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The Biology Of Early Life Stages Of Fish Development
Understanding the biology of early life history stages of fish is essential for effective fisheries
management (Mwaluma et al., 2014; Hames Hichford, 2005). For example, knowledge in fish
development such as ontogenetic intervals and embryonic and larval development of fish species is
a prerequisite to set the policies for their conservation and stock enhancement through larviculture
(Rahman et al, 2009; Yanes–Roca et al., 2012; Amini et al., 2015; Andrade et al., 2016).
Furthermore, the mechanisms that affect the survival during the early life stages of fish can regulate
the future year–class strength (Mwaluma et al., 2014; Garrido et al., 2009). Consequently, estimated
variability in abundance of fish eggs and larval survival rate can ... Show more content on ...
Larval stages are followed by a transformation stage during which individuals transform to
juveniles, which morphologically resemble adults (Osse et al., 1997). Anatomical, physiological,
and behavioral changes such as dentition, feeding behavior, and swimming capacity allow various
larval stages to attain new capabilities for biological activities, which in turn enable them to utilize
their new environmental conditions (Moteki, 2002, Moteki et al., 2002; Pena and Dumas, 2009).
Identification of eggs and newly hatched larvae have been proven difficult due to having little or no
resemblance to their adult stages, considerable overlap in the time and location of spawning among
multiple fish species, similarity in morphology of eggs among species, small size, and quick
changes in shapes during larval stage (Victor et al., 2009; Ko et al., 2013; Amini et al., 2015).
In the present study, we also aimed to describe the larval characteristics of fish species in Southern
Caspian Sea based on morphometric and meristic variables and pigmentation patterns. Several
ichthyoplankton surveys have been carried out in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, located on coastal
waters of Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan and Sistan–Balochistan provinces, Iran (Rabbaniha,
1998; Rabbaniha, 2002; Rabbanihaet al., 2003; Rabbaniha, 2007; Vosough et al., 2009; Vosough et
al., 2010;
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Photo Above: Plesiometa Argyra
Photo above shows a spider called Plesiometa argyra. This fellow is extremely good at weaving
web. His web can be as perfect as the masterpiece created by a renowned artist, Picasso. Though he
is good at creating beautiful arts, his life is not calm and peace. A parasitic wasp which he regards as
an alien has fully disturbed his tranquility life. The sting of this alien is powerful enough to control
his brain, making him "handicapped" from being thinking properly. This alien makes use of the
advantage of the weapon (stings) to implant the top secret codes into his brain. The alien delivers the
larvae together with the carefully planned "bombing blueprint" into his body with the aims to
colonize his private territory. Due to this intrusion, ... Show more content on ...
The egg hatches into a larva which sucks the spider's blood through small holes, while the spider
goes on about its normal web building and insect catching behavior for the next one to two weeks.
When the larva is ready to pupate, it injects a chemical into the spider, causing it to build a web
whose design is completely different from any it has ever made, and then to sit motionless in the
middle of this web. Even if the larva is removed prior to the web–building process, the spider still
engages in aberrant web–spinning.[2][3] The wasp larva then molts, kills the spider with a poison
and sucks its body dry before discarding it and building a cocoon that hangs from the middle of the
web the spider has just built. The larva pupates inside the cocoon, then emerges to mate and begin
the cycle over again.
Normal orb weaving consists of several steps:
1. Build non–sticky frame lines attached to supporting objects and a few initial radial lines. This
process sometimes involves establishing connections with surrounding objects by floating a line in
the wind and hoping it catches somewhere.
2. Add more non–sticky radial lines attached to these frame lines, in some cases adding at the same
time less peripheral, "secondary" frame
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Roundworm Research Paper
Nematodes, also known as roundworms due to their round cross–section, are parasites that can
affect both domesticated and wild animals (Bassert and Thomas 451). The roundworms that are
common in dogs are Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, and Trichuris vulpis (Bassert and
Thomas 451). The roundworms that are common in cats are Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Dirofilaria
immitis, and Toxocara cati (Bassert and Thomas 451). Dirofilaria immitis and Toxascaris leonina
can affect both dogs and cats (Bassert and Thomas 451). Baylisascaris procyonis can affect both
raccoons and dogs (Bassert and Thomas 454). Roundworms can live in many of the organs and
systems of the body, such as the eye, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system, circulatory system, ...
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Puppies and kittens should be dewormed in 2–week intervals from 2 weeks of age to eliminate the
shedding of eggs (Bassert and Thomas 453). Dams can be dewormed or given monthly anthelmintic
or heartworm preventatives before breeding (Bassert and Thomas 453). Prevention & Control Feces
removal and cleaning the kennels should be done daily to prevent infection (Bassert and Thomas
454). Sandboxes should be covered when they are not being used (Bassert and Thomas 454).
Stopping pica in children, removing feces, enforcing leash laws, and using proper hygiene and
handwashing can help prevent infection in owners (Bassert and Thomas 454). Prognosis & Public
Health Significance Prognosis is good with treatment in animals that are not extremely debilitated.
Young children living with puppies or kittens may be susceptible to visceral larva migrans (VLM)
and ocular larva migrans (OLM) (Bassert and Thomas 452–453). The child ingests the second stage
larvae (infective) which migrates through the lung or liver (VLM) or the eye (OLM) (Bassert and
Thomas 453). Parents need to be cautious of places where children can ingest the infective eggs,
such as playgrounds with dog or cat feces and uncovered sandboxes (Bassert and Thomas
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An Example Of Complete Metamorphosis In Prostomes
An example of complete metamorphosis in Protostomes is the Annelida having trochophore larva
(Figure 3), "a free–swimming top–shaped larva with two bands of cilia around its middle".
(Solomon et al., 2015) For aquatic annelids like tubeworms, the movement of cilia on its larva
creates water current which helps in locomotion and feeding by bringing the food closer. Annelids
then develop a tubular body that is segmented (Figure 4). In addition to trochophore larva, Mollusca
have a veliger larva in its second larval stage. The veliger larva consists of a shell, foot and mantle,
and is exclusively aquatic. (Solomon et al., 2015) Echinoderms having larvae with bilateral
symmetry and adults with pentaradial symmetry is an example of metamorphosis
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Research Study On Genetic Dissection Of Mechanosensory...
Scientific Literature Worksheet (Due Lab 2)
Upload completed Worksheet to SafeAssign and bring a hard copy to lab for grading Name
________Ivy Wu__________ TA ____Lauren Prentis_____ Section _22__ What is the topic
number of your assigned article and the title of the paper?
#12 Title: "Genetic Dissection of Mechanosensory Transduction: Mechanoreception–Defective
Mutations of Drosophila" Outline of the Main Points to be included in your Poster Presentation of
your article WHY: Briefly describe the purpose of your article. The purpose of the article is to
identify the genes that are involved in mechanotransduction. Drosophila is used as the model for the
experiment because of the adult's ability to be assayed electrophysiologically into a system that
enables the tracking of genetic and behavioral analysis. The experiment is performed to understand
more about the mechanosensitive cells in the body for the sense of touch and hearing. The research
was done to figure out if mechanosensory receptors are indeed structurally dissimilar from the G
protein–linked receptors responsible to transduce an other sensory stimuli. WHAT: What do you
hope to learn from reading this article? I hope to learn more about the reason behind the use of
Drosophila because I have never seen them being used in experimentation to compare to the human
body as well. I also found the idea that these receptors deal with our sense, which is mentioned in
the article are abilities that we
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Local Climatic Regimes Of West Bengal
The study was conducted in Kolkata, ZSI, Latitude :22° 30 ' 51.6888" and Longitude: 88° 19 '
30.5256" were recorded by GPS meter.A dead Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) was a bought from a
market near Zoological Survey (ZSI) of India (n=3) for three seasons, Kolkata premises, and was
kept in ambient outdoor conditions, inside the ZSI premises. The data for the abiotic factors was
gathered from the meteorological data was collected from the Meterological Department, Alipore,
Kolkata. The local climatic regimes of West Bengal is sub divided into three seasons, viz., pre
monsoon (March to June), monsoon (July to October) and post monsoon (November to February).
During the experiments, the measured average temperature (°C ) ranged from 35 – 43, in the pre
monsoon season, 37 – 30, in the monsoon season and 35 – 25, in the post monsoon season. Relative
humidity (%) ranged from 59 – 45, in the pre monsoon season, 90 – 75, during the monsoon season
and 42 – 35, in the post monsoon season. Average precipatation was null during the pre and post
monsoon seasons, the range of the monsoon season was found to be 58 – 35. And average wind
speed (km/hr) ranged from 31 – 13, in the pre monsoon season, 20 – 12, in the monsoon and 15 – 8,
in the post monsoon season. (See table.1).
II.b .) Collection of the fly specimen
The chicken carcass was placed on a raised platform, surrounded by water on all sides to discourage
ants and malise trap was used for overhead capture of dipteran specimens.
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Abraham Sapien Research Paper
Melody Maniex
Abraham Sapien
Abraham Sapien is a humanoid creature from the Hellboy Universe. Abraham goes by Abe, and has
a fascinating display of amphibious and fish like structures in tandem with a human–like body plan.
Abe was discovered alone and comatose in 1978 with a note reading, "Ichthyo Sapiens. April 14,
1865" indicating advanced age. Abraham Sapien was nicknamed Abe after Abraham Lincoln, as the
date on the note was the day Lincoln died. When Abe was discovered he was comatose and only
awoke after researchers experimented with shocking him. Abe adapted to human culture quickly and
joined the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) as a special agent. Abe has
appeared in many forms throughout ... Show more content on ...
Further support for the larval theory is that tiger salamander larvae are extremely hardy. Abe has
amazing resilience to the environment and injury. Abe is shown to have suffered deep lacerations to
the chest and possible infection from exposure to sewer water. Abe was placed in a recovery
chamber, with no medicine or treatment administered, only his vitals were monitored. After several
days in a deep sleep he was fully recovered with no visible scaring. This time frame is identical to a
salamander recovering from a limb amputation. Within 6–12 hours, a plasma clot forms and
epidermal cells from the amputation site migrate to the wound surface. During the next 4 days,
proteases degrade the extracellular matrices of the tissues beneath the wound epidermis. The
degradation process produces single cells that undergo dramatic dedifferentiation: reverting back to
undifferentiated cells. To prevent differentiation of the newly formed crop of undifferentiated cells,
genes expressed in differentiated tissue are downregulated, such as mrf4 and myf5 in muscle cells.
Proliferative genes such as mslx are upregulated to help re–create the progress zone mesenchyme of
the embryonic limb. Once enough cells have proliferated, they dedifferentiate to form the structure
of the limb (or whichever area of the body they are
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The Caterpillar Essay
Caterpillars are innocent creatures that have inspired an author to write a piece about their daily life.
In the poem "The Caterpillar" by Anna Barbauld discusses two themes which are a realistic theme
and the hidden theme. Imagery helps with all the themes present in the poem. One example of
imagery is "the silver line that streaks thy back" (line 4). "The Caterpillar" talks about an insect that
seems just like any other insect but the way she writes about it is as if she is glorifying caterpillars.
She talks of a caterpillar as an innocent creature on this earth that can do no harm. The poem then
discusses the unnecessary killing of that innocence. Caterpillars mind their own business and do not
mean to harm anyone while trying to complete their metamorphosis or better known as the butterfly
cycle. Killing an innocent creature simply because they are pests is wrong, especially due to the
issue that everything in the natural world is interconnected. When killing creatures', humans are
tampering with nature's natural cycle because every animal has a specific spot on the food chain.
The upfront theme is the one that many may understand when they read the poem for the ... Show
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It would be until later that she would be praised by a more recent society. One writer stated that
"Barbauld provided an early nineteenth–century retrospect of, mainly, the eighteenth–century novel,
with an eye alert to what she calls the "ordonnance" of a novelist's plan, its architectural
arrangement and design" (Tonner 172). Her works made people look at things differently; it showed
aspirations to realism and to morals. Barbauld focused on fiction writing while relating it back to the
aesthetic aspects of novels which many did not understand during her time. Her views on the plot of
her books and various essays are now praised while during her time was not. Morals compared to
the real situations in life is the summary of most of her
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Fish Is The Best Flavor And Quality Of A Fresh Fish
Seafood has become more and more prevalent for people to want to eat these days. Fish in
particular, all kinds, has become a bigger want. There are more than 30,000 different species of fish.
There are different specifications such as the type, skeletal structure, and how the they are harvested.
Fish can either be domesticated or man influenced or wild harvested, which delivers the best flavor
and quality of a fresh fish. Fish can be purchased with many different options as well. Striper, or
also known as: striped bass, rockfish, linesider, roller, squidhound, or simply as bass, or
scientifically as Morone saxatilis. It is a coastal sport fish and native to pretty much the whole east
coast and is wild caught and farmed in some cases. ... Show more content on ...
Oddly enough, striper is one of the California's top ranking sport fish now. The fish was numbered
at approximately 3 million adults in the early 1960s and about 775 thousand with 30% hatchery–
reared in the early 1990s; this was when the fish was in relative abundance. Over the years last–
ditch efforts are being made to restore western fisheries. Striper, a round fish, has several qualities
that can be used to differentiate them from other fish found on the east coast. It has a large mouth,
which has jaws that extend backward to just below the eye. There are two prominent spines on the
gill covers. The first, most anterior of its two well–developed and separated dorsal fins, has a series
of sharp and stiffened spines. The anal fin on the other hand, which is about as long as the posterior
dorsal fin has three sharp spines. Its upper body can either appear to be steel blue, light green, olive,
brown, or black depending on its ecosystem it lives in. The lateral line that the fish has is marks their
silvery sides and has either seven or eight continuous stripes around it. Their bellies or undersides
are typically white or silver, with a brassy iridescence to it in some cases. Striper typically live up to
forty years, five feet in length, and reach weights greater than 100 pounds in most cases. The
females are usually greater in size than the males and when the stripers are over thirty pounds, most
likely it is a female. The females also tend to
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Causes And Consequences Of Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are significant groups of arthropods that inhabit aquatic habitats. They are probably
adverse arthropods, which transmits wide range of pathogens that cause drastic deadly diseases such
as human malaria, dengue, filariasis, viral encephalitis (Leopoldo 2008). Zika virus, another
mosquitoe borne infection was first reported in Brazil by Pan American Health Organization in
2015. After the identification, the Zika virus has spread tremendously all around America. The
illness begins with mild symptoms lasting up to a week after being bitten by vector mosquito.
However, an infection during pregnancy may cause certain neurological anomalies like
microcephaly and several other brain defects (Plourde & Bloch 2016).Thus control of mosquitoes
becomes the need of the hour to prevent wide epidemic infections. However, it is difficult to control
and prevent severe consequences created by mosquito species (Aneesh 2009).
Currently a total of 3549 recognized mosquito species belonging to subfamily Culicinae are reported
all over the world (Harbach 2016). Out of this more than hundred species of mosquitoes are capable
of disease transmission to humans and other ... Show more content on ...
Pupae don't require food and be alive for 1–3 days before the adult form. Male adult mosquitoes
primarily feed nectar from plants to get sugar while the female mosquitoes imbibe the blood meal to
generate viable eggs (Leopoldo 2008). Female mosquitoes usually nourish every 3–5days. A.
albopictus females are diurnal feeders; they not only give preference to attack large mammals but
also imbibe blood meals from birds (Savage et al
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Characteristics Of Sargassum Fish
MARB 425–406
Comparing Natural Mortality of Sargassum Fish (Histrio histrio) and Blue Runner (Caranx crysos).
Violeta Curameng
Abstract In the Gulf of Mexico a variety of marine environments can be utilized by fish. Common
environments include Coral reefs and Sargassum. An assortment of fish can inhabit these
environments but which environment they live in depends on their life history. Histrio histrio
(Sargassum Fish) live in the Sargassum and Caranx Crysos (Blue Runner) live in the open water
near reefs. Natural mortality of these species can be linked to their distribution and their life history
In the Gulf of Mexico there are many different marine habitats that reside in its waters. From reef
environments to floating Sargassum, a diverse variety of fishes can be found. Sargassum, is a type of
brown algae that consists of two species, S. natans and S. fluitans (Rooker 2006). Sargassum has
been linked to primary and secondary production and can also be a hot spot of production which
would be an ideal habitat for pelagic fishes (Peres 1982). Coral reefs are a habitat that are common
in the Gulf of Mexico, such as, the Flower Garden Banks (NOAA 2017). There are also many
artificial reefs in the gulf that provide shelter for many fish species (Bull 1994). Of these habitats
fish such as, Histrio histrio (Sargassum Fish) and Caranx crysos (Blue Runner) are abundant. H.
histrio can be found hidden in the Sargassum environments while
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West Nile Abuse In Delaware
Delaware is a good place to live. Delaware has a lot of woodland. When you tell people about
woodland they think peaceful and relaxing. Or going on adventure or seeing animals or having fun
with the family.The thing they don't think about is mosquito.We all know they cause terrible itchy
bites.The thing they don't know is that they can give you a disease.For example Chikungunya virus
and West Nile Virus. West nile virus is really known in the US.
In delaware they control mosquito.They are called DNREC Mosquito Control.The DNREC don't let
the number of mosquito increase, or even decrease.If they eliminated all the mosquito the food chain
would go crazy. DNREC goes everywhere to control mosquito.They go to wetland and woodland.
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Reality Check: Becoming Her
Reality Check: Becoming "Her"
The theme for this quarter is Evolution. The definition of evolution is the gradual development of
something, especially from a simple to a more complex form. So, it's befitting that the topic I chose
be about metamorphosis. In the process of becoming all who God ordained us to be, we should
always be evolving, going forward and progressing.
I guarantee you, that today, you are not the same person you were ten years ago, and ten years from
now you will not be the person you are today. We are always in a state of "Becoming" which, by
definition, is the process of coming to be something. Our trials and tribulations is the process. The
question is who are we? Think ... Show more content on ...
Our triumphs, struggles and pain are designed to help us grow and continue to become better
versions of ourselves. And that, my friend, is who "Her" is. Her is me. Her is you. "HER" is the
woman you want to be. Who you are called to be? Unfortunately, we have to go through that
uncomfortable metamorphic stage to get to our version of "HER". Becoming "HER" is all about
becoming the woman you see yourself as. Fulfilling your destiny and operating in your purpose.
Becoming her is about you reaching your maximum potential, becoming the highest form of
yourself, while simultaneously using your God given gifts, talents and abilities. I advise and implore
you to embrace the process. Don't allow anything or anyone to stunt or stagnate your growth.
Remember, everyone is not supposed to be privy to your journey. There are many paths along our
journey and no short cuts. If you are like me, you don't want to be wandering around the dessert for
forty years trying to get to the Promised Land. My hope, my desire and my prayer for you as well as
for myself is that we don't keep repeating past mistakes. I hope we learn the lesson and past the test
the first time so we can be promoted and move on. Last but not least, I will end with an old African
American proverb. Each one, Teach one. If you can help your fellow sister in her process of
becoming "HER" it's even more rewarding. Be a
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Cutaneous Larva Diagnosis
Diagnosis and management of cutaneous larva migrans By Dr. Liji Thomas, MD Cutaneous larva
migrans is caused by the epidermal migration of the filariform larvae of various hookworm and
occasionally, dog tapeworm, species. The most common type is due to the dog/cat hookworm
Ancylostoma braziliense. It manifests as a red or vesicular lesion at the site of entry of the larva,
usually between the toes of the bare foot. The skin around this papule is usually pruritic. Symptoms
of severe itching start immediately after infestation, and are associated with the appearance of an
advancing reddish, serpiginous rash. This lesion is usually benign, and lasts for weeks to months.
Eventually the larvae, having entered an accidental host, die because they ... Show more content on ...
As a result they die within weeks or months, and the symptoms vanish. However, the severe itching
for several weeks or months may be intolerable. It can lead to scratching with the risk of secondary
skin infection. Also, there is a risk of complications, such as impetigo, hyper–eosinophilia and
allergic reactions to the presence of the larvae. Treatment of cutaneous larva migrans may be done
with 10 – 15% thiabendazole ointment or solution topically three times a day for 15 days. Within 48
hours the itching stops and the rash ceases to advance. The treatment is difficult if there are multiple
rashes or hookworm infestation of the skin follicles. Oral thiabendazole is less effective than oral
albendazole, having a cure rate of 68 – 84%. Albendazole 400 mg may be used as a single dose or
repeated for two days, and produces a cure in 46 – 100%. Another option is ivermectin, which is
used off–label for this purpose, a single oral dose of 12 mg being effective in 81 – 100%. Moreover,
the relapse rate is very low with this drug. Antibacterial or antibiotic ointments are used to treat
secondary infections of the inflamed
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Ladybug Life Cycle Research Paper
The Life Cycle of Ladybugs In fact a ladybug's bright colors warn predators to stay away. As many
kinds of animal, ladybugs use the coloration her body to protect herself from dangerous animal.
Ladybugs eat insects in its life time to stay alive. Many people like ladybugs because of their many
colors. In addition, most ladybugs are eating plants so they could help protect crops. They come in
numerous, unique shapes and different colors. The most common place to find the spare dotted
ladybug, with its sparkly, red–and dark body is in North America. Moreover, ladybugs are mostly
seen from spring until fall. The process of a ladybug's lifecycle consists of the egg stage, larva,
pupa, and finally the adult stage. The first step of the ladybug's life cycle is the egg stage. Ladybugs
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After a limited week, the hatchlings will begin to change into a creature that resembles a shrimp.
After that, it will find a leaf of to attach itself with. This process will look like the ladybug is resting,
but in the fact it's not napping, it is one of its creative abilities. During the pupa stage, the insects are
experiencing a transformation into adult ladybug. At the point when the transformation is finished,
the skin of the ladybug will be exposed, and the full developed ladybug will rise. Yet, despite
everything, it won't resemble the ladybug that you know so well, it will be soft and light for hours
until its shell becomes hard. When that happens. It is going to improve the ladybug's beautiful
colors, that's why most ladybugs are bright red. In conclusion, egg, larva, pupa and adult are the
stages of the ladybug life cycle. When ladybugs lay the eggs, she put them on one place. Then larva
is watching and searching for something to eat. After that, pupa is coming to stay on the leaf. The
final stage changed the color from pale to red skin on adult stage. As can be seen, the life cycle of a
ladybug is so
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Bangladesh : A Industrial Country, Rich And Natural Resources
Bangladesh is a reveredagro–industrial country, rich in human and natural resources. Fishery, the
most practiced, is performed in both fresh and brackish water in coastal areas. Currently, the fresh
water areas, the overall ecology of fish habitats and migratory routes are disappearing due to human
activities. It is therefore difficult to meet the protein requirement of the population from the
freshwater sub–sector alone. Notwithstanding, priority is still given to the freshwater for fishery
despite the fact that marine and brackish water fisherysub–sectors constitute greater proportion of
foreign exchange earnings and development budget. This is reflected in the number of fishery
development projects that have been implemented since liberation. If equal attention is paid to
management and development of the marine and brackish water sectors, it would be possible to
attain increased production.
In the past,shrimp was much cheaper than fish and was considered unattractivelocally. In the early
seventies, Bangladesh entered the world export market for shrimp. Since then, shrimp has become
expensive. Farmers earned much from shrimp farming by meeting up with the demand of the
market.Today, diseases caused by biological and non–biological agents are becoming prominent in
the aquaculture industry.Despite the bonus, shrimp farming in Bangladesh is affected with a wide
range of microbial disease problems with no effective treatments due to poor production, leading to
great economic
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My Educational Journey
My life decisions so far is based on my journey for best education. It has shaped my career path, my
choices and my home. Essentially, I can liken my education, to a metamorphosis process. My belief
on education is passed down from my parents, but we all share the same value of education; it is the
key to attaining a successful position in our career. So, whenever my education proved
unsatisfactory, we gambled our chances and moved schools every two years within Dubai. When we
received a chance to move to the U.S., my parents took the chance and moved here during my
sophomore year. The move accompanied many challenges like adapting to the new syllabus,
foundation contexts of each courses, and fitting in to new environments. However, none of these
phased me negatively as I have continued to survive and adapt with my peers, disregarding the
disadvantages I had to face along the changes introduced in my life. Now why did I bring
metamorphosis into this? Because metamorphosis is a sudden physical and cellular change that
takes place in an animal. In my case, I would compare myself to a butterfly who goes through these
changes independently to strive for the best education. The four steps of metamorphosis: egg, larvae,
chrysalis and adult can be condensed and applied to my life. For instance, every time I was laid in a
new environment, I hatched and fed myself the education, disregarding however challenging it was.
As I grew older, education became more perplexing and it was
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Hookworm Research Paper
19 Hookworm (Anclostoma Duodenale and Necator Americanus). Hookworm is another very
important intestinal helminth that infects over seven hundred million people worldwide (CDC,
2016). The adult worms, like ascaris live in the intestine and shed their eggs in the faeces of infected
person. Faecal contamination of the soil or the use of human excreta as fertilizer increases the
chance of hook worm eggs to be deposited in the soil. The eggs when released into the soil hatch
into the larvae. Hookworm infection occurs when the infective larvae penetrate the human skin. This
infection is likely possible when people walk barefoot on soil contaminated with hookworm eggs
(Cappello, 2004). Infections with hookworm are usually asymptomatic
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Goldenrod Gall Fly Research Paper
The goldenrod gall fly (or Eurosta solidaginis) is a parasite whose life depends upon and revolves
around the goldenrod plant. After mating, the female gall fly uses its ovipositor (structure used to
inject eggs into a plant) to insert its eggs into the stem of a goldenrod plant. After about ten days, the
fly larvae hatch and begin to eat the inside of the plant. The saliva of the larva contains a chemical
that causes the plant to swell, creating what is known as a gall; this serves as a food source and a
protective shell for the growing larva. When fall approaches, the larva digs an escape tunnel by
which it will later exit the gall as an adult; however, the larva does not complete the tunnel, instead
it leaves a thin membrane of plant material for protection (Abrahamson & Heinrich, n.d.). E.
solidaginis larvae then pupate in late winter or early spring, and leave the gall as adults soon
afterwards (Abrahamson, Sattler, McCrea, & Weis, 1989). Once freed from the gall, ... Show more
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It is believed that this is because the larger galls are likely to house bigger larvae, thus "making a
better meal for the effort" (Abrahamson & Heinrich, n.d., p. 3). One could also assume that the
larger galls are more visible when the predators are searching for galls. However, the opposite seems
to be true for E. obtusiventris and E. gigantea. These predators are more likely to deposit their eggs
into smaller galls. It was found that galls that were attacked by these wasps were notably smaller
than galls that had not been preyed upon (Weis & Abrahamson, 1985). According to Weis,
Abrahamson, and McCrea, the ability of the parasite to successfully complete oviposition depends
on both the thickness of the gall wall and the length of the parasite's ovipositor, meaning that smaller
galls are more convenient for these predators
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Elephantiasis Research Paper
Elephantiasis is a rare medical condition which is easily identifiable. This is due to effects of the
condition which is described as gross enlargement of an area of the body, especially the limbs. This
enlargement or extreme swelling of body parts is said to reach seven times the normal size. The
enlargement is caused from obstruction of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is network
of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. So, when
the condition blocks off the proper function of this system the fluid with toxins build up and causes
the gross enlargement.Along with the massive swelling, the skin of the affected area turns dry, thick,
and has a pebbly appearance. The disease can be
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Wax-Moth Larvae Research Paper
Wax–moth larvae is a species of caterpillar which has a surprising ability: to degrade plastic waste!
One hundred of these worms can degrade ninety–two milligrams of polyethylene, which is the
hardest to degrade plastic, as well as the most common. Wax–moth larvae, also known as Galleria
mellonella will be a valuable research topic in the coming years. Additionally, these organisms come
with a plethora of information on how plastic can finally be properly disposed of. How scientists
discovered the abilities of the wax–moth larvae is actually quite comical. Spanish researcher and
beekeeper Federica Bertocchini put several wax–moth larvae into a plastic bag after removing them
from one of her hives. When she went to retrieve them, she discovered
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A Case Study Of Drosophila Melanogaster Stocks
Drosophila melanogaster stocks used for the behavior assays (2–choice assay and tracking assay)
and molecular analysis (qRT–PCR and immunohistochemistry), include the wild type Canton–S
(CS) line, the UAS–GABA (B)–RX–RNAi (Root et al., 2008) (where X represents receptor subtype
1, 2, or 3), and Or X–Gal4 lines (Or 47a Gal4 and Or 42b Gal4), GH–146 Gal4, Orco–Gal4, 10x;
UAS–CD8; GFP were purchased from the Bloomington stock center
( Virgin female flies from UAS–GABA (B) R1–RNAi line were
crossed to males from Or 47a Gal4, also UAS–GABA (B) R1–RNAi females were crossed to males
of Or 42b Gal4. Similar crosses were made using UAS–GABA (B) R2–RNAi and UAS–GABA (B)
R3–RNAi lines and Or 47a and ... Show more content on ...
Starved and fed larvae were washed in a drop of ddH2O three times prior to behavioral analysis.
Behavioral assays
Two–choice assay The two–choice assay was conducted as described (Kreher, Mathew et al. 2008)
(Monte, Woodard et al. 1989). Two filter paper discs were placed at diametrically opposite ends of
the petri dish containing 1.1% agarose. The experimental odorant was added on one of the filter disc
while the control diluent (paraffin oil) was added on the other filter disc. Odorants were serially
diluted to 1:10–2 in paraffin oil for two choice assays. The response index (RI) was calculated by
allowing ~50 larvae in the center of the plate and are allowed to migrate for exactly 5 mins within
the odor gradient. RI is measured by counting the number of larvae after five minutes on each half
of the petri plate. RI is calculated by using the formula (#larvae towards the odorant half (–) #larvae
towards the control half) / (Total number of larvae). Two–choice assay was done under highly
controlled conditions of humidity, temperature and light. For behavioral assays, the temperature was
maintained at 22–23 degrees C and 45%–50% relative humidity.
Tracking assay The tracking assay was conducted as previously described (Mathew, Martelli et al.
2013). Five filter paper discs holding either a test odorant or the control diluent (paraffin oil) were
placed on opposite ends of a 22x22cm square
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The Brightness Of The Papilio Troilus During Larval Stage...
Student number: 1003487461
Week 1 Tuesday evening RM205
TA's name
Species number: 2
Does The Brightness in Coloration of The Papilio Troilus in Larval Stage Affect The Survival Rate
When They Encountered with Predators?
Papilio Troilus also known as the spicebush swallowtail, they will go through three stages of
development in their larval phase. In the first stage, they resemble birds dropping in brown and
white color. As they growing into their forth instar, they turning to a green–yellow color with black
dots on their back to resemble snakes. When Troilus larvas nearly the pupate time their coloration
changes again to deep orange. While the brown and white coloration of the larva in first instar can
be considered as a form of mimicry, which encourage their predators to leave them alone, the bright
green–yellow color of their forth instar can be recognized as aposematic, also known as warning
color. (K.L.Prudic 2007) The specific color work with black dots on the back of those larvas, is
mimicking the appearance of snake which is the natural enemy of their predator.
Aposematic is a defensive strategy prey spices developed to increase their survival rate from
predation. Coloration is one of the many ways to warning their potential predator, visually express
their toxicity and unpalatability. (K.L.Prudic 2007) Both the beneficial function and mechanisms in
molecular level of aposematic in the genus Papilio has been well researched and documented. (E.V.
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Are Honeybees Effective Defense Against Disease?
Honeybees, of the genus Apis, play a huge role in our environment through pollination. One in
every three bites of food you eat depends on pollinators. Pollinators transfer pollen and seeds,
allowing the plant to grow and produce food. Without bees pollinating, many plants would
eventually die off, including the crops that humans eat. But like any other living organism, they are
subjected to disease and pests that are harmful to their population. The effective defense against
disease is the most vital aspect of keeping a bee colony functioning properly. Their most effective
defense mechanism that can lead to self–healing is their behavior of removing as many harmful
agents as possible, such as parasites, from their colony. If the dead organism is too large, they will
cover it with propolis, which prevents release of pathogens during decomposition of the body. The
most important defense against disease, however, is their hygiene behavior. If they find an infected
larva in a sealed cell, they will uncap the cell and remove the infected larva from the colony. If adult
bees become ill, they will be forced ... Show more content on ...
It is caused by the fungus Ascosphaera apis, which was discovered in the United States in 1968.
Infection only occurs in larva three to four days old, when they are sealed in their cells. The larvae
must ingest the spores of the fungus for an infection to occur. The fungus takes over the gut of the
larvae and ultimately the rest of its body. Once the larvae are dead they turn chalky white and
resemble mummies. There is currently no known chemical control against Chalkbrood, but
requeening and increased ventilation is effective. Stimulative feeding and replacing old comb also
helps. This disease tends to infect the hive frame by frame, so you can take the infected frame out
and scrape it clean. You can also requeen to break the brood cycle. To prevent Chalkbrood, make
sure to requeen every few
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Far-Reaching Implications of Global Warming
"Temperature is probably the single most important environmental factor influencing insect
behavior, distribution, development, survival, and reproduction". (Bale et al 2002). Since insects are
cold–blooded, the environmental temperature plays a very important role in an insect's homeostasis.
Homeostasis is the relatively constant internal physical and chemical condition that organisms
maintain. Once the temperature has changed from its norm, an insect's daily functions would be
disrupted. "It has been estimated that with a 2 degree Celsius temperature increase insects might
experience one to five additional life cycles per season" (Yamamura & Kiritani 1998). Scientists
believe a warmer climate may result in higher insect populations. However, studies have shown that
butterflies prefer a cooler climate. The butterfly population is decreasing at sea level but is
increasing at tree line as butterflies migrate to cooler areas. For example, the Brown Argus Butterfly
has shifted where its populations are most dense; a butterfly that was once predominantly found in
Southern Britain, has now relocated to Northern Britain, a dramatic change of 79 kilometers.
Butterflies at the highest–elevation site are appearing with increasing regularity. Those that normally
breed at 7,000 feet now breed at 9,000 feet. When an area changes from rural to urban or suburban,
the greatest butterfly losses occur. This proves that global warming is having an effect on organisms,
even if the change
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Water Quality Lab Report
This lab report is based on the question, what is the water quality of the U–High creek based on the
invertebrates found? To answer the question there needs to be an understanding of the measures of
water quality. The pH range of healthy water is 6.5– 8.5. pH is used to measure the relative acidity
of solutions such as water. If there is too much of nitrogen and phosphorous it will increase the
growth of aquatic plants and algae, which leads to the bacteria decomposing the dead plant material.
The decomposition removes the dissolved oxygen from the water. Dissolved oxygen is the waste
product of photosynthesis. Dissolved oxygen affects organisms because some organisms cannot
tolerate too low or too high dissolved oxygen levels which lowers the diversity of organisms in the
water. (Riverwatch, 2013) Invertebrates can also measure the water quality based on how much
pollution is in the water. There are 3 types of invertebrate indicators of water quality, based on the
population of pollution tolerant, moderately tolerant, and pollution intolerant. This shows how
healthy the water is. If pollution tolerant invertebrates are living in the water then that infers that the
water quality is not good because it has a lot of ... Show more content on ...
There was some pollution found but not a lot, there was many pollution intolerant invertebrates
found which means that the water must be healthy enough to support those organisms, and the water
was clear enough to see the creek bed.. Water quality index is a number from 1–100 that measures
the overall quality of the water and it indicates if the water is healthy or not. If the water has a water
quality index of 10 or less than the water quality is poor. If it is 11–16 than the quality is fair. If it is
between 17–22 than the quality is good, and if it is 23 or more than the water quality is excellent.
The U–High creek was a 42, which means the quality is
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Professional Pest Control
Professional Pest Control Keeps Your Summer Nights Free From Mosquito Bites
Mosquitoes can make your summer miserable whether you live in the city or the country. You may
not be able to go outdoors in the evening without applying some type of repellent. Even worse, the
bugs may find their way indoors and bite you while you're sleeping at night. Although it's
challenging to keep mosquitoes out of your yard, there are some things you can do to decrease their
numbers. Here are a few ways to go about it.
Reduce Breeding Grounds
One important step is to reduce standing water on your property. It only takes a little bit of water for
a mosquito to lay eggs and start the cycle of reproduction. Don't overlook things such as a saucer
under a potted plant or toys left in the yard. Anything that collects water is a potential mosquito
problem such as a trash can, boat that is uncovered, or birdbath. If you need to leave water out for
your pets or for wildlife, be sure to change it daily to get rid of mosquito eggs.
Mosquitoes are active when the sun goes down, and during the day they like to rest in the shade on
plants, weeds, and flowers. The more foliage you have in the yard, the more hiding places there will
be for mosquitoes. To keep the bugs away from your house, ... Show more content on ...
You can buy various products and devices for mosquito control, but they are not nearly as effective
as professional chemicals. Some things you may try on your own include repellents, electric
zappers, and bug sprays. A professional exterminator will treat the plants in your yard to kill off
mosquitoes hiding in them. He or she will also treat areas with standing water so eggs and larvae are
killed too. Another option to try is a barrier pesticide that mosquitoes don't want to cross to enter
your yard. You may want to begin treatment in late spring or early summer before the number of
bugs gets out of
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Black Larva Research Paper
Like any other school there were the "cool" kids and the "not–so–cool" kids and like most people I
longed for the feeling of fitting in. I tried so hard to buy the right clothes and to talk the right way. I
became so caught up in my own life that I did not take a second to stop and think of someone other
than myself. Last year, in eight grade, I had the chance to be apart of the "it" group, but during that
time I lost myself. Peer pressure had pushed me into a corner where I was unable to think for myself
and as a result I lost my ability to establish my character. The group I had faked my way into was
called "black larva", a name that I still do not understand. The group was known for their parties as
they were posted by all 23 group members
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A Brief Note On The Middle East And Asia
oases of northern Africa, the Middle East and Asia and is of significant value because of its edible
fruit. Murphy (2007) spells out that E. guineensis produces about seven tons of oil per hectare per
year and its uses are extended to industries for the production of foods, cosmetics and toiletries. 3.0
DESCRIPTION OF Oryctes rhinoceros Oryctes rhinoceros is a species of insects that belongs to the
Scarabaeidae family. It undergoes complete metamorphosis with reproductive cycle consisting of
five stages of development: the egg, the larva, the pre–pupa, the pupa and the adult. The insect is
identified by its brown shining colour and its cylindrical, lengthened and very convex shape.
Another attribute seen in it is the cephalic horn which is larger for males. They are regarded a
serious pest of palms especially destroying the young ones where introduced. The taxonomic
classification of the O. rhinoceros beetle is presented in table below. Rank Taxon Phylum
Arthropoda Class Insecta Order Coleoptera Suborder Polyphaga Family Scarabaeidae Genus
Oryctes Scientific name Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) Source: Arnett et al., (2002), Triplehorn et al.,
(2005) 3.1 LIFE CYCLE OF O. rhinoceros BEETLE The O. rhinoceros beetle undergoes complete
metamorphosis, passing through egg, larva, pupa and adult stages. The adult is the only damaging
life stage as it feeds on sap by boring holes into the crowns of palm trees. The immature stages feed
on decaying vegetation and do not
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Honey Bear Research Paper
Honeybees are very important to our food supply because they pollinate our plants and help them
grow. Other than the sun and water bees bring to crop or plants a lot of the nutrition that the plant is
going to need and so the plant is able to produce more. Without bees helping our food grow we
would be very short on food supply. Some things that could be harming the bees are bears because
bees like to live where they can be left alone and where they think that they are safe but in the
woods there are bears bad bears really like honey and they normally destroy the hive and leave the
bees homeless. Another thing that could he a threat to the bees are people. No one likes bees, they
are annoying and it hurts really bad when they sting you and
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Caenorhabditis Elegans
Caenorhabditis elegans is a nematode worm that is used in a lab for research. This is because it
enables researchers to use a simpler model of an organism without using humans themselves. The
life cycle of a nematode worm is about three days (Hartwell 2011). It includes stages of the embryo,
the L1 larva, L2 larva, L3 larva, the L4 larva, and the adult. The stages are the different molts and
these are the growing of different cuticles and shedding the older ones (Hartwell 2011). This allows
adaptation to occur and the processes to function normally. There are two types of adults and they
include hermaphrodite and males. Hermaphrodites are usually females and they contain the male
and female gametes of the organism. This also allows the hermaphrodites ... Show more content on ...
Collagen is a rope like fiber that has high tensile strength, meaning things won't be pulled apart. If
the mutation is occurring in the muscle collagen, then this would create more of a strain on half of
the body while the other half gets pulled more. This would create that "horseshoe" shape. The dpy–
10 affects the collagen gene that is needed for the cuticle (Levy). This creates the short, fat
phenotype that is expressed with the slow movement. The collagen in this mutation is affected by
maybe having too much collagen and this causes the strength to keep things together and not
allowing the cells to grow and the worm to grow to full length. Unc–22 is a mutation that interacts
with myosin and affects the structure and function of a muscle (Moerman). The phenotype is the
"twitching" that can be observed with the microscope. Myosin is an actin filament that helps with
trafficking of cells and muscle contraction. Because myosin is being affected, this means that the
muscle contracts and relaxes at random and this would cause the "twitching" effects. Bli–1 is a
mutation with collagen (de Melo). This phenotype includes blistering of the cuticle. This mutation
would affect the cuticle of the worm and the cells are being pulled apart or rubbing against each
other. This would allow fluid to be in the area and cause this
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Larvae Of Ochrogaster Lunifer Herrich Schaeffer
Larvae of Ochrogaster lunifer Herrich–Schaeffer (Lepidopetera: Thaumetopoeidae), or as it has
previously been known, Ochrogaster contraria Walker or Teara contraria Walker, are widely
distributed throughout coastal and inland regions of Australia (Turner 1921; Froggatt 1923; Mills
1951; McFarland 1979). Inhabiting mainly acacia and eucalypt vegetation (Van Schagen et al.
1992), larval populations of O. lunifer display a distinctive processionary behaviour by crawling
head to tail in single–file to the canopy of its host tree to feed before returning to their nests in much
the same way (Floater 1996a; Maier et al. 2003). Previous studies conducted on O. lunifer have
focused on the species life history (Floater 1996a), biology (Van Schagen, ... Show more content on ...
1992; Floater 1996a). Second through to eighth instar emerge from the egg mass between December
and May; ascending the host plant in a single–file procession to feed (Floater 1996a). First instar
larvae have been observed to remain within the egg mass not feeding (Floater 1996a; Floater &
Zalucki 1999). Final instars leave the host plant during May in larval processions before splitting
into subgroups and then later individuals to pupate (Floater 1996a). Individual larvae form an
underground cocoon of silk, soil and setae where they will diapause over winter; pupation and
emergence does not take place until September or October (Van Schagen et al. 1992; Floater 1996a).
The larval integument of O. lunifer is covered with a multitude of hair types (Floater 1996a; Floater
& Zalucki 1999). A typical arthropod hair is embedded in epidermal cells; developed by a trichogen
and a tormogen or auxiliary cell, and is connected to neurons for the transmission of sensorial
information (Battisti et al. 2011). Urticating hairs, and in particular those classified as true setae, are
derived from arthropod hairs (Battisti et al. 2011).
True setae are a distinguishing characteristic of the larval stage of many processionary Lepidoptera
(Battisti et al. 2011; Cawdell–Smith et al. 2013; Petrucco Toffolo et al. 2014). They are small,
approximately 100–500µm long and 3–7µm in diameter, and barbed (Fenk et al. 2007; Battisti et al.
2011). The cellular
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Fruit Fly Lab Report
Introduction Drosphila melanogaster, commonly known as the fruit fly, is an excellent organism for
genetics studies because it has simple food requirements, occupies little space, is robust, completes
its life cycle in about 12 days at room temperature, produces large numbers of offspring, can be
immobilized readily for examination and sorting, and has many types of hereditary variations that
can be observed with low–power magnification. The fruit fly has a small number of chromosomes
(4 pairs), which are easily located in the large salivary gland cells. As mentioned before, the fruit fly
life cycle is complete in about 12 days. First, a fertilized adult female must lay the egg, which leads
to the first stage of the fruit fly life cycle, the egg stage. This first stage consists of a small, oval–
shaped zygote with two filaments at one end. They are typically laid on surfaces of the vial and last
for only about a day in optimal conditions. The egg, after a day, will then hatch into a larva, which
marks the start of the larva stage. Lasting for about 3 days, the larva stage is broken up into three
different segments: the first instar larva, second instar larva, and third instar larva. Throughout these
stages, the wormlike larva eats continuously. A cream colored or white, wormlike organism with no
legs or eyes except for hook–like mouthpiece for feeding. The larva feeds in the food medium for
about 3–6 days then it leaves the food source in search of dry place to pupate. The first instar larva
lasts for about a day or two, during which it mostly feeds the entire time, then the larva sheds its
outer skin (cuticle) and enters the second instar stage, where it is bigger and more defined. From
there, it repeats the same process as the first instar. ... Show more content on ...
The two most easily seen differences between male and female fruit flies are abdomen shape/size
and sex
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Peristaltic Wave Lab Report
From the baseline settings, all larvae in the control group moved under blue light, thereby proving
that ATR is necessary for the ChR2 channel to be expressed. The experimental group, however,
froze and contracted whenever the blue light was turned on, indicating they have the ChR2 channel.
We then began testing our hypothesis by first observing the number of peristaltic waves produced by
each larva per MRR. From Table 1, we observed that each larva had 10 peristaltic waves for a 0.5
Hz MRR setting. However, for an MRR of 1, 1.5, and 2 Hz, the peristaltic waves were inconsistent.
The first larva from the 1 MRR had eight peristaltic waves, yet, the second and third larva we
observed had 14 and 12 waves respectively. This inconsistency follows throughout the experiment,
and it is no surprise that there seem to be a random number of waves produced because the control
group did not have the ChR2 expression. ... Show more content on ...
However, the experimental group did prove a slight consistency. Table 2 displays that in the 0.5
MRR row, the three larvae observed had 4, 6, and 6 waves, with the second and third having the
same number of waves. Likewise, the second and third larva in the 1 MRR row also had the same
number, only having 2 peristaltic waves. When we increased the MRR to 1.5 and 2, all observed
larvae did not move at all. This is because by increasing the MRR, the likelihood of the blue light
flashing increases. At 0.5 MRR, the blue light would flash once every two seconds. This allowed the
experimental group to slightly move before they were forced to contract when the blue light would
shine on them again. Once the MRR was set to 1, the light would flash once every second,
decreasing the amount the larva would move and thus, decrease the peristaltic
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What Is The Life Cycle Of A Monarch Butterfly
Have you ever learned about the monarch butterfly? Read on to find out about them. The first stage
in the life cycle is the egg stage. The larva stays in the egg stage for about3 to 4 weeks. They are laid
by the female under milkweed leaves. It's rare to find more than one on a single leaf. The eggs are
oval–shaped, off white or yellow and marked with a series of lines and ridges. The hard–outer shell
or chorion, protects the developing larvae. The second stage in the life cycle is the larval stage. As
soon as the larva comes out of the out of the egg it will eat the egg case. Then, it continues to devour
the milkweed plant leaf. The larvae come out of the egg it eats the egg Then it continues to devour
the milk weed plants leaves.
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The Impact Of Spinosad And Nucleopolyhedrovirus Alone And...
Impact of Spinosad and Nucleopolyhedrovirus Alone and In
Combination against the Cotton Leaf wormSpodoptera littoralis under laboratory
AA. El–Helalyand HM. El–bendary
1.Entomology Department, Faculty ofAgriculture, Cairo University, Egypt
2. Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, Egypt
Corresponding author:AA El–Helaly
Keywords A B S T R A C T
Spodoptera littoralis
Spinosad, npvs
Biological aspects
The toxicity of the two biorational insecticides, Spinosad and NPVs, against neonates of Spodoptera
littoralis (Bosiduval) (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae) was tested under laboratory conditionsin order to determine the competitive efficacy.
The ability of Spinosad to protect the SpliNPV from Ultra Violet effects under synthetic laboratory
conditions was determined, and some biological aspects of both biorational insecticides and their
mixture were studied. In order to determine whether or not there is a synergetic effect when both of
these biorational pesticides are added together, six different Spinosad concentrations (1, 2, 5, 10, 15
and 30 ppm) alone and mixed with a sub–lethal concentration of SpliNPV (1×10
) were investigated. When the Ultra Violet effect was determined, the LC
NPVs mixed with LC10 of Spinosad, in order to investigate the ability of
Spinosad in prolonging the virus activity. Sample: Department of
Entomology (Virology Unit)
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Eassy On Roundworm Essay
Toxocariasis is commonly known as the Roundworm Infection. With this species there are four
different approaches of acquiring infection. Possible ways of infection include direct transmission
(straight eating the eggs within stool), prenatal transmission (contamination while in utero),
paratenic transmission (the transmission can occur with a and transmammary transmission (can be
spread through the mammary glands like breastfeeding and placenta). Egg are left in the feces of
dogs, from there they can be spread between 2–4 weeks. When dogs eat infectious eggs it allows the
eggs to hatch and the larval form of the parasite to penetrate through the gut wall. In younger dogs,
the larvae can travel via bloodstream by piercing a blood vessel in the gut wall. Once ingested, the
eggs hatch, and the larvae enter the wall of the small intestine. Once larvae become mobile they can
migrate through the host via circulatory system into the respiratory system into other organs and
tissues within the body. When they enter the body they can become encyst (pretty ... Show more
content on ...
The larvae will simply undergo a dormant stage within an intermediate host until they are in a dog
again. The development of the larva into worm is restricted to the gastrointestinal tract of a dog. If
the parasite finds itself inside a human through ingestion of the infective eggs, it does not exactly
have a sense of direction. That's right if a person eats egg–infested poop, once the eggs hatch the
larva or worms will meander wherever they feel like going. That means if they want to take a trip
through the bloodstream and capillaries, lungs, or if they want to harbor in the brain, liver or eye
they can. The most common infestation in the human body leaves mild symptoms, but once in the
eye the effects can be local inflammation partial blindness or complete blindness. Nerve endings can
become damaged if tampered
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How Bees Are Different From Human Beings?
Bees are very different from human beings, although they share the same qualities that define us as
living organisms. Some of these qualities are obtaining energy, exchanging gases, and more. Bees
are commonly seen at fields flying and landing on flowers. In addition, bees are commonly feared
by many humans because of their venom filled stingers. Read on and explore the world of bees.
First, let's encounter how a bee obtains energy. All bees, with the exception of the queen bee, eat
pollen and nectar that they modify into honey. Nectar is a sugary fluid produced by most flowers
and pollen is a powdery dust produced by flowers too. They modify the nectar into honey to
preserve all the nutrients and sugars contents it has. This honey is ... Show more content on ...
On the flight back to the hive, the foraging bee starts the digestive process of modifying the nectar
by the enzymes breaking down the complex sugar contents of the nectar. Once back at the hive, the
modified nectar is regurgitated from the foraging bee on to the hive bee. Then that bee ingests the
modified nectar and further break down the sugars. Finally, the hive bee regurgitates the freshly
made honey into a cell of the bee hive. While this process is occurring, the foraging bee unloads the
pollen into an empty cell. After that, the pollen is packed tightly into the cell by another bee head
ramming it into the cell. These two processes supply the colony with food.
A honeybee's digestive system is similar to a human's digestive system, but there are a few changes.
The digestive process starts at a honeybee's mouth which contains the proboscis and the mandible.
The Proboscis is the honeybee's tongue which is contained in a straw–like structure. The mandible is
a honeybee's jaw or where a honeybee chews its food. When a honeybee eats honey and pollen, it
laps the pollen and honey up with their proboscis into their mandible which they chew the food.
After the food surpasses the mouth, it goes through their esophagus, past the honey stomach, into a
honeybee's normal stomach where different types of enzymes break down the food. Then the broken
down food goes into the small intestine where the broken down food is transformed into energy for
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Ladybugs Research Paper
April showers bring May flowers, and ladybugs. Those darling spring beetles are, in fact more,
important than their cute appearance leads you to believe. These metamorphic beetles are an
important part to any garden's ecosystem, from larva to full adult; ladybugs play a vital role in our
agriculture. Ladybugs are a beetle, no bigger than a paperclip, with a hard red shell adorned in black
spots. A beetle by many a name, ladybugs are referred to as ladybird beetles in different parts of the
world. Since the insect is a beetle, not a bug, it makes more sense. However, there is logic to how
they honed their name of ladybugs. Back in the middle ages crops were being savaged by infesting
insects, so the people prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. ... Show more content on
Fully mature female ladybugs will lay their eggs near other bugs eggs, so the newly hatched larva
has a food source. Larvas are described as looking like tiny alligators with orange spots. These fast
moving tiny alligators are incredibly hungry, eating constantly so they can grow around ½ inches in
length in about 2 weeks. After they have grown to full size, they attach to a leaf to begin the next
stage in metamorphosis. After a while, the larva will become a pupa; wrapped up protected until it's
fully mature. Seven days later and the pupa will be a fully mature ladybug, hungry for aphids. Since
ladybugs enjoy eating a diet of insects like aphids, spider mites, and mealy bugs; they are an asset to
keeping crops pest free. Instead of using chemical pesticide, having ladybugs in your garden can be
a beneficial biological way of pest control. Some people will even order ladybugs online to help
keep their gardens pest free. If it wasn't for ladybugs, many gardens and crops would be infested
with plant eating insects; which would overthrow the areas ecosystem. In sum, ladybugs are a
farmer's best friend, keeping crops infesting insect free in a natural way. From egg to mature adult,
ladybugs contribute to pest control in gardens and crops. So the next time you see a speck of red and
black, make sure you say thanks for all their hard work keeping crops safe and gardens
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Life history of the Hog Plum Beetle, Podontia quatuordecimpunctata (Linnaeus,...Life history of the Hog Plum Beetle, Podontia quatuordecimpunctata (Linnaeus,...
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The fecundity of brackish river prawn (macrobrachium macrobrachion, herklots,...
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The Biology Of Early Life Stages Of Fish Development

  • 1. The Biology Of Early Life Stages Of Fish Development Understanding the biology of early life history stages of fish is essential for effective fisheries management (Mwaluma et al., 2014; Hames Hichford, 2005). For example, knowledge in fish development such as ontogenetic intervals and embryonic and larval development of fish species is a prerequisite to set the policies for their conservation and stock enhancement through larviculture (Rahman et al, 2009; Yanes–Roca et al., 2012; Amini et al., 2015; Andrade et al., 2016). Furthermore, the mechanisms that affect the survival during the early life stages of fish can regulate the future year–class strength (Mwaluma et al., 2014; Garrido et al., 2009). Consequently, estimated variability in abundance of fish eggs and larval survival rate can ... Show more content on ... Larval stages are followed by a transformation stage during which individuals transform to juveniles, which morphologically resemble adults (Osse et al., 1997). Anatomical, physiological, and behavioral changes such as dentition, feeding behavior, and swimming capacity allow various larval stages to attain new capabilities for biological activities, which in turn enable them to utilize their new environmental conditions (Moteki, 2002, Moteki et al., 2002; Pena and Dumas, 2009). Identification of eggs and newly hatched larvae have been proven difficult due to having little or no resemblance to their adult stages, considerable overlap in the time and location of spawning among multiple fish species, similarity in morphology of eggs among species, small size, and quick changes in shapes during larval stage (Victor et al., 2009; Ko et al., 2013; Amini et al., 2015). In the present study, we also aimed to describe the larval characteristics of fish species in Southern Caspian Sea based on morphometric and meristic variables and pigmentation patterns. Several ichthyoplankton surveys have been carried out in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, located on coastal waters of Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan and Sistan–Balochistan provinces, Iran (Rabbaniha, 1998; Rabbaniha, 2002; Rabbanihaet al., 2003; Rabbaniha, 2007; Vosough et al., 2009; Vosough et al., 2010; ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Photo Above: Plesiometa Argyra Photo above shows a spider called Plesiometa argyra. This fellow is extremely good at weaving web. His web can be as perfect as the masterpiece created by a renowned artist, Picasso. Though he is good at creating beautiful arts, his life is not calm and peace. A parasitic wasp which he regards as an alien has fully disturbed his tranquility life. The sting of this alien is powerful enough to control his brain, making him "handicapped" from being thinking properly. This alien makes use of the advantage of the weapon (stings) to implant the top secret codes into his brain. The alien delivers the larvae together with the carefully planned "bombing blueprint" into his body with the aims to colonize his private territory. Due to this intrusion, ... Show more content on ... The egg hatches into a larva which sucks the spider's blood through small holes, while the spider goes on about its normal web building and insect catching behavior for the next one to two weeks. When the larva is ready to pupate, it injects a chemical into the spider, causing it to build a web whose design is completely different from any it has ever made, and then to sit motionless in the middle of this web. Even if the larva is removed prior to the web–building process, the spider still engages in aberrant web–spinning.[2][3] The wasp larva then molts, kills the spider with a poison and sucks its body dry before discarding it and building a cocoon that hangs from the middle of the web the spider has just built. The larva pupates inside the cocoon, then emerges to mate and begin the cycle over again. Normal orb weaving consists of several steps: 1. Build non–sticky frame lines attached to supporting objects and a few initial radial lines. This process sometimes involves establishing connections with surrounding objects by floating a line in the wind and hoping it catches somewhere. 2. Add more non–sticky radial lines attached to these frame lines, in some cases adding at the same time less peripheral, "secondary" frame ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Roundworm Research Paper Nematodes, also known as roundworms due to their round cross–section, are parasites that can affect both domesticated and wild animals (Bassert and Thomas 451). The roundworms that are common in dogs are Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, and Trichuris vulpis (Bassert and Thomas 451). The roundworms that are common in cats are Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Dirofilaria immitis, and Toxocara cati (Bassert and Thomas 451). Dirofilaria immitis and Toxascaris leonina can affect both dogs and cats (Bassert and Thomas 451). Baylisascaris procyonis can affect both raccoons and dogs (Bassert and Thomas 454). Roundworms can live in many of the organs and systems of the body, such as the eye, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system, circulatory system, ... Show more content on ... Puppies and kittens should be dewormed in 2–week intervals from 2 weeks of age to eliminate the shedding of eggs (Bassert and Thomas 453). Dams can be dewormed or given monthly anthelmintic or heartworm preventatives before breeding (Bassert and Thomas 453). Prevention & Control Feces removal and cleaning the kennels should be done daily to prevent infection (Bassert and Thomas 454). Sandboxes should be covered when they are not being used (Bassert and Thomas 454). Stopping pica in children, removing feces, enforcing leash laws, and using proper hygiene and handwashing can help prevent infection in owners (Bassert and Thomas 454). Prognosis & Public Health Significance Prognosis is good with treatment in animals that are not extremely debilitated. Young children living with puppies or kittens may be susceptible to visceral larva migrans (VLM) and ocular larva migrans (OLM) (Bassert and Thomas 452–453). The child ingests the second stage larvae (infective) which migrates through the lung or liver (VLM) or the eye (OLM) (Bassert and Thomas 453). Parents need to be cautious of places where children can ingest the infective eggs, such as playgrounds with dog or cat feces and uncovered sandboxes (Bassert and Thomas ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. An Example Of Complete Metamorphosis In Prostomes An example of complete metamorphosis in Protostomes is the Annelida having trochophore larva (Figure 3), "a free–swimming top–shaped larva with two bands of cilia around its middle". (Solomon et al., 2015) For aquatic annelids like tubeworms, the movement of cilia on its larva creates water current which helps in locomotion and feeding by bringing the food closer. Annelids then develop a tubular body that is segmented (Figure 4). In addition to trochophore larva, Mollusca have a veliger larva in its second larval stage. The veliger larva consists of a shell, foot and mantle, and is exclusively aquatic. (Solomon et al., 2015) Echinoderms having larvae with bilateral symmetry and adults with pentaradial symmetry is an example of metamorphosis ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Research Study On Genetic Dissection Of Mechanosensory... Scientific Literature Worksheet (Due Lab 2) Upload completed Worksheet to SafeAssign and bring a hard copy to lab for grading Name ________Ivy Wu__________ TA ____Lauren Prentis_____ Section _22__ What is the topic number of your assigned article and the title of the paper? #12 Title: "Genetic Dissection of Mechanosensory Transduction: Mechanoreception–Defective Mutations of Drosophila" Outline of the Main Points to be included in your Poster Presentation of your article WHY: Briefly describe the purpose of your article. The purpose of the article is to identify the genes that are involved in mechanotransduction. Drosophila is used as the model for the experiment because of the adult's ability to be assayed electrophysiologically into a system that enables the tracking of genetic and behavioral analysis. The experiment is performed to understand more about the mechanosensitive cells in the body for the sense of touch and hearing. The research was done to figure out if mechanosensory receptors are indeed structurally dissimilar from the G protein–linked receptors responsible to transduce an other sensory stimuli. WHAT: What do you hope to learn from reading this article? I hope to learn more about the reason behind the use of Drosophila because I have never seen them being used in experimentation to compare to the human body as well. I also found the idea that these receptors deal with our sense, which is mentioned in the article are abilities that we ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Local Climatic Regimes Of West Bengal The study was conducted in Kolkata, ZSI, Latitude :22° 30 ' 51.6888" and Longitude: 88° 19 ' 30.5256" were recorded by GPS meter.A dead Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) was a bought from a market near Zoological Survey (ZSI) of India (n=3) for three seasons, Kolkata premises, and was kept in ambient outdoor conditions, inside the ZSI premises. The data for the abiotic factors was gathered from the meteorological data was collected from the Meterological Department, Alipore, Kolkata. The local climatic regimes of West Bengal is sub divided into three seasons, viz., pre monsoon (March to June), monsoon (July to October) and post monsoon (November to February). During the experiments, the measured average temperature (°C ) ranged from 35 – 43, in the pre monsoon season, 37 – 30, in the monsoon season and 35 – 25, in the post monsoon season. Relative humidity (%) ranged from 59 – 45, in the pre monsoon season, 90 – 75, during the monsoon season and 42 – 35, in the post monsoon season. Average precipatation was null during the pre and post monsoon seasons, the range of the monsoon season was found to be 58 – 35. And average wind speed (km/hr) ranged from 31 – 13, in the pre monsoon season, 20 – 12, in the monsoon and 15 – 8, in the post monsoon season. (See table.1). II.b .) Collection of the fly specimen The chicken carcass was placed on a raised platform, surrounded by water on all sides to discourage ants and malise trap was used for overhead capture of dipteran specimens. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Abraham Sapien Research Paper Melody Maniex 011033852 5/10/17 Abraham Sapien Introduction: Abraham Sapien is a humanoid creature from the Hellboy Universe. Abraham goes by Abe, and has a fascinating display of amphibious and fish like structures in tandem with a human–like body plan. Abe was discovered alone and comatose in 1978 with a note reading, "Ichthyo Sapiens. April 14, 1865" indicating advanced age. Abraham Sapien was nicknamed Abe after Abraham Lincoln, as the date on the note was the day Lincoln died. When Abe was discovered he was comatose and only awoke after researchers experimented with shocking him. Abe adapted to human culture quickly and joined the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) as a special agent. Abe has appeared in many forms throughout ... Show more content on ... Further support for the larval theory is that tiger salamander larvae are extremely hardy. Abe has amazing resilience to the environment and injury. Abe is shown to have suffered deep lacerations to the chest and possible infection from exposure to sewer water. Abe was placed in a recovery chamber, with no medicine or treatment administered, only his vitals were monitored. After several days in a deep sleep he was fully recovered with no visible scaring. This time frame is identical to a salamander recovering from a limb amputation. Within 6–12 hours, a plasma clot forms and epidermal cells from the amputation site migrate to the wound surface. During the next 4 days, proteases degrade the extracellular matrices of the tissues beneath the wound epidermis. The degradation process produces single cells that undergo dramatic dedifferentiation: reverting back to undifferentiated cells. To prevent differentiation of the newly formed crop of undifferentiated cells, genes expressed in differentiated tissue are downregulated, such as mrf4 and myf5 in muscle cells. Proliferative genes such as mslx are upregulated to help re–create the progress zone mesenchyme of the embryonic limb. Once enough cells have proliferated, they dedifferentiate to form the structure of the limb (or whichever area of the body they are ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Caterpillar Essay Caterpillars are innocent creatures that have inspired an author to write a piece about their daily life. In the poem "The Caterpillar" by Anna Barbauld discusses two themes which are a realistic theme and the hidden theme. Imagery helps with all the themes present in the poem. One example of imagery is "the silver line that streaks thy back" (line 4). "The Caterpillar" talks about an insect that seems just like any other insect but the way she writes about it is as if she is glorifying caterpillars. She talks of a caterpillar as an innocent creature on this earth that can do no harm. The poem then discusses the unnecessary killing of that innocence. Caterpillars mind their own business and do not mean to harm anyone while trying to complete their metamorphosis or better known as the butterfly cycle. Killing an innocent creature simply because they are pests is wrong, especially due to the issue that everything in the natural world is interconnected. When killing creatures', humans are tampering with nature's natural cycle because every animal has a specific spot on the food chain. The upfront theme is the one that many may understand when they read the poem for the ... Show more content on ... It would be until later that she would be praised by a more recent society. One writer stated that "Barbauld provided an early nineteenth–century retrospect of, mainly, the eighteenth–century novel, with an eye alert to what she calls the "ordonnance" of a novelist's plan, its architectural arrangement and design" (Tonner 172). Her works made people look at things differently; it showed aspirations to realism and to morals. Barbauld focused on fiction writing while relating it back to the aesthetic aspects of novels which many did not understand during her time. Her views on the plot of her books and various essays are now praised while during her time was not. Morals compared to the real situations in life is the summary of most of her ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Fish Is The Best Flavor And Quality Of A Fresh Fish Seafood has become more and more prevalent for people to want to eat these days. Fish in particular, all kinds, has become a bigger want. There are more than 30,000 different species of fish. There are different specifications such as the type, skeletal structure, and how the they are harvested. Fish can either be domesticated or man influenced or wild harvested, which delivers the best flavor and quality of a fresh fish. Fish can be purchased with many different options as well. Striper, or also known as: striped bass, rockfish, linesider, roller, squidhound, or simply as bass, or scientifically as Morone saxatilis. It is a coastal sport fish and native to pretty much the whole east coast and is wild caught and farmed in some cases. ... Show more content on ... Oddly enough, striper is one of the California's top ranking sport fish now. The fish was numbered at approximately 3 million adults in the early 1960s and about 775 thousand with 30% hatchery– reared in the early 1990s; this was when the fish was in relative abundance. Over the years last– ditch efforts are being made to restore western fisheries. Striper, a round fish, has several qualities that can be used to differentiate them from other fish found on the east coast. It has a large mouth, which has jaws that extend backward to just below the eye. There are two prominent spines on the gill covers. The first, most anterior of its two well–developed and separated dorsal fins, has a series of sharp and stiffened spines. The anal fin on the other hand, which is about as long as the posterior dorsal fin has three sharp spines. Its upper body can either appear to be steel blue, light green, olive, brown, or black depending on its ecosystem it lives in. The lateral line that the fish has is marks their silvery sides and has either seven or eight continuous stripes around it. Their bellies or undersides are typically white or silver, with a brassy iridescence to it in some cases. Striper typically live up to forty years, five feet in length, and reach weights greater than 100 pounds in most cases. The females are usually greater in size than the males and when the stripers are over thirty pounds, most likely it is a female. The females also tend to ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Causes And Consequences Of Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are significant groups of arthropods that inhabit aquatic habitats. They are probably adverse arthropods, which transmits wide range of pathogens that cause drastic deadly diseases such as human malaria, dengue, filariasis, viral encephalitis (Leopoldo 2008). Zika virus, another mosquitoe borne infection was first reported in Brazil by Pan American Health Organization in 2015. After the identification, the Zika virus has spread tremendously all around America. The illness begins with mild symptoms lasting up to a week after being bitten by vector mosquito. However, an infection during pregnancy may cause certain neurological anomalies like microcephaly and several other brain defects (Plourde & Bloch 2016).Thus control of mosquitoes becomes the need of the hour to prevent wide epidemic infections. However, it is difficult to control and prevent severe consequences created by mosquito species (Aneesh 2009). Currently a total of 3549 recognized mosquito species belonging to subfamily Culicinae are reported all over the world (Harbach 2016). Out of this more than hundred species of mosquitoes are capable of disease transmission to humans and other ... Show more content on ... Pupae don't require food and be alive for 1–3 days before the adult form. Male adult mosquitoes primarily feed nectar from plants to get sugar while the female mosquitoes imbibe the blood meal to generate viable eggs (Leopoldo 2008). Female mosquitoes usually nourish every 3–5days. A. albopictus females are diurnal feeders; they not only give preference to attack large mammals but also imbibe blood meals from birds (Savage et al ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Characteristics Of Sargassum Fish MARB 425–406 Comparing Natural Mortality of Sargassum Fish (Histrio histrio) and Blue Runner (Caranx crysos). Violeta Curameng Abstract In the Gulf of Mexico a variety of marine environments can be utilized by fish. Common environments include Coral reefs and Sargassum. An assortment of fish can inhabit these environments but which environment they live in depends on their life history. Histrio histrio (Sargassum Fish) live in the Sargassum and Caranx Crysos (Blue Runner) live in the open water near reefs. Natural mortality of these species can be linked to their distribution and their life history strategies. Introduction In the Gulf of Mexico there are many different marine habitats that reside in its waters. From reef environments to floating Sargassum, a diverse variety of fishes can be found. Sargassum, is a type of brown algae that consists of two species, S. natans and S. fluitans (Rooker 2006). Sargassum has been linked to primary and secondary production and can also be a hot spot of production which would be an ideal habitat for pelagic fishes (Peres 1982). Coral reefs are a habitat that are common in the Gulf of Mexico, such as, the Flower Garden Banks (NOAA 2017). There are also many artificial reefs in the gulf that provide shelter for many fish species (Bull 1994). Of these habitats fish such as, Histrio histrio (Sargassum Fish) and Caranx crysos (Blue Runner) are abundant. H. histrio can be found hidden in the Sargassum environments while ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. West Nile Abuse In Delaware Delaware is a good place to live. Delaware has a lot of woodland. When you tell people about woodland they think peaceful and relaxing. Or going on adventure or seeing animals or having fun with the family.The thing they don't think about is mosquito.We all know they cause terrible itchy bites.The thing they don't know is that they can give you a disease.For example Chikungunya virus and West Nile Virus. West nile virus is really known in the US. In delaware they control mosquito.They are called DNREC Mosquito Control.The DNREC don't let the number of mosquito increase, or even decrease.If they eliminated all the mosquito the food chain would go crazy. DNREC goes everywhere to control mosquito.They go to wetland and woodland. DNREC ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Reality Check: Becoming Her Reality Check: Becoming "Her" The theme for this quarter is Evolution. The definition of evolution is the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form. So, it's befitting that the topic I chose be about metamorphosis. In the process of becoming all who God ordained us to be, we should always be evolving, going forward and progressing. I guarantee you, that today, you are not the same person you were ten years ago, and ten years from now you will not be the person you are today. We are always in a state of "Becoming" which, by definition, is the process of coming to be something. Our trials and tribulations is the process. The question is who are we? Think ... Show more content on ... Our triumphs, struggles and pain are designed to help us grow and continue to become better versions of ourselves. And that, my friend, is who "Her" is. Her is me. Her is you. "HER" is the woman you want to be. Who you are called to be? Unfortunately, we have to go through that uncomfortable metamorphic stage to get to our version of "HER". Becoming "HER" is all about becoming the woman you see yourself as. Fulfilling your destiny and operating in your purpose. Becoming her is about you reaching your maximum potential, becoming the highest form of yourself, while simultaneously using your God given gifts, talents and abilities. I advise and implore you to embrace the process. Don't allow anything or anyone to stunt or stagnate your growth. Remember, everyone is not supposed to be privy to your journey. There are many paths along our journey and no short cuts. If you are like me, you don't want to be wandering around the dessert for forty years trying to get to the Promised Land. My hope, my desire and my prayer for you as well as for myself is that we don't keep repeating past mistakes. I hope we learn the lesson and past the test the first time so we can be promoted and move on. Last but not least, I will end with an old African American proverb. Each one, Teach one. If you can help your fellow sister in her process of becoming "HER" it's even more rewarding. Be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Cutaneous Larva Diagnosis Diagnosis and management of cutaneous larva migrans By Dr. Liji Thomas, MD Cutaneous larva migrans is caused by the epidermal migration of the filariform larvae of various hookworm and occasionally, dog tapeworm, species. The most common type is due to the dog/cat hookworm Ancylostoma braziliense. It manifests as a red or vesicular lesion at the site of entry of the larva, usually between the toes of the bare foot. The skin around this papule is usually pruritic. Symptoms of severe itching start immediately after infestation, and are associated with the appearance of an advancing reddish, serpiginous rash. This lesion is usually benign, and lasts for weeks to months. Eventually the larvae, having entered an accidental host, die because they ... Show more content on ... As a result they die within weeks or months, and the symptoms vanish. However, the severe itching for several weeks or months may be intolerable. It can lead to scratching with the risk of secondary skin infection. Also, there is a risk of complications, such as impetigo, hyper–eosinophilia and allergic reactions to the presence of the larvae. Treatment of cutaneous larva migrans may be done with 10 – 15% thiabendazole ointment or solution topically three times a day for 15 days. Within 48 hours the itching stops and the rash ceases to advance. The treatment is difficult if there are multiple rashes or hookworm infestation of the skin follicles. Oral thiabendazole is less effective than oral albendazole, having a cure rate of 68 – 84%. Albendazole 400 mg may be used as a single dose or repeated for two days, and produces a cure in 46 – 100%. Another option is ivermectin, which is used off–label for this purpose, a single oral dose of 12 mg being effective in 81 – 100%. Moreover, the relapse rate is very low with this drug. Antibacterial or antibiotic ointments are used to treat secondary infections of the inflamed ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Ladybug Life Cycle Research Paper The Life Cycle of Ladybugs In fact a ladybug's bright colors warn predators to stay away. As many kinds of animal, ladybugs use the coloration her body to protect herself from dangerous animal. Ladybugs eat insects in its life time to stay alive. Many people like ladybugs because of their many colors. In addition, most ladybugs are eating plants so they could help protect crops. They come in numerous, unique shapes and different colors. The most common place to find the spare dotted ladybug, with its sparkly, red–and dark body is in North America. Moreover, ladybugs are mostly seen from spring until fall. The process of a ladybug's lifecycle consists of the egg stage, larva, pupa, and finally the adult stage. The first step of the ladybug's life cycle is the egg stage. Ladybugs ... Show more content on ... After a limited week, the hatchlings will begin to change into a creature that resembles a shrimp. After that, it will find a leaf of to attach itself with. This process will look like the ladybug is resting, but in the fact it's not napping, it is one of its creative abilities. During the pupa stage, the insects are experiencing a transformation into adult ladybug. At the point when the transformation is finished, the skin of the ladybug will be exposed, and the full developed ladybug will rise. Yet, despite everything, it won't resemble the ladybug that you know so well, it will be soft and light for hours until its shell becomes hard. When that happens. It is going to improve the ladybug's beautiful colors, that's why most ladybugs are bright red. In conclusion, egg, larva, pupa and adult are the stages of the ladybug life cycle. When ladybugs lay the eggs, she put them on one place. Then larva is watching and searching for something to eat. After that, pupa is coming to stay on the leaf. The final stage changed the color from pale to red skin on adult stage. As can be seen, the life cycle of a ladybug is so ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Bangladesh : A Industrial Country, Rich And Natural Resources Bangladesh is a reveredagro–industrial country, rich in human and natural resources. Fishery, the most practiced, is performed in both fresh and brackish water in coastal areas. Currently, the fresh water areas, the overall ecology of fish habitats and migratory routes are disappearing due to human activities. It is therefore difficult to meet the protein requirement of the population from the freshwater sub–sector alone. Notwithstanding, priority is still given to the freshwater for fishery despite the fact that marine and brackish water fisherysub–sectors constitute greater proportion of foreign exchange earnings and development budget. This is reflected in the number of fishery development projects that have been implemented since liberation. If equal attention is paid to management and development of the marine and brackish water sectors, it would be possible to attain increased production. In the past,shrimp was much cheaper than fish and was considered unattractivelocally. In the early seventies, Bangladesh entered the world export market for shrimp. Since then, shrimp has become expensive. Farmers earned much from shrimp farming by meeting up with the demand of the market.Today, diseases caused by biological and non–biological agents are becoming prominent in the aquaculture industry.Despite the bonus, shrimp farming in Bangladesh is affected with a wide range of microbial disease problems with no effective treatments due to poor production, leading to great economic ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. My Educational Journey My life decisions so far is based on my journey for best education. It has shaped my career path, my choices and my home. Essentially, I can liken my education, to a metamorphosis process. My belief on education is passed down from my parents, but we all share the same value of education; it is the key to attaining a successful position in our career. So, whenever my education proved unsatisfactory, we gambled our chances and moved schools every two years within Dubai. When we received a chance to move to the U.S., my parents took the chance and moved here during my sophomore year. The move accompanied many challenges like adapting to the new syllabus, foundation contexts of each courses, and fitting in to new environments. However, none of these phased me negatively as I have continued to survive and adapt with my peers, disregarding the disadvantages I had to face along the changes introduced in my life. Now why did I bring metamorphosis into this? Because metamorphosis is a sudden physical and cellular change that takes place in an animal. In my case, I would compare myself to a butterfly who goes through these changes independently to strive for the best education. The four steps of metamorphosis: egg, larvae, chrysalis and adult can be condensed and applied to my life. For instance, every time I was laid in a new environment, I hatched and fed myself the education, disregarding however challenging it was. As I grew older, education became more perplexing and it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Hookworm Research Paper 19 Hookworm (Anclostoma Duodenale and Necator Americanus). Hookworm is another very important intestinal helminth that infects over seven hundred million people worldwide (CDC, 2016). The adult worms, like ascaris live in the intestine and shed their eggs in the faeces of infected person. Faecal contamination of the soil or the use of human excreta as fertilizer increases the chance of hook worm eggs to be deposited in the soil. The eggs when released into the soil hatch into the larvae. Hookworm infection occurs when the infective larvae penetrate the human skin. This infection is likely possible when people walk barefoot on soil contaminated with hookworm eggs (Cappello, 2004). Infections with hookworm are usually asymptomatic ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Goldenrod Gall Fly Research Paper The goldenrod gall fly (or Eurosta solidaginis) is a parasite whose life depends upon and revolves around the goldenrod plant. After mating, the female gall fly uses its ovipositor (structure used to inject eggs into a plant) to insert its eggs into the stem of a goldenrod plant. After about ten days, the fly larvae hatch and begin to eat the inside of the plant. The saliva of the larva contains a chemical that causes the plant to swell, creating what is known as a gall; this serves as a food source and a protective shell for the growing larva. When fall approaches, the larva digs an escape tunnel by which it will later exit the gall as an adult; however, the larva does not complete the tunnel, instead it leaves a thin membrane of plant material for protection (Abrahamson & Heinrich, n.d.). E. solidaginis larvae then pupate in late winter or early spring, and leave the gall as adults soon afterwards (Abrahamson, Sattler, McCrea, & Weis, 1989). Once freed from the gall, ... Show more content on ... It is believed that this is because the larger galls are likely to house bigger larvae, thus "making a better meal for the effort" (Abrahamson & Heinrich, n.d., p. 3). One could also assume that the larger galls are more visible when the predators are searching for galls. However, the opposite seems to be true for E. obtusiventris and E. gigantea. These predators are more likely to deposit their eggs into smaller galls. It was found that galls that were attacked by these wasps were notably smaller than galls that had not been preyed upon (Weis & Abrahamson, 1985). According to Weis, Abrahamson, and McCrea, the ability of the parasite to successfully complete oviposition depends on both the thickness of the gall wall and the length of the parasite's ovipositor, meaning that smaller galls are more convenient for these predators ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Elephantiasis Research Paper Elephantiasis is a rare medical condition which is easily identifiable. This is due to effects of the condition which is described as gross enlargement of an area of the body, especially the limbs. This enlargement or extreme swelling of body parts is said to reach seven times the normal size. The enlargement is caused from obstruction of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. So, when the condition blocks off the proper function of this system the fluid with toxins build up and causes the gross enlargement.Along with the massive swelling, the skin of the affected area turns dry, thick, and has a pebbly appearance. The disease can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Wax-Moth Larvae Research Paper Wax–moth larvae is a species of caterpillar which has a surprising ability: to degrade plastic waste! One hundred of these worms can degrade ninety–two milligrams of polyethylene, which is the hardest to degrade plastic, as well as the most common. Wax–moth larvae, also known as Galleria mellonella will be a valuable research topic in the coming years. Additionally, these organisms come with a plethora of information on how plastic can finally be properly disposed of. How scientists discovered the abilities of the wax–moth larvae is actually quite comical. Spanish researcher and beekeeper Federica Bertocchini put several wax–moth larvae into a plastic bag after removing them from one of her hives. When she went to retrieve them, she discovered ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. A Case Study Of Drosophila Melanogaster Stocks Drosophila melanogaster stocks used for the behavior assays (2–choice assay and tracking assay) and molecular analysis (qRT–PCR and immunohistochemistry), include the wild type Canton–S (CS) line, the UAS–GABA (B)–RX–RNAi (Root et al., 2008) (where X represents receptor subtype 1, 2, or 3), and Or X–Gal4 lines (Or 47a Gal4 and Or 42b Gal4), GH–146 Gal4, Orco–Gal4, 10x; UAS–CD8; GFP were purchased from the Bloomington stock center ( Virgin female flies from UAS–GABA (B) R1–RNAi line were crossed to males from Or 47a Gal4, also UAS–GABA (B) R1–RNAi females were crossed to males of Or 42b Gal4. Similar crosses were made using UAS–GABA (B) R2–RNAi and UAS–GABA (B) R3–RNAi lines and Or 47a and ... Show more content on ... Starved and fed larvae were washed in a drop of ddH2O three times prior to behavioral analysis. Behavioral assays Two–choice assay The two–choice assay was conducted as described (Kreher, Mathew et al. 2008) (Monte, Woodard et al. 1989). Two filter paper discs were placed at diametrically opposite ends of the petri dish containing 1.1% agarose. The experimental odorant was added on one of the filter disc while the control diluent (paraffin oil) was added on the other filter disc. Odorants were serially diluted to 1:10–2 in paraffin oil for two choice assays. The response index (RI) was calculated by allowing ~50 larvae in the center of the plate and are allowed to migrate for exactly 5 mins within the odor gradient. RI is measured by counting the number of larvae after five minutes on each half of the petri plate. RI is calculated by using the formula (#larvae towards the odorant half (–) #larvae towards the control half) / (Total number of larvae). Two–choice assay was done under highly controlled conditions of humidity, temperature and light. For behavioral assays, the temperature was maintained at 22–23 degrees C and 45%–50% relative humidity. Tracking assay The tracking assay was conducted as previously described (Mathew, Martelli et al. 2013). Five filter paper discs holding either a test odorant or the control diluent (paraffin oil) were placed on opposite ends of a 22x22cm square ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Brightness Of The Papilio Troilus During Larval Stage... Student number: 1003487461 Week 1 Tuesday evening RM205 TA's name Species number: 2 Does The Brightness in Coloration of The Papilio Troilus in Larval Stage Affect The Survival Rate When They Encountered with Predators? Introduction Papilio Troilus also known as the spicebush swallowtail, they will go through three stages of development in their larval phase. In the first stage, they resemble birds dropping in brown and white color. As they growing into their forth instar, they turning to a green–yellow color with black dots on their back to resemble snakes. When Troilus larvas nearly the pupate time their coloration changes again to deep orange. While the brown and white coloration of the larva in first instar can be considered as a form of mimicry, which encourage their predators to leave them alone, the bright green–yellow color of their forth instar can be recognized as aposematic, also known as warning color. (K.L.Prudic 2007) The specific color work with black dots on the back of those larvas, is mimicking the appearance of snake which is the natural enemy of their predator. Aposematic is a defensive strategy prey spices developed to increase their survival rate from predation. Coloration is one of the many ways to warning their potential predator, visually express their toxicity and unpalatability. (K.L.Prudic 2007) Both the beneficial function and mechanisms in molecular level of aposematic in the genus Papilio has been well researched and documented. (E.V. Zakharov ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Are Honeybees Effective Defense Against Disease? Honeybees, of the genus Apis, play a huge role in our environment through pollination. One in every three bites of food you eat depends on pollinators. Pollinators transfer pollen and seeds, allowing the plant to grow and produce food. Without bees pollinating, many plants would eventually die off, including the crops that humans eat. But like any other living organism, they are subjected to disease and pests that are harmful to their population. The effective defense against disease is the most vital aspect of keeping a bee colony functioning properly. Their most effective defense mechanism that can lead to self–healing is their behavior of removing as many harmful agents as possible, such as parasites, from their colony. If the dead organism is too large, they will cover it with propolis, which prevents release of pathogens during decomposition of the body. The most important defense against disease, however, is their hygiene behavior. If they find an infected larva in a sealed cell, they will uncap the cell and remove the infected larva from the colony. If adult bees become ill, they will be forced ... Show more content on ... It is caused by the fungus Ascosphaera apis, which was discovered in the United States in 1968. Infection only occurs in larva three to four days old, when they are sealed in their cells. The larvae must ingest the spores of the fungus for an infection to occur. The fungus takes over the gut of the larvae and ultimately the rest of its body. Once the larvae are dead they turn chalky white and resemble mummies. There is currently no known chemical control against Chalkbrood, but requeening and increased ventilation is effective. Stimulative feeding and replacing old comb also helps. This disease tends to infect the hive frame by frame, so you can take the infected frame out and scrape it clean. You can also requeen to break the brood cycle. To prevent Chalkbrood, make sure to requeen every few ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Far-Reaching Implications of Global Warming "Temperature is probably the single most important environmental factor influencing insect behavior, distribution, development, survival, and reproduction". (Bale et al 2002). Since insects are cold–blooded, the environmental temperature plays a very important role in an insect's homeostasis. Homeostasis is the relatively constant internal physical and chemical condition that organisms maintain. Once the temperature has changed from its norm, an insect's daily functions would be disrupted. "It has been estimated that with a 2 degree Celsius temperature increase insects might experience one to five additional life cycles per season" (Yamamura & Kiritani 1998). Scientists believe a warmer climate may result in higher insect populations. However, studies have shown that butterflies prefer a cooler climate. The butterfly population is decreasing at sea level but is increasing at tree line as butterflies migrate to cooler areas. For example, the Brown Argus Butterfly has shifted where its populations are most dense; a butterfly that was once predominantly found in Southern Britain, has now relocated to Northern Britain, a dramatic change of 79 kilometers. Butterflies at the highest–elevation site are appearing with increasing regularity. Those that normally breed at 7,000 feet now breed at 9,000 feet. When an area changes from rural to urban or suburban, the greatest butterfly losses occur. This proves that global warming is having an effect on organisms, even if the change ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Water Quality Lab Report This lab report is based on the question, what is the water quality of the U–High creek based on the invertebrates found? To answer the question there needs to be an understanding of the measures of water quality. The pH range of healthy water is 6.5– 8.5. pH is used to measure the relative acidity of solutions such as water. If there is too much of nitrogen and phosphorous it will increase the growth of aquatic plants and algae, which leads to the bacteria decomposing the dead plant material. The decomposition removes the dissolved oxygen from the water. Dissolved oxygen is the waste product of photosynthesis. Dissolved oxygen affects organisms because some organisms cannot tolerate too low or too high dissolved oxygen levels which lowers the diversity of organisms in the water. (Riverwatch, 2013) Invertebrates can also measure the water quality based on how much pollution is in the water. There are 3 types of invertebrate indicators of water quality, based on the population of pollution tolerant, moderately tolerant, and pollution intolerant. This shows how healthy the water is. If pollution tolerant invertebrates are living in the water then that infers that the water quality is not good because it has a lot of ... Show more content on ... There was some pollution found but not a lot, there was many pollution intolerant invertebrates found which means that the water must be healthy enough to support those organisms, and the water was clear enough to see the creek bed.. Water quality index is a number from 1–100 that measures the overall quality of the water and it indicates if the water is healthy or not. If the water has a water quality index of 10 or less than the water quality is poor. If it is 11–16 than the quality is fair. If it is between 17–22 than the quality is good, and if it is 23 or more than the water quality is excellent. The U–High creek was a 42, which means the quality is ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Professional Pest Control Professional Pest Control Keeps Your Summer Nights Free From Mosquito Bites Mosquitoes can make your summer miserable whether you live in the city or the country. You may not be able to go outdoors in the evening without applying some type of repellent. Even worse, the bugs may find their way indoors and bite you while you're sleeping at night. Although it's challenging to keep mosquitoes out of your yard, there are some things you can do to decrease their numbers. Here are a few ways to go about it. Reduce Breeding Grounds One important step is to reduce standing water on your property. It only takes a little bit of water for a mosquito to lay eggs and start the cycle of reproduction. Don't overlook things such as a saucer under a potted plant or toys left in the yard. Anything that collects water is a potential mosquito problem such as a trash can, boat that is uncovered, or birdbath. If you need to leave water out for your pets or for wildlife, be sure to change it daily to get rid of mosquito eggs. Mosquitoes are active when the sun goes down, and during the day they like to rest in the shade on plants, weeds, and flowers. The more foliage you have in the yard, the more hiding places there will be for mosquitoes. To keep the bugs away from your house, ... Show more content on ... You can buy various products and devices for mosquito control, but they are not nearly as effective as professional chemicals. Some things you may try on your own include repellents, electric zappers, and bug sprays. A professional exterminator will treat the plants in your yard to kill off mosquitoes hiding in them. He or she will also treat areas with standing water so eggs and larvae are killed too. Another option to try is a barrier pesticide that mosquitoes don't want to cross to enter your yard. You may want to begin treatment in late spring or early summer before the number of bugs gets out of ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Black Larva Research Paper Like any other school there were the "cool" kids and the "not–so–cool" kids and like most people I longed for the feeling of fitting in. I tried so hard to buy the right clothes and to talk the right way. I became so caught up in my own life that I did not take a second to stop and think of someone other than myself. Last year, in eight grade, I had the chance to be apart of the "it" group, but during that time I lost myself. Peer pressure had pushed me into a corner where I was unable to think for myself and as a result I lost my ability to establish my character. The group I had faked my way into was called "black larva", a name that I still do not understand. The group was known for their parties as they were posted by all 23 group members ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. A Brief Note On The Middle East And Asia oases of northern Africa, the Middle East and Asia and is of significant value because of its edible fruit. Murphy (2007) spells out that E. guineensis produces about seven tons of oil per hectare per year and its uses are extended to industries for the production of foods, cosmetics and toiletries. 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF Oryctes rhinoceros Oryctes rhinoceros is a species of insects that belongs to the Scarabaeidae family. It undergoes complete metamorphosis with reproductive cycle consisting of five stages of development: the egg, the larva, the pre–pupa, the pupa and the adult. The insect is identified by its brown shining colour and its cylindrical, lengthened and very convex shape. Another attribute seen in it is the cephalic horn which is larger for males. They are regarded a serious pest of palms especially destroying the young ones where introduced. The taxonomic classification of the O. rhinoceros beetle is presented in table below. Rank Taxon Phylum Arthropoda Class Insecta Order Coleoptera Suborder Polyphaga Family Scarabaeidae Genus Oryctes Scientific name Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) Source: Arnett et al., (2002), Triplehorn et al., (2005) 3.1 LIFE CYCLE OF O. rhinoceros BEETLE The O. rhinoceros beetle undergoes complete metamorphosis, passing through egg, larva, pupa and adult stages. The adult is the only damaging life stage as it feeds on sap by boring holes into the crowns of palm trees. The immature stages feed on decaying vegetation and do not ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Honey Bear Research Paper Honeybees are very important to our food supply because they pollinate our plants and help them grow. Other than the sun and water bees bring to crop or plants a lot of the nutrition that the plant is going to need and so the plant is able to produce more. Without bees helping our food grow we would be very short on food supply. Some things that could be harming the bees are bears because bees like to live where they can be left alone and where they think that they are safe but in the woods there are bears bad bears really like honey and they normally destroy the hive and leave the bees homeless. Another thing that could he a threat to the bees are people. No one likes bees, they are annoying and it hurts really bad when they sting you and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Caenorhabditis Elegans Caenorhabditis elegans is a nematode worm that is used in a lab for research. This is because it enables researchers to use a simpler model of an organism without using humans themselves. The life cycle of a nematode worm is about three days (Hartwell 2011). It includes stages of the embryo, the L1 larva, L2 larva, L3 larva, the L4 larva, and the adult. The stages are the different molts and these are the growing of different cuticles and shedding the older ones (Hartwell 2011). This allows adaptation to occur and the processes to function normally. There are two types of adults and they include hermaphrodite and males. Hermaphrodites are usually females and they contain the male and female gametes of the organism. This also allows the hermaphrodites ... Show more content on ... Collagen is a rope like fiber that has high tensile strength, meaning things won't be pulled apart. If the mutation is occurring in the muscle collagen, then this would create more of a strain on half of the body while the other half gets pulled more. This would create that "horseshoe" shape. The dpy– 10 affects the collagen gene that is needed for the cuticle (Levy). This creates the short, fat phenotype that is expressed with the slow movement. The collagen in this mutation is affected by maybe having too much collagen and this causes the strength to keep things together and not allowing the cells to grow and the worm to grow to full length. Unc–22 is a mutation that interacts with myosin and affects the structure and function of a muscle (Moerman). The phenotype is the "twitching" that can be observed with the microscope. Myosin is an actin filament that helps with trafficking of cells and muscle contraction. Because myosin is being affected, this means that the muscle contracts and relaxes at random and this would cause the "twitching" effects. Bli–1 is a mutation with collagen (de Melo). This phenotype includes blistering of the cuticle. This mutation would affect the cuticle of the worm and the cells are being pulled apart or rubbing against each other. This would allow fluid to be in the area and cause this ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Larvae Of Ochrogaster Lunifer Herrich Schaeffer Larvae of Ochrogaster lunifer Herrich–Schaeffer (Lepidopetera: Thaumetopoeidae), or as it has previously been known, Ochrogaster contraria Walker or Teara contraria Walker, are widely distributed throughout coastal and inland regions of Australia (Turner 1921; Froggatt 1923; Mills 1951; McFarland 1979). Inhabiting mainly acacia and eucalypt vegetation (Van Schagen et al. 1992), larval populations of O. lunifer display a distinctive processionary behaviour by crawling head to tail in single–file to the canopy of its host tree to feed before returning to their nests in much the same way (Floater 1996a; Maier et al. 2003). Previous studies conducted on O. lunifer have focused on the species life history (Floater 1996a), biology (Van Schagen, ... Show more content on ... 1992; Floater 1996a). Second through to eighth instar emerge from the egg mass between December and May; ascending the host plant in a single–file procession to feed (Floater 1996a). First instar larvae have been observed to remain within the egg mass not feeding (Floater 1996a; Floater & Zalucki 1999). Final instars leave the host plant during May in larval processions before splitting into subgroups and then later individuals to pupate (Floater 1996a). Individual larvae form an underground cocoon of silk, soil and setae where they will diapause over winter; pupation and emergence does not take place until September or October (Van Schagen et al. 1992; Floater 1996a). The larval integument of O. lunifer is covered with a multitude of hair types (Floater 1996a; Floater & Zalucki 1999). A typical arthropod hair is embedded in epidermal cells; developed by a trichogen and a tormogen or auxiliary cell, and is connected to neurons for the transmission of sensorial information (Battisti et al. 2011). Urticating hairs, and in particular those classified as true setae, are derived from arthropod hairs (Battisti et al. 2011). True setae are a distinguishing characteristic of the larval stage of many processionary Lepidoptera (Battisti et al. 2011; Cawdell–Smith et al. 2013; Petrucco Toffolo et al. 2014). They are small, approximately 100–500µm long and 3–7µm in diameter, and barbed (Fenk et al. 2007; Battisti et al. 2011). The cellular ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Fruit Fly Lab Report Introduction Drosphila melanogaster, commonly known as the fruit fly, is an excellent organism for genetics studies because it has simple food requirements, occupies little space, is robust, completes its life cycle in about 12 days at room temperature, produces large numbers of offspring, can be immobilized readily for examination and sorting, and has many types of hereditary variations that can be observed with low–power magnification. The fruit fly has a small number of chromosomes (4 pairs), which are easily located in the large salivary gland cells. As mentioned before, the fruit fly life cycle is complete in about 12 days. First, a fertilized adult female must lay the egg, which leads to the first stage of the fruit fly life cycle, the egg stage. This first stage consists of a small, oval– shaped zygote with two filaments at one end. They are typically laid on surfaces of the vial and last for only about a day in optimal conditions. The egg, after a day, will then hatch into a larva, which marks the start of the larva stage. Lasting for about 3 days, the larva stage is broken up into three different segments: the first instar larva, second instar larva, and third instar larva. Throughout these stages, the wormlike larva eats continuously. A cream colored or white, wormlike organism with no legs or eyes except for hook–like mouthpiece for feeding. The larva feeds in the food medium for about 3–6 days then it leaves the food source in search of dry place to pupate. The first instar larva lasts for about a day or two, during which it mostly feeds the entire time, then the larva sheds its outer skin (cuticle) and enters the second instar stage, where it is bigger and more defined. From there, it repeats the same process as the first instar. ... Show more content on ... The two most easily seen differences between male and female fruit flies are abdomen shape/size and sex ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Peristaltic Wave Lab Report From the baseline settings, all larvae in the control group moved under blue light, thereby proving that ATR is necessary for the ChR2 channel to be expressed. The experimental group, however, froze and contracted whenever the blue light was turned on, indicating they have the ChR2 channel. We then began testing our hypothesis by first observing the number of peristaltic waves produced by each larva per MRR. From Table 1, we observed that each larva had 10 peristaltic waves for a 0.5 Hz MRR setting. However, for an MRR of 1, 1.5, and 2 Hz, the peristaltic waves were inconsistent. The first larva from the 1 MRR had eight peristaltic waves, yet, the second and third larva we observed had 14 and 12 waves respectively. This inconsistency follows throughout the experiment, and it is no surprise that there seem to be a random number of waves produced because the control group did not have the ChR2 expression. ... Show more content on ... However, the experimental group did prove a slight consistency. Table 2 displays that in the 0.5 MRR row, the three larvae observed had 4, 6, and 6 waves, with the second and third having the same number of waves. Likewise, the second and third larva in the 1 MRR row also had the same number, only having 2 peristaltic waves. When we increased the MRR to 1.5 and 2, all observed larvae did not move at all. This is because by increasing the MRR, the likelihood of the blue light flashing increases. At 0.5 MRR, the blue light would flash once every two seconds. This allowed the experimental group to slightly move before they were forced to contract when the blue light would shine on them again. Once the MRR was set to 1, the light would flash once every second, decreasing the amount the larva would move and thus, decrease the peristaltic ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Is The Life Cycle Of A Monarch Butterfly Have you ever learned about the monarch butterfly? Read on to find out about them. The first stage in the life cycle is the egg stage. The larva stays in the egg stage for about3 to 4 weeks. They are laid by the female under milkweed leaves. It's rare to find more than one on a single leaf. The eggs are oval–shaped, off white or yellow and marked with a series of lines and ridges. The hard–outer shell or chorion, protects the developing larvae. The second stage in the life cycle is the larval stage. As soon as the larva comes out of the out of the egg it will eat the egg case. Then, it continues to devour the milkweed plant leaf. The larvae come out of the egg it eats the egg Then it continues to devour the milk weed plants leaves. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Impact Of Spinosad And Nucleopolyhedrovirus Alone And... Impact of Spinosad and Nucleopolyhedrovirus Alone and In Combination against the Cotton Leaf wormSpodoptera littoralis under laboratory *1 AA. El–Helalyand HM. El–bendary 2 1.Entomology Department, Faculty ofAgriculture, Cairo University, Egypt 2. Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, Egypt Corresponding author:AA El–Helaly Keywords A B S T R A C T Spodoptera littoralis Spinosad, npvs Combination Biological aspects The toxicity of the two biorational insecticides, Spinosad and NPVs, against neonates of Spodoptera littoralis (Bosiduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was tested under laboratory conditionsin order to determine the competitive efficacy. The ability of Spinosad to protect the SpliNPV from Ultra Violet effects under synthetic laboratory conditions was determined, and some biological aspects of both biorational insecticides and their mixture were studied. In order to determine whether or not there is a synergetic effect when both of these biorational pesticides are added together, six different Spinosad concentrations (1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 ppm) alone and mixed with a sub–lethal concentration of SpliNPV (1×10 3 ) were investigated. When the Ultra Violet effect was determined, the LC 90 of NPVs mixed with LC10 of Spinosad, in order to investigate the ability of Spinosad in prolonging the virus activity. Sample: Department of Entomology (Virology Unit) ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Eassy On Roundworm Essay Toxocariasis is commonly known as the Roundworm Infection. With this species there are four different approaches of acquiring infection. Possible ways of infection include direct transmission (straight eating the eggs within stool), prenatal transmission (contamination while in utero), paratenic transmission (the transmission can occur with a and transmammary transmission (can be spread through the mammary glands like breastfeeding and placenta). Egg are left in the feces of dogs, from there they can be spread between 2–4 weeks. When dogs eat infectious eggs it allows the eggs to hatch and the larval form of the parasite to penetrate through the gut wall. In younger dogs, the larvae can travel via bloodstream by piercing a blood vessel in the gut wall. Once ingested, the eggs hatch, and the larvae enter the wall of the small intestine. Once larvae become mobile they can migrate through the host via circulatory system into the respiratory system into other organs and tissues within the body. When they enter the body they can become encyst (pretty ... Show more content on ... The larvae will simply undergo a dormant stage within an intermediate host until they are in a dog again. The development of the larva into worm is restricted to the gastrointestinal tract of a dog. If the parasite finds itself inside a human through ingestion of the infective eggs, it does not exactly have a sense of direction. That's right if a person eats egg–infested poop, once the eggs hatch the larva or worms will meander wherever they feel like going. That means if they want to take a trip through the bloodstream and capillaries, lungs, or if they want to harbor in the brain, liver or eye they can. The most common infestation in the human body leaves mild symptoms, but once in the eye the effects can be local inflammation partial blindness or complete blindness. Nerve endings can become damaged if tampered ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How Bees Are Different From Human Beings? Bees are very different from human beings, although they share the same qualities that define us as living organisms. Some of these qualities are obtaining energy, exchanging gases, and more. Bees are commonly seen at fields flying and landing on flowers. In addition, bees are commonly feared by many humans because of their venom filled stingers. Read on and explore the world of bees. First, let's encounter how a bee obtains energy. All bees, with the exception of the queen bee, eat pollen and nectar that they modify into honey. Nectar is a sugary fluid produced by most flowers and pollen is a powdery dust produced by flowers too. They modify the nectar into honey to preserve all the nutrients and sugars contents it has. This honey is ... Show more content on ... On the flight back to the hive, the foraging bee starts the digestive process of modifying the nectar by the enzymes breaking down the complex sugar contents of the nectar. Once back at the hive, the modified nectar is regurgitated from the foraging bee on to the hive bee. Then that bee ingests the modified nectar and further break down the sugars. Finally, the hive bee regurgitates the freshly made honey into a cell of the bee hive. While this process is occurring, the foraging bee unloads the pollen into an empty cell. After that, the pollen is packed tightly into the cell by another bee head ramming it into the cell. These two processes supply the colony with food. A honeybee's digestive system is similar to a human's digestive system, but there are a few changes. The digestive process starts at a honeybee's mouth which contains the proboscis and the mandible. The Proboscis is the honeybee's tongue which is contained in a straw–like structure. The mandible is a honeybee's jaw or where a honeybee chews its food. When a honeybee eats honey and pollen, it laps the pollen and honey up with their proboscis into their mandible which they chew the food. After the food surpasses the mouth, it goes through their esophagus, past the honey stomach, into a honeybee's normal stomach where different types of enzymes break down the food. Then the broken down food goes into the small intestine where the broken down food is transformed into energy for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Ladybugs Research Paper April showers bring May flowers, and ladybugs. Those darling spring beetles are, in fact more, important than their cute appearance leads you to believe. These metamorphic beetles are an important part to any garden's ecosystem, from larva to full adult; ladybugs play a vital role in our agriculture. Ladybugs are a beetle, no bigger than a paperclip, with a hard red shell adorned in black spots. A beetle by many a name, ladybugs are referred to as ladybird beetles in different parts of the world. Since the insect is a beetle, not a bug, it makes more sense. However, there is logic to how they honed their name of ladybugs. Back in the middle ages crops were being savaged by infesting insects, so the people prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. ... Show more content on ... Fully mature female ladybugs will lay their eggs near other bugs eggs, so the newly hatched larva has a food source. Larvas are described as looking like tiny alligators with orange spots. These fast moving tiny alligators are incredibly hungry, eating constantly so they can grow around ½ inches in length in about 2 weeks. After they have grown to full size, they attach to a leaf to begin the next stage in metamorphosis. After a while, the larva will become a pupa; wrapped up protected until it's fully mature. Seven days later and the pupa will be a fully mature ladybug, hungry for aphids. Since ladybugs enjoy eating a diet of insects like aphids, spider mites, and mealy bugs; they are an asset to keeping crops pest free. Instead of using chemical pesticide, having ladybugs in your garden can be a beneficial biological way of pest control. Some people will even order ladybugs online to help keep their gardens pest free. If it wasn't for ladybugs, many gardens and crops would be infested with plant eating insects; which would overthrow the areas ecosystem. In sum, ladybugs are a farmer's best friend, keeping crops infesting insect free in a natural way. From egg to mature adult, ladybugs contribute to pest control in gardens and crops. So the next time you see a speck of red and black, make sure you say thanks for all their hard work keeping crops safe and gardens ... Get more on ...