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Message from Kim Clausen
President, Denver Coach Federation


       “Nothing happens unless first a dream is created.” - Carl Sandburg

Last month I wrote about belief being the seed of your success, and that we must
believe we have value and are deserving of success in order to achieve what we desire.
It is our belief that leads to action, which leads to results.

This month we are going to take our belief and turn it into a vision.

As a coach, you have probably asked your clients the question, “What would you do if
you knew you couldn’t fail?” It is a powerful question that opens up so many
possibilities. But have you asked yourself that question, really pondered the thought,
and developed your life plan accordingly?

To have a success coaching career, it is important to have a vision of what you want
your career to look like. You can’t get to where you want to go without a clear vision of
what you want.

We have all heard this time and time again, but so few of us take the time to set a clear
direction for ourselves. We are much like the story of the cobbler’s son who has no
shoes. We focus on others’ goals and dreams, but not on our own.
What is a vision?

In his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey teaches that we
must begin with the end in mind. He states, “Begin with the end in mind means to work
each day on a task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and
destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things
happen.” Having a clear, specific, vivid and inspiring vision for your coaching
career/business is critical to achieving it.

Creating a vision is the process of developing a picture in your mind of what you want
for your life in the future, translating it into the written word and developing it even
further into specific action steps. You can have visions for all aspects of your life:
business, health, finances, relationship, career and more. Visioning uses both mental
and physical tools of your mind and body, such as the thoughts and actions to create
and realize your goals.

It’s been widely acknowledged by experts that there is power in defining, declaring, and
then committing to what you want your life to look like. Your vision is the articulation of
your desired future.

A clear vision will help to set a desired course for you. Without this direction to guide
us, we often fail to achieve the quality of life we want and expect.

Creating Your Vision

Imagine that it is one year from now. You are reflecting back on the year and thinking
about your career as a coach. What do you want to be celebrating? What
accomplishments and achievements do you want to have made during the past twelve

As coaches, we know the vital importance and powerful impact of writing out our goals.
You must first “see” yourself as successful in your mind in order for that success to
materialize. The following exercise will help with that.

Dedicate a solid, uninterrupted block of time and write a Future Letter. Pretend that it is
one year from now, and you are writing a letter to someone you care about who would
want to celebrate your success. Share what has transpired and what you have
accomplished during the past year as a coach.

The goal of this exercise is to identify your objectives for the year. This format helps
connect with what you really want, not what you think you should do. While you can
certainly write whatever is compelling to you, important areas to address are:

  1. What does your coaching business/career looks like (number of clients, type of
     clients, your fees, revenue generated, etc.)?
  2. What skills have you developed, and how do you feel about them?
  3. What is your business/career infrastructure (Employed? Where? Self employed?)?
     What does that look like?
  4. What marketing strategies are you implementing?
  5. What does your typical work day look like?
  6. What you have learned throughout the year?
  7. Anything that is important to you regarding your business/career.

Try balancing what you would love to have happen in your business/career with
what you believe can happen. You want to balance what you currently believe is
possible with what you could believe possible.

Better to write about what you believe you could accomplish (i.e., I have written
the outline of my new book; I have gone to a writers conference; I have a lead on an
agent; I have written 4 amazing chapters and have sent 30 query letters) than
something that is a huge stretch for your belief (i.e., I am a best selling author). Of
course, if you want to have a best-selling book in contract within a year and believe you
can do it, then do not hold back!

Take time for yourself to create your own vision for your life. Tap into the belief that
you have been building and don’t hold back.

Erma Bombeck stated this beautifully: “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I
would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used
everything you gave me.”

Don’t let your talent die inside you. Build your belief, create your vision and set it into

Kim Clausen

No DCF event in August; Next DCF Meeting September 8th

Date: September 8, 2011

Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
(SIGs: 6:00-7:00 PM)

Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decautur St, Denver, CO 80211

Speaker: Therese Kienast, MCC, CPCC

Topic: "4 Secrets to Discovering Your Powerful Presence"

*Offering the following CCEUs: 1 Business Development; .5 Core Competency

In less than 90 minutes get an Unfair Advantage!

What is it that makes a coach irresistible, magnetic, inspiring, and a CLIENT
The answer can be found in three simple words… A Powerful Presence.

This talk is a mirror that will begin to transform your business (and your life). Therese
Kienast, founder of Radical Leadership(TM) (MCC former trainer of coaches around the
world for the ICF), shares her path and what she knows to be true about why some
coaches have more clients clamoring to hire them than they can possibly handle and
others don't.

Discover the secret ingredient to becoming a CLIENT MAGNET!

Take a peak at yourself. Discover what it is about you that has someone choose to hire
you or not. Discover in an instant, a Radical shift that will have you "show up" as the
kind of person YOU would want to hire. Begin to see how you can become a client
magnet by being more of yourself than ever.
What you can expect:

As a result of your Radical Leadership experience, you will naturally:

      Enroll more clients and serve more people.
      Add more value to your clients’ lives.
      Create the income you want.
      Receive genuine, discerning and caring feedback on when you are most powerful
      and compelling and when you are “selling out” on yourself.
      Begin to Calibrate, practice and play with your unique strengths in a rigorous
      respectful community.

Learning Objectives:

      Begin to be aware of your Impact at new and powerful levels.
      Begin to discover and receive genuine, discerning and caring feedback on when
      you are most powerful and compelling and when you are “selling out” on yourself.
      Calibrate, practice and play with your unique strengths in a rigorous respectful
      Begin to see where you can choose differently to be inspired, engaged and
      enrolled with your life, and as a result to be Inspiring, Engaging, Enrolling to your
      clients and others in your life.

Therese originally designed her course, called Radical Leadership because she saw ways
of "Be-ing" that attracted clients like crazy! She had more clients calling her than she
could possibly coach. She shares her discoveries with other coaches on why this was and
HOW to make this happen for their practices too. As successes stories go, Therese
speaks often of how Radical Leadership got "Usurped" by corporations around the world
as they saw the transformational power it brings. In 2011 Therese is committed to bring
Radical Leadership back to the home for which it was originally intended, her beloved
coaching community.

About Therese Kienast

In her speaking and coaching Therese Kienast combines humor, a tender heart, tough
love and powerful truths, leading her clients to success. She defines success as “creating
life the way you want it — having fun, doing what you love and realizing the results you

Therese is founder and principal of People Builders Inc., a company dedicated to
individuals designing their life and their dreams. Having coached for over the past
fourteen years, she partners with executives and entrepreneurs to clearly define what
they want in their lives and then powerfully create that! She is also Founder of Radical
Leadership — which is a program designed for leaders to radically lead from a place of
personal power and unique Essence; thereby empowering their staff and associates to
create from passion and a deep sense of purpose. The word “radical” means: rooted,
foundational and fundamental as well as extreme & drastic; this paradox is an important
part of the Radical Leadership Program. This pioneering leadership program is for those
leaders committed to creating their future and the future of those around them
powerfully and with a compelling vision.

During her past fourteen years as a coach, Therese has trained coaches around the
world for The Coaches Training Institute; designed and delivered coaching courses to
managers in several Fortune 100 Companies; is recognized as a Master Certified Coach
(MCC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a graduate of The Coaches
Training Institute’s Certified Professional Co-Active Coaching Course (CPCC). Therese
has also been an on-going leader in developing the coaching community in Chicago and
around the world, is known as a “coach-of-coaches” and served as past president of the
International Coaching Society. She brings twenty plus years of experience in sales,
management and entrepreneurship to the coaching partnership.

PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meeting including DCF

*Offering the following CCEUs: 1 Business Development; .5 Core Competency

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the September 8, 2011 DCF Meeting.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The Exploring Coaching as a Profession will not be meeting in August

The Fundamentals of Starting Your Coaching Practice will not be meeting in August

The Marketing For the Established Coach will not be meeting in August

August 17, 2011
7:00PM - 9:00PM
727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210
Facilitated By: Gary Hawk

The next Executive and Business Coaches SIG is August 17th.

We meet on the 3rd Wednesday evening of each month in 2011 – except December.

We meet at 727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210 (Very Important - it is 16th
Avenue, not street).

For more information and to reserve your seat for May, contact Gary Hawk at or 303-333-4757.

Gary Hawk

Teleclasses, Workshops and Events

Check out our upcoming teleclasses and workshops!

September 9, 2011 (workshop)
*Offering the following CCEUs: 1.5 Business Development; 2 Core Competency
Early Bird Registration through August 19th:
DCF Members - $47 / Non-Members - $97
In this workshop, you will uncover the ONE THING that will have your ideal client
CLAMORING TO HIRE YOU and learn the secret ingredient to MAKE YOUR BUSINESS
Radical Business Building Breakthrough:"Holy Cow You're Hot! Why Don't Your Clients
Know It?" - Therese Kienast

October 14, 2011: (Teleclass)
*Offering 3 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency
In this interactive session, learn the foundations of learning and gain tools that will help
you structure a coaching conversation based on learning theory.
The Power of Learning: Sustaining Meaningful Change for our Clients - Micki McMillan

November 4-5, 2011: (Workshop)
Don’t forget sale prices increase soon so register for the event now to save BIG
This 2 Day Seminar will retail for $597 (a day of coaching with Michael costs $2,500)
Early Bird Registration through September 9th:
$249 ($217 + $32 food) for DCF Members; $279 ($247 + $32 food) for Non-Members

There will be a FREE Teleclass Preview in October: Details Coming Soon!

DCF is pleased to present “Grow Your Business Grow Your Life – LIVE featuring Business
Building Expert Michael Charest.
As a BONUS preview, please click here for the free Business Building Module article
from Michael on Overcoming Business Setbacks.

Grow Your Business Grow Your Life – LIVE - Michael Charest

Membership in the Denver Coach Federation

Give yourself the gift of membership in the Denver Coach Federation and join now!
Even though we aren’t meeting in August, there are still plenty of reasons not to wait
until September to become a member.

Our new members will be welcomed with a New Member Reception in September, and
we’d like for you to be one of our new members.

As a member of DCF, you will be part of a very special group of individuals committed to
making a difference in the lives of their clients, connecting with other coaches,
developing themselves, and advancing the profession of coaching. There are many
benefits to membership in DCF, including attending the monthly meetings at no
additional cost. The educational presentations during the meetings delivered by highly
successful coaches with special expertise are a wonderful resource for developing your
coaching skills and building your business. As a member, you also have the opportunity
to network with other coaches. In addition to the monthly educational programming, we
also have other programs and events, such as workshops and teleclasses with reduced
rates for members.

It’s very easy to join by going to the DCF Website and filling out the form:

If you have questions about membership, please call me at 303-503-9681.
Thank You!
Karen McGee
DCF Membership Director

DCF is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube!

Check out the Denver Coach Federation on:

Become a Fan!


You Tube


If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Resource Library

The Denver Coach Federation has a fabulous Resource Library with over a hundred
educational tapes and books addressing such disciplines as leadership coaching,
executive and corporate coaching, career coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching,
and spiritual coaching, as well as practice development for coaches. Its purpose is to
promote education, business development and support for DCF members.

The Resource Library is perhaps best known for its great selection of audiotapes.
Several years worth of ICF Conference audiotapes include leadership and coaching
topics by such high-profile individuals as Laura Berman-Fortgang, Ken Blanchard, Jack
Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, and Benjamin Zander, along with many other
masterful coaches. A variety of other resources include such great tapes as "High End
Coaching" and "Personal Evolution" by Thomas Leonard and Frederic Hudson's book, The
Handbook of Coaching.

In addition to developing leadership and coaching skills, audiotape topics are specific to
self-promotion and networking, use of assessments, therapists as coaches, attraction
principles, team coaching, self- coaching, emotional intelligence, appreciative inquiry,
speaking, and getting published. Members may borrow up to four resources per month
upon signing "The Agreement for Resource Check-Out".

Brenda Cody, M.S., Resource Librarian

General Meeting Information

Regular Monthly Meetings
Members: No Charge
Non-Members / Guests: $25 per meeting fee
When: 2nd Thursday of every month
6:00PM - 9:00PM
SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp.

Where: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur Street, Denver, Colorado 80211
Phone: 303-433-8247

The PPA Event Center is on the corner of 21st Avenue and Decatur Street

PPA Event Center website:

Map to PPA Event Center:

Questions? Comments? Ideas to Share?

We welcome your comments and ideas and are happy to answer questions.

Contact Information:

DCF Board Members

Kim Clausen, President

Marty Vondrell, President-Elect

Karen McGee, Membership Director

Marketing Director
Position Available

Carol Schultz, Education Director

Reuel Hunt, Treasurer

Kim Canning, Secretary

Barbara Flood, Past President


                     Copyright 2011 Denver Coach Federation

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August 2011 Denver Coach Federation Newsletter

  • 1. AUGUST 2011 IN THIS ISSUE: Message from Kim Clausen, President No DCF event in August; Next DCF Meeting September 8th Special Interest Groups (SIG) Upcoming Teleclasses, Workshops and Events Membership in the DCF DCF is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube! Resource Library General Meeting Information Contact Us Message from Kim Clausen President, Denver Coach Federation THE POWER OF A VISION “Nothing happens unless first a dream is created.” - Carl Sandburg Last month I wrote about belief being the seed of your success, and that we must believe we have value and are deserving of success in order to achieve what we desire. It is our belief that leads to action, which leads to results. This month we are going to take our belief and turn it into a vision. As a coach, you have probably asked your clients the question, “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?” It is a powerful question that opens up so many possibilities. But have you asked yourself that question, really pondered the thought, and developed your life plan accordingly? To have a success coaching career, it is important to have a vision of what you want your career to look like. You can’t get to where you want to go without a clear vision of what you want. We have all heard this time and time again, but so few of us take the time to set a clear direction for ourselves. We are much like the story of the cobbler’s son who has no shoes. We focus on others’ goals and dreams, but not on our own.
  • 2. What is a vision? In his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey teaches that we must begin with the end in mind. He states, “Begin with the end in mind means to work each day on a task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen.” Having a clear, specific, vivid and inspiring vision for your coaching career/business is critical to achieving it. Creating a vision is the process of developing a picture in your mind of what you want for your life in the future, translating it into the written word and developing it even further into specific action steps. You can have visions for all aspects of your life: business, health, finances, relationship, career and more. Visioning uses both mental and physical tools of your mind and body, such as the thoughts and actions to create and realize your goals. It’s been widely acknowledged by experts that there is power in defining, declaring, and then committing to what you want your life to look like. Your vision is the articulation of your desired future. A clear vision will help to set a desired course for you. Without this direction to guide us, we often fail to achieve the quality of life we want and expect. Creating Your Vision Imagine that it is one year from now. You are reflecting back on the year and thinking about your career as a coach. What do you want to be celebrating? What accomplishments and achievements do you want to have made during the past twelve months? As coaches, we know the vital importance and powerful impact of writing out our goals. You must first “see” yourself as successful in your mind in order for that success to materialize. The following exercise will help with that. Dedicate a solid, uninterrupted block of time and write a Future Letter. Pretend that it is one year from now, and you are writing a letter to someone you care about who would want to celebrate your success. Share what has transpired and what you have accomplished during the past year as a coach. The goal of this exercise is to identify your objectives for the year. This format helps connect with what you really want, not what you think you should do. While you can certainly write whatever is compelling to you, important areas to address are: 1. What does your coaching business/career looks like (number of clients, type of clients, your fees, revenue generated, etc.)? 2. What skills have you developed, and how do you feel about them? 3. What is your business/career infrastructure (Employed? Where? Self employed?)? What does that look like? 4. What marketing strategies are you implementing? 5. What does your typical work day look like? 6. What you have learned throughout the year? 7. Anything that is important to you regarding your business/career. Try balancing what you would love to have happen in your business/career with what you believe can happen. You want to balance what you currently believe is possible with what you could believe possible. Better to write about what you believe you could accomplish (i.e., I have written
  • 3. the outline of my new book; I have gone to a writers conference; I have a lead on an agent; I have written 4 amazing chapters and have sent 30 query letters) than something that is a huge stretch for your belief (i.e., I am a best selling author). Of course, if you want to have a best-selling book in contract within a year and believe you can do it, then do not hold back! Take time for yourself to create your own vision for your life. Tap into the belief that you have been building and don’t hold back. Erma Bombeck stated this beautifully: “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me.” Don’t let your talent die inside you. Build your belief, create your vision and set it into action. Blessings, Kim Clausen No DCF event in August; Next DCF Meeting September 8th Date: September 8, 2011 Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM (SIGs: 6:00-7:00 PM) Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decautur St, Denver, CO 80211 Speaker: Therese Kienast, MCC, CPCC Topic: "4 Secrets to Discovering Your Powerful Presence" *Offering the following CCEUs: 1 Business Development; .5 Core Competency In less than 90 minutes get an Unfair Advantage! What is it that makes a coach irresistible, magnetic, inspiring, and a CLIENT MAGNET? The answer can be found in three simple words… A Powerful Presence. This talk is a mirror that will begin to transform your business (and your life). Therese Kienast, founder of Radical Leadership(TM) (MCC former trainer of coaches around the world for the ICF), shares her path and what she knows to be true about why some coaches have more clients clamoring to hire them than they can possibly handle and others don't. Discover the secret ingredient to becoming a CLIENT MAGNET! Take a peak at yourself. Discover what it is about you that has someone choose to hire you or not. Discover in an instant, a Radical shift that will have you "show up" as the kind of person YOU would want to hire. Begin to see how you can become a client magnet by being more of yourself than ever.
  • 4. What you can expect: As a result of your Radical Leadership experience, you will naturally: Enroll more clients and serve more people. Add more value to your clients’ lives. Create the income you want. Receive genuine, discerning and caring feedback on when you are most powerful and compelling and when you are “selling out” on yourself. Begin to Calibrate, practice and play with your unique strengths in a rigorous respectful community. Learning Objectives: Begin to be aware of your Impact at new and powerful levels. Begin to discover and receive genuine, discerning and caring feedback on when you are most powerful and compelling and when you are “selling out” on yourself. Calibrate, practice and play with your unique strengths in a rigorous respectful community. Begin to see where you can choose differently to be inspired, engaged and enrolled with your life, and as a result to be Inspiring, Engaging, Enrolling to your clients and others in your life. Therese originally designed her course, called Radical Leadership because she saw ways of "Be-ing" that attracted clients like crazy! She had more clients calling her than she could possibly coach. She shares her discoveries with other coaches on why this was and HOW to make this happen for their practices too. As successes stories go, Therese speaks often of how Radical Leadership got "Usurped" by corporations around the world as they saw the transformational power it brings. In 2011 Therese is committed to bring Radical Leadership back to the home for which it was originally intended, her beloved coaching community. About Therese Kienast In her speaking and coaching Therese Kienast combines humor, a tender heart, tough love and powerful truths, leading her clients to success. She defines success as “creating life the way you want it — having fun, doing what you love and realizing the results you want!” Therese is founder and principal of People Builders Inc., a company dedicated to individuals designing their life and their dreams. Having coached for over the past fourteen years, she partners with executives and entrepreneurs to clearly define what they want in their lives and then powerfully create that! She is also Founder of Radical Leadership — which is a program designed for leaders to radically lead from a place of personal power and unique Essence; thereby empowering their staff and associates to create from passion and a deep sense of purpose. The word “radical” means: rooted, foundational and fundamental as well as extreme & drastic; this paradox is an important part of the Radical Leadership Program. This pioneering leadership program is for those leaders committed to creating their future and the future of those around them powerfully and with a compelling vision. During her past fourteen years as a coach, Therese has trained coaches around the world for The Coaches Training Institute; designed and delivered coaching courses to managers in several Fortune 100 Companies; is recognized as a Master Certified Coach (MCC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a graduate of The Coaches Training Institute’s Certified Professional Co-Active Coaching Course (CPCC). Therese has also been an on-going leader in developing the coaching community in Chicago and around the world, is known as a “coach-of-coaches” and served as past president of the
  • 5. International Coaching Society. She brings twenty plus years of experience in sales, management and entrepreneurship to the coaching partnership. PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meeting including DCF members. *Offering the following CCEUs: 1 Business Development; .5 Core Competency CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the September 8, 2011 DCF Meeting. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) EXPLORING COACHING AS A PROFESSION SIG The Exploring Coaching as a Profession will not be meeting in August FUNDAMENTALS OF STARTING YOUR COACHING PRACTICE SIG The Fundamentals of Starting Your Coaching Practice will not be meeting in August MARKETING FOR THE ESTABLISHED COACH SIG The Marketing For the Established Coach will not be meeting in August EXECUTIVE AND BUSINESS COACHES SIG August 17, 2011 7:00PM - 9:00PM 727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210 Facilitated By: Gary Hawk The next Executive and Business Coaches SIG is August 17th. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday evening of each month in 2011 – except December. We meet at 727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210 (Very Important - it is 16th Avenue, not street). For more information and to reserve your seat for May, contact Gary Hawk at or 303-333-4757. Facilitator: Gary Hawk 303-333-4757 Teleclasses, Workshops and Events Check out our upcoming teleclasses and workshops! SEPTEMBER September 9, 2011 (workshop) *Offering the following CCEUs: 1.5 Business Development; 2 Core Competency Early Bird Registration through August 19th: DCF Members - $47 / Non-Members - $97
  • 6. In this workshop, you will uncover the ONE THING that will have your ideal client CLAMORING TO HIRE YOU and learn the secret ingredient to MAKE YOUR BUSINESS BUILD ITSELF. Radical Business Building Breakthrough:"Holy Cow You're Hot! Why Don't Your Clients Know It?" - Therese Kienast OCTOBER October 14, 2011: (Teleclass) *Offering 3 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency In this interactive session, learn the foundations of learning and gain tools that will help you structure a coaching conversation based on learning theory. The Power of Learning: Sustaining Meaningful Change for our Clients - Micki McMillan NOVEMBER November 4-5, 2011: (Workshop) Don’t forget sale prices increase soon so register for the event now to save BIG This 2 Day Seminar will retail for $597 (a day of coaching with Michael costs $2,500) Early Bird Registration through September 9th: $249 ($217 + $32 food) for DCF Members; $279 ($247 + $32 food) for Non-Members There will be a FREE Teleclass Preview in October: Details Coming Soon! DCF is pleased to present “Grow Your Business Grow Your Life – LIVE featuring Business Building Expert Michael Charest. As a BONUS preview, please click here for the free Business Building Module article from Michael on Overcoming Business Setbacks. Grow Your Business Grow Your Life – LIVE - Michael Charest Membership in the Denver Coach Federation Give yourself the gift of membership in the Denver Coach Federation and join now! Even though we aren’t meeting in August, there are still plenty of reasons not to wait until September to become a member. Our new members will be welcomed with a New Member Reception in September, and we’d like for you to be one of our new members. As a member of DCF, you will be part of a very special group of individuals committed to making a difference in the lives of their clients, connecting with other coaches, developing themselves, and advancing the profession of coaching. There are many benefits to membership in DCF, including attending the monthly meetings at no additional cost. The educational presentations during the meetings delivered by highly successful coaches with special expertise are a wonderful resource for developing your coaching skills and building your business. As a member, you also have the opportunity to network with other coaches. In addition to the monthly educational programming, we also have other programs and events, such as workshops and teleclasses with reduced rates for members. It’s very easy to join by going to the DCF Website and filling out the form: If you have questions about membership, please call me at 303-503-9681.
  • 7. Thank You! Karen McGee DCF Membership Director DCF is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube! Check out the Denver Coach Federation on: Facebook Become a Fan! Twitter You Tube LinkedIn If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at Resource Library The Denver Coach Federation has a fabulous Resource Library with over a hundred educational tapes and books addressing such disciplines as leadership coaching, executive and corporate coaching, career coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching, and spiritual coaching, as well as practice development for coaches. Its purpose is to promote education, business development and support for DCF members. The Resource Library is perhaps best known for its great selection of audiotapes. Several years worth of ICF Conference audiotapes include leadership and coaching topics by such high-profile individuals as Laura Berman-Fortgang, Ken Blanchard, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, and Benjamin Zander, along with many other masterful coaches. A variety of other resources include such great tapes as "High End Coaching" and "Personal Evolution" by Thomas Leonard and Frederic Hudson's book, The Handbook of Coaching. In addition to developing leadership and coaching skills, audiotape topics are specific to self-promotion and networking, use of assessments, therapists as coaches, attraction principles, team coaching, self- coaching, emotional intelligence, appreciative inquiry, speaking, and getting published. Members may borrow up to four resources per month upon signing "The Agreement for Resource Check-Out". Brenda Cody, M.S., Resource Librarian 720-989-8743 General Meeting Information Regular Monthly Meetings Members: No Charge Non-Members / Guests: $25 per meeting fee
  • 8. When: 2nd Thursday of every month 6:00PM - 9:00PM SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp. Where: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur Street, Denver, Colorado 80211 Phone: 303-433-8247 The PPA Event Center is on the corner of 21st Avenue and Decatur Street PPA Event Center website: Map to PPA Event Center: Questions? Comments? Ideas to Share? We welcome your comments and ideas and are happy to answer questions. Contact Information: DCF Board Members Kim Clausen, President 303-465-0454 Marty Vondrell, President-Elect
  • 9. 720-389-4870 Karen McGee, Membership Director 303-503-9681 Marketing Director Position Available Carol Schultz, Education Director 303-805-7635 Reuel Hunt, Treasurer 303-734-0444 Kim Canning, Secretary 303-805-0704 Barbara Flood, Past President 303-906-1545 Copyright 2011 Denver Coach Federation