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Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for Good
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon Strategic
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for Human
Section Header
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
 Goals & Audiences
The Messaging Landscape
 What the Research Teaches Us
 Strategic Messaging Case Studies
 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
 Discussion and Questions
Messaging that Moves
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Goals & Audiences
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Need to know the starting place of
our audiences so we know how to
reach them.
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Lived experiences
impact opinions.
Racial bias and
impact people’s
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
The Messaging Landscape
The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
The Messaging Landscape
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
The Messaging Landscape
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
The Messaging Landscape
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Upstairs Brain
Responsible for decision
making and planning, control
over emotions and body,
self-understanding, empathy
and morality.
Allows for empathy which is
a precursor to altruistic
Downstairs Brain
The primitive brain responsible
for basic functions, innate
reactions and impulses, and
strong emotions.
Shuts down upstairs brain to
respond to fear and focus on
Your Brain
The Messaging Landscape
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Your Brain
How do you calm the downstairs brain (the
Familiarity calms the
–Neuroscientist Gregory Berns
The Messaging Landscape
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Neural Coupling & Mirroring
We translate ideas and
experiences from stories into
our own ideas and
experiences. We feel the
same emotions as the
When something emotionally
charged happens in a story,
your brain releases dopamine –
making it easier to remember
story details and with greater
Your Brain
on Stories
The Messaging Landscape
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
“When we read
nonfiction, we read with
our shields up. We are
critical and skeptical. But
when we are absorbed in
a story, we drop our
intellectual guard. We are
moved emotionally, and
this seems to leave us
-Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling
The Messaging Landscape
● Because we disagree
with a belief that our
audiences holds, doesn’t
mean its not true for
● To effectively engage
with them, we have to
acknowledge their deeply
held beliefs.
● Otherwise these beliefs
become roadblocks.
● Understanding where
people are coming from
does not mean you agree
with it.
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
The Messaging Landscape:
Where do our values overlap?
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
What the Research Teaches Us
Research Methodology
Focus Groups
8 groups hosted in May 2013
Denver, CO:
White men
White women
Latino men
Latina women
Raleigh, NC:
White men
White women
Philadelphia, PA:
African-American men
African-American women
Online Poll
Sample of national adult U.S.
population, February 2014
Total: n 1209
Subgroups by self-report:
White: n 895
African-American: n 145
Hispanic: n121
Asian: n 36
Other races/ethnicities: n 12
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings
Increasing public
support for
young men of
color programs.
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings:
Show, don’t tell.
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Summary of Agreement/Disagreement With Statement
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please use a scale of 0 to 10 where a 0 means you
strongly disagree and a 10 means you strongly agree. You may use any number from 0 to 10.
0% 20% 40% 60%
Non-profit programs that are well designed and well run can
make a real difference in the lives of young men of color, and
help to address the particular problems and challenges they
often face.
Young men of color face greater poverty, education, and family
challenges – including the trauma of crime, violence, and abuse
- than most other young people in our nation.
Our schools need to focus on academics and should not be
responsible for teaching social skills or proper behavior, which
should be taught at home.
Let’s face it, if kids do not have family support at home, no
intervention or support program is going to make a real
difference for them.
As a nation, we should be investing tax dollars in programs that
are specifically designed to address the problems and
challenges often facing young men of color.
Ranked by Final Strongly Agree (8-10)
Research Findings
Survey shows encouraging results
among most subgroups
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Men and
and Men
Men Independent
Research Findings
Some recognize that young men of
color face especially difficult
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Young men of color often
have a different set of
circumstances that are an
obstacle in reaching their
potential. If there are
programs out there to help
them in that path, it could
only benefit us as a nation.
- Latina woman
All children in difficult
environments need help, but
young people of color can often
feel more discrimination just for
their skin color.
- White woman
Research Findings
… yet, explicit focus on YMOC can
create pushback.
Many reject the idea of special treatment for
young men of color – why help them and not
me or others?
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
I don't think only young men
with color suffer these
- Asian woman
I think it should be more focused
on all races not just one.
- Black woman
All kids in a bad situation
should have a chance, not
just young men of color.”
- White man
Research Findings: Highlighting
programs that work
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings: Highlighting
programs that work
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings: Focus on the
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
These young men are our
country’s future and need
to be invested in to assure
the American way of life.
-White man, Pennsylvania,
age 57
Research Findings
Strong support for
counseling and mentoring
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings
Use strategic messengers
who share values with your
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Research Findings
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
I think the words that come to my mind are
accountability, right and wrong, consequence,
mentoring. I walk away thinking we used to have
that. We used to have all of those things and
somehow those have fallen by the wayside and I
think that is why you have to have so many
different solutions because we don't do that
anymore. There is no consequence or
accountability. I got in trouble. When I told you I
was the problem kid, I got in trouble. I knew I was
in trouble and I don't know that that happens
now. – Latino man
Accountability and Responsibility are key
Research Findings
People believe deeply in the
importance of family.
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
A lot of the problems can be
solved. It starts with the
community and first of all
the family. The parents
need to step in. Don't let
someone else try to parent
your child.
- Black man
It is a truth that the support
of family is necessary and
just creating programs is
not going to help.
- Asian woman
Case Studies
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:
Expanding the Conversation about
Childhood Obesity
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:
Expanding the Conversation about
Childhood Obesity
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:
Expanding the Conversation about
Childhood Obesity
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Ella Baker Center:
Advocating for Incarcerated Youth
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Ella Baker Center:
Advocating for Incarcerated Youth
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Ella Baker Center:
Advocating for Incarcerated Youth
Talking the Talk:
Messaging that Moves
Meredith Fenton
Fenton Communications
Robert Perez
Wonder Strategies for
Amy Simon
Goodwin Simon
Strategic Research
Dwayne Proctor
Robert Wood Johnson
Zachary Norris
Ella Baker Center for
Human Rights
Thank You!
Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves

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Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves

  • 1. Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
  • 2. Section Header Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Agenda  Goals & Audiences The Messaging Landscape  What the Research Teaches Us  Strategic Messaging Case Studies  Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Ella Baker Center for Human Rights  Discussion and Questions
  • 3. Messaging that Moves Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 5. Goals Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 6. Audiences Need to know the starting place of our audiences so we know how to reach them. Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 7. Audiences Lived experiences impact opinions. Racial bias and internalized oppression impact people’s mindsets. Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 9. The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris PUBLIC ADVOCATES
  • 10. The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 11. The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 12. The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Upstairs Brain Responsible for decision making and planning, control over emotions and body, self-understanding, empathy and morality. Allows for empathy which is a precursor to altruistic behavior. Downstairs Brain The primitive brain responsible for basic functions, innate reactions and impulses, and strong emotions. Shuts down upstairs brain to respond to fear and focus on survival. Your Brain on Messaging
  • 13. The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Your Brain on Messaging How do you calm the downstairs brain (the amygdala)? Familiarity calms the amygdala. –Neuroscientist Gregory Berns
  • 14. The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Neural Coupling & Mirroring We translate ideas and experiences from stories into our own ideas and experiences. We feel the same emotions as the protagonist. Dopamine When something emotionally charged happens in a story, your brain releases dopamine – making it easier to remember story details and with greater accuracy. Your Brain on Stories
  • 15. The Messaging Landscape Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris “When we read nonfiction, we read with our shields up. We are critical and skeptical. But when we are absorbed in a story, we drop our intellectual guard. We are moved emotionally, and this seems to leave us defenseless.” -Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal
  • 16. The Messaging Landscape ● Because we disagree with a belief that our audiences holds, doesn’t mean its not true for them. ● To effectively engage with them, we have to acknowledge their deeply held beliefs. ● Otherwise these beliefs become roadblocks. ● Understanding where people are coming from does not mean you agree with it. Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 17. The Messaging Landscape: Where do our values overlap? Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Advocates Civically Engaged Americans Policy- makers
  • 18. What the Research Teaches Us
  • 19. Research Methodology Focus Groups 8 groups hosted in May 2013 Denver, CO: White men White women Latino men Latina women Raleigh, NC: White men White women Philadelphia, PA: African-American men African-American women Online Poll Sample of national adult U.S. population, February 2014 Total: n 1209 Subgroups by self-report: White: n 895 African-American: n 145 Hispanic: n121 Asian: n 36 Other races/ethnicities: n 12 Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 20. Research Findings Increasing public support for young men of color programs. Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 21. Research Findings: Show, don’t tell. Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 22. Research Findings Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Summary of Agreement/Disagreement With Statement Please indicate if you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please use a scale of 0 to 10 where a 0 means you strongly disagree and a 10 means you strongly agree. You may use any number from 0 to 10. 50% 57% 43% 47% 28% 37% 35% 34% 37% 32% 0% 20% 40% 60% Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Non-profit programs that are well designed and well run can make a real difference in the lives of young men of color, and help to address the particular problems and challenges they often face. Young men of color face greater poverty, education, and family challenges – including the trauma of crime, violence, and abuse - than most other young people in our nation. Our schools need to focus on academics and should not be responsible for teaching social skills or proper behavior, which should be taught at home. Let’s face it, if kids do not have family support at home, no intervention or support program is going to make a real difference for them. As a nation, we should be investing tax dollars in programs that are specifically designed to address the problems and challenges often facing young men of color. Ranked by Final Strongly Agree (8-10) +7 pts +4 pts +9 pts -5 pts
  • 23. Research Findings Survey shows encouraging results among most subgroups Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Democrats/ Liberals Black Men and Women Latino Women and Men Conservative Men Independent Women Republican Women
  • 24. Research Findings Some recognize that young men of color face especially difficult challenges… Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris Young men of color often have a different set of circumstances that are an obstacle in reaching their potential. If there are programs out there to help them in that path, it could only benefit us as a nation. - Latina woman All children in difficult environments need help, but young people of color can often feel more discrimination just for their skin color. - White woman
  • 25. Research Findings … yet, explicit focus on YMOC can create pushback. Many reject the idea of special treatment for young men of color – why help them and not me or others? Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris I don't think only young men with color suffer these problems. - Asian woman I think it should be more focused on all races not just one. - Black woman All kids in a bad situation should have a chance, not just young men of color.” - White man
  • 26. Research Findings: Highlighting programs that work Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 27. Research Findings: Highlighting programs that work Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 28. Research Findings: Focus on the kids Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris These young men are our country’s future and need to be invested in to assure the American way of life. -White man, Pennsylvania, age 57
  • 29. Research Findings Strong support for counseling and mentoring Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 30. Research Findings Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 31. Research Findings Use strategic messengers who share values with your audience Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 32. Research Findings Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris I think the words that come to my mind are accountability, right and wrong, consequence, mentoring. I walk away thinking we used to have that. We used to have all of those things and somehow those have fallen by the wayside and I think that is why you have to have so many different solutions because we don't do that anymore. There is no consequence or accountability. I got in trouble. When I told you I was the problem kid, I got in trouble. I knew I was in trouble and I don't know that that happens now. – Latino man Accountability and Responsibility are key
  • 33. Research Findings People believe deeply in the importance of family. Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris A lot of the problems can be solved. It starts with the community and first of all the family. The parents need to step in. Don't let someone else try to parent your child. - Black man It is a truth that the support of family is necessary and just creating programs is not going to help. - Asian woman
  • 35. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Expanding the Conversation about Childhood Obesity Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 36. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Expanding the Conversation about Childhood Obesity Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 37. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Expanding the Conversation about Childhood Obesity Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 38. Ella Baker Center: Advocating for Incarcerated Youth Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 39. Ella Baker Center: Advocating for Incarcerated Youth Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris
  • 40. Ella Baker Center: Advocating for Incarcerated Youth Talking the Talk: Messaging that Moves Meredith Fenton Fenton Communications @meredithfenton Robert Perez Wonder Strategies for Good @rperezzz Amy Simon Goodwin Simon Strategic Research @amyrsimon Dwayne Proctor Robert Wood Johnson Foundation @drdwayneproctor Zachary Norris Ella Baker Center for Human Rights @ZachWNorris

Editor's Notes

  1. MEREDITH Talk about programs run by non-profits, not by government Sequencing matters: Start with the story narrative Demonstrate success with one powerful statistic End with a powerful moral. The earlier that the narrative is introduced, the more you are able to disarm skepticism.
  3. MEREDITH People want programs to focus on kids If anyone can be helped, it is the kids, and many think we have to because they are the future. Many are cynical about being able to get adults to change – they have too many complex issues of generational poverty, welfare dependency, or laziness But they do think you can reach some of their kids, if you do it early enough and in the right ways.
  4. MEREDITH Strong support for counseling and mentors People see the importance and power of counseling to be transformative and important in the lives of young men of color. Counseling is not viewed as a waste or ineffectual, as long as it is tied to accountability. Mentoring, too, is viewed as an extremely important positive adult influence, especially mentors who have gotten into trouble are working to better themselves and help others in their communities.