members Performance insights Ideate Manage shift-work Community calls + events Video publish & broadcast Organizational behaviour Knowledge and expertise Manage shift-work Leader and manager behaviour Find documents & people Wellbeing & effectiveness My learning Team learning Plus much more! Manage team tasks Our Integrated Intranet
  • 57. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ The problem isn’t a relationship between these things. It’s that many organizations as volume, velocity and variety increase so do the tools they use.
  • 58. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ The problem isn’t a relationship between these things. It’s that many organizations as volume, velocity and variety increase so do the tools they use.
  • 59. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ It’s not just about Teams being the place where users work with others internally in Microsoft 365, it’s also about how they will use Teams across marketplace tools over time. 700+ apps and counting
  • 60. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Changing workforce 35% of the workforce is millennials Surging digital demand Not enough developers The Great Lockdown 42% of US employees working remote 5.2% contraction in the Global GDP more apps will be created in the next 5 years than in the last 40 50% of digital work can be automated with current tech developer shortfall What is driving the demand? 86%of companies struggle to hire tech talent 75% of the 2025 global workforce will be millennials Momentum and demand are building with more need for solutions and integration than ever before. 65% of all app dev will be low-code by 2024. So how does Teams fit into this wave of change?
  • 61. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Business data is available to everyone, everywhere. This means we need to be able to easily communicate as part of any business process and that business application is now multiplayer.
  • 62. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ There is a comprehensive strategy from the architecture level to the experience level that is responsible for why Microsoft 365 scales collaboration, compliance and security across applications and solutions. Legacy Applications High Maintenan ce Cost Lower Performan ce Technical Limitation Worse & Disconnect ed User Experience Modern Applications More Efficient With Lower Maintenan ce Cost High Performan ce & More Scalable More Secure & More Manageabl e Better & More Integrated User Experience s Microsoft Collaborative Apps Device OS UX Microsoft Teams Microsoft Office Components Fluid Framework • Adaptive Cards • Connectors Logic Azure PaaS Power Platform Data Microsoft Graph Microsoft Dataverse Communications Azure Communications Services Identity Azure Active Directory Pro-dev Low/no code
  • 63. Agenda Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience Planning for the Future
  • 64. Agenda Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience Planning for the Future
  • 65. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Project Discovery & Project Applications Business Process Enable discovery and capture staff interest in projects. Manage project applications, enable project intake, and simplify team onboarding all in an integrated experience in Microsoft Teams. Learn More About This Idea Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 66. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Digital Workplace Directories Organizing the Digital Workplace Navigating sites, teams, communities and enterprise digital workspaces can be a challenge, but with metadata, user-led filtering and effective directory experiences you can solve this challenge. Implement the most important investment for solving governance- related challenges with sprawl while providing a better experience. See A Demo Of This In Action Today 2toLead Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 67. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ Understand how to solve common Sprawl issues, and how they impact end-users and IT, in our eBook. Download:
  • 68. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Icebreaker: Connect Employees Together Employee Networking & Connection Enable employees to extend and strengthen their networks within the organization with virtual or in-person connections that improve retention and engagement. Pair team members up for a meet up every week and let the bot help find an available timeslot for both parties. Try It Yourself Today Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 69. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Champion Management Platform Adoption The Champion Management Platform enables organizations to adopt, onboard and maintain Champions, allowing everyone to discover Champions right where they collaborate. Hold organizational-wide tournaments promoting adoption themes and more. Try It Yourself Today Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 70. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Employee Training & Events Registration Employee Networking & Connection From registration to expressing interest enable employees to engage in training and events while in Microsoft Teams. This can greatly compliment Teams webinars and SharePoint events to meet organization needs. Try It Yourself Today Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 71. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Staff Check-Ins App Business Process First-line staff in organizations typically need to communicate and check-in with their teams periodically with time-critical updates. With the app, managers or supervisors can get task updates or check-ins from employees on a schedule or an ad-hoc basis. The staff check-in can include real-time location, photos, and notes. Try It Yourself Today Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 72. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Grow Your Skills App Employee Networking & Connection Grow Your Skills is an app for employees to discover & contribute to gig projects or volunteer activities based on their interest which will help them to acquire new skills or master the ones that they already have right inside teams. Try It Yourself Today Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 73. ESTIMATED COMPLEXITY Great Ideas App Ideation This idea routing app enables employees to submit and share ideas beyond the confines of an idea generation campaign with something like Yammer. It provides users with the ability to vote and help highlight the ideas worth further qualification and can further foster an innovation culture. Try It Yourself Today Microsoft Solution Discover Another 40+ Solution Ideas In Our eBook
  • 74. Agenda Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience Planning for the Future
  • 75. Agenda Intelligent, Connected & Collaborative by Design Ideas to Enhance Employee Experience Planning for the Future
  • 76. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ It’s important to modernize how you approach, plan and support collaboration so that when further changes come your organization is resilient and ready enough to take advantage of them.
  • 77. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ The distribution of collaborative work is often extremely lopsided. In most cases, 20% to 35% of value-added collaborations come from only 3% to 5% of employees.
  • 78. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ How the roadmap is broken down into categories Facilitate Governance & Responsibly Empower Absorb complexity into management, align with policies, simplify compliance, security and performance. Establish An Effective Foundation Foundational and important work from strategy to architecture that is necessary for continued digital workplace success. Migrate & Modernize Move away from legacy systems into long-term, supported, and more integrated experiences. Foster Collaboration, Connection & Engagement Make it easy and efficient for employees to onboard, teams to work together, from anywhere, to gain insights on what is important and feel included. Improve Communication, Navigation & Search Provide more effective ways to communicate, reduce noise, feel informed, engaged and get their core tasks done with increased efficiency.
  • 79. You will love the way we work. Together. ™ PHASE 1 - Modernize 0-6 months PHASE 2 – Connect & Integrate 6-12 months PHASE 3 – Intelligent & Automated 12-24 months A summary of the initiatives planned over the next 24 months Digital Workplace Strategy & Roadmap Modern Navigation (Custom Header & Footer) Employee Preboarding Portal(s) Migrate & Develop Intranet Content Establish Digital Workplace Backlog Intranet Site, Page & Team Template Design Intranet Governance Design & Planning Employee Networking & Connection App (Release 1) Foster Collaboration, Connection & Engagement Improve Communication, Navigation & Search Migrate & Modernize Establish An Effective Foundation Facilitate Governance & Responsibly Empower Teams Company Communicator App Employee Onboarding Organization Portal(s) Employee Onboarding Departmental Site(s) Digital Workplace Directory (Release 1) Digital Workplace Directory (Release 2) Employee Networking & Connection App (Release 2) Teams Company Communicator App (Enhancements) Targeted Search Experience & Search Refiners Intranet Navigation & Search Design Intranet Integration & Solution Design Intranet Content Design & Migration Planning Build Of Sites, Pages, Teams & IA Automating & Improving Onboarding, Transfers & Offboarding Solution(s) (Release 1) Bring The Intranet Into Context Of Work (Topics) Bring Knowledge To Users In The Context Of Their Work (Topics Broader Rollout) Enhanced Intranet Insights (Release 1) My Links, Alerts & Subscriptions (Release 1) Digital Center Of Excellence (Release 1) Digital Center Of Excellence (Release 2) Targeted Viva Learning (Pilot) Intranet Launch
  • 80. Explore 800+ Pages of Free Expert Guidance…
  • 81. Let’s connect and find ways to do more and work together. Message me on LinkedIn or email 200+ Awesome Presentations at: Richard Harbridge 2toLead Chief Technology Officer & Microsoft MVP Super Friendly Thank You Slideshare.Net/RHarbridge 700+ Pages of Whitepapers at: Elsewhere…