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Diverse Learning Styles Essay
The way a person best retains information is considered to be their preferred learning style (Irvine
& York 1995). Knowing what learning style best fits with a student inside your classroom is
important. Being conscious of how a student best learns will help the teacher plan how to provide
the student with the knowledge that is needed to be learned in ways that best suits each student.
Knowing students' learning styles can help in many ways to enhance both learning and teaching.
Plenty of research has been done about how people learn and how the information is relayed to
them. In result of the research, different tools have been created to categorize these learning styles
and help people understand what style best fits them.
There more content...
Finally, tactile/kinesthetic learners, are better at learning material by using their body. This child
will better understand material if they can touch it, and have hands–on activities (Bisson, 2002).
As a teacher, understanding and having information about how your students best learn material and
what their strengths and weaknesses are in the classroom will help insure that learning is taking
place. Unfortunately, there are students in our classrooms who are not learning materials teachers
are teaching; whether it is because the student finds the material difficult or it may be the way it is
being taught to them. The most important goal as a teacher is to make sure every student in your
classroom is learning and you are helping them be successful in education. As teachers we need to do
whatever we can to make sure each student comprehends our content. Educators need to know about
the different types of learners styles and be educated on what makes someone an auditory, visual or
a tactile/kinesthetic learner. Once you understand each style and before we can adjust our lesson
plans, we need to assess our students and determine who learns in what way the best.
In order to address learning styles, teachers must be able to determine what method of learning each
individual student prefers. Individual assessments are one way a teacher can look at these preferred
styles. Lederhouse (2003), a researcher who did a study on the factors
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Five Types Of Teaching Essay
Teachers are mentors, heroes, and role models who inspire children to learn and expand their minds.
A teacher and their skills as an educator determine how much their students will learn and the
methods in which they are taught.
Children learn best from teachers who use a variety of teaching tools to convey class material. There
are different types of tools teachers can use that fit into five categories of teaching: active,
innovative, creative, effective, and fun. These five types of teaching each include methods teachers
can use to educated their students effectively and successfully.
# Five Types of more content...
For example: some students learn better using visual aids. These students can be allowed to use
videos, pictures, charts, etc. to help them learn. A teacher will then test students using thelearning
methods that they implemented to originally learn course material.
# Creative Teaching
Under the creative teaching model, teachers break out of traditional teaching methods to find new
and unique ways to teach students. Creative teachers don't follow a rigid curriculum but encourage
freedom and independence. Students are asked to use their imagination and creativity to solve
problems or complete assignments. A great example would be a science teacher taking their students
on a field trip to a science museum. By getting out of a stuffy classroom they can make learning more
interesting and can provide outside resources (tour guides, museum exhibits, etc.) within the museum
to help them learn material.
# Effective Teaching
Effective teaching is a model where teachers try to provide students learning opportunities where
their own experiences in their life can be applied to course material. Effective learning turns life
experiences into teaching moments. Teachers provide students with tools and course material to
help them understand
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Different Abilities between Students in the Same Class A classroom represents a multi–cultural
diversity between students. Every learner comes in with her own peculiarities in understanding.
For this reason, no two students in the same class will possess the same abilities. Things like
backgrounds, environment, and prior knowledge in languages will differ from one student to the
other. Different abilities in terms of talents and strength make students in the same class different
from each other. This paper therefore addresses the different abilities between students in the same
class in relation to personal reflections. Considering the idea of different abilities between students
in the same class takes me back to my times in school where I had a strong ability in quick
learning and understanding, something that my fellow students in class struggled with. The ability
has just evolved with time and I can attest to its presence in professional decision making, as I am
very quick with grasping things very easily and figuring out their solutions without much struggle.
When I look at this strength in my life today is when I clearly understand that despite the IQ level,
no two students are the same in terms of abilities in learning. Even if students are grouped
according to their test scores or whatever formula may be applied, their progress rates will always
be at different levels due to the teaching methods, learning styles, and resources used (Luthar,
Cicchetti and Becker,
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The Different Types of Plagiarism Essay
Plagiarism is very frequently talked about in all types of settings. Plagiarism is considered a fraud
or a scam in most cases. Plagiarism is most commonly heard about and mentioned in a school
environment. Since plagiarism is pretty must defined as copying somebody else's words or ideas as
their own without giving credit to the proper author or writer, it makes this issue more commonly
widespread than rare in all school settings. The demand of paper work and writing assignments can
be overwhelming, especially when more than one has to be written for the same week or day. Let's
face it, not everyone has the given talent to choose words with ease or can write papers without
getting writers block. It can be a frustrating struggle, more content...
Sometimes unintentional plagiarism can be projected by changing the format of a sentence or
paragraph, but using the same words or by vise–aversely changing the words within the same
sentence structure. Another frequent unintentional form of plagiarism is when a student does not
provide quotations around the whole quoted sentence or does not incorporate valid citations, in
which are being used. It is common for students to obtain certain amount of information from
different resources and then once all accumulated forget where the information was found. It is vital
to take good notes highlighting where the information was gathered to properly cite and quote
phrases that don't correspond to you. Then there are those students that intentionally exhibit
plagiarism. It's unethical and immorally wrong to intentionally plagiarize what one is writing.
Copy and pasting exact sentences, paragraphs, or even pages word for word is an extreme form
of plagiarizing with all aims of intentions. Even if the copying and pasting are from several web
sources and plugged in together to complete an assignment or paper, it's still considered plagiarism,
because credit is not being documented from each web source as needed. Substituting a pre–written
paper from the internet, using somebody else's previously written paper, or having someone else
write the paper for you as your own are other forms of plagiarism to
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Individual Learning Styles Essay
Individual Learning Styles
The purpose of this research paper is to examine learning styles theories to determine if teaching
students to use their own particular learning style can help ail them in increased educational success.
The learning style aspect consists of six key areas including brain processing, sensory modalities,
physical needs, environmental preferences, social aspects, and attitudes. Besides the way a person
operates, there are two other important factors that play a key role in effecting a person?s learning
style. These important factors include each individuals learning patterns and a theory known as
multiple intelligences. Individual learning patterns are focused on four main types ES, IN, EN and
the IS. more content...
Now the student will have become a more effective learner, this will force the student to take
responsibility for unlearned and unprepared material by taking the blame off of the teachers and
placing it on the person at hand, the lazy student.
Depending on the student, each one has their own and unique learning style that effects not only
how they learn, but their concentration and the way in which they process the information given to
them. The concept of left and right brain dominance has a great impact on the effectiveness of each
students learning ability. And although age is an important factor concerning the way in which the
student is able to learn and retain the information, the following 6 ways in which the individual
operates pertain to students of all ages (Campbell, L., Campbell, B., 1999). Brain processing, or the
way in which the brain is able to take in and perceive the information is the first of the six, and is
important in understanding learning styles, this is where the left brain vs. right brain learning
concept takes place. It is important to understand both sides of the brain and their ability to reason,
however, they use different strategies and it may appear that one side is dominant to the other.
The left–brain is known as a successive processor, which simply means that students who dominate
in their left–brain learn step–by–step. These types of
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Essay about Teachers and Students
Teachers and Students
The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational
careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside
is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational
career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the
academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is
the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective.
The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of
the skills of more content...
Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although
it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to
be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of
children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a
teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an
active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate
them, but also keep them busy.
Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are
treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at
such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be
going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in
young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are
predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the
performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the
number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much
question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this
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Types Of Slackers Essay
When it comes to school every student behaves differently in the classroom. Once I reached high
school I realized that some students cared too much and some students didn't care at all; when it
came to their education. Everyone knows someone who would always come to class but never do
anything or someone who never missed a day of class and always participate in class discussions.
During my years in high school I've observed several types of students and how they behaved in
class. In my opinion, most students can be categorized as slackers, over achievers, or standards.
Slackers are the students who almost never come to class or doing any assignments. These type of
students usually just enough work to barely pass they class. A slacker never participates in any
group or class activities. I knew a kid in high school who was a slacker, his name was Billy. He was a
cool kid but sucked when it came down to getting assignments done. Billy barely came to class
and when he did all he would do was day dream and play games on his phone. He almost never
turned in any assignments and would always pass exams with a D average. Billy eventually
dropped out more content...
These type of students usually make C's, B's and sometimes an A on assignments. They might
participate in class and group activities every now and then. My friend Monica would be considered
as a standard student. If she received anything lower than a D average she might do a few extra
credit assignments to boost her grade a little. She'd always turned in her assignments on time and
was perfectly content with getting a C on anything. When it came to group activities, Monica
usually only did a section of it and let the other members handle the rest. She graduated with our
class, but there was nothing special about her grades. Standards are typically good students and only
do what is required to maintain a decent grade in
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The Different Types of Sports Essay
"Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life".
This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the message that sport is the game which has
some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of
playing sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is
healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind skills and much more. There are so
many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players,
the three main categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports
is individual sports, in which a person can more content...
You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives
him new energy through which the person performs well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is
dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling,
car racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but
especially good for those people who are afraid of facing group of people during game and cannot
perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two
person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and
can build his confidence as well as personality. In addition, it also provides physical and mental
strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at
home and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind.
The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the
team wins. It is played between two teams who against each other and give their possible efforts to
achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse,
croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A
person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with
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Different Learning Styles Essay
Different Learning Styles
Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers
try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being
taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new
technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people.
Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of
different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know
that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more
Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to
show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who
took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory
of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of
items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact
Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory
recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by
behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing
scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare
and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively
specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these
studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and
Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and
demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and
account for students' individual scores?
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Best Ways To Study Essay
Three Best Ways to Study For many students studying for an exam or a test can be very stressful.
For a lot of them studying is very hard because sometimes most of the materials they study, they
don't remember on the actual test or exam. However there are more than one way to study and
most theses studying methods can be very helpful and very reliable. A Lot of students tend to cram
all the studying two or the night before the test and according to UCLA professor of psychiatry
Andrew J. Fuligni (2012) cramming and trying to get as much information in your head two or a
night before the test is very counterproductive. How to study properly Although there are many ways
and methods of studying whether it be scientific or a family belief , more content...
A second method of studying is by studying in an appropriate setting (Chadron State College).
Studying in an environment where distraction is very easy to find is very difficult. Studying in a
quiet setting with a lot of space away from distraction can help you study and can help memory
performance. With this setting it's also helpful to be consistent with the studying, studying at the
same time and same place is very effective especially when this is done 2 –3 weeks prior to the test
quiz or exam. With the proper setting, proper setting is also necessary. " Your study desk or table
should be equipped with all the materials you might need to complete the assignment, e.g., pencils,
pens, erasers, paper clips, stapler, dictionary, snacks, and liquid refreshments, etc." – Chadron State
College. Adding items that can help you study and removing things that might distract is also need
for effective studying. The third and final method of studying that is effective is studying while
listening to music. According to Goodwin (2015), studying with music before a test can improve
attention and can help lessen depression and anxiety. The "Mozart effect" is known to be helpful
but of course today the effects will be very different since students don't tend to listen to Mozart.
The type of music played also plays a pig role of studying. Studying with music that has lyrics is not
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1.The curriculum comprises not only the formal statement of standards, materials, and teacher
guides, but also the cocurriculum and the hidden curriculum. For a particular subject such as literacy,
mathematics, or science, how have you seen these three types of curriculum affect you and other
students? What roles did your teachers play with each type of curriculum? The curriculum teaches
students the basics, and the cocuriculum can enhance them or also make students see how they can
apply them in different situations. For example, some teachers try to make connections between the
materials being taught and the student's lives; when they made the connections I had a better
understanding and so did my classmates. As for the hidden curriculum is seems to affect the students
more. If children go to a conservative school, they would be taught to dress in conservative and the
other conservative rules of the school. Depending on the teachers "value about learning, the subject
mater, ant he uniqueness of their students become elements of the hidden curriculum" (p. 339). I can
evaluate the students progress regularly, and have discussions with colleges to learn more strategies
to teach. 2.Today's teachers have the major responsibility for instruction. For the most part the
curriculum is set. What do you see as the keys to providing effective instruction? What can you do
to be sure that the instructional objectives you set for a given lesson engage all you students? "Once
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What Kind Of Student I Am
I have an idea about what kind of student I am. Over the years, I have realized that when I'm not
interested or I feel like I'm not learning/understanding the material, I unconsciously withdraw. I'm
already not a studier so paying attention 100 percent is crucial to my grade. I am very
hardworking and can apply myself to fullest, the problem is I need to learn to apply myself even
more when I'm in need of help, instead of retracting. Unfortunately, sometimes I am also a
procrastinator, but it depends on what and how much the work it is. I can say that I am a very
organized student/person. I color code my notes, make lists, and even set up timers to split my time
accordingly. I am very interested to take some assessments to learn more about myself, and possibly
make some changes. The first assessment I took was the Study Skills Assessment. For Time
Management I got a 14 out of 32. I was a little surprised because I do think I manage my time well.
Although I do get distracted easily with technology and I don't prioritize very efficiently, which
makes sense on why I would score low. For Concentration/Memory I scored a 20 out of 32, which I
think is accurate. I got a fair score, but it could be better. In the Note–Taking section I got a 27 out of
32. I wasn't shocked at all, I usually like taking notes and I've realized which strategies work for me
and which don't. For Test Strategies I received a 23 out of 32. I was a little taken aback, I thought I
would've scored lower.
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Diversity in the Classroom Essay
Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and
understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with
appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those
unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of
spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous
Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students
do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In
addition, their age and gender are more content...
Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs,
values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity.
Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students
and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among
them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own
cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of
racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between
cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you
noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes
how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our
similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday
interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition,
positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own
uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students
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Characteristics Of A Good Student Essay
A good student is someone who always tries to do the right thing and makes education an
important priority. Being a good student in school is an excellent start on having a successful
future. Motivation is the key to their success. There are many qualities to be considered a good
student. Three of the most important qualities are maintaining good grades, having excellent
behavior, and managing your time wisely. Trying to maintain good grades is very important when
in school. Having grades like "A's" and "B's" for example will result in having many educational
opportunities and rewards. Colleges, job companies, or scholarship committees will review grades
and other information on a school transcript to see if that student is eligible and satisfy the
requirements needed. GPA stands forgrade point average, so the higher the grade, the higher the
GPA will climb up. This results in getting more money for college if the grade point average is an
excellent score. There are some events and programs that reward students for having high and
excellent grades. The National Honor Society is one of those programs. In order for a student's
grade to stay on top, completing school assignments are an essential way to do so. It's not possible
to get through or even pass a class without completing assignments. Usually, the class expectations
will say for example quizzes are twenty–five percent, homework or classwork is fifteen percent, and
tests are forty percent when it comes to grading work. What if the student just focuses on the
bigger percentage? Even though the bigger percent has more impact on a student's grade, the
smaller grade percentages can still affect the student if it has not been completed at all because it
adds up and it still badly affects the grade. This is why completing assignments are important.
Participation in a class setting will improve a student's grade because getting involved in the class
discussions will help to understand the subject better. Some teachers even grade on participation,
which can be an easy "A". The next quality of becoming a good student is the type of behavior you
must show. Being respectful in the classroom is important because if a student is sent out for
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The essay explores about Assessment and its types , its uses in the field of education. How
assessments works how it can be helpful for students and teachers. How the forms of assessments fit
its purposes. Educational assessment is the process in which collecting of data from different sources
occurs in order to improve students learning and also to improve the teaching skills of teachers. This
gathered data is then analyzed and is used to understand about the level of students knowledge
whether the students have achieved the level that was intended to achieve.
''Educational assessment is a complex process involving gathering and analyzing data to support
decision–making about students and the evaluation of academic more content...
This report will show to which extent the student have reached to the intended goal''. (Gardner J.
Strengths and weaknesses of formative and summative assessments
Formative Assessment :
No grading in formative assessment so it carries away the anxiety from students. Teachers can check
if students can understand the instructions so she can step forward but if they are not she can take
step back for the benefit of students learning. Teachers can give instructions in order to make task or
activity easy for students so the students can understand them well enough. Formative assessment
can serve as a practice for students. In formative assessments the data can be used to help students to
better understand curriculum. Very easy to implement. Teachers can evaluate them selves with
formative assessment.[2]
Students may not take it as seriously as summative assessment. It can be a time taking process.
Students need different kinds of formative assessment at different stages in their learning.[2]
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Classification Essay Students
Being a student in today's society holds an immense amount of pressure to do one thing: graduate.
Thirteen years of school prepare students for the next major steps of their lives. Every student faces
many struggles and frustrations before graduation day arrives. One may be able to surmise a few
details about a student before they put pencil to paper or even speak. One can also make assumptions
about a student based on his or her seating position. Motivation, determination, and concentration
will establish a student's amount of success. The three categories of high school students are
underachievers, average students, and overachievers.
The first category of students is the underachievers, or the back row. These students lack
more content...
Choosing not to make any extra effort, they receive average grades and maintain average attendance.
They may not stand out in class, but their work is always completed. These students view extra
credit opportunities as a waste of time. These mediocre scholars are also the ones who believe that
Wikipedia is among the greatest inventions of all time, while is not. Students who
contain these characteristics make up the most common category.
The final group of students are the overachievers. They sit prim and proper in the front row raising
their eager hands. These workaholics are the ones whom teachers adore and whom fellow students
despise. They often exceed the expectations of any teachers. They constantly work hard and are
active in class. They take notes verbatim of what the teacher says, excel in group discussions, and
much to the demise of the other students, raise the academic bar to an unattainable level. Although
they are not often the greatest athletes, or the best at communicating with the opposite gender, they
separate themselves with their cerebral work ethic. These scholars find reading entertaining, and
would much rather solve a Rubik's cube than run a mile. One of them will be inevitably become
Valedictorian, and will give a speech at the podium come graduation day. When analyzing these
students, one could be looking at future doctors, engineers, and various activists.
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Essay about Types of Assessment Test
Types of Assessment Tests
1) Develop a chart (matrix) of 1000в€’1,250 words that compares and contrasts the different types of
assessments, the characteristics of each, and for what situations each is best suited. It should address
the following:
a) How is each type of assessment scored?
b) Discuss the value and limitations of each test in determining knowledge and skill standards.
c) Analyze each instrument for reliability and validity.
2) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
3) Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 3.
Ok I am going to lay the paper out as follows, I will give the type of assessment first, and then how
it is scored, then its limitations and then more content...
These can also be highly informal and done in a large group setting. If introducing a new topic,
start by just asking some real easy questions regarding the topic and then write them down on a
large piece of paper. This gives the students a visual aide and allows the teacher to have bases of
what information the kids know and what still needs to be addressed. Students on most occasions
tend to truly like this assessment because it gives them a chance to speak and be heard. Some
students on the other hand do not actually like it unless they are in a one on one setting with a teacher.
Oral Assessment instruments should have an acceptable level of reliability in terms of internal
consistency, test and re–test reliability and alternative form reliability. Its content must also have the
necessary validity to be a valid assessment instrument, must be predictive and concurrent.
Woodcock Johnson Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Revised. It has good high level tasks for
specific drill down areas and strong norms including pediatrics /grade level equivalents but is not
normed for ABI or other disease categories.
Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities Third Edition It's comprehensive battery is strong
and well normed. Client can pick and choose the subtests. Limitations: This is an expensive test to
administer and it is cumbersome to get full picture of client in one hour with this tool.
Scores in Oral Fluency
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Different types of Bullying Essay
More than 160,000 students miss school every day, due to fear of attack or intimidation by other
students, in other words getting bullied. Many of these students prefer to not say a thing. Ever
wondered what it feels like? Majority of people know this occurs everywhere but just ignore it; not
only that, some victims like to stay quiet due to fear. Based on case studies and statistics, there's
evidence to suggest that bullying can cause negative effects socially, emotionally, and physiologically
on children.
Types of Bullying
There are many types of bullying one of them is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying had become very
popular now and days. This type of bullying takes place on the internet, via text, or any multimedia more content...
Emotional bullying is when kids hurt others feeling. Lastly verbal bullying is when kids get
bullied by words or foul language and get put down. All of these types of bullying bring damages to
a kid physiologically.
Kids get bullied in school a lot. Sometimes, they do not have the best clothes, or because they are
not economically the same as others. Some get bullied because they are not as social as other
kids and prefer to stay alone most of the time. Physical appearance meaning as in size, color, or
ethnicity can cause a kid to get bullied in school also. What do these kids go through? They get
pushed at in the hallways. They get named called in class with words such as "freak" or "lame".
Not only that, sometimes these kids aren't allowed to sit in certain areas in the lunch tables or they
would get teased at for just being there. The commonest type of bullying is general name calling,
followed by being hit, threatened, or having rumors spread about one. Bullying is thought to be
more prevalent among boys and the youngest pupils in a school (smith 1). What are the effects
bullying cause in bullied kids' lives?
Causes and Effect
Kids should go through bullying at some point in their life so they can become stronger human
beings and learn that life is not always great, however, studies show that words from family
members or other people can hurt them and scar them for life. "Words actually hurt" is a quote well
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Types of Study Skills Essays
People always said knowledge can change their life. For many reasons, people keep learning new
things, then the skills of study turns to be more important. Nowadays, thanks for the internet; the
world is full of different information. It is difficult to let people study all of them, how to study and
what to study becomes a problem. Therefore, we have different study skills to help us study them;
Cognitive Learning Styles; Info processing model chart; Time management and goal setting; Twelve
Principles of Memory; Brain Dominance Theory and the note taking are part of them. Many people
keep asking the best study skill, but in my opinion, I think what they are looking for is the suitable
way to study.
Cognitive Learning more content...
And right hemisphere involves generalized, spatial, colors, visualization, imagination, pictures,
graphs, charts, intuition, interactive and rhythm.
Many people think they don't perform well on study because they not good at study. They can't
remember things as quick as others. This theory seems let peoples know their brain can be trained.
For example, Mao Yisheng (January 9, 1896 – 1989 12 November) a well knew bridge scientists,
civil engineering scientist, and educator for in China. He keep walk near the river and recite poetry
every morning, later than, he can recite things when other people finish writing. Therefore this is
one of the example shows the memory and brain can be trained.
Info processing model chart
Info processing model chart show that when we have short–term memory, we need to do some
rehearsals, after thatwe are can turn that information to long–term memory. However, when the
times gone, people still will forgot that information. Therefore, they need to keep rehearsals to sure
they will never forget it. For example, Kangxi Emperor also rehearsals 7 times after he recite it
50times.Chung–Hsuan Cheng (2011).
The Twelve Principles of Memory
The Twelve Principles of Memory separate to three part, the first principles are Selectively,
Association, Visualization, Elaboration; the second principles are Concentration, Recitation,
Intention, Big and Little Pictures and the
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Types Of Students Essay

  • 1. Diverse Learning Styles Essay The way a person best retains information is considered to be their preferred learning style (Irvine & York 1995). Knowing what learning style best fits with a student inside your classroom is important. Being conscious of how a student best learns will help the teacher plan how to provide the student with the knowledge that is needed to be learned in ways that best suits each student. Knowing students' learning styles can help in many ways to enhance both learning and teaching. Plenty of research has been done about how people learn and how the information is relayed to them. In result of the research, different tools have been created to categorize these learning styles and help people understand what style best fits them. There more content... Finally, tactile/kinesthetic learners, are better at learning material by using their body. This child will better understand material if they can touch it, and have hands–on activities (Bisson, 2002). As a teacher, understanding and having information about how your students best learn material and what their strengths and weaknesses are in the classroom will help insure that learning is taking place. Unfortunately, there are students in our classrooms who are not learning materials teachers are teaching; whether it is because the student finds the material difficult or it may be the way it is being taught to them. The most important goal as a teacher is to make sure every student in your classroom is learning and you are helping them be successful in education. As teachers we need to do whatever we can to make sure each student comprehends our content. Educators need to know about the different types of learners styles and be educated on what makes someone an auditory, visual or a tactile/kinesthetic learner. Once you understand each style and before we can adjust our lesson plans, we need to assess our students and determine who learns in what way the best. In order to address learning styles, teachers must be able to determine what method of learning each individual student prefers. Individual assessments are one way a teacher can look at these preferred styles. Lederhouse (2003), a researcher who did a study on the factors Get more content on
  • 2. Five Types Of Teaching Essay Teachers are mentors, heroes, and role models who inspire children to learn and expand their minds. A teacher and their skills as an educator determine how much their students will learn and the methods in which they are taught. Children learn best from teachers who use a variety of teaching tools to convey class material. There are different types of tools teachers can use that fit into five categories of teaching: active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun. These five types of teaching each include methods teachers can use to educated their students effectively and successfully. ![teach–1968076_1280.jpg]( /DQmWr6KEU8mnbUDqrKMAy6CKkSe1eQZaMT9sL2ynAmDNbGv/teach–1968076_1280.jpg) # Five Types of more content... For example: some students learn better using visual aids. These students can be allowed to use videos, pictures, charts, etc. to help them learn. A teacher will then test students using thelearning methods that they implemented to originally learn course material. ![board–2353410_1280.jpg]( /DQmXMrZcKJ4oUVg5AGm2XaatZ4rQEaiAVY3mU6p95Bd9vRj/board–2353410_1280.jpg) # Creative Teaching ## Under the creative teaching model, teachers break out of traditional teaching methods to find new and unique ways to teach students. Creative teachers don't follow a rigid curriculum but encourage freedom and independence. Students are asked to use their imagination and creativity to solve problems or complete assignments. A great example would be a science teacher taking their students on a field trip to a science museum. By getting out of a stuffy classroom they can make learning more interesting and can provide outside resources (tour guides, museum exhibits, etc.) within the museum to help them learn material. # Effective Teaching ## Effective teaching is a model where teachers try to provide students learning opportunities where their own experiences in their life can be applied to course material. Effective learning turns life experiences into teaching moments. Teachers provide students with tools and course material to help them understand Get more content on
  • 3. Different Abilities between Students in the Same Class A classroom represents a multi–cultural diversity between students. Every learner comes in with her own peculiarities in understanding. For this reason, no two students in the same class will possess the same abilities. Things like backgrounds, environment, and prior knowledge in languages will differ from one student to the other. Different abilities in terms of talents and strength make students in the same class different from each other. This paper therefore addresses the different abilities between students in the same class in relation to personal reflections. Considering the idea of different abilities between students in the same class takes me back to my times in school where I had a strong ability in quick learning and understanding, something that my fellow students in class struggled with. The ability has just evolved with time and I can attest to its presence in professional decision making, as I am very quick with grasping things very easily and figuring out their solutions without much struggle. When I look at this strength in my life today is when I clearly understand that despite the IQ level, no two students are the same in terms of abilities in learning. Even if students are grouped according to their test scores or whatever formula may be applied, their progress rates will always be at different levels due to the teaching methods, learning styles, and resources used (Luthar, Cicchetti and Becker, Get more content on
  • 4. The Different Types of Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism is very frequently talked about in all types of settings. Plagiarism is considered a fraud or a scam in most cases. Plagiarism is most commonly heard about and mentioned in a school environment. Since plagiarism is pretty must defined as copying somebody else's words or ideas as their own without giving credit to the proper author or writer, it makes this issue more commonly widespread than rare in all school settings. The demand of paper work and writing assignments can be overwhelming, especially when more than one has to be written for the same week or day. Let's face it, not everyone has the given talent to choose words with ease or can write papers without getting writers block. It can be a frustrating struggle, more content... Sometimes unintentional plagiarism can be projected by changing the format of a sentence or paragraph, but using the same words or by vise–aversely changing the words within the same sentence structure. Another frequent unintentional form of plagiarism is when a student does not provide quotations around the whole quoted sentence or does not incorporate valid citations, in which are being used. It is common for students to obtain certain amount of information from different resources and then once all accumulated forget where the information was found. It is vital to take good notes highlighting where the information was gathered to properly cite and quote phrases that don't correspond to you. Then there are those students that intentionally exhibit plagiarism. It's unethical and immorally wrong to intentionally plagiarize what one is writing. Copy and pasting exact sentences, paragraphs, or even pages word for word is an extreme form of plagiarizing with all aims of intentions. Even if the copying and pasting are from several web sources and plugged in together to complete an assignment or paper, it's still considered plagiarism, because credit is not being documented from each web source as needed. Substituting a pre–written paper from the internet, using somebody else's previously written paper, or having someone else write the paper for you as your own are other forms of plagiarism to Get more content on
  • 5. Individual Learning Styles Essay Individual Learning Styles The purpose of this research paper is to examine learning styles theories to determine if teaching students to use their own particular learning style can help ail them in increased educational success. The learning style aspect consists of six key areas including brain processing, sensory modalities, physical needs, environmental preferences, social aspects, and attitudes. Besides the way a person operates, there are two other important factors that play a key role in effecting a person?s learning style. These important factors include each individuals learning patterns and a theory known as multiple intelligences. Individual learning patterns are focused on four main types ES, IN, EN and the IS. more content... Now the student will have become a more effective learner, this will force the student to take responsibility for unlearned and unprepared material by taking the blame off of the teachers and placing it on the person at hand, the lazy student. Depending on the student, each one has their own and unique learning style that effects not only how they learn, but their concentration and the way in which they process the information given to them. The concept of left and right brain dominance has a great impact on the effectiveness of each students learning ability. And although age is an important factor concerning the way in which the student is able to learn and retain the information, the following 6 ways in which the individual operates pertain to students of all ages (Campbell, L., Campbell, B., 1999). Brain processing, or the way in which the brain is able to take in and perceive the information is the first of the six, and is important in understanding learning styles, this is where the left brain vs. right brain learning concept takes place. It is important to understand both sides of the brain and their ability to reason, however, they use different strategies and it may appear that one side is dominant to the other. The left–brain is known as a successive processor, which simply means that students who dominate in their left–brain learn step–by–step. These types of Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Teachers and Students Teachers and Students The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective. The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of the skills of more content... Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate them, but also keep them busy. Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this Get more content on
  • 7. Types Of Slackers Essay When it comes to school every student behaves differently in the classroom. Once I reached high school I realized that some students cared too much and some students didn't care at all; when it came to their education. Everyone knows someone who would always come to class but never do anything or someone who never missed a day of class and always participate in class discussions. During my years in high school I've observed several types of students and how they behaved in class. In my opinion, most students can be categorized as slackers, over achievers, or standards. Slackers are the students who almost never come to class or doing any assignments. These type of students usually just enough work to barely pass they class. A slacker never participates in any group or class activities. I knew a kid in high school who was a slacker, his name was Billy. He was a cool kid but sucked when it came down to getting assignments done. Billy barely came to class and when he did all he would do was day dream and play games on his phone. He almost never turned in any assignments and would always pass exams with a D average. Billy eventually dropped out more content... These type of students usually make C's, B's and sometimes an A on assignments. They might participate in class and group activities every now and then. My friend Monica would be considered as a standard student. If she received anything lower than a D average she might do a few extra credit assignments to boost her grade a little. She'd always turned in her assignments on time and was perfectly content with getting a C on anything. When it came to group activities, Monica usually only did a section of it and let the other members handle the rest. She graduated with our class, but there was nothing special about her grades. Standards are typically good students and only do what is required to maintain a decent grade in Get more content on
  • 8. The Different Types of Sports Essay "Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life". This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the message that sport is the game which has some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of playing sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind skills and much more. There are so many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players, the three main categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports is individual sports, in which a person can more content... You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives him new energy through which the person performs well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling, car racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but especially good for those people who are afraid of facing group of people during game and cannot perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and can build his confidence as well as personality. In addition, it also provides physical and mental strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at home and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind. The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the team wins. It is played between two teams who against each other and give their possible efforts to achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with Get more content on
  • 9. Different Learning Styles Essay Different Learning Styles Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people. Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content... Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores? Get more content on
  • 10. Best Ways To Study Essay Three Best Ways to Study For many students studying for an exam or a test can be very stressful. For a lot of them studying is very hard because sometimes most of the materials they study, they don't remember on the actual test or exam. However there are more than one way to study and most theses studying methods can be very helpful and very reliable. A Lot of students tend to cram all the studying two or the night before the test and according to UCLA professor of psychiatry Andrew J. Fuligni (2012) cramming and trying to get as much information in your head two or a night before the test is very counterproductive. How to study properly Although there are many ways and methods of studying whether it be scientific or a family belief , more content... A second method of studying is by studying in an appropriate setting (Chadron State College). Studying in an environment where distraction is very easy to find is very difficult. Studying in a quiet setting with a lot of space away from distraction can help you study and can help memory performance. With this setting it's also helpful to be consistent with the studying, studying at the same time and same place is very effective especially when this is done 2 –3 weeks prior to the test quiz or exam. With the proper setting, proper setting is also necessary. " Your study desk or table should be equipped with all the materials you might need to complete the assignment, e.g., pencils, pens, erasers, paper clips, stapler, dictionary, snacks, and liquid refreshments, etc." – Chadron State College. Adding items that can help you study and removing things that might distract is also need for effective studying. The third and final method of studying that is effective is studying while listening to music. According to Goodwin (2015), studying with music before a test can improve attention and can help lessen depression and anxiety. The "Mozart effect" is known to be helpful but of course today the effects will be very different since students don't tend to listen to Mozart. The type of music played also plays a pig role of studying. Studying with music that has lyrics is not recommended Get more content on
  • 11. 1.The curriculum comprises not only the formal statement of standards, materials, and teacher guides, but also the cocurriculum and the hidden curriculum. For a particular subject such as literacy, mathematics, or science, how have you seen these three types of curriculum affect you and other students? What roles did your teachers play with each type of curriculum? The curriculum teaches students the basics, and the cocuriculum can enhance them or also make students see how they can apply them in different situations. For example, some teachers try to make connections between the materials being taught and the student's lives; when they made the connections I had a better understanding and so did my classmates. As for the hidden curriculum is seems to affect the students more. If children go to a conservative school, they would be taught to dress in conservative and the other conservative rules of the school. Depending on the teachers "value about learning, the subject mater, ant he uniqueness of their students become elements of the hidden curriculum" (p. 339). I can evaluate the students progress regularly, and have discussions with colleges to learn more strategies to teach. 2.Today's teachers have the major responsibility for instruction. For the most part the curriculum is set. What do you see as the keys to providing effective instruction? What can you do to be sure that the instructional objectives you set for a given lesson engage all you students? "Once Get more content on
  • 12. What Kind Of Student I Am I have an idea about what kind of student I am. Over the years, I have realized that when I'm not interested or I feel like I'm not learning/understanding the material, I unconsciously withdraw. I'm already not a studier so paying attention 100 percent is crucial to my grade. I am very hardworking and can apply myself to fullest, the problem is I need to learn to apply myself even more when I'm in need of help, instead of retracting. Unfortunately, sometimes I am also a procrastinator, but it depends on what and how much the work it is. I can say that I am a very organized student/person. I color code my notes, make lists, and even set up timers to split my time accordingly. I am very interested to take some assessments to learn more about myself, and possibly make some changes. The first assessment I took was the Study Skills Assessment. For Time Management I got a 14 out of 32. I was a little surprised because I do think I manage my time well. Although I do get distracted easily with technology and I don't prioritize very efficiently, which makes sense on why I would score low. For Concentration/Memory I scored a 20 out of 32, which I think is accurate. I got a fair score, but it could be better. In the Note–Taking section I got a 27 out of 32. I wasn't shocked at all, I usually like taking notes and I've realized which strategies work for me and which don't. For Test Strategies I received a 23 out of 32. I was a little taken aback, I thought I would've scored lower. Get more content on
  • 13. Diversity in the Classroom Essay Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are more content... Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs, values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity. Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition, positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students Get more content on
  • 14. Characteristics Of A Good Student Essay A good student is someone who always tries to do the right thing and makes education an important priority. Being a good student in school is an excellent start on having a successful future. Motivation is the key to their success. There are many qualities to be considered a good student. Three of the most important qualities are maintaining good grades, having excellent behavior, and managing your time wisely. Trying to maintain good grades is very important when in school. Having grades like "A's" and "B's" for example will result in having many educational opportunities and rewards. Colleges, job companies, or scholarship committees will review grades and other information on a school transcript to see if that student is eligible and satisfy the requirements needed. GPA stands forgrade point average, so the higher the grade, the higher the GPA will climb up. This results in getting more money for college if the grade point average is an excellent score. There are some events and programs that reward students for having high and excellent grades. The National Honor Society is one of those programs. In order for a student's grade to stay on top, completing school assignments are an essential way to do so. It's not possible to get through or even pass a class without completing assignments. Usually, the class expectations will say for example quizzes are twenty–five percent, homework or classwork is fifteen percent, and tests are forty percent when it comes to grading work. What if the student just focuses on the bigger percentage? Even though the bigger percent has more impact on a student's grade, the smaller grade percentages can still affect the student if it has not been completed at all because it adds up and it still badly affects the grade. This is why completing assignments are important. Participation in a class setting will improve a student's grade because getting involved in the class discussions will help to understand the subject better. Some teachers even grade on participation, which can be an easy "A". The next quality of becoming a good student is the type of behavior you must show. Being respectful in the classroom is important because if a student is sent out for Get more content on
  • 15. Introduction: The essay explores about Assessment and its types , its uses in the field of education. How assessments works how it can be helpful for students and teachers. How the forms of assessments fit its purposes. Educational assessment is the process in which collecting of data from different sources occurs in order to improve students learning and also to improve the teaching skills of teachers. This gathered data is then analyzed and is used to understand about the level of students knowledge whether the students have achieved the level that was intended to achieve. ''Educational assessment is a complex process involving gathering and analyzing data to support decision–making about students and the evaluation of academic more content... This report will show to which extent the student have reached to the intended goal''. (Gardner J. 2012) Strengths and weaknesses of formative and summative assessments Formative Assessment : Strengths: No grading in formative assessment so it carries away the anxiety from students. Teachers can check if students can understand the instructions so she can step forward but if they are not she can take step back for the benefit of students learning. Teachers can give instructions in order to make task or activity easy for students so the students can understand them well enough. Formative assessment can serve as a practice for students. In formative assessments the data can be used to help students to better understand curriculum. Very easy to implement. Teachers can evaluate them selves with formative assessment.[2] Weaknesses: Students may not take it as seriously as summative assessment. It can be a time taking process. Students need different kinds of formative assessment at different stages in their learning.[2] [2]:–formative–assessment–andor–summative–assessment–more–be/ Summative Get more content on
  • 16. Classification Essay Students Being a student in today's society holds an immense amount of pressure to do one thing: graduate. Thirteen years of school prepare students for the next major steps of their lives. Every student faces many struggles and frustrations before graduation day arrives. One may be able to surmise a few details about a student before they put pencil to paper or even speak. One can also make assumptions about a student based on his or her seating position. Motivation, determination, and concentration will establish a student's amount of success. The three categories of high school students are underachievers, average students, and overachievers. The first category of students is the underachievers, or the back row. These students lack more content... Choosing not to make any extra effort, they receive average grades and maintain average attendance. They may not stand out in class, but their work is always completed. These students view extra credit opportunities as a waste of time. These mediocre scholars are also the ones who believe that Wikipedia is among the greatest inventions of all time, while is not. Students who contain these characteristics make up the most common category. The final group of students are the overachievers. They sit prim and proper in the front row raising their eager hands. These workaholics are the ones whom teachers adore and whom fellow students despise. They often exceed the expectations of any teachers. They constantly work hard and are active in class. They take notes verbatim of what the teacher says, excel in group discussions, and much to the demise of the other students, raise the academic bar to an unattainable level. Although they are not often the greatest athletes, or the best at communicating with the opposite gender, they separate themselves with their cerebral work ethic. These scholars find reading entertaining, and would much rather solve a Rubik's cube than run a mile. One of them will be inevitably become Valedictorian, and will give a speech at the podium come graduation day. When analyzing these students, one could be looking at future doctors, engineers, and various activists. Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Types of Assessment Test Types of Assessment Tests 1) Develop a chart (matrix) of 1000в€’1,250 words that compares and contrasts the different types of assessments, the characteristics of each, and for what situations each is best suited. It should address the following: a) How is each type of assessment scored? b) Discuss the value and limitations of each test in determining knowledge and skill standards. c) Analyze each instrument for reliability and validity. 2) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. 3) Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 3. Ok I am going to lay the paper out as follows, I will give the type of assessment first, and then how it is scored, then its limitations and then more content... These can also be highly informal and done in a large group setting. If introducing a new topic, start by just asking some real easy questions regarding the topic and then write them down on a large piece of paper. This gives the students a visual aide and allows the teacher to have bases of what information the kids know and what still needs to be addressed. Students on most occasions tend to truly like this assessment because it gives them a chance to speak and be heard. Some students on the other hand do not actually like it unless they are in a one on one setting with a teacher. Oral Assessment instruments should have an acceptable level of reliability in terms of internal consistency, test and re–test reliability and alternative form reliability. Its content must also have the necessary validity to be a valid assessment instrument, must be predictive and concurrent. Woodcock Johnson Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Revised. It has good high level tasks for specific drill down areas and strong norms including pediatrics /grade level equivalents but is not normed for ABI or other disease categories. Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities Third Edition It's comprehensive battery is strong and well normed. Client can pick and choose the subtests. Limitations: This is an expensive test to administer and it is cumbersome to get full picture of client in one hour with this tool. Scores in Oral Fluency Get more content on
  • 18. Different types of Bullying Essay More than 160,000 students miss school every day, due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students, in other words getting bullied. Many of these students prefer to not say a thing. Ever wondered what it feels like? Majority of people know this occurs everywhere but just ignore it; not only that, some victims like to stay quiet due to fear. Based on case studies and statistics, there's evidence to suggest that bullying can cause negative effects socially, emotionally, and physiologically on children. Types of Bullying There are many types of bullying one of them is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying had become very popular now and days. This type of bullying takes place on the internet, via text, or any multimedia more content... Emotional bullying is when kids hurt others feeling. Lastly verbal bullying is when kids get bullied by words or foul language and get put down. All of these types of bullying bring damages to a kid physiologically. Kids get bullied in school a lot. Sometimes, they do not have the best clothes, or because they are not economically the same as others. Some get bullied because they are not as social as other kids and prefer to stay alone most of the time. Physical appearance meaning as in size, color, or ethnicity can cause a kid to get bullied in school also. What do these kids go through? They get pushed at in the hallways. They get named called in class with words such as "freak" or "lame". Not only that, sometimes these kids aren't allowed to sit in certain areas in the lunch tables or they would get teased at for just being there. The commonest type of bullying is general name calling, followed by being hit, threatened, or having rumors spread about one. Bullying is thought to be more prevalent among boys and the youngest pupils in a school (smith 1). What are the effects bullying cause in bullied kids' lives? Causes and Effect Kids should go through bullying at some point in their life so they can become stronger human beings and learn that life is not always great, however, studies show that words from family members or other people can hurt them and scar them for life. "Words actually hurt" is a quote well Get more content on
  • 19. Types of Study Skills Essays Introduction People always said knowledge can change their life. For many reasons, people keep learning new things, then the skills of study turns to be more important. Nowadays, thanks for the internet; the world is full of different information. It is difficult to let people study all of them, how to study and what to study becomes a problem. Therefore, we have different study skills to help us study them; Cognitive Learning Styles; Info processing model chart; Time management and goal setting; Twelve Principles of Memory; Brain Dominance Theory and the note taking are part of them. Many people keep asking the best study skill, but in my opinion, I think what they are looking for is the suitable way to study. Cognitive Learning more content... And right hemisphere involves generalized, spatial, colors, visualization, imagination, pictures, graphs, charts, intuition, interactive and rhythm. Many people think they don't perform well on study because they not good at study. They can't remember things as quick as others. This theory seems let peoples know their brain can be trained. For example, Mao Yisheng (January 9, 1896 – 1989 12 November) a well knew bridge scientists, civil engineering scientist, and educator for in China. He keep walk near the river and recite poetry every morning, later than, he can recite things when other people finish writing. Therefore this is one of the example shows the memory and brain can be trained. Info processing model chart Info processing model chart show that when we have short–term memory, we need to do some rehearsals, after thatwe are can turn that information to long–term memory. However, when the times gone, people still will forgot that information. Therefore, they need to keep rehearsals to sure they will never forget it. For example, Kangxi Emperor also rehearsals 7 times after he recite it 50times.Chung–Hsuan Cheng (2011). The Twelve Principles of Memory The Twelve Principles of Memory separate to three part, the first principles are Selectively, Association, Visualization, Elaboration; the second principles are Concentration, Recitation, Intention, Big and Little Pictures and the Get more content on