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•   I am Sumana from C-2 batch.
•   Innocent girl from a village.
•   Making dreams to reality through FRANKFINN.

    “Personal Development for Smart
    People,” I think I’ll go with “Tough,
    Big, and Strong.”
1. Keeping in mind your first day at FRANKFINN and this day
when you have completed the project, please map your
development, in terms of your personality, emphasizing on
your SWOT… (P1a)

                                Before introducing myself
                                on how I am on the first day
                                at FRANKFINN, I would like
                                to introduce myself from the
                                childhood which includes
                                born, brought up and
                                change in characterization
                                during these periods.
INTRO- Child hood…

• Born in a village by name ‘Yellareddy’ of Nizambad dist
  located at about 100Km from Hyderabad.

• I can proudly tell that, my childhood is brought up in a
  well educated family and both my parents are working
  as school teachers in a nearby village.

• Studied in a Christian Institute in English medium.

• I am lucky enough to have studied in a medium which
  will command in future career growth.
Child hood – Personality Development
                                              Factors influenced…

• Well educated family background – which made a lot change in
  building my attitude in a right manner and know the things in
  advance when compared to the other students.

• Uneducated families in surrounding – As the economic levels of
  most of the families situated surrounding my house does not
  permit their children to go to schools, thus making me to
  indulge with the people having ignorance and illiteracy.

• Fairness and simplicity - With the affection and fairness shown
  by the villagers and their simple living made me to believe the
  people in the first interaction itself.
Child hood – Personality Development
                                               Factors influenced…

• Narrow thinking – As the resources available are limited and
  improper teaching methods practiced in the schools made the
  thinking perception in a narrow manner.

• Communication – I, being a girl and the conditions prevailing
  in village with the fear of talking in public, my communication
  skills are not improved in a better proposition.

• In whole I can summarize,
    • No … growth in personal nature.
    • No … growth in personal character.
    • No … progress, evolution, maturing… make-up, disposition,
      character, etc.
Teenage – Personality Development
                                          Factors influenced…

• I shifted from my village to Hyderabad to continue my
  higher education.

• In the very beginning of my college days I became
  shocked due to the environmental, culture change which
  I observed is entirely different from the scenario present
  in my village.

• This made me to feel un-comfort and created lot of fear
  to mingle with the community, thus making me to behave
  like an introvert.
Teenage – Personality Development
                                                  Factors influenced…

But this situation is slowly changed with time…
• I read lot of personality development and inspirational books.

• Thus
   • My communication skills improved to some extent but the fear
     to talk in public still exists.

    • I started pursuing the things in a rationalized manner and try to
      reduce the gaps between the prevailing culture and my

• As told by somebody “Need is the mother of invention”, the
  need to prove myself in this community started to modify my
  behavior to suit the existing conditions.
After joining FRANKFINN…

I entered FRANKFINN institute to build myself and to change to
rule over this community both personally as well as career point
of view.

“To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not
at what he/she has already achieved, but at what
he/she aspires to do…”

I started the career at this institute in the month of March 2008
where I made plans to make my dreams into reality. In this small
period itself I learned so many things which in brief explained
next slides.
After joining FRANKFINN…
                                              Factors influenced…

• Communication – My communication skills are improved a lot
  and now I am able to communicate with the people in an
  effective and timely manner. Now I can proudly say that my
  communication capability is my strength.

• Fear to talk in public – Now I can freely talk with people when
  I am in a group and can clearly make the community to
  understand the things which I am explaining.

• Extrovert – I converted from an introvert to extrovert thereby
  talking boldly and winning the people with my words.
After joining FRANKFINN…
                                            Factors influenced…

Time management – I learned how to effectively utilize the time
and do the things in a more efficient manner thereby increasing
my personnel productivity.

Perception – I changed my perception in understanding the
things surrounding me and leant how to observe the things
carefully and keenly. With the changed perception, now I am
able to rationalize the things and improve my knowledge.

Attitude – This is the factor which played a major role in my
change of personality with which my negative view points are
now turned into a positive attitude.
After joining FRANKFINN…
                                              Factors influenced…

Broader thinking – My thinking ability has changed a lot with
which now I am able to solve the complex problems in an
effective manner by following the method of dividing the
complex problem into a number of small problems for which
solutions can be achieved easily.

Positive thinking – improved the way of thinking and tackling the
problems in a positive manner.
SWOT Analysis

The SWOTs are used as inputs to the creative generation of
possible strategies, by asking and answering each of the
following four questions, many times:

   •   How can I Use each Strength?

   •   How can I Stop each Weakness?

   •   How can I Exploit each Opportunity?

   •   How can I Defend against each Threat?
SWOT Analysis

Strengths:               Weakness:
  • Good communication   • Straight forwardness – which
    skills                 sometimes creating problems.
  • Positive thinking    • Say ‘Yes’ to everybody –
  • Positive Attitude      sometimes people are
  • Good perception        exploiting.
  • Rationalization      • Storing unnecessary things also
  • Broader thinking       in mind – making total mess of
  • Effective time
                         • Working voluntarily – people
    management             are utilizing to manage their
SWOT Analysis

Opportunity:                Threats:

• Joining in FRANKFINN to   • More competitive market.
  build myself.             • Innovative approaches and
• Prevailing market           creative ideas there by
  conditions.                 change in the organizational
• Corporate culture.          structure.
                            • Demand and supply gap.
2. What factors do you think are important for development of
one’s personality? Please give your answer with reference to
your observation and realization during the assignment that
you have done… (P1b)

 The following are the factors that are important for the
 development of ones’ personality.

                           A bright attitude is the right attitude. It is the
                           source of empowerment that can move
                           everyone in the right direction.


         Attitude is a little thing that makes a
                                  BIG difference.
Personality Development
                                                              Factors …

                           Communication is
                           the key to success... pass it on


                        To be a winner...
     all you need to give is all you have
Personality Development
                                                                   Factors …

                                We make a living by what we get.
                                We make a life by what we give


         If you're not riding the wave of
    change... you'll find yourself beneath
Personality Development
                                                              Factors …

                              To stay the course...
                              sometimes you have to make waves.


           Some people dream of worthy
   while others stay awake and do them.
Personality Development
                                                            Factors …

                        Obstacles Are Those Frightful Things,
                        you See When You Fail To Focus On
                        Your Goals.

                    Value your time...
         it is a diminishing resource.
Personality Development
                                                                    Factors …

                              Vision is not seeing things as they
                              are, but as they will be.

    This one step... Choosing a goal and
       sticking to it, changes everything.
Personality Development
                                                                Factors …

                          The rung of the ladder was never meant to
                          rest upon, but only to hold your foot long
                          enough to put the other foot higher.


    When one door closes, another opens.
      Seize the opportunity while the path
                              remains lit.
Personality Development
                                                  Factors …

                   Sometimes success is
                   just a matter of hanging on.


                TEAM WORK
         Teamwork divides the task
          and doubles the success.
Personality Development
                                            Factors …

                          SUCCESS …

                      Many times the difference
                      between failure and
                      success is doing
                      something nearly right... or
                      doing it exactly right.
Personality Development

                                 Every morning in Africa, a
                                     gazelle wakes up.
                             It knows it must run faster than
                                 the fastest lion or it will be
                            Every morning a lion wakes up.
                                It knows it must outrun the
                             slowest gazelle or it will starve
                                           to death.
                            It doesn’t matter whether you
                                  are a lion or a gazelle...
                                when the sun comes up,
The essence of Survival …       you’d better be running.
3. Analyze and discuss the above mentioned
factors, with examples from your experience during
your assignment….(M1)

 After taking up the assignment, I would like to describe
 here the things which came into my mind which
 indirectly speaks out the factors which I mentioned in my
 previous slides…

 “Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe
 I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when
 I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even I did not have
 it at the beginning.”             - M K Gandhi
Analysis of the Factors …

 As Abdul Kalam said…
 “ Best role models for any young person is his own
 mother, father and the teacher. Full development of a
 child with a value system can only come from these
 three people.”

 I learnt the importance of parents and teachers in
 making a complete man having all the good and
 intellectual qualities .
Analysis of the Factors …

 • From the assignment, I clearly understood the importance
   of positive attitude and the confidence level required to
   fulfill the dreams.

 • I found communication is a key to success and is the art
   through which I can become close to the people
   surrounding me. I learnt in this, the way to communicate
   with the persons having the different maturity levels. This
   implies if you are talking with a child, first you adjust your
   self to that maturity level and start conversation… this gives
   more attention of child to wards you and he easily
   understands the things which you are explaining to him…
Analysis of the Factors …

 • Commitment comes through time management, if you
   properly maintain the time then you are half achieved in
   this world… If you know the value of time, you can easily
   fulfill your commitments with out any delay.

 • I learnt how to perceive the things in a positive way and
   how to learn the things out of the incidents and from the
   people surrounding us.

 • I, thorough this assignment practically known the
   importance of working in a team and how the problems can
   be solved a team based environment.
Analysis of the Factors …

 • “In a flowing river standing at one place, you can’t touch
   the same water two times”….
   This means… try to seas the opportunity which comes
   rarely and make the dreams to fulfill through continuous
   hard and smart work.

 • Adopt for any type of change, this is possible only through..
    • Hard work
    • Smart work
    • Team work
    • Net work
4. Relate your statements in M1 to conditioning in life and
how conditioning includes development of one’s personality.
Quote examples from what you have noticed around you
during the assignment…(M2)

 • Conditioning – You can’t change your past but can shape
    your future by utilizing the present well.

 • The journey of a thousand mile starts with the first step.
   Stop making excuses.

 • Five   step method to reach our objectives
     1.    Form a clear mental image of the outcome.
     2.    Get positive pressure on yourself.
     3.    Attach a timeline to your goal.
     4.    Start working hard to reach the goal.
     5.    A day without laughter or love was a day with out life.

• We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. Be the
  master of your own fate.
• Do anything because it is the right thing to do and not
  because you have to do it.
• Never regret what happened in the past. Every experience
  offers lessons.
• Stop majoring in minor things.
• Have a burning sense of passion.
• Reclaim the joy of waking up early morning full of energy
  and enthusiasm.
• What lies behind you or in front of you is nothing compared
  to what lie with in you.

• Happiness comes through good judgment, good judgment
  comes through experience and experience through bad

• We don’t laugh because we are happy. We are happy
  because we laugh.

• A mantra is designed to free the mind. ‘man’ means mind
  and ‘tra’ means feeling.

• You sow a thought, you reap an action. Sow an action, you
  reap a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a
  character, you reap a destiny.


Through the steel of discipline, you will forge a character rich
with courage and peace. Through the virtue of will, you are
destined to rise to life’s highest ideal and live within a
heavenly mansion filled with all that is good, joyful and vital.
Without them, you are lost like a mariner without a compass,
one who eventually sinks with his ship.

Respecting the TIME:

 • Today is a great day and the first day of rest of my life.
 • By the time most people figure out what they really want
   and how to go about attaining it, it’s usually too late.
 • Time slips through our hand like grains of sand never to
 • Everyone has same 24 hours.
 • Busiest people have time to spare.
 • Time mastery leads to life mastery.
 • 80% results come from 20% of your activities.

Respecting the TIME:

•   Listen to your conscience. No matter how big a house you
    have, how slick a car you drive, the only thing you can
    take with you at the end is your conscience. Let it guide
    you. It knows what is right. It will tell you that your calling
    in life is ultimately selfless service to others in some form
    or the other.

•   Be brave. Set no limits on the workings of your

Embrace the present:

• Happiness is a journey not a destination.
• Live today. There is not going to be another day like this
  one. Enjoy the beauty and sacredness of all those around
• Never put off happiness for the sake of achievement.
• The size of your bank account or house has nothing to do
  with your living life with a sense of joy and wonder.
• Practice the art of gratitude.
• Life does not always give you what you ask for, but it
  always gives you what you need.
5. what qualities do you think were required to lead a team
for this activity? How do you think one can develop the same
qualities? Tell us your role in same context…. (M1/M3/D1)

 • Here I want to explain about the leadership qualities by
   taking the example of the famous ‘LAGAAN’ film….

                                Lessons in Leadership
                                 - THE LAGAAN Way -

    Captain Russell’s challenge to Bhuvan
          to play the cricket match
           was taken up by Bhuvan
    as an opportunity to bring happiness
       into the lives of his village folk.

    Bhuvan accepting the challenge to play the cricket match,
         as winning it meant 3 yrs of ‘TAXFREE’ happiness.
       But he did not just dream ‘BIG’, he also chalked out a
  strategic plan of action to win the match. He then put it before
eyes of those, whose involvement was of importance in the match.

             Bhuvan did not dream for himself,
         he dreamt for the good of his village folk.
             Not once did this man of character
         put his self-interest before that of others.
It was this that made him win the support of his villagers…
                after some initial resistance.
                IN FACE OF OPPOSITION:

    Right from the start when the entire village opposes Bhuvan’s
   having taken up the challenge to the time when the rest of his
          team refuses to play because he wants to take in
                    an untouchable in the team.

                   We face this situation many times
  in our organisations. Many a time, we give up and accept what we
feel is perhaps a lesser decision. It is at times like these that we need
 to speak up- as long as we know we are fighting for the right issue,
                     and not against an individual.

     Bhuvan simplified the challenge of learning cricket
     by portraying it as something similar to gilli-danda.

               Analogies have that effect
and can be powerful in helping tame the seemingly difficult.

     As managers and leaders, we too have this task
of motivating the team members to take up challenges in the

             Bhuvan did not wait to start.
               He did not see around.
He made bat and a ball, got the kid interested and started.

            Only when we close the door behind us,
           we will see the doors in front start opening.

 Bhuvan hitting the ball for the first time in full public view and
      inculcating a feeling of participation among them.

When starting any project it is important to have small wins at the
                   start to motivate the team.

         Building the team is like recruitment.
One needs to select the right people and motivate them.

  He understands the pressures and the soft points of
                and uses this knowledge
            to make them part of his team.

 Each one of his team members is treated as special, as
                    being different.

 Bhuvan also assigns responsibilities to each of his people.

Just getting the people in the team is not good enough.
         They have to be told what the goal is.

         A team consists of different individuals.
The objective is to make them all work together like a fist,
                       like a team.

      Bhuvan backs his team members to the hilt,
           even when they make mistakes.

It is indeed important in any team that the captain backs
    the right person, at the right time, for the right job.
Passion As The Differentiator:

 Bhuvan and his team members played for the hopes &
              aspirations of their villagers.
    It was their passion that made all the difference.

As leaders we all have to be careful of what we say and do,
             for the slightest sign of weakness
            can get magnified within the team.
Lead From The Front:

Never Give Up…          that was Bhuvan’s winning mantra.
This attitude of his also enabled him to give his best shot
       even at the last ball and thus win the match.

                                      be alert
In sport, in business and in life…..always       , because
  you never know when opportunity may knock on your door.

   To the British it was just a game but for Bhuvan it was fight
against the British oppressors and a win against them would bring
            3 years of ‘TAXFREE’ life for his village folk.
   For Bhuvan the enemy was defined as bad, oppressors and
                     merciless British overlords.
    This clear definition helped him to fight towards a specific

                 In any case,
       having a clearly defined enemy
    works as a rallying point for the team.

Captain Russel and his team members thought that the match
would be a cake walk for them because they were a lot of good
   But was here that they committed a mistake, they were
and overlooked the ability of the enemy and this is what made
                    them lose the match.

         Anyone can take a lesson from here,
          to never OVERESTIMATE oneself
              UNDERESTIMATE others.

      There are no shortcuts for physical and mental fitness.
       Bhuvan and his team strongly believed it and never
                       compromised on it.

              There is only one mantra:
To be well trained and have good enough practice….
                       which is
                     HARD WORK!

Small celebrations help in motivating and encouraging the team.
      It also helps to lift the spirits of the team members.
              This well projected by Bhuvan’s team.

    Ever wondered how many of us actually
     celebrate small wins in our workplace?

  Even the last ball of the match was played with hope.
  5 runs to win out of 1 ball, but Bhuvan played it great
expectations as though it could win the match for the team
            and that is exactly what happened.
  He never gave up on his ability and this is what made
                    him win the match.

In sport, in life or in business always be alert and keep
giving your best to situations, because you never know
                  when opportunity strikes.
Faith In God:

       The mantra helped Bhuvan...
       and trust me… it always helps.

When everything else seems lost, God shows the
 ofcourse, as long as you are on the right side.
Make the best of Limited Resources:

      Bhuvan made the best out of his limited resources.
    The tools for the game were all made by the village folk
and were made out of the best that they could lay their hands on.

   As entrepreneurs we too must be innovative.
        The focus should be on getting the work done
           and not on the availability of resources.
Take the unexpected in your stride:

       One after the other all the good batsmen in Bhuvan’s team
     fell, but he did not lose heart, he played on his best shot and
                         gave the team its victory.

 Similarly one should not look at defeats on the path as setbacks.
One has to learn to take the unexpected in one’s stride and move on.
Its about Team Spirit:

 No matter how well Bhuvan played in the match,
          nothing would have been possible
if all the team members did not put in their efforts

Bhuvan showed how an average team filled with team spirit
     can overcome a group of talented, experienced
            but under-motivated individuals.
Its about

The film ‘Lagaan’ is all about how ordinary people
can do extraordinary deeds.

Its about bringing out something from within us.
Something which has been hidden and long forgotten.

Something whose existence we didn’t know.

As we go about our lives, we should remember
that each one of us matters,
that each one of us has it within us to make a difference.
6. If you were given a task to develop even one of those underprivileged individuals
whom you have noticed during this assignment ,what action plan would you adopt to
enhance his personality? What do you think are the reasons for the weakness that he
have ?what opportunities could he use henceforth to correct those weakness and
convert them to strengths …?(M1/D2/D3)

                                      Mohd. Naveed ahmed….studying in 3rd
                                      standard from an Urdu medium ..

                                      When we played games with this
                                      sweet child he was literary crying
                                      ..and remembering his unknown

                                       if get a chance I would help this
                                      sweet children’s in our society
                                      helping them morally…
                                      By spending time with them and
                                      helping them in there educations….
6. If you were given a task to develop even one of those underprivileged individuals
whom you have noticed during this assignment ,what action plan would you adopt to
enhance his personality? What do you think are the reasons for the weakness that he
have ?what opportunities could he use henceforth to correct those weakness and
convert them to strengths …?(M1/D2/D3)

 Doing S.W.O.T Analysis on Md. Naveed Ahmed
     Strengths      Weaknesses        Opportunities         Threats
     He have can    Cant face new     Studying in English   Some time’s
     do spirit      personalities     medium school in      feel
                    get some kind     3rd class             demotivated
                    off offended
     Honest                           Improving a lot       Feel depress
                                                            by seeing
                                                            new faces
                                                            around him
     Good           Very Sentimental Getting
                                     accommodation in
                    Have stage fear

   This is what we feel about Naveed after speaking to him .
In conclusion

       “We are responsible for what we are, and
       whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have
       the power to make ourselves. If what we
       are now has been the result of our past
       actions, it certainly follows that whatever we
       wish to be in future can be produced by our
       present actions; so we have to know how to

                          -Swami Vivekananda

•   I am thankful to the Frankfinn management for
    providing me an opportunity to build myself
    both personally and career point of view.

•   The views expressed in this presentation are of
    my own but not of any organization having the

•   Ignited Minds – APJ Kalam.
•   Wings of Fire - APJ Kalam.
•   The monk who sold his ferari – Robin S Sarma.
•   The module provided by Frankfinn
•   From internet using and also from

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Personality Development

  • 2. Introduction • I am Sumana from C-2 batch. • Innocent girl from a village. • Making dreams to reality through FRANKFINN. “Personal Development for Smart People,” I think I’ll go with “Tough, Big, and Strong.”
  • 3. 1. Keeping in mind your first day at FRANKFINN and this day when you have completed the project, please map your development, in terms of your personality, emphasizing on your SWOT… (P1a) Before introducing myself on how I am on the first day at FRANKFINN, I would like to introduce myself from the childhood which includes born, brought up and change in characterization during these periods.
  • 4. INTRO- Child hood… • Born in a village by name ‘Yellareddy’ of Nizambad dist located at about 100Km from Hyderabad. • I can proudly tell that, my childhood is brought up in a well educated family and both my parents are working as school teachers in a nearby village. • Studied in a Christian Institute in English medium. • I am lucky enough to have studied in a medium which will command in future career growth.
  • 5. Child hood – Personality Development Factors influenced… • Well educated family background – which made a lot change in building my attitude in a right manner and know the things in advance when compared to the other students. • Uneducated families in surrounding – As the economic levels of most of the families situated surrounding my house does not permit their children to go to schools, thus making me to indulge with the people having ignorance and illiteracy. • Fairness and simplicity - With the affection and fairness shown by the villagers and their simple living made me to believe the people in the first interaction itself.
  • 6. Child hood – Personality Development Factors influenced… • Narrow thinking – As the resources available are limited and improper teaching methods practiced in the schools made the thinking perception in a narrow manner. • Communication – I, being a girl and the conditions prevailing in village with the fear of talking in public, my communication skills are not improved in a better proposition. • In whole I can summarize, • No … growth in personal nature. • No … growth in personal character. • No … progress, evolution, maturing… make-up, disposition, character, etc.
  • 7. Teenage – Personality Development Factors influenced… • I shifted from my village to Hyderabad to continue my higher education. • In the very beginning of my college days I became shocked due to the environmental, culture change which I observed is entirely different from the scenario present in my village. • This made me to feel un-comfort and created lot of fear to mingle with the community, thus making me to behave like an introvert.
  • 8. Teenage – Personality Development Factors influenced… But this situation is slowly changed with time… • I read lot of personality development and inspirational books. • Thus • My communication skills improved to some extent but the fear to talk in public still exists. • I started pursuing the things in a rationalized manner and try to reduce the gaps between the prevailing culture and my behavior. • As told by somebody “Need is the mother of invention”, the need to prove myself in this community started to modify my behavior to suit the existing conditions.
  • 9. After joining FRANKFINN… I entered FRANKFINN institute to build myself and to change to rule over this community both personally as well as career point of view. “To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he/she has already achieved, but at what he/she aspires to do…” I started the career at this institute in the month of March 2008 where I made plans to make my dreams into reality. In this small period itself I learned so many things which in brief explained next slides.
  • 10. After joining FRANKFINN… Factors influenced… • Communication – My communication skills are improved a lot and now I am able to communicate with the people in an effective and timely manner. Now I can proudly say that my communication capability is my strength. • Fear to talk in public – Now I can freely talk with people when I am in a group and can clearly make the community to understand the things which I am explaining. • Extrovert – I converted from an introvert to extrovert thereby talking boldly and winning the people with my words.
  • 11. After joining FRANKFINN… Factors influenced… Time management – I learned how to effectively utilize the time and do the things in a more efficient manner thereby increasing my personnel productivity. Perception – I changed my perception in understanding the things surrounding me and leant how to observe the things carefully and keenly. With the changed perception, now I am able to rationalize the things and improve my knowledge. Attitude – This is the factor which played a major role in my change of personality with which my negative view points are now turned into a positive attitude.
  • 12. After joining FRANKFINN… Factors influenced… Broader thinking – My thinking ability has changed a lot with which now I am able to solve the complex problems in an effective manner by following the method of dividing the complex problem into a number of small problems for which solutions can be achieved easily. Positive thinking – improved the way of thinking and tackling the problems in a positive manner.
  • 13. SWOT Analysis The SWOTs are used as inputs to the creative generation of possible strategies, by asking and answering each of the following four questions, many times: • How can I Use each Strength? • How can I Stop each Weakness? • How can I Exploit each Opportunity? • How can I Defend against each Threat?
  • 14. SWOT Analysis Strengths: Weakness: • Good communication • Straight forwardness – which skills sometimes creating problems. • Positive thinking • Say ‘Yes’ to everybody – • Positive Attitude sometimes people are • Good perception exploiting. • Rationalization • Storing unnecessary things also • Broader thinking in mind – making total mess of things. • Effective time • Working voluntarily – people management are utilizing to manage their works.
  • 15. SWOT Analysis Opportunity: Threats: • Joining in FRANKFINN to • More competitive market. build myself. • Innovative approaches and • Prevailing market creative ideas there by conditions. change in the organizational • Corporate culture. structure. • Demand and supply gap.
  • 16. 2. What factors do you think are important for development of one’s personality? Please give your answer with reference to your observation and realization during the assignment that you have done… (P1b) The following are the factors that are important for the development of ones’ personality. A bright attitude is the right attitude. It is the source of empowerment that can move everyone in the right direction. ATTITUTDE Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.
  • 17. Personality Development Factors … Communication is the key to success... pass it on COMMUNICATION COMMITMENT To be a winner... all you need to give is all you have
  • 18. Personality Development Factors … We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give INTEGRITY CHANGE If you're not riding the wave of change... you'll find yourself beneath it.
  • 19. Personality Development Factors … To stay the course... sometimes you have to make waves. COURGAE EFFORT Some people dream of worthy accomplishments... while others stay awake and do them.
  • 20. Personality Development Factors … Obstacles Are Those Frightful Things, you See When You Fail To Focus On Your Goals. FOCUS TIME MANAGEMENT Value your time... it is a diminishing resource.
  • 21. Personality Development Factors … Vision is not seeing things as they are, but as they will be. VISION GOALS This one step... Choosing a goal and sticking to it, changes everything.
  • 22. Personality Development Factors … The rung of the ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold your foot long enough to put the other foot higher. GROWTH OPPORTUNITY When one door closes, another opens. Seize the opportunity while the path remains lit.
  • 23. Personality Development Factors … Sometimes success is just a matter of hanging on. PERSERVERANCE TEAM WORK Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success.
  • 24. Personality Development Factors … SUCCESS … Many times the difference between failure and success is doing something nearly right... or doing it exactly right.
  • 25. Personality Development Finally… Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed... Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle... when the sun comes up, The essence of Survival … you’d better be running.
  • 26. 3. Analyze and discuss the above mentioned factors, with examples from your experience during your assignment….(M1) After taking up the assignment, I would like to describe here the things which came into my mind which indirectly speaks out the factors which I mentioned in my previous slides… “Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even I did not have it at the beginning.” - M K Gandhi
  • 27. Analysis of the Factors … As Abdul Kalam said… “ Best role models for any young person is his own mother, father and the teacher. Full development of a child with a value system can only come from these three people.” I learnt the importance of parents and teachers in making a complete man having all the good and intellectual qualities .
  • 28. Analysis of the Factors … • From the assignment, I clearly understood the importance of positive attitude and the confidence level required to fulfill the dreams. • I found communication is a key to success and is the art through which I can become close to the people surrounding me. I learnt in this, the way to communicate with the persons having the different maturity levels. This implies if you are talking with a child, first you adjust your self to that maturity level and start conversation… this gives more attention of child to wards you and he easily understands the things which you are explaining to him…
  • 29. Analysis of the Factors … • Commitment comes through time management, if you properly maintain the time then you are half achieved in this world… If you know the value of time, you can easily fulfill your commitments with out any delay. • I learnt how to perceive the things in a positive way and how to learn the things out of the incidents and from the people surrounding us. • I, thorough this assignment practically known the importance of working in a team and how the problems can be solved a team based environment.
  • 30. Analysis of the Factors … • “In a flowing river standing at one place, you can’t touch the same water two times”…. This means… try to seas the opportunity which comes rarely and make the dreams to fulfill through continuous hard and smart work. • Adopt for any type of change, this is possible only through.. • Hard work • Smart work • Team work • Net work
  • 31. 4. Relate your statements in M1 to conditioning in life and how conditioning includes development of one’s personality. Quote examples from what you have noticed around you during the assignment…(M2) • Conditioning – You can’t change your past but can shape your future by utilizing the present well. • The journey of a thousand mile starts with the first step. Stop making excuses. • Five step method to reach our objectives 1. Form a clear mental image of the outcome. 2. Get positive pressure on yourself. 3. Attach a timeline to your goal. 4. Start working hard to reach the goal. 5. A day without laughter or love was a day with out life.
  • 32. Conditioning… • We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. Be the master of your own fate. • Do anything because it is the right thing to do and not because you have to do it. • Never regret what happened in the past. Every experience offers lessons. • Stop majoring in minor things. • Have a burning sense of passion. • Reclaim the joy of waking up early morning full of energy and enthusiasm. • What lies behind you or in front of you is nothing compared to what lie with in you.
  • 33. Conditioning… • Happiness comes through good judgment, good judgment comes through experience and experience through bad judgment. • We don’t laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh. • A mantra is designed to free the mind. ‘man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means feeling. • You sow a thought, you reap an action. Sow an action, you reap a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap a destiny.
  • 34. Conditioning… Discipline: Through the steel of discipline, you will forge a character rich with courage and peace. Through the virtue of will, you are destined to rise to life’s highest ideal and live within a heavenly mansion filled with all that is good, joyful and vital. Without them, you are lost like a mariner without a compass, one who eventually sinks with his ship.
  • 35. Conditioning… Respecting the TIME: • Today is a great day and the first day of rest of my life. • By the time most people figure out what they really want and how to go about attaining it, it’s usually too late. • Time slips through our hand like grains of sand never to return. • Everyone has same 24 hours. • Busiest people have time to spare. • Time mastery leads to life mastery. • 80% results come from 20% of your activities.
  • 36. Conditioning… Respecting the TIME: • Listen to your conscience. No matter how big a house you have, how slick a car you drive, the only thing you can take with you at the end is your conscience. Let it guide you. It knows what is right. It will tell you that your calling in life is ultimately selfless service to others in some form or the other. • Be brave. Set no limits on the workings of your imagination.
  • 37. Conditioning… Embrace the present: • Happiness is a journey not a destination. • Live today. There is not going to be another day like this one. Enjoy the beauty and sacredness of all those around you. • Never put off happiness for the sake of achievement. • The size of your bank account or house has nothing to do with your living life with a sense of joy and wonder. • Practice the art of gratitude. • Life does not always give you what you ask for, but it always gives you what you need.
  • 38. 5. what qualities do you think were required to lead a team for this activity? How do you think one can develop the same qualities? Tell us your role in same context…. (M1/M3/D1) • Here I want to explain about the leadership qualities by taking the example of the famous ‘LAGAAN’ film…. Lessons in Leadership - THE LAGAAN Way -
  • 39. THINK OF PROBLEMS AS OPPORTUNITIES Captain Russell’s challenge to Bhuvan to play the cricket match was taken up by Bhuvan as an opportunity to bring happiness into the lives of his village folk.
  • 40. DREAM BIG AND DEFINE THE GOAL Bhuvan accepting the challenge to play the cricket match, as winning it meant 3 yrs of ‘TAXFREE’ happiness. But he did not just dream ‘BIG’, he also chalked out a strategic plan of action to win the match. He then put it before eyes of those, whose involvement was of importance in the match.
  • 41. PUT COMMUNITY BEFORE SELF: Bhuvan did not dream for himself, he dreamt for the good of his village folk. Not once did this man of character put his self-interest before that of others. It was this that made him win the support of his villagers… after some initial resistance.
  • 42. BE DETERMINED IN FACE OF OPPOSITION: Right from the start when the entire village opposes Bhuvan’s having taken up the challenge to the time when the rest of his team refuses to play because he wants to take in an untouchable in the team. We face this situation many times in our organisations. Many a time, we give up and accept what we feel is perhaps a lesser decision. It is at times like these that we need to speak up- as long as we know we are fighting for the right issue, and not against an individual.
  • 43. GIVE EXAMPLES TO ENHANCE UNDERSTANDING: Bhuvan simplified the challenge of learning cricket by portraying it as something similar to gilli-danda. Analogies have that effect and can be powerful in helping tame the seemingly difficult. As managers and leaders, we too have this task of motivating the team members to take up challenges in the projects.
  • 44. MAKE A BEGINNING: Bhuvan did not wait to start. He did not see around. He made bat and a ball, got the kid interested and started. Only when we close the door behind us, we will see the doors in front start opening.
  • 45. SMALL VICTORIES ARE IMPORTANT AT THE START Bhuvan hitting the ball for the first time in full public view and inculcating a feeling of participation among them. When starting any project it is important to have small wins at the start to motivate the team.
  • 46. BUILDING THE TEAM: Building the team is like recruitment. One needs to select the right people and motivate them. He understands the pressures and the soft points of people, and uses this knowledge to make them part of his team. Each one of his team members is treated as special, as being different.
  • 47. ALLOCATING ROLES: Bhuvan also assigns responsibilities to each of his people. Just getting the people in the team is not good enough. They have to be told what the goal is. A team consists of different individuals. The objective is to make them all work together like a fist, like a team.
  • 48. SUPPORT THE TEAM MEMBERS: Bhuvan backs his team members to the hilt, even when they make mistakes. It is indeed important in any team that the captain backs the right person, at the right time, for the right job.
  • 49. Passion As The Differentiator: Bhuvan and his team members played for the hopes & aspirations of their villagers. It was their passion that made all the difference. As leaders we all have to be careful of what we say and do, for the slightest sign of weakness can get magnified within the team.
  • 50. Lead From The Front: Never Give Up… that was Bhuvan’s winning mantra. This attitude of his also enabled him to give his best shot even at the last ball and thus win the match. be alert In sport, in business and in life…..always , because you never know when opportunity may knock on your door.
  • 51. DEFINE THE ENEMY: To the British it was just a game but for Bhuvan it was fight against the British oppressors and a win against them would bring 3 years of ‘TAXFREE’ life for his village folk. For Bhuvan the enemy was defined as bad, oppressors and merciless British overlords. This clear definition helped him to fight towards a specific goal. In any case, having a clearly defined enemy works as a rallying point for the team.
  • 52. OVERCONFIDENCE DESTROYS: Captain Russel and his team members thought that the match would be a cake walk for them because they were a lot of good experienced. But was here that they committed a mistake, they were overconfident and overlooked the ability of the enemy and this is what made them lose the match. Anyone can take a lesson from here, to never OVERESTIMATE oneself and UNDERESTIMATE others.
  • 53. TRAIN and PRACTICE: There are no shortcuts for physical and mental fitness. Bhuvan and his team strongly believed it and never compromised on it. There is only one mantra: To be well trained and have good enough practice…. which is HARD WORK!
  • 54. CELEBRATE SMALL WINS: Small celebrations help in motivating and encouraging the team. It also helps to lift the spirits of the team members. This well projected by Bhuvan’s team. Ever wondered how many of us actually celebrate small wins in our workplace?
  • 55. NEVER GIVE UP: Even the last ball of the match was played with hope. 5 runs to win out of 1 ball, but Bhuvan played it great expectations as though it could win the match for the team and that is exactly what happened. He never gave up on his ability and this is what made him win the match. In sport, in life or in business always be alert and keep giving your best to situations, because you never know when opportunity strikes.
  • 56. Faith In God: The mantra helped Bhuvan... and trust me… it always helps. When everything else seems lost, God shows the way… ofcourse, as long as you are on the right side.
  • 57. Make the best of Limited Resources: Bhuvan made the best out of his limited resources. The tools for the game were all made by the village folk and were made out of the best that they could lay their hands on. As entrepreneurs we too must be innovative. The focus should be on getting the work done and not on the availability of resources.
  • 58. Take the unexpected in your stride: One after the other all the good batsmen in Bhuvan’s team fell, but he did not lose heart, he played on his best shot and gave the team its victory. Similarly one should not look at defeats on the path as setbacks. One has to learn to take the unexpected in one’s stride and move on.
  • 59. Its about Team Spirit: No matter how well Bhuvan played in the match, nothing would have been possible if all the team members did not put in their efforts Bhuvan showed how an average team filled with team spirit can overcome a group of talented, experienced but under-motivated individuals.
  • 60. Its about People: The film ‘Lagaan’ is all about how ordinary people can do extraordinary deeds. Its about bringing out something from within us. Something which has been hidden and long forgotten. Something whose existence we didn’t know. As we go about our lives, we should remember that each one of us matters, that each one of us has it within us to make a difference.
  • 61. 6. If you were given a task to develop even one of those underprivileged individuals whom you have noticed during this assignment ,what action plan would you adopt to enhance his personality? What do you think are the reasons for the weakness that he have ?what opportunities could he use henceforth to correct those weakness and convert them to strengths …?(M1/D2/D3) Mohd. Naveed ahmed….studying in 3rd standard from an Urdu medium .. When we played games with this sweet child he was literary crying ..and remembering his unknown parents….. if get a chance I would help this sweet children’s in our society helping them morally… By spending time with them and helping them in there educations….
  • 62. 6. If you were given a task to develop even one of those underprivileged individuals whom you have noticed during this assignment ,what action plan would you adopt to enhance his personality? What do you think are the reasons for the weakness that he have ?what opportunities could he use henceforth to correct those weakness and convert them to strengths …?(M1/D2/D3) Doing S.W.O.T Analysis on Md. Naveed Ahmed Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats He have can Cant face new Studying in English Some time’s do spirit personalities medium school in feel get some kind 3rd class demotivated off offended Honest Improving a lot Feel depress by seeing new faces around him Good Very Sentimental Getting accommodation in anees-ul-gurba. Have stage fear This is what we feel about Naveed after speaking to him .
  • 63. In conclusion “We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.” -Swami Vivekananda
  • 64. Acknowledgement • I am thankful to the Frankfinn management for providing me an opportunity to build myself both personally and career point of view. • The views expressed in this presentation are of my own but not of any organization having the similarities.
  • 65. Bibiliography • Ignited Minds – APJ Kalam. • Wings of Fire - APJ Kalam. • The monk who sold his ferari – Robin S Sarma. • The module provided by Frankfinn • From internet using and also from • • •