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Parenting Styles Essay
Parenting Styles
Parenting styles are as diverse as parents themselves. Parenting is one of the most challenging and
difficult responsibilities a person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting
style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non–verbal expressions that
characterize the nature of parent–child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from
many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiences.
Parenting techniques can vary greatly from household to household, however, experts believe that
parenting styles can be broken down into four main categories which include
permissive,authoritarian,authoritative, more content...
Putting aside those who are bad parents because they give little time, attention, or effort to the
rearing of their children (parents who let their children fend for themselves from a very early
age)would fall into the neglectful catagory.
Research indicates that about one–third of all parents use authoritative style of parenting. Regardless
of the preferred style, varying factors such as culture, the temperament of the child and parent, and
parental status will influence the interactive process of that style. Most parents could benefit from
knowledge and information of these style to improve their parenting skills.Parenting style is a pattern
of behavior that influences child–rearing practices. Approaches vary based on several factors,
ranging from how parents themselves were raised to the goals parents have for their children.
Good Parenting VS. Bad Parenting
Good Parenting
As many people know being a parent is one of the biggest responsibilities they will have in their
entire lifetime. It requires much time, especially during a child's adolescence. Being a good parent is
loving your child for one part, and other qualities that must be taken up to be a good parent are:
supporting them financially and emotionally, not putting them down, letting them have some
independence, and
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Styles Of Parenting
There are three different styles of parenting and the level of attachment in relation to the parenting
style. In the course book, it defines attachment as the establishment of a close emotional relationship
between parent and child (Zimbardo, Johnson, and McCann, 2014, p.274). The parenting style my
parents used was the authoritative style. My parents were warm and sensitive to my needs and
interests. Growing up they made reasonable demands, explained the rules and when needed
enforced those rules. Yes, my parents have high expectations for me; however, it is because they
want the best for me. My parents and I have a close relationship and this is reflected in their parenting
style. In the course book, it mentions that researchers have found
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Four Yoga Styles
You might be surprised to learn that there isn't one style of yoga practice so you'll need to learn
some more about the different styles in order to decide which one is right for you. In this article
we'll take a closer look at four practice styles: hatha yoga, vinyasa, ashtanga and power yoga to help
you on the way to your decision.
1. Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga is often used interchangeably with the word yoga and classes are usually slow–paced
involving stretching, some simple breathing exercises and some seated meditations. If you are a
beginner then this is a good place to start so that you can spend time learning the basic techniques.
If you are looking for a calming and relaxing experience then hatha yoga is probably right for you. If
you'd prefer something more energetic then you should more content...
The speed of the movements is very much dictated by the teacher, so if you find that a class is too
fast for you look for a different teacher. In order to appreciate vinyasa you need to have a teacher
that you are comfortable with as their style will shape the class, keep looking until you find someone
you connect with.
3. Ashtanga
Ashtanga is a series of poses which realign the spine, detoxify the body and build strength, stamina
and flexibility. There are 75 poses in all and they can take anywhere between an hour and a half to
two hours to complete. You start with sun salutations and then move to standing poses, seated poses,
inversions and backbends before finishing with relaxation.
You can learn ashtanga at a teacher–led class, and then when you are happy with the order of the
poses you can either practice on your own or in a mysore class where you practice at your own pace
but have a teacher for guidance.
Ashtanga is a very athletic form of practice and is very popular. If you like a sense of order then this
style will appeal to
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Writing Styles Essay example
Writing Styles
In this essay I will be going into detail about three different writing styles used in health and social
care. I will also be comparing the writing styles against each other.
Persuasive Writing – Persuasive writing is all about trying to get someone's attention on something.
Persuasive writing use's specific features which help the information used to become persuasive
towards the audience. This could include using present tense, using emotive language, using
rhetorical questions, making opinions sound like facts, as well as using powerful verbs and
adjectives etc. Persuasive writing can be linked and used in many different ways. One of the ways
would include health and social care. This could be linked by usage more content...
The journalist also always puts out a headline that would immediately get the audiences attention.
The headline is always the art of the journalist work, as they see this as an opportunity to sell their
story; headline could be short, snappy, and catchy. After the headline the journalist provides the
audience with a short paragraph which sums up the story, some see this as a short introduction.
The journalist does this to gain the audience interest. Most people know that a person's eyes are
always sighted upon small amounts of writing and imagery. So the short paragraph would make
the audience show some interest towards the story. In health and social care journalistic writing is
used a lot, whether this is about the stories about the NHS being published. Or when major
illnesses or problems are coming. An examp0le of this would be when we went through the period
of swine flue; wine flue was making its front page everywhere. This not only was a disaster but it
was the journalists dream, as they new it was a hot topic to write about as it would gain many
peoples attention, this would also push the journalists ratings up.
All three writing styles are different from each other in variety of ways. We see as persuasive
language as a main way to get the attention of someone, where as reflective language is where you
speak about what had happened through–out the day. However journalistic writing talks about
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Different Styles of Writing and Appealing to Different Audiences The years a child spends in
elementary are crucial because their teachers will essentially lay down the foundation for learning, as
well as stimulate an interest in growing knowledge. The various subjects students are taught include
math, science, English language arts, and history. However, within those subjects, there are skills
that students need to learn and master so they can be efficient learners. Each subject contains its
challenges, but with great teachers, students will be able to develop the adequate skills to make
them successful in subjects they find challenging. I will be focusing on why students struggle with
writing and the methods they are taught in order more content...
With that being said, it is very difficult for teachers to go into the field and teach children a skill
that they lack proper practice in themselves. How and Who to Write To Approach to Writing In
addition, the way in which students approach writing essays will determine how great of an essay
they write. Students who are given the sufficient information, time, and tools to prepare them to
compose a well–written piece of work, are more often confident with their writing skills. For
example, providing students with a rubric is a way for students to have an idea of how they will
approach their essay. The rubric approach is has evolved from spelling, punctuation, and grammar to
focusing on the aspects of writing such as voice, purpose, and organization (Bridge, Compton–Hall
& Cantrell, 1997). Understanding that writing requires plenty of practice and development is key,
but also knowing that as the students progress through elementary so will their writing. Typically
children are taught writing through a process that usually contains five steps: prewriting, drafting,
revising, editing, and publishing. Audience and Voice Consequently, the manner in which students
approach writing longer pieces as they advance through elementary is the way in which they will
learn who they are writing to. Writing as is complicated, but the task seems much more
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Styles Of Leadership
In this assignment I aim to outline the advantages, disadvantages and overall effectiveness of the
different styles of leadership. Authoritarian, or Autocratic, leaderships revolve around a single
leader, and those close to them, whose word is law and power absolute. Authoritarian leaders are
confident in their ability to lead and to take charge. This means that they should be taken seriously
at all times; if a subordinate does not take them serious they may lash out, threaten or simply punish
the individual or the entire group to get their point across. They also prioritise the task over the
individual and the group This leadership style is best suited to emergency situations when the leader
is competent and confident in his ability to succeed, more content...
Democratic works well with skilled and motivated people because they want choice or the ability
to influence one; the leader also wants to hear what people have to say because they want input
and new ideas to directly improve conditions for the group. The main negative of Democracy is
that the leader cannot easily appeal to the minority without angering the majority because they
will lose more support than they gain. Not everyone has an interest in politics or voting these
people are generally happy either way or impossible to please. Another problem is that because
more people are involved with leading the country secrets could leak; this could be personnel
secrets about the leader or even military related secrets. Democracy is like Autocracy because
there is only one leader and they will make the final choice, however a Democratic leader values
the opinions of his subordinates and will choose based on that. Decision making in a Democracy is
very slow when compared to Authoritarianism because the time it takes for a vote is time
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The Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles
It is suggested that leadership is a kind of ability or activity which a leader could straight affect and
guide their followers to achieve certain objectives in the specific situation (John Calvin
Maxwell,2011). The shifting internal elements and increasing external competitions have posed
growing demanding to managers' leadership approaches. However, managers are provided with
various personalities or perspectives, accordingly, managers are not accomplishing their aims by
using similar styles. The leadership style, according to Newstrom and Davis (1993), is the ways
and approaches of offering targets, fulfilling plans as well as inspiring subordinates. Based on the
types of individuals the leader works with and various personality traits hold by the leader, the
leadership style differs. There are several leadership styles suggested by different researchers such as
autocratic, democratic, laissez–fair, transactional and transformational. Some of leadership styles are
no longer suit for current marketplaces especially for those organizations which want to attract talent
person from all over the world and exploit global markets. Therefore, this essay aims to focus on
transactional and transformational styles, then take Baidu and Google as examples to make a
comparison and contrast between these two styles as well as illustrate which one may generate
better outcomes than another.
2.Literature review
Max Weber (1947) stated that there are three types of
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Learning Styles
The way that people go about gathering and interpreting information can be surprisingly different.
Research shows that people have different preferences and strengths in how they take in, and
process, information. These preferences are sometimes referred to as learning styles and are used to
describe and help us understand the different ways in which different people learn.
Some learners may be very receptive to visual forms of information such as pictures and diagrams,
whilst others prefer written and spoken explanations. Some people prefer to learn actively and
interactively, whilst others work better on their own.
The idea of learning styles usually refers to a preferred way of learning. It implies that each
individual more content...
Teachers should also avoid the temptation to try to categorise or confine individual pupils to one
learning style. Age, educational level, and motivation influence each pupil's learning so that what
was once preferred may no longer be that pupil's current preferred learning style.
Nevertheless, greater awareness of learning preferences and styles helps teachers to be more
flexible in their teaching and to utilise a wider range of classroom methodologies. The aim is not
to match teaching style to learner preferences, but to help young people build their skills and
capacities to learn well in both preferred and less preferred modes of learning.
The main messages for teachers, schools and learners are as follows.
6.Do not place too much faith in any one learning styles theory. Most are not very robust or reliable.
A learning style should not be thought of as an absolute, nor should it be considered the main
determinant of intelligence, ability or
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Leadership Styles Of Leadership Style
Part One:
Consider what leadership or management style speaks most to you. Discuss that particular style,
explain why it fits you better than others. Alternatively, consider the leadership or management style
fits you least. Explain what is least desirable with that style from your perspective.
What leadership or management style speaks most to me? They are a few leadership styles that I
venerate. The Transformational Leadership, the Visionary Leadership, and the Charismatic
Leadership styles are the most evident to me. Each one has its own distinct advantages and
disadvantages. Moreover, each is congruent with what I believe is necessary to craft the ideal leader
and the combination is something I strive to emulate as I learn the more content...
Encourages others.
Provides support and recognition.
Stirs the emotions of people.
Gets people to look beyond their self–interest.
Inspires people to reach for the improbable.
These qualities are fundamental qualities a leader must possess. These are just the building blocks of
crafting the consummate leader. Undoubtedly, while sufficient, they are more qualities required.
What other qualities should a leader have? In addition to the eight qualities mentioned before, a
leader needs a vision. Political sociologists Max Weber and James MacGregor Burns theorized
that many leaders are visionaries. "These visionary leaders possess a driving sense of purpose
and confidence in their ability to achieve their goals. They take the lead and inspire others to
move forward." This style is known as the Visionary Leadership style and is necessary in creating
a complete leader. All of the great leaders of the world have a vision. From President John F.
Kennedy to Dr. Martin Luther King, each had visions of something greater. Great leaders give
real thought to the values that inspire them as well as to the people that follow. Ambition and
persistence are invaluable to achieving a vision and are the first steps toward leadership success. On
its own a vision does not always make for a great leader and this is why Visionary Leadership comes
in second to Transformational Leadership. A great leader requires both styles. Adolf Hitler had a
vision, as did Pol Pot
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Three Architecture Styles Essay
Three Architecture Styles
In this essay information will be given in order to compare and contrast data about three different
styles of architecture. The three styles are Art Deco, Art Nouveau, and Neo Gothic. In order to fully
give a clear explanation of these styles, information about architecture will be given first then the
three styles will follow with comparing and contrasting points in between.
First, to inform about architecture, one must explain what it is. Architecture, referring to building is
defined as "The practice of building design and its resulting products; customary usage refers only to
those designs and structures that are culturally significant" (Ferrier 20). Someone might say that
architecture must appease more content...
What is Art Deco? Art Deco is a style of art that was created in hopes of finding something new,
something to set things apart from one to another. The Art Deco period began in the early 1900's
and ended in the 1930's. The Art Deco name derived from the 1925 Exposition Internationale des
Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, an exposition of modern decorative and industrial arts held
in Paris, France (Hewitt). Art Deco designers used stepped forms, rounded corners, triple–striped
decorative elements and black decoration often. The most important thing about Art Deco is the
designs created were always in geometrical order and in simple formats. A good example of an Art
Deco Style would be the Empire State Building. The building was completed in 1931–32 and ended
the era of Art Deco Skyscrapers. Art Deco is all about machines, mass–production, metal and
concrete (Hewitt).
Like Art Nouveau, Art Deco exploded with people's interests. In fact the earliest forms of Art Deco
exhibited a slight reminder of the previous Art Nouveau movement's graceful nature motifs, while in
later years geometry and mass take over to concrete what is sometimes referred to as Art Moderne
or Streamline (Jacobs 5). Art Nouveau being characterized
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Different Learning Styles Essay
Different Learning Styles
Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers
try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being
taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new
technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people.
Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of
different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know
that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more
Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to
show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who
took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory
of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of
items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact
Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory
recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by
behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing
scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare
and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively
specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these
studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and
Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and
demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and
account for students' individual scores?
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Fashion Styles Of The Fashion Essay
When people think of fashion, no one thinks about all the genres that come with fashion from the
clothing to the designers, fashion has many genres. One genre, in general, is style. Some may call
themselves grunge or preppy. There are many fashion genres that people wear, from classic, chic,
western and goth. These genres in fashion give a pathway to what people were wearing in previous
years like for an example, the 90's were grunge, and the 70s were bohemian. They also give people
the feeling to define themselves as something through style. Without these genres, many fashion
designers wouldn't know what styles are in at the time. There are also genres for different types of
fashion brands, like haute couture, high–end, fast fashion. This also gives a great difference between
the clothing we wear and the clothing you see on the runway.
They are many genres of style, anyone and everyone has one. Style means a lot of things In
apparel, it is the characteristic or distinctive appearance of a garment (In Fashion, 8). Also, it's the
manner of something you do like how and what you wear. They are all very different from
glamorous to preppy, to African and Asian styles. Over the years style has changed a lot. Back in
the 1800's style for women was very reserved, bland colors and corsets. As years went on women 's
clothing changed a lot, the dresses became shorter, and the cuts of the clothing were
пїјless restricting. In the 1920s Dresses were flashy and bright. Shorts were not
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Essay Writing Forms and Styles
Forms and styles
This section describes the different forms and styles of essay writing. These forms and styles are
used by a range of authors, including university students and professional essayists.
[edit]Cause and effect
The defining features of a "cause and effect" essay are causal chains that connect from a cause to an
effect, careful language, and chronological or emphatic order. A writer using this rhetorical method
must consider the subject, determine the purpose, consider the audience, think critically about
different causes or consequences, consider a thesis statement, arrange the parts, consider the
language, and decide on a conclusion.[6]
[edit]Classification and more content...
Magazine and newspaper essays use many of the essay types described in the section on forms and
styles (e.g., descriptive essays, narrative essays, etc.). Some newspapers also print essays in the
op–ed section.
An 1895 cover of Harpers, a US magazine that prints a number of essays per issue.
Employment essays detailing experience in a certain occupational field are required when applying
for some jobs, especially government jobs in the United States. Essays known as Knowledge Skills
and Executive Core Qualifications are required when applying to certain US federal government
A KSA, or "Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities," is a series of narrative statements that are required
when applying to Federal government job openings in the United States. KSAs are used along with
resumes to determine who the best applicants are when several candidates qualify for a job. The
knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful performance of a position are contained
on each job vacancy announcement. KSAs are brief and focused essays about one's career and
educational background that presumably qualify one to perform the
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Essay about Understand Leadership Styles
1.1 Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace
The traditional concept of a leader, as being the directing chief at the top of a hierarchy, is now
considered to be inadequate to truly lead a modern organisation. Leadership is concerned with
people and so anyone, and indeed everybody, has the potential to demonstrate leadership qualities
and behaviours.
Factors that can influence an individual's choice of leadership in any given situation are many and
varied. An individual is likely to have a primary leadership style which they are most comfortable
with using. Often the primary leadership style is that which most suits their innate personality traits.
For example, more content...
Herschey and Blanchard, in their Situational Leadership theory, recommend that a leader adapts
their leadership style on the basis of the maturity of the group or individual in dealing with
specific situations. If an individual is new to the organisation and have a low level of expertise but
a high level of motivation then a directing leadership style is likely to be most suitable, whereas an
employee that has a higher level of skills but variable commitment may respond to a supportive style
in order to build confidence.
1.2 Explain why these leadership styles or behaviours are likely to have a positive or negative effect
on individual and group behaviour
In order to determine how a leadership style may affect the behaviour of an individual or group the
specific circumstance/situation should be considered. Applying an inappropriate leadership style to
a situation may result in teams with reduced commitment as their needs are not being met.
Herschey and Blanchard developed the Situational Leadership theory in order to identify where a
team or individual fit in any particular situation and to match a leadership style most appropriate to
that situation.
If an individual is new to the team they are likely to have a low level of skills (even if they have
technical skills they are unlikely to have the skills specific to that business) but would hopefully
have a high level of commitment to their new role
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My writing styles Essay
My writing styles
There are many writing styles that many people pick up as they go through there many years of
schooling. Each person picks up the same type of writing styles but as years go by people seem to
pick up there own little types of writing style that separates them from everyone else. As I have
gone through many years of English classes I have acquired more and more skills and many more are
sure to come as I continue my education. My writing skills have only gotten better from the time of
ninth grade English class until today. Since my days back in junior high school I was only taught
the basic skills to write papers and since then they have grown to make me a decent writer. I have
many strengths and more content...
Run–on sentences is also another one of my weaknesses as a writer which is not as big as a
problem as my weakness of verb tense use. Another of many disadvantages of a writer in my point
of view is my able to organize my sentences so they run smoothly. I need to work a little bit more on
my internal organization of paragraphs. I don't exactly incorporate quotes so that my sentences run as
smoothly as they can. All together I think these couple of disadvantages of my writing is minimal
and that I can work on these mistakes out if I would proof read my papers more in depth. If I can
work out my weaknesses from my writing I will have more advantages and also be considered a
better writer.
Along with disadvantages of my writing also come the advantages which make me a half way
decent writer in my perspective. In writing papers I include many interesting facts about the topic
that I am writing on. This skill of being able to research topics good is something that I think is
one of my major strengths because of the ability to take the time and patience to weed through tons
of material. I am able to take this research that I find and incorporate it into my papers in a fair
enough manner that makes my papers have way decent. Another strength that I posses is my
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Styles Of Parenting Styles
Basically all the traits that would would be expected a child to have based on each caregivers
parenting style if very different. Every child is different a way of parenting style may or may not
affect you in the future. For, example Ben Carson raised by single parent with little to no money.
Ben Carson grew with a mind for violence such as almost killing some loved ones of his.
However, today Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon. This just show that not every child living in
poverty and being influenced by violence is most likely to not succeed and continue that path as a
child. Children that grew up with parents with an Authoritarian style of parenting often had poor
social skills, lower self esteem, and basically always concerned of their actions because they are
afraid of the consequences. Children with Permissive parents know that they will always have it
there way. Children that grew up in this way of parenting tend to me immature, and often escape
responsibilities. Children with Authoritative parents tend be better off than the other children who's
parents style of parenting was either authoritarian or permissive. These children turn out to be the
happiest, most successful and basically a more cooperative friendly child. B) I do not believe these
traits apply to me. Even though I was raised by an authoritarian mother more content...
I am really not sure if my parents way of parenting impacted me at all. Im not sure if I would have
turned out to be a different person if I never met amazing people along the way. I know one thing
for sure is that none of my parents really participated in my or any of my sisters education. Other
than my mom telling us to do our homework everyday. I don't even remember a time when my
parents went to parent conferences nor a football or soccer game besides my last football game. And
I understood, they had their reasons. I think my sisters did get impacted by this because none of
them continued any type of schooling after high
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Writing Styles Of My Writing Style
Sometimes when I look at the writing styles of my peers, be it on social media, emails I can sense
a distinction between the different writing styles that are used. When I'm writing whether it be in
an email, text or a lab report I try my best to write everything more formally and longhand, which a
lot of people tend to overlook in today's society.
The last thing I wrote was a letter that I had sent to my significant other through the mail. The
nuances of writing seem to be disappearing from today's society, the finer intricacies of the English
language will be lost in a generation or two, and cursive language is no longer being taught in
schools, with all the abbreviations being used a lot of writing feels less personal and more
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My Writing Style Essay
My Writing Style
We all have a style, and it would seem that I wouldn't know another style, better than I know my
own. However, I really wasn't aware that every circumstance causes me to change my 'style'
accordingly. It seems that we are all just actors and actresses, playing various social roles, and yet
we think we are being our 'self'. There were times when I was really nervous, perhaps before a job
interview or meeting new people, and my mom would say , " don't be nervous, just go and be your
self." The 'self' is an integration of the social roles we play and it is complex because we change
our behaviors and our perceptions as situations dictate. The line you just read, illustrated an official
writing 'self' that I slip more content...
Contrary to what my attitude portrayed at work, I don't consider myself a mean and inconsiderate
person. I think I have a rather pleasant disposition, but I will let you be the judge after we explore
further the other diverse style roles I take on, in my life.
My insincerity isn't found in what I say to customers, rather it's the way in which I say things,
however, I definitely have a work "lingo." This communication style certainly isn't one I use with
friends. I don't ask how their doing and send them on their way. This is an example of two
different situations when one style isn't always the appropriate one, and my interaction between
my two families reveals even more about my communication styles. My parents and I converse
about who will do the dishes and other essential household business. There is no unnecessary
talking or formality used in our communication style. For example, when I'm at my fiance's house,
I am as polite as I possibly can be. I always have wonderful conversations with them, but once again
this communication style reflects the ways we interact with each other. At home, if there is a phone
call for my mother, I wouldn't hesitate to yell at the top of my lungs from down in my room,
"Ma!.......C'mere and get the phone, it's for you!" I am much more comfortable, relaxed, and
basically less polite in my own home and my communication style definitely reflects this. I
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Write An Essay About My Writing Style
When I'm starting to write, it seems there are always distractions, e.g. my Dad has the TV on
loud, the dogs are barking, etc. It's difficult to focus, and makes it next to impossible for me to
concentrate on the task at hand and carry out what I have set out to do. So, the first thing I do is
clear my brain. Sometimes I will wear headphones and play some gentle new age music, quiet to
the point where I almost don't hear it, to enter a state allowing for clear thinking. Once I'm there, I
mentally brainstorm possible topics, write down the ones I have the strongest concepts for, and
then narrow down the choices until I am left with the few speaking to me. The next step is to draft
an outline for each, unless I have already chosen one specific one, and figure out whether I have
enough ideas on the topic(s) to compose a full–length written piece. It usually helps narrow the field
down to one, although there have been times I had to stop and decide if maybe there was better
subject matter out there I hadn't considered yet. Once I have chosen my topic and outline, work on
the first draft begins. It is usually more content...
From my perspective, there is no single way to do it. Outlines can take many forms, which I know
only too well as I have already tried a few. Some people gravitate to the Chapter and Sub–Chapter
style, while others use bullet points they can adjust. The choices are many. I am doing a memoir
project, and have figured out I may actually join several different outline styles. After many outline
attempts, what I call trial and error, I decided my piece needed to start with something akin to a
bang, something to draw the readers' attention so much they want to read further to find out what
was going on. It came from one chapter outline element I had put together, but seemed at first
connected to a later story part, and then it became clear I needed to progress forward with the story
background putting things into
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Styles Of Essays

  • 1. Parenting Styles Essay Parenting Styles Parenting styles are as diverse as parents themselves. Parenting is one of the most challenging and difficult responsibilities a person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non–verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent–child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiences. Parenting techniques can vary greatly from household to household, however, experts believe that parenting styles can be broken down into four main categories which include permissive,authoritarian,authoritative, more content... Putting aside those who are bad parents because they give little time, attention, or effort to the rearing of their children (parents who let their children fend for themselves from a very early age)would fall into the neglectful catagory. Research indicates that about one–third of all parents use authoritative style of parenting. Regardless of the preferred style, varying factors such as culture, the temperament of the child and parent, and parental status will influence the interactive process of that style. Most parents could benefit from knowledge and information of these style to improve their parenting skills.Parenting style is a pattern of behavior that influences child–rearing practices. Approaches vary based on several factors, ranging from how parents themselves were raised to the goals parents have for their children. Good Parenting VS. Bad Parenting Good Parenting As many people know being a parent is one of the biggest responsibilities they will have in their entire lifetime. It requires much time, especially during a child's adolescence. Being a good parent is loving your child for one part, and other qualities that must be taken up to be a good parent are: supporting them financially and emotionally, not putting them down, letting them have some independence, and Get more content on
  • 2. Styles Of Parenting There are three different styles of parenting and the level of attachment in relation to the parenting style. In the course book, it defines attachment as the establishment of a close emotional relationship between parent and child (Zimbardo, Johnson, and McCann, 2014, p.274). The parenting style my parents used was the authoritative style. My parents were warm and sensitive to my needs and interests. Growing up they made reasonable demands, explained the rules and when needed enforced those rules. Yes, my parents have high expectations for me; however, it is because they want the best for me. My parents and I have a close relationship and this is reflected in their parenting style. In the course book, it mentions that researchers have found Get more content on
  • 3. Four Yoga Styles You might be surprised to learn that there isn't one style of yoga practice so you'll need to learn some more about the different styles in order to decide which one is right for you. In this article we'll take a closer look at four practice styles: hatha yoga, vinyasa, ashtanga and power yoga to help you on the way to your decision. 1. Hatha yoga Hatha yoga is often used interchangeably with the word yoga and classes are usually slow–paced involving stretching, some simple breathing exercises and some seated meditations. If you are a beginner then this is a good place to start so that you can spend time learning the basic techniques. If you are looking for a calming and relaxing experience then hatha yoga is probably right for you. If you'd prefer something more energetic then you should more content... The speed of the movements is very much dictated by the teacher, so if you find that a class is too fast for you look for a different teacher. In order to appreciate vinyasa you need to have a teacher that you are comfortable with as their style will shape the class, keep looking until you find someone you connect with. 3. Ashtanga Ashtanga is a series of poses which realign the spine, detoxify the body and build strength, stamina and flexibility. There are 75 poses in all and they can take anywhere between an hour and a half to two hours to complete. You start with sun salutations and then move to standing poses, seated poses, inversions and backbends before finishing with relaxation. You can learn ashtanga at a teacher–led class, and then when you are happy with the order of the poses you can either practice on your own or in a mysore class where you practice at your own pace but have a teacher for guidance. Ashtanga is a very athletic form of practice and is very popular. If you like a sense of order then this style will appeal to Get more content on
  • 4. Writing Styles Essay example Writing Styles In this essay I will be going into detail about three different writing styles used in health and social care. I will also be comparing the writing styles against each other. Persuasive Writing – Persuasive writing is all about trying to get someone's attention on something. Persuasive writing use's specific features which help the information used to become persuasive towards the audience. This could include using present tense, using emotive language, using rhetorical questions, making opinions sound like facts, as well as using powerful verbs and adjectives etc. Persuasive writing can be linked and used in many different ways. One of the ways would include health and social care. This could be linked by usage more content... The journalist also always puts out a headline that would immediately get the audiences attention. The headline is always the art of the journalist work, as they see this as an opportunity to sell their story; headline could be short, snappy, and catchy. After the headline the journalist provides the audience with a short paragraph which sums up the story, some see this as a short introduction. The journalist does this to gain the audience interest. Most people know that a person's eyes are always sighted upon small amounts of writing and imagery. So the short paragraph would make the audience show some interest towards the story. In health and social care journalistic writing is used a lot, whether this is about the stories about the NHS being published. Or when major illnesses or problems are coming. An examp0le of this would be when we went through the period of swine flue; wine flue was making its front page everywhere. This not only was a disaster but it was the journalists dream, as they new it was a hot topic to write about as it would gain many peoples attention, this would also push the journalists ratings up. All three writing styles are different from each other in variety of ways. We see as persuasive language as a main way to get the attention of someone, where as reflective language is where you speak about what had happened through–out the day. However journalistic writing talks about Get more content on
  • 5. Different Styles of Writing and Appealing to Different Audiences The years a child spends in elementary are crucial because their teachers will essentially lay down the foundation for learning, as well as stimulate an interest in growing knowledge. The various subjects students are taught include math, science, English language arts, and history. However, within those subjects, there are skills that students need to learn and master so they can be efficient learners. Each subject contains its challenges, but with great teachers, students will be able to develop the adequate skills to make them successful in subjects they find challenging. I will be focusing on why students struggle with writing and the methods they are taught in order more content... With that being said, it is very difficult for teachers to go into the field and teach children a skill that they lack proper practice in themselves. How and Who to Write To Approach to Writing In addition, the way in which students approach writing essays will determine how great of an essay they write. Students who are given the sufficient information, time, and tools to prepare them to compose a well–written piece of work, are more often confident with their writing skills. For example, providing students with a rubric is a way for students to have an idea of how they will approach their essay. The rubric approach is has evolved from spelling, punctuation, and grammar to focusing on the aspects of writing such as voice, purpose, and organization (Bridge, Compton–Hall & Cantrell, 1997). Understanding that writing requires plenty of practice and development is key, but also knowing that as the students progress through elementary so will their writing. Typically children are taught writing through a process that usually contains five steps: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Audience and Voice Consequently, the manner in which students approach writing longer pieces as they advance through elementary is the way in which they will learn who they are writing to. Writing as is complicated, but the task seems much more Get more content on
  • 6. Styles Of Leadership In this assignment I aim to outline the advantages, disadvantages and overall effectiveness of the different styles of leadership. Authoritarian, or Autocratic, leaderships revolve around a single leader, and those close to them, whose word is law and power absolute. Authoritarian leaders are confident in their ability to lead and to take charge. This means that they should be taken seriously at all times; if a subordinate does not take them serious they may lash out, threaten or simply punish the individual or the entire group to get their point across. They also prioritise the task over the individual and the group This leadership style is best suited to emergency situations when the leader is competent and confident in his ability to succeed, more content... Democratic works well with skilled and motivated people because they want choice or the ability to influence one; the leader also wants to hear what people have to say because they want input and new ideas to directly improve conditions for the group. The main negative of Democracy is that the leader cannot easily appeal to the minority without angering the majority because they will lose more support than they gain. Not everyone has an interest in politics or voting these people are generally happy either way or impossible to please. Another problem is that because more people are involved with leading the country secrets could leak; this could be personnel secrets about the leader or even military related secrets. Democracy is like Autocracy because there is only one leader and they will make the final choice, however a Democratic leader values the opinions of his subordinates and will choose based on that. Decision making in a Democracy is very slow when compared to Authoritarianism because the time it takes for a vote is time Get more content on
  • 7. The Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles 1.Introduction It is suggested that leadership is a kind of ability or activity which a leader could straight affect and guide their followers to achieve certain objectives in the specific situation (John Calvin Maxwell,2011). The shifting internal elements and increasing external competitions have posed growing demanding to managers' leadership approaches. However, managers are provided with various personalities or perspectives, accordingly, managers are not accomplishing their aims by using similar styles. The leadership style, according to Newstrom and Davis (1993), is the ways and approaches of offering targets, fulfilling plans as well as inspiring subordinates. Based on the types of individuals the leader works with and various personality traits hold by the leader, the leadership style differs. There are several leadership styles suggested by different researchers such as autocratic, democratic, laissez–fair, transactional and transformational. Some of leadership styles are no longer suit for current marketplaces especially for those organizations which want to attract talent person from all over the world and exploit global markets. Therefore, this essay aims to focus on transactional and transformational styles, then take Baidu and Google as examples to make a comparison and contrast between these two styles as well as illustrate which one may generate better outcomes than another. 2.Literature review Max Weber (1947) stated that there are three types of Get more content on
  • 8. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Learning Styles Introduction The way that people go about gathering and interpreting information can be surprisingly different. Research shows that people have different preferences and strengths in how they take in, and process, information. These preferences are sometimes referred to as learning styles and are used to describe and help us understand the different ways in which different people learn. Some learners may be very receptive to visual forms of information such as pictures and diagrams, whilst others prefer written and spoken explanations. Some people prefer to learn actively and interactively, whilst others work better on their own. The idea of learning styles usually refers to a preferred way of learning. It implies that each individual more content... Teachers should also avoid the temptation to try to categorise or confine individual pupils to one learning style. Age, educational level, and motivation influence each pupil's learning so that what was once preferred may no longer be that pupil's current preferred learning style. Nevertheless, greater awareness of learning preferences and styles helps teachers to be more flexible in their teaching and to utilise a wider range of classroom methodologies. The aim is not to match teaching style to learner preferences, but to help young people build their skills and capacities to learn well in both preferred and less preferred modes of learning. The main messages for teachers, schools and learners are as follows. 6.Do not place too much faith in any one learning styles theory. Most are not very robust or reliable. A learning style should not be thought of as an absolute, nor should it be considered the main determinant of intelligence, ability or Get more content on
  • 9. Leadership Styles Of Leadership Style Part One: Consider what leadership or management style speaks most to you. Discuss that particular style, explain why it fits you better than others. Alternatively, consider the leadership or management style fits you least. Explain what is least desirable with that style from your perspective. What leadership or management style speaks most to me? They are a few leadership styles that I venerate. The Transformational Leadership, the Visionary Leadership, and the Charismatic Leadership styles are the most evident to me. Each one has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, each is congruent with what I believe is necessary to craft the ideal leader and the combination is something I strive to emulate as I learn the more content... Encourages others. Provides support and recognition. Stirs the emotions of people. Gets people to look beyond their self–interest. Inspires people to reach for the improbable. These qualities are fundamental qualities a leader must possess. These are just the building blocks of crafting the consummate leader. Undoubtedly, while sufficient, they are more qualities required. What other qualities should a leader have? In addition to the eight qualities mentioned before, a leader needs a vision. Political sociologists Max Weber and James MacGregor Burns theorized that many leaders are visionaries. "These visionary leaders possess a driving sense of purpose and confidence in their ability to achieve their goals. They take the lead and inspire others to move forward." This style is known as the Visionary Leadership style and is necessary in creating a complete leader. All of the great leaders of the world have a vision. From President John F. Kennedy to Dr. Martin Luther King, each had visions of something greater. Great leaders give real thought to the values that inspire them as well as to the people that follow. Ambition and persistence are invaluable to achieving a vision and are the first steps toward leadership success. On its own a vision does not always make for a great leader and this is why Visionary Leadership comes in second to Transformational Leadership. A great leader requires both styles. Adolf Hitler had a vision, as did Pol Pot Get more content on
  • 10. Three Architecture Styles Essay Three Architecture Styles In this essay information will be given in order to compare and contrast data about three different styles of architecture. The three styles are Art Deco, Art Nouveau, and Neo Gothic. In order to fully give a clear explanation of these styles, information about architecture will be given first then the three styles will follow with comparing and contrasting points in between. First, to inform about architecture, one must explain what it is. Architecture, referring to building is defined as "The practice of building design and its resulting products; customary usage refers only to those designs and structures that are culturally significant" (Ferrier 20). Someone might say that architecture must appease more content... What is Art Deco? Art Deco is a style of art that was created in hopes of finding something new, something to set things apart from one to another. The Art Deco period began in the early 1900's and ended in the 1930's. The Art Deco name derived from the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, an exposition of modern decorative and industrial arts held in Paris, France (Hewitt). Art Deco designers used stepped forms, rounded corners, triple–striped decorative elements and black decoration often. The most important thing about Art Deco is the designs created were always in geometrical order and in simple formats. A good example of an Art Deco Style would be the Empire State Building. The building was completed in 1931–32 and ended the era of Art Deco Skyscrapers. Art Deco is all about machines, mass–production, metal and concrete (Hewitt). Like Art Nouveau, Art Deco exploded with people's interests. In fact the earliest forms of Art Deco exhibited a slight reminder of the previous Art Nouveau movement's graceful nature motifs, while in later years geometry and mass take over to concrete what is sometimes referred to as Art Moderne or Streamline (Jacobs 5). Art Nouveau being characterized Get more content on
  • 11. Different Learning Styles Essay Different Learning Styles Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people. Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content... Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores? Get more content on
  • 12. Fashion Styles Of The Fashion Essay When people think of fashion, no one thinks about all the genres that come with fashion from the clothing to the designers, fashion has many genres. One genre, in general, is style. Some may call themselves grunge or preppy. There are many fashion genres that people wear, from classic, chic, western and goth. These genres in fashion give a pathway to what people were wearing in previous years like for an example, the 90's were grunge, and the 70s were bohemian. They also give people the feeling to define themselves as something through style. Without these genres, many fashion designers wouldn't know what styles are in at the time. There are also genres for different types of fashion brands, like haute couture, high–end, fast fashion. This also gives a great difference between the clothing we wear and the clothing you see on the runway. They are many genres of style, anyone and everyone has one. Style means a lot of things In apparel, it is the characteristic or distinctive appearance of a garment (In Fashion, 8). Also, it's the manner of something you do like how and what you wear. They are all very different from glamorous to preppy, to African and Asian styles. Over the years style has changed a lot. Back in the 1800's style for women was very reserved, bland colors and corsets. As years went on women 's clothing changed a lot, the dresses became shorter, and the cuts of the clothing were пїј пїјless restricting. In the 1920s Dresses were flashy and bright. Shorts were not Get more content on
  • 13. Essay Writing Forms and Styles ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Forms and styles This section describes the different forms and styles of essay writing. These forms and styles are used by a range of authors, including university students and professional essayists. [edit]Cause and effect The defining features of a "cause and effect" essay are causal chains that connect from a cause to an effect, careful language, and chronological or emphatic order. A writer using this rhetorical method must consider the subject, determine the purpose, consider the audience, think critically about different causes or consequences, consider a thesis statement, arrange the parts, consider the language, and decide on a conclusion.[6] [edit]Classification and more content... Magazine and newspaper essays use many of the essay types described in the section on forms and styles (e.g., descriptive essays, narrative essays, etc.). Some newspapers also print essays in the op–ed section. An 1895 cover of Harpers, a US magazine that prints a number of essays per issue. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– [edit]Employment Employment essays detailing experience in a certain occupational field are required when applying for some jobs, especially government jobs in the United States. Essays known as Knowledge Skills and Executive Core Qualifications are required when applying to certain US federal government positions. A KSA, or "Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities," is a series of narrative statements that are required when applying to Federal government job openings in the United States. KSAs are used along with resumes to determine who the best applicants are when several candidates qualify for a job. The knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful performance of a position are contained on each job vacancy announcement. KSAs are brief and focused essays about one's career and educational background that presumably qualify one to perform the Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about Understand Leadership Styles 1.1 Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations The traditional concept of a leader, as being the directing chief at the top of a hierarchy, is now considered to be inadequate to truly lead a modern organisation. Leadership is concerned with people and so anyone, and indeed everybody, has the potential to demonstrate leadership qualities and behaviours. Factors that can influence an individual's choice of leadership in any given situation are many and varied. An individual is likely to have a primary leadership style which they are most comfortable with using. Often the primary leadership style is that which most suits their innate personality traits. For example, more content... Herschey and Blanchard, in their Situational Leadership theory, recommend that a leader adapts their leadership style on the basis of the maturity of the group or individual in dealing with specific situations. If an individual is new to the organisation and have a low level of expertise but a high level of motivation then a directing leadership style is likely to be most suitable, whereas an employee that has a higher level of skills but variable commitment may respond to a supportive style in order to build confidence. 1.2 Explain why these leadership styles or behaviours are likely to have a positive or negative effect on individual and group behaviour In order to determine how a leadership style may affect the behaviour of an individual or group the specific circumstance/situation should be considered. Applying an inappropriate leadership style to a situation may result in teams with reduced commitment as their needs are not being met. Herschey and Blanchard developed the Situational Leadership theory in order to identify where a team or individual fit in any particular situation and to match a leadership style most appropriate to that situation. If an individual is new to the team they are likely to have a low level of skills (even if they have technical skills they are unlikely to have the skills specific to that business) but would hopefully have a high level of commitment to their new role Get more content on
  • 15. My writing styles Essay My writing styles There are many writing styles that many people pick up as they go through there many years of schooling. Each person picks up the same type of writing styles but as years go by people seem to pick up there own little types of writing style that separates them from everyone else. As I have gone through many years of English classes I have acquired more and more skills and many more are sure to come as I continue my education. My writing skills have only gotten better from the time of ninth grade English class until today. Since my days back in junior high school I was only taught the basic skills to write papers and since then they have grown to make me a decent writer. I have many strengths and more content... Run–on sentences is also another one of my weaknesses as a writer which is not as big as a problem as my weakness of verb tense use. Another of many disadvantages of a writer in my point of view is my able to organize my sentences so they run smoothly. I need to work a little bit more on my internal organization of paragraphs. I don't exactly incorporate quotes so that my sentences run as smoothly as they can. All together I think these couple of disadvantages of my writing is minimal and that I can work on these mistakes out if I would proof read my papers more in depth. If I can work out my weaknesses from my writing I will have more advantages and also be considered a better writer. Along with disadvantages of my writing also come the advantages which make me a half way decent writer in my perspective. In writing papers I include many interesting facts about the topic that I am writing on. This skill of being able to research topics good is something that I think is one of my major strengths because of the ability to take the time and patience to weed through tons of material. I am able to take this research that I find and incorporate it into my papers in a fair enough manner that makes my papers have way decent. Another strength that I posses is my Get more content on
  • 16. Styles Of Parenting Styles Basically all the traits that would would be expected a child to have based on each caregivers parenting style if very different. Every child is different a way of parenting style may or may not affect you in the future. For, example Ben Carson raised by single parent with little to no money. Ben Carson grew with a mind for violence such as almost killing some loved ones of his. However, today Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon. This just show that not every child living in poverty and being influenced by violence is most likely to not succeed and continue that path as a child. Children that grew up with parents with an Authoritarian style of parenting often had poor social skills, lower self esteem, and basically always concerned of their actions because they are afraid of the consequences. Children with Permissive parents know that they will always have it there way. Children that grew up in this way of parenting tend to me immature, and often escape responsibilities. Children with Authoritative parents tend be better off than the other children who's parents style of parenting was either authoritarian or permissive. These children turn out to be the happiest, most successful and basically a more cooperative friendly child. B) I do not believe these traits apply to me. Even though I was raised by an authoritarian mother more content... I am really not sure if my parents way of parenting impacted me at all. Im not sure if I would have turned out to be a different person if I never met amazing people along the way. I know one thing for sure is that none of my parents really participated in my or any of my sisters education. Other than my mom telling us to do our homework everyday. I don't even remember a time when my parents went to parent conferences nor a football or soccer game besides my last football game. And I understood, they had their reasons. I think my sisters did get impacted by this because none of them continued any type of schooling after high Get more content on
  • 17. Writing Styles Of My Writing Style Sometimes when I look at the writing styles of my peers, be it on social media, emails I can sense a distinction between the different writing styles that are used. When I'm writing whether it be in an email, text or a lab report I try my best to write everything more formally and longhand, which a lot of people tend to overlook in today's society. The last thing I wrote was a letter that I had sent to my significant other through the mail. The nuances of writing seem to be disappearing from today's society, the finer intricacies of the English language will be lost in a generation or two, and cursive language is no longer being taught in schools, with all the abbreviations being used a lot of writing feels less personal and more mechanical. Get more content on
  • 18. My Writing Style Essay My Writing Style We all have a style, and it would seem that I wouldn't know another style, better than I know my own. However, I really wasn't aware that every circumstance causes me to change my 'style' accordingly. It seems that we are all just actors and actresses, playing various social roles, and yet we think we are being our 'self'. There were times when I was really nervous, perhaps before a job interview or meeting new people, and my mom would say , " don't be nervous, just go and be your self." The 'self' is an integration of the social roles we play and it is complex because we change our behaviors and our perceptions as situations dictate. The line you just read, illustrated an official writing 'self' that I slip more content... Contrary to what my attitude portrayed at work, I don't consider myself a mean and inconsiderate person. I think I have a rather pleasant disposition, but I will let you be the judge after we explore further the other diverse style roles I take on, in my life. My insincerity isn't found in what I say to customers, rather it's the way in which I say things, however, I definitely have a work "lingo." This communication style certainly isn't one I use with friends. I don't ask how their doing and send them on their way. This is an example of two different situations when one style isn't always the appropriate one, and my interaction between my two families reveals even more about my communication styles. My parents and I converse about who will do the dishes and other essential household business. There is no unnecessary talking or formality used in our communication style. For example, when I'm at my fiance's house, I am as polite as I possibly can be. I always have wonderful conversations with them, but once again this communication style reflects the ways we interact with each other. At home, if there is a phone call for my mother, I wouldn't hesitate to yell at the top of my lungs from down in my room, "Ma!.......C'mere and get the phone, it's for you!" I am much more comfortable, relaxed, and basically less polite in my own home and my communication style definitely reflects this. I Get more content on
  • 19. Write An Essay About My Writing Style When I'm starting to write, it seems there are always distractions, e.g. my Dad has the TV on loud, the dogs are barking, etc. It's difficult to focus, and makes it next to impossible for me to concentrate on the task at hand and carry out what I have set out to do. So, the first thing I do is clear my brain. Sometimes I will wear headphones and play some gentle new age music, quiet to the point where I almost don't hear it, to enter a state allowing for clear thinking. Once I'm there, I mentally brainstorm possible topics, write down the ones I have the strongest concepts for, and then narrow down the choices until I am left with the few speaking to me. The next step is to draft an outline for each, unless I have already chosen one specific one, and figure out whether I have enough ideas on the topic(s) to compose a full–length written piece. It usually helps narrow the field down to one, although there have been times I had to stop and decide if maybe there was better subject matter out there I hadn't considered yet. Once I have chosen my topic and outline, work on the first draft begins. It is usually more content... From my perspective, there is no single way to do it. Outlines can take many forms, which I know only too well as I have already tried a few. Some people gravitate to the Chapter and Sub–Chapter style, while others use bullet points they can adjust. The choices are many. I am doing a memoir project, and have figured out I may actually join several different outline styles. After many outline attempts, what I call trial and error, I decided my piece needed to start with something akin to a bang, something to draw the readers' attention so much they want to read further to find out what was going on. It came from one chapter outline element I had put together, but seemed at first connected to a later story part, and then it became clear I needed to progress forward with the story background putting things into Get more content on