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[The Service upon the first day of the week – Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2]
Date: 09 December 2022
The Vessels: Immah - Pastor G. Baloyi with Pastor S. Erengwi
[Immah is Aramaic for Mother]
Sermon: The Death Of Aaron
Principal Scripture (PS):
20 And he said, Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out against him with
much people, and with a strong hand.
21 Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his border: wherefore Israel
turned away from him.
22 And the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, journeyed from Kadesh,
and came unto mount Hor.
23 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in mount Hor, by the coast of the land
of Edom, saying,
24 Aaron shall be gathered unto his people: for he shall not enter into the land which
I have given unto the children of Israel, because ye rebelled against my word at the
water of Meribah.
25 Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor:
26 And strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son: and Aaron
shall be gathered unto his people, and shall die there.
27 And Moses did as the Lord commanded: and they went up into mount Hor in the
sight of all the congregation.
28 And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son;
and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down
from the mount.
29 And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead, they mourned for Aaron
thirty days, even all the house of Israel. [Numbers 20:20-29]
Hebrew Translation of Bemidbar 20:20-29:
20 lo amar yatsa abar am qirah Edom chazaq yad kabed
21 eth Nathan Edom maen gebul abar Yisrael al Yisrael natah
22 Qadesh nasa kol Yisrael ben bo har Hor edah
23 Mosheh el Yhvh amar har Hor Aharon el Edom erets gebul al amar
24 am el Aharon asaph erets el bo lo ki al Yisrael ben Nathan asher peh eth marah
asher Meribah mayim
25 eth Aharon eth laqach alah ben Elazar har Hor eth
26 eth Aharon eth pashat eth labash begged Aharon ben Elazar muth sham
27 asher Mosheh asah el alah Yhvh tsavah kol ayin har Hor edah
28 eth Mosheh pashat begged eth Aharon Elazar eth eth labash sham Aharon muth
ben yarad har rosh har min Elazah Mosheh
29 ki edah kol raah eth bakah Aharon gava bayith kol yo sheloshim Aharon Yisrael
[Pastor S. Erengwi]
- The Church was left in the hands of elders after all the Apostles slept in the Early Church.
- The Church still progresses even when certain persons are not present.
- The bishops and the elders of the Church are instrumental to the progression of the Gospel.
[Pastor G. Baloyi]
- The most important investment the Lord did to us was (by His Apostle T.F Chiwenga), lay the
foundation of the Gospel.
- This foundation ensures that, even after the Apostle sleeps, the Ministry will progress as the
Lord gives directive.
- The foundation, The Whole Bible Talks About Jesus Christ is the most important precept from
which our faith and the form of the Gospel is built, this is not a simple statement as we may
consider it.
- The reason of Aaron’s death is what happened at Meribah where the Rock was struck against
the will of the Lord.
[Note: PS refers to Principal Scripture which is Numbers 20:20-29]
- (PS: verse 29) Israel saw on her own that Aaron was dead because they did not see Aaron in
the company of Moses when he descended the mountain and Eleazer was seen wearing the
garments of the Kohen Gadol/High Priest.
- (PS: verse 29) Israel ‘saw that Aaron was dead’, they did not hear of his death.
What is it that we call the Gospel?
- (Romans 1:1-4), (verse 2) the Old Testament is not the Gospel/Didache but the promise of the
- (verse 3), the Gospel concerns the Son of God even thou in the context of the Principal
Scripture, the subjects of the Scripture are Moses, Aaron, Eleazer and Mount Hor, the
Gospel/the promise will be extracted from the Old Testament.
- (Acts 3:18-22), Apostle Cephas concurs with Apostle Paulos, teaching that the promise has
been fulfilled and that all Old Testament prophets were testifying of this promise.
- (Verse 19), when one hears the Gospel, the call is repentance.
- Everyone who claims to preach, quotes the Holy Scripture, the difference of a charlatan and a
Truth Preacher is the extraction they derive from Scripture (anything else especially prosperity
for the charlatans, only the promise which is Jesus Christ for the Truth Preachers).
- Luke 24:24,45 is an additive Scripture to show – INYAYA YEMURIDZI (the whole Bible is on
[Didache is the Greek word which means ‘The Message’]
- Aaron was given to Moses after the Lord seemed to consider Moses’ plea that he could not
communicate well because of stammering (Exodus 4:10-)
- (Exodus 7:1) Moses as a god, Aaron was his prophet – Moses was to be given the word, Aaron
was to declare the word to Yisrael/Israel.
- Aaron was three years older than Moses, he died with 123 years and Moses died with 120
- The introduction of Aaron as a help to Mosheh/Moses came when God was angry because
Moses argued against God saying he should not send him because he could not talk well
(Exodus 4:14).
- Arguing that he (Moshe) was a stammer to God shows that Moses thought that God was
looking for those who can speak well.
- Moses is the Testator ‘Messiah’ of Israel. Even thou he was the Testator, Moses was hesitant
to be commissioned.
- (Exodus 3:1-) the commissioning. (Verse 2) an agglos/angel appeared unto Moses. (Verse 6)
the angel addresses himself as God even in (Numbers 20:16, Exodus 23:20-23).
- Saying God delivered Israel is an expression of shallow understanding, the scriptural
understanding is, God delivered Israel using angels (Acts 7:51-53, Galatians 9:19-20), Diakonis
Stephen and Apostolos Paulos knew it.
- The coming of God to Israel in the person of an angel means God did not come but it was a
promise that He was to come later in the person of Christ – God manifested in the flesh [1
Timothy 3:16].
- Because the Old Testament was a drama of the coming New Testament then present, God
could not come in his person.
- God used the fake Israel (the natural, carnal middle east Israel) as a promise for the coming of
the True and Spiritual Israel (the Kaini Diathiki Ekklesia/New Testament Church).
- (Numbers 20:13-) Moses petitions the Edomite king to pass through during the exodus, which
request Edom declines. Edom:
- (Exodus 23:21) explains (Exodus 3:8) it was God operating in the angel since His
name/Hashem was in the angel – the paradox explained.
- (Exodus 33:6) is the atoning prayer by Moses when Israel had erected a golden calf for a god
(idol) (Exodus 32), Israel was led to sin by Aaron.
- Moses saw the angel who said, God had visited Israel (Exodus 3:8) yet in (Exodus 33:13)
Moses prays that he had not found Grace in God’s sight.
- In (Exodus 3), Moses was given Aaron for a help yet in (Exodus 33:12) Moses is insinuating
that God gave him no one to go with.
- (Exodus 33:12-33) you don’t need to see Him to find Grace but what you need to know is the
way. You need grace to find grace. The way is Jesus (John 14:6).
- Aaron (Exodus 7:1), Moses’ prophet, led people to idolatry (Exodus 32), what was he
prophesying about as a prophet to Moses (Exodus 7:1-).
- (Hebrews 7:11) the Levitical priesthood could not bring the remission of sins of which
Aharon/Aaron was the Kohen Gadol/High Priest.
- (Exodus 28:1) Aaron anointed into the priesthood.
- (Hebrews 7:11-12,17), Aaron taught/read the law as the mouthpiece/prophet of Moses.
- Because Moses was not eloquent, Aaron was used in the giving of the law, the reading of the
law to Israel.
- When the Scripture says God spoke to Moses and Aaron, the truth of the matter is, God spoke
to Moses, Moses spoke to Aaron then Aaron became the mouthpiece to the audience of
- (Numbers 20:1-12) the conflict over water at Meribah. The Scripture says, the Rock/Petra will
give His water, ‘His’ is enough to show that this is all about Jesus Christ. Meribah:
- (Exodus 17:1-) the first incidence where Israel demanded about water and Moses struck the
Rock as instructed and there was water. Horeb:
- In all these incidences, the purpose is setting parameters for the preaching of the Gospel.
- (John 7:37-39) all those who thirst should come to Jesus to receive water – Israel drank water
from the Rock, so Jesus is the Rock, the source of the true water.
- Iesous/Jesus invited people to come to Him if they thirst because he never runs out of water,
it is an infinite supply of living water.
- (1 Corinthians 10:1-4) Christ is the Rock that was following them.
- (Deuteronomy 32:1-4), Jesus Christ is the Rock and the issue of Doctrine is clarified before
mention of the Rock to show that Jesus is identified with His Gospel always.
- (Romans 9:30-33), Jesus is the Rock laid in Zion/Sion, a stumbling block to the concession
(those of the law).
- When it was time to speak at Meribah, Moses got it wrong (Numbers 20:8) but had got it right
initially, when he struck the Petra/Rock (Exodus 17) as instructed, this shows that, he had
troubles speaking as clarified earlier at his commissioning (Exodus 3).
- Moses and Aaron failed to sanctify God at Merribah, how then can Israel believe when both
the Testator/god (Moses) and his prophet (Aaron) did not believe.
- Aaron finally died at Mount Hor/har Hor:
- Which mountain are we talking about where we are going to see the death of Aaron? Mount
Hor is representative to Calvary where the Lord died. Calvary:
- (Ephesians 2:13-16) and (Colossians 2:14-17) are Scriptures on the suffering of Jesus. This
suffering is pictured when Moses struck the Rock because Israel was the one to handle and kill
the Lamb, the lamb being Jesus [John 2:29].
- At Meribah, speaking to the Rock was a sign of believing in what God said, believing (hence
faith) (Romans 10:9-10) is the one which brings the water out of the Rock in the New
- The promise of Christ as the High Priest by oath (Psalm 110:4) the same applies to (Psalm 2,
Hebrews 1:5-6)
- (Hebrews 2:6-14) is speaking of the suffering of the Lord and His glorification. When the issue
of the Begotten Son is introduced, that’s where the High Priest is mentioned to show that the
Begotten Son is the High Priest.
- The passing on from one priest to the other shows that God had rejected the former priest’s
service so when Aaron died and Eleazer took over, God had rejected Aaron.
- We are learning about this because we must know the relationship between our High Priest
and God because it has a bearing on our Salvation. Israel did not care of the relationship
between Aaron and God. Their focus was to get water even if it meant their High Priest angered
God. This compliance caused all of them to perish in the wilderness.
- If there Testator and High Priest did not enter the promised land, how could Israel enter the
- (Deuteronomy 34:9), Joshua was the Savior to take Israel into the Promised land.
- The law was leading people to Mount Hor where people saw the death of Aaron. From the
death of Aaron (the end of the law), under Elazar/Eleazar (a type of Jesus Christ the High
Priest), people would begin to function under the new law which is there because of the change
of priesthood (the law of Grace).
- (Hebrews 7:18-19), the law/Aaron was to die because of his weaknesses, shortcomings and
unbelief, he is not a priest by oath [as Master Jesus is – Psalm 110:4], he is a priest because
Moses angered God.
- Joshua was the Savior after the hand-over-take-over. People were instructed to follow the
commandments of Joshua not Moses’ for the law is changed also if the priesthood is changed
(Hebrews 7:12, Joshua 1:16).
- Both Aaron and Moses died in the body of Jesus so that the Begotten Son (Christ) can come.
- The death of Aaron and Moses brought about Eleazer and Joshua, Eleazer being
representative of the priesthood of our Lord and Joshua representing the Testator, these two
roles are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ who is both the Testator and High Priest of the
New Testament.
- Moses was the one who stripped Aaron of his clothes and that was a sign of his death.
- Moses came down the Mount Hor with Eleazer. In that instant he was as a prophet testifying
of the Priesthood which is of Jesus Christ. Moses represented the role of the law which testifies
of Eleazar (the type of Christ).
- Moses and Aaron have a certified record of angering God so it is not possible to follow the law
and please God, be a follower of the law, be sure to anger God.
- (Romans 10:1-4) wanting to keep the law always leads to self-righteousness. This is
exemplified in Moses who did not submit to the instruction to speak to the Rock but instead hit
it twice.
- The giving of the law was a promise that God was to bring true righteousness in times now
present (the times of the New Testament).
- Moses and Aaron both died, they don’t lead people to the promised land, they died because
of unbelief (Galatians 2:21).
- (Romans 6:1-14), the death of Aaron as a picture of the death and end of the law should bring
Israel to repentance.
- The death of Aaron should prompt us to a newness of life, renewed conduct and a sinless life
of righteousness.
- Knowing that Aaron is dead is not enough [knowing that the la ended at Calvary is not
enough], it should enforce righteousness amongst us.
- Sin causes the newness of life not to be seen.
- Upon realization that Aaron had died, mood changed in Israel (they began to weep all of a
sudden), so we should do in the newness of life.
- If your priest is Aaron, l understand if you are still in your sin but if Yah SHU ah HaMashiach is
your High Priest or so you claim, there is a question mark if you are still in sin. Why?
- (1 Corinthians 5:1) sin still alive amongst the saints and some of the sins more serious than
they used to sin while they were still sinners, How for?
- The New Testament is a cleansing house where Believers come to be sanctified.
- If our Papas/Priest is the only one who offered the only acceptable sacrifice how then can sin
be amongst us.
- The devil gives arrogance so as to hinder repentance.
- If Aaron died because he provoked God, have we introduced a system of provoking God in the
New Testament because sin is still master amongst us?
- The Gospel is becoming lighter to us; we are trivializing the Gospel.
- Resisting the correction and rebuke of the Word of God is resisting sanctification and by so
doing, you are not a brother to Jesus (Hebrews 2:11).
- Cramming verses is to no avail if you are not conforming to the form of the Doctrine.
- Every member of Israel should know where, how and why Aaron died, every saint should
know where, how and why the law ended this knowledge is the power against sin
- If you do not cross into the promised land then what does it help you to know that Aaron
died? If you continue in sin, what does it profit you to know that the law ended?
- Christ did not rise in weakness but in glory so our newness of life should not be in weakness
(infirmity of sin) but in glory.
But God be thanked, that you were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the
heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. [Romans 6:17]
For more sermons:
➢ YouTube: (Link:
[Jesus Revelation Ministries channel]
➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga
➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries
Have you been pricked unto Salvation? Contact:-
WhatsApp: +263 773 005 000; +263 782 500 000; +263 783 000 020
Notes Compilation Addressee:
Brother Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’
Jesus Revelation Ministries
South Africa Region
Cape Town Assembly
Khayelitsha Section
Contact details [For reviewing and sharing of Notes]:
Facebook: Tapiwa Nyemba (Available Here:
YouTube: Sola Scriptura (Available Here:
WhatsApp: +27644945290
(as l wrote afore in few words, Whereby when ye read, ye may understand my
knowledge in the mystery of Christ) [Ephesians 3:3b-4]
What have you learnt?

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The Death Of Aaron [Pastor G. Baloyi] Notes.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. [The Service upon the first day of the week – Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2] Date: 09 December 2022 The Vessels: Immah - Pastor G. Baloyi with Pastor S. Erengwi [Immah is Aramaic for Mother] Sermon: The Death Of Aaron Principal Scripture (PS): 20 And he said, Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out against him with much people, and with a strong hand. 21 Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his border: wherefore Israel turned away from him.
  • 3. 22 And the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, journeyed from Kadesh, and came unto mount Hor. 23 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in mount Hor, by the coast of the land of Edom, saying, 24 Aaron shall be gathered unto his people: for he shall not enter into the land which I have given unto the children of Israel, because ye rebelled against my word at the water of Meribah. 25 Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor: 26 And strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son: and Aaron shall be gathered unto his people, and shall die there. 27 And Moses did as the Lord commanded: and they went up into mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation. 28 And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down from the mount. 29 And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead, they mourned for Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel. [Numbers 20:20-29] Hebrew Translation of Bemidbar 20:20-29: 20 lo amar yatsa abar am qirah Edom chazaq yad kabed 21 eth Nathan Edom maen gebul abar Yisrael al Yisrael natah 22 Qadesh nasa kol Yisrael ben bo har Hor edah 23 Mosheh el Yhvh amar har Hor Aharon el Edom erets gebul al amar 24 am el Aharon asaph erets el bo lo ki al Yisrael ben Nathan asher peh eth marah asher Meribah mayim 25 eth Aharon eth laqach alah ben Elazar har Hor eth 26 eth Aharon eth pashat eth labash begged Aharon ben Elazar muth sham 27 asher Mosheh asah el alah Yhvh tsavah kol ayin har Hor edah 28 eth Mosheh pashat begged eth Aharon Elazar eth eth labash sham Aharon muth ben yarad har rosh har min Elazah Mosheh 29 ki edah kol raah eth bakah Aharon gava bayith kol yo sheloshim Aharon Yisrael
  • 4. Notes [Pastor S. Erengwi] - The Church was left in the hands of elders after all the Apostles slept in the Early Church. - The Church still progresses even when certain persons are not present. - The bishops and the elders of the Church are instrumental to the progression of the Gospel. [Pastor G. Baloyi] - The most important investment the Lord did to us was (by His Apostle T.F Chiwenga), lay the foundation of the Gospel. - This foundation ensures that, even after the Apostle sleeps, the Ministry will progress as the Lord gives directive. - The foundation, The Whole Bible Talks About Jesus Christ is the most important precept from which our faith and the form of the Gospel is built, this is not a simple statement as we may consider it. - The reason of Aaron’s death is what happened at Meribah where the Rock was struck against the will of the Lord.
  • 5. [Note: PS refers to Principal Scripture which is Numbers 20:20-29] - (PS: verse 29) Israel saw on her own that Aaron was dead because they did not see Aaron in the company of Moses when he descended the mountain and Eleazer was seen wearing the garments of the Kohen Gadol/High Priest. - (PS: verse 29) Israel ‘saw that Aaron was dead’, they did not hear of his death. What is it that we call the Gospel? - (Romans 1:1-4), (verse 2) the Old Testament is not the Gospel/Didache but the promise of the Gospel. - (verse 3), the Gospel concerns the Son of God even thou in the context of the Principal Scripture, the subjects of the Scripture are Moses, Aaron, Eleazer and Mount Hor, the Gospel/the promise will be extracted from the Old Testament. - (Acts 3:18-22), Apostle Cephas concurs with Apostle Paulos, teaching that the promise has been fulfilled and that all Old Testament prophets were testifying of this promise. - (Verse 19), when one hears the Gospel, the call is repentance. - Everyone who claims to preach, quotes the Holy Scripture, the difference of a charlatan and a Truth Preacher is the extraction they derive from Scripture (anything else especially prosperity for the charlatans, only the promise which is Jesus Christ for the Truth Preachers). - Luke 24:24,45 is an additive Scripture to show – INYAYA YEMURIDZI (the whole Bible is on Christ). Didache: [Didache is the Greek word which means ‘The Message’] - Aaron was given to Moses after the Lord seemed to consider Moses’ plea that he could not communicate well because of stammering (Exodus 4:10-) - (Exodus 7:1) Moses as a god, Aaron was his prophet – Moses was to be given the word, Aaron was to declare the word to Yisrael/Israel. - Aaron was three years older than Moses, he died with 123 years and Moses died with 120 years.
  • 6. - The introduction of Aaron as a help to Mosheh/Moses came when God was angry because Moses argued against God saying he should not send him because he could not talk well (Exodus 4:14). - Arguing that he (Moshe) was a stammer to God shows that Moses thought that God was looking for those who can speak well. - Moses is the Testator ‘Messiah’ of Israel. Even thou he was the Testator, Moses was hesitant to be commissioned. - (Exodus 3:1-) the commissioning. (Verse 2) an agglos/angel appeared unto Moses. (Verse 6) the angel addresses himself as God even in (Numbers 20:16, Exodus 23:20-23). - Saying God delivered Israel is an expression of shallow understanding, the scriptural understanding is, God delivered Israel using angels (Acts 7:51-53, Galatians 9:19-20), Diakonis Stephen and Apostolos Paulos knew it. - The coming of God to Israel in the person of an angel means God did not come but it was a promise that He was to come later in the person of Christ – God manifested in the flesh [1 Timothy 3:16]. - Because the Old Testament was a drama of the coming New Testament then present, God could not come in his person. - God used the fake Israel (the natural, carnal middle east Israel) as a promise for the coming of the True and Spiritual Israel (the Kaini Diathiki Ekklesia/New Testament Church). - (Numbers 20:13-) Moses petitions the Edomite king to pass through during the exodus, which request Edom declines. Edom: - (Exodus 23:21) explains (Exodus 3:8) it was God operating in the angel since His name/Hashem was in the angel – the paradox explained.
  • 7. - (Exodus 33:6) is the atoning prayer by Moses when Israel had erected a golden calf for a god (idol) (Exodus 32), Israel was led to sin by Aaron. - Moses saw the angel who said, God had visited Israel (Exodus 3:8) yet in (Exodus 33:13) Moses prays that he had not found Grace in God’s sight. - In (Exodus 3), Moses was given Aaron for a help yet in (Exodus 33:12) Moses is insinuating that God gave him no one to go with. - (Exodus 33:12-33) you don’t need to see Him to find Grace but what you need to know is the way. You need grace to find grace. The way is Jesus (John 14:6). - Aaron (Exodus 7:1), Moses’ prophet, led people to idolatry (Exodus 32), what was he prophesying about as a prophet to Moses (Exodus 7:1-). - (Hebrews 7:11) the Levitical priesthood could not bring the remission of sins of which Aharon/Aaron was the Kohen Gadol/High Priest. - (Exodus 28:1) Aaron anointed into the priesthood. - (Hebrews 7:11-12,17), Aaron taught/read the law as the mouthpiece/prophet of Moses. - Because Moses was not eloquent, Aaron was used in the giving of the law, the reading of the law to Israel. - When the Scripture says God spoke to Moses and Aaron, the truth of the matter is, God spoke to Moses, Moses spoke to Aaron then Aaron became the mouthpiece to the audience of Yisrael/Israel.
  • 8. - (Numbers 20:1-12) the conflict over water at Meribah. The Scripture says, the Rock/Petra will give His water, ‘His’ is enough to show that this is all about Jesus Christ. Meribah:
  • 9. - (Exodus 17:1-) the first incidence where Israel demanded about water and Moses struck the Rock as instructed and there was water. Horeb: - In all these incidences, the purpose is setting parameters for the preaching of the Gospel. - (John 7:37-39) all those who thirst should come to Jesus to receive water – Israel drank water from the Rock, so Jesus is the Rock, the source of the true water. - Iesous/Jesus invited people to come to Him if they thirst because he never runs out of water, it is an infinite supply of living water. - (1 Corinthians 10:1-4) Christ is the Rock that was following them. - (Deuteronomy 32:1-4), Jesus Christ is the Rock and the issue of Doctrine is clarified before mention of the Rock to show that Jesus is identified with His Gospel always. - (Romans 9:30-33), Jesus is the Rock laid in Zion/Sion, a stumbling block to the concession (those of the law). - When it was time to speak at Meribah, Moses got it wrong (Numbers 20:8) but had got it right initially, when he struck the Petra/Rock (Exodus 17) as instructed, this shows that, he had troubles speaking as clarified earlier at his commissioning (Exodus 3). - Moses and Aaron failed to sanctify God at Merribah, how then can Israel believe when both the Testator/god (Moses) and his prophet (Aaron) did not believe.
  • 10. - Aaron finally died at Mount Hor/har Hor: - Which mountain are we talking about where we are going to see the death of Aaron? Mount Hor is representative to Calvary where the Lord died. Calvary: - (Ephesians 2:13-16) and (Colossians 2:14-17) are Scriptures on the suffering of Jesus. This suffering is pictured when Moses struck the Rock because Israel was the one to handle and kill the Lamb, the lamb being Jesus [John 2:29]. - At Meribah, speaking to the Rock was a sign of believing in what God said, believing (hence faith) (Romans 10:9-10) is the one which brings the water out of the Rock in the New Testament.
  • 11. - The promise of Christ as the High Priest by oath (Psalm 110:4) the same applies to (Psalm 2, Hebrews 1:5-6) - (Hebrews 2:6-14) is speaking of the suffering of the Lord and His glorification. When the issue of the Begotten Son is introduced, that’s where the High Priest is mentioned to show that the Begotten Son is the High Priest. - The passing on from one priest to the other shows that God had rejected the former priest’s service so when Aaron died and Eleazer took over, God had rejected Aaron. - We are learning about this because we must know the relationship between our High Priest and God because it has a bearing on our Salvation. Israel did not care of the relationship between Aaron and God. Their focus was to get water even if it meant their High Priest angered God. This compliance caused all of them to perish in the wilderness. - If there Testator and High Priest did not enter the promised land, how could Israel enter the land. - (Deuteronomy 34:9), Joshua was the Savior to take Israel into the Promised land. - The law was leading people to Mount Hor where people saw the death of Aaron. From the death of Aaron (the end of the law), under Elazar/Eleazar (a type of Jesus Christ the High Priest), people would begin to function under the new law which is there because of the change of priesthood (the law of Grace). - (Hebrews 7:18-19), the law/Aaron was to die because of his weaknesses, shortcomings and unbelief, he is not a priest by oath [as Master Jesus is – Psalm 110:4], he is a priest because Moses angered God. - Joshua was the Savior after the hand-over-take-over. People were instructed to follow the commandments of Joshua not Moses’ for the law is changed also if the priesthood is changed (Hebrews 7:12, Joshua 1:16). - Both Aaron and Moses died in the body of Jesus so that the Begotten Son (Christ) can come. - The death of Aaron and Moses brought about Eleazer and Joshua, Eleazer being representative of the priesthood of our Lord and Joshua representing the Testator, these two roles are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ who is both the Testator and High Priest of the New Testament. - Moses was the one who stripped Aaron of his clothes and that was a sign of his death. - Moses came down the Mount Hor with Eleazer. In that instant he was as a prophet testifying of the Priesthood which is of Jesus Christ. Moses represented the role of the law which testifies of Eleazar (the type of Christ).
  • 12. - Moses and Aaron have a certified record of angering God so it is not possible to follow the law and please God, be a follower of the law, be sure to anger God. - (Romans 10:1-4) wanting to keep the law always leads to self-righteousness. This is exemplified in Moses who did not submit to the instruction to speak to the Rock but instead hit it twice. - The giving of the law was a promise that God was to bring true righteousness in times now present (the times of the New Testament). - Moses and Aaron both died, they don’t lead people to the promised land, they died because of unbelief (Galatians 2:21). - (Romans 6:1-14), the death of Aaron as a picture of the death and end of the law should bring Israel to repentance. - The death of Aaron should prompt us to a newness of life, renewed conduct and a sinless life of righteousness. - Knowing that Aaron is dead is not enough [knowing that the la ended at Calvary is not enough], it should enforce righteousness amongst us. - Sin causes the newness of life not to be seen. - Upon realization that Aaron had died, mood changed in Israel (they began to weep all of a sudden), so we should do in the newness of life. - If your priest is Aaron, l understand if you are still in your sin but if Yah SHU ah HaMashiach is your High Priest or so you claim, there is a question mark if you are still in sin. Why? - (1 Corinthians 5:1) sin still alive amongst the saints and some of the sins more serious than they used to sin while they were still sinners, How for? - The New Testament is a cleansing house where Believers come to be sanctified. - If our Papas/Priest is the only one who offered the only acceptable sacrifice how then can sin be amongst us. - The devil gives arrogance so as to hinder repentance. - If Aaron died because he provoked God, have we introduced a system of provoking God in the New Testament because sin is still master amongst us? - The Gospel is becoming lighter to us; we are trivializing the Gospel. - Resisting the correction and rebuke of the Word of God is resisting sanctification and by so doing, you are not a brother to Jesus (Hebrews 2:11). - Cramming verses is to no avail if you are not conforming to the form of the Doctrine.
  • 13. - Every member of Israel should know where, how and why Aaron died, every saint should know where, how and why the law ended this knowledge is the power against sin - If you do not cross into the promised land then what does it help you to know that Aaron died? If you continue in sin, what does it profit you to know that the law ended? - Christ did not rise in weakness but in glory so our newness of life should not be in weakness (infirmity of sin) but in glory. Amen But God be thanked, that you were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. [Romans 6:17] For more sermons: ➢ YouTube: (Link: [Jesus Revelation Ministries channel] ➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga ( mpaign=social_sharing) ➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries (Link: Have you been pricked unto Salvation? Contact:- Website: Mail: WhatsApp: +263 773 005 000; +263 782 500 000; +263 783 000 020
  • 14. Notes Compilation Addressee: Brother Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’ Jesus Revelation Ministries South Africa Region Cape Town Assembly Khayelitsha Section Contact details [For reviewing and sharing of Notes]: Email: Facebook: Tapiwa Nyemba (Available Here: YouTube: Sola Scriptura (Available Here: WhatsApp: +27644945290 (as l wrote afore in few words, Whereby when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) [Ephesians 3:3b-4]
  • 15. What have you learnt?