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Apostolos with Pastoras S.Erengwi and Adelfos N.T Gwarare
First Segment Admontion.
- (Ecl 12:13) The whole duty of man - the 'fearing' part is explained in (Acts 17:24-26), to seek after God
is the duty of man not too much. In seeking Him, He is not far but as near as (Rom 10:6-8), as near as the
declaration of the Gospel by them whom the Lord sent.
- (2 Cor 4:18) The physical man cannot see the real Spirit man which is only seen outside the realm of
the chronos env.
- (1 Cor 15:19) There are misarable man amongst us, who are they deemed miserable before God? (Col
3:1-5 and 1 Jh 2:15-17)
- From (1 Jh 2:17) the life the Lord has promised us is not of this passing world as put in (Jh 17:14-), we
are not of this world.
- Having faith for say healing of the physical body is violation of the principles of Faith of wch as in (2 Cor
4:18), we look not on tht wch is seen, when God looks at us, He sees the pneuma, not the decaying sarx.
- (2 Tim 4:6-) God is the righteous Judge (Prophesy reiteration of Zim court mishandles wch the Lord
once to correct by way of a pestilence/nyunji)
- (Prov 11:1) The Just balance is the delight of the Lord as He is a Righteous Judge.
- (Lev 19:35-36) = (Prov 11:1)
- Our society nolonger has a just balance, on societal individual level but esp in the scales of power.
- God abbhores all blaspemies and sacriledges in respect of those responsible in the tilting of the balance
making it unjust.
- For a 2nd time, the Lord will preside over falsily judged court cases as a Righteous Judge.
- God has a special interest with Zim at this particular time bcoz of this Dispensation of Grace given
Apostle Talent Farai to us-ward.
- The Apostle hears 'worms', worms being figurative of agents of corruption/death exemplified in
viruses, bacteria, fungi etc
- (Num 16:2,25-34) Even when we are all going to die, there is a special death (inspired by wroth), there
is no prayer to save this men of sin, the warning to those at the benefiting end of these wicked men is to
depart lest you be consumed as well. Wht the nobles do not know is that its not Moses they are fighting
but God. (v29) the special/paranormal death was proof that Moshe was sent of God. (v30) they did not
provoke Moshe but God whom they were fighting. (v33) the pit is referring to hell/hades. When God is
agree at times the casualties surpass the perpetrators even little children died in the case of the death of
the Dathan junta and the case of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah.
- The worms are at work (Prophesy reiteration).
- There is no justice in Zim for the past 25 years, things are now beyond control, there are very unjust
corrupt court verdicts, very shameful.
- The Lord is soo angry to the extent of taking life and its the beginning of a clean up campaign by the
- The stage we have reached in Zim is such that some men have to die for other vulnerables to have
- Less than 1% will escape this pestilence and some will receive salvation but still die nonetheless.
- We shld pray tht God continue to look unpon us for He is forever our Hope.
- The apathy and fear of the Zim citizen is a cause of concern such tht God has a plan of restoration on
the front of psychology.
- The church is focused on Spiritual interests but God is also focused on matters happening in the
physical but with a spiritual bearing.
- Only God is allowed to both give and take life so it is of concern how some 'demi' gods murdering pple.
- The Apostles knowing the time of 3rd death is nigh: [Peter - 2 Pt 1:13-14], [Paul - 2 Tim 4:6-], it is done
at His discretion and to those to close to the Lord's heart but to many, death is a surprise appointment
such that time for the Word is the most important time.
- (Jh 2:16) the Lord had insinuated tht the Temple was His Abba's house so the Jews' qn in (v18) was that
Yeshua prove His sonship to God.
- The Judean Temple was built in 46 years as the Jews put it in (v20) but Adonai last spoke in (v19)
implying He did not answer.
- The definations of 'this temple', the Jews pointed to the Jerusalem Beit HaMikdash but the disciples
later conclude
- Iesous always means something else than what you (l) know or have had!
- (v21) John/Yohanan's interpration was not mearnt for the Jews as the Book was written in the Kaini
Diathiki/New Testament era so it was mearnt for Believers, why didnt Adonai/the Lord specify to His
- The need to study and labour in the Scriptures (1 Tim 4:13, 2 Tim 2:15) from the (2 Tim) it is inevitable
to divide but the qn is if the dividing is right. Studying avoids vain babblings and ungodliness.
- ATFC entails that (Jh 2:19) is one of the most diff Scriptures to study bcoz:
Difficulty 1. Is Christos/Christ different from His body since He said, 'Destroy this Temple', who will raise
'This Body', a Temple is a place of worship so Yeshu/Jesus was worshipping inside the body, its clear
Yeshua is not the body yet religiously we thought Jesus was the body. Can you go to see the Temple and
conclude you have seen the Priest?
-The Lord knew He was in the body but He himself not being the body (Matt 26:26). There are people
quoting Jesus verbatim but preaching a wrong msg by reason of a wrong interpretation. (Matt 27:27-40
= Matt 26:61 = Acts 6:13 - how the Jews venerated the Temple, you could die, the case of the Lord
then Stephen consequently)
-(Matt 26 and 27) is proof that the Jews kept their position of thinking that Jesus meant the Jerusalem
Temple as per His sentence in (Jh 2:19) even the Apostles knew not until the New Testament (Lk 24:45).
-The above is a case of the consequences of wrongly interpretting the Scripture wrongly, a wrong
interpretation of (Jh 2:19) lead to the Lord's crucifixation hence how many pple have suffered death,
lose of monies and suffereings because of wrong interpretations.
-How many interpritations of the Holy Scripture are allowed then, shld there be a Calvinist
interpretation, a prophetic movement interpretation, catholic interpretation etc - (2 Pt 1:19-21),
private/personal interpretations are not allowed, human beings are not allowed to interpret the
Scripture. Every Interpretation should be conforment to the already existing interpretation as found in
the New Testament canon (27 Books). The Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh is the only one allowed to
interpret Scripture as He is the writer thereof (v21). Pneuma Hagion/Holy Spirit is the one mandated to
interpret the Scripture (John 16:13, Acts 1:8). Israel had a private interpretation because of being Holy
Spirit-less/carnal (2 Cor 2:13).
-What are the consequences of private interpretations? How mny have many wifes bcoz of not
interprating 'be fruitful and multiply' Scripture. Some interpretaions deem one's parents wizards when
one is already 30 when actual wizardry could be the parents killing the child when s/he knew noting abt
nothing. Wht abt broken relationships, loss of monies due to wrong interpretations? Wrong
interpretations lead to nuns and priest celibacy yet the Scripture call it 'doctrine of devils' (1 Tim 4:1-3).
- (Matt 11:27) the Jews if they had be given a learning heart could not have defined the Temple of their
own but could have asked what the Lord mearnt. The folly of men is in not asking the Lord what
Scripture mean bt in the Example pf the Jews, try to find clarification of a concluded interpration wch is
wrong. So according to (Mt 11:27) the Lord chose to reveal the meaning of (Jh 2:19) to John wch he
wrote later in (v21). So for (Matt 11:27) to remain true, the Lord decided to die rather than give the
Jews an interpretation when they were not His chosen.
-The Lord would rather die than give an interpretation of Scripture to whom He did not choose, He
could have corrected their (Jews) innuendos of (Jh 2:20) but He rather died due to their error.
-We are peculiar in tht we are loved enough to be given the true interpretation yet the Lord chose
rather to die at rge expense of the true interpretation.
Difficulty 2: (Matt 26:26 and Heb 10:5) on the body, according to (Heb 10:5) the Lord did not come with
a body from Heaven but received it in the Earth thats whyHe had to spent 9 mnths in Maria's womb.
-Amid many clues, men still suffer from private interpretations - the Lord said 'raise this Temple' yet the
Jews changed what the Lord said from raised to reared/build of wch a building cannot be raised.
- (Acts 10:38-40, Acts 2:24, Acts 17:30-31, 1 Cor 15:14-17, Acts 3:15, Acts 13:30) Scriptures which say
God raised Jesus from the dead (1 Jh 5:10-) yet the Lord in (Jh 2:19), He said He, Himself will raise the
- Jesus was never a living soul, that will be violation of (1 Corinthians 15:45) wch puts it tht Adam was
the naphesh/living soul (Gen 1:26, Gen 2:7)and the Lord being a quickeing Spirit, He could not be a living
soul because he was not a human in a body but God manifested in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16), the 'Lord
Himself'was to be in a body (Isa 7:14), wch body He received being God when He came into the world
(Heb 10:5), principally He was God but degraded Himself to be accomodateble in this weak world
because His light and countanance is terrible (Nahum 1:1-6, 1 Tim 6:16) implying that it is God who said,
'... I will raise it up' and He said so in the Temple. In the Temple? - (Jh 14:6-11) so (Jh 14:10) is confirmed
in (Jh 1:18 - being in the bosom) , (Jh 1:14-18). The conclusion of the matter being, (John 14 and other
Scriptures) are there to prove that it was God speaking in Christ on (Jh 2:19)
- Like Apostolos Yohanan, at times our Mama (Apostolos T.F Chiwenga) is also taught the Gospel by way
of being asked qns as in (Rev 17):
? The Qn the Apostle was asked is, Why would God create a Temple (the body of the Lord) so that it
would be destroyed? and Samuel will help with an answer.
- If it was so that the Lord lives in the sun (knowing that the core of the sun is about 5000000000
degrees) the Madungwes' couldnt lie to have seen God and went to Heaven (Jh 1:18) no man can see
God in time bcoz of the obvious 1 Tim 6:16 reasons. No man hence in Christ we are made new creatures
in Christ to be prepared to see God (2 Cor 5:17).
- Noone having seen God, only Jesus Christ saw God being 'in the bosom of the Father', being in Heaven
even when He was supposedly on earth (Jh 3:13)
-JESUS CHRIST is the name of God - (Jh 5:43, Jh 17:12, Jh 17:6), the Lord received a more excellent
name (Heb 1:4, Phil 2:5-11)
-(Phil 2:5-11) shows that this name Jesus is the greatest such tht all knees in Heaven so a literal
application in the trinitarian view wiuld imply that even God bows down to it yet according to (Ex 20:5)
no other name can be worshipped hence Jesus is God.
- To say you praise Jesus, the recepient of such praise is praise to God.
-(1 Cori 6:19) the word body can refer to a spiritual body and a natural body (1 Cor 15:44) so the Holy
Spirit dwelling in the Believer's spirit, the sarx consequently become the Temple.
-Use Believers are the Temple of God and that wch makes one a Temple of God is if God inhabitates in
that person,
-(Eph 2:19-21) the New Testament collectively is the Holy Temple so Why would God build a Temple
(the body of the Lord) before the Temple (New Testament)?
-All in all, now there are 3 Temples; 1. Jerusalem Temple 2.The Temple of His body 3.The New
-Having the Temple in His body, why did Adonai bother to beat up people in the Jerusalem Temple
nowing He has a Temple of His body?
-(1 Corinthians 3:16) the Temple being the body of the Believer miniature component of the New
Testament Holy Temple.
-(2 Sam 7:1-15) - According to (v12) the building of the Temple needed David to die first. Diakonis
Steven shows some detaste in being (Acts 7:47) with a 'But' as he was quoting (Isaiah 66:1-2), the
detaste is in the Deacon's discovery that Solomon privately interpreted Prophet Nathan's words yet he
wasb't the Son to build the Temple, being disqualified in tht his Kingdom wasn't established forever (2
Sam 7:13), even in (v14) Solomon was never refered to by God as Son, only Christ. Another disdain of
Solomon is, Solomon did not come from David's bowels but as normal, from his loins, the Son of promise
was to be from David's bowels (v12) wch implies the Lord's virgin birth from Maria through Nathan
(brother to Solomon born of David by Bethsheba). The bowels refer to the womb (1 kings 3:20-26).
-(2 Sam 7:12) juxtaposed with (1 Kings 8:19), Solomon by virtue of a private interpretation lied in prayer
that the Son to build God a Temple was to be from David's loins yet the prophesy says loins, this ill
interpretation led Steven to say 'But' in (Acts 7:47).
- Apostolos Petros' diaper in quoting the mistake of Solomon on (1 Kings 8:19) instaed of the correct
version put in (2 Sam 7:12).
-Joseph was not intimate with Maria until the day Yeshua was born (Mt 1:21) so as to keep the sanctity
of the Lamb as pure as intended for, for Him to be pure, He was not to be of the seed but bowel of
-Solomon heavily taxed and oppressed Israel (Rehoboam suffered the rift of Israel) only because of a
replacement in interpretation from bowels to loins - the consequences of private interpretation.
-Before the true Temple (New Testament) is built, God lived from tent/tabernacle to tabernacle. During
the days of the Lord in the flesh, those where the days of the tabernacle of congregation thats why
where ever the Lord was, people congregated. It being built by Bezeleel and Aholiab (Human hands), the
tabernacle of congregation is the body (Temple) which can be destroyed hence, 'Destroy this Temple'.
-Solomon akaita musakanzwa kuvaka Tembere (It was mischief for Solomon to build a Temple).
-(2 Pt 1:13) this body is a tabernacle, the body of Christ was a tabernacle in which God dwells awaiting
the manifestation of the Begotten Son so that the True Temple (New Testament) is built. - (2 Cor
-The truest word is tabernacle in (Jh 2:19) but the Lord used Temple to confuse the wise and reveal
Himself to the Babes.
-(Heb 9:23-24) the Kodesh/Holy Place is the New Testament and Heaven is the Kodesh Kodeshim/Holy
of Holies. The curtains (2 Sam 7:2) in which the ark of covenant dwelt, the curtain is His flesh (Heb
10;19-20) this has a shadow, exemplary in the tearing of the physical Temple's curtain (Mt 27:50-51)
-David distasted the curtains, he said he didnt like the fact that the Ark of Covenant was in curtains, the
same way the Lord detasted His body in saying, 'Destroy this Temple'.
-The New Testament is the True Temple of God, the Body of Jesus is not the True Temple but
tent/tabernacle of congregation.
-The order is from the tent of congregation to the Temple, exemplified in the Solomon issue but
perfectly fulfilled in Jesus the tent of congregation then the New Testament the Temple.
We Are A Learning People.
Notes Complied By Brother Tapiwa 'Nyemba'
South Africa Region
Cape Town Assembly
Khaylitsha Section

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  • 1. 19/12/2021 Apostolos with Pastoras S.Erengwi and Adelfos N.T Gwarare First Segment Admontion. - (Ecl 12:13) The whole duty of man - the 'fearing' part is explained in (Acts 17:24-26), to seek after God is the duty of man not too much. In seeking Him, He is not far but as near as (Rom 10:6-8), as near as the declaration of the Gospel by them whom the Lord sent. - (2 Cor 4:18) The physical man cannot see the real Spirit man which is only seen outside the realm of the chronos env. - (1 Cor 15:19) There are misarable man amongst us, who are they deemed miserable before God? (Col 3:1-5 and 1 Jh 2:15-17) - From (1 Jh 2:17) the life the Lord has promised us is not of this passing world as put in (Jh 17:14-), we are not of this world. - Having faith for say healing of the physical body is violation of the principles of Faith of wch as in (2 Cor 4:18), we look not on tht wch is seen, when God looks at us, He sees the pneuma, not the decaying sarx. - (2 Tim 4:6-) God is the righteous Judge (Prophesy reiteration of Zim court mishandles wch the Lord once to correct by way of a pestilence/nyunji) - (Prov 11:1) The Just balance is the delight of the Lord as He is a Righteous Judge. - (Lev 19:35-36) = (Prov 11:1) - Our society nolonger has a just balance, on societal individual level but esp in the scales of power.
  • 2. - God abbhores all blaspemies and sacriledges in respect of those responsible in the tilting of the balance making it unjust. - For a 2nd time, the Lord will preside over falsily judged court cases as a Righteous Judge. - God has a special interest with Zim at this particular time bcoz of this Dispensation of Grace given Apostle Talent Farai to us-ward. - The Apostle hears 'worms', worms being figurative of agents of corruption/death exemplified in viruses, bacteria, fungi etc - (Num 16:2,25-34) Even when we are all going to die, there is a special death (inspired by wroth), there is no prayer to save this men of sin, the warning to those at the benefiting end of these wicked men is to depart lest you be consumed as well. Wht the nobles do not know is that its not Moses they are fighting but God. (v29) the special/paranormal death was proof that Moshe was sent of God. (v30) they did not provoke Moshe but God whom they were fighting. (v33) the pit is referring to hell/hades. When God is agree at times the casualties surpass the perpetrators even little children died in the case of the death of the Dathan junta and the case of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. - The worms are at work (Prophesy reiteration). - There is no justice in Zim for the past 25 years, things are now beyond control, there are very unjust corrupt court verdicts, very shameful. - The Lord is soo angry to the extent of taking life and its the beginning of a clean up campaign by the Lord. - The stage we have reached in Zim is such that some men have to die for other vulnerables to have peace. - Less than 1% will escape this pestilence and some will receive salvation but still die nonetheless. - We shld pray tht God continue to look unpon us for He is forever our Hope. - The apathy and fear of the Zim citizen is a cause of concern such tht God has a plan of restoration on the front of psychology. - The church is focused on Spiritual interests but God is also focused on matters happening in the physical but with a spiritual bearing. - Only God is allowed to both give and take life so it is of concern how some 'demi' gods murdering pple. - The Apostles knowing the time of 3rd death is nigh: [Peter - 2 Pt 1:13-14], [Paul - 2 Tim 4:6-], it is done at His discretion and to those to close to the Lord's heart but to many, death is a surprise appointment such that time for the Word is the most important time.
  • 3. THE JOHN SERIES PART 9 - THIS TEMPLE [John 2:18-22] - (Jh 2:16) the Lord had insinuated tht the Temple was His Abba's house so the Jews' qn in (v18) was that Yeshua prove His sonship to God. - The Judean Temple was built in 46 years as the Jews put it in (v20) but Adonai last spoke in (v19) implying He did not answer. - The definations of 'this temple', the Jews pointed to the Jerusalem Beit HaMikdash but the disciples later conclude - Iesous always means something else than what you (l) know or have had! - (v21) John/Yohanan's interpration was not mearnt for the Jews as the Book was written in the Kaini Diathiki/New Testament era so it was mearnt for Believers, why didnt Adonai/the Lord specify to His audience. - The need to study and labour in the Scriptures (1 Tim 4:13, 2 Tim 2:15) from the (2 Tim) it is inevitable to divide but the qn is if the dividing is right. Studying avoids vain babblings and ungodliness. - ATFC entails that (Jh 2:19) is one of the most diff Scriptures to study bcoz: Difficulty 1. Is Christos/Christ different from His body since He said, 'Destroy this Temple', who will raise 'This Body', a Temple is a place of worship so Yeshu/Jesus was worshipping inside the body, its clear Yeshua is not the body yet religiously we thought Jesus was the body. Can you go to see the Temple and conclude you have seen the Priest? -The Lord knew He was in the body but He himself not being the body (Matt 26:26). There are people quoting Jesus verbatim but preaching a wrong msg by reason of a wrong interpretation. (Matt 27:27-40 = Matt 26:61 = Acts 6:13 - how the Jews venerated the Temple, you could die, the case of the Lord then Stephen consequently) -(Matt 26 and 27) is proof that the Jews kept their position of thinking that Jesus meant the Jerusalem Temple as per His sentence in (Jh 2:19) even the Apostles knew not until the New Testament (Lk 24:45). -The above is a case of the consequences of wrongly interpretting the Scripture wrongly, a wrong interpretation of (Jh 2:19) lead to the Lord's crucifixation hence how many pple have suffered death, lose of monies and suffereings because of wrong interpretations. -How many interpritations of the Holy Scripture are allowed then, shld there be a Calvinist interpretation, a prophetic movement interpretation, catholic interpretation etc - (2 Pt 1:19-21), private/personal interpretations are not allowed, human beings are not allowed to interpret the Scripture. Every Interpretation should be conforment to the already existing interpretation as found in the New Testament canon (27 Books). The Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh is the only one allowed to interpret Scripture as He is the writer thereof (v21). Pneuma Hagion/Holy Spirit is the one mandated to interpret the Scripture (John 16:13, Acts 1:8). Israel had a private interpretation because of being Holy
  • 4. Spirit-less/carnal (2 Cor 2:13). -What are the consequences of private interpretations? How mny have many wifes bcoz of not interprating 'be fruitful and multiply' Scripture. Some interpretaions deem one's parents wizards when one is already 30 when actual wizardry could be the parents killing the child when s/he knew noting abt nothing. Wht abt broken relationships, loss of monies due to wrong interpretations? Wrong interpretations lead to nuns and priest celibacy yet the Scripture call it 'doctrine of devils' (1 Tim 4:1-3). - (Matt 11:27) the Jews if they had be given a learning heart could not have defined the Temple of their own but could have asked what the Lord mearnt. The folly of men is in not asking the Lord what Scripture mean bt in the Example pf the Jews, try to find clarification of a concluded interpration wch is wrong. So according to (Mt 11:27) the Lord chose to reveal the meaning of (Jh 2:19) to John wch he wrote later in (v21). So for (Matt 11:27) to remain true, the Lord decided to die rather than give the Jews an interpretation when they were not His chosen. -The Lord would rather die than give an interpretation of Scripture to whom He did not choose, He could have corrected their (Jews) innuendos of (Jh 2:20) but He rather died due to their error. -We are peculiar in tht we are loved enough to be given the true interpretation yet the Lord chose rather to die at rge expense of the true interpretation. Difficulty 2: (Matt 26:26 and Heb 10:5) on the body, according to (Heb 10:5) the Lord did not come with a body from Heaven but received it in the Earth thats whyHe had to spent 9 mnths in Maria's womb. -Amid many clues, men still suffer from private interpretations - the Lord said 'raise this Temple' yet the Jews changed what the Lord said from raised to reared/build of wch a building cannot be raised. - (Acts 10:38-40, Acts 2:24, Acts 17:30-31, 1 Cor 15:14-17, Acts 3:15, Acts 13:30) Scriptures which say God raised Jesus from the dead (1 Jh 5:10-) yet the Lord in (Jh 2:19), He said He, Himself will raise the Temple. - Jesus was never a living soul, that will be violation of (1 Corinthians 15:45) wch puts it tht Adam was the naphesh/living soul (Gen 1:26, Gen 2:7)and the Lord being a quickeing Spirit, He could not be a living soul because he was not a human in a body but God manifested in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16), the 'Lord Himself'was to be in a body (Isa 7:14), wch body He received being God when He came into the world (Heb 10:5), principally He was God but degraded Himself to be accomodateble in this weak world because His light and countanance is terrible (Nahum 1:1-6, 1 Tim 6:16) implying that it is God who said, '... I will raise it up' and He said so in the Temple. In the Temple? - (Jh 14:6-11) so (Jh 14:10) is confirmed in (Jh 1:18 - being in the bosom) , (Jh 1:14-18). The conclusion of the matter being, (John 14 and other Scriptures) are there to prove that it was God speaking in Christ on (Jh 2:19) - Like Apostolos Yohanan, at times our Mama (Apostolos T.F Chiwenga) is also taught the Gospel by way of being asked qns as in (Rev 17): ? The Qn the Apostle was asked is, Why would God create a Temple (the body of the Lord) so that it
  • 5. would be destroyed? and Samuel will help with an answer. - If it was so that the Lord lives in the sun (knowing that the core of the sun is about 5000000000 degrees) the Madungwes' couldnt lie to have seen God and went to Heaven (Jh 1:18) no man can see God in time bcoz of the obvious 1 Tim 6:16 reasons. No man hence in Christ we are made new creatures in Christ to be prepared to see God (2 Cor 5:17). - Noone having seen God, only Jesus Christ saw God being 'in the bosom of the Father', being in Heaven even when He was supposedly on earth (Jh 3:13) -JESUS CHRIST is the name of God - (Jh 5:43, Jh 17:12, Jh 17:6), the Lord received a more excellent name (Heb 1:4, Phil 2:5-11) -(Phil 2:5-11) shows that this name Jesus is the greatest such tht all knees in Heaven so a literal application in the trinitarian view wiuld imply that even God bows down to it yet according to (Ex 20:5) no other name can be worshipped hence Jesus is God. - To say you praise Jesus, the recepient of such praise is praise to God. -(1 Cori 6:19) the word body can refer to a spiritual body and a natural body (1 Cor 15:44) so the Holy Spirit dwelling in the Believer's spirit, the sarx consequently become the Temple. -Use Believers are the Temple of God and that wch makes one a Temple of God is if God inhabitates in that person, -(Eph 2:19-21) the New Testament collectively is the Holy Temple so Why would God build a Temple (the body of the Lord) before the Temple (New Testament)? -All in all, now there are 3 Temples; 1. Jerusalem Temple 2.The Temple of His body 3.The New Testament. -Having the Temple in His body, why did Adonai bother to beat up people in the Jerusalem Temple nowing He has a Temple of His body? -(1 Corinthians 3:16) the Temple being the body of the Believer miniature component of the New Testament Holy Temple. -(2 Sam 7:1-15) - According to (v12) the building of the Temple needed David to die first. Diakonis Steven shows some detaste in being (Acts 7:47) with a 'But' as he was quoting (Isaiah 66:1-2), the detaste is in the Deacon's discovery that Solomon privately interpreted Prophet Nathan's words yet he wasb't the Son to build the Temple, being disqualified in tht his Kingdom wasn't established forever (2 Sam 7:13), even in (v14) Solomon was never refered to by God as Son, only Christ. Another disdain of Solomon is, Solomon did not come from David's bowels but as normal, from his loins, the Son of promise was to be from David's bowels (v12) wch implies the Lord's virgin birth from Maria through Nathan (brother to Solomon born of David by Bethsheba). The bowels refer to the womb (1 kings 3:20-26).
  • 6. -(2 Sam 7:12) juxtaposed with (1 Kings 8:19), Solomon by virtue of a private interpretation lied in prayer that the Son to build God a Temple was to be from David's loins yet the prophesy says loins, this ill interpretation led Steven to say 'But' in (Acts 7:47). - Apostolos Petros' diaper in quoting the mistake of Solomon on (1 Kings 8:19) instaed of the correct version put in (2 Sam 7:12). -Joseph was not intimate with Maria until the day Yeshua was born (Mt 1:21) so as to keep the sanctity of the Lamb as pure as intended for, for Him to be pure, He was not to be of the seed but bowel of David. -Solomon heavily taxed and oppressed Israel (Rehoboam suffered the rift of Israel) only because of a replacement in interpretation from bowels to loins - the consequences of private interpretation. -Before the true Temple (New Testament) is built, God lived from tent/tabernacle to tabernacle. During the days of the Lord in the flesh, those where the days of the tabernacle of congregation thats why where ever the Lord was, people congregated. It being built by Bezeleel and Aholiab (Human hands), the tabernacle of congregation is the body (Temple) which can be destroyed hence, 'Destroy this Temple'. -Solomon akaita musakanzwa kuvaka Tembere (It was mischief for Solomon to build a Temple). -(2 Pt 1:13) this body is a tabernacle, the body of Christ was a tabernacle in which God dwells awaiting the manifestation of the Begotten Son so that the True Temple (New Testament) is built. - (2 Cor 5:1-4) -The truest word is tabernacle in (Jh 2:19) but the Lord used Temple to confuse the wise and reveal Himself to the Babes. -(Heb 9:23-24) the Kodesh/Holy Place is the New Testament and Heaven is the Kodesh Kodeshim/Holy of Holies. The curtains (2 Sam 7:2) in which the ark of covenant dwelt, the curtain is His flesh (Heb 10;19-20) this has a shadow, exemplary in the tearing of the physical Temple's curtain (Mt 27:50-51) -David distasted the curtains, he said he didnt like the fact that the Ark of Covenant was in curtains, the same way the Lord detasted His body in saying, 'Destroy this Temple'. -The New Testament is the True Temple of God, the Body of Jesus is not the True Temple but tent/tabernacle of congregation. -The order is from the tent of congregation to the Temple, exemplified in the Solomon issue but perfectly fulfilled in Jesus the tent of congregation then the New Testament the Temple. We Are A Learning People.
  • 7. Notes Complied By Brother Tapiwa 'Nyemba' South Africa Region Cape Town Assembly Khaylitsha Section