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St. Catherine of Siena Parish
547 Washington Street, Norwood, MA 02062
January 19, 2014 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Catherine of Siena Parish is a Roman Catholic communi-
ty established in Norwood, MA in 1890. Responding to our
baptismal call to holiness, we seek to live the teachings of
Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition through worship, edu-
cation, service and evangelization.
All people are welcome at St. Catherine of Siena Parish.
Regardless of your status in the Church, regardless of your
marital state, regardless of your prior religious experience,
regardless of your personal history, background, or sexual
orientation, please know that you are invited, accepted and
respected at St. Catherine of Siena Parish!
Rev. Msgr. Paul Garrity, Pastor
Rev. Jean Pierre Aubin, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Paul Ryan, In-Residence
Rev. Mr. John Brent, Permanent Deacon
St. Catherine of Siena School, 781-769-5354
Mrs. Mary Russo, Principal
Mrs. Donna Haymes, Vice Principal
Mrs. Mary Beth Cox, Director of Advancement x271
Mrs. Linda Canniff, Director of Admissions x262
Mr. John Farrell, Director of Facilities & Grounds x269
Mrs. Doris Hallee, Pastoral Associate x273
Mrs. Barbara Neem
Director of Religious Education 781-762-6080 x13
Mrs. Leah Ramsdell
Director of Youth Faith Formation 781-686-7887
Mr. Kirk Hartung
Director of Music/Liturgical Ministries & Organist
781-762-6080 x26
Parish Office Staff
Mr. Bob Calarese, Parish Business Manager
Mrs. Diane Butts, Parish Bookkeeper
Mrs. Claire Chateauneuf, Parish Bookkeeper
Mrs. Laura Hayes, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Amy Campbell, Administrative Assistant
Sunday Masses: Saturday: 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7 a.m., 9 a.m. (Family Mass) and 11 a.m. (Choir)
Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 6:45 a.m.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.: 5:15 p.m., Saturday: 7 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil Mass 5:15 p.m. evening before the Holy
Day. On the Holy Day, Masses are celebrated at 6:45 a.m.,
12:10 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Holiday Masses: 9 a.m. except on Memorial Day and
Veteran’s Day. Mass is at 8 a.m. on those days.
Rosary: Daily at 6:20 a.m. and immediately following the
5:15 p.m. Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3-3:45 p.m. or by
Sacrament of Baptism: 1 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday
of each month. Must be arranged at least 1-2 months in ad-
vance. Parent Pre-Baptism class is held on the first
Sunday of the month.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Engaged couples must contact
one of the parish priests at least 8 months prior to making
other wedding plans.
Sacrament of the Sick: Please notify the rectory if anyone
is ill in the hospital or at home.
RCIA: If you are interested or an adult you know is
interested in the Catholic faith, please contact a priest or call
the rectory for more information.
Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 7:15 a.m. - 5 p.m.
First Friday/Saturday 6 p.m. - 6:45 a.m. Chapel
Celiac Disease: We have special hosts available for people
who have gluten allergies. Please see a priest before Mass.
From the Pastor’s Desk January 19, 2014
The Feast of the Holy Family takes place on the Sunday
after Christmas and invites us to reflect on Jesus, Mary and Joseph
as the first family of Christendom. To say the least, the Holy Family
is totally unique. When Jesus was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled: “the virgin shall be with child, and
bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.” (Is.7.14) Likewise, the
prophet Micah’s prediction about Bethlehem would also be realized:
“You Bethlehem-Ephrathah, too small to be among the clans of Ju-
dah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler of Isra-
el; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times.” (Mi 5. 8-9) The
star that led the Wisemen to Bethlehem was totally out of the ordi-
nary events of life. And the shepherds visiting Joseph, Mary and
their newborn son on that first Christmas night amidst the choirs of
angels had to set that first Christmas apart from any other event in
human history. The first Christmas was not a normal day in history
and Mary, Joseph and Jesus were not and are not your average fami-
My bulletin column of December 29th tried to capture the
unusual circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus and described
them as being not “normal” or “ideal.” These words were used to
contrast the Holy Family with what was described as the idyllic view
of family life depicted in old television shows like “The Ozzie and
Harriet Show” and “Leave It To Beaver.” In no way was there any
intention to imply anything beyond this contrast. By calling attention
to the impoverished circumstances in which the birth of Jesus took
place, the clear implication was to invite us to have greater sensitivi-
ty to the needs of the poor in our own day and to be sensitive to the
difficulties and hardships that are all too often part of the human
In the Liturgy for Holy Family Sunday, St. Paul’s Epistle to
the Colossians spoke of “…heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one
another … and over all these put on love that is the bond of perfec-
tion.” (Col. 3. 12-14) Modeled by the Holy Family, these are the
qualities that all families should seek to emulate. And, obviously,
not only should families strive to live these virtues, but we should all
be striving to make these the habits of our hearts too!
Later this year, our Holy Father Pope Francis will convene
a Synod in Rome to reflect upon the challenges that families face in
our own day. A Synod is a very high level meeting of bishops repre-
senting all the bishops’ conferences around the world. Traditionally,
when the Synod concludes, the Pope issues a letter or instruction to
the whole church that captures the work of the Synod bishops. This
Synod already promises to be very historic because of the wide con-
sultation that is being conducted in preparation for the fall meeting.
The consultation is being conducted around 9 major areas of interest
and is seeking objective feedback regarding the challenges that fami-
lies face around the world.
“Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evan-
gelization,” the consultation document, reiterates the Church’s tradi-
tional teachings on marriage and family. It identifies specific, con-
temporary social realities and asks for information about the kind of
pastoral care that is being provided. When the Synod convenes in
October, the bishops will have much to discuss and, presumably,
will challenge us all to a more Christ centered and evangelizing spir-
As we look to the Synod in the fall and reflect on the beau-
ty and simplicity of the Holy Family, let us together pray for all fam-
ilies who strive to be vehicles of unconditional love in which chil-
dren come to know by heart the origin of that love. Jesus, Mary and
Joseph expect nothing less!
God Bless! Msgr. Paul
1/19 No Religious Education/No Coffee Hour
Bingo 6 p.m.
1/20 Martin Luther King Day, 9 a.m. Mass
CYO Basketball 6-9 p.m.
1/21 No Religious Education
SCS Basketball 5:30-9 p.m.
Tiger Den 6-8 p.m. Loft
School Advisory Board 7 p.m. Siena Room
RCIA 7-9 p.m. Cafeteria
1/22 St. Vincent de Paul 7-8 p.m.
Boy Scouts 7-8:30 p.m. Cafeteria
CYO Basketball 7:30-9 p.m.
1/23 Legion of Mary 3-4 p.m. Siena Room
Floor Hockey 3-4 p.m.
Children’s Choir 3:30-4:30 p.m. Music Room
SCS Basketball 5:30-9 p.m.
Den 8, 6-8 p.m. Siena Room
Mission Trip Meeting 7-8:30 p.m. Loft
Adult Choir 7:30-9 p.m. Choir Loft
1/24 Musical Rehearsal 2:30-5:30 p.m. Gym
SCS Basketball 6-9 p.m.
1/25 SCS Basketball 9 a.m.
Special Needs Religious Education 9-10:15 a.m.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest
6-8 p.m. Gym
January 19, 2013
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 18, 2014
4 p.m. Vincenzo DiMunno
Sunday, January 19, 2014
9 a.m. Domenic Quintiliani (1st Anniversary)
11 a.m. Theresa W. Dowling
Monday, January 20, 2014
Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
6:45 a.m. John Shalbey and
Nicole Shalbey Tourigney
5:15 p.m. Angela Grimm (2nd Anniversary)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
6:45 a.m. Alexander Allan
Thursday, January 23, 2014
6:45 a.m.
5:15 p.m. Harry and Teresa DeNapoli
Friday, January 24, 2014
6:45 a.m. Arlene and Dave Tenney
5:15 p.m. Timothy and Edward O’Toole
Saturday, January 25, 2014
7 a.m. Patricia Connors (1st Anniversary)
4 p.m. Bill Connolly (22nd Anniversary)
Sunday, January 26, 2014
9 a.m. Joseph Slattery (1st Anniversary)
11 a.m.
In Memory
Please remember our beloved de-
ceased, especially Richard Scarry and
Fred Nashawaty who were buried from
our parish this week. May they rest in
January 12, 2014: $12,426
St. Vincent de Paul: $6,067
Next weekend’s second collection supports the
Church in Latin America.
Thank you for your continued support!
Please remember the good works of our parish in your
will. For more information, visit our website under
“Planned Giving” or call Msgr. Paul or Bob Calarese at
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Schedule
Weekend of 1/19 Team 1
Weekend of 1/26 Team 2
Weekend of 2/2 Team 3
THANK YOU to all who have made a Grand Annual contri-
bution this year. Right now we are within $9,267 of our
goal of $200,000. To date, we have received 703 gifts. If
you have not made your pledge/contribution as yet, we
invite you to do so before the end of the year. Last year
832 families participated in our Grand Annual. This year
we are hoping to top this number in a significant way. Re-
gardless of the size of your contribution, we hope that eve-
ryone will make a donation within their means. And thank
you again, to all who have brought us this far this year !
Increased Offertory Program to be conducted
at St Catherine’s Parish
This weekend we are announcing the start of
an Increased Offertory Program that is important to
the life of our parish. Upon the recommendation of
the Parish Finance Council, all parish households are
being asked to increase their Weekly Commitment to
the best of their financial ability through the Sunday
Offertory Collection. We ask all parishioners to reflect
on the importance of the program and their role as
stewards of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Please
support the parish through the offertory envelope sys-
tem or on-line giving. All increases – large and small
– will greatly benefit the parish.
Recent economic difficulties continue to affect
our parish financially as it has many of your house-
holds. The elimination of a Sunday morning Mass has
also impacted our financial health. Our parish family
must confront these concerns with a concerted effort
to raise our Sunday Offertory Collection. We are
aware that some families are experiencing difficult
financial times, but we are counting on those who are
able to make a sacrifice and increase their weekly
You will receive a brochure and COMMIT-
MENT ENVELOPE in the mail over the next few
days. This brochure contains information about our
circumstances and a statement of the parish financ-
es. Please read it carefully and prayerfully, and return
your Commitment Envelope to Mass on Saturday and
Sunday, February 8th and 9th.
If you are going to be out-of-town or unable to
attend Mass at this time, please mail your Commit-
ment Envelope to the parish office or simply place it
in the collection basket the following weekend.
Thank you for your support! - Msgr. Paul
Our Parish Community is a reflection of each of its members.
Our generosity determines what this community can do for others.
A small sacrifice makes a big difference.
Second Collection Next Weekend: Next week’s
second collection supports the Church in Latin Amer-
ica (CLA). The CLA provides support for pastoral
projects in financially poor dioceses in Latin America
and the Caribbean. CLA funds catechetical and lay
leadership programs, youth ministry, evangelization
programs, and formation programs for religious,
priests and deacons. Please visit
latinamerica for more information.
At all the Masses this weekend, you will
have an opportunity to sign up to join a
Lenten Prayer Group. Sign-up cards
are available in all the benches in the
church. Please return your completed
card to one of the boxes at the church exits, in the collec-
tion baskets at Mass, or to the Rectory. The Prayer
Groups will meet once a week from March 2nd through
April 12th. If you sign up, a member of the Living the Eu-
charist Planning Team will contact you to provide infor-
mation about when and where your group will meet.
Please direct your questions about this program to the
Program Coordinator, Jane Macdonald, at
“Commitment Weekend”
February 8th & 9th
RESPECT LIFE: Please join us in praying for the
unborn and for greater respect for all life from con-
ception to natural death and all the moments in be-
tween as we observe the anniversary of the 1973
Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the
United States. From January 18 to the 25th, we will
pray the Hail Mary at the end of Mass for this inten-
MCFL ASSEMBLY FOR LIFE: Sunday, January 26
at Faneuil Hall from 2-4 p.m. A bus will leave from
the Cottage Street parking lot in Norwood at 1 p.m.
Come and join this Prayer Rally for the protection of
the unborn and for an end to abortion. Voluntary
contribution for the bus is $10. For more information,
call Theresa at 781-762-2902.
CHORAL MUSIC: Saturday, February 8 at 7
p.m. St. Catherine of Siena's Youth Choir Pro-
gram will present: "Evensong: A Night of Reflec-
tion and Light." Join us for a midwinter's night of
beautiful music, poetry, prayer and meditation.
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Question of the Week –
for all parish families, groups, and committees!
John the Baptist recognized Jesus by his deeds.
Where do you see Jesus in our world today?
Notes From Our Staff
Leah Ramsdell
Director of Youth Ministry
. This past weekend students who will be confirmed
in May participated in our annual Confirmation retreat. We
traveled by bus to the beautiful grounds and space of
Betania II in Medway where we were hosted most hospita-
bly by their excellent staff.
In addition to regular class meetings and speakers,
the retreat is one of the most important elements our stu-
dents participate in prior to being confirmed. It offers time
for different team building activities like icebreakers and
small group discussion but it also gives our students the
opportunity to hear the witness of others who have been
confirmed and can speak to what life is like “after” Confir-
mation. This year’s speaker, Rob Degre, is a graduate of
both St. Catherine of Siena school and Xaverian Brothers
High School as well as a former participant in the Confir-
mation program. Currently a freshman at Providence Col-
lege, Rob is studying theology as well as participating in
the ROTC program. In his talk he discussed with our stu-
dents a time in his own life when his faith was challenged
and how he continued to work at staying faithful despite the
obstacles he faced. He encouraged our students to contin-
ue to give back to their parishes after Confirmation by
teaching in the religious education program, taking part in a
mission trip, or simply by attending mass. In addition to
these elements, students also created banners depicting
the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. These banners will be on dis-
play at their Confirmation liturgy in May. This is a wonderful
way for all of our students to feel involved with and a part
of their Confirmation celebration. Lastly, logistics concern-
ing the actual Confirmation liturgy were discussed and all
of the students attended mass as a close to the day. It
was a wonderful weekend filled with enthusiasm and spirit!
As you can imagine, planning a retreat that takes
place on 3 separate days for close to 200 students requires
a great deal of planning, organization, and work. I am es-
pecially grateful to the following Confirmation II teachers
who gave of their time this weekend to help facilitate the
retreat; Mr.Fernando Bolivar, Mrs. Anne Watson, Mr. Ned
Greene, Mr. Pat Payne, Mrs. Linda Mogan, Mrs. Mary-
Ellen Gioioso, Mrs. Beth Formica, Mrs. Cara Gardella, Mr.
Stephen O’Brien, Mrs. Karen DiCenzo, and Mrs. Laura
Horsfall. I’d like to thank Mr. Rob Degre for taking time out
of his winter break to not only gave a witness talk but for
also attending all 3 days of the retreat and helping to facili-
tate a small group each day. Lastly, I am especially grateful
to Ms. Amy Gribaudo, a Confirmation II teacher who not
only attended each day of the retreat and facilitated a small
group but who also helped to plan, organize, and prepare
this retreat for our students. Her contributions went above
and beyond and I am extremely grateful for her help and
support during this hectic time!
As always, I am grateful for the prayers and sup-
port of our parish community. Please continue to pray for
our young people as they draw closer to their Confirmation
in May.
Be well-
St. Catherine of Siena School
“Meet the Authors Night” Wednesday, January 29
We invite and warmly welcome all of Norwood to our an-
nual “Meet the Authors Night” which will be held in the caf-
eteria of St. Catherine of Siena School on Wednesday,
January 29, from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. This year, three
nationally acclaimed children’s book authors will join us for
the evening: Barbara McGrath, Gregory Mone, and Mark
Peter Hughes. Each author will give a brief talk about
their books and about their experience writing for children.
You and your children will have a chance to talk with each
author and have your books personally autographed.
There will be a selection of each author’s books for pur-
chase. After the presentations, you and your children can
participate in arts and crafts activities and enjoy some
home-baked goods. This event is free and open to the
public. Join us!
John Culloty, pastor of St. Timothy’s Parish, announced
that Cardinal Sean has asked him to become the pastor of
a new “collaborative” made up of St. Edward’s Parish in
Medfield and St. Jude’s Parish in Norfolk. The effective
date is June 3, 2014. A new administrator will be appointed
in the next several months to take his place. The
“collaboratives” that are being formed now are part of
Phase Two of the Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese.
Phase Three will get under way in September of 2014
when the parishes of Phase Three will be announced.
Eventually, all parishes will be impacted over the seven
phases that are expected. When St. Catherine of Siena
Parish is included, we will be “twinned” with St. Timothy
Parish under the leadership of one pastor and a pastoral
St. Catherine of Siena School
8th Grade Fundraiser
The Olde Colonial Restaurant.
Monday, January 24th at 7 p.m.
$20.00 per person includes food and live
entertainment by the Maria Breen Band.
Please support SCS and the 8th grade trip to
Washington D.C. All are welcome!
Book Club: Saint Catherine’s Book Club will meet
on Tuesday, February 11 from 7-9 p.m. in the Siena
Room. We will be discussing The Prime of Miss Jean
Brodie by Muriel Spark. Newcomers are always wel-
Please Note: Fatima prayers and the Rosary will
be recited after the 7 a.m. Mass on Saturday,
February 1, the first Saturday of the month.
January 19, 2014
Religious Education
Grades 1-8
Please note that there are no classes on Sunday, January
19th or Tuesday, January 21st in observance of Martin
Luther King Day.
Grade 4 Family Mass: Sunday, February 9th at 9 a.m.
Fourth grade students and their families are invited to this
special Mass where we will celebrate and bless children in
our Grade 4 program.
January Class Dates:
Sunday, January 26th 10:15-11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, January 28th 4-5:15 p.m.
January Class Dates:
January 26th 4:45-6 p.m.
First Communion Family Retreat:
Sunday, January 26th 1-2:30 p.m. Gym and Cafeteria
Tuesday, January 28th 6:30-8 p.m. Church and Cafeteria
Students and at least one parent are expected to attend.
Students who regularly attend classes on Sunday should
come to the Sunday retreat, while students who attend
classes on Tuesday should come to the Tuesday retreat.
St. Catherine of Siena School students are welcome to
attend either date.
Youth Formation Ministry
YFM Email:
Class Dates
Confirmation I- Sunday, March 2nd from 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Confirmation II- Sunday March 2nd from 4:15-5:15 p.m.
*Please note that class will meet only for ONE HOUR on
Sunday, March 2nd. We will begin in the gym.*
Confirmation II Speaker
Sunday, February 9th from 6:15-7:45 p.m. at St. Timothy’s
in the Parish Hall. Students and a parent are expected to
attend. Attendance WILL be taken.
Thank You
Heartfelt thanks to our Confirmation II teachers who
helped to facilitate our retreats this past weekend at
Betania II in Medway! Your efforts are most appreciated!
Reminders for Students in Confirmation I and II
Students in Confirmation I are asked to submit their Con-
firmation sponsor forms to the Youth Minister by the end of
Students in Confirmation II are reminded that their Confir-
mation name sheets are due in by March 9th. An email
was sent home with a list of saint names as well as some
websites where saints names can be researched. We also
have books available in the YFM Office.
5 p.m. Sunday Liturgy
Students in the Confirmation program and their families
are invited and encouraged to join us for the 5 p.m. Sun-
day liturgy at St. Tim’s. This Mass is geared towards our
young people and our Youth Ensemble helps to provide
the music for this Mass. Additionally, priests from both St.
Catherine’s and St. Timothy’s alternate to celebrate the
liturgy with us each week! Please join us!
Washington D.C. Mission Trip Meeting
On Thursday, January 23rd, there will be a meeting for all
students ONLY who have signed up and paid the deposit
for this summer’s mission trip. The meeting will be held
from 7 -8:30 p.m. at St. Catherine’s School in the Loft. Fur-
ther information will be sent to the email you provided at
ATTENTION PARENTS: When children need to use the
bathrooms in the sacristy before, during or after Mass, it is
strongly recommended that an adult accompany them.
This is not meant to alarm anyone but merely to under-
score the simple fact that St. Catherine of Siena Parish is
a very safe and nurturing environment. Our aim is always
to protect our children.
Prayer Request
The following people are in need of
prayers this week: Paul and Bridgett and
If you or someone you love is in need of prayers, please visit our
website: and fill out a prayer re-
quest or call the rectory and ask to be added to the prayer list.
OPEN HOUSE: During Catholic Schools Week, St.
Catherine of Siena School will host three Open House
events for new and/or prospective parents. Help us to
spread the word about our wonderful school! If you have
relatives, friends, and neighbors who have ever consid-
ered a Catholic education for their children, now is the
time for them to come and see firsthand the exceptional
academic offerings at St. Catherine of Siena School. Inter-
ested parents who are unable to attend our Open House
events can call our Admissions Director, Linda Canniff, at
781-769-5354, ext. 262 or e-mail her at lcan- to schedule a personal tour and a
shadow day for their children. The dates, times, and loca-
tions for the Open House events are:
Sunday, January 26: 12-1 p.m. Gym
Wednesday, January 29: 10-11 a.m. Teachers’ Room
Wednesday, January 29: 6-8 p.m. Gym
April 5, 2014
Join us for the
St. Catherine of Siena School
Annual Gala and Auction
News from
Saint Catherine of Siena School
See Christ in Others
Be Christ for Others
Catholic Schools Week will be
celebrated in Catholic schools
throughout the United States
from January 26 – January 31.
The theme for this year is
Catholic Schools – Communi-
ties of Faith, Knowledge, and
Service. Currently there are
more than 7,000 elementary
and secondary Catholic
schools in the United States
staffed by more than 154,000
teachers and principals. We
know that parents choose to
send their children to Catho-
lic schools because well-
established research shows
that Catholic schools have:
a proven track record for academic excellence. Catholic
school elementary school students outperform their
peers in reading and math on the National Assessment
of Educational Progress and score above grade level in
reading, math, science, and social studies on the Stan-
ford Achievement Test, 10th edition.
a strong commitment to clear moral values inspired by
Gospel teachings.
daily formation in the teachings of the Catholic Church
and multiple, in-school opportunities to participate in
the sacramental and prayer life of the Church
a school climate in which it is important to study and
excel as well as to practice the social justice teachings of
the Catholic Church through service to one’s family,
school, and community. Catholic schools teach service
and social justice better than any other educational insti-
tution in our country.
an emphasis on developing student leadership as part of
the curriculum.
explicit encouragement of parents to be involved in the
academic, spiritual, emotional, and social growth of their
a sense of community, based on our belief in one God
and on our dignity within the Body of Christ.
Grade 3 Student Emma Doyle who performed in the Bos-
ton Ballet’s production of “The Nutcracker” in Decem-
Grade 7 Students Michael Curley, Fiona Thompson, and
Margaret Timmoney who participated as altar server and
lectors for Boston Catholic TV’s televised Mass on De-
cember 10 celebrated by Rev. Jean Pierre Aubin.
Upcoming Events
January 20 No School – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 24 Fundraiser for Grade 8 Trip to Washington,
DC Olde Colonial Restaurant 7 p.m.
January 26 - January 31 Catholic Schools Week
January 26 Mass 9 a.m. followed by Family Breakfast
January 26 Open House for New Families 12– 1 p.m. Gym
January 27 Pastor/Priest Appreciation Day
January 28 Parent and Family Appreciation Day
Open House 9 – 10 a.m.
January 29 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day
January 29 Open House for New Families – 10 – 11 a.m.
Teachers’ Room and 6 – 8 p.m. – gym
January 29 Meet the Authors Night 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
January 30 Author Visit: Children’s Author Jeff Kinney
(Diary of a Wimpy Kid) – 9 – 10:30 a.m.
January 31 Student Appreciation Day/Spirit Day
St. Catherine of Siena School Grade 4 students are getting a
unique opportunity to build their knowledge of science,
math, technology, and engineering (STEM) by using their
iPads to follow the voyage of Massachusetts Maritime Acade-
my’s training ship, the T.S. Kennedy, as it travels to Curacao,
Barbados, Colombia, and Miami over the next six weeks.
Each day, Grade 4 students and their teachers read an online
blog documenting the trip and the experiences of the cadets.
They use their iPads, individual maps and a giant hallway
map to chart the course of the voyage, learn nautical lan-
guage, identify geographical locations, and learn about the
ports, cities, and countries the ship will visit. They also use
their iPads to research and answer questions, view video
clips, and write about their learning. Later on, working in
teams, students will design a multimedia presentation, write
reports, and at the end of the six weeks, give a talk that they
will record digitally to demonstrate their learning. This past
week, students learned about the science of pulleys and
force. “We are learning how pulleys lift things up,” said
Grade 4 student Connor Walsh, “and how you measure that.”
The curriculum, “Follow the Voyage,” was developed by the
Mass. Maritime Academy.

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  • 1. St. Catherine of Siena Parish 547 Washington Street, Norwood, MA 02062 781-762-6080, January 19, 2014 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR MISSION St. Catherine of Siena Parish is a Roman Catholic communi- ty established in Norwood, MA in 1890. Responding to our baptismal call to holiness, we seek to live the teachings of Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition through worship, edu- cation, service and evangelization. OUR WELCOME All people are welcome at St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Regardless of your status in the Church, regardless of your marital state, regardless of your prior religious experience, regardless of your personal history, background, or sexual orientation, please know that you are invited, accepted and respected at St. Catherine of Siena Parish! Rev. Msgr. Paul Garrity, Pastor Rev. Jean Pierre Aubin, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Paul Ryan, In-Residence Rev. Mr. John Brent, Permanent Deacon St. Catherine of Siena School, 781-769-5354 Mrs. Mary Russo, Principal Mrs. Donna Haymes, Vice Principal Mrs. Mary Beth Cox, Director of Advancement x271 Mrs. Linda Canniff, Director of Admissions x262 Mr. John Farrell, Director of Facilities & Grounds x269 Mrs. Doris Hallee, Pastoral Associate x273 Mrs. Barbara Neem Director of Religious Education 781-762-6080 x13 Mrs. Leah Ramsdell Director of Youth Faith Formation 781-686-7887 Mr. Kirk Hartung Director of Music/Liturgical Ministries & Organist 781-762-6080 x26 Parish Office Staff Mr. Bob Calarese, Parish Business Manager Mrs. Diane Butts, Parish Bookkeeper Mrs. Claire Chateauneuf, Parish Bookkeeper Mrs. Laura Hayes, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Amy Campbell, Administrative Assistant stcatherinenorwood PARISH SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: Saturday: 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7 a.m., 9 a.m. (Family Mass) and 11 a.m. (Choir) Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 6:45 a.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.: 5:15 p.m., Saturday: 7 a.m. Holy Days: Vigil Mass 5:15 p.m. evening before the Holy Day. On the Holy Day, Masses are celebrated at 6:45 a.m., 12:10 p.m. and 7 p.m. Holiday Masses: 9 a.m. except on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. Mass is at 8 a.m. on those days. Rosary: Daily at 6:20 a.m. and immediately following the 5:15 p.m. Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3-3:45 p.m. or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: 1 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Must be arranged at least 1-2 months in ad- vance. Parent Pre-Baptism class is held on the first Sunday of the month. Sacrament of Matrimony: Engaged couples must contact one of the parish priests at least 8 months prior to making other wedding plans. Sacrament of the Sick: Please notify the rectory if anyone is ill in the hospital or at home. RCIA: If you are interested or an adult you know is interested in the Catholic faith, please contact a priest or call the rectory for more information. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 7:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. First Friday/Saturday 6 p.m. - 6:45 a.m. Chapel Celiac Disease: We have special hosts available for people who have gluten allergies. Please see a priest before Mass.
  • 2. From the Pastor’s Desk January 19, 2014 The Feast of the Holy Family takes place on the Sunday after Christmas and invites us to reflect on Jesus, Mary and Joseph as the first family of Christendom. To say the least, the Holy Family is totally unique. When Jesus was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled: “the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.” (Is.7.14) Likewise, the prophet Micah’s prediction about Bethlehem would also be realized: “You Bethlehem-Ephrathah, too small to be among the clans of Ju- dah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler of Isra- el; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times.” (Mi 5. 8-9) The star that led the Wisemen to Bethlehem was totally out of the ordi- nary events of life. And the shepherds visiting Joseph, Mary and their newborn son on that first Christmas night amidst the choirs of angels had to set that first Christmas apart from any other event in human history. The first Christmas was not a normal day in history and Mary, Joseph and Jesus were not and are not your average fami- ly. My bulletin column of December 29th tried to capture the unusual circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus and described them as being not “normal” or “ideal.” These words were used to contrast the Holy Family with what was described as the idyllic view of family life depicted in old television shows like “The Ozzie and Harriet Show” and “Leave It To Beaver.” In no way was there any intention to imply anything beyond this contrast. By calling attention to the impoverished circumstances in which the birth of Jesus took place, the clear implication was to invite us to have greater sensitivi- ty to the needs of the poor in our own day and to be sensitive to the difficulties and hardships that are all too often part of the human condition. In the Liturgy for Holy Family Sunday, St. Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians spoke of “…heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another … and over all these put on love that is the bond of perfec- tion.” (Col. 3. 12-14) Modeled by the Holy Family, these are the qualities that all families should seek to emulate. And, obviously, not only should families strive to live these virtues, but we should all be striving to make these the habits of our hearts too! Later this year, our Holy Father Pope Francis will convene a Synod in Rome to reflect upon the challenges that families face in our own day. A Synod is a very high level meeting of bishops repre- senting all the bishops’ conferences around the world. Traditionally, when the Synod concludes, the Pope issues a letter or instruction to the whole church that captures the work of the Synod bishops. This Synod already promises to be very historic because of the wide con- sultation that is being conducted in preparation for the fall meeting. The consultation is being conducted around 9 major areas of interest and is seeking objective feedback regarding the challenges that fami- lies face around the world. “Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evan- gelization,” the consultation document, reiterates the Church’s tradi- tional teachings on marriage and family. It identifies specific, con- temporary social realities and asks for information about the kind of pastoral care that is being provided. When the Synod convenes in October, the bishops will have much to discuss and, presumably, will challenge us all to a more Christ centered and evangelizing spir- ituality. As we look to the Synod in the fall and reflect on the beau- ty and simplicity of the Holy Family, let us together pray for all fam- ilies who strive to be vehicles of unconditional love in which chil- dren come to know by heart the origin of that love. Jesus, Mary and Joseph expect nothing less! God Bless! Msgr. Paul Calendar 1/19 No Religious Education/No Coffee Hour Bingo 6 p.m. 1/20 Martin Luther King Day, 9 a.m. Mass CYO Basketball 6-9 p.m. 1/21 No Religious Education SCS Basketball 5:30-9 p.m. Tiger Den 6-8 p.m. Loft School Advisory Board 7 p.m. Siena Room RCIA 7-9 p.m. Cafeteria 1/22 St. Vincent de Paul 7-8 p.m. Boy Scouts 7-8:30 p.m. Cafeteria CYO Basketball 7:30-9 p.m. 1/23 Legion of Mary 3-4 p.m. Siena Room Floor Hockey 3-4 p.m. Children’s Choir 3:30-4:30 p.m. Music Room SCS Basketball 5:30-9 p.m. Den 8, 6-8 p.m. Siena Room Mission Trip Meeting 7-8:30 p.m. Loft Adult Choir 7:30-9 p.m. Choir Loft 1/24 Musical Rehearsal 2:30-5:30 p.m. Gym SCS Basketball 6-9 p.m. 1/25 SCS Basketball 9 a.m. Special Needs Religious Education 9-10:15 a.m. Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest 6-8 p.m. Gym January 19, 2013 Mass Intentions Saturday, January 18, 2014 4 p.m. Vincenzo DiMunno Sunday, January 19, 2014 9 a.m. Domenic Quintiliani (1st Anniversary) 11 a.m. Theresa W. Dowling Monday, January 20, 2014 Martin Luther King Day Tuesday, January 21, 2014 6:45 a.m. John Shalbey and Nicole Shalbey Tourigney 5:15 p.m. Angela Grimm (2nd Anniversary) Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:45 a.m. Alexander Allan Thursday, January 23, 2014 6:45 a.m. 5:15 p.m. Harry and Teresa DeNapoli Friday, January 24, 2014 6:45 a.m. Arlene and Dave Tenney 5:15 p.m. Timothy and Edward O’Toole Saturday, January 25, 2014 7 a.m. Patricia Connors (1st Anniversary) 4 p.m. Bill Connolly (22nd Anniversary) Sunday, January 26, 2014 9 a.m. Joseph Slattery (1st Anniversary) 11 a.m. In Memory Please remember our beloved de- ceased, especially Richard Scarry and Fred Nashawaty who were buried from our parish this week. May they rest in peace.
  • 3. PARISH SUPPORT January 12, 2014: $12,426 St. Vincent de Paul: $6,067 Next weekend’s second collection supports the Church in Latin America. Thank you for your continued support! PLANNED GIVING Please remember the good works of our parish in your will. For more information, visit our website under “Planned Giving” or call Msgr. Paul or Bob Calarese at 781-762-6080. Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Schedule Weekend of 1/19 Team 1 Weekend of 1/26 Team 2 Weekend of 2/2 Team 3 GRAND ANNUAL NEARS THE GOAL! THANK YOU to all who have made a Grand Annual contri- bution this year. Right now we are within $9,267 of our goal of $200,000. To date, we have received 703 gifts. If you have not made your pledge/contribution as yet, we invite you to do so before the end of the year. Last year 832 families participated in our Grand Annual. This year we are hoping to top this number in a significant way. Re- gardless of the size of your contribution, we hope that eve- ryone will make a donation within their means. And thank you again, to all who have brought us this far this year ! Increased Offertory Program to be conducted at St Catherine’s Parish This weekend we are announcing the start of an Increased Offertory Program that is important to the life of our parish. Upon the recommendation of the Parish Finance Council, all parish households are being asked to increase their Weekly Commitment to the best of their financial ability through the Sunday Offertory Collection. We ask all parishioners to reflect on the importance of the program and their role as stewards of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Please support the parish through the offertory envelope sys- tem or on-line giving. All increases – large and small – will greatly benefit the parish. Recent economic difficulties continue to affect our parish financially as it has many of your house- holds. The elimination of a Sunday morning Mass has also impacted our financial health. Our parish family must confront these concerns with a concerted effort to raise our Sunday Offertory Collection. We are aware that some families are experiencing difficult financial times, but we are counting on those who are able to make a sacrifice and increase their weekly offering. You will receive a brochure and COMMIT- MENT ENVELOPE in the mail over the next few days. This brochure contains information about our circumstances and a statement of the parish financ- es. Please read it carefully and prayerfully, and return your Commitment Envelope to Mass on Saturday and Sunday, February 8th and 9th. If you are going to be out-of-town or unable to attend Mass at this time, please mail your Commit- ment Envelope to the parish office or simply place it in the collection basket the following weekend. Thank you for your support! - Msgr. Paul Our Parish Community is a reflection of each of its members. Our generosity determines what this community can do for others. A small sacrifice makes a big difference. Second Collection Next Weekend: Next week’s second collection supports the Church in Latin Amer- ica (CLA). The CLA provides support for pastoral projects in financially poor dioceses in Latin America and the Caribbean. CLA funds catechetical and lay leadership programs, youth ministry, evangelization programs, and formation programs for religious, priests and deacons. Please visit latinamerica for more information. At all the Masses this weekend, you will have an opportunity to sign up to join a Lenten Prayer Group. Sign-up cards are available in all the benches in the church. Please return your completed card to one of the boxes at the church exits, in the collec- tion baskets at Mass, or to the Rectory. The Prayer Groups will meet once a week from March 2nd through April 12th. If you sign up, a member of the Living the Eu- charist Planning Team will contact you to provide infor- mation about when and where your group will meet. Please direct your questions about this program to the Program Coordinator, Jane Macdonald, at “Commitment Weekend” February 8th & 9th RESPECT LIFE: Please join us in praying for the unborn and for greater respect for all life from con- ception to natural death and all the moments in be- tween as we observe the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. From January 18 to the 25th, we will pray the Hail Mary at the end of Mass for this inten- tion. MCFL ASSEMBLY FOR LIFE: Sunday, January 26 at Faneuil Hall from 2-4 p.m. A bus will leave from the Cottage Street parking lot in Norwood at 1 p.m. Come and join this Prayer Rally for the protection of the unborn and for an end to abortion. Voluntary contribution for the bus is $10. For more information, call Theresa at 781-762-2902. CHORAL MUSIC: Saturday, February 8 at 7 p.m. St. Catherine of Siena's Youth Choir Pro- gram will present: "Evensong: A Night of Reflec- tion and Light." Join us for a midwinter's night of beautiful music, poetry, prayer and meditation.
  • 4. St. Catherine of Siena Parish Question of the Week – for all parish families, groups, and committees! John the Baptist recognized Jesus by his deeds. Where do you see Jesus in our world today? Notes From Our Staff Leah Ramsdell Director of Youth Ministry . This past weekend students who will be confirmed in May participated in our annual Confirmation retreat. We traveled by bus to the beautiful grounds and space of Betania II in Medway where we were hosted most hospita- bly by their excellent staff. In addition to regular class meetings and speakers, the retreat is one of the most important elements our stu- dents participate in prior to being confirmed. It offers time for different team building activities like icebreakers and small group discussion but it also gives our students the opportunity to hear the witness of others who have been confirmed and can speak to what life is like “after” Confir- mation. This year’s speaker, Rob Degre, is a graduate of both St. Catherine of Siena school and Xaverian Brothers High School as well as a former participant in the Confir- mation program. Currently a freshman at Providence Col- lege, Rob is studying theology as well as participating in the ROTC program. In his talk he discussed with our stu- dents a time in his own life when his faith was challenged and how he continued to work at staying faithful despite the obstacles he faced. He encouraged our students to contin- ue to give back to their parishes after Confirmation by teaching in the religious education program, taking part in a mission trip, or simply by attending mass. In addition to these elements, students also created banners depicting the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. These banners will be on dis- play at their Confirmation liturgy in May. This is a wonderful way for all of our students to feel involved with and a part of their Confirmation celebration. Lastly, logistics concern- ing the actual Confirmation liturgy were discussed and all of the students attended mass as a close to the day. It was a wonderful weekend filled with enthusiasm and spirit! As you can imagine, planning a retreat that takes place on 3 separate days for close to 200 students requires a great deal of planning, organization, and work. I am es- pecially grateful to the following Confirmation II teachers who gave of their time this weekend to help facilitate the retreat; Mr.Fernando Bolivar, Mrs. Anne Watson, Mr. Ned Greene, Mr. Pat Payne, Mrs. Linda Mogan, Mrs. Mary- Ellen Gioioso, Mrs. Beth Formica, Mrs. Cara Gardella, Mr. Stephen O’Brien, Mrs. Karen DiCenzo, and Mrs. Laura Horsfall. I’d like to thank Mr. Rob Degre for taking time out of his winter break to not only gave a witness talk but for also attending all 3 days of the retreat and helping to facili- tate a small group each day. Lastly, I am especially grateful to Ms. Amy Gribaudo, a Confirmation II teacher who not only attended each day of the retreat and facilitated a small group but who also helped to plan, organize, and prepare this retreat for our students. Her contributions went above and beyond and I am extremely grateful for her help and support during this hectic time! As always, I am grateful for the prayers and sup- port of our parish community. Please continue to pray for our young people as they draw closer to their Confirmation in May. Be well- Leah St. Catherine of Siena School “Meet the Authors Night” Wednesday, January 29 We invite and warmly welcome all of Norwood to our an- nual “Meet the Authors Night” which will be held in the caf- eteria of St. Catherine of Siena School on Wednesday, January 29, from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. This year, three nationally acclaimed children’s book authors will join us for the evening: Barbara McGrath, Gregory Mone, and Mark Peter Hughes. Each author will give a brief talk about their books and about their experience writing for children. You and your children will have a chance to talk with each author and have your books personally autographed. There will be a selection of each author’s books for pur- chase. After the presentations, you and your children can participate in arts and crafts activities and enjoy some home-baked goods. This event is free and open to the public. Join us! PASTORAL PLANNING UPDATE: Last weekend Father John Culloty, pastor of St. Timothy’s Parish, announced that Cardinal Sean has asked him to become the pastor of a new “collaborative” made up of St. Edward’s Parish in Medfield and St. Jude’s Parish in Norfolk. The effective date is June 3, 2014. A new administrator will be appointed in the next several months to take his place. The “collaboratives” that are being formed now are part of Phase Two of the Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese. Phase Three will get under way in September of 2014 when the parishes of Phase Three will be announced. Eventually, all parishes will be impacted over the seven phases that are expected. When St. Catherine of Siena Parish is included, we will be “twinned” with St. Timothy Parish under the leadership of one pastor and a pastoral team. St. Catherine of Siena School 8th Grade Fundraiser The Olde Colonial Restaurant. Monday, January 24th at 7 p.m. $20.00 per person includes food and live entertainment by the Maria Breen Band. Please support SCS and the 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. All are welcome! Book Club: Saint Catherine’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, February 11 from 7-9 p.m. in the Siena Room. We will be discussing The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark. Newcomers are always wel- come! Please Note: Fatima prayers and the Rosary will be recited after the 7 a.m. Mass on Saturday, February 1, the first Saturday of the month.
  • 5. January 19, 2014 Religious Education Grades 1-8 Please note that there are no classes on Sunday, January 19th or Tuesday, January 21st in observance of Martin Luther King Day. UPCOMING DATES Grade 4 Family Mass: Sunday, February 9th at 9 a.m. Fourth grade students and their families are invited to this special Mass where we will celebrate and bless children in our Grade 4 program. GRADES 1-5: January Class Dates: Sunday, January 26th 10:15-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 28th 4-5:15 p.m. GRADES 6-8: January Class Dates: January 26th 4:45-6 p.m. GRADE 2: First Communion Family Retreat: Sunday, January 26th 1-2:30 p.m. Gym and Cafeteria Tuesday, January 28th 6:30-8 p.m. Church and Cafeteria Students and at least one parent are expected to attend. Students who regularly attend classes on Sunday should come to the Sunday retreat, while students who attend classes on Tuesday should come to the Tuesday retreat. St. Catherine of Siena School students are welcome to attend either date. Youth Formation Ministry YFM Email: Class Dates Confirmation I- Sunday, March 2nd from 3:15-4:15 p.m. Confirmation II- Sunday March 2nd from 4:15-5:15 p.m. *Please note that class will meet only for ONE HOUR on Sunday, March 2nd. We will begin in the gym.* Confirmation II Speaker Sunday, February 9th from 6:15-7:45 p.m. at St. Timothy’s in the Parish Hall. Students and a parent are expected to attend. Attendance WILL be taken. Thank You Heartfelt thanks to our Confirmation II teachers who helped to facilitate our retreats this past weekend at Betania II in Medway! Your efforts are most appreciated! Reminders for Students in Confirmation I and II Students in Confirmation I are asked to submit their Con- firmation sponsor forms to the Youth Minister by the end of January. Students in Confirmation II are reminded that their Confir- mation name sheets are due in by March 9th. An email was sent home with a list of saint names as well as some websites where saints names can be researched. We also have books available in the YFM Office. 5 p.m. Sunday Liturgy Students in the Confirmation program and their families are invited and encouraged to join us for the 5 p.m. Sun- day liturgy at St. Tim’s. This Mass is geared towards our young people and our Youth Ensemble helps to provide the music for this Mass. Additionally, priests from both St. Catherine’s and St. Timothy’s alternate to celebrate the liturgy with us each week! Please join us! Washington D.C. Mission Trip Meeting On Thursday, January 23rd, there will be a meeting for all students ONLY who have signed up and paid the deposit for this summer’s mission trip. The meeting will be held from 7 -8:30 p.m. at St. Catherine’s School in the Loft. Fur- ther information will be sent to the email you provided at registration. ATTENTION PARENTS: When children need to use the bathrooms in the sacristy before, during or after Mass, it is strongly recommended that an adult accompany them. This is not meant to alarm anyone but merely to under- score the simple fact that St. Catherine of Siena Parish is a very safe and nurturing environment. Our aim is always to protect our children. Prayer Request The following people are in need of prayers this week: Paul and Bridgett and Colin. If you or someone you love is in need of prayers, please visit our website: and fill out a prayer re- quest or call the rectory and ask to be added to the prayer list. OPEN HOUSE: During Catholic Schools Week, St. Catherine of Siena School will host three Open House events for new and/or prospective parents. Help us to spread the word about our wonderful school! If you have relatives, friends, and neighbors who have ever consid- ered a Catholic education for their children, now is the time for them to come and see firsthand the exceptional academic offerings at St. Catherine of Siena School. Inter- ested parents who are unable to attend our Open House events can call our Admissions Director, Linda Canniff, at 781-769-5354, ext. 262 or e-mail her at lcan- to schedule a personal tour and a shadow day for their children. The dates, times, and loca- tions for the Open House events are: Sunday, January 26: 12-1 p.m. Gym Wednesday, January 29: 10-11 a.m. Teachers’ Room Wednesday, January 29: 6-8 p.m. Gym SAVE THE DATE April 5, 2014 Join us for the St. Catherine of Siena School Annual Gala and Auction
  • 6. News from Saint Catherine of Siena School See Christ in Others Be Christ for Others CATHOLIC SCHOOLS – HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated in Catholic schools throughout the United States from January 26 – January 31. The theme for this year is Catholic Schools – Communi- ties of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Currently there are more than 7,000 elementary and secondary Catholic schools in the United States staffed by more than 154,000 teachers and principals. We know that parents choose to send their children to Catho- lic schools because well- established research shows that Catholic schools have: a proven track record for academic excellence. Catholic school elementary school students outperform their peers in reading and math on the National Assessment of Educational Progress and score above grade level in reading, math, science, and social studies on the Stan- ford Achievement Test, 10th edition. a strong commitment to clear moral values inspired by Gospel teachings. daily formation in the teachings of the Catholic Church and multiple, in-school opportunities to participate in the sacramental and prayer life of the Church a school climate in which it is important to study and excel as well as to practice the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church through service to one’s family, school, and community. Catholic schools teach service and social justice better than any other educational insti- tution in our country. an emphasis on developing student leadership as part of the curriculum. explicit encouragement of parents to be involved in the academic, spiritual, emotional, and social growth of their children. a sense of community, based on our belief in one God and on our dignity within the Body of Christ. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Grade 3 Student Emma Doyle who performed in the Bos- ton Ballet’s production of “The Nutcracker” in Decem- ber. Grade 7 Students Michael Curley, Fiona Thompson, and Margaret Timmoney who participated as altar server and lectors for Boston Catholic TV’s televised Mass on De- cember 10 celebrated by Rev. Jean Pierre Aubin. Upcoming Events January 20 No School – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 24 Fundraiser for Grade 8 Trip to Washington, DC Olde Colonial Restaurant 7 p.m. January 26 - January 31 Catholic Schools Week January 26 Mass 9 a.m. followed by Family Breakfast January 26 Open House for New Families 12– 1 p.m. Gym January 27 Pastor/Priest Appreciation Day January 28 Parent and Family Appreciation Day Open House 9 – 10 a.m. January 29 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day January 29 Open House for New Families – 10 – 11 a.m. Teachers’ Room and 6 – 8 p.m. – gym January 29 Meet the Authors Night 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. January 30 Author Visit: Children’s Author Jeff Kinney (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) – 9 – 10:30 a.m. January 31 Student Appreciation Day/Spirit Day ST. CATHERINE’S GRADE 4 STUDENTS FOLLOW THE VOYAGE St. Catherine of Siena School Grade 4 students are getting a unique opportunity to build their knowledge of science, math, technology, and engineering (STEM) by using their iPads to follow the voyage of Massachusetts Maritime Acade- my’s training ship, the T.S. Kennedy, as it travels to Curacao, Barbados, Colombia, and Miami over the next six weeks. Each day, Grade 4 students and their teachers read an online blog documenting the trip and the experiences of the cadets. They use their iPads, individual maps and a giant hallway map to chart the course of the voyage, learn nautical lan- guage, identify geographical locations, and learn about the ports, cities, and countries the ship will visit. They also use their iPads to research and answer questions, view video clips, and write about their learning. Later on, working in teams, students will design a multimedia presentation, write reports, and at the end of the six weeks, give a talk that they will record digitally to demonstrate their learning. This past week, students learned about the science of pulleys and force. “We are learning how pulleys lift things up,” said Grade 4 student Connor Walsh, “and how you measure that.” The curriculum, “Follow the Voyage,” was developed by the Mass. Maritime Academy.