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ZIO Library
Built on ZIO
● ZIO is a zero-dependency Scala library for asynchronous and
concurrent programs using purely functional approach.
● Lets you build scalable, resilient, and reactive applications
that meet the needs of your business.
● Interaction with the real World
● Hard to reason about
● Hard to test
● Refactoring
● Programming without effects is useless
Effectful Program
Effectful Program
Executing Describing
Execute effects Describe effects
def main
for {
st1 <- Statement1
st2 <- Statement2
st3 <- Statement3
} yield ()
Effectful Program
Executing Describing
def main: Unit = {
println("Good morning, what is your name?")
val name = readLine()
println(s"Good to meet you, $name!")
val main = for {
_ <- putStrLn("Good morning, " +
"what is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Good to meet you, $name!")
} yield ()
Effectful Program
Executing Describing
val main = for {
_ <- putStrLn("Good morning, " +
"what is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Good to meet you, $name!")
} yield ()
def main: Unit = {
println("Good morning, what is your name?")
val name = readLine()
println(s"Good to meet you, $name!")
Pure function
Properties of pure functions:
● Total
● Deterministic
● Free of side effects
Pure function
def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt
[error] java.lang.NumberFormatException:
For input string: "Hello!"
def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt
Pure function
Pure function
def parseInt(s: String): Option[Int]
def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt
Pure function
def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1
def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1 addOne(10)
> 4
> 6
> 2
Pure function
Pure function
def addOne(x: Int): Int = x + 1
def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1
Pure function
def makeCoffee(p: Payment, cc: CreditCard):
Coffee = {
val cup = new Coffee()
p.charge(cc, cup.price)
Pure function
def makeCoffee(p: Payment, cc: CreditCard):
Coffee = {
val cup = new Coffee()
p.charge(cc, cup.price)
Pure function
def makeCoffee(p: Payment, cc: CreditCard):
Coffee = {
val cup = new Coffee()
p.charge(cc, cup.price)
final case class Charge(cc: CreditCard, price: Double)
def makeCoffee(cc: CreditCard): (Coffee, Charge) = {
val cup = new Coffee()
(cup, Charge(cc, cup.price))
Pure functions
def parseInt(s: String): Option[Int] =
def addOne(x: Int): Int = x + 1
def makeCoffee(cc: CreditCard): (Coffee, Charge) =
val cup = new Coffee()
(cup, Charge(cc, cup.price))
Non-pure functions
def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt
def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1
def makeCoffee(withSugar: Option[Int],
p: Payment, cc: CreditCard): Coffee = {
val cup =
withSugar.fold(Coffee(0))(n => Coffee(n))
p.charge(cc, cup.price)
def program(): = { } def program(): = { }
Pure function
Tour of ZIO
IO[E, A]
IO is an immutable data structure that describes an effectful
program that may:
● fail with an E
● run forever
● produce a single A
IO [E, A]
parseInt("hello") //fails with NumberFormatException
IO [E, A]
IO [E, A]
IO [E, A]
throw new Exception("error")
IO [E, A]
while(true) {}
IO [E, A]
trait IO[E, A] { self =>
def map[B](f: A => B): IO[E, B]
def flatMap[E, B](f0: A => IO[E, B]): IO[E, B]
object IO {
def fail[E](error: E): IO[E, Nothing] = ???
def succeed[A](a: A): IO[Nothing, A] = ???
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
throw new Exception("error")
val failedIO: IO[Exception, Nothing] = Exception("error"))
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure values
val number: Int= 1
val number: IO[Nothing, Int] = IO.succeed(1)
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure Values
● Synchronous Effect
val toInt: IO[Nothing, Unit] =
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure Values
● Synchronous Effect
val parseInt: IO[Throwable, Int] =
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure Values
● Synchronous Effect
● Asynchronous Effects
IO.effectAsync[Nothing, Int](_(Completed(4)))
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure Values
● Synchronous Effect
● Asynchronous Effects
● Concurrent Effects
val service: ExecutorService =
def task(i: Int) = new Thread(
new Runnable {
def run() {
val task: IO[Throwable, (A, B)] = t1.zipPar(t2)
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure Values
● Synchronous Effect
● Asynchronous Effects
● Concurrent Effects
● Resource Effects
val f: File = openFile()
try {
finally {
IO.bracket(openFile)(closeFile(_)) { file =>
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure Values
● Synchronous Effect
● Asynchronous Effects
● Concurrent Effects
● Resource Effects
● Defects
Throw new FatalError
IO [E, A]
IO describes the following effects:
● Errors
● Pure Values
● Synchronous Effect
● Asynchronous Effects
● Concurrent Effects
● Resource Effects
● Defects
● Contextual
def program[F[_]: Console: Monad] =
Console[F].println("Hello World")
val sayHello: ZIO[Console, Nothing, Unit] =
console.putStrLn("Hello World")
IO [E, A]
val parseInt: IO[String, Int] =
case e: NumberFormatException =>
Error Handling
val parseInt: IO[String, Int] =
IO.effect("hello".toInt).catchAll(e =>
Error Handling
val value: IO[Nothing, Int] = {
case Left(_) => -1
case Right(v) => v
Error Handling
val value: IO[Nothing, Int] = {
case None => -1
case Some(v) => v
Error Handling
Error Handling
val value: IO[Nothing, Int] =
parseInt.fold(_ => -1, v => v)
Error Handling
val value: IO[Nothing, Int] =
parseInt.foldM(IO.succeed(-1), IO.succeed(_))
IO [E, A]
IO is interpreted by the IO runtime system into
effectful interactions with the external world.
● unsafeRun
● In your application’s main function (App
provides this functionality automatically).
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
Fiber is a lightweight version of thread to deal with
JVM Thread
OS Thread
ZIO Fiber
Fiber Model
trait Fiber[E, A] {
def join: IO[E, A]
def interrupt: IO[Nothing, Exit[E, A]]
def poll: IO[Nothing, Option[Exit[E, A]]]
trait IO[E, A] {
def fork: IO[Nothing, Fiber[E, A]]
object IO {
def forkAll[E, A](as: Iterable[IO[E, A]): IO[Nothing, Fiber[E, List[A]]]
def process: IO[Nothing, Fiber[Error, Nothing]] =
(for {
ev <- receive
_ <- ev match {
case NameChange(name) => updateNameDB(name)
case UserDeleted(id) => deleteUser(id)
_ <-"receive Event $ev")
} yield ()).forever.fork
(for {
f <- createUser(usr).fork
io <- f.join
} yield ())
def process: IO[Nothing, Fiber[Error, Nothing]] =
(for {
ev <- receive
_ <- ev match {
case NameChange(name) => updateNameDB(name)
case UserDeleted(id) => deleteUser(id)
_ <-"receive Event $ev")
} yield ()).forever.fork
(for {
f <- IO.forkAll( => createUser(usr)))
_ <- f.join
} yield ()).foldM(
err => loggerIO.warn(err),
succ =>"All users are created successfully"))
for {
f <- readUsers.fork
v <- check(usr).foldM(_ => f.interrupt, createUser(usr))
} yield ()
Parallelism &
trait IO[E, A] {
def zipPar(that: IO[E, B]): IO[E, (A, B)]
object IO {
def collectAllPar(as: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]]
def foreachPar[E, A, B](as: Iterable[A])(fn: A => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]]
val profile: IO[Error, List[Information]] =
IO.collectAllPar(loadName(user) :: loadPicture(user) :: Nil)
val profileAndFriends: IO[Error, (UserInfo, List[Friend])] = infoUser.zipPar(friendList(user))
val newProfile: IO[Error, List[Profile]] = IO.foreachPar(readUser :: readImage)(createProfile)
trait IO[E, A] {
def race(that: IO[E, A]): IO[E, A]
object IO {
def raceAll(as: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, A]
val availableService: IO[Error, Service] = IO.raceAll(
val fastTask: IO[Error, Task] = task1 race task2
● A Promise is a variable that can be set exactly once.
● Promises are used to build higher level concurrency
By default the state of Promise is Pending, once it fails or succeeds the
state changes to Done.
`done`: completes the promise with the specified result.
A Promise is an asynchronous variable that
can be set only once.
trait Promise[E, A] {
def await: IO[E, A]
def poll: IO[Nothing, Option[IO[E, A]]]
def succeed(a: A): IO[Nothing, Boolean]
def fail(e: E): IO[Nothing, Boolean]
def interrupt: IO[Nothing, Boolean]
def done(io: IO[E, A]): IO[Nothing, Boolean]
object Promise {
def make[E, A]: IO[Nothing, Promise[E, A]] = ???
for {
chrono <- Chrono.start
_ <-
_ <- chrono.stop.delay(duration)
} yield ()
case class Chrono(p: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) {
val run: IO[Nothing, Unit] =
for {
loop <- IO.foreach(1 to 60)(
i =>
console.putStrLn(s"$i").delay(1.second) *>
_ <- p.await.flatMap(_ => loop.interrupt).fork
} yield ()
val stop: IO[Nothing, Boolean] = p.succeed(())
object Chrono {
def start: IO[Nothing, Chrono] = Promise.make[Nothing, Unit].map(Chrono(_))
for {
chrono <- Chrono.start
_ <-
_ <- chrono.stop.delay(duration)
} yield ()
Ref[A] is a mutable reference to a value of type A.
All operations on a Ref are atomic and thread-safe, providing a reliable
foundation for synchronizing concurrent program.
object Ref {
def make[A](a: A): IO[Nothing, Ref[A]] = ???
trait Ref[A] {
def get: IO[Nothing, A]
def set(a: A): IO[Nothing, Unit]
def update(f: A => A): IO[Nothing, A]
def updateSome(pf: PartialFunction[A, A]): IO[Nothing, A]
def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): IO[Nothing, B]
def modifySome[B](default: B)(pf: PartialFunction[A, (B, A)]): IO[Nothing, B]
Candy machine
Candy machine
sealed trait Input
case object Coin extends Input
case object Turn extends Input
case class Machine(
locked: Boolean,
candies: Int,
coins: Int
Note: This example is from Functional Programming in Scala (the red book)
Candy machine
case class System (ref: Ref[Machine]) {
def simulate(inputs: List[Input]): IO[Nothing, (Int, Int)] =
for {
_ <- IO.foreach(inputs)(updateMachine)
machine <- ref.get
} yield (machine.coins, machine.candies)
Candy machine
def updateMachine(input: Input): IO[Nothing, Machine] =
refM.updateSome { machine =>
(input, machine) match {
case (Coin, Machine(true, candies, coins)) =>
Machine(false, candies, coins + 1)
case (Turn, Machine(false, candies, c)) =>
Machine(true, candies - 1, c)
Candy machine
case class System (refM: Ref[Machine]) {
def simulate(inputs: List[Input]): IO[Nothing, (Int, Int)] =
for {
_ <- IO.foreach(inputs)(updateMachine)
machine <- refM.get
} yield (machine.coins, machine.candies)
Schedule is an immutable value that describes
an effectful schedule, that decides to halt or
continue after some delay.
● repeat actions
● retry actions in event of errors
trait IO[E, A] {
def repeat[B](schedule: Schedule[A, B]): IO[E, B]
val refresh: IO[Nothing, Int] =
trait IO[E, A] {
def retry[B](policy: Schedule[E, B]): IO[E, A]
val request: IO[HttpError, Request] =
handleRequest.retry(Schedule.doWhile(_.code == 503))
Queue is an asynchronous queue which allows to add and
remove elements in First In First Out manner.
offer* take*
Producers Consumers
trait Queue[A] {
def take: IO[Nothing, A]
def takeAll: IO[Nothing, List[A]]
def takeUpTo(max: Int): IO[Nothing, List[A]]
def offer(a: A): IO[Nothing, Boolean]
def offerAll(as: Iterable[A]): IO[Nothing, Boolean]
object Queue {
def bounded[A](capacity: Int): IO[Nothing, Queue[A]]
def unbounded[A]: IO[Nothing, Queue[A]]
def sliding[A](capacity: Int): IO[Nothing, Queue[A]]
def dropping[A](capacity: Int): IO[Nothing, Queue[A]]
for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
v1 <- queue.take.fork
v2 <- queue.take.fork
for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
v1 <- queue.take.fork
v2 <- queue.take.fork
_ <- queue.offer("hello").fork
for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
v1 <- queue.take.fork
v2 <- queue.take.fork
_ <- queue.offer("hello").fork
_ <- queue.offer("bye").fork
for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
v1 <- queue.take.fork
v2 <- queue.take.fork
_ <- queue.offer("hello").fork
_ <- queue.offer("bye").fork
for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
v1 <- queue.take.fork
v2 <- queue.take.fork
_ <- queue.offer("hello").fork
_ <- queue.offer("bye").fork
for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
v1 <- queue.take.fork
v2 <- queue.take.fork
_ <- queue.offer("hello").fork
_ <- queue.offer("bye").fork
} yield ()
Bounded Queue
A bounded Queue with capacity = 3
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3)
Bounded Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("a").fork
_ <- queue.offer("b").fork
_ <- queue.offer("c").fork
_ <- queue.offer("d").fork
Bounded Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("a").fork
_ <- queue.offer("b").fork
_ <- queue.offer("c").fork
_ <- queue.offer("d").fork
Bounded Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("a").fork
_ <- queue.offer("b").fork
_ <- queue.offer("c").fork
_ <- queue.offer("d").fork
v1 <- queue.take.fork
Bounded Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("a").fork
_ <- queue.offer("b").fork
_ <- queue.offer("c").fork
_ <- queue.offer("d").fork
v1 <- queue.take.fork
Bounded Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("a").fork
_ <- queue.offer("b").fork
_ <- queue.offer("c").fork
_ <- queue.offer("d").fork
v1 <- queue.take.fork
} yield ()
Sliding Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
} yield ()
Sliding Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
} yield ()
Sliding Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
_ <- queue.offer("C") //(3)
} yield ()
Sliding Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
_ <- queue.offer("C") //(3)
_ <- queue.offer("D") //(4)
} yield ()
Sliding Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
_ <- queue.offer("C") //(3)
_ <- queue.offer("D") //(4)
} yield ()
Dropping Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
} yield ()
Dropping Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
} yield ()
Dropping Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
_ <- queue.offer("C") //(3)
} yield ()
Dropping Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
_ <- queue.offer("C") //(3)
_ <- queue.offer("D") //(4)
} yield ()
Dropping Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3)
_ <- queue.offer("A") //(1)
_ <- queue.offer("B") //(2)
_ <- queue.offer("D") //(4)
} yield ()
Shutdown Queue
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](1)
_ <- queue.offer("A").forever.fork
_ <- queue.take.forever.fork
_ <- queue.shutdown
} yield ()
Wrap UP
Include ZIO in your project by adding the following to your
libraryDependencies += "org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-zio" % "1.0-RC1"
Any questions?
You can find us at

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ZIO: Powerful and Principled Functional Programming in Scala

  • 2. ● ZIO is a zero-dependency Scala library for asynchronous and concurrent programs using purely functional approach. 2 ● Lets you build scalable, resilient, and reactive applications that meet the needs of your business.
  • 3. ● Interaction with the real World ● Hard to reason about ● Hard to test ● Refactoring ● Programming without effects is useless 3 Effectful Program { Statement1 Statement2 Statement3 ... }
  • 4. 4 Effectful Program Executing Describing Execute effects Describe effects Data def main unsafeRun { Statement1 Statement2 Statement3 } for { st1 <- Statement1 st2 <- Statement2 st3 <- Statement3 } yield ()
  • 5. Effectful Program Executing Describing def main: Unit = { println("Good morning, what is your name?") val name = readLine() println(s"Good to meet you, $name!") } val main = for { _ <- putStrLn("Good morning, " + "what is your name?") name <- getStrLn _ <- putStrLn(s"Good to meet you, $name!") } yield ()
  • 6. Effectful Program Executing Describing val main = for { _ <- putStrLn("Good morning, " + "what is your name?") name <- getStrLn _ <- putStrLn(s"Good to meet you, $name!") } yield () def main: Unit = { println("Good morning, what is your name?") val name = readLine() println(s"Good to meet you, $name!") }
  • 7. 7 Pure function Properties of pure functions: ● Total ● Deterministic ● Free of side effects
  • 8. 8 Pure function def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt
  • 9. 9 parseInt("Hello!") [error] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Hello!" def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt NOT TOTAL! Pure function
  • 10. 10 Pure function def parseInt(s: String): Option[Int] = Try(s.toInt).toOption TOTAL def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt
  • 11. 11 Pure function def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1
  • 12. 12 def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1 addOne(10) > 4 addOne(10) > 6 addOne(10) > 2 NON DETERMINISTIC! Pure function
  • 13. 13 Pure function def addOne(x: Int): Int = x + 1 DETERMINISTIC def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1
  • 14. 14 Pure function def makeCoffee(p: Payment, cc: CreditCard): Coffee = { val cup = new Coffee() p.charge(cc, cup.price) cup }
  • 15. 15 SIDE EFFECT! Pure function def makeCoffee(p: Payment, cc: CreditCard): Coffee = { val cup = new Coffee() p.charge(cc, cup.price) cup }
  • 16. 16 Pure function FREE OF SIDE EFFECT def makeCoffee(p: Payment, cc: CreditCard): Coffee = { val cup = new Coffee() p.charge(cc, cup.price) cup } final case class Charge(cc: CreditCard, price: Double) def makeCoffee(cc: CreditCard): (Coffee, Charge) = { val cup = new Coffee() (cup, Charge(cc, cup.price)) }
  • 17. 17 Pure functions def parseInt(s: String): Option[Int] = Try(s.toInt).toOption def addOne(x: Int): Int = x + 1 def makeCoffee(cc: CreditCard): (Coffee, Charge) = { val cup = new Coffee() (cup, Charge(cc, cup.price)) } Non-pure functions def parseInt(s: String): Int = s.toInt def addOne(x: Int): Int = Random.nextInt(x) + 1 def makeCoffee(withSugar: Option[Int], p: Payment, cc: CreditCard): Coffee = { val cup = withSugar.fold(Coffee(0))(n => Coffee(n)) p.charge(cc, cup.price) cup } def program(): = { } def program(): = { } Pure function
  • 20. 20 IO is an immutable data structure that describes an effectful program that may: ● fail with an E ● run forever ● produce a single A IO [E, A]
  • 21. 21 parseInt("hello") //fails with NumberFormatException IO [E, A]
  • 26. trait IO[E, A] { self => def map[B](f: A => B): IO[E, B] def flatMap[E, B](f0: A => IO[E, B]): IO[E, B] ... } object IO { def fail[E](error: E): IO[E, Nothing] = ??? def succeed[A](a: A): IO[Nothing, A] = ??? ... } IO [E, A]
  • 27. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors throw new Exception("error") val failedIO: IO[Exception, Nothing] = Exception("error")) IO [E, A]
  • 28. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure values val number: Int= 1 val number: IO[Nothing, Int] = IO.succeed(1) IO [E, A]
  • 29. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure Values ● Synchronous Effect println("hello") val toInt: IO[Nothing, Unit] = IO.effectTotal(println("hello")) IO [E, A]
  • 30. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure Values ● Synchronous Effect "hello".toInt val parseInt: IO[Throwable, Int] = IO.effect("hello".toInt) IO [E, A]
  • 31. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure Values ● Synchronous Effect ● Asynchronous Effects Future(4) IO.effectAsync[Nothing, Int](_(Completed(4))) IO [E, A]
  • 32. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure Values ● Synchronous Effect ● Asynchronous Effects ● Concurrent Effects val service: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2) service.submit(t1) service.submit(t2) def task(i: Int) = new Thread( new Runnable { def run() { ??? } }) val task: IO[Throwable, (A, B)] = t1.zipPar(t2) IO [E, A]
  • 33. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure Values ● Synchronous Effect ● Asynchronous Effects ● Concurrent Effects ● Resource Effects val f: File = openFile() try { compute(f) } finally { closeFile(f) } IO.bracket(openFile)(closeFile(_)) { file => compute(f) } IO [E, A]
  • 34. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure Values ● Synchronous Effect ● Asynchronous Effects ● Concurrent Effects ● Resource Effects ● Defects Throw new FatalError IO.die(FatalError) IO [E, A]
  • 35. IO describes the following effects: ● Errors ● Pure Values ● Synchronous Effect ● Asynchronous Effects ● Concurrent Effects ● Resource Effects ● Defects ● Contextual def program[F[_]: Console: Monad] = Console[F].println("Hello World") val sayHello: ZIO[Console, Nothing, Unit] = console.putStrLn("Hello World") IO [E, A]
  • 36. val parseInt: IO[String, Int] = IO.effect("hello".toInt).catchSome{ case e: NumberFormatException => } Error Handling
  • 37. val parseInt: IO[String, Int] = IO.effect("hello".toInt).catchAll(e => Error Handling
  • 38. val value: IO[Nothing, Int] = { case Left(_) => -1 case Right(v) => v } Error Handling
  • 39. val value: IO[Nothing, Int] = { case None => -1 case Some(v) => v } Error Handling
  • 40. Error Handling val value: IO[Nothing, Int] = parseInt.fold(_ => -1, v => v)
  • 41. Error Handling val value: IO[Nothing, Int] = parseInt.foldM(IO.succeed(-1), IO.succeed(_))
  • 42. IO [E, A] IO is interpreted by the IO runtime system into effectful interactions with the external world. ● unsafeRun ● In your application’s main function (App provides this functionality automatically). def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println("Hello") def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = unsafeRun(IO.effect(println("Hello")))
  • 44. Fiber Fiber is a lightweight version of thread to deal with concurrency.
  • 45. Fiber JVM Thread OS Thread ZIO Fiber Fiber Model
  • 46. trait Fiber[E, A] { def join: IO[E, A] def interrupt: IO[Nothing, Exit[E, A]] def poll: IO[Nothing, Option[Exit[E, A]]] } trait IO[E, A] { def fork: IO[Nothing, Fiber[E, A]] } object IO { def forkAll[E, A](as: Iterable[IO[E, A]): IO[Nothing, Fiber[E, List[A]]] } Fiber
  • 47. def process: IO[Nothing, Fiber[Error, Nothing]] = (for { ev <- receive _ <- ev match { case NameChange(name) => updateNameDB(name) case UserDeleted(id) => deleteUser(id) } _ <-"receive Event $ev") } yield ()).forever.fork Fiber
  • 48. (for { f <- createUser(usr).fork ... io <- f.join ... } yield ()) Fiber
  • 49. def process: IO[Nothing, Fiber[Error, Nothing]] = (for { ev <- receive _ <- ev match { case NameChange(name) => updateNameDB(name) case UserDeleted(id) => deleteUser(id) } _ <-"receive Event $ev") } yield ()).forever.fork Fiber
  • 50. (for { f <- IO.forkAll( => createUser(usr))) ... _ <- f.join ... } yield ()).foldM( err => loggerIO.warn(err), succ =>"All users are created successfully")) Fiber
  • 51. for { f <- readUsers.fork ... v <- check(usr).foldM(_ => f.interrupt, createUser(usr)) ... } yield () Fiber
  • 53. trait IO[E, A] { def zipPar(that: IO[E, B]): IO[E, (A, B)] } Parallelism object IO { def collectAllPar(as: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, List[A]] def foreachPar[E, A, B](as: Iterable[A])(fn: A => IO[E, B]): IO[E, List[B]] } val profile: IO[Error, List[Information]] = IO.collectAllPar(loadName(user) :: loadPicture(user) :: Nil) val profileAndFriends: IO[Error, (UserInfo, List[Friend])] = infoUser.zipPar(friendList(user)) val newProfile: IO[Error, List[Profile]] = IO.foreachPar(readUser :: readImage)(createProfile)
  • 55. trait IO[E, A] { def race(that: IO[E, A]): IO[E, A] } Concurrency object IO { def raceAll(as: Iterable[IO[E, A]]): IO[E, A] } val availableService: IO[Error, Service] = IO.raceAll( val fastTask: IO[Error, Task] = task1 race task2
  • 57. Promise ● A Promise is a variable that can be set exactly once. ● Promises are used to build higher level concurrency primitives.
  • 58. Promise By default the state of Promise is Pending, once it fails or succeeds the state changes to Done. `done`: completes the promise with the specified result. A Promise is an asynchronous variable that can be set only once.
  • 59. Promise trait Promise[E, A] { def await: IO[E, A] def poll: IO[Nothing, Option[IO[E, A]]] def succeed(a: A): IO[Nothing, Boolean] def fail(e: E): IO[Nothing, Boolean] def interrupt: IO[Nothing, Boolean] def done(io: IO[E, A]): IO[Nothing, Boolean] ... } object Promise { def make[E, A]: IO[Nothing, Promise[E, A]] = ??? }
  • 61. Chronometer unsafeRun( for { chrono <- Chrono.start _ <- _ <- chrono.stop.delay(duration) } yield () )
  • 62. Chronometer case class Chrono(p: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) { val run: IO[Nothing, Unit] = for { loop <- IO.foreach(1 to 60)( i => console.putStrLn(s"$i").delay(1.second) *> IO.succeed(i)) .forever.fork _ <- p.await.flatMap(_ => loop.interrupt).fork } yield () val stop: IO[Nothing, Boolean] = p.succeed(()) } object Chrono { def start: IO[Nothing, Chrono] = Promise.make[Nothing, Unit].map(Chrono(_)) }
  • 63. Chronometer unsafeRun( for { chrono <- Chrono.start _ <- _ <- chrono.stop.delay(duration) } yield () )
  • 65. Ref Ref[A] is a mutable reference to a value of type A. All operations on a Ref are atomic and thread-safe, providing a reliable foundation for synchronizing concurrent program.
  • 66. Ref object Ref { def make[A](a: A): IO[Nothing, Ref[A]] = ??? } trait Ref[A] { def get: IO[Nothing, A] def set(a: A): IO[Nothing, Unit] def update(f: A => A): IO[Nothing, A] def updateSome(pf: PartialFunction[A, A]): IO[Nothing, A] def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): IO[Nothing, B] def modifySome[B](default: B)(pf: PartialFunction[A, (B, A)]): IO[Nothing, B] }
  • 68. Candy machine Input sealed trait Input case object Coin extends Input case object Turn extends Input State case class Machine( locked: Boolean, candies: Int, coins: Int ) Note: This example is from Functional Programming in Scala (the red book)
  • 69. Candy machine case class System (ref: Ref[Machine]) { def simulate(inputs: List[Input]): IO[Nothing, (Int, Int)] = for { _ <- IO.foreach(inputs)(updateMachine) machine <- ref.get } yield (machine.coins, machine.candies) … }
  • 70. Candy machine def updateMachine(input: Input): IO[Nothing, Machine] = refM.updateSome { machine => (input, machine) match { case (Coin, Machine(true, candies, coins)) => Machine(false, candies, coins + 1) case (Turn, Machine(false, candies, c)) => Machine(true, candies - 1, c) }
  • 71. Candy machine case class System (refM: Ref[Machine]) { def simulate(inputs: List[Input]): IO[Nothing, (Int, Int)] = for { _ <- IO.foreach(inputs)(updateMachine) machine <- refM.get } yield (machine.coins, machine.candies) … }
  • 73. Schedule Schedule is an immutable value that describes an effectful schedule, that decides to halt or continue after some delay.
  • 74. Schedule ● repeat actions ● retry actions in event of errors
  • 75. Schedule trait IO[E, A] { def repeat[B](schedule: Schedule[A, B]): IO[E, B] } val refresh: IO[Nothing, Int] = loadPage.repeat(Schedule.fixed(5.seconds))
  • 76. Schedule trait IO[E, A] { def retry[B](policy: Schedule[E, B]): IO[E, A] } val request: IO[HttpError, Request] = handleRequest.retry(Schedule.doWhile(_.code == 503))
  • 78. Queue Queue is an asynchronous queue which allows to add and remove elements in First In First Out manner. ... V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 offer* take* Producers Consumers
  • 79. Queue trait Queue[A] { def take: IO[Nothing, A] def takeAll: IO[Nothing, List[A]] def takeUpTo(max: Int): IO[Nothing, List[A]] def offer(a: A): IO[Nothing, Boolean] def offerAll(as: Iterable[A]): IO[Nothing, Boolean] } object Queue { def bounded[A](capacity: Int): IO[Nothing, Queue[A]] def unbounded[A]: IO[Nothing, Queue[A]] def sliding[A](capacity: Int): IO[Nothing, Queue[A]] def dropping[A](capacity: Int): IO[Nothing, Queue[A]] }
  • 80. Backpressure for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[String] v1 <- queue.take.fork v2 <- queue.take.fork take take Consumers
  • 81. Backpressure take take Consumers for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[String] v1 <- queue.take.fork v2 <- queue.take.fork _ <- queue.offer("hello").fork “hello” Producers
  • 82. Backpressure take take Consumers “hello” for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[String] v1 <- queue.take.fork v2 <- queue.take.fork _ <- queue.offer("hello").fork _ <- queue.offer("bye").fork Producers “bye”
  • 83. Backpressure take take Consumers “bye” “hello” for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[String] v1 <- queue.take.fork v2 <- queue.take.fork _ <- queue.offer("hello").fork _ <- queue.offer("bye").fork Producers
  • 84. Backpressure take Consumers for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[String] v1 <- queue.take.fork v2 <- queue.take.fork _ <- queue.offer("hello").fork _ <- queue.offer("bye").fork Producers “bye” “hello”
  • 85. Backpressure Consumers for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[String] v1 <- queue.take.fork v2 <- queue.take.fork _ <- queue.offer("hello").fork _ <- queue.offer("bye").fork } yield () Producers “hello” “bye”
  • 86. Bounded Queue A bounded Queue with capacity = 3 for { queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3)
  • 87. Bounded Queue “b” “c” “a” “d” “b” “c” Producers for { queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("a").fork _ <- queue.offer("b").fork _ <- queue.offer("c").fork _ <- queue.offer("d").fork
  • 88. Bounded Queue “c” “b” “a” offer(“d”) Producers for { queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("a").fork _ <- queue.offer("b").fork _ <- queue.offer("c").fork _ <- queue.offer("d").fork
  • 89. Bounded Queue offer(“d”) ConsumersProducers for { queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("a").fork _ <- queue.offer("b").fork _ <- queue.offer("c").fork _ <- queue.offer("d").fork v1 <- queue.take.fork “c” “b” “a”
  • 90. Bounded Queue “c” “b” offer(“d”) Consumers “a” Producers for { queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("a").fork _ <- queue.offer("b").fork _ <- queue.offer("c").fork _ <- queue.offer("d").fork v1 <- queue.take.fork
  • 91. Bounded Queue “d” “c” “b” ConsumersProducers for { queue <- Queue.bounded[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("a").fork _ <- queue.offer("b").fork _ <- queue.offer("c").fork _ <- queue.offer("d").fork v1 <- queue.take.fork } yield ()
  • 92. Sliding Queue for { queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) } yield ()
  • 93. Sliding Queue for { queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) } yield ()
  • 94. Sliding Queue for { queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) _ <- queue.offer("C") //(3) } yield ()
  • 95. Sliding Queue for { queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) _ <- queue.offer("C") //(3) _ <- queue.offer("D") //(4) } yield ()
  • 96. Sliding Queue for { queue <- Queue.sliding[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) _ <- queue.offer("C") //(3) _ <- queue.offer("D") //(4) } yield ()
  • 97. Dropping Queue for { queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) } yield ()
  • 98. Dropping Queue for { queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) } yield ()
  • 99. Dropping Queue for { queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) _ <- queue.offer("C") //(3) } yield ()
  • 100. Dropping Queue for { queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) _ <- queue.offer("C") //(3) _ <- queue.offer("D") //(4) } yield ()
  • 101. Dropping Queue for { queue <- Queue.dropping[String](3) _ <- queue.offer("A") //(1) _ <- queue.offer("B") //(2) _ <- queue.offer("D") //(4) } yield ()
  • 102. Shutdown Queue for { queue <- Queue.bounded[String](1) _ <- queue.offer("A").forever.fork _ <- queue.take.forever.fork _ <- queue.shutdown } yield ()
  • 104. 104 Include ZIO in your project by adding the following to your build.sbt libraryDependencies += "org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-zio" % "1.0-RC1"
  • 107. thanks! Any questions? You can find us at @WiemZin @Oleksandra_A

Editor's Notes

  1. The power of FP to change your way to do software
  2. <