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A promise of the finest coffee beans
Corporate Office: 57, Railway Parallel Road,
Kumara Park West, Bangalore - 560020 INDIA
Tel: +91 23560695 / 97 Fax: +91 80 2356 1974
A promise of the finest coffee beans
The seeds of our estates were sown more than a 100
years ago, by planters who brought coffee to the hills of
Coorg in the then state of Mysore in South India. The
land, the weather and the people came together to
create what are today some of the finest coffees in the
Those visionary planters shared a genuine passion in
the human side of the estate. They knew that people
played an important role in nurturing and caring for a
coffee plant, to produce the finest coffee. This philosophy
of care for every bean of coffee is the foundation of our
is that ‘our coffee beans come from our own estates’,
with a promise of the finest quality while following the
highest standards of sustainability and communities.
In passing this age old harmony between nature and
man lies the essence of our existence. At Tata Coffee,
we are proud to be a part of this timeless heritage.
The sprawling coffee estates of Tata Coffee are found nestling
in the serene hills of Coorg, Chikmagalur and Anamallais. The
trail of Tata Coffee estates are spread over 19 locations across
the South Indian states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Both
Arabica and Robusta coffees are cultivated and inter cropped
with pepper and fruit trees, imparting unique and delectable
flavour and aromatic nuances to the coffee beans.
Each of these estates are unique and have a story of their own.
While some of them were founded by legendary planters,
others are characterized by distinct location, flora, fauna and
exotic strains of coffee. Despite being diverse in characteristics,
they unite under the well established processes of Tata Coffee
to bring you the finest of coffee beans from India.
As you delve into the pages, you will discover how each one
of our coffee estates have a story waiting to be told, a journey
waiting to be unfurled.
The best of the coffee estates
in the hills of Southern India
wo estates Balmany and Devarcadoo together form the
Balmany Devarcadoo Estate. Situated in a rain leeward
region, the Balmany Estate borders the Thithimathi forest
and the Devarcadoo estate is close by. The Balmany estate is also
in close proximity of the Rajiv Gandhi National Park. Devaracadoo
in the local language translates into ‘God’s Forest.’ The locals
revere the forests; for them it is the protector and the provider.
This is where Mathewson & Co., a well known estate company in
the 19th
century set up the first coffee estate. This estate is known
for organic cultivation where all bio-degradable and agricultural
wastes are converted into rich organic fertilizer. The locals believe
that a trek to the temple of the Lord
Shiva in the deep woods, answers their
prayers for timely rain.
This estate is known for its Robusta
strain due to its ecological factors. The
yield of the estate has won the Flavour
of India Award in the Organic Category
in the past.
Where Gods descend
Altitude: 850-910 mtr
Area: 270 hectare
Terrain: Level land / well
drained, friable, humus, near to
neutral in reaction
Varieties of Coffee :
Majorly Robusta & Arabica
Strain: Arabica: HDT X Cattuai
Robusta: Peridenia,
S.274, C×R
Balmany Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
The Balmany forest borders the Nagarhole Natural Park,
which is home to the majestic Bengal Tiger and the
Malabar Squirrel. Tata Coffee often sends water tankers
to refill watering holes during the dry season.
The tribal folks of the region participate in the
“Begging Festival” every year, where men cross dress
as women. They undertake a pilgrimage to an ancient
temple in the heart of the forest to appease the Gods.
isty mornings, winding paths, not a soul in sight. At a
height of 900 mtr drive into the winding road through
the blue and white gates of the Woshully Estate
and one of the oldest heritage bungalows looms into sight.
Standing on the porch of the bungalow one sees the famed
Doorbeen (Binoculars) road. Folklore says that there used to be
a Masonian Temple in the vicinity.
The estate is known for its
high quality Robusta and fine
flavoured Coorg Mandarin
Woshully is home to a host of
animal species. An established
“elephant corridor” passes
through the estate. Racket
tailed dragons, scarlet minivets,
serpent eagles and brahminy
kites are frequently seen
frolicking in the shade trees.
Looking ahead, seeking
a world unseen
Altitude: 890 - 990 mtr
Area: 620 hectare
Terrain: Moderate to gentle
slope/well drained, friable,
humus, slightly acidic in
Varieties of Coffee :
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Robusta: Peredenia,
S-274, CXR
Arabica: HDTXcatuai,
Chandragiri, Sln-5.
Woshully Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
The Woshully Estate is famous for its coffee and its
oranges. The Woshully mark is a well known name
in oranges.
The Woshully heritage bungalow is over a century old and
has been carefully preserved by Tata Coffee.
ottabeta or the ‘Cold Mountain’ in South Coorg is nestled
in the Western Ghats. The air is crisp and cinnamon trees
are interspersed with tall teak trees on which pepper vines
climb to great heights.
An old fig tree (ficuscarica) stands silent witness of the evolution
in the Cottabeta Estate. The estate has a heritage bungalow, once
occupied by British planters, built on an elevated plain, with a
mesmeric view of the Brahmagiri Range.
Parakeets, red whiskered bulbuls and barbets fly in and feast on
the fruit trees, supported by the estate.
From this estate come some of the finest Robusta ripened by the
rays of the winter sun filtering through the leaves of silver oak
(Gravellia Robusta) and rosewood
trees (Dalbergia).
Cottabeta Estate has one
of the highest yields of
pepper, that gives a rich
spicy note to the coffee.
Vast irrigation tanks are
maintained to source
water and promote
The cold mountains beckon
“Silent, timeless in ageless majesty, sleepless
guardian of mysteries old, stands the old fig tree.”
Altitude: 910 mtr mean
Area: 440 hectare
Terrain: Gentle slope/well
drained,friable, humus, slighly
acidic to near neutral in reaction.
Varieties of Coffee:
Arabica & Majority - Robusta
Strain: Arabica: HDT × Catuai
Robusta : Peridenia, S.274; C×R
Cottabeta Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
The estate is home to Ficus Infectoria - Basari
trees, some of which are more than 150
years old.
vor Bull is perhaps the most famous name among the planters who have
left their mark in India. He came to India after the first World War and as
a planter, his work made a lasting difference to the coffee community in
Coorg. After the Second World War, when the coffee exports were hit,
Ivor Bull encouraged the ‘pooling system’, where planters came together
and marketed their coffee like a co-operative. Ivor Bull affectionately known
as the ‘Father of Coffee’ in Coorg, chose Pollibetta for establishing the first
Coffee Company – Coorg Coffee Estates, which later came to be known as
Consolidated Coffee Ltd.,
Pollibetta has a huge ‘jack fruit tree’ still standing, which was saved from
going under the axe by Ivor Bull. Axing trees was a fad advanced by some
technically sound coffee planters. In these days of ‘bird
sung’ coffee (an expression that implies ripening of
coffee due to the melody of birds) Ivor Bull’s lessons on
the coffee ecology ring true.
Pollibetta is located in the prime estate zone and even
today one can see coffee fields, which are over
90 years old. As rich as its history is the rich yield of
Robusta and pepper. The estate boasts of a 25-acre
manicured 9-hole golf course and in its midst an area
for various sporting activities.
Altitude: 900-1020 mtr
Area: 330 hectare
Terrain: Level land / well
drained, friable, humus,slightly
acidic and near to neutral in
Varieties of Coffee: Robusta
Strain: Robusta: Peredenia S274
Pollibetta Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
Of pepper vines and coffee beans
Mattaparambu division in Pollibetta is the highest yielding
Robusta division in the company.
An elephant corridor runs across the Pollibetta
estate. Elephant herds guided by their matriarch
are often seen here.
s the story goes, large herds of bison used to camp in the
deep valleys of this estate in the 18th
century and hence the
name ‘Yemmigoondi’ came into being. This is one of the
earliest estates started by the British, proof of which is the existence
of a 100 year old bungalow and a horse stable in the DYG division.
Swiss planters (the Volkart brothers), around the same time,
opened another division in Siddapur.
Yemigoondi estate is situated in the
Coorg district of Karnataka. This estate
is blessed with abundant water bodies
and natural springs, which contribute
to the prevalence of salubrious climate.
This results in ideal growing conditions
for Robusta with high bean density.
Apart from growing coffee, the estate
also produces side crops like pepper,
cardamom and orange.
The estate has large
species of indigenous
trees that are home
to the flying fox,
motley of birds, wild cats and other mammals
like elephants that come into the estate looking
for food and water. Honeybees assist in natural
pollination echoing the eco-friendly practices that
the estate follows.
Considerable efforts have been put in by the
estate to take care of the social welfare measures
of the working community, who in turn give their best towards the
job at hand.
Altitude: 890-1100 mtr
Area: 570 hectare
Terrain: Level land/well
drained, friable, humus,slightly
acidic and near to neutral in
Varieties of Coffee: Arabica &
Strain: Arabica: S795,
HDT x Catuai, Sln.6
Robusta: S 274 & Peridenia
Yemmigundi Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
Once said to be the home of large herds of bison,
Yemigoondi estate has a unique topography. It is
“bowl” shaped with hills on all sides.
The steep “Bee Hill” in Siddapura
division of the estate is where high
altitude Arabica grows on steep slopes.
Bountiful & pure.
ev. Hermann Frederick Mögling, the German missionary turned
Kannada literary scholar and the editor of the first Kannada
newspaper “Mangalura Samachara”was all set to return to
Germany, when Alamanda Somayya from Coorg met him. Alamanda
wanted to convert to Christianity and invited Rev. Hermann to Coorg,
offering his land for construction of a church. A modest church was
built on Somayya’s land. Further in 1857, the administration granted
Rev. Mögling 97 acres land to establish a church and a coffee estate
This was the beginning of the only estate planted
by planters of German orign. The bungalow in
Anandapur was built in 1875 and was home to
one more literary figure Kettle, the author of the
famed English to Kannada, Kettle Dictionary,
who stayed here for a few years.
The estate currently has three divisions namely,
Anandapur, Charlote and Pallakere divisions.
Charlotte and Pallakere divisions are situated
next to the Cauvery River and the famous Guyya
Agastyeshwara Temple.
Anandapur Robusta is one of the oldest in the
district. As this is the only German estate, the spacing and plant
height is different from the other estates in the district.
Anandapur estate is famous for its Peredenia variety of coffee, which
is a source of Peredenia seed material for other planters in and
around Pollibetta.
The land of new beginnings
Altitude: 880-980 mtr
Area: 420 hectare
Terrain: Gentle slope / well
drained, rich in organic matter,
slightly acidic to near neutral in
Varieties of Coffee: Robusta
Strain: Robusta: Peredenia/S
Anandapur Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
Anandapur Estate is the only estate that was originally
planted by German planters. It is also the birthplace
of Christianity in Coorg with a church being built in
argolly Estate was planted in the 1850s, by Scottish planters. It is
believed that there is a farmland by the name Margolly in Scotland
from where they came.
Margolly is located amidst the undulating highlands of Southern Coorg.
Its vast expanses, spread across plain lands and gentle slopes, encompass
an area of over 500 hectares. It is essentially a mixed estate with Arabica,
Robusta, oil palm and areas of inter-planted areca nut. One of its divisions,
Malagamany Division had around 40 hectares of pure orange growing area
and had produced about 20 truckloads of
The highlight of the Margolly Estate is its
pepper. Pepper is inter-planted in the coffee
areas and is grown on every single temporary
and permanent shade tree. In fact, due
to the high density of pepper, one of
the divisions is named as Malagamany
meaning the ‘house of pepper’.
The estate grows various strains of
Arabica and Robusta coffees with
flourish and has the distinction of
growing quality Arabicas. Margolly
Estate has one of the largest
rainwater harvesting tanks to provide
water for overhead irrigation and have the effect of replicating
natural rainfall that produce an even blossom and, eventually,
superior quality beans. This combined with the dense canopy of
trees and the robust foliage of towering pepper vines; replicate the cool
humid atmosphere of natural evergreen forests thereby producing coffee
that has good acidity, balanced flavour and a clean aftertaste.
This arboreal splendour is home to innumerable rare and endangered bird
species. Herds of wild elephants from the adjoining Chennangi Reserve
forest roam unhindered throughout the estate.
So full of mist and morning light
Margolly Estate’s Malagamany division translates to as
the “House of Pepper”. It was one of the first estates in
the region to intercrop pepper amongst coffee.
Altitude: 820-980 mtr
Area: 510 hectare
Terrain: Level land/well
drained, friable, humus, near to
neutral in reaction
Varieties of Coffee: Arabica &
Strain: Arabica: S795/Catimor/
SLN 5/ HDTxCatuai/ Graft
Robusta: Peredenia/ S. 274/
Margolly Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
Margolly Estate has one of the
largest rainwater harvesting tanks,
that plays host to large number of
migratory birds coming from as far
as Northern and Central Asia.
auvery begins her journey in Talakaveri, and like a
nurturing mother, she flows sustaining the lifeline of
the dwellings on her banks. And on her banks lies the
Cannoncadoo Estate, which was planted by one of the pioneer
planters in the region Mr. J P Hunt in the 1860s.
In 1920s the first lot of coffee was planted in the Banjigerrey
Division of the Cannoncadoo Estate. The early years of
Cannoncadoo Estate saw a high yield of Robusta and a
record breaking harvest of pepper. It was like man and
nature worked together to yield some fine produce.
Today, as one drives
through the Sidapur –
Madikere stretch, the well
trimmed Duranta fence
heralds your arrival to
the Cannoncadoo estate.
The estate has an exciting range of
trees under whose shade grows the
irrigated Robusta of Cannoncadoo.
The exalted ‘Robusta Kaapi Royale’
known for its good body, light
acidity and soft liquor is a product
of this fertile land.
Quietly flows the River Cauvery
Altitude: 1100-1180 mtr
Area: 340 hectare
Terrain: Moderate slopes/
steep, friable, rich in organic
matter, slightly acidic in
Varieties of Coffee: Arabica &
Strain: Arabica: S 795,
HDT×Cattuai, S.5
Robusta: Peridenia, S.274;
C×R; CC-11
Cannoncadoo Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
alking at a height of 900 mtr where the clouds come
floating down, the loudest sound you hear is your
heartbeat and you are at Nullore Estate in Madikeri; here
the largest Arabica estate in the region thrives. A slice of land where
nature brews her own cup under the two tier shade of tall trees.
The Nullore Estate is one of the finest examples where nature
comes full circle. Leaf droppings of shade trees, coffee fruit skin
and other agricultural waste go back to the soil as compost and
nature works her magic to bring out
the highest quality of the magical
Arabica beans. These prized beans
are selectively handpicked and they
undergo careful processing, while
preserving the inherent quality.
In 2016, a microlot from Block 19
in Nullore Estate became the first
ever coffee of Indian Origin to be
curated at the Starbucks Reserve. This
exceptional microlot came from a
block thriving with vibrant flora and
fauna with the coffee nurtured by
dual canopy shade trees and nestling
fruit bats.
Altitude: 750 - 910 mtr
Area: 390 hectare
Terrain: Level land/well
drained, friable, humus,slightly
acidic and near to neutral in
Varieties of Coffee :
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Arabica: S.795,
S.4345, HDT × Cat. ;
Robusta: Peredenia , S.274
Nullore Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
Microlot from Block 19 in Nullore Estate became the
first ever Indian origin coffee to be selected for the
Starbucks Reserve range.
Nullore Estate is home to a large population
of fruit bats. Tata Coffee takes special care
in shade lopping, so as to not disturb their
natural home.
The proud workers of Nullore estate, most of
whom are 2nd
generation employees with
Tata Coffee.
World famous yet homely!
etween Madikere and Kushalnagar lies the quaint estate
town of Sunticoppa and the Sunticoppa Estate. This town is
strategically situated along the Mysore BC Road state highway,
making it convenient to reach major towns in Kodagu district like
Madikeri, Kushalnagar etc.
In the days gone by, the town of Sunticoppa was known as the
“Chundekad Thota’ among the workers and residents of Sunticoppa
town. It is believed that this area was once full of thorny jungle
growth called ‘chunde’. This estate borders ‘Devarakadoo’, which are
protected areas of the village, at two locations.
The estate has a wide range
of native shade trees, which
provides the required shade
for coffee. The thick foliage is
home to many birds like the
Malabar hornbill, Racket tailed
drongo, spotted dove etc. One
can also spot wild boars and
barking deer here.
Swastha - a school for special education
and rehabilitation is located in the estate
on an area of land donated by Tata Coffee.
Swastha is run by the Coorg Foundation,
which in turn is funded by Tata Coffee.
A town so quaint and serene
Altitude: 900-1020 mtr
Area: 230 hectares
Terrain: Moderate to steep
slopes/ deep, friable, rich in
organic matter slightly acidic in
Varieties of Coffee: Arabica
Strain: Arabica: S 795, S 4345,
S 5B, HDT X Catuai, Chandragiri
Sunticoppa Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
Swastha is an initiative by Tata Coffee
that helps rehabilitate mentally
challenged children.
Where the dewdrops spread the
light into a million colours.
he Jumboor Estate located
in the northern highlands
of Coorg was planted in
the 1870s. Lying on the Eastern
face of a range this estate is a
throwback to times of past, when
renowned planters came here
and set up a legacy.
The estate is planted with
Arabicas, across an area
of 390 hectares. When the
coffee blooms in spring it is
breathtaking. The parchments
are washed using pure mountain
spring water to create the
exquisite coffee, for which
Jumboor is renowned for over a
century. Expert hands carefully
sun dry the beans in a controlled
and slow drying process to bring
out the flavour.
Jumboor also produces “Jumboor
Gold”, a yellow bourbon Arabica
variety which has exquisite
cupping quality.
Jumboor is home to a large number of seasonal streams. Tata Coffee
earmarks zones around such streams as “no cultivation” zones so as to
not to disturb the natural flow of water.
Altitude: 920-1150 mtr
Area: 390 hectare
Terrain: Steep to moderate
slopes/ deep, friable, rich in
organic matter slightly acidic in
Varieties of Coffee: Arabica
Strain: Arabica: HDT×Catuai,
Selection 795 and Chandragiri
Jumboor Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
Jumboor Gold is a special variety of Yellow
Bourbon coffee that grows in Jumboor.
Coffee nurtured by the sweetest
mountain spring water.
oovercolly Estate set amidst the rugged parklands of
Northern Coorg was established in 1863 by the Mangles
brothers of UK.
Due to remarkable farm management the “Coovercolly” mark
had earned a name in the London auctions even prior to
World War I. On this farm, the just ripe coffee cherries
are selectively handpicked over multiple rounds. The
extremely labour intensive, slow and controlled sun
drying helps conserve energy and brings out the sharp
acidity and good flavour which is characteristic of the
Coovercolly Estate.
Beauty of the Divine
“The Vanadurga Devi temple protects the land
and the people of Coovercolly and the people
revere this Goddess as their protector.”
Altitude: 830-1180 mtr
Area: 530 hectare
Terrain: Moderate slopes /deep,
friable, rich in organic matter
Slightly acidic in reaction.
Varieties of Coffee :
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Arabica: S.795 / Catimor
/ SLN.5 / Catuai Costerica / HDT
x Catuai / Sanroman / SLN.9
Robusta: Peredenia / S. 274 /
Coovercolly Estate
Coorg, Karnataka
As per Hindu scriptures, the
Panchmukhi Nagar (five headed
serpent) or the Shesha is the king of
the serpents. It is believed that when
the creature uncoils, time moves
forward and creation takes place. It’s
believed to be over 200 years old.
n the 1920s a marine engineer turned planter came to the
Manjarabad Region and the panoramic view of the Western Ghats
mesmerized him. He built a bungalow atop at hill in Karadibetta
or the ‘mountain of the bears’ in the local tongue. At Karadibetta the
weather is warm through the year with timely showers. The right mix
of hot and damp weather at the high altitude
favours the concentrated flowering and a
healthy strain of coffee.
Karadibeetta Estate is is famous for its Robusta
“Kaapi Royale”. The Robusta here is found to
be neutral and soft with a strong body and
spicy notes.
Altitude: 900 - 1000 mtr
Area: 380 hectare
Terrain: Moderate to gentle
slope/well drained,friable,
humus, slightly acidic to near
neutral in reaction.
Varieties of Coffee:
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Arabica: S 795, S 4345
& HDT x Catuai
Robusta: S 274 & Peridenia.
Karadibetta Estate
Hassan, Karnataka
Karadibetta (translating to “Bear Mountain”) is home
to numerous species and varieties of jungle trees.
Kallu Bungalow - Built by a marine engineer, the bungalow
incorporates many features found in ships.
Mountain of the bears
00 metres high on the warm upland of Hassan is
Ubban, pristine with a bouquet of mountain springs
and streams. The Goddess Parvathamma has been
watching over her abode for ages. The thick forests are
home to the large bio-diversity of the region
A walk in the woods will chance a spotting of leopards,
peacocks, wild boars and spotted deer. The forests are also
the habitat of jungle fowls,bats and flying squirrels.
The high altitude and the sufficient rainfall made it
conducive to plant coffee as early as in 1854. In1876,
Mr. Brooke Mocketre planted the area with trees, which
grew to give a mixed shade to the coffee crop.
Today, the estate in Ubban which grows Arabica and
Robusta is one of the most delectable coffees in the world.
Here dwells a goddess
Altitude: 780 – 930 mtr
Area: 530 hectare
Terrain: Level Land/well
drained, friable, humus, slightly
acidic and near to neutral in
Varieties of Coffee :
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Arabica : S 795, S4345
& HDT x Catuai
Robusta: S 274 & Peridenia.
Ubban Estate
Hassan, Karnataka
“Drops of nectar, drops of gold, sparkle on
leaves; twinkle inside the flowers, so gently from
among the clouds; so carefully to strew”
“The Manjharbad region near Sakleshpur is where Tipu
Sultan constructed a fort as a strategic defensive location
as it commands the approach to the plateau beyond
Sakleshpur from the coast.”
he Manjharbad region near Sakleshpur is where Tipu Sultan
constructed a fort as a strategic defensive location as it
commands the approach to the plateau beyond Sakleshpur from
the coast.
About 20 km from the Manjharbad Fort lies the Goorghully Estate
nestling at an elevation of 1040 mtr. The estate was started by planters
F G Faster, Margret Brook and others in 1940. The estate is divided
into 3 divisions the Goorghully & Soondhully division under the Hassan
District and the Hoshully (Mudigere Taluk).
While the estate grows Arabica and Robusta,
it is best recognised for producing a delectable
cup of Arabica coffee. Goorghully is mixed
estate with 40% area cultivated with Arabica
and 60 % with Robusta.
Pepper is grown on the
permanent / temporary
shade trees as inter-crop in
the coffee areas.
GoorghullyESTATE Fierce warriors & strong coffee
Altitude: 910-1040 mtrs
Area: 650 hectares
Terrain: Level land/ well
drained, friable, humus, near to
neutral in reaction.
Varieties of Coffee: Arabica &
Strain: Arabica: S795, S4345,
S5B, HDT X Catuai, Chandragiri
Robusta: Peredennia, S 274,
Goorghully Estate
Manjarabad, Karnataka
long the banks of River Bhadra lies the Gubgul estate in
Chikmagalur district. Originally owned by M/s. Coffee Lands Ltd,
in 2000 it was acquired by Tata Coffee. The areas surrounding the
estate are an adventurer’s paradise with the river offering white water
rafting and the Bhadra Tiger Reserve.
Nature is bountiful here with thousands of silver oaks and rain trees that
provide ample cover for the shade grown variety of coffee. Peacocks and
peahens flock here.
The estate spreads over 150 hectares and
produces ‘high-grown’ Robusta. The estate grows
both Sln 274 & Peredenia varieties of Robusta
and HDTxCatuai Arabica coffee.
The washed coffees of Gubgul are produced from
handpicked ripe fruits which are wet processed
and sun dried. The shade cover coupled with the
elevation and the unique microclimate
of this region, results in the production
of a special moderately high coffee
that is neutral, soft & balanced with
good body.
The estate is home to a varied species
of animals and birds. Predominantly
home to peacocks, one can also spot
wild boar, spotted deer and different
kinds of snakes
Eventually all things merge into one
and a river flows through it.
Altitude: 800-1040 mtr
Area: 150 hectares
Terrain: Moderate slopes/
Deep, friable, rich in Organic
matter Slightly acidic in
Varieties of Coffee :
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Robusta: Sln 274 &
Arabica: S.795, S.4345; HDT ×
Gubgul Estate
Chikmagalur, Karnataka
Go with the flow
erthi hills in Karnataka at 1,630 ft is the second highest
peak in the state and rich in heritage, and bio diversity. The
Merthikan Estate of Tata Coffee is nestling in the foothills of
the Merthi Hills surrounded by “Agumbe”, which receives the highest
rain in Karnataka and “Kudremukh”
a scenic hill station. The hills are
also home to the
famous Sringeripeeta
by Adi Shankara, a
revered saint in the 8th
century, the Horanadu
Temple and the
Kaleswara temple.
It is in this rich land
that the Tata coffee estates thrives
with the rivulets that run through
the Merthi Hills to join the majestic
Bhadra river. The hilly wet regions
of the estate support the growth of tea as well as coffee.
There are various self help groups who work together with the
Government Agencies to train the people on health and hygiene.
There is a Government School and a Tata Coffee aided private
school hat takes care of the basic education of the children in and
around the estate.
Blessed with abundanceA ground so blessed, even Gods settled there
Altitude: 1180 mtr
Area: 240 hectare
Terrain: Moderate to gentle
slope/well drained,friable,
humus, slightly acidic in reaction
Varieties of Coffee :
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Arabica: S 795, S4345 &
HDT x Catuai
Robusta: S 274 & Old Peridenia.
Merthikhan Estate
Chikmagalur, Karnataka
“Oh give me a home, where the buffaloes roam, where
the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard a
discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day”
ylemoney Estate is located in the mountain range of
Mullayangiri, the highest peak in Karnataka with lush green
forests, home to rich wildlife and a variety of deer. Thomas
Cannon a renowned English planter
discovered this ideal location in the
early 19th
century and he set up one of
the finest coffee estates in the region.
By the 1860’s ‘Mylemoney Brand -
Cannon’s Coffee’ was talked about
even in the London markets. This was
the first commercial coffee estate in
At an altitude of 1220 mtr, Mylemoney
Coffee Estate is home to one of the rarest
strains of Arabica– The Kent, developed in the
1900s. A connoisseur’s delight, Kent thrives in
the scenic Arabicadool division of this estate.
The steep slopes of Mullayangiri help a high
quality yield of shade grown Arabica. The
Thirumayee division in the Bababoodhangiri area grows Robusta.
Penagos at
Mylemoney Division
Home to the flavours of
“Giri” Coffee
Altitude: 1040-1220 mtr
Area: 420 hectare
Terrain: Moderate to steep
slopes / deep, friable, rich in
organic matter slightly acidic in
Varieties of Coffee :
Arabica & Robusta
Strain: Arabica: S.795,
S.4345, HDT × Cat.;
Robusta: Peredenia, S.274
Mylemoney Estate
Chikmagalur, Karnataka
alparai Estate is one of Tata Coffee’s largest coffee
estates and is located on the Valparai Plateau in the
Anamallais. Spread over 1200 hectares the Valparai
Plateau is surrounded by four protected areas — Indira Gandhi
Wildlife Sanctuary, Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Eravikulam
National Park and Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary — and
contains large areas of Tea, Coffee and Cardamom estates.
The estate has a rich legacy to boast about. As early as
1846, one Mr. Ramasamy Mudaliar planted coffee in
this region followed by the Karnatic Coffee Company
in 1864.
In 1890, Mr. Wintil and
Mr. Nordan cleared
the area and planted
tea and coffee, with
the help of a seasoned
planter Crawer Marsh.
who later was titled the
‘Father of Annamalais’.
The Valparai Estate was formed
in 1897 and came under the
Tata banner in 1983
The thick forests around makes
it home to a rich population
of hornbills and endangered
species like the lion tail macau,
tiger, leopard, bison, cheetal
deer and many more.
Bliss in every cup
“If coffee were like dreams, then I
would be wired in constant bliss.”
Altitude: 1070 mtr
Area: 660 hectare
Terrain: Moderate to steep
slopes/deep, friable, rich in
organic matter slighty acidic in
Varieties of Coffee: Arabica &
Strain: Arabia: HDT×Catuai,
S.795, S.4345, S.5B,
SLN. 6, Chandragiri.
Robusta: Peredennia, S 274, C×R
Valparai Estate
Anamallais, Tamil Nadu
Our rainwater harvesting practices are considered some of the best in the region.
Polibetta has one of the largest rain water harvested tank, the Mataparambu tank,
which is also home to a variety of birds and animals.
Corporate Social
Rain water harvesting
As delightful as our coffee beans are the verdant estates where
they come from. Each one nurtured and nourished by us, with
care for environment.
Our cultivation practices conform to the globally accepted best standards of
sustainability. We use deforciant technologies to work towards preserving the soil,
water and
biodiversity of the regions in and around our estates.
Integrated pest and disease management is carried out to ensure optimal usage of
agricultural inputs.
Our shade management practices are based on assessment of light intensity. Apart
from this, every effort is made to harness renewable energy. Effluent is responsibly
treated before discharge.
Our estates are SA 8000 certified ensuring international labour standards.
Sustainable farm practices
At Tata Coffee we are dedicated to the
communities that we operate in. In this spirit
we engage with local communities around our
estates to promote a better quality of life.
We support the Coorg Foundation towards its
mission to promote education and healthcare
of the underprivileged in the Coorg region.
The foundation operates the Swastha Center
for Special Education and Rehabilitation aimed
at differently-abled children to help them
reintegrate them into mainstream society.
In Anamallais, we support the developmental
activities of the differently-abled children
through DARE (Developmental Activities for
Rehabilitative Education)
In communities around Theni, we run and
support the Girl Child Nutrition Programme
and other women’s self-help groups.
Care for our people and employees is an indispensable part of our ‘business’ blend. It has
far reaching effects on our success, and we endeavour to provide them with the best facilities
and opportunities. We provide comprehensive health care cover to our workers through our
medical facility in Anamalai region and with the Rural India Health Project (RIHP) in Coorg. All
estate workers are provided with accommodation facilities and crèches to take care of their
children while they are at work.
We have internationally recognized safety practices for mitigating threats from wildlife in the
estates, working at heights, working with chemicals and with machinery.
Supporting our communities Caring for our people
We believe that we are not put on this earth for
ourselves, but placed here for each other.
We believe that being eco-efficient is the only way forwards. We have undertaken
several initiatives to preserve the ecological wealth of the area. Coffee is intercropped
along with other crops like pepper, vanilla, oranges and areca nuts amidst lush
canopies of shade trees to help promote bio-diversity. This coupled with an
optimal usage of valuable natural resources have enabled to sustain the ecological
balance across locations. The enormous vegetative cover has helped a negative
carbon footprint. Our Wildlife Cell helps mitigate the human-elephant conflict with
neighbouring areas are home to over 3000 native species of flora and 496 native
species of animals, contributing to and protecting the areas of rich
Efforts are on to protect the endangered species of the Great Indian Hornbill, amongst
other birds and animals in our estates, which is their natural habitat.
Managing bio-diversity
he origin of Monsoon Coffees from India has an interesting tale–often called the
‘accident of fate’. For decades the coffees shipped from India, experienced the
full force of the elements of nature during the long voyages. As the trade routes
became shorter and transit times shrank, the coffee connoisseurs in Europe discovered
that there was something
‘missing’ in the taste of the
beans. The cup lacked the
sweet softness of the earlier
days. It was clear that the
shorter journeys were not
allowing the coffee enough
time for natural seasoning.
The concept of ‘monsooning’
was thus born. To impart
the mellowness to the taste
on arrival in Europe, the
discerning coffee producers
from India ‘simulated’ the
conditions on the western
(Malabar) coast. In large and
naturally aerated seaside
warehouses, the natural Arabica is spread out during the monsoons/ The beans are
gently raked through the monsoon period to expose them to the humid drafts. The
coffee matures through the seasoning and the result is sheer delight.
Tata Coffee has its own monsooning facility in Mangalore. Over the past decades,
Tata Coffee has developed an excellent insight into the art of monsoon seasoning,
imparting the mildly acidic and flavourful mouth feel that roasters cherish.
Indian Monsooned Malabar
Treasured by the connoisseur
Photo Credits: Karthik Krishnan, Harmandeep Singh Bhandal, K U Somaya, & A J Nachappa, Tata Coffee Limited
Content and Design: Shilahar Associates, Bangalore

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Tata coffee Estate Stories

  • 1. A promise of the finest coffee beans Corporate Office: 57, Railway Parallel Road, Kumara Park West, Bangalore - 560020 INDIA Tel: +91 23560695 / 97 Fax: +91 80 2356 1974 Email:
  • 2. A promise of the finest coffee beans
  • 3. OUR RICH HERITAGE The seeds of our estates were sown more than a 100 years ago, by planters who brought coffee to the hills of Coorg in the then state of Mysore in South India. The land, the weather and the people came together to create what are today some of the finest coffees in the world. Those visionary planters shared a genuine passion in the human side of the estate. They knew that people played an important role in nurturing and caring for a coffee plant, to produce the finest coffee. This philosophy of care for every bean of coffee is the foundation of our success. Overtheyears,oneaspectthathasdistinguishedusglobally, is that ‘our coffee beans come from our own estates’, with a promise of the finest quality while following the highest standards of sustainability and communities. In passing this age old harmony between nature and man lies the essence of our existence. At Tata Coffee, we are proud to be a part of this timeless heritage.
  • 4. Balmany CottabettaPolibetta Yammigoondi Anandapur Cannoncadu Nullore Sunticoppa Jumboor Coovercolly Karadibetta Ubban Goorghully Merthikhan Mylemoney Gubgul Margolly KNW Woshully The sprawling coffee estates of Tata Coffee are found nestling in the serene hills of Coorg, Chikmagalur and Anamallais. The trail of Tata Coffee estates are spread over 19 locations across the South Indian states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Both Arabica and Robusta coffees are cultivated and inter cropped with pepper and fruit trees, imparting unique and delectable flavour and aromatic nuances to the coffee beans. Each of these estates are unique and have a story of their own. While some of them were founded by legendary planters, others are characterized by distinct location, flora, fauna and exotic strains of coffee. Despite being diverse in characteristics, they unite under the well established processes of Tata Coffee to bring you the finest of coffee beans from India. As you delve into the pages, you will discover how each one of our coffee estates have a story waiting to be told, a journey waiting to be unfurled. The best of the coffee estates in the hills of Southern India
  • 5. T wo estates Balmany and Devarcadoo together form the Balmany Devarcadoo Estate. Situated in a rain leeward region, the Balmany Estate borders the Thithimathi forest and the Devarcadoo estate is close by. The Balmany estate is also in close proximity of the Rajiv Gandhi National Park. Devaracadoo in the local language translates into ‘God’s Forest.’ The locals revere the forests; for them it is the protector and the provider. This is where Mathewson & Co., a well known estate company in the 19th century set up the first coffee estate. This estate is known for organic cultivation where all bio-degradable and agricultural wastes are converted into rich organic fertilizer. The locals believe that a trek to the temple of the Lord Shiva in the deep woods, answers their prayers for timely rain. This estate is known for its Robusta strain due to its ecological factors. The yield of the estate has won the Flavour of India Award in the Organic Category in the past. Where Gods descend BalmanyESTATE Altitude: 850-910 mtr Area: 270 hectare Terrain: Level land / well drained, friable, humus, near to neutral in reaction Varieties of Coffee : Majorly Robusta & Arabica Strain: Arabica: HDT X Cattuai Robusta: Peridenia, S.274, C×R Balmany Estate Coorg, Karnataka The Balmany forest borders the Nagarhole Natural Park, which is home to the majestic Bengal Tiger and the Malabar Squirrel. Tata Coffee often sends water tankers to refill watering holes during the dry season. The tribal folks of the region participate in the “Begging Festival” every year, where men cross dress as women. They undertake a pilgrimage to an ancient temple in the heart of the forest to appease the Gods.
  • 6. M isty mornings, winding paths, not a soul in sight. At a height of 900 mtr drive into the winding road through the blue and white gates of the Woshully Estate and one of the oldest heritage bungalows looms into sight. Standing on the porch of the bungalow one sees the famed Doorbeen (Binoculars) road. Folklore says that there used to be a Masonian Temple in the vicinity. The estate is known for its high quality Robusta and fine flavoured Coorg Mandarin oranges. Woshully is home to a host of animal species. An established “elephant corridor” passes through the estate. Racket tailed dragons, scarlet minivets, serpent eagles and brahminy kites are frequently seen frolicking in the shade trees. WoshullyESTATE Looking ahead, seeking a world unseen Altitude: 890 - 990 mtr Area: 620 hectare Terrain: Moderate to gentle slope/well drained, friable, humus, slightly acidic in reaction Varieties of Coffee : Arabica & Robusta Strain: Robusta: Peredenia, S-274, CXR Arabica: HDTXcatuai, Chandragiri, Sln-5. Woshully Estate Coorg, Karnataka The Woshully Estate is famous for its coffee and its oranges. The Woshully mark is a well known name in oranges. The Woshully heritage bungalow is over a century old and has been carefully preserved by Tata Coffee.
  • 7. C ottabeta or the ‘Cold Mountain’ in South Coorg is nestled in the Western Ghats. The air is crisp and cinnamon trees are interspersed with tall teak trees on which pepper vines climb to great heights. An old fig tree (ficuscarica) stands silent witness of the evolution in the Cottabeta Estate. The estate has a heritage bungalow, once occupied by British planters, built on an elevated plain, with a mesmeric view of the Brahmagiri Range. Parakeets, red whiskered bulbuls and barbets fly in and feast on the fruit trees, supported by the estate. From this estate come some of the finest Robusta ripened by the rays of the winter sun filtering through the leaves of silver oak (Gravellia Robusta) and rosewood trees (Dalbergia). Cottabeta Estate has one of the highest yields of pepper, that gives a rich spicy note to the coffee. Vast irrigation tanks are maintained to source water and promote pisciculture. CottabettaESTATE The cold mountains beckon “Silent, timeless in ageless majesty, sleepless guardian of mysteries old, stands the old fig tree.” Altitude: 910 mtr mean Area: 440 hectare Terrain: Gentle slope/well drained,friable, humus, slighly acidic to near neutral in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica & Majority - Robusta Strain: Arabica: HDT × Catuai Robusta : Peridenia, S.274; C×R Cottabeta Estate Coorg, Karnataka The estate is home to Ficus Infectoria - Basari trees, some of which are more than 150 years old.
  • 8. I vor Bull is perhaps the most famous name among the planters who have left their mark in India. He came to India after the first World War and as a planter, his work made a lasting difference to the coffee community in Coorg. After the Second World War, when the coffee exports were hit, Ivor Bull encouraged the ‘pooling system’, where planters came together and marketed their coffee like a co-operative. Ivor Bull affectionately known as the ‘Father of Coffee’ in Coorg, chose Pollibetta for establishing the first Coffee Company – Coorg Coffee Estates, which later came to be known as Consolidated Coffee Ltd., Pollibetta has a huge ‘jack fruit tree’ still standing, which was saved from going under the axe by Ivor Bull. Axing trees was a fad advanced by some technically sound coffee planters. In these days of ‘bird sung’ coffee (an expression that implies ripening of coffee due to the melody of birds) Ivor Bull’s lessons on the coffee ecology ring true. Pollibetta is located in the prime estate zone and even today one can see coffee fields, which are over 90 years old. As rich as its history is the rich yield of Robusta and pepper. The estate boasts of a 25-acre manicured 9-hole golf course and in its midst an area for various sporting activities. Altitude: 900-1020 mtr Area: 330 hectare Terrain: Level land / well drained, friable, humus,slightly acidic and near to neutral in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Robusta Strain: Robusta: Peredenia S274 Pollibetta Estate Coorg, Karnataka Of pepper vines and coffee beans PollibettaESTATE Mattaparambu division in Pollibetta is the highest yielding Robusta division in the company. An elephant corridor runs across the Pollibetta estate. Elephant herds guided by their matriarch are often seen here.
  • 9. YemmigoondiESTATE A s the story goes, large herds of bison used to camp in the deep valleys of this estate in the 18th century and hence the name ‘Yemmigoondi’ came into being. This is one of the earliest estates started by the British, proof of which is the existence of a 100 year old bungalow and a horse stable in the DYG division. Swiss planters (the Volkart brothers), around the same time, opened another division in Siddapur. Yemigoondi estate is situated in the Coorg district of Karnataka. This estate is blessed with abundant water bodies and natural springs, which contribute to the prevalence of salubrious climate. This results in ideal growing conditions for Robusta with high bean density. Apart from growing coffee, the estate also produces side crops like pepper, cardamom and orange. The estate has large species of indigenous trees that are home to the flying fox, motley of birds, wild cats and other mammals like elephants that come into the estate looking for food and water. Honeybees assist in natural pollination echoing the eco-friendly practices that the estate follows. Considerable efforts have been put in by the estate to take care of the social welfare measures of the working community, who in turn give their best towards the job at hand. Altitude: 890-1100 mtr Area: 570 hectare Terrain: Level land/well drained, friable, humus,slightly acidic and near to neutral in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S795, HDT x Catuai, Sln.6 Robusta: S 274 & Peridenia Yemmigundi Estate Coorg, Karnataka Once said to be the home of large herds of bison, Yemigoondi estate has a unique topography. It is “bowl” shaped with hills on all sides. The steep “Bee Hill” in Siddapura division of the estate is where high altitude Arabica grows on steep slopes. Bountiful & pure.
  • 10. R ev. Hermann Frederick Mögling, the German missionary turned Kannada literary scholar and the editor of the first Kannada newspaper “Mangalura Samachara”was all set to return to Germany, when Alamanda Somayya from Coorg met him. Alamanda wanted to convert to Christianity and invited Rev. Hermann to Coorg, offering his land for construction of a church. A modest church was built on Somayya’s land. Further in 1857, the administration granted Rev. Mögling 97 acres land to establish a church and a coffee estate settlement. This was the beginning of the only estate planted by planters of German orign. The bungalow in Anandapur was built in 1875 and was home to one more literary figure Kettle, the author of the famed English to Kannada, Kettle Dictionary, who stayed here for a few years. The estate currently has three divisions namely, Anandapur, Charlote and Pallakere divisions. Charlotte and Pallakere divisions are situated next to the Cauvery River and the famous Guyya Agastyeshwara Temple. Anandapur Robusta is one of the oldest in the district. As this is the only German estate, the spacing and plant height is different from the other estates in the district. Anandapur estate is famous for its Peredenia variety of coffee, which is a source of Peredenia seed material for other planters in and around Pollibetta. AnandapurESTATE The land of new beginnings Altitude: 880-980 mtr Area: 420 hectare Terrain: Gentle slope / well drained, rich in organic matter, slightly acidic to near neutral in reaction Varieties of Coffee: Robusta Strain: Robusta: Peredenia/S 274 Anandapur Estate Coorg, Karnataka Anandapur Estate is the only estate that was originally planted by German planters. It is also the birthplace of Christianity in Coorg with a church being built in 1859.
  • 11. M argolly Estate was planted in the 1850s, by Scottish planters. It is believed that there is a farmland by the name Margolly in Scotland from where they came. Margolly is located amidst the undulating highlands of Southern Coorg. Its vast expanses, spread across plain lands and gentle slopes, encompass an area of over 500 hectares. It is essentially a mixed estate with Arabica, Robusta, oil palm and areas of inter-planted areca nut. One of its divisions, Malagamany Division had around 40 hectares of pure orange growing area and had produced about 20 truckloads of oranges. The highlight of the Margolly Estate is its pepper. Pepper is inter-planted in the coffee areas and is grown on every single temporary and permanent shade tree. In fact, due to the high density of pepper, one of the divisions is named as Malagamany meaning the ‘house of pepper’. The estate grows various strains of Arabica and Robusta coffees with flourish and has the distinction of growing quality Arabicas. Margolly Estate has one of the largest rainwater harvesting tanks to provide water for overhead irrigation and have the effect of replicating natural rainfall that produce an even blossom and, eventually, superior quality beans. This combined with the dense canopy of trees and the robust foliage of towering pepper vines; replicate the cool humid atmosphere of natural evergreen forests thereby producing coffee that has good acidity, balanced flavour and a clean aftertaste. This arboreal splendour is home to innumerable rare and endangered bird species. Herds of wild elephants from the adjoining Chennangi Reserve forest roam unhindered throughout the estate. MargollyESTATE So full of mist and morning light Margolly Estate’s Malagamany division translates to as the “House of Pepper”. It was one of the first estates in the region to intercrop pepper amongst coffee. Altitude: 820-980 mtr Area: 510 hectare Terrain: Level land/well drained, friable, humus, near to neutral in reaction Varieties of Coffee: Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S795/Catimor/ SLN 5/ HDTxCatuai/ Graft Robusta: Peredenia/ S. 274/ C×R Margolly Estate Coorg, Karnataka Margolly Estate has one of the largest rainwater harvesting tanks, that plays host to large number of migratory birds coming from as far as Northern and Central Asia.
  • 12. C auvery begins her journey in Talakaveri, and like a nurturing mother, she flows sustaining the lifeline of the dwellings on her banks. And on her banks lies the Cannoncadoo Estate, which was planted by one of the pioneer planters in the region Mr. J P Hunt in the 1860s. In 1920s the first lot of coffee was planted in the Banjigerrey Division of the Cannoncadoo Estate. The early years of Cannoncadoo Estate saw a high yield of Robusta and a record breaking harvest of pepper. It was like man and nature worked together to yield some fine produce. Today, as one drives through the Sidapur – Madikere stretch, the well trimmed Duranta fence heralds your arrival to the Cannoncadoo estate. The estate has an exciting range of trees under whose shade grows the irrigated Robusta of Cannoncadoo. The exalted ‘Robusta Kaapi Royale’ known for its good body, light acidity and soft liquor is a product of this fertile land. CannoncadooESTATE Quietly flows the River Cauvery Altitude: 1100-1180 mtr Area: 340 hectare Terrain: Moderate slopes/ steep, friable, rich in organic matter, slightly acidic in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S 795, HDT×Cattuai, S.5 Robusta: Peridenia, S.274; C×R; CC-11 Cannoncadoo Estate Coorg, Karnataka
  • 13. W alking at a height of 900 mtr where the clouds come floating down, the loudest sound you hear is your heartbeat and you are at Nullore Estate in Madikeri; here the largest Arabica estate in the region thrives. A slice of land where nature brews her own cup under the two tier shade of tall trees. The Nullore Estate is one of the finest examples where nature comes full circle. Leaf droppings of shade trees, coffee fruit skin and other agricultural waste go back to the soil as compost and nature works her magic to bring out the highest quality of the magical Arabica beans. These prized beans are selectively handpicked and they undergo careful processing, while preserving the inherent quality. In 2016, a microlot from Block 19 in Nullore Estate became the first ever coffee of Indian Origin to be curated at the Starbucks Reserve. This exceptional microlot came from a block thriving with vibrant flora and fauna with the coffee nurtured by dual canopy shade trees and nestling fruit bats. Altitude: 750 - 910 mtr Area: 390 hectare Terrain: Level land/well drained, friable, humus,slightly acidic and near to neutral in reaction. Varieties of Coffee : Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S.795, S.4345, HDT × Cat. ; Robusta: Peredenia , S.274 Nullore Estate Coorg, Karnataka NulloreESTATE Microlot from Block 19 in Nullore Estate became the first ever Indian origin coffee to be selected for the Starbucks Reserve range. Nullore Estate is home to a large population of fruit bats. Tata Coffee takes special care in shade lopping, so as to not disturb their natural home. The proud workers of Nullore estate, most of whom are 2nd generation employees with Tata Coffee. World famous yet homely!
  • 14. B etween Madikere and Kushalnagar lies the quaint estate town of Sunticoppa and the Sunticoppa Estate. This town is strategically situated along the Mysore BC Road state highway, making it convenient to reach major towns in Kodagu district like Madikeri, Kushalnagar etc. In the days gone by, the town of Sunticoppa was known as the “Chundekad Thota’ among the workers and residents of Sunticoppa town. It is believed that this area was once full of thorny jungle growth called ‘chunde’. This estate borders ‘Devarakadoo’, which are protected areas of the village, at two locations. The estate has a wide range of native shade trees, which provides the required shade for coffee. The thick foliage is home to many birds like the Malabar hornbill, Racket tailed drongo, spotted dove etc. One can also spot wild boars and barking deer here. Swastha - a school for special education and rehabilitation is located in the estate on an area of land donated by Tata Coffee. Swastha is run by the Coorg Foundation, which in turn is funded by Tata Coffee. SunticoppaESTATE A town so quaint and serene Altitude: 900-1020 mtr Area: 230 hectares Terrain: Moderate to steep slopes/ deep, friable, rich in organic matter slightly acidic in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica Strain: Arabica: S 795, S 4345, S 5B, HDT X Catuai, Chandragiri Sunticoppa Estate Coorg, Karnataka Swastha is an initiative by Tata Coffee that helps rehabilitate mentally challenged children. Where the dewdrops spread the light into a million colours.
  • 15. T he Jumboor Estate located in the northern highlands of Coorg was planted in the 1870s. Lying on the Eastern face of a range this estate is a throwback to times of past, when renowned planters came here and set up a legacy. The estate is planted with Arabicas, across an area of 390 hectares. When the coffee blooms in spring it is breathtaking. The parchments are washed using pure mountain spring water to create the exquisite coffee, for which Jumboor is renowned for over a century. Expert hands carefully sun dry the beans in a controlled and slow drying process to bring out the flavour. Jumboor also produces “Jumboor Gold”, a yellow bourbon Arabica variety which has exquisite cupping quality. JumboorESTATE Jumboor is home to a large number of seasonal streams. Tata Coffee earmarks zones around such streams as “no cultivation” zones so as to not to disturb the natural flow of water. Altitude: 920-1150 mtr Area: 390 hectare Terrain: Steep to moderate slopes/ deep, friable, rich in organic matter slightly acidic in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica Strain: Arabica: HDT×Catuai, Selection 795 and Chandragiri Jumboor Estate Coorg, Karnataka Jumboor Gold is a special variety of Yellow Bourbon coffee that grows in Jumboor. Coffee nurtured by the sweetest mountain spring water.
  • 16. C oovercolly Estate set amidst the rugged parklands of Northern Coorg was established in 1863 by the Mangles brothers of UK. Due to remarkable farm management the “Coovercolly” mark had earned a name in the London auctions even prior to World War I. On this farm, the just ripe coffee cherries are selectively handpicked over multiple rounds. The extremely labour intensive, slow and controlled sun drying helps conserve energy and brings out the sharp acidity and good flavour which is characteristic of the Coovercolly Estate. CoovercollyESTATE Beauty of the Divine “The Vanadurga Devi temple protects the land and the people of Coovercolly and the people revere this Goddess as their protector.” Altitude: 830-1180 mtr Area: 530 hectare Terrain: Moderate slopes /deep, friable, rich in organic matter Slightly acidic in reaction. Varieties of Coffee : Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S.795 / Catimor / SLN.5 / Catuai Costerica / HDT x Catuai / Sanroman / SLN.9 Robusta: Peredenia / S. 274 / CxR” Coovercolly Estate Coorg, Karnataka As per Hindu scriptures, the Panchmukhi Nagar (five headed serpent) or the Shesha is the king of the serpents. It is believed that when the creature uncoils, time moves forward and creation takes place. It’s believed to be over 200 years old.
  • 17. I n the 1920s a marine engineer turned planter came to the Manjarabad Region and the panoramic view of the Western Ghats mesmerized him. He built a bungalow atop at hill in Karadibetta or the ‘mountain of the bears’ in the local tongue. At Karadibetta the weather is warm through the year with timely showers. The right mix of hot and damp weather at the high altitude favours the concentrated flowering and a healthy strain of coffee. Karadibeetta Estate is is famous for its Robusta “Kaapi Royale”. The Robusta here is found to be neutral and soft with a strong body and spicy notes. Altitude: 900 - 1000 mtr Area: 380 hectare Terrain: Moderate to gentle slope/well drained,friable, humus, slightly acidic to near neutral in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S 795, S 4345 & HDT x Catuai Robusta: S 274 & Peridenia. Karadibetta Estate Hassan, Karnataka KaradibettaESTATE Karadibetta (translating to “Bear Mountain”) is home to numerous species and varieties of jungle trees. Kallu Bungalow - Built by a marine engineer, the bungalow incorporates many features found in ships. Mountain of the bears
  • 18. 9 00 metres high on the warm upland of Hassan is Ubban, pristine with a bouquet of mountain springs and streams. The Goddess Parvathamma has been watching over her abode for ages. The thick forests are home to the large bio-diversity of the region A walk in the woods will chance a spotting of leopards, peacocks, wild boars and spotted deer. The forests are also the habitat of jungle fowls,bats and flying squirrels. The high altitude and the sufficient rainfall made it conducive to plant coffee as early as in 1854. In1876, Mr. Brooke Mocketre planted the area with trees, which grew to give a mixed shade to the coffee crop. Today, the estate in Ubban which grows Arabica and Robusta is one of the most delectable coffees in the world. Here dwells a goddess Altitude: 780 – 930 mtr Area: 530 hectare Terrain: Level Land/well drained, friable, humus, slightly acidic and near to neutral in reaction. Varieties of Coffee : Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica : S 795, S4345 & HDT x Catuai Robusta: S 274 & Peridenia. Ubban Estate Hassan, Karnataka UbbanESTATE “Drops of nectar, drops of gold, sparkle on leaves; twinkle inside the flowers, so gently from among the clouds; so carefully to strew”
  • 19. “The Manjharbad region near Sakleshpur is where Tipu Sultan constructed a fort as a strategic defensive location as it commands the approach to the plateau beyond Sakleshpur from the coast.” T he Manjharbad region near Sakleshpur is where Tipu Sultan constructed a fort as a strategic defensive location as it commands the approach to the plateau beyond Sakleshpur from the coast. About 20 km from the Manjharbad Fort lies the Goorghully Estate nestling at an elevation of 1040 mtr. The estate was started by planters F G Faster, Margret Brook and others in 1940. The estate is divided into 3 divisions the Goorghully & Soondhully division under the Hassan District and the Hoshully (Mudigere Taluk). While the estate grows Arabica and Robusta, it is best recognised for producing a delectable cup of Arabica coffee. Goorghully is mixed estate with 40% area cultivated with Arabica and 60 % with Robusta. Pepper is grown on the permanent / temporary shade trees as inter-crop in the coffee areas. GoorghullyESTATE Fierce warriors & strong coffee Altitude: 910-1040 mtrs Area: 650 hectares Terrain: Level land/ well drained, friable, humus, near to neutral in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S795, S4345, S5B, HDT X Catuai, Chandragiri Robusta: Peredennia, S 274, CXR Goorghully Estate Manjarabad, Karnataka
  • 20. A long the banks of River Bhadra lies the Gubgul estate in Chikmagalur district. Originally owned by M/s. Coffee Lands Ltd, in 2000 it was acquired by Tata Coffee. The areas surrounding the estate are an adventurer’s paradise with the river offering white water rafting and the Bhadra Tiger Reserve. Nature is bountiful here with thousands of silver oaks and rain trees that provide ample cover for the shade grown variety of coffee. Peacocks and peahens flock here. The estate spreads over 150 hectares and produces ‘high-grown’ Robusta. The estate grows both Sln 274 & Peredenia varieties of Robusta and HDTxCatuai Arabica coffee. The washed coffees of Gubgul are produced from handpicked ripe fruits which are wet processed and sun dried. The shade cover coupled with the elevation and the unique microclimate of this region, results in the production of a special moderately high coffee that is neutral, soft & balanced with good body. The estate is home to a varied species of animals and birds. Predominantly home to peacocks, one can also spot wild boar, spotted deer and different kinds of snakes GubgulESTATE Eventually all things merge into one and a river flows through it. Altitude: 800-1040 mtr Area: 150 hectares Terrain: Moderate slopes/ Deep, friable, rich in Organic matter Slightly acidic in reaction. Varieties of Coffee : Arabica & Robusta Strain: Robusta: Sln 274 & Peredinia Arabica: S.795, S.4345; HDT × Catuai Gubgul Estate Chikmagalur, Karnataka Go with the flow
  • 21. M erthi hills in Karnataka at 1,630 ft is the second highest peak in the state and rich in heritage, and bio diversity. The Merthikan Estate of Tata Coffee is nestling in the foothills of the Merthi Hills surrounded by “Agumbe”, which receives the highest rain in Karnataka and “Kudremukh” a scenic hill station. The hills are also home to the famous Sringeripeeta by Adi Shankara, a revered saint in the 8th century, the Horanadu Annapoorneswari Temple and the Kaleswara temple. It is in this rich land that the Tata coffee estates thrives with the rivulets that run through the Merthi Hills to join the majestic Bhadra river. The hilly wet regions of the estate support the growth of tea as well as coffee. There are various self help groups who work together with the Government Agencies to train the people on health and hygiene. There is a Government School and a Tata Coffee aided private school hat takes care of the basic education of the children in and around the estate. MerthikhanESTATE Blessed with abundanceA ground so blessed, even Gods settled there Altitude: 1180 mtr Area: 240 hectare Terrain: Moderate to gentle slope/well drained,friable, humus, slightly acidic in reaction Varieties of Coffee : Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S 795, S4345 & HDT x Catuai Robusta: S 274 & Old Peridenia. Merthikhan Estate Chikmagalur, Karnataka
  • 22. “Oh give me a home, where the buffaloes roam, where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day” M ylemoney Estate is located in the mountain range of Mullayangiri, the highest peak in Karnataka with lush green forests, home to rich wildlife and a variety of deer. Thomas Cannon a renowned English planter discovered this ideal location in the early 19th century and he set up one of the finest coffee estates in the region. By the 1860’s ‘Mylemoney Brand - Cannon’s Coffee’ was talked about even in the London markets. This was the first commercial coffee estate in India. At an altitude of 1220 mtr, Mylemoney Coffee Estate is home to one of the rarest strains of Arabica– The Kent, developed in the 1900s. A connoisseur’s delight, Kent thrives in the scenic Arabicadool division of this estate. The steep slopes of Mullayangiri help a high quality yield of shade grown Arabica. The Thirumayee division in the Bababoodhangiri area grows Robusta. Penagos at Mylemoney Division MylemoneyESTATE Home to the flavours of “Giri” Coffee Altitude: 1040-1220 mtr Area: 420 hectare Terrain: Moderate to steep slopes / deep, friable, rich in organic matter slightly acidic in reaction. Varieties of Coffee : Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabica: S.795, S.4345, HDT × Cat.; Robusta: Peredenia, S.274 Mylemoney Estate Chikmagalur, Karnataka
  • 23. V alparai Estate is one of Tata Coffee’s largest coffee estates and is located on the Valparai Plateau in the Anamallais. Spread over 1200 hectares the Valparai Plateau is surrounded by four protected areas — Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Eravikulam National Park and Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary — and contains large areas of Tea, Coffee and Cardamom estates. The estate has a rich legacy to boast about. As early as 1846, one Mr. Ramasamy Mudaliar planted coffee in this region followed by the Karnatic Coffee Company in 1864. In 1890, Mr. Wintil and Mr. Nordan cleared the area and planted tea and coffee, with the help of a seasoned planter Crawer Marsh. who later was titled the ‘Father of Annamalais’. The Valparai Estate was formed in 1897 and came under the Tata banner in 1983 The thick forests around makes it home to a rich population of hornbills and endangered species like the lion tail macau, tiger, leopard, bison, cheetal deer and many more. ValparaiESTATE Bliss in every cup “If coffee were like dreams, then I would be wired in constant bliss.” Altitude: 1070 mtr Area: 660 hectare Terrain: Moderate to steep slopes/deep, friable, rich in organic matter slighty acidic in reaction. Varieties of Coffee: Arabica & Robusta Strain: Arabia: HDT×Catuai, S.795, S.4345, S.5B, SLN. 6, Chandragiri. Robusta: Peredennia, S 274, C×R Valparai Estate Anamallais, Tamil Nadu
  • 24. Our rainwater harvesting practices are considered some of the best in the region. Polibetta has one of the largest rain water harvested tank, the Mataparambu tank, which is also home to a variety of birds and animals. Corporate Social Responsibility Rain water harvesting As delightful as our coffee beans are the verdant estates where they come from. Each one nurtured and nourished by us, with care for environment. Our cultivation practices conform to the globally accepted best standards of sustainability. We use deforciant technologies to work towards preserving the soil, water and biodiversity of the regions in and around our estates. Integrated pest and disease management is carried out to ensure optimal usage of agricultural inputs. Our shade management practices are based on assessment of light intensity. Apart from this, every effort is made to harness renewable energy. Effluent is responsibly treated before discharge. Our estates are SA 8000 certified ensuring international labour standards. Sustainable farm practices
  • 25. At Tata Coffee we are dedicated to the communities that we operate in. In this spirit we engage with local communities around our estates to promote a better quality of life. We support the Coorg Foundation towards its mission to promote education and healthcare of the underprivileged in the Coorg region. The foundation operates the Swastha Center for Special Education and Rehabilitation aimed at differently-abled children to help them reintegrate them into mainstream society. In Anamallais, we support the developmental activities of the differently-abled children through DARE (Developmental Activities for Rehabilitative Education) In communities around Theni, we run and support the Girl Child Nutrition Programme and other women’s self-help groups. Care for our people and employees is an indispensable part of our ‘business’ blend. It has far reaching effects on our success, and we endeavour to provide them with the best facilities and opportunities. We provide comprehensive health care cover to our workers through our medical facility in Anamalai region and with the Rural India Health Project (RIHP) in Coorg. All estate workers are provided with accommodation facilities and crèches to take care of their children while they are at work. We have internationally recognized safety practices for mitigating threats from wildlife in the estates, working at heights, working with chemicals and with machinery. Supporting our communities Caring for our people We believe that we are not put on this earth for ourselves, but placed here for each other.
  • 26. We believe that being eco-efficient is the only way forwards. We have undertaken several initiatives to preserve the ecological wealth of the area. Coffee is intercropped along with other crops like pepper, vanilla, oranges and areca nuts amidst lush canopies of shade trees to help promote bio-diversity. This coupled with an optimal usage of valuable natural resources have enabled to sustain the ecological balance across locations. The enormous vegetative cover has helped a negative carbon footprint. Our Wildlife Cell helps mitigate the human-elephant conflict with neighbouring areas are home to over 3000 native species of flora and 496 native species of animals, contributing to and protecting the areas of rich bio-diversity. Efforts are on to protect the endangered species of the Great Indian Hornbill, amongst other birds and animals in our estates, which is their natural habitat. Managing bio-diversity
  • 27. T he origin of Monsoon Coffees from India has an interesting tale–often called the ‘accident of fate’. For decades the coffees shipped from India, experienced the full force of the elements of nature during the long voyages. As the trade routes became shorter and transit times shrank, the coffee connoisseurs in Europe discovered that there was something ‘missing’ in the taste of the beans. The cup lacked the sweet softness of the earlier days. It was clear that the shorter journeys were not allowing the coffee enough time for natural seasoning. The concept of ‘monsooning’ was thus born. To impart the mellowness to the taste on arrival in Europe, the discerning coffee producers from India ‘simulated’ the conditions on the western (Malabar) coast. In large and naturally aerated seaside warehouses, the natural Arabica is spread out during the monsoons/ The beans are gently raked through the monsoon period to expose them to the humid drafts. The coffee matures through the seasoning and the result is sheer delight. Tata Coffee has its own monsooning facility in Mangalore. Over the past decades, Tata Coffee has developed an excellent insight into the art of monsoon seasoning, imparting the mildly acidic and flavourful mouth feel that roasters cherish. Indian Monsooned Malabar Treasured by the connoisseur
  • 28. Photo Credits: Karthik Krishnan, Harmandeep Singh Bhandal, K U Somaya, & A J Nachappa, Tata Coffee Limited Content and Design: Shilahar Associates, Bangalore