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Período de Práctica: Tercer período
Institución Educativa: Colegio Castex
Dirección postal: Brown 99, Bariloche
Sala/Grado y sección: 4to y 5to año A
Cantidad de alumnos: 13
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: En el bosque
Clase Nº4
Fecha: 03/10/2014
Hora: 07:45 hs
Duración de la clase: 80 minutos
Fecha de primera entrega: 30/09/2014
 Teaching points: In the rainforest – climate – human impact on the environment
 Aims:
 Ss will be able to identify the new vocabulary presented.
 Ss will be able to identify the new grammar structure presented and its usage.
 Ss will be able to raise their awareness about the human impact on the
 Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through
motivating activities.
 Ss will be motivated to share their personal opinions and choices about a certain
 Language focus:
Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation
Revision Interpreting texts, ,
a video and to
questions in order
to get information.
related to
different natural
places: waterfall,
beach, mountain,
lake, forest,
related to weather:
hot, cold, rainy,
Present simple:
Expressions such
as: because, since
Talk about the
human impact on
the environment.
Think and talk
related to
pollution, global
warming and
human impact in
the environment::
The cause of
…is caused by / is
due to …
Than, colder,
about actions,
effects and
Thanks to ...
Expressions such
as: owning to, due
 Teaching approach: Communicative approach – CLIL lesson
 Materials and resources: Pictures, computers, internet, copies
 Seating arrangement: Ss will work on the tables; they are situated in rows facing
the board. The tables are longer than the usual ones, so in a same table three or
four ss may work together.
 Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any
difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will use visual aids and they also
have the possibility to use on-line dictionaries. If we have any problem with the
internet connection the T will encourage ss to talk about the meaning of the words
and to focus on the context of each of them to infer the meaning.
 Assessment: Students’ ability to use the new vocabulary and the grammar
structures though several activities.
Routine (2 minutes)
First, the T will say: “Hello! How are you today? I need a helper to write the date on
the board. Please, Julian, Can you help me?” and she will encourage ss to spell the date
for the student to write it.
Warm – up (15 minutes)
The T will write on the board: “Human impact on the world” and she will say: “For this
class I asked you to bring some information... but about what? Do you remember the last
video that we watched yesterday?” and she will try to elicit the information from the ss by
guiding them with some questions.
Then, she will write on the board the word: “global warming” as a consequence of
the human impact and she will tell them: “As I said yesterday I have chosen the use of
vehicles as one of the causes of global warming. I did a research on the web to find out the
effects and how can we avoid it. I have found...” and she will show them a poster with the
following information:
 Use of vehicles:
One of the causes of air pollution and global warming is the use of highway
vehicles due to their release of gases to the atmosphere (around 1.7 billion each year).
We can avoid this by walking, biking, taking public transport more often or using a
low-carbon fuel.
Global warming
Then, she will encourage ss to share their information: “Tell me what you chose,
please! and if some ss have chosen the same action, she will tell them to read their
information to compare it. She will say: Julian, please, can you tell me the effects of the
activity that you chose? And how can we avoid it?” The T will also write some sentences
on the board about the student’s information. She will use some of the following grammar
structures: …is caused by / is due to … owning to, due to.
Presentation (8 minutes) – pre watching activity
The T will say: “As we all know there are a lot of human actions that affect the world
and the environment. We are going to watch a very interesting video which shows us the
effects of those actions. But first, we are going to complete a very short activity where you
have to match some vocabulary with its definitions. You are going to work in pairs and you
have 5 minutes to do it” While the T hands out the copies she will ask a student to explain
the task. The T will monitor ss work and then, we will check all together.
Match the names with their definitions.
Air pollution Habitat destruction Water pollution
Poaching Burning
-It is the introduction of harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly causing disease,
death to humans and damage to other living organisms._________________________________
It has traditionally been defined as the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of wild animals.
- It can alter the environment much faster and causes extinctions of many species.
- It is the contamination of water bodies.____________________
Human impact on
the world
It is marked by flames or intense heat._____________________
Activity 1 (5 minutes) – watching the video.
Video: (it does not include a script)
The video contains a background song (What a wonderful world) so the teacher will invite students to
discuss: “Do you think that we live in a wonderful world? Why/Why not?”
The T will say: “Now, we are ready to watch the video and while you do it you have
to complete a chart. You have to write the names of the different places of the world that
are shown in the video, for example waterfall, mountain.. what else? And then, you have to
write what kind of human impact those places suffer, for example, air pollution...what
Then, she will hand out the worksheets and ask some questions to the class to
check their understanding: “what do you have to write on the chart? For example?”
Places Human impact on them
After watching the video, we will share our findings. The T will guide them, with some
questions: Are you aware of the consequences of pollution? Did you know that there are several
kinds of pollution?
Activity 2 (10 minutes)
The T will show ss some pictures on the computer for the class to analyze them. The idea is
to reflect on the causes and effects of the human behaviour. The T will ask ss some questions,
such as:
“What can you see in this picture? What is its cause? What is the effect?” After ss analysis, the T
will say: “So, we can say that the main cause of air pollution is factories or in some place due to
factories there is air polluted” and she will write the sentences on the board.
Then, the T will show them another pictures with some expressions for ss to explain the
cause/effect relationship. She will say: “Look at this picture, What can you see? What is its cause?
What is the effect? Let’s write a sentence to describe the picture on the board, we should use the
expressions that are written on the board too: Because of poaching some animals are danger of
extinction – Owning to habitat destruction we are collaborating to increase global warming –
Cause of habitat destruction animals are suffering – Thanks to habitat destruction many wild
species are disappearing – (the previous sentences are some examples, the T will guide ss
examples with questions)
Due to poaching animal are suffering – Owing to factories there is air pollution
Activity 3 (30 minutes) – research work
Because, since,as, owningto,dueto,thecause
of…,is caused by,isdueto,thanksto
The T will say: “Now you are going to work in pairs to look for information about the human
impact on the environment to make a PowerPoint presentation. The purpose of this presentation
is to to raise people’s awareness about the effect of our actions. But first write the instructions on
a sheet of paper” and she will write the instructions on the board:
1. Students’ names
2. Choose a human action or a specific type of pollution
3. Look for pictures
4. What are the causes?
5. What are the effects? You have to use the following
6. What can we do to help the environment?
7. Prepare the power point presentation.
To check ss’ understanding the T will ask them some questions: “what do you have to do in
stage 1? And in stage 2?........” She will also tell them: “to complete stages 4 and 5, you have to
write the sentences on your sheet of paper so I can help you to check them”. The T will monitor ss’
Web sites to look for information:
Closure (5 minutes) – Homework
The T will say: “We had an excellent class today let’s take these last minutes to ask
any question about the power presentation that you have to finish for homework to present
it the next class.” Goodbye!
If the internet connection doesn’t work properly...
Activity 4 (15 minutes)
The teacher will divide the class into groups and she will hand them out some worksheets.
She will tell them: “The copy contains 11 facts about pollution. You have to read and analyse them
in order to compare them and find the causes and effects. Have they got the same
causes/effects?” We will complete the first one all together in order to model the activity
Because, since,as, owningto,dueto,thecause
of…,is caused by,isdueto,thanksto
1. Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people. That’s
comparable to global diseases like malaria and HIV.
2. According to a 2012 study from Unicef, 2,200 children die every day as a result of dirty drinking
3. 14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year. Most of it is plastic.
4. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year.
5. People who live in places with high levels of air pollutants have a 20% higher risk of death from
lung cancer than people who live in less-polluted areas.
6. The Mississippi River carries an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of nitrogen pollution into the
Gulf of Mexico each year, creating a “dead zone” in the Gulf each summer about the size of New
7. Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or
8. Americans make up an estimated 5% of the world’s population. However, the U.S. produces an
estimated 30% of the world’s waste and uses 25% of the world’s resources.
9. Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are dumped
into U.S. water.
10. While children make up 10% of the world’s population, over 40% of the global burden of
disease falls on them. More than 3 million children under age five die annually from environmental
11. Recycling and composting prevented 85 million tons of material away from being disposed of
in 2010, up from 18 million tons in 1980.
Activity 5 (15 minutes)
The T will ask ss to share their findings concerning the previous activity. The idea is to
discus and debate about their choices. The T will guide the debate with some questions, such as:
What do you think about the causes/effects of number 10? Which facts share the same causes?
Then, we are going to focus about what we can do to contribute to the reduction of
pollution. The T will say: Do you help the environment? What can we do at home to contribute to
the reduction of pollution?
Tercer periodo   planificacion 4 - nasencio

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Tercer periodo planificacion 4 - nasencio

  • 1. ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Asencio Nadia Período de Práctica: Tercer período Institución Educativa: Colegio Castex Dirección postal: Brown 99, Bariloche Sala/Grado y sección: 4to y 5to año A Cantidad de alumnos: 13 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: En el bosque Clase Nº4 Fecha: 03/10/2014 Hora: 07:45 hs Duración de la clase: 80 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 30/09/2014  Teaching points: In the rainforest – climate – human impact on the environment  Aims:  Ss will be able to identify the new vocabulary presented.  Ss will be able to identify the new grammar structure presented and its usage.  Ss will be able to raise their awareness about the human impact on the environment.  Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through motivating activities.  Ss will be motivated to share their personal opinions and choices about a certain topic.  Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation Revision Interpreting texts, , a video and to ask/answer questions in order to get information. Vocabulary related to different natural places: waterfall, beach, mountain, lake, forest, Vocabulary related to weather: hot, cold, rainy, Present simple: Expressions such as: because, since Weather rainforest New Talk about the human impact on the environment. Think and talk Vocabulary related to pollution, global warming and human impact in the environment:: The cause of …is… …is caused by / is due to … Than, colder, climate,
  • 2. about actions, effects and avoidance. Thanks to ... Expressions such as: owning to, due to  Teaching approach: Communicative approach – CLIL lesson  Materials and resources: Pictures, computers, internet, copies  Seating arrangement: Ss will work on the tables; they are situated in rows facing the board. The tables are longer than the usual ones, so in a same table three or four ss may work together.  Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will use visual aids and they also have the possibility to use on-line dictionaries. If we have any problem with the internet connection the T will encourage ss to talk about the meaning of the words and to focus on the context of each of them to infer the meaning.  Assessment: Students’ ability to use the new vocabulary and the grammar structures though several activities. . Procedure: Routine (2 minutes) First, the T will say: “Hello! How are you today? I need a helper to write the date on the board. Please, Julian, Can you help me?” and she will encourage ss to spell the date for the student to write it. Warm – up (15 minutes) The T will write on the board: “Human impact on the world” and she will say: “For this class I asked you to bring some information... but about what? Do you remember the last video that we watched yesterday?” and she will try to elicit the information from the ss by guiding them with some questions. Then, she will write on the board the word: “global warming” as a consequence of the human impact and she will tell them: “As I said yesterday I have chosen the use of vehicles as one of the causes of global warming. I did a research on the web to find out the effects and how can we avoid it. I have found...” and she will show them a poster with the following information:
  • 3.  Use of vehicles: One of the causes of air pollution and global warming is the use of highway vehicles due to their release of gases to the atmosphere (around 1.7 billion each year). We can avoid this by walking, biking, taking public transport more often or using a low-carbon fuel. Source: Global warming Then, she will encourage ss to share their information: “Tell me what you chose, please! and if some ss have chosen the same action, she will tell them to read their information to compare it. She will say: Julian, please, can you tell me the effects of the activity that you chose? And how can we avoid it?” The T will also write some sentences on the board about the student’s information. She will use some of the following grammar structures: …is caused by / is due to … owning to, due to. Development Presentation (8 minutes) – pre watching activity The T will say: “As we all know there are a lot of human actions that affect the world and the environment. We are going to watch a very interesting video which shows us the effects of those actions. But first, we are going to complete a very short activity where you have to match some vocabulary with its definitions. You are going to work in pairs and you have 5 minutes to do it” While the T hands out the copies she will ask a student to explain the task. The T will monitor ss work and then, we will check all together. Match the names with their definitions. Air pollution Habitat destruction Water pollution Poaching Burning -It is the introduction of harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly causing disease, death to humans and damage to other living organisms._________________________________ It has traditionally been defined as the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of wild animals. ___________________________ - It can alter the environment much faster and causes extinctions of many species. ______________________________ - It is the contamination of water bodies.____________________ Human impact on the world
  • 4. It is marked by flames or intense heat._____________________ Activity 1 (5 minutes) – watching the video. Video: (it does not include a script) The video contains a background song (What a wonderful world) so the teacher will invite students to discuss: “Do you think that we live in a wonderful world? Why/Why not?” The T will say: “Now, we are ready to watch the video and while you do it you have to complete a chart. You have to write the names of the different places of the world that are shown in the video, for example waterfall, mountain.. what else? And then, you have to write what kind of human impact those places suffer, for example, air pollution...what else?” Then, she will hand out the worksheets and ask some questions to the class to check their understanding: “what do you have to write on the chart? For example?” Places Human impact on them After watching the video, we will share our findings. The T will guide them, with some questions: Are you aware of the consequences of pollution? Did you know that there are several kinds of pollution? Activity 2 (10 minutes) The T will show ss some pictures on the computer for the class to analyze them. The idea is to reflect on the causes and effects of the human behaviour. The T will ask ss some questions, such as: “What can you see in this picture? What is its cause? What is the effect?” After ss analysis, the T will say: “So, we can say that the main cause of air pollution is factories or in some place due to factories there is air polluted” and she will write the sentences on the board.
  • 5. Then, the T will show them another pictures with some expressions for ss to explain the cause/effect relationship. She will say: “Look at this picture, What can you see? What is its cause? What is the effect? Let’s write a sentence to describe the picture on the board, we should use the expressions that are written on the board too: Because of poaching some animals are danger of extinction – Owning to habitat destruction we are collaborating to increase global warming – Cause of habitat destruction animals are suffering – Thanks to habitat destruction many wild species are disappearing – (the previous sentences are some examples, the T will guide ss examples with questions) Due to poaching animal are suffering – Owing to factories there is air pollution Activity 3 (30 minutes) – research work Because, since,as, owningto,dueto,thecause of…,is caused by,isdueto,thanksto
  • 6. The T will say: “Now you are going to work in pairs to look for information about the human impact on the environment to make a PowerPoint presentation. The purpose of this presentation is to to raise people’s awareness about the effect of our actions. But first write the instructions on a sheet of paper” and she will write the instructions on the board: 1. Students’ names 2. Choose a human action or a specific type of pollution 3. Look for pictures 4. What are the causes? 5. What are the effects? You have to use the following expressions: 6. What can we do to help the environment? 7. Prepare the power point presentation. To check ss’ understanding the T will ask them some questions: “what do you have to do in stage 1? And in stage 2?........” She will also tell them: “to complete stages 4 and 5, you have to write the sentences on your sheet of paper so I can help you to check them”. The T will monitor ss’ work Web sites to look for information: Closure (5 minutes) – Homework The T will say: “We had an excellent class today let’s take these last minutes to ask any question about the power presentation that you have to finish for homework to present it the next class.” Goodbye! If the internet connection doesn’t work properly... Activity 4 (15 minutes) The teacher will divide the class into groups and she will hand them out some worksheets. She will tell them: “The copy contains 11 facts about pollution. You have to read and analyse them in order to compare them and find the causes and effects. Have they got the same causes/effects?” We will complete the first one all together in order to model the activity Because, since,as, owningto,dueto,thecause of…,is caused by,isdueto,thanksto
  • 7. 1. Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people. That’s comparable to global diseases like malaria and HIV. 2. According to a 2012 study from Unicef, 2,200 children die every day as a result of dirty drinking water. 3. 14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year. Most of it is plastic. 4. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year. 5. People who live in places with high levels of air pollutants have a 20% higher risk of death from lung cancer than people who live in less-polluted areas. 6. The Mississippi River carries an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of nitrogen pollution into the Gulf of Mexico each year, creating a “dead zone” in the Gulf each summer about the size of New Jersey. 7. Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming. 8. Americans make up an estimated 5% of the world’s population. However, the U.S. produces an estimated 30% of the world’s waste and uses 25% of the world’s resources. 9. Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are dumped into U.S. water. 10. While children make up 10% of the world’s population, over 40% of the global burden of disease falls on them. More than 3 million children under age five die annually from environmental factors. 11. Recycling and composting prevented 85 million tons of material away from being disposed of in 2010, up from 18 million tons in 1980. Activity 5 (15 minutes) The T will ask ss to share their findings concerning the previous activity. The idea is to discus and debate about their choices. The T will guide the debate with some questions, such as: What do you think about the causes/effects of number 10? Which facts share the same causes? Why? Then, we are going to focus about what we can do to contribute to the reduction of pollution. The T will say: Do you help the environment? What can we do at home to contribute to the reduction of pollution?