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Misé En Scene:
A happy mood is created by
showing the children
enjoying playing. The child
jumping off the cliff has a
free expression showing
that they all were once
happy in this town which
links to the sound of the
boy speaking.
High key lighting has been
used to portray the children
as happy and to also show
a contrast with the middle
of the trailer when the
children are in danger and
low key lighting is used.
The costumes of the
children are shorts for them
to go swimming in the lake,
this makes the whole scene
exciting and give the free
and happy atmosphere, in
turn this emphasises the
scares of the clown later on
in the trailer and hooks the
audience in.
The montage editing creates a fast pace but when this clip is shown the face of
the trailer slows down slightly so the audience can focus on the children
playing and enjoying themselves. The montage editing put lots of different
clips together to emphasis what the boy (voice over) is saying.
Non diegetic sound is produced in
the form of a voice over from the
boy. This clip is accompanied by
the boy saying "when you’re a kid
your always think you'll be
protected". This creates a vision
of kids being happy and then will
build the tension for when the
clown comes for them later on in
the trailer. However it also create
contrast as the boy is taking
about being safe while in the
scene the child s jumping off a
cliff which is dangerous.
Also the use of a young boy
saying the voice over makes the
clip more dramatic and makes the
audience feel empathy for the
children they have only just met
in the trailer.
The voice over dominates this
clip but soundtrack is the
background, he music is a
fairytale style soft music which
related to what the boy is saying
and when the child jumps over
there is a slight boom which
illuminates how in reality children
are not always safe.
No diegetic sound is used in clip
as it is just explaining what the
boy is saying.
A high angle shot has been used to create the effect of looking down into the
children lives which draws the audience in and build a relationship with the
characters. This medium long shot enables the audience to see all the children
and notice what they are doing, the has the effect of excitement as all the
children encourage the one boy to jump of the cliff and will build tension when
they are scared by the clown.
Mise En Scene:
The setting of a old (probably
haunted house) creates an
uneasy atmosphere and suggests
the idea that the boy is in danger
this is because a stereotype of a
old abandoned house in a thriller
film is to be haunted who ever
goes there gets hurt. How the
boy is slowly walking towards the
house builds tension and
emphasises his vulnerability.
The use of one boy in the middle
of the shot surrounded by the
house illuminates how much
danger he is in as the house
dominated the shot.
How there is no symmetry in the
shot builds suspense for the
audience and shows straight
away that this house is
The gates are a red/brown color
which signifies danger as red is
associated with the devil and the
word stop suggesting they boy
should stop and turn around. The
house itself is dark and broken
with bordered up windows, you
cannot see into the widows which
shows it is mysterious and builds
the tense mood.
Continuity editing is used to create suspense as the audience follow what the boy is doing and explains
what the boy is saying in the voice over. This clip is after a high angle shot of the boy walking towards
the house which is fast pace sequence but is enough time to draw the audience in and build tension at
the same time. It could be considered a match on action shot as the shot before is a high angle shot
and it cuts to a low angle shot which shows in more detail what the boy is doing, this emphasises is
vulnerability and the audience are hooked even more.
This shot is followed after
the boy in the non diegetic
voiceover says "but when
your alone as a kid". This
creates a cold atmosphere
and illuminates how the
child is in danger.
The voice over is a boy
speaking which creates
more of a dangerous mood.
Music sound track has also
been used, the high pitch of
the string instruments
create suspense and the
audience become more
attached to the characters
as a result of this. When
this clip happens the
volume of the music
increases which highlights
how much danger the child
is in.
A low angle shot has been used to portray the abandoned house as bigger and
more dominant, making it seem scarier to the audience which build suspense as
the boy is in danger.
A long shot shot has been used to emphasises the child is walking alone
towards this house. The camera angle slightly draws into the frame as well
which draws the audience in even more and hooks them to watch the film as
they want to see if the boy goes into the house or not.
Mise En Scene:
The missing poster is in the
middle focus of this clip and
the word "missing" is
dominating this poster and
is bold in capitals which
stands out, this identifies to
the audience an unsafe
atmosphere in this town.
The poster is black and
white which contrasts with
the colourful background of
the shot.
The background is slightly
blurred which immediately
makes the audience focus
on the poster.
The green trees and lake in
the background links to the
earlier shot of the children
having fun jumping of the
cliff, this contrast creates a
sense of danger towards
the boy speaking in the
voice over.
High key lighting has been
used to portray reality and
to let the audience build
more of a relationship with
the characters and story.
Montage editing is used to accompany the voice over and let the audience picture a
narative of children going missing.
A fast pace is created to build suspense in this fast sequence. This sequence is very short
which suggests that missing people is a reoccurring thing in the town.
The transitions between shots are straight cuts which illuminates the thrilling
"The monsters see you as
weaker" is what the boy in
the non diegetic voice over,
this relates to the missing
poster as it could be
communicating how a
"monster" is kidnapping
people. This hooks the
audience as they want to
find out what the boy
meant by "monster".
Another form of non
diegetic sound is used:
music, the tempo of the
strings in the music get fast
in this clip which build
tension and engagement
with the missing poster.
The camera shot is a slight low angle shot which give the sense of the audience
looking up at the poster.
The camera movement is a pan shot as it moves from left to right suggesting to the
audience that this is a normal thing in this town for children to go missing, this also
links to how it is only a 1 second shot meaning the audience do not focus and dwell
on it to much.
Mise En Scene:
Low key lighting has been
used in this shot to create a
dark and tense mood. The
light is on the children in
this shot which highlights
there vulnerability and how
unsafe it is where they are.
The children are walking
into the sewage tunnel very
slowly which illuminates
how they are in danger and
also build tension for the
A flash light has been used
as a prop to show how dark
it is but also makes the
audience fear as the dark is
associated with dangerous
things such as violence.
Also stereotypically in
thriller film the jumps
always happen in the dark
so it builds suspense and
anticipation for the
Continuity editing is used to show the sequence of the children walking into the sewage tunnel.
This is slow paced compared to the beginning of the trailer, it build suspense and tension as the
narrative flows more. A shot reverse shot is uded to show how two out of four children are scared
and this creates a tense mood as the suspense build.
Diegetic dialogue has been
used for the first time in the
trailer this build on the
relationship between the
audience and the
The children are making
jokes which means when
they become scared it will
be even more of a contrast.
Diegetic ambient sound is
also used: water dripping
from pipes creates realism
and the audience believe
the children are in a sewage
This long shot has been positioned so they children look like they are walking into a dangerous
trap as you can see the tunnel leads on. The right hand of the clip is complete darkness which
could suggest they are leading into danger because darkness is normally associated with death
and destruction.
A pan shot is used from right to left, from the darkness towards the children which makes the
audience wonder is there is something in these tunnels.
Mise En Scene:
Low key lighting has been
used to portray the boys
being in a sewage tunnel
and then a spot light has
been added onto the shoe
to show the flash light is
being used.
How the foreground and
back ground is very dark
creates a dangerous
The shoe itself look dirty by
not old showing that this
could have been lost by
someone recently because
the writing in the shoe has
not faded. The writing also
give the shoes a sense of
belonging to someone and
makes finding this shoe
more personal o the
audience and the
The shoe is placed in the
centre of the shot to allow
the audience to focus on it
and interpret what the boys
are saying.
This sequence is a shot reverse shot of the boys finding the shoe and there
reaction. The continuity editing allows the audience to follow the narrative and
it build suspense in the trailer.
This shot duration is longer than others in this sequence which suggests to
the audience that finding this shoe could lead on to something bigger in the
actual film, so in turn it hooks them in as they go and watch the film as they
want to find out if they find the girl who lost her shoe.
Ambient sound helps to
create realism as the water
dripping from the pipes and
the loud fan sound creates
the belief of them being in
a sewage tunnel.
Diegetic sound is also used
in the form of dialogue.
One boy is already talking
and getting scared bout
being there, this is seen by
the high pitch of his voice
and the fast tempo of how
he is speaking. This is
interrupted by the boy who
found the shoe, his voice is
much deeper and louder
which illuminates the
importance of what he is
saying and what he has
The background noises go
quiet when one of the boys
says "its Becky Ripsome's",
this give a cold effect as
they know this girl.
A slight higher angle shot has been looking down on the clos up of this shoe to
make the audience focus on it. There is no movement which means it is a
realization for the character that the girl could still be alive.
The she is positioned equally in the centre of the shot to show that it is very
Mise En Scene:
Low key lighting has been
used to create a dark, tense,
mysterious atmosphere.
The red balloon is the focal
point of this shot because is
directly cente. The balloon is
also directly looked at because
the tunnel makes a circle
around it, this creates a
chilled atmosphere because it
is perfectly placed and you
would not normally find a
balloon in a sewage tunnel.
The balloon highlights the
effect of danger as the colour
red is associated with fear and
the devil.
The setting of a dark sewage
tunnel creates a tense mood
and as the balloon is floating
towards the children and
audience this builds suspense
as the balloon starts to move
faster and faster.
A shot reverse shot has been used to show the reaction of the children when
they see this balloon, this enhances the audiences reaction as they would not
be shocked if the children weren't.
This continuity editing adds to the realism and builds the suspense.
The slows pace creates tension as it makes the audience focus on this
mysterious balloon floating towards them.
The non diegetic suspense
music starts of quiet
volume with a slow tempo,
it gradually gets faster and
louder when the children
see the balloon.
The are deep sounds added
onto the music, and each
this adds effect onto the
balloon getting closer
because the deep sounds
get faster and faster which
makes the balloon seem
like it is floating faster and
faster towards the
audience/ characters.
The sewage tunnel diegetic
ambient sound also gets
louder, the water drips and
fan sound emphasis on the
suspense building this
There is no diegetic
dialogue in this sequence
which suggest the children
were speechless in being
shocked by this ballon.
This medium shot stays still while the balloon is floating forwards,
this emphasises how the children would have froze by being shocked
by this balloon.
The stillness build tension and suspense for what follows this shot.
Mise En Scene:
The boys face has been
desaturase which emphasises
how scared and shocked he is.
He is looking up which makes
him seem more inferior to what
he is looking up to.
The boys costume shows he is
danger as his top is red which
is associated with danger and
the devil.
The boys facial expression
illuminated how scared he is by
the thing in front of him.
Low key lighting is a genre
convention of thriller films and
is used in this shot to create a
tense mood and scary
The boy who is focused in the
middle of the shot is the only
thing you can clearly see which
suggest his is the victim in the
The sequence of the shot is very fast pace with a non continuity editing it straight cut to all the
children being scared.
The fast edits create a very tense atmosphere which build along with the music.
All together this creates the effect of the children being trapped and adds to the thrill of the trailer.
Colour corrections have been added to this shot to make the boy seem more pale, this
would emphasise how scared he is and how much danger he is in.
Non diegetic music is
used to build tension
here, a repetitive sound it
used to create
suspense. The volume
gets quiet as the sequence
No Diegetic dialogue is
used and this adds the
effect of the children being
scared as the facial
expressions explain it all.
Th music dominates
this shot, as it is very short
it means the audience can
understand what is
happening without the use
of too much sound.
The camera movement zoom in towards the character, giving the effect
that something is getting closer to him.
A medium shot is used to see the whole of the boys expression.
Also a slightly lower angle shot is used to exaggerate the effect of the
boy looking up.
Mise En Scene:
The red balloon are pointing to the
audience that there the clown is
dangerous as the red balloons
are making the shape of an arrow
head pointing towards the clown, It
shows he is dangerous as the
bright red symbolises danger as red
is the colour of blood and is
normally associated with the devil.
The long grass creates a effect of
hiding the clown which give a cold
The boys body language is pulling
back from the clown which
shows he is scared of it. His stance
also shows how he may be trying to
run away but is too scared. This
builds tension and suspense.
The clown is placed in the centre of
the shot which allows the audience
to focus on him and be aware of his
importance in the trailer.
The clowns face is covered by
the balloons which adds suspense
as the audience are hooked
in waiting for the reveal of the
clowns face.
High key lighting has been used to
make the scene more realistic so
the audience believe the story
and then are more
scared by jumps in the film.
The shot duration here is very short and this build suspense as the
audience do not have to wait long to see what character is behind the
This shot has been brightened to emphasis the colours in this shot and
to create a dramatic contrast between this shot and the previous shots.
Continuity editing is used here so the audience has follow the narrative
and see who is behind the balloons.
When this shot appears the
sound volume decreases
dramatically, which makes
the audience take a breath
but in turn this overall
builds the suspense for
when the clown is revealed
at the end of the trailer.
However it is silent you can
faintly hear the non diegetic
music from before, this
means the clips still flow
when they are cut together.
Diegetic sound id also
heard as the boy is
breathing heavily this
illuminates how scared and
vulnerable he is.
Just before this clip the is
a deep drum sound
which gives the
impression they boy has
been caught. The audience
become worried about the
character and in turn go
and watch the film to find
out what happens to him.
The use of an over the shoulder shot has been used to show the boys
This long shot had been used to make the clown seem closer than
he really is, this builds tension and dramatic effect.
There is no camera movement which signifies to the audience
that something is about to happen and might make them jump.
Mise En Scene:
Again the red balloon is used
here to signify danger as the
colour red is a connotation of
The prop of the balloon
draws the audience in as
children like balloons so they
will be captured by the
clown. The colour red is also a
primary colour which could
suggest to the audience
that the clown is kidnapping
Make up has been used on the
clown to give him iconic clown
features, the white face
symbolises he is not like a
human and how inhumane his
is. The lips, nose and
slits down the eyes are
painted red which associates
this character with the devil.
The costume of the clown is
white which creates a contrast
with the red as white
is associated with angelic
characters and this makes the
clown seem more evil.
Low key lighting has been
used as it is a stereotype of
thriller films and creates a
dark mood.
A match on action shot has been used to focus on the clown as he
reveals his face. This gives it more of a dramatic effect as the
anticipation of who is behind the balloons builds from the previous shot.
Cool colour tones have been added to the shot to make the clown seem
more villainous and dangerous. Straight away the audience has identify
the clown as the main antagonist of the film.
The non diegetic music
has completely faded out
at this point and this
creates a stillness effect
which chills the audience.
A screeching sound is
added when the reveal of
the clown happens this
creates a tense mood
as the audience wait
for something to jump
out, but it doesn’t.
No Diegetic sound is used
in this sequence which
makes the clip seem
more creepy. This gives
the effect that the clown
makes everyone in
the film speechless which
builds tension and hooks
the audience to go and
watch the film.
A medium shot has been used here to show the clowns face but also to
make it seem realistic as the background is still there.
There is no camera movement, the audience will mimic this and
stay very still as they are thrilled.
Primary colours have been used
to associated this poster with
children which creates a dark
and sinister mood.
Low key light has been
used to enhance the
thriller genre and to create
darkness which is linked
with death.
How little kid is looking up
at the clown shows that he
is weaker and hooks the
audience in as they want
to see what happens to the
little boy.
The whole of the clown is
not revealed which hooks
the audience as they want
to see the clown.
The balloon represents
how children are in
danger in this film
as balloons signify child
ren and the colour red
is a connotation of
danger and blood.
You can see the clowns
face slightly in balloon
which makes the
audience feel like they are
being watched by the
The text graphics give the
effect that they have been
scratched out by the clown
as the letters are not neat
and makes the audience
picture blood dripping to
form the word
The tag line: "you'll float
too" has been added to the
poster, if the audience has
seen the trailer they
will remember the little
boy saying it. Also is is
mysterious and the
audience will want to find
out what it means so they
go and watch the film.
The smoke around
the edge of
the poster makes it
more dramatic
and creates a
thrilling mood.

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Teaser trailer textual analysis

  • 1.
  • 2. Misé En Scene: A happy mood is created by showing the children enjoying playing. The child jumping off the cliff has a free expression showing that they all were once happy in this town which links to the sound of the boy speaking. High key lighting has been used to portray the children as happy and to also show a contrast with the middle of the trailer when the children are in danger and low key lighting is used. The costumes of the children are shorts for them to go swimming in the lake, this makes the whole scene exciting and give the free and happy atmosphere, in turn this emphasises the scares of the clown later on in the trailer and hooks the audience in. Editing: The montage editing creates a fast pace but when this clip is shown the face of the trailer slows down slightly so the audience can focus on the children playing and enjoying themselves. The montage editing put lots of different clips together to emphasis what the boy (voice over) is saying. Sound: Non diegetic sound is produced in the form of a voice over from the boy. This clip is accompanied by the boy saying "when you’re a kid your always think you'll be protected". This creates a vision of kids being happy and then will build the tension for when the clown comes for them later on in the trailer. However it also create contrast as the boy is taking about being safe while in the scene the child s jumping off a cliff which is dangerous. Also the use of a young boy saying the voice over makes the clip more dramatic and makes the audience feel empathy for the children they have only just met in the trailer. The voice over dominates this clip but soundtrack is the background, he music is a fairytale style soft music which related to what the boy is saying and when the child jumps over there is a slight boom which illuminates how in reality children are not always safe. No diegetic sound is used in clip as it is just explaining what the boy is saying. Camera: A high angle shot has been used to create the effect of looking down into the children lives which draws the audience in and build a relationship with the characters. This medium long shot enables the audience to see all the children and notice what they are doing, the has the effect of excitement as all the children encourage the one boy to jump of the cliff and will build tension when they are scared by the clown.
  • 3. Mise En Scene: The setting of a old (probably haunted house) creates an uneasy atmosphere and suggests the idea that the boy is in danger this is because a stereotype of a old abandoned house in a thriller film is to be haunted who ever goes there gets hurt. How the boy is slowly walking towards the house builds tension and emphasises his vulnerability. The use of one boy in the middle of the shot surrounded by the house illuminates how much danger he is in as the house dominated the shot. How there is no symmetry in the shot builds suspense for the audience and shows straight away that this house is dangerous. The gates are a red/brown color which signifies danger as red is associated with the devil and the word stop suggesting they boy should stop and turn around. The house itself is dark and broken with bordered up windows, you cannot see into the widows which shows it is mysterious and builds the tense mood. Editing: Continuity editing is used to create suspense as the audience follow what the boy is doing and explains what the boy is saying in the voice over. This clip is after a high angle shot of the boy walking towards the house which is fast pace sequence but is enough time to draw the audience in and build tension at the same time. It could be considered a match on action shot as the shot before is a high angle shot and it cuts to a low angle shot which shows in more detail what the boy is doing, this emphasises is vulnerability and the audience are hooked even more. Sound: This shot is followed after the boy in the non diegetic voiceover says "but when your alone as a kid". This creates a cold atmosphere and illuminates how the child is in danger. The voice over is a boy speaking which creates more of a dangerous mood. Music sound track has also been used, the high pitch of the string instruments create suspense and the audience become more attached to the characters as a result of this. When this clip happens the volume of the music increases which highlights how much danger the child is in. Camera: A low angle shot has been used to portray the abandoned house as bigger and more dominant, making it seem scarier to the audience which build suspense as the boy is in danger. A long shot shot has been used to emphasises the child is walking alone towards this house. The camera angle slightly draws into the frame as well which draws the audience in even more and hooks them to watch the film as they want to see if the boy goes into the house or not.
  • 4. Mise En Scene: The missing poster is in the middle focus of this clip and the word "missing" is dominating this poster and is bold in capitals which stands out, this identifies to the audience an unsafe atmosphere in this town. The poster is black and white which contrasts with the colourful background of the shot. The background is slightly blurred which immediately makes the audience focus on the poster. The green trees and lake in the background links to the earlier shot of the children having fun jumping of the cliff, this contrast creates a sense of danger towards the boy speaking in the voice over. High key lighting has been used to portray reality and to let the audience build more of a relationship with the characters and story. Editing: Montage editing is used to accompany the voice over and let the audience picture a narative of children going missing. A fast pace is created to build suspense in this fast sequence. This sequence is very short which suggests that missing people is a reoccurring thing in the town. The transitions between shots are straight cuts which illuminates the thrilling atmosphere. Sound: "The monsters see you as weaker" is what the boy in the non diegetic voice over, this relates to the missing poster as it could be communicating how a "monster" is kidnapping people. This hooks the audience as they want to find out what the boy meant by "monster". Another form of non diegetic sound is used: music, the tempo of the strings in the music get fast in this clip which build tension and engagement with the missing poster. Camera: The camera shot is a slight low angle shot which give the sense of the audience looking up at the poster. The camera movement is a pan shot as it moves from left to right suggesting to the audience that this is a normal thing in this town for children to go missing, this also links to how it is only a 1 second shot meaning the audience do not focus and dwell on it to much.
  • 5. Mise En Scene: Low key lighting has been used in this shot to create a dark and tense mood. The light is on the children in this shot which highlights there vulnerability and how unsafe it is where they are. The children are walking into the sewage tunnel very slowly which illuminates how they are in danger and also build tension for the audience. A flash light has been used as a prop to show how dark it is but also makes the audience fear as the dark is associated with dangerous things such as violence. Also stereotypically in thriller film the jumps always happen in the dark so it builds suspense and anticipation for the audience. Editing: Continuity editing is used to show the sequence of the children walking into the sewage tunnel. This is slow paced compared to the beginning of the trailer, it build suspense and tension as the narrative flows more. A shot reverse shot is uded to show how two out of four children are scared and this creates a tense mood as the suspense build. Sound: Diegetic dialogue has been used for the first time in the trailer this build on the relationship between the audience and the characters. The children are making jokes which means when they become scared it will be even more of a contrast. Diegetic ambient sound is also used: water dripping from pipes creates realism and the audience believe the children are in a sewage tunnel. Camera: This long shot has been positioned so they children look like they are walking into a dangerous trap as you can see the tunnel leads on. The right hand of the clip is complete darkness which could suggest they are leading into danger because darkness is normally associated with death and destruction. A pan shot is used from right to left, from the darkness towards the children which makes the audience wonder is there is something in these tunnels.
  • 6. Mise En Scene: Low key lighting has been used to portray the boys being in a sewage tunnel and then a spot light has been added onto the shoe to show the flash light is being used. How the foreground and back ground is very dark creates a dangerous atmosphere. The shoe itself look dirty by not old showing that this could have been lost by someone recently because the writing in the shoe has not faded. The writing also give the shoes a sense of belonging to someone and makes finding this shoe more personal o the audience and the characters. The shoe is placed in the centre of the shot to allow the audience to focus on it and interpret what the boys are saying. Editing: This sequence is a shot reverse shot of the boys finding the shoe and there reaction. The continuity editing allows the audience to follow the narrative and it build suspense in the trailer. This shot duration is longer than others in this sequence which suggests to the audience that finding this shoe could lead on to something bigger in the actual film, so in turn it hooks them in as they go and watch the film as they want to find out if they find the girl who lost her shoe. Sound: Ambient sound helps to create realism as the water dripping from the pipes and the loud fan sound creates the belief of them being in a sewage tunnel. Diegetic sound is also used in the form of dialogue. One boy is already talking and getting scared bout being there, this is seen by the high pitch of his voice and the fast tempo of how he is speaking. This is interrupted by the boy who found the shoe, his voice is much deeper and louder which illuminates the importance of what he is saying and what he has found. The background noises go quiet when one of the boys says "its Becky Ripsome's", this give a cold effect as they know this girl. Camera: A slight higher angle shot has been looking down on the clos up of this shoe to make the audience focus on it. There is no movement which means it is a realization for the character that the girl could still be alive. The she is positioned equally in the centre of the shot to show that it is very important.
  • 7. Mise En Scene: Low key lighting has been used to create a dark, tense, mysterious atmosphere. The red balloon is the focal point of this shot because is directly cente. The balloon is also directly looked at because the tunnel makes a circle around it, this creates a chilled atmosphere because it is perfectly placed and you would not normally find a balloon in a sewage tunnel. The balloon highlights the effect of danger as the colour red is associated with fear and the devil. The setting of a dark sewage tunnel creates a tense mood and as the balloon is floating towards the children and audience this builds suspense as the balloon starts to move faster and faster. Editing: A shot reverse shot has been used to show the reaction of the children when they see this balloon, this enhances the audiences reaction as they would not be shocked if the children weren't. This continuity editing adds to the realism and builds the suspense. The slows pace creates tension as it makes the audience focus on this mysterious balloon floating towards them. Sound: The non diegetic suspense music starts of quiet volume with a slow tempo, it gradually gets faster and louder when the children see the balloon. The are deep sounds added onto the music, and each this adds effect onto the balloon getting closer because the deep sounds get faster and faster which makes the balloon seem like it is floating faster and faster towards the audience/ characters. The sewage tunnel diegetic ambient sound also gets louder, the water drips and fan sound emphasis on the suspense building this trailer. There is no diegetic dialogue in this sequence which suggest the children were speechless in being shocked by this ballon. Camera: This medium shot stays still while the balloon is floating forwards, this emphasises how the children would have froze by being shocked by this balloon. The stillness build tension and suspense for what follows this shot.
  • 8. Mise En Scene: The boys face has been desaturase which emphasises how scared and shocked he is. He is looking up which makes him seem more inferior to what he is looking up to. The boys costume shows he is danger as his top is red which is associated with danger and the devil. The boys facial expression illuminated how scared he is by the thing in front of him. Low key lighting is a genre convention of thriller films and is used in this shot to create a tense mood and scary atmosphere. The boy who is focused in the middle of the shot is the only thing you can clearly see which suggest his is the victim in the trailer. Editing: The sequence of the shot is very fast pace with a non continuity editing it straight cut to all the children being scared. The fast edits create a very tense atmosphere which build along with the music. All together this creates the effect of the children being trapped and adds to the thrill of the trailer. Colour corrections have been added to this shot to make the boy seem more pale, this would emphasise how scared he is and how much danger he is in. Sound: Non diegetic music is used to build tension here, a repetitive sound it used to create suspense. The volume gets quiet as the sequence ends. No Diegetic dialogue is used and this adds the effect of the children being scared as the facial expressions explain it all. Th music dominates this shot, as it is very short it means the audience can understand what is happening without the use of too much sound. Camera: The camera movement zoom in towards the character, giving the effect that something is getting closer to him. A medium shot is used to see the whole of the boys expression. Also a slightly lower angle shot is used to exaggerate the effect of the boy looking up.
  • 9. Mise En Scene: The red balloon are pointing to the audience that there the clown is dangerous as the red balloons are making the shape of an arrow head pointing towards the clown, It shows he is dangerous as the bright red symbolises danger as red is the colour of blood and is normally associated with the devil. The long grass creates a effect of hiding the clown which give a cold atmosphere. The boys body language is pulling back from the clown which shows he is scared of it. His stance also shows how he may be trying to run away but is too scared. This builds tension and suspense. The clown is placed in the centre of the shot which allows the audience to focus on him and be aware of his importance in the trailer. The clowns face is covered by the balloons which adds suspense as the audience are hooked in waiting for the reveal of the clowns face. High key lighting has been used to make the scene more realistic so the audience believe the story and then are more scared by jumps in the film. Editing: The shot duration here is very short and this build suspense as the audience do not have to wait long to see what character is behind the balloons. This shot has been brightened to emphasis the colours in this shot and to create a dramatic contrast between this shot and the previous shots. Continuity editing is used here so the audience has follow the narrative and see who is behind the balloons. Sound: When this shot appears the sound volume decreases dramatically, which makes the audience take a breath but in turn this overall builds the suspense for when the clown is revealed at the end of the trailer. However it is silent you can faintly hear the non diegetic music from before, this means the clips still flow when they are cut together. Diegetic sound id also heard as the boy is breathing heavily this illuminates how scared and vulnerable he is. Just before this clip the is a deep drum sound which gives the impression they boy has been caught. The audience become worried about the character and in turn go and watch the film to find out what happens to him. Camera: The use of an over the shoulder shot has been used to show the boys reaction. This long shot had been used to make the clown seem closer than he really is, this builds tension and dramatic effect. There is no camera movement which signifies to the audience that something is about to happen and might make them jump.
  • 10. Mise En Scene: Again the red balloon is used here to signify danger as the colour red is a connotation of danger. The prop of the balloon draws the audience in as children like balloons so they will be captured by the clown. The colour red is also a primary colour which could suggest to the audience that the clown is kidnapping children. Make up has been used on the clown to give him iconic clown features, the white face symbolises he is not like a human and how inhumane his is. The lips, nose and slits down the eyes are painted red which associates this character with the devil. The costume of the clown is white which creates a contrast with the red as white is associated with angelic characters and this makes the clown seem more evil. Low key lighting has been used as it is a stereotype of thriller films and creates a dark mood. Editing: A match on action shot has been used to focus on the clown as he reveals his face. This gives it more of a dramatic effect as the anticipation of who is behind the balloons builds from the previous shot. Cool colour tones have been added to the shot to make the clown seem more villainous and dangerous. Straight away the audience has identify the clown as the main antagonist of the film. Sound: The non diegetic music has completely faded out at this point and this creates a stillness effect which chills the audience. A screeching sound is added when the reveal of the clown happens this creates a tense mood as the audience wait for something to jump out, but it doesn’t. No Diegetic sound is used in this sequence which makes the clip seem more creepy. This gives the effect that the clown makes everyone in the film speechless which builds tension and hooks the audience to go and watch the film. Camera: A medium shot has been used here to show the clowns face but also to make it seem realistic as the background is still there. There is no camera movement, the audience will mimic this and stay very still as they are thrilled.
  • 11.
  • 12. Primary colours have been used to associated this poster with children which creates a dark and sinister mood. Low key light has been used to enhance the thriller genre and to create darkness which is linked with death. How little kid is looking up at the clown shows that he is weaker and hooks the audience in as they want to see what happens to the little boy. The whole of the clown is not revealed which hooks the audience as they want to see the clown. The balloon represents how children are in danger in this film as balloons signify child ren and the colour red is a connotation of danger and blood. You can see the clowns face slightly in balloon which makes the audience feel like they are being watched by the clown. The text graphics give the effect that they have been scratched out by the clown as the letters are not neat and makes the audience picture blood dripping to form the word The tag line: "you'll float too" has been added to the poster, if the audience has seen the trailer they will remember the little boy saying it. Also is is mysterious and the audience will want to find out what it means so they go and watch the film. The smoke around the edge of the poster makes it seem more dramatic and creates a thrilling mood.