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Functional Programming
(NDC Oslo 2019)
Why do functional programmers
use so many strange words?
Functional programming is scary
Functional programming is scary
Functional programming is scary
Object oriented programming is scary
These aren't just academic concepts.
They are actually useful tools!
Functional programmers have a
standard set of tools
The Functional Toolkit
• Composition
• Combination/Aggregation
• Iteration
• Working with effects
– Mixing effects and non-effects
– Chaining effects in series
– Working with effects in parallel
– Pulling effects out of a list
The Functional Toolkit
• Composition: compose
• Iteration: fold
• Combination/Aggregation: combine & reduce
• Working with effects
– Mixing effects and non-effects: map & return
– Chaining effects in series: bind/flatMap
– Working with effects in parallel: apply, lift, zip
– Pulling effects out of a list: sequence, traverse
FunctionalToolkit (FP jargon version)
• Combination/Aggregation: Monoid
• Working with effects
– Mixing effects and non-effects: Functor
– Chaining effects in series: Monad
– Working with effects in parallel: Applicative
FunctionalToolkit (FP jargon version)
• Combination/Aggregation: Monoid
• Working with effects
– Mixing effects and non-effects: Functor
– Chaining effects in series: Monad
– Working with effects in parallel: Applicative
This talk
This talk
A whirlwind tour of many sights
Don't worry if you don't understand everything
What I'll talk about
• The core principles of FP
• Function transformers
• Some tools in the functional toolkit
– map
– bind
– lift
• An example of using all the tools together
Core principles of
statically-typed FP
Part I
Core principles of (statically-typed) FP
Functions are things
Composition everywhere
Core FP principle:
Functions are things
The Tunnel of
apple -> banana
A function is a thing which
transforms inputs to outputs
A function is a standalone thing,
not attached to a class
It can be used for inputs and outputs
of other functions
A function can be an output
A function can be an output
A function can be an input
A function can be an input
input output
A function can be a parameter
A function can be a parameter
You can build very complex systems
from this simple foundation!
Most of the tools in the functional toolkit are "function
transformers" that convert functions to functions
Core FP principle:
Composition everywhere
Lego Philosophy
1. All pieces are designed to be connected
2. Connect two pieces together and get
another "piece" that can still be connected
3. The pieces are reusable in many contexts
All pieces are designed to be connected
Connect two pieces together and
get another "piece" that can still be connected
The pieces are reusable in different contexts
The Lego philosophy let's you make big things!
Can we apply these ideas to
Functional Programming Philosophy
• Design functions that do one thing well
– Functions can be reused in different contexts
• Design functions to work together
– Expect the output of every function to become
the input to another, as yet unknown,function
• Use types to ensure that inputs match outputs
Function composition
Function 1
apple -> banana
Function 2
banana -> cherry
Function 1
apple -> banana
Function 2
banana -> cherry
New Function
apple -> cherry
Can't tell it was built from
smaller functions!
Where did the banana go?
Building big things from functions
It's compositions all the way up
Low-level operation
Low-level operation
A “Service” is just like a microservice
but without the "micro" in front
Low-level operation Low-level operation
Service Service
Web application
Use-case Use-case
A web application built from
functions only (no classes!)
I have a whole talk on "The Power of Composition" at
A web application built from
functions only (no classes!)
Composition example in F#
let add1 x = x + 1
let double x = x + x
Introducing F#
let add1 x = x + 1
let double x = x + x
let square = fun x -> x * x
Introducing F#
add1 5 // = 6
double (add1 5) // = 12
square (double (add1 5)) // = 144
How to compose functions together
add1 double square5 6 12 144
5 |> add1 // = 6
5 |> add1 |> double // = 12
5 |> add1 |> double |> square // = 144
Piping in F#
Problems with composition
Composition works well when
the types match up
Composition doesn't work well
when the types don't match up
Fix: Insert a converter function
into the pipeline
5 |> add1 |> strLen
// ^ error: expecting an int
5 |> add1 |> intToStr |> strLen
// ^ fixed!
F# example
What if the types match up but
they're wrapped in something?
Option< >
What if the types match up but
they're wrapped in something?
List< >
Part II
Part II
What do railways
have to do with
Receive request
Validate request
Lowercase the email
Update user record in DB
Return result to user
type Request = {
name: string;
email: string }
"As a user I want to update my name and email address"
string UpdateCustomer()
var request = receiveRequest();
return "OK";
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
return "OK";
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
var result = db.updateDbFromRequest(request);
if (!result) {
return "Customer record not found"
return "OK";
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
try {
var result = db.updateDbFromRequest(request);
if (!result) {
return "Customer record not found"
} catch {
return "DB error: Customer record not updated"
return "OK";
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
try {
var result = db.updateDbFromRequest(request);
if (!result) {
return "Customer record not found"
} catch {
return "DB error: Customer record not updated"
return "OK";
Use a Result type
for error handling
Request SuccessValidate
type Result =
| Ok of SuccessValue
| Error of ErrorValue
A choice type, aka sum type
Request SuccessValidate
let validateInput input =
if = "" then
Error "Name must not be blank"
else if = "" then
Error "Email must not be blank"
Ok input // happy path
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Functional flow without error handling
let updateCustomer =
|> validateRequest
|> lowercaseEmail
|> updateDbFromRequest
|> returnMessage
One track
let updateCustomerWithErrorHandling =
|> validateRequest
|> lowercaseEmail
|> updateDbFromRequest
|> returnMessage
Functional flow with error handling
Two track
How to implement
Railway Oriented Programming
Input ->
Validate UpdateDbon success
Validate UpdateDb
How to compose
these functions?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
>> >>
Composing one-track functions is fine...
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
>> >>
... and composing two-track functions is fine...
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
 
... but composing switches is not allowed!
How to combine the
mismatched functions?
“Bind” is the answer!
Bind all the things!
Two-track input Two-track output
One-track input Two-track output
Two-track input
Slot for switch function
Two-track output
Two-track input Two-track output
let bind nextFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok success -> nextFunction success
| Error err -> Error err
Two-track input Two-track output
let bind nextFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok success -> nextFunction success
| Error err -> Error err
Two-track input Two-track output
let bind nextFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok success -> nextFunction success
| Error err -> Error err
Two-track input Two-track output
let bind nextFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok success -> nextFunction success
| Error err -> Error err
Two-track input Two-track output
Composing switches - review
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Validation using Bind
Validating input
type Input = {
Name : string
Email : string
let nameNotBlank input =
if input.Name = "" then
Error "Name must not be blank"
else Ok input
Let nameLessThan50 input =
if input.Name.Length > 50 then
Error "Name must not be longer than 50 chars"
else Ok input
Let emailNotBlank input =
if input.Email = "" then
Error "Email must not be blank"
else Ok input
nameNotBlank (composed with)
nameLessThan50 (composed with)
nameNotBlank nameLessThan50 emailNotBlank
nameLessThan50 emailNotBlanknameNotBlank
bind nameLessThan50
bind emailNotBlank
|> nameNotBlank
|> Result.bind nameLessThan50
|> Result.bind emailNotBlank
name50 emailNotBlanknameNotBlank
let validateInput input =
|> nameNotBlank
|> Result.bind nameLessThan50
|> Result.bind emailNotBlank
Shapes vs.Types
Correct shape AND types match
Correct shape, but types don't match
How do single track functions
fit this model?
// trim spaces and lowercase
let lowercaseEmail input =
{input with
email = }
Won't compose!
UpdateDb EtcValidate
Two-track input
Slot for one-track function
Two-track output
Two-track input Two-track output
Two-track input Two-track output
let map singleTrackFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> Ok (singleTrackFunction s)
| Error e -> Error e
let map singleTrackFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> Ok (singleTrackFunction s)
| Error e -> Error e
Two-track input Two-track output
let map singleTrackFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> Ok (singleTrackFunction s)
| Error e -> Error e
Two-track input Two-track output
let map singleTrackFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> Ok (singleTrackFunction s)
| Error e -> Error e
Two-track input Two-track output
let map singleTrackFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> Ok (singleTrackFunction s)
| Error e -> Error e
Two-track input Two-track output
let map singleTrackFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> Ok (singleTrackFunction s)
| Error e -> Error e
Two-track input Two-track output
Converting one-track functions
UpdateDb EtcValidate
Will compose
Converting everything to two-track
Converting everything to two-track
These are "function
Validate LowercaseEmail DbUpdate
Using function transformers so that *can*
compose different shaped functions
map bind
Understanding "effects"
Part III
What is an effect?
• A collection type
• A type enhanced with extra data
Option<_>, Result<_>
• A type that interacts with the outside world
Async<_>, Task<_>, Random<_>
• A type that carries state
State<_>, Parser<_>
What is an effect?
• A collection type
• A type enhanced with extra data
Option<_>, Result<_>
• A type that interacts with the outside world
Async<_>, Task<_>, Random<_>
• A type that carries state
State<_>, Parser<_>
We'll focus on
three for this talk
"Normal" world vs.
"Effects" world
"Normal" world
int -> string
int -> bool
"Option" world
Option<int> -> Option<string>
Option<int> -> Option<bool>
"List" world
List<int> -> List<string>
List<int> -> List<bool>
"Async" world
Async<int> -> Async<string>
Async<int> -> Async<bool>
Generic "Effects" world
E<int> -> E<string>
E<int> -> E<bool>
Different names, same concept
• "Effect" world
• "Enhanced" world
• "Elevated" world
– Because we use the word "lift" a lot!
How to work with effects?
Example scenario
• Download a URL into a JSON object
• Decode the JSON into a Customer DTO
• Convert the DTO into a valid Customer
• Store the Customer in a database
Result World
Download the json file
World of normal values
Result World
Decode the JSON into a DTO
World of normal values
Result World
R<name> R<email>
Validate the fields of the customer
World of normal values
validName validEmail
Construct a customer from the fields
Result World
Store the customer in the DB
How do we compose these
functions together?
None the worlds match up ...
... but we can use the functional toolkit!
Working with Options
World of normal values
int string bool
World of options
Option<int> Option<string> Option<bool>
World of options
World of normal values
int string bool
Option<int> Option<string> Option<bool>
World of options
World of normal values
Option<int> Option<string> Option<bool>
int string bool
add1 1 // 2
add1 (Some 1) // error
let add1ToOption opt =
if opt.IsSome then
let newVal = add1 opt.Value
Some newVal
None 
World of options
World of normal values
add1 
World of options
World of normal values
Moving functions between
worlds with "map"
Tool #1
let add1ToOption opt =
if opt.IsSome then
Some (add1 opt.Value)
Let's take this code and turn it
into a generic, reusable tool
let optionMap f opt =
if opt.IsSome then
Some (f opt.Value)
let optionMap f =
fun opt ->
if opt.IsSome then
Some (f opt.Value)
let optionMap f
fun opt ->
if opt.IsSome then
Some (f opt.Value)
World of options
World of normal values
Option<T> -> -> Option<U>
T -> -> U
let add1 x = ...
(optionMap add1) (Some 1)
Working with List world
let add1ToEach aList =
let newList = new List()
for item in aList do
let newItem = add1 item
// return
World of lists
World of normal values
add1 
let listMap f aList =
let newList = new List()
for item in aList do
let newItem = f item
// return
Let's make a generic, reusable
tool again
let listMap f aList =
let newList = new List()
for item in aList do
let newItem = f item
// return
let listMap f =
fun aList ->
let newList = new List()
for item in aList do
let newItem = f item
// return
World of lists
World of normal values
List<T> -> -> List<U>
T -> -> U
let add1 x = ...
(listMap add1) [1;2;3]
Q: Why is this any better than writing
your own loops every time?
A: Because it's a pattern you
can learn to recognize.
World of async
World of normal values
async<T> -> -> async<U>
T -> -> U
We do the same for other worlds too
Most wrapped generic types
have a “map”. Use it!
If you create your own generic type,
create a “map” for it.
FP terminology
A functor is
i. An effect type
– e.g. Option<>, List<>, Async<>
ii. Plus a "map" function that "lifts" a function to
the effects world
– a.k.a. select, lift
iii. And it must have a sensible implementation
– the Functor laws
Moving values between worlds
with "return"
Tool #2
World of options
World of normal values
let x = 42
let intOption = Some x
World of lists
World of normal values
let x = 42
let intList = [x]
Chaining world-crossing
functions with "bind"
Tool #3
What's a
world-crossing function?
let range max = [1..max]
// int -> List<int>
Normal world
A world crossing function
let getCustomer id =
if customerFound then
Some customerData
// CustomerId -> Option<CustomerData>
Normal world
A world crossing function
How do you chain
world-crossing functions?
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
let taskExample input =
let taskX = startTask input
taskX.WhenFinished (fun x ->
let taskY = startAnotherTask x
taskY.WhenFinished (fun y ->
let taskZ = startThirdTask y
taskZ.WhenFinished (fun z ->
z // final result
How can we fix this?
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
// do something with z.Value
// in this block
Let's fix this!
There is a pattern we can exploit...
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
// do something with z.Value
// in this block
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
// do something with y.Value
// in this block
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
// do something with x.Value
// in this block
Can you see the pattern?
if opt.IsSome then
//do something with opt.Value
let ifSomeDo f opt =
if opt.IsSome then
f opt.Value
let example input =
doSomething input
|> ifSomeDo doSomethingElse
|> ifSomeDo doAThirdThing
|> ifSomeDo ...
let ifSomeDo f opt =
if opt.IsSome then
f opt.Value
Input ->
Let's revisit the railway analogy
on Some
Bypass on None
“Bind” is the answer (again!)
Option input Option output
One-track input Option output
Option input
Slot for switch function
Option output
Option input Option output
let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Option input Option output
let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Option input Option output
let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Option input Option output
let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Option input Option output
Use "bind" to chain options
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
let optionBind f opt =
match opt with
| Some v -> f v
| None -> None
let optionExample input =
doSomething input
|> optionBind doSomethingElse
|> optionBind doAThirdThing
|> optionBind ...
let optionBind f opt =
match opt with
| Some v -> f v
| None -> None
No pyramids!
Code is linear and clear.
Use "bind" to chain tasks
a.k.a "promise" "future"
When task
completesWait Wait
let taskExample input =
let taskX = startTask input
taskX.WhenFinished (fun x ->
let taskY = startAnotherTask x
taskY.WhenFinished (fun y ->
let taskZ = startThirdTask y
taskZ.WhenFinished (fun z ->
z // final result
let taskBind f task =
task.WhenFinished (fun taskResult ->
f taskResult)
let taskExample input =
startTask input
|> taskBind startAnotherTask
|> taskBind startThirdTask
|> taskBind ...
Why is bind so important?
It makes world-crossing functions
Normal World
Before bind:
A diagonal function
(world crossing)
Normal World
Normal World
E<a> E<b>
After bind:
A horizontal function
(all in E-world)
Normal World
Normal World
E<a> E<b>
Effects World
"Diagonal" functions can't be composed
Effects World
Effects World
Effects World
Effects World
"Horizontal" functions can be composed
FP terminology
A monad is
i. An effect type
– e.g. Option<>, List<>, Async<>
ii. Plus a return function
– a.k.a. pure unit
iii. Plus a bind function that converts a "diagonal"
(world-crossing) function into a "horizontal" (E-
world-only) function
– a.k.a. >>= flatMap SelectMany
iv. And bind/return must have sensible implementations
– the Monad laws
TLDR: If you want to chain effects-
generating functions in series,
use a Monad
Combining effects in parallel
with applicatives
Tool #4
How to combine effects?
Option<T> Option<U>+
Some 42 Some "hello"+
Some (42,"hello")
Combining options
This is what you expect!
Some 42 None+
Combining options
How to combine Lists?
List<T> List<U>+
[1,2,3] ["a","b","c"]+
[ (1,"a"), (1,"b"), (1,"c")
(2,"a"), (2,"b"), (2,"c")
(3,"a"), (3,"b"), (3,"c") ]
Combining lists (cross product)
[1,2,3] ["a","b","c"]+
[ (1,"a")
(3,"c") ]
Combining lists (zip)
The general term for this is
"applicative functor"
Option, List, Async are all applicatives
FP terminology
A applicative (functor) is
i. An effect type
– e.g. Option<>, List<>, Async<>
ii. Plus a return function
– a.k.a. pure unit
iii. Plus a function that combines two effects into one
– a.k.a. <*> apply pair liftA2
iv. And apply/return must have sensible implementations
– the Applicative Functor laws
So why is this useful?
How to validate multiple fields
in parallel?
type Customer = {
Name : String50
Email : EmailAddress
Birthdate : Date
validateName validateEmail validateBirthdate
So we create some validation functions:
Each field must be validated
validateName validateEmail validateBirthdate
Problem: Validation done in series.
So only one error at a time is returned
type CustomerDto = {
name : string
email : string
birthdate : string
} validateName
Now we do get all
errors at once!
... But how to
combine them?
World of normal values
Result World
R<name> R<email> R<bdate>
validName validEmail validDate
World of normal values
We know how to combine the normal values
(use a constructor)
Result World
R<name> R<email> R<bdate>
The output is also in
Result world
Use the magic
of Applicatives!
Introducing "liftA2", "liftA3", etc
Option<T>, Option<U> -> -> Option<V>
T,U -> -> V
"liftA2" is just like map but works
on functions with two parameters
Opt<T>,Opt<U>,Opt<V> -> -> Option<W>
T,U,V -> -> W
"liftA3" is just like map but works
on functions with three parameters
let dtoToCustomer (dto:CustomerDto) =
// get the validated values
let nameOrError = validateName
let emailOrError = validateEmail
let birthdateOrError =
validateBirthdate dto.birthdate
// call the constructor
(liftA3 makeCustomer)
// final output is Result<Customer,ErrMsg list>
Here's where the
magic happens!
What the code looks like
Let's review the tools
The FunctionalToolbox
• "map"
– Lifts functions into an effects world
• "return"
– Lifts values into an effects world
• "bind"
– Converts "diagonal" functions into "horizontal" ones so
they can be composed.
• "apply"
– Combines two effects in parallel
– "liftA2", "liftA3" for example
Using all the tools together
Part IV
Revisiting the example scenario
• Download a URL into a JSON object
• Decode the JSON into a Customer DTO
• Convert the DTO into a valid Customer
• Store the Customer in a database
Result World
Download the json file
World of normal values
Result World
Decode the json
World of normal values
Result World
R<name> R<email> R<bdate>
Validate fields
World of normal values
Construct the customer
validName validEmail validDate
Result World
Store the customer in the DB
We now have the tools to compose
these functions together!
World of normal values
R<name> R<email> R<bdate>
Validate fields AND create a customer
Use Result type for validation
Use "lift3"
World of normal values
Result World
Validate fields AND create a customer
We now have a world crossing function from
the DTO to the Customer
World of normal values
Result World
Parse json AND create a customer
Use "bind" to turn the diagonal
functions into horizontal ones
Bind Bind
World of normal values
Result World
Parse json AND create a customer
Bind Bind
World of normal values
Result World
Parse json AND create a customer
Then compose them into one function
let jsonToCustomer jsonOrError =
|> Result.bind jsonToCustomerDto
|> Result.bind dtoToCustomer
What the code looks like
It takes much more time to explain
than to write it!
Result World
Parse json AND create a customer
Then lift it up to Async
world using map
Result World
Parse json AND create a customer
Store the customer in the DB
Use "bind" to turn the
diagonal function horizontal
Result World
AsyncResult<Customer> AsyncResult<unit>
Store the customer in the DB
All steps are now composable
AsyncResult<Customer> AsyncResult<unit>
Convert JSON to customer
Store customer in DB
All steps are now composable
AsyncResult<Json> AsyncResult<Customer> AsyncResult<unit>
All steps are now composable into one single function
let jsonToCustomer jsonOrError =
|> Result.bind jsonToCustomerDto
|> Result.bind dtoToCustomer
let downloadAndStoreCustomer url =
|> downloadFile
|> jsonToCustomer
|> AsyncResult.bind storeCustomerInDb
What the code looks like
The patterns might be unfamiliar but once you get
use to them, you can compose code quickly.
Again, it takes much more time to explain than to write it!
Language support for monads
• F# has computation expressions
• Haskell has "do" notation
• Scala has "for" comprehensions
• C# has "SelectMany" 
a.k.a. using "bind" everywhere gets ugly
In conclusion…
• FP jargon is not that scary
– Can you see why monads are useful?
• The FP toolkit is very generic
– FP's use these core functions constantly!
• You can now recognize "map", "lift" and "bind"
– Don’t expect to understand them all straight away.
"The Functional ProgrammingToolkit"
– Slides and video will be posted at
Related talks
– "Functional Design Patterns"
– "The Power of Composition"
– "Domain Modeling Made Functional"

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