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The Bible Is Not Only One More Book
The Bible is the top rated book ever, however its a given that its an alternate pot of fish than your normal John Grisham thriller. For some Christians,
the Bible is not 'Only one more Book ', it is 'The Good Book ', containing the most fundamental truths about existence. What number of other New York
Times (books that offer extremely well) can make these cases? A couple of self improvement manuals, perhaps, however absolutely very few different
books. Obviously, the Bible never makes it onto the New York Times (book that offers exceptionally well) records. This pesters numerous on the
religious right. At the same time, I can 't help suspecting that they are forgetting a fairly essential issue: does the Bible have a place on the fiction list,
or the true to life list? Numerous Christians would guarantee that it has a place on the exact opposite thing simply specified. At the point when the
Bible says that the individuals who have been (had his testicles evacuated) (most likely while kids, by the Church...) won 't be permitted into paradise,
we are to take that as the exacting truth. Additionally, when it lets us know that Joseph 's dad (Jesus ' granddad) was called Jacob that is the manner by
which it really happened. However the perspective that the Bible is impeccable (ordinarily known as 'fundamentalism ') confronts some imperative
issues, not the slightest of which is that the Bible seems to conflict with itself with disquieting recurrence. Despite the fact that I
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Synopsis Of A Book ' Bible Of The Bible '
A Paper Submitted to the
Faculty of Louisiana Baptist University
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the
Doctor of Philosophy
Advanced Prophetics
Justin G. Prock
Pyeongtaek, South Korea
July 2016
Based upon Tim LaHaye's numbers, the average amount of prophecy in the twelve "Historical" books of the Bible is 15.41%1., with the Book of II
Chronicles having the most at 31% and the Book of Esther having the least at 1%. Regardless of how much prophecy is involved in these books, what
is important is the history of people of Israel through the period of the Judges, the United Kingdom and the Divided Kingdom. Within that history, what
is most important ... Show more content on ...
Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. (Joshua 1:1–2,
5, 9)
So, God commanded Joshua to: (1) enter the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1–5:15), (2) conquer the Promised Land (Joshua 6:1–12:24), which included the
Central Campaign (Joshua 6:1–8:25), the Southern Campaign (Joshua 9:1–10:43), and the Northern Campaign (Joshua 11:1–15), and (3) distribute
portions of the Promised Land to the 12 tribes of Israel (Joshua 13:1–22:34), which included the land West of the Jordan (Joshua
1. Tim LaHaye et al., Tim LaHaye 's Prophecy Study Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2001), 249, 277, 304, 309, 347, 378, 414, 447, 481,
524, 537, 556.
14:1–19:51), the Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20:1–9), the Cities of the Levites (Joshua 21:1–45), and the land East of the Jordan (Joshua 22:1–34). Joshua
completes God's work by informing the Israelites how to retain the Promised Land in two speeches (Joshua 23:1–24:28), which Joshua summed up this
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the
other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...And Israel served
the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that over–lived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD, that he had
done for Israel
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Introduction. The Bible Is One Of The Bestselling Books
The Bible is one of the bestselling books in the world, for this reason it is incredibly important for Christians and non–Christians alike to examine the
reliability of the text. Because the nature of this paper is rather short, the historical evidence outlined will be brief and not all–inclusive. This paper will
examine the writings and thoughts of many great people including Joshua McDowell, J. Walter Wallace and William Craig. For the purpose of clarity
when discussing the Bible or Scriptures this paper is referring to the Christian Bible which totals of 66 Books. Additionally, the goal of this paper is
not to prove the Bible is the Word of God, a message from God, or inerrant, meaning without error, or even that it is a... Show more content on ...
Old Testament scribes copied each manuscript meticulously, counting every letter and comparing it with the original (McDowell 1992, 50–51). If there
was even a single error the copy was discarded and they began anew. Not only were these manuscripts incredibly accurate they also were numerous. The
New Testament has over 24,000 manuscripts with the earliest copy dating about twenty–five years after the original (McDowell 1992, 52). In
comparison, Homer's Iliad, one of the most historically accepted manuscripts, has only 642 manuscripts with a 500–year gap between the original and
the first surviving copy. Since Homer's Iliad is considered reliable it seems the New Testament should also be considered a reliable copy of the original.
The reliability of the Bible as a historical document is the first form of evidence which points to the reliability of the Bible as a whole. The most
trustworthy records of history are eyewitness accounts, writings of those who had a trustworthy source (such as an eyewitness), and archeological
findings (Bowman 1965, 15). The Bible has all three of these evidences present. For instance, Exodus, Jeremiah, and Matthew are all examples of
accounts written by firsthand eye witnesses. Luke and Acts were written by Luke who was a friend of many eyewitnesses. Furthermore, even
eyewitnesses who were antagonistic towards Christians, such as Josephus, affirmed the truth
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The Poisonwood Bible Book Report
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. A book that I never expected to read because of my stance on avoiding religious books, but oddly
enough I could not put it down. The book is a representation of culture arrogance, racism, greed, ignorance, and imperialism that occurred through 1959
and on. The book introduces a religious, missionary family from Georgia who are headed to the village of Kilanga in Belgium Congo. What grabbed
my attention in the beginning is that each member in the family, which happens to be all girls, has their turn to tell their story through their eyes,
except oddly enough the overly religious evangelical Baptist father, who's only purpose is to spread the name and views of God to the Congolese.
Each daughter is different from the other. You have the oldest, who's to ignorant to try to understand the culture of the Congolese and just wanted to
go back to the US where her "beauty" belonged. Two twins who are complete opposites because of a disease that harmed the younger's mind
rendering her crippled and mute, but gave her the most beautiful and dark view of the world. The oldest twin who believed every word her father says
is right and plans to follow in his footsteps. Next the youngest daughter who is too young to ... Show more content on ...
It's interesting watching each character develop for better or worse, especially the father who continues to incite the same emotion from you throughout
the whole story until the end as well as the oldest daughter. But as much as you remember they are just characters in a book, you know that there are
people out there that share the views as these close–minded characters. There are moments when I wanted to scream, cry and just throw the book
across the room because of certain events that occurred, but I could not turn the book
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Bible '
One of my favorite stories in the bible is about Paul and Silas and how they were able to overcome. They had a mind to be triumphant. In a dark,
dismal, and hopeless situation, Paul and Silas began to sing. I'm sure that they weren't singing any of the classic or mainstream R&B, Country or
Pop songs. Don't get me wrong, those songs are nice. But when you are going through, you need to sing something that is going to strengthen your
faith. You need to pull out that good ol Thomas Dorsey, "Like a ship that's tossed and driven, battered by an angry sea; when the storms of life are
raging, and their fury falls on me. I wonder what I have done, that makes this race so hard to run; then I say to my soul, take courage, the Lord will
make a way somehow!" In other words, though I've been beaten, hurt and taken advantage of, I know that the Lord will make a way somehow.
Though the pain in my body becomes unbearable, I know that He will make a way somehow. Like a ship, I've been tossed and driven, battered by the
angry sea of life, yet, I will encourage my soul for the Lord will make a way somehow. Every now and then, you've got to learn to encourage yourself.
You've got to learn to speak over your life abundance, blessings, and favor.
As long as the Lord allows you and I to live, we will be confronted with drama, confusion, trials and misfortune. And the only way to deal with the
mess is to realize that you are blessed and not to stress. Paul and Silas were victimized,
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The Song Of Songs In The Book Of The Bible
The song of songs it is a well–known but not so well understood book of the Bible, it's 8 chapters of love poetry and while there are an introduction
and a conclusion, the book doesn't have any kind of rigid literary design and that's because it is a collection of poems. They are not meant to be
dissected or taken apart. They are meant to be read as a flowing whole and simply enjoyed. The first line of the book tells us that it is "the song of
songs" which is a Hebrew idiom like, "the holy of holies" or "the king of kings" it is a Hebrew way of saying, "the greatest thing," this is the
greatest song of all songs. We are told in the first line that this "song of songs" is of Solomon, which could mean that he is the author, his name
does begin the book after all. But as I read the poems, I discover that the main voice of a woman, called "the beloved." And while there is also a
male voice, it does not seem to be Solomon. Solomon is mentioned a couple times in the poem, but he's never a speaker, and you do have to admit
Solomon is a very strange candidate as the author of this book, given the facts that he seven hundred wines. The "of Solomon" likely means "in the
wisdom tradition of Solomon," he was known for his wisdom, his poetry, his love of learning about every part of life. Also, Solomon became the
father of wisdom literature in Israel, his legacy is here carried on, through a collection of love poems that explore the human experience of love and
sexual desire. The opening
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The Bible: A Simply Called The Good Book
Are you ready to begin a journey of discovery? Are you ready to read a dynamic book that has permeated Western Culture more than any other piece
of literature? If you answered yes to these two questions then you will want to read the Bible, commonly called the "Good Book."
The Bible is not simply a good book; it is the best book! It is not just a religious text, but it is a literary masterpiece that mixes consistent real–life
historical events with religion and literature. If you like to read a mixture of literary genres then reading the Bible would be right up your alley because
this book is full of narrative genres, stylistic forms, poetry and prose. The reader doesn't even have to have a particular religious orientation to take an
interest in reading the Bible because the Bible can be read as a novel, filled with stories of flavorful characters, murder, war, sibling rivalry, deceit, and
mayhem. It is an interpretive portrayal of human experience in artistic form. ... Show more content on ...
These stories began as oral compositions that became written compilations of historical events that were circulated, collected, then accepted as a
single sacred book. A reader is quickly pulled into the stories of mankind's experiences in the very first chapter of Genesis. Genesis movingly
chronicles the memorable story of two brothers, Cain and Abel. The author's words strike the reader's heart as he artfully divulges the sibling rivalry
between two brothers that led to domestic violence, good vs. evil, guilt and remorse, envy, lying, self–pity, harboring a grudge, evil impulses, crime,
murder and retribution. All of this in just the first book. Can you imagine if all this is just in the first book of the Bible what as reader will experience
in the remaining 65 books of the
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Essay on Bible: The Book of Deuteronomy
The whole book of Deuteronomy is telling the story of a people that made a deal with God. They made promises to serve him according to the way
that he wanted to be served. Deuteronomy laid out all the wonderful things that would happen to them if they were obedient and kept their promises.
It also laid out what would happen if they did not keep their promise. It was pretty harsh too. They would lose their country; their enemies would
take their identity and they would be tossed into slavery and the curse that they were under would visit their children's children and so on until they
decided to follow every rule of worship and to follow every step that God had given them to live by. Damn! That was a pretty cruel God they were
working... Show more content on ...
We are the only people on the face of the Earth that were taken into slavery, taken to a strange land, lost our identity, our religion, lost any inkling of
our true African history. We are the only people that once set free from slavery, continue to sit in the land of the people that enslaved us and
continue to support a system that works against our very existence. Then we have the audacity to expect the same system to give us our civil
rights. The funny thing to me is that our people have yet to understand that a civil right is not something that is given to you. It is something that
you are. If you do not act accordingly with that understanding, then you can best believe that you will never know that you are truly free to act and
be as the Creator intended you to be. No human being can give you a civil right. I also noticed, in the book of Deuteronomy where it was talking
about the place of women in an Israelite society. I found it to be very patriarchal indeed! No wonder the Hebrew Israelites were all walking around
hating women and trying to manipulate women into some kind of box where she has no voice, to be seen and not heard, never have any say in
operations of the Temple. It was very legalistic and completely off balance! That was fine as
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Genesis: The First Book Of The Bible
Genesis is the first book of the Bible thought to have been written by Moses in 1445 BC until the eighteenth century. Many people have been
skeptical that Moses was incapable of compiling together an entire book that consists of the creation of the earth and lead into the fall of man, the
flood, and ultimately nations that began. The Hebrew people were welcomed into Egypt by the Pharaoh and later with much regret, used as slaves
after he passed away and his successor took over. Moses who was ironically born to a Hebrew woman was given up for his own safety into the Nile
River and found by the Pharaoh's daughter. Later he was a prophet who freed Hebrew slaves from Egypt when it was at its most powerful time. He
was provided with the Ten Commandments
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Digital Books : The Bible And The Odyssey
For centuries, people have been reading paper books. The printing of paper books such as the Bible and the Iliad and the Odyssey have been made
possible by a German man named Johannes Gutenberg. In 1440, Gutenberg invented the printing press, giving people an easier way to make copies
without having to re–write the material (Simonds 117). Nick Sheridon was the first man to invent e–paper, originally named Gyricon, making e–readers
possible (Simonds 123). E–readers such as the Barnes and Noble Nook, Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, and many other popular brands. Digital books
were not a huge hit when they first came into the market but the sales for digital books have been steadily increasing to this day. Digital books were
created to have ... Show more content on ...
This gives the reader the advantage. Unlike a digital book, a paper book cannot change its own font size, it remains the same. A person can either
purchase a new book with a bigger font or they can scan it into a computer and zoom in, causing the person to lose money or spend unnecessary time.
Digital books can increase a reader's comfort level with the text and they can save space.
The second advantage a digital book has over a paper book is that they are harder to lose. Digital books can be stored on the cloud, personal device, or
on a flash drive. It is easier to use the cloud to keep the files because if the e–reader device gets damaged in any way, the file will not be able to get
erased or deleted from an account. Others might say that there are digital books that can be corrupted and can be deleted through that method. Digital
books can be deleted through corrupted files. For example, according to Muthu, "E–book can be lost by virus attack if the computer is not protected
properly" (266). However, the deletion of digital books can be prevented by backing up the digital books onto the cloud, a flash drive, or another
personal device, where no files can be deleted unless deleted deliberately. Another way to prevent digital books from being lost is by purchasing
anti–virus software. The anti–virus software protects the files and the device from being damaged by any kind of corrupted file. If the personal device
is properly protected, it can prevent files from
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Summary Of Book ' The Poisonwood Bible '
Major Work Data SheetName:Noah AndrewsPeriod3
Part I
Title: The Poisonwood Bible
Author: Barbara Kingsolver
Date of Original Publication:
Kingsolver started writing it in 1993, it was published in 1998 by HarperCollins publishing company.
Biographical information about the author:
Barbara Kingsolver was born in 1955, and she grew up in the farmlands of Kentucky. She has lived all over the world, including destinations such as
the Canary Islands, Mexico, and South America. She currently lives in southwest Virginia. She was named one of the most important writers of the
20th century by Writer 's Digest. She also established the Bellwether prize for fiction, which helps new authors get recognized for their fantastic work. Genre(s) and characteristics of genre(s):
Family Saga–a historical retelling of a family experience and struggle in the Congo.
Historical Fiction–Kingsolver uses this genre to express the general feeling of guilt the Americans experience.
Coming of age–As shown by the before and after attitudes of the Price daughters, all of them grow up, especially Adah, and perceive life from a more
mature level when they arrive home. (except Rachel)
Political Allegory–A general motif of American guilt from post–colonialism shows in all of the Price women, showing how Kingsolver uses the guilt to
her advantage.
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Similarities And Differences In The Book Of The Bible
I chose to write about how to help someone understand the difference between books of the Bible, which was option two. I would first start the
conversation by telling my colleague that the Bible is the whole story of God (Cartwright & Hulshof, p. 3). To explain the differences between the
books of the Bible, one must first grasp the difference between the Old and New Testaments. TheOld Testament tells how the world came into
existence, the fall of man into sin, the history of God's chosen people, and how God's chosen people would time and time again rebel against God and
his law, but how God would deliver them from their enemies. The New Testament tells how God's plan of sending a Savior into the world to save
humanity came to fruition ... Show more content on ...
These books show both similarities and differences in the books of the Bible. The Gospels include Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each book
contains the crucifixion of Jesus, but from different people and different perspectives (Cartwright & Hulshof, p. 18). Take for instance the part of the
story where Jesus is hanging on the cross. Matthew tells how there was an earthquake happening and how the dead rose from the earth. "The tombs
were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the
holy city and appeared to many. Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the
things that were happening, became very frightened and said, 'Truly this was the Son of God'" (Matthew 27:52–54, NASB)! Mark tells how the veil
was torn when Jesus took His final breath. "And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed His last. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top
to bottom. When the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, saw the way He breathed His last, he said 'Truly this man was the Son of
God'" (Mark 15:37–39, NASB)! The two accounts describe some of the same events but differ on some other key events that took place during the
crucifixion of
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Esther And The Bible: The Book Of Esther
This three essays in one paper is about one book, person, and place from the Bible that is included in the Bible dictionary project. I will discuss the
basic literary genre, authorship, date written, key themes, purposes, major events, and main personalities of the book of Esther. I will also discuss the
life, times, and major events of Esther's life. Last but not least I will cover the key dates, location, and key attributes about Sinai.
Esther was born around 460 B.C. until about 492 B.C. Her birth name was Hadasseh means Myrtle in Jewish). The name Esther itself means star and
happiness. Esther was the daughter of Abihail, of the tribe of Benjamin. It is said that she adopted the Persian name ... Show more content on ...
She goes through the ritual of twelve months of beautification before she meets the King. We also learn the good deed of Mordecai in saving the
King's life by telling him a planned killing attempt on his life. This later serves as a blessing for Mordecai in the future.
Next, Haman is given a high position in the kingdom. Haman is irritated because
Mordecai refused to kneel down to him. Haman's rage makes him plan the mass murder of all the
Jews there.In order to stop the mass murder of all the Jews , Mordecai asks Esther to talk to the
King. The problem is that the King does not know that Esther is a Jew. Esther doesn't know how the King will take to this news.
Esther, was said to be woman who demonstrated great faith in the Bible. She was a faithful daughter who honored Mordecai wishes. Esther was the
queen of Persia for 13 years. king Ahasuerus and Esther had one son, named Darius II, who later rebuild the holy Temple in
Jerusalem. It is said that her life extended into the reign of her stepson, Artaxerxes. Although the date of her death is a guesstimate, Jewish tradition
indicates that Queen Esther's tomb is
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Bible '
One of my favorite stories in the bible is about Paul and Silas and how they were able to overcome. They had a mind to be triumphant. In a dark,
dismal, and hopeless situation, Paul and Silas began to sing. I'm sure that they weren't singing any of the classic or mainstream R&B, Country or
Pop songs. Don't get me wrong, those songs are nice. But when you are going through, you need to sing something that is going to strengthen your
faith. You need to pull out that good ol Thomas Dorsey, "Like a ship that's tossed and driven, battered by an angry sea; when the storms of life are
raging, and their fury falls on me. I wonder what I have done, that makes this race so hard to run; then I say to my soul, take courage, the Lord will
make a way somehow!" In other words, though I've been beaten, hurt and taken advantage of, I know that the Lord will make a way somehow.
Though the pain in my body becomes unbearable, I know that He will make a way somehow. Like a ship, I've been tossed and driven, battered by the
angry sea of life, yet, I will encourage my soul for the Lord will make a way somehow. Every now and then, you've got to learn to encourage yourself.
You've got to learn to speak over your life abundance, blessings, and favor.
As long as the Lord allows you and I to live, we will be confronted with drama, confusion, trials and misfortune. And the only way to deal with the
mess is to realize that you are blessed and not to stress. Paul and Silas were victimized,
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The Hebrew Bible: The Book Of Esther
Esther conceived Hadassah, is the eponymous courageous woman of the Book of Esther. As per the Hebrew Bible, Esther was a Jewish ruler of
the Persian lord Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus is generally related to Xerxes I amid the season of the Achaemenid Empire. Her story is the premise for the
festival of Purim in Jewish custom. The courageous woman of the book named for her, Esther is a youthful Jewish lady living in a state of
banishment in the Persian diaspora, who through her childhood and excellence gets to be ruler of the Persian Empire, and after that by her minds and
bravery spares the Jewish individuals from decimation. The message of the Book of Esther, a work of recorded fiction written in the diaspora in the
late Persian–early Hellenistic
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Misinterpreting Of The Book 'The Bible Is Everything'
1.If you carefully consider the surrounding context of a passage, but ignore its literary genre, it could result in significant consequences, such as,
committing damage to the original meaning of the text. It is important to take the text into consideration because it gives relevance to the meaning.
Duvall and Hays explains in their book how "the Bible is everything". Therefore, without understanding the context, there is no meaning because each
story/literature in the Bible has its own specific rules that we all need to understand. Without understanding the exact meanings, we risk misinterpreting
the word and spreading false scripture.
2.I constantly hear individuals comment that homosexuality is a sin just like any other sin, and that others
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Book Summary: The Poisonwood Bible
Edwin Lin
Block 8
Mrs. Purvis
2008. The Poisonwood Bible As children develop, their attitude and perspective on viewpoints changes. They become more mature and aware of their
situation and surroundings. In The Poisonwood Bible, Baptist pastor Nathan Price, his wife Orleanna, and daughters Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth
May travels to the Congo on a mission trip. Throughout the story, the children are exposed to the cultural differences of the Congo and their home
state of Georgia, but because of Nathan's focus on his pastoral duties while in the Congo, he does not present himself as a father figure for the
daughters. Because of this, the daughters are left to mature and figure out their surroundings on their own which gives the story its core. At the
beginning of the story, readers are first introduced to all the daughters struggling to pack their luggage for their move to the Congo. They debate over
items they want versus things that they need. They become nitpicky and they put items that they want instead of items that would be necessary to help
them live while in the Congo. When they board the plane, they left no room for their dresses in which they ... Show more content on ...
Although she struggles from some form of mental disability her curiosity unfortunately gets the best of her childhood. While at the Congo, Ruth
May becomes obsessed with a snake in which it was appropriately named, "The Green Mamba". When she refuses to take her malaria pills, she
becomes ill. But when it seems as if she started to turn for the better, she is bitten by her curious friend and immediately dies. Her innocence strongly
represents a child's tendency to take everything literally. "Father says a girl can't go to college because they'll pour water in your shoes" (117).
Although it's clear to the readers that this is a metaphor, it shows how literate children can be when manipulated at a younger
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Bible And The Book Of Exodus
Rabbinical Judaism sects of the modern era trace their roots back to Pharisees living in the Second Temple Period of ___. However, the foundational
stories of Judaism found in the sacred Torah are even older. Many of the traditions, characters, and places mentioned in the first five books of the
Hebrew Bible are so ancient that their historical accuracy cannot be verified. Even though these events would've taken place millenniums ago, the
stories of the Torah continue to have a significant impact on Judaism today. This paper will focus specifically on the stories of Moses found in the
book of Exodus and how the methods used by modern Orthodox and Reform Jews to study the Torah significantly affect how they reconcile their
present faith with the tales of the past.
According to the book of Exodus, after Moses had lead the Israelites out of Egypt they began their journey to a land promised to them by God.
During this journey atop Mount Sinai, God revealed himself to Moses and presented a covenant to the Israelites: if they followed God's laws, they
would be a chosen people, a nation set apart. According to Exodus, God then gave his laws directly to Moses who then shared them with the people.
The Mosaic Covenant became the basis of the ... Show more content on ...
Orthodox Jews reject the notion of historical criticism; they feel no need to scientifically prove that the events in the Bible actually took place. They
firmly and literally believe that the 613 laws recorded in the Torah came from the mouth of God. Because they take this view, Orthodox Jews continue
to practice all of the purity, dietary, and social guidelines outlined in the Torah. Regardless of the changing world around them, this sect looks to the
past to learn exactly what God expects of them which informs almost every decision they make in their day to day
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The Complexities Of God In The Books Of The Bible
Within the Western theistic tradition, the Christian God is conceived as a mysterious, supreme deity that is the only being worth of worship because
He is "something than which nothing greater can be conceived" (Anslem 1033–1109). This God is the great architect of the universe whom represents
the depth and complexities of human experiences. Such mystery is why writing about God is essentially writing about the complexities of human
beings. This inconceivably complex God was researched in numerous biblical books within both the Old and New Testament over the lapse of this fall
semester. Interpreting these books of the Bible aroused a plethora of questions such as what is God like and how is God portrayed to others according
to these books? ... Show more content on ...
This is why understanding God is not a simple task. In order to delineate Him, His attributes can describe Him. Christianity organizes the attributes of
God so that they are easier to understand. Amongst all the Bible's depictions of God's attributes, the three characteristics of God that are essential to
further understand Him describe God as omnipotent, merciful, and as a leader. Christians understand and believe that God possesses qualities of
omnipotence as the sole creator and ruler of the universe. God is believed to have all the power for the benefit of mankind and can create anything out
of nothing. God demonstrates characteristics of such omnipotent power throughout the Old Testament by the nature of His creations and His word in
the scriptures. In the book of Genesis 1:1 – 31, God created the heavens, the earth, and mankind in his own image. These biblical passages are a direct
indication that He is truly capable of doing anything because the religious standard of the goodness of creation was possible since everything good
came from Him. God's Word in the Scripture is exemplified in Exodus with a special revelation when He appears in front of Moses in the form of a
burning bush. God told him to lead the Israelites, His people, out of enslavement in Egypt to the promised land. When the Egyptian Pharaoh refused
to obey, Moses through the power of God releases 10 plagues upon the land of Egypt that finally liberates the Israelites. God's Words were so powerful
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The Bible Is Not A Book Of Religion
The Bible is not a book of religions or rituals. Rather, the Bible is a library of 66 books–39 of which are known as the Old Testament and 27 books
referred to as the New Testament–that reveals God's divine plan of redemption, reconciliation, salvation, restoration and renewal of the whole world.
The Bible can be read as a great literature, or as a history of Israel, or as a source of theological information. Though it is all of these things, none of
them does full justice to Scripture as being authoritative. God has all authority, and we accept the Bible as the primary authority by which God
communicates to us what He wants us to believe and to do. N.T. Wright's book theorizes that Scripture is authoritative in that "the authority of... Show
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In doing so, we can discover that final authority is not in and of scripture itself but of the Triune God who is the Author of scripture. The second
obstacle to consider is that many have dismissed scripture as a book of Israelitic & Christian stories. Wright contends that these stories are told to
inform us of "internal dynamics" of the past so as to engage us in the present for transformation into Christ–likeness. (p.25). Thirdly, Wright asserts that
the question of scripture's authority should not be viewed as a list of rules where God condescends to man. Rather, scripture should be received as
God's purpose to save and renew the entire world by authorizing the church–God's agent in the world–with His mission through the work of the Holy
Spirit. Thus, it is imperative that biblical scholars "see the role of scripture not simply as being [informative about or revelatory of God's truth] but as
a means of God's action in and through us." (p.28)
Generally, most biblical scholars agree that scripture's authority is found in the sovereign God Himself; but their doctrinal positions differ from that
point. Wisely enough, Wright avoids the "locked suitcase" melee on biblical inerrancy or biblical infallibility. Instead, he focused on God's purpose for
scripture and why it is demonstrably authoritative. Scriptures are not merely human books or collections of human opinion; they are books which
contain God 's revelation of
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The Bible Is Not A Children 's Book Essay
The Bible is not a children's book. Not only is it beyond the length and reading level appropriate for younger audiences, it often covers what some
parents might consider inappropriate topics. Imagine finding an illustrated children's bible containing graphic stories about talking to "ghosts" 'or
children being burned alive as sacrifices to God. These are troubling stories that actually appear within the Hebrew Bible, which even some adults may
feel uncomfortable discussing. Academic scholarship of the Bible, however, should not be influenced by such discomfort. This has led a handful of
scholars to study these death–related experiences within ancient Israelite contexts. The last thirty years have revealed at least two contemporary topics
of conversations between scholars within this subfield: necromancy and child sacrifice among ancient Israelite religion. Typically, dialogue about
ancient Israelites is framed among the broader beliefs and practices of peoples from the surrounding geographical region including the Canaanites,
Egyptians, and other ancient peoples; these topics are no exception. While, there is also no consensus among modern scholars, the majority of
academics appear to accept both child sacrifice and necromancy as a historical practice belonging to the worship of Yahweh. Nonetheless, these
scholars continue to do so with varying degrees of beliefs about the particular conditions during which these controversial customs were performed.
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The Bible: The Book Of Revelation By John
The book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible and it meant to give us an idea of the end times and what to expect with the second coming of
Jesus. Revelation was written by John, but John writes that he is just merely a recorder of the visions that Jesus sent him. Revelation is a book of
Prophesy in the fact that it holds visions of what is to expect in the end times, but to also to be an encouragement that we will endure the hard times
that are to come. It is thought to have been written around 95–96 AD, to seven churches in, what was then then, Roman areas of Asia, which is modern
day turkey. These churches were plagued by issues of false teachings, persecution, idolatry, paganism, and immorality.Jesus sent this vision to John, to
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Esther And The Bible: The Book Of Esther
Historical World
The Historical world allows us to view the world outside the text, or in other words behind the text. It is making an observation about the time, and
culture of the story. This section also allows us to see the geographical setting that relates with the book of Esther. The book of Esther is the seventh
book written in the Bible by historian, which came after Nehemiah and before the book of Job. The book of Esther describes events that took place
during the years 486–465 B.C.E under the ruler king Ahasuerus.
The Persians grew powerful during the time of Cyrus the Great around 560 B.C.E, and kept their power for some time. It wasn't until Alexander the
Great lead the Greeks in 333 B.C.E. to conquer the Persians. Meanwhile the Jewish people had been scattered all throughout ... Show more content on ...
Contemporary portion gives us an understanding of how to interpret what takes place as if it happened today. These three worlds allow us to better
describe the plot in the book of Esther, and demonstrate why it is important to keep God in our lives. As we ask the question, what does it mean to
be the people of god? We learn in this book how God's presence is always with us, as we live by his word. God's work was done without his name ever
being mentioned.
The book of Esther teaches lessons that are directly, and indirectly towards events that happen between the good and bad people associated with this
story. This would relate to today's story when one does a good deed and returns receives a reward for their action, such as Mordecai and Esther
working together to insure the safety of the Jewish people. Another would be how Esther, and Mordecai maintained their community and religious
identity in a foreign territory and yet uneducated to what events were about to take place they stood in honor for their
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The Bible : The Book Of Job In The Bible
Sapphire Ware
Zachary Malone
English 130
05 November 2017
To Teach a Servant
The Book of Job in the Bible is the story of an earnest man named Job who was the cream of the crop. As the book unfolds, we hear of his abundant
wealth, wonderful family and how much he is faithful to God. All was going well for Job, until his life began to fall apart. Disaster soon plagues him
and he loses it all. He goes through trials in which he no longer has his children, wealth, and even his health. God is thought of as supreme,
all–knowing, and he rarely does something for one single reason. Yet, why does God allow Job to suffer? Is he trying to prove a point toSatan? Even
though we do not know the actual reasons behind Gods' decisions, there are many clues which justify why God goes through with Job's suffering.
As one continues to read, we start to ask ourselves: why will Job suffer such tragedies? The simple answer is that God is trying to show Satan that
Job is truly obedient and faithful. Job's troubles begin after God boasts to Satan about how righteous Job is. God asks Satan, "Have you considered
my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil" (New Oxford Annotated
Bible, Job 1:8). In this verse, God says Job is blameless and upright but suffers because he has it all, not because of his own doing. "However, Job is
not trying to escape from his suffering; instead, he is confronting the one who he considers
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Canonical Books in the Bibles
It is widely accepted through the theological study of the Bible that the gathering and the selection of information included in the final compilation was
an extensive and controversial process. Specifically, the events and movements that were influential in the recognition of the canonical books.
According to Britannica, the canonical books are recognized as the quintessential corner stone of the New Testament, which also means that they are a
foundational part of the current beliefs and practices of most of today's Christians. Even more important is the process, culmination, and the
compilations of events that lead to what Christians currently accept as the Word of God. There are several key historical references that were influential
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Gnosticism is not understood to be an organized group whose plight is to obliterate the Church; however, it is a movement that existed within the
church and outside of it (Wilson 1955). Conversely, these Gnostics beliefs were too much of a contradiction of core Christian beliefs to
co–exist.Marcionism, much like Gnostic beliefs were also intertwined within the Church. However, Marcion's depiction of Christianity was heavily
anti–Jewish. Since the fundamental beliefs of Christianity rest on the creator God based on the Jewish teachings, this was a contradiction to
fundamental points in Christian doctrine (Quispel 1998). Imperatively, Marcion's threat to the church was substantially more than Gnostics because he
created and actual Church (Quispel 1998). The challenge that Marcion brought to the Church was great and thusly required a retort. Once the church
realized that these beliefs would question the core of the Christian faith, the process of the recognition of the canonical books started and it was a
process that lasted until the implication of the New Testament as accepted today (Brueggeman 1978) . In conclusion, analyzing the key events and
movements that were influential in the
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Rumspringa In The Book Of The Bible
Throughout history there have been many different religions. Among those many religions there have been different sets of rules that are to be
followed. Some religions are stricter, while some are more relaxed. For example, in the Bible Exodus 20:13 states that "you shall not murder" (New
English Bible, 2009). Most people wouldn't exactly call that a strict law seeing as how it is basic human decency not to kill another human. An
example of a stricter law is also found in the Bible in the book of Numbers. In chapter 15 verses 32–36 there is a man who on the Sabbath was found
gathering sticks. He was essentially arrested and brought to Moses and Aaron, then thrown in prison. To this God told Moses and Aaron "The man
must die. The whole assembly ... Show more content on ...
The term Rumspringa can be translated as "running around, and it is derived from the German word Raum, which means space as in space to roam"
(Shachtman, 2006, pg. 10). The more complete translation is "running around outside of the bounds" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 10). Rumspringa gives the
Amish youth "license to do things that they have never done before" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 11). Most Amish youth continue to live with their parents
during Rumspringa and while some do take part in rowdy parties, most do not. One of the main ideas of Rumspringa is to give "youngsters leaves and
to find an appropriate mate" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 13). The idea being that when a young Amish couple will "end their Rumspringa together by
agreeing to marry" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 14). While the majority of the Amish youth do not participate in Rumspringa by going out and being wild,
there are ones that choose to participate in that type of behavior during their Rumspringa. Early on in the book an eighteen–year–old young man by the
name of Gerald Y is one of the Amish teens that definitely lives "outside the bounds". Gerald is one of the Amish teens that chooses to partake in
activities that would be considered taboo recreation by the Amish. Gerald is addicted to cocaine because it makes him feel like "he has tackled the
world and won" (Shachtman, 2006, pg.
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The Holy Bible: The Book Of Genesis
The Book of Genesis is written in Historical Fiction. The name Genesis comes from the Hebrew title "bre'sit" meaning "in the beginning" (Bible
Knowledge Commentary). The authorship of this book was by Moses. He wrote Genesis between 1440 & 1400 BC. The Old Testament documents
the history of the Hebrew descendant's. The central purpose for Genesis is for God to show us his covenant with His people. Genesis is the foundation
of the Bible. It shows us how the establishment of man, marriage, sin, death, different languages, and how nations were started. The first eleven
chapters focus primarily on the history of the universe. Chapters twelve through fifty teaches us about Abraham. God commanded Abraham to leave his
home and travel to ... Show more content on ...
It was founded in 3000 BC by Shem and Eber, Abraham ancestors. Jerusalem in located between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Jerusalem is
the capital of Israel. The religion's that are practiced in Jerusalem is Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. For Christians, this spot is most famous for
Jesus' death. For Jews, it was the spot for the Temple. The Muslims, it was the spot for the prophet's night journey to heaven. The word "Jerusalem"
is used 806 times in the Bible, 660 times in the Old Testament and 146 times in the New Testament (Ancient History). There are many important
dates that help make Jerusalem a popular city. David captured Jerusalem in 1000 BC. In 950 BC Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem. King
Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem in 597 BC. Jesus spent his final days on earth in Jerusalem close to the time of the Passover in 30 AD.
Jerusalem is a popular tourist city for viewing the ancient Jewish Temple, and many important biblical events (Ancient History). The fall of Jerusalem
started in 66 AD by the Romans. By 70 AD the Romans finally conquered the city killing several thousand people. This city has so much history no
wonder it is called "The Holy
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Bible '
Since the entrance of sin into the world, a war has been raging in every human heart between the spirit and the flesh. Every person desiring to serve
God feels the battle between these two opposing masters. And Satan is always exploiting our physical and emotional desires to sever our relationship
with the Lord. Your iniquities have separated you from your God. Isaiah 59:2 ....
The Bible begins with the serpent tempting Adam and Eve and follows with the world 's deterioration. The New Testament begins with Satan tempting
Jesus and follows with the world 's salvation.
When humanity fell after that first temptation in the garden, it lost the pure loving motives with which it had been originally created. Selfishness took
its place, and the result has been slow coming and devastating: death, disease, war, crime, pain–the list goes on.
God has called us to holiness. But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy;
for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:15, 16). But without supernatural aid, men and women are powerless to resist the evil desires and motives of the carnal heart.
Yet God will never ask us to do anything that we are incapable of doing without His help. God will not abandon us , his creation...l.He made complete
and final provision for its restoration....
The purpose of His plan of salvation is to restore within you and me the image of Christ, so that we might be called the sons of God. "According
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The Book Of Proverbs In The Hebrew Bible
Introduction The Book of Proverbs, found in the Writings, the third division of the Hebrew canon, is a unique book, entirely different from the rest of
the Old Testament. There is no mention of the Israelite forefathers, God's promises, or narrative of any event from Israelite history. Similar to Job and
Ecclesiastes within the genre of Wisdom literature, the Proverbs focus on patterns of life to observe the acts of God , rather than declaring direct
messages from him. The purpose of Proverbs is to instruct the reader in attaining wisdom, the ultimate pursuit. The word "wisdom" (hokmah in
Hebrew) occurs thirty–nine times and the adjective "wise" (hakam) forty–seven times throughout the 31 chapters. The scope of wisdom applied in the
Book of Proverbs ranges from wealth to work to the words we speak, encompassing nearly every aspect of life.
Literary Form ... Show more content on ...
It is written entirely in poetry. Parallelism, a well–known phenomenon in biblical poetry, is especially present in Proverbs. Certain proverbs are
experiential, "telling it the way it is," more practically than theoretically. At other times, the biblical saying goes beyond mere observation, to urge a
certain course of action. Portions of the Proverbs may have been assembled due to a desire on the part of later scribes to preserve Israelite traditional
wisdom, which was in danger of being forgotten. The poetic form provided mnemonic value, as short, pithy sayings lent themselves more favorably to
memorization, securing their transmission to future
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The Hebrew Bible: The Book Of Deuteronomy
The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim, is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) or Pentateuch. According to the
Encyclopedia Britannica, the book of Deuteronomy was written as a farewell address by Moses to the Israelites before they entered the Promised
Land of Canaan. After review of the chapters assigned, the initial feeling is that it's a law book from that time period that includes commentary on the
reasoning why the law has been created and implementation of the laws listed within this text. Further review of the various chapters and verses, the
reader is left with a vision of the author repeating the law, while explaining associated consequences that correlate to the breach of contract with GOD.
Considering... Show more content on ...
So shall you clear away the evil from Israel." This law should most definitely be terminated as it is just too harsh of a penalty for the actions of two
consenting individuals. Yes, adultery is wrong and tarnishes the sanctity of marriage. However, committing adultery doesn't mean that a person is not
true to G–d at all. It just implies that they have further work to do, when it comes to living in a more godly way. Sometimes people make mistakes;
we all sin. But that shouldn't take away from their spiritual connection and love they possess for G–d, just because they couldn't stay true to a partner.
In today's time period, the other person can move along and file for a divorce if they are not happy with their cheating spouses, but death is on the
extreme. Give a person a chance to repent for their sins at
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One area in the bible which I have a problem understanding is the story in
the beginning of Job. In this book, God talks to Satan and brags about His
servant Job. He then goes on to bet with Satan, that whatever Job does, he
will not renounce his faith in God. There are a couple of reasons this
strikes me as odd. First of all, why would God, who is all knowing want to
have anything to do with making deals with Satan? Secondly, why would Satan
be interested in making deals with God, if he knows God already has the
future planned out? Lastly, why would God put unnecessary affliction on His
best man if it were only to prove a point to Satan?
Maybe one of the reasons God would take a bet on by Satan in the ... Show more content on ...
There is no other apparent
justification for what God put on Job. Maybe something has to happen to one
person, to be able to save a thousand.
The other side of the story is seen on the part of the Satan, who unwisely,
decided to challenge God to a contest, which you think he would know he was
unable to win. So why would Satan waste his time making a bet that he knew
he would lose? The only reason I can see is that he truly thought Job would
fall under the circumstances. This exchange between Satan and God seems
like a no win situation. God, on one hand would never have made a bet,
which would result in Him, appearing weaker or him losing. But, Satan was
stupid enough to make a bet with God, which he surely knew wasn't going to
result in a victory.
The last question I presented was, why God would put unnecessary affliction
on his most honorable and blameless man? This part of the story is what I
think of as the most important. Job, just because he was righteous, thought
that he didn't deserve to have anything bad happen to him. God made a point
in the story when he chose Job as the object of His bet. Not only did God
prove something to Satan, but to Job as well. I think Job put it best when
he said "With nothing from the ground I came, and with nothing I shall
In conclusion, I think it important to acknowledge how strong Job
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The Corruption Of The Book Of Revelation In The Bible
The book of Revelation in the Bible can be read and interpreted in two different ways; in a symbolic or figurative manner or taken in non–symbolically
and literal approach. Revelation is a book describing visualization, collected by John, prophesying the return of the Messiah (Powell). Some of the
main ideas illustrated in the book of Revelation are the unveiling also known as revelation, the ultimate corruption of civilization, God's final and
absolute judgment, the control of history and future that God has, and finally, worthiness of worship and adoration (Merriam–Webster). This book is
regarded as the greatest conclusive analysis that gives the imagination passion. It takes its readers further, expanding horizons in the midst of its
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Bible: The Book of Daniel
The Book of Daniel is the only full–blown apocalyptic book in the Protestant recognized version of the Canon. A literary device divides the book into
two halves. Chapters 1–6 are a collection of stories that introduces the reader to Daniel and three other Israelites as unwilling guests of the Babylonia
Empire ruled by Nebuchadnezzar. The second half, Chapters 7–12 consists of apocalyptic imagery of deformed beasts and the heavenly court. The
focus of this paper will be on chapter 7, which serves as a bridge of the two halves. Chapter 7 is the earliest of the visions as it identifies with the genre
of 8–12 while through language and content it reverts to Daniel chapter 2. The linguistic break down is not as neat as the literary divide in... Show more
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Of course, we read of the Daniel and his three companions endearing themselves to Nebuchadnezzar by demonstrating a wisdom beyond that of the
wise men surrounding the King. It perhaps says something about split personality of the King in that although he ransacked the temple in Jerusalem, he
was open to extending a great deal of freedom and responsibility to the Israelites.
The second beast is a bear with three tusks in it's mouth is told to devour many bodies. It is not clear the source of this command though it unlikely to
have came from YHWH, but not impossible because we must remember the Israelites are not completely innocent of disregarding the commands of the
YHWH. Stephen Cook, in his book, "The Apocalyptic Literature" warns readers about domesticating the Book of Daniel especially the symbols and
images. "In Daniel, the heavenly court is intimately engaged in the daily unfolding events of earthly geopolitics. People and powers on earth do not act
in autonomous isolation" (Cook, p. 127). Who stood up the lion–like beast on two feet and gave it a human mind? Nevertheless, chaos is not without
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The Book Of Esther In The Hebrew Bible
The book of Esther appears in the Hebrew Bible as one of five scrolls that is read on festivals or commemorative days of the Jewish year. Esther is
the story of the deliverance of the Jews from destruction and persecution from King Ahasuerus' official named Haman. In this story, Esther shows
great courage and devotion to her Jewish people, and even risks her own safety to help defend them against the wrongdoings of Haman. This story
interests me most because it is a story about a woman's courage and strength that saved her people. When King Ahasuerus' wife, Queen Vashti,
refused the king's orders to appear before him in court to show the people and the officials her beauty, King Ahasuerus was enraged by her
disobedience. The king's officials informed him that this disobedience set an example for the wives of the officials, and that they too would disobey if
the king did not write a law stating that Queen Vashti could never again come before the king, and that her... Show more content on ...
He states that people believed in their time that these people would be excluded from the protection of God because they were unworthy of being
called Israelites. Henry argues that this was never true, because God does not judge us on our weaknesses. He also believes that it was Mordecai who
wrote the book of Esther, and although God is not mentioned in it, "the finger of God is, directing many minute events for the bringing about of his
people's deliverance" (Henry 1121). He describes the particulars as not only surprising and very entertaining, but enlightening and very encouraging
to the faith and hope of God's people in the most difficult and dangerous times. Henry does not give much of his opinion of Queen Esther; he does,
however, believe this book to be factual and serving as an example of God's devotion and love for His
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The Book Of Acts By The Bible
The Book of Acts is a book about the beginning of the first Christians and the growth of the Church. Acts explains how Christianity began and also
spread about. It explains how Jesus used some of the apostles to teach through the Holy Spirit after ascending into Heaven. The writer of the Book of
Acts is the apostle Luke, who gives us insight into the different things the disciples, mainly Peter and Paul, had went through during this time. Luke
describes these instances but rarely indicates how Christians today should respond. What would Christianity look like today if only the Book of Acts
was written in the New Testament?
The Early Church started with Peter, who told the people to repent and be baptized, only then would they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. After
3,000 were baptized, the very first Church was started. The early Church had a focus on the Bible and it's teachings, the stories the apostles shared,
breaking the bread, meal sharing, prayer, and fellowship. Today, Christians might only continue to share stories that the apostles shared, be baptized,
pray, and get to know members of their Church if this was the only book written in the New Testament. Peter "givesJesus" to people in need in the
Book of Acts, and this is a difference in what we don't see sometimes practiced in Churches today. Christians learning to ask Jesus into their heart was
a major milestone in the early Church. The Book of Acts, as discussed by Michael Morrison, the author of
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The God Yhwh In The Book Of The Bible
The god Yhwh goes through many changes throughout the books of the hebrew bible. For example, in the book of Genesis, Yhwh makes the entire
earth, but when Eve takes food from the tree of knowledge, he is angry because she gained knowledge of right and wrong. He seems a little bit
jealous here because he punishes them for becoming more like him. This is shown when it says, "Then Lord God said, Behold, the man has become
like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever" therefore the
Lord god sent him forth from the garden of eden, to till the ground from which he was taken."(28) In exodus Yhwh becomes very ruthless. The
punishment for most crimes he talks about is death. Back then this may have seemed okay, but now putting someone to death for hitting his parent is
a bit extreme. In the end he says, "And if he cries to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate."(33) like it makes up for the cruel punishments he just
laid out. ... Show more content on ...
Yhwh seems much more compassionate in this book like when he says, "When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall nor do him
wrong. The stranger who sojourns with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself..."(34) Similarly, in
Deuteronomy Yhwh talks more about being fair to other people and lays down rules for how you should treat people in the court, and in life. This
example is best seen when Yhwh states, "You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brethren or one of
the sojourners who are in your land within your
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The Religious Message Of The Book Of Esther In The Bible
In the study of the Old Testament, one often comes up with the question of why the Book of Esther is included in the canon even though there is no
mention of God throughout the whole story. However, since the Jews accepted it in the Hebrew Bible, many scholars wonder whether God did inspire
the writing of the story of Esther the Queen. Perhaps a more intriguing and fundamental question is: What are some aspects of the story that express the
religious messages in the teaching of the Bible? In fact, scholars have answered this question with various opinions over time. The story of Esther was
often seen as "so entertaining, so comical, and so subtle that to speak of its 'message' can be profoundly misleading" (Levenson 12). Like most
theological ... Show more content on ...
As for the Book of Esther, there are four significant religious messages–those same messages that could be found anywhere else in the Hebrew
canon–that are worth looking into to understand why the book is included in the Old Testament as well as why it is believed to be inspired by the Holy
Spirit. Throughout the empowerment of Queen Esther and the victory of the Jews against their enemies, the Book of Esther teaches the danger of
pleasing oneself, the responsibilities of higher authority, the irony of fate and the faith in God's sovereignty. Before exploring the religious messages
of the Book of Esther to prove that the book is in fact inspired by the Holy Spirit, it is worth looking into the historical and cultural settings of the
story. The story is believed to be written in the Diaspora, late in the Persian era, about 100 years after the Babylonian exile. The book is within the
Five Megillot of Jewish Scripture (along with the Book of Ruth, the Book of
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The Book ' Of Revelation, The Final Book Of The Bible
The book of Revelation, the final book of the bible, is one of the most interesting and symbolic readings for many. With an unknown author,
apocalyptic foreshadowing, and obscure meanings, it has been interpreted a number of different ways. Starting with the history, the symbolism, and
ways to interpret it, the aim of this paper is to give the reader a better understanding of the book. We know for a fact that the book was written by
John to the seven churches of Asia Minor "I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and kingdom and patience that are in Jesus, was on the
island which is called Patmos, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus." Revelations 1:9–10 There is speculation that John was
imprisoned on Patmos for the crime of not worshiping the Roman emperor. It is a popular tradition for many to believe John the apostle to be the
author of revelation, however the writer of revelation never claimed to be an apostle. The literary form in this book is called "apocalyptic" writing.
This means that the book is not straight forward in delivering its message. The actual message is concealed in symbols, numbers, and images. It is
also considered a prophecy by Catholics. This is stated in Revelation 1:3. "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy,
and keep the things that are written therein; for the time is at hand." The purpose of the letter was to contact the seven churches of Asia Minor, present
day Turkey. It is
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Analysis Of The Book ' Revelation Of The Bible '
Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will it all end? Not just how will life end but how will the world
end. Some cultures are molded by the way that specific groups believe the end times will come to fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that
concern themselves with the end of the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for certain is across the ages there is a
consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a consensus on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment
to daily practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end and of them one of the most well know is the Book of...
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Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the angels of seven churches and the seven gold lamp stands
represent the seven churches. Once he states this he begins to address each church individually. The letters poses similarities while at the same time
also possessing differences. The overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address, commendation/complaint, advice,
appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward for heading the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the
problems should be corrected and the reward that will come.
The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old
Testament connection, the views and connection between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation. The authorship by John took place
during the Greco–Roman era but the structure of writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for the prophetic lawsuit of the Old Testament. The
difference between the styles lies in the fact that the letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features judgment and
salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy 186). Bandy stated, "specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit
whereby Christ scrutinizes the new
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The Bible Is Not Only One More Book

  • 1. The Bible Is Not Only One More Book The Bible is the top rated book ever, however its a given that its an alternate pot of fish than your normal John Grisham thriller. For some Christians, the Bible is not 'Only one more Book ', it is 'The Good Book ', containing the most fundamental truths about existence. What number of other New York Times (books that offer extremely well) can make these cases? A couple of self improvement manuals, perhaps, however absolutely very few different books. Obviously, the Bible never makes it onto the New York Times (book that offers exceptionally well) records. This pesters numerous on the religious right. At the same time, I can 't help suspecting that they are forgetting a fairly essential issue: does the Bible have a place on the fiction list, or the true to life list? Numerous Christians would guarantee that it has a place on the exact opposite thing simply specified. At the point when the Bible says that the individuals who have been (had his testicles evacuated) (most likely while kids, by the Church...) won 't be permitted into paradise, we are to take that as the exacting truth. Additionally, when it lets us know that Joseph 's dad (Jesus ' granddad) was called Jacob that is the manner by which it really happened. However the perspective that the Bible is impeccable (ordinarily known as 'fundamentalism ') confronts some imperative issues, not the slightest of which is that the Bible seems to conflict with itself with disquieting recurrence. Despite the fact that I ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Synopsis Of A Book ' Bible Of The Bible ' PROPHECY IN THE HISTORICAL BOOKS A Paper Submitted to the Faculty of Louisiana Baptist University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy In Advanced Prophetics By Justin G. Prock Pyeongtaek, South Korea July 2016 PROPHECY IN THE HISTORICAL BOOKS Based upon Tim LaHaye's numbers, the average amount of prophecy in the twelve "Historical" books of the Bible is 15.41%1., with the Book of II Chronicles having the most at 31% and the Book of Esther having the least at 1%. Regardless of how much prophecy is involved in these books, what is important is the history of people of Israel through the period of the Judges, the United Kingdom and the Divided Kingdom. Within that history, what is most important ... Show more content on ... Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. (Joshua 1:1–2, 5, 9) So, God commanded Joshua to: (1) enter the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1–5:15), (2) conquer the Promised Land (Joshua 6:1–12:24), which included the Central Campaign (Joshua 6:1–8:25), the Southern Campaign (Joshua 9:1–10:43), and the Northern Campaign (Joshua 11:1–15), and (3) distribute portions of the Promised Land to the 12 tribes of Israel (Joshua 13:1–22:34), which included the land West of the Jordan (Joshua 1. Tim LaHaye et al., Tim LaHaye 's Prophecy Study Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2001), 249, 277, 304, 309, 347, 378, 414, 447, 481, 524, 537, 556. 14:1–19:51), the Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20:1–9), the Cities of the Levites (Joshua 21:1–45), and the land East of the Jordan (Joshua 22:1–34). Joshua completes God's work by informing the Israelites how to retain the Promised Land in two speeches (Joshua 23:1–24:28), which Joshua summed up this way,
  • 3. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that over–lived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD, that he had done for Israel ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Introduction. The Bible Is One Of The Bestselling Books INTRODUCTION The Bible is one of the bestselling books in the world, for this reason it is incredibly important for Christians and non–Christians alike to examine the reliability of the text. Because the nature of this paper is rather short, the historical evidence outlined will be brief and not all–inclusive. This paper will examine the writings and thoughts of many great people including Joshua McDowell, J. Walter Wallace and William Craig. For the purpose of clarity when discussing the Bible or Scriptures this paper is referring to the Christian Bible which totals of 66 Books. Additionally, the goal of this paper is not to prove the Bible is the Word of God, a message from God, or inerrant, meaning without error, or even that it is a... Show more content on ... Old Testament scribes copied each manuscript meticulously, counting every letter and comparing it with the original (McDowell 1992, 50–51). If there was even a single error the copy was discarded and they began anew. Not only were these manuscripts incredibly accurate they also were numerous. The New Testament has over 24,000 manuscripts with the earliest copy dating about twenty–five years after the original (McDowell 1992, 52). In comparison, Homer's Iliad, one of the most historically accepted manuscripts, has only 642 manuscripts with a 500–year gap between the original and the first surviving copy. Since Homer's Iliad is considered reliable it seems the New Testament should also be considered a reliable copy of the original. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE #2 The reliability of the Bible as a historical document is the first form of evidence which points to the reliability of the Bible as a whole. The most trustworthy records of history are eyewitness accounts, writings of those who had a trustworthy source (such as an eyewitness), and archeological findings (Bowman 1965, 15). The Bible has all three of these evidences present. For instance, Exodus, Jeremiah, and Matthew are all examples of accounts written by firsthand eye witnesses. Luke and Acts were written by Luke who was a friend of many eyewitnesses. Furthermore, even eyewitnesses who were antagonistic towards Christians, such as Josephus, affirmed the truth ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Poisonwood Bible Book Report The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. A book that I never expected to read because of my stance on avoiding religious books, but oddly enough I could not put it down. The book is a representation of culture arrogance, racism, greed, ignorance, and imperialism that occurred through 1959 and on. The book introduces a religious, missionary family from Georgia who are headed to the village of Kilanga in Belgium Congo. What grabbed my attention in the beginning is that each member in the family, which happens to be all girls, has their turn to tell their story through their eyes, except oddly enough the overly religious evangelical Baptist father, who's only purpose is to spread the name and views of God to the Congolese. Each daughter is different from the other. You have the oldest, who's to ignorant to try to understand the culture of the Congolese and just wanted to go back to the US where her "beauty" belonged. Two twins who are complete opposites because of a disease that harmed the younger's mind rendering her crippled and mute, but gave her the most beautiful and dark view of the world. The oldest twin who believed every word her father says is right and plans to follow in his footsteps. Next the youngest daughter who is too young to ... Show more content on ... It's interesting watching each character develop for better or worse, especially the father who continues to incite the same emotion from you throughout the whole story until the end as well as the oldest daughter. But as much as you remember they are just characters in a book, you know that there are people out there that share the views as these close–minded characters. There are moments when I wanted to scream, cry and just throw the book across the room because of certain events that occurred, but I could not turn the book ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Analysis Of The Book ' The Bible ' One of my favorite stories in the bible is about Paul and Silas and how they were able to overcome. They had a mind to be triumphant. In a dark, dismal, and hopeless situation, Paul and Silas began to sing. I'm sure that they weren't singing any of the classic or mainstream R&B, Country or Pop songs. Don't get me wrong, those songs are nice. But when you are going through, you need to sing something that is going to strengthen your faith. You need to pull out that good ol Thomas Dorsey, "Like a ship that's tossed and driven, battered by an angry sea; when the storms of life are raging, and their fury falls on me. I wonder what I have done, that makes this race so hard to run; then I say to my soul, take courage, the Lord will make a way somehow!" In other words, though I've been beaten, hurt and taken advantage of, I know that the Lord will make a way somehow. Though the pain in my body becomes unbearable, I know that He will make a way somehow. Like a ship, I've been tossed and driven, battered by the angry sea of life, yet, I will encourage my soul for the Lord will make a way somehow. Every now and then, you've got to learn to encourage yourself. You've got to learn to speak over your life abundance, blessings, and favor. As long as the Lord allows you and I to live, we will be confronted with drama, confusion, trials and misfortune. And the only way to deal with the mess is to realize that you are blessed and not to stress. Paul and Silas were victimized, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Song Of Songs In The Book Of The Bible The song of songs it is a well–known but not so well understood book of the Bible, it's 8 chapters of love poetry and while there are an introduction and a conclusion, the book doesn't have any kind of rigid literary design and that's because it is a collection of poems. They are not meant to be dissected or taken apart. They are meant to be read as a flowing whole and simply enjoyed. The first line of the book tells us that it is "the song of songs" which is a Hebrew idiom like, "the holy of holies" or "the king of kings" it is a Hebrew way of saying, "the greatest thing," this is the greatest song of all songs. We are told in the first line that this "song of songs" is of Solomon, which could mean that he is the author, his name does begin the book after all. But as I read the poems, I discover that the main voice of a woman, called "the beloved." And while there is also a male voice, it does not seem to be Solomon. Solomon is mentioned a couple times in the poem, but he's never a speaker, and you do have to admit Solomon is a very strange candidate as the author of this book, given the facts that he seven hundred wines. The "of Solomon" likely means "in the wisdom tradition of Solomon," he was known for his wisdom, his poetry, his love of learning about every part of life. Also, Solomon became the father of wisdom literature in Israel, his legacy is here carried on, through a collection of love poems that explore the human experience of love and sexual desire. The opening ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Bible: A Simply Called The Good Book Are you ready to begin a journey of discovery? Are you ready to read a dynamic book that has permeated Western Culture more than any other piece of literature? If you answered yes to these two questions then you will want to read the Bible, commonly called the "Good Book." The Bible is not simply a good book; it is the best book! It is not just a religious text, but it is a literary masterpiece that mixes consistent real–life historical events with religion and literature. If you like to read a mixture of literary genres then reading the Bible would be right up your alley because this book is full of narrative genres, stylistic forms, poetry and prose. The reader doesn't even have to have a particular religious orientation to take an interest in reading the Bible because the Bible can be read as a novel, filled with stories of flavorful characters, murder, war, sibling rivalry, deceit, and mayhem. It is an interpretive portrayal of human experience in artistic form. ... Show more content on ... These stories began as oral compositions that became written compilations of historical events that were circulated, collected, then accepted as a single sacred book. A reader is quickly pulled into the stories of mankind's experiences in the very first chapter of Genesis. Genesis movingly chronicles the memorable story of two brothers, Cain and Abel. The author's words strike the reader's heart as he artfully divulges the sibling rivalry between two brothers that led to domestic violence, good vs. evil, guilt and remorse, envy, lying, self–pity, harboring a grudge, evil impulses, crime, murder and retribution. All of this in just the first book. Can you imagine if all this is just in the first book of the Bible what as reader will experience in the remaining 65 books of the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay on Bible: The Book of Deuteronomy The whole book of Deuteronomy is telling the story of a people that made a deal with God. They made promises to serve him according to the way that he wanted to be served. Deuteronomy laid out all the wonderful things that would happen to them if they were obedient and kept their promises. It also laid out what would happen if they did not keep their promise. It was pretty harsh too. They would lose their country; their enemies would take their identity and they would be tossed into slavery and the curse that they were under would visit their children's children and so on until they decided to follow every rule of worship and to follow every step that God had given them to live by. Damn! That was a pretty cruel God they were working... Show more content on ... We are the only people on the face of the Earth that were taken into slavery, taken to a strange land, lost our identity, our religion, lost any inkling of our true African history. We are the only people that once set free from slavery, continue to sit in the land of the people that enslaved us and continue to support a system that works against our very existence. Then we have the audacity to expect the same system to give us our civil rights. The funny thing to me is that our people have yet to understand that a civil right is not something that is given to you. It is something that you are. If you do not act accordingly with that understanding, then you can best believe that you will never know that you are truly free to act and be as the Creator intended you to be. No human being can give you a civil right. I also noticed, in the book of Deuteronomy where it was talking about the place of women in an Israelite society. I found it to be very patriarchal indeed! No wonder the Hebrew Israelites were all walking around hating women and trying to manipulate women into some kind of box where she has no voice, to be seen and not heard, never have any say in operations of the Temple. It was very legalistic and completely off balance! That was fine as ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Genesis: The First Book Of The Bible Genesis is the first book of the Bible thought to have been written by Moses in 1445 BC until the eighteenth century. Many people have been skeptical that Moses was incapable of compiling together an entire book that consists of the creation of the earth and lead into the fall of man, the flood, and ultimately nations that began. The Hebrew people were welcomed into Egypt by the Pharaoh and later with much regret, used as slaves after he passed away and his successor took over. Moses who was ironically born to a Hebrew woman was given up for his own safety into the Nile River and found by the Pharaoh's daughter. Later he was a prophet who freed Hebrew slaves from Egypt when it was at its most powerful time. He was provided with the Ten Commandments ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Digital Books : The Bible And The Odyssey For centuries, people have been reading paper books. The printing of paper books such as the Bible and the Iliad and the Odyssey have been made possible by a German man named Johannes Gutenberg. In 1440, Gutenberg invented the printing press, giving people an easier way to make copies without having to re–write the material (Simonds 117). Nick Sheridon was the first man to invent e–paper, originally named Gyricon, making e–readers possible (Simonds 123). E–readers such as the Barnes and Noble Nook, Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, and many other popular brands. Digital books were not a huge hit when they first came into the market but the sales for digital books have been steadily increasing to this day. Digital books were created to have ... Show more content on ... This gives the reader the advantage. Unlike a digital book, a paper book cannot change its own font size, it remains the same. A person can either purchase a new book with a bigger font or they can scan it into a computer and zoom in, causing the person to lose money or spend unnecessary time. Digital books can increase a reader's comfort level with the text and they can save space. The second advantage a digital book has over a paper book is that they are harder to lose. Digital books can be stored on the cloud, personal device, or on a flash drive. It is easier to use the cloud to keep the files because if the e–reader device gets damaged in any way, the file will not be able to get erased or deleted from an account. Others might say that there are digital books that can be corrupted and can be deleted through that method. Digital books can be deleted through corrupted files. For example, according to Muthu, "E–book can be lost by virus attack if the computer is not protected properly" (266). However, the deletion of digital books can be prevented by backing up the digital books onto the cloud, a flash drive, or another personal device, where no files can be deleted unless deleted deliberately. Another way to prevent digital books from being lost is by purchasing anti–virus software. The anti–virus software protects the files and the device from being damaged by any kind of corrupted file. If the personal device is properly protected, it can prevent files from ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Summary Of Book ' The Poisonwood Bible ' Major Work Data SheetName:Noah AndrewsPeriod3 Part I Title: The Poisonwood Bible Author: Barbara Kingsolver Date of Original Publication: Kingsolver started writing it in 1993, it was published in 1998 by HarperCollins publishing company. Biographical information about the author: Barbara Kingsolver was born in 1955, and she grew up in the farmlands of Kentucky. She has lived all over the world, including destinations such as the Canary Islands, Mexico, and South America. She currently lives in southwest Virginia. She was named one of the most important writers of the 20th century by Writer 's Digest. She also established the Bellwether prize for fiction, which helps new authors get recognized for their fantastic work. Genre(s) and characteristics of genre(s): Family Saga–a historical retelling of a family experience and struggle in the Congo. Historical Fiction–Kingsolver uses this genre to express the general feeling of guilt the Americans experience. Coming of age–As shown by the before and after attitudes of the Price daughters, all of them grow up, especially Adah, and perceive life from a more mature level when they arrive home. (except Rachel) Political Allegory–A general motif of American guilt from post–colonialism shows in all of the Price women, showing how Kingsolver uses the guilt to her advantage. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Similarities And Differences In The Book Of The Bible I chose to write about how to help someone understand the difference between books of the Bible, which was option two. I would first start the conversation by telling my colleague that the Bible is the whole story of God (Cartwright & Hulshof, p. 3). To explain the differences between the books of the Bible, one must first grasp the difference between the Old and New Testaments. TheOld Testament tells how the world came into existence, the fall of man into sin, the history of God's chosen people, and how God's chosen people would time and time again rebel against God and his law, but how God would deliver them from their enemies. The New Testament tells how God's plan of sending a Savior into the world to save humanity came to fruition ... Show more content on ... These books show both similarities and differences in the books of the Bible. The Gospels include Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each book contains the crucifixion of Jesus, but from different people and different perspectives (Cartwright & Hulshof, p. 18). Take for instance the part of the story where Jesus is hanging on the cross. Matthew tells how there was an earthquake happening and how the dead rose from the earth. "The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many. Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, 'Truly this was the Son of God'" (Matthew 27:52–54, NASB)! Mark tells how the veil was torn when Jesus took His final breath. "And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed His last. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. When the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, saw the way He breathed His last, he said 'Truly this man was the Son of God'" (Mark 15:37–39, NASB)! The two accounts describe some of the same events but differ on some other key events that took place during the crucifixion of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Esther And The Bible: The Book Of Esther This three essays in one paper is about one book, person, and place from the Bible that is included in the Bible dictionary project. I will discuss the basic literary genre, authorship, date written, key themes, purposes, major events, and main personalities of the book of Esther. I will also discuss the life, times, and major events of Esther's life. Last but not least I will cover the key dates, location, and key attributes about Sinai. ESTHER, THE BOOK OF ESTHER, AND SINAI 3 Esther Esther was born around 460 B.C. until about 492 B.C. Her birth name was Hadasseh means Myrtle in Jewish). The name Esther itself means star and happiness. Esther was the daughter of Abihail, of the tribe of Benjamin. It is said that she adopted the Persian name ... Show more content on ... She goes through the ritual of twelve months of beautification before she meets the King. We also learn the good deed of Mordecai in saving the King's life by telling him a planned killing attempt on his life. This later serves as a blessing for Mordecai in the future. Next, Haman is given a high position in the kingdom. Haman is irritated because Mordecai refused to kneel down to him. Haman's rage makes him plan the mass murder of all the Jews there.In order to stop the mass murder of all the Jews , Mordecai asks Esther to talk to the King. The problem is that the King does not know that Esther is a Jew. Esther doesn't know how the King will take to this news. Esther, was said to be woman who demonstrated great faith in the Bible. She was a faithful daughter who honored Mordecai wishes. Esther was the queen of Persia for 13 years. king Ahasuerus and Esther had one son, named Darius II, who later rebuild the holy Temple in Jerusalem. It is said that her life extended into the reign of her stepson, Artaxerxes. Although the date of her death is a guesstimate, Jewish tradition indicates that Queen Esther's tomb is ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Analysis Of The Book ' The Bible ' One of my favorite stories in the bible is about Paul and Silas and how they were able to overcome. They had a mind to be triumphant. In a dark, dismal, and hopeless situation, Paul and Silas began to sing. I'm sure that they weren't singing any of the classic or mainstream R&B, Country or Pop songs. Don't get me wrong, those songs are nice. But when you are going through, you need to sing something that is going to strengthen your faith. You need to pull out that good ol Thomas Dorsey, "Like a ship that's tossed and driven, battered by an angry sea; when the storms of life are raging, and their fury falls on me. I wonder what I have done, that makes this race so hard to run; then I say to my soul, take courage, the Lord will make a way somehow!" In other words, though I've been beaten, hurt and taken advantage of, I know that the Lord will make a way somehow. Though the pain in my body becomes unbearable, I know that He will make a way somehow. Like a ship, I've been tossed and driven, battered by the angry sea of life, yet, I will encourage my soul for the Lord will make a way somehow. Every now and then, you've got to learn to encourage yourself. You've got to learn to speak over your life abundance, blessings, and favor. As long as the Lord allows you and I to live, we will be confronted with drama, confusion, trials and misfortune. And the only way to deal with the mess is to realize that you are blessed and not to stress. Paul and Silas were victimized, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Hebrew Bible: The Book Of Esther Esther conceived Hadassah, is the eponymous courageous woman of the Book of Esther. As per the Hebrew Bible, Esther was a Jewish ruler of the Persian lord Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus is generally related to Xerxes I amid the season of the Achaemenid Empire. Her story is the premise for the festival of Purim in Jewish custom. The courageous woman of the book named for her, Esther is a youthful Jewish lady living in a state of banishment in the Persian diaspora, who through her childhood and excellence gets to be ruler of the Persian Empire, and after that by her minds and bravery spares the Jewish individuals from decimation. The message of the Book of Esther, a work of recorded fiction written in the diaspora in the late Persian–early Hellenistic ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Misinterpreting Of The Book 'The Bible Is Everything' 1.If you carefully consider the surrounding context of a passage, but ignore its literary genre, it could result in significant consequences, such as, committing damage to the original meaning of the text. It is important to take the text into consideration because it gives relevance to the meaning. Duvall and Hays explains in their book how "the Bible is everything". Therefore, without understanding the context, there is no meaning because each story/literature in the Bible has its own specific rules that we all need to understand. Without understanding the exact meanings, we risk misinterpreting the word and spreading false scripture. 2.I constantly hear individuals comment that homosexuality is a sin just like any other sin, and that others ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Book Summary: The Poisonwood Bible Edwin Lin Block 8 Mrs. Purvis 2008. The Poisonwood Bible As children develop, their attitude and perspective on viewpoints changes. They become more mature and aware of their situation and surroundings. In The Poisonwood Bible, Baptist pastor Nathan Price, his wife Orleanna, and daughters Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth May travels to the Congo on a mission trip. Throughout the story, the children are exposed to the cultural differences of the Congo and their home state of Georgia, but because of Nathan's focus on his pastoral duties while in the Congo, he does not present himself as a father figure for the daughters. Because of this, the daughters are left to mature and figure out their surroundings on their own which gives the story its core. At the beginning of the story, readers are first introduced to all the daughters struggling to pack their luggage for their move to the Congo. They debate over items they want versus things that they need. They become nitpicky and they put items that they want instead of items that would be necessary to help them live while in the Congo. When they board the plane, they left no room for their dresses in which they ... Show more content on ... Although she struggles from some form of mental disability her curiosity unfortunately gets the best of her childhood. While at the Congo, Ruth May becomes obsessed with a snake in which it was appropriately named, "The Green Mamba". When she refuses to take her malaria pills, she becomes ill. But when it seems as if she started to turn for the better, she is bitten by her curious friend and immediately dies. Her innocence strongly represents a child's tendency to take everything literally. "Father says a girl can't go to college because they'll pour water in your shoes" (117). Although it's clear to the readers that this is a metaphor, it shows how literate children can be when manipulated at a younger ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Bible And The Book Of Exodus Rabbinical Judaism sects of the modern era trace their roots back to Pharisees living in the Second Temple Period of ___. However, the foundational stories of Judaism found in the sacred Torah are even older. Many of the traditions, characters, and places mentioned in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible are so ancient that their historical accuracy cannot be verified. Even though these events would've taken place millenniums ago, the stories of the Torah continue to have a significant impact on Judaism today. This paper will focus specifically on the stories of Moses found in the book of Exodus and how the methods used by modern Orthodox and Reform Jews to study the Torah significantly affect how they reconcile their present faith with the tales of the past. According to the book of Exodus, after Moses had lead the Israelites out of Egypt they began their journey to a land promised to them by God. During this journey atop Mount Sinai, God revealed himself to Moses and presented a covenant to the Israelites: if they followed God's laws, they would be a chosen people, a nation set apart. According to Exodus, God then gave his laws directly to Moses who then shared them with the people. The Mosaic Covenant became the basis of the ... Show more content on ... Orthodox Jews reject the notion of historical criticism; they feel no need to scientifically prove that the events in the Bible actually took place. They firmly and literally believe that the 613 laws recorded in the Torah came from the mouth of God. Because they take this view, Orthodox Jews continue to practice all of the purity, dietary, and social guidelines outlined in the Torah. Regardless of the changing world around them, this sect looks to the past to learn exactly what God expects of them which informs almost every decision they make in their day to day ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Complexities Of God In The Books Of The Bible Within the Western theistic tradition, the Christian God is conceived as a mysterious, supreme deity that is the only being worth of worship because He is "something than which nothing greater can be conceived" (Anslem 1033–1109). This God is the great architect of the universe whom represents the depth and complexities of human experiences. Such mystery is why writing about God is essentially writing about the complexities of human beings. This inconceivably complex God was researched in numerous biblical books within both the Old and New Testament over the lapse of this fall semester. Interpreting these books of the Bible aroused a plethora of questions such as what is God like and how is God portrayed to others according to these books? ... Show more content on ... This is why understanding God is not a simple task. In order to delineate Him, His attributes can describe Him. Christianity organizes the attributes of God so that they are easier to understand. Amongst all the Bible's depictions of God's attributes, the three characteristics of God that are essential to further understand Him describe God as omnipotent, merciful, and as a leader. Christians understand and believe that God possesses qualities of omnipotence as the sole creator and ruler of the universe. God is believed to have all the power for the benefit of mankind and can create anything out of nothing. God demonstrates characteristics of such omnipotent power throughout the Old Testament by the nature of His creations and His word in the scriptures. In the book of Genesis 1:1 – 31, God created the heavens, the earth, and mankind in his own image. These biblical passages are a direct indication that He is truly capable of doing anything because the religious standard of the goodness of creation was possible since everything good came from Him. God's Word in the Scripture is exemplified in Exodus with a special revelation when He appears in front of Moses in the form of a burning bush. God told him to lead the Israelites, His people, out of enslavement in Egypt to the promised land. When the Egyptian Pharaoh refused to obey, Moses through the power of God releases 10 plagues upon the land of Egypt that finally liberates the Israelites. God's Words were so powerful ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Bible Is Not A Book Of Religion The Bible is not a book of religions or rituals. Rather, the Bible is a library of 66 books–39 of which are known as the Old Testament and 27 books referred to as the New Testament–that reveals God's divine plan of redemption, reconciliation, salvation, restoration and renewal of the whole world. The Bible can be read as a great literature, or as a history of Israel, or as a source of theological information. Though it is all of these things, none of them does full justice to Scripture as being authoritative. God has all authority, and we accept the Bible as the primary authority by which God communicates to us what He wants us to believe and to do. N.T. Wright's book theorizes that Scripture is authoritative in that "the authority of... Show more content on ... In doing so, we can discover that final authority is not in and of scripture itself but of the Triune God who is the Author of scripture. The second obstacle to consider is that many have dismissed scripture as a book of Israelitic & Christian stories. Wright contends that these stories are told to inform us of "internal dynamics" of the past so as to engage us in the present for transformation into Christ–likeness. (p.25). Thirdly, Wright asserts that the question of scripture's authority should not be viewed as a list of rules where God condescends to man. Rather, scripture should be received as God's purpose to save and renew the entire world by authorizing the church–God's agent in the world–with His mission through the work of the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is imperative that biblical scholars "see the role of scripture not simply as being [informative about or revelatory of God's truth] but as a means of God's action in and through us." (p.28) Generally, most biblical scholars agree that scripture's authority is found in the sovereign God Himself; but their doctrinal positions differ from that point. Wisely enough, Wright avoids the "locked suitcase" melee on biblical inerrancy or biblical infallibility. Instead, he focused on God's purpose for scripture and why it is demonstrably authoritative. Scriptures are not merely human books or collections of human opinion; they are books which contain God 's revelation of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Bible Is Not A Children 's Book Essay The Bible is not a children's book. Not only is it beyond the length and reading level appropriate for younger audiences, it often covers what some parents might consider inappropriate topics. Imagine finding an illustrated children's bible containing graphic stories about talking to "ghosts" 'or children being burned alive as sacrifices to God. These are troubling stories that actually appear within the Hebrew Bible, which even some adults may feel uncomfortable discussing. Academic scholarship of the Bible, however, should not be influenced by such discomfort. This has led a handful of scholars to study these death–related experiences within ancient Israelite contexts. The last thirty years have revealed at least two contemporary topics of conversations between scholars within this subfield: necromancy and child sacrifice among ancient Israelite religion. Typically, dialogue about ancient Israelites is framed among the broader beliefs and practices of peoples from the surrounding geographical region including the Canaanites, Egyptians, and other ancient peoples; these topics are no exception. While, there is also no consensus among modern scholars, the majority of academics appear to accept both child sacrifice and necromancy as a historical practice belonging to the worship of Yahweh. Nonetheless, these scholars continue to do so with varying degrees of beliefs about the particular conditions during which these controversial customs were performed. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Bible: The Book Of Revelation By John The book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible and it meant to give us an idea of the end times and what to expect with the second coming of Jesus. Revelation was written by John, but John writes that he is just merely a recorder of the visions that Jesus sent him. Revelation is a book of Prophesy in the fact that it holds visions of what is to expect in the end times, but to also to be an encouragement that we will endure the hard times that are to come. It is thought to have been written around 95–96 AD, to seven churches in, what was then then, Roman areas of Asia, which is modern day turkey. These churches were plagued by issues of false teachings, persecution, idolatry, paganism, and immorality.Jesus sent this vision to John, to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Esther And The Bible: The Book Of Esther Historical World The Historical world allows us to view the world outside the text, or in other words behind the text. It is making an observation about the time, and culture of the story. This section also allows us to see the geographical setting that relates with the book of Esther. The book of Esther is the seventh book written in the Bible by historian, which came after Nehemiah and before the book of Job. The book of Esther describes events that took place during the years 486–465 B.C.E under the ruler king Ahasuerus. The Persians grew powerful during the time of Cyrus the Great around 560 B.C.E, and kept their power for some time. It wasn't until Alexander the Great lead the Greeks in 333 B.C.E. to conquer the Persians. Meanwhile the Jewish people had been scattered all throughout ... Show more content on ... Contemporary portion gives us an understanding of how to interpret what takes place as if it happened today. These three worlds allow us to better describe the plot in the book of Esther, and demonstrate why it is important to keep God in our lives. As we ask the question, what does it mean to be the people of god? We learn in this book how God's presence is always with us, as we live by his word. God's work was done without his name ever being mentioned. The book of Esther teaches lessons that are directly, and indirectly towards events that happen between the good and bad people associated with this story. This would relate to today's story when one does a good deed and returns receives a reward for their action, such as Mordecai and Esther working together to insure the safety of the Jewish people. Another would be how Esther, and Mordecai maintained their community and religious identity in a foreign territory and yet uneducated to what events were about to take place they stood in honor for their ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Bible : The Book Of Job In The Bible Sapphire Ware Zachary Malone English 130 05 November 2017 To Teach a Servant The Book of Job in the Bible is the story of an earnest man named Job who was the cream of the crop. As the book unfolds, we hear of his abundant wealth, wonderful family and how much he is faithful to God. All was going well for Job, until his life began to fall apart. Disaster soon plagues him and he loses it all. He goes through trials in which he no longer has his children, wealth, and even his health. God is thought of as supreme, all–knowing, and he rarely does something for one single reason. Yet, why does God allow Job to suffer? Is he trying to prove a point toSatan? Even though we do not know the actual reasons behind Gods' decisions, there are many clues which justify why God goes through with Job's suffering. As one continues to read, we start to ask ourselves: why will Job suffer such tragedies? The simple answer is that God is trying to show Satan that Job is truly obedient and faithful. Job's troubles begin after God boasts to Satan about how righteous Job is. God asks Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil" (New Oxford Annotated Bible, Job 1:8). In this verse, God says Job is blameless and upright but suffers because he has it all, not because of his own doing. "However, Job is not trying to escape from his suffering; instead, he is confronting the one who he considers ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Canonical Books in the Bibles It is widely accepted through the theological study of the Bible that the gathering and the selection of information included in the final compilation was an extensive and controversial process. Specifically, the events and movements that were influential in the recognition of the canonical books. According to Britannica, the canonical books are recognized as the quintessential corner stone of the New Testament, which also means that they are a foundational part of the current beliefs and practices of most of today's Christians. Even more important is the process, culmination, and the compilations of events that lead to what Christians currently accept as the Word of God. There are several key historical references that were influential ... Show more content on ... Gnosticism is not understood to be an organized group whose plight is to obliterate the Church; however, it is a movement that existed within the church and outside of it (Wilson 1955). Conversely, these Gnostics beliefs were too much of a contradiction of core Christian beliefs to co–exist.Marcionism, much like Gnostic beliefs were also intertwined within the Church. However, Marcion's depiction of Christianity was heavily anti–Jewish. Since the fundamental beliefs of Christianity rest on the creator God based on the Jewish teachings, this was a contradiction to fundamental points in Christian doctrine (Quispel 1998). Imperatively, Marcion's threat to the church was substantially more than Gnostics because he created and actual Church (Quispel 1998). The challenge that Marcion brought to the Church was great and thusly required a retort. Once the church realized that these beliefs would question the core of the Christian faith, the process of the recognition of the canonical books started and it was a process that lasted until the implication of the New Testament as accepted today (Brueggeman 1978) . In conclusion, analyzing the key events and movements that were influential in the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Rumspringa In The Book Of The Bible Throughout history there have been many different religions. Among those many religions there have been different sets of rules that are to be followed. Some religions are stricter, while some are more relaxed. For example, in the Bible Exodus 20:13 states that "you shall not murder" (New English Bible, 2009). Most people wouldn't exactly call that a strict law seeing as how it is basic human decency not to kill another human. An example of a stricter law is also found in the Bible in the book of Numbers. In chapter 15 verses 32–36 there is a man who on the Sabbath was found gathering sticks. He was essentially arrested and brought to Moses and Aaron, then thrown in prison. To this God told Moses and Aaron "The man must die. The whole assembly ... Show more content on ... The term Rumspringa can be translated as "running around, and it is derived from the German word Raum, which means space as in space to roam" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 10). The more complete translation is "running around outside of the bounds" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 10). Rumspringa gives the Amish youth "license to do things that they have never done before" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 11). Most Amish youth continue to live with their parents during Rumspringa and while some do take part in rowdy parties, most do not. One of the main ideas of Rumspringa is to give "youngsters leaves and to find an appropriate mate" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 13). The idea being that when a young Amish couple will "end their Rumspringa together by agreeing to marry" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. 14). While the majority of the Amish youth do not participate in Rumspringa by going out and being wild, there are ones that choose to participate in that type of behavior during their Rumspringa. Early on in the book an eighteen–year–old young man by the name of Gerald Y is one of the Amish teens that definitely lives "outside the bounds". Gerald is one of the Amish teens that chooses to partake in activities that would be considered taboo recreation by the Amish. Gerald is addicted to cocaine because it makes him feel like "he has tackled the world and won" (Shachtman, 2006, pg. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Holy Bible: The Book Of Genesis Genesis: The Book of Genesis is written in Historical Fiction. The name Genesis comes from the Hebrew title "bre'sit" meaning "in the beginning" (Bible Knowledge Commentary). The authorship of this book was by Moses. He wrote Genesis between 1440 & 1400 BC. The Old Testament documents the history of the Hebrew descendant's. The central purpose for Genesis is for God to show us his covenant with His people. Genesis is the foundation of the Bible. It shows us how the establishment of man, marriage, sin, death, different languages, and how nations were started. The first eleven chapters focus primarily on the history of the universe. Chapters twelve through fifty teaches us about Abraham. God commanded Abraham to leave his home and travel to ... Show more content on ... It was founded in 3000 BC by Shem and Eber, Abraham ancestors. Jerusalem in located between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. The religion's that are practiced in Jerusalem is Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. For Christians, this spot is most famous for Jesus' death. For Jews, it was the spot for the Temple. The Muslims, it was the spot for the prophet's night journey to heaven. The word "Jerusalem" is used 806 times in the Bible, 660 times in the Old Testament and 146 times in the New Testament (Ancient History). There are many important dates that help make Jerusalem a popular city. David captured Jerusalem in 1000 BC. In 950 BC Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem. King Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem in 597 BC. Jesus spent his final days on earth in Jerusalem close to the time of the Passover in 30 AD. Jerusalem is a popular tourist city for viewing the ancient Jewish Temple, and many important biblical events (Ancient History). The fall of Jerusalem started in 66 AD by the Romans. By 70 AD the Romans finally conquered the city killing several thousand people. This city has so much history no wonder it is called "The Holy ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Analysis Of The Book ' The Bible ' Since the entrance of sin into the world, a war has been raging in every human heart between the spirit and the flesh. Every person desiring to serve God feels the battle between these two opposing masters. And Satan is always exploiting our physical and emotional desires to sever our relationship with the Lord. Your iniquities have separated you from your God. Isaiah 59:2 .... The Bible begins with the serpent tempting Adam and Eve and follows with the world 's deterioration. The New Testament begins with Satan tempting Jesus and follows with the world 's salvation. When humanity fell after that first temptation in the garden, it lost the pure loving motives with which it had been originally created. Selfishness took its place, and the result has been slow coming and devastating: death, disease, war, crime, pain–the list goes on. God has called us to holiness. But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:15, 16). But without supernatural aid, men and women are powerless to resist the evil desires and motives of the carnal heart. Yet God will never ask us to do anything that we are incapable of doing without His help. God will not abandon us , his creation...l.He made complete and final provision for its restoration.... The purpose of His plan of salvation is to restore within you and me the image of Christ, so that we might be called the sons of God. "According ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Book Of Proverbs In The Hebrew Bible Introduction The Book of Proverbs, found in the Writings, the third division of the Hebrew canon, is a unique book, entirely different from the rest of the Old Testament. There is no mention of the Israelite forefathers, God's promises, or narrative of any event from Israelite history. Similar to Job and Ecclesiastes within the genre of Wisdom literature, the Proverbs focus on patterns of life to observe the acts of God , rather than declaring direct messages from him. The purpose of Proverbs is to instruct the reader in attaining wisdom, the ultimate pursuit. The word "wisdom" (hokmah in Hebrew) occurs thirty–nine times and the adjective "wise" (hakam) forty–seven times throughout the 31 chapters. The scope of wisdom applied in the Book of Proverbs ranges from wealth to work to the words we speak, encompassing nearly every aspect of life. Literary Form ... Show more content on ... It is written entirely in poetry. Parallelism, a well–known phenomenon in biblical poetry, is especially present in Proverbs. Certain proverbs are experiential, "telling it the way it is," more practically than theoretically. At other times, the biblical saying goes beyond mere observation, to urge a certain course of action. Portions of the Proverbs may have been assembled due to a desire on the part of later scribes to preserve Israelite traditional wisdom, which was in danger of being forgotten. The poetic form provided mnemonic value, as short, pithy sayings lent themselves more favorably to memorization, securing their transmission to future ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Hebrew Bible: The Book Of Deuteronomy The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim, is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) or Pentateuch. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the book of Deuteronomy was written as a farewell address by Moses to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land of Canaan. After review of the chapters assigned, the initial feeling is that it's a law book from that time period that includes commentary on the reasoning why the law has been created and implementation of the laws listed within this text. Further review of the various chapters and verses, the reader is left with a vision of the author repeating the law, while explaining associated consequences that correlate to the breach of contract with GOD. Considering... Show more content on ... So shall you clear away the evil from Israel." This law should most definitely be terminated as it is just too harsh of a penalty for the actions of two consenting individuals. Yes, adultery is wrong and tarnishes the sanctity of marriage. However, committing adultery doesn't mean that a person is not true to G–d at all. It just implies that they have further work to do, when it comes to living in a more godly way. Sometimes people make mistakes; we all sin. But that shouldn't take away from their spiritual connection and love they possess for G–d, just because they couldn't stay true to a partner. In today's time period, the other person can move along and file for a divorce if they are not happy with their cheating spouses, but death is on the extreme. Give a person a chance to repent for their sins at ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Bible One area in the bible which I have a problem understanding is the story in the beginning of Job. In this book, God talks to Satan and brags about His servant Job. He then goes on to bet with Satan, that whatever Job does, he will not renounce his faith in God. There are a couple of reasons this strikes me as odd. First of all, why would God, who is all knowing want to have anything to do with making deals with Satan? Secondly, why would Satan be interested in making deals with God, if he knows God already has the future planned out? Lastly, why would God put unnecessary affliction on His best man if it were only to prove a point to Satan? Maybe one of the reasons God would take a bet on by Satan in the ... Show more content on ... There is no other apparent justification for what God put on Job. Maybe something has to happen to one person, to be able to save a thousand. The other side of the story is seen on the part of the Satan, who unwisely,
  • 33. decided to challenge God to a contest, which you think he would know he was unable to win. So why would Satan waste his time making a bet that he knew he would lose? The only reason I can see is that he truly thought Job would fall under the circumstances. This exchange between Satan and God seems like a no win situation. God, on one hand would never have made a bet, which would result in Him, appearing weaker or him losing. But, Satan was stupid enough to make a bet with God, which he surely knew wasn't going to result in a victory. The last question I presented was, why God would put unnecessary affliction on his most honorable and blameless man? This part of the story is what I think of as the most important. Job, just because he was righteous, thought that he didn't deserve to have anything bad happen to him. God made a point in the story when he chose Job as the object of His bet. Not only did God prove something to Satan, but to Job as well. I think Job put it best when he said "With nothing from the ground I came, and with nothing I shall return." In conclusion, I think it important to acknowledge how strong Job
  • 34. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Corruption Of The Book Of Revelation In The Bible The book of Revelation in the Bible can be read and interpreted in two different ways; in a symbolic or figurative manner or taken in non–symbolically and literal approach. Revelation is a book describing visualization, collected by John, prophesying the return of the Messiah (Powell). Some of the main ideas illustrated in the book of Revelation are the unveiling also known as revelation, the ultimate corruption of civilization, God's final and absolute judgment, the control of history and future that God has, and finally, worthiness of worship and adoration (Merriam–Webster). This book is regarded as the greatest conclusive analysis that gives the imagination passion. It takes its readers further, expanding horizons in the midst of its ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Bible: The Book of Daniel The Book of Daniel is the only full–blown apocalyptic book in the Protestant recognized version of the Canon. A literary device divides the book into two halves. Chapters 1–6 are a collection of stories that introduces the reader to Daniel and three other Israelites as unwilling guests of the Babylonia Empire ruled by Nebuchadnezzar. The second half, Chapters 7–12 consists of apocalyptic imagery of deformed beasts and the heavenly court. The focus of this paper will be on chapter 7, which serves as a bridge of the two halves. Chapter 7 is the earliest of the visions as it identifies with the genre of 8–12 while through language and content it reverts to Daniel chapter 2. The linguistic break down is not as neat as the literary divide in... Show more content on ... Of course, we read of the Daniel and his three companions endearing themselves to Nebuchadnezzar by demonstrating a wisdom beyond that of the wise men surrounding the King. It perhaps says something about split personality of the King in that although he ransacked the temple in Jerusalem, he was open to extending a great deal of freedom and responsibility to the Israelites. The second beast is a bear with three tusks in it's mouth is told to devour many bodies. It is not clear the source of this command though it unlikely to have came from YHWH, but not impossible because we must remember the Israelites are not completely innocent of disregarding the commands of the YHWH. Stephen Cook, in his book, "The Apocalyptic Literature" warns readers about domesticating the Book of Daniel especially the symbols and images. "In Daniel, the heavenly court is intimately engaged in the daily unfolding events of earthly geopolitics. People and powers on earth do not act in autonomous isolation" (Cook, p. 127). Who stood up the lion–like beast on two feet and gave it a human mind? Nevertheless, chaos is not without leadership ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Book Of Esther In The Hebrew Bible The book of Esther appears in the Hebrew Bible as one of five scrolls that is read on festivals or commemorative days of the Jewish year. Esther is the story of the deliverance of the Jews from destruction and persecution from King Ahasuerus' official named Haman. In this story, Esther shows great courage and devotion to her Jewish people, and even risks her own safety to help defend them against the wrongdoings of Haman. This story interests me most because it is a story about a woman's courage and strength that saved her people. When King Ahasuerus' wife, Queen Vashti, refused the king's orders to appear before him in court to show the people and the officials her beauty, King Ahasuerus was enraged by her disobedience. The king's officials informed him that this disobedience set an example for the wives of the officials, and that they too would disobey if the king did not write a law stating that Queen Vashti could never again come before the king, and that her... Show more content on ... He states that people believed in their time that these people would be excluded from the protection of God because they were unworthy of being called Israelites. Henry argues that this was never true, because God does not judge us on our weaknesses. He also believes that it was Mordecai who wrote the book of Esther, and although God is not mentioned in it, "the finger of God is, directing many minute events for the bringing about of his people's deliverance" (Henry 1121). He describes the particulars as not only surprising and very entertaining, but enlightening and very encouraging to the faith and hope of God's people in the most difficult and dangerous times. Henry does not give much of his opinion of Queen Esther; he does, however, believe this book to be factual and serving as an example of God's devotion and love for His ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Book Of Acts By The Bible The Book of Acts is a book about the beginning of the first Christians and the growth of the Church. Acts explains how Christianity began and also spread about. It explains how Jesus used some of the apostles to teach through the Holy Spirit after ascending into Heaven. The writer of the Book of Acts is the apostle Luke, who gives us insight into the different things the disciples, mainly Peter and Paul, had went through during this time. Luke describes these instances but rarely indicates how Christians today should respond. What would Christianity look like today if only the Book of Acts was written in the New Testament? The Early Church started with Peter, who told the people to repent and be baptized, only then would they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. After 3,000 were baptized, the very first Church was started. The early Church had a focus on the Bible and it's teachings, the stories the apostles shared, breaking the bread, meal sharing, prayer, and fellowship. Today, Christians might only continue to share stories that the apostles shared, be baptized, pray, and get to know members of their Church if this was the only book written in the New Testament. Peter "givesJesus" to people in need in the Book of Acts, and this is a difference in what we don't see sometimes practiced in Churches today. Christians learning to ask Jesus into their heart was a major milestone in the early Church. The Book of Acts, as discussed by Michael Morrison, the author of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The God Yhwh In The Book Of The Bible The god Yhwh goes through many changes throughout the books of the hebrew bible. For example, in the book of Genesis, Yhwh makes the entire earth, but when Eve takes food from the tree of knowledge, he is angry because she gained knowledge of right and wrong. He seems a little bit jealous here because he punishes them for becoming more like him. This is shown when it says, "Then Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever" therefore the Lord god sent him forth from the garden of eden, to till the ground from which he was taken."(28) In exodus Yhwh becomes very ruthless. The punishment for most crimes he talks about is death. Back then this may have seemed okay, but now putting someone to death for hitting his parent is a bit extreme. In the end he says, "And if he cries to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate."(33) like it makes up for the cruel punishments he just laid out. ... Show more content on ... Yhwh seems much more compassionate in this book like when he says, "When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall nor do him wrong. The stranger who sojourns with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself..."(34) Similarly, in Deuteronomy Yhwh talks more about being fair to other people and lays down rules for how you should treat people in the court, and in life. This example is best seen when Yhwh states, "You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brethren or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Religious Message Of The Book Of Esther In The Bible In the study of the Old Testament, one often comes up with the question of why the Book of Esther is included in the canon even though there is no mention of God throughout the whole story. However, since the Jews accepted it in the Hebrew Bible, many scholars wonder whether God did inspire the writing of the story of Esther the Queen. Perhaps a more intriguing and fundamental question is: What are some aspects of the story that express the religious messages in the teaching of the Bible? In fact, scholars have answered this question with various opinions over time. The story of Esther was often seen as "so entertaining, so comical, and so subtle that to speak of its 'message' can be profoundly misleading" (Levenson 12). Like most theological ... Show more content on ... As for the Book of Esther, there are four significant religious messages–those same messages that could be found anywhere else in the Hebrew canon–that are worth looking into to understand why the book is included in the Old Testament as well as why it is believed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. Throughout the empowerment of Queen Esther and the victory of the Jews against their enemies, the Book of Esther teaches the danger of pleasing oneself, the responsibilities of higher authority, the irony of fate and the faith in God's sovereignty. Before exploring the religious messages of the Book of Esther to prove that the book is in fact inspired by the Holy Spirit, it is worth looking into the historical and cultural settings of the story. The story is believed to be written in the Diaspora, late in the Persian era, about 100 years after the Babylonian exile. The book is within the Five Megillot of Jewish Scripture (along with the Book of Ruth, the Book of ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Book ' Of Revelation, The Final Book Of The Bible The book of Revelation, the final book of the bible, is one of the most interesting and symbolic readings for many. With an unknown author, apocalyptic foreshadowing, and obscure meanings, it has been interpreted a number of different ways. Starting with the history, the symbolism, and ways to interpret it, the aim of this paper is to give the reader a better understanding of the book. We know for a fact that the book was written by John to the seven churches of Asia Minor "I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and kingdom and patience that are in Jesus, was on the island which is called Patmos, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus." Revelations 1:9–10 There is speculation that John was imprisoned on Patmos for the crime of not worshiping the Roman emperor. It is a popular tradition for many to believe John the apostle to be the author of revelation, however the writer of revelation never claimed to be an apostle. The literary form in this book is called "apocalyptic" writing. This means that the book is not straight forward in delivering its message. The actual message is concealed in symbols, numbers, and images. It is also considered a prophecy by Catholics. This is stated in Revelation 1:3. "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein; for the time is at hand." The purpose of the letter was to contact the seven churches of Asia Minor, present day Turkey. It is ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Analysis Of The Book ' Revelation Of The Bible ' Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will it all end? Not just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures are molded by the way that specific groups believe the end times will come to fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that concern themselves with the end of the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for certain is across the ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a consensus on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment to daily practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end and of them one of the most well know is the Book of... Show more content on ... Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the angels of seven churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven churches. Once he states this he begins to address each church individually. The letters poses similarities while at the same time also possessing differences. The overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address, commendation/complaint, advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward for heading the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the problems should be corrected and the reward that will come. The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament connection, the views and connection between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation. The authorship by John took place during the Greco–Roman era but the structure of writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for the prophetic lawsuit of the Old Testament. The difference between the styles lies in the fact that the letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features judgment and salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy 186). Bandy stated, "specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit whereby Christ scrutinizes the new ... Get more on ...