SlideShare a Scribd company logo
... a crime scene ...
React, since 2015
Logicea, since 2013
CanJS, since 2011
ExtJS, since 2010
jQuery, since 2008
Web, since 2004
Forms: why bother?
Still a Pain
Business Interest
Forms: pwn factor
^ ^ ^ ^
html react TODAY pwned
Forms: watch for
the Designer
the User
the API
the Browser
Forms: ingredients
Flexible Layout
Variety of Inputs
Dynamic Fields
Dynamic Values
Field Dependencies
Lookup Data
Hints & Errors
Field Status
Requests & Responses
React: the weapon
Painless interactive UIs.
Design views for each state in your app
Predictable and easier to debug
Component Based
Encapsulated with own state
Composable to make complex UIs
Keep state out of the DOM
// the simplest react component as of React 16
function WorldGreeter() {
return "Hello, World"
<WorldGreeter /> => "Hello, World"
// with some JSX sauce
function FriendGreeter({ name }) {
return <div>Hello {name}!</div>
<FriendGreeter name="Bob" /> => "Hello Bob!"
class NobleGreeter extends React.Component {
// componentLifecycleFunctions()
// this.setState()
render() {
return (
Hello {this.props.title} {}
<NobleGreeter title="sir" name="William" /> => "Hello sir William"
a crime in 3 acts
the victim
Act 1 : Scene 1 : ■
function ProfileForm1() {
return (
<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="password" name="password" />
Act 1 : Scene 1 : ▸
Act 1 : Scene 2 : ■
<label htmlFor="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" />
<label htmlFor="email">E-mail</label>
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
<label htmlFor="password">Password</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" />
Act 1 : Scene 2 : ▸
Act 1 : Scene 3 : ■
export class ProfileForm3 extends Component {
onSubmit = (ev) => {
ev.preventDefault() // disable browser post
const data = { ... }
fetch('/api/me', { method: 'POST', body: ... })
inputs = {}
render() {
return (<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}> ... </form>)
Act 1 : Scene 3 : ■
inputs = {}
onSubmit = (ev) => {...
const data = {
username: this.inputs.username.value,
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>...
<input type="text" name="username" id="username"
ref={(el) => this.inputs.username = el} />
Act 1 : Scene 3 : ▸
Act 1 : Scene 4 : ■
export class ProfileForm4 extends Component {
onSubmit = (ev) => {...
const data = {}
new FormData(
(value, name) => data[name] = value
render() {
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" />
Act 1 : Scene 4 : ▸
Break : Controlled Input : ⚛
With controlled components react state is the “single source of truth”.
<input type="text" value="GreeceJS" />
<input type="text" value={name} onChange={handleNameChange} />
Break : Controlled Input : ⚛
feature uncontrolled controlled
on submit value retrieval ✅ ✅
validating on submit ✅ ✅
instant eld validation ❌ ✅
conditionally disabling inputs ❌ ✅
enforcing input format ❌ ✅
dynamic inputs ❌ ✅
Act 1 : Scene 5 : ■
export class ProfileForm5 extends Component {
state = {}
onUsernameChange = (ev) => {
const value =
this.setState(prevState =>
({ ...prevState, username: value })) // async
onEmailChange = (ev) => { ... }
onPasswordChange = (ev) => { ... }
onSubmit = (ev) => {
const data = this.state
post('/api/me', data)
render() { ... }
Act 1 : Scene 5 : ■
render() {
const { username = '', email = '', password = '' } = this.state
// undefined values will mark inputs as uncontrolled
// -> unintented use -> maybe bugs -> react warns
return (
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
<label htmlFor="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username"
value={username} onChange={this.onUsernameChange} />
Act 1 : Scene 5 : ▸
Act 1 : Scene 6 : ■
export class ProfileForm6 extends Component {
state = { username: '', email: '', password: '' }
onSubmit = (ev) => {...}
onChange = (ev) => {
const { name, value } =
this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, [name]: value }))
render() {
const { username, email, password } = this.state
<input type="text" name="username" id="username"
value={username} onChange={this.onChange} />
Act 1 : Scene 6 : ▸
set the stage
Break : Container Components : ⚛
You’ll nd your components much easier to reuse and reason about if you divide
them into two categories.
I call them Container and Presentational components
- Dan Abramov
Break : Container Components : ⚛
Concerned with how things work
Provide the data and behavior
Call ux actions and provide callbacks
Often stateful, as they tend to serve as data sources
Usually generated using higher order components
Act 2 : Scene 1 : ■
export const ProfileContainer = Child => {
class Container extends React.Component {
state = { values: {}, errors: {} };
onSubmit = ev => post('/api/me', this.state.values)
onChange = (values, errors) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, values, errors }));
render() {
const { children, ...childProps } = this.props;
const { values, errors } = this.state;
const { onChange, onSubmit } = this;
return (
<Child {...childProps}
form={{values, errors, onChange, onSubmit}}>
return Container;
Act 2 : Scene 1 : ■
class _ProfileForm7 extends Component {
onChange = (ev) => {
const { values, onChange } = this.props.form
const { name, value } =
const newValues = { ...values, [name]: value }
render() {
const { values, onSubmit } = this.props.form
return <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>...
<input type="text" name="username" id="username"
value={values.username || ''} onChange={this.onChange} />
const ProfileForm7 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm7)
export default ProfileForm7
Act 2 : Scene 1 : ▸
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<label htmlFor="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username"
value={values.username || ''} onChange={this.onChange} />
<label htmlFor="email">E-mail</label>
<input type="text" name="email" id="email"
value={ || ''} onChange={this.onChange} />
<label htmlFor="password">Password</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password"
value={values.password || ''} onChange={this.onChange} />
<input type="submit" />
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■
class Fields extends Component {
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■
class _ProfileForm8 extends Component {
schema = [{...}, {...}, {...}]
render() {
const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form
return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<Fields schema={this.schema}
values={values} onChange={onChange} />
<input type="submit" />
const ProfileForm8 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm8)
export { ProfileForm8 }
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■
class Fields extends Component {
onChangeHandler = ev => {
const { values, onChange } = this.props;
const { name, value } =;
const newValues = {...values, [name]: (value || null) };
render() {
const { schema, values } = this.props;
return (<div>...</div>);
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■
schema = [{
path: "username",
label: "Username",
renderer: (path, value, label, onChange) => {
return (
<label htmlFor="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username"
value={value} onChange={onChange} />
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■
class Fields extends Component {
onChangeHandler = ...
render() {
const { schema, values } = this.props;
return (<div>
{ =>
values[field.path] || '',
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■
class _ProfileForm8 extends Component {
schema = [{...}, {...}, {...}]
render() {
const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form
return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<Fields schema={this.schema}
values={values} onChange={onChange} />
<input type="submit" />
const ProfileForm8 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm8)
export { ProfileForm8 }
Act 2 : Scene 2 : ▸
Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■
schema = [{
path: "username",
label: "Username",
renderer: (path, value, label, onChange) => {
return (
<label htmlFor="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username"
value={value} onChange={onChange} />
Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■
const textRenderer = (path, value, label, onChange) => (
<label htmlFor={path}>{label}</label>
<input type="text" name={path} id={path}
value={value} onChange={onChange} />
schema = [
{ path: "username", label: "Username", renderer: textRenderer }
Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■
const textRenderer = (type = 'text') =>
(path, value, label, onChange) => (
<label htmlFor={path}>{label}</label>
<input type={type} name={path} id={path}
value={value} onChange={onChange} />
const passwordRenderer = () => textRenderer('password')
schema = [
{path: "username", label: "Username", renderer: textRenderer()},
{path: "email", label: "E-mail", renderer: textRenderer()},
{path: "password", label: "Password", renderer: passwordRenderer()}
Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■
class _ProfileForm9 extends Component {
schema = [
{ path: "username", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() },
{ path: "email", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() },
{ path: "password", label: ..., renderer: passwordRenderer() }
render() {
const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form
return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<Fields schema={this.schema}
values={values} onChange={onChange} />
<input type="submit" />
const ProfileForm9 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm9)
export { ProfileForm9 }
Act 2 : Scene 3 : ▸
Act 2 : Scene 4 : ■
class _ProfileForm10 extends Component {
schema = (values) => {
const _schema = [
{ path: "username", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() },
{ path: "email", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() }
if ( _schema.push(
{ path: "password", label: ..., renderer: passwordRenderer() }
return _schema;
render() {
const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form
return ( ... <Fields schema={this.schema(values)} ... )
Act 2 : Scene 4 : ▸
the perfect crime!
yeah, well! Not yet in the public but...
yarn add @logicea/react-forms
Act 3 : Scene 1 : ■
export const ProfileContainer = Child => {
class Container extends React.Component {
state = { values: {}, errors: {} };
onSubmit = ev => post('/api/me', this.state.values)
onChange = (values, errors) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, values, errors }));
render() {
const { children, ...childProps } = this.props;
const { values, errors } = this.state;
const { onChange, onSubmit } = this;
return (
<Child {...childProps}
form={{values, errors, onChange, onSubmit}}>
return Container;
Act 3 : Scene 1 : ■
onChange = ev => {
const { values, errors } = ev.detail
this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, values, errors }));
Act 3 : Scene 1 : ■
import Fields from '@logicea/react-forms/Fields'
class _ProfileForm11 extends Component {
schema = (values) => {
const _schema = [
{ row: 1, path: "username", ... },
{ row: 2, path: "email", ... }
if(...) _schema.push({ row: 3, path: "password", ... }) })
render() { ... }
Act 3 : Scene 1 : ▸
Act 3 : Scene 2 : ■
import Fields from '@logicea/react-forms/Fields'
import yup from 'yup'
class _ProfileForm12 extends Component {
schema = [
{ path: "username", validator: yup.string().required(), ... },
{ path: "email", validator: yup.string().email(), ... },
{ path: "password", validator: yup.string().min(4), ... },
render() {
const { values, errors, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form
return ... <Fields schema={this.schema(values)}
values={values} errors={errors} onChange={onChange} />
Act 3 : Scene 2 : ■
const textRenderer = (type = 'text') =>
(path, value, label, onChange, error) => (
<input ... />
{error && <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>{error}</div>}
const passwordRenderer = () => textRenderer('password')
Act 3 : Scene 2 : ▸
Act 3 : Scene 3 : ■
class _ProfileForm13 extends Component {
schema = (values) => {
const _schema = [
{ row: 4, path: "country", label: "Country",
dependands: ["city"], renderer: textRenderer() },
{ row: 5, path: "city", label: "City",
renderer: textRenderer() },
return _schema;
render() { ... }
Act 3 : Scene 3 : ▸
Act 3 : Scene 4 : ■
const COUNTRIES = [
'Democratic Republic of Congo',
'Central African Republic'
const CITIES = {
'Greece': ['Athens', 'Thessaloniki'],
'Burundi': ['Bujumbura', 'Muyinga'],
'Democratic Republic of Congo': ['Kinshasa', 'Lubumbashi'],
'Central African Republic': ['Bangui', 'Bimbo']
Act 3 : Scene 4 : ■
const selectRenderer = (options = [])
=> (path, value, label, onChange, error) => (
<label htmlFor={path}>{label}</label>
<select name={path} id={path}
value={value} onChange={onChange}>
<option value=''></option>
{ => <option value={o} key={o}>{o}</option>)}
{error && <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>{error}</div>}
Act 3 : Scene 4 : ■
class _ProfileForm14 extends Component {
schema = (values, allCountries, allCities) => {
const cities = ? allCities[] : []
const _schema = [...
{ path: "country", renderer: selectRenderer(allCountries) ...
{ path: "city", renderer: selectRenderer(cities) ...
return _schema;
render() {
const schema = this.schema(values, COUNTRIES, CITIES)
Act 3 : Scene 4 : ▸
Act 3 : Scene 5 : ■
const getCountries = (props) => {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(COUNTRIES), 200))
const getCities = (props) => {
const selectedCountry =
const citiesResponse = CITIES[selectedCountry] || []
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(citiesResponse), 200))
Act 3 : Scene 5 : ■
class _ProfileForm15 extends Component {
schema = (values, countries, countryCities) => [...
{ path: "country", renderer: selectRenderer(countries) ...
{ path: "city", renderer: selectRenderer(countryCities) ...
render() {...
const { countries, cities } = this.props.lookups
const schema = this.schema(values, countries, cities)
const ProfileForm15 = compose(ProfileContainer(), Lookups({
initial: ['countries'],
resolver: (lookupField) => { ... },
rules: (oldProps, newProps) => { ... },
export { ProfileForm15 }
Act 3 : Scene 5 : ■
const lookupsResolver = (lookupField) => {
switch (lookupField) { // eslint-disable-line default-case
case 'countries': return getCountries;
case 'cities': return getCities;
const lookupRules = (oldProps, newProps) => {
let lookups = []
const countryChanged = !==
if (countryChanged) lookups.push('cities')
return { lookups }
Act 3 : Scene 5 : ▸
Forms: other libs
feature full
state mgmt
our inspiration
joi based
not mature
Performance - @logicea/react-forms
Performance - Formik
Performance - Formik vs Redux Form
Taming forms with React

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Taming forms with React

  • 1. REACT FORMS ... a crime scene ... CRIME SCENE - DO NOT CROSS
  • 2. mehiel@DOM React, since 2015 Logicea, since 2013 CanJS, since 2011 ExtJS, since 2010 jQuery, since 2008 Web, since 2004
  • 3. Forms: why bother? Inevitable Still a Pain Business Interest Fun?
  • 5. Forms: watch for the Designer the User the API the Browser
  • 6. Forms: ingredients Flexible Layout Variety of Inputs Dynamic Fields Dynamic Values Field Dependencies Lookup Data Validation Hints & Errors Field Status Requests & Responses
  • 7. React: the weapon Declarative Painless interactive UIs. Design views for each state in your app Predictable and easier to debug Component Based Encapsulated with own state Composable to make complex UIs Keep state out of the DOM
  • 8. // the simplest react component as of React 16 function WorldGreeter() { return "Hello, World" } <WorldGreeter /> => "Hello, World" // with some JSX sauce function FriendGreeter({ name }) { return <div>Hello {name}!</div> } <FriendGreeter name="Bob" /> => "Hello Bob!"
  • 9. class NobleGreeter extends React.Component { // componentLifecycleFunctions() // this.setState() render() { return ( <div> Hello {this.props.title} {} </div> ) } } <NobleGreeter title="sir" name="William" /> => "Hello sir William"
  • 10. REACT FORMS a crime in 3 acts
  • 12. Act 1 : Scene 1 : ■ function ProfileForm1() { return ( <form> <input type="text" name="username" /> <input type="text" name="email" /> <input type="password" name="password" /> </form> ) }
  • 13. Act 1 : Scene 1 : ▸
  • 14. Act 1 : Scene 2 : ■ <div> <label htmlFor="username">Username</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" /> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="email">E-mail</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" /> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="password">Password</label> <input type="password" name="password" id="password" /> </div>
  • 15. Act 1 : Scene 2 : ▸ Username E-mail Password
  • 16. Act 1 : Scene 3 : ■ export class ProfileForm3 extends Component { onSubmit = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault() // disable browser post const data = { ... } fetch('/api/me', { method: 'POST', body: ... }) } inputs = {} render() { return (<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}> ... </form>) } }
  • 17. Act 1 : Scene 3 : ■ inputs = {} onSubmit = (ev) => {... const data = { username: this.inputs.username.value, } } <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>... <input type="text" name="username" id="username" ref={(el) => this.inputs.username = el} /> </form>
  • 18. Act 1 : Scene 3 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 19. Act 1 : Scene 4 : ■ export class ProfileForm4 extends Component { onSubmit = (ev) => {... const data = {} new FormData( (value, name) => data[name] = value ) ...} render() { ... <input type="text" name="username" id="username" /> } }
  • 20. Act 1 : Scene 4 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 21. Break : Controlled Input : ⚛ With controlled components react state is the “single source of truth”. <input type="text" value="GreeceJS" /> GreeceJS <input type="text" value={name} onChange={handleNameChange} />
  • 22. Break : Controlled Input : ⚛ feature uncontrolled controlled on submit value retrieval ✅ ✅ validating on submit ✅ ✅ instant eld validation ❌ ✅ conditionally disabling inputs ❌ ✅ enforcing input format ❌ ✅ dynamic inputs ❌ ✅
  • 23. Act 1 : Scene 5 : ■ export class ProfileForm5 extends Component { state = {} onUsernameChange = (ev) => { const value = this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, username: value })) // async } onEmailChange = (ev) => { ... } onPasswordChange = (ev) => { ... } onSubmit = (ev) => { const data = this.state post('/api/me', data) } render() { ... } }
  • 24. Act 1 : Scene 5 : ■ render() { const { username = '', email = '', password = '' } = this.state // undefined values will mark inputs as uncontrolled // -> unintented use -> maybe bugs -> react warns return ( <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}> <div> <label htmlFor="username">Username</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value={username} onChange={this.onUsernameChange} /> </div> ... }
  • 25. Act 1 : Scene 5 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 26. Act 1 : Scene 6 : ■ export class ProfileForm6 extends Component { state = { username: '', email: '', password: '' } onSubmit = (ev) => {...} onChange = (ev) => { const { name, value } = this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, [name]: value })) } render() { const { username, email, password } = this.state ... <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value={username} onChange={this.onChange} /> } }
  • 27. Act 1 : Scene 6 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 28. ACT 2 set the stage
  • 29. Break : Container Components : ⚛ You’ll nd your components much easier to reuse and reason about if you divide them into two categories. I call them Container and Presentational components - Dan Abramov
  • 30. Break : Container Components : ⚛ Concerned with how things work Provide the data and behavior Call ux actions and provide callbacks Often stateful, as they tend to serve as data sources Usually generated using higher order components
  • 31. Act 2 : Scene 1 : ■ export const ProfileContainer = Child => { class Container extends React.Component { state = { values: {}, errors: {} }; onSubmit = ev => post('/api/me', this.state.values) onChange = (values, errors) => { this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, values, errors })); }; render() { const { children, ...childProps } = this.props; const { values, errors } = this.state; const { onChange, onSubmit } = this; return ( <Child {...childProps} form={{values, errors, onChange, onSubmit}}> {children}</Child> )}} return Container; }}
  • 32. Act 2 : Scene 1 : ■ class _ProfileForm7 extends Component { onChange = (ev) => { const { values, onChange } = this.props.form const { name, value } = const newValues = { ...values, [name]: value } onChange(newValues) } render() { const { values, onSubmit } = this.props.form return <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>... <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value={values.username || ''} onChange={this.onChange} /> }} const ProfileForm7 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm7) export default ProfileForm7
  • 33. Act 2 : Scene 1 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 34. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■ <form onSubmit={onSubmit}> <div> <label htmlFor="username">Username</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value={values.username || ''} onChange={this.onChange} /> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="email">E-mail</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value={ || ''} onChange={this.onChange} /> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="password">Password</label> <input type="password" name="password" id="password" value={values.password || ''} onChange={this.onChange} /> </div> <input type="submit" /> </form>
  • 35. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■ class Fields extends Component { ... }
  • 36. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■ class _ProfileForm8 extends Component { schema = [{...}, {...}, {...}] render() { const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form return ( <form onSubmit={onSubmit}> <Fields schema={this.schema} values={values} onChange={onChange} /> <input type="submit" /> </form> ) } } const ProfileForm8 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm8) export { ProfileForm8 }
  • 37. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■ class Fields extends Component { onChangeHandler = ev => { const { values, onChange } = this.props; const { name, value } =; const newValues = {...values, [name]: (value || null) }; onChange(newValues); }; render() { const { schema, values } = this.props; return (<div>...</div>); } }
  • 38. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■ schema = [{ path: "username", label: "Username", renderer: (path, value, label, onChange) => { return ( <div> <label htmlFor="username">Username</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value={value} onChange={onChange} /> </div> ) } }]
  • 39. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■ class Fields extends Component { onChangeHandler = ... render() { const { schema, values } = this.props; return (<div> { => field.renderer( field.path, values[field.path] || '', field.label, this.onChangeHandler) )} </div>); }}
  • 40. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ■ class _ProfileForm8 extends Component { schema = [{...}, {...}, {...}] render() { const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form return ( <form onSubmit={onSubmit}> <Fields schema={this.schema} values={values} onChange={onChange} /> <input type="submit" /> </form> ) } } const ProfileForm8 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm8) export { ProfileForm8 }
  • 41. Act 2 : Scene 2 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 42. Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■ schema = [{ path: "username", label: "Username", renderer: (path, value, label, onChange) => { return ( <div> <label htmlFor="username">Username</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value={value} onChange={onChange} /> </div> ) } }]
  • 43. Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■ const textRenderer = (path, value, label, onChange) => ( <div> <label htmlFor={path}>{label}</label> <input type="text" name={path} id={path} value={value} onChange={onChange} /> </div> ) schema = [ { path: "username", label: "Username", renderer: textRenderer } ]
  • 44. Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■ const textRenderer = (type = 'text') => (path, value, label, onChange) => ( <div> <label htmlFor={path}>{label}</label> <input type={type} name={path} id={path} value={value} onChange={onChange} /> </div> ) const passwordRenderer = () => textRenderer('password') schema = [ {path: "username", label: "Username", renderer: textRenderer()}, {path: "email", label: "E-mail", renderer: textRenderer()}, {path: "password", label: "Password", renderer: passwordRenderer()} ]
  • 45. Act 2 : Scene 3 : ■ class _ProfileForm9 extends Component { schema = [ { path: "username", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() }, { path: "email", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() }, { path: "password", label: ..., renderer: passwordRenderer() } ] render() { const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form return ( <form onSubmit={onSubmit}> <Fields schema={this.schema} values={values} onChange={onChange} /> <input type="submit" /> </form> ) } } const ProfileForm9 = ProfileContainer(_ProfileForm9) export { ProfileForm9 }
  • 46. Act 2 : Scene 3 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 47. Act 2 : Scene 4 : ■ class _ProfileForm10 extends Component { schema = (values) => { const _schema = [ { path: "username", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() }, { path: "email", label: ..., renderer: textRenderer() } ] if ( _schema.push( { path: "password", label: ..., renderer: passwordRenderer() } ) return _schema; } render() { const { values, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form return ( ... <Fields schema={this.schema(values)} ... ) } }
  • 48. Act 2 : Scene 4 : ▸ Username E-mail Submit
  • 50. yeah, well! Not yet in the public but... yarn add @logicea/react-forms
  • 51. Act 3 : Scene 1 : ■ export const ProfileContainer = Child => { class Container extends React.Component { state = { values: {}, errors: {} }; onSubmit = ev => post('/api/me', this.state.values) onChange = (values, errors) => { this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, values, errors })); }; render() { const { children, ...childProps } = this.props; const { values, errors } = this.state; const { onChange, onSubmit } = this; return ( <Child {...childProps} form={{values, errors, onChange, onSubmit}}> {children}</Child> )}} return Container; }}
  • 52. Act 3 : Scene 1 : ■ onChange = ev => { const { values, errors } = ev.detail this.setState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, values, errors })); };
  • 53. Act 3 : Scene 1 : ■ import Fields from '@logicea/react-forms/Fields' class _ProfileForm11 extends Component { schema = (values) => { const _schema = [ { row: 1, path: "username", ... }, { row: 2, path: "email", ... } ] if(...) _schema.push({ row: 3, path: "password", ... }) }) } render() { ... } }
  • 54. Act 3 : Scene 1 : ▸ Username E-mail Submit
  • 55. Act 3 : Scene 2 : ■ import Fields from '@logicea/react-forms/Fields' import yup from 'yup' class _ProfileForm12 extends Component { schema = [ { path: "username", validator: yup.string().required(), ... }, { path: "email", validator: yup.string().email(), ... }, { path: "password", validator: yup.string().min(4), ... }, ] render() { const { values, errors, onChange, onSubmit } = this.props.form return ... <Fields schema={this.schema(values)} values={values} errors={errors} onChange={onChange} /> } }
  • 56. Act 3 : Scene 2 : ■ const textRenderer = (type = 'text') => (path, value, label, onChange, error) => ( <div> <label>...</label> <input ... /> {error && <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>{error}</div>} </div> ) const passwordRenderer = () => textRenderer('password')
  • 57. Act 3 : Scene 2 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Submit
  • 58. Act 3 : Scene 3 : ■ class _ProfileForm13 extends Component { schema = (values) => { const _schema = [ ... { row: 4, path: "country", label: "Country", dependands: ["city"], renderer: textRenderer() }, { row: 5, path: "city", label: "City", renderer: textRenderer() }, ] return _schema; } render() { ... } }
  • 59. Act 3 : Scene 3 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Country City Submit
  • 60. Act 3 : Scene 4 : ■ const COUNTRIES = [ 'Greece', 'Burundi', 'Democratic Republic of Congo', 'Central African Republic' ] const CITIES = { 'Greece': ['Athens', 'Thessaloniki'], 'Burundi': ['Bujumbura', 'Muyinga'], 'Democratic Republic of Congo': ['Kinshasa', 'Lubumbashi'], 'Central African Republic': ['Bangui', 'Bimbo'] }
  • 61. Act 3 : Scene 4 : ■ const selectRenderer = (options = []) => (path, value, label, onChange, error) => ( <div> <label htmlFor={path}>{label}</label> <select name={path} id={path} value={value} onChange={onChange}> <option value=''></option> { => <option value={o} key={o}>{o}</option>)} </select> {error && <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>{error}</div>} </div> ) }
  • 62. Act 3 : Scene 4 : ■ class _ProfileForm14 extends Component { schema = (values, allCountries, allCities) => { const cities = ? allCities[] : [] const _schema = [... { path: "country", renderer: selectRenderer(allCountries) ... { path: "city", renderer: selectRenderer(cities) ... ] return _schema; } render() { const schema = this.schema(values, COUNTRIES, CITIES) ... } }
  • 63. Act 3 : Scene 4 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Country City Submit
  • 64. Act 3 : Scene 5 : ■ const getCountries = (props) => { return new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(COUNTRIES), 200)) } const getCities = (props) => { const selectedCountry = const citiesResponse = CITIES[selectedCountry] || [] return new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(citiesResponse), 200)) }
  • 65. Act 3 : Scene 5 : ■ class _ProfileForm15 extends Component { schema = (values, countries, countryCities) => [... { path: "country", renderer: selectRenderer(countries) ... { path: "city", renderer: selectRenderer(countryCities) ... ] render() {... const { countries, cities } = this.props.lookups const schema = this.schema(values, countries, cities) } } const ProfileForm15 = compose(ProfileContainer(), Lookups({ initial: ['countries'], resolver: (lookupField) => { ... }, rules: (oldProps, newProps) => { ... }, }))(_ProfileForm15) export { ProfileForm15 }
  • 66. Act 3 : Scene 5 : ■ const lookupsResolver = (lookupField) => { switch (lookupField) { // eslint-disable-line default-case case 'countries': return getCountries; case 'cities': return getCities; } } const lookupRules = (oldProps, newProps) => { let lookups = [] const countryChanged = !== if (countryChanged) lookups.push('cities') return { lookups } }
  • 67. Act 3 : Scene 5 : ▸ Username E-mail Password Country City Submit
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70. Forms: other libs complex feature full bloated simple state mgmt redux-free our inspiration joi based not mature react-joi-forms
  • 74. Performance - Formik vs Redux Form