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The Congress for the New Urbanism views disinvestment in
central cities, the
spread of placeless sprawl, increasing separation by race and
income, environmental
deterioration, loss of agricultural lands and wilderness, and the
erosion of society’s
built heritage as one interrelated community-building challenge.
We stand for the restoration of existing urban centers and towns
within coherent
metropolitan regions, the reconfiguration of sprawling suburbs
into communities of
real neighborhoods and diverse districts, the conservation of
natural environments,
and the preservation of our built legacy.
We advocate the restructuring of public policy and development
practices to
support the following principles: neighborhoods should be
diverse in use and
population; communities should be designed for the pedestrian
and transit as well
as the car; cities and towns should be shaped by physically
defined and universally
accessible public spaces and community institutions; urban
places should be framed
by architecture and landscape design that celebrate local
history, climate, ecology,
and building practice.
We recognize that physical solutions by themselves will not
solve social and economic
problems, but neither can economic vitality, community
stability, and environmental
health be sustained without a coherent and supportive physical
We represent a broad-based citizenry, composed of public and
private sector
leaders, community activists, and multidisciplinary
professionals. We are committed
to reestablishing the relationship between the art of building
and the making
of community, through citizen-based participatory planning and
We dedicate ourselves to reclaiming our homes, blocks, streets,
parks, neighborhoods,
districts, towns, cities, regions, and environment.
Continued on back...
1) Metropolitan regions are finite places with
geographic boundaries derived from topography,
watersheds, coastlines, farmlands, regional parks,
and river basins. The metropolis is made of
multiple centers that are cities, towns, and villages,
each with its own identifiable center and edges.
2) The metropolitan region is a fundamental
economic unit of the contemporary world.
Governmental cooperation, public policy, physical
planning, and economic strategies must reflect
this new reality.
3) The metropolis has a necessary and fragile
relationship to its agrarian hinterland and natural
landscapes. The relationship is environmental,
economic, and cultural. Farmland and nature are
as important to the metropolis as the garden is
to the house.
4) Development patterns should not blur or
eradicate the edges of the metropolis. Infill
development within existing urban areas
conserves environmental resources, economic
investment, and social fabric, while reclaiming
marginal and abandoned areas. Metropolitan
regions should develop strategies to encourage
such infill development over peripheral expansion.
5) Where appropriate, new development contigu-
ous to urban boundaries should be organized as
neighborhoods and districts, and be integrated
with the existing urban pattern. Noncontiguous
development should be organized as towns and
villages with their own urban edges, and planned
for a jobs/housing balance, not as bedroom suburbs.
6) The development and redevelopment of towns
and cities should respect historical patterns,
precedents, and boundaries.
7) Cities and towns should bring into proximity
a broad spectrum of public and private uses to
support a regional economy that benefits people
of all incomes. Affordable housing should be
distributed throughout the region to match job
opportunities and to avoid concentrations of poverty.
8) The physical organization of the region should
be supported by a framework of transportation
alternatives. Transit, pedestrian, and bicycle systems
should maximize access and mobility throughout
the region while reducing dependence upon the
9) Revenues and resources can be shared more
cooperatively among the municipalities and
centers within regions to avoid destructive
competition for tax base and to promote rational
coordination of transportation, recreation, public
services, housing, and community institutions.
The region: Metropolis,
city, and town
The neighborhood, the
district, and the corridor
The block, the street,
and the building
10) The neighborhood, the district, and the corridor
are the essential elements of development and
redevelopment in the metropolis. They form
identifiable areas that encourage citizens to take
responsibility for their maintenance and evolution.
11) Neighborhoods should be compact, pedestrian
friendly, and mixed-use. Districts generally
emphasize a special single use, and should follow
the principles of neighborhood design when
possible. Corridors are regional connectors of
neighborhoods and districts; they range from
boulevards and rail lines to rivers and parkways.
12) Many activities of daily living should occur
within walking distance, allowing independence
to those who do not drive, especially the elderly
and the young. Interconnected networks of streets
should be designed to encourage walking, reduce
the number and length of automobile trips, and
conserve energy.
13) Within neighborhoods, a broad range of
housing types and price levels can bring people
of diverse ages, races, and incomes into daily
interaction, strengthening the personal and civic
bonds essential to an authentic community.
14 ) Transit corridors, when properly planned and
coordinated, can help organize metropolitan
structure and revitalize urban centers. In
contrast, highway corridors should not displace
investment from existing centers.
15) Appropriate building densities and land
uses should be within walking distance of transit
stops, permitting public transit to become a
viable alternative to the automobile.
16) Concentrations of civic, institutional, and
commercial activity should be embedded in
neighborhoods and districts, not isolated in
remote, single-use complexes. Schools should be
sized and located to enable children to walk or
bicycle to them.
17) The economic health and harmonious evolution
of neighborhoods, districts, and corridors can be
improved through graphic urban design codes that
serve as predictable guides for change.
18) A range of parks, from tot-lots and village
greens to ballfields and community gardens,
should be distributed within neighborhoods.
Conservation areas and open lands should be
used to define and connect different neighbor-
hoods and districts.
19) A primary task of all urban architecture and
landscape design is the physical definition of
streets and public spaces as places of shared use.
20) Individual architectural projects should be
seamlessly linked to their surroundings. This issue
transcends style.
21) The revitalization of urban places depends
on safety and security. The design of streets and
buildings should reinforce safe environments, but
not at the expense of accessibility and openness.
22) In the contemporary metropolis, development
must adequately accommodate automobiles. It
should do so in ways that respect the pedestrian
and the form of public space.
23) Streets and squares should be safe, comfort-
able, and interesting to the pedestrian. Properly
configured, they encourage walking and enable
neighbors to know each other and protect their
24) Architecture and landscape design should
grow from local climate, topography, history,
and building practice.
25) Civic buildings and public gathering places
require important sites to reinforce community
identity and the culture of democracy. They
deserve distinctive form, because their role is
different from that of other buildings and places
that constitute the fabric of the city.
26) All buildings should provide their inhabitants
with a clear sense of location, weather and time.
Natural methods of heating and cooling can be
more resource-efficient than mechanical systems.
27) Preservation and renewal of historic buildings,
districts, and landscapes affirm the continuity and
evolution of urban society.
© Copyright 2001 by Congress for the New Urbanism. All
rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written
We assert the following principles to guide public policy,
development practice, urban planning, and design:
Planner's Notebook
Toward an Urban Design Manifesto
Allan Jacobs and Donald Appleyard
A 1987 prologue
It is about six years since Donald Appleyard and I completed
"Toward a New Urban Design Manifesto."In large measure
it was student-generated, growing out of afirst-time course
that Donald and I gave, "Theories of Urban Form."
The course examined the physical forms of urban de-
velopment associated with particular periods, or with design
movements, or with ideas about urban form-ideas such
as the livable city or the new towns' movement, or the
Charter of Athens. W e tried to distill the essential urban
physical characteristics of each period and of each idea and
attempted to assess them against values such as health and
comfort, self-reliance, opportunity, and accessibility. Stu-
dents, as always in the good classes, contributed to the
research, the presentations, and the debates as much as
Donald or I did.
W e concluded, among many conclusions, that the new
towns and garden city movements, on the one hand, and
the cities inspired by the Charter of Athens and the Inter-
national Congress of Modern Architecture, on the other
hand, were perhaps the most powerful influences on the
form of today's cities as w e experience it. I think they are
still, even though w e have turned slightly back toward the
importance of the street in city design. We, like others, were
pleased with neither movement's principles. At a final class
session, students suggested w e write our own manifesto, a
"Berkeley Design Manifesto," f h e y called it. It was time
for something different, something better to help guide our
work and perhaps the efforts of others as well-an assertion
of what was right.
Donald and I took their challenge. How could w e not?
"Toward a N e w Urban Design Manifesto" was the result.
W e had an opportunity to test our conclusions at a major
address that was part of the American Planning Association
Conference in Sun Francisco in 1980. The response was
better than we might have expected, just as it has been at
the numerous other occasions when it has been presented
in one form or another. It was not so warmly received,
however, by the editors and reviewers of JAPA, who won-
dered where the research was to support our assertions.
Jacobs is a professor of city and regional planning at the
of California, BerkeIey, and a principal w i t h Aidala and
San Francisco. The late Donald Appleyard w a s a professor of
c i t y
and regional planning and landscape architecture at the
of California, Berkeley.
The International Congress of Modern Architecture people
rightly understood that their professional experience had
the value of research-a lesson that academics too often
have difficulty accepting.
What follows, then, is an assertion of what urban places
ought to be. That is what manifestoes are all about. It stems
from many sources: social and economic ideas and values
of what "good" communities could be; environmental re-
search of the kind that Donald did with livable streets and
that others, such as Whyte and Bosselman, do with regard
to urban places that are comfortable, enjoyable, and par-
ticipatory; and our experiences of working in and studying
cities. After a while one knows and accepts that the research
into what makes good places to live will be endless, often
without conclusion, and always value-laden. There comes
a time when one says, ' W e l l , I must take a leap. All of the
experience has taught me something. I t may be unprovable,
but I think I know what a good place is." Donald and I
had reached such a point, although I think he was always
more comfortable with socioeconomic values than with
physical assertions.
Readers will see similarities between our idea and the
more urban parts of Kevin Lynch's place utopia. That makes
sense. Donald and Kevin went back a long time together.
We all talked frequently, and we shared values and an ap-
proach to our work.
I think the work still holds up. It begins a picture of the
kind of city that good urban places could be. The word
"Toward" in the title is important. It bespeaks the need for
a lot more work and research on all the terribly important
pieces that make up good living environments. Had Donald
lived, I think he would be working in just that direction,
fishing out what is missing. In the meantime, I think he
would have wanted this work published.
Today I think I would stress more strongly the section
on livable streets and neighborhoods. I am convinced that
many of the standards we imposed on city building, usually
in the name of health and safety-road widths, auto lane
widths, and parking standards are m y most hated favor-
ites-run counter to good city design. No, they actually
prevent or ruin urbanity. It is so easy to conclude that "a
f i t t f e more won't hurt," or to round of a size to the next
highest number divisible by two, or to be cowed by years
of lawsuits over the competence of our conclusions into
making things bigger, safer. And thus w e destroy cities.
Perhaps also our proposed minimum density could be
somewhat higher. Under integration of activities 1 would
stress more strongly the need for integrating places of res-
idence w i t h other uses. W e know all about mixed-use pro-
jects that consist of shopping and ofice activities, but w e
do not insist as much as w e should on living-working-
shopping mixes. 1 would not make changes to the sections
on buildings that define public w a y s or the appropriateness
of many modest-sized buildings rather than fewer large
But enough of this; it is better that the reader read for
himself a vision for better urban living places.
A. J.
We think it’s time for a new urban design manifesto.
Almost 50 years have passed since Le Corbusier and
the International Congress of Modem Architecture
(CIAM) produced the Charter of Athens, and it is more
than 20 years since the first Urban Design Conference,
still in the CIAM tradition, was held (at Harvard in
1957). Since then the precepts of CIAM have been at-
tacked by sociologists, planners, Jane Jacobs, and more
recently by architects themselves. But it is still a strong
influence, and we will take it as our starting point.
Make no mistake: the charter was, simply, a mani-
festo-a public declaration that spelled out the ills of
industrial cities as they existed in the 1930s and laid
down physical requirements necessary to establish
healthy, humane, and beautiful urban environments for
people. It could not help but deal with social, economic,
and political phenomena, but its basic subject matter
was the physical design of cities. Its authors were
(mostly) socially concerned architects, determined that
their art and craft be responsive to social realities as
well as to improving the lot of man. It would be a mis-
take to write them off as simply elitist designers and
physical determinists.
So the charter decried the medium-size (up to six
stories) high-density buildings with high land coverage
that were associated so closely with slums. Similarly,
buildings that faced streets were found to be detrimental
to healthy living. The seemingly limitless horizontal ex-
pansion of urban areas devoured the countryside, and
suburbs were viewed as symbols of terrible waste. So-
lutions could be found in the demolition of unsanitary
housing, the provision of green areas in every residential
district, and new high-rise, high-density buildings set
in open space. Housing was to be removed from its
traditional relationship facing streets, and the whole
circulation system was to be revised to meet the needs
of emerging mechanization (the automobile). Work
areas should be close to but separate from residential
areas. To achieve the new city, large land holdings,
preferably owned by the public, should replace multiple
small parcels (so that projects could be properly de-
signed and developed).
Now thousands of housing estates and redevelop-
ment projects in socialist and capitalist countries the
world over, whether built on previously undeveloped
land or developed as replacements for old urban areas,
attest to the acceptance of the charter’s dictums. The
design notions it embraced have become part of a world
design language, not just the intellectual property of an
enlightened few, even though the principles have been
devalued in many developments.
Of course, the Charter of Athens has not been the
only major urban philosophy of this century to influence
the development of urban areas. Ebenezer Howard, too,
was responding to the ills of the 19th-century industrial
city, and the Garden City movement has been at least
as powerful as the Charter of Athens. New towns pol-
icies, where they exist, are rooted in Howard’s thought.
But you don’t have to look to new towns to see the
influence of Howard, Olmsted, Wright, and Stein. The
superblock notion, if nothing else, pervades large hous-
ing projects around the world, in central cities as well
as suburbs. The notion of buildings in a park is as com-
mon to garden city designs as it is to charter-inspired
development. Indeed, the two movements have a great
deal in common: superblocks, separate paths for people
and cars, interior common spaces, housing divorced
from streets, and central ownership of land. The garden
city-inspired communities place greater emphasis on
private outdoor space. The most significant difference,
at least as they have evolved, is in density and building
type: the garden city people preferred to accommodate
people in row houses, garden apartments, and maison-
ettes, while Corbusier and the CIAM designers went
for high-rise buildings and, inevitably, people living in
flats and at significantly higher densities.
We are less than enthralled with what either the
Charter of Athens or the Garden City movement has
produced in the way of urban environments. The em-
phasis of CIAM was on buildings and what goes on
within buildings that happen to sit in space, not on the
public life that takes place constantly in public spaces.
The orientation is often inward. Buildings tend to be
islands, big or small. They could be placed anywhere.
From the outside perspective, the building, like the work
of art it was intended to be, sits where it can be seen
and admired in full. And because it is large it is best
seen from a distance (at a scale consistent with a moving
auto). Diversity, spontaneity, and surprise are absent,
at least for the person on foot. On the other hand, we
find little joy or magic or spirit in the charter cities. They
are not urban, to us, except according to some definition
WINTER 1987 113
one might find in a census. Most garden cities, safe and
healthy and even gracious as they may be, remind us
more of suburbs than of cities. But they weren’t trying
to be cities. The emphasis has always been on ”garden”
as much as or more than on ”city.”
Both movements represent overly strong design re-
actions to the physical decay and social inequities of
industrial cities. In responding so strongly, albeit un-
derstandingly, to crowded, lightless, airless, ”utilitiless,”
congested buildings and cities that housed so many
people, the utopians did not inquire what was good
about those places, either socially or physically. Did not
those physical environments reflect (and maybe even
foster) values that were likely to be meaningful to people
individually and collectively, such as publicness and
community? Without knowing it, maybe these strong
reactions to urban ills ended up by throwing the baby
out with the bath water.
In the meantime we have had a lot of experience
with city building and rebuilding. New spokespeople
with new urban visions have emerged. As more CIAM-
style buildings were built people became more disen-
chanted. Many began to look through picturesque lenses
back to the old preindustrial cities. From a concentration
on the city as a kind of sculpture garden, the townscape
movement, led by the ArchitecturaI Review, emphasized
”urban experience.” This phenomenological view of the
city was espoused by Rasmussen, Kepes, and ultimately
Kevin Lynch and Jane Jacobs. It identified a whole new
vocabulary of urban form-one that depended on the
sights, sounds, feels, and smells of the city, its materials
and textures, floor surfaces, facades, style, signs, lights,
seating, trees, sun, and shade all potential amenities for
the attentive observer and user. This has permanently
humanized the vocabulary of urban design, and we en-
thusiastically subscribe to most of its tenets, though
some in the townscape movement ignored the social
meanings and implications of what they were doing.
The 1960s saw the birth of community design and
an active concern for the social groups affected, usually
negatively, by urban design. Designers were the “soft
cops,” and many professionals left the design field for
social or planning vocations, finding the physical en-
vironment to have no redeeming social value. But at
the beginning of the 1980s the mood in the design
professions is conservative. There is a withdrawal from
social engagement back to formalism. Supported by se-
miology and other abstract themes, much of architecture
has become a dilettantish and narcissistic pursuit, a chic
component of the high art consumer culture, increas-
ingly remote from most people’s everyday lives, finding
its ultimate manifestation in the art gallery and the art
book. City planning is too immersed in the administra-
tion and survival of housing, environmental, and energy
programs and in responding to budget cuts and com-
munity demands to have any clear sense of direction
with regard to city form.
While all these professional ideologies have been
working themselves out, massive economic, technolog-
ical, and social changes have taken place in our cities.
The scale of capitalism has continued to increase, as has
the scale of bureaucracy, and the automobile has vir-
tually destroyed cities as they once were.
In formulating a new manifesto, we react against
other phenomena than did the leaders of CIAM 50 years
ago. The automobile cities of California and the South-
west present utterly different problems from those of
19th-century European cities, as do the CIAM-
influenced housing developments around European,
Latin American, and Russian cities and the rash of
squatter settlements around the fast-growing cities of
the Third World. What are these problems?
Problems for modern urban design
Poor living environments. While housing conditions
in most advanced countries have improved in terms of
such fundamentals as light, air, and space, the sur-
roundings of homes are still frequently dangerous, pol-
luted, noisy, anonymous wastelands. Travel around
such cities has become more and more fatiguing and
Giantism and loss of control. The urban environment
is increasingly in the hands of the large-scale developers
and public agencies. The elements of the city grow
inexorably in size, massive transportation systems are
segregated for single travel modes, and vast districts
and complexes are created that make people feel irrel-
People, therefore, have less sense of control over their
homes, neighborhoods, and cities than when they lived
in slower-growing locally based communities. Such gi-
antism can be found as readily in the housing projects
of socialist cities as in the office buildings and com-
mercial developments of capitalist cities.
Large-scale privatization and the loss of public life.
Cities, especially American cities, have become priva-
tized, partly because of the consumer society’s emphasis
on the individual and the private sector, creating Gal-
braiths “private affluence and public squalor,“ but es-
calated greatly by the spread of the automobile. Crime
in the streets is both a cause and a consequence of this
trend, which has resulted in a new form of city: one of
closed, defended islands with blank and windowless
facades surrounded by wastelands of parking lots and
fast-moving traffic. As public transit systems have de-
clined, the number of places in American cities where
people of different social groups actually meet each
other has dwindled. The public environment of many
American cities has become an empty desert, leaving
public life dependent for its survival solely on planned
formal occasions, mostly in protected internal locations.
Centrifugal fragmentation. Advanced industrial so-
cieties took work out of the home, and then out of the
neighborhood, while the automobile and the growing
scale of commerce have taken shopping out of the local
community. Fear has led social groups to flee from each
other into homogeneous social enclaves. Communities
themselves have become lower in density and increas-
ingly homogeneous. Thus the city has spread out and
separated to form extensive monocultures and special-
ized destinations reachable often only by long jour-
neys-a fragde and extravagant urban system depen-
dent on cheap, available gasoline, and an effective con-
tributor to the isolation of social groups from each other.
Destruction of valued places. The quest for profit and
prestige and the relentless exploitation of places that
attract the public have led to the destruction of much
of our heritage, of historic places that no longer tum a
profit, of natural amenities that become overused. In
many cases, as in San Francisco, the very value of the
place threatens its destruction as hungry tourists and
entrepreneurs flock to see and profit from it.
Placelessness. Cities are becoming meaningless places
beyond their citizens’ grasp. We no longer know the
origins of the world around us. We rarely know where
the materials and products come from, who owns what,
who is behind what, what was intended. We live in
cities where things happen without warning and with-
out our participation. It is an alien world for most people.
It is little surprise that most withdraw from community
involvement to enjoy their own private and limited
Injustice. Cities are symbols of inequality. In most cities
the discrepancy between the environments of the rich
and the environments of the poor is striking. In many
instances the environments of the rich, by occupying
and dominating the prevailing patterns of transportation
and access, make the environments of the poor relatively
worse. This discrepancy may be less visible in the low-
density modem city, where the display of affluence is
more hidden than in the old city; but the discrepancy
Rootless professionalism. Finally, design professionals
today are often part of the problem. In too many cases,
we design for places and people we do not know and
grant them very little power or acknowledgment. Too
many professionals are more part of a universal profes-
sional culture than part of the local cultures for whom
we produce our plans and products. We carry our ”bag
of tricks” around the world and bring them out wher-
ever we land. This floating professional culture has only
the most superficial conception of particular place.
Rootless, it is more susceptible to changes in professional
fashion and theory than to local events. There is too
little inquiry, too much proposing. Quick surveys are
made, instant solutions devised, and the rest of the time
is spent persuading the clients. Limits on time and bud-
gets drive us on, but so do lack of understanding and
the placeless culture. Moreover, we designers are often
unconscious of our own roots, which influence our
preferences in hidden ways.
At the same time, the planning profession’s retreat
into trendism, under the positivist influence of social
science, has left it virtually unable to resist the social
pressures of capitalist economy and consumer sover-
eignty. Planners have lost their beliefs. Although we
believe citizen participation is essential to urban plan-
ning, professionals also must have a sense of what we
believe is right, even though we may be vetoed.
Goals for urban life
We propose, therefore, a number of goals that we
deem essential for the future of a good urban environ-
ment: livability; identity and control; access to oppor-
tunity, imagination, and joy; authenticity and meaning;
open communities and public life; self-reliance; and
Livability. A city should be a place where everyone
can live in relative comfort. Most people want a kind
of sanctuary for their living environment, a place where
they can bring up children, have privacy, sleep, eat,
relax, and restore themselves. This means a well-
managed environment relatively devoid of nuisance,
overcrowding, noise, danger, air pollution, dirt, trash,
and other unwelcome intrusions.
Identity and control. People should feel that some part
of the environment belongs to them, individually and
collectively, some part for which they care and are re-
sponsible, whether they own it or not. The urban en-
vironment should be an environment that encourages
people to express themselves, to become involved, to
decide what they want and act on it. Like a seminar
where everybody has something to contribute to com-
munal discussion, the urban environment should en-
courage participation. Urbanites may not always want
this. Many like the anonymity of the city, but we are
not convinced that the freedom of anonymity is a de-
sirable freedom. It would be much better if people were
sure enough of themselves to stand up and be counted.
Environments should therefore be designed for those
who use them or are affected by them, rather than for
those who own them. This should reduce alienation
and anonymity (even if people want them); it should
increase people‘s sense of identity and rootedness and
encourage more care and responsibility for the physical
environment of cities.
Respect for the existing environment, both nature and
city, is one fundamental difference we have with the
CIAM movement. Urban design has too often assumed
that new is better than old. But the new is justified only
if it is better than what exists. Conservation encourages
WINTER 1987 115
identity and control and, usually, a better sense of com-
munity, since old environments are more usually part
of a common heritage.
Access to opportunity, imagination, and joy. People
should find the city a place where they can break from
traditional molds, extend their experience, meet new
people, leam other viewpoints, have fun. At a functional
level, people should have access to alternative housing
and job choices; at another level, they should find the
city an enlightening cultural experience. A city should
have magical places where fantasy is possible, a counter
to and an escape from the mundaneness of everyday
work and living. Architects and planners take cities and
themselves too seriously; the result too often is dead-
liness and boredom, no imagination, no humor, alien-
ating places. But people need an escape from the seri-
ousness and meaning of the everyday. The city has al-
ways been a place of excitement; it is theater, a stage
upon which citizens can display themselves and see
others. It has magic, or should have, and that depends
on a certain sensuous, hedonistic mood, on signs, on
night lights, on fantasy, color, and other imagery. There
can be parts of the city where belief can be suspended,
just as in the experience of fiction. It may be that such
places have to be framed so that people know how to
act. Until now such fantasy and experiment have been
attempted mostly by commercial facilities, at rather low
levels of quality and aspiration, seldom deeply experi-
mental. One should not have to travel as far as the
Himalayas or the South Sea Islands to stretch one’s ex-
perience. Such challenges could be nearer home. There
should be a place for community utopias; for historic,
natural, and anthropological evocations of the modem
city, for encounters with the truly exotic.
Authenticity and meaning. People should be able to
understand their city (or other people’s cities), its basic
layout, public functions, and institutions; they should
be aware of its opportunities. An authentic city is one
where the origins of things and places are clear. All this
means an urban environment should reveal its signifi-
cant meanings; it should not be dominated only by one
type of group, the powerful; neither should publicly
important places be hidden. The city should symbolize
the moral issues of society and educate its citizens to
an awareness of them.
That does not mean everything has to be laid out as
on a supermarket shelf. A city should present itself as
a readable story, in an engaging and, if necessary, pro-
vocative way, for people are indifferent to the obvious,
overwhelmed by complexity. A city’s offerings should
be revealed or they will be missed. This can affect the
forms of the city, its signage, and other public infor-
mation and education programs.
Livability, identity, authenticity, and opportunity are
characteristics of the urban environment that should
serve the individual and small social unit, but the city
has to serve some higher social goals as well. It is these
we especially wish to emphasize here.
Community and public life. Cities should encourage
participation of their citizens in community and public
life. In the face of giantism and fragmentation, public
life, especially life in public places, has been seriously
eroded. The neighborhood movement, by bringing
thousands, probably millions of people out of their
closed private lives into active participation in their local
communities, has begun to counter that trend, but this
movement has had its limitations. It can be purely de-
fensive, parochial, and self-serving. A city should be
more than a warring collection of interest groups,
classes, and neighborhoods; it should breed a commit-
ment to a larger whole, to tolerance, justice, law, and
democracy. The structure of the city should invite and
encourage public life, not only through its institutions,
but directly and symbolically through its public spaces.
The public environment, unlike the neighborhood, by
definition should be open to all members of the com-
munity. It is where people of different kinds meet. No
one should be excluded unless they threaten the balance
of that life.
Urban self-reliance. Increasingly cities will have to be-
come more self-sustaining in their uses of energy and
other scarce resources. “Soft energy paths” in particular
not only will reduce dependence and exploitation across
regions and countries but also will help reestablish a
stronger sense of local and regional identity, authentic-
ity, and meaning.
An environment for all. Good environments should
be accessible to all. Every citizen is entitled to some
minimal level of environmental livability and minimal
levels of identity, control, and opportunity. Good urban
design must be for the poor as well as the rich. Indeed,
it is more needed by the poor.
We look toward a society that is truly pluralistic, one
where power is more evenly distributed among social
groups than it is today in virtually any country, but
where the different values and cultures of interest- and
place-based groups are acknowledged and negotiated
in a just public arena.
These goals for the urban environment are both in-
dividual and collective, and as such they are frequently
in conflict. The more a city promises for the individual,
the less it seems to have a public life; the more the city
is built for public entities, the less the individual seems
to count. The good urban environment is one that
somehow balances these goals, allowing individual and
group identity while maintaining a public concern, en-
couraging pleasure while maintaining responsibility,
remaining open to outsiders while sustaining a strong
sense of localism.
An urban fabric for an urban life
We have some ideas, at least, for how the fabric or
texture of cities might be conserved or created to en-
courage a livable urban environment. We emphasize
the structural qualities of the good urban environment;
qualities we hope will be successful in creating urban
experiences that are consonant with our goals.
Do not misread this. We are not describing all the
qualities of a city. We are not dealing with major trans-
portation systems, open space, the natural environment,
the structure of the large scale city, or even the structure
of neighborhoods, but only the grain of the good city.
There are five physical characteristics that must be
present if there is to be a positive response to the goals
and values we believe are central to urban life. They
must be designed, they must exist, as prerequisites of a
sound urban environment. All five must be present, not
just one or two. There are other physical characteristics
that are important, but these five are essential: livable
streets and neighborhoods; some minimum density of
residential development as well as intensity of land use;
an integration of activities-living, working, shop-
ping-in some reasonable proximity to each other; a
manmade environment, particularly buildings, that de-
fines public space (as opposed to buildings that, for the
most part, sit in space); and many, many separate, dis-
tinct buildings with complex arrangements and rela-
tionships (as opposed to few, large buildings).
Let us explain, keeping in mind that all five of the
characteristics must be present. People, we have said,
should be able to live in reasonable (though not exces-
sive) safety, cleanliness, and security. That means livable
streets and neighborhoods: with adequate sunlight, clean
air, trees, vegetation, gardens, open space, pleasantly
scaled and designed buildings; without offensive noise;
with cleanliness and physical safety. Many of these
characteristics can be designed into the physical fabric
of the city.
The reader will say, "Well of course, but what does
that mean?" Usually it has meant specific standards and
requirements, such as sun angles, decibel levels, lane
widths, and distances between buildings. Many re-
searchers have been trying to define the qualities of a
livable environment. It depends on a wide array of at-
tributes, some structural, some quite small details. There
is no single right answer. We applaud these efforts and
have participated in them ourselves. Nevertheless, de-
sires for livability and individual comfort by themselves
have led to fragmentation of the city. Livability stan-
dards, whether for urban or for suburban developments,
have often been excessive.
Our approach to the details of this inclusive physical
characteristic would center on the words "reasonable,
though not excessive. . . ." Too often, for example, the
requirement of adequate sunlight has resulted in build-
ings and people inordinately far from each other, be-
yond what demonstrable need for light would dictate.
Safety concerns have been the justifications for ever-
wider streets and wide, sweeping curves rather than
narrow ways and sharp comers. Buildings are removed
from streets because of noise considerations when there
might be other ways to deal with this concern. So al-
though livable streets and neighborhoods are a primary
requirement for any good urban fabric-whether for
existing, denser cities or for new development-the
quest for livable neighborhoods, if pursued obsessively,
can destroy the urban qualities we seek to achieve.
A minimum density is needed. By density we mean
the number of people (sometimes expressed in terms of
housing units) living on an area of land, or the number
of people using an area of land.
Cities are not farms. A city is people living and work-
ing and doing the things they do in relatively close
proximity to each other.
We are impressed with the importance of density as
a perceived phenomenon and therefore relative to the
beholder and agree that, for many purposes, perceived
density is more important than an "objective" mea-
surement of people per unit of land. We agree, too, that
physical phenomena can be manipulated so as to render
perceptions of greater or lesser density. Nevertheless, a
narrow, winding street, with a lot of signs and a small
enclosed open space at the end, with no people, does
not make a city. Cities are more than stage sets. Some
minimum number of people living and using a given
area of land is required if there is to be human exchange,
public life and action, diversity and community.
Density of people alone will account for the presence
or absence of certain uses and services we h d important
to urban life. We suspect, for example, that the number
and diversity of small stores and services-for instance,
groceries, bars, bakeries, laundries and cleaners, coffee
shops, secondhand stores, and the like-to be found in
a city or area is in part a function of density. That is,
that such businesses are more likely to exist, and in
greater variety, in a n area where people live in greater
proximity to each other ("higher" density). The viability
of mass transit, we know, depends partly on the density
of residential areas and partly on the size and intensity
of activity at commercial and service destinations. And
more use of transit, in turn, reduces parking demands
and permits increases in density. There must be a critical
mass of people, and they must spend a lot of their time
in reasonably close proximity to each other, including
when they are at home, if there is to be an urban life.
The goal of local control and community identity is as-
sociated with density as well. The notion of an optimum
density is elusive and is easily confused with the health
and livability of urban areas, with life styles, with hous-
ing types, with the size of area being considered (the
building site or the neighborhood or the city), and with
the economics of development. A density that might be
best for child rearing might be less than adequate to
WINTER 1987 117
support public transit. Most recently, energy efficiency
has emerged as a concern associated with density, the
notion being that conservation will demand more com-
pact living arrangements.
Our conclusion, based largely on our experience and
on the literature, is that a minimum net density (people
or living units divided by the size of the building site,
excluding public streets) of about 15 dwelling units (30-
60 people) per acre of land is necessary to support city
life. By way of illustration, that is the density produced
with generous town houses (or row houses). It would
permit parcel sizes up to 25 feet wide by about 115 feet
deep. But other building types and lot sizes also would
produce that density. Some areas could be developed
with lower densities, but not very many. We don’t think
you get cities at 6 dwellings to the acre, let alone on
half-acre lots. On the other hand, it is possible to go as
high as 48 dwelling units per acre (96 to 192 people)
for a very large part of the city and still provide for a
spacious and gracious urban life. Much of San Francisco,
for example, is developed with three story buildings
(one unit per floor) above a parking story, on parcels
that measure 25 feet by 100 or 125 feet. At those den-
sities, with that kind of housing, there can be private
or shared gardens for most people, no common hallways
are required, and people can have direct access to the
ground. Public streets and walks adequate to handle
pedestrian and vehicular traffic generated by these den-
sities can be accommodated in rights-of-way that are
50 feet wide or less. Higher densities, for parts of the
city, to suit particular needs and lifestyles, would be
both possible and desirable. We are not sure what the
upper limits would be but suspect that as the numbers
get much higher than 200 people per net residential
acre, for larger parts of the city, the concessions to less
desirable living environments mount rapidly.
Beyond residential density, there must be a minimum
intensity of people using an area for it to be urban, as
we are defining that word. We aren’t sure what the
numbers are or even how best to measure this kind of
intensity. We are speaking here, particularly, of the
public or “meeting” areas of our city. We are confident
that our lowest residential densities will provide most
meeting areas with life and human exchange, but are
not sure if they will generate enough activity for the
most intense central districts.
There must be an integration of activities-living,
working, and shopping as well as public, spiritual, and
recreational activities-reasonably near each other.
The best urban places have some mixtures of uses.
The mixture responds to the values of publicness and
diversity that encourage local community identity. Ex-
citement, spirit, sense, stimulation, and exchange are
more likely when there is a mixture of activities than
when there is not. There are many examples that we
all know. It is the mix, not just the density of people
and uses, that brings life to an area, the life of people
going about a full range of normal activities without
having to get into an automobile.
We are not saying that every area of the city should
have a full mix of all uses. That would be impossible.
The ultimate in mixture would be for each building to
have a range of uses from living, to working, to shop-
ping, to recreation. We are not calling for a return to
the medieval city. There is a lot to be said for the notion
of “living sanctuaries,” which consist almost wholly of
housing. But we think these should be relatively small,
of a few blocks, and they should be close and easily
accessible (by foot) to areas where people meet to shop
or work or recreate or do public business. And except
for a few of the most intensely developed office blocks
of a central business district or a heavy industrial area,
the meeting areas should have housing within them.
Stores should be mixed with offices. If we envision the
urban landscape as a fabric, then it would be a salt-
and-pepper fabric of many colors, each color for a sep-
arate use or a combination. Of course, some areas would
be much more heavily one color than another, and some
would be an even mix of colors. Some areas, if you
squinted your eyes, or if you got so close as to see only
a small part of the fabric, would read as one color, a
red or a brown or a green. But by and large there would
be few if any distinct patterns, where one color stopped
and another started. It would not be patchwork quilt,
or an even-colored fabric. The fabric would be mixed.
In an urban environment, buildings (and other objects
that people place in the environment) should be arranged
in such a way as to define and even enclose public space,
rather than sit in space. It is not enough to have high
densities and an integration of activities to have cities.
A tall enough building with enough people living (or
even working) in it, sited on a large parcel, can easily
produce the densities we have talked about and can
have internally mixed uses, like most ‘’mixed use” pro-
jects. But that building and its neighbors will be unre-
lated objects sitting in space if they are far enough apart,
and the mixed uses might be only privately available.
In large measure that is what the Charter of Athens,
the garden cities, and standard suburban development
Buildings close to each other along a street, regardless
of whether the street is straight, or curved, or angled,
tend to define space if the street is not too wide in re-
lation to the buildings. The same is true of a plaza or a
square. As the spaces between buildings become larger
(in relation to the size of the buildings, up to a point),
the buildings tend more and more to sit in space. They
become focal points for few or many people, depending
on their size and activity. Except where they are mon-
uments or centers for public activities (a stadium or
meeting hall), where they represent public gathering
spots, buildings in space tend to be private and inwardly
oriented. People come to them and go from them in
any direction. That is not so for the defined outdoor
environment. Avoiding the temptation to ascribe all
kinds of psychological values to defined spaces (such
as intimacy, belonging, protection-values that are dif-
ficult to prove and that may differ for different people),
it is enough to observe that spaces surrounded by
buildings are more likely to bring people together and
thereby promote public interaction. The space can be
linear like streets or in the form of plazas of myriad
shapes. Moreover, interest and interplay among uses is
enhanced. To be sure, such arrangements direct people
and limit their freedom-they cannot move in just any
direction from any point-but presumably there are
enough choices (even avenues of escape) left open, and
the gain is in greater potential for sense stimulation,
excitement, surprise, and focus. Over and over again
we seek out and return to defined ways and spaces as
symbolic of urban life emphasizing the public space
more than the private building.
It is important for us to emphasize public places and
a public way system. We have observed that the central
value of urban life is that of publicness, of people from
differentgroups meeting each other and of people acting
in concert, albeit with debate. The most important public
places must be for pedestrians, for no public life can take
place between people in automobiles. Most public space
has been taken over by the automobile, for travel or
parking. We must fight to restore more for the pedes-
trian. Pedestrian malls are not simply to benefit the local
merchants. They have an essential public value. People
of different kinds meet each other directly. The level of
communication may be only visual, but that itself is
educational and can encourage tolerance. The revival
of street activities, street vending, and street theater in
American cities may be the precursor of a more flour-
ishing public environment, if the automobile can be held
There also must be symbolic, public meeting places,
accessible to all and publicly controlled. Further, in order
to communicate, to get from place to place, to interact,
to exchange ideas and goods, there must be a healthy
public circulation system. It cannot be privately con-
trolled. Public circulation systems should be seen as sig-
nificant cultural settings where the city’s finest products
and artifacts can be displayed, as in the piazzas of me-
dieval and renaissance cities.
Finally, many different buildings and spaces with com-
p l e x arrangemenfs and relationships are required. The of-
ten elusive notion of human scale is associated with this
requirement-a notion that is not just an architect’s
concept but one that other people understand as well.
Diversity, the possibility of intimacy and confronta-
tion with the unexpected, stimulation, are all more likely
with many buildings than with few taking up the same
ground areas.
For a long time we have been led to believe that large
land holdings were necessary to design healthy, effi-
cient, aesthetically pleasing urban environments. The
slums of the industrial city were associated, at least in
part, with all those small, overbuilt parcels. Socialist
and capitalist ideologies alike called for land assembly
to permit integrated, socially and economically useful
developments. What the socialist countries would do
via public ownership the capitalists would achieve
through redevelopment and new fiscal mechanisms that
rewarded large holdings. Architects of both ideological
persuasions promulgated or were easily convinced of
the wisdom of land assembly. It’s not hard to figure out
why. The results, whether by big business or big gov-
ernment, are more often than not inward-oriented, eas-
ily controlled or controllable, sterile, large-building
projects, with fewer entrances, fewer windows, less di-
versity, less innova tion, and less individual expression
than the urban fabric that existed previously or that can
be achieved with many actors and many buildings. At-
tempts to break up facades or otherwise to articulate
separate activities in large buildings are seldom as suc-
cessful as when smaller properties are developed singly.
Health, safety, and efficiency can be achieved with
many smaller buildings, individually designed and de-
veloped. Reasonable public controls can see to that.
And, of course, smaller buildings are a lot more likely
if parcel sizes are small than if they are large. With
smaller buildings and parcels, more entrances must be
located on the public spaces, more windows and a finer
scale of design diversity emerge. A more public, lively
city is produced. It implies more, smaller groups getting
pieces of the public action, taking part, having a stake.
Other stipulations may be necessary to keep public
frontages alive, free from the deadening effects of offices
and banks, but small buildings will help this more than
large ones. There need to be large buildings, too, cov-
ering large areas of land, but they will be the exception,
not the rule, and should not be in the centers of public
All these qualities . . . and others
A good city must have all those qualities. Density
without livability could return us to the slums of the
19th century. Public places without small-scale, fine-
grain development would give us vast, overscale cities.
As an urban fabric, however, those qualities stand a
good chance of meeting many of the goals we outlined.
They directly attend to the issue of livability though
they are aimed especially at encouraging public places
and a public life. Their effects on personal and group
identity are less clear, though the small-scale city is more
likely to support identity than the large-scale city. Op-
portunity and imagination should be encouraged by a
diverse and densely settled urban structure. This struc-
ture also should create a setting that is more meaningful
to the individual inhabitant and small group than the
giant environments now being produced. There is no
guarantee that this urban structure will be a more just
WINTER 1987 119
one than those presently existing. In supporting the
small against the large, however, more justice for the
powerless may be encouraged.
Still, an urban fabric of this kind cannot by itself meet
all these goals. Other physical characteristics are im-
portant to the design of urban environments. Open
space, to provide access to nature as well as relief from
the built environment, is one. So are definitions,
boundaries if you will, that give location and identity
to neighborhoods (or districts) and to the city itself.
There are other characteristics as well: public buildings,
educational environments, places set aside for nurturing
the spirit, and more. We still have work to do.
Many participants
While we have concentrated on defining physical
characteristics of a good city fabric, the process of cre-
ating it is crucial. As important as many buildings and
spaces are many participants in the building process. It
is through this involvement in the creation and man-
agement of their city that citizens are most likely to
identify with it and, conversely, to enhance their own
sense of identity and control.
An essential beginning
The five characteristics we have noted are essential
to achieving the values central to urban life. They need
much further definition and testing. We have to know
more about what configurations create public space:
about maximum densities, about how small a com-
munity can be and still be urban (some very small Swiss
villages fit the bill, and everyone knows some favorite
examples), about what is perceived as big and what
small under different circumstances, about landscape
material as a space definer, and a lot more. When we
know more we will be still further along toward a new
urban design manifesto.
We know that any ideal community, including the
kind that can come from this manifesto, will not always
be comfortable for every person. Some people don’t
like cities and aren‘t about to. Those who do will not
be enthralled with all of what we propose.
Our urban vision is rooted partly in the realities of
earlier, older urban places that many people, including
many utopian designers, have rejected, often for good
reasons. So our utopia will not satisfy all people. That’s
all right. We like cities. Given a choice of the kind of
community we would like to live in-the sort of choice
earlier city dwellers seldom had-we would choose to
live in an urban, public community that embraces the
goals and displays the physical characteristics we have
outlined. Moreover, we think it responds to what people
want and that it will promote the good urban life.
Authors’ note
This work grew, in part, from a seminar at the University of
Berkeley, during the spring of 1979. The seminar participants,
students, were Susanne Allen, Hilda Blanco, Karen Burks,
Colombe, Leslie Gould, Moises Kajomovitz, Stanley Kebathi,
Liebmann, Jeffery Luxemberg, Daniel Marks, Diana Martinez,
Rumel, Ignacio San Martin, Georgia Schimenti, and Charles

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  • 1. The Congress for the New Urbanism views disinvestment in central cities, the spread of placeless sprawl, increasing separation by race and income, environmental deterioration, loss of agricultural lands and wilderness, and the erosion of society’s built heritage as one interrelated community-building challenge. We stand for the restoration of existing urban centers and towns within coherent metropolitan regions, the reconfiguration of sprawling suburbs into communities of real neighborhoods and diverse districts, the conservation of natural environments, and the preservation of our built legacy. We advocate the restructuring of public policy and development practices to support the following principles: neighborhoods should be diverse in use and population; communities should be designed for the pedestrian and transit as well as the car; cities and towns should be shaped by physically defined and universally accessible public spaces and community institutions; urban places should be framed by architecture and landscape design that celebrate local history, climate, ecology, and building practice. We recognize that physical solutions by themselves will not solve social and economic
  • 2. problems, but neither can economic vitality, community stability, and environmental health be sustained without a coherent and supportive physical framework. We represent a broad-based citizenry, composed of public and private sector leaders, community activists, and multidisciplinary professionals. We are committed to reestablishing the relationship between the art of building and the making of community, through citizen-based participatory planning and design. We dedicate ourselves to reclaiming our homes, blocks, streets, parks, neighborhoods, districts, towns, cities, regions, and environment. Continued on back... 1) Metropolitan regions are finite places with geographic boundaries derived from topography, watersheds, coastlines, farmlands, regional parks, and river basins. The metropolis is made of multiple centers that are cities, towns, and villages, each with its own identifiable center and edges. 2) The metropolitan region is a fundamental economic unit of the contemporary world. Governmental cooperation, public policy, physical planning, and economic strategies must reflect this new reality. 3) The metropolis has a necessary and fragile
  • 3. relationship to its agrarian hinterland and natural landscapes. The relationship is environmental, economic, and cultural. Farmland and nature are as important to the metropolis as the garden is to the house. 4) Development patterns should not blur or eradicate the edges of the metropolis. Infill development within existing urban areas conserves environmental resources, economic investment, and social fabric, while reclaiming marginal and abandoned areas. Metropolitan regions should develop strategies to encourage such infill development over peripheral expansion. 5) Where appropriate, new development contigu- ous to urban boundaries should be organized as neighborhoods and districts, and be integrated with the existing urban pattern. Noncontiguous development should be organized as towns and villages with their own urban edges, and planned for a jobs/housing balance, not as bedroom suburbs. 6) The development and redevelopment of towns and cities should respect historical patterns, precedents, and boundaries. 7) Cities and towns should bring into proximity a broad spectrum of public and private uses to support a regional economy that benefits people of all incomes. Affordable housing should be distributed throughout the region to match job opportunities and to avoid concentrations of poverty. 8) The physical organization of the region should be supported by a framework of transportation
  • 4. alternatives. Transit, pedestrian, and bicycle systems should maximize access and mobility throughout the region while reducing dependence upon the automobile. 9) Revenues and resources can be shared more cooperatively among the municipalities and centers within regions to avoid destructive competition for tax base and to promote rational coordination of transportation, recreation, public services, housing, and community institutions. The region: Metropolis, city, and town The neighborhood, the district, and the corridor The block, the street, and the building 10) The neighborhood, the district, and the corridor are the essential elements of development and redevelopment in the metropolis. They form identifiable areas that encourage citizens to take responsibility for their maintenance and evolution. 11) Neighborhoods should be compact, pedestrian friendly, and mixed-use. Districts generally emphasize a special single use, and should follow the principles of neighborhood design when possible. Corridors are regional connectors of neighborhoods and districts; they range from boulevards and rail lines to rivers and parkways. 12) Many activities of daily living should occur
  • 5. within walking distance, allowing independence to those who do not drive, especially the elderly and the young. Interconnected networks of streets should be designed to encourage walking, reduce the number and length of automobile trips, and conserve energy. 13) Within neighborhoods, a broad range of housing types and price levels can bring people of diverse ages, races, and incomes into daily interaction, strengthening the personal and civic bonds essential to an authentic community. 14 ) Transit corridors, when properly planned and coordinated, can help organize metropolitan structure and revitalize urban centers. In contrast, highway corridors should not displace investment from existing centers. 15) Appropriate building densities and land uses should be within walking distance of transit stops, permitting public transit to become a viable alternative to the automobile. 16) Concentrations of civic, institutional, and commercial activity should be embedded in neighborhoods and districts, not isolated in remote, single-use complexes. Schools should be sized and located to enable children to walk or bicycle to them. 17) The economic health and harmonious evolution of neighborhoods, districts, and corridors can be improved through graphic urban design codes that serve as predictable guides for change.
  • 6. 18) A range of parks, from tot-lots and village greens to ballfields and community gardens, should be distributed within neighborhoods. Conservation areas and open lands should be used to define and connect different neighbor- hoods and districts. 19) A primary task of all urban architecture and landscape design is the physical definition of streets and public spaces as places of shared use. 20) Individual architectural projects should be seamlessly linked to their surroundings. This issue transcends style. 21) The revitalization of urban places depends on safety and security. The design of streets and buildings should reinforce safe environments, but not at the expense of accessibility and openness. 22) In the contemporary metropolis, development must adequately accommodate automobiles. It should do so in ways that respect the pedestrian and the form of public space. 23) Streets and squares should be safe, comfort- able, and interesting to the pedestrian. Properly configured, they encourage walking and enable neighbors to know each other and protect their communities. 24) Architecture and landscape design should grow from local climate, topography, history, and building practice. 25) Civic buildings and public gathering places
  • 7. require important sites to reinforce community identity and the culture of democracy. They deserve distinctive form, because their role is different from that of other buildings and places that constitute the fabric of the city. 26) All buildings should provide their inhabitants with a clear sense of location, weather and time. Natural methods of heating and cooling can be more resource-efficient than mechanical systems. 27) Preservation and renewal of historic buildings, districts, and landscapes affirm the continuity and evolution of urban society. © Copyright 2001 by Congress for the New Urbanism. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written We assert the following principles to guide public policy, development practice, urban planning, and design: Planner's Notebook Toward an Urban Design Manifesto Allan Jacobs and Donald Appleyard A 1987 prologue It is about six years since Donald Appleyard and I completed "Toward a New Urban Design Manifesto."In large measure it was student-generated, growing out of afirst-time course that Donald and I gave, "Theories of Urban Form."
  • 8. The course examined the physical forms of urban de- velopment associated with particular periods, or with design movements, or with ideas about urban form-ideas such as the livable city or the new towns' movement, or the Charter of Athens. W e tried to distill the essential urban physical characteristics of each period and of each idea and attempted to assess them against values such as health and comfort, self-reliance, opportunity, and accessibility. Stu- dents, as always in the good classes, contributed to the research, the presentations, and the debates as much as Donald or I did. W e concluded, among many conclusions, that the new towns and garden city movements, on the one hand, and the cities inspired by the Charter of Athens and the Inter- national Congress of Modern Architecture, on the other hand, were perhaps the most powerful influences on the form of today's cities as w e experience it. I think they are still, even though w e have turned slightly back toward the importance of the street in city design. We, like others, were pleased with neither movement's principles. At a final class session, students suggested w e write our own manifesto, a "Berkeley Design Manifesto," f h e y called it. It was time for something different, something better to help guide our work and perhaps the efforts of others as well-an assertion of what was right. Donald and I took their challenge. How could w e not? "Toward a N e w Urban Design Manifesto" was the result. W e had an opportunity to test our conclusions at a major address that was part of the American Planning Association Conference in Sun Francisco in 1980. The response was better than we might have expected, just as it has been at the numerous other occasions when it has been presented
  • 9. in one form or another. It was not so warmly received, however, by the editors and reviewers of JAPA, who won- dered where the research was to support our assertions. Jacobs is a professor of city and regional planning at the University of California, BerkeIey, and a principal w i t h Aidala and Jacobs, San Francisco. The late Donald Appleyard w a s a professor of c i t y and regional planning and landscape architecture at the University of California, Berkeley. The International Congress of Modern Architecture people rightly understood that their professional experience had the value of research-a lesson that academics too often have difficulty accepting. What follows, then, is an assertion of what urban places ought to be. That is what manifestoes are all about. It stems from many sources: social and economic ideas and values of what "good" communities could be; environmental re- search of the kind that Donald did with livable streets and that others, such as Whyte and Bosselman, do with regard to urban places that are comfortable, enjoyable, and par- ticipatory; and our experiences of working in and studying cities. After a while one knows and accepts that the research into what makes good places to live will be endless, often without conclusion, and always value-laden. There comes a time when one says, ' W e l l , I must take a leap. All of the experience has taught me something. I t may be unprovable, but I think I know what a good place is." Donald and I had reached such a point, although I think he was always more comfortable with socioeconomic values than with physical assertions.
  • 10. Readers will see similarities between our idea and the more urban parts of Kevin Lynch's place utopia. That makes sense. Donald and Kevin went back a long time together. We all talked frequently, and we shared values and an ap- proach to our work. I think the work still holds up. It begins a picture of the kind of city that good urban places could be. The word "Toward" in the title is important. It bespeaks the need for a lot more work and research on all the terribly important pieces that make up good living environments. Had Donald lived, I think he would be working in just that direction, fishing out what is missing. In the meantime, I think he would have wanted this work published. Today I think I would stress more strongly the section on livable streets and neighborhoods. I am convinced that many of the standards we imposed on city building, usually in the name of health and safety-road widths, auto lane widths, and parking standards are m y most hated favor- ites-run counter to good city design. No, they actually prevent or ruin urbanity. It is so easy to conclude that "a f i t t f e more won't hurt," or to round of a size to the next highest number divisible by two, or to be cowed by years of lawsuits over the competence of our conclusions into making things bigger, safer. And thus w e destroy cities. 112 APA JOURNAL D o w n l o
  • 13. Perhaps also our proposed minimum density could be somewhat higher. Under integration of activities 1 would stress more strongly the need for integrating places of res- idence w i t h other uses. W e know all about mixed-use pro- jects that consist of shopping and ofice activities, but w e do not insist as much as w e should on living-working- shopping mixes. 1 would not make changes to the sections on buildings that define public w a y s or the appropriateness of many modest-sized buildings rather than fewer large ones. But enough of this; it is better that the reader read for himself a vision for better urban living places. . A. J. We think it’s time for a new urban design manifesto. Almost 50 years have passed since Le Corbusier and the International Congress of Modem Architecture (CIAM) produced the Charter of Athens, and it is more than 20 years since the first Urban Design Conference, still in the CIAM tradition, was held (at Harvard in 1957). Since then the precepts of CIAM have been at- tacked by sociologists, planners, Jane Jacobs, and more recently by architects themselves. But it is still a strong influence, and we will take it as our starting point. Make no mistake: the charter was, simply, a mani- festo-a public declaration that spelled out the ills of industrial cities as they existed in the 1930s and laid down physical requirements necessary to establish
  • 14. healthy, humane, and beautiful urban environments for people. It could not help but deal with social, economic, and political phenomena, but its basic subject matter was the physical design of cities. Its authors were (mostly) socially concerned architects, determined that their art and craft be responsive to social realities as well as to improving the lot of man. It would be a mis- take to write them off as simply elitist designers and physical determinists. So the charter decried the medium-size (up to six stories) high-density buildings with high land coverage that were associated so closely with slums. Similarly, buildings that faced streets were found to be detrimental to healthy living. The seemingly limitless horizontal ex- pansion of urban areas devoured the countryside, and suburbs were viewed as symbols of terrible waste. So- lutions could be found in the demolition of unsanitary housing, the provision of green areas in every residential district, and new high-rise, high-density buildings set in open space. Housing was to be removed from its traditional relationship facing streets, and the whole circulation system was to be revised to meet the needs of emerging mechanization (the automobile). Work areas should be close to but separate from residential areas. To achieve the new city, large land holdings, preferably owned by the public, should replace multiple small parcels (so that projects could be properly de- signed and developed). Now thousands of housing estates and redevelop- ment projects in socialist and capitalist countries the world over, whether built on previously undeveloped land or developed as replacements for old urban areas, attest to the acceptance of the charter’s dictums. The
  • 15. design notions it embraced have become part of a world design language, not just the intellectual property of an enlightened few, even though the principles have been devalued in many developments. Of course, the Charter of Athens has not been the only major urban philosophy of this century to influence the development of urban areas. Ebenezer Howard, too, was responding to the ills of the 19th-century industrial city, and the Garden City movement has been at least as powerful as the Charter of Athens. New towns pol- icies, where they exist, are rooted in Howard’s thought. But you don’t have to look to new towns to see the influence of Howard, Olmsted, Wright, and Stein. The superblock notion, if nothing else, pervades large hous- ing projects around the world, in central cities as well as suburbs. The notion of buildings in a park is as com- mon to garden city designs as it is to charter-inspired development. Indeed, the two movements have a great deal in common: superblocks, separate paths for people and cars, interior common spaces, housing divorced from streets, and central ownership of land. The garden city-inspired communities place greater emphasis on private outdoor space. The most significant difference, at least as they have evolved, is in density and building type: the garden city people preferred to accommodate people in row houses, garden apartments, and maison- ettes, while Corbusier and the CIAM designers went for high-rise buildings and, inevitably, people living in flats and at significantly higher densities. We are less than enthralled with what either the Charter of Athens or the Garden City movement has produced in the way of urban environments. The em- phasis of CIAM was on buildings and what goes on within buildings that happen to sit in space, not on the
  • 16. public life that takes place constantly in public spaces. The orientation is often inward. Buildings tend to be islands, big or small. They could be placed anywhere. From the outside perspective, the building, like the work of art it was intended to be, sits where it can be seen and admired in full. And because it is large it is best seen from a distance (at a scale consistent with a moving auto). Diversity, spontaneity, and surprise are absent, at least for the person on foot. On the other hand, we find little joy or magic or spirit in the charter cities. They are not urban, to us, except according to some definition WINTER 1987 113 D o w n l o a d e d B y : [ C a n a d i
  • 18. 4 : 1 6 3 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 8 one might find in a census. Most garden cities, safe and healthy and even gracious as they may be, remind us more of suburbs than of cities. But they weren’t trying to be cities. The emphasis has always been on ”garden” as much as or more than on ”city.” Both movements represent overly strong design re- actions to the physical decay and social inequities of industrial cities. In responding so strongly, albeit un- derstandingly, to crowded, lightless, airless, ”utilitiless,” congested buildings and cities that housed so many people, the utopians did not inquire what was good about those places, either socially or physically. Did not
  • 19. those physical environments reflect (and maybe even foster) values that were likely to be meaningful to people individually and collectively, such as publicness and community? Without knowing it, maybe these strong reactions to urban ills ended up by throwing the baby out with the bath water. In the meantime we have had a lot of experience with city building and rebuilding. New spokespeople with new urban visions have emerged. As more CIAM- style buildings were built people became more disen- chanted. Many began to look through picturesque lenses back to the old preindustrial cities. From a concentration on the city as a kind of sculpture garden, the townscape movement, led by the ArchitecturaI Review, emphasized ”urban experience.” This phenomenological view of the city was espoused by Rasmussen, Kepes, and ultimately Kevin Lynch and Jane Jacobs. It identified a whole new vocabulary of urban form-one that depended on the sights, sounds, feels, and smells of the city, its materials and textures, floor surfaces, facades, style, signs, lights, seating, trees, sun, and shade all potential amenities for the attentive observer and user. This has permanently humanized the vocabulary of urban design, and we en- thusiastically subscribe to most of its tenets, though some in the townscape movement ignored the social meanings and implications of what they were doing. The 1960s saw the birth of community design and an active concern for the social groups affected, usually negatively, by urban design. Designers were the “soft cops,” and many professionals left the design field for social or planning vocations, finding the physical en- vironment to have no redeeming social value. But at the beginning of the 1980s the mood in the design professions is conservative. There is a withdrawal from
  • 20. social engagement back to formalism. Supported by se- miology and other abstract themes, much of architecture has become a dilettantish and narcissistic pursuit, a chic component of the high art consumer culture, increas- ingly remote from most people’s everyday lives, finding its ultimate manifestation in the art gallery and the art book. City planning is too immersed in the administra- tion and survival of housing, environmental, and energy programs and in responding to budget cuts and com- munity demands to have any clear sense of direction with regard to city form. While all these professional ideologies have been working themselves out, massive economic, technolog- ical, and social changes have taken place in our cities. The scale of capitalism has continued to increase, as has the scale of bureaucracy, and the automobile has vir- tually destroyed cities as they once were. In formulating a new manifesto, we react against other phenomena than did the leaders of CIAM 50 years ago. The automobile cities of California and the South- west present utterly different problems from those of 19th-century European cities, as do the CIAM- influenced housing developments around European, Latin American, and Russian cities and the rash of squatter settlements around the fast-growing cities of the Third World. What are these problems? Problems for modern urban design Poor living environments. While housing conditions in most advanced countries have improved in terms of such fundamentals as light, air, and space, the sur- roundings of homes are still frequently dangerous, pol- luted, noisy, anonymous wastelands. Travel around
  • 21. such cities has become more and more fatiguing and stressful. Giantism and loss of control. The urban environment is increasingly in the hands of the large-scale developers and public agencies. The elements of the city grow inexorably in size, massive transportation systems are segregated for single travel modes, and vast districts and complexes are created that make people feel irrel- evant. People, therefore, have less sense of control over their homes, neighborhoods, and cities than when they lived in slower-growing locally based communities. Such gi- antism can be found as readily in the housing projects of socialist cities as in the office buildings and com- mercial developments of capitalist cities. Large-scale privatization and the loss of public life. Cities, especially American cities, have become priva- tized, partly because of the consumer society’s emphasis on the individual and the private sector, creating Gal- braiths “private affluence and public squalor,“ but es- calated greatly by the spread of the automobile. Crime in the streets is both a cause and a consequence of this trend, which has resulted in a new form of city: one of closed, defended islands with blank and windowless facades surrounded by wastelands of parking lots and fast-moving traffic. As public transit systems have de- clined, the number of places in American cities where people of different social groups actually meet each other has dwindled. The public environment of many American cities has become an empty desert, leaving public life dependent for its survival solely on planned formal occasions, mostly in protected internal locations.
  • 24. b e r 2 0 0 8 Centrifugal fragmentation. Advanced industrial so- cieties took work out of the home, and then out of the neighborhood, while the automobile and the growing scale of commerce have taken shopping out of the local community. Fear has led social groups to flee from each other into homogeneous social enclaves. Communities themselves have become lower in density and increas- ingly homogeneous. Thus the city has spread out and separated to form extensive monocultures and special- ized destinations reachable often only by long jour- neys-a fragde and extravagant urban system depen- dent on cheap, available gasoline, and an effective con- tributor to the isolation of social groups from each other. Destruction of valued places. The quest for profit and prestige and the relentless exploitation of places that attract the public have led to the destruction of much of our heritage, of historic places that no longer tum a profit, of natural amenities that become overused. In many cases, as in San Francisco, the very value of the place threatens its destruction as hungry tourists and entrepreneurs flock to see and profit from it. Placelessness. Cities are becoming meaningless places beyond their citizens’ grasp. We no longer know the
  • 25. origins of the world around us. We rarely know where the materials and products come from, who owns what, who is behind what, what was intended. We live in cities where things happen without warning and with- out our participation. It is an alien world for most people. It is little surprise that most withdraw from community involvement to enjoy their own private and limited worlds. Injustice. Cities are symbols of inequality. In most cities the discrepancy between the environments of the rich and the environments of the poor is striking. In many instances the environments of the rich, by occupying and dominating the prevailing patterns of transportation and access, make the environments of the poor relatively worse. This discrepancy may be less visible in the low- density modem city, where the display of affluence is more hidden than in the old city; but the discrepancy remains. Rootless professionalism. Finally, design professionals today are often part of the problem. In too many cases, we design for places and people we do not know and grant them very little power or acknowledgment. Too many professionals are more part of a universal profes- sional culture than part of the local cultures for whom we produce our plans and products. We carry our ”bag of tricks” around the world and bring them out wher- ever we land. This floating professional culture has only the most superficial conception of particular place. Rootless, it is more susceptible to changes in professional fashion and theory than to local events. There is too little inquiry, too much proposing. Quick surveys are made, instant solutions devised, and the rest of the time is spent persuading the clients. Limits on time and bud-
  • 26. gets drive us on, but so do lack of understanding and the placeless culture. Moreover, we designers are often unconscious of our own roots, which influence our preferences in hidden ways. At the same time, the planning profession’s retreat into trendism, under the positivist influence of social science, has left it virtually unable to resist the social pressures of capitalist economy and consumer sover- eignty. Planners have lost their beliefs. Although we believe citizen participation is essential to urban plan- ning, professionals also must have a sense of what we believe is right, even though we may be vetoed. Goals for urban life We propose, therefore, a number of goals that we deem essential for the future of a good urban environ- ment: livability; identity and control; access to oppor- tunity, imagination, and joy; authenticity and meaning; open communities and public life; self-reliance; and justice. Livability. A city should be a place where everyone can live in relative comfort. Most people want a kind of sanctuary for their living environment, a place where they can bring up children, have privacy, sleep, eat, relax, and restore themselves. This means a well- managed environment relatively devoid of nuisance, overcrowding, noise, danger, air pollution, dirt, trash, and other unwelcome intrusions. Identity and control. People should feel that some part of the environment belongs to them, individually and collectively, some part for which they care and are re- sponsible, whether they own it or not. The urban en-
  • 27. vironment should be an environment that encourages people to express themselves, to become involved, to decide what they want and act on it. Like a seminar where everybody has something to contribute to com- munal discussion, the urban environment should en- courage participation. Urbanites may not always want this. Many like the anonymity of the city, but we are not convinced that the freedom of anonymity is a de- sirable freedom. It would be much better if people were sure enough of themselves to stand up and be counted. Environments should therefore be designed for those who use them or are affected by them, rather than for those who own them. This should reduce alienation and anonymity (even if people want them); it should increase people‘s sense of identity and rootedness and encourage more care and responsibility for the physical environment of cities. Respect for the existing environment, both nature and city, is one fundamental difference we have with the CIAM movement. Urban design has too often assumed that new is better than old. But the new is justified only if it is better than what exists. Conservation encourages WINTER 1987 115 D o w n l o a d e d
  • 30. munity, since old environments are more usually part of a common heritage. Access to opportunity, imagination, and joy. People should find the city a place where they can break from traditional molds, extend their experience, meet new people, leam other viewpoints, have fun. At a functional level, people should have access to alternative housing and job choices; at another level, they should find the city an enlightening cultural experience. A city should have magical places where fantasy is possible, a counter to and an escape from the mundaneness of everyday work and living. Architects and planners take cities and themselves too seriously; the result too often is dead- liness and boredom, no imagination, no humor, alien- ating places. But people need an escape from the seri- ousness and meaning of the everyday. The city has al- ways been a place of excitement; it is theater, a stage upon which citizens can display themselves and see others. It has magic, or should have, and that depends on a certain sensuous, hedonistic mood, on signs, on night lights, on fantasy, color, and other imagery. There can be parts of the city where belief can be suspended, just as in the experience of fiction. It may be that such places have to be framed so that people know how to act. Until now such fantasy and experiment have been attempted mostly by commercial facilities, at rather low levels of quality and aspiration, seldom deeply experi- mental. One should not have to travel as far as the Himalayas or the South Sea Islands to stretch one’s ex- perience. Such challenges could be nearer home. There should be a place for community utopias; for historic, natural, and anthropological evocations of the modem city, for encounters with the truly exotic. Authenticity and meaning. People should be able to
  • 31. understand their city (or other people’s cities), its basic layout, public functions, and institutions; they should be aware of its opportunities. An authentic city is one where the origins of things and places are clear. All this means an urban environment should reveal its signifi- cant meanings; it should not be dominated only by one type of group, the powerful; neither should publicly important places be hidden. The city should symbolize the moral issues of society and educate its citizens to an awareness of them. That does not mean everything has to be laid out as on a supermarket shelf. A city should present itself as a readable story, in an engaging and, if necessary, pro- vocative way, for people are indifferent to the obvious, overwhelmed by complexity. A city’s offerings should be revealed or they will be missed. This can affect the forms of the city, its signage, and other public infor- mation and education programs. Livability, identity, authenticity, and opportunity are characteristics of the urban environment that should serve the individual and small social unit, but the city has to serve some higher social goals as well. It is these we especially wish to emphasize here. Community and public life. Cities should encourage participation of their citizens in community and public life. In the face of giantism and fragmentation, public life, especially life in public places, has been seriously eroded. The neighborhood movement, by bringing thousands, probably millions of people out of their closed private lives into active participation in their local communities, has begun to counter that trend, but this movement has had its limitations. It can be purely de-
  • 32. fensive, parochial, and self-serving. A city should be more than a warring collection of interest groups, classes, and neighborhoods; it should breed a commit- ment to a larger whole, to tolerance, justice, law, and democracy. The structure of the city should invite and encourage public life, not only through its institutions, but directly and symbolically through its public spaces. The public environment, unlike the neighborhood, by definition should be open to all members of the com- munity. It is where people of different kinds meet. No one should be excluded unless they threaten the balance of that life. Urban self-reliance. Increasingly cities will have to be- come more self-sustaining in their uses of energy and other scarce resources. “Soft energy paths” in particular not only will reduce dependence and exploitation across regions and countries but also will help reestablish a stronger sense of local and regional identity, authentic- ity, and meaning. An environment for all. Good environments should be accessible to all. Every citizen is entitled to some minimal level of environmental livability and minimal levels of identity, control, and opportunity. Good urban design must be for the poor as well as the rich. Indeed, it is more needed by the poor. We look toward a society that is truly pluralistic, one where power is more evenly distributed among social groups than it is today in virtually any country, but where the different values and cultures of interest- and place-based groups are acknowledged and negotiated in a just public arena. These goals for the urban environment are both in-
  • 33. dividual and collective, and as such they are frequently in conflict. The more a city promises for the individual, the less it seems to have a public life; the more the city is built for public entities, the less the individual seems to count. The good urban environment is one that somehow balances these goals, allowing individual and group identity while maintaining a public concern, en- couraging pleasure while maintaining responsibility, remaining open to outsiders while sustaining a strong sense of localism. 116 APA JOURNAL D o w n l o a d e d B y : [ C a n a d i a
  • 35. : 1 6 3 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 8 An urban fabric for an urban life We have some ideas, at least, for how the fabric or texture of cities might be conserved or created to en- courage a livable urban environment. We emphasize the structural qualities of the good urban environment; qualities we hope will be successful in creating urban experiences that are consonant with our goals. Do not misread this. We are not describing all the qualities of a city. We are not dealing with major trans- portation systems, open space, the natural environment, the structure of the large scale city, or even the structure of neighborhoods, but only the grain of the good city.
  • 36. There are five physical characteristics that must be present if there is to be a positive response to the goals and values we believe are central to urban life. They must be designed, they must exist, as prerequisites of a sound urban environment. All five must be present, not just one or two. There are other physical characteristics that are important, but these five are essential: livable streets and neighborhoods; some minimum density of residential development as well as intensity of land use; an integration of activities-living, working, shop- ping-in some reasonable proximity to each other; a manmade environment, particularly buildings, that de- fines public space (as opposed to buildings that, for the most part, sit in space); and many, many separate, dis- tinct buildings with complex arrangements and rela- tionships (as opposed to few, large buildings). Let us explain, keeping in mind that all five of the characteristics must be present. People, we have said, should be able to live in reasonable (though not exces- sive) safety, cleanliness, and security. That means livable streets and neighborhoods: with adequate sunlight, clean air, trees, vegetation, gardens, open space, pleasantly scaled and designed buildings; without offensive noise; with cleanliness and physical safety. Many of these characteristics can be designed into the physical fabric of the city. The reader will say, "Well of course, but what does that mean?" Usually it has meant specific standards and requirements, such as sun angles, decibel levels, lane widths, and distances between buildings. Many re- searchers have been trying to define the qualities of a livable environment. It depends on a wide array of at- tributes, some structural, some quite small details. There
  • 37. is no single right answer. We applaud these efforts and have participated in them ourselves. Nevertheless, de- sires for livability and individual comfort by themselves have led to fragmentation of the city. Livability stan- dards, whether for urban or for suburban developments, have often been excessive. Our approach to the details of this inclusive physical characteristic would center on the words "reasonable, though not excessive. . . ." Too often, for example, the requirement of adequate sunlight has resulted in build- ings and people inordinately far from each other, be- yond what demonstrable need for light would dictate. Safety concerns have been the justifications for ever- wider streets and wide, sweeping curves rather than narrow ways and sharp comers. Buildings are removed from streets because of noise considerations when there might be other ways to deal with this concern. So al- though livable streets and neighborhoods are a primary requirement for any good urban fabric-whether for existing, denser cities or for new development-the quest for livable neighborhoods, if pursued obsessively, can destroy the urban qualities we seek to achieve. A minimum density is needed. By density we mean the number of people (sometimes expressed in terms of housing units) living on an area of land, or the number of people using an area of land. Cities are not farms. A city is people living and work- ing and doing the things they do in relatively close proximity to each other. We are impressed with the importance of density as a perceived phenomenon and therefore relative to the
  • 38. beholder and agree that, for many purposes, perceived density is more important than an "objective" mea- surement of people per unit of land. We agree, too, that physical phenomena can be manipulated so as to render perceptions of greater or lesser density. Nevertheless, a narrow, winding street, with a lot of signs and a small enclosed open space at the end, with no people, does not make a city. Cities are more than stage sets. Some minimum number of people living and using a given area of land is required if there is to be human exchange, public life and action, diversity and community. Density of people alone will account for the presence or absence of certain uses and services we h d important to urban life. We suspect, for example, that the number and diversity of small stores and services-for instance, groceries, bars, bakeries, laundries and cleaners, coffee shops, secondhand stores, and the like-to be found in a city or area is in part a function of density. That is, that such businesses are more likely to exist, and in greater variety, in a n area where people live in greater proximity to each other ("higher" density). The viability of mass transit, we know, depends partly on the density of residential areas and partly on the size and intensity of activity at commercial and service destinations. And more use of transit, in turn, reduces parking demands and permits increases in density. There must be a critical mass of people, and they must spend a lot of their time in reasonably close proximity to each other, including when they are at home, if there is to be an urban life. The goal of local control and community identity is as- sociated with density as well. The notion of an optimum density is elusive and is easily confused with the health and livability of urban areas, with life styles, with hous- ing types, with the size of area being considered (the building site or the neighborhood or the city), and with
  • 39. the economics of development. A density that might be best for child rearing might be less than adequate to WINTER 1987 117 D o w n l o a d e d B y : [ C a n a d i a n R e s e a r
  • 41. v e m b e r 2 0 0 8 support public transit. Most recently, energy efficiency has emerged as a concern associated with density, the notion being that conservation will demand more com- pact living arrangements. Our conclusion, based largely on our experience and on the literature, is that a minimum net density (people or living units divided by the size of the building site, excluding public streets) of about 15 dwelling units (30- 60 people) per acre of land is necessary to support city life. By way of illustration, that is the density produced with generous town houses (or row houses). It would permit parcel sizes up to 25 feet wide by about 115 feet deep. But other building types and lot sizes also would produce that density. Some areas could be developed with lower densities, but not very many. We don’t think you get cities at 6 dwellings to the acre, let alone on half-acre lots. On the other hand, it is possible to go as high as 48 dwelling units per acre (96 to 192 people) for a very large part of the city and still provide for a spacious and gracious urban life. Much of San Francisco, for example, is developed with three story buildings
  • 42. (one unit per floor) above a parking story, on parcels that measure 25 feet by 100 or 125 feet. At those den- sities, with that kind of housing, there can be private or shared gardens for most people, no common hallways are required, and people can have direct access to the ground. Public streets and walks adequate to handle pedestrian and vehicular traffic generated by these den- sities can be accommodated in rights-of-way that are 50 feet wide or less. Higher densities, for parts of the city, to suit particular needs and lifestyles, would be both possible and desirable. We are not sure what the upper limits would be but suspect that as the numbers get much higher than 200 people per net residential acre, for larger parts of the city, the concessions to less desirable living environments mount rapidly. Beyond residential density, there must be a minimum intensity of people using an area for it to be urban, as we are defining that word. We aren’t sure what the numbers are or even how best to measure this kind of intensity. We are speaking here, particularly, of the public or “meeting” areas of our city. We are confident that our lowest residential densities will provide most meeting areas with life and human exchange, but are not sure if they will generate enough activity for the most intense central districts. There must be an integration of activities-living, working, and shopping as well as public, spiritual, and recreational activities-reasonably near each other. The best urban places have some mixtures of uses. The mixture responds to the values of publicness and diversity that encourage local community identity. Ex- citement, spirit, sense, stimulation, and exchange are more likely when there is a mixture of activities than
  • 43. when there is not. There are many examples that we all know. It is the mix, not just the density of people and uses, that brings life to an area, the life of people going about a full range of normal activities without having to get into an automobile. We are not saying that every area of the city should have a full mix of all uses. That would be impossible. The ultimate in mixture would be for each building to have a range of uses from living, to working, to shop- ping, to recreation. We are not calling for a return to the medieval city. There is a lot to be said for the notion of “living sanctuaries,” which consist almost wholly of housing. But we think these should be relatively small, of a few blocks, and they should be close and easily accessible (by foot) to areas where people meet to shop or work or recreate or do public business. And except for a few of the most intensely developed office blocks of a central business district or a heavy industrial area, the meeting areas should have housing within them. Stores should be mixed with offices. If we envision the urban landscape as a fabric, then it would be a salt- and-pepper fabric of many colors, each color for a sep- arate use or a combination. Of course, some areas would be much more heavily one color than another, and some would be an even mix of colors. Some areas, if you squinted your eyes, or if you got so close as to see only a small part of the fabric, would read as one color, a red or a brown or a green. But by and large there would be few if any distinct patterns, where one color stopped and another started. It would not be patchwork quilt, or an even-colored fabric. The fabric would be mixed. In an urban environment, buildings (and other objects that people place in the environment) should be arranged
  • 44. in such a way as to define and even enclose public space, rather than sit in space. It is not enough to have high densities and an integration of activities to have cities. A tall enough building with enough people living (or even working) in it, sited on a large parcel, can easily produce the densities we have talked about and can have internally mixed uses, like most ‘’mixed use” pro- jects. But that building and its neighbors will be unre- lated objects sitting in space if they are far enough apart, and the mixed uses might be only privately available. In large measure that is what the Charter of Athens, the garden cities, and standard suburban development produce. Buildings close to each other along a street, regardless of whether the street is straight, or curved, or angled, tend to define space if the street is not too wide in re- lation to the buildings. The same is true of a plaza or a square. As the spaces between buildings become larger (in relation to the size of the buildings, up to a point), the buildings tend more and more to sit in space. They become focal points for few or many people, depending on their size and activity. Except where they are mon- uments or centers for public activities (a stadium or meeting hall), where they represent public gathering spots, buildings in space tend to be private and inwardly oriented. People come to them and go from them in any direction. That is not so for the defined outdoor 118 APA JOURNAL D o w n l
  • 47. 8 environment. Avoiding the temptation to ascribe all kinds of psychological values to defined spaces (such as intimacy, belonging, protection-values that are dif- ficult to prove and that may differ for different people), it is enough to observe that spaces surrounded by buildings are more likely to bring people together and thereby promote public interaction. The space can be linear like streets or in the form of plazas of myriad shapes. Moreover, interest and interplay among uses is enhanced. To be sure, such arrangements direct people and limit their freedom-they cannot move in just any direction from any point-but presumably there are enough choices (even avenues of escape) left open, and the gain is in greater potential for sense stimulation, excitement, surprise, and focus. Over and over again we seek out and return to defined ways and spaces as symbolic of urban life emphasizing the public space more than the private building. It is important for us to emphasize public places and a public way system. We have observed that the central value of urban life is that of publicness, of people from differentgroups meeting each other and of people acting in concert, albeit with debate. The most important public places must be for pedestrians, for no public life can take place between people in automobiles. Most public space has been taken over by the automobile, for travel or parking. We must fight to restore more for the pedes- trian. Pedestrian malls are not simply to benefit the local merchants. They have an essential public value. People of different kinds meet each other directly. The level of communication may be only visual, but that itself is
  • 48. educational and can encourage tolerance. The revival of street activities, street vending, and street theater in American cities may be the precursor of a more flour- ishing public environment, if the automobile can be held back. There also must be symbolic, public meeting places, accessible to all and publicly controlled. Further, in order to communicate, to get from place to place, to interact, to exchange ideas and goods, there must be a healthy public circulation system. It cannot be privately con- trolled. Public circulation systems should be seen as sig- nificant cultural settings where the city’s finest products and artifacts can be displayed, as in the piazzas of me- dieval and renaissance cities. Finally, many different buildings and spaces with com- p l e x arrangemenfs and relationships are required. The of- ten elusive notion of human scale is associated with this requirement-a notion that is not just an architect’s concept but one that other people understand as well. Diversity, the possibility of intimacy and confronta- tion with the unexpected, stimulation, are all more likely with many buildings than with few taking up the same ground areas. For a long time we have been led to believe that large land holdings were necessary to design healthy, effi- cient, aesthetically pleasing urban environments. The slums of the industrial city were associated, at least in part, with all those small, overbuilt parcels. Socialist and capitalist ideologies alike called for land assembly to permit integrated, socially and economically useful developments. What the socialist countries would do
  • 49. via public ownership the capitalists would achieve through redevelopment and new fiscal mechanisms that rewarded large holdings. Architects of both ideological persuasions promulgated or were easily convinced of the wisdom of land assembly. It’s not hard to figure out why. The results, whether by big business or big gov- ernment, are more often than not inward-oriented, eas- ily controlled or controllable, sterile, large-building projects, with fewer entrances, fewer windows, less di- versity, less innova tion, and less individual expression than the urban fabric that existed previously or that can be achieved with many actors and many buildings. At- tempts to break up facades or otherwise to articulate separate activities in large buildings are seldom as suc- cessful as when smaller properties are developed singly. Health, safety, and efficiency can be achieved with many smaller buildings, individually designed and de- veloped. Reasonable public controls can see to that. And, of course, smaller buildings are a lot more likely if parcel sizes are small than if they are large. With smaller buildings and parcels, more entrances must be located on the public spaces, more windows and a finer scale of design diversity emerge. A more public, lively city is produced. It implies more, smaller groups getting pieces of the public action, taking part, having a stake. Other stipulations may be necessary to keep public frontages alive, free from the deadening effects of offices and banks, but small buildings will help this more than large ones. There need to be large buildings, too, cov- ering large areas of land, but they will be the exception, not the rule, and should not be in the centers of public activity. All these qualities . . . and others A good city must have all those qualities. Density
  • 50. without livability could return us to the slums of the 19th century. Public places without small-scale, fine- grain development would give us vast, overscale cities. As an urban fabric, however, those qualities stand a good chance of meeting many of the goals we outlined. They directly attend to the issue of livability though they are aimed especially at encouraging public places and a public life. Their effects on personal and group identity are less clear, though the small-scale city is more likely to support identity than the large-scale city. Op- portunity and imagination should be encouraged by a diverse and densely settled urban structure. This struc- ture also should create a setting that is more meaningful to the individual inhabitant and small group than the giant environments now being produced. There is no guarantee that this urban structure will be a more just WINTER 1987 119 D o w n l o a d e d B y : [
  • 52. A t : 0 4 : 1 6 3 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 8 one than those presently existing. In supporting the small against the large, however, more justice for the powerless may be encouraged. Still, an urban fabric of this kind cannot by itself meet all these goals. Other physical characteristics are im- portant to the design of urban environments. Open
  • 53. space, to provide access to nature as well as relief from the built environment, is one. So are definitions, boundaries if you will, that give location and identity to neighborhoods (or districts) and to the city itself. There are other characteristics as well: public buildings, educational environments, places set aside for nurturing the spirit, and more. We still have work to do. Many participants While we have concentrated on defining physical characteristics of a good city fabric, the process of cre- ating it is crucial. As important as many buildings and spaces are many participants in the building process. It is through this involvement in the creation and man- agement of their city that citizens are most likely to identify with it and, conversely, to enhance their own sense of identity and control. An essential beginning The five characteristics we have noted are essential to achieving the values central to urban life. They need much further definition and testing. We have to know more about what configurations create public space: about maximum densities, about how small a com- munity can be and still be urban (some very small Swiss villages fit the bill, and everyone knows some favorite examples), about what is perceived as big and what small under different circumstances, about landscape material as a space definer, and a lot more. When we know more we will be still further along toward a new urban design manifesto. We know that any ideal community, including the
  • 54. kind that can come from this manifesto, will not always be comfortable for every person. Some people don’t like cities and aren‘t about to. Those who do will not be enthralled with all of what we propose. Our urban vision is rooted partly in the realities of earlier, older urban places that many people, including many utopian designers, have rejected, often for good reasons. So our utopia will not satisfy all people. That’s all right. We like cities. Given a choice of the kind of community we would like to live in-the sort of choice earlier city dwellers seldom had-we would choose to live in an urban, public community that embraces the goals and displays the physical characteristics we have outlined. Moreover, we think it responds to what people want and that it will promote the good urban life. Authors’ note This work grew, in part, from a seminar at the University of California, Berkeley, during the spring of 1979. The seminar participants, all students, were Susanne Allen, Hilda Blanco, Karen Burks, Patricia Colombe, Leslie Gould, Moises Kajomovitz, Stanley Kebathi, Vernen Liebmann, Jeffery Luxemberg, Daniel Marks, Diana Martinez, Cibele Rumel, Ignacio San Martin, Georgia Schimenti, and Charles Setchell. 120 APA JOURNAL D o w
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