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November 2012

    Consumers and businesses are rapidly embracing digital technology and this is redefining
    the traditional transaction model.

    We now have a new generation of globally connected consumers and businesses who
    behave very differently – and we must all adapt to these changes and take advantage of
    the new opportunities.

    By the end of the decade we will have connected just about every device to next generation
    networks, from smartphones and offices of the future, to educational resources and digital
    home appliances.

    The changes we are talking about are transformational. Everything, everyone and every
    place will be connected.

    This will make us more innovative and more competitive – and change the way we live and
    work for the better.

    The challenge ahead is how to best use the tremendous creativity, innovation and
    capability of Australians to participate in these new opportunities – whether it be
    m-commerce, Big Data, robotics or social media.

    Every part of our economy can benefit from this new era of connectivity.

    Our role, as Australian business leaders, is to help build a 21st century economy that
    is locally accessible and globally competitive.

    As a nation, we can lead the world and create positive change.

    David Thodey
    Chief Executive Officer


The world is changing. The internet has transformed the Australian economy over the last
10 years, and is poised to play an even greater role in our daily lives and businesses as
Australia positions itself to become a leading digital economy.

The pace of technology change is growing exponentially, and in the digital age,
the only constant is change.

Disruption can sneak up on you unexpectedly. For your industry, how will you know that
disruption is coming before it’s too late? Will you know your competitor in a global market
that disrupts existing industry & country boundaries?

As a nation, we need to consider whether we are simply building better ways of
delivering the same products and services. Or are we creating truly new and different
business models? Companies that miss this distinction are at risk of becoming irrelevant
in the digital economy.

Realistically, digital creates more opportunities than dangers. As leaders, the choices we
make will be crucial in whether Australia takes a position of leadership at the forefront of
this change.

Our country’s future prosperity will depend on visionary leadership, enabling our Australian
entrepreneurial spirit, becoming more agile in our decision making and investing in the
talent required to support the digital economy.

As with all of our work at Deloitte, we hope that this white paper enhances your capacity to
act. In the digital age, how quickly and how thoughtfully we act will determine our future.

Giam Swiegers
Chief Executive Officer
Deloitte Australia

                                                                         Taking leadership in a digital economy   2

    To some extent, Australia is already             Leading our economy and our country
    well positioned to be a driving force of the     successfully through this change requires
    digital revolution. Our infrastructure is well   wisdom, courage and conviction.
    developed, consumers and businesses are
    rapidly embracing digital services and we        This whitepaper outlines the expected rate
    have talented people who can innovate            of growth in the Australian digital economy
    and execute.                                     and highlights the choices incumbent
                                                     corporations face as a result.
    To fulfil Australia’s potential to take a
    leadership position in an increasingly           Telstra itself is such an incumbent
    global and digital economy, however,             corporate leader and has started its own
    Australian corporate leaders must accept         digital transformation to ensure its future
    this accountability and direct their             success. Through its core business in
    resources accordingly.                           mobility, networks and cloud computing,
                                                     Telstra is also a provider of infrastructure
    Increasingly, a complex digital ecosystem        enablers to the digital economy.
    consisting of technologies such as web-
    delivered services, mobile applications,         Deloitte advises and implements
    social media, machine-to-machine (M2M)           digital solutions for businesses seeking
    and many others move centre stage                to win in their transformation through
    creating opportunities for innovators,           digital solutions.
    yet challenging laggards.


The digitisation of our economy continues at pace                                5

Immense disruption ahead                                                         9

Incumbents must respond                                                        15

How incumbents win                                                             20

Conclusion                                                                     25

                                                    Taking leadership in a digital economy   4
    ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE              Figure 5: Australian SMEs taking orders for goods and services online, by industry sector, April 2011

                                                                                             Wholesale trade

    The basics are in place                          The federal government’s National Broadband
                                                     Network (NBN) and the Telstra lead 4G mobile
    Today, Australia has comparable Accommodation/cafes/restaurants are infrastructure investment
                                                     network rollout,
    broadband adoption and connection                commitments that are expected to facilitate
                                                            Retail trade
    speeds to many of its peers in the               continued future increases in both bandwidth
                                                 Finance and insurance
    developed world.                                 and customer adoption for fixed and wireless
                               Communications/property/business services
                                                                         Personal services
    Whilst not necessarily on top of the league
                                                   Building/construction this investment is Australia’s
                                                       An outcome of
    (yet), broadband adoption has seen 30%
    year on year growth 1 in 2012, and has             relatively high smart phone penetration,
                                              Health/community services

    steadily grown over the past decade or so.         which today stands at over 50%4.
                                                                                                                            0               10             20       30            40           50           60            70   80

    Australia already has the 14th largest                                                     % of SMEs in Australia
    number of 3G subscribers of any country in Online Experience of Small and Medium Enterprises 2011, October 2011
                                 Source: Sensis, The
    the world2 and the OECD places Australia
                                 Note: Survey conducted in April 2011
    8th by wireless broadband penetration, just          Figure 1: Global broadband adoption and connection speed data
    behind the US, but well ahead of the UK,                100
    Spain and France3.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            South Korea

                                                                                               80                                                                        Switzerland
                                                                    Broadband adoption (%)

                                                                                                                                                                              Hong Kong

                                                                                               40                               Australia   Spain


                                                                                                    0       1           2   3         4      5        6         7   8     9       10      11      12   13     14     15

                                                                                                                                            Average connection speed (Mbps)

                    Developed countries                              Source: Akami 2012
                    Developing countries

                                               ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE

                                               Consumers are embracing                                       Given our high smart phone penetration,
                                                                                                             it’s not a surprise that Australians are also
                                               digital services                                              establishing a love affair with mobile apps.
                                                                                                             Australia downloads more than 60 million10
                                               Australian consumers have embraced
                                                                                                             apps a month making us the fifth largest
                                               digital offerings with relish, leaving few
                                                                                                             per capita consumers of apps anywhere
                                               traditional products or services
                                                                                                             in the world. Globally one billion Android
                                               unaffected, including:
                                                                                                             applications are downloaded each month11.

                                               •	 Internet search
                                                                                                             Australians are also prolific online buyers
                                               •	 Digital content
                                                                                                             with the growth in online sales five times
                                               •	 Social media
                                                                                                             that of traditional retail12. And double digit
                                               •	 Mobile applications
                                                                                                             growth is forecast for online sales over
                                               •	 E-commerce
                                                                                                             the next five years13.

                               The number of internet searches by
                               Australians has grown at an annual
                               rate of 30% and a recent Nielsen                                             Figure 2: Australian Google search growth for banking,
                      Figure 3:report highlightedon each usage
                                Average time spent that more than 40%                                       insurance & investment                                                                                                                      Fi
                      occasion (minutes)
                               of Australians research their purchases                                                            800

                               online5, making web search a de facto                                                              700
                      minutes per visit

                               e-commerce hub.                                                                                    600
                                                                                                           Google growth index


                                               According to 9.15 ACMAs Digital Australians
                                                             the      8.67                                                        400

                                               survey, 33% of Australians watch online                                            300

                                               video content each month6.                                                         200

                                               Facebook           Twitter         Linkedin                                        100

                              Social media is experiencing
                      Source: Sensis 2012                                                                                            0
                                                                                                                                          2007                2008                 2009           2010      2011
                               phenomenal growth with 62% of                                                                                                                      Years

                               internet users reporting they use social                                                                          Investment                 Banking
                               media7. Facebook, of course, has                                                                                                                                                                                         So
                                                                                                            Source: Google 2011
                               seen incredible success with over 11M
                      33       Australians using the service regularly8
                        Figure 10: Average Net Promoter Score Across Industries                                                                                                                                                  Tr
                               spending an impressive 18 minutes on                                                         Index                                                                                    Figure 2: Aust
                             5                                                                                Figure 3: Average time spent on each usage                                                    4000     insurance & in
                               the site per visit and over 2
                                                           20% of all
                                                                                                              occasion (minutes)                                                                                                                        5.8
                             0 internet time is now spent on                                                                                                                                                3400                          800
                               social networks9.                                                                                                                                                                                          700
                                                                                                           minutes per visit

                                          -5                                                                                                                                                                                              600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Google growth index


                                                                                       South Korea                                                                                                          2000                                        5.2

15                                        Switzerland                                                                                                                                                                                     500
                                      -10                                                                                                                                                                                                               5.0
                                                                Japan                                                                                                9.15              8.67                                               400
                                      -15       Hong Kong
                                                                                                                                                                                                            1000                          300
      Germany                         -20                                                                                                                                                                   15.59                                       4.2
                                                                                                                                            Facebook        Twitter                   Linkedin              0                             100
                USA                                                                                                              Jan’12             Apr ‘12                      Jul ‘12          Oct ‘12
       UK                             -25                                                                    Source: Sensis 2012 Ratio TTM                                                                                                 0
                                                                                                                  Wal-Mart Stores PE                                                                                                            2007
                                                        Banking      Health Ins    Home Ins     Mobile
      Israel                                                                                                                    PE Ratio TTM
                                                                                                                            Source: Y-charts 2012                                                                                                      Inve
ain                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Insu
                      Source: Engaged Marketing 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: Goog

                                                                                                                             Figure 10: Average Net Promoter Score Across Industries                                                 Index
                                                                                                                                                  Taking leadership in a digital economy                                              6
                                                   ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE

                                                   Businesses have gone digital                                         In some cases, social media and e-commerce
                                                                                                                        have allowed local speciality businesses to
                                                   The majority of small and medium                                     extend their reach beyond their traditional
                                                   enterprises (SMEs) are now online, 60%                               catchment area as well.
                                                   have a web presence and the majority of
                                                   those sell goods and services on the web14.                          For example, Cuckoo Clock Nest
                                                                                                                        (, sells German
                      Australian SMEs are also embracing                                                                cuckoo clocks out of their shop in Eagle
                      social media. Approximately 27% of                                                                Heights Queensland, but have
                      internet connected SMEs are using some                                                            national reach through their web site.
 Figure 2: Australian Googleof social media in their business
                      form search growth for banking,
 insurance & investment
                      operations15. The ease to set up a Twitter                                                       Figure 4: Proportion of Australian SME’s that are online
    800               account or Facebook page coupled with                                                                          70%

                      the cost effectiveness of this relatively                                                                      60%
                      cheap advertising and customer service
Google growth index

                      medium is proving very compelling.


                       100                                                                                                           10%

                           0                                                                                                          0
                               2007                2008           2009            2010               2011                                  1997           1999               2001           2003            2005           2007                                     2009
                                                                 Years                                                                                                                        Years
                                      Investment          Banking                                                                          Website                   Sell online
                                                                                                                       Source: Deloitte 2011
 Source: Google 2011

                                                   Figure 5: Australian SMEs taking orders for goods and services online, bydecade: letter volumes
                                                                                                             Trends over a industry sector, April 2011
                 Index                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               140
                                                                                                                       against delivery points
                                                                                                      4000                                                                                                                                                                                              Bah
                                                                                        Wholesale trade                                                                                                                   76
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Broadband household penetration (%)

                                                                                                                        5.8                                                                                                                                                      12
                                                                                                 3000                   5.6                                                                                               72                                                     11
                                                                                  Transport/storage                     5.4                                                                                               70                                                     10100

                                                                                        2000                            5.2                                                                                               62                                                                          Singa
                                                                                                                        5.0                                                                                                                                                           80
                                                                                               Retail trade                                                                                                               59                                                     8                       Fr
                                                                                                      1000              4.8
                                                                              Finance and insurance                                                                                                                       57                                                     7
                                                                                                                        4.4                                                                                                                                                           60
                                                   Communications/property/business services
                                                                                      15.59                             4.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          57                                                     6             India China
                      Jan’12                Apr ‘12             Jul ‘12           Personal
                                                                                  Oct ‘12         services              4.0                                                                                               56                                                     5    40









                                                                               Building/construction                                                                                                                      55

                               Wal-Mart Stores PE Ratio TTM


















                      PE Ratio TTM









                                                                          Health/community services                                                                                                                       37                                                          20
                 Source: Y-charts 2012                                                                                                         Delivery points millions
                                                                                                                                               Mail items billions

                                                                                                              0   10                                                                                                                                                                   0
                                                                                                                       Source: 30
                                                                                                                        20             40     50
                                                                                                                               Australia Post 2012                                     60             70         80
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           0                 2
                                                                                                                                       % of SMEs in Australia

                                                   Source: Sensis, The Online Experience of Small and Medium Enterprises 2011, October 2011
                                                   Note: Survey conducted in April 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                          Develope
                                                                                  Figure 1: Global broadband adoption and connection speed data
                                                                                         100                                                                                                                                                                                               Source: Aka

                                                                                                                                                                                        South Korea

                                                                                          80                                                    Switzerland
                       7                                                                                                                                           Japan                                                                                                                   Protecting the c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           typically more c

                                                                                                                                                    Hong Kong
                                 ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE

                                 The digital economy is                                                                       The most significant additional digital
                                                                                                                              penetration is expected to be in financial
                                 poised for 7% pa growth                                                                      service, telecommunications, retail trade,
                                                                                                                              education and transport and logistics.
                                 Assuming an active role of business and
                                 government in encouraging the adoption                                                        Figure 6: Internet direct contributions to GDP
                                 of digital services, the direct contribution                                                                                                               32%                    SHORT

                                 of the internet to the Australian economy                                                                                                                      of the
try                                                                                                                                                                                             economy
                                 is forecast by Deloitte to grow at 7% per

                                 annum over the next five years, roughly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Retail trad
                                 double total GDP growth16.
                                 And whilst the total direct contribution of
                                            30                       54
           22         25
                                 the digital economy is only $50b, a fraction
                           31     26                                                                                                                                                                                Arts and
                                 of the26GDP, the indirect contribution to the

                                 rest of the economy is fundamental.
                                 Every industry will be affected
     44    52    31   51   46
                                 by this change, and all sectors will
                                  48   45  58   43   48   49   60  54

                                 eventually be “more digital than not”.

                                                                                                                                                                                                of the
                               ice r


                            fen r

                          erv fic

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                         ica dia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SHORT F
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                           ish y

                          erv nd

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                       d f str

 e                                                                                                                                                                                                               Figure 6:

                                                                                                                                           Source: Deloitte 2011
                     e s wa




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                                 Figure 7: Digital Penetration by Industry





                                                    80                                                                                                                     60
                                                                                                                                                  30                            54
                                                                                                               22        25                                     34
                                                    60                                     10                                   31    26
                                Digital potential

                                                                                                                                            26             34
7         2009                                                                                      14
                                                                   6                                      18
                                                    50                    6

                                                    40                                                              22


                                                               51         48       43      55       48    44   52   31   51     46    48    45    58       43   48   49    60   54




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                                                                   Non-digital core
             7                                                     Additional digital penetration
                                                                   Current use of digital technologies

             5                   Source: Deloitte 2012

                                                                                                                                                       Taking leadership in a digital economy                8

    Just as the digital economy provides huge benefits to consumers and businesses,
    it equally poses a threat to hitherto comfortable incumbents, changing goal posts,
    raising customer expectations and opening the field for new competitors, globally.

    It’s only a matter of time                        Eighteen industries are mapped with respect
                                                      to their vulnerability to disruption from two
    Virtually every sector can expect to              perspectives: the size of the impact and the
    face changes rivalling those of the               imminence of change.
    industrial revolution.
                                                      As these changes will play out over many
    Some industries may face extinction,              years, timing of specific changes is hard
    new sectors are being created, and others         to predict.
    are being transformed beyond recognition.
                                                      It is eye opening to realise that it took 48
    According to Australia’s Digital Future           years from the invention of electricity to the
    to 2050 by IBISWorld17 15 different industry      invention of the light bulb, 65 years to the
    sub-sectors face extinction due to factors        invention of the telegraph and 72 years to
    such as size, international competitiveness,      the invention of powered flight.
    the potential for displacement, and technology.
                                                      The Internet Protocol (IP) which may be
    Those 15 sub-sectors include: books and           considered the “electricity of the digital
    magazines, newspapers, directory and              age” was invented in 1974, so is only
    mailing list publishing, software publishing,     38 years old. Google was only launched
    radio broadcasting, and free-to-air TV            14 years ago and Facebook is only
    and cable TV.                                     8 years old.

    Assessing the timing and severity of              We’re only at the beginning.
    likely impact, Deloitte’s “digital disruption
    map” classifies about one third of the
    Australian economy into the most pressing
    “short fuse, big bang” quadrant.


Figure 8: Digital disruption map

  32%            SHORT FUSE, BIG BANG                                                                                               LONG FUSE, BIG BANG

                                                                                  Impact (% change in business)
  of the                                                                                                                                                         of the
  Australian                                                                                                                                                     Australian
  economy                                                                                                                                                        economy
                                         ICT and media

                  Retail trade                                               40
                                                                             35                                                                     Transport
                                                                                                                                                    and post
                                                   Professional services                                                                  Health

                                                                                                                    Agriculture               Recruitment
                                                                                                                                              and cleaning
                   Arts and recreation
                                                           Real estate                                              Government services

                                                                             20                                                                      Utilities

                  Timing (years)
                  0                      1                    2
                                                           Construction                    3                                        4                       5
                                                           Wholesale trade
                             Accommodation                                   10
                            and food services                                                                                                      Mining
  17%                                                                                                                                                            18%
  of the                                                                      0                                                                                  of the
  Australian                                                                                                                                                     Australian
  economy       SHORT FUSE, SMALL BANG                                                                                            LONG FUSE, SMALL BANG          economy

Source: Deloitte 2012

                                                                                                                              Taking leadership in a digital economy          10
                                            Globalisation of competition
                                            By definition, digital services are
                                            more transportable across geographic
     LinkedIn which as of March 2012,       boundaries than their physical equivalents.
     had more than 3 million members in     Therefore domestic operators can expect
     Australia, and over 500,000 members    additional competition from global
     in New Zealand, is disrupting the      digital providers.
     corporate recruiting market.
     Relative to the established model      No sector is experiencing this at the
     of using corporate recruiters          moment more than Australian retailers.
     or placed advertising which can
     both be expensive, inflexible and      Already, 29% of Australian online commerce
     have long lead times, Linkedin         is conducted with international providers18.
     offers an inexpensive, quick and
     flexible alternative.
                                            The proportion of online shoppers
                                            mostly buying from overseas websites
     LinkedIn has seen strong demand
                                            has increased from 12 to 19%19.
     and response for its recruitment
     and marketing solutions services.
                                            The high Australian dollar and increased
     The company now has over 500
                                            ability of global retailers to ship cost
     Australian and New Zealand clients
                                            effectively to Australia are two factors
     using its Talent Solutions platform,
                                            driving this competition.
     with new customers including ANZ,
     John Holland Group, OneSteel and
     Mission Australia. Over 40 of the
     Top 200 ASX companies now use
     LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions to find
     “passive talent” – where employers
     can tap employees who may not be
     actively looking to move.


             Figure 9: Top 15 online shopping sites accessed by Australians from home during June 2011
of the
Australian                      eBay                                                                 4,297
                            Amazon                                                                   1,623
                         Woolworths                                                                  1,359
                            Gumtree                                                                  905
                              BIG W                                                                  784
                   GetPrice Network                                                                  767
    Network                                                                    737
                   Catch of the Day                                                                  655
                             JB Hi-Fi                                                                609
                     Kmart Australia                                                                 608
18%                                                                           573
of the
economy                      FlyBuys                                                                 545

                                        0      1,000      2,000       3,000       4,000      5,000
             Source: ACMA 2011                           Number of site users (000s)

             Further innovation in business models
             and logistics is expected to continue to
             globalise online retailing. Tarazz (tarazz.
             com) for instance aggregates US online
             retailer sites into one interface and one
             shopping cart, then consolidates the goods
             into one shipment in the US and ships
             that consolidated shipment to Australian
             customers for one fixed fee.

                                                                                            Taking leadership in a digital economy   12
                                                    COMPETING WITH FREE

     Stuck in the middle
     The digital economy lowers the barriers
     to entry to a point where several hundred
     million people create content and software     The pioneering image hosting and
     apps for free, or at least well below normal   photo sharing site Flickr, offers users
     rates of remuneration.                         the ability to release images under a
                                                    creative commons license allowing
     Every minute, users upload almost              other users to freely reuse an image.
     100,000 tweets on Twitter, 7,000 images
     on Flickr, over 600 videos on YouTube20,       Flickr, which has more than
     and there are now over 1 million smart         50 million registered members22
     phone apps available21.                        and hosts more than seven billion
                                                    photos23 enables local photographers,
     Increasingly, domestic incumbents of           many working on a part time basis
     many sectors may find themselves stuck         with minimal gear and few overheads,
     with high fixed cost structures between        to compete on a completely different
     global, massive scale digital competitors on   cost base with the likes of Getty images
     one hand and a large number of individual      which has offices and employees in
     contributors working on a totally different    over 20 countries.
     economic basis on the other hand.


It’s not about what you
own but what you do
In the old economy a company’s value
tends to be proportional to the value of is an online speciality
its assets. Whilst intangibles were always     retailer founded in 2008. SurfStitch.
present, the majority of commercial activity   com provides shoppers with over
required capital goods that could be valued    20,000 items and 318 brands including
and held on a company’s balance sheet.         unique and hard to get labels, providing
                                               significantly more choice than many
A digital business model on the other hand     proprietary surf wear and
is much more reliant on the capability of      department stores.
its people. The company’s value is more
likely to be a direct function of the value
                                               Surfstitch is on track to reach revenues
it generates for its customers. In a digital
                                               of $30 million24 and in 2009 Billabong
business model, there are few structural
                                               International Ltd acquired a minority
advantages and lasting organisational
value is rare.                                 interest in the organisation.

Many incumbents are still obsessed with        According to Experian Hitwise,
building, buying and owning tangible assets    Surfstitch is one of the country’s
and derive comfort from the perception of      most highly trafficked e-commerce
“lasting value”.                               site, clocking up 30 million site
                                               visits and over 250 million page
It requires a significant mind shift to        views since launch.
appreciate the value of a business model
where the “assets” walk out of the door
every day and corporate leaders have to
create a work environment those assets
choose to return to the next morning.

                                                             Taking leadership in a digital economy   14

     Today’s corporations must respond on three levels to ensure their future:
     transforming their core business to become more efficient; access new
     revenue sources; develop new business models.

     Allocating resources effectively requires    The profound change is apparent when
     good timing which is difficult in fast       comparing a traditional above the line
     changing markets. Due to the digital         campaign with Search Engine Marketing
     transformation of the economy the changes    (SEM). The former has long planning lead
     facing large corporations play out over      times, involves several agencies (strategy,
     many years, so are beyond typical planning   creative, and media buying) is inflexible,
     cycles and most CEO tenures. One thing       has a relatively high minimum spend and
     is for certain, though, being too late is    delivers measurable outcomes only after
     more costly than being too early.            the majority of expense is already committed.
                                                  SEM, in contrast, can be deployed in real
     Making the core business                     time by sales teams themselves with minimal
                                                  upfront cost, maximum flexibility and little
     more efficient                               risk of failure.

     Gone are the days when corporate
                                                  Overall, the cost of acquisition can be
     executives could expect their operating
                                                  dramatically lowered for a digital pathway
     budgets to increase year on year to keep
                                                  compared to the traditional model. Telstra,
     pace with inflation and business growth.
                                                  for instance, has experienced up to 70%
     Nowadays, leaders are expected to deliver
                                                  lower acquisition costs for a new mobile
     more with less for the foreseeable future.
                                                  subscriber in its digital channels compared
     And digitisation only accelerates
                                                  to commission driven third party channels.
     these pressures.

     Digital sales and marketing
     Most sales and marketing departments
     now have an eye on online sales and
     digital marketing. However, few have
     come to grips with the fact that they need
     to undergo a deep change which means
     that every marketer is now a digital
     marketer, and sales models must be
     optimised for digital channels despite
     the fact that only a minority of sales are
     currently delivered by those means.

                                                       TRANSFORMING SERVICE
                                                       THROUGH THE CROWD
Digital customer service
Digital technologies promise radically lower
cost and more effective customer service
than traditional means.

Even with the rapid rise of the mobile web
                                                       In 2011, Telstra launched its
there is still a lot of life left in the traditional
                                                       Crowdsupport customer service
corporate website, provided it is designed
                                                       platform, a community forum where
for customer service. Most corporate sites
started life as “digital brochure racks” with          users, including Telstra customers and
little real transactional service functionality.       others, answer questions and help
Providing customers with rich, real time and           each other. Crowdsupport entices
easy to use functions can both reduce cost             community members with elements
and improve service by putting customers               of “gamification”, including badges,
more in control of their affairs.                      status levels and user awarded
                                                       “kudos” points. The fast growing
Mobile applications and social media                   service already attracts over 60,000
platforms can provide effective extensions             unique visitors per week, saving cost
to web based service portals. Aggressive               and improving customer service.
adopters see significant reductions in their
call centre volumes and an overall drop in
service cost as a result.

In addition to customer facing tools,
digital platforms can enhance how
employees collaborate and work more
effectively to service their customers.
The “social corporation” has been subject
to extensive debate and in some ways
there is no ideal model quite yet. One
thing is for sure, though, if an incumbent
does not already experiment with internal
networks and digital collaboration tools,
it will be too late to catch up later.

                                                                     Taking leadership in a digital economy   16
                                                            DIGITAL EQUIPMENT

     Access new revenue sources                        Different approaches are described below
                                                       depending on a company’s risk appetite.
     As industries transform, and traditional
     sector boundaries shift, incumbents
     encounter opportunities to generate                    Nike is a global sports equipment
     new revenue. A manufacturer, for instance              supplier which has built its success on
     may start producing software that is                   product innovation and brand building.
     complementary to its goods, and telco’s                Nike has successfully innovated,
     move into areas such as home security                  investing early in social networking
     and “carrier billing”.
                                                            platforms to support the 2006
                                                            World Cup.
     Initially, these opportunities are likely to be
     relatively obvious and quite adjacent to the
     core business.                                         In 2010, Nike created a new digital
                                                            division, Nike digital sport, under the
     However, the more exciting opportunities               Nike+ brand. Nike+ which has grown
     are likely to be less evident, and therefore           to 7M customers launched innovative
     require a specific effort and slightly higher          products including its flagship Nike
     risk appetite to be pursued successfully.              fuelband which allows a user to
                                                            compare their activity to other contacts
     Above all, it is important that an                     via the Nike+ social network, the
     organisation’s customer base is open to                fuelband retails for $US150 and sold
     adopt new services under the same brand.               out within days of its launch25.
     So, a healthy core business is a necessary
     foundation for the expansion into new
     revenue sources.


                                               Develop new
                                               business models
                                               Many incumbents can expect their
Founded in 1839 the Norwegian                  core business model to be challenged
publisher Schibsted has transformed            in the course of digital transformation.
itself from a traditional publishing           High prices, that were once justified by
business making 100% of its revenue            high cost structures of physical assets
through print to a business that today         and sustained by limited competition,
makes 35% of revenue and 55% of                will collapse as low cost, intense
gross operating profit online26. It was just   competition enters a market. Most
12 years ago that Schibsted made its           often this occurs through substitutes.
foray into digital through an online
                                               A powerful example is the rise of
classifieds venture.
                                               email rapidly replacing physical mail.
                                               Australia Post has seen a dramatic
Schibsted is utilising its established
                                               decline in letter volumes of close to
expertise in content to move from being        9% over the last four years driven by
an established reporter of news to a           electronic substitution.28
supplier of content that helps users
make commercial decisions.                     Business model innovation is difficult
                                               and requires bold leadership but the
Businesses include a finance          rewards for success can be material.
broker and which brings the
Groupon model to Swedish consumers.            Harvard Business Review analysis
                                               suggests that 11 of the 27 companies
 “Online services areas are charged with       founded in the last quarter century
                                               and having entered the Fortune 500
finding new revenue beyond the media
                                               in the past 10 years did so through
house and online classifieds businesses –
                                               business model innovation. However,
though it keeps those linkages in mind”.
                                               this type of innovation is also relatively
– Ken Doctor, Nieman Journalism Lab27          rare with no more than 10% of global
                                               corporate investment being focused
                                               on developing new business models29.

                                                               Taking leadership in a digital economy   18
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Taking Leadership in a Digital Economy

  • 2. A NOTE FROM DAVID Consumers and businesses are rapidly embracing digital technology and this is redefining the traditional transaction model. We now have a new generation of globally connected consumers and businesses who behave very differently – and we must all adapt to these changes and take advantage of the new opportunities. By the end of the decade we will have connected just about every device to next generation networks, from smartphones and offices of the future, to educational resources and digital home appliances. The changes we are talking about are transformational. Everything, everyone and every place will be connected. This will make us more innovative and more competitive – and change the way we live and work for the better. The challenge ahead is how to best use the tremendous creativity, innovation and capability of Australians to participate in these new opportunities – whether it be m-commerce, Big Data, robotics or social media. Every part of our economy can benefit from this new era of connectivity. Our role, as Australian business leaders, is to help build a 21st century economy that is locally accessible and globally competitive. As a nation, we can lead the world and create positive change. David Thodey Chief Executive Officer Telstra 1
  • 3. A NOTE FROM GIAM The world is changing. The internet has transformed the Australian economy over the last 10 years, and is poised to play an even greater role in our daily lives and businesses as Australia positions itself to become a leading digital economy. The pace of technology change is growing exponentially, and in the digital age, the only constant is change. Disruption can sneak up on you unexpectedly. For your industry, how will you know that disruption is coming before it’s too late? Will you know your competitor in a global market that disrupts existing industry & country boundaries? As a nation, we need to consider whether we are simply building better ways of delivering the same products and services. Or are we creating truly new and different business models? Companies that miss this distinction are at risk of becoming irrelevant in the digital economy. Realistically, digital creates more opportunities than dangers. As leaders, the choices we make will be crucial in whether Australia takes a position of leadership at the forefront of this change. Our country’s future prosperity will depend on visionary leadership, enabling our Australian entrepreneurial spirit, becoming more agile in our decision making and investing in the talent required to support the digital economy. As with all of our work at Deloitte, we hope that this white paper enhances your capacity to act. In the digital age, how quickly and how thoughtfully we act will determine our future. Giam Swiegers Chief Executive Officer Deloitte Australia Taking leadership in a digital economy 2
  • 4. INTRODUCTION To some extent, Australia is already Leading our economy and our country well positioned to be a driving force of the successfully through this change requires digital revolution. Our infrastructure is well wisdom, courage and conviction. developed, consumers and businesses are rapidly embracing digital services and we This whitepaper outlines the expected rate have talented people who can innovate of growth in the Australian digital economy and execute. and highlights the choices incumbent corporations face as a result. To fulfil Australia’s potential to take a leadership position in an increasingly Telstra itself is such an incumbent global and digital economy, however, corporate leader and has started its own Australian corporate leaders must accept digital transformation to ensure its future this accountability and direct their success. Through its core business in resources accordingly. mobility, networks and cloud computing, Telstra is also a provider of infrastructure Increasingly, a complex digital ecosystem enablers to the digital economy. consisting of technologies such as web- delivered services, mobile applications, Deloitte advises and implements social media, machine-to-machine (M2M) digital solutions for businesses seeking and many others move centre stage to win in their transformation through creating opportunities for innovators, digital solutions. yet challenging laggards. 3
  • 5. CONTENTS The digitisation of our economy continues at pace 5 Immense disruption ahead 9 Incumbents must respond 15 How incumbents win 20 Conclusion 25 Taking leadership in a digital economy 4
  • 6. THE DIGITISATION OF OUR ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE Figure 5: Australian SMEs taking orders for goods and services online, by industry sector, April 2011 Wholesale trade The basics are in place The federal government’s National Broadband Manufacturing Network (NBN) and the Telstra lead 4G mobile Transport/storage Today, Australia has comparable Accommodation/cafes/restaurants are infrastructure investment network rollout, broadband adoption and connection commitments that are expected to facilitate Retail trade speeds to many of its peers in the continued future increases in both bandwidth Finance and insurance developed world. and customer adoption for fixed and wireless Communications/property/business services connectivity. Personal services Whilst not necessarily on top of the league Building/construction this investment is Australia’s An outcome of (yet), broadband adoption has seen 30% year on year growth 1 in 2012, and has relatively high smart phone penetration, Health/community services steadily grown over the past decade or so. which today stands at over 50%4. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Australia already has the 14th largest % of SMEs in Australia number of 3G subscribers of any country in Online Experience of Small and Medium Enterprises 2011, October 2011 Source: Sensis, The the world2 and the OECD places Australia Note: Survey conducted in April 2011 8th by wireless broadband penetration, just Figure 1: Global broadband adoption and connection speed data behind the US, but well ahead of the UK, 100 Spain and France3. South Korea 80 Switzerland Japan Broadband adoption (%) Hong Kong Germany 60 USA UK Russia Israel France 40 Australia Spain 20 China India 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Average connection speed (Mbps) Developed countries Source: Akami 2012 Developing countries 5
  • 7. THE DIGITISATION OF OUR ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE Consumers are embracing Given our high smart phone penetration, it’s not a surprise that Australians are also digital services establishing a love affair with mobile apps. Australia downloads more than 60 million10 Australian consumers have embraced apps a month making us the fifth largest digital offerings with relish, leaving few per capita consumers of apps anywhere traditional products or services in the world. Globally one billion Android unaffected, including: applications are downloaded each month11. • Internet search Australians are also prolific online buyers • Digital content with the growth in online sales five times • Social media that of traditional retail12. And double digit • Mobile applications growth is forecast for online sales over • E-commerce the next five years13. The number of internet searches by Australians has grown at an annual rate of 30% and a recent Nielsen Figure 2: Australian Google search growth for banking, Figure 3:report highlightedon each usage Average time spent that more than 40% insurance & investment Fi occasion (minutes) of Australians research their purchases 800 online5, making web search a de facto 700 minutes per visit 17.86 e-commerce hub. 600 Google growth index Average a 500 Percenatage According to 9.15 ACMAs Digital Australians the 8.67 400 survey, 33% of Australians watch online 300 video content each month6. 200 Facebook Twitter Linkedin 100 Social media is experiencing Source: Sensis 2012 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 phenomenal growth with 62% of Years internet users reporting they use social Investment Banking Insurance media7. Facebook, of course, has So Source: Google 2011 seen incredible success with over 11M 33 Australians using the service regularly8 Figure 10: Average Net Promoter Score Across Industries Tr spending an impressive 18 minutes on Index Figure 2: Aust ag 5 Figure 3: Average time spent on each usage 4000 insurance & in the site per visit and over 2 20% of all occasion (minutes) 5.8 0 internet time is now spent on 3400 800 5.6 3000 social networks9. 700 minutes per visit 17.86 5.4 -5 600 Google growth index -9 Average South Korea 2000 5.2 NPS 15 Switzerland 500 -10 5.0 Japan 9.15 8.67 400 -15 4.8 -15 Hong Kong 1000 300 -19 4.4 200 Germany -20 15.59 4.2 Facebook Twitter Linkedin 0 100 USA Jan’12 Apr ‘12 Jul ‘12 Oct ‘12 4.0 UK -25 Source: Sensis 2012 Ratio TTM 0 Wal-Mart Stores PE 2007 Banking Health Ins Home Ins Mobile Israel PE Ratio TTM operators Source: Y-charts 2012 Inve ain Insu Source: Engaged Marketing 2010 Source: Goog So 33 Figure 10: Average Net Promoter Score Across Industries Index Taking leadership in a digital economy 6 5 2
  • 8. THE DIGITISATION OF OUR ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE Businesses have gone digital In some cases, social media and e-commerce have allowed local speciality businesses to The majority of small and medium extend their reach beyond their traditional enterprises (SMEs) are now online, 60% catchment area as well. have a web presence and the majority of those sell goods and services on the web14. For example, Cuckoo Clock Nest (, sells German Australian SMEs are also embracing cuckoo clocks out of their shop in Eagle social media. Approximately 27% of Heights Queensland, but have internet connected SMEs are using some national reach through their web site. Figure 2: Australian Googleof social media in their business form search growth for banking, insurance & investment operations15. The ease to set up a Twitter Figure 4: Proportion of Australian SME’s that are online 800 account or Facebook page coupled with 70% 700 the cost effectiveness of this relatively 60% 600 cheap advertising and customer service Google growth index 50% 500 medium is proving very compelling. Percenatage 40% 400 30% 300 20% 200 100 10% 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Years Years Investment Banking Website Sell online Insurance Source: Deloitte 2011 Source: Google 2011 Figure 5: Australian SMEs taking orders for goods and services online, bydecade: letter volumes Trends over a industry sector, April 2011 Index 140 against delivery points 4000 Bah Wholesale trade 76 Broadband household penetration (%) 5.8 12 3400 120 Manufacturing 3000 5.6 72 11 Qa Transport/storage 5.4 70 10100 Accommodation/cafes/restaurants 2000 5.2 62 Singa 9 5.0 80 Retail trade 59 8 Fr 1000 4.8 Finance and insurance 57 7 Aus 4.4 60 Communications/property/business services 15.59 4.2 57 6 India China 0 Jan’12 Apr ‘12 Jul ‘12 Personal Oct ‘12 services 4.0 56 5 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Building/construction 55 -1 Wal-Mart Stores PE Ratio TTM -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 PE Ratio TTM 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Health/community services 37 20 Source: Y-charts 2012 Delivery points millions Mail items billions 0 10 0 Source: 30 20 40 50 Australia Post 2012 60 70 80 0 2 % of SMEs in Australia Source: Sensis, The Online Experience of Small and Medium Enterprises 2011, October 2011 Note: Survey conducted in April 2011 Develope Developi Figure 1: Global broadband adoption and connection speed data 100 Source: Aka South Korea 80 Switzerland 7 Japan Protecting the c typically more c (%) Hong Kong
  • 9. THE DIGITISATION OF OUR ECONOMY CONTINUES AT PACE The digital economy is The most significant additional digital penetration is expected to be in financial poised for 7% pa growth service, telecommunications, retail trade, education and transport and logistics. Assuming an active role of business and government in encouraging the adoption Figure 6: Internet direct contributions to GDP of digital services, the direct contribution 32% SHORT of the internet to the Australian economy of the Australian try economy is forecast by Deloitte to grow at 7% per $50b annum over the next five years, roughly Retail trad double total GDP growth16. 2011 60 And whilst the total direct contribution of 30 54 37 22 25 the digital economy is only $50b, a fraction 34 31 26 Arts and of the26GDP, the indirect contribution to the 34 18 $70b rest of the economy is fundamental. 22 Timing Every industry will be affected 0 44 52 31 51 46 by this change, and all sectors will 48 45 58 43 48 49 60 54 2016 eventually be “more digital than not”. 17% of the Australian ice r d fen r erv fic ing l on e ica dia SHORT F ho sta ish y erv nd ist and lea ent erv nd erv te de ato economy ad se an s ure ices ing s ce g ce s s d f str e Figure 6: n nti Source: Deloitte 2011 ati e s wa ice ice ice nin un me ns sa es la are t, po tio l tr d c tm ty/ istr an an fore te ing us ica cie uc l a care nc cia rv tio Art tai an crui mm on afe in Ed sta ir hn l, s d w or ura nan l e al, h Re d s dm ls , ss co ati so ealth Re an ansp ec iona ele rm an c a ins Fi ult rea ent cia rea d t Info ss H bli Tr ric R ofe Pu rec Figure 7: Digital Penetration by Industry Ag dt Pr an an 100 90 80 60 30 54 70 37 22 25 34 60 10 31 26 Digital potential 26 34 7 2009 14 6 18 50 6 7 40 22 30 51 48 43 55 48 44 52 31 51 46 48 45 58 43 48 49 60 54 20 10 12 0 11 ing g erv tion de on rvi ter d fen r erv fic ing l on e ica dia ho sta ish y erv nd an d lea ent erv nd de ato ad nin se an s s ure ices ing s ce g ce s s d f str ss re an n nti tra cti ati wa ice ce ice ice ice nin tur un me ns sa es la are t, po tio ds a l tr d c tm ty/ istr Mi an fore te ing us ica cie od tru uc nc cia fac rv le tio Art as as, 10 tai an crui ist mm on ca afe in Ed sta ir sa d f mm se ns hn l, s d w or ura nan l e al, h Re d s dm nu ls , d w l, g co ati ole Co so ealth Re an ansp te ec na la Ma an cco ele rm oo an lic a ins Fi an trica ult Wh rea ent 9 d t ssio cia rea d t Info H Tr A ric R b c ofe Pu rec Ag Ele 8 Pr an an Non-digital core 7 Additional digital penetration Current use of digital technologies 6 5 Source: Deloitte 2012 1 -1 10 Taking leadership in a digital economy 8
  • 10. IMMENSE DISRUPTION AHEAD Just as the digital economy provides huge benefits to consumers and businesses, it equally poses a threat to hitherto comfortable incumbents, changing goal posts, raising customer expectations and opening the field for new competitors, globally. It’s only a matter of time Eighteen industries are mapped with respect to their vulnerability to disruption from two Virtually every sector can expect to perspectives: the size of the impact and the face changes rivalling those of the imminence of change. industrial revolution. As these changes will play out over many Some industries may face extinction, years, timing of specific changes is hard new sectors are being created, and others to predict. are being transformed beyond recognition. It is eye opening to realise that it took 48 According to Australia’s Digital Future years from the invention of electricity to the to 2050 by IBISWorld17 15 different industry invention of the light bulb, 65 years to the sub-sectors face extinction due to factors invention of the telegraph and 72 years to such as size, international competitiveness, the invention of powered flight. the potential for displacement, and technology. The Internet Protocol (IP) which may be Those 15 sub-sectors include: books and considered the “electricity of the digital magazines, newspapers, directory and age” was invented in 1974, so is only mailing list publishing, software publishing, 38 years old. Google was only launched radio broadcasting, and free-to-air TV 14 years ago and Facebook is only and cable TV. 8 years old. Assessing the timing and severity of We’re only at the beginning. likely impact, Deloitte’s “digital disruption map” classifies about one third of the Australian economy into the most pressing “short fuse, big bang” quadrant. 9
  • 11. IMMENSE DISRUPTION AHEAD Figure 8: Digital disruption map 32% SHORT FUSE, BIG BANG LONG FUSE, BIG BANG 33% Impact (% change in business) 50 of the of the Australian Australian economy economy 45 ICT and media Retail trade 40 Finance Education 35 Transport and post Professional services Health 30 Agriculture Recruitment and cleaning Arts and recreation 25 Real estate Government services 20 Utilities Timing (years) 15 0 1 2 Construction 3 4 5 Wholesale trade Accommodation 10 and food services Mining Manufacturing 5 17% 18% of the 0 of the Australian Australian economy SHORT FUSE, SMALL BANG LONG FUSE, SMALL BANG economy Source: Deloitte 2012 Taking leadership in a digital economy 10
  • 12. IMMENSE DISRUPTION AHEAD LINKEDIN DISRUPTING THE CORPORATE RECRUITMENT MARKET Globalisation of competition By definition, digital services are more transportable across geographic LinkedIn which as of March 2012, boundaries than their physical equivalents. had more than 3 million members in Therefore domestic operators can expect Australia, and over 500,000 members additional competition from global in New Zealand, is disrupting the digital providers. corporate recruiting market. Relative to the established model No sector is experiencing this at the of using corporate recruiters moment more than Australian retailers. or placed advertising which can both be expensive, inflexible and Already, 29% of Australian online commerce have long lead times, Linkedin is conducted with international providers18. offers an inexpensive, quick and flexible alternative. The proportion of online shoppers mostly buying from overseas websites LinkedIn has seen strong demand has increased from 12 to 19%19. and response for its recruitment and marketing solutions services. The high Australian dollar and increased The company now has over 500 ability of global retailers to ship cost Australian and New Zealand clients effectively to Australia are two factors using its Talent Solutions platform, driving this competition. with new customers including ANZ, John Holland Group, OneSteel and Mission Australia. Over 40 of the Top 200 ASX companies now use LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions to find “passive talent” – where employers can tap employees who may not be actively looking to move. 11
  • 13. IMMENSE DISRUPTION AHEAD Figure 9: Top 15 online shopping sites accessed by Australians from home during June 2011 33% of the Australian eBay 4,297 economy Amazon 1,623 Woolworths 1,359 Gumtree 905 BIG W 784 GetPrice Network 767 Network 737 721 662 Catch of the Day 655 620 JB Hi-Fi 609 Kmart Australia 608 18% 573 of the Australian economy FlyBuys 545 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Source: ACMA 2011 Number of site users (000s) Further innovation in business models and logistics is expected to continue to globalise online retailing. Tarazz (tarazz. com) for instance aggregates US online retailer sites into one interface and one shopping cart, then consolidates the goods into one shipment in the US and ships that consolidated shipment to Australian customers for one fixed fee. Taking leadership in a digital economy 12
  • 14. IMMENSE DISRUPTION AHEAD FLICKR COMPETING WITH FREE Stuck in the middle The digital economy lowers the barriers to entry to a point where several hundred million people create content and software The pioneering image hosting and apps for free, or at least well below normal photo sharing site Flickr, offers users rates of remuneration. the ability to release images under a creative commons license allowing Every minute, users upload almost other users to freely reuse an image. 100,000 tweets on Twitter, 7,000 images on Flickr, over 600 videos on YouTube20, Flickr, which has more than and there are now over 1 million smart 50 million registered members22 phone apps available21. and hosts more than seven billion photos23 enables local photographers, Increasingly, domestic incumbents of many working on a part time basis many sectors may find themselves stuck with minimal gear and few overheads, with high fixed cost structures between to compete on a completely different global, massive scale digital competitors on cost base with the likes of Getty images one hand and a large number of individual which has offices and employees in contributors working on a totally different over 20 countries. economic basis on the other hand. 13
  • 15. IMMENSE DISRUPTION AHEAD SURFSTITCH It’s not about what you own but what you do In the old economy a company’s value tends to be proportional to the value of is an online speciality its assets. Whilst intangibles were always retailer founded in 2008. SurfStitch. present, the majority of commercial activity com provides shoppers with over required capital goods that could be valued 20,000 items and 318 brands including and held on a company’s balance sheet. unique and hard to get labels, providing significantly more choice than many A digital business model on the other hand proprietary surf wear and is much more reliant on the capability of department stores. its people. The company’s value is more likely to be a direct function of the value Surfstitch is on track to reach revenues it generates for its customers. In a digital of $30 million24 and in 2009 Billabong business model, there are few structural International Ltd acquired a minority advantages and lasting organisational value is rare. interest in the organisation. Many incumbents are still obsessed with According to Experian Hitwise, building, buying and owning tangible assets Surfstitch is one of the country’s and derive comfort from the perception of most highly trafficked e-commerce “lasting value”. site, clocking up 30 million site visits and over 250 million page It requires a significant mind shift to views since launch. appreciate the value of a business model where the “assets” walk out of the door every day and corporate leaders have to create a work environment those assets choose to return to the next morning. Taking leadership in a digital economy 14
  • 16. INCUMBENTS MUST RESPOND Today’s corporations must respond on three levels to ensure their future: transforming their core business to become more efficient; access new revenue sources; develop new business models. Allocating resources effectively requires The profound change is apparent when good timing which is difficult in fast comparing a traditional above the line changing markets. Due to the digital campaign with Search Engine Marketing transformation of the economy the changes (SEM). The former has long planning lead facing large corporations play out over times, involves several agencies (strategy, many years, so are beyond typical planning creative, and media buying) is inflexible, cycles and most CEO tenures. One thing has a relatively high minimum spend and is for certain, though, being too late is delivers measurable outcomes only after more costly than being too early. the majority of expense is already committed. SEM, in contrast, can be deployed in real Making the core business time by sales teams themselves with minimal upfront cost, maximum flexibility and little more efficient risk of failure. Gone are the days when corporate Overall, the cost of acquisition can be executives could expect their operating dramatically lowered for a digital pathway budgets to increase year on year to keep compared to the traditional model. Telstra, pace with inflation and business growth. for instance, has experienced up to 70% Nowadays, leaders are expected to deliver lower acquisition costs for a new mobile more with less for the foreseeable future. subscriber in its digital channels compared And digitisation only accelerates to commission driven third party channels. these pressures. Digital sales and marketing Most sales and marketing departments now have an eye on online sales and digital marketing. However, few have come to grips with the fact that they need to undergo a deep change which means that every marketer is now a digital marketer, and sales models must be optimised for digital channels despite the fact that only a minority of sales are currently delivered by those means. 15
  • 17. INCUMBENTS MUST RESPOND TELSTRA CROWDSUPPORT TRANSFORMING SERVICE THROUGH THE CROWD Digital customer service Digital technologies promise radically lower cost and more effective customer service than traditional means. Even with the rapid rise of the mobile web In 2011, Telstra launched its there is still a lot of life left in the traditional Crowdsupport customer service corporate website, provided it is designed platform, a community forum where for customer service. Most corporate sites started life as “digital brochure racks” with users, including Telstra customers and little real transactional service functionality. others, answer questions and help Providing customers with rich, real time and each other. Crowdsupport entices easy to use functions can both reduce cost community members with elements and improve service by putting customers of “gamification”, including badges, more in control of their affairs. status levels and user awarded “kudos” points. The fast growing Mobile applications and social media service already attracts over 60,000 platforms can provide effective extensions unique visitors per week, saving cost to web based service portals. Aggressive and improving customer service. adopters see significant reductions in their call centre volumes and an overall drop in service cost as a result. Collaboration In addition to customer facing tools, digital platforms can enhance how employees collaborate and work more effectively to service their customers. The “social corporation” has been subject to extensive debate and in some ways there is no ideal model quite yet. One thing is for sure, though, if an incumbent does not already experiment with internal networks and digital collaboration tools, it will be too late to catch up later. Taking leadership in a digital economy 16
  • 18. INCUMBENTS MUST RESPOND NIKE+ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT Access new revenue sources Different approaches are described below depending on a company’s risk appetite. As industries transform, and traditional sector boundaries shift, incumbents encounter opportunities to generate Nike is a global sports equipment new revenue. A manufacturer, for instance supplier which has built its success on may start producing software that is product innovation and brand building. complementary to its goods, and telco’s Nike has successfully innovated, move into areas such as home security investing early in social networking and “carrier billing”. platforms to support the 2006 World Cup. Initially, these opportunities are likely to be relatively obvious and quite adjacent to the core business. In 2010, Nike created a new digital division, Nike digital sport, under the However, the more exciting opportunities Nike+ brand. Nike+ which has grown are likely to be less evident, and therefore to 7M customers launched innovative require a specific effort and slightly higher products including its flagship Nike risk appetite to be pursued successfully. fuelband which allows a user to compare their activity to other contacts Above all, it is important that an via the Nike+ social network, the organisation’s customer base is open to fuelband retails for $US150 and sold adopt new services under the same brand. out within days of its launch25. So, a healthy core business is a necessary foundation for the expansion into new revenue sources. 17
  • 19. INCUMBENTS MUST RESPOND SCHIBSTED FROM PRINT TO DIGITAL Develop new business models Many incumbents can expect their Founded in 1839 the Norwegian core business model to be challenged publisher Schibsted has transformed in the course of digital transformation. itself from a traditional publishing High prices, that were once justified by business making 100% of its revenue high cost structures of physical assets through print to a business that today and sustained by limited competition, makes 35% of revenue and 55% of will collapse as low cost, intense gross operating profit online26. It was just competition enters a market. Most 12 years ago that Schibsted made its often this occurs through substitutes. foray into digital through an online A powerful example is the rise of classifieds venture. email rapidly replacing physical mail. Australia Post has seen a dramatic Schibsted is utilising its established decline in letter volumes of close to expertise in content to move from being 9% over the last four years driven by an established reporter of news to a electronic substitution.28 supplier of content that helps users make commercial decisions. Business model innovation is difficult and requires bold leadership but the Businesses include a finance rewards for success can be material. broker and which brings the Groupon model to Swedish consumers. Harvard Business Review analysis suggests that 11 of the 27 companies “Online services areas are charged with founded in the last quarter century and having entered the Fortune 500 finding new revenue beyond the media in the past 10 years did so through house and online classifieds businesses – business model innovation. However, though it keeps those linkages in mind”. this type of innovation is also relatively – Ken Doctor, Nieman Journalism Lab27 rare with no more than 10% of global corporate investment being focused on developing new business models29. Taking leadership in a digital economy 18