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The Effects Of The Rwandan Genocide
Genocide refers to the "deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group." The Rwandan Genocide
began on the 7th April 1994 and ended in July 1994. It occurred as a result of the death of the Rwandan president, JuvГ©nal Habyarimana, a hutu, who
lost his life in a plane crash. This sparked outrage across the country, where many Tutsis were attacked by extreme members of the Hutu national ethnic
majority. As a consequence of this 800,000 people consisting of the Tutsis as well as Hutu moderates were slaughtered. It was one of the heaviest
genocides that occurred in human history. The victims of this brutal attack were the Tutsis, while the perpetrators were the extreme hutu nationalists
who took take control of the country.
One of the many victims of this horrific genocide was Jean Louis Mazimpaka, a 17 year old who survived the Rwandan genocide. He lived with his
mum, dad and 4 siblings, whom were all Tutsi Rwandans. One day they heard that the Tutsis were being attacked, but didn't worry because they didn't
know whether or not the Militia would arrive where they live. Unfortunately, the killings reached their hometown where, his friend, the husband of a
teacher, was killed. People with machetes and other weapons came to steal from his house, and they killed him. "Still we thought we were safe and
that this was a one–off, but the next day in the neighbouring town another teacher and his family were killed and we started
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Tutsi Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide took place in April 1994 to July 1994 in the African nation of Rwanda. It was the mass murder of the minority ethnic Tutsi
group. The people responsible for the genocide was the majority ethnic Hutu group. The Hutu group murdered about 800,000 people, most of them the
Tutsi group.About 500,000 Tutsi women were raped and killed immediately afterwards. The most used weapon for killing in the genocide was the
machete. The Hutu militias were sent to kill Tutsis. Even Hutu men killed their Tutsi wives.("TheRwandan Genocide", n.d. Para 1) The cause of the
Rwandan Genocide was the Belgian colonial rule that put the Tutsi minority group in control over Rwanda, the death of the Hutu president, and the
ethnic tension that was already there.
The Belgian colonial rule started after world war I in 1922 when Germany was broke apart. It lasted all the way until Rwanda was granted national
independence in 1961. The rule ripped people away from each other and also put them in other tribal groups that they weren't familiar with. Just like the
germans before them, Belgium just put one ethnic group over the other. The Tutsi minority which was considered educated, ruled over the Hutu
majority who were not. The Hutus was often considered as illiterate while the Tutsis were very smart and educated and held the higher level jobs and
controlled the government. The Belgians took a better liking into the Tutsis and educated them in catholic schools which made the Hutus angry.
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Propaganda In The Rwandan Genocide
Immediately following the assassination of Rwandan President JuvГ©nal Habyarimana on April 6th 1994, Hutu extremist radio stations in Kigali
began broadcasting throughout the entire country. They repeatedly called out for Hutu's to "take their country back" by simply telling them to "go to
work", all of which was a kind of dog–whistle terminology calling for the mass murder Tutsis. These radio stations would used to broadcast mobilizing
rhetoric and to give orders to the armed Hutus throughout the four month killing spree in Rwanda. However, these radio extremists never referenced
Tutsis as human–beings, but they instead referred to them as "cockroaches" (Szekely 4/17/17). This constant dehumanizing language played a huge
role in the Rwandan Genocide because it managed to convince regular Hutu civilians to take up machetes and brutally murder their Tutsi neighbors. ...
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This use of propaganda is not exclusive to Rwanda, but has been used in various parts of the world to create narratives that reenforce the
"separateness" of ethnic groups to such an extent that the "genocidaires" fully buy into these narratives, at the expense of their humanity. Both
genocide and ethnic cleansing heavily rely on these narratives to frame a targeted group as "the enemy". These divisive narratives are often fabricated
to accomplish political goals and are quickly received in post–colonial states like Rwanda, where ethnic lines have already been drawn by colonial
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Causes Of The Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide was the most quickly escalated genocide of all time killing over 800,000 Rwandans in the span of 100 days. Raphael Lemkin
invented the word genocide as a term of incrimination and defines it as "the extermination of racial and religious groups ... racial, or religious
groups"(Sands 2016, 188) The goal of the genocide that was conducted by the Hutu militias and government was to exterminate ethnic Tutsis. (United
Nations 2012) The Hutu used the Tutsi as a scapegoat for the country's political, ideological, and economical problems that eventually led to the
genocide. In addition, the Rwandan Genocide is also known as the most preventable genocide. Due to the international community's failure to recognize
early warning signs and failure to recognize the genocide. All in all, factors of ethnic division, hardship, ideology, and an authoritarian regime led to
the preventable Rwandan Genocide. There are many factors that led up to the genocide in Rwanda. I believe that factors of ethnic division, hardship,
ideology, and authoritarian power were all contributing factors to destructive acts against the Tutsis.
Ethnic division among the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority was the biggest contributing factor in the Rwandan genocide. During precolonial times,
the much stronger Tutsi herders conquered the Hutu farmers.The two groups worked almost in harmony through a caste system. However, during the
period of colonization an ethnic divide developed between the two
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The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide
Genocide has been plaguing the world for hundreds of years. Millions of innocent lives have been taken all for the sake of prejudice. One of the
most atrocious aspects of genocide is that a large percentage of them are sponsored by the state in which they are taking place. Over the years scholars
have studied just what motivates a state to engage in such awful behavior. What motivates them? Why would they do such horrendous things to their
own citizens? Is it solely for some economic incentive, or is it simply out of hatred? Most importantly, how is it possible that they get away with it?
One particular case that has been studied recently is the Rwandan Genocide that occurred in 1994. The Rwandan Genocide remains one of the fastest
and most brutal cases of genocide in modern history (Temitope and Danjibo 2013). In the years leading up to the genocide there was a civil war
between the Government of Rwanda (led by Hutu General Habyarimana) and the Tutsi expat group, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, who had been in
exile in Uganda (Buhr 2015). Following the cease–fire agreement in 1993, there were signs that the agreement would not hold despite the presence of
UN peacekeepers (Buhr 2015). In April 1994 General Habyarimana was assassinated, and violence ensued (Buhr 2015). Tutsis were blamed for the
death of Habyarimana, despite a lack of evidence (Buhr 2015). From April to July of 1994 vengeful Hutus slaughtered approximately one million
Tutsis (Temitope and Danjibo 2013).
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The Rwandan Genocide
In today's world, it is of the utmost importance to learn from mistakes of the past. Certain events, especially tragedies that could have been avoided,
hold within them the lessons and wisdom that should be used to prevent similar disasters. The 1994 Rwandan genocide resulted in over 800, 000
deaths of the Tutsi people, at the hands of the Hutu; the genocide, and the international response to it, is a lesson about the humanitarian
responsibilities, successes, and shortcomings of the United Nations.
The events leading up to the Rwandan genocide began decades earlier. There has been a long history of "ethnic" tensions, though it is really a matter of
social class. The classification began with the German and Belgian colonizers in the early ... Show more content on ...
It is estimated that 200,000 Hutus participated in the brutal massacre. (Genocide in Rwanda) Along with Tutsis, many moderate Hutus were also killed.
Any Hutus who attempted to assist or protect Tutsis were also murdered.
The international response to the crisis was more of an international denial. The United Nations withdrew their troops from Rwanda, leaving innocent
civilians defenseless against the Hutu soldiers. (Genocide in the 20th Century: Rwanda 1994). After ten United Nations soldiers were killed, the
United Nations made the decision to pull their troops from the country. By the end of April 1994, only 200 United Nations soldiers remained in
Rwanda (Genocide in the 20th Century: Rwanda 1994). The remaining soldiers were given no orders to intervene, and often watched as innocent Tutsis
were killed. (Genocide in the 20th Century: Rwanda 1994)
In the United States, officials were banned from using the word "genocide", as that would require immediate action and intervention. In 2004, reports
were released showing that U.S. senior officials identified the situation in Rwanda as genocide within the first sixteen days. These documents, from
May 1994, said, "Be careful, 'genocide' finding could commit the U.S. government to actually do something." (Welsh) These reports prove that
President Clinton and his officials were, in fact, aware of the "final solution to eliminate all Tutsis". Unlike previous genocides around the world,
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The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide
The Rwanda Genocide was an unfortunate case where thousands of deaths could have been prevented, but because of irresponsibility and selfishness
of global governments' innocent lives were lost. The Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and was, "initiated by the Hutu political elite and extremists and
its military support, their prime targets were the Tutsi, as well as Hutu moderates." (Hain 2) The Hutu made up majority of the population and
government officials and enforced a government–assisted military force to fatally attack the Tutsis. The genocide lasted one hundred days until a rebel
Tutsi groups army Hutu armies in a Civil War. Within ten years of the genocide,Rwanda would make exceptional changes to government that would
hold genocide participants accountable, within twenty years of the genocide; the economy has grown about 8% an annum. In the next fifty years,
Rwanda will continue to see economic and population growth, but will continue to push peace and unity as the genocide continues to cause ethnical
Reasons for ethnical tension between the Hutus and Tutsis have been the subject to several studies. "Historian have purported "ethnic hatred" as the
cause of the Rwanda Genocide and while an ethnic divide was indeed present in Rwanda around the time of the conflict, the reasons for the genocide
are multiple and far more complex." (Hain 5) The Hutus were the original inhabits of Rwanda, but in the 15th century the Tutsis peacefully took over
Rwanda and
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The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay
"There aren't just bad people that commit genocide; we are all capable of it. It's our evolutionary history" (James Lovelock). According to the
Oxford dictionary, genocide is defined as "the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group."
Although it may be hard to believe, genocides have occurred all over the world and all throughout time. There have been well documented genocides
such as the Holocaust. Additionally, there have also been genocides that have barely received any media attention at all. One such example is the
Rwandan genocide. The Rwandan genocide occurred in 1994 and was perpetrated by the Hutu ethnic group against the Tutsi ethnic group. Genocides
have taken the lives of millions of people around the world. One of the key factors that allows an atrocious act such as genocide to even occur is
obedience. Without obedience, genocide cannot take place. People must be obedient to be willing to kill millions of innocent people. For example,
Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of Nazi Germany, could not have murdered six million Jewish people without the support of his armies. Without the
obedience of his constituents the Jewish prisoners would not have been murdered. Similarly, the Rwandan genocide was only possible because
numerous Hutu civilians obeyed Hutu extremists when they were told to kill their Tutsi neighbors. Obedience is studied in many experiments and
essays. Two prominent examples, Solomon Asch, a
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The Rwandan Genocide, The Holocaust, And Genocide
Crimes against humanity are always preventable. They can be defined specific acts which are intentionally carried out to harm or certain civilian
population. They always occur when one group or leader has ultra–nationalistic values and beliefs, meaning they feel they are above all others and are
superior. Historically, there has never been a genocide or crime against humanity that was unexpected or an incident that couldn't have been stopped. In
the world we live in today, despite the fact that most of the population has internet access and social media right at their fingertips, passionate acts of
abuse to human beings are still occurring. Subsequently, most people who aren't affected by crimes against humanity choose to ignore them. How are
cases of violence against humanity supposed to stop, when the majority of people block it out? It's our responsibility as citizens to recognize these
brutal actions and stop them. Preventing crimes against humanity is possible, and to understand how we can end them by fully intervening, we can
analyze in the Rwandan Genocide, the Holocaust, and Isis. The incident in Rwanda which became known as a genocide, began in 1994. Over the
course of 100 days, approximately 70% of Tutsi people living in Rwanda had been brutally slaughtered. However, this genocide was no surprise.
Tensions between Rwanda's two groups, the Hutus and Tutsis had been evolving for years. Additionally, the Hutus made up the large majority of the
population, making the
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Rwandan Genocide
Africa has been an interesting location of conflicts. From the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea to the revolutionary conflict in Libya and Egypt,
one of the greatest conflicts is the Rwandan Genocide. The Rwandan Genocide included two tribes in Rwanda: Tutsis and Hutus. Upon revenge, the
Hutus massacred many Tutsis and other Hutus that supported the Tutsis. This gruesome war lasted for a 100 days. Up to this date, there have been
many devastating effects on Rwanda and the global community. In addition, many people have not had many acknowledgements for the genocide but
from this genocide many lessons have been learned around the world. To find the cause of theRwandan genocide, many people had tried to follow the
path of history ... Show more content on ...
In Hotel Rwanda, a reporter came to see what was happening in Rwanda, but he knew that people would not care about this conflict just like the
U.N. Countries around Rwanda were also greatly affected by the conflict, because many Tutsis fled to the surrounding countries. This caused
additional minor urban sprawls in countries such as Uganda and Tanzania. In the past, for news to travel from one country to another, many people
had to see what the media was covering. Since the U.N. did not care on the topic of the conflict, many people didn't know what was going on in
Rwanda. Even if information was let out on the Rwandan conflict, when spread the information would get butchered, such as a piece of information
that is used in the game of "Telephone". So in order to be more aware, nations should make more organizations that promote the spread of
information throughout the world like the media. Nations should make allies surrounding them so if a nation is in trouble allies can send help from
foreign powers such as United States or England; if surrounding countries such as Uganda were strong allies then Rwanda would not have to suffer
as much as it is suffering today which would give more awareness to a crisis on the other side of the world. In addition to the Rwandan Genocide,
other similar conflicts have also occurred in parts of
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Rwandan Rwanda And The Rwandan Genocide
In the spring of 1994, more than eight thousand Rwandans were murdered, slaughtered, and bodies piled up upon the streets in less hundred days. But
yet, the only reason this genocide had actually stopped, was at the cost of the Rwandan Patriotic Army, a militant group primarily composed of
Rwandan refugees whom reclaimed Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Yet, before theRwandan genocide occurred, for many years, tensions between the
Hutu and Tutsi had growth to extreme measures and lead to far more than just disputes– it lead to the Rwandan Genocide. The Rwandan Genocide was
a mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority in which the Hutu were the ones attempting to overrule the
colony in ... Show more content on ...
In 1912, there were actually few changes, especially when it came down to the Tutsi and their missionaries. They were entitled and felt as if their
had the right to more a aristocracy system rather than a system based off christianity. Therefore this idea began to promote a different ideology and
and conversions began. These changes were not only due to the new ideas that that got all of the colonised world, but yet, it tend to be avoided one
that consequently altered the way they governed their land, and it was an unforeseen event. But even though this was an unforeseen event, social
relationships became more grimmer and full on conflict concerning the structure of society and retaining the terms of power, which for the Hutu, in
terms of power, had become less and less in a way of making money for them. The old oppressive forms were seen as too harsh, therefore, they didn't
with stand and began to lose their real power and it was evident that their 'cultural legitimacy' weary away. In such an unstable/shifting atmosphere, the
church began to favor the growth of a 'Hutu counter–elite'. Since there was war around this time, the church was thinking about different approaches to
become this stable quality state. In 1915, there was as many black priests as there were white.These clergy were mostly Tutsi, since at the time, they
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The Genocide Of Rwandan Genocide
Cossette Sandoval
Ms. Martz
English 2:Period 2
20 November 2015
Rwandan Genocide
INTRODUCTION After the atrocities suffered by the Jewish people at the hand of the Nazi regime, the United Nations formed the U.N. Convention
on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UNCG), dedicated to the understanding and prevention of future genocides. The UNCG
defines genocide as acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Genocides have occurred
on almost every continent and the UNCG has had little impact on prevention. Indeed, 2since its creation in 1951 the world has seen a rise in genocides
beginning in 1975 in Cambodia, followed by the horrors in Yugoslavia in 1992, thenRwanda in 1994, and the on–again–off–again atrocities in Darfur
since 2003 (Maddox). The causes of each of these genocides are as unique as the topography of the land they occur on and as varied as the languages
and cultures of the people involved. The genocide occurred in Rwanda in Central Africa between April 6, 1994 and July 1994. The decades of unjust
treatment by Belgium favored the Tutsi tribe and the assassinations of the Rwandan president and Burundi president led to the genocide in Rwanda.
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The Rwandan Genocide
The world has seen many gruesome acts throughout history. These acts are often too cruel to even imagine for some people. The Rwandan Genocide
is without a doubt one of these acts. This genocide is a very controversial topic that stirs up a lot of anger, emotion and regret. The Rwandan genocide
shows a prime example of a country ignored when it needed help the most. The Rwandan genocide occurred in 1994. The two main ethnic groups in
Rwanda at this time were the Hutu and the Tutsi. These two groups had separate ethic identities because of the type of work that they did. The
genocide consisted of members of the Hutu group periodically executing members of the lower class Tutsi group. Rwanda was controlled by an
extremist Hutu regime who planned to eliminate everyone who opposed its rule. This even included members of the Hutu group. The Hutu and Tutsi
tension broke out in 1994 when the genocide began. The hate that the Hutu had towards the Tutsi grew larger and larger as time went on. The Hutu
referred to the Tutsi as "cockroaches". At the peak of the killing in 1994, the Hutu Power private radio station broadcasted that the effort to
exterminate all Tutsi from world must be continued. This alone showed how much hate the Hutu had for the Tutsi. The Hutu even went as far as
killing thousands of their own, if they suspected them of being against the campaign to eradicate the Tutsi. This genocide was a bloody massacre from
beginning to end. All types of weapons were
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Roots of the Rwandan Genocide
On April 6, 1994, Rwanda experienced a period of great turmoil as thousands of people fell victim to the horrors of the Rwandan genocide. The main
targets of the genocide were Tutsis and Hutu moderates. Though the main cause of the genocide was a conflict between two ethnicities, the genocide
was also fueled by political factors and social conditions. Rwanda is the smallest sub–Saharan country with a population of about 7 million inhabitants.
Although the indigenous peoples of Rwanda are the Twa, they are now the minority. 90% of Rwanda's population is comprised of Hutus, and the rest
of the population's majority consists of Tutsi people. Hatred between the two ethnic groups had begun in the pre–colonial era, which was long before
the 20th ... Show more content on ...
As a result, peace and unity between the Hutu and Tutsi military and political groups was never achieved, thus leading to the assassination of the
The Genocide Roughly 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathizers were killed during the events of the Rwandan genocide. Although tensions were high
between the Hutus and the Tutsis long before the genocide began, the assassination of Rwanda's second president, President Habyariama, created even
more hostility between the two ethnic groups. Extreme Hutu nationalists accused a Tutsi organization called the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), and
many Tutsis blamed Hutus. Because of this disagreement, extremist Hutu groups such as the Hutu militia and the Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR)
were encouraged by radical radio stations to use brutality and force to seek revenge for the death of the Hutu president. Within the first few days of
the genocide, Hutu militia groups executed the US Ambassador to Rwanda, Ambassador Rawson, and 250 other Americans. The FAR and Hutu
militia used rape as a tactic to defeat the opposing groups. Moreover, the Hutu radical groups used rape as a major weapon throughout the events of
the genocide. In early July, towards the end of the genocide, the RPF "gained control of the country through a military offensive ... hundreds of
thousands of Rwandans were dead and many more displaced from their homes" . Because the genocide lasted only 100
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The Genzanian Genocide And The Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide took place for in 1994 where the Hutus began to massacre the Tutsis due to many years of oppression aided by Belgian
influences. While the Palestinian Genocide occurred between 1947–1948 and Zionists wished to overtake Palestinian land and remove all Arab
influences while expanding upon their territory. Yet, theRwandan Genocide and the Palestinian Genocide had a distinguished similarity; to ethnically
cleanse the land. Post WWII, Jew's wished for land separate from European Anti–Semitic beliefs. The Holocaust had further pushed Zionists agenda to
take Palestine due to their historical and religious background within the land. Thus, a significant amount of Jews from Europe and America called for
a separate Jewish state. During this time, Britain had a mandate over Palestine and were authorized to rule the land. However, given that the dispute
was becoming increasingly controversial, the British withdrew from the conflict and gave authority of the land to the UN. Then the UN had formed
the UNSCOP, United Nation Special Committee on Palestine. Their objective was to separate Jewish and Arab land. There the UN authorized the
Israeli state and caused the displacement of thousands of Palestinians. They had forced the Palestinians to flee their villages in order to place arriving
Jewish settlers. Various tactics were used to remove Palestinians from the land. For instance. Israelis used arab radio broadcasts to inhibit fear within
the arab community. Such
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The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide
Often described as the most horrible and systematic human massacre since the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide has been a subject of research and
debate for decades. Typically, ethnic and cultural differences between segments of Rwanda's diverse population, namely the Hutu and the Tutsi, is the
reason given to explain the genocide. Although this is a valid argument, the roots of the conflict are more complex stretching back to the era of
colonialism. The impact of colonialism on Rwandan politics and society set the foundations for revolution in 1959 and, ultimately, genocide in 1994.
The first known inhabitants of Rwanda were the Twa that were eventually displaced by the Hutu peoples living in the Congo River basin during the
tenth century. About five hundred years later, the Tutsi arrived from the north, conquered the Hutu, and ruled them through an elaborate feudal system
– Tutsi kings, or mwamis, governed the elite who, in turn, governed the Hutu serfs. This system remained intact for hundreds of years and reached its
peak in the middle to late 19th century ("Rwanda"). Until 1880, Rwanda was governed mainly by Tutsi monarchs, but the Rwandan people did not
consider themselves separate races at this point. Tutsis simply held more status and wealth and, therefore, took on leadership roles. The Hutu were
farmers and the Tutsi were traditionally herdsmen, and together they shared the business of faming for survival. For 600 years, the Tutsi and the Hutu
shared a language, a
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The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide
"In the Rwandan genocide over one million helpless Tutsi were murdered in a span of 100 days" (Briggs). Because of the underlying government and
cultural problems in Rwanda, the Hutu led a 100 day massacre against the Tutsi in an attempt to eradicate them. To begin, the word genocide contains
many definitions and has been used several times throughout history. The dispute of the RwandanHutu and Tutsi occurred long before the events of
1994. There were lots of methods that were taken to eradicate the Tutsi. Furthermore, the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide had many atrocities.
Genocide has been used around the world to describe the mass murders of a population. "Genocide is when you kill members of a group, cause
bodily or mental harm, deliberately inflicting conditions of the calculated to bring about its physical destruction, imposing measures to prevent
births." Genocide is considered one of the worst moral crimes a country and government can subject its citizens to". The UHCG defines genocide by
saying that "intervention to destroy, in a whole or in part a national Ethnical, racial, or religious group" (Rummel). Genocide is when a massive
amount of people are killed regardless of what the country chooses to call it.
The term genocide's origin derived thousands of years ago. Genocide has been happening since before the 19th century. However, it has been called
other names such as massacres, mass murders, put to the sword, barbarism, or inhumanity. Other attempts
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The Rwandan Genocide
Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and lasted for about 100 days (History). The two groups involved, the Hutus and Tutsis, were in a
massive conflict after their president was killed. The Hutus brutally killed about 800,000 Tutsis and supporters. This tragic genocide was not stopped
by other countries during its peak, leaving the world wondering why. As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of theRwandan Genocide, it is
important to be informed about the tragedy. The way to distinguish the difference between Hutus and Tutsis groups was to know where theRwanda
settlements were. The cattle location determined the group. The people with the most cattle were the Tutsis. They could change the fact that they were a
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Once they were raped, they were either killed or turned into sex slaves. If they were killed, they were tortured sexually before. Everyone was killed
with hand weapons, such as machetes or clubs. People were almost always tortured before being killed. Killings were long and painful. The Hutus
did not bury the Tutsi bodies. They were eaten by rats and dogs, exposed to everyone. Some bodies were thrown into rivers, lakes, and swamps (20th
Century History). A way to kill Tutsis and get paid was to sell bullets. Since the killings were torturous, some people paid the killer to just shoot them.
This stopped suffering for them, but with a payment. It made a much quicker death possible. Rwandan society had a lot of negative media attention,
especially from the Kangura newspaper. The Kangura newspaper controlled Hutu experiments by releasing information. The main thing they did was
spread hate. Because of all the negativity the Hutus were getting from the killing, The Ten Commandments for the Hutu were created (United Human
Rights Council). They were rules the Hutus had to obey. They were considered traitors if they married or did business with a Tutsi. It said positions
and the military would only consist of Hutus and could only associate with other Hutus. The most well–known organization was the RTLM (20th
Century History). It started on July 8, 1993 with the radio and television beginning to spread hate. At first, it gained popularity and listeners by playing
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The Rwandan Genocide
Rwanda is a country made up of a population with three ethnic communities, the two main communities, the Hutu and Tutsi and an additional
community of Twa (or pygmies) who all spoke the same language, Kinyarwanda or Rwandan (Clapham, 1998). There is a stereotype of appearance
attributed to these two main communities, with Tutsi being seen as tall and having an aquiline shaped nose, and the Hutu as being short and flat–nosed
(Clapham, 1998). In the pre–colonial state of Rwanda, it was the Tutsis that occupied positions of power even though they were a minority community
compared with the majority of the Hutu community, this remained the same until Habyarimana (a Hutu) became President (Clapham, 1998). The
Germans, Europeans and Belgian's colonised and during their time in Rwanda, made it known that they favoured the Tutsis over the Hutus, the
Europeans going as far to regard the Hutu and Twa as inferior to the Tutsis (Clapham, 1998). The Belgians eventually changed their views, and
favoured the Hutu, foreseeing that the majority Hutu would eventually become dominant (Magnarella, 2005). Supporting the coloniser's views,
Rwandan folktales describe the Tutsi as being intelligent and courageous, the Hutu as being obedient however not very clever, and the twa as loyal to
the Tutsis, yet lazy and lacking in restraint (Clapham, 1998). The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) was established by Tutsis who were exiled from
Rwanda, they retained a strong sense of identity and formed the
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The Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide In the middle of Africa there lies a small country by the name of Rwanda. Rwanda is made up of three different ethnic groups:
the Twa (a group of aboriginals who were the first to settle there), the Hutu, and the Tutsi. Starting in the mid 1990's, Rwanda was thrown into a terrible
genocide stemming from deep ethnic hatred between the Hutus and the Tutsi. This atrocity was not readily noticed or acted upon by the rest of the
world at first, but would soon shock it with the horrors that took place. Although Rwanda was not always like this, the events that preceded it certainly
lead the country on a dark path of hatred and killing. The first settlers in Rwanda were the Twa, a group of hunters/gatherers who didn't interact much
with the rest of the population, and while the exact time they settled is unknown, they were there from before the Roman Era. Next came the Hutu.
These settlers were traditionally farmers and crop growers, and worked on the land. The last people to come were the Tutsi, who migrated somewhere
in the 1300's.
Because the Tutsi were traditionally herdsmen, the nature of their job lended them to owning land. Considering the customary job of the Hutu, they
were the ones who would work on the Tutsis' farms. Because of this, the Hutus would naturally outnumber the Tutsi. This did not cause a class
distinction or ethnic hatred at first, however, simply because the idea of separate classes had not come to them. In this period of time the
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The Rwandan Genocide
The Tutsi are a people who live in Rwanda, Burundi, and the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The location, size, and history,
most importantly, is why the Tutsi tribe the second largest population division among the three largest groups in Rwanda and Burundi, the other two
being the Hutu and the Twa. Although theTutsi tribe is one of the most known tribes in Africa, it comes from a long way of fighting for its' rights and
independence. Rwanda and Burundi contain many mountains located in east–central Africa. Their combined total area is about 20,900 square miles .
This is about the combined size of the states of Maryland and New Jersey. Tutsi also live in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of the
Congo . They live near the city of Bukayu in the Mulenge region. Here they are known as the Banyamulenge. The population of Rwanda and Burundi
was about 13 million in 1994. European colonists wanted an estimate of how many Tutis and other ethnic groups they were during that period so they
created a scheme according to a economy statues and physical features. They defined "Tutsi" as anyone owning more than ten cows (a sign of wealth)
or with the physical feature of a longer nose, or longer neck, commonly associated with the Tutsi. Tutsis are tall and sturdy people. Their physical
characteristics make them great soldiers leading them to indepence . Their physical strength have been useful in building up a strong military force in
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
With over eight hundred thousand to one million deaths, the Rwandan genocide is undoubtedly one of the most sad and shocking examples of the lack
of intervention by not only the US and the UN, but by other countries as well. The ongoing tensions between the Hutu, the largest population in
Rwanda, and the Tutsi, the smaller and more elite population is what eventually lead to the Rwandan genocide. The killings began quickly after
President Habyarimana 's plane was shot down. After hundreds of thousands of deaths, the US did not intervene in Rwanda because being a landlocked
country with no natural resources to benefit the US, there was no economical benefit, and the risk of sending in troops simply outweighed the rewards.
The aftermath of the genocide has not only impacted those who lived through it, but it has also impacted future generations as well. At the end of the
genocide, the ICTR was formed by the UN to find justice. The Rwandan genocide has shocking similarities between the Holocaust and the Armenian
Genocide as well. Overall, the Rwandan genocide was a terrible event that escalated far beyond what it should have if there had been intervention from
other countries and the UN. While there is no single outlying cause of the Rwandan Genocide, the ongoing tensions between the Hutu and the Tutsi is
what is believed to have eventually lead to the Rwandan genocide. The majority of the killings occurred shortly after President Habyarimana 's plane
was shot down
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The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide
It is almost too easy to think of the Rwandan Genocide as something out of a fictional horror film, in that it almost doesn't seem possible such atrocities
could have actually occurred. Only at the cinema could murdering and dismembering the bodies of perfectly innocent citizens, many of them children,
be imaginable. The story of the Rwandan Genocide is one of a great divide between the Hutu and Tutsi people. However, there was no real reason for
this division to come to fruition. They didn't have religious disagreements, as in the Armenian Genocide, nor were they born into an environment with
extreme ethnic tensions. European colonialism in the Rwandan region ultimately created the "ethnic" divide between the Hutu and and Tutsi groups ...
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However, in Rwanda, the colonialists did not directly incite a genocide, but instead left the nation in an extremely divided state, that lead to the
genocide. This difference is caused by the fact that they were settled in different ways (PappГ©, 2008). North America was settled through settler
colonialism, in which the settlers took over the government entirely and became the dominant population. Rwanda was settled through elite
colonialism, so that only political elites from Belgium and Germany lived in the region, and left the prior governmental institutions in place. As a result,
there was less conflict between the native population and the colonialists, because they were so hands off. Prior to the onset of the genocide, the Hutus
and Tutsis lived relatively in harmony. Although some historians would like to simplify their original exchanges as merely peaceful and democratic,
this is not the case. It is important instead to note that Hutus and Tutsis have endured an extremely unequal relationship from the beginning. The Hutu
are generally thought of as the primary settlers in this region and the Tutsi and a foreign group that would later come to establish themselves. In
actuality, the Twa, a people that is still around today, were the first to inhabit this area, but were quickly outnumbered dominated by the Hutu, with
whom they traded goods. Over ten thousand
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The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay
The Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994 and involved members of the Hutu mass killing Tutsi and Tutsi sympathizers who were Hutu. The genocide
resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people, majority Tutsi. The separation of classes came from Belgian internationals creating the two ethnic
classes and giving power to the Tutsi who were taller and had lighter skin, and generally appeared more European. In response to this, after the country
gained independence from Belgium, Hutu extremists gathered enough power through manipulation and groupthink in order to form the militia, for
example the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi. The killings were initiated by the assassination of president Juvenal Habyarimana, which ended any
ties of peace between the two ethnicities. After his death, many Hutu extremists called for other Hutu individuals to brandish weapons and kill, rape, or
destroy Tutsi citizens and their property. Predominantly, the utilization of propaganda was vital in uniting and brainwashing groups of Hutu into acting
violent against Tutsi civilians. Often Tutsi were compared to cockroaches and were deemed an infestation, desensitizing the murders. There was a lack
of help from outside countries and the UN, or even support of the genocide from countries such as France, which allowed for the genocide to last until
the Rwandan Patriotic Front was able to push the rebels into the Congo, but there was no actual peace process that occurred between the two
ethnicities. Thus,
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Causes Of The Rwandan Genocide
Although the Rwandan Genocide was an event that was overlooked by the world, it had a significant impact on how the country is today. Started by
the tensions between the two ethnic groups, Tutsi and Hutu. The tension eventually broke out on April 7, 1994, when over 800,000 people were
slaughtered in the span of three months. Though many people would say this event had no compromise, the genocide contributed to the unification of
Rwanda and how it is today.
The Rwandan Genocide was an event that occurred twenty–three years ago on April 7, 1994, which was caused by the previous ethnic tension of the
Hutu and Tutsi people. The tension began from the Belgians, Rwanda had recently been under the Belgian administration in the colonial period. While
under the Belgian rule, they favored the Tutsi minority for their features such as their lighter skin and build. The Belgians issued identification cards to
differentiate the two groups creating an even bigger division. This initiated ethnic tension between the two groups because the Tutsi minority was
treated differently and had economic advantages. "The Tutsis as cattle–herders were often in a position of economic dominance to the soil–tilling
Hutus. That is not to say that all Tutsis were wealthy and all Hutus were poor, but in many areas, like Rwanda, the minority Tutsis ruled the Hutus."
(PBS NewsHour) This tension caused a split between the two groups that lasted for years and that would eventually erupt into mass murder.
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
The Rwandan genocide occurred during the period of April to July of 1994. This genocide was as a result of the Hutu ethnic majority slaughtering
the Tutsi minority. During this period as much as 800,000 Tutsis were killed. The genocide was started by Hutu extremists in the capital of Kigali
and the genocide soon spread across the country. Despite all of this there were several survivors of the genocide. Immaculee Ilibagiza is one of those
Immaculee Ilibagiza was born in 1972. She is the only daughter of four children of the late Leonard Ilibagiza and Rose Ilibagiza of Mataba village,
Rwanda. She was a Tutsi, which was an ethnic minority in her nation. From childhood, Immaculee had always done well in school. Immaculee was a
22 year old National University student studying electrical and mechanical engineering when her country started experiencing a political conflict on
April 7th, 1994.
During the period which she was home for Easter break, the Hutu death squads began a three month killing spree of Tutsis across the nation. During
this period Immaculee 's entire family was murdered, however she was able to find a hiding place in the packed 3 foot by 4 foot (1m by 1.3 m)
bathroom of a local pastor, along with seven other women. Immaculee and the others spent 91 days in this bathroom. And during this period they lost a
lot of weight entering at 115 pounds and emerging at 68 (, par.1). Despite her hardship, Immaculee found life in the dark, built
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
Throughout the 1600s to the mid 1990s, the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda, and the Hutu tribe of Rwanda have always been arch enemies. Although the Hutus
have had a prolonged hate for the Tutsi tribe, this hate was not physically expressed, until 1994. From April to July of 1994, over 80,000 Tutsi people
were murdered and tortured for their African heritage. TheRwanda genocide is considered to be one of the worst massacres the world has ever seen
since the Holocaust. This paper will touch a few things that occurred after the massacre, and will also answer the questions of why this massacre
started, what occurred during this genocide. The Rwandan genocide was a massacre based off of discrimination and hatred for a specific tribal group.
This ... Show more content on ...
Over 300,000 Tutsis were forced to leave Rwanda and never return. In 1961 the Hutus wanted more of the Tutsi population gone. In an effort to show
their strength and domination over the Tutsis, the Hutus pushed the Rwandan ruler, who was a Tutsi, into exile and forced him to declare Rwanda as a
Republic. In 1962, a year after this declaration was made Belgium finally gave Rwanda its independence. After this, the Hutu people stopped harming
and forcing Tutsi citizens or officials into doing what they wanted them to do, until 1994.
IV.Now that Rwanda had independence, the Tutsis began to take over and have important roles in the Rwandan society, because they were the most
educated and organized tribal group in Rwanda. Since important roles in government were automatically given to Tutsis, because they were strongest
and most educated tribal group, jealousy and distinctive hatred began to develop in the Hutus, against the Tutsis. V.Right before the genocide,
Habyarimana, the president of Rwanda, signed a treaty with Arusha, Tanzania which allowed a sharing in power. This new power agreement made by
a Tutsi president angered the Hutus, because it took away the little power they had. After this treaty was made known to the public, the major Rwanda
genocide actually began. 

VI.The first murder that started this genocide was the assassination of Habyarimana. This murder was a signal to the government in
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Genide And The Rwandan Genocide
When someone mentions the reign of Adolf Hitler and the path of destruction he left, people shudder at the devastation he caused. Every year when
September 11th rolls around, thousands are left crying in remembrance of the deadly terrorist attack that hits home for every American. These are only
two of the most significant mass killings that have left the world in shock. They're known for the brutal tactics, the terror they inflicted, and most of
all, the number of people killed. Despite the widespread remembrance of these two major events, many people seem to brush off the several conflicts
that occur all around the world. For instance, the Rwandan Genocide and the horrendous actions that occured have shaped how Rwanda is today, yet
aren't known to the rest of the world. After years of ethnic conflicts arising between the Hutus and the Tutsi, the tensions finally hit their highest in
1994. In a span of 100 days, people were killed by the thousands while the world stood by and watched. Today, Rwanda is used as a reminder to the
United Nations as their failure to put an end to the genocide.
For years on end, ethnic conflicts have been the largest issue in Rwanda. These derived from the white settlers, who first came into the country and
took control. Due to their lighter skin, the Tutsi were favored instantly and were eventually put in charge over the darker skinned Hutus. The settlers set
up a caste system, with the Tutsi at the top, as leaders and herdsmen, while the
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Rwandan Genocide
Between April and June 1994 warfare between the Hutus and Tutsis people struck in the East African country of Rwanda. To call it a tragedy would be
an understatement when faced with the estimated death count of one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus over the span one hundred days. The genocide
resulted from the desire to control and obtain power within Rwanda and stemmed from a history of cultural and social class conflict amongst the rival
groups. This bloodshed proved to be one the most horrific events in history.
The Tutsi people had joined the Rwanda population during the 1300's. Before the colonial era, Tutsis typically occupied the higher status in the social
system and the Hutus the lower. However, mobility on the social hierarchy ... Show more content on ...
When an attack was launched, all Tustis remaining in the country were considered accomplices of the RPF.
In August 1993, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the governments in power signed the Arusha peace agreements. It appeared to bring an
end to the conflict between the Hutu dominated government and the RPF. In October 1993, the Security Council established the United Nations
Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) in maintain peace, and provide humanitarian assistance and general support. However, human rights
violations started becoming for frequent and the security and Agreement was deteriorating. The Hutu majority was planning a movement to
exterminate the Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
On April 6, 1994 the deaths of the Presidents of Burundi and Rwanda in a plane crash caused through Rwanda into several weeks of intense
massacres that started just less than a half hour after the incident. An estimated one million people died and 150,000 to 250,000 women raped. The
radio broadcasted the plane crash was a result of the RPF and UN soldiers. This initiated even more fatalities, forcing Belgium to withdraw the rest of
its force. On April 21, other countries also withdrew and the UNAMIR force reduced from and intial 2,165 to 270.
On June
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Rwand The Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan genocide was the killing of 800,000 people in just 100 days. The Rwandan genocide took place in 1994. During this time Rwanda was a
small country with a mostly agricultural economy. Although it is small it had one of the largest populations. In 1994 Rwanda was made up of three
different ethnic groups. The Hutu made of 85% of the Rwandan population. The Tutsi's made of 14% of the population and was the minority. The Twa
was a small Pygmy group that made up 1% of the population ( The Rwandan genocide was a horrific and terrorizing event that
changed the country forever because 800,000 people were murdered, people were ordered to murder others just because of their ethnic group, and other
countries didn ... Show more content on ...
Shortly after that, Belgium gave Rwanda their independence ( The Rwandan genocide didn't just start right after that. There was a spark
that marked the beginning of the Rwandan genocide. On April 6, 1994, a plan that had President Habyarimana and the president of Burundi Cyprien
Ntaryamira was shot down. It has still not been concluded who shot the plane down. The Hutu's blamed the Rwandan Patriotic Force (RPF) and
the Tutsi's blamed the Hutu's. Soon after this, the Presidential Guard, the Rwandan armed forces, and Hutu militia groups started to slaughter all
Tutsi's. They set up roadblocks all across Rwanda so that nobody could flee or try to escape ( Before any political leaders could take
any action, the Hutu's killed them. Tutsi women were raped and taken to be used as sex slaves (humanrightscouncil). The slaughter and killing
from Kigali soon spread all across Rwanda. In just three months 800,000 people were killed. 3/4 Tutsi's were murdered during the Rwandan
genocide. People were killed in churches, homes, schools, and many other place ("A Good Man in Hell"). During this time, government radios and
officials were telling civilians to kill. They were told to kill anyone who was Tutsi or anyone who supported the Tutsi's. The RPF kept fighting back
and by early July the RPF had claimed and got control over most of Rwanda. Then over two million Hutu's fled the
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
"When you start to see another human being as less than you, it 's a danger."–Immaculee Ilibagiza. In 1994, a mass genocide broke out in Rwanda, a
small country in Africa. The genocide occurred between the two ethnic groups where the Hutus were targeting the tutsis. The Rwandan genocide,
ranking in the top five largest genocides in the world, was caused because of the resentment the hutus had towards the tutsis and was even more
instigated by media and outsiders causing differences between the two parties. This quote is trying to provide an insight on what happened in rwanda
and why. The local and international media played a significant role in therwandan genocide of 1994; however racial hatred intensified from European
colonists and the ... Show more content on ...
(chretien,56) The kangura was another form of media that was used to disseminate hate.. The kangura established by Hassan Ngeze in 1990,was
rwanda's print media that had the most impact compared to the other bi–monthly newspapers of that time such as Akanyange and
Umerwanashyaka.(Kabanda,62) In order to convince the unemployed, uneducated, and hopeless hutus without a future, the kanguras goal was to
instigate feelings that would inspire revolutionary action against the tutsis.(Kabanda,63) The kangura did this by promising this majority of the
audience that life would be better for all hutus if the tutsis were gone. The kangura eventually created the illusion that rwanda of 1990 was similar to
the rwanda of 1957 when hutu leaders wrote the Bahutu Manifesto in which Hutu people complained that the tutsis' were treating them as
subordinate.(Kabanda,63–64) It wasn't always just words that were used to hate, illustrations were also used. For example it was asked, "what tools
will we use to defeat the cockroaches?" and alongside was a drawing of a machete.(Kabanda,68) The main purpose for these two local media sources
in rwanda was to portray the tutsis in a negative light, and the succeeded in doing so.
Moving on from local media in
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Understanding The Rwandan Genocide
Rwandan Genocide Warfare is always destructive, and effects the people for a longtime. Genocide however always has a long effect not only on the
country that has suffered from the warfare, but the world. The Rwandan Genocide didn't last long like the Holocaust, but it was the shortest genocide in
history with fatal results. The Rwandan Genocide was cause by inter–racial tension in the country. This conflicted could have been avoided or even
nonexistent if the European negative presence was never in the country. Due to the European negative presence Rwanda, it cause inter–racial tensions
and caused the warfare in Rwanda. To understand the Rwandan Genocide, first you need to understand the colonialism that took place there. Around
the 1880's ... Show more content on ...
The United States refused to call what was going on in Rwanda a genocide. The U.S had helped Somalia with their conflict and the U.S didn't
want to get in more African Conflicts. Former president, Bill Clinton went to Rwanda in 1998 and apologized for the lack of help the U.S showed.
Clinton still remarks that his biggest regret was not acting to prevent the Rwandan Genocide ( Prejudice in the Modern World Reference Library).
The UN and Belgium had troops in Rwanda but were basically useless. Belgium pulled their troops out after 10 were killed. The French had a
controversial role in the genocide. The French were believed to have sold rifles and machetes to the Hutus although they deny this. The French
supposedly set up safe zones but still didn't do much to stop the violence (Rwanda genocide: 100 days of
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The Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide (1994)
Grade Course
Tutor's Name
1. Introduction
A. Definition of genocide
B. Overview of the genocide
2. The Historical Rivalry between Hutu and Tutsi A. Background of Hutu and Tutsi B. Effect of the West inRwanda
3. The Massacre
A. The mass killings
B. The Perpetrators
C. Women and Children in the genocide
4. The Aftermath
A. Tutsi Government
B. Economic Recovery
C. Physical and Psychological effects
5. Conclusion
A. Personal Opinion
B. Recommendations
Introduction The genocide concept comprised two words, genos, a Greek word meaning tribe or race and cide a Latin word meaning killing of pointed
out by Polish Jurist Raphael Lemkin. ... Show more content on ...
The most astonishing thing is the number of lives that were lost in such a span of time (Akresh 4). What triggered the genocide is when Juvenal
Habyarimana, the Rwandan president died on sixth April nineteen ninety four in a shooting that happened in Kigali Airport. This wave of violence
spread drastically in all places of the country. The Hutus being the perpetrators of the massacre, wanted to wipe away the Tutsi (Mamdani 3).
However, could the death of President Juvenal Habyarimana be the cause of such a dreaded massacre? This paper will explore the historical rivalry of
the Hutu and Tutsi communities, the motive of the genocide, the role of the media and the international community and the aftermath of the massacre.
In my opinion, I must declare that it I unavoidably difficult to discuss the Rwandan genocide without raising the deepest emotions, a cry for humanity.
The Historical Rivalry between Hutu and Tutsi The ethnic rivalry that existed in Rwanda before the genocide between the majority who are the Hutus
and the minority as the Tutsi was evident since the colonial times. Traditionally, the Hutus were farmers while the Tutsis were herdsmen. However, the
distinction between the two tribes not very clear since they are hard to distinguish as their culture and language is the same. There has occurred
intermarriages between the two ethnic tribes and this also made them hard to distinguish. Tutsis valued land for the sake of their livestock
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
"Always Regret that Rwanda thing" The Rwandan Genocide, triggered by the murder of Rwandan President Habyarimana on April 9, 1994, was the
fastest, if not most barbarous bloodbath in human history, and was carried out with little to no intervention or aid force from any of the many capable
Western governments, such as the United States. Though these administration 's may claim that they were unable to intervene due to lack of warning
signs and insufficient information; those statements are false. The United States government refused to intervene in the Rwandan genocide due to its
economic disinterest, political indifference, and pure African prejudice, completely ignoring the obvious signs of the genocide.Rwanda is a small
African country of 10,169 square miles with a population of approximately 8,380,000 (before the genocide). As an agricultural nation, Rwanda was
economically dependent on the harvesting of crops such as rice, coffee, and maize. Though the nation may have been dependent on these agricultural
exports to the United States (and other Western powers), the US unfortunately was not entirely dependent on Rwanda as these products were also
traditionally received from Brazil, Columbia, and other larger African countries. Prior to the control of other western powers, the country was at peace;
however, all this changed after Rwanda came under control of the countries Germany and Belgium. Unfortunately, Germans and Belgians could not
appreciate the
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide was one of the most violent genocides in the history of the world and was intricately planned and implemented by the ethnic
group called the Hutu in an attempt to eliminate another, the Tutsis. Though the genocide lasted only one hundred days, the number of deaths is
estimated to be approximately 800,000. In the wake of the genocide, mass chaos plagued the country of Rwanda, deepening the divide between the
groups Hutu and Tutsi. Although it can be said the genocide was caused only by the animosity between the groups in an effort for revenge, several
causes led to the genocide–including social, economic, political and historical factors that had been a result of past interactions. The Rwandan Genocide
was caused by ... Show more content on ...
The history of colonialism evident better explains not only the motives of the killers in Machete Season, but also the mindset behind why the genocide
occurred. The meaning behind this can be summarized in a simple sentence–the Hutu aimed to blame the Tutsi for the problems they faced daily and
begrudgingly hated the authority they possessed. After they had gained control of Rwanda, colonizers sought to clearly draw the line between ethnic
groups that co–existed in the country; the Hutu and Tutsi. As Reader discussed on page 621, European colonizers issued identification cards to
distinguish between the two groups; however, it was a difficult task considering the many "generations of intermarriage, migration and changes in
occupation and economic standing..." Understanding the outright labeling of each ethnic group, Reader's knowledge allows individuals to better
understand the chapter called "A Neighborhood Genocide" in Machete Season. In this chapter, Hatzfeld claims that "the government had been
recording the ethnic background of all its citizens...since 1931" (Hatzfeld, J). From this knowledge alone, it is easy to see how the murderers knew the
"identity" of their neighbors, their friends and co–workers, seen in both the text
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide was one of the most horrific acts of genocide since the Holocaust during World War II. Lasting only one hundred days it
claimed the lives of over 800,000 people and had lasting effects on global civilization to this day. Even though the world had been consumed by many
travesties before, the Rwandan Genocide exposed that violent human injustices on a grand scale could still happen regardless of the advancements
made within "global society". Decades of internal conflict within Rwanda because of colonialism, class, and clan played a great role in marring cultural
identity and thusly created a foundation for the genocide. The homogeny of cultures evolved, separating the population of Rwanda into three distinct
groups: Hutu, Tutsi, and a marginal group of Twa that made up one percent of the population. Hutu ultimately came into power and with the help of
the Interahamwe (a Hutu militia group) and the Rwandan Armed Forces committed atrocities towards Tutsi peoples under the ideal of 'social
revolution ' and extermination of perceived 'enemies ' of the Hutu race. The planning and execution to erase and exterminate the culture and identity of
Tutsi people is a classic and legal example of Genocide. Residual ideals from Belgian and German colonialism of Rwanda laid the groundwork for
ethnic tension by further instigating a social divide amongst Hutu and Tutsi populations. Class and clan had always been apart of the cultural
identification within Rwanda
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The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide
Miranda Shearer
Mrs. Sohal/ Mrs. Love
Period 3
17 October 2014
The Rwandan Genocide
A genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a group of people, especially of a certain ethnicity. By that definition and almost any other a
dictionary could define, the killing of the Tutsis was certainly a genocide.The Rwandan Genocide occurred in 1994, in an African country called
Rwanda. A long history of building friction between the Hutus and the Tutsis undeniably caused the mass murder of over 800,000 Tutsis, but various
countries' failure to act allowed the genocide to go on longer than it should have been able to.
Before the genocide actually occurred, the Hutus and Tutsis had a long history of tension between them, which would sometimes break out in
violence. Though hostility between the ethnicities has always existed, dislike grew into hatred when Belgian colonists came to Rwanda in 1916
("Rwanda"). The Belgians decided that Tutsis were superior to Hutus, and forced everyone to carry ethnicity identity cards. The Tutsi were slightly
taller and thinner than the Hutus, with slightly paler skin and more experience with governing, which was likely what led the Belgians to make such a
decision. Though the Hutus and Tutsis are similar in language and traditions, these identity cards allowed the Tutsis to get superior jobs and education.
Needless to say, the Hutus became increasingly resentful, which led to increased ("Rwanda"). In 1959, there were a series of Hutu riots that
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The Genocide And The Rwandan Genocide
In the year 1994, the Rwandan Genocide took place. During this time, Rwandans were set into two distinctive groups that were at war with each other.
He Hutu ethnic majority were determined to remove the Tutsi ethnic minority. In westernized states, many people were not concerned with this because
they felt that there was no real connection. The United States, specifically, did not want to engage in what they believed to be "not their fight". In 2004,
Hotel Rwanda was released and it baffled many westerns when they realized how little help they provided. It also caused an emotional response
because it was noted how much could have changed if they had stepped in. Hotel Rwanda was a very historically accurate film and had many key
features ... Show more content on ...
As a theory, categorization played a large role in the genocide and war. Without these groups the war would never have occurred because the people
would be united by the idea that they were all Rwandans and not different.
Lack of identity played a huge role in the Rwandan war. Identity is how a person classifies them self. As a whole, all of the people in Rwanda
classify themselves as Rwandan. This means that they shared similar values, languages, and traditions. The war would have been completely avoided
if they has united as a nation, instead of separating into different categories. Paul represented a member of the Rwandan society who looked at
everyone as Rwandans instead of Hutus and Tutsis. This is shown in the film when he brings his friends and family who are Tutsi to hide in the hotel.
By doing this he is keeping them safe and preventing them from being killed by Hutu members. People like Paul who were willing to unite as a
country instead of individual groups are the reason that the war came to an end. If Rwandans had united by the identity of being Rwandan, the war
could have been entirely avoided. Media influence also played a large role in the Rwandan War. Radio stations were used to rally members together
and inflict pain on the
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Rwandan Genocide Analysis
The Rwandan Genocide of 1994 saw the highest level of violent atrocities and killings committed against the Tutsi ethnic group as perpetrated by the
Hutu ethnic group. The Rwandan Genocide remains to be one of the most notable genocides of the 20th Century due to the significant number of
civilians, killed of approximately '500,000 to 800,000' Bhavani and Backer (2000) tutsi's slaughtered in the short time of 90 Days. The genocide
occurred as a result of ethnic, political and socio–economic tensions triggered by Belgian colonial rule aiming to divide these ethnic groups into three
distinct categories 'Hutu, Tutsi or Twa'. The shooting of Hutu president Habyarimana's plane triggered the violence, as 'this event was all the justification
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The Rwandan genocide not only wiped out ordinary civilians but on the sector level devastated the criminal justice system of Rwanda due to the
murders of judiciaries, lawyers, judges, prosecutors who unfortunately fell victims to these mass atrocities (Longman 2009, Human Rights Watch
2011). Accountability for these atrocities was difficult to achieve due to the high numbers of civilians who partipated in the genocide, and the high
prison population of individuals detained for these crimes which the national courts, and international courts were unable to process and trial efficiently.
The Gacaca system an indigenous system of conflict resolution adapted to the needs of providing communal justice, by involving Rwandan's within the
Justice process. Aside from trailing and prosecuting 'gacaca's mandate was extended to include a focus on truth–telling, reconciliation and the
reintegration of prisoners'. Palmer (2005:4) The extension of Gacacas mandate to include reconciliation and truth telling was a necessary measure as it
played a strong role in not only providing justice for the victims of the genocide, but provides perpetrator the opportunity to express remorse for their
actions, which was an absent factor of both the national and international mechanisms. For reconciliation to be truly fostered, perpetrators must
acknowledge that their actions were wrongful, negatively impacting on individuals, and must be given a platform, to express these feelings and
remorse which the gacaca system aimed to provide, in a complex three–part interaction between the victim, perpetrator and members of the community
who witnessed the violence. In order to examine the extent to which Gacaca, has fulfilled its primary goals, an outline of Gacaca's Jurisdictions is
... Get more on ...

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The Effects Of The Rwandan Genocide

  • 1. The Effects Of The Rwandan Genocide Genocide refers to the "deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group." The Rwandan Genocide began on the 7th April 1994 and ended in July 1994. It occurred as a result of the death of the Rwandan president, JuvГ©nal Habyarimana, a hutu, who lost his life in a plane crash. This sparked outrage across the country, where many Tutsis were attacked by extreme members of the Hutu national ethnic majority. As a consequence of this 800,000 people consisting of the Tutsis as well as Hutu moderates were slaughtered. It was one of the heaviest genocides that occurred in human history. The victims of this brutal attack were the Tutsis, while the perpetrators were the extreme hutu nationalists who took take control of the country. One of the many victims of this horrific genocide was Jean Louis Mazimpaka, a 17 year old who survived the Rwandan genocide. He lived with his mum, dad and 4 siblings, whom were all Tutsi Rwandans. One day they heard that the Tutsis were being attacked, but didn't worry because they didn't know whether or not the Militia would arrive where they live. Unfortunately, the killings reached their hometown where, his friend, the husband of a teacher, was killed. People with machetes and other weapons came to steal from his house, and they killed him. "Still we thought we were safe and that this was a one–off, but the next day in the neighbouring town another teacher and his family were killed and we started ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Rwandan Genocide And The Tutsi Genocide The Rwandan Genocide took place in April 1994 to July 1994 in the African nation of Rwanda. It was the mass murder of the minority ethnic Tutsi group. The people responsible for the genocide was the majority ethnic Hutu group. The Hutu group murdered about 800,000 people, most of them the Tutsi group.About 500,000 Tutsi women were raped and killed immediately afterwards. The most used weapon for killing in the genocide was the machete. The Hutu militias were sent to kill Tutsis. Even Hutu men killed their Tutsi wives.("TheRwandan Genocide", n.d. Para 1) The cause of the Rwandan Genocide was the Belgian colonial rule that put the Tutsi minority group in control over Rwanda, the death of the Hutu president, and the ethnic tension that was already there. The Belgian colonial rule started after world war I in 1922 when Germany was broke apart. It lasted all the way until Rwanda was granted national independence in 1961. The rule ripped people away from each other and also put them in other tribal groups that they weren't familiar with. Just like the germans before them, Belgium just put one ethnic group over the other. The Tutsi minority which was considered educated, ruled over the Hutu majority who were not. The Hutus was often considered as illiterate while the Tutsis were very smart and educated and held the higher level jobs and controlled the government. The Belgians took a better liking into the Tutsis and educated them in catholic schools which made the Hutus angry. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Propaganda In The Rwandan Genocide Immediately following the assassination of Rwandan President JuvГ©nal Habyarimana on April 6th 1994, Hutu extremist radio stations in Kigali began broadcasting throughout the entire country. They repeatedly called out for Hutu's to "take their country back" by simply telling them to "go to work", all of which was a kind of dog–whistle terminology calling for the mass murder Tutsis. These radio stations would used to broadcast mobilizing rhetoric and to give orders to the armed Hutus throughout the four month killing spree in Rwanda. However, these radio extremists never referenced Tutsis as human–beings, but they instead referred to them as "cockroaches" (Szekely 4/17/17). This constant dehumanizing language played a huge role in the Rwandan Genocide because it managed to convince regular Hutu civilians to take up machetes and brutally murder their Tutsi neighbors. ... Show more content on ... This use of propaganda is not exclusive to Rwanda, but has been used in various parts of the world to create narratives that reenforce the "separateness" of ethnic groups to such an extent that the "genocidaires" fully buy into these narratives, at the expense of their humanity. Both genocide and ethnic cleansing heavily rely on these narratives to frame a targeted group as "the enemy". These divisive narratives are often fabricated to accomplish political goals and are quickly received in post–colonial states like Rwanda, where ethnic lines have already been drawn by colonial ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Causes Of The Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan Genocide was the most quickly escalated genocide of all time killing over 800,000 Rwandans in the span of 100 days. Raphael Lemkin invented the word genocide as a term of incrimination and defines it as "the extermination of racial and religious groups ... racial, or religious groups"(Sands 2016, 188) The goal of the genocide that was conducted by the Hutu militias and government was to exterminate ethnic Tutsis. (United Nations 2012) The Hutu used the Tutsi as a scapegoat for the country's political, ideological, and economical problems that eventually led to the genocide. In addition, the Rwandan Genocide is also known as the most preventable genocide. Due to the international community's failure to recognize early warning signs and failure to recognize the genocide. All in all, factors of ethnic division, hardship, ideology, and an authoritarian regime led to the preventable Rwandan Genocide. There are many factors that led up to the genocide in Rwanda. I believe that factors of ethnic division, hardship, ideology, and authoritarian power were all contributing factors to destructive acts against the Tutsis. Ethnic division among the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority was the biggest contributing factor in the Rwandan genocide. During precolonial times, the much stronger Tutsi herders conquered the Hutu farmers.The two groups worked almost in harmony through a caste system. However, during the period of colonization an ethnic divide developed between the two ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Genocide has been plaguing the world for hundreds of years. Millions of innocent lives have been taken all for the sake of prejudice. One of the most atrocious aspects of genocide is that a large percentage of them are sponsored by the state in which they are taking place. Over the years scholars have studied just what motivates a state to engage in such awful behavior. What motivates them? Why would they do such horrendous things to their own citizens? Is it solely for some economic incentive, or is it simply out of hatred? Most importantly, how is it possible that they get away with it? One particular case that has been studied recently is the Rwandan Genocide that occurred in 1994. The Rwandan Genocide remains one of the fastest and most brutal cases of genocide in modern history (Temitope and Danjibo 2013). In the years leading up to the genocide there was a civil war between the Government of Rwanda (led by Hutu General Habyarimana) and the Tutsi expat group, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, who had been in exile in Uganda (Buhr 2015). Following the cease–fire agreement in 1993, there were signs that the agreement would not hold despite the presence of UN peacekeepers (Buhr 2015). In April 1994 General Habyarimana was assassinated, and violence ensued (Buhr 2015). Tutsis were blamed for the death of Habyarimana, despite a lack of evidence (Buhr 2015). From April to July of 1994 vengeful Hutus slaughtered approximately one million Tutsis (Temitope and Danjibo 2013). ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Rwandan Genocide In today's world, it is of the utmost importance to learn from mistakes of the past. Certain events, especially tragedies that could have been avoided, hold within them the lessons and wisdom that should be used to prevent similar disasters. The 1994 Rwandan genocide resulted in over 800, 000 deaths of the Tutsi people, at the hands of the Hutu; the genocide, and the international response to it, is a lesson about the humanitarian responsibilities, successes, and shortcomings of the United Nations. The events leading up to the Rwandan genocide began decades earlier. There has been a long history of "ethnic" tensions, though it is really a matter of social class. The classification began with the German and Belgian colonizers in the early ... Show more content on ... It is estimated that 200,000 Hutus participated in the brutal massacre. (Genocide in Rwanda) Along with Tutsis, many moderate Hutus were also killed. Any Hutus who attempted to assist or protect Tutsis were also murdered. The international response to the crisis was more of an international denial. The United Nations withdrew their troops from Rwanda, leaving innocent civilians defenseless against the Hutu soldiers. (Genocide in the 20th Century: Rwanda 1994). After ten United Nations soldiers were killed, the United Nations made the decision to pull their troops from the country. By the end of April 1994, only 200 United Nations soldiers remained in Rwanda (Genocide in the 20th Century: Rwanda 1994). The remaining soldiers were given no orders to intervene, and often watched as innocent Tutsis were killed. (Genocide in the 20th Century: Rwanda 1994) In the United States, officials were banned from using the word "genocide", as that would require immediate action and intervention. In 2004, reports were released showing that U.S. senior officials identified the situation in Rwanda as genocide within the first sixteen days. These documents, from May 1994, said, "Be careful, 'genocide' finding could commit the U.S. government to actually do something." (Welsh) These reports prove that President Clinton and his officials were, in fact, aware of the "final solution to eliminate all Tutsis". Unlike previous genocides around the world, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide The Rwanda Genocide was an unfortunate case where thousands of deaths could have been prevented, but because of irresponsibility and selfishness of global governments' innocent lives were lost. The Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and was, "initiated by the Hutu political elite and extremists and its military support, their prime targets were the Tutsi, as well as Hutu moderates." (Hain 2) The Hutu made up majority of the population and government officials and enforced a government–assisted military force to fatally attack the Tutsis. The genocide lasted one hundred days until a rebel Tutsi groups army Hutu armies in a Civil War. Within ten years of the genocide,Rwanda would make exceptional changes to government that would hold genocide participants accountable, within twenty years of the genocide; the economy has grown about 8% an annum. In the next fifty years, Rwanda will continue to see economic and population growth, but will continue to push peace and unity as the genocide continues to cause ethnical tension. Reasons for ethnical tension between the Hutus and Tutsis have been the subject to several studies. "Historian have purported "ethnic hatred" as the cause of the Rwanda Genocide and while an ethnic divide was indeed present in Rwanda around the time of the conflict, the reasons for the genocide are multiple and far more complex." (Hain 5) The Hutus were the original inhabits of Rwanda, but in the 15th century the Tutsis peacefully took over Rwanda and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay "There aren't just bad people that commit genocide; we are all capable of it. It's our evolutionary history" (James Lovelock). According to the Oxford dictionary, genocide is defined as "the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group." Although it may be hard to believe, genocides have occurred all over the world and all throughout time. There have been well documented genocides such as the Holocaust. Additionally, there have also been genocides that have barely received any media attention at all. One such example is the Rwandan genocide. The Rwandan genocide occurred in 1994 and was perpetrated by the Hutu ethnic group against the Tutsi ethnic group. Genocides have taken the lives of millions of people around the world. One of the key factors that allows an atrocious act such as genocide to even occur is obedience. Without obedience, genocide cannot take place. People must be obedient to be willing to kill millions of innocent people. For example, Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of Nazi Germany, could not have murdered six million Jewish people without the support of his armies. Without the obedience of his constituents the Jewish prisoners would not have been murdered. Similarly, the Rwandan genocide was only possible because numerous Hutu civilians obeyed Hutu extremists when they were told to kill their Tutsi neighbors. Obedience is studied in many experiments and essays. Two prominent examples, Solomon Asch, a ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Rwandan Genocide, The Holocaust, And Genocide Crimes against humanity are always preventable. They can be defined specific acts which are intentionally carried out to harm or certain civilian population. They always occur when one group or leader has ultra–nationalistic values and beliefs, meaning they feel they are above all others and are superior. Historically, there has never been a genocide or crime against humanity that was unexpected or an incident that couldn't have been stopped. In the world we live in today, despite the fact that most of the population has internet access and social media right at their fingertips, passionate acts of abuse to human beings are still occurring. Subsequently, most people who aren't affected by crimes against humanity choose to ignore them. How are cases of violence against humanity supposed to stop, when the majority of people block it out? It's our responsibility as citizens to recognize these brutal actions and stop them. Preventing crimes against humanity is possible, and to understand how we can end them by fully intervening, we can analyze in the Rwandan Genocide, the Holocaust, and Isis. The incident in Rwanda which became known as a genocide, began in 1994. Over the course of 100 days, approximately 70% of Tutsi people living in Rwanda had been brutally slaughtered. However, this genocide was no surprise. Tensions between Rwanda's two groups, the Hutus and Tutsis had been evolving for years. Additionally, the Hutus made up the large majority of the population, making the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Rwandan Genocide Africa has been an interesting location of conflicts. From the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea to the revolutionary conflict in Libya and Egypt, one of the greatest conflicts is the Rwandan Genocide. The Rwandan Genocide included two tribes in Rwanda: Tutsis and Hutus. Upon revenge, the Hutus massacred many Tutsis and other Hutus that supported the Tutsis. This gruesome war lasted for a 100 days. Up to this date, there have been many devastating effects on Rwanda and the global community. In addition, many people have not had many acknowledgements for the genocide but from this genocide many lessons have been learned around the world. To find the cause of theRwandan genocide, many people had tried to follow the path of history ... Show more content on ... In Hotel Rwanda, a reporter came to see what was happening in Rwanda, but he knew that people would not care about this conflict just like the U.N. Countries around Rwanda were also greatly affected by the conflict, because many Tutsis fled to the surrounding countries. This caused additional minor urban sprawls in countries such as Uganda and Tanzania. In the past, for news to travel from one country to another, many people had to see what the media was covering. Since the U.N. did not care on the topic of the conflict, many people didn't know what was going on in Rwanda. Even if information was let out on the Rwandan conflict, when spread the information would get butchered, such as a piece of information that is used in the game of "Telephone". So in order to be more aware, nations should make more organizations that promote the spread of information throughout the world like the media. Nations should make allies surrounding them so if a nation is in trouble allies can send help from foreign powers such as United States or England; if surrounding countries such as Uganda were strong allies then Rwanda would not have to suffer as much as it is suffering today which would give more awareness to a crisis on the other side of the world. In addition to the Rwandan Genocide, other similar conflicts have also occurred in parts of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Rwandan Rwanda And The Rwandan Genocide Introduction In the spring of 1994, more than eight thousand Rwandans were murdered, slaughtered, and bodies piled up upon the streets in less hundred days. But yet, the only reason this genocide had actually stopped, was at the cost of the Rwandan Patriotic Army, a militant group primarily composed of Rwandan refugees whom reclaimed Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Yet, before theRwandan genocide occurred, for many years, tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi had growth to extreme measures and lead to far more than just disputes– it lead to the Rwandan Genocide. The Rwandan Genocide was a mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority in which the Hutu were the ones attempting to overrule the colony in ... Show more content on ... In 1912, there were actually few changes, especially when it came down to the Tutsi and their missionaries. They were entitled and felt as if their had the right to more a aristocracy system rather than a system based off christianity. Therefore this idea began to promote a different ideology and and conversions began. These changes were not only due to the new ideas that that got all of the colonised world, but yet, it tend to be avoided one that consequently altered the way they governed their land, and it was an unforeseen event. But even though this was an unforeseen event, social relationships became more grimmer and full on conflict concerning the structure of society and retaining the terms of power, which for the Hutu, in terms of power, had become less and less in a way of making money for them. The old oppressive forms were seen as too harsh, therefore, they didn't with stand and began to lose their real power and it was evident that their 'cultural legitimacy' weary away. In such an unstable/shifting atmosphere, the church began to favor the growth of a 'Hutu counter–elite'. Since there was war around this time, the church was thinking about different approaches to become this stable quality state. In 1915, there was as many black priests as there were white.These clergy were mostly Tutsi, since at the time, they were ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Genocide Of Rwandan Genocide Cossette Sandoval Ms. Martz English 2:Period 2 20 November 2015 Rwandan Genocide INTRODUCTION After the atrocities suffered by the Jewish people at the hand of the Nazi regime, the United Nations formed the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UNCG), dedicated to the understanding and prevention of future genocides. The UNCG defines genocide as acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Genocides have occurred on almost every continent and the UNCG has had little impact on prevention. Indeed, 2since its creation in 1951 the world has seen a rise in genocides beginning in 1975 in Cambodia, followed by the horrors in Yugoslavia in 1992, thenRwanda in 1994, and the on–again–off–again atrocities in Darfur since 2003 (Maddox). The causes of each of these genocides are as unique as the topography of the land they occur on and as varied as the languages and cultures of the people involved. The genocide occurred in Rwanda in Central Africa between April 6, 1994 and July 1994. The decades of unjust treatment by Belgium favored the Tutsi tribe and the assassinations of the Rwandan president and Burundi president led to the genocide in Rwanda. CAUSES ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Rwandan Genocide The world has seen many gruesome acts throughout history. These acts are often too cruel to even imagine for some people. The Rwandan Genocide is without a doubt one of these acts. This genocide is a very controversial topic that stirs up a lot of anger, emotion and regret. The Rwandan genocide shows a prime example of a country ignored when it needed help the most. The Rwandan genocide occurred in 1994. The two main ethnic groups in Rwanda at this time were the Hutu and the Tutsi. These two groups had separate ethic identities because of the type of work that they did. The genocide consisted of members of the Hutu group periodically executing members of the lower class Tutsi group. Rwanda was controlled by an extremist Hutu regime who planned to eliminate everyone who opposed its rule. This even included members of the Hutu group. The Hutu and Tutsi tension broke out in 1994 when the genocide began. The hate that the Hutu had towards the Tutsi grew larger and larger as time went on. The Hutu referred to the Tutsi as "cockroaches". At the peak of the killing in 1994, the Hutu Power private radio station broadcasted that the effort to exterminate all Tutsi from world must be continued. This alone showed how much hate the Hutu had for the Tutsi. The Hutu even went as far as killing thousands of their own, if they suspected them of being against the campaign to eradicate the Tutsi. This genocide was a bloody massacre from beginning to end. All types of weapons were ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Roots of the Rwandan Genocide On April 6, 1994, Rwanda experienced a period of great turmoil as thousands of people fell victim to the horrors of the Rwandan genocide. The main targets of the genocide were Tutsis and Hutu moderates. Though the main cause of the genocide was a conflict between two ethnicities, the genocide was also fueled by political factors and social conditions. Rwanda is the smallest sub–Saharan country with a population of about 7 million inhabitants. Although the indigenous peoples of Rwanda are the Twa, they are now the minority. 90% of Rwanda's population is comprised of Hutus, and the rest of the population's majority consists of Tutsi people. Hatred between the two ethnic groups had begun in the pre–colonial era, which was long before the 20th ... Show more content on ... As a result, peace and unity between the Hutu and Tutsi military and political groups was never achieved, thus leading to the assassination of the president. The Genocide Roughly 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathizers were killed during the events of the Rwandan genocide. Although tensions were high between the Hutus and the Tutsis long before the genocide began, the assassination of Rwanda's second president, President Habyariama, created even more hostility between the two ethnic groups. Extreme Hutu nationalists accused a Tutsi organization called the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), and many Tutsis blamed Hutus. Because of this disagreement, extremist Hutu groups such as the Hutu militia and the Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) were encouraged by radical radio stations to use brutality and force to seek revenge for the death of the Hutu president. Within the first few days of the genocide, Hutu militia groups executed the US Ambassador to Rwanda, Ambassador Rawson, and 250 other Americans. The FAR and Hutu militia used rape as a tactic to defeat the opposing groups. Moreover, the Hutu radical groups used rape as a major weapon throughout the events of the genocide. In early July, towards the end of the genocide, the RPF "gained control of the country through a military offensive ... hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were dead and many more displaced from their homes" . Because the genocide lasted only 100 ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Genzanian Genocide And The Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan Genocide took place for in 1994 where the Hutus began to massacre the Tutsis due to many years of oppression aided by Belgian influences. While the Palestinian Genocide occurred between 1947–1948 and Zionists wished to overtake Palestinian land and remove all Arab influences while expanding upon their territory. Yet, theRwandan Genocide and the Palestinian Genocide had a distinguished similarity; to ethnically cleanse the land. Post WWII, Jew's wished for land separate from European Anti–Semitic beliefs. The Holocaust had further pushed Zionists agenda to take Palestine due to their historical and religious background within the land. Thus, a significant amount of Jews from Europe and America called for a separate Jewish state. During this time, Britain had a mandate over Palestine and were authorized to rule the land. However, given that the dispute was becoming increasingly controversial, the British withdrew from the conflict and gave authority of the land to the UN. Then the UN had formed the UNSCOP, United Nation Special Committee on Palestine. Their objective was to separate Jewish and Arab land. There the UN authorized the Israeli state and caused the displacement of thousands of Palestinians. They had forced the Palestinians to flee their villages in order to place arriving Jewish settlers. Various tactics were used to remove Palestinians from the land. For instance. Israelis used arab radio broadcasts to inhibit fear within the arab community. Such ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Often described as the most horrible and systematic human massacre since the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide has been a subject of research and debate for decades. Typically, ethnic and cultural differences between segments of Rwanda's diverse population, namely the Hutu and the Tutsi, is the reason given to explain the genocide. Although this is a valid argument, the roots of the conflict are more complex stretching back to the era of colonialism. The impact of colonialism on Rwandan politics and society set the foundations for revolution in 1959 and, ultimately, genocide in 1994. The first known inhabitants of Rwanda were the Twa that were eventually displaced by the Hutu peoples living in the Congo River basin during the tenth century. About five hundred years later, the Tutsi arrived from the north, conquered the Hutu, and ruled them through an elaborate feudal system – Tutsi kings, or mwamis, governed the elite who, in turn, governed the Hutu serfs. This system remained intact for hundreds of years and reached its peak in the middle to late 19th century ("Rwanda"). Until 1880, Rwanda was governed mainly by Tutsi monarchs, but the Rwandan people did not consider themselves separate races at this point. Tutsis simply held more status and wealth and, therefore, took on leadership roles. The Hutu were farmers and the Tutsi were traditionally herdsmen, and together they shared the business of faming for survival. For 600 years, the Tutsi and the Hutu shared a language, a ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide "In the Rwandan genocide over one million helpless Tutsi were murdered in a span of 100 days" (Briggs). Because of the underlying government and cultural problems in Rwanda, the Hutu led a 100 day massacre against the Tutsi in an attempt to eradicate them. To begin, the word genocide contains many definitions and has been used several times throughout history. The dispute of the RwandanHutu and Tutsi occurred long before the events of 1994. There were lots of methods that were taken to eradicate the Tutsi. Furthermore, the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide had many atrocities. Genocide has been used around the world to describe the mass murders of a population. "Genocide is when you kill members of a group, cause bodily or mental harm, deliberately inflicting conditions of the calculated to bring about its physical destruction, imposing measures to prevent births." Genocide is considered one of the worst moral crimes a country and government can subject its citizens to". The UHCG defines genocide by saying that "intervention to destroy, in a whole or in part a national Ethnical, racial, or religious group" (Rummel). Genocide is when a massive amount of people are killed regardless of what the country chooses to call it. The term genocide's origin derived thousands of years ago. Genocide has been happening since before the 19th century. However, it has been called other names such as massacres, mass murders, put to the sword, barbarism, or inhumanity. Other attempts ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Rwandan Genocide Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and lasted for about 100 days (History). The two groups involved, the Hutus and Tutsis, were in a massive conflict after their president was killed. The Hutus brutally killed about 800,000 Tutsis and supporters. This tragic genocide was not stopped by other countries during its peak, leaving the world wondering why. As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of theRwandan Genocide, it is important to be informed about the tragedy. The way to distinguish the difference between Hutus and Tutsis groups was to know where theRwanda settlements were. The cattle location determined the group. The people with the most cattle were the Tutsis. They could change the fact that they were a ... Show more content on ... Once they were raped, they were either killed or turned into sex slaves. If they were killed, they were tortured sexually before. Everyone was killed with hand weapons, such as machetes or clubs. People were almost always tortured before being killed. Killings were long and painful. The Hutus did not bury the Tutsi bodies. They were eaten by rats and dogs, exposed to everyone. Some bodies were thrown into rivers, lakes, and swamps (20th Century History). A way to kill Tutsis and get paid was to sell bullets. Since the killings were torturous, some people paid the killer to just shoot them. This stopped suffering for them, but with a payment. It made a much quicker death possible. Rwandan society had a lot of negative media attention, especially from the Kangura newspaper. The Kangura newspaper controlled Hutu experiments by releasing information. The main thing they did was spread hate. Because of all the negativity the Hutus were getting from the killing, The Ten Commandments for the Hutu were created (United Human Rights Council). They were rules the Hutus had to obey. They were considered traitors if they married or did business with a Tutsi. It said positions and the military would only consist of Hutus and could only associate with other Hutus. The most well–known organization was the RTLM (20th Century History). It started on July 8, 1993 with the radio and television beginning to spread hate. At first, it gained popularity and listeners by playing ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Rwandan Genocide Rwanda is a country made up of a population with three ethnic communities, the two main communities, the Hutu and Tutsi and an additional community of Twa (or pygmies) who all spoke the same language, Kinyarwanda or Rwandan (Clapham, 1998). There is a stereotype of appearance attributed to these two main communities, with Tutsi being seen as tall and having an aquiline shaped nose, and the Hutu as being short and flat–nosed (Clapham, 1998). In the pre–colonial state of Rwanda, it was the Tutsis that occupied positions of power even though they were a minority community compared with the majority of the Hutu community, this remained the same until Habyarimana (a Hutu) became President (Clapham, 1998). The Germans, Europeans and Belgian's colonised and during their time in Rwanda, made it known that they favoured the Tutsis over the Hutus, the Europeans going as far to regard the Hutu and Twa as inferior to the Tutsis (Clapham, 1998). The Belgians eventually changed their views, and favoured the Hutu, foreseeing that the majority Hutu would eventually become dominant (Magnarella, 2005). Supporting the coloniser's views, Rwandan folktales describe the Tutsi as being intelligent and courageous, the Hutu as being obedient however not very clever, and the twa as loyal to the Tutsis, yet lazy and lacking in restraint (Clapham, 1998). The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) was established by Tutsis who were exiled from Rwanda, they retained a strong sense of identity and formed the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan Genocide In the middle of Africa there lies a small country by the name of Rwanda. Rwanda is made up of three different ethnic groups: the Twa (a group of aboriginals who were the first to settle there), the Hutu, and the Tutsi. Starting in the mid 1990's, Rwanda was thrown into a terrible genocide stemming from deep ethnic hatred between the Hutus and the Tutsi. This atrocity was not readily noticed or acted upon by the rest of the world at first, but would soon shock it with the horrors that took place. Although Rwanda was not always like this, the events that preceded it certainly lead the country on a dark path of hatred and killing. The first settlers in Rwanda were the Twa, a group of hunters/gatherers who didn't interact much with the rest of the population, and while the exact time they settled is unknown, they were there from before the Roman Era. Next came the Hutu. These settlers were traditionally farmers and crop growers, and worked on the land. The last people to come were the Tutsi, who migrated somewhere in the 1300's. Because the Tutsi were traditionally herdsmen, the nature of their job lended them to owning land. Considering the customary job of the Hutu, they were the ones who would work on the Tutsis' farms. Because of this, the Hutus would naturally outnumber the Tutsi. This did not cause a class distinction or ethnic hatred at first, however, simply because the idea of separate classes had not come to them. In this period of time the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Rwandan Genocide The Tutsi are a people who live in Rwanda, Burundi, and the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The location, size, and history, most importantly, is why the Tutsi tribe the second largest population division among the three largest groups in Rwanda and Burundi, the other two being the Hutu and the Twa. Although theTutsi tribe is one of the most known tribes in Africa, it comes from a long way of fighting for its' rights and independence. Rwanda and Burundi contain many mountains located in east–central Africa. Their combined total area is about 20,900 square miles . This is about the combined size of the states of Maryland and New Jersey. Tutsi also live in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo . They live near the city of Bukayu in the Mulenge region. Here they are known as the Banyamulenge. The population of Rwanda and Burundi was about 13 million in 1994. European colonists wanted an estimate of how many Tutis and other ethnic groups they were during that period so they created a scheme according to a economy statues and physical features. They defined "Tutsi" as anyone owning more than ten cows (a sign of wealth) or with the physical feature of a longer nose, or longer neck, commonly associated with the Tutsi. Tutsis are tall and sturdy people. Their physical characteristics make them great soldiers leading them to indepence . Their physical strength have been useful in building up a strong military force in Burundi. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide With over eight hundred thousand to one million deaths, the Rwandan genocide is undoubtedly one of the most sad and shocking examples of the lack of intervention by not only the US and the UN, but by other countries as well. The ongoing tensions between the Hutu, the largest population in Rwanda, and the Tutsi, the smaller and more elite population is what eventually lead to the Rwandan genocide. The killings began quickly after President Habyarimana 's plane was shot down. After hundreds of thousands of deaths, the US did not intervene in Rwanda because being a landlocked country with no natural resources to benefit the US, there was no economical benefit, and the risk of sending in troops simply outweighed the rewards. The aftermath of the genocide has not only impacted those who lived through it, but it has also impacted future generations as well. At the end of the genocide, the ICTR was formed by the UN to find justice. The Rwandan genocide has shocking similarities between the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide as well. Overall, the Rwandan genocide was a terrible event that escalated far beyond what it should have if there had been intervention from other countries and the UN. While there is no single outlying cause of the Rwandan Genocide, the ongoing tensions between the Hutu and the Tutsi is what is believed to have eventually lead to the Rwandan genocide. The majority of the killings occurred shortly after President Habyarimana 's plane was shot down ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide It is almost too easy to think of the Rwandan Genocide as something out of a fictional horror film, in that it almost doesn't seem possible such atrocities could have actually occurred. Only at the cinema could murdering and dismembering the bodies of perfectly innocent citizens, many of them children, be imaginable. The story of the Rwandan Genocide is one of a great divide between the Hutu and Tutsi people. However, there was no real reason for this division to come to fruition. They didn't have religious disagreements, as in the Armenian Genocide, nor were they born into an environment with extreme ethnic tensions. European colonialism in the Rwandan region ultimately created the "ethnic" divide between the Hutu and and Tutsi groups ... Show more content on ... However, in Rwanda, the colonialists did not directly incite a genocide, but instead left the nation in an extremely divided state, that lead to the genocide. This difference is caused by the fact that they were settled in different ways (PappГ©, 2008). North America was settled through settler colonialism, in which the settlers took over the government entirely and became the dominant population. Rwanda was settled through elite colonialism, so that only political elites from Belgium and Germany lived in the region, and left the prior governmental institutions in place. As a result, there was less conflict between the native population and the colonialists, because they were so hands off. Prior to the onset of the genocide, the Hutus and Tutsis lived relatively in harmony. Although some historians would like to simplify their original exchanges as merely peaceful and democratic, this is not the case. It is important instead to note that Hutus and Tutsis have endured an extremely unequal relationship from the beginning. The Hutu are generally thought of as the primary settlers in this region and the Tutsi and a foreign group that would later come to establish themselves. In actuality, the Twa, a people that is still around today, were the first to inhabit this area, but were quickly outnumbered dominated by the Hutu, with whom they traded goods. Over ten thousand ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay The Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994 and involved members of the Hutu mass killing Tutsi and Tutsi sympathizers who were Hutu. The genocide resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people, majority Tutsi. The separation of classes came from Belgian internationals creating the two ethnic classes and giving power to the Tutsi who were taller and had lighter skin, and generally appeared more European. In response to this, after the country gained independence from Belgium, Hutu extremists gathered enough power through manipulation and groupthink in order to form the militia, for example the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi. The killings were initiated by the assassination of president Juvenal Habyarimana, which ended any ties of peace between the two ethnicities. After his death, many Hutu extremists called for other Hutu individuals to brandish weapons and kill, rape, or destroy Tutsi citizens and their property. Predominantly, the utilization of propaganda was vital in uniting and brainwashing groups of Hutu into acting violent against Tutsi civilians. Often Tutsi were compared to cockroaches and were deemed an infestation, desensitizing the murders. There was a lack of help from outside countries and the UN, or even support of the genocide from countries such as France, which allowed for the genocide to last until the Rwandan Patriotic Front was able to push the rebels into the Congo, but there was no actual peace process that occurred between the two ethnicities. Thus, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Causes Of The Rwandan Genocide Although the Rwandan Genocide was an event that was overlooked by the world, it had a significant impact on how the country is today. Started by the tensions between the two ethnic groups, Tutsi and Hutu. The tension eventually broke out on April 7, 1994, when over 800,000 people were slaughtered in the span of three months. Though many people would say this event had no compromise, the genocide contributed to the unification of Rwanda and how it is today. The Rwandan Genocide was an event that occurred twenty–three years ago on April 7, 1994, which was caused by the previous ethnic tension of the Hutu and Tutsi people. The tension began from the Belgians, Rwanda had recently been under the Belgian administration in the colonial period. While under the Belgian rule, they favored the Tutsi minority for their features such as their lighter skin and build. The Belgians issued identification cards to differentiate the two groups creating an even bigger division. This initiated ethnic tension between the two groups because the Tutsi minority was treated differently and had economic advantages. "The Tutsis as cattle–herders were often in a position of economic dominance to the soil–tilling Hutus. That is not to say that all Tutsis were wealthy and all Hutus were poor, but in many areas, like Rwanda, the minority Tutsis ruled the Hutus." (PBS NewsHour) This tension caused a split between the two groups that lasted for years and that would eventually erupt into mass murder. The ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide The Rwandan genocide occurred during the period of April to July of 1994. This genocide was as a result of the Hutu ethnic majority slaughtering the Tutsi minority. During this period as much as 800,000 Tutsis were killed. The genocide was started by Hutu extremists in the capital of Kigali and the genocide soon spread across the country. Despite all of this there were several survivors of the genocide. Immaculee Ilibagiza is one of those people. Immaculee Ilibagiza was born in 1972. She is the only daughter of four children of the late Leonard Ilibagiza and Rose Ilibagiza of Mataba village, Rwanda. She was a Tutsi, which was an ethnic minority in her nation. From childhood, Immaculee had always done well in school. Immaculee was a 22 year old National University student studying electrical and mechanical engineering when her country started experiencing a political conflict on April 7th, 1994. During the period which she was home for Easter break, the Hutu death squads began a three month killing spree of Tutsis across the nation. During this period Immaculee 's entire family was murdered, however she was able to find a hiding place in the packed 3 foot by 4 foot (1m by 1.3 m) bathroom of a local pastor, along with seven other women. Immaculee and the others spent 91 days in this bathroom. And during this period they lost a lot of weight entering at 115 pounds and emerging at 68 (, par.1). Despite her hardship, Immaculee found life in the dark, built ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide Throughout the 1600s to the mid 1990s, the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda, and the Hutu tribe of Rwanda have always been arch enemies. Although the Hutus have had a prolonged hate for the Tutsi tribe, this hate was not physically expressed, until 1994. From April to July of 1994, over 80,000 Tutsi people were murdered and tortured for their African heritage. TheRwanda genocide is considered to be one of the worst massacres the world has ever seen since the Holocaust. This paper will touch a few things that occurred after the massacre, and will also answer the questions of why this massacre started, what occurred during this genocide. The Rwandan genocide was a massacre based off of discrimination and hatred for a specific tribal group. This ... Show more content on ... Over 300,000 Tutsis were forced to leave Rwanda and never return. In 1961 the Hutus wanted more of the Tutsi population gone. In an effort to show their strength and domination over the Tutsis, the Hutus pushed the Rwandan ruler, who was a Tutsi, into exile and forced him to declare Rwanda as a Republic. In 1962, a year after this declaration was made Belgium finally gave Rwanda its independence. After this, the Hutu people stopped harming and forcing Tutsi citizens or officials into doing what they wanted them to do, until 1994. IV.Now that Rwanda had independence, the Tutsis began to take over and have important roles in the Rwandan society, because they were the most educated and organized tribal group in Rwanda. Since important roles in government were automatically given to Tutsis, because they were strongest and most educated tribal group, jealousy and distinctive hatred began to develop in the Hutus, against the Tutsis. V.Right before the genocide, Habyarimana, the president of Rwanda, signed a treaty with Arusha, Tanzania which allowed a sharing in power. This new power agreement made by a Tutsi president angered the Hutus, because it took away the little power they had. After this treaty was made known to the public, the major Rwanda genocide actually began. 
 VI.The first murder that started this genocide was the assassination of Habyarimana. This murder was a signal to the government in ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Genide And The Rwandan Genocide When someone mentions the reign of Adolf Hitler and the path of destruction he left, people shudder at the devastation he caused. Every year when September 11th rolls around, thousands are left crying in remembrance of the deadly terrorist attack that hits home for every American. These are only two of the most significant mass killings that have left the world in shock. They're known for the brutal tactics, the terror they inflicted, and most of all, the number of people killed. Despite the widespread remembrance of these two major events, many people seem to brush off the several conflicts that occur all around the world. For instance, the Rwandan Genocide and the horrendous actions that occured have shaped how Rwanda is today, yet aren't known to the rest of the world. After years of ethnic conflicts arising between the Hutus and the Tutsi, the tensions finally hit their highest in 1994. In a span of 100 days, people were killed by the thousands while the world stood by and watched. Today, Rwanda is used as a reminder to the United Nations as their failure to put an end to the genocide. For years on end, ethnic conflicts have been the largest issue in Rwanda. These derived from the white settlers, who first came into the country and took control. Due to their lighter skin, the Tutsi were favored instantly and were eventually put in charge over the darker skinned Hutus. The settlers set up a caste system, with the Tutsi at the top, as leaders and herdsmen, while the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Rwandan Genocide Between April and June 1994 warfare between the Hutus and Tutsis people struck in the East African country of Rwanda. To call it a tragedy would be an understatement when faced with the estimated death count of one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus over the span one hundred days. The genocide resulted from the desire to control and obtain power within Rwanda and stemmed from a history of cultural and social class conflict amongst the rival groups. This bloodshed proved to be one the most horrific events in history. The Tutsi people had joined the Rwanda population during the 1300's. Before the colonial era, Tutsis typically occupied the higher status in the social system and the Hutus the lower. However, mobility on the social hierarchy ... Show more content on ... When an attack was launched, all Tustis remaining in the country were considered accomplices of the RPF. In August 1993, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the governments in power signed the Arusha peace agreements. It appeared to bring an end to the conflict between the Hutu dominated government and the RPF. In October 1993, the Security Council established the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) in maintain peace, and provide humanitarian assistance and general support. However, human rights violations started becoming for frequent and the security and Agreement was deteriorating. The Hutu majority was planning a movement to exterminate the Tutsis and moderate Hutus. On April 6, 1994 the deaths of the Presidents of Burundi and Rwanda in a plane crash caused through Rwanda into several weeks of intense massacres that started just less than a half hour after the incident. An estimated one million people died and 150,000 to 250,000 women raped. The radio broadcasted the plane crash was a result of the RPF and UN soldiers. This initiated even more fatalities, forcing Belgium to withdraw the rest of its force. On April 21, other countries also withdrew and the UNAMIR force reduced from and intial 2,165 to 270. On June ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Rwand The Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan genocide was the killing of 800,000 people in just 100 days. The Rwandan genocide took place in 1994. During this time Rwanda was a small country with a mostly agricultural economy. Although it is small it had one of the largest populations. In 1994 Rwanda was made up of three different ethnic groups. The Hutu made of 85% of the Rwandan population. The Tutsi's made of 14% of the population and was the minority. The Twa was a small Pygmy group that made up 1% of the population ( The Rwandan genocide was a horrific and terrorizing event that changed the country forever because 800,000 people were murdered, people were ordered to murder others just because of their ethnic group, and other countries didn ... Show more content on ... Shortly after that, Belgium gave Rwanda their independence ( The Rwandan genocide didn't just start right after that. There was a spark that marked the beginning of the Rwandan genocide. On April 6, 1994, a plan that had President Habyarimana and the president of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down. It has still not been concluded who shot the plane down. The Hutu's blamed the Rwandan Patriotic Force (RPF) and the Tutsi's blamed the Hutu's. Soon after this, the Presidential Guard, the Rwandan armed forces, and Hutu militia groups started to slaughter all Tutsi's. They set up roadblocks all across Rwanda so that nobody could flee or try to escape ( Before any political leaders could take any action, the Hutu's killed them. Tutsi women were raped and taken to be used as sex slaves (humanrightscouncil). The slaughter and killing from Kigali soon spread all across Rwanda. In just three months 800,000 people were killed. 3/4 Tutsi's were murdered during the Rwandan genocide. People were killed in churches, homes, schools, and many other place ("A Good Man in Hell"). During this time, government radios and officials were telling civilians to kill. They were told to kill anyone who was Tutsi or anyone who supported the Tutsi's. The RPF kept fighting back and by early July the RPF had claimed and got control over most of Rwanda. Then over two million Hutu's fled the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide "When you start to see another human being as less than you, it 's a danger."–Immaculee Ilibagiza. In 1994, a mass genocide broke out in Rwanda, a small country in Africa. The genocide occurred between the two ethnic groups where the Hutus were targeting the tutsis. The Rwandan genocide, ranking in the top five largest genocides in the world, was caused because of the resentment the hutus had towards the tutsis and was even more instigated by media and outsiders causing differences between the two parties. This quote is trying to provide an insight on what happened in rwanda and why. The local and international media played a significant role in therwandan genocide of 1994; however racial hatred intensified from European colonists and the ... Show more content on ... (chretien,56) The kangura was another form of media that was used to disseminate hate.. The kangura established by Hassan Ngeze in 1990,was rwanda's print media that had the most impact compared to the other bi–monthly newspapers of that time such as Akanyange and Umerwanashyaka.(Kabanda,62) In order to convince the unemployed, uneducated, and hopeless hutus without a future, the kanguras goal was to instigate feelings that would inspire revolutionary action against the tutsis.(Kabanda,63) The kangura did this by promising this majority of the audience that life would be better for all hutus if the tutsis were gone. The kangura eventually created the illusion that rwanda of 1990 was similar to the rwanda of 1957 when hutu leaders wrote the Bahutu Manifesto in which Hutu people complained that the tutsis' were treating them as subordinate.(Kabanda,63–64) It wasn't always just words that were used to hate, illustrations were also used. For example it was asked, "what tools will we use to defeat the cockroaches?" and alongside was a drawing of a machete.(Kabanda,68) The main purpose for these two local media sources in rwanda was to portray the tutsis in a negative light, and the succeeded in doing so. Moving on from local media in ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Understanding The Rwandan Genocide Rwandan Genocide Warfare is always destructive, and effects the people for a longtime. Genocide however always has a long effect not only on the country that has suffered from the warfare, but the world. The Rwandan Genocide didn't last long like the Holocaust, but it was the shortest genocide in history with fatal results. The Rwandan Genocide was cause by inter–racial tension in the country. This conflicted could have been avoided or even nonexistent if the European negative presence was never in the country. Due to the European negative presence Rwanda, it cause inter–racial tensions and caused the warfare in Rwanda. To understand the Rwandan Genocide, first you need to understand the colonialism that took place there. Around the 1880's ... Show more content on ... The United States refused to call what was going on in Rwanda a genocide. The U.S had helped Somalia with their conflict and the U.S didn't want to get in more African Conflicts. Former president, Bill Clinton went to Rwanda in 1998 and apologized for the lack of help the U.S showed. Clinton still remarks that his biggest regret was not acting to prevent the Rwandan Genocide ( Prejudice in the Modern World Reference Library). The UN and Belgium had troops in Rwanda but were basically useless. Belgium pulled their troops out after 10 were killed. The French had a controversial role in the genocide. The French were believed to have sold rifles and machetes to the Hutus although they deny this. The French supposedly set up safe zones but still didn't do much to stop the violence (Rwanda genocide: 100 days of ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan Genocide (1994) Name Grade Course Tutor's Name Date Outline: 1. Introduction A. Definition of genocide B. Overview of the genocide 2. The Historical Rivalry between Hutu and Tutsi A. Background of Hutu and Tutsi B. Effect of the West inRwanda 3. The Massacre A. The mass killings B. The Perpetrators C. Women and Children in the genocide 4. The Aftermath A. Tutsi Government B. Economic Recovery C. Physical and Psychological effects 5. Conclusion A. Personal Opinion B. Recommendations Introduction The genocide concept comprised two words, genos, a Greek word meaning tribe or race and cide a Latin word meaning killing of pointed out by Polish Jurist Raphael Lemkin. ... Show more content on ...
  • 34. The most astonishing thing is the number of lives that were lost in such a span of time (Akresh 4). What triggered the genocide is when Juvenal Habyarimana, the Rwandan president died on sixth April nineteen ninety four in a shooting that happened in Kigali Airport. This wave of violence spread drastically in all places of the country. The Hutus being the perpetrators of the massacre, wanted to wipe away the Tutsi (Mamdani 3). However, could the death of President Juvenal Habyarimana be the cause of such a dreaded massacre? This paper will explore the historical rivalry of the Hutu and Tutsi communities, the motive of the genocide, the role of the media and the international community and the aftermath of the massacre. In my opinion, I must declare that it I unavoidably difficult to discuss the Rwandan genocide without raising the deepest emotions, a cry for humanity. The Historical Rivalry between Hutu and Tutsi The ethnic rivalry that existed in Rwanda before the genocide between the majority who are the Hutus and the minority as the Tutsi was evident since the colonial times. Traditionally, the Hutus were farmers while the Tutsis were herdsmen. However, the distinction between the two tribes not very clear since they are hard to distinguish as their culture and language is the same. There has occurred intermarriages between the two ethnic tribes and this also made them hard to distinguish. Tutsis valued land for the sake of their livestock ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide "Always Regret that Rwanda thing" The Rwandan Genocide, triggered by the murder of Rwandan President Habyarimana on April 9, 1994, was the fastest, if not most barbarous bloodbath in human history, and was carried out with little to no intervention or aid force from any of the many capable Western governments, such as the United States. Though these administration 's may claim that they were unable to intervene due to lack of warning signs and insufficient information; those statements are false. The United States government refused to intervene in the Rwandan genocide due to its economic disinterest, political indifference, and pure African prejudice, completely ignoring the obvious signs of the genocide.Rwanda is a small African country of 10,169 square miles with a population of approximately 8,380,000 (before the genocide). As an agricultural nation, Rwanda was economically dependent on the harvesting of crops such as rice, coffee, and maize. Though the nation may have been dependent on these agricultural exports to the United States (and other Western powers), the US unfortunately was not entirely dependent on Rwanda as these products were also traditionally received from Brazil, Columbia, and other larger African countries. Prior to the control of other western powers, the country was at peace; however, all this changed after Rwanda came under control of the countries Germany and Belgium. Unfortunately, Germans and Belgians could not appreciate the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide The Rwandan Genocide was one of the most violent genocides in the history of the world and was intricately planned and implemented by the ethnic group called the Hutu in an attempt to eliminate another, the Tutsis. Though the genocide lasted only one hundred days, the number of deaths is estimated to be approximately 800,000. In the wake of the genocide, mass chaos plagued the country of Rwanda, deepening the divide between the groups Hutu and Tutsi. Although it can be said the genocide was caused only by the animosity between the groups in an effort for revenge, several causes led to the genocide–including social, economic, political and historical factors that had been a result of past interactions. The Rwandan Genocide was caused by ... Show more content on ... The history of colonialism evident better explains not only the motives of the killers in Machete Season, but also the mindset behind why the genocide occurred. The meaning behind this can be summarized in a simple sentence–the Hutu aimed to blame the Tutsi for the problems they faced daily and begrudgingly hated the authority they possessed. After they had gained control of Rwanda, colonizers sought to clearly draw the line between ethnic groups that co–existed in the country; the Hutu and Tutsi. As Reader discussed on page 621, European colonizers issued identification cards to distinguish between the two groups; however, it was a difficult task considering the many "generations of intermarriage, migration and changes in occupation and economic standing..." Understanding the outright labeling of each ethnic group, Reader's knowledge allows individuals to better understand the chapter called "A Neighborhood Genocide" in Machete Season. In this chapter, Hatzfeld claims that "the government had been recording the ethnic background of all its citizens...since 1931" (Hatzfeld, J). From this knowledge alone, it is easy to see how the murderers knew the "identity" of their neighbors, their friends and co–workers, seen in both the text ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide The Rwandan Genocide was one of the most horrific acts of genocide since the Holocaust during World War II. Lasting only one hundred days it claimed the lives of over 800,000 people and had lasting effects on global civilization to this day. Even though the world had been consumed by many travesties before, the Rwandan Genocide exposed that violent human injustices on a grand scale could still happen regardless of the advancements made within "global society". Decades of internal conflict within Rwanda because of colonialism, class, and clan played a great role in marring cultural identity and thusly created a foundation for the genocide. The homogeny of cultures evolved, separating the population of Rwanda into three distinct groups: Hutu, Tutsi, and a marginal group of Twa that made up one percent of the population. Hutu ultimately came into power and with the help of the Interahamwe (a Hutu militia group) and the Rwandan Armed Forces committed atrocities towards Tutsi peoples under the ideal of 'social revolution ' and extermination of perceived 'enemies ' of the Hutu race. The planning and execution to erase and exterminate the culture and identity of Tutsi people is a classic and legal example of Genocide. Residual ideals from Belgian and German colonialism of Rwanda laid the groundwork for ethnic tension by further instigating a social divide amongst Hutu and Tutsi populations. Class and clan had always been apart of the cultural identification within Rwanda ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide Miranda Shearer Mrs. Sohal/ Mrs. Love Period 3 17 October 2014 The Rwandan Genocide A genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a group of people, especially of a certain ethnicity. By that definition and almost any other a dictionary could define, the killing of the Tutsis was certainly a genocide.The Rwandan Genocide occurred in 1994, in an African country called Rwanda. A long history of building friction between the Hutus and the Tutsis undeniably caused the mass murder of over 800,000 Tutsis, but various countries' failure to act allowed the genocide to go on longer than it should have been able to. Before the genocide actually occurred, the Hutus and Tutsis had a long history of tension between them, which would sometimes break out in violence. Though hostility between the ethnicities has always existed, dislike grew into hatred when Belgian colonists came to Rwanda in 1916 ("Rwanda"). The Belgians decided that Tutsis were superior to Hutus, and forced everyone to carry ethnicity identity cards. The Tutsi were slightly taller and thinner than the Hutus, with slightly paler skin and more experience with governing, which was likely what led the Belgians to make such a decision. Though the Hutus and Tutsis are similar in language and traditions, these identity cards allowed the Tutsis to get superior jobs and education. Needless to say, the Hutus became increasingly resentful, which led to increased ("Rwanda"). In 1959, there were a series of Hutu riots that ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Genocide And The Rwandan Genocide In the year 1994, the Rwandan Genocide took place. During this time, Rwandans were set into two distinctive groups that were at war with each other. He Hutu ethnic majority were determined to remove the Tutsi ethnic minority. In westernized states, many people were not concerned with this because they felt that there was no real connection. The United States, specifically, did not want to engage in what they believed to be "not their fight". In 2004, Hotel Rwanda was released and it baffled many westerns when they realized how little help they provided. It also caused an emotional response because it was noted how much could have changed if they had stepped in. Hotel Rwanda was a very historically accurate film and had many key features ... Show more content on ... As a theory, categorization played a large role in the genocide and war. Without these groups the war would never have occurred because the people would be united by the idea that they were all Rwandans and not different. Lack of identity played a huge role in the Rwandan war. Identity is how a person classifies them self. As a whole, all of the people in Rwanda classify themselves as Rwandan. This means that they shared similar values, languages, and traditions. The war would have been completely avoided if they has united as a nation, instead of separating into different categories. Paul represented a member of the Rwandan society who looked at everyone as Rwandans instead of Hutus and Tutsis. This is shown in the film when he brings his friends and family who are Tutsi to hide in the hotel. By doing this he is keeping them safe and preventing them from being killed by Hutu members. People like Paul who were willing to unite as a country instead of individual groups are the reason that the war came to an end. If Rwandans had united by the identity of being Rwandan, the war could have been entirely avoided. Media influence also played a large role in the Rwandan War. Radio stations were used to rally members together and inflict pain on the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Rwandan Genocide Analysis Introduction The Rwandan Genocide of 1994 saw the highest level of violent atrocities and killings committed against the Tutsi ethnic group as perpetrated by the Hutu ethnic group. The Rwandan Genocide remains to be one of the most notable genocides of the 20th Century due to the significant number of civilians, killed of approximately '500,000 to 800,000' Bhavani and Backer (2000) tutsi's slaughtered in the short time of 90 Days. The genocide occurred as a result of ethnic, political and socio–economic tensions triggered by Belgian colonial rule aiming to divide these ethnic groups into three distinct categories 'Hutu, Tutsi or Twa'. The shooting of Hutu president Habyarimana's plane triggered the violence, as 'this event was all the justification ... Show more content on ... The Rwandan genocide not only wiped out ordinary civilians but on the sector level devastated the criminal justice system of Rwanda due to the murders of judiciaries, lawyers, judges, prosecutors who unfortunately fell victims to these mass atrocities (Longman 2009, Human Rights Watch 2011). Accountability for these atrocities was difficult to achieve due to the high numbers of civilians who partipated in the genocide, and the high prison population of individuals detained for these crimes which the national courts, and international courts were unable to process and trial efficiently. The Gacaca system an indigenous system of conflict resolution adapted to the needs of providing communal justice, by involving Rwandan's within the Justice process. Aside from trailing and prosecuting 'gacaca's mandate was extended to include a focus on truth–telling, reconciliation and the reintegration of prisoners'. Palmer (2005:4) The extension of Gacacas mandate to include reconciliation and truth telling was a necessary measure as it played a strong role in not only providing justice for the victims of the genocide, but provides perpetrator the opportunity to express remorse for their actions, which was an absent factor of both the national and international mechanisms. For reconciliation to be truly fostered, perpetrators must acknowledge that their actions were wrongful, negatively impacting on individuals, and must be given a platform, to express these feelings and remorse which the gacaca system aimed to provide, in a complex three–part interaction between the victim, perpetrator and members of the community who witnessed the violence. In order to examine the extent to which Gacaca, has fulfilled its primary goals, an outline of Gacaca's Jurisdictions is strongly ... Get more on ...