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The “Compass” of 
Urban and Housing 
A participatory methodology for 
urban diagnosis and formulation 
of proposals from a human 
rights-based approach
1. Introduction: Evolution of the 
urban-housing policies 
2. The “Compass”: Approach and 
3. Application to case studies. 
4. The “Participlán” 
5. Exercise 
1. Introduction: Evolution of policies 
Phases and dates. Focus Main tools used Key documents 
Modernization and urban 
growth. 1960- 1970 
Physical planning. Public 
Integral plan. Construction. 
Redistribution with growth. 
Middle 1970-1980 
States support site and 
services for self 
Subsidies for land and 
housing. States 
acknowledge informality. 
Vancouver (1976). 
Shelters and poverty 
(WB, 1980) 
The enabling approach 
Facilitate peoples efforts, 
private sector and 
Public-private partnership. 
Participation, land 
management & finances 
Urban Policy (WB, 
1991). Cities and 
poverty. Agenda 21 
Sustainable uran 
development 1990-2014 
Holístic planning. Balance 
among efficiency, equity 
and sustenability 
As above, but with major 
emphasis on environmental 
management & poverty 
development of human 
settlements. Agenda 21 
(UNCHS, 1994, c) 
Hábitat II: 1996 “Adequate housing for all” 
and “Sustenaible 
Integration of previous 
improvement policies 
Agenda hábitat (1996) 
Global report on human 
settlements (1996) 
Milenium goals: 2000 Milenium objectives 8, 
goal 18 and 11 
Project Milenium 
Milenium Declaration 
UN (2000) 
Ishtambul + 5: 2001 Agenda Hábitat review Renewal commitments 
agenda hábitat. The right to 
the city 
Declaration cities in the 
new milenium (2001). 
Global reports (05/10) 
source: Adapted from “The enabling approach”, UN Habitat 2006
Plots, housing and informality
Migrations, urban expansion and plans 
1) Regional development: Territorial planning (POT). 
2) Urban development (3 times existing cities): Guided expansion 
3) Renewal existing city: Compact or guided development city 
Green belt 
Informal settlements 
4) Micro-planning: slum upgrading projects
B) Urban 
C) Based on 
the slum 
focus on informal 
D) Mix of the 
(national, urban 
and slum 
Intervention approaches
1. What is the Compass? 
• Tool to measure the level of 
fullfilment of human rights in 
marginal neighborhoods through 
the direct participation of neighbors 
and public officials. 
• Strategy to carry out expeditive 
diagnosis represented graphically 
problems and alternatives for 
• Facilite the agreement around 
priorities to intervene 
complementing works with urban 
regulations and social organization.
Potential users 
• Neighours: Providing them a tool 
for agreement and self 
• Public officials: Facilitating them 
updated and systematic (provided 
by people contrasted to census 
and estadistically sound data) to 
orientate public policies. 
• Académics and specialized 
organizations: Facilitate the 
comparative study of 
neighborhood and cities
La “Compass” consists in 
crossing 3 key factors: 
-Social organization, 
-Work and services 
The three factors explain the 
reasons behind the 
fulfillment or not of rights 
expressed graphically as 
the “north” of the 
Hum[n rights 
Puli] Work 
[n^ s_rvi]_s| 
R_gul[tory fr[m_work
Key definitions 
• Rights: Level of fulfilment of human rights 
measured by five factors: Land and 
housing, infrastructure, equipament (or 
social services), accesibility (o mobility) 
and sustainability (or local development). 
• Social organization: Level of 
organization of the society for human right 
fulfilment respect the same key factors. 
• Public work and services: What is in 
process to fulfill human rights ( public 
and private) respect the same key factors 
• Regulatory framework: Regulations of 
land use, density, service standards, 
maintenance producción, with legal status 
and community practices, respect the 
same key factors.
1. Right to land and housing 
1.1. Land and housing tenure security 
1.2. Not overcrowding (more than 2 persons per room) 
1.3. Housing built with permanent materials 
1.4. Housing with its own toilete or sanitation services 
1.5. Adequate housing selling and renting available at affordable prices 
2) Infraestructure 
2.1. Available drinkable water supply 
2.2. Available latrines or sewage services without contamination 
2.3. Available drainage preventing flooding 
2.4. Available power connection (electricity and gas) 
2.5 Available telecomunication, Internet, etc services. 
3) Accesibility 
3.1. Available adequate green areas well mantained 
3.2. Available pre-escolar, primary and secondary schools 
3.3. Available hospitals and health center for primary and secondary atention 
3.4. Availability coverage of policial service, temples y and civil defence 
3.5. Available services of public lighting and public cleaning 
4) Equipamients 
4.1. Available sidewalk, and pavements allowing vehicular movements. 
4.2. Available bridges and traffic stop ensuring street safety 
4.3. Available public transport (trains, metro, etc) to cover long distances 
4.4. Available services of buses, taxis, motorbike and bikes to cover short distances 
4.5 Availability of ambulances, firebrigades, police and civil defence reacting on time in 
case of accidents 
5) Sustainability 
5.1. Food security 
5.2. Availability of work, social security and income generation oportunities 
5.3. Capacity to save expressed as income porcentahe per household and its reinvertion in 
habitat priorities 
4. Tolerance and aceptancy of multiple communities with different cultures and incomes 
5. Initives available to reduce disaster risks 
The variables
Methodological steps 
I. Neighborhood 
II. Identification of sub-zones 
III. Analysis of segregation 
and fragmentation 
IV. Hipothesis of 
causes: Works and 
V. Estimation of rights 
and social 
VIII. Neighborhood 
VI. Summary of VII. Action plan 
Neighborhood characterization 
Major state intervention: 
A lot of public work and 
regulations, but low social 
organization. It needs to 
encourage social 
organization to advance 
and maintain human rights 
Strenght social organization: 
With low public work and 
regulations, achieve high 
fulfilment of human rights 
through self organization. It 
needs to consolidate its 
organization and support to 
carry out public works and 
regulatory frameworks 
Equilibrium: It presents 
simmilar levels of human 
rights, public works and 
regulatory framework 
reflected in a medium 
level of human rights 
Not equilibrated: It 
presents different levels of 
fulfilment, like concentration 
of public works without 
adequate regulatory 
framework, facilitating 
transference of land value 
to other sectors.
I. Fundacional: 
regulated by 
the state 
fulfillment of 
II. Self 
construction on 
plots and self 
management to 
provide water, 
sewage and 
pavements . 
fulfillment of rights 
and social work 
III. Direct 
intervention of the 
state. Construction 
of social housing and 
Fulfilment of human 
rights and social 
IV. Irruption and expansion of 
informality. . Reduction in fulfilment of 
human rights and emerging new forms of 
social organization 
V. Exploring informality 
Advance fulfilling rights and 
social organization 
VI. Strategies to capture 
land value 
(taxes and incentives) 
Advance fulfilling rights and 
VII. Re-Inclusion of the 
sector into the city 
Fulfilling of rights
Historical evolution of neighborhoods 
Fundacional: the 
neighborhood is 
subdivided in plots and 
the people with their own 
effort build their houses 
and basic water and 
sanitation services. Very 
basic human rights 
Neighborhood development: 
The people by self organization 
or cordinating with the 
municipality built sanitation 
networks, pavement, etc. . 
Increasing fulfilment of human 
rights, although still limited by 
social organization 
State intervention 
Building social housing, 
carrying out all 
infrastructures. Almost 
absolute fulfillment of 
human rights with 
institutcionalized social 
Irruption and expantion of 
informality: More poor setle in 
the area making insufficient all 
services, and creates new 
forms of social organization. It 
is frecuent in this phase the 
conflict among different 
enighbors (formal and informal) 
Withdrawal in human rights 
3. Case studies from Buenos Aires 
Los Pinos, Escobar 
Padre Varela, Luján San Carlos, Moreno Villa Zagala, Soldati, CABA
Villa Soldati, CABA 
Alta heterogeneidad socio-habitacional 
Fuerte intervención del estado en la 
forma de obras publicas (60), menor 
regulación (40), muy baja 
organización social (30), 
Resultado medio de cumplimiento de 
derechos (60). 
Org. Social 
1) Suelo y vivienda 
2) Infraestructura 
3) Equipamientos 
4) Accesibilidad 
5) Sustentabilidad 
Categoría Ciudad de Buenos Aires 
Soldati Resto 
Cantidad de radios censales 18 126 
Cantidad de hogares 6.513 51.454 
Cantidad de viviendas 6.266 49.286 
Cantidad de personas 23.937 156.156 
Superficie (Km2) 1,36 21,66 
Superficie (Hectáreas) 136 2.166 
Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,04 1,04 
Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 3,68 3,03 
Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 3,82 3,17 
Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 53 24 
Densidades (Personas / Ha) 176 72
Historia del proceso histórico de urbanización
3. Villa Zagala (entre San Martín y Vicente López) 
Área de recepción de población 
Fuerte inversión en vivienda, pero escasa 
en otras obras publicas como cloacas 
Nivel de regulación bajo, priorizando el 
uso industrial (40). 
Organización social baja (40), 
fragmentada entre distintos grupos 
Escaso cumplimiento de derechos (40) 
Org. Social 
Categoría Pdo de San Martín- 
Vte López 
Zagala Resto 
Cantidad de hogares 2.773 247.003 
Cantidad de viviendas 2.652 240.399 
Cantidad de personas 11.449 665.740 
Superficie (Hectáreas) 38 9.023 
Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,05 1,03 
Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 4,13 2,70 
Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 4,32 2,77 
Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 69 27 
Densidades (Personas / Ha) 300 74 
1) Suelo y vivienda 
2) Infraestructura 
3) Equipamientos 
4) Accesibilidad 
5) Sustentabilidad 
Historia del proceso histórico de urbanización
Barrio San Carlos, 
Org. Social 
Categoría Moreno 
Carlos Resto 
Cantidad de hogares 2.510 109.948 
Cantidad de viviendas 2.413 106.179 
Cantidad de personas 9.583 370.920 
Superficie (Hectáreas) 700 31.800 
Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,04 1,04 
Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 3,82 3,37 
Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 3,97 3,49 
Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 17 2 
Densidades (Personas / Ha) 15 20 
Bajo nivel de realización de obras (30) 
Bajo pero Incipiente nivel de organización social 
Bajo nivel de regulación (20) 
Escaso cumplimiento de derechos (30).
Historia del proceso histórico de urbanización
5. Barrio Padre Varela, Lujan 
Org. Social 
1) Suelo y vivienda 
2) Infraestructura 
3) Equipamientos 
4) Accesibilidad 
5) Sustentabilidad 
Nivel incipiente de organización social 
Limitada realización de obras publicas, 
Bajo nivel de regulación urbana (20), 
Bajo nivel de cumplimento de derechos 
Categoría Luján 
Varela Resto 
Cantidad de hogares 1.201 30.517 
Cantidad de viviendas 1.159 29.780 
Cantidad de personas 4.268 89.724 
Superficie (Hectáreas) 1.067 14.954 
Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,04 1,02 
Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 3,55 2,94 
Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 3,68 3,01 
Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 4 6 
Densidades (Personas / Ha) 66 7
6. El caso del barrio “Los Pinos” (Escobar) 
Org. Social 
1) Suelo y vivienda 
2) Infraestructura 
3) Equipamientos 
4) Accesibilidad 
5) Sustentabilidad 
Enorme organización social (80), 
Cumplimiento medio de derechos (50), 
Incipiente realización de obras (40) (realizada por auto gestión) 
Muy bajo nivel de regulación (10) barrio informal, no tiene 
asegurada la tenencia del suelo. 
-Superficie de asentamiento: 59960 m2 aprox. = 5,996 ha. 
-Cantidad de familias: 250. 
- Líneas de colectivo: 2 (1000 m) 
-Tren interurbano: 1 (1000 m) 
-Distancia a centro urbano: 5000m 
-Distancia a avenida: 1000m 
-Educación primaria: 1000 m 
-Educación sec. : 1000m 
-Densidad actual : 180 hab/hec. aprox. Densidad por 
ordenanza 411_79: 130 hab/hec. 
-Clínicas privadas: 2 Hospitales públicos: 1 en 
construcción a 30 cuadras aprox.
4. El participlan
The “stair” of participation (Arnstein, 1971) 
1. Therapy 
0. Manipulation 
7. Citizen control 
6. Power delegation 
5. Association 
3. Consultation 
2. Information 
4. Propitiation
5. Exercise 
• Simmulate the 
methodological steps 
presented in the four case 
• Calculate the fulfillement of 
human rights in the case 
studies considering the three 
axis proposed by the 
“compass” and its reflection in 
the axis “north” expressed in 
the resulting graphic 
• Explore possible 
alternatives for action of 
assess on going actions and 
its possible alternatives. 
• Consider the method 
applicability to other cases.

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The compass

  • 1. The “Compass” of Urban and Housing Planning A participatory methodology for urban diagnosis and formulation of proposals from a human rights-based approach
  • 2. 1. Introduction: Evolution of the urban-housing policies 2. The “Compass”: Approach and methodology 3. Application to case studies. 4. The “Participlán” 5. Exercise Index
  • 3. 1. Introduction: Evolution of policies Phases and dates. Focus Main tools used Key documents Modernization and urban growth. 1960- 1970 Physical planning. Public housing Integral plan. Construction. Erradication Redistribution with growth. Middle 1970-1980 States support site and services for self construction. Subsidies for land and housing. States acknowledge informality. Vancouver (1976). Shelters and poverty (WB, 1980) The enabling approach 1980-1990. Facilitate peoples efforts, private sector and markets. Public-private partnership. Participation, land management & finances Urban Policy (WB, 1991). Cities and poverty. Agenda 21 Sustainable uran development 1990-2014 Holístic planning. Balance among efficiency, equity and sustenability As above, but with major emphasis on environmental management & poverty aleviation Sustainable development of human settlements. Agenda 21 (UNCHS, 1994, c) Hábitat II: 1996 “Adequate housing for all” and “Sustenaible Development” Integration of previous improvement policies Agenda hábitat (1996) Global report on human settlements (1996) Milenium goals: 2000 Milenium objectives 8, goal 18 and 11 Project Milenium Development. Milenium Declaration UN (2000) Ishtambul + 5: 2001 Agenda Hábitat review Renewal commitments agenda hábitat. The right to the city Declaration cities in the new milenium (2001). Global reports (05/10) source: Adapted from “The enabling approach”, UN Habitat 2006
  • 4. Plots, housing and informality
  • 5. Migrations, urban expansion and plans 1) Regional development: Territorial planning (POT). 2) Urban development (3 times existing cities): Guided expansion 3) Renewal existing city: Compact or guided development city Green belt Informal settlements 4) Micro-planning: slum upgrading projects
  • 6. A) Centralized national (top-down). B) Urban (public-private partnership) C) Based on the slum (participative, focus on informal settlements networking) D) Mix of the three approaches (national, urban and slum simultaneously) Intervention approaches
  • 7. 1. What is the Compass? • Tool to measure the level of fullfilment of human rights in marginal neighborhoods through the direct participation of neighbors and public officials. • Strategy to carry out expeditive diagnosis represented graphically problems and alternatives for solutions. • Facilite the agreement around priorities to intervene complementing works with urban regulations and social organization.
  • 8. Potential users • Neighours: Providing them a tool for agreement and self organization • Public officials: Facilitating them updated and systematic (provided by people contrasted to census and estadistically sound data) to orientate public policies. • Académics and specialized organizations: Facilitate the comparative study of neighborhood and cities
  • 9. Methodology La “Compass” consists in crossing 3 key factors: -Social organization, -Work and services -Regulations The three factors explain the reasons behind the fulfillment or not of rights expressed graphically as the “north” of the compass. Hum[n rights fulfillm_nt| Puli] Work [n^ s_rvi]_s| So]i[l org[niz[tion R_gul[tory fr[m_work
  • 10. Key definitions • Rights: Level of fulfilment of human rights measured by five factors: Land and housing, infrastructure, equipament (or social services), accesibility (o mobility) and sustainability (or local development). • Social organization: Level of organization of the society for human right fulfilment respect the same key factors. • Public work and services: What is in process to fulfill human rights ( public and private) respect the same key factors • Regulatory framework: Regulations of land use, density, service standards, maintenance producción, with legal status and community practices, respect the same key factors.
  • 11. 1. Right to land and housing 1.1. Land and housing tenure security 1.2. Not overcrowding (more than 2 persons per room) 1.3. Housing built with permanent materials 1.4. Housing with its own toilete or sanitation services 1.5. Adequate housing selling and renting available at affordable prices 2) Infraestructure 2.1. Available drinkable water supply 2.2. Available latrines or sewage services without contamination 2.3. Available drainage preventing flooding 2.4. Available power connection (electricity and gas) 2.5 Available telecomunication, Internet, etc services. 3) Accesibility 3.1. Available adequate green areas well mantained 3.2. Available pre-escolar, primary and secondary schools 3.3. Available hospitals and health center for primary and secondary atention 3.4. Availability coverage of policial service, temples y and civil defence 3.5. Available services of public lighting and public cleaning 4) Equipamients 4.1. Available sidewalk, and pavements allowing vehicular movements. 4.2. Available bridges and traffic stop ensuring street safety 4.3. Available public transport (trains, metro, etc) to cover long distances 4.4. Available services of buses, taxis, motorbike and bikes to cover short distances 4.5 Availability of ambulances, firebrigades, police and civil defence reacting on time in case of accidents 5) Sustainability 5.1. Food security 5.2. Availability of work, social security and income generation oportunities 5.3. Capacity to save expressed as income porcentahe per household and its reinvertion in habitat priorities 4. Tolerance and aceptancy of multiple communities with different cultures and incomes 5. Initives available to reduce disaster risks The variables
  • 12. Methodological steps I. Neighborhood delimitation II. Identification of sub-zones III. Analysis of segregation and fragmentation IV. Hipothesis of causes: Works and regulations V. Estimation of rights and social organization VIII. Neighborhood pact VI. Summary of VII. Action plan diagnosis
  • 13. Neighborhood characterization Major state intervention: A lot of public work and regulations, but low social organization. It needs to encourage social organization to advance and maintain human rights Strenght social organization: With low public work and regulations, achieve high fulfilment of human rights through self organization. It needs to consolidate its organization and support to carry out public works and regulatory frameworks Equilibrium: It presents simmilar levels of human rights, public works and regulatory framework reflected in a medium level of human rights fulfilment Not equilibrated: It presents different levels of fulfilment, like concentration of public works without adequate regulatory framework, facilitating transference of land value to other sectors.
  • 14. I. Fundacional: Economic plots regulated by the state Progressive fulfillment of minimum human rights II. Self construction on plots and self management to provide water, sewage and pavements . Increasing fulfillment of rights and social work III. Direct intervention of the state. Construction of social housing and infraestructures Fulfilment of human rights and social organization IV. Irruption and expansion of informality. . Reduction in fulfilment of human rights and emerging new forms of social organization V. Exploring informality regularization Advance fulfilling rights and social organization VI. Strategies to capture land value (taxes and incentives) Advance fulfilling rights and organization VII. Re-Inclusion of the sector into the city Fulfilling of rights
  • 15. Historical evolution of neighborhoods Fundacional: the neighborhood is subdivided in plots and the people with their own effort build their houses and basic water and sanitation services. Very basic human rights Neighborhood development: The people by self organization or cordinating with the municipality built sanitation networks, pavement, etc. . Increasing fulfilment of human rights, although still limited by social organization State intervention Building social housing, carrying out all infrastructures. Almost absolute fulfillment of human rights with institutcionalized social organization. Irruption and expantion of informality: More poor setle in the area making insufficient all services, and creates new forms of social organization. It is frecuent in this phase the conflict among different enighbors (formal and informal) Withdrawal in human rights fulfillement.
  • 16. 3. Case studies from Buenos Aires Los Pinos, Escobar Padre Varela, Luján San Carlos, Moreno Villa Zagala, Soldati, CABA
  • 17. Villa Soldati, CABA Alta heterogeneidad socio-habitacional Fuerte intervención del estado en la forma de obras publicas (60), menor regulación (40), muy baja organización social (30), Resultado medio de cumplimiento de derechos (60). Derechos 100 80 60 40 20 0 Obra Org. Social 1) Suelo y vivienda 2) Infraestructura 3) Equipamientos 4) Accesibilidad 5) Sustentabilidad Sub-total Total Regulaciones Categoría Ciudad de Buenos Aires Soldati Resto Cantidad de radios censales 18 126 Cantidad de hogares 6.513 51.454 Cantidad de viviendas 6.266 49.286 Cantidad de personas 23.937 156.156 Superficie (Km2) 1,36 21,66 Superficie (Hectáreas) 136 2.166 Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,04 1,04 Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 3,68 3,03 Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 3,82 3,17 Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 53 24 Densidades (Personas / Ha) 176 72
  • 18. Historia del proceso histórico de urbanización
  • 19. 3. Villa Zagala (entre San Martín y Vicente López) Área de recepción de población erradicada Fuerte inversión en vivienda, pero escasa en otras obras publicas como cloacas (40). Nivel de regulación bajo, priorizando el uso industrial (40). Organización social baja (40), fragmentada entre distintos grupos socio-habitacionales. Escaso cumplimiento de derechos (40) Derechos 100 80 60 40 20 0 Obra Org. Social Regulaciones Categoría Pdo de San Martín- Vte López Villa Zagala Resto Cantidad de hogares 2.773 247.003 Cantidad de viviendas 2.652 240.399 Cantidad de personas 11.449 665.740 Superficie (Hectáreas) 38 9.023 Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,05 1,03 Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 4,13 2,70 Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 4,32 2,77 Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 69 27 Densidades (Personas / Ha) 300 74 1) Suelo y vivienda 2) Infraestructura 3) Equipamientos 4) Accesibilidad 5) Sustentabilidad Sub-total Total
  • 20. Historia del proceso histórico de urbanización
  • 21. Barrio San Carlos, Moreno Derechos 100 80 60 40 20 0 Obra Org. Social Regulaciones Categoría Moreno San Carlos Resto Cantidad de hogares 2.510 109.948 Cantidad de viviendas 2.413 106.179 Cantidad de personas 9.583 370.920 Superficie (Hectáreas) 700 31.800 Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,04 1,04 Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 3,82 3,37 Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 3,97 3,49 Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 17 2 Densidades (Personas / Ha) 15 20 Bajo nivel de realización de obras (30) Bajo pero Incipiente nivel de organización social (36), Bajo nivel de regulación (20) Escaso cumplimiento de derechos (30).
  • 22. Historia del proceso histórico de urbanización
  • 23. 5. Barrio Padre Varela, Lujan Derechos 100 80 60 40 20 0 Obra Org. Social 1) Suelo y vivienda 2) Infraestructura 3) Equipamientos 4) Accesibilidad 5) Sustentabilidad Sub-total Total Regulaciones Nivel incipiente de organización social (30), Limitada realización de obras publicas, (22), Bajo nivel de regulación urbana (20), Bajo nivel de cumplimento de derechos (17). Categoría Luján Varela Resto Cantidad de hogares 1.201 30.517 Cantidad de viviendas 1.159 29.780 Cantidad de personas 4.268 89.724 Superficie (Hectáreas) 1.067 14.954 Densidades (Hogares /Vivienda) 1,04 1,02 Densidades (Personas/ Hogares) 3,55 2,94 Densidades (Personas/Viviendas) 3,68 3,01 Densidades (Viviendas / Ha) 4 6 Densidades (Personas / Ha) 66 7
  • 24. 6. El caso del barrio “Los Pinos” (Escobar) Derechos 100 80 60 40 20 0 Obra Org. Social 1) Suelo y vivienda 2) Infraestructura 3) Equipamientos 4) Accesibilidad 5) Sustentabilidad Sub-total Total Regulaciones Enorme organización social (80), Cumplimiento medio de derechos (50), Incipiente realización de obras (40) (realizada por auto gestión) Muy bajo nivel de regulación (10) barrio informal, no tiene asegurada la tenencia del suelo. -Superficie de asentamiento: 59960 m2 aprox. = 5,996 ha. -Cantidad de familias: 250. - Líneas de colectivo: 2 (1000 m) -Tren interurbano: 1 (1000 m) -Distancia a centro urbano: 5000m -Distancia a avenida: 1000m -Educación primaria: 1000 m -Educación sec. : 1000m -Densidad actual : 180 hab/hec. aprox. Densidad por ordenanza 411_79: 130 hab/hec. -Clínicas privadas: 2 Hospitales públicos: 1 en construcción a 30 cuadras aprox.
  • 25.
  • 27. The “stair” of participation (Arnstein, 1971) 1. Therapy 0. Manipulation 7. Citizen control 6. Power delegation 5. Association 3. Consultation 2. Information 4. Propitiation
  • 28. 5. Exercise • Simmulate the methodological steps presented in the four case studies. • Calculate the fulfillement of human rights in the case studies considering the three axis proposed by the “compass” and its reflection in the axis “north” expressed in the resulting graphic • Explore possible alternatives for action of assess on going actions and its possible alternatives. • Consider the method applicability to other cases.