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The Benefit Of Omitting Animal Products
The Benefit of Omitting Animal Products Americans, as well as others throughout the world, consume meat, dairy, and eggs practically every day.
Because using animal products is a constant, most people are not prompted to ask the question, "why?" The behaviors of eating a burger, using makeup
that was tested on animals, and buying products made from leather and fur, are deeply ingrained into cultures in varying geographical locations,
including the United States. Humans are creatures of habit, and often don't sway from the "normal" way of life, because is known and comfortable.
Staying within comfort zones, inhibits people from learning and growing. Unfortunately, individuals' health, the environment, and innocent animals all
suffer injurious consequences when a person makes the decision to buy the flesh, fur, skin, and by–products of animals. Our one and only Earth is
impacted significantly by our seemingly arbitrary daily choices. Animal agriculture is the main contributor to global warming. Water is not an unlimited
source, and coincidentally is necessary for all living beings to survive. Animals in the agriculture industry require a substantial amount of water to live
and produce meat and other superfluous animal products. Ironically, humans have constructed a sense of normalcy around the idea of using water, a
scarcely expendable source, in an exponentially wasteful manner. Humans are unconsciously sabotaging every living being, through the destruction of
earth. Often
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Informative Speech : Product Testing On Animals
TYPE OF SPEECH: Persuasive Speech
Topic: Product testing on animals
Purpose Statement: Keep from testing cosmetics on animals.
Thesis Statement:
Animals are forced to try products. From forced eating to wearing l 'oreal makeup.
Organizational Pattern: Problem– Solution
Attention Getter (Capture): Have you ever wished for a rabbit or a guinea pig?
Motivate: Most of the world's common household pets are having cosmetics tested on them.
Introduce the topic: Help save them from this cruelty.
State the thesis: These animals are forced to try products. From forced to eating food to wearing L'oreal makeup.
Preview: In the next few minutes I will... tell you what's happening to these animals and how you can help them.
Main Point 1: First, the problem.
Animals are having products tested on them. Animals like birds, fish, and rabbits. Companies like Sephora 's makeup, Lubriderm lotion, and Dove's
soap. Mice are the most popular for testing in the United States. This is because mice share 98% of human DNA states (, and they are
easier to breed. Even though, chimpanzees share 99% of our DNA. There are only two places where animals can be tested on, the United States and
Gabon. These animals have rights just like us. It's not like they can walk away from this. They are being held against their will. These animals have
never seen the
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The Cruelty Of Animals Tested Products In The World
We have so many products in the world but do we know these products are being tested on animals? People don't understand what these animals go
through. Nore do they understand because of the testing the animals population decreases. On the other hand people and animals don't have the same
reactions to products that are meant for humans. Everyone should boycott animal tested products and show the companies that the world would survive
and be a better place with those animals here.
Animals are tested on for many things that us humans apparently "need". Some of the product in your house are tested on animals that you may not
know about. Product such as windex, Post–it Notes, Mars Candy and Iams Pet food are all tested on by animals.("8 products
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Animal Ethics And Animal Farming
Not only does killing and torturing animals for the consumption of their meat and products harm the animal but it harms humans and our planet as
well. It is common to find people who are omnivores in our country and rare to find a vegan. The vegan lifestyle is the only way that we can save
this planet. Usually, if you are eating dinner and someone mentions the animal that you are eating, when it was living, another person at the table
freaks out because they do not want to think of that. We disassociate ourselves with the actual living animal that has suffered huge amounts on our
plates because we see ourselves as animal lovers who are against inhumane torture and killing of animals. You can not classify yourself as an
animal lover if you consume an animal or their product because you are still supporting their demise. Why? Because the taste pleases us. That is all.
We are disgusted by people who torture and hurt animals for pleasure. For example, people disassociate themselves from the Philadelphia Eagles
NFL team due to the actions of the player Michael Vick. Vick ran a dog fighting ring and bet on dogs to kill one another. Why? For no other reason
than the fact that it pleased him. We say that we are animal lovers and agree that animals have at least some moral value but how does this make killing
and torturing animals for our consumption okay? Animal agriculture and factory farming are huge industries that are sort of swept under the rug by
omnivores. These
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Benefits Of Veganism And Vegetarianism
Veganism and Vegetarianism
Veganism and vegetarianism are widespread trends that have been gaining attention rapidly all around the world. For some people, they are only a diet.
On the other hand, for others, they are a lifestyle. Veganism and Vegetarianism are both diverse diets that can affect the human body and environment
in different ways. Veganismis a lifestyle that excludes any use of animal products, such as meats, dairy, leather, etc. The main purpose of veganism is
to not support animal exploitation, thus not support animal cruelty. However, many people can also turn to veganism as a diet. Veganism proves to be
beneficial for what a substantial amount of people desire, weight loss. "Weight loss is usually greater on a vegan ... Show more content on ...
These causes are discussed in detail as follows; Agriculture; One of the biggest drivers of deforestation is agriculture.
Few vegans believe that everyone should become vegan to help cure the world in ways where we do not have to promote acts such as deforestation,
and do not have to continue killing animals for our own desires. However, the majority of vegans are satisfied with their own actions, knowing that
they can make a difference on their own. On the contrary, vegetarianism is a not as strict of a diet as veganism, much less a lifestyle. Many vegetarians
choose this lifestyle because they are attempting to fix their health, want to take part in saving animals, or simply do not like the taste of meat. In a way,
vegetarianism is a healthier diet than veganism, even though vegetarians wouldn't be losing pounds quite as fast. Vegetarians are least likely to become
nutrient deficient, which is a problem with veganism. Because veganism is so strict, it is hard to chose the right substitutes to eat in order to get all the
nutrients you need. On the other hand, vegetarians are
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The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Products
Animal testing is a cheap way for companies to test products without harming humans. It may seem all fine and dandy, but many defenseless animals
are dying for our selfish purposes. Many beloved companies hide the fact that they harm these innocent animals. A few of those companies are Avon,
Bobbi Brown, Covergirl, EstГ©e Lauder, L'OrГ©al, M.A.C. Cosmetics and Pantene. At first sight many may think " a few animal lives are ok to
spare", but when they see how many mainstream colossal companies are practicing these methods, they will see just how many animals are impacted
by these terrible ways. Point being, poor animals are suffering so you can have hairspray, makeup, and many other life utilities. Is that fair? Every year
26 million animals... Show more content on ...
Our body shares 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body. Though many people don't agree with animal
cruelty, for the use of cosmetic testing, it has been a crucial aspect for many companies. Along with this veterinarian's study and useanimal testing as
well. Animals also suffer from similar diseases as humans and many medicines are the same as those used for human patients: examples include
antibiotics, pain killers and tranquillisers.
The Cons for animal testing is poor innocent animals are being harmed, and used to develop countless products. Over 100 million animals are being
murdered each year. In animal testing, countless animals are experimented on and then killed. Others animals are injured and will might live the
remainder of their lives in captivity, just so you can have makeup, hair products, and many other life utilities.
In conclusion, animal testing is atrocious and dangerous. It also harms innocent animals and can even kill them. Just because animals pass a drug test
doesn't necessarily mean they are safe for you and your body. The choice is yours to support our cause for only 60 cents a day. Not only will it help
put a stop to animal testing, but will help hospitalize, and rehabilitate the animals that have been
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Does Animal Testing Provide False Information For The...
Cassidy Barrios
English 102
Elka Staley
April 28, 2015
Animal Testing Does animal testing really benefit humans or does it provide false information for the human products? For some people, testing
products on animals is the better route to go in testing products. They feel that if something bad were to happen, they would rather the animals be
harmed rather than the humans. For others, they feel that animals have the same moral status as humans do, and it is cruel to harm the innocent
animals. Animals make up a big part of this world, and a lot of them are being taken away from their natural habitats and environments and put into a
cage to be observed by scientist. They are taken and thrown into laboratories to be given multiple tests and ... Show more content on ...
This explains that it is wrong to abuse animals and make them suffer and eventually die. We see that animals should have the opportunity to live a safe
and enjoyable life. They should be loved and cared for just as the humans want. They have the right to stay in their habitats and not on a table being
injected or cut open. When these animals are brought into testing, they results are not even benefiting them. They are being used because they are seen
as being inferior to
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Vegetarian Controversy
There is much controversy and hypocrisy when it comes to animals. I, along with thousands of others, am part of the hypocrisy. I squirm and feel a
deep sadness when I hear or see animals being abused, yet I am a meat–eater. I have learned that we all have different opinions and taste and we can
not force others to change their ways. There will always be people, like me, perhaps, who will continue to eat meat and use animal products because
that is what to us is food and normality. There are many ways to solutionize this; Become vegan or vegetarian, do protests and show others the suffering
animals are put through, and/or simply let those who do not choose veganism to be themselves. Veganism andvegetarianism can be quite difficult for
some people to live by. I think that vegetarianism is a little more "doable," while veganism is simply much more difficult. I am actually quite confused
and not well–informed because I have seen posts by vegans on social media stating that eating meat kills you and while I agree that consuming too
much may make you sick, meat is also protein ... Show more content on ...
It is simply something that I have thought about, but have not fully decided to do because I find it difficult and my mom states that I need the
protein from meat to be healthy, and we all know that most of the times, moms are right. I am proud of vegetarians and vegans for doing what they
do and standing up for it, and they should keep voicing and defending animals' rights, but in a peaceful manner. Animals can not speak up and defend
themselves, so I think that that is why we exist; To be their voice and defend their lives. Vegetarian and vegan activists are that voice that speaks to
defend the animals and to teach that killing them is wrong, as they also have
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Animal Research: Animal Testing The Effects Of Products
What is animal research? Animal research also known as animal testing is very common and very necessary in testing the effects of products. Animal
testing is very important to scientific advance. The observation and testing of animals can help scientist understand diseases and help create a cure for
them. This testing is also used to determine is a product is safe, and the side effects of that product. How common is animal testing? In the United States
, Canada and the Unites Kingdom. In these three places combined around 108.49 million animals were used in experiments in 2013, in America alone
it was 101.04 million animals. Even though this number seems very high it has been going down in the past years. Companies still use animal testing in
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Essay On Non Vegan Cosmetics
Vegan Cosmetics V.S. Non Vegan Cosmetics
There is a huge trend of people encouraging others to eat healthy and stay fit. To stay fit people say to exercise, but how about eating healthy?
Although eating more fruits and vegetables would be a correct answer, how the fruits and vegetables are produced is also important. Many people buy
healthy food products that were produced with extra things to enhance quality or the length of time the item expires. However, eating organic fruits and
vegetables are highly recommended because it was naturally produced. Why then do people eat healthy and exercise, but put non–organic products on
the skin? There are several reasons why non–organic made cosmetics are also bad for your skin. First, most non–vegan companies test on animals.
Second, chemicals that are harmful to your skin are added to the ingredients list of makeup. Third, there are also animal products that are added to
non–organic cosmetics. Lastly, these harmful ingredients harm people in minor to fatal ways. However, there are alternative cosmetics that people can
buy so their skin is just as healthy as their insides and ... Show more content on ...
Vegan cosmetics are cosmetics that have been made with all natural ingredients. That means no animal products, no testing process on animals, and
definitely no chemical based ingredient included. People who turn toward a vegan diet are often looking to reach a healthy body. For example, a
vegan diet excludes all animal products, therefore excluding all ingredients made from animals, such as gelatin and lard. This leads to a more healthy
body and likewise using vegan cosmetics will do the same. For example, by using natural based cosmetics, the skin is avoiding absorbing all the
harmful toxins and animal products and absorbing all the healthy natural oils and minerals. By avoiding the use of non–organic cosmetics, animals will
not be tested and killed for the ingredients they provide, leaving the skin refreshed and
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Should Animals Be Used For Product Or Medical Research?
Imagine yourself being medically tested and abused constantly. Isn't that a horrible thing? That's what animals go through almost everyday. Animal
medical research and animal testing has been going on for years and years and needs to be stopped immediately. They have lives just like us and are
being treated like their nothing. Animals should not be used for product or medical research.
To begin with, the behaviors of animals has become violent because of animal research. A 2013 poll showed that two thirds of respondents oppose
testing cosmetics and other consumer products on animals. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 14) That shows that most respondents don't
want animal research. The stress, sterility and boredom causes some animals animals to develop neurotic behaviors such incessantly spinning in
circles, rocking back and forth and even pulling out their own hair and biting their own skin. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 1) That
piece of info shows that research and testing can affect animal behavior. They shake and cower in fear whenever someone walks past their cages and
their blood pressure spikes drastically. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 1) Research and cosmetics can really affect an animal in a very bad
Also, the animal research have affected the health of the animals. More than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug,
food and cosmetics. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 1) Animals
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The Dangers Of Testing Cosmetic Products On Animals
Many of the largest brands in beauty 's billion dollar industry are still continuing to test products on animals. Based on prior knowledge, there are
various companies that do not test on animals. While there are big brand companies that continue to test on animals, like mice and rabbits. The purpose
of this research is to examine the dangers of testing cosmetic products on animals, along with examining possible effective and safe ways to test
products. Gathering information through qualitative and quantitative data from the internet, documentaries, and company reports, new articles, and
interviews. All together the report should identify if there is a true difference in the different in the products on the market; enhance the knowledge;
and precaution of the consumers.
Over hundreds of cosmetic and personal care brands we use everyday start in a testing lab. Millions of the animals we love, like, rabbits, primates,
mice, cats, rats, dogs, and other animals are trapped inside barren cages in laboratories across our country. These creatures are in pain, lonely, and fear
for their lives. Is that really worth it for a tube of lipstick? Some the test prove nothing, some test are ineffective, and some test would not even benefit
humans. Some animals may not react to certain chemicals and products because of the different genetic qualities. Plus, this is complete cruelty to
innocent animals. Honestly, the growing beauty industry is always on
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What Is Veganism?
Veganism is a lifestyle a kind of vegan diet. It is the practice of reducing harm to all animals, which involves abstaining from animal products, such as
meat, eggs, dairy products as well as all other animal–derived ingredients. Some call veganism an ethical baseline for animal rights protesters. Vegans
also do not eat foods that processed with animal products. A vegan is a person who acceptsveganism or an animal–free way of life or diet.
This means that vegans don't eat cows, chicken, fish, and pigs also other such animals, along with soups, sauces, and gravies made from them.
Furthermore, vegans also do not eat all animal products, like milk, eggs, fat, cheese, and honey. Some foods like Jell–O that has jelly ingredient made
from the ground ... Show more content on ...
This may have come from two things; one people do incline to ask lots of questions and invite you to clarify your thought for the life decision
you've made. Then the other one is there is a craving inside most vegans to share info with others. Still, you would say that this is good than feeling
superior, you feel inferior to the rest of culture and continuously judged for a choice you have made to try and do as little damage to others as possible.
Convinced – There is also this impression many omnivores seem to think that they can persuade a vegan to come back to the typical way of life
and consume animal products. Maybe you have not reflected all the realities before making a personality choice, every fact a vegan makes has a
response. This frequently leads to the indication that you might be braved out of our principles if people ask unanswerable questions like what you
would do if you are stranded in the desert with an animal. You have never been stuck on a desert island and could not possible comment indeed about
what you would do.
In this omnivore influenced world, utmost veggies and vegans have not made a choice on a whim, and it is doubtful a tavern debate will persuade
them to
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The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing For Cosmetic Products
When buying makeup products or any cosmetic products do people think to themselves was this product tested on animals before they make their
purchase? According to the Humane Society of the United States website the Federal Drug Administration says cosmetics are "articles intended to be
applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or
functions". Many people when shopping for beauty products, soaps, lotions, makeup, not even think to look and see if the product is cruelty free
or not. Some shoppers may look at packaging on products, and do not even understand why it claims to be cruelty free. Animals are used to test out
cosmetic products, and cosmetic ingredients for humans. The United States should ban animal testing for cosmetics, and for any cosmetic ingredients
because animals are harmed, it is unnecessary, and other countries are banning this worldwide. Animals have been the guinea pigs for many years for
cosmetic brands to test if their products are safe enough to sell to humans, and it is time to put a stop to this. An article from the website "Research animal fundamentals" states that in the United States alone there are 271,284 hamsters and guinea pigs, 138, 348 rabbits,
and over 20 million rats and mice bred just for cosmetic testing alone in the United States. These brands take their product and apply it to an animal to
see what the
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What Is A Vegan Subculture?
Vegans and vegetarians are two different groups of individuals who have chosen to deviate from mainstream American dietary norms, because of their
principals, beliefs, and ideologies. A vegetarian abstains from eating meat products. Vegans are stricter in their practices. Vegans have chosen to not
consume or use animal products. The majority of the general population do not entirely understand why an entire group of people would cut out, not
only one but, two food groups. So, why would an entire subculture choose to avoid meat and dairy products? Veganismis a subculture not really
because they're worried about their health, but because they have a whole philosophy, a value system, that defines their relationship to the natural
world. This paper will cover vegan demographics and attire, as well as their views on environmental impacts and speciesism.
Vegans are a group of individuals that have chosen to deviate from the norm or mainstream ideology. The vegan subculture has rejected the mainstream
culture, or important aspects of the mainstream culture, as eating and using animal products is typically overlooked and not considered to be harmful.
The vegan subculture has embraced their own philosophy of caring about human and animal life, equality, and the environment.
Vegan–like ideologies have been around for over 2,000 years (The Vegan... Show more content on ...
Animal products are easily disguised by their unpronounceable names in these products. For instance the red dye found in blush, lipstick, lollipops, and
other red–based foods might be carmine or carninic acid. Carninic acid comes from the crushed up shell of female cochineal insect ("Animal
Ingredients List"). Most people wouldn't think twice of applying their blush but for vegans it would go against everything they stand for. The basic
foundation for veganism is that all species are equal and deserve the same basic rights as
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Animal Testing: Should People Use Animals To Test Products
Hundred of millions of animals die each year from humans. Human are testing products on animals to make sure they are safe for humans, which is
called animal testing. Animals are tested on with medical, cosmetic, and drug products. No country has completely banned animal testing and it is
being used around the world. The problem with using animals to test products is it can lead to inaccurate test results and a waste of animal life. Instead
of using animals, there are many more productive and safer ways to test products. Human life should use other methods such as chemosynthetic livers
and vitro methods instead of animal testing. Many animal species are undergoing testing that is harming and killing them. According to Gale, animal
experimentation ... Show more content on ...
Vitro methods are the study of cells and tissues outside the living body. PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) and PETA (People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have tried to get tobacco and other companies to switch to vitro methods instead of animal testing. Because of
the PCRM and PETA, the use of animal testing in tobacco companies have reduced. Vitro Methods also have a quicker process and causes no harm to
any animals. There are other ways to stop animal testing such as using computer technology which gives you models to use and results. Using
computers is much less cost and more efficient. A final method to use instead of animal testing is using genetic engineering. Genetic engineering can
give more accurate results because it stimulates the human body and it's responses. There are many different methods to use instead of animal testing,
and they are much more
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Veganism Research Paper
Veganism is not just a trend. It is after all a new approach to make your life and lifestyle free of cruelty, animal products and animal by–products.
Adopting veganism cannot be achieved through changing the food habits. In fact, many of our everyday use products include animal–derived
ingredients such as collagen, keratin and many other by–products. If you trying to adopt veganism, then take a closer look at your makeup items as well.
Most of the makeup products include animal derived collagen, vitamins, amino acids and proteins. Makeup brushes also use real animal furs to create
natural brushes for everyday makeup use. In fact, more than 75 percent of the beauty products, hair styling and nourishing products and the makeup
accessories contain ... Show more content on ...
Check the ingredient list:
While looking for vegan makeup products, you should be prompt to check the product ingredient list. Collagen, keratin, gelatin, and animal proteins are
common animal derived products found in makeup and beauty products. Instead of using these ingredients, vegan makeup products include plant
derived vitamin E and C, non–animal fats and organic ingredients as other animal product substitutes. By using vegan makeup products, you will
avoid dead animal products such as uric acid from bovine origin, beeswax and even collagen from dead animal bones. 2.Go for products with "not
tested on animal" label:
Vegan products are never tested on animals. These products also go through a strict lab test and clinical trial if necessary. Each of the vegan makeup
products include organic and plant–derived ingredients, which are tested positive in the lab for positive health benefits. Therefore, most vegan brands
claim that their products are suitable for all skin types. Thus, you will always see vegan makeup products with a label saying cruelty–free and
not–tested on animal banner. Because these products are not tested on animals, they are still 100 percent cruelty free.
3.Packaging should be vegan
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Do Animals Have Rights. Animals Are Used To Test The Products
Do Animals Have Rights
Animals are used to test the products that we use in our everyday life. Is it ethical or right to test our products on animals? If animal testing were not
used, how would the safety of the products we use be insured? If animals were not used in medical testing, how would researchers come up with new
medicines and vaccines? Different people have different opinions about this issue. Arguments abound for both sides.
In order to have an organized argument, there must first be an agreed upon standard by which the opposing sides of the arguments are judged. For the
argument about the use of animals for laboratory testing, that standard will be the Word of God.
"And God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures ... Show more content on ...
The use of the Bible as a standard shows that the laboratory testing of animals is acceptable when used to save or prolong human life.
The organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) definesanimal rights as meaning the following:
"...that animals deserve certain kinds of consideration – consideration of what is in their own best interests regardless of whether they are cute, useful
to humans, or an endangered species and regardless of whether any human cares about them at all (just as a mentally–challenged human has rights even
if he or she is not cute or useful or even if everyone dislikes him or her). It means recognizing that animals are not ours to use – for food, clothing,
entertainment, or experimentation." PETA ONLINE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.
PETA separates animal rights from another term "animal welfare". Animal welfare is stated as follows by PETA, "Animal welfare theories accept that
animals have interests but allow these interests to be traded away as long as there are some human benefits that are thought to justify that sacrifice."
PETA believes that animals should have a certain set of rights. However, those rights are not immediately evident. PETA acknowledges that the
interests of animals are different than those of humans. In other words, a dog would probably not be interested in having the right to vote, but a dog
would definitely be interested in not having pain inflicted on him or her
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Should Animal Testing Be Used To Make Cosmetic Products?
Animal testing should not be used to make cosmetic products because animals are so different than humans that it often yields unreliable results.The
website Peta2 states, "Less than 2 percent of human illnesses are ever seen in animals. Over 98 percent never affect the animal" (John Carpenter, ). This
demonstrates that testing the products on animals is a useless and unreliable way to test the products. Companies test on animals to see the effects that
it may be caused by that product, but they cannot truly see the effects that it will have on humans because, like the quote states, over 98 percent of the
illnesses never affect that animals. Therefore the scientist that test on these animals will not even see the effects that it could have... Show more content
on ...
It is completely illogical to believe that humans will end up having the same defects because of the product as that animal did. Animals bodies and
humans bodies are very different and to believe that testing these animals to see the results that it may end up causing for humans is something that
makes no sense. The animal legal defense fund states, "these tests have been done already, for years–and none of these cosmetic tests are required by
law"( "aldf" par.3). This demonstrates that these companies have been testing these animals for years and they have all had the same results and none
of it is required. They keep on harming these animals for no reason because they have been doing it for many years and yet there has been no change
to the products. Obviously animal testing needs to be stopped due to the fact that it is a useless way to test products because over 98 percent of the
illness are not seen in animals, difference between animals and humans, and because these animal testings are not required by
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Reasons Why Testing Products On Animals
Sherie Moody ENC 1101– section #296 October 14, 2015 Reasons Why Testing Products on Animals is Wrong Don't we all have rights? Believe it or
not animals have rights, just like humans. It is inhumane to tamper with the lives of animals. Animals have no idea what's going on when
experimentation is happening. We should nurture and care for the animals, not pick and poke, and inject substances into them. It's not right. No one
should want to harm a poor helpless bunny, just see if the mascara is perfect enough for the human eyes. Animal experimentation is a selfish act,
humans are only thinking of themselves. Even though some scientist believe animals experimentation is necessary to ensure product safety, scientist
shouldn't be able to test products on animals, animals are delicate creatures, there are many other ways products can be tested without using animals
and animals aren't the best test subject. Animals are delicate creatures. Animals have right. According to Home Office, there was a two percent
increase in 2011 for the total number of animal testing procedures. There was then a campaign set out. The campaigning group was called People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals or Peta. Peta did an investigation and a lab in Denver was throwing away live animals in the trash. The animal then
died a slow painful death. There were so many welfare violations being made. One scientist was trying to restrain a rabbit and ended up breaking the
rabbits back. There were twenty
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Animal Testing Should Stop Testing Their Products On Animals
In history, animal experimentation has played a significant important role in leading to new discoveries and human benefit. However, what many
people tend to forget are the numbers of animal subjects that have suffered serious harm during the process of experimentation. Each day across
America innocent animals are used as test subjects for products that have little to no relevance importance. Animal testing has had many negative issues
arise in society in a negative way. Debating over the animal rights movement has raised many questions and concerns for years. There is an ongoing
controversy regarding if companies should stop testing their products on animals. Although animal research has been the cause of many medical
breakthroughs, is it morally and ethically right to put animals in these kinds of situations? This is one of the underlying questions that must be solved
before it is too late. When considering how truly reliable the results of animal test are, and the expense of testing will help bring new light to the
problem. By simply passing a policy will not only address this issue, will help better products and medicine in the future.
There is many reasons why the opposing viewpoint find animal testing to be an effective method. Many would argue that animal testing has contributed
too many cures for illness's and treatments that are life–saving. In an experiment done in dogs eventually led directly to the discovery of insulin, which
is critical to saving the lives of
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Animal Testing is the Best Way to Test Products Essay...
Thesis Statement: If animal testing were prohibited, then in what way would the effectiveness of a product be verified? A quote by Amanullah Ashraf
states that, 'in order to gain something, we have to lose something '. According to this, I will be discussing animal testing.
Audience: everybody who thinks animal testing should be prohibited.
Purpose: convincing people that animal testing is the best way to test products and its not "cruel" and "inhuman" as people say.
2.Body paragraphs
Topic Sentence: Sheltering the safety of people, animals and the environment. The pollution, the change in weather, and the new inventions,
technologies, that we face in our daily life allows bacteria and infections to get into our ... Show more content on ...
Swine flu is just one example from hundreds of other virus that where cured thank to animal experiments, such as HIV/AIDS we still don't have the
cure for it, but it became a persisting disease due to studies that have to do with animal models. They are still working on it to find a drug that have less
negative outcomes, whereas wanting to find a inoculations that make HIV/AIDS avoidable, and many other disease, diabetes, heart diseases, birth
defects, epilepsy and soon on all became less dangerous whereas credits goes to animal testing. All kind of chemicals essentially must be examined so
that the result it has on folks or mammals that uses it is understandable. Those elements that we use daily from medicine products to housework
products can accumulate in the environment such as they can get in contact with the ground, air, and water that surrounds us. The way those products
interact in the environment must be examined carefully.
Topic Sentence: Alternative methods that are used to test products. Animal testing is used due to the absence of other solutions or methods. Some of
the alternative methods that are used and most know are those three methods: micro dosing, computer modeling, and vitro testing. It's true that those
alternative methods decrease the number of animals being used for animal testing but they cannot
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Vegan Diet Research Paper (great website with information)
meal plans for 2 weeks–week–vegan–meal–plan/
Being a Vegans mean not eating meat, fish, or poultry plus not using other animal products and by–products such as eggs, dairy products, honey,
leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animal products. Vegans generally choose this lifestyle for health, environmental, and/or
ethical reasons. They view it wrong to support the meat industry by consuming meats, eggs, and dairy products because of the cruelty to the animals.
For an example once dairy cows or egg–laying chickens are too old to be productive, they are often sold as meat; and since male calves ... Show more
content on ...
Non–animal sources include Red Star nutritional yeast T6635 which is also known as Vegetarian Support Formula (around 2 teaspoons supplies the
adult RDA). This is very important for women who are pregnant and lactating, infants, and children to have reliable sources of vitamin B12 in their
diets. There are numerous foods fortified with B12, but companies methods do differed, so always read labels carefully or write the companies before
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Paganism: The Vegan Society
According to The Vegan Society, "Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of
exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose." (2015) The purpose of this diet is not always the same for everyone
as it depends on the person who is doing the diet and their goals. Some of the reasons why people go vegan is due to abusive animal exploitations,
health–related concerns, environmental problems and some people just wants to go with the trend. Lots of people try to be a vegetarian first and
somewhat develops to a vegan as it is difficult to switch up as a carnivorous to a complete vegan. Their diet includes plant–based products mostly
vegetables, legumes, fruits,... Show more content on ...
Because of this reason, the food industry is also taking a chance to explore their different options. As the Animal Equality (2015) said, "Nowadays,
as more people are turning vegan, and as vegan chefs are becoming more experienced and creative, the range of recipes, foods in cafes and
restaurants, and products in supermarkets is expanding rapidly, both in quantity and quality." Veganism is a gradual change that will help improve
the conversation of the planet and its species, so it is always good to keep in mind where our foods came from and assess if it's worth to
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The Ethics Of Animal Testing On Cosmetic Products
Imagine you were grooming your 2 year old daughter who is not yet able to do so herself. You want the best products possible used on your child
because you don't ever want someone you love to be harmed. First, you give her a bath using shampoo and body wash, then you moisturize her skin
with lotion, next you spray her with scented body spray, and finally you paint your daughter 's cute little nails with nail polish. Then all of a sudden
your precious baby is now breaking out in hives and a rash. What did you do wrong? You assume that all the products you used were safe because you
bought it in the store, but was it thoroughly and properly tested to the extent of use? Most consumers are concerned with the ethics of animal testing on
cosmetic products. But, are they aware of the accuracy of these tests? And are there other advanced options? Cosmetics are not limited to women's
make–up. They include face creams, baby oils, skin care products, deodorants, lotions, nail polish, and anything used on the body. This subject is
important to anyone who cares about their physical hygiene and the precautions taken to keep it safe and healthy. Many people throughout the world
have various allergies that may prevent them from using certain cosmetic products. If the product they are using is unable to properly determine if it is
detrimental to their health, this could lead to fatal reactions and even death. Even if the consumer does not have any specific limitations to what he/she
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Go Vegan Research Paper
Save the Planet; Go Vegan For centuries, humans have been obsessed with the idea of a long life. From face creams and diets to climate change
awareness and recycling, there has always been a push to keep ourselves younger, healthier and to keep humanity going. That's why veganism is the
way to go. Being vegan does not only benefit your health but the environment as well. The Earth is so important. From its beautiful scenery to all the
astonishing life that calls this planet home, most would agee that Earth is absolutely phenomenal. While I understand that veganism isn't an option for
everyone, those who have the ability to adopt a vegan diet and/or lifestyle should because it's not only better for the human body but the planet as well.
Consuming ... Show more content on ...
Sadly, a lot of people are unaware of the illness one can get from animal fat. Animal fat has been linked to illness such as heart disease, colon cancer
and lung cancer (For Your Health). While consuming animal fat can possibly cause such diseases, choosing to not eat animal fat can have quite a
positive effect on the body. By consuming a plant–based diet it can not only lower anxiety and stress levels and prevent Alzheimer's but boosts energy,
aid in anti–aging and help the heart as well (McCarten, Sarah). Another reason to stop consuming animal products is because of the amount of animal
cruelty that takes place. For example, at chicken hatcheries there is no use for male chicks. Hatcheries dispose of male chicks by horrid inhumane acts
such decapitating, gassing, suffocating or crushing the chicks(For the Animals). The reason being because hatcheries is a place solely for egg–laying
hens. Only a few roosters are needed in hatcheries which leaves male chicks absolutely useless. Such horrid acts is absolutely not okay. By not
consuming animal products, one could potentially put an end to this cruelty.
With that, I hope that after an individual reads this essay they will feel either more educated on the topic and/ or proceed to look into veganism and
all the right things it stands for. I, personally, am making an effort to switch from being vegetarian to vegan slowly but surely. Without a doubt, I
strongly believe if more people follow a vegan diet and/or lifestyle it could have a huge impact on not only the world but everyone and everything
living in it. Works Cited
"For the Animals." Vegan Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.
"For The Environment." Vegan Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb.
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Animal Testing For Cosmetic Products Essay
Their lives matter too
Despite bans on animal testing for cosmetic products in several countries, including India, Israel, Norway, the European union and mostly recently,
New Zealand, the United states, Canada, and Australia are among the countries who have yet to ban this ethically wrong practice and allow it to occur.
Animal testing can be dated back to the ancient times of the Greeks and Romans, but many people still believe that the old–fashioned practice of animal
testing for cosmetics died years ago. Typically, animal tests for cosmetics include skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the
shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of rabbits; repeated oral force–feeding. These tests can last for weeks or months while waiting for signs of general
illness or health hazards. When considering the topic of animal testing, it draws attention from the government, general public, and of course, scientists.
It has been an extremely contested moral issue for hundreds of years. In the 17th century Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, argued that animals
were no more than automata and could not feel pain. This was rejected by Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century who extended his utilitarian conception
of rights to animals due to their capability to suffer. (Ethics, par.1) To put an end to this ethically wrong practice people need to be educated on the
animals affected, the industries testing on animals, become aware of the alternatives, what people are doing to
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Animal Experiments For Cosmetics And Household Products
Almost every type of human or animal cell can be grown in the laboratory. Animal experiments for cosmetics and household products continue even
though non–animal tests are widely available. Instead of measuring how long it takes a chemical to burn the cornea of a rabbit's eye, manufacturers can
now drop that chemical onto cornea–like 3D tissue structures produced from human cells. Likewise, human skin cultures can be grown and purchased
for skin irritation testing. Scientists have managed to coax the cells to grow into 3D structures, such as miniature human organs, which can provide a
more realistic way to test new therapies.
Testing cosmetic products on animals is not effective and is dangerous to the animals. There are more effective alternatives to the tests that are
performed on animals. In Vitro International's Corrositex (synthetic skin) can provide a chemical corrosivity determination in as little as three minutes
to four hours, unlike the experiments on animals which often takes two to four weeks.
Crude skin allergy tests in guinea pigs only predict human reactions 72% of the time. But a combination of chemistry and cell–based alternative
methods has been shown to accurately predict human reactions 90% of the time. The standard test on pregnant rats to find out if chemical or drugs
may harm the developing baby can only detect 60% of dangerous substances. But a cell–based alternative (EST) has 100% accuracy at detecting toxic
DakDak, an
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Animal Products Are Not Necessary For Good Health
"You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I will buy you a new car", said Harvey Diamond in
his book "Fit for Life." By nature, humans are not omnivores but society has the population blinded into believing animal products are a necessity to a
healthy diet. Animals–other living things are dosed with hormones and seen as byproducts, their rights being ignored and denied. Cutting meat and other
animal products out of the "normal" lifestyle would benefit humans just as well as animals ("Vegan Diets: Healthy and Humane"). Animal products are
not necessary for good health, and removing them would have a positive effect on human health all around. No longer supporting the dairy and ... Show
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The global appetite for meat is growing and there is not enough land to keep up with it. Meat production takes too much out of the environment.
The earth's resources are not limitless and the ignorance of us as a species is continuing to grow("How does..."). Technology will not save us from
ourselves. The land is being used to raise livestock instead of crops and valuable resources are being wasted thus having a devastating effect on
the world. Raising animals to be slaughtered is using up more than half of the water in America. While it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce a
pound of beef it only takes 25 gallons to produce a pound of wheat("How does..."). According to PETA, the average pig factory creates the same
amount of waste as a city with about 12,000 people in it(Bittman, Mark). Currently raising animals for food is the number one source of water
pollution. Irreversible damage is being done to the only planet there is for human life yet no one seems to care. "The world's cattle alone consume a
quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 10.7 billion people–more than the entire human population." Gradually reducing the consumption of meat
throughout the population would have a positive impact on the rest of the world("How does..."). People would not have to starve and animals would
not have to die. Most of society believes that
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Research Paper On Veganism
Veganism has been a popular topic in the media in the past few years. Veganism is abstaining from consuming or using products made from animals or
products that harm and exploit animals. A common argument for veganism is common human ethics. These ethics say that it is wrong to harm a being
that cannot protect itself. This creates a problem because of the violence it causes all over the world from protestors starting fights or bystanders
starting conflicts with the protestors. I believe that the vegans are right when it comes to the ethics that change their lifestyle. Treating animals and
testing products on them, which are not meant for them, is wrong. Especially because the animals cannot defend themselves. Organizations, such as
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Should Companies Stop Testing Their Products On Animals?
More companies should stop testing their products on animals. They're many companies that still test their products on animals. One of the biggest
area on where they test products in would be in cosmetic. The biggest brand makeup name that test their products on animals would be M.A.C.
Cosmetics. Some people wouldn't be as sock that they would test their product on animals, because on how the makeup leaves ones face after a while
of using that product. From M.A.C. Cosmetics being a while know makeup product, one might thing they would use their money to test their product
on something else other than animals. Another shocking makeup cosmetics brand that also test there makeup on animals is Covergirl. The reason on
why this makeup compony is shocking that they test animals its also well know and they do many commercials with famous well known which they're
called cover gils. ... Show more content on ...
Ellen, says that she cares about animals and doses anything to help them, but there she is on being a Covergirl. Both Ellen and Taylor have a verity on
animals and one will think they would be agent animal testing. If one really cares about the animals then they should be agents it. Animal testing is
wrong for many reason, but it might be right for somewhat reason as well. The only reason why animals testing has some kind of point is because
it has help us in the passed as in medical terms. With that also, maybe one day we might find a cure for a deadly disease that is out their. That might
be the only reason on why it might be ok but, animals testing for cosmetic is wrong. The reason is and always will be is that makeup was made for
humans to wear and not
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The Production Of Animal Products For Human Consumption
The production of animal products for human consumption contributes over 14.5 towards global greenhouse gas emissions, and is one of the biggest
factors of climate change . Most consumers of meat and dairy are uninformed of this fact, as they believe that transportation and the burning of fossil
fuels are the leading contributors towards global warming, and not the production of foods that they consume on a daily basis and in large quantities.
However, the consumers are not the only ones to blame; in America, large meat and dairy corporations as well as the government are two forces that
heavily advertise and influence the consumption of animal products. In fact, companies such as Tyson Foods have successfully lobbied for the
Agriculture ... Show more content on ...
To change their diets of meat and dairy, people have to understand and adopt growth mindsets. When people have a growth mindset, they believe that
intelligence and talent are developed rather than fixed . People who have growth mindsets are more open towards challenges, and make efforts to
learn. The same can be applied to changing one's diet to consume less meat and dairy. People with growth mindsets are open towards new
experiences. Consequently, they will be more willing to switch their diets to include less meats and dairies. At the same people, people who are less
likely to change their diets, 62% of Americans , can learn to adopt a growth mindset, through understanding oneself, learning from experiences, and
seeing things from different perspectives and challenging oneself to take action . After adopting a growth mindset, people can use positive psychology
techniques to challenge themselves to consume less animal products. For people to understand the reason why they need to consume less meat and
dairy products, they have to apply the concept of PERMA, the model of well–being. They need to identify that their well–being is greater when eating
less animal products and explain it using aspects of PERMA. For example, consumers who have made an active change in their lives to change their
diets can explain their reasoning with experiencing more "Positive Emotion" – they receive
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Reasons Why Testing Products On Animals
Sherie Moody
ENC 1101 –section #296
October 19, 2015
Reasons Why Testing Products on Animals is Wrong
Don't we all have rights? Believe it or not animals have rights, just like humans. It is inhumane to tamper with the lives of animals. Animals have no
idea what's going on when experimentation is happening. We should nurture and care for the animals, not pick and poke, and inject substances into
them. It is not right. No one should want to harm a poor helpless bunny, just see if the mascara is perfect enough for the human eyes. Animal
experimentation is a selfish act, humans are only thinking of themselves. Even though some scientist believe animals experimentation is necessary to
ensure product safety, scientist shouldn't be able to test products on animals, animals are delicate creatures, there are many other ways products can be
tested without using animals and animals aren't the best test subject.
Animals are delicate creatures. Animals have rights. According to Home Office, there was a two percent increase in 2011 for the total number ofanimal
testing procedures. There was then a campaign set out. The campaigning group was called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animalsor Peta. PETA
did an investigation and a lab in Denver was throwing away live animals into the trash. The animals then died a slow painful death. There were so
many welfare violations being made. One scientist was trying to restrain a rabbit and ended up breaking the rabbits back. There were twenty
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Animal Products For Animals Essay
There are various animal products used for animals. Products used for animals are silk, cashmere, and other animal products. Silk is the fiber that
silkworms interlace to make cocoons. A silkworm is a trained insect, in nature, that goes through metamorphosis. Silk is derived from the cocoons of
larvae. Approximately 3,000 silkworms die to make every pound of silk. The second animal product is cashmere which comes from goats underbellies.
The goat that has cashmere fur is commonly kept on farms where they are dehorned and castrated and have their ears notched without anesthesia.
While on the farm young goats are killed 50 to 80 percent of the time for not having the coat that meet standards. ("Silk, Cashmere, Shearling, and Other
Animal Products Used for Clothing."PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2015.)
There are lots of ways people use animals for entertainment. For example people use animals as entertainment by dogfighting, cockfighting, and also
captivity. Dog fighting is a type of blood sport, usually well–defined as conflicting two game dogs against one another in a pit or ring for the
entertainment of watchers, or the fighters also called dog men. Dog fights are often in rural areas held in barns or outdoor pits, in urban areas, fights
can take place in garage, basements, back alleys and more. Dog fights mainly last until one dog is declared winner which occurs when one dog fails
to scratch, one dog dies or one dog jumps out the pit. The loser if not killed in the fight,
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Using Animals In Research And To Test Products Has Been
Using animals in research and to test products has been a topic of heated debate for many years. Animals have contributed to research and we have
found many cures to diseases that would have otherwise killed us. Many individuals view animals as companions that exhibit emotion and have a
personality, they're not viewed as lab subjects. The fact remains that animals are utilized by research facilities and cosmetics companies, not just across
the country but around the entire world. Although humans do benefit from animal research, the pain, suffering, and annual deaths of over one hundred
million animals are not worth the human benefits. Why should animals suffer unnecessarily for the human benefit? Animals are given diseases that
they would... Show more content on ...
But babies also do not have those rights and cannot express themselves through language, but they are treated with respect and are not tortured
(Mur 10). PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the case that launched it was the Silver Springs Monkey experiment that
took place in Silver Spring, Maryland. In this laboratory, 17 monkeys were held in small wired cages with feces and urine that have accumulated
over several years. The experiment was run by a Psychologist named Edward Taub who had no previous medical training. The monkeys would be
subjected to many spinal surgeries that would cause one or more of their limbs to become useless. They would be forced to regain mobility of their
useless limbs by constantly being shocked. These monkeys would lose fingers by getting them caught in the cage, some only had three out of ten
fingers left. They were food deprived and they would scavenge through their feces to find something to eat (The Silver Spring Monkeys: The Case That
Launched PETA).
There are many alternatives to animal testing. For example, synthetic skin; the synthetic skin has been made and may replace the use of animal
subjects. The Draize test, for example, was an "eye irritancy test, in which cosmetics, dishwashing liquid, drain cleaner, and other substances are
dripped into the animals' eyes, often causing redness, swelling, discharge, ulceration, hemorrhaging, cloudiness, or blindness" (Rabbits in Laboratories).
More than 170,000 rabbits
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Watson And The Veganism Movement
There are so many different kinds of diets in this day in age. Lots of people diet because of health, religion, or just want too. One specific diet
/movement is Veganism. Veganism movement/diet that started in November 1994 by Donald Watson. Its when someone eat no animal product and
byproduct. Some people go to the extent to not even wear any animal product as well. It is very well practiced today.
The way Veganismgot started was by Donald Watson. According from the website "Food for Life". Donald Watson was born on September 9, 1910 in
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom. But sadly he died on November 11, 2005 in Cumbria, United Kingdom. Also according to vegan society website.
Veganism started with a meeting with Donald Watson and five non
–dairy ... Show more content on ...
Some reasons are health goals, environmental, and the ethical rights for animals. The environment for Veganism according to vegan outreach. Some
of the problems are because of the livestock farms affect climate change, water production, and land degradation is because of these livestock farms.
Some of the ethical reasons help make giant organization like Peta to fight for the ethical rights. Peta makes giant campaign ads for their cause to try
to get people to know Veganism. Some companies like Lush help fight the ethical rights also by making most of their products vegan and not to test
their products on the animals.
The procedures that people take of being vegan are not eating any animal product or byproduct. There diet are fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein
alternatives. Some don't wear any clothing made out any animal. Like leather,wool, and any animal skin. Also back when it first began there were no
like vegan food. But now there is like most can get turned into vegan products like cheese, ice cream, milk, cookies, and lots more. Except the down
side to that is there more expensive but not by that much. Some people go to extent by participating in the vegan campaigns for organizations like
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Cosmetic Companies Should Not Test On Animals For Their...
Cosmetic companies should not test on animals for their products, because its inhumane, wrong to do to living things, an they should not even have to
do this to animals if their products are naturally and chemical–free. Around "100 million innocent animals are burned, crippled, and poisoned in U.S
labs everyday," for cosmetic companies (11 Facts). Animals should not be treated wrongly because they are innocent creatures that have no say or
rights when it comes to testing. Consumers will start to leave and go away if they found out multiple types of animals were being tested on cruelly in
labs. Companies should not even use chemicals in their products in the first place, if their products are good for our skin and us. Cosmetic companies
should not test on animals for their products because animals should not be treated wrongly, consumers may start acting negatively towards companies,
and chemicals are not even necessary in these products. Millions of animals are tortured and abused, just so they can be tested for products that... Show
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A new survey shows that, "72% of Americans oppose testing cosmetics products on animals" (Physicians Commitee). These people are real people,
who say they won't buy a product that is cruelly tested on animals like dogs, cats, sheep's, or pigs. The number of animals tested are sadly
increasing, "2,703 cats, 6,077 dogs, and 7,458 primates were used in testing for cosmetics in 2010" (USDA 26). These facts show exactly how many
animals are used every year for torture for many cosmetic companies. These animals do not have the voice to speak for themselves, so it's wrong to
treat them like things, when they are creatures just like us. Consumers still continue to buy these products, but if only they knew that these products
aren't natural and are chemically
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Being A Vegan Research Paper
The Disadvantages of Being a Vegan Some people are just different from others depending on how they eat foods. They could be a vegan, which is
a person who does not eat animal related products. Being a vegan can be a good thing because it is actually similar to vegetarian. However, there are
different foods that a vegan cannot eat. Those types of foods are meat, eggs, and seafood. Firstly, a vegan must avoid eating meat related meals when
eating their food. They cannot eat meat products, because it is has an animal product which has been derived in the ingredients. They also cannot eat
products that has been tested by animals. For example, when a vegan sees a product that is animal tested they cannot eat it because they will get sick
or die. Another reason, that vegans do not eat meat product because of the fact that animals have been killed in factory farms. For instance, when
animals are killed in the factory farms people make them into food, and vegans do not like it when animals are killed. The nutrition in the ... Show more
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One of the reasons, why a vegans avoid eating is because eggs have relationship to animal cruelty. For example, chickens and hens lay eggs, and
they are produced by them as well; therefore, when they are slaughtered their egg reaches a decline point. The second reason, why a vegan must
avoid eggs is because it causes death to animals. For instance, when they look at an egg they will notice that they are killing a raised baby chicken,
so they have to avoid it. Eggs are usually layed in battery cages, so they could be raised. They are kept in those cages, so people can use them to
produce their own eggs. Hens and chickens are put into battery cages to the point where they cannot move one wing. In addition, they are treated to
humans as egg producing machines. A vegan must avoid eggs in order to live a healthier
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Choosing Veganism Diet
Have you ever stopped to think about what's in the meat you're eating or the chemicals that are in any animal by product you are using? Most college
students don't, but the ones that do usually end up switching to, the sometimes controversial, vegan diet. If students were made to be vegan for a
month it would expose them to alternative ways of living and educate them about the harm these animal products do to our bodies and our planet.
Exploring veganism will open your eyes to the cruel world behind mass produced animal products and how we as a society are the perpetrators
behind it. The main reason veganism would benefit college students and all people in general, would be the abundance of health benefits you will
gain from not digesting the chemically altered foods. The hormones that are injected into the animals are hard for our bodies to process and break
down; therefore, cause unwanted health risks such as high cholesterol, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. When eating a more plant based
diet your reducing your likelihood of getting one of these diseases. In fact, many people currently suffering from some of these ailments actually
benefit from starting a vegan diet, even after the disease has set in. While most people worry they won't receive the necessary nutrients, there are
numerous ways and resources for us to make sure we are getting all the supplements we want and need. A vegan diet paired with regular exercise will
surely have you feeling on top of
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The Benefit Of Omitting Animal Products

  • 1. The Benefit Of Omitting Animal Products The Benefit of Omitting Animal Products Americans, as well as others throughout the world, consume meat, dairy, and eggs practically every day. Because using animal products is a constant, most people are not prompted to ask the question, "why?" The behaviors of eating a burger, using makeup that was tested on animals, and buying products made from leather and fur, are deeply ingrained into cultures in varying geographical locations, including the United States. Humans are creatures of habit, and often don't sway from the "normal" way of life, because is known and comfortable. Staying within comfort zones, inhibits people from learning and growing. Unfortunately, individuals' health, the environment, and innocent animals all suffer injurious consequences when a person makes the decision to buy the flesh, fur, skin, and by–products of animals. Our one and only Earth is impacted significantly by our seemingly arbitrary daily choices. Animal agriculture is the main contributor to global warming. Water is not an unlimited source, and coincidentally is necessary for all living beings to survive. Animals in the agriculture industry require a substantial amount of water to live and produce meat and other superfluous animal products. Ironically, humans have constructed a sense of normalcy around the idea of using water, a scarcely expendable source, in an exponentially wasteful manner. Humans are unconsciously sabotaging every living being, through the destruction of earth. Often ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Informative Speech : Product Testing On Animals TYPE OF SPEECH: Persuasive Speech Topic: Product testing on animals Purpose Statement: Keep from testing cosmetics on animals. Thesis Statement: Animals are forced to try products. From forced eating to wearing l 'oreal makeup. Organizational Pattern: Problem– Solution ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Introduction Attention Getter (Capture): Have you ever wished for a rabbit or a guinea pig? Motivate: Most of the world's common household pets are having cosmetics tested on them. Introduce the topic: Help save them from this cruelty. State the thesis: These animals are forced to try products. From forced to eating food to wearing L'oreal makeup. Preview: In the next few minutes I will... tell you what's happening to these animals and how you can help them. Body Main Point 1: First, the problem. Animals are having products tested on them. Animals like birds, fish, and rabbits. Companies like Sephora 's makeup, Lubriderm lotion, and Dove's soap. Mice are the most popular for testing in the United States. This is because mice share 98% of human DNA states (, and they are easier to breed. Even though, chimpanzees share 99% of our DNA. There are only two places where animals can be tested on, the United States and Gabon. These animals have rights just like us. It's not like they can walk away from this. They are being held against their will. These animals have never seen the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Cruelty Of Animals Tested Products In The World We have so many products in the world but do we know these products are being tested on animals? People don't understand what these animals go through. Nore do they understand because of the testing the animals population decreases. On the other hand people and animals don't have the same reactions to products that are meant for humans. Everyone should boycott animal tested products and show the companies that the world would survive and be a better place with those animals here. Animals are tested on for many things that us humans apparently "need". Some of the product in your house are tested on animals that you may not know about. Product such as windex, Post–it Notes, Mars Candy and Iams Pet food are all tested on by animals.("8 products ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Animal Ethics And Animal Farming Not only does killing and torturing animals for the consumption of their meat and products harm the animal but it harms humans and our planet as well. It is common to find people who are omnivores in our country and rare to find a vegan. The vegan lifestyle is the only way that we can save this planet. Usually, if you are eating dinner and someone mentions the animal that you are eating, when it was living, another person at the table freaks out because they do not want to think of that. We disassociate ourselves with the actual living animal that has suffered huge amounts on our plates because we see ourselves as animal lovers who are against inhumane torture and killing of animals. You can not classify yourself as an animal lover if you consume an animal or their product because you are still supporting their demise. Why? Because the taste pleases us. That is all. We are disgusted by people who torture and hurt animals for pleasure. For example, people disassociate themselves from the Philadelphia Eagles NFL team due to the actions of the player Michael Vick. Vick ran a dog fighting ring and bet on dogs to kill one another. Why? For no other reason than the fact that it pleased him. We say that we are animal lovers and agree that animals have at least some moral value but how does this make killing and torturing animals for our consumption okay? Animal agriculture and factory farming are huge industries that are sort of swept under the rug by omnivores. These ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Benefits Of Veganism And Vegetarianism Veganism and Vegetarianism Veganism and vegetarianism are widespread trends that have been gaining attention rapidly all around the world. For some people, they are only a diet. On the other hand, for others, they are a lifestyle. Veganism and Vegetarianism are both diverse diets that can affect the human body and environment in different ways. Veganismis a lifestyle that excludes any use of animal products, such as meats, dairy, leather, etc. The main purpose of veganism is to not support animal exploitation, thus not support animal cruelty. However, many people can also turn to veganism as a diet. Veganism proves to be beneficial for what a substantial amount of people desire, weight loss. "Weight loss is usually greater on a vegan ... Show more content on ... These causes are discussed in detail as follows; Agriculture; One of the biggest drivers of deforestation is agriculture. Few vegans believe that everyone should become vegan to help cure the world in ways where we do not have to promote acts such as deforestation, and do not have to continue killing animals for our own desires. However, the majority of vegans are satisfied with their own actions, knowing that they can make a difference on their own. On the contrary, vegetarianism is a not as strict of a diet as veganism, much less a lifestyle. Many vegetarians choose this lifestyle because they are attempting to fix their health, want to take part in saving animals, or simply do not like the taste of meat. In a way, vegetarianism is a healthier diet than veganism, even though vegetarians wouldn't be losing pounds quite as fast. Vegetarians are least likely to become nutrient deficient, which is a problem with veganism. Because veganism is so strict, it is hard to chose the right substitutes to eat in order to get all the nutrients you need. On the other hand, vegetarians are ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Products Animal testing is a cheap way for companies to test products without harming humans. It may seem all fine and dandy, but many defenseless animals are dying for our selfish purposes. Many beloved companies hide the fact that they harm these innocent animals. A few of those companies are Avon, Bobbi Brown, Covergirl, EstГ©e Lauder, L'OrГ©al, M.A.C. Cosmetics and Pantene. At first sight many may think " a few animal lives are ok to spare", but when they see how many mainstream colossal companies are practicing these methods, they will see just how many animals are impacted by these terrible ways. Point being, poor animals are suffering so you can have hairspray, makeup, and many other life utilities. Is that fair? Every year 26 million animals... Show more content on ... Our body shares 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body. Though many people don't agree with animal cruelty, for the use of cosmetic testing, it has been a crucial aspect for many companies. Along with this veterinarian's study and useanimal testing as well. Animals also suffer from similar diseases as humans and many medicines are the same as those used for human patients: examples include antibiotics, pain killers and tranquillisers. The Cons for animal testing is poor innocent animals are being harmed, and used to develop countless products. Over 100 million animals are being murdered each year. In animal testing, countless animals are experimented on and then killed. Others animals are injured and will might live the remainder of their lives in captivity, just so you can have makeup, hair products, and many other life utilities. In conclusion, animal testing is atrocious and dangerous. It also harms innocent animals and can even kill them. Just because animals pass a drug test doesn't necessarily mean they are safe for you and your body. The choice is yours to support our cause for only 60 cents a day. Not only will it help put a stop to animal testing, but will help hospitalize, and rehabilitate the animals that have been ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Does Animal Testing Provide False Information For The... Cassidy Barrios English 102 Elka Staley April 28, 2015 Animal Testing Does animal testing really benefit humans or does it provide false information for the human products? For some people, testing products on animals is the better route to go in testing products. They feel that if something bad were to happen, they would rather the animals be harmed rather than the humans. For others, they feel that animals have the same moral status as humans do, and it is cruel to harm the innocent animals. Animals make up a big part of this world, and a lot of them are being taken away from their natural habitats and environments and put into a cage to be observed by scientist. They are taken and thrown into laboratories to be given multiple tests and ... Show more content on ... This explains that it is wrong to abuse animals and make them suffer and eventually die. We see that animals should have the opportunity to live a safe and enjoyable life. They should be loved and cared for just as the humans want. They have the right to stay in their habitats and not on a table being injected or cut open. When these animals are brought into testing, they results are not even benefiting them. They are being used because they are seen as being inferior to ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Vegetarian Controversy There is much controversy and hypocrisy when it comes to animals. I, along with thousands of others, am part of the hypocrisy. I squirm and feel a deep sadness when I hear or see animals being abused, yet I am a meat–eater. I have learned that we all have different opinions and taste and we can not force others to change their ways. There will always be people, like me, perhaps, who will continue to eat meat and use animal products because that is what to us is food and normality. There are many ways to solutionize this; Become vegan or vegetarian, do protests and show others the suffering animals are put through, and/or simply let those who do not choose veganism to be themselves. Veganism andvegetarianism can be quite difficult for some people to live by. I think that vegetarianism is a little more "doable," while veganism is simply much more difficult. I am actually quite confused and not well–informed because I have seen posts by vegans on social media stating that eating meat kills you and while I agree that consuming too much may make you sick, meat is also protein ... Show more content on ... It is simply something that I have thought about, but have not fully decided to do because I find it difficult and my mom states that I need the protein from meat to be healthy, and we all know that most of the times, moms are right. I am proud of vegetarians and vegans for doing what they do and standing up for it, and they should keep voicing and defending animals' rights, but in a peaceful manner. Animals can not speak up and defend themselves, so I think that that is why we exist; To be their voice and defend their lives. Vegetarian and vegan activists are that voice that speaks to defend the animals and to teach that killing them is wrong, as they also have ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Animal Research: Animal Testing The Effects Of Products What is animal research? Animal research also known as animal testing is very common and very necessary in testing the effects of products. Animal testing is very important to scientific advance. The observation and testing of animals can help scientist understand diseases and help create a cure for them. This testing is also used to determine is a product is safe, and the side effects of that product. How common is animal testing? In the United States , Canada and the Unites Kingdom. In these three places combined around 108.49 million animals were used in experiments in 2013, in America alone it was 101.04 million animals. Even though this number seems very high it has been going down in the past years. Companies still use animal testing in ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay On Non Vegan Cosmetics Vegan Cosmetics V.S. Non Vegan Cosmetics There is a huge trend of people encouraging others to eat healthy and stay fit. To stay fit people say to exercise, but how about eating healthy? Although eating more fruits and vegetables would be a correct answer, how the fruits and vegetables are produced is also important. Many people buy healthy food products that were produced with extra things to enhance quality or the length of time the item expires. However, eating organic fruits and vegetables are highly recommended because it was naturally produced. Why then do people eat healthy and exercise, but put non–organic products on the skin? There are several reasons why non–organic made cosmetics are also bad for your skin. First, most non–vegan companies test on animals. Second, chemicals that are harmful to your skin are added to the ingredients list of makeup. Third, there are also animal products that are added to non–organic cosmetics. Lastly, these harmful ingredients harm people in minor to fatal ways. However, there are alternative cosmetics that people can buy so their skin is just as healthy as their insides and ... Show more content on ... Vegan cosmetics are cosmetics that have been made with all natural ingredients. That means no animal products, no testing process on animals, and definitely no chemical based ingredient included. People who turn toward a vegan diet are often looking to reach a healthy body. For example, a vegan diet excludes all animal products, therefore excluding all ingredients made from animals, such as gelatin and lard. This leads to a more healthy body and likewise using vegan cosmetics will do the same. For example, by using natural based cosmetics, the skin is avoiding absorbing all the harmful toxins and animal products and absorbing all the healthy natural oils and minerals. By avoiding the use of non–organic cosmetics, animals will not be tested and killed for the ingredients they provide, leaving the skin refreshed and ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Should Animals Be Used For Product Or Medical Research? Imagine yourself being medically tested and abused constantly. Isn't that a horrible thing? That's what animals go through almost everyday. Animal medical research and animal testing has been going on for years and years and needs to be stopped immediately. They have lives just like us and are being treated like their nothing. Animals should not be used for product or medical research. To begin with, the behaviors of animals has become violent because of animal research. A 2013 poll showed that two thirds of respondents oppose testing cosmetics and other consumer products on animals. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 14) That shows that most respondents don't want animal research. The stress, sterility and boredom causes some animals animals to develop neurotic behaviors such incessantly spinning in circles, rocking back and forth and even pulling out their own hair and biting their own skin. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 1) That piece of info shows that research and testing can affect animal behavior. They shake and cower in fear whenever someone walks past their cages and their blood pressure spikes drastically. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 1) Research and cosmetics can really affect an animal in a very bad way. Also, the animal research have affected the health of the animals. More than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetics. ("Is animal testing morally justified" page 1) Animals ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Dangers Of Testing Cosmetic Products On Animals Abstract Many of the largest brands in beauty 's billion dollar industry are still continuing to test products on animals. Based on prior knowledge, there are various companies that do not test on animals. While there are big brand companies that continue to test on animals, like mice and rabbits. The purpose of this research is to examine the dangers of testing cosmetic products on animals, along with examining possible effective and safe ways to test products. Gathering information through qualitative and quantitative data from the internet, documentaries, and company reports, new articles, and interviews. All together the report should identify if there is a true difference in the different in the products on the market; enhance the knowledge; and precaution of the consumers. Introduction Over hundreds of cosmetic and personal care brands we use everyday start in a testing lab. Millions of the animals we love, like, rabbits, primates, mice, cats, rats, dogs, and other animals are trapped inside barren cages in laboratories across our country. These creatures are in pain, lonely, and fear for their lives. Is that really worth it for a tube of lipstick? Some the test prove nothing, some test are ineffective, and some test would not even benefit humans. Some animals may not react to certain chemicals and products because of the different genetic qualities. Plus, this is complete cruelty to innocent animals. Honestly, the growing beauty industry is always on ... Get more on ...
  • 13. What Is Veganism? Veganism is a lifestyle a kind of vegan diet. It is the practice of reducing harm to all animals, which involves abstaining from animal products, such as meat, eggs, dairy products as well as all other animal–derived ingredients. Some call veganism an ethical baseline for animal rights protesters. Vegans also do not eat foods that processed with animal products. A vegan is a person who acceptsveganism or an animal–free way of life or diet. This means that vegans don't eat cows, chicken, fish, and pigs also other such animals, along with soups, sauces, and gravies made from them. Furthermore, vegans also do not eat all animal products, like milk, eggs, fat, cheese, and honey. Some foods like Jell–O that has jelly ingredient made from the ground ... Show more content on ... This may have come from two things; one people do incline to ask lots of questions and invite you to clarify your thought for the life decision you've made. Then the other one is there is a craving inside most vegans to share info with others. Still, you would say that this is good than feeling superior, you feel inferior to the rest of culture and continuously judged for a choice you have made to try and do as little damage to others as possible. Convinced – There is also this impression many omnivores seem to think that they can persuade a vegan to come back to the typical way of life and consume animal products. Maybe you have not reflected all the realities before making a personality choice, every fact a vegan makes has a response. This frequently leads to the indication that you might be braved out of our principles if people ask unanswerable questions like what you would do if you are stranded in the desert with an animal. You have never been stuck on a desert island and could not possible comment indeed about what you would do. In this omnivore influenced world, utmost veggies and vegans have not made a choice on a whim, and it is doubtful a tavern debate will persuade them to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing For Cosmetic Products When buying makeup products or any cosmetic products do people think to themselves was this product tested on animals before they make their purchase? According to the Humane Society of the United States website the Federal Drug Administration says cosmetics are "articles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions". Many people when shopping for beauty products, soaps, lotions, makeup, not even think to look and see if the product is cruelty free or not. Some shoppers may look at packaging on products, and do not even understand why it claims to be cruelty free. Animals are used to test out cosmetic products, and cosmetic ingredients for humans. The United States should ban animal testing for cosmetics, and for any cosmetic ingredients because animals are harmed, it is unnecessary, and other countries are banning this worldwide. Animals have been the guinea pigs for many years for cosmetic brands to test if their products are safe enough to sell to humans, and it is time to put a stop to this. An article from the website "Research animal fundamentals" states that in the United States alone there are 271,284 hamsters and guinea pigs, 138, 348 rabbits, and over 20 million rats and mice bred just for cosmetic testing alone in the United States. These brands take their product and apply it to an animal to see what the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. What Is A Vegan Subculture? Vegans and vegetarians are two different groups of individuals who have chosen to deviate from mainstream American dietary norms, because of their principals, beliefs, and ideologies. A vegetarian abstains from eating meat products. Vegans are stricter in their practices. Vegans have chosen to not consume or use animal products. The majority of the general population do not entirely understand why an entire group of people would cut out, not only one but, two food groups. So, why would an entire subculture choose to avoid meat and dairy products? Veganismis a subculture not really because they're worried about their health, but because they have a whole philosophy, a value system, that defines their relationship to the natural world. This paper will cover vegan demographics and attire, as well as their views on environmental impacts and speciesism. Vegans are a group of individuals that have chosen to deviate from the norm or mainstream ideology. The vegan subculture has rejected the mainstream culture, or important aspects of the mainstream culture, as eating and using animal products is typically overlooked and not considered to be harmful. The vegan subculture has embraced their own philosophy of caring about human and animal life, equality, and the environment. Vegan–like ideologies have been around for over 2,000 years (The Vegan... Show more content on ... Animal products are easily disguised by their unpronounceable names in these products. For instance the red dye found in blush, lipstick, lollipops, and other red–based foods might be carmine or carninic acid. Carninic acid comes from the crushed up shell of female cochineal insect ("Animal Ingredients List"). Most people wouldn't think twice of applying their blush but for vegans it would go against everything they stand for. The basic foundation for veganism is that all species are equal and deserve the same basic rights as ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Animal Testing: Should People Use Animals To Test Products Hundred of millions of animals die each year from humans. Human are testing products on animals to make sure they are safe for humans, which is called animal testing. Animals are tested on with medical, cosmetic, and drug products. No country has completely banned animal testing and it is being used around the world. The problem with using animals to test products is it can lead to inaccurate test results and a waste of animal life. Instead of using animals, there are many more productive and safer ways to test products. Human life should use other methods such as chemosynthetic livers and vitro methods instead of animal testing. Many animal species are undergoing testing that is harming and killing them. According to Gale, animal experimentation ... Show more content on ... Vitro methods are the study of cells and tissues outside the living body. PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have tried to get tobacco and other companies to switch to vitro methods instead of animal testing. Because of the PCRM and PETA, the use of animal testing in tobacco companies have reduced. Vitro Methods also have a quicker process and causes no harm to any animals. There are other ways to stop animal testing such as using computer technology which gives you models to use and results. Using computers is much less cost and more efficient. A final method to use instead of animal testing is using genetic engineering. Genetic engineering can give more accurate results because it stimulates the human body and it's responses. There are many different methods to use instead of animal testing, and they are much more ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Veganism Research Paper Veganism is not just a trend. It is after all a new approach to make your life and lifestyle free of cruelty, animal products and animal by–products. Adopting veganism cannot be achieved through changing the food habits. In fact, many of our everyday use products include animal–derived ingredients such as collagen, keratin and many other by–products. If you trying to adopt veganism, then take a closer look at your makeup items as well. Most of the makeup products include animal derived collagen, vitamins, amino acids and proteins. Makeup brushes also use real animal furs to create natural brushes for everyday makeup use. In fact, more than 75 percent of the beauty products, hair styling and nourishing products and the makeup accessories contain ... Show more content on ... Check the ingredient list: While looking for vegan makeup products, you should be prompt to check the product ingredient list. Collagen, keratin, gelatin, and animal proteins are common animal derived products found in makeup and beauty products. Instead of using these ingredients, vegan makeup products include plant derived vitamin E and C, non–animal fats and organic ingredients as other animal product substitutes. By using vegan makeup products, you will avoid dead animal products such as uric acid from bovine origin, beeswax and even collagen from dead animal bones. 2.Go for products with "not tested on animal" label: Vegan products are never tested on animals. These products also go through a strict lab test and clinical trial if necessary. Each of the vegan makeup products include organic and plant–derived ingredients, which are tested positive in the lab for positive health benefits. Therefore, most vegan brands claim that their products are suitable for all skin types. Thus, you will always see vegan makeup products with a label saying cruelty–free and not–tested on animal banner. Because these products are not tested on animals, they are still 100 percent cruelty free. 3.Packaging should be vegan ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Do Animals Have Rights. Animals Are Used To Test The Products Do Animals Have Rights Animals are used to test the products that we use in our everyday life. Is it ethical or right to test our products on animals? If animal testing were not used, how would the safety of the products we use be insured? If animals were not used in medical testing, how would researchers come up with new medicines and vaccines? Different people have different opinions about this issue. Arguments abound for both sides. In order to have an organized argument, there must first be an agreed upon standard by which the opposing sides of the arguments are judged. For the argument about the use of animals for laboratory testing, that standard will be the Word of God. "And God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures ... Show more content on ... The use of the Bible as a standard shows that the laboratory testing of animals is acceptable when used to save or prolong human life. The organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) definesanimal rights as meaning the following: "...that animals deserve certain kinds of consideration – consideration of what is in their own best interests regardless of whether they are cute, useful to humans, or an endangered species and regardless of whether any human cares about them at all (just as a mentally–challenged human has rights even if he or she is not cute or useful or even if everyone dislikes him or her). It means recognizing that animals are not ours to use – for food, clothing, entertainment, or experimentation." PETA ONLINE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. PETA separates animal rights from another term "animal welfare". Animal welfare is stated as follows by PETA, "Animal welfare theories accept that animals have interests but allow these interests to be traded away as long as there are some human benefits that are thought to justify that sacrifice." PETA ONLINE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. PETA believes that animals should have a certain set of rights. However, those rights are not immediately evident. PETA acknowledges that the interests of animals are different than those of humans. In other words, a dog would probably not be interested in having the right to vote, but a dog would definitely be interested in not having pain inflicted on him or her
  • 19. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Should Animal Testing Be Used To Make Cosmetic Products? Animal testing should not be used to make cosmetic products because animals are so different than humans that it often yields unreliable results.The website Peta2 states, "Less than 2 percent of human illnesses are ever seen in animals. Over 98 percent never affect the animal" (John Carpenter, ). This demonstrates that testing the products on animals is a useless and unreliable way to test the products. Companies test on animals to see the effects that it may be caused by that product, but they cannot truly see the effects that it will have on humans because, like the quote states, over 98 percent of the illnesses never affect that animals. Therefore the scientist that test on these animals will not even see the effects that it could have... Show more content on ... It is completely illogical to believe that humans will end up having the same defects because of the product as that animal did. Animals bodies and humans bodies are very different and to believe that testing these animals to see the results that it may end up causing for humans is something that makes no sense. The animal legal defense fund states, "these tests have been done already, for years–and none of these cosmetic tests are required by law"( "aldf" par.3). This demonstrates that these companies have been testing these animals for years and they have all had the same results and none of it is required. They keep on harming these animals for no reason because they have been doing it for many years and yet there has been no change to the products. Obviously animal testing needs to be stopped due to the fact that it is a useless way to test products because over 98 percent of the illness are not seen in animals, difference between animals and humans, and because these animal testings are not required by ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Reasons Why Testing Products On Animals Sherie Moody ENC 1101– section #296 October 14, 2015 Reasons Why Testing Products on Animals is Wrong Don't we all have rights? Believe it or not animals have rights, just like humans. It is inhumane to tamper with the lives of animals. Animals have no idea what's going on when experimentation is happening. We should nurture and care for the animals, not pick and poke, and inject substances into them. It's not right. No one should want to harm a poor helpless bunny, just see if the mascara is perfect enough for the human eyes. Animal experimentation is a selfish act, humans are only thinking of themselves. Even though some scientist believe animals experimentation is necessary to ensure product safety, scientist shouldn't be able to test products on animals, animals are delicate creatures, there are many other ways products can be tested without using animals and animals aren't the best test subject. Animals are delicate creatures. Animals have right. According to Home Office, there was a two percent increase in 2011 for the total number of animal testing procedures. There was then a campaign set out. The campaigning group was called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or Peta. Peta did an investigation and a lab in Denver was throwing away live animals in the trash. The animal then died a slow painful death. There were so many welfare violations being made. One scientist was trying to restrain a rabbit and ended up breaking the rabbits back. There were twenty ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Animal Testing Should Stop Testing Their Products On Animals In history, animal experimentation has played a significant important role in leading to new discoveries and human benefit. However, what many people tend to forget are the numbers of animal subjects that have suffered serious harm during the process of experimentation. Each day across America innocent animals are used as test subjects for products that have little to no relevance importance. Animal testing has had many negative issues arise in society in a negative way. Debating over the animal rights movement has raised many questions and concerns for years. There is an ongoing controversy regarding if companies should stop testing their products on animals. Although animal research has been the cause of many medical breakthroughs, is it morally and ethically right to put animals in these kinds of situations? This is one of the underlying questions that must be solved before it is too late. When considering how truly reliable the results of animal test are, and the expense of testing will help bring new light to the problem. By simply passing a policy will not only address this issue, will help better products and medicine in the future. There is many reasons why the opposing viewpoint find animal testing to be an effective method. Many would argue that animal testing has contributed too many cures for illness's and treatments that are life–saving. In an experiment done in dogs eventually led directly to the discovery of insulin, which is critical to saving the lives of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Animal Testing is the Best Way to Test Products Essay... 1.Introduction Thesis Statement: If animal testing were prohibited, then in what way would the effectiveness of a product be verified? A quote by Amanullah Ashraf states that, 'in order to gain something, we have to lose something '. According to this, I will be discussing animal testing. Audience: everybody who thinks animal testing should be prohibited. Purpose: convincing people that animal testing is the best way to test products and its not "cruel" and "inhuman" as people say. 2.Body paragraphs Topic Sentence: Sheltering the safety of people, animals and the environment. The pollution, the change in weather, and the new inventions, technologies, that we face in our daily life allows bacteria and infections to get into our ... Show more content on ... Swine flu is just one example from hundreds of other virus that where cured thank to animal experiments, such as HIV/AIDS we still don't have the cure for it, but it became a persisting disease due to studies that have to do with animal models. They are still working on it to find a drug that have less negative outcomes, whereas wanting to find a inoculations that make HIV/AIDS avoidable, and many other disease, diabetes, heart diseases, birth defects, epilepsy and soon on all became less dangerous whereas credits goes to animal testing. All kind of chemicals essentially must be examined so that the result it has on folks or mammals that uses it is understandable. Those elements that we use daily from medicine products to housework products can accumulate in the environment such as they can get in contact with the ground, air, and water that surrounds us. The way those products interact in the environment must be examined carefully. Topic Sentence: Alternative methods that are used to test products. Animal testing is used due to the absence of other solutions or methods. Some of the alternative methods that are used and most know are those three methods: micro dosing, computer modeling, and vitro testing. It's true that those alternative methods decrease the number of animals being used for animal testing but they cannot ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Vegan Diet Research Paper (great website with information) meal plans for 2 weeks–week–vegan–meal–plan/ Being a Vegans mean not eating meat, fish, or poultry plus not using other animal products and by–products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animal products. Vegans generally choose this lifestyle for health, environmental, and/or ethical reasons. They view it wrong to support the meat industry by consuming meats, eggs, and dairy products because of the cruelty to the animals. For an example once dairy cows or egg–laying chickens are too old to be productive, they are often sold as meat; and since male calves ... Show more content on ... Non–animal sources include Red Star nutritional yeast T6635 which is also known as Vegetarian Support Formula (around 2 teaspoons supplies the adult RDA). This is very important for women who are pregnant and lactating, infants, and children to have reliable sources of vitamin B12 in their diets. There are numerous foods fortified with B12, but companies methods do differed, so always read labels carefully or write the companies before ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Paganism: The Vegan Society According to The Vegan Society, "Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose." (2015) The purpose of this diet is not always the same for everyone as it depends on the person who is doing the diet and their goals. Some of the reasons why people go vegan is due to abusive animal exploitations, health–related concerns, environmental problems and some people just wants to go with the trend. Lots of people try to be a vegetarian first and somewhat develops to a vegan as it is difficult to switch up as a carnivorous to a complete vegan. Their diet includes plant–based products mostly vegetables, legumes, fruits,... Show more content on ... Because of this reason, the food industry is also taking a chance to explore their different options. As the Animal Equality (2015) said, "Nowadays, as more people are turning vegan, and as vegan chefs are becoming more experienced and creative, the range of recipes, foods in cafes and restaurants, and products in supermarkets is expanding rapidly, both in quantity and quality." Veganism is a gradual change that will help improve the conversation of the planet and its species, so it is always good to keep in mind where our foods came from and assess if it's worth to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Ethics Of Animal Testing On Cosmetic Products Imagine you were grooming your 2 year old daughter who is not yet able to do so herself. You want the best products possible used on your child because you don't ever want someone you love to be harmed. First, you give her a bath using shampoo and body wash, then you moisturize her skin with lotion, next you spray her with scented body spray, and finally you paint your daughter 's cute little nails with nail polish. Then all of a sudden your precious baby is now breaking out in hives and a rash. What did you do wrong? You assume that all the products you used were safe because you bought it in the store, but was it thoroughly and properly tested to the extent of use? Most consumers are concerned with the ethics of animal testing on cosmetic products. But, are they aware of the accuracy of these tests? And are there other advanced options? Cosmetics are not limited to women's make–up. They include face creams, baby oils, skin care products, deodorants, lotions, nail polish, and anything used on the body. This subject is important to anyone who cares about their physical hygiene and the precautions taken to keep it safe and healthy. Many people throughout the world have various allergies that may prevent them from using certain cosmetic products. If the product they are using is unable to properly determine if it is detrimental to their health, this could lead to fatal reactions and even death. Even if the consumer does not have any specific limitations to what he/she ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Go Vegan Research Paper Save the Planet; Go Vegan For centuries, humans have been obsessed with the idea of a long life. From face creams and diets to climate change awareness and recycling, there has always been a push to keep ourselves younger, healthier and to keep humanity going. That's why veganism is the way to go. Being vegan does not only benefit your health but the environment as well. The Earth is so important. From its beautiful scenery to all the astonishing life that calls this planet home, most would agee that Earth is absolutely phenomenal. While I understand that veganism isn't an option for everyone, those who have the ability to adopt a vegan diet and/or lifestyle should because it's not only better for the human body but the planet as well. Consuming ... Show more content on ... Sadly, a lot of people are unaware of the illness one can get from animal fat. Animal fat has been linked to illness such as heart disease, colon cancer and lung cancer (For Your Health). While consuming animal fat can possibly cause such diseases, choosing to not eat animal fat can have quite a positive effect on the body. By consuming a plant–based diet it can not only lower anxiety and stress levels and prevent Alzheimer's but boosts energy, aid in anti–aging and help the heart as well (McCarten, Sarah). Another reason to stop consuming animal products is because of the amount of animal cruelty that takes place. For example, at chicken hatcheries there is no use for male chicks. Hatcheries dispose of male chicks by horrid inhumane acts such decapitating, gassing, suffocating or crushing the chicks(For the Animals). The reason being because hatcheries is a place solely for egg–laying hens. Only a few roosters are needed in hatcheries which leaves male chicks absolutely useless. Such horrid acts is absolutely not okay. By not consuming animal products, one could potentially put an end to this cruelty. With that, I hope that after an individual reads this essay they will feel either more educated on the topic and/ or proceed to look into veganism and all the right things it stands for. I, personally, am making an effort to switch from being vegetarian to vegan slowly but surely. Without a doubt, I strongly believe if more people follow a vegan diet and/or lifestyle it could have a huge impact on not only the world but everyone and everything living in it. Works Cited "For the Animals." Vegan Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. "For The Environment." Vegan Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Animal Testing For Cosmetic Products Essay Their lives matter too Despite bans on animal testing for cosmetic products in several countries, including India, Israel, Norway, the European union and mostly recently, New Zealand, the United states, Canada, and Australia are among the countries who have yet to ban this ethically wrong practice and allow it to occur. Animal testing can be dated back to the ancient times of the Greeks and Romans, but many people still believe that the old–fashioned practice of animal testing for cosmetics died years ago. Typically, animal tests for cosmetics include skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of rabbits; repeated oral force–feeding. These tests can last for weeks or months while waiting for signs of general illness or health hazards. When considering the topic of animal testing, it draws attention from the government, general public, and of course, scientists. It has been an extremely contested moral issue for hundreds of years. In the 17th century Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, argued that animals were no more than automata and could not feel pain. This was rejected by Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century who extended his utilitarian conception of rights to animals due to their capability to suffer. (Ethics, par.1) To put an end to this ethically wrong practice people need to be educated on the animals affected, the industries testing on animals, become aware of the alternatives, what people are doing to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Animal Experiments For Cosmetics And Household Products Almost every type of human or animal cell can be grown in the laboratory. Animal experiments for cosmetics and household products continue even though non–animal tests are widely available. Instead of measuring how long it takes a chemical to burn the cornea of a rabbit's eye, manufacturers can now drop that chemical onto cornea–like 3D tissue structures produced from human cells. Likewise, human skin cultures can be grown and purchased for skin irritation testing. Scientists have managed to coax the cells to grow into 3D structures, such as miniature human organs, which can provide a more realistic way to test new therapies. Testing cosmetic products on animals is not effective and is dangerous to the animals. There are more effective alternatives to the tests that are performed on animals. In Vitro International's Corrositex (synthetic skin) can provide a chemical corrosivity determination in as little as three minutes to four hours, unlike the experiments on animals which often takes two to four weeks. Crude skin allergy tests in guinea pigs only predict human reactions 72% of the time. But a combination of chemistry and cell–based alternative methods has been shown to accurately predict human reactions 90% of the time. The standard test on pregnant rats to find out if chemical or drugs may harm the developing baby can only detect 60% of dangerous substances. But a cell–based alternative (EST) has 100% accuracy at detecting toxic chemicals. DakDak, an ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Animal Products Are Not Necessary For Good Health "You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I will buy you a new car", said Harvey Diamond in his book "Fit for Life." By nature, humans are not omnivores but society has the population blinded into believing animal products are a necessity to a healthy diet. Animals–other living things are dosed with hormones and seen as byproducts, their rights being ignored and denied. Cutting meat and other animal products out of the "normal" lifestyle would benefit humans just as well as animals ("Vegan Diets: Healthy and Humane"). Animal products are not necessary for good health, and removing them would have a positive effect on human health all around. No longer supporting the dairy and ... Show more content on ... The global appetite for meat is growing and there is not enough land to keep up with it. Meat production takes too much out of the environment. The earth's resources are not limitless and the ignorance of us as a species is continuing to grow("How does..."). Technology will not save us from ourselves. The land is being used to raise livestock instead of crops and valuable resources are being wasted thus having a devastating effect on the world. Raising animals to be slaughtered is using up more than half of the water in America. While it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef it only takes 25 gallons to produce a pound of wheat("How does..."). According to PETA, the average pig factory creates the same amount of waste as a city with about 12,000 people in it(Bittman, Mark). Currently raising animals for food is the number one source of water pollution. Irreversible damage is being done to the only planet there is for human life yet no one seems to care. "The world's cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 10.7 billion people–more than the entire human population." Gradually reducing the consumption of meat throughout the population would have a positive impact on the rest of the world("How does..."). People would not have to starve and animals would not have to die. Most of society believes that ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Research Paper On Veganism Veganism has been a popular topic in the media in the past few years. Veganism is abstaining from consuming or using products made from animals or products that harm and exploit animals. A common argument for veganism is common human ethics. These ethics say that it is wrong to harm a being that cannot protect itself. This creates a problem because of the violence it causes all over the world from protestors starting fights or bystanders starting conflicts with the protestors. I believe that the vegans are right when it comes to the ethics that change their lifestyle. Treating animals and testing products on them, which are not meant for them, is wrong. Especially because the animals cannot defend themselves. Organizations, such as PETA ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Should Companies Stop Testing Their Products On Animals? More companies should stop testing their products on animals. They're many companies that still test their products on animals. One of the biggest area on where they test products in would be in cosmetic. The biggest brand makeup name that test their products on animals would be M.A.C. Cosmetics. Some people wouldn't be as sock that they would test their product on animals, because on how the makeup leaves ones face after a while of using that product. From M.A.C. Cosmetics being a while know makeup product, one might thing they would use their money to test their product on something else other than animals. Another shocking makeup cosmetics brand that also test there makeup on animals is Covergirl. The reason on why this makeup compony is shocking that they test animals its also well know and they do many commercials with famous well known which they're called cover gils. ... Show more content on ... Ellen, says that she cares about animals and doses anything to help them, but there she is on being a Covergirl. Both Ellen and Taylor have a verity on animals and one will think they would be agent animal testing. If one really cares about the animals then they should be agents it. Animal testing is wrong for many reason, but it might be right for somewhat reason as well. The only reason why animals testing has some kind of point is because it has help us in the passed as in medical terms. With that also, maybe one day we might find a cure for a deadly disease that is out their. That might be the only reason on why it might be ok but, animals testing for cosmetic is wrong. The reason is and always will be is that makeup was made for humans to wear and not ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Production Of Animal Products For Human Consumption The production of animal products for human consumption contributes over 14.5 towards global greenhouse gas emissions, and is one of the biggest factors of climate change . Most consumers of meat and dairy are uninformed of this fact, as they believe that transportation and the burning of fossil fuels are the leading contributors towards global warming, and not the production of foods that they consume on a daily basis and in large quantities. However, the consumers are not the only ones to blame; in America, large meat and dairy corporations as well as the government are two forces that heavily advertise and influence the consumption of animal products. In fact, companies such as Tyson Foods have successfully lobbied for the Agriculture ... Show more content on ... To change their diets of meat and dairy, people have to understand and adopt growth mindsets. When people have a growth mindset, they believe that intelligence and talent are developed rather than fixed . People who have growth mindsets are more open towards challenges, and make efforts to learn. The same can be applied to changing one's diet to consume less meat and dairy. People with growth mindsets are open towards new experiences. Consequently, they will be more willing to switch their diets to include less meats and dairies. At the same people, people who are less likely to change their diets, 62% of Americans , can learn to adopt a growth mindset, through understanding oneself, learning from experiences, and seeing things from different perspectives and challenging oneself to take action . After adopting a growth mindset, people can use positive psychology techniques to challenge themselves to consume less animal products. For people to understand the reason why they need to consume less meat and dairy products, they have to apply the concept of PERMA, the model of well–being. They need to identify that their well–being is greater when eating less animal products and explain it using aspects of PERMA. For example, consumers who have made an active change in their lives to change their diets can explain their reasoning with experiencing more "Positive Emotion" – they receive ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Reasons Why Testing Products On Animals Sherie Moody ENC 1101 –section #296 October 19, 2015 Reasons Why Testing Products on Animals is Wrong Don't we all have rights? Believe it or not animals have rights, just like humans. It is inhumane to tamper with the lives of animals. Animals have no idea what's going on when experimentation is happening. We should nurture and care for the animals, not pick and poke, and inject substances into them. It is not right. No one should want to harm a poor helpless bunny, just see if the mascara is perfect enough for the human eyes. Animal experimentation is a selfish act, humans are only thinking of themselves. Even though some scientist believe animals experimentation is necessary to ensure product safety, scientist shouldn't be able to test products on animals, animals are delicate creatures, there are many other ways products can be tested without using animals and animals aren't the best test subject. Animals are delicate creatures. Animals have rights. According to Home Office, there was a two percent increase in 2011 for the total number ofanimal testing procedures. There was then a campaign set out. The campaigning group was called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animalsor Peta. PETA did an investigation and a lab in Denver was throwing away live animals into the trash. The animals then died a slow painful death. There were so many welfare violations being made. One scientist was trying to restrain a rabbit and ended up breaking the rabbits back. There were twenty ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Animal Products For Animals Essay There are various animal products used for animals. Products used for animals are silk, cashmere, and other animal products. Silk is the fiber that silkworms interlace to make cocoons. A silkworm is a trained insect, in nature, that goes through metamorphosis. Silk is derived from the cocoons of larvae. Approximately 3,000 silkworms die to make every pound of silk. The second animal product is cashmere which comes from goats underbellies. The goat that has cashmere fur is commonly kept on farms where they are dehorned and castrated and have their ears notched without anesthesia. While on the farm young goats are killed 50 to 80 percent of the time for not having the coat that meet standards. ("Silk, Cashmere, Shearling, and Other Animal Products Used for Clothing."PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2015.) There are lots of ways people use animals for entertainment. For example people use animals as entertainment by dogfighting, cockfighting, and also captivity. Dog fighting is a type of blood sport, usually well–defined as conflicting two game dogs against one another in a pit or ring for the entertainment of watchers, or the fighters also called dog men. Dog fights are often in rural areas held in barns or outdoor pits, in urban areas, fights can take place in garage, basements, back alleys and more. Dog fights mainly last until one dog is declared winner which occurs when one dog fails to scratch, one dog dies or one dog jumps out the pit. The loser if not killed in the fight, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Using Animals In Research And To Test Products Has Been Using animals in research and to test products has been a topic of heated debate for many years. Animals have contributed to research and we have found many cures to diseases that would have otherwise killed us. Many individuals view animals as companions that exhibit emotion and have a personality, they're not viewed as lab subjects. The fact remains that animals are utilized by research facilities and cosmetics companies, not just across the country but around the entire world. Although humans do benefit from animal research, the pain, suffering, and annual deaths of over one hundred million animals are not worth the human benefits. Why should animals suffer unnecessarily for the human benefit? Animals are given diseases that they would... Show more content on ... But babies also do not have those rights and cannot express themselves through language, but they are treated with respect and are not tortured (Mur 10). PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the case that launched it was the Silver Springs Monkey experiment that took place in Silver Spring, Maryland. In this laboratory, 17 monkeys were held in small wired cages with feces and urine that have accumulated over several years. The experiment was run by a Psychologist named Edward Taub who had no previous medical training. The monkeys would be subjected to many spinal surgeries that would cause one or more of their limbs to become useless. They would be forced to regain mobility of their useless limbs by constantly being shocked. These monkeys would lose fingers by getting them caught in the cage, some only had three out of ten fingers left. They were food deprived and they would scavenge through their feces to find something to eat (The Silver Spring Monkeys: The Case That Launched PETA). There are many alternatives to animal testing. For example, synthetic skin; the synthetic skin has been made and may replace the use of animal subjects. The Draize test, for example, was an "eye irritancy test, in which cosmetics, dishwashing liquid, drain cleaner, and other substances are dripped into the animals' eyes, often causing redness, swelling, discharge, ulceration, hemorrhaging, cloudiness, or blindness" (Rabbits in Laboratories). More than 170,000 rabbits ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Watson And The Veganism Movement There are so many different kinds of diets in this day in age. Lots of people diet because of health, religion, or just want too. One specific diet /movement is Veganism. Veganism movement/diet that started in November 1994 by Donald Watson. Its when someone eat no animal product and byproduct. Some people go to the extent to not even wear any animal product as well. It is very well practiced today. The way Veganismgot started was by Donald Watson. According from the website "Food for Life". Donald Watson was born on September 9, 1910 in South Yorkshire, United Kingdom. But sadly he died on November 11, 2005 in Cumbria, United Kingdom. Also according to vegan society website. Veganism started with a meeting with Donald Watson and five non –dairy ... Show more content on ... Some reasons are health goals, environmental, and the ethical rights for animals. The environment for Veganism according to vegan outreach. Some of the problems are because of the livestock farms affect climate change, water production, and land degradation is because of these livestock farms. Some of the ethical reasons help make giant organization like Peta to fight for the ethical rights. Peta makes giant campaign ads for their cause to try to get people to know Veganism. Some companies like Lush help fight the ethical rights also by making most of their products vegan and not to test their products on the animals. The procedures that people take of being vegan are not eating any animal product or byproduct. There diet are fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein alternatives. Some don't wear any clothing made out any animal. Like leather,wool, and any animal skin. Also back when it first began there were no like vegan food. But now there is like most can get turned into vegan products like cheese, ice cream, milk, cookies, and lots more. Except the down side to that is there more expensive but not by that much. Some people go to extent by participating in the vegan campaigns for organizations like ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Cosmetic Companies Should Not Test On Animals For Their... Cosmetic companies should not test on animals for their products, because its inhumane, wrong to do to living things, an they should not even have to do this to animals if their products are naturally and chemical–free. Around "100 million innocent animals are burned, crippled, and poisoned in U.S labs everyday," for cosmetic companies (11 Facts). Animals should not be treated wrongly because they are innocent creatures that have no say or rights when it comes to testing. Consumers will start to leave and go away if they found out multiple types of animals were being tested on cruelly in labs. Companies should not even use chemicals in their products in the first place, if their products are good for our skin and us. Cosmetic companies should not test on animals for their products because animals should not be treated wrongly, consumers may start acting negatively towards companies, and chemicals are not even necessary in these products. Millions of animals are tortured and abused, just so they can be tested for products that... Show more content on ... A new survey shows that, "72% of Americans oppose testing cosmetics products on animals" (Physicians Commitee). These people are real people, who say they won't buy a product that is cruelly tested on animals like dogs, cats, sheep's, or pigs. The number of animals tested are sadly increasing, "2,703 cats, 6,077 dogs, and 7,458 primates were used in testing for cosmetics in 2010" (USDA 26). These facts show exactly how many animals are used every year for torture for many cosmetic companies. These animals do not have the voice to speak for themselves, so it's wrong to treat them like things, when they are creatures just like us. Consumers still continue to buy these products, but if only they knew that these products aren't natural and are chemically ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Being A Vegan Research Paper The Disadvantages of Being a Vegan Some people are just different from others depending on how they eat foods. They could be a vegan, which is a person who does not eat animal related products. Being a vegan can be a good thing because it is actually similar to vegetarian. However, there are different foods that a vegan cannot eat. Those types of foods are meat, eggs, and seafood. Firstly, a vegan must avoid eating meat related meals when eating their food. They cannot eat meat products, because it is has an animal product which has been derived in the ingredients. They also cannot eat products that has been tested by animals. For example, when a vegan sees a product that is animal tested they cannot eat it because they will get sick or die. Another reason, that vegans do not eat meat product because of the fact that animals have been killed in factory farms. For instance, when animals are killed in the factory farms people make them into food, and vegans do not like it when animals are killed. The nutrition in the ... Show more content on ... One of the reasons, why a vegans avoid eating is because eggs have relationship to animal cruelty. For example, chickens and hens lay eggs, and they are produced by them as well; therefore, when they are slaughtered their egg reaches a decline point. The second reason, why a vegan must avoid eggs is because it causes death to animals. For instance, when they look at an egg they will notice that they are killing a raised baby chicken, so they have to avoid it. Eggs are usually layed in battery cages, so they could be raised. They are kept in those cages, so people can use them to produce their own eggs. Hens and chickens are put into battery cages to the point where they cannot move one wing. In addition, they are treated to humans as egg producing machines. A vegan must avoid eggs in order to live a healthier ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Choosing Veganism Diet Have you ever stopped to think about what's in the meat you're eating or the chemicals that are in any animal by product you are using? Most college students don't, but the ones that do usually end up switching to, the sometimes controversial, vegan diet. If students were made to be vegan for a month it would expose them to alternative ways of living and educate them about the harm these animal products do to our bodies and our planet. Exploring veganism will open your eyes to the cruel world behind mass produced animal products and how we as a society are the perpetrators behind it. The main reason veganism would benefit college students and all people in general, would be the abundance of health benefits you will gain from not digesting the chemically altered foods. The hormones that are injected into the animals are hard for our bodies to process and break down; therefore, cause unwanted health risks such as high cholesterol, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. When eating a more plant based diet your reducing your likelihood of getting one of these diseases. In fact, many people currently suffering from some of these ailments actually benefit from starting a vegan diet, even after the disease has set in. While most people worry they won't receive the necessary nutrients, there are numerous ways and resources for us to make sure we are getting all the supplements we want and need. A vegan diet paired with regular exercise will surely have you feeling on top of ... Get more on ...