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Teotihuacan Culture
The culture that I will be talking about is the culture of Teotihuacán from Mexico. Between
100B.C.E and 200 C.E the city grew rapidly, becoming one of the largest cities in Mesoamerica.
From my perspective there are different factors that contributed to the growth of Teotihuacán,
resources, neighbors, trade, religious matters, and economy. This paper will basically focus on the
economy and how it was utilized to form this urban state of Teotihuacán, whether it be the effects of
trade and tribute, goods and services, reciprocity, or corruption it all played a role in the uprising of
this city. Teotihuacán was developed by different reason but I think that its economy had more
influence on its growth and this may explain the development of Teotihuacán. ... Show more content
on ...
"Teotihuacan now experienced a kind of renewal, probably to accommodate the populations growth
and to keep people at work." (Kurtz 1997, 337)The raw and finished material entering Teotihuacán
and its growing political and economic influence throughout Mesoamerica helped to expand its
economy, enlarging markets, increasing jobs, and developing technology. "The completion of the
Ciudadela suggests a centralized political structure. The completion of the political, religious and
market complexes effectively symbolized Teotihuacan's hegemony over a resource zone that
extended from coast to coast."(Ronald 1997, 335) The establishments of these areas around public
building suggest a centralized political system. Some craftsmen engaged in employment by the
elites. This might have been dedicated to the production of exported goods controlled by the elites
and would have complemented the work of craftsmen. It could be said that manufacturing expanded
during this time, and that obsidian was manufactured and exported beyond the basin. I think that
obsidian production was complemented by increase in other work, such as pottery making, painting
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The Goals Of Sustainable Development : The Goal Of...
The goal of sustainable development is a generally agreed upon one, the Brundtland report's
definition is the most commonly cited, that it is of to "meet the needs and aspirations of the present
without compromising the ability to meet those of the future" (Brundtland). However, with the
growing international concern of environmental issues it has become more difficult to find
consensus on where the focus should be to best make an impact.
The Brundtland report is one of the primary sources on sustainability, but because of its wide scope
the concerns are generalized. Those in poverty and developing areas put a larger strain on the
environment than those in developed countries, either because there is a need for basic survival or
because of the need to use raw materials to create the infrastructure needed to support growing
populations (Brundtland). The number of people living in urban populations has doubled in
developed regions, however in developing countries its quadrupled. There are few cities in the
developing world that have the resources and infrastructure to handle their quickly growing
population. While cities of the industrial world also have a huge impact on the environment, most
have both the means and resources to help manage their environmental impact and inner–city decay
in a way that cities in developing countries do not (Brundtland). Beyond the physical ability, in
many developing countries the local government's institutional and legal structures are
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Summary Of Planet Of Slums By Carre Davis
In Planet of Slums, Davis starts off by pointing out the fact that those living in cities accounts for
more than half of the world population. He also mentions that perhaps for the first time in history
the urban population of the earth will outnumber the rural. He goes on to describe this process with
a somewhat negative statement titled "back to dickens" (Davis 11). How this new urban order comes
with a price. There will be increasing inequality within and between cities of different sizes and
economic specializations. The latest report of UN, "State of the World's Cities 2008/2009
Harmonious Cities" support Davis claim that cities of different sizes and economic specialization
will have increased inequality. Harmonious cities is a report
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The Challenges Of Growing Up In A Small City
Being raised in a small town was a challenge for me as a kid. A town in South Louisiana called
Chauvin runs along Bayou Little Caillou until it reaches the city of Cocodrie with marsh on the
opposite side of it. There were only a handful of streets off of the highway that served as
neighborhoods, since we were surrounded by water on both sides. I never got the opportunity to run
around the neighborhood with the kids around the block because we lived off of the highway.
Instead, I would run along to the neighbors' house, which was owned by a man named Mr. John. Mr.
John was on older guy, about 6 foot and a little on the heavy side. He would always come home
dressed in jeans and a different color collared shirt with a label on the left side that read "Cajun
Critters". Cajun Critters was Mr. John's Machine Shop he owned and ran. Until he told me, I would
have never known that he had his own business. Mr. John was my role model growing up. Yes my
parents were there for me and no I was never pushed away by them, but going over next door just
sounded like a better plan for the day. He acted like an Uncle for me, and his kids were all older and
moved out so I was the only company he would get, other than his wife of course. He would always
tell me stories of him growing up and how he could tell that I would be a successful person in the
future. By the time I was a sophomore in High School, I had known pretty much every detail of Mr.
John's life. In 1967, Jonny Joseph Dixon was
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Food Insecurity Issues Essay
/2016 Franklinton, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio, has faced issues since its
first settlement and since, has had to deal with more. Often being referred to as "The Bottoms"
because of its location and lower socioeconomic status, it has not been able to keep up with the
development of Columbus. In the more recent years, great efforts have been put in motion to
increase the quality and quantity of life in Franklinton. We will explore the redevelopment of
Franklinton and the issues it faces with food insecurity.
The city of Columbus is a wonderful place, bustling with innovation but maintaining a healthy
population. The city runs in a very respectable fashion. Columbus is big enough to be a city, while
being small enough to allocate its resources and put plans in action. Although large, the city is
connected, business leaders and public officials know each other and collaborate to make change.
The ... Show more content on ...
Accessing healthy produce can be hard during different times and in Franklinton, it is almost always
an issue. The growing community gardens are providing people with a closer relationship to their
food which increases awareness and involvement. Interacting with food and understanding the
process it takes to bring it to a plate encourages good food utilization. The Franklinton community
holds gatherings involving people in food insecurity and raising awareness about related issues.
As the neighborhood of Franklinton faces its issues, its community flourishes and becomes a place
where food awareness is growing and food insecurity is decreasing. The development of this area is
a great advance and as it continues, the quality of life increases. People become happier and
healthier as they learn and grow. The neighborhood of Franklinton, which was often referred to as
"The Bottoms" is rapidly growing out of its name. The redevelopment of Franklinton will continue
to be a
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Vertical Expansion Essay
In the passages it is said that vertical expansion is something needed to be added to the way urban
area are constructed. So, the author uses facts, logical reasoning, and rhetorical devices to persuade
an audience that vertical expansion of urban areas is a good idea. First the author discussed some
facts to back up as to why vertical expanish is necessary in growing urban areas. For example; "the
larger our population gets, the faster our growth accelerates," which means vertical expansion
should be used in order to accommodate the growing population. Or as the stated by the author "this
kind of outward expansion is a problematic, antiquated model that we need to abandon for upward
expansion." Another one would be "however, this expansion model hasn't been necessary since the
glorious ... Show more content on ...
The author was being frank when they said "it's no secret our population is growing." Obviously our
population is growing and will continue to grow so the issue is that where do we put those people
without consuming all our natural resources. They also used imagery to help their audience
understand vertical expansion can improve our standard of living. "So picture your favorite city;
now picture your favorite city, but this time, picture it in the future with the population doubled." By
making their readers picture their favorite dity it really helps to grasp the concept that we need to up
the architecture of homes in urban areas. There was also a pinch of pathos in the passage; "it's rather
scary enigma: we expand our cities because our population is growing, yet we decrease our ability
to sustain ourselves by doing so." Thus vertical expansion will permit for a more sustainable way for
the population to thrive in the continuous development of the world. The author uses facts, logical
reasoning, and rhetorical devices to persuade an audience that vertical expansion of urban areas is a
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Disadvantages Of Home School Essay
There are so many advantages and disadvantages to home schooling, but is this really what you
want for your kid? In my eyes, I would let my child start home schooling because I know how hard
school can be on a kid young or old. The effects it has on their life and health isn't worth it. When
your kid(s) are home at least then you can watch him or her.
According to Isabel Shaw of Family Education "Homeschooled kids do well on standardized tests,
are welcome at colleges and universities, and as adults, have a reputation for being self–directed
learners and reliable employees." Now I do agree with her, but not all kids that are home schooled
do great on standard tests just like any other kid from public school, they could all do well if they ...
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Now many have their thought and opinions against what controls a child's happiness and their
emotions but according to studies "Homeschooled kids can dress and act and think the way they
want, without fear of ridicule or a need to "fit in." They live in the real world, where lives aren't
dictated by adolescent trends and dangerous experimentation." What I want people to know is that
bullying happens in the real world and not just in movies, such as physical, mentally, and
emotionally. This could affect how a kid acts or how he does in school like for example, myself.
When I got bullied I was scared and tired a lot and didn't want to have any social interaction with
others because of it. My grades dropped and I figured I show look into home schooling. Now I never
did home schooling but I know some people that have because of dealing with what I had been
through and became a new person.
Busywork. We all dread the word and what it means. Work, school, and all that fun stuff. With no
districting around the class and other people, kids can get a lot of work done. Also helps that your
mom, dad, or whoever is teaching you can focus on you and work with you and get it done faster
instead of working with 30 or more students. A recent interview with, John Taylor Gatto, New York
City Teacher of the Year and a 26–year teaching veteran, said "In many classrooms less than one
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Small Urban Areas Of Comparative Advantage
Small urban areas can do a number of things to increase and diversify export efforts. Increasing the
exports will enhance the ability of the small urban area to pay for its imports. First the small urban
areas should look at other opportunities so they can mitigate the export dependency they have on
target areas such as large urban areas that have economies of scale. They could target investment
and industrial policy to develop potential new areas of comparative advantage. Thing such as
technology, infrastructure development, entrepreneurship, institutional and regulator efforts, and
communication all are essential components in looking for new areas of comparative advantage. In
addition, things like investment in human capital development, and integration into the global
market, which provide more profitable value chains, should also be a focus to address this type of
issue as well 1. As income levels change from area to area or through time, there is also a systematic
change that takes place. This change takes place in the importance of higher– and lower–order
centers. At higher income levels, more shopping and specialty goods are demanded, and people are
willing to travel farther to obtain the goods they desire. Income, scale, and accessibility changes are
all responsible for the progressive centralization of functions in the higher–level centers in the
United States and the progressive decline of the smaller cities. In conclusion when people have more
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Persuasive Essay On Rail Transportation
Trains are everywhere in our society, we have jokes, toys, movies, and children's television shows,
but did you know rail transport started in 6th century Greece? The city of San Antonio, Texas is a
fast–growing metropolitan city that has a very tremendous amount of people. It has been estimated
that the city will grow by another million people in the next ten to twenty years. San Antonio's
traffic is becoming a huge issue and is quickly approaching to be one of the most congested areas in
the states. The public transport in San Antonio consists of a very complex bus system, taxicabs,
Trolley's downtown, and the growing market of ridesharing drivers. San Antonio has had many talks
and negotiations throughout the last two decades on getting a Light Rail system constructed to help
with public transportation. This proposal is for specific businesses, the city of San Antonio and
Bexar County to come to a funding agreement.
Funding for projects is always a topic of discussion, payments for a sculptor to sculpt a statue, and
hiring wrecking crews for doing their job are just small examples. The funding cost for Light Rail is
extremely high when it comes to construction, these prices are something that a any+ billionaire can
personally handle. These prices are always subject to change because of materials used and the
constant change of technology. Through the talks of this new transit system coming to San Antonio,
different funding options have been suggested, raising taxes,
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Mexico City Research Paper
Portland and Mexico City are very different in many ways. Though, they are also pretty similar.
They have both gone through urban sprawl. Urban sprawl is when cities are growing very fast.
There are many problems caused by urban sprawl and cities need to find solutions for the problems
that will affect the health and well being of their people. In this paper, I will talk about some of the
ways Mexico City and Portland are different yet similarI and I will compare and contrast the two
cities. First of all, the similarities. One similarity is that Mexico City and Portland have both been
growing rapidly. They both have a very large population. Another similarity is that both cities have
lots of traffic, which also leads to air pollution. Air pollution can ... Show more content on ...
Such as, Portland has very good resources since the farms are right outside of the city. They also
have clean water. Unlike Mexico City, which does not have the best resources. Another difference is
that Portland has an urban growth boundary which cuts off the city so they can't grow out anymore.
This is very different from Mexico City, which does not have an urban growth boundary, so people
are free to live where ever they want and they can keep growing out. In Mexico City, the people on
the outside of the city live in the slums. Which is the opposite of Portland, where the people on the
outside of the city live just like the people living in the inside of the city. The last difference is that
in Mexico, some people are very rich and some people are very poor. The people who live in the
inside of the city enjoy a high standard of living. The houses there are all different. There are some
really nice houses inside the city and some really small, cramped houses on the fringe of the city.
Unlike in Portland, where the houses are all pretty similar. There are nice apartments, and nice
houses in the suburbs which are on the edge of the
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• Explain The Impact Of The Green Belt On Edinburgh And...
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the impact of the green belt on Edinburgh and its suburban
areas. The essay will begin by explaining the main definitions involved in the essay question. The
first section will review Edinburgh and Scotland's green belt policies. The second section will
discuss Edinburgh's growing population and the need for property within the area. The third section
will focus on the growing business sector of the capital city. And the last section will talk about
Edinburgh's expanding green belt and recent developments.
Edinburgh; a city famous for its striking architecture and backdrop shaped by geology, was once a
small city consisting of no more than a narrow street that linked Holyrood palace with Edinburgh
castle. To this day it has become the capital of Scotland, with an increasingly large population
(Swanson, I. (2014)). It is a city of ... Show more content on ...
Edinburgh is a city of size, high demand and growth and its green belt could be hindering its ability
to grow and reach its full economic potential. The Scottish government suggests that the purpose of
the green belt is to, direct growth to the most appropriate locations and support regeneration to
protect and give access to open space within and around towns and cities. However, as Edinburgh
remains the UK's largest financial centre outside of London and has an increasingly large
population, the demand for property within the city is high. Edinburgh's shortage of property has
driven up prices to unaffordable levels. To tackle this issue, the city should be regenerating
brownfield sites to produce affordable property that could house the growing population. However,
if Edinburgh's economic growth continues, and planning permission is granted, it looks likely that
the green belt will be expanding, less emphasis will be put on local communities and Edinburgh's
surrounding countryside could disappear for
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Personal Narrative: Moving To Mississippi
Where one grows up affects their lifestyle and character; one's surroundings shape his or her outlook
on the world. Many people always say when growing up in the city one will be used to a diverse,
hasty going, and exhilarating life; while growing up in the country one will be used to a deliberate,
steadier, and bucolic life. Although moving to Mississippi was a dramatic alteration, I can explicitly
acknowledges the menaces–death, robberies, and fights–encountered growing up in the city.
Therefore, moving to the south may have been a better alternative involving my physical well–
being, regardless of the many emotional struggles. Moving down south to Mississippi from Illinois
showed me the struggles of coping with racism and prejudice people,
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Moving To The City Research Paper
Where one grows up affects their lifestyle and character; one's surroundings shape his or her outlook
on the world. Many people always say when growing up in the city one will be accustomed to a
diverse, hasty going, and exhilarating life; while growing up in the country one will be accustomed
to a deliberate, steady, and bucolic life. Although moving to Mississippi was a dramatic alteration, I
explicitly acknowledge the menaces–death, robberies, and fights–encountered growing up in the
city. Therefore, moving to the south was a better alternative involving my physical well–being,
regardless of the many emotional struggles. Moving down south to Mississippi from Illinois showed
me the struggles of coping with racism and prejudice people, the mental conflicts ... Show more
content on ...
My associates and I lived in one expanse where we could simply saunter to each other's house.
Malls, theaters, and restaurants encircled us; everything was neighboring each other. Traveling from
one place to another was easy because of the short distances and different means of transportation
such as riding metropolitan trains or walking. Although the city had its advantages, it also had its
detriments to people's lives; the city was a precarious place! Living in the city, I was relentlessly
hearing about deaths and delinquencies. Growing up in the city, I was petrified for my family and
uncertain about their welfare. Going down south was a dramatic change in my life. I left behind my
friends and most of my family. My means of life were swiftly altering; no longer was I living a fast–
paced life. I began to feel confined in a rule area, encased within dirt roads, miles of land, and a
million trees. Restaurants and stores were over a half an hour away; there was not anywhere to
socialize and loiter with friends. My life was so divergent in the country compared to the city! I
could now assimilate into the new environment that contrasted my
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Multiple Modes Of Transportation In Jakarta Metropolitan...
Proposal for research on multiple modes of transportation in Jakarta Metropolitan Region
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, one of the world's most densely developed megacities, and
home to more than 10 million inhabitants (The World Bank 2015). The Greater Jakarta Metropolitan
Region (JMR) is officially known as Jabodetabek, a name formed by combining the initial syllables
of 6 independent municipalities: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. This huge urban
agglomeration with more than 27 million population, or 10 percent of the population of Indonesia,
has been the most attractive area in Indonesia for both domestic and direct foreign investments –
especially in the manufacturing sectors– which can potentially ... Show more content on ...
As a result of the rapid urbanization and growing economic prosperity, motorization in Jabodetabek
has been promoted at a higher rate. The JMR, consequently, faces paralyzing traffic jams due to the
poor plans, coordination and appropriate governance at different levels, i.e. national, metropolitan,
and local levels. The region virtually has no established and formally predesigned system of
metropolitan governance such as the specific legal regulations on land use (Putra, Woltjer and Tan
2016, 171).
Review of Literature
Based on the aforementioned spatial pattern, the development practice in the fringe of Jakarta can be
characterized as an urban sprawl (Bertaud 2001). It goes without saying that such developments
would lead to quite a few negative externalities, notably environmental problems, such as the
degradation of water quality in the area due to land conversion and more pollution due to heavy
traffic congestion (Firmanlda and Dharmapatni 1994).
More importantly, however, the sprawling urban region significantly influences the social practices
of those underprivileged, impoverished people. In particular, as the city grows, the spatial separation
of city centers (such as employment) and housing affects women because they are most frequently
responsible for household–related activities such as housework, shopping, medical care, and other
types of chores, both young and old (Turner 2013, 4). As women are also
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Supply Of Viable Grocery Store Options
In the Logan Square neighborhood, there is a lack of viable grocery store options. Nonetheless,
throughout the City of Chicago there is an abundant amount of restaurants and food options;
however, many of these food options are not the healthiest. As stated by the Food Empowerment
Project, a food desert is typically "Described as geographic areas where residents' access to
affordable, healthy food options [...] is restricted or nonexistent due to the absence of grocery stores
within convenient travelling distance." Moreover, the people who live in these food deserts are low
income families and minorities. These food deserts are the leading cause of food insecurity. Food
insecurity is defined as limited or uncertain availability of nutritious food options. Throughout the
Chicago area, there are countless unhealthy food options. Just walking down a street, one is able to
see at least one fast food place. Since fast food places are within walking distance, people will visit
them more often. For example, in Logan Square there is a Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, and Taco
Bell all within a minute of each other. In addition to those fast food places, there is an alarming
number of small convenience stores in a given neighborhood. These convenience stores make it
"Difficult to locate foods that are culturally appropriate for [people], and dietary restrictions, such as
lactose intolerance, gluten allergies, etc, also limit food choices" (The Empowerment Project). A
solution to, a
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Mass Media Essay
Moving into the 1960's
Living in Detroit in the 1960's brings back many memories, as the city was vastly different as
juxtaposed to its current status. Population was 1.5 million people and it held the position of the 5th
largest city in the nation (U.S. Census). Although white flight to the suburbs resulted in over
500,000 people exiting the city in the 1950's, there was still a substantial amount of people still
residing in the city (U.S. Census). With the election of a new mayor a young democrat Jerome P.
Cavanaugh, who upset the incumbent Louis Marini, who was not the most progressive when it came
to race relations, Cavanaugh was elected with a platform that promised improved corporation with
city government as related to the black ... Show more content on ...
I personally witnessed the big four in action when I was about 5 years old as in the execution of
their duties of breaking up a disturbance they proceed to almost cause a mini–riot on my street, by
beating up the participants of the fight. An infamous incident with the police when a reputed
prostitute was killed by police after being shot in the back, supposedly because she was coming after
a patrolman with a knife (Elkins qtd. in Stone 113). This incident elicited outrage from the black
community which had numerous incidents of police brutality and killings by the police, building up
an antagonistic relationship that would be one of the main precipitators of the forthcoming rebellion
(Elkins qtd. in Stone 112–116).
The Mini–Riot of 1966
In the summer of 1966 there was a mini–riot on the east side of Detroit on one of the main
thoroughfares, Kercheval Avenue at Pennsylvania (Elkins qtd. in Stone 113–114, Fine 135–143,
Horner qtd. in Stone 92). Intervention by the police in a violent arrest led to mases of people coming
into the street with protest against police brutality, Businesses were vandalized and additional police
were called in and eventually the disturbance was quelled (Elkins qtd. in Stone 113–114 Farley,
Danziger 43, Fine 135–143). City administration felt proud that the incident did not escalate into a
rebellion reminiscent of the 1965 Watts rebellion, at the time the worst in
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Chicago: Growing Up In The Windy City
Growing up in the Windy City where the wind never comes to an end, and neither does the crime.
Chicago is most known for its food, tourist attractions and crime rate. Being from Chicago, Illinois,
I have to know all the famous restaurants which include Homerun Inn Pizza, Portillo's Italian Beefs,
Maxwell's Polish and Hot Dogs, and last least Uncle Remus Chicken. Residing in Chicago there's
always something to do. I can go ride roller coasters, eat and shop in Navy Pier. The Windy City is
known for the second and third tallest buildings in the U.S which are the Willis Tower and John
Handcock Center. I went on plenty of visits there also to the Museum Of Science And Industry
which is a Chicago landmark. I have a lot of family back home. I moved
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Lagos Research Paper
The year is 1960, Lagos has just gained independence from Great Britain, being the first to break
free in Nigeria Although Lagos, Nigeria is the first city established after breaking free of British rule
in Nigeria, websites such as,, and do not list
Lagos as the most successful city; however, Lagos is the most successful city because of their
population growth, government structure and history. The year 1960 is a year of new beginnings for
the newly formed city, Lagos.
In 1861, ninety–nine years before Lagos won its independence from Great Britain, the British Lagos
Colony is annexed. The name Lagos, was suggested by Flora Shawn in 1890. To get an idea of how
old Nigeria is "Archaeologists have found evidence of Neolithic humans who ... Show more content
on ...
The area of Lagos is 389.5 miles squared. The currency in Lagos is the Nigerian Naira. The
religions of Lagos are 50 percent Muslim, 40 percent Christian, and 10 percent Traditional Beliefs.
Languages spoken are English, Pidgin English, Yoruba, Ibo, and Hausa. The present governor and
the 14th governor is Mr. Akinwunimi Ambode. The vision of Lagos is "Making Lagos Africa's
Model Mega City And Global Economic and Financial Hub." ( This vison in ways
can cause problems for Lagos "The irony is that the demolition of the slums of Lagos has occurred
in the name of the government's vision of creating a 21st– century mega city, replete with
skyscrapers, beaches and foreign investment." (
Lagos is the most successful city because of their population growth, government structure, and
history. Lagos was the first established city after breaking free of British rule in 1960. The name
Lagos was suggested by Flora Shawn in 1860. A solution for Lagos' housing crisis is turning
shipping containers into houses. The currency in Lagos is the Nigerian Naira. The population is
expected to double by
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Comparing Two Choices
Did you grow up in a small town or a big city? There are many different opinions on which one is
better for a person overall, which can often lead to arguments. Choices can have both positive and
negative sides to them. In this case both choices that are given have pros and cons. The better choice
is to grow up in a big city.
The first reason that growing up in a big city is good, is that you have the chance to meet more
people in big cities usually have a lot of people in them, of all races and ethnicities. Growing up in
this kind of environment can help a person socially. It helps a person not judge people as much and
teaches people how to face social problems. Meeting more people could also make you more
socially active because there
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Personal Essay: Growing Up In Crescent City
Growing up in Crescent City where not much goes on, it is very important to keep yourself around
positive people and stay away from the wrong crowd. I am blessed to have family that cares about
my future, because if i didn't i'm not sure where I would be right now. My parents divorced when I
was at a very young age. Seeing your mother leave and not know where she went for years can have
a huge impact in anyone's life in many negative ways, but with the love and support of family
members and close friends it made it easier to keep my mind on the right track. Witnessing my
parents go through what they went through, I knew that I had to be strong for my siblings. I have
two full blood siblings and three half blood siblings. Growing up with five
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Population Growth Between 1880 And 1900
The United States grew at a dramatic rate between the years 1880 and 1900, within the cities. U.S.
cities grew by approximately 15 million people in the two decades before 1900. Many historians
claim that most of the population growth was due to the expansion of industry. It is also believed
that the majority of the population explosion was immigrants that were arriving from all over the
world. A good amount of people from the rural areas of America also moved to the cities during this
period in the search of work. Between 1880 and 1890, it is suggested that almost 40 percent of the
townships in the United States lost population because of migration. Historians suggest that
Americans that where born during the 1840's and 1850's would have
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China and the World Suffer from the Use of Nonrenewable...
As the world population, the use of nonrenewable resources, and development of industrial
technology continues to grow, the more harmful air pollution gets. Air pollution is caused by all of
these factors, and more. While fossil fuel sources continue to diminish, there is an increasing interest
in the use of renewable technologies, such as the air, water, and sun. China is one of the many
countries in the world suffering from air pollution due to household and industrial use of fossil fuels
and a massive population. Air pollution also has many negative impacts on human health and the
environment. Although there are many solutions to these problems, it is the matter of the people and
government knowing about these problems and solutions and ... Show more content on ...
The massive building and production of cement cause dust and other harmful particles to submerge
into the urban cities of Albania.
Urban wastes and water pollution are a serious health threat to the urban population. Despite
Albania's rich sources of water, the pollutant discharges are causing lack of freshwater in the cities,
only 60% of the population have access to a drinking water supply.
Sanitation has been a problem in the country for a long time. The poor state of sewage collection
and systems cause contamination to both drinking water and soil. There is a large amount of
sickness associated with the water pollution. The levels of shigellosis and typhoid fever are very
high in Albania; and the monthly statistics of food and waterborne diseases show that shigellosis
infections linger in the country throughout the year. It is also estimated that each year 500 deaths in
the city are caused by air and water pollution. The immense usage of cars and vehicles also propose
a large threat to air pollution and the health of the population.
In spite of the air pollution in Albania being caused mostly by outdoor issues, such as cars and
industrial plants; there are still problems involving indoor air quality in Albania. Out of the 12
schools monitored by the WHO pilot surveys, the results conclude that the biggest concern is low
temperature and poor ventilation especially during the winter.
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City Life Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 of experiencing cities was all about the foundations of the constantly growing
metropolitan city. It includes everything from facts about how fast our cities are growing to city as a
state of mind. But the section that intrigued me the most was "symbolic interactionism and the study
of city life." symbolic interactivity means that people are the ones who play an active role in their
environment. In other words the area you live in is going to be determined by the way you interact
with others and how you live your life. This idea was not one that shocked me but allowed me to
grasp a greater understanding as to why different cities are the way they are. For example, i'm from
a small town in California with little to no crime. It is a pretty affluent area and people are pretty
friendly. However you drive about 30 miles and you are now in one of the most dangerous cities in
america, Oakland California. Here deadly shootings are a regular basis along with many other
crimes. The citizens of these towns are usually right at the or below the poverty line. So to introduce
this theory to me gives me a greater understanding as to why certain cities are dangerous and some
aren't. It simply ... Show more content on ...
Oakland has been in the news for many years now about its crumbling government. Schools
fundings are low, they cut the police force in almost half and no business can flourish here. These
are all due to the fact that the people in charge simply cannot do their job effectively. In order for a
city like this to get back on track it must first get leadership willing to do what it takes to make a
difference. Then and only then will you start to see this city make a turn for the
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Phoenix Community Development
Urban areas are usually grown upwards, but things did not seem to go that way for the city of
Phoenix. Phoenix has done nothing but expand thanks to the much endless desert space they are
surrounded by. Many suburban areas where created around Phoenix due to large amount of family
homes built. Along with all of the development and amount of time, Phoenix is actually now
surrounded by 24 smaller cities. A large amount of ecosystems where destroyed in order to build a
lot of single family homes and a lot of streets. A big reason for the Phoenix region growing outwards
rather than upwards is mostly due to land being priced very cheap and allowing larger margins of
profits because homes are not build until they have all been completely purchased by the customers.
A great example of how the city of Phoenix is expanding right now is the community named
Anthem. It is a community in which people don't really ever need to go out of their community
because it has everything in it. In such community there is nothing but single family homes with
many wide streets. It is sort of a resort style living, for it has many things in the community such as
a golf course, many pools and parks, and many fun things to do ... Show more content on ...
Due expansion, people tend to live much farther from places so this has created a heavy use of cars
for the citizens of Phoenix. This great use of vehicles and building of homes creates a lot of
pollution for the environment and kills off many natural systems. Also geographically Phoenix lives
far away from resources which then means they need to be delivered miles to Phoenix. Another
main concern that has gotten Phoenix attention is water. Phoenix main water source is the Colorado
river. Water is a limited resource but Phoenix seems to be growing at an uncontrollable rate while
water is not so sooner or later if they continue growing at this rate they will need to find an
alternative for
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My Family And I Have Recently Moved At St. Louis
My family and I have recently moved to St. Louis and we could not be more excited about starting
our new life. We had always hoped to visit the Gateway to the West one day, but we never imagined
ever living here permanently. This move could not have happened at a more perfect time either, with
St. Louis playing host to the World's Fair in a matter of years, there is plenty of work to be done and
numerous job options at any time. The potential for work has driven my family to the ends of the
Earth it seems. My parents emigrated from Germany in 1873 and quickly found their way across the
country to New Ulm, Minnesota, where I was born eight years later on 23 July 1881. New Ulm was
a decent place to raise a family, but as I was growing older and our family kept growing larger, my
parents had to make the decision to stay in small yet familiar New Ulm, or head south to the more
promising yet unknown city of St. Louis. St. Louis was said to be a booming area, a great place to
find work, and it even came with its own German sector in the neighborhood of Soulard. With this
information in mind we packed our bags and headed towards uncertainty with only the dream of a
more prosperous future nudging us forward. Upon reaching the city and making our way towards
our fellow German emigrates, we quickly found living quarters which we shared with another
family that came in the week before us. Of the nine of us in the apartment, four were old enough to
work, and work we did. With the
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The Causes Of Urbanization And Poverty
Urbanization causes financial problems to the overwhelming majority of the people. This is because
problems with money are widespread in urban areas. First of all, urbanization leads to the extreme
growth of unemployment. For instance, as reported by the International Labour Organization,
International unemployment rose to 210 million people in 2010 (David & Vicente 2012, p.154).
According to David & Vicente (2012, p.156) vast amounts of unemployment results in human
resources not being used efficiently across cities which cause social inequality. This evidence shows
that urbanization causes unemployment. Urbanization leads to significant overpopulation in the
central cities, which causes high competition and as a result lower job opportunities for most people
in the labor market. As businesses and governments cannot produce enough jobs to meet the demand
of a fast–growing population, a lot of individuals are faced with a shortage of employment and
deprived of a vital source of income. As a result, lack of revenue leads to inequality in society.
Secondly, urbanization leads to a lack of affordable housing for the overwhelming majority of urban
people. According to Gan (et al., 2017, p.427) in the forthcoming future, the global urban population
will reach around 6.3 billion people in 2050, and about 94% of them will be in developing countries.
Furthermore, approximately 828 million people from developing countries currently live in
inadequate housing and this number will rise
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West Memphis, Tennessee: An Intertextual Analysis
When traveling, we often drive through many small towns close to a larger city and it makes me
wonder about the history that is behind the small, often forgotten city that is shadowed by larger,
popular cities. Growing up in Missouri, I have only heard about West Memphis, Arkansas a handful
of times and it is mainly regarding the fact that it is very close to Memphis, Tennessee; which is an
admired destination spot today. Small towns are often overlooked and are known as a "thing in the
past," but the history behind these small towns has brought us to where we are today. After viewing
this video, I began to ponder about the small towns I have passed through, what exciting history
they have to offer, and what happened to make this town just another pit stop on ... Show more
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I would have never imagined that a city west of Memphis would be the city with much musical
history. West Memphis allowed musicians to show off their talent and to become a recognized figure
in the music world. I was surprised that so many well known musicians actually began their careers
in West Memphis, Arkansas; musicians such as BB King, Billy Love, George Coleman, along with
many others. Every musician has to start their career somewhere and during the 1940s and 1950s,
West Memphis, Arkansas was just the place to start due to their wide acceptance of any genre of
It was astounding to hear that so many people would leave Memphis at 12:00 am or 1:00 am and
head over to West Memphis where the party was still happening. I also found it to be interesting that
Beale Street wasn't as wide open as West Memphis was. Memphis had many restrictions and
curfews for its city to follow, while West Memphis had fewer. I couldn't believe that the authorities
would turn their backs to the illegal activities going on in West Memphis. I would say that this
helped the town become as popular as it
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Urbanization In The Late Nineteenth Century
Urbanization in the United States in the late nineteenth century resulted from a number of factors, in
particular the rise of commercial activity following the Civil War and the industrialization of the
period. During that post–bellum period, cities grew along with a rising population of those residing
in the cities. Although those two factors might, at first, appear to be the same, they are, in fact,
different. In one early study from immediately after the period (Jefferson, 1915), scholars observed
that American cities grew by about 15 million people in the two decades before 1900. Immigration
from other countries certainly featured significantly in that growth, but the industrial revolution also
played a significant role (Schultz, 2013,
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Personal Narrative: Growing Up In The City Of Norms
I grew up in the city of Peabody, MA and was raised in a middle class family of four, with both my
mom and dad, and my older sister Gina. We lived in a 3–bedroom house in the suburbs, and I
couldn't have had a more normal upbringing. I went to school at the public school, went to church
on Sundays, and hung out the neighborhood kids until the streetlights turned on. Growing up in
Peabody was a very typical, American upbringing. My first defining moment was when I moved
from Revere, MA to Peabody, MA. I lived in Revere until I was eight years old before I moved to
Peabody. In Revere, the cut off date was the last day in October, which was much later than it was in
Peabody, and many other school districts. Because of this I was significantly
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Urban Farming Could Help Revitalize Declining Cities
Urban farming is a counterculture because it goes against the norm of agricultural farming as a
movement advocating for the establishment of gardens in urban environments with the purpose of
helping those in need while providing cities and communities with numerous benefits.
5 Sources and Quotes:
"Urban Farming Could Help Revitalize Declining Cities" Nina Ignaczak
"Urban Farming has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to deal with vacant
property, revitalize neighborhoods and provide job skills and nutrition to remaining local residents
struggling with poverty and a lack of access to fresh produce" (Ignaczak). They are taking this
vacant property and using it to farm, which is not a common place for farming to be. Farms are ...
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Streets are safer with more eyes and ears on the street. This helps to reduce crime and stop trouble in
"Studies have shown that the presence of vegetable gardens in inner–city neighborhoods is
positively correlated with decreases in crime, trash dumping, juvenile delinquency, fires, violent
deaths, and mental illness" (Ladner). Urban gardens are any easy task to replace other things that
have negative consequences. It is something positive that people can do to replace old negative
actions. You do not need skill or commit a lot of time to care for a garden. Urban gardens have a
great economic impact.
"So much the better that they also provide healthy activities, education and community building.
Finding space for them is getting easier as their benefits become better known" (Ladner).
Abandoned parking lots and industrial sites are great places for urban farming as they are not
already green and protected so they have the biggest added value. They also come with many
benefits like community building, healthy living, free food, increasing property values, and
decreasing crime among other benefits.
"Urban Farming Benefits the Local Economy" Adrianne
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Sao Paulo Research Paper
Sao Paulo is a megalopoly, has around 19 million inhabitants, with its mobility issues around 7
million cars and poor public transport infrastructure. The real estate speculation made the city grow
with hardly any urban planning and very few and far apart parks. Green areas were seen and
reserved to leisure time and not a necessary part for the city – the lack of contact with nature and it
is evident there.
The fact is almost no–one know there is urban agriculture in Sao Paulo, even with its many
problems few initiatives are dotted around the city. The difference there is, while in developed
countries urban farming is somewhat seen as a new "back to nature" trend, in developing countries
and places like Sao Paulo this trend goes beyond that: it provides a vital source of nutrition and
revitalization of an area. ... Show more content on ...
So, Jose decided to become a urban farmer. And that is when local NGO Cidades sem Fome (Cities
without hunger) comes to help future urban farmers obtain legal protections to establish productive
growing spaces in vacant or underused lots. With a help of his wife, Jose started his plantation on
the unused land under the electricity pylons crossing his neighborhood in the East side of Sao Paulo,
one of the poorest areas. As well as providing extra nutrition for his family, Jose makes around R$
700 to R$ 1200 (include dollars) with the sale of his
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The Causes Of Urbanization In Ethiopia
may even be reduced. As the population of an economy becomes wealthier, many prefer to live in
the cleaner and quieter environments of the countryside. Thus, employees need to commute into
cities for work, for which the necessary requirements, such as public transport or individual car
ownership, are only given in more developed countries. Cities in developing countries, on the other
hand, still continue to grow. Only the pace is two to five times faster than it was in the European
countries during the period of industrialization (Kojima, 1996). Many developing countries in the
world are currently experiencing an unprecedented rate of urbanization. It is also clear that, unlike
the experience of currently developed countries, the process of urbanization presently taking place
in developing countries is not so much due to rapid industrialization. Rather, it is the consequence of
growing population pressure on land in the rural areas (Kassahun, 2000). Urbanization has largely
taken place as a result of the "push" of rural inhabitants to urban areas (International Labour
Organization 1998). Like many developing countries, Ethiopia remains among one of the least
urbanized countries in the world. In Ethiopia, Informal settlement is socially, politically and
economically growing problems, usually referred to residential areas where a group of housing units
have been constructed on land to which the occupants have no legal claim or which they occupy
illegally. Using the Ethiopian
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Code Of The Street Essay
An effort to understand and explain violence and related problems in the inner city are demonstrated
within Elijah Anderson's Code of the Street. Elijah exhibits the different lifestyles of the citizens in
Germantown, Philadelphia by thoroughly explaining the code through different themes that make up
the inner city lifestyle such as, family, violence, drugs, relationships or poverty through his point of
view and people within the city as well. Within the inner city, neighborhoods and streets holds a
"code," which are the set of informal rules governing the interpersonal public behavior among the
inner city neighborhoods. The code holds many different aspects that are simply known by the
people all over. Not only does the code of the street ... Show more content on ...
Explained is the "decent daddy," who seems to take the lead within the family and works hard to
support the family. He will protect his daughters at all costs and raise his sons to be like him. The
dad emboldens other young people to exhibit these qualities to have a content family lifestyle.
Although there are factors that weaken the role of the dad from outside forces. They receive
challenges from the youth over how to confront prejudice and discrimination. There's also the point
of rejection of the white society by African Americans who are decent and follow the rules. No
matter how well a decent family is doing, they still tend to be rejected by other societies just because
of who they are. Another positive role model in the inner city is the grandmother. Their role is
important in reality and in folklore roles. Grandmothers take responsibility for children who were
abandoned by their parents. These parents are so influenced by the neighborhood forces that they
don't even have the capacity to take care of their own child and feel that it isn't important.
Sometimes grandmas will rear children herself, taking those in who needs it. The grandmother also
mainly asserts her moral authority for the good of the family. History itself is passed along when it
comes to the grandmother, as they carry more knowledge and wisdom about lifestyles that they
learned and
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Robert Fishman's Suburbanization: USA
In "Suburbanization: USA" Robert Fishman describes the rise of suburbs in the United States,
providing foundational historical information and explaining the ways in which American cultural
norms contributed to urban decentralization. Growing up in the suburbs, I primarily thought of
Chicago as a cultural center: fancy shops, nice restaurants, and museums. I never viewed it as a
residential area. To think that suburbia largely did not exist 100 years ago, as Fishman explains, is
astounding to me. My entire life has been spent in suburbs, and I know few people who hail from
major cities. I think Fishman overlooked one of the most influential forces behind the revitalization
of cities: the rise of the service sector. Technological research and
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Negative Effects Of Urban Sprawl
roduction: Urban sprawl is the rapid expansion in urban areas and includes the migration of the
population shifting from rural areas to urban. According to research from the David Suzuki
foundation, 80% of the canadian population now lives in urban areas. There are many factors and
causes that contribute to why this urbanization and rapid change is occurring. Many of the reasons
include the desire to live in the city where there are better living conditions, more job and education
opportunities. Also, the lack of planning a city more efficiently is one of the most common reasons
for urban sprawl. The more the population grows, the more trouble it begins to have on the people
and environment. Urban sprawl comes with many direct and indirect negative effects. The
overpopulation of humans means the more use of vehicles, which causes issues like air and water
pollution, which has severe effects on the environment and human health. The overconsumption of
water is also very serious issue that is linked to the over population and growth in urban areas. The
number of people living in an area affects how much water is being consumed and how much of that
water is being used efficiently. Lastly, the use of more land due to the high demand of development,
and that affecting the wildlife and nature. Increased Pollution:
Urban sprawl causes the population in urban areas to become larger, however, this comes with a
cost. Urban sprawl has countless negative effects on the
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Urban Security
It is the right of all those who are living in the urban centers to be assured of their security.
Considering that the urban centers are the hub of the economic growth, it becomes more sensitive to
consider the security situation in the area. At times it becomes very hard or even impractical for one
person to influence the economic decisions of another person. However, the government agencies
also have a responsibility to make sure that those who opt to move from the rural areas to the urban
areas have peace and security. It is true that over the previous times, the case of an increase in the
level of crimes in the urban areas has been escalating. The urban centers have become the breeding
ground for the criminals to advance their agenda of robbing from people. Even though the
government may invest more on the security through foreign missions, there is the need the need to
get seized of the issue of insecurity and crimes in the urban centers. It reaches a point where the role
played by the security agencies becomes oblivious. Considering that in the past the cases of crimes
were few, it means that the current changes in the security status can be attributed to the structural
changes that have come up as a result of the growth in the urban centers. The fast rate at which cities
are ... Show more content on ...
To have a positive growth in the expansion of the cities, security has to be considered. It is,
therefore, important to establish repressors that are responsible for the escalating crime rate. One of
the most important points that need to be addressed before anything else is to get to know what
specifically causes insecurity. This paper will be attempting to establish the relationship between the
urban growth and the number of crime case that has been recorded in the selected few cities in the
country. The study will attempt to address and answer the following special null
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Boston City : A Fast Growing Millennial Population
I. Executive Summary
Baltimore has a fast growing millennial population. Partnered with a slowly recovering economy
and new urban energy, there is as a chance to reinvigorate communities in the inner–city of
Baltimore. Baltimore benefits from its proximity to other East Coast cities, which have also
experienced growth, while remaining more affordable. Also Baltimore is willing to give a tax credit
for apartment builders, now available citywide; is an effort to inspire growth of the type of building
ideal for the younger population. In addition, a handful of businesses, such as Pandora Jewelry and
the expanding Under Armour, have moved to the city, serving as another anchor in Baltimore's
workforce; which would need more affordable housing, which is where leasing and land
development comes into play. By creating this considered alliance with Baltimore City, The
Hanover Engineering Company which has experience in all aspects of land development, including
residential subdivisions, commercial and industrial development. It will better position Hanover's
residential and land services to obtain more market share as this region of Baltimore continues to
grow and develop its communities.
II. Mission Statement
Land subdivision is the industry that paves the way for construction of buildings. The industry
services raw land and subdivides property into lots for sales to builders or into residential housing. It
can also include preparing the land for utility services and roads.
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Urbanization In The United States Essay
After World War II, more people in the United States began living in cities. Although inevitable,
urbanization has had negative impacts in the United States, specifically on agriculture and the
environment. Increase in urbanization has caused the gap between farmers and consumers to grow
exponentially. Less people are working on farms, and because the population is always increasing,
more people are in need of food. This higher demand for food in cities requires farm production to
increase and be shipped for distribution. Yet, as cities grow, they have to expand and the countryside
begins to urbanize as well, causing farms to sell some of their land, or shut down. Implementing
urban agriculture could minimize the negative effects of urbanization in the United States, including
the increased demand for food, loss of traditional farmland, and poor environments in cities. As the
country's population continues to increase, more people are moving out of the rural parts of the
country and into the cities and suburbs. Unfortunately, as the population increases, so does the
demand for food, and urbanization has left less people to work on the farms that produce the food.
Companies like Agrotech help to solve this problem by encouraging people to farm in the cities.
Nate Storey, founder and CEO of Agrotech, says, "'There's all this unused space on ... Show more
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Densely populated areas produce more carbon dioxide, more waste, and generate more heat than
rural areas. Many cities also have a higher number of vacant lots that contribute to the amount of
pollution within them. Vacant lots typically turn into dumping grounds for trash, debris, and even
toxic chemicals that can potentially pollute the soil and water. These lots could be cleaned and
repurposed as sites for urban farming and community gardens. Increased urban agriculture provides
an opportunity to combat many of the environmental issues in
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The Advantages Of Homeschooling
Homeschooling something that's grown over time and is become popular in homes. The children are
taught at home, by either the parents or a teacher that comes to the home a few times a week, or
every day like normal schooling. Children being schooled at home get many options when learning,
and also get to grow around the home. Homeschooling is a smart idea for parents to consider for
their kids because of different socioeconomic factors in the child's life, keeps the child safer, and
gives them more opportunity to use religious instruction in what they are learning.
When parents are choosing to homeschool, or put their children in public schools they look at the
different socioeconomic factors in their lives. These socio–economic problems help in the decision
to homeschool their children. Depending on how many kids are living in the home, it may be easier
to homeschool their kids instead of on sending them to public school. " homeschooled students were
more likely than public or private schooled students who are living in families with three or more
children" (Princiotta and Bielick, Web). Parents that are living with three or more children, it is
easier for the parents to school from the home instead of sending them all to public school. If the
guardians were tight with money and couldn't afford to buy uniforms or buy them all the clothes
they all need, it would be a lot cheaper to have them hand me downs for the children. Another thing
is if the children are
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Teotihuacan Culture

  • 1. Teotihuacan Culture The culture that I will be talking about is the culture of Teotihuacán from Mexico. Between 100B.C.E and 200 C.E the city grew rapidly, becoming one of the largest cities in Mesoamerica. From my perspective there are different factors that contributed to the growth of Teotihuacán, resources, neighbors, trade, religious matters, and economy. This paper will basically focus on the economy and how it was utilized to form this urban state of Teotihuacán, whether it be the effects of trade and tribute, goods and services, reciprocity, or corruption it all played a role in the uprising of this city. Teotihuacán was developed by different reason but I think that its economy had more influence on its growth and this may explain the development of Teotihuacán. ... Show more content on ... "Teotihuacan now experienced a kind of renewal, probably to accommodate the populations growth and to keep people at work." (Kurtz 1997, 337)The raw and finished material entering Teotihuacán and its growing political and economic influence throughout Mesoamerica helped to expand its economy, enlarging markets, increasing jobs, and developing technology. "The completion of the Ciudadela suggests a centralized political structure. The completion of the political, religious and market complexes effectively symbolized Teotihuacan's hegemony over a resource zone that extended from coast to coast."(Ronald 1997, 335) The establishments of these areas around public building suggest a centralized political system. Some craftsmen engaged in employment by the elites. This might have been dedicated to the production of exported goods controlled by the elites and would have complemented the work of craftsmen. It could be said that manufacturing expanded during this time, and that obsidian was manufactured and exported beyond the basin. I think that obsidian production was complemented by increase in other work, such as pottery making, painting ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Goals Of Sustainable Development : The Goal Of... The goal of sustainable development is a generally agreed upon one, the Brundtland report's definition is the most commonly cited, that it is of to "meet the needs and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability to meet those of the future" (Brundtland). However, with the growing international concern of environmental issues it has become more difficult to find consensus on where the focus should be to best make an impact. The Brundtland report is one of the primary sources on sustainability, but because of its wide scope the concerns are generalized. Those in poverty and developing areas put a larger strain on the environment than those in developed countries, either because there is a need for basic survival or because of the need to use raw materials to create the infrastructure needed to support growing populations (Brundtland). The number of people living in urban populations has doubled in developed regions, however in developing countries its quadrupled. There are few cities in the developing world that have the resources and infrastructure to handle their quickly growing population. While cities of the industrial world also have a huge impact on the environment, most have both the means and resources to help manage their environmental impact and inner–city decay in a way that cities in developing countries do not (Brundtland). Beyond the physical ability, in many developing countries the local government's institutional and legal structures are ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Summary Of Planet Of Slums By Carre Davis In Planet of Slums, Davis starts off by pointing out the fact that those living in cities accounts for more than half of the world population. He also mentions that perhaps for the first time in history the urban population of the earth will outnumber the rural. He goes on to describe this process with a somewhat negative statement titled "back to dickens" (Davis 11). How this new urban order comes with a price. There will be increasing inequality within and between cities of different sizes and economic specializations. The latest report of UN, "State of the World's Cities 2008/2009 Harmonious Cities" support Davis claim that cities of different sizes and economic specialization will have increased inequality. Harmonious cities is a report ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Challenges Of Growing Up In A Small City Being raised in a small town was a challenge for me as a kid. A town in South Louisiana called Chauvin runs along Bayou Little Caillou until it reaches the city of Cocodrie with marsh on the opposite side of it. There were only a handful of streets off of the highway that served as neighborhoods, since we were surrounded by water on both sides. I never got the opportunity to run around the neighborhood with the kids around the block because we lived off of the highway. Instead, I would run along to the neighbors' house, which was owned by a man named Mr. John. Mr. John was on older guy, about 6 foot and a little on the heavy side. He would always come home dressed in jeans and a different color collared shirt with a label on the left side that read "Cajun Critters". Cajun Critters was Mr. John's Machine Shop he owned and ran. Until he told me, I would have never known that he had his own business. Mr. John was my role model growing up. Yes my parents were there for me and no I was never pushed away by them, but going over next door just sounded like a better plan for the day. He acted like an Uncle for me, and his kids were all older and moved out so I was the only company he would get, other than his wife of course. He would always tell me stories of him growing up and how he could tell that I would be a successful person in the future. By the time I was a sophomore in High School, I had known pretty much every detail of Mr. John's life. In 1967, Jonny Joseph Dixon was ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Food Insecurity Issues Essay /2016 Franklinton, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio, has faced issues since its first settlement and since, has had to deal with more. Often being referred to as "The Bottoms" because of its location and lower socioeconomic status, it has not been able to keep up with the development of Columbus. In the more recent years, great efforts have been put in motion to increase the quality and quantity of life in Franklinton. We will explore the redevelopment of Franklinton and the issues it faces with food insecurity. The city of Columbus is a wonderful place, bustling with innovation but maintaining a healthy population. The city runs in a very respectable fashion. Columbus is big enough to be a city, while being small enough to allocate its resources and put plans in action. Although large, the city is connected, business leaders and public officials know each other and collaborate to make change. The ... Show more content on ... Accessing healthy produce can be hard during different times and in Franklinton, it is almost always an issue. The growing community gardens are providing people with a closer relationship to their food which increases awareness and involvement. Interacting with food and understanding the process it takes to bring it to a plate encourages good food utilization. The Franklinton community holds gatherings involving people in food insecurity and raising awareness about related issues. As the neighborhood of Franklinton faces its issues, its community flourishes and becomes a place where food awareness is growing and food insecurity is decreasing. The development of this area is a great advance and as it continues, the quality of life increases. People become happier and healthier as they learn and grow. The neighborhood of Franklinton, which was often referred to as "The Bottoms" is rapidly growing out of its name. The redevelopment of Franklinton will continue to be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Vertical Expansion Essay In the passages it is said that vertical expansion is something needed to be added to the way urban area are constructed. So, the author uses facts, logical reasoning, and rhetorical devices to persuade an audience that vertical expansion of urban areas is a good idea. First the author discussed some facts to back up as to why vertical expanish is necessary in growing urban areas. For example; "the larger our population gets, the faster our growth accelerates," which means vertical expansion should be used in order to accommodate the growing population. Or as the stated by the author "this kind of outward expansion is a problematic, antiquated model that we need to abandon for upward expansion." Another one would be "however, this expansion model hasn't been necessary since the glorious ... Show more content on ... The author was being frank when they said "it's no secret our population is growing." Obviously our population is growing and will continue to grow so the issue is that where do we put those people without consuming all our natural resources. They also used imagery to help their audience understand vertical expansion can improve our standard of living. "So picture your favorite city; now picture your favorite city, but this time, picture it in the future with the population doubled." By making their readers picture their favorite dity it really helps to grasp the concept that we need to up the architecture of homes in urban areas. There was also a pinch of pathos in the passage; "it's rather scary enigma: we expand our cities because our population is growing, yet we decrease our ability to sustain ourselves by doing so." Thus vertical expansion will permit for a more sustainable way for the population to thrive in the continuous development of the world. The author uses facts, logical reasoning, and rhetorical devices to persuade an audience that vertical expansion of urban areas is a good ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Disadvantages Of Home School Essay There are so many advantages and disadvantages to home schooling, but is this really what you want for your kid? In my eyes, I would let my child start home schooling because I know how hard school can be on a kid young or old. The effects it has on their life and health isn't worth it. When your kid(s) are home at least then you can watch him or her. According to Isabel Shaw of Family Education "Homeschooled kids do well on standardized tests, are welcome at colleges and universities, and as adults, have a reputation for being self–directed learners and reliable employees." Now I do agree with her, but not all kids that are home schooled do great on standard tests just like any other kid from public school, they could all do well if they ... Show more content on ... Now many have their thought and opinions against what controls a child's happiness and their emotions but according to studies "Homeschooled kids can dress and act and think the way they want, without fear of ridicule or a need to "fit in." They live in the real world, where lives aren't dictated by adolescent trends and dangerous experimentation." What I want people to know is that bullying happens in the real world and not just in movies, such as physical, mentally, and emotionally. This could affect how a kid acts or how he does in school like for example, myself. When I got bullied I was scared and tired a lot and didn't want to have any social interaction with others because of it. My grades dropped and I figured I show look into home schooling. Now I never did home schooling but I know some people that have because of dealing with what I had been through and became a new person. Busywork. We all dread the word and what it means. Work, school, and all that fun stuff. With no districting around the class and other people, kids can get a lot of work done. Also helps that your mom, dad, or whoever is teaching you can focus on you and work with you and get it done faster instead of working with 30 or more students. A recent interview with, John Taylor Gatto, New York City Teacher of the Year and a 26–year teaching veteran, said "In many classrooms less than one ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Small Urban Areas Of Comparative Advantage Small urban areas can do a number of things to increase and diversify export efforts. Increasing the exports will enhance the ability of the small urban area to pay for its imports. First the small urban areas should look at other opportunities so they can mitigate the export dependency they have on target areas such as large urban areas that have economies of scale. They could target investment and industrial policy to develop potential new areas of comparative advantage. Thing such as technology, infrastructure development, entrepreneurship, institutional and regulator efforts, and communication all are essential components in looking for new areas of comparative advantage. In addition, things like investment in human capital development, and integration into the global market, which provide more profitable value chains, should also be a focus to address this type of issue as well 1. As income levels change from area to area or through time, there is also a systematic change that takes place. This change takes place in the importance of higher– and lower–order centers. At higher income levels, more shopping and specialty goods are demanded, and people are willing to travel farther to obtain the goods they desire. Income, scale, and accessibility changes are all responsible for the progressive centralization of functions in the higher–level centers in the United States and the progressive decline of the smaller cities. In conclusion when people have more ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Persuasive Essay On Rail Transportation Trains are everywhere in our society, we have jokes, toys, movies, and children's television shows, but did you know rail transport started in 6th century Greece? The city of San Antonio, Texas is a fast–growing metropolitan city that has a very tremendous amount of people. It has been estimated that the city will grow by another million people in the next ten to twenty years. San Antonio's traffic is becoming a huge issue and is quickly approaching to be one of the most congested areas in the states. The public transport in San Antonio consists of a very complex bus system, taxicabs, Trolley's downtown, and the growing market of ridesharing drivers. San Antonio has had many talks and negotiations throughout the last two decades on getting a Light Rail system constructed to help with public transportation. This proposal is for specific businesses, the city of San Antonio and Bexar County to come to a funding agreement. Funding for projects is always a topic of discussion, payments for a sculptor to sculpt a statue, and hiring wrecking crews for doing their job are just small examples. The funding cost for Light Rail is extremely high when it comes to construction, these prices are something that a any+ billionaire can personally handle. These prices are always subject to change because of materials used and the constant change of technology. Through the talks of this new transit system coming to San Antonio, different funding options have been suggested, raising taxes, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mexico City Research Paper Portland and Mexico City are very different in many ways. Though, they are also pretty similar. They have both gone through urban sprawl. Urban sprawl is when cities are growing very fast. There are many problems caused by urban sprawl and cities need to find solutions for the problems that will affect the health and well being of their people. In this paper, I will talk about some of the ways Mexico City and Portland are different yet similarI and I will compare and contrast the two cities. First of all, the similarities. One similarity is that Mexico City and Portland have both been growing rapidly. They both have a very large population. Another similarity is that both cities have lots of traffic, which also leads to air pollution. Air pollution can ... Show more content on ... Such as, Portland has very good resources since the farms are right outside of the city. They also have clean water. Unlike Mexico City, which does not have the best resources. Another difference is that Portland has an urban growth boundary which cuts off the city so they can't grow out anymore. This is very different from Mexico City, which does not have an urban growth boundary, so people are free to live where ever they want and they can keep growing out. In Mexico City, the people on the outside of the city live in the slums. Which is the opposite of Portland, where the people on the outside of the city live just like the people living in the inside of the city. The last difference is that in Mexico, some people are very rich and some people are very poor. The people who live in the inside of the city enjoy a high standard of living. The houses there are all different. There are some really nice houses inside the city and some really small, cramped houses on the fringe of the city. Unlike in Portland, where the houses are all pretty similar. There are nice apartments, and nice houses in the suburbs which are on the edge of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. • Explain The Impact Of The Green Belt On Edinburgh And... The purpose of this essay is to discuss the impact of the green belt on Edinburgh and its suburban areas. The essay will begin by explaining the main definitions involved in the essay question. The first section will review Edinburgh and Scotland's green belt policies. The second section will discuss Edinburgh's growing population and the need for property within the area. The third section will focus on the growing business sector of the capital city. And the last section will talk about Edinburgh's expanding green belt and recent developments. Edinburgh; a city famous for its striking architecture and backdrop shaped by geology, was once a small city consisting of no more than a narrow street that linked Holyrood palace with Edinburgh castle. To this day it has become the capital of Scotland, with an increasingly large population (Swanson, I. (2014)). It is a city of ... Show more content on ... Edinburgh is a city of size, high demand and growth and its green belt could be hindering its ability to grow and reach its full economic potential. The Scottish government suggests that the purpose of the green belt is to, direct growth to the most appropriate locations and support regeneration to protect and give access to open space within and around towns and cities. However, as Edinburgh remains the UK's largest financial centre outside of London and has an increasingly large population, the demand for property within the city is high. Edinburgh's shortage of property has driven up prices to unaffordable levels. To tackle this issue, the city should be regenerating brownfield sites to produce affordable property that could house the growing population. However, if Edinburgh's economic growth continues, and planning permission is granted, it looks likely that the green belt will be expanding, less emphasis will be put on local communities and Edinburgh's surrounding countryside could disappear for ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Personal Narrative: Moving To Mississippi Where one grows up affects their lifestyle and character; one's surroundings shape his or her outlook on the world. Many people always say when growing up in the city one will be used to a diverse, hasty going, and exhilarating life; while growing up in the country one will be used to a deliberate, steadier, and bucolic life. Although moving to Mississippi was a dramatic alteration, I can explicitly acknowledges the menaces–death, robberies, and fights–encountered growing up in the city. Therefore, moving to the south may have been a better alternative involving my physical well– being, regardless of the many emotional struggles. Moving down south to Mississippi from Illinois showed me the struggles of coping with racism and prejudice people, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Moving To The City Research Paper Where one grows up affects their lifestyle and character; one's surroundings shape his or her outlook on the world. Many people always say when growing up in the city one will be accustomed to a diverse, hasty going, and exhilarating life; while growing up in the country one will be accustomed to a deliberate, steady, and bucolic life. Although moving to Mississippi was a dramatic alteration, I explicitly acknowledge the menaces–death, robberies, and fights–encountered growing up in the city. Therefore, moving to the south was a better alternative involving my physical well–being, regardless of the many emotional struggles. Moving down south to Mississippi from Illinois showed me the struggles of coping with racism and prejudice people, the mental conflicts ... Show more content on ... My associates and I lived in one expanse where we could simply saunter to each other's house. Malls, theaters, and restaurants encircled us; everything was neighboring each other. Traveling from one place to another was easy because of the short distances and different means of transportation such as riding metropolitan trains or walking. Although the city had its advantages, it also had its detriments to people's lives; the city was a precarious place! Living in the city, I was relentlessly hearing about deaths and delinquencies. Growing up in the city, I was petrified for my family and uncertain about their welfare. Going down south was a dramatic change in my life. I left behind my friends and most of my family. My means of life were swiftly altering; no longer was I living a fast– paced life. I began to feel confined in a rule area, encased within dirt roads, miles of land, and a million trees. Restaurants and stores were over a half an hour away; there was not anywhere to socialize and loiter with friends. My life was so divergent in the country compared to the city! I could now assimilate into the new environment that contrasted my ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Multiple Modes Of Transportation In Jakarta Metropolitan... Proposal for research on multiple modes of transportation in Jakarta Metropolitan Region Introduction Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, one of the world's most densely developed megacities, and home to more than 10 million inhabitants (The World Bank 2015). The Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Region (JMR) is officially known as Jabodetabek, a name formed by combining the initial syllables of 6 independent municipalities: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. This huge urban agglomeration with more than 27 million population, or 10 percent of the population of Indonesia, has been the most attractive area in Indonesia for both domestic and direct foreign investments – especially in the manufacturing sectors– which can potentially ... Show more content on ... As a result of the rapid urbanization and growing economic prosperity, motorization in Jabodetabek has been promoted at a higher rate. The JMR, consequently, faces paralyzing traffic jams due to the poor plans, coordination and appropriate governance at different levels, i.e. national, metropolitan, and local levels. The region virtually has no established and formally predesigned system of metropolitan governance such as the specific legal regulations on land use (Putra, Woltjer and Tan 2016, 171). Review of Literature Based on the aforementioned spatial pattern, the development practice in the fringe of Jakarta can be characterized as an urban sprawl (Bertaud 2001). It goes without saying that such developments would lead to quite a few negative externalities, notably environmental problems, such as the degradation of water quality in the area due to land conversion and more pollution due to heavy traffic congestion (Firmanlda and Dharmapatni 1994). More importantly, however, the sprawling urban region significantly influences the social practices of those underprivileged, impoverished people. In particular, as the city grows, the spatial separation of city centers (such as employment) and housing affects women because they are most frequently responsible for household–related activities such as housework, shopping, medical care, and other types of chores, both young and old (Turner 2013, 4). As women are also ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Supply Of Viable Grocery Store Options In the Logan Square neighborhood, there is a lack of viable grocery store options. Nonetheless, throughout the City of Chicago there is an abundant amount of restaurants and food options; however, many of these food options are not the healthiest. As stated by the Food Empowerment Project, a food desert is typically "Described as geographic areas where residents' access to affordable, healthy food options [...] is restricted or nonexistent due to the absence of grocery stores within convenient travelling distance." Moreover, the people who live in these food deserts are low income families and minorities. These food deserts are the leading cause of food insecurity. Food insecurity is defined as limited or uncertain availability of nutritious food options. Throughout the Chicago area, there are countless unhealthy food options. Just walking down a street, one is able to see at least one fast food place. Since fast food places are within walking distance, people will visit them more often. For example, in Logan Square there is a Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, and Taco Bell all within a minute of each other. In addition to those fast food places, there is an alarming number of small convenience stores in a given neighborhood. These convenience stores make it "Difficult to locate foods that are culturally appropriate for [people], and dietary restrictions, such as lactose intolerance, gluten allergies, etc, also limit food choices" (The Empowerment Project). A solution to, a ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Mass Media Essay Moving into the 1960's Living in Detroit in the 1960's brings back many memories, as the city was vastly different as juxtaposed to its current status. Population was 1.5 million people and it held the position of the 5th largest city in the nation (U.S. Census). Although white flight to the suburbs resulted in over 500,000 people exiting the city in the 1950's, there was still a substantial amount of people still residing in the city (U.S. Census). With the election of a new mayor a young democrat Jerome P. Cavanaugh, who upset the incumbent Louis Marini, who was not the most progressive when it came to race relations, Cavanaugh was elected with a platform that promised improved corporation with city government as related to the black ... Show more content on ... I personally witnessed the big four in action when I was about 5 years old as in the execution of their duties of breaking up a disturbance they proceed to almost cause a mini–riot on my street, by beating up the participants of the fight. An infamous incident with the police when a reputed prostitute was killed by police after being shot in the back, supposedly because she was coming after a patrolman with a knife (Elkins qtd. in Stone 113). This incident elicited outrage from the black community which had numerous incidents of police brutality and killings by the police, building up an antagonistic relationship that would be one of the main precipitators of the forthcoming rebellion (Elkins qtd. in Stone 112–116). The Mini–Riot of 1966 In the summer of 1966 there was a mini–riot on the east side of Detroit on one of the main thoroughfares, Kercheval Avenue at Pennsylvania (Elkins qtd. in Stone 113–114, Fine 135–143, Horner qtd. in Stone 92). Intervention by the police in a violent arrest led to mases of people coming into the street with protest against police brutality, Businesses were vandalized and additional police were called in and eventually the disturbance was quelled (Elkins qtd. in Stone 113–114 Farley, Danziger 43, Fine 135–143). City administration felt proud that the incident did not escalate into a rebellion reminiscent of the 1965 Watts rebellion, at the time the worst in ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Chicago: Growing Up In The Windy City Growing up in the Windy City where the wind never comes to an end, and neither does the crime. Chicago is most known for its food, tourist attractions and crime rate. Being from Chicago, Illinois, I have to know all the famous restaurants which include Homerun Inn Pizza, Portillo's Italian Beefs, Maxwell's Polish and Hot Dogs, and last least Uncle Remus Chicken. Residing in Chicago there's always something to do. I can go ride roller coasters, eat and shop in Navy Pier. The Windy City is known for the second and third tallest buildings in the U.S which are the Willis Tower and John Handcock Center. I went on plenty of visits there also to the Museum Of Science And Industry which is a Chicago landmark. I have a lot of family back home. I moved ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Lagos Research Paper The year is 1960, Lagos has just gained independence from Great Britain, being the first to break free in Nigeria Although Lagos, Nigeria is the first city established after breaking free of British rule in Nigeria, websites such as,, and do not list Lagos as the most successful city; however, Lagos is the most successful city because of their population growth, government structure and history. The year 1960 is a year of new beginnings for the newly formed city, Lagos. In 1861, ninety–nine years before Lagos won its independence from Great Britain, the British Lagos Colony is annexed. The name Lagos, was suggested by Flora Shawn in 1890. To get an idea of how old Nigeria is "Archaeologists have found evidence of Neolithic humans who ... Show more content on ... The area of Lagos is 389.5 miles squared. The currency in Lagos is the Nigerian Naira. The religions of Lagos are 50 percent Muslim, 40 percent Christian, and 10 percent Traditional Beliefs. Languages spoken are English, Pidgin English, Yoruba, Ibo, and Hausa. The present governor and the 14th governor is Mr. Akinwunimi Ambode. The vision of Lagos is "Making Lagos Africa's Model Mega City And Global Economic and Financial Hub." ( This vison in ways can cause problems for Lagos "The irony is that the demolition of the slums of Lagos has occurred in the name of the government's vision of creating a 21st– century mega city, replete with skyscrapers, beaches and foreign investment." ( Lagos is the most successful city because of their population growth, government structure, and history. Lagos was the first established city after breaking free of British rule in 1960. The name Lagos was suggested by Flora Shawn in 1860. A solution for Lagos' housing crisis is turning shipping containers into houses. The currency in Lagos is the Nigerian Naira. The population is expected to double by ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Comparing Two Choices Did you grow up in a small town or a big city? There are many different opinions on which one is better for a person overall, which can often lead to arguments. Choices can have both positive and negative sides to them. In this case both choices that are given have pros and cons. The better choice is to grow up in a big city. The first reason that growing up in a big city is good, is that you have the chance to meet more people in big cities usually have a lot of people in them, of all races and ethnicities. Growing up in this kind of environment can help a person socially. It helps a person not judge people as much and teaches people how to face social problems. Meeting more people could also make you more socially active because there ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Personal Essay: Growing Up In Crescent City Growing up in Crescent City where not much goes on, it is very important to keep yourself around positive people and stay away from the wrong crowd. I am blessed to have family that cares about my future, because if i didn't i'm not sure where I would be right now. My parents divorced when I was at a very young age. Seeing your mother leave and not know where she went for years can have a huge impact in anyone's life in many negative ways, but with the love and support of family members and close friends it made it easier to keep my mind on the right track. Witnessing my parents go through what they went through, I knew that I had to be strong for my siblings. I have two full blood siblings and three half blood siblings. Growing up with five ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Population Growth Between 1880 And 1900 The United States grew at a dramatic rate between the years 1880 and 1900, within the cities. U.S. cities grew by approximately 15 million people in the two decades before 1900. Many historians claim that most of the population growth was due to the expansion of industry. It is also believed that the majority of the population explosion was immigrants that were arriving from all over the world. A good amount of people from the rural areas of America also moved to the cities during this period in the search of work. Between 1880 and 1890, it is suggested that almost 40 percent of the townships in the United States lost population because of migration. Historians suggest that Americans that where born during the 1840's and 1850's would have ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. China and the World Suffer from the Use of Nonrenewable... As the world population, the use of nonrenewable resources, and development of industrial technology continues to grow, the more harmful air pollution gets. Air pollution is caused by all of these factors, and more. While fossil fuel sources continue to diminish, there is an increasing interest in the use of renewable technologies, such as the air, water, and sun. China is one of the many countries in the world suffering from air pollution due to household and industrial use of fossil fuels and a massive population. Air pollution also has many negative impacts on human health and the environment. Although there are many solutions to these problems, it is the matter of the people and government knowing about these problems and solutions and ... Show more content on ... The massive building and production of cement cause dust and other harmful particles to submerge into the urban cities of Albania. Urban wastes and water pollution are a serious health threat to the urban population. Despite Albania's rich sources of water, the pollutant discharges are causing lack of freshwater in the cities, only 60% of the population have access to a drinking water supply. Sanitation has been a problem in the country for a long time. The poor state of sewage collection and systems cause contamination to both drinking water and soil. There is a large amount of sickness associated with the water pollution. The levels of shigellosis and typhoid fever are very high in Albania; and the monthly statistics of food and waterborne diseases show that shigellosis infections linger in the country throughout the year. It is also estimated that each year 500 deaths in the city are caused by air and water pollution. The immense usage of cars and vehicles also propose a large threat to air pollution and the health of the population. In spite of the air pollution in Albania being caused mostly by outdoor issues, such as cars and industrial plants; there are still problems involving indoor air quality in Albania. Out of the 12 schools monitored by the WHO pilot surveys, the results conclude that the biggest concern is low temperature and poor ventilation especially during the winter. ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. City Life Chapter Summaries Chapter 1 of experiencing cities was all about the foundations of the constantly growing metropolitan city. It includes everything from facts about how fast our cities are growing to city as a state of mind. But the section that intrigued me the most was "symbolic interactionism and the study of city life." symbolic interactivity means that people are the ones who play an active role in their environment. In other words the area you live in is going to be determined by the way you interact with others and how you live your life. This idea was not one that shocked me but allowed me to grasp a greater understanding as to why different cities are the way they are. For example, i'm from a small town in California with little to no crime. It is a pretty affluent area and people are pretty friendly. However you drive about 30 miles and you are now in one of the most dangerous cities in america, Oakland California. Here deadly shootings are a regular basis along with many other crimes. The citizens of these towns are usually right at the or below the poverty line. So to introduce this theory to me gives me a greater understanding as to why certain cities are dangerous and some aren't. It simply ... Show more content on ... Oakland has been in the news for many years now about its crumbling government. Schools fundings are low, they cut the police force in almost half and no business can flourish here. These are all due to the fact that the people in charge simply cannot do their job effectively. In order for a city like this to get back on track it must first get leadership willing to do what it takes to make a difference. Then and only then will you start to see this city make a turn for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Phoenix Community Development Urban areas are usually grown upwards, but things did not seem to go that way for the city of Phoenix. Phoenix has done nothing but expand thanks to the much endless desert space they are surrounded by. Many suburban areas where created around Phoenix due to large amount of family homes built. Along with all of the development and amount of time, Phoenix is actually now surrounded by 24 smaller cities. A large amount of ecosystems where destroyed in order to build a lot of single family homes and a lot of streets. A big reason for the Phoenix region growing outwards rather than upwards is mostly due to land being priced very cheap and allowing larger margins of profits because homes are not build until they have all been completely purchased by the customers. A great example of how the city of Phoenix is expanding right now is the community named Anthem. It is a community in which people don't really ever need to go out of their community because it has everything in it. In such community there is nothing but single family homes with many wide streets. It is sort of a resort style living, for it has many things in the community such as a golf course, many pools and parks, and many fun things to do ... Show more content on ... Due expansion, people tend to live much farther from places so this has created a heavy use of cars for the citizens of Phoenix. This great use of vehicles and building of homes creates a lot of pollution for the environment and kills off many natural systems. Also geographically Phoenix lives far away from resources which then means they need to be delivered miles to Phoenix. Another main concern that has gotten Phoenix attention is water. Phoenix main water source is the Colorado river. Water is a limited resource but Phoenix seems to be growing at an uncontrollable rate while water is not so sooner or later if they continue growing at this rate they will need to find an alternative for ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. My Family And I Have Recently Moved At St. Louis My family and I have recently moved to St. Louis and we could not be more excited about starting our new life. We had always hoped to visit the Gateway to the West one day, but we never imagined ever living here permanently. This move could not have happened at a more perfect time either, with St. Louis playing host to the World's Fair in a matter of years, there is plenty of work to be done and numerous job options at any time. The potential for work has driven my family to the ends of the Earth it seems. My parents emigrated from Germany in 1873 and quickly found their way across the country to New Ulm, Minnesota, where I was born eight years later on 23 July 1881. New Ulm was a decent place to raise a family, but as I was growing older and our family kept growing larger, my parents had to make the decision to stay in small yet familiar New Ulm, or head south to the more promising yet unknown city of St. Louis. St. Louis was said to be a booming area, a great place to find work, and it even came with its own German sector in the neighborhood of Soulard. With this information in mind we packed our bags and headed towards uncertainty with only the dream of a more prosperous future nudging us forward. Upon reaching the city and making our way towards our fellow German emigrates, we quickly found living quarters which we shared with another family that came in the week before us. Of the nine of us in the apartment, four were old enough to work, and work we did. With the ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Causes Of Urbanization And Poverty Urbanization causes financial problems to the overwhelming majority of the people. This is because problems with money are widespread in urban areas. First of all, urbanization leads to the extreme growth of unemployment. For instance, as reported by the International Labour Organization, International unemployment rose to 210 million people in 2010 (David & Vicente 2012, p.154). According to David & Vicente (2012, p.156) vast amounts of unemployment results in human resources not being used efficiently across cities which cause social inequality. This evidence shows that urbanization causes unemployment. Urbanization leads to significant overpopulation in the central cities, which causes high competition and as a result lower job opportunities for most people in the labor market. As businesses and governments cannot produce enough jobs to meet the demand of a fast–growing population, a lot of individuals are faced with a shortage of employment and deprived of a vital source of income. As a result, lack of revenue leads to inequality in society. Secondly, urbanization leads to a lack of affordable housing for the overwhelming majority of urban people. According to Gan (et al., 2017, p.427) in the forthcoming future, the global urban population will reach around 6.3 billion people in 2050, and about 94% of them will be in developing countries. Furthermore, approximately 828 million people from developing countries currently live in inadequate housing and this number will rise ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. West Memphis, Tennessee: An Intertextual Analysis When traveling, we often drive through many small towns close to a larger city and it makes me wonder about the history that is behind the small, often forgotten city that is shadowed by larger, popular cities. Growing up in Missouri, I have only heard about West Memphis, Arkansas a handful of times and it is mainly regarding the fact that it is very close to Memphis, Tennessee; which is an admired destination spot today. Small towns are often overlooked and are known as a "thing in the past," but the history behind these small towns has brought us to where we are today. After viewing this video, I began to ponder about the small towns I have passed through, what exciting history they have to offer, and what happened to make this town just another pit stop on ... Show more content on ... I would have never imagined that a city west of Memphis would be the city with much musical history. West Memphis allowed musicians to show off their talent and to become a recognized figure in the music world. I was surprised that so many well known musicians actually began their careers in West Memphis, Arkansas; musicians such as BB King, Billy Love, George Coleman, along with many others. Every musician has to start their career somewhere and during the 1940s and 1950s, West Memphis, Arkansas was just the place to start due to their wide acceptance of any genre of music. It was astounding to hear that so many people would leave Memphis at 12:00 am or 1:00 am and head over to West Memphis where the party was still happening. I also found it to be interesting that Beale Street wasn't as wide open as West Memphis was. Memphis had many restrictions and curfews for its city to follow, while West Memphis had fewer. I couldn't believe that the authorities would turn their backs to the illegal activities going on in West Memphis. I would say that this helped the town become as popular as it ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Urbanization In The Late Nineteenth Century Urbanization in the United States in the late nineteenth century resulted from a number of factors, in particular the rise of commercial activity following the Civil War and the industrialization of the period. During that post–bellum period, cities grew along with a rising population of those residing in the cities. Although those two factors might, at first, appear to be the same, they are, in fact, different. In one early study from immediately after the period (Jefferson, 1915), scholars observed that American cities grew by about 15 million people in the two decades before 1900. Immigration from other countries certainly featured significantly in that growth, but the industrial revolution also played a significant role (Schultz, 2013, ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Personal Narrative: Growing Up In The City Of Norms I grew up in the city of Peabody, MA and was raised in a middle class family of four, with both my mom and dad, and my older sister Gina. We lived in a 3–bedroom house in the suburbs, and I couldn't have had a more normal upbringing. I went to school at the public school, went to church on Sundays, and hung out the neighborhood kids until the streetlights turned on. Growing up in Peabody was a very typical, American upbringing. My first defining moment was when I moved from Revere, MA to Peabody, MA. I lived in Revere until I was eight years old before I moved to Peabody. In Revere, the cut off date was the last day in October, which was much later than it was in Peabody, and many other school districts. Because of this I was significantly ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Urban Farming Could Help Revitalize Declining Cities Urban farming is a counterculture because it goes against the norm of agricultural farming as a movement advocating for the establishment of gardens in urban environments with the purpose of helping those in need while providing cities and communities with numerous benefits. 5 Sources and Quotes: "Urban Farming Could Help Revitalize Declining Cities" Nina Ignaczak "Urban Farming has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to deal with vacant property, revitalize neighborhoods and provide job skills and nutrition to remaining local residents struggling with poverty and a lack of access to fresh produce" (Ignaczak). They are taking this vacant property and using it to farm, which is not a common place for farming to be. Farms are ... Show more content on ... Streets are safer with more eyes and ears on the street. This helps to reduce crime and stop trouble in neighborhoods. "Studies have shown that the presence of vegetable gardens in inner–city neighborhoods is positively correlated with decreases in crime, trash dumping, juvenile delinquency, fires, violent deaths, and mental illness" (Ladner). Urban gardens are any easy task to replace other things that have negative consequences. It is something positive that people can do to replace old negative actions. You do not need skill or commit a lot of time to care for a garden. Urban gardens have a great economic impact. "So much the better that they also provide healthy activities, education and community building. Finding space for them is getting easier as their benefits become better known" (Ladner). Abandoned parking lots and industrial sites are great places for urban farming as they are not already green and protected so they have the biggest added value. They also come with many benefits like community building, healthy living, free food, increasing property values, and decreasing crime among other benefits. "Urban Farming Benefits the Local Economy" Adrianne ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Sao Paulo Research Paper Sao Paulo is a megalopoly, has around 19 million inhabitants, with its mobility issues around 7 million cars and poor public transport infrastructure. The real estate speculation made the city grow with hardly any urban planning and very few and far apart parks. Green areas were seen and reserved to leisure time and not a necessary part for the city – the lack of contact with nature and it is evident there. The fact is almost no–one know there is urban agriculture in Sao Paulo, even with its many problems few initiatives are dotted around the city. The difference there is, while in developed countries urban farming is somewhat seen as a new "back to nature" trend, in developing countries and places like Sao Paulo this trend goes beyond that: it provides a vital source of nutrition and revitalization of an area. ... Show more content on ... So, Jose decided to become a urban farmer. And that is when local NGO Cidades sem Fome (Cities without hunger) comes to help future urban farmers obtain legal protections to establish productive growing spaces in vacant or underused lots. With a help of his wife, Jose started his plantation on the unused land under the electricity pylons crossing his neighborhood in the East side of Sao Paulo, one of the poorest areas. As well as providing extra nutrition for his family, Jose makes around R$ 700 to R$ 1200 (include dollars) with the sale of his ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Causes Of Urbanization In Ethiopia may even be reduced. As the population of an economy becomes wealthier, many prefer to live in the cleaner and quieter environments of the countryside. Thus, employees need to commute into cities for work, for which the necessary requirements, such as public transport or individual car ownership, are only given in more developed countries. Cities in developing countries, on the other hand, still continue to grow. Only the pace is two to five times faster than it was in the European countries during the period of industrialization (Kojima, 1996). Many developing countries in the world are currently experiencing an unprecedented rate of urbanization. It is also clear that, unlike the experience of currently developed countries, the process of urbanization presently taking place in developing countries is not so much due to rapid industrialization. Rather, it is the consequence of growing population pressure on land in the rural areas (Kassahun, 2000). Urbanization has largely taken place as a result of the "push" of rural inhabitants to urban areas (International Labour Organization 1998). Like many developing countries, Ethiopia remains among one of the least urbanized countries in the world. In Ethiopia, Informal settlement is socially, politically and economically growing problems, usually referred to residential areas where a group of housing units have been constructed on land to which the occupants have no legal claim or which they occupy illegally. Using the Ethiopian ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Code Of The Street Essay An effort to understand and explain violence and related problems in the inner city are demonstrated within Elijah Anderson's Code of the Street. Elijah exhibits the different lifestyles of the citizens in Germantown, Philadelphia by thoroughly explaining the code through different themes that make up the inner city lifestyle such as, family, violence, drugs, relationships or poverty through his point of view and people within the city as well. Within the inner city, neighborhoods and streets holds a "code," which are the set of informal rules governing the interpersonal public behavior among the inner city neighborhoods. The code holds many different aspects that are simply known by the people all over. Not only does the code of the street ... Show more content on ... Explained is the "decent daddy," who seems to take the lead within the family and works hard to support the family. He will protect his daughters at all costs and raise his sons to be like him. The dad emboldens other young people to exhibit these qualities to have a content family lifestyle. Although there are factors that weaken the role of the dad from outside forces. They receive challenges from the youth over how to confront prejudice and discrimination. There's also the point of rejection of the white society by African Americans who are decent and follow the rules. No matter how well a decent family is doing, they still tend to be rejected by other societies just because of who they are. Another positive role model in the inner city is the grandmother. Their role is important in reality and in folklore roles. Grandmothers take responsibility for children who were abandoned by their parents. These parents are so influenced by the neighborhood forces that they don't even have the capacity to take care of their own child and feel that it isn't important. Sometimes grandmas will rear children herself, taking those in who needs it. The grandmother also mainly asserts her moral authority for the good of the family. History itself is passed along when it comes to the grandmother, as they carry more knowledge and wisdom about lifestyles that they learned and ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Robert Fishman's Suburbanization: USA In "Suburbanization: USA" Robert Fishman describes the rise of suburbs in the United States, providing foundational historical information and explaining the ways in which American cultural norms contributed to urban decentralization. Growing up in the suburbs, I primarily thought of Chicago as a cultural center: fancy shops, nice restaurants, and museums. I never viewed it as a residential area. To think that suburbia largely did not exist 100 years ago, as Fishman explains, is astounding to me. My entire life has been spent in suburbs, and I know few people who hail from major cities. I think Fishman overlooked one of the most influential forces behind the revitalization of cities: the rise of the service sector. Technological research and ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Negative Effects Of Urban Sprawl roduction: Urban sprawl is the rapid expansion in urban areas and includes the migration of the population shifting from rural areas to urban. According to research from the David Suzuki foundation, 80% of the canadian population now lives in urban areas. There are many factors and causes that contribute to why this urbanization and rapid change is occurring. Many of the reasons include the desire to live in the city where there are better living conditions, more job and education opportunities. Also, the lack of planning a city more efficiently is one of the most common reasons for urban sprawl. The more the population grows, the more trouble it begins to have on the people and environment. Urban sprawl comes with many direct and indirect negative effects. The overpopulation of humans means the more use of vehicles, which causes issues like air and water pollution, which has severe effects on the environment and human health. The overconsumption of water is also very serious issue that is linked to the over population and growth in urban areas. The number of people living in an area affects how much water is being consumed and how much of that water is being used efficiently. Lastly, the use of more land due to the high demand of development, and that affecting the wildlife and nature. Increased Pollution: Urban sprawl causes the population in urban areas to become larger, however, this comes with a cost. Urban sprawl has countless negative effects on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Urban Security It is the right of all those who are living in the urban centers to be assured of their security. Considering that the urban centers are the hub of the economic growth, it becomes more sensitive to consider the security situation in the area. At times it becomes very hard or even impractical for one person to influence the economic decisions of another person. However, the government agencies also have a responsibility to make sure that those who opt to move from the rural areas to the urban areas have peace and security. It is true that over the previous times, the case of an increase in the level of crimes in the urban areas has been escalating. The urban centers have become the breeding ground for the criminals to advance their agenda of robbing from people. Even though the government may invest more on the security through foreign missions, there is the need the need to get seized of the issue of insecurity and crimes in the urban centers. It reaches a point where the role played by the security agencies becomes oblivious. Considering that in the past the cases of crimes were few, it means that the current changes in the security status can be attributed to the structural changes that have come up as a result of the growth in the urban centers. The fast rate at which cities are ... Show more content on ... To have a positive growth in the expansion of the cities, security has to be considered. It is, therefore, important to establish repressors that are responsible for the escalating crime rate. One of the most important points that need to be addressed before anything else is to get to know what specifically causes insecurity. This paper will be attempting to establish the relationship between the urban growth and the number of crime case that has been recorded in the selected few cities in the country. The study will attempt to address and answer the following special null ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Boston City : A Fast Growing Millennial Population I. Executive Summary Baltimore has a fast growing millennial population. Partnered with a slowly recovering economy and new urban energy, there is as a chance to reinvigorate communities in the inner–city of Baltimore. Baltimore benefits from its proximity to other East Coast cities, which have also experienced growth, while remaining more affordable. Also Baltimore is willing to give a tax credit for apartment builders, now available citywide; is an effort to inspire growth of the type of building ideal for the younger population. In addition, a handful of businesses, such as Pandora Jewelry and the expanding Under Armour, have moved to the city, serving as another anchor in Baltimore's workforce; which would need more affordable housing, which is where leasing and land development comes into play. By creating this considered alliance with Baltimore City, The Hanover Engineering Company which has experience in all aspects of land development, including residential subdivisions, commercial and industrial development. It will better position Hanover's residential and land services to obtain more market share as this region of Baltimore continues to grow and develop its communities. II. Mission Statement Land subdivision is the industry that paves the way for construction of buildings. The industry services raw land and subdivides property into lots for sales to builders or into residential housing. It can also include preparing the land for utility services and roads. ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Urbanization In The United States Essay After World War II, more people in the United States began living in cities. Although inevitable, urbanization has had negative impacts in the United States, specifically on agriculture and the environment. Increase in urbanization has caused the gap between farmers and consumers to grow exponentially. Less people are working on farms, and because the population is always increasing, more people are in need of food. This higher demand for food in cities requires farm production to increase and be shipped for distribution. Yet, as cities grow, they have to expand and the countryside begins to urbanize as well, causing farms to sell some of their land, or shut down. Implementing urban agriculture could minimize the negative effects of urbanization in the United States, including the increased demand for food, loss of traditional farmland, and poor environments in cities. As the country's population continues to increase, more people are moving out of the rural parts of the country and into the cities and suburbs. Unfortunately, as the population increases, so does the demand for food, and urbanization has left less people to work on the farms that produce the food. Companies like Agrotech help to solve this problem by encouraging people to farm in the cities. Nate Storey, founder and CEO of Agrotech, says, "'There's all this unused space on ... Show more content on ... Densely populated areas produce more carbon dioxide, more waste, and generate more heat than rural areas. Many cities also have a higher number of vacant lots that contribute to the amount of pollution within them. Vacant lots typically turn into dumping grounds for trash, debris, and even toxic chemicals that can potentially pollute the soil and water. These lots could be cleaned and repurposed as sites for urban farming and community gardens. Increased urban agriculture provides an opportunity to combat many of the environmental issues in ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Advantages Of Homeschooling Homeschooling Homeschooling something that's grown over time and is become popular in homes. The children are taught at home, by either the parents or a teacher that comes to the home a few times a week, or every day like normal schooling. Children being schooled at home get many options when learning, and also get to grow around the home. Homeschooling is a smart idea for parents to consider for their kids because of different socioeconomic factors in the child's life, keeps the child safer, and gives them more opportunity to use religious instruction in what they are learning. When parents are choosing to homeschool, or put their children in public schools they look at the different socioeconomic factors in their lives. These socio–economic problems help in the decision to homeschool their children. Depending on how many kids are living in the home, it may be easier to homeschool their kids instead of on sending them to public school. " homeschooled students were more likely than public or private schooled students who are living in families with three or more children" (Princiotta and Bielick, Web). Parents that are living with three or more children, it is easier for the parents to school from the home instead of sending them all to public school. If the guardians were tight with money and couldn't afford to buy uniforms or buy them all the clothes they all need, it would be a lot cheaper to have them hand me downs for the children. Another thing is if the children are ... Get more on ...