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Exploring Metaphorical data on Technical
Lakshmi Himabindu Jonnalagadda
Department of Computer Science
University of North Carolina
Charlotte – 28262
Abstract--Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or a
phrase is applied to an object to which it is not literally
applicable. A csv or text file is taken which contains a
reasonable number of metaphors that are collected from
different websites. Another huge technical document is taken on
which analysis is done to identify if any metaphors collected
earlier are present or not. Initially, this is implemented using
Java programming language and regular expression concepts.
Later on, jobs might be run on Hadoop to identify if technical
documents contain any metaphors that were collected into the
text file.
This report focuses on how exactly metaphors are identified,
problems faced, results obtained and insights gained while doing
this project.
Key words: Metaphors, Shakespeare, Hadoop, and technical
documents,regular expressions.
Metaphors are collected from the Internet from various
websites. All these metaphors are collated into a csv file format
or a txt file format so that it can be used for comparison later on.
Over One thousand and eight hundred metaphors are collected
into the csv file, which includes very simple ones like
 “Sea of fire
 And also long ones like ‘All the world's a stage, and all
the men and women merely players. They have their
exits and their entrances’.
 The job interview was a rope ladder dropped from
 Words are the weapons with which we wound.”[1]
Few metaphors are common that we use in our everyday lives
like ‘Boiling mad’, ‘Breaking News’, ‘Brilliant Idea’, ‘Her
bubbly personality’ etc.
Complex or poetic metaphors are also collected that
Shakespeare used in his Sonnets and in his other works. Few
popular examples of Shakespeare metaphors are:
 “Look, love, what envious streaks
Do lace the severing clouds in yonder East:
Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day
Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops” [5]
 “Why art thou yet so fair? Shall I believe
that unsubstantial Death is amorous;
And that the lean abhorrèd monster keeps
Thee here in dark to be his paramour?” [5]
 “His two chamberlains Will I with wine and wassail so
convince, That memory, the warder of the brain, Shall
be a fume, and the receipt of reason A limbeck only.”
 “Time travels in divers paces with divers persons . . .
I’ll tell you who Ti m e ambles withal, who Time trots
withal, who Time gallops withal, and who he stands tall
 "So, haply slander--Whose whisper o'er the world's
diameter, As level as the cannon to his blank,
Transports his poison'd shot--may miss our name,
And hit the woundless air." [5]
Shakespeare used Rose as a metaphor to symbolize a married
woman, while a rose that is withered on the stem describes a
spinster. Shakespeare used metaphors to describe many more
topics such as life, time, universe, etc. His plays are full of
metaphors mainly related to birds, war, music, food, clothing,
love etc.
Initially regular expressions are used to check if any
metaphors saved in our dataset is present in technical documents.
A regular expression is a string used to describe a search pattern.
It is used to search any patterns in just one line even if program
is written in Java, C, .Net or PHP. Quantifiers are used for
searching patterns. These Quantifiers ‘?’, ‘*’, ‘+’ are used more
for searching patterns. For example: b*c regular expression
matches strings c, bc, bbc, bbbc etc. * searches for zero or more
occurrences of the preceding element. And ‘?’ searches for zero
or one occurrences of element preceding it. A simple exampleon
how to regular expressions is:
Regular expression for writing a username will be
something like this ^[ 𝑎 − 𝑧0 − 9− −]{3,15}$. Here ^ indicates
start of a line. A-z0-9 represents that username can have
alphabets and digits in it. Underscore and hyphen in the RE
matches if there are any underscore or hyphen in the username.
{3,15} says that username can have a minimum length of 3
characters and a maximumof 15 characters. There are tools like
GREP and PowerGrep using which regular expressions can be
used more efficiently.
Hadoop framework is used to run jobs on it, to verify if any
metaphors are present in technical documents or not. Hadoop is
an open source framework where we can store and process large
amounts of data making use of its distributed environment. It is
highly reliable and scalable.
Natural Language Processing is growing field, which is related
to Human Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence. In
comparing text between two files, we are making use of few
concepts from Natural Language Processing”.[7]
Many researches have been performed on finding metaphors
in text automatically using Natural Language Processing
concepts. Processing of metaphors automatically can be divided
into two tasks: metaphor recognition and metaphor interpretation.
Metaphor Recognition is finding the difference between a literal
and metaphor in a text document. Metaphor Interpretation is
finding the meaning of the metaphor. Metaphors are discussed in
four views, they are:
a) Comparison View
b) Interpretation View
c) Conceptual View
d) Selections Restrictions view
Fass made the first approach to identify metaphors
automatically in a text document. He developed a system to
distinguish between literals, metaphors and anomalies and also
to interpret metaphors; this was done in step-by-step process.
(Matter to be added here)
Results: Five types of metaphors are identified during research
a) Metaphors of Space: Many metaphors are found in the
area of space. Largest metaphor was “field” followed
by “area” Other metaphors in this category are
“byways”, “regions” etc. Researchers refer to their
work as part of a particular “field” or “area” [6]
b) Metaphors of Travel: Word that was found most in
metaphors under this category is “Steps”. Other words
found are “Track”, “Path”, and “Journey”. Words like
“flow”, “Sprint”, “Wading”, and “Embark” which
indicate movement. This kind of analogy gives the
reader the thought of investigation, of opening up new
ranges of examination, of taking off into the separation
to discover new information. It proposes a sense of
development included in research that exploration
requires a considerable measure of activity to convey it
to realization that nothing is found by sitting still, just
by moving into the unknown.
c) Metaphors of Action: Large number of words is found
commonly in metaphors under this category. Words
like “Working”, “Delve”, “Reap”, and “Combing”
which refer to some action involved in conducting
d) Metaphors of Body: Number of words were found in
metaphors are related to human body and animal body.
For example: words like “Body”, “Corpus”, “Grasp”,
“Infancy”. It is found that research in metaphors
doesn’t limit to a specific field, but it is spread across
various areas.
e) Metaphors of Ordeal: Words related to ordeal are used
in metaphors under this context. “Struggle”, “Fighting”,
“Crushed”, “Drown”, and “Inflict” etc. are used.
A. The Comparison of Metaphorical Concepts:
“The comparison of metaphorical concepts accounts for a
number of different actions and experiences. Barkfelt (2003) for
example in her study on metaphors of depression, found in
autobiographical writings, works out that some authors
experienced their illness as a light-dark contrast ("die Welt wird
zunehmend grau" - "the world is becoming increasingly grey");
others described their depression as an "Überfall" ("attack"),
which hits them unexpectedly and "niederwirft" ("knocked them
down"). The comparison of the two metaphorical concepts
points to different experiences of the illness, which manifests
itself at different speeds. The use of metaphor in terms of light
dark gives the perception of a transition, thus allowing room for
maneuvers, which is not possible when depression is perceived
as an "attack." In the latter, on the other hand, the illness is more
clearly defined as a personal and dangerous enemy than in the
first metaphorical concept. From this, Barkfelt derives a number
of different options for linguistic or therapeutic intervention. Put
more generally: The comparison of metaphorical concepts with
the models of actions they contain allows certain conclusions to
be drawn. However, these conclusions are only possible if the
context is understood fully. Barkfelt is only able to draw such
conclusions because she is able to recognize the various
implications, due to her competence in the field as a therapist, of
the metaphorical concept of depression – beyond any specialist
manual, which might simplify the process of coming to these
conclusions but which cannot produce them”.
B. Limits to the Use of Metaphor:
“In examining the question: "What is the expression-shortening,
knowledge preventing content of the metaphors used?" it is
possible to work out the "hiding" elements, the ideological and
cognitive deficits of a metaphorical concept. Which aspects does
this use of metaphor conceal? Again, making use of the
container image, it is not able to represent temporal aspects; one
is either "dicht" ("shut") or "nicht dicht" ("not shut"). The
"Verlauf" ("passing") of time is better described in the use of the
path metaphor ("im Leben weiter kommen" - "to make headway
in life", "to get ahead", to make "progress"): The image of the
container is not able to do this. Another example that we are
familiar with is the image of the "Großwetterlage" ("general
weather conditions"); used by the media to describe the
economic situation. The metamorphosis of market movements
into nature disguises the fact that one is dealing with a man-
made phenomenon. In nearly all cases, this use of metaphor can
form the basis of a discussion ofadvantages and disadvantages.
The deficits and resources of a metaphorical concept can be
reconstructed for the three stages in the usual individual, sub-
cultural and cultural use of metaphor. Naturally, the process of
assessment, in being able to see one aspect of a metaphor as
"highlighting" and another as "hiding," requires a subjectivity
that is able to draw on a culture that has been lived in and is
understood. It is therefore dependent on the discriminatory
ability of the person undertaking the interpretation”. [7]
C. Rules to Identify Metaphors:
Rules to identify metaphors are listed as follows:
a) “A word or phrase, strictly-speaking, can be understood
beyond the literal meaning in context of what is being
said; and
b) The literal meaning stems from an area of physical or
cultural experience (source area)
c) Which, however, is - in this context - transferred to a
second,often abstract, area (target area)”. [7]
The following examples of metaphors and their explanations are
taken from the paper titled “Systematic Metaphor Analysis as a
Method of Qualitative Research” by Rudolf Schmitt.
“You just don’t experience problems like that as being so
weighty (‘gewichtig’) when you are drunk.”
“It is easier (‘leichter’) to get into a conversation with people
when you’re no longer sober.”
“It was simply less burdensome (‘unbeschwerter’) after the
second beer.”
All three quotations are related to various states of drunkenness,
which is also the target area in a current investigation entitled
Which Experiences and Expectations are related to Alcohol
The common source area can be formulated in terms of a
“burden”, “effort”, and “weight” – the most suitable term will
become evident upon the discovery of further metaphors.
Thus, I would offer the following as an initial formulation of the
metaphorical concept:
“Drunkenness makes difficulties easier to bear”. [7]
“They met (‘getroffen’) there and got into an argument.”
“He tried to find (‘finden’) a way to reach him” (“Zugang zu
It could be argued that to meet (“treffen”) and find (“finden”)
require space to take place... But in this case it is a very strained
construction of a source area, which uses “space” in its most
abstract quality (i.e., it’s somehow simply being present).
Speaking metaphorically, it is an attempt to give a skinhead a
perm. Therefore, we have no common source area, no
metaphorical model here, even if the target area (interaction) is
the same. [7]
“He got out of his way” (“aus dem Weg gegangen”).
387 The Qualitative Report June 2005
“He is making progress (‘Fortschritte’) with his therapy.”
The same source area (path metaphor) but no common target
area. First interaction then individual development, therefore not
suitable for grouping in a common model. [7]
“She bubbled over with life” (‘gesprudelt vor Leben’).
“She effervesced (‘gesprüht’) as she told her story.”
“And then the dams burst (‘Dämme gebrochen’) as she told her
story and wept.”
We are able to ascribe the metaphors to the same source area
(moving liquid) and the same target area (emotional exchange).
The corresponding titles might be:
 Emotional vitality is running water.
 Emotional vitality is overflowing water.
 Emotional vitality is pressurized liquid.
A decision for one of these titles cannot yet be made; they are
provisional constructions. [7]
Experience shows that it is also too early to formulate a title
based on just three metaphors. We may well find further
metaphors to add to the image of the bursting dams.
It is true but hardly noticed by many that all of us speak in
metaphors quite often. Nobody has realized that we even live by
metaphors. George Lakoff came up with a huge list of
metaphors based on the different aspects of life. According to
him metaphors shape and refine our way of thinking, makes us
more imaginative and helps us in structuring our thoughts in a
better way. An example is quoted here, that is taken from a
source online “Thinking of marriage as a "contract agreement,"
for example, leads to one set of expectations, while thinking of it
as "teamplay," "a negotiated settlement," "Russian roulette," "an
indissoluble merger," or "a religious sacrament" will carry
different sets of expectations. When a government thinks of its
enemies as "turkeys or "clowns" it does not take them as serious
threats, but if the are "pawns" in the hands of the communists,
they are taken seriously indeed.” [8]
D. Concepts and metaphors we live by:
Most people think that they don’t need and use metaphors in
their daily lives but George Lakoff says that according to his
studies, metaphors are a important part of everyone’s lives even
if they fail to notice it. In his article, George took an example to
explain how metaphors are thought of as concepts and how they
are used in everyday lives. A conceptual example “Metaphor is
War” is taken. [8] This conceptual metaphor is used in different
forms and expressions by many of us.Those are:
 “Your claims are indefensible.
 He attacked every weak point in my argument.
 His criticisms were right on target.
 I demolished his argument.
 I've never won an argument with him.
 You disagree? Okay, shoot!
 If you use that strategy, he'll wipe you out.
 He shot down all of my arguments.” [8]
Here, Argument is war metaphor is the one that we live by, or to
be clearer, it means that we structure our actions based on the
term arguing. People can also have different views and thoughts
about arguments or doesn’t consider the above statements as
arguments at all. This is what makes it a conceptual metaphor.
“The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing
one kind of thing in terms of another” [8]
‘Time’ is explained as how it is used in metaphors by using
simple English words. Few metaphors are quoted here that are
taken from Lakoff list of metaphors.
 “You're wasting my time.
 This gadget will save you hours. I don't have the time
to give you.
 How do you spend your time these days? That flat tire
cost me an hour.
 I've invested a lot of time in her.
 I don't have enough time to spare for that. You're
running out of time.
 You need to budget yourtime.
 Put aside aside some time for ping-pong.
 Is that worth your while?
 Do you have much time left?
 He's living on I borrowed time.
 You don't use your time, profitably.
 I lost a lot of time when I got sick.
 Thank you for your time.
 She spends hertime unwisely.
 The diversion should buy him some time.
 Time is money
 Time heals all wounds.
 Time will make you forget.
 Time had made her look old.
 Time had not been kind to him.
 The ravages of time”. [1] [8]
A significantly more subtle instance of how a metaphorical
idea can conceal a part of our experience can be seen in what
Michael Reddy has called the "conduit metaphor."' Reddy
watches that our dialect about language is organized generally
by the following metaphor. Conduit metaphors are those in
which an idea is put into words and sent to a person. Michael
Reddy documented many metaphors in this category during his
research. Few examples of those are taken from his works:
 “It's hard to get that idea across to him.
 I gave you that idea.
 Your reasons came through to us.
 It's difficult to put my ideas into words.
 When you have a good idea, try to capture it
immediately in words.
 Try to pack more thought into fewer words.
 You can't simply stuff ideas into a sentence any old
 The meaning is right there in the words.
 Don't force your meanings into the wrong words.
 His words carry little meaning.
 The introduction has a great deal of thought content.
 Your words seem hollow.
 The sentence is without meaning.
 The idea is buried in terribly dense paragraphs”.[8]
There are also orientation metaphors where emotions or words
are described using directions/orientations. For example: Happy
is up and sad is down. Here direction up is used to denote
happiness as it has a positive meaning. Similarly, direction down
is used to show sadness. Few examples are taken from George
Lakoff papers and his works. They are:
 “I'm feeling up.
 That boosted my spirits.
 My spirits rose.
 You’re in high spirits.
 Thinking about her always gives me a lift.
 I'm feeling down.
 He's really low these days.
 My spirits sank.” [8]
Orientation up always has a positive meaning whereas down
always has a negative meaning. Similar examples pointing to
direction up and down are:
 The number of books printed each year keeps going up.
 His draft number is high.
 My income rose last year.
 The amount of artistic activity in this state has gone
down in the past year.
 The number of errors he made is incredibly low.
 His income fell last year.
 If you're 100 hot,turn the heat down. [8]
Metaphors are collected into a csv or text file from various
sources. A program is written in Java programming language
using regex matcher and regex pattern classes. Regex Matcher
class has a Matcher method that matches a complete input line
against a pattern. Java Matcher class is used to find multiple
occurrences of a regular expression in a text file. Pattern class is
used to work with regular expressions. As this class identifies
the patterns of regular expressions. This is also called as pattern
matching. Pattern.Matches can be used to see if a text matches
the regular expression (pattern). Pattern.compile can also be
used with a pattern object to check for the text matching the
regular expression. This is useful when multiple files are to be
Metaphors file is taken as input into ArrayList and similarly
technical document is also taken into the array. Here ArrayLists
are used, as it is dynamic in nature. It does not allocate fixed
memory like in arrays; memory can change depending on the
file used. This is very helpful as comparison is done using
different files and length of it is bound to change.
ArrayList<String> metaphor_list = new
ArrayList<String> Shakespeare = new
readFileIntoArray("metaphors.txt", metaphor_list);
readFileIntoArray("Shakespeare.txt", Shakespeare);
A. Comparison against Shakespeare document:
Comparison and analysis was first done on Shakespeare
document. It contains few poems Shakespeare had written and
few scenes taken from Macbeth and Hamlet. It also contains
Shakespeare’s Sonnets. On the whole it is a collection of his
for(String s : Shakespeare)
for(String m : metaphor_list)
Instances for Shakespeare file and metaphor list are created.
Pattern r = Pattern.compile(m.trim());
Matcher mr = r.matcher(s);
Here, pattern instance is created, and then a Matcher instance is
created from it. Any text that matches the text in metaphor list
are retrieved and displayed on the console. If no metaphors are
found then a message is printed saying “There are no metaphors
in the file”.
FileReader and BufferedReader are used to read a file.
FileNotFoundException and IOException is put in catch block
to prevent bad behavior at run time.
Fig 1. Metaphors retrievedfromShakespeare document.
Fig 2: Metaphors retrievedfrom Shakespeare document.
The java program written checks if any metaphors saved in
our dataset are present in Shakespeare document or not. And a
reasonable number of metaphors are retrieved from it.
As it is seen from the screenshot, twenty-two metaphors are
retrieved from Shakespeare document. Few of those are:
 But thy eternal summer shall not fade
 For who's so dumb that cannot write to thee, When thou
thy self dost give invention light Be thou the tenth
Muse, ten times more in worth Than those old nine
which rhymers invocate, And he that calls on thee, let
him bring forth.
 For every storm that blows.
 Fell from their boughs,and left me open,bare.
 In his bright radiance and collateral light Must I be
comforted, not in his sphere.
 Tis a commodity will lose the gloss with lying; the
longer kept, the less worth.
 Off with't while 'tis vendible; answer the time of
 These three world-sharers, these competitors, Are in
thy vessel.
 Let me cut the cable; and when we are put off, fall to
their throats.
 All there is thine.
 They have their exits and their entrances.
 All the world's a stage.
 My gentle Puck, come hither.
 Ten times thy self were happier than thou art, If ten of
thine ten times refigured thee: Then what could death
do if thou shouldst depart, Leaving thee living in
 But myself,Who had the world as my
confectionary;The mouths, the tongues, the eyes, and
hearts of menAt duty, more than I could frame
employment;That numberless upon me stuck, as
leavesDo on an oak, have with one Winter's brushFell
from their boughs, and left me open, bareFor every
storm that blows.
Here, two metaphors are retrieved twice, as it occurs twice in the
Shakespeare document.
B. Comparison against Milton document:
The same Java program can be on another poetic document
‘Milton’ just be changing name in this command:
readFileIntoArray("Shakespeare.txt", Shakespeare);
Here, Shakespeare.txt is replaced by Milton.txt. Nine metaphors
were retrieved from it as well and screenshot of its results can be
seen below:
 All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies.
 At last surrounds theirsight, A globe of circular light,
That with long beams the shame faced night arrayed
The helmed Cherubim And sworded Seraphim, Are
seen in glittering ranks with wings displaid, Harping in
loud and solemn quire, With unexpressive notes to
Heav'ns new-born Heir.
 His principles being ceast,he ended strait.
 They left me weary on a grassie terf.
 FAIREST flower no soonerblown but blasted, Soft
silken Primrose fading timelesslie, Summers chief
honourif thou hadst outlasted Bleak winters force that
made thy blossome drie; For he being amorous on that
lovely die That did thy cheek envermeil, thought to
kiss But kill'd alas, and then bewayl'd his fatal bliss.
Fig 3: Metaphors retrievedfrom Miltondocument.
 And peace shall lull him in her flowry lap.
 When I considerhow my light is spent, E're half my
days,in this dark world and wide.
C. Checking on Patent Documents
Patent documents downloaded from USPTO Patent website
are used in the next step. Downloaded from Patent Grant Full
Text (1976 – Present) link, and verified on patents of 2014, 2013,
2012, and 2011. It is in xml file format. Xml tags are removed
and analysis is done on the document. Only two metaphors were
found in one document from 2013 archive. To continue with this
research, few more patent documents can be analyzed to see if
any more metaphors can be retrieved.
Fig 4 Metaphors retrievedfrom one ofthe 2013patent documents.
No metaphors were retrieved from 2012, 2014, 2015 patent
documents. Not all documents are analyzed from these archives,
but the ones used didn’t retrieve any metaphors.
Fig 5: Screenshot showingno metaphors retrievedfrom2012patent document.
Firstly, Hadoop has to be installed on the machine.
Requirements to install Hadoop on a Mac OS X are:
a) Java Version 1.6 or later
b) Ruby, Home brew
c) SSH and Remote Login
Homebrew installs Hadoop 2.3. Commands given to install
Hadoop using brew is $brew install Hadoop. Homebrew is a
package manager that installs and uninstalls software. This tool
is of great help as Hadoop installation makes it easier.
Homebrew installs a single node cluster. Commands used to run
Hadoop locally on machine are:
 $ ./start –
 $ ./start –
$jps is a command used to check how many nodes are running
and to verify if Hadoop is running or not.
Access to Hadoop on university server has to be granted. After it
is granted, check if all the nodes are running or not.
Technical documents like USPTO patent files are to be used to
check for metaphors against our dataset. For more analysis
poetic documents like Shakespeare and Milton can also be used
to check for metaphors.
Metaphors are expressions that are used to describe a thing,
object or a situation etc. Metaphors can be divided into various
categories. For this project, documents were compared against a
couple of thousand metaphors. Around twenty-two metaphors
were retrieved from Shakespeare document, nine from Milton
and a very less number from one patent document. Whole
project is done in Java programming language, using the concept
of regular expressions.
Dataset of metaphors taken here is small when compared to the
ocean of metaphors that are available. The dataset can be
modified and compared against various other technical and
poetic documents. Time taken by the program to retrieve results
is a bit high, which can be optimized in the future.
[1] Index of /lakoff/ metaphors, retrieved from ~sugimoto / MasterMetaphorList
[2] Metaphorexamples, E reading worksheets, retrieved from
[3] Metaphorexamples, retrieved from
[4] MetaphorDefination, Literary Devices, retrieved from
[5] Shakespeare's Metaphors, A compliation of Shakespeare's
most powerful metaphors by Shakespearean scholar Henry
Norman Hudson.Available: http://www.shakespeare-
[6] Pitcher, Rod. "The metaphors that research students live
by." The qualitative report 18.36 (2013): 1-8.
[7] Schmitt, Rudolph. "Systematic metaphor analysis as a
method of qualitative research." The Qualitative Report 10.2
(2005): 358-394.
[8] The Systematicity of Metaphorical Concepts,retrieved from
[9] Henry V, William Shakespeare, retrieved from
[10] 10 Java Regular expressions you should know, by mkyong,
retrieved from
[11] USPTO Patent Grant Full Text, retrieved from
[12] 200 short and sweet metaphor examples, retrieved from
[13] Shakespeare's Metaphors and Similes, from Shakespeare:
His Life, Art, and Characters, Volume I. New York: Ginn and
Co. Available: http://www.shakespeare-
[14] SHAKESPEARE’S SONNETS , BY William Shakespeare,
retrieved from
[15] Shakespeare’s most popular quotes by Shakespeare,
retrieved from
[16] Meta, Milton and Metaphor: Models of Subjective
Experience, by Penny Tompkins and James Lawley, First
published in Rapport,journal of the Association for NLP (UK),
Issue 36, August 1996. Available:
[17] Metaphorically Speaking Unlocking the meaning of
Shakespeare’s metaphors. Retrieved from
[18] Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference, retrieved
[19] Java Regex - Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern), retrieved
[20] Methods ofthe Pattern Class, retrieved from
[21] Java Regex - Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher), retrieved
Source Code:
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) {
ArrayList<String> metaphor_list = new
ArrayList<String> Shakespeare = new
readFileIntoArray("metaphors.txt", metaphor_list);
readFileIntoArray(“Shakespeare.txt", Shakespeare);
int i =0;
int j=0;
for(String s : Shakespeare)
for(String m : metaphor_list)
Pattern r = Pattern.compile(m.trim());
Matcher mr = r.matcher(s);
if(mr.find()) {
System.out.println("Number of Metaphors found are : "
if (j==0)
System.out.println("There are no metaphors in the
public static void readFileIntoArray(String fileName,
ArrayList<String> list)
String line = null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
try {
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(fileName);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new
while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
catch(FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("Unable to open file '" + fileName +
catch(IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Error reading file '"+ fileName +
catch(OutOfMemoryError ex){
System.out.println("File occupying too much space,
unable to open '" + fileName + "'");
StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new
StringTokenizer(builder.toString(), ".");
while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())

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  • 1. Exploring Metaphorical data on Technical Documents Lakshmi Himabindu Jonnalagadda Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina Charlotte – 28262 Abstract--Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is applied to an object to which it is not literally applicable. A csv or text file is taken which contains a reasonable number of metaphors that are collected from different websites. Another huge technical document is taken on which analysis is done to identify if any metaphors collected earlier are present or not. Initially, this is implemented using Java programming language and regular expression concepts. Later on, jobs might be run on Hadoop to identify if technical documents contain any metaphors that were collected into the text file. This report focuses on how exactly metaphors are identified, problems faced, results obtained and insights gained while doing this project. Key words: Metaphors, Shakespeare, Hadoop, and technical documents,regular expressions. I. INTRODUCTION Metaphors are collected from the Internet from various websites. All these metaphors are collated into a csv file format or a txt file format so that it can be used for comparison later on. Over One thousand and eight hundred metaphors are collected into the csv file, which includes very simple ones like  “Sea of fire  And also long ones like ‘All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances’.  The job interview was a rope ladder dropped from heaven.  Words are the weapons with which we wound.”[1] Few metaphors are common that we use in our everyday lives like ‘Boiling mad’, ‘Breaking News’, ‘Brilliant Idea’, ‘Her bubbly personality’ etc. Complex or poetic metaphors are also collected that Shakespeare used in his Sonnets and in his other works. Few popular examples of Shakespeare metaphors are:  “Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder East: Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops” [5]  “Why art thou yet so fair? Shall I believe that unsubstantial Death is amorous; And that the lean abhorrèd monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour?” [5]  “His two chamberlains Will I with wine and wassail so convince, That memory, the warder of the brain, Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason A limbeck only.” [5]  “Time travels in divers paces with divers persons . . . I’ll tell you who Ti m e ambles withal, who Time trots withal, who Time gallops withal, and who he stands tall withal”[9]  "So, haply slander--Whose whisper o'er the world's diameter, As level as the cannon to his blank, Transports his poison'd shot--may miss our name, And hit the woundless air." [5] Shakespeare used Rose as a metaphor to symbolize a married woman, while a rose that is withered on the stem describes a spinster. Shakespeare used metaphors to describe many more topics such as life, time, universe, etc. His plays are full of metaphors mainly related to birds, war, music, food, clothing, love etc. Initially regular expressions are used to check if any metaphors saved in our dataset is present in technical documents. A regular expression is a string used to describe a search pattern. It is used to search any patterns in just one line even if program is written in Java, C, .Net or PHP. Quantifiers are used for searching patterns. These Quantifiers ‘?’, ‘*’, ‘+’ are used more for searching patterns. For example: b*c regular expression matches strings c, bc, bbc, bbbc etc. * searches for zero or more occurrences of the preceding element. And ‘?’ searches for zero or one occurrences of element preceding it. A simple exampleon how to regular expressions is: Regular expression for writing a username will be something like this ^[ 𝑎 − 𝑧0 − 9− −]{3,15}$. Here ^ indicates start of a line. A-z0-9 represents that username can have alphabets and digits in it. Underscore and hyphen in the RE matches if there are any underscore or hyphen in the username. {3,15} says that username can have a minimum length of 3 characters and a maximumof 15 characters. There are tools like GREP and PowerGrep using which regular expressions can be used more efficiently. Hadoop framework is used to run jobs on it, to verify if any metaphors are present in technical documents or not. Hadoop is an open source framework where we can store and process large
  • 2. amounts of data making use of its distributed environment. It is highly reliable and scalable. Natural Language Processing is growing field, which is related to Human Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence. In comparing text between two files, we are making use of few concepts from Natural Language Processing”.[7] II. SUMMARY OF ARTICLES ON METAPHORS Many researches have been performed on finding metaphors in text automatically using Natural Language Processing concepts. Processing of metaphors automatically can be divided into two tasks: metaphor recognition and metaphor interpretation. Metaphor Recognition is finding the difference between a literal and metaphor in a text document. Metaphor Interpretation is finding the meaning of the metaphor. Metaphors are discussed in four views, they are: a) Comparison View b) Interpretation View c) Conceptual View d) Selections Restrictions view Fass made the first approach to identify metaphors automatically in a text document. He developed a system to distinguish between literals, metaphors and anomalies and also to interpret metaphors; this was done in step-by-step process. (Matter to be added here) Results: Five types of metaphors are identified during research process. a) Metaphors of Space: Many metaphors are found in the area of space. Largest metaphor was “field” followed by “area” Other metaphors in this category are “byways”, “regions” etc. Researchers refer to their work as part of a particular “field” or “area” [6] b) Metaphors of Travel: Word that was found most in metaphors under this category is “Steps”. Other words found are “Track”, “Path”, and “Journey”. Words like “flow”, “Sprint”, “Wading”, and “Embark” which indicate movement. This kind of analogy gives the reader the thought of investigation, of opening up new ranges of examination, of taking off into the separation to discover new information. It proposes a sense of development included in research that exploration requires a considerable measure of activity to convey it to realization that nothing is found by sitting still, just by moving into the unknown. c) Metaphors of Action: Large number of words is found commonly in metaphors under this category. Words like “Working”, “Delve”, “Reap”, and “Combing” which refer to some action involved in conducting research. d) Metaphors of Body: Number of words were found in metaphors are related to human body and animal body. For example: words like “Body”, “Corpus”, “Grasp”, “Infancy”. It is found that research in metaphors doesn’t limit to a specific field, but it is spread across various areas. e) Metaphors of Ordeal: Words related to ordeal are used in metaphors under this context. “Struggle”, “Fighting”, “Crushed”, “Drown”, and “Inflict” etc. are used. A. The Comparison of Metaphorical Concepts: “The comparison of metaphorical concepts accounts for a number of different actions and experiences. Barkfelt (2003) for example in her study on metaphors of depression, found in autobiographical writings, works out that some authors experienced their illness as a light-dark contrast ("die Welt wird zunehmend grau" - "the world is becoming increasingly grey"); others described their depression as an "Überfall" ("attack"), which hits them unexpectedly and "niederwirft" ("knocked them down"). The comparison of the two metaphorical concepts points to different experiences of the illness, which manifests itself at different speeds. The use of metaphor in terms of light dark gives the perception of a transition, thus allowing room for maneuvers, which is not possible when depression is perceived as an "attack." In the latter, on the other hand, the illness is more clearly defined as a personal and dangerous enemy than in the first metaphorical concept. From this, Barkfelt derives a number of different options for linguistic or therapeutic intervention. Put more generally: The comparison of metaphorical concepts with the models of actions they contain allows certain conclusions to be drawn. However, these conclusions are only possible if the context is understood fully. Barkfelt is only able to draw such conclusions because she is able to recognize the various implications, due to her competence in the field as a therapist, of the metaphorical concept of depression – beyond any specialist manual, which might simplify the process of coming to these conclusions but which cannot produce them”. B. Limits to the Use of Metaphor: “In examining the question: "What is the expression-shortening, knowledge preventing content of the metaphors used?" it is possible to work out the "hiding" elements, the ideological and cognitive deficits of a metaphorical concept. Which aspects does this use of metaphor conceal? Again, making use of the container image, it is not able to represent temporal aspects; one is either "dicht" ("shut") or "nicht dicht" ("not shut"). The "Verlauf" ("passing") of time is better described in the use of the path metaphor ("im Leben weiter kommen" - "to make headway in life", "to get ahead", to make "progress"): The image of the container is not able to do this. Another example that we are familiar with is the image of the "Großwetterlage" ("general weather conditions"); used by the media to describe the economic situation. The metamorphosis of market movements into nature disguises the fact that one is dealing with a man- made phenomenon. In nearly all cases, this use of metaphor can form the basis of a discussion ofadvantages and disadvantages.
  • 3. The deficits and resources of a metaphorical concept can be reconstructed for the three stages in the usual individual, sub- cultural and cultural use of metaphor. Naturally, the process of assessment, in being able to see one aspect of a metaphor as "highlighting" and another as "hiding," requires a subjectivity that is able to draw on a culture that has been lived in and is understood. It is therefore dependent on the discriminatory ability of the person undertaking the interpretation”. [7] C. Rules to Identify Metaphors: Rules to identify metaphors are listed as follows: a) “A word or phrase, strictly-speaking, can be understood beyond the literal meaning in context of what is being said; and b) The literal meaning stems from an area of physical or cultural experience (source area) c) Which, however, is - in this context - transferred to a second,often abstract, area (target area)”. [7] The following examples of metaphors and their explanations are taken from the paper titled “Systematic Metaphor Analysis as a Method of Qualitative Research” by Rudolf Schmitt. EXAMPLE 1: “You just don’t experience problems like that as being so weighty (‘gewichtig’) when you are drunk.” “It is easier (‘leichter’) to get into a conversation with people when you’re no longer sober.” “It was simply less burdensome (‘unbeschwerter’) after the second beer.” All three quotations are related to various states of drunkenness, which is also the target area in a current investigation entitled Which Experiences and Expectations are related to Alcohol Consumption? The common source area can be formulated in terms of a “burden”, “effort”, and “weight” – the most suitable term will become evident upon the discovery of further metaphors. Thus, I would offer the following as an initial formulation of the metaphorical concept: “Drunkenness makes difficulties easier to bear”. [7] EXAMPLE 2: “They met (‘getroffen’) there and got into an argument.” “He tried to find (‘finden’) a way to reach him” (“Zugang zu ihm”). It could be argued that to meet (“treffen”) and find (“finden”) require space to take place... But in this case it is a very strained construction of a source area, which uses “space” in its most abstract quality (i.e., it’s somehow simply being present). Speaking metaphorically, it is an attempt to give a skinhead a perm. Therefore, we have no common source area, no metaphorical model here, even if the target area (interaction) is the same. [7] EXAMPLE 3: “He got out of his way” (“aus dem Weg gegangen”). 387 The Qualitative Report June 2005 “He is making progress (‘Fortschritte’) with his therapy.” The same source area (path metaphor) but no common target area. First interaction then individual development, therefore not suitable for grouping in a common model. [7] EXAMPLE 4: “She bubbled over with life” (‘gesprudelt vor Leben’). “She effervesced (‘gesprüht’) as she told her story.” “And then the dams burst (‘Dämme gebrochen’) as she told her story and wept.” We are able to ascribe the metaphors to the same source area (moving liquid) and the same target area (emotional exchange). The corresponding titles might be:  Emotional vitality is running water.  Emotional vitality is overflowing water.  Emotional vitality is pressurized liquid. A decision for one of these titles cannot yet be made; they are provisional constructions. [7] Experience shows that it is also too early to formulate a title based on just three metaphors. We may well find further metaphors to add to the image of the bursting dams. It is true but hardly noticed by many that all of us speak in metaphors quite often. Nobody has realized that we even live by metaphors. George Lakoff came up with a huge list of metaphors based on the different aspects of life. According to him metaphors shape and refine our way of thinking, makes us more imaginative and helps us in structuring our thoughts in a better way. An example is quoted here, that is taken from a source online “Thinking of marriage as a "contract agreement," for example, leads to one set of expectations, while thinking of it as "teamplay," "a negotiated settlement," "Russian roulette," "an indissoluble merger," or "a religious sacrament" will carry different sets of expectations. When a government thinks of its enemies as "turkeys or "clowns" it does not take them as serious threats, but if the are "pawns" in the hands of the communists, they are taken seriously indeed.” [8] D. Concepts and metaphors we live by: Most people think that they don’t need and use metaphors in their daily lives but George Lakoff says that according to his studies, metaphors are a important part of everyone’s lives even if they fail to notice it. In his article, George took an example to explain how metaphors are thought of as concepts and how they are used in everyday lives. A conceptual example “Metaphor is War” is taken. [8] This conceptual metaphor is used in different forms and expressions by many of us.Those are:  “Your claims are indefensible.  He attacked every weak point in my argument.  His criticisms were right on target.  I demolished his argument.  I've never won an argument with him.  You disagree? Okay, shoot!  If you use that strategy, he'll wipe you out.
  • 4.  He shot down all of my arguments.” [8] Here, Argument is war metaphor is the one that we live by, or to be clearer, it means that we structure our actions based on the term arguing. People can also have different views and thoughts about arguments or doesn’t consider the above statements as arguments at all. This is what makes it a conceptual metaphor. “The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another” [8] ‘Time’ is explained as how it is used in metaphors by using simple English words. Few metaphors are quoted here that are taken from Lakoff list of metaphors.  “You're wasting my time.  This gadget will save you hours. I don't have the time to give you.  How do you spend your time these days? That flat tire cost me an hour.  I've invested a lot of time in her.  I don't have enough time to spare for that. You're running out of time.  You need to budget yourtime.  Put aside aside some time for ping-pong.  Is that worth your while?  Do you have much time left?  He's living on I borrowed time.  You don't use your time, profitably.  I lost a lot of time when I got sick.  Thank you for your time.  She spends hertime unwisely.  The diversion should buy him some time.  Time is money  Time heals all wounds.  Time will make you forget.  Time had made her look old.  Time had not been kind to him.  The ravages of time”. [1] [8] A significantly more subtle instance of how a metaphorical idea can conceal a part of our experience can be seen in what Michael Reddy has called the "conduit metaphor."' Reddy watches that our dialect about language is organized generally by the following metaphor. Conduit metaphors are those in which an idea is put into words and sent to a person. Michael Reddy documented many metaphors in this category during his research. Few examples of those are taken from his works:  “It's hard to get that idea across to him.  I gave you that idea.  Your reasons came through to us.  It's difficult to put my ideas into words.  When you have a good idea, try to capture it immediately in words.  Try to pack more thought into fewer words.  You can't simply stuff ideas into a sentence any old way.  The meaning is right there in the words.  Don't force your meanings into the wrong words.  His words carry little meaning.  The introduction has a great deal of thought content.  Your words seem hollow.  The sentence is without meaning.  The idea is buried in terribly dense paragraphs”.[8] There are also orientation metaphors where emotions or words are described using directions/orientations. For example: Happy is up and sad is down. Here direction up is used to denote happiness as it has a positive meaning. Similarly, direction down is used to show sadness. Few examples are taken from George Lakoff papers and his works. They are:  “I'm feeling up.  That boosted my spirits.  My spirits rose.  You’re in high spirits.  Thinking about her always gives me a lift.  I'm feeling down.  He's really low these days.  My spirits sank.” [8] Orientation up always has a positive meaning whereas down always has a negative meaning. Similar examples pointing to direction up and down are:  The number of books printed each year keeps going up.  His draft number is high.  My income rose last year.  The amount of artistic activity in this state has gone down in the past year.  The number of errors he made is incredibly low.  His income fell last year.  If you're 100 hot,turn the heat down. [8] III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Metaphors are collected into a csv or text file from various sources. A program is written in Java programming language using regex matcher and regex pattern classes. Regex Matcher class has a Matcher method that matches a complete input line against a pattern. Java Matcher class is used to find multiple occurrences of a regular expression in a text file. Pattern class is used to work with regular expressions. As this class identifies the patterns of regular expressions. This is also called as pattern matching. Pattern.Matches can be used to see if a text matches the regular expression (pattern). Pattern.compile can also be used with a pattern object to check for the text matching the regular expression. This is useful when multiple files are to be compared. Metaphors file is taken as input into ArrayList and similarly technical document is also taken into the array. Here ArrayLists
  • 5. are used, as it is dynamic in nature. It does not allocate fixed memory like in arrays; memory can change depending on the file used. This is very helpful as comparison is done using different files and length of it is bound to change. ArrayList<String> metaphor_list = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> Shakespeare = new ArrayList<String>(); readFileIntoArray("metaphors.txt", metaphor_list); readFileIntoArray("Shakespeare.txt", Shakespeare); A. Comparison against Shakespeare document: Comparison and analysis was first done on Shakespeare document. It contains few poems Shakespeare had written and few scenes taken from Macbeth and Hamlet. It also contains Shakespeare’s Sonnets. On the whole it is a collection of his works. for(String s : Shakespeare) { for(String m : metaphor_list) { Instances for Shakespeare file and metaphor list are created. Pattern r = Pattern.compile(m.trim()); Matcher mr = r.matcher(s); Here, pattern instance is created, and then a Matcher instance is created from it. Any text that matches the text in metaphor list are retrieved and displayed on the console. If no metaphors are found then a message is printed saying “There are no metaphors in the file”. FileReader and BufferedReader are used to read a file. FileNotFoundException and IOException is put in catch block to prevent bad behavior at run time. Fig 1. Metaphors retrievedfromShakespeare document. Fig 2: Metaphors retrievedfrom Shakespeare document. Results: The java program written checks if any metaphors saved in our dataset are present in Shakespeare document or not. And a reasonable number of metaphors are retrieved from it. As it is seen from the screenshot, twenty-two metaphors are retrieved from Shakespeare document. Few of those are:  But thy eternal summer shall not fade  For who's so dumb that cannot write to thee, When thou thy self dost give invention light Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth Than those old nine which rhymers invocate, And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth.  For every storm that blows.  Fell from their boughs,and left me open,bare.  In his bright radiance and collateral light Must I be comforted, not in his sphere.  Tis a commodity will lose the gloss with lying; the longer kept, the less worth.  Off with't while 'tis vendible; answer the time of request.  These three world-sharers, these competitors, Are in thy vessel.  Let me cut the cable; and when we are put off, fall to their throats.  All there is thine.  They have their exits and their entrances.  All the world's a stage.  My gentle Puck, come hither.  Ten times thy self were happier than thou art, If ten of thine ten times refigured thee: Then what could death do if thou shouldst depart, Leaving thee living in posterity?.
  • 6.  But myself,Who had the world as my confectionary;The mouths, the tongues, the eyes, and hearts of menAt duty, more than I could frame employment;That numberless upon me stuck, as leavesDo on an oak, have with one Winter's brushFell from their boughs, and left me open, bareFor every storm that blows. Here, two metaphors are retrieved twice, as it occurs twice in the Shakespeare document. B. Comparison against Milton document: The same Java program can be on another poetic document ‘Milton’ just be changing name in this command: readFileIntoArray("Shakespeare.txt", Shakespeare); Here, Shakespeare.txt is replaced by Milton.txt. Nine metaphors were retrieved from it as well and screenshot of its results can be seen below:  All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies.  At last surrounds theirsight, A globe of circular light, That with long beams the shame faced night arrayed The helmed Cherubim And sworded Seraphim, Are seen in glittering ranks with wings displaid, Harping in loud and solemn quire, With unexpressive notes to Heav'ns new-born Heir.  His principles being ceast,he ended strait.  They left me weary on a grassie terf.  FAIREST flower no soonerblown but blasted, Soft silken Primrose fading timelesslie, Summers chief honourif thou hadst outlasted Bleak winters force that made thy blossome drie; For he being amorous on that lovely die That did thy cheek envermeil, thought to kiss But kill'd alas, and then bewayl'd his fatal bliss. Fig 3: Metaphors retrievedfrom Miltondocument.  And peace shall lull him in her flowry lap.  When I considerhow my light is spent, E're half my days,in this dark world and wide. C. Checking on Patent Documents Patent documents downloaded from USPTO Patent website are used in the next step. Downloaded from Patent Grant Full Text (1976 – Present) link, and verified on patents of 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011. It is in xml file format. Xml tags are removed and analysis is done on the document. Only two metaphors were found in one document from 2013 archive. To continue with this research, few more patent documents can be analyzed to see if any more metaphors can be retrieved. Fig 4 Metaphors retrievedfrom one ofthe 2013patent documents. No metaphors were retrieved from 2012, 2014, 2015 patent documents. Not all documents are analyzed from these archives, but the ones used didn’t retrieve any metaphors. Fig 5: Screenshot showingno metaphors retrievedfrom2012patent document.
  • 7. IV. WORKING IN HADOOP Firstly, Hadoop has to be installed on the machine. Requirements to install Hadoop on a Mac OS X are: a) Java Version 1.6 or later b) Ruby, Home brew c) SSH and Remote Login Homebrew installs Hadoop 2.3. Commands given to install Hadoop using brew is $brew install Hadoop. Homebrew is a package manager that installs and uninstalls software. This tool is of great help as Hadoop installation makes it easier. Homebrew installs a single node cluster. Commands used to run Hadoop locally on machine are:  $ ./start –  $ ./start – $jps is a command used to check how many nodes are running and to verify if Hadoop is running or not. Access to Hadoop on university server has to be granted. After it is granted, check if all the nodes are running or not. Technical documents like USPTO patent files are to be used to check for metaphors against our dataset. For more analysis poetic documents like Shakespeare and Milton can also be used to check for metaphors. V. CONCLUSION Metaphors are expressions that are used to describe a thing, object or a situation etc. Metaphors can be divided into various categories. For this project, documents were compared against a couple of thousand metaphors. Around twenty-two metaphors were retrieved from Shakespeare document, nine from Milton and a very less number from one patent document. Whole project is done in Java programming language, using the concept of regular expressions. VI. FUTURE SCOPE Dataset of metaphors taken here is small when compared to the ocean of metaphors that are available. The dataset can be modified and compared against various other technical and poetic documents. Time taken by the program to retrieve results is a bit high, which can be optimized in the future. REFERENCES [1] Index of /lakoff/ metaphors, retrieved from ~sugimoto / MasterMetaphorList /metaphors/ [2] Metaphorexamples, E reading worksheets, retrieved from language/figurative-language-examples/metaphor-examples/ [3] Metaphorexamples, retrieved from [4] MetaphorDefination, Literary Devices, retrieved from [5] Shakespeare's Metaphors, A compliation of Shakespeare's most powerful metaphors by Shakespearean scholar Henry Norman Hudson.Available: http://www.shakespeare- [6] Pitcher, Rod. "The metaphors that research students live by." The qualitative report 18.36 (2013): 1-8. [7] Schmitt, Rudolph. "Systematic metaphor analysis as a method of qualitative research." The Qualitative Report 10.2 (2005): 358-394. [8] The Systematicity of Metaphorical Concepts,retrieved from [9] Henry V, William Shakespeare, retrieved from [10] 10 Java Regular expressions you should know, by mkyong, retrieved from java-regular-expression-examples-you-should-know/ [11] USPTO Patent Grant Full Text, retrieved from text.html#2013 [12] 200 short and sweet metaphor examples, retrieved from examples/ [13] Shakespeare's Metaphors and Similes, from Shakespeare: His Life, Art, and Characters, Volume I. New York: Ginn and Co. Available: http://www.shakespeare- [14] SHAKESPEARE’S SONNETS , BY William Shakespeare, retrieved from html [15] Shakespeare’s most popular quotes by Shakespeare, retrieved from [16] Meta, Milton and Metaphor: Models of Subjective Experience, by Penny Tompkins and James Lawley, First published in Rapport,journal of the Association for NLP (UK), Issue 36, August 1996. Available:
  • 8. Milton-Metaphor-Models-of-Subjective-Experience/Page1.html [17] Metaphorically Speaking Unlocking the meaning of Shakespeare’s metaphors. Retrieved from s/shakespeare.pdf [18] Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference, retrieved from us/library/az24scfc(v=vs.110).aspx [19] Java Regex - Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern), retrieved from [20] Methods ofthe Pattern Class, retrieved from ml [21] Java Regex - Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher), retrieved from APPENDIX Source Code: import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { ArrayList<String> metaphor_list = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> Shakespeare = new ArrayList<String>(); readFileIntoArray("metaphors.txt", metaphor_list); readFileIntoArray(“Shakespeare.txt", Shakespeare); int i =0; int j=0; for(String s : Shakespeare) { for(String m : metaphor_list) { Pattern r = Pattern.compile(m.trim()); Matcher mr = r.matcher(s); if(mr.find()) { System.out.println(m); System.out.printf("%n"); j++; } //System.out.println(s); } } System.out.println("Number of Metaphors found are : " +j); if (j==0) System.out.println("There are no metaphors in the file"); } public static void readFileIntoArray(String fileName, ArrayList<String> list) { String line = null; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(fileName); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); } bufferedReader.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("Unable to open file '" + fileName + "'"); } catch(IOException ex) { System.out.println("Error reading file '"+ fileName + "'"); } catch(OutOfMemoryError ex){ System.out.println("File occupying too much space, unable to open '" + fileName + "'"); } StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(builder.toString(), "."); while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(stringTokenizer.nextToken()+"."); } } }