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Sermon: Procedure To The Marriage
The Vessel: Apostle Talent Farai with Brother W. Svinurai and Brother N.T Gwarare.
[Sermon Build-up with Prophesies]
- We are a Family Brethren and each time a new member of the Family, he is welcome and
should be welcomed.
- The Lord advised that some will depart from the Family not because the doubt the correctness
of the Doctrine but because they are a breed of a viper (the characterization being, snakes
know no family to the extent that they do not even know their young ones.)
- There is no solitudity in Heaven so a rejection of We Are A Family doctrine is a rejection of
Heavenly citizenry.
- The Lord does not speak when we want Him to speak but at His own discretion and doing so,
He will be proving that the Church belongs to Him, the Believers are His, all is His, the Lord does
that to our Mother and so did He to the early Apostles.
- The above mentioned, the Lord does usually in advising the Apostle on which Sermon to
preach, He does so because the Sermons being food, the Lord knows the nutritional needs of
the Believers so He should ultimately liberate on which messages to be taught on a certain day
and space.
- Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit is the constructor of the image of Christ in the Believer, the bricks
being Sermons so the state of those not baptized is piling of bricks on a construction site, no
construction, so the Holy Spirit should lead.
- The Apostle advised that the pastors should not teach a message which thrills them but at the
exclusive instruction of the Lord.
- No Ministry in the Holy Scripture is led by a prophet, it’s a sacrilege, every church led by a
prophet is a shrine.
- The Gospel has been devised with enemies so whenever you are a partaker of it, you will have
- We hate no one, we are a people of love but we love the Lord’s way not the world’s way.
- [In 2015, Apostle gave a prophesy concerning Jacob Zuma when he blasphemed God by saying
‘because of too much sin, Jesus should come back to die for South Africans only’, the Lord said
he will be humiliated and outsted prematurely from office – It has been fulfilled in our day]
- [There is prophesy on Zimbabwean elections that for 2018, Apostle said, the results would not
oust the then president yet no one woold win, he went to say that the Lord did so, so that
those who had a scapegoat in a certain leader would have their own faults and their true self
exposed that this present government as at 2021 would fail and is still failing, people scorned
the Apostle blaming him for being a Zanu Pf apologist. The prophesy has been fulfilled in our
time. We have a leadership crisis, and their failure is because of the people’s docility]
- [Another prophesy is, there is a man whose days to die were nigh but the man had particular
wisdom concerning Zimbabwe, the wisdom is, the country of Zimbabwe is sitting on a
prostituted history so the leaders should meet this man for wisdom]
- The Ministers of the Gospel know no boundaries in rebuking sin as instructed of God.
- [The Adonijah prophesy, Adonijah revolted against David with the help of Joab the army
commander, will Adonijah and Joab live? – Biblical prophesies, some of them took 400 years to
be fulfilled, so does God. Even Abiathar the High Priest, how come he conspired against David
yet Nathan and Zadok the priest sided with David. Did Adonijah stay in power, God is not a
respecter of persons, He chose Solomon instead. Didn’t people celebrate the rise of Adonijah to
power. Will they live?]
- [The two coffins prophesy of persons simultaneously buried. Some may gainsay that everyone
dies, that’s gainsaying because as in Isaiah’s prophesy in (Isaiah 9:6) that a child is born, weren’t
children born every day? These coffins are of no ordinary persons but nationally venerated
- [The then given prophesy: The Apostle saw a village house with a muddy, sandy surrounding
and the house was crowded with many people/children and their mother crying to a husband.
The mother would go and cry to the father then go back to the children to console them. All
these children were naked. The husband was climbing a very tall eucalyptus trees, ignoring the
mother as a bid to run away from his responsibilities. The children began to die and God asked
how the situation would be corrected, saying no, the Lord replied by way of a strong wind
which uprooted the tree and the husband was back to the ground. A solution was not proffered
in the vision but the wind was the solution.]
- [In 2015, a prophesy was given about a rotten apple which has been fulfilled in our days.]
- (1 Corinthians 14:22) prophesy is beneficial only to Believers.
- No nation can ever progress if it does not hear God no matter how good they execute their
THE MESSAGE: Procedure To The Marriage
Principal Scripture
Genesis 38 And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and
turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah.
2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took
her, and went in unto her.
3 And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er.
4 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan.
5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at
Chezib, when she bare him.
6 And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar.
7 And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him.
8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to
thy brother.
9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto
his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.
10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.
Hebrew translation of Principal Scripture:
Bereshit 38 hu eth hayahbeth Yehudah yarad ish ad natah ach Chirah shem Adullami.
2 bath Yehudah sham raah shem Kna’aniy ish bo laqach Shuwa’ el.
3 ben yalad harah Er shem eth qara
4 yalad od harah shem eth qara ben Onan.
5 yalad od yasaph shem eth qara ben Kezib hayah Shelah eth yalad.
6 ishshah Yehudah laqach bekor Er Tamar shem.
7 bekor Er hayah Yhvh ayin ra’ Yehudah Yhvh muth.
8 Onan Yehudah amar ach ishshah el bo qum eth yabam ach zera.
9 lo ki Onan yada zera hayah el bo im hayah shachath ach ishshah zera Nathan bilti erets ach.
10 Yhvh ayin ra’a’ muth asah asher eth gam.
- This flesh is deceptive in that when strong it sends a message that we need not each other but
when weak, be it sick, as the Family of God, we need each other and the sooner we discover
this, the better we enjoy our life in Christ.
- Judah was the fourth son of Israel having Levi, Simeon and Reuben as brothers.
- From (Genesis 31 to Genesis 35) is a record of Jacob’s journey from Syria Padanaram back to
Canaan Bethlehem.
- Genesis 35 – Jacob arrives in Canaan after the death of Rachel.
- Genesis 36 – the kingdom of darkness, the mystery of iniquity as represented by Esau/Edom
the vagabond.
- Genesis 37 – introduces Joseph (Jacob’s 11th son).
- Why is the layout of Scripture puts it this way; After the journey of Jacob (Genesis 31 to
Genesis 35), Genesis 37 shifts to Joseph? The answer is in (Genesis 29 and 30) which shows
that Jacob thought of returning to his land of nativity after Joseph was born.
- The Biblia/Bible says Jacob loved Joseph because he was the son of his old age yet its not true
because after Joseph came Benjamin which implies the theory is questionable.
- The Scriptures do not continue with Joseph in Genesis 38 but skip to Judah then continues
with Joseph from Genesis 39 to 48 then in 49 – Jacob blesses his sons and dies, in 50, Joseph
dies and Genesis ends.
- The whole book of Genesis focuses on only 2 of the 12 patriarchs, only Joseph (with many
chapters) and Judah (with only one chapter), the book of Exodus to Deuteronomy makes a turn
and starts focusing on Levi (the descent of Moshe/Moses, Aaron and Miriam).
- Genesis chapters 1 to 4 – creation chapters.
- Chapter 5 – the birth of Noah.
- Chapters 6 to 9 – Noah chapters.
- Chapter 10 – the genealogy and winding up Noah.
- Chapter 11 – Abram introduced, the tower of Babel, Terah’s son Haran dies, he dies also and
leaves Abram and Mesopotamia then called Haran.
- Chapters 11 to 25 – it’s all about Abraham.
- Chapters 26 to 27 – the Jacob-Esau story.
- The rest already noted earlier.
- In the book of Joshua, Judah is re-emphasized.
- This disparity amongst the patriarch shows that God is not of all but of a select few, His
concern is solely on the person of Jesus.
- The book of Judges had a mix of the patriarchs e.g Samson was of the tribe of Dan.
- The book of 1 Samuel starts of with Levi (Samuel the priest and seer), shifts to Benjamin (Saul
the king) then re-emphasizes on Judah (King David), Judah is re-emphasized until the book of
- There are two genealogies in the Scriptures, one of Judah and the other of Adam.
- Even thou we are all from Adamah but tracing our genealogies back to Adam is an
- Only Israel can trace their generations back to Adam and Ishmael also, Ishmael being older, he
being old, it was a show of their pride for Scripture says, those ahead will be behind.
- The Judah story is in between the Joseph story in Genesis 38.
- In (Genesis 38:1) Judah ‘went down’ going down shows descending, the Hirah in (verse 1) is a
friend of Judah and Judah stayed in his house because he did not have anywhere to stay, he
was a stranger, this is an allegory of how Jesus descended (John 3:13) from Heaven and did not
have anywhere to stay (for the Church was then not yet established), they stayed in the law
(Hirah’s house). Judah did not marry in the house of Hirah his friend but rather in the house of
Shuah so did the Lord who was rejected in the Law and married amongst gentiles.
- Shuah was Judah’s father in-law, that’s why his name appeared in Scripture. The wife (mother
in-law) was not mentioned. The daughter of Shuah is representative of Church (those of the
unbelieving gentiles predestined for Salvation), Shuah is representative of the system of false
preachers being husband to the unbelievers, Shuah (pagan systems) should be exposed
completely so that the daughter might be married to Judah (Christos) [Acts 17:22-23] (Sermon
Referral: Tambo inobatwa – Available here:
- Onan spilt seed to the ground and that was evil before the Lord leading to the detriment of his
- According to (Romans 5), there is no sin without the law, so, since God did not give the law,
by what standard did the sons of Judah sin? And also a closer look shows that the sin of Er was
different to that of Onan.
- We might be having Onan today!
- The story is about Judah not the other characters Er and so forth, in as much as the whole
Bible is about Jesus Christ.
- The Lord was wroth towards Onan because his deeds threatened the continuance of Judah’s
genealogy, from which genealogy, Jesus was birthed according to the flesh.
- Onan is a preacher who knows that the children he births are to belong to his dead brother
(Jesus who births sons by his death) so Onan/the preacher will see it not fit to preach to a
people who will be named after Christ so he spills the seed to the ground, spilling seed to the
ground is a picture of taking the uncorruptible Holy Gospel and fine tune it to meet material
demands (prosperity message). The seed Onan is using belongs to Judah (by virtue of being a
son to Judah), allegorically placed to mean that the false preacher will be preaching in the name
of Christ.
- Tamar went to bed with Onan not because he loved Onan but assumed that Onan wouldn’t
mistreat as a show of respect to Er. Tamar did not love Er still but Judah because it was Judah
who took her and gave her as a wife to Er (Genesis 38:6).
- Salvation is to be taken by Christ and be prepared for the marriage, as put in Judah’s story that
always, Tamar was being prepared to be married to Judah.
- We are not yet married to Jesus but still at courtship level, building a relationship (2
Corinthians 11:2, Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 22:1-14, Revelation 19:6-9), we are a wife to
Christ our God in principle.
- It is solemnly Judah who choose Tamar (Genesis 38:6), the same way, believers do not choose
Jesus and the Lord solemnly does the choosing.
- Onan being in bed with Tamar, it’s a preacher in service with an audience.
- Tamar, in obedience to Judah, went into bed with Onan, the same way, in obedience to Jesus
Christ, will attend to a preacher not the very person to Jesus.
- In intimacy, there is climax in which Tamar was expecting to receive seed but the spilling was a
great disappointment on the part of Onan. Yet in the conspiracy of Onan, Tamar was not a part
of it, she was not privy of it.
- (James 1:18-19, 1 Peter 1:18-23) – the word of truth is the seed. The seed, like in the case of
Onan, it is entrusted to the preacher, in the case of Peter, Paul the Apostles then and now
Talent the Apostle.
- The Onan-kind will say, preaching about Christ only is not beneficial as there is no notable
material gain to him so he will preach a message, the seed spilled to the ground – a message
based on the perishables.
- The one-on-one scenario is a show of the bedroom incident and that’s were seed is spilled to
the ground.
- The Onan marriage is a barren marriage, you will never get pregnant all you will know are year
themes, Onan themes.
- Do you have the pregnancy of the Gospel of Christ? Because of proof of pregnancy is to start
disliking certain things.
- Each time, Tamar left Onan’s bed room, she will be tired after a hard work but with nothing to
show of that work, the same way, after being preached to by a false preacher, at the end of the
day, they won’t have the Gospel of the Lord to show.
- Onan also had certain demands even he did not have a child to offer, the same way, false
religions, they have many religious demands like many offerings and praying looking a certain
way yet no Righteousness to show.
- Some people have a bad report towards Christ because of their past experiences with men of
God, their bad report is based on Onan’s bedroom.
- Why would Judah being a type of Christ deliver Tamar to evil men? it is based on (1
Corinthians 10:13), that God keeps one alive through the time of Onan’s abuse so that he might
receive children by Judah. God be thanked. [Sermon Referral: Dzepamba nedzemudanga,
Available here:
- (Romans 9:7-) God is looking for us to conceive by Isaac that is to say, by Jesus Christ.
- (2 Samuel 7) we have Bethsheba, not with child from Uriah but did so by David. So did Ruth
who later had child by Boaz.
- Tamar could not have children by Onan even if he did not spill seed because he was an evil
person, the same way she could not get children by Er because he was evil, the elect will never
receive seed/the Gospel from an evil person.
- Tamar herself did not see the wickedness of Onan but God did, the same way, the elect (in
their days of being sinners) saw not the evil message of the false preachers but where
enlightened when the True Gospel was declared to them.
- There is no Scripture in the Bible that was written to protect us against witchcraft. Even the
Scripture which says, ‘no weapon fashioned against me show prosper’, witchcraft is not
considered a weapon by God because it does not affect the spirit, the only weapon to God is a
false message because it makes one adamant and ignorant to the Gospel.
- We don’t need protection against witchcraft: the eagle when fighting a snake, it takes it to
altitudes the snake cannot survive so the eagle just changes the environment. So, listening to
the word of God is the increase of altitude which demons (as the snake) cannot survive.
Because of this, we do not do bedtime prayers.
- Onan spilt seed to the ground and that was evil before the Lord leading to the detriment of his
- Praying for protection from witches is a waste of prayer, it is like trying to propose love to a
- When cattle go to a dip tank, ticks will die without effort from the cattle, the same way, the
church is a dip tank, the ticks being demons so more exposure to the word of God, that will
destroy all the ticks.
- Anything the men of God gives saying it carries the power of God is a charm (Acts 7:45-50,
Acts 17:24-26), charms are used for acts of divination, anything purportedly carrying the power
of God is an idol, a god.
- The holy water is applied limitedly, one is never tasked to spray the motorcade say that one
wants to be a president or spray a woman he likes, that will be a crime.
- The men of God supposedly put power in a bottle not in the person to receive the bottle
because, the men of God want a medium of exchange so that he can make merchandise of you.
- A pregnancy brings its own changes, one of it being not compromising on the pregnant
woman’s dietary requirements, when we become pregnant of the Gospel of Christ, no matter
who it is, if the Gospel is wrong, the diet is tempered with, and that person will be rejected all
- During the spilling of seed, Tamar will be the one suffering as some do suffer at the hand of
false preachers. Suffering Doctrinal Abuse.
- While abused, the false preacher will be celebrated by his prey.
- Judah was not honest with Tamar, deceiving her that she will be given Shelah.
- Shelah did not marry Tamar because there can never be a wife older than the Church since
Christ (the Husband) is older than the wife (the Church) even in the natural, it can never be so,
a husband should always be older. Nature preaches the Gospel. Christ saw the infancy of the
Church but the Church never saw the infancy of the Lord.
- Its first love then consumption, so for the elect to be saved, Christ first loves the preacher.
- Nature was designed to preach the Gospel not the other way round. We can preach Christ
from the Mercedes Benz but cannot preach about having a Mercedes Benz and claim to have
preached the Gospel.
- The same reason why Shelah could not marry Tamar is the same way Jesus Christ could not
marry the Old Testament that’s why Israel was never obedient to the Lord, to see how it is
wrong for the man to marry an older woman is in how Israel treated the Lord in the days of his
- Some Biblical stories will be preaching about Christ but many people can be used to show
different components of the person of Christ e.g., David represents Jesus before crucifixion,
Solomon representing the Resurrected Christ. Christ is too big for one person to fully
- The preacher’s duty is to elaborate and explain the idea of God pertaining Christ as written in
the Scripture.
- Hence, the wife of Judah who died also represents the death of Jesus. Why is it that Judah
goes to shear the sheep after the death of hos wife? Shearing of sheep in the medieval times
was done as a form of harvest so Judah going to shear the sheep is a typology of Christ
resurrected and now progressing towards the Judgement. That which is to be harvested is
Righteousness from His sheep and no goats, the Lord is the Good Shepherd to sheep and the
goats he will burn.
- Where the wife of Judah died is not where the shearing of sheep was done, we are going
towards Judgement. Journeying through the Seven Church Ages, the preaching of the Word of
- The growing of the wool is based on the diet of sheep, that’s why spiritual food is to be
desired (1 Peter 2:2).
- The procedure to the marriage:
1. Tamar should be brought to the house by Judah himself.
2. Tamar should be delivered from Onan.
3. Judah should be going for the shearing of his sheep.
4. You must take off the widow garments.
5. You must receive the pledge.
6. You should walk away from the place where you received the pregnancy.
-The one who told Tamar that Judah was going to Timnath, that one is the preacher, and the
name of the preacher is irrelevant but the Message he brings (Romans 10:13-15).
- Assignment: Who does Hirah represent from Genesis 38:20?
- Put off the widow garments because once Judah seems you, the best he can give is sympathy
and condolences of her lost husband and not a pregnancy.
- Wanting condolences is trying to find sympathy because of the loses one suffered at the hand
of falsehoods yet the issue of the pregnancy, the Gospel. The Lord did not pass condolences to
the Lazarus or Jairus families, the same did Peter at Dorcas’ death.
- For a pregnancy, one should detach from the widow’s garments.
- The widow’s garments represent the false doctrines.
- Put off the false gospel, put off what William Branham taught because he taught a dead
- The reason why Judah saw Tamar as a prostitute is, if God doesn’t see you as a sinner, you
won’t be saved (Romans 3:10-18, Romans 6:20-23, Ephesians 2:1-4, Colossians 2:13-14, 1 John
- The covering of the face talks about sin and ignorance (Matthew 13:9-10).
- Tamar’s conception was instantaneous (something which doesn’t happen naturally), this the
Lord did, to show that that this conception was not natural but a typology of Salvation.
- The kid promised to Tamar does necessarily imply the young one of a goat but it also
represents a lamb also.
- Tamar demanded the signet, the bracelet and the stuff are a promissory note in waiting for
the kid.
- Tamar was not a prostitute because she did not ask for money (money was already in
circulation as proved in Genesis 37 where Joseph was sold as a slave with money.)
- At first, it appeared as if Tamar was the one desperate for pregnancy yet later, Judah will be
the one showing desperation to sleep with Tamar.
- (Genesis 38:18) The signet ring represented his identity; the bracelets represented his glory
and the stuff represented Judah’s authority as head of family/royal life.
- Condemning Judah as adulterous and irresponsible is condemning your own salvation.
- (Matthew 13:44-46, John 10:17), shows how the Lord gave everything away – as was
preached by Judah giving his possessions to Tamar.
- The signet ring alone was worthy many kids, so Tamar was not wanting payment for the sex
offer but as vindication on the day of trouble/questioning/Judgement.
- Hirah could not find Tamar as a prostitute because of the seed, Tamar could not be found as a
sinner, going back to her widow’s garments was to show that Tamar could only appear as a
prostitute to Judah [sinners should only appear as such before Jesus who has the power to
- The pregnancy conflict will lead to fire because the issue of fire lead to the mention of fire
(Genesis 38:24).
- At Judgement, everyone will be pregnant but the difference will be on who the owner of the
pregnancy is, if it be a pregnancy of whoredom, there will be fire.
- The twins (Phares and Zarah) represent the Gospel of Faith and Grace.
- The greatest thing Tamar did was not to demand of the pledge but to keep the pledge safe.
- The items demanded by Tamar where such that no one could replicate them and Judah/Jesus
could acknowledge them.
- As concerning the pledge, whenever we come to hear the Gospel, we are always at risk to lose
the pledge (Galatians 1:6-9), At risk of losing the form of the Doctrine (Romans 6:17, 2 Timothy
1:13-14), one cannot keep the form of the Gospel without the Holy Spirit.
- The bracelets also represent the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.
- The staff also represent the Kingship and royalty of Christ.
- The signet also represents our sonship to God.
- The charge of holding on to the form of the Doctrine is thus explained; if the Gospel was an ice
cream, just holding the Gospel would imply, seeing to it that the ice cream does not fall to the
ground BUT holding on to the form of the Gospel implies, seeing to it that the ice cream does
not melt.
- The viscosity and texture of the Doctrine should be kept.
- It was possible for Tamar to change the form of the bracelets and signet she received from
Judah but when enquired, she presented exactly what she had received from Judah.
- Don’t just hear the Gospel but know the tenets of the Gospel so that when enquired, you
might present the Gospel with its unaltered form.
- This Gospel we are taught is not there that one memorizes Scriptures and make arguments on
the internet, No, the form should be kept intact.
- There are no compromises to the doctrinal position that The Whole Bible Talks About Christ.
- Calling yourself a son of a prophet shows that you sold the signet.
- (Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30) the Holy is also a pledge, a seal.
- Everyone says he has a pregnancy; he is a believer; the truth of the matter will be established
on Judgement when the pledge will be asked of everyone and everyone will be called to explain
their pregnancies.
- Tamar gave back to Judah what she had received from him initially, (1 Corinthians 15:3) – the
same is required of True Believers.
- The wristbands, rosaries, and church charms, are these pledges received from Judah, received
from CHRIST?
- Was it Christ who launched christmas, easter, valentine? Are these from Christ given as a
- The way people follow after heresies is a sure sign that their pregnancies and pledges are not
received from Christ, some even went as far as calling ordinary water, the water of life and
people where flocking after such an anathema:
- Do not lose the form of sound words! When instructed not to allow natural relatives to
address you with that stupid totem, that will be the preservation of the form of the Doctrine
and maintenance of the pledge until the day it is enquired.
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love
which is in Christ Jesus. [2Timothy 1:13]
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the
heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. [Romans 6:17]
Sermon Referrals:
This Sermon is available on YouTube.
For more teachings:
➢ YouTube: (Link:
[Jesus Revelation Ministries channel]
➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga
➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries
Have you been pricked unto Salvation? Contact:-
WhatsApp: +263 773 005 000; +263 782 500 000; +263 783 000 020
Notes Compilation Addressee:
Brethren Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’
Jesus Revelation Ministries
South Africa Region
Cape Town Assembly
Khayelitsha Section
Contact details [For reviewing and sharing of Notes]:
Facebook: Tapiwa Nyemba (Available Here:
YouTube: Sola Scriptura (Available Here:
WhatsApp: +27644945290
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit
thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. [2 Timothy 2:2]
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  • 1. Sermon: Procedure To The Marriage The Vessel: Apostle Talent Farai with Brother W. Svinurai and Brother N.T Gwarare.
  • 2. [Sermon Build-up with Prophesies] - We are a Family Brethren and each time a new member of the Family, he is welcome and should be welcomed. - The Lord advised that some will depart from the Family not because the doubt the correctness of the Doctrine but because they are a breed of a viper (the characterization being, snakes know no family to the extent that they do not even know their young ones.) - There is no solitudity in Heaven so a rejection of We Are A Family doctrine is a rejection of Heavenly citizenry. - The Lord does not speak when we want Him to speak but at His own discretion and doing so, He will be proving that the Church belongs to Him, the Believers are His, all is His, the Lord does that to our Mother and so did He to the early Apostles. - The above mentioned, the Lord does usually in advising the Apostle on which Sermon to preach, He does so because the Sermons being food, the Lord knows the nutritional needs of the Believers so He should ultimately liberate on which messages to be taught on a certain day and space. - Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit is the constructor of the image of Christ in the Believer, the bricks being Sermons so the state of those not baptized is piling of bricks on a construction site, no construction, so the Holy Spirit should lead. - The Apostle advised that the pastors should not teach a message which thrills them but at the exclusive instruction of the Lord. - No Ministry in the Holy Scripture is led by a prophet, it’s a sacrilege, every church led by a prophet is a shrine. - The Gospel has been devised with enemies so whenever you are a partaker of it, you will have enemies. - We hate no one, we are a people of love but we love the Lord’s way not the world’s way. - [In 2015, Apostle gave a prophesy concerning Jacob Zuma when he blasphemed God by saying ‘because of too much sin, Jesus should come back to die for South Africans only’, the Lord said
  • 3. he will be humiliated and outsted prematurely from office – It has been fulfilled in our day]
  • 4.
  • 5. - [There is prophesy on Zimbabwean elections that for 2018, Apostle said, the results would not oust the then president yet no one woold win, he went to say that the Lord did so, so that those who had a scapegoat in a certain leader would have their own faults and their true self exposed that this present government as at 2021 would fail and is still failing, people scorned the Apostle blaming him for being a Zanu Pf apologist. The prophesy has been fulfilled in our time. We have a leadership crisis, and their failure is because of the people’s docility] - [Another prophesy is, there is a man whose days to die were nigh but the man had particular wisdom concerning Zimbabwe, the wisdom is, the country of Zimbabwe is sitting on a prostituted history so the leaders should meet this man for wisdom] - The Ministers of the Gospel know no boundaries in rebuking sin as instructed of God. - [The Adonijah prophesy, Adonijah revolted against David with the help of Joab the army commander, will Adonijah and Joab live? – Biblical prophesies, some of them took 400 years to be fulfilled, so does God. Even Abiathar the High Priest, how come he conspired against David yet Nathan and Zadok the priest sided with David. Did Adonijah stay in power, God is not a respecter of persons, He chose Solomon instead. Didn’t people celebrate the rise of Adonijah to
  • 6. power. Will they live?] - [The two coffins prophesy of persons simultaneously buried. Some may gainsay that everyone dies, that’s gainsaying because as in Isaiah’s prophesy in (Isaiah 9:6) that a child is born, weren’t children born every day? These coffins are of no ordinary persons but nationally venerated persons.] - [The then given prophesy: The Apostle saw a village house with a muddy, sandy surrounding and the house was crowded with many people/children and their mother crying to a husband. The mother would go and cry to the father then go back to the children to console them. All these children were naked. The husband was climbing a very tall eucalyptus trees, ignoring the mother as a bid to run away from his responsibilities. The children began to die and God asked how the situation would be corrected, saying no, the Lord replied by way of a strong wind which uprooted the tree and the husband was back to the ground. A solution was not proffered in the vision but the wind was the solution.] - [In 2015, a prophesy was given about a rotten apple which has been fulfilled in our days.] - (1 Corinthians 14:22) prophesy is beneficial only to Believers. - No nation can ever progress if it does not hear God no matter how good they execute their duties.
  • 7. THE MESSAGE: Procedure To The Marriage Principal Scripture Genesis 38 And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah. 2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. 3 And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er. 4 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan. 5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him. 6 And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar. 7 And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him. 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also. Hebrew translation of Principal Scripture: Bereshit 38 hu eth hayahbeth Yehudah yarad ish ad natah ach Chirah shem Adullami.
  • 8. 2 bath Yehudah sham raah shem Kna’aniy ish bo laqach Shuwa’ el. 3 ben yalad harah Er shem eth qara 4 yalad od harah shem eth qara ben Onan. 5 yalad od yasaph shem eth qara ben Kezib hayah Shelah eth yalad. 6 ishshah Yehudah laqach bekor Er Tamar shem. 7 bekor Er hayah Yhvh ayin ra’ Yehudah Yhvh muth. 8 Onan Yehudah amar ach ishshah el bo qum eth yabam ach zera. 9 lo ki Onan yada zera hayah el bo im hayah shachath ach ishshah zera Nathan bilti erets ach. 10 Yhvh ayin ra’a’ muth asah asher eth gam. Notes: - This flesh is deceptive in that when strong it sends a message that we need not each other but when weak, be it sick, as the Family of God, we need each other and the sooner we discover this, the better we enjoy our life in Christ.
  • 9. - Judah was the fourth son of Israel having Levi, Simeon and Reuben as brothers. - From (Genesis 31 to Genesis 35) is a record of Jacob’s journey from Syria Padanaram back to Canaan Bethlehem. - Genesis 35 – Jacob arrives in Canaan after the death of Rachel. - Genesis 36 – the kingdom of darkness, the mystery of iniquity as represented by Esau/Edom the vagabond. - Genesis 37 – introduces Joseph (Jacob’s 11th son). - Why is the layout of Scripture puts it this way; After the journey of Jacob (Genesis 31 to Genesis 35), Genesis 37 shifts to Joseph? The answer is in (Genesis 29 and 30) which shows that Jacob thought of returning to his land of nativity after Joseph was born. - The Biblia/Bible says Jacob loved Joseph because he was the son of his old age yet its not true because after Joseph came Benjamin which implies the theory is questionable.
  • 10. - The Scriptures do not continue with Joseph in Genesis 38 but skip to Judah then continues with Joseph from Genesis 39 to 48 then in 49 – Jacob blesses his sons and dies, in 50, Joseph dies and Genesis ends. - The whole book of Genesis focuses on only 2 of the 12 patriarchs, only Joseph (with many chapters) and Judah (with only one chapter), the book of Exodus to Deuteronomy makes a turn and starts focusing on Levi (the descent of Moshe/Moses, Aaron and Miriam). - Genesis chapters 1 to 4 – creation chapters. - Chapter 5 – the birth of Noah. - Chapters 6 to 9 – Noah chapters. - Chapter 10 – the genealogy and winding up Noah. - Chapter 11 – Abram introduced, the tower of Babel, Terah’s son Haran dies, he dies also and leaves Abram and Mesopotamia then called Haran. - Chapters 11 to 25 – it’s all about Abraham. - Chapters 26 to 27 – the Jacob-Esau story. - The rest already noted earlier. - In the book of Joshua, Judah is re-emphasized. - This disparity amongst the patriarch shows that God is not of all but of a select few, His concern is solely on the person of Jesus. - The book of Judges had a mix of the patriarchs e.g Samson was of the tribe of Dan. - The book of 1 Samuel starts of with Levi (Samuel the priest and seer), shifts to Benjamin (Saul the king) then re-emphasizes on Judah (King David), Judah is re-emphasized until the book of Malachi.
  • 11. - There are two genealogies in the Scriptures, one of Judah and the other of Adam. - Even thou we are all from Adamah but tracing our genealogies back to Adam is an impossibility. - Only Israel can trace their generations back to Adam and Ishmael also, Ishmael being older, he being old, it was a show of their pride for Scripture says, those ahead will be behind. - The Judah story is in between the Joseph story in Genesis 38.
  • 12. - In (Genesis 38:1) Judah ‘went down’ going down shows descending, the Hirah in (verse 1) is a friend of Judah and Judah stayed in his house because he did not have anywhere to stay, he was a stranger, this is an allegory of how Jesus descended (John 3:13) from Heaven and did not have anywhere to stay (for the Church was then not yet established), they stayed in the law (Hirah’s house). Judah did not marry in the house of Hirah his friend but rather in the house of Shuah so did the Lord who was rejected in the Law and married amongst gentiles. - Shuah was Judah’s father in-law, that’s why his name appeared in Scripture. The wife (mother in-law) was not mentioned. The daughter of Shuah is representative of Church (those of the unbelieving gentiles predestined for Salvation), Shuah is representative of the system of false preachers being husband to the unbelievers, Shuah (pagan systems) should be exposed completely so that the daughter might be married to Judah (Christos) [Acts 17:22-23] (Sermon Referral: Tambo inobatwa – Available here: - Onan spilt seed to the ground and that was evil before the Lord leading to the detriment of his death. - According to (Romans 5), there is no sin without the law, so, since God did not give the law, by what standard did the sons of Judah sin? And also a closer look shows that the sin of Er was different to that of Onan. - We might be having Onan today! - The story is about Judah not the other characters Er and so forth, in as much as the whole Bible is about Jesus Christ. - The Lord was wroth towards Onan because his deeds threatened the continuance of Judah’s genealogy, from which genealogy, Jesus was birthed according to the flesh. - Onan is a preacher who knows that the children he births are to belong to his dead brother (Jesus who births sons by his death) so Onan/the preacher will see it not fit to preach to a people who will be named after Christ so he spills the seed to the ground, spilling seed to the ground is a picture of taking the uncorruptible Holy Gospel and fine tune it to meet material demands (prosperity message). The seed Onan is using belongs to Judah (by virtue of being a son to Judah), allegorically placed to mean that the false preacher will be preaching in the name of Christ. - Tamar went to bed with Onan not because he loved Onan but assumed that Onan wouldn’t mistreat as a show of respect to Er. Tamar did not love Er still but Judah because it was Judah who took her and gave her as a wife to Er (Genesis 38:6). - Salvation is to be taken by Christ and be prepared for the marriage, as put in Judah’s story that always, Tamar was being prepared to be married to Judah.
  • 13. - We are not yet married to Jesus but still at courtship level, building a relationship (2 Corinthians 11:2, Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 22:1-14, Revelation 19:6-9), we are a wife to Christ our God in principle. - It is solemnly Judah who choose Tamar (Genesis 38:6), the same way, believers do not choose Jesus and the Lord solemnly does the choosing. - Onan being in bed with Tamar, it’s a preacher in service with an audience. - Tamar, in obedience to Judah, went into bed with Onan, the same way, in obedience to Jesus Christ, will attend to a preacher not the very person to Jesus. - In intimacy, there is climax in which Tamar was expecting to receive seed but the spilling was a great disappointment on the part of Onan. Yet in the conspiracy of Onan, Tamar was not a part of it, she was not privy of it. - (James 1:18-19, 1 Peter 1:18-23) – the word of truth is the seed. The seed, like in the case of Onan, it is entrusted to the preacher, in the case of Peter, Paul the Apostles then and now Talent the Apostle. - The Onan-kind will say, preaching about Christ only is not beneficial as there is no notable material gain to him so he will preach a message, the seed spilled to the ground – a message based on the perishables. - The one-on-one scenario is a show of the bedroom incident and that’s were seed is spilled to the ground. - The Onan marriage is a barren marriage, you will never get pregnant all you will know are year themes, Onan themes. - Do you have the pregnancy of the Gospel of Christ? Because of proof of pregnancy is to start disliking certain things. - Each time, Tamar left Onan’s bed room, she will be tired after a hard work but with nothing to show of that work, the same way, after being preached to by a false preacher, at the end of the day, they won’t have the Gospel of the Lord to show. - Onan also had certain demands even he did not have a child to offer, the same way, false religions, they have many religious demands like many offerings and praying looking a certain way yet no Righteousness to show. - Some people have a bad report towards Christ because of their past experiences with men of God, their bad report is based on Onan’s bedroom. - Why would Judah being a type of Christ deliver Tamar to evil men? it is based on (1 Corinthians 10:13), that God keeps one alive through the time of Onan’s abuse so that he might receive children by Judah. God be thanked. [Sermon Referral: Dzepamba nedzemudanga,
  • 14. Available here: dzepambamp3?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing] - (Romans 9:7-) God is looking for us to conceive by Isaac that is to say, by Jesus Christ. - (2 Samuel 7) we have Bethsheba, not with child from Uriah but did so by David. So did Ruth who later had child by Boaz. - Tamar could not have children by Onan even if he did not spill seed because he was an evil person, the same way she could not get children by Er because he was evil, the elect will never receive seed/the Gospel from an evil person. - Tamar herself did not see the wickedness of Onan but God did, the same way, the elect (in their days of being sinners) saw not the evil message of the false preachers but where enlightened when the True Gospel was declared to them. - There is no Scripture in the Bible that was written to protect us against witchcraft. Even the Scripture which says, ‘no weapon fashioned against me show prosper’, witchcraft is not considered a weapon by God because it does not affect the spirit, the only weapon to God is a false message because it makes one adamant and ignorant to the Gospel. - We don’t need protection against witchcraft: the eagle when fighting a snake, it takes it to altitudes the snake cannot survive so the eagle just changes the environment. So, listening to the word of God is the increase of altitude which demons (as the snake) cannot survive. Because of this, we do not do bedtime prayers. - Onan spilt seed to the ground and that was evil before the Lord leading to the detriment of his death. - Praying for protection from witches is a waste of prayer, it is like trying to propose love to a harlot. - When cattle go to a dip tank, ticks will die without effort from the cattle, the same way, the church is a dip tank, the ticks being demons so more exposure to the word of God, that will destroy all the ticks. - Anything the men of God gives saying it carries the power of God is a charm (Acts 7:45-50, Acts 17:24-26), charms are used for acts of divination, anything purportedly carrying the power of God is an idol, a god. - The holy water is applied limitedly, one is never tasked to spray the motorcade say that one wants to be a president or spray a woman he likes, that will be a crime. - The men of God supposedly put power in a bottle not in the person to receive the bottle because, the men of God want a medium of exchange so that he can make merchandise of you.
  • 15. - A pregnancy brings its own changes, one of it being not compromising on the pregnant woman’s dietary requirements, when we become pregnant of the Gospel of Christ, no matter who it is, if the Gospel is wrong, the diet is tempered with, and that person will be rejected all way. - During the spilling of seed, Tamar will be the one suffering as some do suffer at the hand of false preachers. Suffering Doctrinal Abuse. - While abused, the false preacher will be celebrated by his prey. - Judah was not honest with Tamar, deceiving her that she will be given Shelah. - Shelah did not marry Tamar because there can never be a wife older than the Church since Christ (the Husband) is older than the wife (the Church) even in the natural, it can never be so, a husband should always be older. Nature preaches the Gospel. Christ saw the infancy of the Church but the Church never saw the infancy of the Lord. - Its first love then consumption, so for the elect to be saved, Christ first loves the preacher. - Nature was designed to preach the Gospel not the other way round. We can preach Christ from the Mercedes Benz but cannot preach about having a Mercedes Benz and claim to have preached the Gospel. - The same reason why Shelah could not marry Tamar is the same way Jesus Christ could not marry the Old Testament that’s why Israel was never obedient to the Lord, to see how it is wrong for the man to marry an older woman is in how Israel treated the Lord in the days of his flesh. - Some Biblical stories will be preaching about Christ but many people can be used to show different components of the person of Christ e.g., David represents Jesus before crucifixion, Solomon representing the Resurrected Christ. Christ is too big for one person to fully - The preacher’s duty is to elaborate and explain the idea of God pertaining Christ as written in the Scripture. - Hence, the wife of Judah who died also represents the death of Jesus. Why is it that Judah goes to shear the sheep after the death of hos wife? Shearing of sheep in the medieval times was done as a form of harvest so Judah going to shear the sheep is a typology of Christ resurrected and now progressing towards the Judgement. That which is to be harvested is Righteousness from His sheep and no goats, the Lord is the Good Shepherd to sheep and the goats he will burn. - Where the wife of Judah died is not where the shearing of sheep was done, we are going towards Judgement. Journeying through the Seven Church Ages, the preaching of the Word of God.
  • 16. - The growing of the wool is based on the diet of sheep, that’s why spiritual food is to be desired (1 Peter 2:2). - The procedure to the marriage: 1. Tamar should be brought to the house by Judah himself. 2. Tamar should be delivered from Onan. 3. Judah should be going for the shearing of his sheep. 4. You must take off the widow garments. 5. You must receive the pledge. 6. You should walk away from the place where you received the pregnancy. -The one who told Tamar that Judah was going to Timnath, that one is the preacher, and the name of the preacher is irrelevant but the Message he brings (Romans 10:13-15). - Assignment: Who does Hirah represent from Genesis 38:20? - Put off the widow garments because once Judah seems you, the best he can give is sympathy and condolences of her lost husband and not a pregnancy. - Wanting condolences is trying to find sympathy because of the loses one suffered at the hand of falsehoods yet the issue of the pregnancy, the Gospel. The Lord did not pass condolences to the Lazarus or Jairus families, the same did Peter at Dorcas’ death. - For a pregnancy, one should detach from the widow’s garments. - The widow’s garments represent the false doctrines. - Put off the false gospel, put off what William Branham taught because he taught a dead gospel.
  • 17. - The reason why Judah saw Tamar as a prostitute is, if God doesn’t see you as a sinner, you won’t be saved (Romans 3:10-18, Romans 6:20-23, Ephesians 2:1-4, Colossians 2:13-14, 1 John 1:8-10). - The covering of the face talks about sin and ignorance (Matthew 13:9-10). - Tamar’s conception was instantaneous (something which doesn’t happen naturally), this the Lord did, to show that that this conception was not natural but a typology of Salvation. - The kid promised to Tamar does necessarily imply the young one of a goat but it also represents a lamb also. - Tamar demanded the signet, the bracelet and the stuff are a promissory note in waiting for the kid. - Tamar was not a prostitute because she did not ask for money (money was already in circulation as proved in Genesis 37 where Joseph was sold as a slave with money.) - At first, it appeared as if Tamar was the one desperate for pregnancy yet later, Judah will be the one showing desperation to sleep with Tamar. - (Genesis 38:18) The signet ring represented his identity; the bracelets represented his glory and the stuff represented Judah’s authority as head of family/royal life. - Condemning Judah as adulterous and irresponsible is condemning your own salvation. - (Matthew 13:44-46, John 10:17), shows how the Lord gave everything away – as was preached by Judah giving his possessions to Tamar. - The signet ring alone was worthy many kids, so Tamar was not wanting payment for the sex offer but as vindication on the day of trouble/questioning/Judgement. - Hirah could not find Tamar as a prostitute because of the seed, Tamar could not be found as a sinner, going back to her widow’s garments was to show that Tamar could only appear as a prostitute to Judah [sinners should only appear as such before Jesus who has the power to save.] - The pregnancy conflict will lead to fire because the issue of fire lead to the mention of fire (Genesis 38:24). - At Judgement, everyone will be pregnant but the difference will be on who the owner of the pregnancy is, if it be a pregnancy of whoredom, there will be fire. - The twins (Phares and Zarah) represent the Gospel of Faith and Grace. - The greatest thing Tamar did was not to demand of the pledge but to keep the pledge safe.
  • 18. - The items demanded by Tamar where such that no one could replicate them and Judah/Jesus could acknowledge them. - As concerning the pledge, whenever we come to hear the Gospel, we are always at risk to lose the pledge (Galatians 1:6-9), At risk of losing the form of the Doctrine (Romans 6:17, 2 Timothy 1:13-14), one cannot keep the form of the Gospel without the Holy Spirit. - The bracelets also represent the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. - The staff also represent the Kingship and royalty of Christ. - The signet also represents our sonship to God. - The charge of holding on to the form of the Doctrine is thus explained; if the Gospel was an ice cream, just holding the Gospel would imply, seeing to it that the ice cream does not fall to the ground BUT holding on to the form of the Gospel implies, seeing to it that the ice cream does not melt. - The viscosity and texture of the Doctrine should be kept. - It was possible for Tamar to change the form of the bracelets and signet she received from Judah but when enquired, she presented exactly what she had received from Judah.
  • 19. - Don’t just hear the Gospel but know the tenets of the Gospel so that when enquired, you might present the Gospel with its unaltered form. - This Gospel we are taught is not there that one memorizes Scriptures and make arguments on the internet, No, the form should be kept intact. - There are no compromises to the doctrinal position that The Whole Bible Talks About Christ. - Calling yourself a son of a prophet shows that you sold the signet. - (Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30) the Holy is also a pledge, a seal. - Everyone says he has a pregnancy; he is a believer; the truth of the matter will be established on Judgement when the pledge will be asked of everyone and everyone will be called to explain their pregnancies. - Tamar gave back to Judah what she had received from him initially, (1 Corinthians 15:3) – the same is required of True Believers. - The wristbands, rosaries, and church charms, are these pledges received from Judah, received from CHRIST? - Was it Christ who launched christmas, easter, valentine? Are these from Christ given as a pledge. - The way people follow after heresies is a sure sign that their pregnancies and pledges are not received from Christ, some even went as far as calling ordinary water, the water of life and
  • 20. people where flocking after such an anathema: - Do not lose the form of sound words! When instructed not to allow natural relatives to address you with that stupid totem, that will be the preservation of the form of the Doctrine and maintenance of the pledge until the day it is enquired. Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. [2Timothy 1:13] But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. [Romans 6:17]
  • 21. Sermon Referrals: This Sermon is available on YouTube. For more teachings: ➢ YouTube: (Link: [Jesus Revelation Ministries channel] ➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga ➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries (Link: Have you been pricked unto Salvation? Contact:- Website: Mail: WhatsApp: +263 773 005 000; +263 782 500 000; +263 783 000 020 Notes Compilation Addressee: Brethren Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’ Jesus Revelation Ministries South Africa Region Cape Town Assembly Khayelitsha Section
  • 22. Contact details [For reviewing and sharing of Notes]: Email: Facebook: Tapiwa Nyemba (Available Here: YouTube: Sola Scriptura (Available Here: WhatsApp: +27644945290 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. [2 Timothy 2:2]
  • 23. What have you learnt?