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The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet | Pastor Gerald Baloyi
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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A precursor to The High Places of the Earth Part 1
- The Lord God does not entertain the worship of other gods.
- If you worship other gods, then He ceases to be your God.
Micah 1:1-9
- The Lord came down unto Samaria because of these high places of idolatry.
- The going astray of Samaria and Judah was necessitated by the idolatry of Samaria and Judah.
- A high place is any institution putting itself in the place of God.
- The Lord coming down was not coming down for everyone but only for His own | ref – John
- Salvation is very specified, only to those who are beforetime predestined unto this great
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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Groundwork for this teaching
- The phrase high places does not only refer to the high places of the earth, the Lord has His
own High Places.
- The High Places of the Lord are not earthy but in spiritual places.
- Heaven is a higher place as compared to the earth – Isaiah 55:8-9.
- This we also notice in Apostle Paul’s comparison of the first and the Last Adam in 1
Corinthians 15:45-49. Something which is spiritual is on a higher place than the natural.
- The spiritual is that which is heavenly, and the physical/canal is that which is earthy.
- When one is saved, he is made a temple of God by virtue of having received the promise of
Holy Spirit. This makes a person spiritual.
- For the same course, God will have translated (Colossians 1:13) them from being earthy to
being seated in heavenly places in Christ | see - Ephesians 2:5-6.
- Even in Hebrews 12:22, the saints are come into Heavenly Jerusalem -God’s own High Place.
- Idols like Baal were put on high places so that people would literally and also in practice, look
up to these gods for security and their wellbeing.
- So, Israel, by virtue of being enslaved, was focused to blow down to foreign gods yet His
name, the One True God is Jealous (Exodus 34:13).
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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- God was coming down to eliminate His competition that He remains the only Husband of
- God set His own High Place in Mountain Zion, highly exalted – Isaiah 2:1-2 and Micah 4:1.
- Shrines, every shrine is a high place in one place or the other because therein, foreign gods are
From Micah 1:4-8, we see that the Load treaded on top of the mountains, God wanted to
establish His own highest place.
- Mountain Sinai is also a mountain, the law was also a mountain.
- The Lord used the law as a steppingstone as He was ascending His own mountain BUT when
He stepped on Sinai, He left it utterly destroyed.
- If the Lord had not come out of His temple to tread these mountains, no one would have been
- That’s why this is a great tread.
- Verse 8 now explains how the treading would happen:
He was to become naked and howling
- This shows how the ways of the Lord are too wonderful and mysterious, He destroys the
mountains through howling and being naked, we thought He would come with guns and
nuclear power.
Ev Mafolo:
- Judges 5:4-5, proves that Sinai is one of those mountains.
- God melted Mount Sinai as a way to recover His own people.
- If Mountain Sinai had remained, His people would remain in their sin.
- He came to melt Sinai that’s why He under the law – Galatians 4:4-5.
- So, when Mountain Sinai was to melt, then the law would come from Mount Zion as before
prophesied in Isaiah 2.
Ev Mafolo:
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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- Psalm 97:7-
- High places associated with idolatry.
- God’s judgements for destroying all other mountains was just and necessary for salvation.
- God is highly exalted after all mountains are destroyed.
- Some are saying that all other mountains should be destroyed except Mount Sinai.
- Those zealots and law fanatics.
- In Isaiah 20:1-6, Esias walked naked for three years before all.
- What Isaiah did was a sign and a wonder to all Israel.
How can a prophet prophesy walking barefoot and naked?
- The nakedness of Isaiah was representing our Lord Jesus Christ who was to walk the earth
whilst naked.
One may ask, But Jesus had clothes, why say He was naked?
- Jesus, being God, being in the flesh is in itself a form of nakedness.
- If the spiritual body is to be compared to the carnal body, being in this fleshy body is a form of
nakedness | according to 2 Corinthians 5:1-4.
- As long as we remain in this tabernacle, we are inferior and cannot be with the Lord because
flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom – 1 Corinthians 15:50.
- Acts 1:8-9, the Lord glorified.
- From Leviticus 16:1-9, there was a scapegoat.
- If you see the scapegoat, this is proof that you are still in your sins SO, seeing the Lord in the
body is not necessary.
- The Lord needed his body to be able to tread upon the mountains because in His state, He
cannot be touched and killed.
Ev Mafolo:
- According to John 17:5, the Lord wanted to be reinstated into His former glory.
- This shows that the Lord had removed His clothes (glory) when He entered into his body.
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- This, the Lord did to save His sinners.
- The Mountain in Israel was the law – Sinai.
- Even to the Gentiles, there were mountains which are exemplified as Totems and other
systems of idolatry.
- A body was prepared for the Lord when He came into the flesh – Hebrews 10:5.
- He needed this body to howl and scream.
The Lord was a town crier
- The preaching of the Lord in the flesh was a form of an uncomfortable situation.
- That’s why Pharisees were always arguing with him. E.g. – Matthew 23.
- The Lord was coming into this earth, a foreign place to tread mountains.
- All mountains were supposed to be treaded, even Sinai so that Zion may be stablished.
- For the same cause, the Lord was crucified whilst naked.
The Lord was naked when he was crucified. Naked!
- The great tread represents the crucifixion of the Lord, that’s how all the mountains were
The Lord won by defeat
- The Lord was humiliated and through His humiliation, that’s how He won.
- This proves the destruction of Sinai – Colossians 2:13-14.
- The word ‘us’ in verse 14 is more inclined to Israel.
- Even Ephesians 2:14-15.
- Once Christ was on the cross, Mount Sinai and all other mountains were no more.
- Once you are saved, there is evidence of the mountain wherein you worshipped an idol.
- Israel thought that he was worshipping the true God YET the law was just a remembrance to
God that Israel was still in sin – Hebrews 10:3-7.
- The translation for Israel was from Mount Sinai to Mount Sion.
- Even for gentiles, translation is from mountains to Mount Sion.
- According to Colossians 1:13.
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- If Sinai is still there, God hasn’t passed by there because at His treading, Sinai will melt
- Sinai is only treaded to those who know the true Gospel.
- To some, those law zealots, Sinai is still their mountain, and they will perish therein | sermon
referral – This Mountain (link:
- Those are still paying tithes; God’s visitation is not yet upon them.
Ev Mafolo:
- People seem to love Mount Sinai without knowledge that all those who attempt to do the law
are under a curse because as Gentiles, they cannot do all that is specified in the law – Galatians
- The law is removed because it is a shaken kingdom.
- Even in Hebrews 12, where Apostle Paul was comparing the Old and New Testaments, He
indicated that Moses (the Testator) started to shiver – that’s why Sinai was treaded and melted.
- Israel hated the Lord because He was making an irritable, annoying noise to them through His
As an owl, He was howling
- The Lord was challenging the system of worshipping for Israel by challenging the Pharisees,
the religious leader of the day.
- The Lord even said, the Temple, the center of worship was to be destroyed.
- The Lord indicated in His teachings that it was impossible to follow the law because you need
to break some of the laws so as to keep some yet the law said, breaking one law was equal to
breaking all of them.
- To sacrifice on the Sabbath, priests were always breaking the same Shabbat they claimed to
Jeremiah 50
- Verse 1-5 Israel was to go to Zion in search of a perpetual covenant. This means that the
covenant of the law from Sinai was not perpetual covenant.
- They wanted a way to Zion, if you want rest, look for the way to Zion.
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- Verse 6: going from hill to mountain is the changing from shrine to shrine (Catholic to Mwazha
etc) looking for rest, finding none.
- According to John 14:6, the Lord is that way, He is the way to Zion when one sees the Father.
- If anyone says he has a spiritual father, he is not in Christ, in Zion where there is the True God.
- We see ‘men of God, [which is no God but gods] are changing spiritual fathers because they
are alienated from the Father.
- Ezekiel 34:13 – when God delivers His people, some people will be delivered from other
- When this happens, God has to tread those people to save His people.
- Everyone calling himself papa has declared himself a mountain.
- That’s why in the Gospel, name of false preachers should be named so that God’s people will
be saved.
- The Lord did it to Pharisees – Matthew 23:14-15 and Apostle Paul emulated the Lord in Acts
13 against Elymus so that Sergio Paulos can be saved.
- The Lord gave us a life which is not like that of this world, by so doing, putting us on high
- The Lord has His own High Places.
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Hinds’ feet
Habakkuk 3:19
- Hinds’ feet are need so that one can be in God’s Zion.
- 2 Samuel 22:1, David and Saul represent two different Testaments:
Saul – The Law
David – Grace
- Saul was always possessed with devils and the law is a doctrine of devils (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
- In 2 Samuel 22, David sang this song when Saul was defeated, this means – After Christ was
risen from the dead.
- Verse 34: Hinds’ feet are needed for one to be able to stand on hinds’ feet.
- See also Song of Songs 7:1 as quoted in Romans 10:15, the feet represent the preachers sent
by God.
- Ephesians 2:15, the Gospel is a Gospel of peace, and this peace is in the destruction of the
- So those preaching the message of peace will preach the end of the law.
Get out from Tithing!
Get from Sabbath keeping!
Get out from her | see Revelation 18:3
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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- When climbing mountain Zion, if you have not the hinds’ feet, you will fall.
- The hinds’ feet represent also the accuracy and precision of Gospel of Christ.
- If you are on top of Mount Zion, it means, Mount Sinai has been trodden.
- If you be in Mountain Zion, you have the hinds’ feet and have seen and hold the evidence for
the destruction of Mount Sinai.
Video reference of how strong the feet of hinds are:
- Even those newly born into the Faith are given hinds’ feet to climb Mount Zion and this is
evidenced when they refute the law message outrightly.
- Those who haven’t received the hinds’ feet are not able to debunk and tread over religious
mountains like Islam and the catholic.
- They wither at Islamic arguments which deny that Jesus is God because He was tired in John
- They cannot argue with catholics because the catholics gave them the papa system.
- Those with hinds’ feet are not trained in Bible schools, it is in them, the Holy Spirit in them
testifies of Christ.
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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- If the Gospel is being preached, no mountain (not of God) will be left standing, even sinful
habits and evil thought patterns.
Every mountain melt at His presence!
- Some marriages when fixed in the Gospel when mountains where proud in the couples.
- People want pastors to pray pray pray yet other matters are of character and need the Gospel
to tread and destroy those mountains.
- It’s not always about prayer but at the declaration of the Gospel.
- People need prayers a lot because they want God to address their needs when they
themselves do not need to obey His instruction.
Ev Mafolo:
- The hinds will be climbing on rocks and feeding from tiny grass fragments on the rocks.
- The hinds are very vulnerable because of the heights they climb to.
- We know that the Lord is the Rock so survival, as hinds should be fully submitted to trusting
the Lord.
- Trusting in the Lord: Isaiah 26:3.
- The strength of hinds is in the feet.
- We should fully depend on the preaching of the Lord, continuing therein – (Galatians 5:16-18).
We should walk in the Spirit!
- Walking in the Spirit is not walking around speaking in tongues but being fully given to the
authority of the Gospel.
We serve Jealous, our God is Jealous!
- There is a temptation to fall before idols because every god comes with a promise:
God of war
God of sexual pleasures
God of rioting
We should not be found on the earth because we are delivered from the people and are in the
mountain of God.
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- The more the word, the higher you ascend the mountain and the more you visit certain areas
in the Lord.
- If you slake, you will fall and the fall will be great, remember how hinds go.
- What helps brethren, to help each other pray or rather teach and grow together in the faith.
We depend on the feet
- Whatever the Lord wants to give, we receive it from the feet.
- That’s why we celebrate the feet, that’s why Paul acclaimed, ‘how beautiful are the feet!’.
Brother Nelson:
- Numbers 22:41 – these are the benefits of being high.
- Because we are in heavenly places, we are able to judge all things, being judged by none.
- We should be more serious with this Gospel.
- The places where hinds dwell are not only high but a resting place.
- Psalm 18:33 elaborates the hinds message.
Ev Mafolo:
- Isaiah 52:7 as quoted in Romans 10:15, the beautiful feet are upon the mountains.
- Persecutions will come when one is on the rock, but endurance is necessary.
- The more you go up the mountain, the greater the persecutions but our reliance and trust is
solemnly on the Lord.
Brother Nelson:
- Ballam ascended Baal’s high place to curse Israel.
- He chooses such a place so as to discover the people.
- So, the New Testament is the highest place so there is the advantage of height, you will see
and discern evil, temptations before they come.
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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Sermon Referral:
This sermon is available on Jesus Revelation Ministries YouTube and Sound Accounts.
For more sermons:
➢ YouTube: (Link:
[Jesus Revelation Ministries channel]
➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga
➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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Have you been pricked unto Salvation?
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Notes Compilation Addressee:
Brother Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’
The New Testament Church
Jesus Revelation Ministries
South Africa Region
Cape Town Assembly
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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Contact details [For reviewing and exchange of Notes]:
WhatsApp: +27620749034
Dearly Beloved, this labouring of our Father shown in our mothers should not and
never be in vain!
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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My Testimony
The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet
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My Testimony

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The High Places Of The Earth - Hinds Feet - Notes.pdf

  • 1. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 1 | P a g e The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet | Pastor Gerald Baloyi
  • 2. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 2 | P a g e A precursor to The High Places of the Earth Part 1 - The Lord God does not entertain the worship of other gods. - If you worship other gods, then He ceases to be your God. Micah 1:1-9 - The Lord came down unto Samaria because of these high places of idolatry. - The going astray of Samaria and Judah was necessitated by the idolatry of Samaria and Judah. - A high place is any institution putting itself in the place of God. - The Lord coming down was not coming down for everyone but only for His own | ref – John 13:1. - Salvation is very specified, only to those who are beforetime predestined unto this great salvation.
  • 3. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 3 | P a g e Groundwork for this teaching - The phrase high places does not only refer to the high places of the earth, the Lord has His own High Places. - The High Places of the Lord are not earthy but in spiritual places. - Heaven is a higher place as compared to the earth – Isaiah 55:8-9. - This we also notice in Apostle Paul’s comparison of the first and the Last Adam in 1 Corinthians 15:45-49. Something which is spiritual is on a higher place than the natural. - The spiritual is that which is heavenly, and the physical/canal is that which is earthy. - When one is saved, he is made a temple of God by virtue of having received the promise of Holy Spirit. This makes a person spiritual. - For the same course, God will have translated (Colossians 1:13) them from being earthy to being seated in heavenly places in Christ | see - Ephesians 2:5-6. - Even in Hebrews 12:22, the saints are come into Heavenly Jerusalem -God’s own High Place. - Idols like Baal were put on high places so that people would literally and also in practice, look up to these gods for security and their wellbeing. - So, Israel, by virtue of being enslaved, was focused to blow down to foreign gods yet His name, the One True God is Jealous (Exodus 34:13).
  • 4. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 4 | P a g e - God was coming down to eliminate His competition that He remains the only Husband of Israel. - God set His own High Place in Mountain Zion, highly exalted – Isaiah 2:1-2 and Micah 4:1. - Shrines, every shrine is a high place in one place or the other because therein, foreign gods are introduced. From Micah 1:4-8, we see that the Load treaded on top of the mountains, God wanted to establish His own highest place. - Mountain Sinai is also a mountain, the law was also a mountain. - The Lord used the law as a steppingstone as He was ascending His own mountain BUT when He stepped on Sinai, He left it utterly destroyed. - If the Lord had not come out of His temple to tread these mountains, no one would have been saved. - That’s why this is a great tread. - Verse 8 now explains how the treading would happen: He was to become naked and howling - This shows how the ways of the Lord are too wonderful and mysterious, He destroys the mountains through howling and being naked, we thought He would come with guns and nuclear power. Ev Mafolo: - Judges 5:4-5, proves that Sinai is one of those mountains. - God melted Mount Sinai as a way to recover His own people. - If Mountain Sinai had remained, His people would remain in their sin. - He came to melt Sinai that’s why He under the law – Galatians 4:4-5. - So, when Mountain Sinai was to melt, then the law would come from Mount Zion as before prophesied in Isaiah 2. Ev Mafolo:
  • 5. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 5 | P a g e - Psalm 97:7- - High places associated with idolatry. - God’s judgements for destroying all other mountains was just and necessary for salvation. - God is highly exalted after all mountains are destroyed. - Some are saying that all other mountains should be destroyed except Mount Sinai. - Those zealots and law fanatics. - In Isaiah 20:1-6, Esias walked naked for three years before all. - What Isaiah did was a sign and a wonder to all Israel. How can a prophet prophesy walking barefoot and naked? - The nakedness of Isaiah was representing our Lord Jesus Christ who was to walk the earth whilst naked. One may ask, But Jesus had clothes, why say He was naked? - Jesus, being God, being in the flesh is in itself a form of nakedness. - If the spiritual body is to be compared to the carnal body, being in this fleshy body is a form of nakedness | according to 2 Corinthians 5:1-4. - As long as we remain in this tabernacle, we are inferior and cannot be with the Lord because flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom – 1 Corinthians 15:50. - Acts 1:8-9, the Lord glorified. - From Leviticus 16:1-9, there was a scapegoat. - If you see the scapegoat, this is proof that you are still in your sins SO, seeing the Lord in the body is not necessary. - The Lord needed his body to be able to tread upon the mountains because in His state, He cannot be touched and killed. Ev Mafolo: - According to John 17:5, the Lord wanted to be reinstated into His former glory. - This shows that the Lord had removed His clothes (glory) when He entered into his body.
  • 6. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 6 | P a g e - This, the Lord did to save His sinners. - The Mountain in Israel was the law – Sinai. - Even to the Gentiles, there were mountains which are exemplified as Totems and other systems of idolatry. - A body was prepared for the Lord when He came into the flesh – Hebrews 10:5. - He needed this body to howl and scream. The Lord was a town crier - The preaching of the Lord in the flesh was a form of an uncomfortable situation. - That’s why Pharisees were always arguing with him. E.g. – Matthew 23. - The Lord was coming into this earth, a foreign place to tread mountains. - All mountains were supposed to be treaded, even Sinai so that Zion may be stablished. - For the same cause, the Lord was crucified whilst naked. The Lord was naked when he was crucified. Naked! - The great tread represents the crucifixion of the Lord, that’s how all the mountains were treaded. The Lord won by defeat - The Lord was humiliated and through His humiliation, that’s how He won. - This proves the destruction of Sinai – Colossians 2:13-14. - The word ‘us’ in verse 14 is more inclined to Israel. - Even Ephesians 2:14-15. - Once Christ was on the cross, Mount Sinai and all other mountains were no more. - Once you are saved, there is evidence of the mountain wherein you worshipped an idol. - Israel thought that he was worshipping the true God YET the law was just a remembrance to God that Israel was still in sin – Hebrews 10:3-7. - The translation for Israel was from Mount Sinai to Mount Sion. - Even for gentiles, translation is from mountains to Mount Sion. - According to Colossians 1:13.
  • 7. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 7 | P a g e - If Sinai is still there, God hasn’t passed by there because at His treading, Sinai will melt impromptu. - Sinai is only treaded to those who know the true Gospel. - To some, those law zealots, Sinai is still their mountain, and they will perish therein | sermon referral – This Mountain (link: - Those are still paying tithes; God’s visitation is not yet upon them. Ev Mafolo: - People seem to love Mount Sinai without knowledge that all those who attempt to do the law are under a curse because as Gentiles, they cannot do all that is specified in the law – Galatians 3:10. - The law is removed because it is a shaken kingdom. - Even in Hebrews 12, where Apostle Paul was comparing the Old and New Testaments, He indicated that Moses (the Testator) started to shiver – that’s why Sinai was treaded and melted. - Israel hated the Lord because He was making an irritable, annoying noise to them through His teaching. As an owl, He was howling - The Lord was challenging the system of worshipping for Israel by challenging the Pharisees, the religious leader of the day. - The Lord even said, the Temple, the center of worship was to be destroyed. - The Lord indicated in His teachings that it was impossible to follow the law because you need to break some of the laws so as to keep some yet the law said, breaking one law was equal to breaking all of them. - To sacrifice on the Sabbath, priests were always breaking the same Shabbat they claimed to enforce. Jeremiah 50 - Verse 1-5 Israel was to go to Zion in search of a perpetual covenant. This means that the covenant of the law from Sinai was not perpetual covenant. - They wanted a way to Zion, if you want rest, look for the way to Zion.
  • 8. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 8 | P a g e - Verse 6: going from hill to mountain is the changing from shrine to shrine (Catholic to Mwazha etc) looking for rest, finding none. - According to John 14:6, the Lord is that way, He is the way to Zion when one sees the Father. - If anyone says he has a spiritual father, he is not in Christ, in Zion where there is the True God. - We see ‘men of God, [which is no God but gods] are changing spiritual fathers because they are alienated from the Father. - Ezekiel 34:13 – when God delivers His people, some people will be delivered from other people. - When this happens, God has to tread those people to save His people. - Everyone calling himself papa has declared himself a mountain. - That’s why in the Gospel, name of false preachers should be named so that God’s people will be saved. - The Lord did it to Pharisees – Matthew 23:14-15 and Apostle Paul emulated the Lord in Acts 13 against Elymus so that Sergio Paulos can be saved. - The Lord gave us a life which is not like that of this world, by so doing, putting us on high places. - The Lord has His own High Places.
  • 9. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 9 | P a g e Hinds’ feet Habakkuk 3:19 - Hinds’ feet are need so that one can be in God’s Zion. - 2 Samuel 22:1, David and Saul represent two different Testaments: Saul – The Law David – Grace - Saul was always possessed with devils and the law is a doctrine of devils (1 Timothy 4:1-3). - In 2 Samuel 22, David sang this song when Saul was defeated, this means – After Christ was risen from the dead. - Verse 34: Hinds’ feet are needed for one to be able to stand on hinds’ feet. - See also Song of Songs 7:1 as quoted in Romans 10:15, the feet represent the preachers sent by God. - Ephesians 2:15, the Gospel is a Gospel of peace, and this peace is in the destruction of the law. - So those preaching the message of peace will preach the end of the law. Get out from Tithing! Get from Sabbath keeping! Get out from her | see Revelation 18:3
  • 10. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 10 | P a g e - When climbing mountain Zion, if you have not the hinds’ feet, you will fall. - The hinds’ feet represent also the accuracy and precision of Gospel of Christ. - If you are on top of Mount Zion, it means, Mount Sinai has been trodden. - If you be in Mountain Zion, you have the hinds’ feet and have seen and hold the evidence for the destruction of Mount Sinai. Video reference of how strong the feet of hinds are: - Even those newly born into the Faith are given hinds’ feet to climb Mount Zion and this is evidenced when they refute the law message outrightly. - Those who haven’t received the hinds’ feet are not able to debunk and tread over religious mountains like Islam and the catholic. - They wither at Islamic arguments which deny that Jesus is God because He was tired in John 4:4. - They cannot argue with catholics because the catholics gave them the papa system. - Those with hinds’ feet are not trained in Bible schools, it is in them, the Holy Spirit in them testifies of Christ.
  • 11. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 11 | P a g e - If the Gospel is being preached, no mountain (not of God) will be left standing, even sinful habits and evil thought patterns. Every mountain melt at His presence! - Some marriages when fixed in the Gospel when mountains where proud in the couples. - People want pastors to pray pray pray yet other matters are of character and need the Gospel to tread and destroy those mountains. - It’s not always about prayer but at the declaration of the Gospel. - People need prayers a lot because they want God to address their needs when they themselves do not need to obey His instruction. Ev Mafolo: - The hinds will be climbing on rocks and feeding from tiny grass fragments on the rocks. - The hinds are very vulnerable because of the heights they climb to. - We know that the Lord is the Rock so survival, as hinds should be fully submitted to trusting the Lord. - Trusting in the Lord: Isaiah 26:3. - The strength of hinds is in the feet. - We should fully depend on the preaching of the Lord, continuing therein – (Galatians 5:16-18). We should walk in the Spirit! - Walking in the Spirit is not walking around speaking in tongues but being fully given to the authority of the Gospel. We serve Jealous, our God is Jealous! - There is a temptation to fall before idols because every god comes with a promise: God of war God of sexual pleasures God of rioting We should not be found on the earth because we are delivered from the people and are in the mountain of God.
  • 12. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 12 | P a g e - The more the word, the higher you ascend the mountain and the more you visit certain areas in the Lord. - If you slake, you will fall and the fall will be great, remember how hinds go. - What helps brethren, to help each other pray or rather teach and grow together in the faith. We depend on the feet - Whatever the Lord wants to give, we receive it from the feet. - That’s why we celebrate the feet, that’s why Paul acclaimed, ‘how beautiful are the feet!’. Brother Nelson: - Numbers 22:41 – these are the benefits of being high. - Because we are in heavenly places, we are able to judge all things, being judged by none. - We should be more serious with this Gospel. - The places where hinds dwell are not only high but a resting place. - Psalm 18:33 elaborates the hinds message. Ev Mafolo: - Isaiah 52:7 as quoted in Romans 10:15, the beautiful feet are upon the mountains. - Persecutions will come when one is on the rock, but endurance is necessary. - The more you go up the mountain, the greater the persecutions but our reliance and trust is solemnly on the Lord. Brother Nelson: - Ballam ascended Baal’s high place to curse Israel. - He chooses such a place so as to discover the people. - So, the New Testament is the highest place so there is the advantage of height, you will see and discern evil, temptations before they come.
  • 13. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 13 | P a g e Sermon Referral: This sermon is available on Jesus Revelation Ministries YouTube and Sound Accounts. For more sermons: ➢ YouTube: (Link: [Jesus Revelation Ministries channel] ➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga ➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries (Link:
  • 14. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 14 | P a g e Have you been pricked unto Salvation? Contact:- Website: Mail: WhatsApp: +263 773 005 000 +263 782 500 000 +263 783 000 020 Notes Compilation Addressee: Brother Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’ The New Testament Church Jesus Revelation Ministries South Africa Region Cape Town Assembly
  • 15. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 15 | P a g e Contact details [For reviewing and exchange of Notes]: Email: WhatsApp: +27620749034 Dearly Beloved, this labouring of our Father shown in our mothers should not and never be in vain!
  • 16. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 16 | P a g e My Testimony
  • 17. The High Places Of The Earth : Hinds’ Feet 17 | P a g e My Testimony