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Social Media
Data Analytics

Rhonda Drake
Drake Direct

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

The Convergence of
Social Media
Data Analytics
December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
Drake Direct
Agenda for discussion

Pervasiveness and influence of social media
Business uses of social media
Traditional thinking in social media metrics
Impact of social media on data analytics
Current state of social media data
What does the future hold?

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Speaker Background
• Rhonda Drake, President and founder of Drake Direct, a
quantitative consultancy started in 1996.
• Adjunct Professor at NYU teaching Statistical Measurement and
Data Mining in the NYU Master’s program in Integrated
Marketing. Teaching SAS for Marketers, Social Media Analytics,
and Web Analytics for certification.
• Current and Past clients include: The Walt Disney Corporation,
Time Inc. Content Solutions, Businessweek, Facebook, American
Express, Lorillard Tobacco, BBC America
• Engagements are highly customized to a client’s needs, and may
include modeling, segmentation, reporting, training, due
diligence or other ad hoc analytics or project management to
facilitate the development of an analytic platform.
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Social Media by the Numbers
Monthly Active Users (Millions)




Google Plus

Linked In

• Facebook has 1.1B monthly active users and 665M daily active users.
• Twitter is the fastest growing social network with 288M monthly active users.
• Twitter user growth was 44% from June 2012 –March 2013
• YouTube has 1B unique monthly viewers, watching 6B hours of content per month.
• Google plus is coming on strong 359 monthly active users and a 33% growth from June 2012-March 2013
• LinkedIn continues to grow but because of its specialization in the business realm, it is growing more slowly than Twitter or

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

What are the Social Media Growth Drivers?
• Mobile- The number of individuals accessing the
internet via mobile phone increased by 60% to
818.4M over the last two years
• Demographics-Aging population
– Twitter, 55-64 fastest growing user group accounting
for 79% increase in growth since 2012
– On Google+ and Facebook the fastest growing groups
are 45-54 year olds with a 46% and 56% increase since
2012 respectively.

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NCDM Conference

More about the growth drivers—Mobile smart phones
are growing in numbers

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and driving an increasing proportion of data

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NCDM Conference

Aging Baby
boomers are
contributing to
the increase in the
group most likely
to be involved in
the usage of social

So technology and demographics
are fueling the growth of Social
Media, what is the impact?
Note: *1 zettabyte=1 trillion gigabytes
Source: Mary Meeker/Liang Wu Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers D11 Conference 5/29/2013
Social eCommerce
• Global eCommerce was in excess of $1
Trillion for 2012
• Social eCommerce, for 2012, had reached
$16.9 Billion, forecasted to grow to $30
Billion by 2015


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Some say that Social Media is ineffective at driving

Others say that Social is more at
work at the top of the marketing
funnel. So comparsons to other
channels are not “apples to apples.”

• Social Media networks are leveraged
when a buyer begins the search for a
• Blogs and communities facilitate decision
• A satisfied customer becomes an
advocate following the purchase.

However business models vary
• Where and how a consumer leverages social
media for brand information depends on
the nature of the purchase and their current
relationship with a brand. Consider the
next page.

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NCDM Conference

Timing of socialization in purchase
Late in purchase cycle
+ Media

+ Restaurant/Bar (low to moderate price)
+ Movie

The higher the
cost, the
earlier the
process begins

+ Consumer products
+ Apparel

Low Commitment

Commitment in terms of Cost

+ Cosmetics

+ Restaurant/Bar (moderate to high price)

+ Telecommunications

+ Healthcare

+ In home repair/contractor
+ Travel/
+ Appliance
+ Automobile

+ Movie
+ Financial

Early in purchase cycle
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

What utilization is immediate to social
media platforms?

News Sites
News Source

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NCDM Conference

Social Commerce, as measured by referrals from social
media sites to eCommerce sites, shows that Facebook
dominates followed by Pinterest.

News Sites
• Traffic generated by social media sites to News Sites is dominated by Facebook
where in Q3 of 2013 62% of all social traffic was driven by Facebook.

Referral traffic increased 208% for
Time, 855% for BuzzFeed and 1081%
for Bleacher Report for the year
ending September 2013.

Social Media: transforming the manner
in which people get news
News sourcing on Social Networks
• One-third of adults under 30 get news on social networks.
• 19% of all Americans get news from a social network.
• Among those using social networks, 36% get news there.

Follow Journalists
• More than a third 35% of those with Twitter accounts use them to
follow news organizations or journalists.

• One in four Americans are utilizing news apps on a mobile device.
• This represents 45% of the mobile internet users

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Social media as a Research Tool
Corporations report Social Media being used for:
• Identification of patterns in consumer complaints
• Test effectiveness of marketing campaigns and messages
• Research for improving current product and services
• Get feedback on products and services in design
• Identify new opportunities (unmet needs)
• Competitive intelligence
• Pretesting messages before full-scale launch
• Improve pricing

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Build and maintain a direct communication
network with consumer
• In becoming social, businesses have a direct communication channel with
consumers, but inherent in this relationship, is consumers’ expectations
that businesses’ values will more closely align with their own.

Secondary utilization for social media
• Entrepreneurs
– Sourcing ideas
– Raising capital
– Project management
• Political entities
– Assessing sentiment
– Usage in 2012
• Entertainment
– Driving tune in
– Social Media’s impact on Music

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Entrepreneurs usage of Social Media—
sourcing ideas
Any business can crowdsource ideas
from their followers or fans. A benefit
to social media engagement is that the
dialogue with consumers results in
immediate feedback. The catch is, you
need to take the consumer’s feedback
to heart and take action based on it, or
your reputation will suffer and you
will appear insincere.
Entrepreneurs usage of Social Media—
raising capital
• Crowdfunding sites for
entrepreneurs include:


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Project management tools to allow mobile
collaboration (team formation)

Cloud based project management
Video “hang-outs” via Skype or Google+
Utilizing cloud based tools for R&D forums
Common data and document repositories

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Project management collaboration tools in
• According to the survey, Social Media in a Project
Environment, conducted in early 2011 by Elizabeth Harrin,
an author and member of the Project Management

36% use social media tools to communicate to project teams
24% communicate with project stakeholders via social media
48% use social media tools for document sharing
34% use social media tools for collaborating on tasks
19% handle task tracking via social media
32% leverage social media tools for hosting online meetings


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Political Entities—Assess Sentiment
• Social Media is evolving to influence voters. In February 2012,
One Social Media blogged in a post entitled “The Presidency and
Social Media-No longer and option.”
• The post detailed that social media allows voters to feel part of
the campaigns and that it has become a central component of
campaigns. Further, they pointed out that Obama used social
media brilliantly to his advantage.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Political Entities—2012 Presidential Campaign
• Pew Research released a study before the November 2012 campaign to
assess how the Presidential candidates were leveraging Social Media.
• Obama had a clear advantage with an overall higher level of messaging
in social media and, in addition, a higher level of engagement and
response from his followers.


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Entertainment –Driving Tune In



The entertainment industry is a
natural for social media since
we all want to talk about a
recent entertainment
Nielsen and SocialGuide
conducted a study and
concluded that an 8.5%
increase in Twitter volume
among 18-34 year olds or a
14% increase among 35-49
year olds translates into a 1%
increase in TV ratings.
In fact, Nielsen found a two-way
causal impact between tweets
and ratings. See the chart to
the right.


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Entertainment –Social Media’s impact on Music
• As of January 2013, three of the top 10 most-liked pages on Facebook
are by Musicians—Rihanna, Eminem and Shakira. Regarding Twitter,
the top four positions for the most followed people on the platform are
all musicians—Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Rihanna.
• Music industry executives embrace Social Media as an integral element
of the marketing strategy
– “Social media has changed the face of music markting forever. The ability for artists
to reach out to their potential fans in every corner of the globe in real time is
incredibly powerful and cannot be replicated by traditional media. ” Genevieve
Ampaduh, Head of Digital Marketing for Sony Music
– “Social media has emerged as mission-critical activity in breaking artists
internationally.” Mike Allen VP International Marketing UK Warner Music UK
Source: BPI Digital Music Nation 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

State of the Business: Social
Media Metrics
Current state of the business
• Metrics exist largely external to businesses
– Reside in social media space (i.e. Facebook
platform, reviews on external sites, etc.)
– To understand the impact of social requires
queries and metrics executed against external

• The metrics have improved from their
original incarnation.
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

No shortage of thought leadership or
tools discussing appropriate KPIs for
Social Media monitoring
Current Thinking in Social Media Metrics
• The metrics of Social Media have evolved from likes,
shares, followers and retweets to defining KPIs based on
business goals:


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Key Brand Monitoring metrics
• Alerts
• Reach
• Traffic Referrals*
• Reviews
• Influencers
• Share of audience
• Facebook Engagement
• Twitter Engagement
• Google + Engagement
• YouTube Engagement
• Pinterest Engagement
• Blogger Engagement
• Share of Engagement

• Keywords
• Social Mentions
• Links
• Sentiment Analysis
• Text analytics
• Virality
• Share of Voice

Tactical Social Media Metrics
• Channel Metrics – (by platform, visits, contacts, and
• ROI Metrics by channel- (Social platforms vs other)
• Customer inquiry response (non sales)
• Opportunity response (sales)
• Reach and virality
• Engagement among influencers


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Challenges related to Social Analytics
• Application or channel specific
– Facebook Insights is a terrific tool, but it does not assist
in providing visibility into other social platforms which
assist in spreading your message.

• Aggregated at a high level
– Lack ability to drill into key segments based on how you
view your customer data

• Actionability
– Actions are limited to next steps in social media since
the social media data did not talk or integrate with your
customer data
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Your Facebook efforts can be viewed via
Facebook Page Insights


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NCDM Conference

To drill down on likes
click here

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gives an
option for
exporting this

The drill down trends
Provides total likes
and decomposes
organic versus paid,
shows net likes and
unlikes over time.
The graph at the
bottom shows where
the likes came from.
Exporting Facebook data

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

provides an
option to export
data at a page or
post level. If you
choose post level
data, the limit is
500 posts at a

Data available via Facebook Insights Export
From the Key Metrics page:
Post ID

Lifetime Engaged Users
Lifetime Post Consumers

Post Message
Lifetime Post Consumptions

Lifetime Negative feedback
Lifetime Negative Feedback from Users

Lifetime Post Total Reach
Lifetime Post organic reach
Lifetime Post Paid Reach

Lifetime Post Impressions by people who have liked
your Page
Lifetime Post reach by people who like your Page
Lifetime Post Paid Impressions by people who have
liked your Page

Lifetime Post Total Impressions
Lifetime Post Organic Impressions

Lifetime Paid reach of a post by people who like your

Lifetime Post Paid Impressions

Lifetime People who have liked your Page and
engaged with your post

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference
Other data delivered from Facebook Insights Export
(Post level)
In more detail associated with the Facebook Insights report export, the
following pages are also included in the export
• Lifetime: The number of unique people who created a story about your Page post by
interacting with it. (Unique Users)
• Lifetime: The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type. (Total
• Lifetime: The number of people who clicked anywhere in your post, by type. Clicks
generating stories are included in "Other Clicks." (Unique Users)
• Lifetime: The number of people who clicked anywhere in your post, by type. Clicks
generating stories are included in "Other Clicks." (Unique Users)
• Lifetime: The number of people who have given negative feedback to your post, by type.
(Unique Users)
• Lifetime: The number of times people have given negative feedback to your post, by type.
(Total Count)

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Some information on retrieving Social
Data at an individual level
Extracting user level data from
• As of August 27, 2013, Facebook announced a change in
its promotion policy.
• Facebook removed the requirement that promotions on
Facebook be only administered through apps.
• The new requirements mean that an app does not have to
be built to run a promotion. A promotion entry can be as
simple as having users comment or like a page post or by
users leaving a message on the page.
• Thus it is possible to extract this data, which would allow
for the facilitation of a promotion and would capture
individual level information.

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Given the changes from Facebook, it is easier
to get individual level data!
• Easypromos has created a free app to export comments
and likes from a Facebook post.
• If you are running a promotion on your timeline or just
want to export the comments and users associated with
posts to your timeline, you can use the Easypromos app.


Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Steps to export individual level data --use free
app to download Facebook data

Download free app


Inside the control panel activate the tool “Timeline posts”

When you have accessed the tool, you can choose your Facebook Page and view the last 25
timeline posts. For each post, you will be able to do the following actions:
a) Export all users who have liked the post to Excel
b) Export all users who have commented on the post to Excel, including the comment
itself , and the number of likes it has received.
c) Create a sweepstakes among users who have participated in the promotion.
Extracting Twitter data
• Twitter data can be similarly mined via a free app.
• If #Bigdata is put into the search box, the output
shown on the next slide, is provided.
Extracting Twitter data

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

What tools are available that show a view of
multiple platforms of data (ie Facebook, Twitter,
Tumblr, etc. together) providing a comprehensive
picture of the social strength of a brand?
Multi-platform Analytics
• Tool: Simply Measured
• Supports: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vine, Pinterest,
Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn
• Featured reports: Competitive and benchmarking, Brand,
Keyword and Hashtag monitoring. Provides scheduled
reports, delivered automatically.
• In addition to the reports, raw Excel data is included for
deeper drill downs in the data.
• Cost: Driven by the size of the audience. For $500/month,
10 social profiles, with an audience of up to 250K. Tiered
pricing follows. The reports are presentation ready.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Multi-platform Analytics—Simply
Interface for Simply
Measured Reports.
Provides flexibility if
you want to view a
single platform versus
multiple combined

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Multi-platform Analytics—Simply
This is an example of a Simply Measured
report, the Twitter Megaphone. Shows the
tweets, engagement, potential reach, and
potential impressions.

This is an example of a report showing traffic
driven to website based on tweets. This
shows the influence of those promoting your
Multi-platform Analytics
• Tool: Rival IQ
• Supports: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn
• Featured reports: Competitive analysis through the use of
landscapes. Provides a means to monitor the best
performing content shared by you or competitors.
• The interface is intuitive with good analytics although it
only supports four platforms.
• Cost: Can start utilizing for $99/month (Facebook and
Twitter only). For $199 you can include Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn and Google+ and 2 landscapes. Upgrading to
$399/month allows competitor analysis for up to 5
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Multi-platform Analysis—Rival IQ
When you log in you specify the website
address of competitors, this is the landscape
of the competitive set for the business you
are monitoring.

You can click on the competitors in
your competitive set and get
information related to that competitor.
The selected report is the content that
generated the most engagement.
Multi-platform Analytics—Google
• Tool: Google Analytics
• Google Analytics will allow the tracking of
traffic from a particular platform.
• Isolate the traffic by segment to compile
web metrics by platform
• Compute conversions by platform
• Cost: Free
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Use the Google URL builder to
create custom links and track the
activity in Google Analytics.

Construct reports to compare
across platform.
Multi-platform Analytics—Zuum
• Tool: Zuum
• Zuum is used to benchmark performance against
competitors, identifying the most engaging
content and key influencers.
• Supports Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and
limited Instagram.
• Integrates with Google Analytics.
• Export data to CSV files.
• Cost: $250 per month for access to all platforms,
up to 350K fans, and up to 5 brands. ($315 for 10
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

In Zuum, the
leaderboard report
shows a comparison
of your social media
strategies versus
competitors across

Then, you can
benchmark results of
of your social media
strategies versus
Multi-platform Analytics—Socialbakers
• Tool: Socialbakers
• Socialbakers is used to benchmark performance with
country and brand level reporting.
• Supports Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and limited
• Competitive analysis
• Export data to PDF files
• Cost: $50 per month for one profile (for example, a single
Facebook account). Pricing increases for additional profiles
and additional modules (in addition to Analytics,
Socialbakers provides module for content management,
monitoring, and advertising analytics).
Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Multi-platform Analytics—Socialbakers
Upon login, the dashboard is the first report
you encounter. Here, you track information
for your brand, and the competitive set that
you follow.

When viewing data you can choose to either
view your data side by side against a
competitor or, view your data alone. The
example to the right shows content data on
Facebook contrasted to a competitor.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Enabling integration of Social Media data to a
proprietary platform
• Clearly, the integration of data trended across
multiple social media platforms provides more
insights than looking across individual platforms.
• Marrying the information from social media to
internal marketing efforts would provide even
greater insights.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

• Gnip is a dominant multi-platform data aggregator
which has partnered successfully with various
social media listening technology providers.
• Gnip boasts managing 3 billion activities a day and
captures the entire Twitter firehose in its data
• Further, Gnip claims to have 90% of the Fortune
500 among its clients.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Gnip partners
• Gnip partners include:

Rhonda Drake Drake Direct

Gnip background
• Gnip was historically known as the source point for
the Twitter firehose.
• They most recently (November 26, 2013) added
Tumblr, WordPress and commenting platforms Disqus
and IntenseDebate (all four companies were already
• Added to their previous Twitter and Facebook data,
they have a broader offering for companies who want
to view all social data from a single source.

Rhonda Drake Drake Direct

Gnip pricing

Rhonda Drake Drake Direct

• Datasift recognized the need for a repository
which aggregated social media across platforms.
• Using a cloud platform, Datasift aggregates data
across many sources, standardizes the data, and
provides access on a historic and real time basis.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Datasift Partners
• Developers of analytic software (Simply Measured
for example) leverage data from Datasift.
• Other companies utilizing Datasift include Dell,
Yum! and CBS Interactive.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Recent news from Datasift
• Partnership with Tableau. The partnership with Tableau fulfills
the idea of marrying social data with business data.
• As of December 3, 2013, Datasift announce it has secured $42
million in Series C financing led by Insight Venture Partners with
participation from existing investors Scale Venture Partners,
Upfront Ventures, IA Ventures, Northgate Capital, Daher Capital
and Cendana Capital.

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Datasift pricing options

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Benefits of working directly with
aggregators like Gnip or Datasift
• Aggregators handle initial data collection and
standardization allowing others to focus on
reporting or integration with other data.
• Large corporations can access data from an
aggregator for integration into proprietary

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Future functionality for an Enterprise based on
integrating social to in house databases
• Ability to bring in variables derived from social
• Quickly classify customers on the dimensions of
purchasing and influence. (Not all influencers are
heavy purchasers.)
• Utilize social data to predict consumer behavior
and take action!

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

What type of solution is right for
my company?

Rhonda Drake Drake Direct

Small company or limited
• Is your company small with limited social
presence? Is the activity primarily focused on one
• Consider starting out with Facebook Insights if
your company is active on Facebook.
• If your primary platform is Twitter, working with
a data analytic company for limited data may be
cost effective.

Rhonda Drake Drake Direct

Small or medium company
concerned about competitors
• Consider test driving some multi-platform
solutions so you can effectively monitor your
competitors in any platform they are in.
• Tiered pricing is available based on usage. So
following a test drive, you can tailor your
reporting to your budget.

Rhonda Drake Drake Direct

Large company with Social Monitoring in
place but not integrated platform analytics.
• Start test driving the multi-platform analytic
solutions that were highlighted here to
determine what seems best for your business
• Monitoring isn’t enough. You need to quantify!

December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Continue the conversation
• Friend me on Facebook:
• Follow me on twitter: Twitter handle
• Connect on LinkedIn:
• Instagram: @rkdrake
December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference

Thank You!
Rhonda Drake Drake Direct

• ALERTS: An automated web search from Google Alerts or Yahoo Alerts to help people
and businesses monitor the Internet for developments and activities that could either
delight or concern them. Results are sent to subscribers by e-mail.
• PRESENCE: The complete collection of a brand’s presence across all the social networks.
• REACH: The total combined amount of a brand’s audience, compounded by the friends of
the audience and anyone in the greater community who is talking about or engaging with
the brand.
• TRAFFIC REFERRALS: The number as well as percent of people who come to your
website for social media in general and by each social network as measured by Google
• REVIEWS: According to the Huffington Post, a one star boost in Yelp can lead to a 5% to
9% increase in revenue. A service like Review Tracker can help in the tracking.
• INFLUENCERS: The authority of an online consumer, measured by his or her overall
reach online. A consumer with a highly read blog and thousands of Twitter followers is
assigned a high influence score. Services like Klout or Kred monitor them.
• SHARE OF AUDIENCE: How a brand does against these audience metrics in comparison
to their competition.

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NCDM Conference

• KEYWORDS: To determine the volume of people looking for the product or service you sell, it is
important to understand search volume for primary keywords in social media and where they come
from. Hootsuite can be configured to help you find people in real time who are looking for what you
have to offer.
• SOCIAL MENTIONS: How often a phrase like your brand, an event or a competitor comes up. Social
Mention is social media search engine and analysis platform aggregates user-generated content from
multiple social sites (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, comments, mainstream news, video, and images) into
one activity stream.
• LINKS: Content that is posted on social networks through short links and how often it is shared.
Short links services like track with analytics by social network.
• SENTIMENT ANALYSIS: A linguistic analysis technique where a body of text is examined to
characterize the tonality of the document. It is useful in social media monitoring to automatically
characterize the overall feeling or mood of consumers as reflected in social media toward a specific
brand or company.Topsy is a good example of a free sentiment analysis tool while Lithium is good
enterprise solution that find sentiment from millions of social media sources.
• TEXT ANALYTICS: The process of deriving high-quality information from text and keywords. Text
mining usually involves structuring the input text, deriving patterns within the structured data, and
evaluation and interpreting the output.
• VIRALITY: The rate or how fast a brand’s content spreads across a social network or social networks.
In some instances the success of a piece of content is tied how viral it becomes.
• SHARE OF VOICE: How big a brand’s slice of the conversation is compared to their competition.

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NCDM Conference

• FACEBOOK ENGAGEMENT: The percent of people “Talking About” divided by “Likes.”
“Talking About is an algorithm Facebook uses that combines comments, shares and likes
to a post so the ratio show not only if people “Like” you but they like and share what
you’re saying.
• TWITTER ENGAGEMENT: Combination of all the activity on a brand’s Twitter account to
mention not only quantity but quality of followers and content: Re-Tweets, mentions,
replies and clicks. Simply Measured offers a Follower report.
• GOOGLE+ ENGAGEMENT: Combination of all the activity on a brand’s G+ page: ReShares, comments, and +1s for the same reasons as above.
• YOUTUBE ENGAGEMENT: Combination and ratios of the activity on a brand’s YouTube
channel – Views, comments, shares and subscribers – to measure not only who views but
who comes back.
• PINTEREST ENGAGEMENT Combination of all the activity on a brand’s Pinterest page:
Repins, comments, and likes.
• BLOGGER ENGAGEMENT: Comments and links to a blog as well as user generated
content that isn’t get picked up as news or alert. Use Google Blog
Search and Technorati to monitor.
• SHARE OF ENGAGEMENT: How a brand does on these engagement metrics compared to
their competition.
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NCDM Conference


Datasift sources:

Daily motion
Messge Boards

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NCDM Conference

Additional Sources

7 Multi-Platform Social Media Analytics Tools by Ian Cleary

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NCDM Conference

Social media as a Research Tool
Corporations report Social Media being used for:
• Identification of patterns in consumer
• Test effectiveness of marketing campaigns and
• Research for improving current product and
• Get feedback on products and services in design
• Identify new opportunities (unmet needs)
• Competitive intelligence
• Pretesting messages before full-scale launch
• Improve pricing


December 9, 2013

Rhonda Drake
NCDM Conference


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  • 1. The Convergence of Social Media and Data Analytics Rhonda Drake Drake Direct December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 1
  • 2. The Convergence of Social Media and Data Analytics December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake Drake Direct
  • 3. Agenda for discussion • • • • • • Pervasiveness and influence of social media Business uses of social media Traditional thinking in social media metrics Impact of social media on data analytics Current state of social media data What does the future hold? Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 3
  • 4. Speaker Background • Rhonda Drake, President and founder of Drake Direct, a quantitative consultancy started in 1996. • Adjunct Professor at NYU teaching Statistical Measurement and Data Mining in the NYU Master’s program in Integrated Marketing. Teaching SAS for Marketers, Social Media Analytics, and Web Analytics for certification. • Current and Past clients include: The Walt Disney Corporation, Time Inc. Content Solutions, Businessweek, Facebook, American Express, Lorillard Tobacco, BBC America • Engagements are highly customized to a client’s needs, and may include modeling, segmentation, reporting, training, due diligence or other ad hoc analytics or project management to facilitate the development of an analytic platform. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 4
  • 5. Social Media by the Numbers Monthly Active Users (Millions) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Facebook Twitter YouTube Google Plus Linked In • Facebook has 1.1B monthly active users and 665M daily active users. • Twitter is the fastest growing social network with 288M monthly active users. • Twitter user growth was 44% from June 2012 –March 2013 • YouTube has 1B unique monthly viewers, watching 6B hours of content per month. • Google plus is coming on strong 359 monthly active users and a 33% growth from June 2012-March 2013 • LinkedIn continues to grow but because of its specialization in the business realm, it is growing more slowly than Twitter or Google+ Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 5
  • 6. What are the Social Media Growth Drivers? • Mobile- The number of individuals accessing the internet via mobile phone increased by 60% to 818.4M over the last two years • Demographics-Aging population – Twitter, 55-64 fastest growing user group accounting for 79% increase in growth since 2012 – On Google+ and Facebook the fastest growing groups are 45-54 year olds with a 46% and 56% increase since 2012 respectively. Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 6
  • 7. More about the growth drivers—Mobile smart phones are growing in numbers Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 7
  • 8. and driving an increasing proportion of data Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 8
  • 9. Baby boomers 2010 census Baby boomers 2000 census Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference Aging Baby boomers are contributing to the increase in the demographic group most likely to be involved in the usage of social media. 9
  • 10. So technology and demographics are fueling the growth of Social Media, what is the impact?
  • 11. Note: *1 zettabyte=1 trillion gigabytes Source: Mary Meeker/Liang Wu Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers D11 Conference 5/29/2013
  • 12. Social eCommerce • Global eCommerce was in excess of $1 Trillion for 2012 • Social eCommerce, for 2012, had reached $16.9 Billion, forecasted to grow to $30 Billion by 2015 Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 12
  • 13. Some say that Social Media is ineffective at driving sales…. Source:
  • 14. Others say that Social is more at work at the top of the marketing funnel. So comparsons to other channels are not “apples to apples.” • Social Media networks are leveraged when a buyer begins the search for a product. • Blogs and communities facilitate decision making. • A satisfied customer becomes an advocate following the purchase. Source:
  • 15. However business models vary • Where and how a consumer leverages social media for brand information depends on the nature of the purchase and their current relationship with a brand. Consider the next page. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 15
  • 16. Timing of socialization in purchase Late in purchase cycle + Media + Restaurant/Bar (low to moderate price) + Movie The higher the cost, the earlier the socialization process begins + Consumer products + Apparel Low Commitment High Commitment in terms of Cost + Cosmetics + Restaurant/Bar (moderate to high price) + Telecommunications + Healthcare professional + In home repair/contractor + Travel/ Hospitality + Appliance + Automobile + Movie + Financial Early in purchase cycle Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 16
  • 17. What utilization is immediate to social media platforms? • • • • • eCommerce News Sites News Source Research Network Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 17
  • 18. eCommerce Social Commerce, as measured by referrals from social media sites to eCommerce sites, shows that Facebook dominates followed by Pinterest. Source:
  • 19. News Sites • Traffic generated by social media sites to News Sites is dominated by Facebook where in Q3 of 2013 62% of all social traffic was driven by Facebook. Referral traffic increased 208% for Time, 855% for BuzzFeed and 1081% for Bleacher Report for the year ending September 2013. Source:
  • 20. Social Media: transforming the manner in which people get news News sourcing on Social Networks • One-third of adults under 30 get news on social networks. • 19% of all Americans get news from a social network. • Among those using social networks, 36% get news there. Follow Journalists • More than a third 35% of those with Twitter accounts use them to follow news organizations or journalists. Mobile • One in four Americans are utilizing news apps on a mobile device. • This represents 45% of the mobile internet users Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 20
  • 21. Social media as a Research Tool Corporations report Social Media being used for: • Identification of patterns in consumer complaints • Test effectiveness of marketing campaigns and messages • Research for improving current product and services • Get feedback on products and services in design • Identify new opportunities (unmet needs) • Competitive intelligence • Pretesting messages before full-scale launch • Improve pricing Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 21
  • 22. Build and maintain a direct communication network with consumer • In becoming social, businesses have a direct communication channel with consumers, but inherent in this relationship, is consumers’ expectations that businesses’ values will more closely align with their own. Source:
  • 23. Secondary utilization for social media • Entrepreneurs – Sourcing ideas – Raising capital – Project management • Political entities – Assessing sentiment – Usage in 2012 • Entertainment – Driving tune in – Social Media’s impact on Music December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 23
  • 24. Entrepreneurs usage of Social Media— sourcing ideas Any business can crowdsource ideas from their followers or fans. A benefit to social media engagement is that the dialogue with consumers results in immediate feedback. The catch is, you need to take the consumer’s feedback to heart and take action based on it, or your reputation will suffer and you will appear insincere.
  • 25. Entrepreneurs usage of Social Media— raising capital • Crowdfunding sites for entrepreneurs include: – – – – – – – – – Kickstarter Indiegogo RocketHub Crowdrise Somolend Appbackr AngelList Quirky Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 25
  • 26. Project management tools to allow mobile collaboration (team formation) • • • • Cloud based project management Video “hang-outs” via Skype or Google+ Utilizing cloud based tools for R&D forums Common data and document repositories Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 26
  • 27. Project management collaboration tools in use • According to the survey, Social Media in a Project Environment, conducted in early 2011 by Elizabeth Harrin, an author and member of the Project Management Institute. – – – – – – 36% use social media tools to communicate to project teams 24% communicate with project stakeholders via social media 48% use social media tools for document sharing 34% use social media tools for collaborating on tasks 19% handle task tracking via social media 32% leverage social media tools for hosting online meetings Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 27
  • 28. Political Entities—Assess Sentiment • Social Media is evolving to influence voters. In February 2012, One Social Media blogged in a post entitled “The Presidency and Social Media-No longer and option.” • The post detailed that social media allows voters to feel part of the campaigns and that it has become a central component of campaigns. Further, they pointed out that Obama used social media brilliantly to his advantage. Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 28
  • 29. Political Entities—2012 Presidential Campaign • Pew Research released a study before the November 2012 campaign to assess how the Presidential candidates were leveraging Social Media. • Obama had a clear advantage with an overall higher level of messaging in social media and, in addition, a higher level of engagement and response from his followers. Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 29
  • 30. Entertainment –Driving Tune In • • • The entertainment industry is a natural for social media since we all want to talk about a recent entertainment experience. Nielsen and SocialGuide conducted a study and concluded that an 8.5% increase in Twitter volume among 18-34 year olds or a 14% increase among 35-49 year olds translates into a 1% increase in TV ratings. In fact, Nielsen found a two-way causal impact between tweets and ratings. See the chart to the right. Sources: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 30
  • 31. Entertainment –Social Media’s impact on Music • As of January 2013, three of the top 10 most-liked pages on Facebook are by Musicians—Rihanna, Eminem and Shakira. Regarding Twitter, the top four positions for the most followed people on the platform are all musicians—Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Rihanna. • Music industry executives embrace Social Media as an integral element of the marketing strategy – “Social media has changed the face of music markting forever. The ability for artists to reach out to their potential fans in every corner of the globe in real time is incredibly powerful and cannot be replicated by traditional media. ” Genevieve Ampaduh, Head of Digital Marketing for Sony Music – “Social media has emerged as mission-critical activity in breaking artists internationally.” Mike Allen VP International Marketing UK Warner Music UK Source: BPI Digital Music Nation 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 31
  • 32. State of the Business: Social Media Metrics
  • 33. Current state of the business • Metrics exist largely external to businesses – Reside in social media space (i.e. Facebook platform, reviews on external sites, etc.) – To understand the impact of social requires queries and metrics executed against external sources. • The metrics have improved from their original incarnation. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 33
  • 34.
  • 35. No shortage of thought leadership or tools discussing appropriate KPIs for Social Media monitoring
  • 36. Current Thinking in Social Media Metrics • The metrics of Social Media have evolved from likes, shares, followers and retweets to defining KPIs based on business goals: Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 36
  • 37. Key Brand Monitoring metrics Audience • Alerts • Reach • Traffic Referrals* • Reviews • Influencers • Share of audience Engagement • Facebook Engagement • Twitter Engagement • Google + Engagement • YouTube Engagement • Pinterest Engagement • Blogger Engagement • Share of Engagement Content • Keywords • Social Mentions • Links • Sentiment Analysis • Text analytics • Virality • Share of Voice Source:
  • 38. Tactical Social Media Metrics • Channel Metrics – (by platform, visits, contacts, and conversions) • ROI Metrics by channel- (Social platforms vs other) • Customer inquiry response (non sales) • Opportunity response (sales) • Reach and virality • Engagement among influencers Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 38
  • 39. Challenges related to Social Analytics • Application or channel specific – Facebook Insights is a terrific tool, but it does not assist in providing visibility into other social platforms which assist in spreading your message. • Aggregated at a high level – Lack ability to drill into key segments based on how you view your customer data • Actionability – Actions are limited to next steps in social media since the social media data did not talk or integrate with your customer data Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 39
  • 40. Your Facebook efforts can be viewed via Facebook Page Insights Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 40
  • 41. To drill down on likes click here Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 41
  • 42. Facebook gives an option for exporting this data The drill down trends Provides total likes and decomposes organic versus paid, shows net likes and unlikes over time. The graph at the bottom shows where the likes came from.
  • 43. Exporting Facebook data December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference Facebook provides an option to export data at a page or post level. If you choose post level data, the limit is 500 posts at a time. 43
  • 44. Data available via Facebook Insights Export From the Key Metrics page: Post ID Permalink Lifetime Engaged Users Lifetime Post Consumers Post Message Lifetime Post Consumptions Type Countries Languages Lifetime Negative feedback Lifetime Negative Feedback from Users Posted Lifetime Post Total Reach Lifetime Post organic reach Lifetime Post Paid Reach Lifetime Post Impressions by people who have liked your Page Lifetime Post reach by people who like your Page Lifetime Post Paid Impressions by people who have liked your Page Lifetime Post Total Impressions Lifetime Post Organic Impressions Lifetime Paid reach of a post by people who like your Page Lifetime Post Paid Impressions Lifetime People who have liked your Page and engaged with your post December 9, 2013 44 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference
  • 45. Other data delivered from Facebook Insights Export (Post level) In more detail associated with the Facebook Insights report export, the following pages are also included in the export • Lifetime: The number of unique people who created a story about your Page post by interacting with it. (Unique Users) • Lifetime: The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type. (Total Count) • Lifetime: The number of people who clicked anywhere in your post, by type. Clicks generating stories are included in "Other Clicks." (Unique Users) • Lifetime: The number of people who clicked anywhere in your post, by type. Clicks generating stories are included in "Other Clicks." (Unique Users) • Lifetime: The number of people who have given negative feedback to your post, by type. (Unique Users) • Lifetime: The number of times people have given negative feedback to your post, by type. (Total Count) December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 45
  • 46. Some information on retrieving Social Data at an individual level
  • 47. Extracting user level data from Facebook • As of August 27, 2013, Facebook announced a change in its promotion policy. • Facebook removed the requirement that promotions on Facebook be only administered through apps. • The new requirements mean that an app does not have to be built to run a promotion. A promotion entry can be as simple as having users comment or like a page post or by users leaving a message on the page. • Thus it is possible to extract this data, which would allow for the facilitation of a promotion and would capture individual level information. Source: December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 47
  • 48. Given the changes from Facebook, it is easier to get individual level data! • Easypromos has created a free app to export comments and likes from a Facebook post. • If you are running a promotion on your timeline or just want to export the comments and users associated with posts to your timeline, you can use the Easypromos app. Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 48
  • 49. Steps to export individual level data --use free app to download Facebook data 1. Download free app 2. Inside the control panel activate the tool “Timeline posts” When you have accessed the tool, you can choose your Facebook Page and view the last 25 timeline posts. For each post, you will be able to do the following actions: a) Export all users who have liked the post to Excel b) Export all users who have commented on the post to Excel, including the comment itself , and the number of likes it has received. c) Create a sweepstakes among users who have participated in the promotion. Source:
  • 50. Extracting Twitter data • Twitter data can be similarly mined via a free app. • If #Bigdata is put into the search box, the output shown on the next slide, is provided.
  • 51. Extracting Twitter data Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 51
  • 52. What tools are available that show a view of multiple platforms of data (ie Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. together) providing a comprehensive picture of the social strength of a brand?
  • 53. Multi-platform Analytics • Tool: Simply Measured • Supports: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vine, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn • Featured reports: Competitive and benchmarking, Brand, Keyword and Hashtag monitoring. Provides scheduled reports, delivered automatically. • In addition to the reports, raw Excel data is included for deeper drill downs in the data. • Cost: Driven by the size of the audience. For $500/month, 10 social profiles, with an audience of up to 250K. Tiered pricing follows. The reports are presentation ready. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 53
  • 54. Multi-platform Analytics—Simply Measured Interface for Simply Measured Reports. Provides flexibility if you want to view a single platform versus multiple combined platforms Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 54
  • 55. Multi-platform Analytics—Simply This is an example of a Simply Measured Measured report, the Twitter Megaphone. Shows the tweets, engagement, potential reach, and potential impressions. This is an example of a report showing traffic driven to website based on tweets. This shows the influence of those promoting your message.
  • 56. Multi-platform Analytics • Tool: Rival IQ • Supports: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn • Featured reports: Competitive analysis through the use of landscapes. Provides a means to monitor the best performing content shared by you or competitors. • The interface is intuitive with good analytics although it only supports four platforms. • Cost: Can start utilizing for $99/month (Facebook and Twitter only). For $199 you can include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ and 2 landscapes. Upgrading to $399/month allows competitor analysis for up to 5 landscapes. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 56
  • 57. Multi-platform Analysis—Rival IQ When you log in you specify the website address of competitors, this is the landscape of the competitive set for the business you are monitoring. You can click on the competitors in your competitive set and get information related to that competitor. The selected report is the content that generated the most engagement.
  • 58. Multi-platform Analytics—Google Analytics • Tool: Google Analytics • Google Analytics will allow the tracking of traffic from a particular platform. • Isolate the traffic by segment to compile web metrics by platform • Compute conversions by platform • Cost: Free Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 58
  • 59. Use the Google URL builder to create custom links and track the activity in Google Analytics. Construct reports to compare across platform.
  • 60. Multi-platform Analytics—Zuum • Tool: Zuum • Zuum is used to benchmark performance against competitors, identifying the most engaging content and key influencers. • Supports Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and limited Instagram. • Integrates with Google Analytics. • Export data to CSV files. • Cost: $250 per month for access to all platforms, up to 350K fans, and up to 5 brands. ($315 for 10 brands). Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 60
  • 61. In Zuum, the leaderboard report shows a comparison of your social media strategies versus competitors across channels. Then, you can benchmark results of of your social media strategies versus competitors’.
  • 62. Multi-platform Analytics—Socialbakers • Tool: Socialbakers • Socialbakers is used to benchmark performance with country and brand level reporting. • Supports Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and limited Instagram • Competitive analysis • Export data to PDF files • Cost: $50 per month for one profile (for example, a single Facebook account). Pricing increases for additional profiles and additional modules (in addition to Analytics, Socialbakers provides module for content management, monitoring, and advertising analytics). Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 62
  • 63. Multi-platform Analytics—Socialbakers Upon login, the dashboard is the first report you encounter. Here, you track information for your brand, and the competitive set that you follow. When viewing data you can choose to either view your data side by side against a competitor or, view your data alone. The example to the right shows content data on Facebook contrasted to a competitor. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 63
  • 64. Enabling integration of Social Media data to a proprietary platform • Clearly, the integration of data trended across multiple social media platforms provides more insights than looking across individual platforms. • Marrying the information from social media to internal marketing efforts would provide even greater insights. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 64
  • 65. Gnip • Gnip is a dominant multi-platform data aggregator which has partnered successfully with various social media listening technology providers. • Gnip boasts managing 3 billion activities a day and captures the entire Twitter firehose in its data repositories. • Further, Gnip claims to have 90% of the Fortune 500 among its clients. Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 65
  • 66. Gnip partners • Gnip partners include: – – – – – – – IBM SalesForce Adobe Klout NetBase Splunk TrendyBuzz Rhonda Drake Drake Direct 66
  • 67. Gnip background • Gnip was historically known as the source point for the Twitter firehose. • They most recently (November 26, 2013) added Tumblr, WordPress and commenting platforms Disqus and IntenseDebate (all four companies were already partners). • Added to their previous Twitter and Facebook data, they have a broader offering for companies who want to view all social data from a single source. Rhonda Drake Drake Direct 67
  • 68. Gnip pricing Rhonda Drake Drake Direct 68
  • 69. Datasift • Datasift recognized the need for a repository which aggregated social media across platforms. • Using a cloud platform, Datasift aggregates data across many sources, standardizes the data, and provides access on a historic and real time basis. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 69
  • 70. Datasift Partners • Developers of analytic software (Simply Measured for example) leverage data from Datasift. • Other companies utilizing Datasift include Dell, Yum! and CBS Interactive. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 70
  • 71. Recent news from Datasift • Partnership with Tableau. The partnership with Tableau fulfills the idea of marrying social data with business data. • As of December 3, 2013, Datasift announce it has secured $42 million in Series C financing led by Insight Venture Partners with participation from existing investors Scale Venture Partners, Upfront Ventures, IA Ventures, Northgate Capital, Daher Capital and Cendana Capital. Source: Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 71
  • 72. Datasift pricing options December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 72
  • 73. Benefits of working directly with aggregators like Gnip or Datasift • Aggregators handle initial data collection and standardization allowing others to focus on reporting or integration with other data. • Large corporations can access data from an aggregator for integration into proprietary databases. Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 73
  • 74. Future functionality for an Enterprise based on integrating social to in house databases • Ability to bring in variables derived from social media. • Quickly classify customers on the dimensions of purchasing and influence. (Not all influencers are heavy purchasers.) • Utilize social data to predict consumer behavior and take action! December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 74
  • 75. What type of solution is right for my company? Rhonda Drake Drake Direct 75
  • 76. Small company or limited presence • Is your company small with limited social presence? Is the activity primarily focused on one platform? • Consider starting out with Facebook Insights if your company is active on Facebook. • If your primary platform is Twitter, working with a data analytic company for limited data may be cost effective. Rhonda Drake Drake Direct 76
  • 77. Small or medium company concerned about competitors • Consider test driving some multi-platform solutions so you can effectively monitor your competitors in any platform they are in. • Tiered pricing is available based on usage. So following a test drive, you can tailor your reporting to your budget. Rhonda Drake Drake Direct 77
  • 78. Large company with Social Monitoring in place but not integrated platform analytics. • Start test driving the multi-platform analytic solutions that were highlighted here to determine what seems best for your business model. • Monitoring isn’t enough. You need to quantify! December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 78
  • 79. Continue the conversation • Friend me on Facebook: • Follow me on twitter: Twitter handle @RKDrake • Connect on LinkedIn: • Instagram: @rkdrake December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 79
  • 80. Thank You! Rhonda Drake Drake Direct 80
  • 81. Appendix AUDIENCE • ALERTS: An automated web search from Google Alerts or Yahoo Alerts to help people and businesses monitor the Internet for developments and activities that could either delight or concern them. Results are sent to subscribers by e-mail. • PRESENCE: The complete collection of a brand’s presence across all the social networks. • REACH: The total combined amount of a brand’s audience, compounded by the friends of the audience and anyone in the greater community who is talking about or engaging with the brand. • TRAFFIC REFERRALS: The number as well as percent of people who come to your website for social media in general and by each social network as measured by Google Analytics. • REVIEWS: According to the Huffington Post, a one star boost in Yelp can lead to a 5% to 9% increase in revenue. A service like Review Tracker can help in the tracking. • INFLUENCERS: The authority of an online consumer, measured by his or her overall reach online. A consumer with a highly read blog and thousands of Twitter followers is assigned a high influence score. Services like Klout or Kred monitor them. • SHARE OF AUDIENCE: How a brand does against these audience metrics in comparison to their competition. December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 81
  • 82. Appendix CONTENT • KEYWORDS: To determine the volume of people looking for the product or service you sell, it is important to understand search volume for primary keywords in social media and where they come from. Hootsuite can be configured to help you find people in real time who are looking for what you have to offer. • SOCIAL MENTIONS: How often a phrase like your brand, an event or a competitor comes up. Social Mention is social media search engine and analysis platform aggregates user-generated content from multiple social sites (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, comments, mainstream news, video, and images) into one activity stream. • LINKS: Content that is posted on social networks through short links and how often it is shared. Short links services like track with analytics by social network. • SENTIMENT ANALYSIS: A linguistic analysis technique where a body of text is examined to characterize the tonality of the document. It is useful in social media monitoring to automatically characterize the overall feeling or mood of consumers as reflected in social media toward a specific brand or company.Topsy is a good example of a free sentiment analysis tool while Lithium is good enterprise solution that find sentiment from millions of social media sources. • TEXT ANALYTICS: The process of deriving high-quality information from text and keywords. Text mining usually involves structuring the input text, deriving patterns within the structured data, and evaluation and interpreting the output. • VIRALITY: The rate or how fast a brand’s content spreads across a social network or social networks. In some instances the success of a piece of content is tied how viral it becomes. • SHARE OF VOICE: How big a brand’s slice of the conversation is compared to their competition. December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 82
  • 83. Appendix ENGAGEMENT • FACEBOOK ENGAGEMENT: The percent of people “Talking About” divided by “Likes.” “Talking About is an algorithm Facebook uses that combines comments, shares and likes to a post so the ratio show not only if people “Like” you but they like and share what you’re saying. • TWITTER ENGAGEMENT: Combination of all the activity on a brand’s Twitter account to mention not only quantity but quality of followers and content: Re-Tweets, mentions, replies and clicks. Simply Measured offers a Follower report. • GOOGLE+ ENGAGEMENT: Combination of all the activity on a brand’s G+ page: ReShares, comments, and +1s for the same reasons as above. • YOUTUBE ENGAGEMENT: Combination and ratios of the activity on a brand’s YouTube channel – Views, comments, shares and subscribers – to measure not only who views but who comes back. • PINTEREST ENGAGEMENT Combination of all the activity on a brand’s Pinterest page: Repins, comments, and likes. • BLOGGER ENGAGEMENT: Comments and links to a blog as well as user generated content that isn’t get picked up as news or alert. Use Google Blog Search and Technorati to monitor. • SHARE OF ENGAGEMENT: How a brand does on these engagement metrics compared to their competition. December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 83
  • 85. Additional Sources 1. 7 Multi-Platform Social Media Analytics Tools by Ian Cleary December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 85
  • 86. Social media as a Research Tool Corporations report Social Media being used for: • Identification of patterns in consumer complaints • Test effectiveness of marketing campaigns and messages • Research for improving current product and services • Get feedback on products and services in design • Identify new opportunities (unmet needs) • Competitive intelligence • Pretesting messages before full-scale launch • Improve pricing Source: mastering-digital-feedback-with-social-media-2013.pdf December 9, 2013 Rhonda Drake NCDM Conference 86

Editor's Notes

  1. 91 % want to see products services and retailers support worthy issues, this is up eight percentage points since 2010.