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M o t i va t e I n s p i r e L e a d E n g a g e
Spring 2013 * Issue 1  May 2013
in Our First Interview!
We are delighted to talk to Fi Haywood of CAFÉ Style about her innovative mind
games which help accelerate learning!
By Christina Lattimer
Meeting Fi Haywood
epitomises one of the
reasons I make such efforts
across social media. I love
connecting with like-minded
Fi and I connected on Linkedin
some months ago.
My first contact with Fi’s work
was when I read a brilliant
article by Fi where she insisted
that using the word Mindset
was inadequate. Instead she
suggested using the term
MINDSCOPE instead.
In one simple word, Fi was
able to succinctly use direct; to
the point language to get her
meaning across. The concept
of MINDSCOPE is exactly what
our leaders in the new paradigm
Fi is a master at using language
to get her point across and to
demonstrate to others how
empowering and important the
use of language is, especially for
Not only does she demonstrate
her skill, she also knows how to
help others learn those skills.
Continued on page 4
Leadership mindscope
Welcome to the first edition of The Extra MILE! Hannah
and I have had so much fun putting together our first ever
Ezine. We really hope you enjoy the recommendations, arti-
cles and the look and feel of the Ezine.
The Extra MILE is all about Leadership, Management
Personal Development and Human Resources. While its a
fairly broad range, it is mostly about how people lead and
manage people better.
Here at The Extra MILE we sincerely hope we help our readers form new ideas,
find out about different ways of doing things, and ultimately enjoy sharing
experiences and networking with others.
We are extremely grateful to our wonderful
contributors this issue. Without them the
Ezine would not have been such an interesting
and diverse first edition. We are honoured
you put your faith in us, without even seeing a
finished version. Thank you so much!
We are starting work on the next issue
straight away, so if you like the Ezine and
would like to have your work featured,
why not get in touch. You can contact
me at, or
alternatively click on one of the links you will
find in the Ezine.
Christina Lattimer - Hannah McIntosh People
Front cover - Leadership mindscope - interview with
Fi Haywood - by Christina Lattimer
7	 TOP 10 Reasons to Work for a Leader Like
Abe Lincoln by Curt Sumners
11	 The World In Your Lap by Christina Lattimer
16	 Fuel Your Leadership by Sherry M Winn
20	 Leadership on the Seven Seas
by Ahmet Tunç Noyan
24	 The 5 W’s of Mission by Attila Ovari
26	 How HR Develops A Strategic Presence
by Carolyn Sokol
6	 Contact Us - Come join us!
9	 We Love Twitter! - Our new great twitter stream
14	 twitter top 4- the 4 most read twitter articles
29	 Get The Blog - and get your free E-Book
30	 Contributors - find out about this month’s Authors
32	 COMING SOON- our brilliant new Expert Index!
Continued from front page
When Fi invited me to one of
her series of boot camps to see
what it was all about, I didn’t
I met Fi the evening before and
she told me all about her games
or activities, which she had
begun to develop over the last
year or so.
Here is what she had to say
about Cafe Style.
How did Café Style
Speed Training come into
“Like all things creative, you
don’t just wake up one morning
and, bang! The entire idea is
packaged up in your head.
I was working on a project
called Engagement Games
which was a different version
of Shay McConnon’s “An Even
Better Place to Work” leadership
development tool.
My clients and potential clients
kept saying they needed quick,
easy to play group activities and
games that replace the need to
take people out of the business
for long periods of time.
One day Shay and I were at an
event in Manchester and I got
it! ‘Speed Training’ I shouted to
Shay; ‘That’s what is needed!
‘Speed Training’.
The first programme was
Café de Paris programme for
customer services, not actually
for leadership. It consisted of
six categories and 33 activities
which leaders or facilitators
could play whenever and
wherever in the workplace in
downtime, in the Café, or put
them together to make up a
As things developed, what
became apparent was that it
was not enough to be bite-size,
that to create a paradigm
shift meant it had to be highly
accelerated, fun and be facili-
tated by anyone in order to be
sustainable as a method.
We used the methods of
advertising as the backdrop
for what we now call AGL
(Autoassimilation Group
Learning), the official name for
this style of group development;
threw in smidgens of other
critical things, and together
developed a method that was
experiential, accelerated, in-
credibly good fun, didn’t require
props, space, too much time,
money, resources or anything
but a team / group, their minds,
body and someone to direct
the activity by following the
The activities also needed to be
designed literally on one page
or card, and contain no jargon.
They worked directly with the
subconscious to transform
thinking and behaviours, and
could be facilitated by anyone,
anytime and anywhere. Café
Style Speed Training (the digital
version) was born in July 2012.
How do the games work?
Some people prefer to call them
activities and think games are
not serious enough. I don’t care
either way and believe that it
is the learning outcome that is
serious and important thing;
and boy it is, as well as being
immediate, at least for the most
We cut up big chunks of
behaviour and skill into tiny
elements and built the activity
from the bottom up.
The method works in such a
way that the activity distracts
the conscious mind and the
message is design to go in
“My clients
and potential
clients kept
saying they
quick, easy
to play group
and games
that replace
the need to
take people
out of the
business for
long periods
of time.”
subconsciously, just like adver-
tising. We have another couple
of little Café Style secrets which
cements the learning in place.
The ‘facilitator’ just needs to
follow the instructions and bring
them alive.
How can the games help
We discovered that so much of
Café Style’s stuff was based on
language and throughout our
development have found quite
by accident that such a large
part of what appears to be a
virus of workplace disengage-
ment is caused by leaders using
outmoded language that really
was engineered for a different
era and extremely damaging in
new economy.
Without meaning to, leaders are
directing their people in com-
pletely the opposite direction
that they want them to go and
keeping minds closed and stuck.
Café Style Speed Training has
over 400 activities all carefully
designed around transforma-
tional language, self-awareness
and behaviour development, not
only for developing the leader,
but tools for allowing leaders to
transform the minds, language,
self-awareness and behaviour of
their people.
Our design team is continually
developing new activities and
programmes to provide a
fantastic, simple and accessible
Who else can benefit
from the games?
All staff can benefit from
Café Style from the most
junior to the most senior.
The method is designed to
transform the human mind and
communications; We all have
these things in common and we
all need to move from the old
economy to the new economy
as painlessly as possible and
begin looking forward to all of
the potential opportunities”.
I arrived at the
“Transformational Language for
Leaders in the New Economy
Boot Camp” in the afternoon.
When I walked in the room, I
immediately felt the rapport and
After experiencing a couple of
Fi’s games I realised she was
completely onto a winner.
Somehow she managed to
achieve a transformation of
thinking in about a 15 minute
segment. Attendees were
enthused, tuned in, and most
importantly the light bulbs were
switching on at the speed of
Fi currently has a free offer
which allows you to try the
games out before you buy.
To claim your free offer, simply
contact Fi. Go try it out now.
You do not want to miss it!
To contact Fiona directly, email:
meaning to,
leaders are
people in
that they
want them
to go and
closed and
Contact Us
By Curt Sumners
If you were ever lucky enough to
have a favorite boss, you likely
remember being motivated to
You thought about your job
in your spare time, and came
up with great ideas that
you were excited to share
as soon as you got to work.
You felt appreciated. You felt
valued. You believed you
were working for the best.
Dealing with your superior
was a pleasure; not a chore.
Working for him or her was
a dream; not a nightmare.
Hopefully, you still feel that
way (and probably do if the
boss is now you). If it is, it
might be time to ask, “Do my
subordinates feel that way?”
If you don’t feel that way,
you’re probably asking, “How
do I get that feeling back?”
My personal quest to get that
feeling back began while
casually reading up on Abraham
Lincoln’s time as President, and
I soon came to the conclusion
that this is the type of person
I’ve always wanted to work for.
Every manager/leader should be
more like him. His abilities and
traits were the reasons for his
success – and the reasons why
his subordinates were able to
achieve so much on his behalf.
Not everybody began their
relationship with Lincoln
by liking him, but almost
all loved him by the end.
In my humble opinion, here are
the reasons why there are few, if
any, comparisons when it comes
to working for someone like Abe:
#10: Lincoln was transparent;
his number one goal was to re-
unify the United States. His
number two goal was to end
slavery. All of his people knew
that, and he made no bones
about it. (He also showed his
ability to prioritize here, for
he knew that without the first
goal being accomplished, there
would be no chance to achieve
the second.)
#9: Lincoln laughed, allowing
his followers to maintain faith
in their cause because they
knew their leader’s heart was
not nearly as heavy as it could
have been. Although often
criticized for his indulgence of
humor, Lincoln knew it was best
to have others see him with a
positive attitude.
#8: Lincoln was kind: above
acting in a malicious manner,
stopping retribution and
resentment before it even had
a chance to take root, and
following with an apology and
asking for forgiveness in rare
instances when he lost his
temper. His subordinates were
never afraid of him, but never
wanted to disappoint him either.
#7: Lincoln was a learner, both
of himself and others; spending
much of his days reading and
listening to experts so that he
could make informed decisions
that affected his country. With
no formal schooling, Lincoln
was practically self-educated,
and it worked to his advantage
at a critical time.
#6: Lincoln was protective;
never throwing his loyal people
“under the bus” in front of
outsiders, and always stepping
in front of his people when they
were under fire. (During
TOP 10
Reasons to Work for a Leader
Like Abe Lincoln
one battle on the outskirts of
Washington D.C., he literally
did stand in front of his people
while bullets were flying around
#5: Lincoln was a master
communicator in speaking,
writing, and personal
conversation; comfortable and
well-versed at talking to
anybody and any number of
people. Yet, he was also a great
listener, encouraging people
to speak their minds in private
without fear of retribution.
#4: Lincoln was generous,
believing he was only going
to get back what he put in;
investing in his followers;
helping almost anybody that
needed his assistance; ensuring
he always had the better
equipped, better trained, and
larger army.
#3: Lincoln possessed good
judgment about bringing
strong, smart people onto his
team who he could trust to
make up for his deficiencies
and inabilities - with very little
interference from him. He had
the good sense to know that
he had to spend his time and
energy on saving the country;
he knew he needed to rely on
others to be successful.
#2: Lincoln was a motivator,
sharing his vision with his
followers and inspiring them
to act by painting a picture of
what a bright future would be
like with a reunited America. In
the bloodiest war in U.S. history,
there is no greater proof of his
ability to motivate than the
continued support of the war by
a majority of Northerners.
#1: Lincoln was flexible,
dealing with all types of people,
personalities, and situations;
caring about the ends most,
and much less about the means
- yet always maintaining his
He was almost never afraid to
try, do, or say anything that
would help achieve the country’s
common goal of winning the war.
If you haven’t studied Lincoln
in-depth, keep in mind that he
modeled the above list of traits
brilliantly while…
•	 Not possessing any
significant management
•	 Being initially elected with a
minority of votes.
•	 Managing a horrible war
resulting in over 600,000
•	 Building an army and navy
from a mere skeleton force
of 17,000 men spread
throughout North America.
•	 Beingaccusedofsuppressing
civil liberties and violating
the Constitution.
•	 Walking a tightrope of
national bankruptcy.
•	 Initially hiring four people
who wanted his job (and
two more later on).
•	 Contending with a series of
below-average generals.
•	 Risking war with two major
European powers.
•	 Maintaining peace between
Unionists and slave
•	 Keeping up national morale
and support for a civil
war, despite a constant
homecoming stream
of military deaths and
•	 Being re-elected in the face
overwhelming odds.
•	 Eliminating slavery
permanently in the United
•	 Rebuilding the foundation
of a country that would one
day become the richest and
most powerful on the planet
“I soon
came to the
that this is
the type
of person
I’ve always
wanted to
work for”
We love posting Brilliant content
	 all about Personal Development. 	
	This month we recommend
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The World In Your Lap
Leadership, Social Media
And Authenticity
By Christina Lattimer
I’ve read a number of articles
recently about whether it
is a good idea for CEOs
to embrace various social
media platforms. One of the
latest to add to the debate
is Richard Branson. In his
article “Why aren’t more
business leaders online?, he
quotes IBM’s 2012 Global
CEO Study which reports
only 16% of CEOs use social
media, and even then in a
somewhat limited way.
At the risk of ruining my
online reputation forever, I
have to admit until a couple
of years ago my own social
media presence was a big
fat zero. Yes, I was on
Facebook, mainly as a way
to keep track of my kids’
whereabouts (much to their
annoyance), but that was
the extent of it.
Although I used the internet
extensively in a variety of
ways, and intellectually, I
knew about social media
and the purported benefits,
I had not experienced using
it. I don’t know about you,
but I learn much better by
experience (Carl Rogers, I’m
a big fan!) and it wasn’t until
I actually used social media
did I even begin to see the
I networked offline, locally
and nationally with people
who were important around
my day to day to business and
with respected professional
peers. I always knew I
should be doing more, but
in-between loading the
washer and preparing the
latest downsizing report for
the Board, I didn’t seem to
have time.
When I decided to set up
People Discovery, I realised
I had to network online. It
was with some trepidation I
got started. I played with
social media for a few
months and just didn’t
get it, but once it started
sinking in, I was and still am
amazed and heartened not
only by the great people I’ve
met along the way, but also
because of the possibilities
and potential for social
media .
If you are reading this, then
you are likely a business
owner, leader, or manager
who is using social media; if
so please pass on to some
of your offline connections
as a way to nudge them to
get online. The list is not
exhaustive and if you’re a
social media expert, then
you may think there’s a lot
more to add. This is simply
from my own impressions
from zero to now and why I
think social media is a must.
Using a range of Social
Widens your
It is global and local at the
same time. Because of
the different ways you can
connect with people over a
range of applications, you
can widen or target your
reach as much as you need
to. What a way to get the
right messages to the right
Flattens your
Suddenly you don’t have
to go through a hierarchy
to reach the individual,
whether a customer or an
employee. You can get real-
time messages out on a
grand scale. You can talk to 5
people with 10k looking on,
getting your key message
and meaning from what
you say. Think of that as a
potential for engagement.
Makes you
No more excuses about
being unable to showcase
who you are. You can
demonstrate core values,
aims, and objectives in a
myriad of ways to suit all
communication styles. From
this perspective you can
walk the talk and have the
widest “open door” policy,
easily and with little effort.
Displays your
There are risks to being “out
there.” When you are “out
there” you make mistakes
and alienate people as
well as connect with them.
By being willing, it shows
you are authentic. People
respect you if you are willing
to take the risk because you
value connecting with them.
Makes you
Personal choice and no right
or wrong: You can combine
your personal life with
business in a better way, by
linking across platforms. I’m
not particularly great at this,
although I’ve seen people
manage it and when they
do, it makes them human
and likeable.
Gives you
access to great
Real time news and
information race streams
through. You can pick out
relevant expertise, data,
research, innovations,
events, in a timely and
targeted way. Raises
“I was and
still am
amazed and
because of the
possibilities and
potential for
social media”
awareness and can help
develop expertise.
Gives you
If no one shows an interest
in what you have to say,
or what you have to offer,
it saves you carrying out
customer and/or employee
feedback surveys, doesn’t
it? Free metrics on most
platforms can provide great
Access to the thoughts and
ideas of a global community
must at the very least give
you some new ideas; at
best, it can create a whole
serendipitous sequence of
events to get you where you
need to be.
Gives you a
head start as an
Can help you reach employer
of choice status, get the right
people, engage with your
people, and keep the best.
Free learning platforms
and information for your
Low Cost
There is a cost, of course; it
can be time-consuming and
you must be fairly consistent.
With the right set up advice
and a ROI strategy, you can
track how using it can make
and/or save you money.
Keeps you ahead
of the game
There is no doubt Social
Media is going to change and
evolve. The possibilities are
endless. My kids connect
via social media, naturally
and effortlessly, as do their
friends. Social media is
changing the world. Be part
of that change.
“. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the
world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme.
A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need
not wait to see what others do.”
- Mahatma Ghandi
twitter top 4
Early Riser? What You Should
Do When You Wake Up -
Margaret Heffernan
6 Things Exceptional Leaders
Do Better - Peter Gasca
What Is Authentic Leadership?
- Kevin Kruse
WE love sharing great content on twitter!
Here is a summary of the most popular content we shared on
twitter last month’. Simply click on the images to access the
original articles
The 10 Best Personal
Development Books – Robin
Motivational and Success Digest
Altrupreneurs Creating Enthusiastic Engagement
Inspirational Leadership, Management and Engagement Group
By Sherry M. Winn
ave you ever noticed
that when some
leaders can’t get a
point across, they become
frustrated or even angry? They
might even start yelling as if
the loudness of their words
can penetrate the confusion
and therefore generate an
immediate resolution.
Most of us probably realize
this reaction of frustration is
not the answer. How do we
learn to become effective
communicators when it seems
we are speaking different
languages from the people we
are speaking to?
Effective leadership
communication can be
categorized into The Four C’s
of Competent Communication.
Be conscious if what you are
saying is what you really meant
to say.
It is easy to blame the listener for
the failure in our communication,
but did we say exactly what we
thought we said? So many times
we don’t clarify our intention.
We think the other person
knows what we are saying or we
believe we said what we were
For example, you might say to
an executive assistant, “I need
you to rewrite this memo. Please
make certain the grammar is
correct and have it on my desk
by tomorrow.”
Fuel Your
With The Four C’s of
Competent Communication
The next day when you receive
the exact same memo with
perfect grammar, you are
disappointed. You didn’t just
want the grammar corrected,
you wanted the memo
completely rewritten, but that is
not what your assistant heard.
Your executive assistant was
following your instructions. In
order to avoid this confusion,
ask the person to repeat back to
you what they heard you say.
Take the time to comprehend
what the other person is saying.
When others are speaking to
us, we often interrupt their
statements because we are so
focused on what we want to say.
If we do allow them to complete
their thoughts, we are frequently
not attentive to what they are
saying, but to what our response
is going to be. A good listener
is present, absorbed with the
content of the conversation and
is prepared to ask a follow-up
If you are an active listener,
you not only ask follow-up
questions, you clarify what was
said by asking, “When you said
_______________, did you
mean _______________?”
You could also repeat what
someone said to clarify the
statement. “I heard you
say that you were going to
_______________. Is that
When you are invested in
what other people are saying,
they sense that you value
them. This makes them want
to express themselves more.
You gain knowledge that you
did not possess. You are also
eliminating future confusion,
because you are taking the time
to comprehend what has been
Allow other people to challenge
what you say.
One of the main reasons that
communication fails is that
people tend to get defensive and
take things personally; therefore
not allowing people to speak
freely. Your team members will
not be honest with you if they
feel you are going to get angry
or upset; they will hold important
details back, details which could
be pertinent to a solution.
As a leader if you want to discover
the true issues, it is necessary to
allow others to challenge your
thoughts, ideas, and policies.
The first step in allowing others
the opportunity to challenge your
thoughts is to maintain a relaxed
body language. Make certain
you provide eye contact and
welcoming nonverbal clues such
as relaxed fists and jawbones,
uncrossed arms and even an
affirming nod of the head.
Provide positive affirmations
of your staff’s questions or
suggestions. Make others
feel valued when they offer
recommendations by saying
things such as, “Mary, that was
an excellent suggestion. Thank
you for offering it.”
If you can allow your team
members to challenge your
ideas, you will be able to
avoid many communication
breakdowns. When they can
trust that you will receive their
information without judgment
or anger, they will be more
likely to share with you the
true obstacles you are facing.
Wouldn’t you rather know the
truth than have the bottom drop
out when you least expect it?
When you are conscious of what
you are really saying, take the
time to comprehend what other
people are trying to convey,
and when you allow others to
challenge what you have said,
then you are CREATING great
relationships. The power of
positive relationships increases
productivity, trust, team work,
and creativity.
When people feel heard and
valued, they are more willing to
work as a unit, to share ideas,
and are more likely to work
toward a common goal.
Most leaders feel they are
great communicators because
they can talk, but the real key
is not in speaking, it is in the
ability to create empowering
“If we are facing in the right
direction, all we have to do is keep
on walking”
-Zen Proverb
s a sailing fan, I
follow favorite sailing
races, especially
round the globe trophies.
These races are a great
challenge for the teams and
the most interesting part of
them is that the boats and
circumstances are identical
for all.
They are custom made for
the races by the same design
and build consortium and all
of the equipment is identical
as well.
Then the question ponders
in mind, what differentiates
and determines the winner?
It’s the human factor! Each
team obviously has very
talented and experienced
members who also have
a strong knowledge and
background in sailing. But,
it’s the skipper (leader)
who stimulates the entire
capabilities of the team and
lead them in harmonious
flow to victory.
This situation resembles
conditions in the business
world. You, as a leader,
may hire very talented and
experienced people for
your organization, but you
don’t see exceptional results
unless there is a harmony
within the organization.
People naturally expect to be
happy, and this is also true
for their business lives. And,
if people are happy enough,
they start using all of their
capabilities harmoniously
with others in the same
team. However, most of the
people aren’t aware of their
true potential, capability and
Only a strong leader enables
them to discover their own
potentials and then motivate
them to contribute for the
success of the organization.
The starting point for a
leader should be focusing
on the uniqueness of each
individual in the organization.
Understanding people’s
dreams, expectations and
concerns as well as strengths
is necessary to ignite their
potentials. Using clear
and open communication
increases people’s
confidence level and makes
them more optimistic and
collaborative. After these
vital initial steps, the leader
may start rebuilding a new
team system layer-by-layer.
The first layer of the system
is the cultural layer which has
three essential components;
•	 The noble cause
•	 The common values
•	 A joint vision of the
These components should
be defined by team
members in workshops,
supported by the leader
and shouldn’t be dictated
with a top down approach
by the management. They
should be simple and
understandable for entire
organization and can be
easily used during their daily
The second layer of the
system is the business
model and the process layer.
If the team has successfully
Leadership on the Seven Seas
By Ahmet Tunç Noyan
based on a strong culture,
defining business model and
processes would be easy to
implement with the creative
contribution of the entire
organization. After the
initial setup, the team will
improve them continuously
according to the changes in
the market.
The last but not least layer of
the system is the execution
layer towards the business
goals. It is more about
short and mid-term targets,
strategies and tactics. This
layer should be supported
by the noble cause and the
vision of the team.
The third layer is the
most critical layer for
the shareholders of
the company, because
companies are primarily
established to get profit;
the rest always comes
afterwards. They always
expect to see successful
financial results from the
leadership team and also
challenge the leadership
team to focus only on this
third layer. They usually
don’t care for other layers.
However, as a leader in
business world, the first
two layers are vital to be
successful at the third layer.
Establishing these three
layers require meetings,
workshops and trainings
with the team.
Those activities can’t
guarantee a successful
change nevertheless; they
provide a certain amount of
increase with the awareness
For a permanent change,
the leader has to engrave
the details of these three
layers into the DNA of the
organization by using a
strong and proven change
management method. I
definitely believe that this
is the last but also the
most critical factor in order
to create an outstanding
team and organization in
Those changes may take
time depending on the size
and current structure of the
organization. If a business
leader implements these
three layers with a successful
change management in
1-3 years time frame,
transformation will be
permanent and sustainable.
The entire leadership model
I have explained above is
the summary of “Leadership
on Seven Seas” model by
ValuesBox. You may easily
get more details via
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ave you ever
misunderstood what your
boss wanted you to do?
Have your staff ever carried
out your directions, however
the outcomes are not what you
Have you ever wondered what
your boss wanted to do or you
didn’t think it made sense?
(Don’t worry your staff have
in the past felt that way about
you too). If you answered “Yes”
to any of the questions above,
don’t worry…. You’re not alone.
These common
misunderstandings happen
in all organisations. So, what
can we do to improving
communications and improving
our directions giving ability?
The “5 Ws” is a simple tool
that I learnt as a Trainee in the
The “5 Ws” are Who, What,
Where, When and Why…… In
the Army when giving orders
it is important to ensure that
the directions provided are
clearly communicated and
fully understood. However this
should be no different in any
workplace, community group
or team.
So how do you communicate
your intent and ensure that it is
understood by the team?
This article will not cover all the
ins and outs of communications
and direction giving, however
it will discuss a simple tool
that you can use for giving
instructions. The “Five Ws”.
The “Five Ws” are Who, What,
When, Where and Why…..
Many years ago when I as a
Staff Cadet in the Australian
Army Reserve, we were taught
about Mission Statements.
The mission statement (or
Mission for Short) was a
sentence on what you are to
achieve. This sentence, “The
Mission”, was to be a clear
and concise statement that
articulates what the team is to
achieve. It was drummed into
me that each and every mission
statement was to include each
of the “Five Ws”.
Since that time I have found
this tool very useful in many
circumstances where I need
to clearly communicate to my
staff my intent and what is
required to be done. Each of
the components of the “Five
Ws” has been very important
to ensure clear communication.
Though this may seem
obvious, the who is
often a point of confusion.
How many times have you left
a meeting assuming that some
action items are being done by
The 5 W’s of Mission
by Attila Ovari.
“It was
into me that
each and
every mission
statement was
to include each
of the “Five Ws”.
someone else and they thought
you were actioning these same
This is what you
want to achieve. This
component is the part that is
most commonly communicated
as part of a direction. The
What combined with the other
four Ws will ensure clearer
How many times have
you been tasked with
something and assumed it was
not due for a while? Then all
of the sudden you are asked
to deliver the outcomes and it
is not ready. How many times
have your direct reports not
been sure of their deadlines
and been caught off guard?
So ensure that when giving
directions you include when it
needs to be conducted or when
the work is due. Make sure it is
clear such as “The report is due
by 5pm on Friday”, not “The
report is due soon….”
Again the where is
something that is
often overlooked, as we often
assume it is implied in our
directions. The where is about
the environment or where the
work is required to be delivered.
This may be a physical location,
a presentation or a virtual
location (i.e. email).
Often when people
give directions, we
fail to also give the reason
why. In my opinion this is one
of the most important parts
of a mission or when giving
directions. The Why relates to
the purpose of the task or the
mission. This is the intent of
the task and should align with
your bosses what part of their
mission or task.
When drafting the Why, where
possible ensure that it is in
accordance with the intent of
your boss and your bosses
The reason why it is important
to look at the boss’ intent is to
ensure that your direct reports
have a clear understanding
of the organisation’s
required outcomes. With
the understanding of the
organisation’s required
outcomes it opens the door
for staff to seize opportunities
in accordance with the
organisation’s vision and
strategy. Here is a simple
Example of the “Five Ws” in
practice: My monthly Report is
due to my Manager via email
by the 2nd Friday each month
in order to allow time for my
manager to submit the monthly
report to the board in time for
the board meeting.
So here is the breakdown:
Who – Me
What – Monthly Report
When – by 2nd Friday each month
Where – email to my Manager
Why – ensure my Manager has
time to submit Report to Board
In this example it is clear what
I have to do in the broader
context. I also know that my
report is important for the
information that goes to the
board and hence I need to
consider what the important
items to report for that
audience are.
In concluding I hope this simple
tool, the “Five Ws”, is helpful in
providing clear communication
to your staff, so they have a
clear understanding of what is
required to be achieve and the
require outcomes.
“Often when
people give
we fail to also
give the reason
The difference between the
Human Resources Manager
and the Director of Human
Resources is direct access to
the CEO. If you want to sit with
the grown-ups, you have to
earn a place at the table.
HR Manager
The HR Manager is perceived
as a functionary. Like it or not,
others in management see
the HR Manager as managing
a purely administrative
responsibility. And, when this
position reports to the CFO
or COO, it only confirms the
This doesn’t mean that the
Manager can’t get “no respect.”
Peers and senior leadership
are grateful when HR policy
and practice gets them out of
a bind. For example, they like
you to hire and fire, to resolve
disputes, and to manage
risk. When you are seen as
responsible for payroll, records,
and benefits administration,
you are largely responsible for
this limiting perception.
HR Director
An HR Director reports directly
to the CEO and should be
accepted as a peer with the
c-crowd. But, given that most
of senior management picture
the traditional HR functions,
you have to shift the paradigm
towards one of management
and engagement.
The shift is from manager to
strategist, displaying personal
development and corporate
value. You need to make
yourself “indispensable” for
the quality of your advice, your
knowledge of the business,
and your participation in their
departmental and corporate
You earn their attention and
respect to the extent that you
contribute something strategic,
something tactical and outside
the norm of their original
paradigm and directly related to
their departmental outcomes.
• Define and communicate
departmental goals and
performance targets
• Show the strategy and
tactics to meet and exceed the
• Demonstrate personal
energy, charisma, and self-
• Write short and long-term
strategic plans for yourself,
department, and personnel
leadership development of
• Make the HR Department
as transparent as privacy
guidelines permit
• Work productivity into
all plans
• Observe team behavior at
different levels and in different
divisions, so you can replicate
the values in your department
By Carolyn Sokol
How HR Develops A Strategic
and in your peer relationships.
• Learn the language of
productivity and quality
improvement to see
how Human Resources
communications can be
Reinvent the job
If you want to be treated like
a strategic partner, you need
to learn a new language. HR
Managers have been trained
in euphemisms and soft tones,
and you do not want to lose
that skill. But, you need also
to develop a more assertive
tone and use metaphors
that reflect financial smarts,
negotiation interests, and
process orientation. You want
to be recognized for a voice
that facilitates and influences.
When asked to produce
reports, produce results. When
assigned to complete a project,
compete for the edge. When
asked for your opinion, reflect a
team’s input. Management and
engagement are, therefore,
tactics to raise your profile
and position you to have the
influence you want.
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Ahmet Tunç Noyan
Tunç Noyan was born in Ankara in 1966. He graduated from Naval Academy
in 1989. After working as a Naval Officer for three years, he transferred to IT
sector and started working as trainer and consultant for corporate clients. He
joint Microsoft as a consultant in 1997 and developed his project and business
management skills besides the technical ones. He gained a deep experience in
consulting and services at Microsoft and was promoted as Services Director
in 2005. In 2007, he transferred to TOFAS (FIAT Turkey) and successfully
carried the CIO role while he was also leading many cultural change projects
throughout the company. Tunç Noyan joined IBM Global Business Services
in 2011 and worked as Public Sector Leader in Ankara. Tunç Noyan has
been continuing his career as a co-founder and an innovative management consultant at ValuesBox,
developing and providing methodologies on leadership.
Sherry M. Winn
Author of Creating Success, an Olympian’s Lessons on Mastering your
Thoughts, “Winn”ing leadership strategist Sherry M. Winn is committed
to assisting individuals with learning the newest methods to conquer
challenges which get in the way of success. . Guiding others to focus on
solutions rather than problems translates into authentic power. Through
her life’s adversities of overcoming debilitating chronic pain and deep
depression, she has learned tried and true methods of using the powers
of the mind to lead herself and others to great success.
Curt Sumners
Teacher, Writer, Dad, Husband, Son. Author of the blog Lincoln Daily Man-
agement and the book Managing People Lincoln’s Way; trying to convince
managers that they should learn to handle their relationships better (both in
the workplace and beyond) so that we can all happier, smarter, and wealthier.
Fi Haywood
Fi has an extensive background in designing and delivering training and
assessment projects in the private and public sector. As a highly creative
and positive person, she continually seeks new and more effective ways
of doing things. She has developed many innovative products and
methods which have been proven to transform the ways things are
done. Her particular area of focus is soft skills, behaviour change and
culture transformation. She loves new challenges and experiences and is
committed to add measurable value rapidly.
Attila Ovari
Attila Ovari has a large Passion for Life. As a Leader, Manager, Consultant,
Contractor, Trainer, Coach, Speaker, Writer  Project Manager, Attila utilises in
excess of 16 years of leadership and management experience. He has a reputation
for challenging both himself and those around him to set and achieve high standards
and goals. Attila inspires others through his Blog at, where
you will find his contact details and links to his social media accounts.
Carolyn Sokol
Carolyn Sokol is a founder of as well as Business Development
Director to, both of which help match businesses to the right
HRIS or payroll service provider for their particular needs. Her background is in
marketing and communications, employee education and training, development
of policies and procedures and the ongoing delivery of outstanding customer
“If you can dream it, then you can
achieve it. You will get all you want in
life if you help enough other people get
what they want”
Zig Ziglar
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The Extra MILE Ezine - May 2013 Issue

  • 1. MILETHE EXTRA M o t i va t e I n s p i r e L e a d E n g a g e Spring 2013 * Issue 1 May 2013 WITH in Our First Interview! We are delighted to talk to Fi Haywood of CAFÉ Style about her innovative mind games which help accelerate learning! By Christina Lattimer Meeting Fi Haywood epitomises one of the reasons I make such efforts across social media. I love connecting with like-minded people! Fi and I connected on Linkedin some months ago. My first contact with Fi’s work was when I read a brilliant article by Fi where she insisted that using the word Mindset was inadequate. Instead she suggested using the term MINDSCOPE instead. In one simple word, Fi was able to succinctly use direct; to the point language to get her meaning across. The concept of MINDSCOPE is exactly what our leaders in the new paradigm need. Fi is a master at using language to get her point across and to demonstrate to others how empowering and important the use of language is, especially for leaders. Not only does she demonstrate her skill, she also knows how to help others learn those skills. Continued on page 4 Leadership mindscope
  • 2. Welcome to the first edition of The Extra MILE! Hannah and I have had so much fun putting together our first ever Ezine. We really hope you enjoy the recommendations, arti- cles and the look and feel of the Ezine. The Extra MILE is all about Leadership, Management Personal Development and Human Resources. While its a fairly broad range, it is mostly about how people lead and manage people better. Here at The Extra MILE we sincerely hope we help our readers form new ideas, find out about different ways of doing things, and ultimately enjoy sharing experiences and networking with others. We are extremely grateful to our wonderful contributors this issue. Without them the Ezine would not have been such an interesting and diverse first edition. We are honoured you put your faith in us, without even seeing a finished version. Thank you so much! We are starting work on the next issue straight away, so if you like the Ezine and would like to have your work featured, why not get in touch. You can contact me at, or alternatively click on one of the links you will find in the Ezine. Christina Lattimer - Hannah McIntosh People Discovery
  • 3. Front cover - Leadership mindscope - interview with Fi Haywood - by Christina Lattimer 7 TOP 10 Reasons to Work for a Leader Like Abe Lincoln by Curt Sumners 11 The World In Your Lap by Christina Lattimer 16 Fuel Your Leadership by Sherry M Winn 20 Leadership on the Seven Seas by Ahmet Tunç Noyan 24 The 5 W’s of Mission by Attila Ovari 26 How HR Develops A Strategic Presence by Carolyn Sokol 6 Contact Us - Come join us! 9 We Love Twitter! - Our new great twitter stream 14 twitter top 4- the 4 most read twitter articles 29 Get The Blog - and get your free E-Book 30 Contributors - find out about this month’s Authors 32 COMING SOON- our brilliant new Expert Index!
  • 4. Continued from front page When Fi invited me to one of her series of boot camps to see what it was all about, I didn’t hesitate. I met Fi the evening before and she told me all about her games or activities, which she had begun to develop over the last year or so. Here is what she had to say about Cafe Style. How did Café Style Speed Training come into being? “Like all things creative, you don’t just wake up one morning and, bang! The entire idea is packaged up in your head. I was working on a project called Engagement Games which was a different version of Shay McConnon’s “An Even Better Place to Work” leadership development tool. My clients and potential clients kept saying they needed quick, easy to play group activities and games that replace the need to take people out of the business for long periods of time. One day Shay and I were at an event in Manchester and I got it! ‘Speed Training’ I shouted to Shay; ‘That’s what is needed! ‘Speed Training’. The first programme was Café de Paris programme for customer services, not actually for leadership. It consisted of six categories and 33 activities which leaders or facilitators could play whenever and wherever in the workplace in downtime, in the Café, or put them together to make up a workshop. As things developed, what became apparent was that it was not enough to be bite-size, that to create a paradigm shift meant it had to be highly accelerated, fun and be facili- tated by anyone in order to be sustainable as a method. We used the methods of advertising as the backdrop for what we now call AGL (Autoassimilation Group Learning), the official name for this style of group development; threw in smidgens of other critical things, and together developed a method that was experiential, accelerated, in- credibly good fun, didn’t require props, space, too much time, money, resources or anything but a team / group, their minds, body and someone to direct the activity by following the instructions. The activities also needed to be designed literally on one page or card, and contain no jargon. They worked directly with the subconscious to transform thinking and behaviours, and could be facilitated by anyone, anytime and anywhere. Café Style Speed Training (the digital version) was born in July 2012. How do the games work? Some people prefer to call them activities and think games are not serious enough. I don’t care either way and believe that it is the learning outcome that is serious and important thing; and boy it is, as well as being immediate, at least for the most part. We cut up big chunks of behaviour and skill into tiny elements and built the activity from the bottom up. The method works in such a way that the activity distracts the conscious mind and the message is design to go in “My clients and potential clients kept saying they needed quick, easy to play group activities and games that replace the need to take people out of the business for long periods of time.”
  • 5. subconsciously, just like adver- tising. We have another couple of little Café Style secrets which cements the learning in place. The ‘facilitator’ just needs to follow the instructions and bring them alive. How can the games help Leaders? We discovered that so much of Café Style’s stuff was based on language and throughout our development have found quite by accident that such a large part of what appears to be a virus of workplace disengage- ment is caused by leaders using outmoded language that really was engineered for a different era and extremely damaging in new economy. Without meaning to, leaders are directing their people in com- pletely the opposite direction that they want them to go and keeping minds closed and stuck. Café Style Speed Training has over 400 activities all carefully designed around transforma- tional language, self-awareness and behaviour development, not only for developing the leader, but tools for allowing leaders to transform the minds, language, self-awareness and behaviour of their people. Our design team is continually developing new activities and programmes to provide a fantastic, simple and accessible toolbox. Who else can benefit from the games? All staff can benefit from Café Style from the most junior to the most senior. The method is designed to transform the human mind and communications; We all have these things in common and we all need to move from the old economy to the new economy as painlessly as possible and begin looking forward to all of the potential opportunities”. I arrived at the “Transformational Language for Leaders in the New Economy Boot Camp” in the afternoon. When I walked in the room, I immediately felt the rapport and energy. After experiencing a couple of Fi’s games I realised she was completely onto a winner. Somehow she managed to achieve a transformation of thinking in about a 15 minute segment. Attendees were enthused, tuned in, and most importantly the light bulbs were switching on at the speed of change! Fi currently has a free offer which allows you to try the games out before you buy. To claim your free offer, simply contact Fi. Go try it out now. You do not want to miss it! To contact Fiona directly, email: fiona@cafestylespeedtraining. com “Without meaning to, leaders are directing their people in completely the opposite direction that they want them to go and keeping minds closed and stuck.”
  • 7. By Curt Sumners If you were ever lucky enough to have a favorite boss, you likely remember being motivated to getupearlyandstaylateatwork. You thought about your job in your spare time, and came up with great ideas that you were excited to share as soon as you got to work. You felt appreciated. You felt valued. You believed you were working for the best. Dealing with your superior was a pleasure; not a chore. Working for him or her was a dream; not a nightmare. Hopefully, you still feel that way (and probably do if the boss is now you). If it is, it might be time to ask, “Do my subordinates feel that way?” If you don’t feel that way, you’re probably asking, “How do I get that feeling back?” My personal quest to get that feeling back began while casually reading up on Abraham Lincoln’s time as President, and I soon came to the conclusion that this is the type of person I’ve always wanted to work for. Every manager/leader should be more like him. His abilities and traits were the reasons for his success – and the reasons why his subordinates were able to achieve so much on his behalf. Not everybody began their relationship with Lincoln by liking him, but almost all loved him by the end. In my humble opinion, here are the reasons why there are few, if any, comparisons when it comes to working for someone like Abe: #10: Lincoln was transparent; his number one goal was to re- unify the United States. His number two goal was to end slavery. All of his people knew that, and he made no bones about it. (He also showed his ability to prioritize here, for he knew that without the first goal being accomplished, there would be no chance to achieve the second.) #9: Lincoln laughed, allowing his followers to maintain faith in their cause because they knew their leader’s heart was not nearly as heavy as it could have been. Although often criticized for his indulgence of humor, Lincoln knew it was best to have others see him with a positive attitude. #8: Lincoln was kind: above acting in a malicious manner, stopping retribution and resentment before it even had a chance to take root, and following with an apology and asking for forgiveness in rare instances when he lost his temper. His subordinates were never afraid of him, but never wanted to disappoint him either. #7: Lincoln was a learner, both of himself and others; spending much of his days reading and listening to experts so that he could make informed decisions that affected his country. With no formal schooling, Lincoln was practically self-educated, and it worked to his advantage at a critical time. #6: Lincoln was protective; never throwing his loyal people “under the bus” in front of outsiders, and always stepping in front of his people when they were under fire. (During TOP 10 Reasons to Work for a Leader Like Abe Lincoln
  • 8. one battle on the outskirts of Washington D.C., he literally did stand in front of his people while bullets were flying around him!) #5: Lincoln was a master communicator in speaking, writing, and personal conversation; comfortable and well-versed at talking to anybody and any number of people. Yet, he was also a great listener, encouraging people to speak their minds in private without fear of retribution. #4: Lincoln was generous, believing he was only going to get back what he put in; investing in his followers; helping almost anybody that needed his assistance; ensuring he always had the better equipped, better trained, and larger army. #3: Lincoln possessed good judgment about bringing strong, smart people onto his team who he could trust to make up for his deficiencies and inabilities - with very little interference from him. He had the good sense to know that he had to spend his time and energy on saving the country; he knew he needed to rely on others to be successful. #2: Lincoln was a motivator, sharing his vision with his followers and inspiring them to act by painting a picture of what a bright future would be like with a reunited America. In the bloodiest war in U.S. history, there is no greater proof of his ability to motivate than the continued support of the war by a majority of Northerners. #1: Lincoln was flexible, dealing with all types of people, personalities, and situations; caring about the ends most, and much less about the means - yet always maintaining his integrity. He was almost never afraid to try, do, or say anything that would help achieve the country’s common goal of winning the war. If you haven’t studied Lincoln in-depth, keep in mind that he modeled the above list of traits brilliantly while… • Not possessing any significant management experience. • Being initially elected with a minority of votes. • Managing a horrible war resulting in over 600,000 deaths. • Building an army and navy from a mere skeleton force of 17,000 men spread throughout North America. • Beingaccusedofsuppressing civil liberties and violating the Constitution. • Walking a tightrope of national bankruptcy. • Initially hiring four people who wanted his job (and two more later on). • Contending with a series of below-average generals. • Risking war with two major European powers. • Maintaining peace between Unionists and slave abolitionists. • Keeping up national morale and support for a civil war, despite a constant homecoming stream of military deaths and disabilities. • Being re-elected in the face overwhelming odds. • Eliminating slavery permanently in the United States. • Rebuilding the foundation of a country that would one day become the richest and most powerful on the planet “I soon came to the conclusion that this is the type of person I’ve always wanted to work for”
  • 9. We love posting Brilliant content all about Personal Development. This month we recommend We Love Twitter! @ B E Y O U B E G R E A T 1 Come Follow our new Twitter Stream Click on Image for tiny buddha website: Click on twitter handle to follow on twitter @tinybuddha
  • 10.
  • 11. The World In Your Lap Leadership, Social Media And Authenticity By Christina Lattimer I’ve read a number of articles recently about whether it is a good idea for CEOs to embrace various social media platforms. One of the latest to add to the debate is Richard Branson. In his article “Why aren’t more business leaders online?, he quotes IBM’s 2012 Global CEO Study which reports only 16% of CEOs use social media, and even then in a somewhat limited way. At the risk of ruining my online reputation forever, I have to admit until a couple of years ago my own social media presence was a big fat zero. Yes, I was on Facebook, mainly as a way to keep track of my kids’ whereabouts (much to their annoyance), but that was the extent of it. Although I used the internet extensively in a variety of ways, and intellectually, I knew about social media and the purported benefits, I had not experienced using it. I don’t know about you, but I learn much better by experience (Carl Rogers, I’m a big fan!) and it wasn’t until I actually used social media did I even begin to see the possibilities. I networked offline, locally and nationally with people who were important around my day to day to business and with respected professional peers. I always knew I should be doing more, but in-between loading the washer and preparing the latest downsizing report for the Board, I didn’t seem to have time. When I decided to set up People Discovery, I realised I had to network online. It was with some trepidation I got started. I played with
  • 12. social media for a few months and just didn’t get it, but once it started sinking in, I was and still am amazed and heartened not only by the great people I’ve met along the way, but also because of the possibilities and potential for social media . If you are reading this, then you are likely a business owner, leader, or manager who is using social media; if so please pass on to some of your offline connections as a way to nudge them to get online. The list is not exhaustive and if you’re a social media expert, then you may think there’s a lot more to add. This is simply from my own impressions from zero to now and why I think social media is a must. Using a range of Social Media: Widens your reach It is global and local at the same time. Because of the different ways you can connect with people over a range of applications, you can widen or target your reach as much as you need to. What a way to get the right messages to the right people Flattens your reach Suddenly you don’t have to go through a hierarchy to reach the individual, whether a customer or an employee. You can get real- time messages out on a grand scale. You can talk to 5 people with 10k looking on, getting your key message and meaning from what you say. Think of that as a potential for engagement. Makes you visible No more excuses about being unable to showcase who you are. You can demonstrate core values, aims, and objectives in a myriad of ways to suit all communication styles. From this perspective you can walk the talk and have the widest “open door” policy, easily and with little effort. Displays your authenticity There are risks to being “out there.” When you are “out there” you make mistakes and alienate people as well as connect with them. By being willing, it shows you are authentic. People respect you if you are willing to take the risk because you value connecting with them. Makes you human Personal choice and no right or wrong: You can combine your personal life with business in a better way, by linking across platforms. I’m not particularly great at this, although I’ve seen people manage it and when they do, it makes them human and likeable. Gives you access to great information Real time news and information race streams through. You can pick out relevant expertise, data, research, innovations, events, in a timely and targeted way. Raises “I was and still am amazed and heartened…. because of the possibilities and potential for social media”
  • 13. awareness and can help develop expertise. Gives you unsolicited feedback If no one shows an interest in what you have to say, or what you have to offer, it saves you carrying out customer and/or employee feedback surveys, doesn’t it? Free metrics on most platforms can provide great information. Encourages creativity Access to the thoughts and ideas of a global community must at the very least give you some new ideas; at best, it can create a whole serendipitous sequence of events to get you where you need to be. Gives you a head start as an employer Can help you reach employer of choice status, get the right people, engage with your people, and keep the best. Free learning platforms and information for your employees. Low Cost There is a cost, of course; it can be time-consuming and you must be fairly consistent. With the right set up advice and a ROI strategy, you can track how using it can make and/or save you money. Keeps you ahead of the game There is no doubt Social Media is going to change and evolve. The possibilities are endless. My kids connect via social media, naturally and effortlessly, as do their friends. Social media is changing the world. Be part of that change. “. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” - Mahatma Ghandi
  • 14. twitter top 4 Early Riser? What You Should Do When You Wake Up - Margaret Heffernan 6 Things Exceptional Leaders Do Better - Peter Gasca What Is Authentic Leadership? - Kevin Kruse WE love sharing great content on twitter! Here is a summary of the most popular content we shared on twitter last month’. Simply click on the images to access the original articles The 10 Best Personal Development Books – Robin Sharma
  • 15. JOIN OUR LINKEDIN GROUP! CLICK HERE TO TAKE A LOOK! Getinvolvedinpopulardiscussions! Motivational and Success Digest WE LOVE THESE ALTERNATIVE GROUPS, GO CHECK THEM OUT! Altrupreneurs Creating Enthusiastic Engagement JOIN US NOW! Inspirational Leadership, Management and Engagement Group
  • 16. By Sherry M. Winn H ave you ever noticed that when some leaders can’t get a point across, they become frustrated or even angry? They might even start yelling as if the loudness of their words can penetrate the confusion and therefore generate an immediate resolution. Most of us probably realize this reaction of frustration is not the answer. How do we learn to become effective communicators when it seems we are speaking different languages from the people we are speaking to? Effective leadership communication can be categorized into The Four C’s of Competent Communication. CONSCIOUS Be conscious if what you are saying is what you really meant to say. It is easy to blame the listener for the failure in our communication, but did we say exactly what we thought we said? So many times we don’t clarify our intention. We think the other person knows what we are saying or we believe we said what we were thinking. For example, you might say to an executive assistant, “I need you to rewrite this memo. Please make certain the grammar is correct and have it on my desk by tomorrow.” Fuel Your Leadership
  • 17. With The Four C’s of Competent Communication The next day when you receive the exact same memo with perfect grammar, you are disappointed. You didn’t just want the grammar corrected, you wanted the memo completely rewritten, but that is not what your assistant heard. Your executive assistant was following your instructions. In order to avoid this confusion, ask the person to repeat back to you what they heard you say. COMPREHEND Take the time to comprehend what the other person is saying. When others are speaking to us, we often interrupt their statements because we are so focused on what we want to say. If we do allow them to complete their thoughts, we are frequently not attentive to what they are saying, but to what our response is going to be. A good listener is present, absorbed with the content of the conversation and is prepared to ask a follow-up question. If you are an active listener, you not only ask follow-up questions, you clarify what was said by asking, “When you said _______________, did you mean _______________?” You could also repeat what someone said to clarify the statement. “I heard you say that you were going to _______________. Is that correct?” When you are invested in what other people are saying, they sense that you value them. This makes them want to express themselves more. You gain knowledge that you did not possess. You are also eliminating future confusion, because you are taking the time to comprehend what has been stated. CHALLENGE Allow other people to challenge what you say. One of the main reasons that communication fails is that people tend to get defensive and take things personally; therefore not allowing people to speak freely. Your team members will not be honest with you if they feel you are going to get angry or upset; they will hold important details back, details which could be pertinent to a solution. As a leader if you want to discover the true issues, it is necessary to allow others to challenge your thoughts, ideas, and policies. The first step in allowing others the opportunity to challenge your thoughts is to maintain a relaxed body language. Make certain you provide eye contact and welcoming nonverbal clues such as relaxed fists and jawbones, uncrossed arms and even an affirming nod of the head. Provide positive affirmations of your staff’s questions or suggestions. Make others feel valued when they offer recommendations by saying things such as, “Mary, that was an excellent suggestion. Thank you for offering it.”
  • 18. If you can allow your team members to challenge your ideas, you will be able to avoid many communication breakdowns. When they can trust that you will receive their information without judgment or anger, they will be more likely to share with you the true obstacles you are facing. Wouldn’t you rather know the truth than have the bottom drop out when you least expect it? CREATE When you are conscious of what you are really saying, take the time to comprehend what other people are trying to convey, and when you allow others to challenge what you have said, then you are CREATING great relationships. The power of positive relationships increases productivity, trust, team work, and creativity. When people feel heard and valued, they are more willing to work as a unit, to share ideas, and are more likely to work toward a common goal. Most leaders feel they are great communicators because they can talk, but the real key is not in speaking, it is in the ability to create empowering relationships. “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking” -Zen Proverb
  • 20. A s a sailing fan, I follow favorite sailing races, especially round the globe trophies. These races are a great challenge for the teams and the most interesting part of them is that the boats and circumstances are identical for all. They are custom made for the races by the same design and build consortium and all of the equipment is identical as well. Then the question ponders in mind, what differentiates and determines the winner? It’s the human factor! Each team obviously has very talented and experienced members who also have a strong knowledge and background in sailing. But, it’s the skipper (leader) who stimulates the entire capabilities of the team and lead them in harmonious flow to victory. This situation resembles conditions in the business world. You, as a leader, may hire very talented and experienced people for your organization, but you don’t see exceptional results unless there is a harmony within the organization. People naturally expect to be happy, and this is also true for their business lives. And, if people are happy enough, they start using all of their capabilities harmoniously with others in the same team. However, most of the people aren’t aware of their true potential, capability and strengths. Only a strong leader enables them to discover their own potentials and then motivate them to contribute for the success of the organization. The starting point for a leader should be focusing on the uniqueness of each individual in the organization. Understanding people’s dreams, expectations and concerns as well as strengths is necessary to ignite their potentials. Using clear and open communication increases people’s confidence level and makes them more optimistic and collaborative. After these vital initial steps, the leader may start rebuilding a new team system layer-by-layer. The first layer of the system is the cultural layer which has three essential components; • The noble cause • The common values • A joint vision of the team. These components should be defined by team members in workshops, supported by the leader and shouldn’t be dictated with a top down approach by the management. They should be simple and understandable for entire organization and can be easily used during their daily life. The second layer of the system is the business model and the process layer. If the team has successfully Leadership on the Seven Seas By Ahmet Tunç Noyan
  • 21. based on a strong culture, defining business model and processes would be easy to implement with the creative contribution of the entire organization. After the initial setup, the team will improve them continuously according to the changes in the market. The last but not least layer of the system is the execution layer towards the business goals. It is more about short and mid-term targets, strategies and tactics. This layer should be supported by the noble cause and the vision of the team. The third layer is the most critical layer for the shareholders of the company, because companies are primarily established to get profit; the rest always comes afterwards. They always expect to see successful financial results from the leadership team and also challenge the leadership team to focus only on this third layer. They usually don’t care for other layers. However, as a leader in business world, the first two layers are vital to be successful at the third layer. Establishing these three layers require meetings, workshops and trainings with the team. Those activities can’t guarantee a successful change nevertheless; they provide a certain amount of increase with the awareness levels. For a permanent change, the leader has to engrave the details of these three layers into the DNA of the organization by using a strong and proven change management method. I definitely believe that this is the last but also the most critical factor in order to create an outstanding team and organization in businesses. Those changes may take time depending on the size and current structure of the organization. If a business leader implements these three layers with a successful change management in 1-3 years time frame, transformation will be permanent and sustainable. The entire leadership model I have explained above is the summary of “Leadership on Seven Seas” model by ValuesBox. You may easily get more details via
  • 22. SUBSCRIBE Like this issue? Subscribe to get a copy sent to your mail box every month! And when you do, you’ll get a free copy of my new E-book! Don’t Just Smile - LAUGH! Click here to Subscribe
  • 23. We’re looking for contributions Want to share your knowledge in next months issue? For a limited time only, we’re offering FREE advertising space Promote your Event Terms and conditions apply Click here to Contribute Click here to Advertise
  • 24. H ave you ever misunderstood what your boss wanted you to do? Have your staff ever carried out your directions, however the outcomes are not what you expected? Have you ever wondered what your boss wanted to do or you didn’t think it made sense? (Don’t worry your staff have in the past felt that way about you too). If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, don’t worry…. You’re not alone. These common misunderstandings happen in all organisations. So, what can we do to improving communications and improving our directions giving ability? The “5 Ws” is a simple tool that I learnt as a Trainee in the Army. The “5 Ws” are Who, What, Where, When and Why…… In the Army when giving orders it is important to ensure that the directions provided are clearly communicated and fully understood. However this should be no different in any workplace, community group or team. So how do you communicate your intent and ensure that it is understood by the team? This article will not cover all the ins and outs of communications and direction giving, however it will discuss a simple tool that you can use for giving instructions. The “Five Ws”. The “Five Ws” are Who, What, When, Where and Why….. Many years ago when I as a Staff Cadet in the Australian Army Reserve, we were taught about Mission Statements. The mission statement (or Mission for Short) was a sentence on what you are to achieve. This sentence, “The Mission”, was to be a clear and concise statement that articulates what the team is to achieve. It was drummed into me that each and every mission statement was to include each of the “Five Ws”. Since that time I have found this tool very useful in many circumstances where I need to clearly communicate to my staff my intent and what is required to be done. Each of the components of the “Five Ws” has been very important to ensure clear communication. W ho: Though this may seem obvious, the who is often a point of confusion. How many times have you left a meeting assuming that some action items are being done by The 5 W’s of Mission by Attila Ovari. “It was drummed into me that each and every mission statement was to include each of the “Five Ws”.
  • 25. someone else and they thought you were actioning these same items? W hat: This is what you want to achieve. This component is the part that is most commonly communicated as part of a direction. The What combined with the other four Ws will ensure clearer communication. W hen: How many times have you been tasked with something and assumed it was not due for a while? Then all of the sudden you are asked to deliver the outcomes and it is not ready. How many times have your direct reports not been sure of their deadlines and been caught off guard? So ensure that when giving directions you include when it needs to be conducted or when the work is due. Make sure it is clear such as “The report is due by 5pm on Friday”, not “The report is due soon….” W here: Again the where is something that is often overlooked, as we often assume it is implied in our directions. The where is about the environment or where the work is required to be delivered. This may be a physical location, a presentation or a virtual location (i.e. email). W hy: Often when people give directions, we fail to also give the reason why. In my opinion this is one of the most important parts of a mission or when giving directions. The Why relates to the purpose of the task or the mission. This is the intent of the task and should align with your bosses what part of their mission or task. When drafting the Why, where possible ensure that it is in accordance with the intent of your boss and your bosses boss. The reason why it is important to look at the boss’ intent is to ensure that your direct reports have a clear understanding of the organisation’s required outcomes. With the understanding of the organisation’s required outcomes it opens the door for staff to seize opportunities in accordance with the organisation’s vision and strategy. Here is a simple Example of the “Five Ws” in practice: My monthly Report is due to my Manager via email by the 2nd Friday each month in order to allow time for my manager to submit the monthly report to the board in time for the board meeting. So here is the breakdown: Who – Me What – Monthly Report When – by 2nd Friday each month Where – email to my Manager Why – ensure my Manager has time to submit Report to Board In this example it is clear what I have to do in the broader context. I also know that my report is important for the information that goes to the board and hence I need to consider what the important items to report for that audience are. In concluding I hope this simple tool, the “Five Ws”, is helpful in providing clear communication to your staff, so they have a clear understanding of what is required to be achieve and the require outcomes. “Often when people give directions, we fail to also give the reason why”
  • 26. The difference between the Human Resources Manager and the Director of Human Resources is direct access to the CEO. If you want to sit with the grown-ups, you have to earn a place at the table. HR Manager The HR Manager is perceived as a functionary. Like it or not, others in management see the HR Manager as managing a purely administrative responsibility. And, when this position reports to the CFO or COO, it only confirms the impression. This doesn’t mean that the Manager can’t get “no respect.” Peers and senior leadership are grateful when HR policy and practice gets them out of a bind. For example, they like you to hire and fire, to resolve disputes, and to manage risk. When you are seen as responsible for payroll, records, and benefits administration, you are largely responsible for this limiting perception. HR Director An HR Director reports directly to the CEO and should be accepted as a peer with the c-crowd. But, given that most of senior management picture the traditional HR functions, you have to shift the paradigm towards one of management and engagement. The shift is from manager to strategist, displaying personal development and corporate value. You need to make yourself “indispensable” for the quality of your advice, your knowledge of the business, and your participation in their departmental and corporate goals. You earn their attention and respect to the extent that you contribute something strategic, something tactical and outside the norm of their original paradigm and directly related to their departmental outcomes. • Define and communicate departmental goals and performance targets • Show the strategy and tactics to meet and exceed the goals • Demonstrate personal energy, charisma, and self- confidence • Write short and long-term strategic plans for yourself, department, and personnel leadership development of peers • Make the HR Department as transparent as privacy guidelines permit • Work productivity into all plans • Observe team behavior at different levels and in different divisions, so you can replicate the values in your department By Carolyn Sokol How HR Develops A Strategic Presence
  • 27. and in your peer relationships. • Learn the language of productivity and quality improvement to see how Human Resources communications can be translated. Reinvent the job If you want to be treated like a strategic partner, you need to learn a new language. HR Managers have been trained in euphemisms and soft tones, and you do not want to lose that skill. But, you need also to develop a more assertive tone and use metaphors that reflect financial smarts, negotiation interests, and process orientation. You want to be recognized for a voice that facilitates and influences. When asked to produce reports, produce results. When assigned to complete a project, compete for the edge. When asked for your opinion, reflect a team’s input. Management and engagement are, therefore, tactics to raise your profile and position you to have the influence you want. The HR Profession Map helps HR Practioners Develop their skills at different levels
  • 28. We Think Every Leader needs to know about the Law of Attraction! Available from HR QUALIFICATIONS RECOGNISED BY EMPLOYERS Use your experience in HR or Learning and Development to achieve a recognised CIPD qualification Foundation Level 3 • Certificate or Diploma in Human Resource Practice • Certificate or Diploma in Learning and Development Practice For those aspiring to work or already working in a HR or LD support role Intermediate Level 5 • Certificate or Diploma in Human Resource Management • Certificate or Diploma in Human Resource Development For those working in a HR or LD role at middle management level Advanced Level 7 • Certificate or Diploma in Human Resource Management • Diploma in Human Resource Development For those in a senior HR or LD role A choice of study routes by flexible learning or attend a taught programme Fast-Track 5-week Intermediate Certificate in Human Resource Management Start dates in February, June and September At our training centre in Doncaster E L CPROVIDER NUMBER 3069 APPROVED BY MoD IN SUPPORT OF THE ELC SCHEME Tel: 07939 518451 Email: Head Office: Room LN21,Armstrong House, First Avenue, Robin Hood Airport, Doncaster DN9 3GA Tel: 07939 518451 Skype: chrysoshr Email: Website: Chrysos HR Advert 185mm x 135mm_Layout 1 19/07/2012 11:35 Page 1
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  • 30. Contributors Ahmet Tunç Noyan Tunç Noyan was born in Ankara in 1966. He graduated from Naval Academy in 1989. After working as a Naval Officer for three years, he transferred to IT sector and started working as trainer and consultant for corporate clients. He joint Microsoft as a consultant in 1997 and developed his project and business management skills besides the technical ones. He gained a deep experience in consulting and services at Microsoft and was promoted as Services Director in 2005. In 2007, he transferred to TOFAS (FIAT Turkey) and successfully carried the CIO role while he was also leading many cultural change projects throughout the company. Tunç Noyan joined IBM Global Business Services in 2011 and worked as Public Sector Leader in Ankara. Tunç Noyan has been continuing his career as a co-founder and an innovative management consultant at ValuesBox, developing and providing methodologies on leadership. Sherry M. Winn Author of Creating Success, an Olympian’s Lessons on Mastering your Thoughts, “Winn”ing leadership strategist Sherry M. Winn is committed to assisting individuals with learning the newest methods to conquer challenges which get in the way of success. . Guiding others to focus on solutions rather than problems translates into authentic power. Through her life’s adversities of overcoming debilitating chronic pain and deep depression, she has learned tried and true methods of using the powers of the mind to lead herself and others to great success. Curt Sumners Teacher, Writer, Dad, Husband, Son. Author of the blog Lincoln Daily Man- agement and the book Managing People Lincoln’s Way; trying to convince managers that they should learn to handle their relationships better (both in the workplace and beyond) so that we can all happier, smarter, and wealthier. Fi Haywood Fi has an extensive background in designing and delivering training and assessment projects in the private and public sector. As a highly creative and positive person, she continually seeks new and more effective ways of doing things. She has developed many innovative products and methods which have been proven to transform the ways things are done. Her particular area of focus is soft skills, behaviour change and culture transformation. She loves new challenges and experiences and is committed to add measurable value rapidly.
  • 31. Attila Ovari Attila Ovari has a large Passion for Life. As a Leader, Manager, Consultant, Contractor, Trainer, Coach, Speaker, Writer Project Manager, Attila utilises in excess of 16 years of leadership and management experience. He has a reputation for challenging both himself and those around him to set and achieve high standards and goals. Attila inspires others through his Blog at, where you will find his contact details and links to his social media accounts. Carolyn Sokol Carolyn Sokol is a founder of as well as Business Development Director to, both of which help match businesses to the right HRIS or payroll service provider for their particular needs. Her background is in marketing and communications, employee education and training, development of policies and procedures and the ongoing delivery of outstanding customer service. Contributors “If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want” Zig Ziglar
  • 32. COMING SOON Our brilliant new Expert Index Includes B2B Consultancy Features Your Regular Blog Includes Business and Social Media Contacts Showcases your Products and Services Free Event Listing: Free Classified Ads Improved Web Presence Dedicated Amazon Book Page A Team working Flat out to increase your Web Traffic Exclusively for Experts, Trainers, Coaches and Providers in Leadership and Management Human Resources Personal Development Register Your Interest Here! Yes Please!- Send me details about the Expert Index