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Stress Diary Journal Guides                                                 Guide 6: Secondary Gains
                                                                                                            Guide 6: Secondary

                                                                                                             Reasons for Secondary
Stress Diary Journal                                                                                                  gain

Your Guide                                                                                                   Rewards

                                                                                                             Attention

                                                                                                             Fear of responsibility
What is S econdary G ains?
                                                                                                             Loss of love
Secondary gain is a psychiatric     Secondary gain does not mean        Chronic pain is pain that
term meaning that a person has      the person is “faking”.             continues on past the time of an     Loss of income
a hidden reason for holding                                             injury being healed, often having
onto an undesirable condition.      Reasons for secondary gain:         no apparent cause in the             Reinforcement of a
Frequently this reason is           Examples                            present. Finding and releasing        behaviour
unconscious. It is obviously                                            the perception of secondary
unconscious because the loss        * For instance, often smokers       gain, such as the attention one      Getting care and
of holding onto the condition is    aren't ready to quit because        receives, monetary compensa-          encouragement
often far greater than the          having a cigarette is the only      tion for disability, or just the
perceived gain. The secondary       "break" they allow themselves,      need to deny the original cause      Maintaining status quo
gain trap is not something          and they're not willing to live     of the pain, can greatly
shameful. It’s a behavioural        life with no breaks - no            contribute to healing.               Ensuring conformity
mechanism that people get           relaxation periods or time away
trapped in, not a negative          from work or family or their        * Fear of responsibility is          Resistance to change
reflection on your personality      own stressful thoughts. Once        another secondary gain. One
(i.e. does not mean your            they see that, and find a way to    may feel that added success,         Reducing anxiety
personality = manipulative).        take a different kind of break,     love or prosperity is going to
Secondary gain does not mean        say, a 15-minute walk, or a quick   ultimately demand more than          Denying conflict/
having the problem is positive      lie-down, or whatever, the need     can be provided. One may be           confrontation
for the person overall, just that   is satisfied and they're suddenly   exposed as a fraud - being
there are some benefits to it.      *willing* unconsciously to let      "found out" as not really            Enforces a created
When distress/impairment is         go of the cigarettes                capable or competent to cope          persona
kept going by secondary gain                                            with this higher level of good.
mechanisms, it’s not any less       * This term is often used in
real than any other kind!!          chronic pain management.

R easons for S econdary G ain
* Loss of love may be a deciding    welfare, unemployment benefits      does not really like spending
factor. One may feel that they      or family support.                  time with their partner’s              ‘Having a
will move out of the sphere of                                          friends. When person is              hidden reason
their current peer group,           * Stop drinking. Your conscious     experiencing a lot of pain, their
family, or romantic relationship    mind says, well you should stop     partner does not pressure            for holding on
if they change too much.            drinking. The unconscious mind      them to go to social events as            to an
                                    is thinking, drinking equals        much. Their pain is reinforced.       undesirable
* Loss of income. Ironically        comfort, relaxation, ease,
enough, some will prevent           de-stressing, etc. That is          *      Client    gets     more
themselves from manifesting a       secondary gain. And, why would      encouragement and caring
greater income because they         anyone give that up?                comments from their therapist
will lose the current, reliable                                         the longer they stay distressed
income. This can apply to           * A person with chronic pain        during sessions. Person staying
Page 2               Stress Diary Journal

                     distressed is reinforced.             reinforced                         overwhelming. If they get
                                                                                              “unsick” they will need to
                     * Person uses depression as           * Person is scared of letting      return to work and fulfil their
                     explanation for why they can’t        people close to them. They act     own      or    others’     high
                     do something their partner            outlandishly      and     people   expectations. Staying sick (this
                     wants, when they would find it        withdraw from them. Acting         could be chronic fatigue, an
                     hard even if they were not            outlandishly is reinforced.        eating disorder etc) is
                     depressed. Their partner backs                                           reinforced.
                     off when they cite their              * Person with social anxiety
                     depression as the reason for          feels understood when they         * Person is scared of
                     their behaviour. Attributing          start learning about social        succeeding almost as much as
                     problems to depression is             anxiety. They create an identity   they are scared of failing.
                     reinforced.                           around having anxiety. Having      Person knows making changes
                                                           social anxiety is reinforced by    to their work process would
                     * A person’s partner does not         feeling understood.                give them a chance of
                     leave then while they are                                                succeeding on a much bigger
                     depressed or suicidal. Staying        * Person finds the pressure of     scale than their current level of
                     depressed     /suicidal      is       their work and/or achieving        success. They don’t make the

                     changes they know are likely to       * How do you think secondary       with an answer. Also be aware
         “ How do    help because when they get            gain is trying to serve you?       that as soon as you become
                     started on the changes they get       * What's its higher purpose for    conscious of the unconscious
         you think   a spike in anxiety about              your benefit?                      gain, it is no longer the
                     succeeding.                           A good idea is to examine what     unconscious gain. Once you
    Secondary                                              NOT achieving your conscious       have identified the underlying
        Gain is      * Person is putting off their life    goal, or the particular way in     strong payoff you can think
                     (e.g. putting off dating) until       which you go about things, is      about and try out other ways of
      trying to      they lose weight. If dating is        getting for you, or allowing you   getting the same payoff that
         serve       anxiety provoking, then not           to do.                             would still allow you to have the
                     losing weight is reinforced.          * What's the payoff?               original conscious goal.
         you?”                                             Then examine the benefits and
                     How to work with this? Ask            payoff of THAT.                    The idea is not to give up the
                     yourself                                                                 secondary gain but to find
                                                           And so on until you come up        other ways of achieving it that

                     are more compatible with your         work with the secondary gain to    do?
                     overall goals and lifestyle           be able to increase your           Gives me a good excuse not to
                     preference. If getting drunk is       resourceful options.               fly...
                     the only way you know how to
                     relax you will definitely drink. If   An example process to              What does having a good
                     it is one of 15 really effective      determine cause                    excuse not to fly get for you or
                     ways you have of unwinding at         * Fear of flying. You desire to    allow you to do?
                     the end of the day you have a         overcome your fear of flying,      Keeps me safe
                     lot of choice, and can CHOOSE         and have had difficulty doing
                     the method that is right for you.     so... you decide to examine        What does being safe get for
                     If you have a desire to be a non      what fear of flying is doing for   you or allow you to do.?
                     -drinker you are more likely to       you or allowing you to do.         Go on living
                     choose one of the many ways
                     available to you that do not          Ask: What does being afraid of     What does going on living get
                     involve drinking. You need to         flying get for me or allow me to   for you or allow you to do?
Page 3                                                                                                Guide 6: Secondary Gains

everything! Live, learn laugh       Apply it to yourself:              * What do you not gain by
grow...                                                                having this problem?
                                    Identify a persistent important    * What don't you gain by having
What does being able to do          problem where you’re not doing     this problem?
everything, live learn laugh and    the things that a reasonable       * What do you gain by having
grow get for you or allow you to    person would consider are          this problem?
do?                                 likely to help solve/improve the   * What don't you not gain by
achieve my dreams                   problem.                           having this problem?
                                    Ask yourself –
What does being able to achieve
your dreams get for you or          * Are there any “benefits”         Do remember it is essential to
allow you to do?                    you’re getting from staying        recognise the positive intention
makes life worth living             stuck?       [e.g.      reduced    behind      dysfunctional     or
and so on...                        expectations, not having to do     destructive          behaviours.
                                    things other people want you to    Sometimes the gain relates to
                                    do that you don’t really want to   out of date or childhood inten-
                                    do].                               tions and the behaviour
                                                                       becomes stuck in the absence

of up to date alternatives thatpurpose of "acting out", or being       To tease out the secondary gain    “ Identify a persistent
better fit in with the more adult
                               resistant to change, is that for        is therefore a question,
context of how someone's life  all the negative judgement and          sometimes of adding resources      important problem
has developed. Often these     consequence the behaviour(s)            to the situations where these      where you’re not doing
patterns are laid down as a    might evoke, at a level of choice,      learnings were first made,         the things that a
result of childhood trauma or  it is easier for the person to          prior to the problem behaviour
at times abuse, and will often stress, use drugs, get into fights,     becoming habitualised or           reasonable person
be embedded in the way that    self harm, etc, than it is to face      normalised as a lifestyle          would consider are
reflects the developmental     the emotions attached to the            choice.
                                                                                                          likely to help solve/
personality stage at the time. original attention seeking
                               behaviours, such as abandon-            How do we determine whether        improve the problem”
People may choose to ‘act out’ ment, aloneness, fear of                we have secondary gain
behaviours their conscious punishment etc...whatever that              issues? Many of us do not want
deem appropriate and safe for might be.                                to admit that we've been
them and in some cases the                                             standing in our own way.

Writing it down will help hold it You may have more than one           join a support group, write or
in consciousness for you.           reason. Perhaps you're afraid      keep a stress diary or journal
                                    of the responsibility plus the     on it, meditate about it, do all
Here's how it works. Start whole idea of reality creation,             the things you would do with a
coming up with ideas of what deep down, is a little scary. It          conscious issue to heal it.
your secondary gain *might* be. happens. But your subconscious         You may have more than one
Of course if you've got mind won't be willing to give it               secondary gain and it will need
glimmerings of what it actually up unless you treat it with            to be dealt with as well. This
is, note it down. But, be respect, that is, accept that                doesn't make you a bad person.
speculative. An excellent way of deep within you lies a real issue
viewing this is to ask yourself the that must be resolved.             On the contrary, it shows you
above questions.                                                       as a courageous and aware
Get the reason(s) on paper, Once you have your issue, go to            individual, willing to face the
spoken to your friend or on tape. work on it. Get therapy for it,      truth that lies within.
Page 4
                                 The Stress Diaries we have available

The Stress Diary Journal

This 4 week programme to complete stress mastery, is an invaluable tool to effectively manage your stress -
to gain insight and explore self understanding. The Stress Diary Journal allows you to record your daily stress
incidents & to monitor these incidents and analyse them – on a daily basis, for a period of 4 weeks. Divided into
4 weekly sections for you to master your stress progressively and more competently, it helps you review your
initial appraisals, stress responses, your reactions & to identify your stress triggers, to then restructure your
thoughts, your attitude and subsequent behaviours. You will be able to easier identify negative behaviour
patterns, to increase your stress awareness, to learn new coping skills and to let you adapt new & alternative
strategies. You will learn renewed self management skills, inner control, effective goal setting, time
management skills, to overcome obstacles and increased perseverance to complete set tasks and to instil
newfound routines, competencies and behaviours. It helps you to know yourself and manage your life more
completely. This is an invaluable tool to gain unique insight, explore self-understanding, learn stress
management skills and effectively manage your stress – in 4 weeks!

                With a purchase of any of these Diaries, you get full Stress Management Support

Stress Diary: Daily Recorder Journal

A companion guide to the Stress Diary Journal in a handy size to carry about , and for you to easily record
your daily stress entries. Each Stress entry is individually presented for ease of recording ‘on the go’ and to
then transfer these entries to your Stress Diary Journal, or this Stress Diary: Reflection Journal, at the
end of your day. Making remembering these Stress incidents/events much easier and keeping you in touch
with managing your stress more effectively.

                                    Get a FREE Relaxation Music MP3 !
                                    With your purchase of any of these

Stress Diary: Reflection Journal

This Stress Reflection Diary Journal is a companion guide to the Stress Diary/Journal and used as an
additional tool to further enhance your insight and understanding of your stress. You are to choose
1 significant Stress Entry per day, from your Stress Diary Journal for the length of your 4 week programme,
that you may want to elaborate and focus on. Using the guideline questions and answer spaces that are
provided, and you can add your personal notes or thoughts about your day or progress. Weekly summaries of
your progress are included, to advance and monitor your progress and by answering these questions and
adding your own observations, you will increase your skills at understand, managing your reactions and
responses to your daily stress triggers and stressors. The Reflection Journal is an easy way to record and
focus on how to reflect on your experiences and how you can learn from it.

Get these Stress Diary Journals at

                                                                                                                    Copyright ©

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Stress diary guide 6. secondary gain

  • 1. Stress Diary Journal Guides Guide 6: Secondary Gains Guide 6: Secondary Gains Reasons for Secondary Stress Diary Journal gain Your Guide  Rewards  Attention  Fear of responsibility What is S econdary G ains?  Loss of love Secondary gain is a psychiatric Secondary gain does not mean Chronic pain is pain that term meaning that a person has the person is “faking”. continues on past the time of an  Loss of income a hidden reason for holding injury being healed, often having onto an undesirable condition. Reasons for secondary gain: no apparent cause in the  Reinforcement of a Frequently this reason is Examples present. Finding and releasing behaviour unconscious. It is obviously the perception of secondary unconscious because the loss * For instance, often smokers gain, such as the attention one  Getting care and of holding onto the condition is aren't ready to quit because receives, monetary compensa- encouragement often far greater than the having a cigarette is the only tion for disability, or just the perceived gain. The secondary "break" they allow themselves, need to deny the original cause  Maintaining status quo gain trap is not something and they're not willing to live of the pain, can greatly shameful. It’s a behavioural life with no breaks - no contribute to healing.  Ensuring conformity mechanism that people get relaxation periods or time away trapped in, not a negative from work or family or their * Fear of responsibility is  Resistance to change reflection on your personality own stressful thoughts. Once another secondary gain. One (i.e. does not mean your they see that, and find a way to may feel that added success,  Reducing anxiety personality = manipulative). take a different kind of break, love or prosperity is going to Secondary gain does not mean say, a 15-minute walk, or a quick ultimately demand more than  Denying conflict/ having the problem is positive lie-down, or whatever, the need can be provided. One may be confrontation for the person overall, just that is satisfied and they're suddenly exposed as a fraud - being there are some benefits to it. *willing* unconsciously to let "found out" as not really  Enforces a created When distress/impairment is go of the cigarettes capable or competent to cope persona kept going by secondary gain with this higher level of good. mechanisms, it’s not any less * This term is often used in real than any other kind!! chronic pain management. R easons for S econdary G ain * Loss of love may be a deciding welfare, unemployment benefits does not really like spending factor. One may feel that they or family support. time with their partner’s ‘Having a will move out of the sphere of friends. When person is hidden reason their current peer group, * Stop drinking. Your conscious experiencing a lot of pain, their family, or romantic relationship mind says, well you should stop partner does not pressure for holding on if they change too much. drinking. The unconscious mind them to go to social events as to an is thinking, drinking equals much. Their pain is reinforced. undesirable * Loss of income. Ironically comfort, relaxation, ease, enough, some will prevent de-stressing, etc. That is * Client gets more condition! themselves from manifesting a secondary gain. And, why would encouragement and caring greater income because they anyone give that up? comments from their therapist will lose the current, reliable the longer they stay distressed income. This can apply to * A person with chronic pain during sessions. Person staying
  • 2. Page 2 Stress Diary Journal distressed is reinforced. reinforced overwhelming. If they get “unsick” they will need to * Person uses depression as * Person is scared of letting return to work and fulfil their explanation for why they can’t people close to them. They act own or others’ high do something their partner outlandishly and people expectations. Staying sick (this wants, when they would find it withdraw from them. Acting could be chronic fatigue, an hard even if they were not outlandishly is reinforced. eating disorder etc) is depressed. Their partner backs reinforced. off when they cite their * Person with social anxiety depression as the reason for feels understood when they * Person is scared of their behaviour. Attributing start learning about social succeeding almost as much as problems to depression is anxiety. They create an identity they are scared of failing. reinforced. around having anxiety. Having Person knows making changes social anxiety is reinforced by to their work process would * A person’s partner does not feeling understood. give them a chance of leave then while they are succeeding on a much bigger depressed or suicidal. Staying * Person finds the pressure of scale than their current level of depressed /suicidal is their work and/or achieving success. They don’t make the changes they know are likely to * How do you think secondary with an answer. Also be aware “ How do help because when they get gain is trying to serve you? that as soon as you become started on the changes they get * What's its higher purpose for conscious of the unconscious you think a spike in anxiety about your benefit? gain, it is no longer the succeeding. A good idea is to examine what unconscious gain. Once you Secondary NOT achieving your conscious have identified the underlying Gain is * Person is putting off their life goal, or the particular way in strong payoff you can think (e.g. putting off dating) until which you go about things, is about and try out other ways of trying to they lose weight. If dating is getting for you, or allowing you getting the same payoff that serve anxiety provoking, then not to do. would still allow you to have the losing weight is reinforced. * What's the payoff? original conscious goal. you?” Then examine the benefits and How to work with this? Ask payoff of THAT. The idea is not to give up the yourself secondary gain but to find And so on until you come up other ways of achieving it that are more compatible with your work with the secondary gain to do? overall goals and lifestyle be able to increase your Gives me a good excuse not to preference. If getting drunk is resourceful options. fly... the only way you know how to relax you will definitely drink. If An example process to What does having a good it is one of 15 really effective determine cause excuse not to fly get for you or ways you have of unwinding at * Fear of flying. You desire to allow you to do? the end of the day you have a overcome your fear of flying, Keeps me safe lot of choice, and can CHOOSE and have had difficulty doing the method that is right for you. so... you decide to examine What does being safe get for If you have a desire to be a non what fear of flying is doing for you or allow you to do.? -drinker you are more likely to you or allowing you to do. Go on living choose one of the many ways available to you that do not Ask: What does being afraid of What does going on living get involve drinking. You need to flying get for me or allow me to for you or allow you to do?
  • 3. Page 3 Guide 6: Secondary Gains everything! Live, learn laugh Apply it to yourself: * What do you not gain by grow... having this problem? Identify a persistent important * What don't you gain by having What does being able to do problem where you’re not doing this problem? everything, live learn laugh and the things that a reasonable * What do you gain by having grow get for you or allow you to person would consider are this problem? do? likely to help solve/improve the * What don't you not gain by achieve my dreams problem. having this problem? Ask yourself – What does being able to achieve your dreams get for you or * Are there any “benefits” Do remember it is essential to allow you to do? you’re getting from staying recognise the positive intention makes life worth living stuck? [e.g. reduced behind dysfunctional or and so on... expectations, not having to do destructive behaviours. things other people want you to Sometimes the gain relates to do that you don’t really want to out of date or childhood inten- do]. tions and the behaviour becomes stuck in the absence of up to date alternatives thatpurpose of "acting out", or being To tease out the secondary gain “ Identify a persistent better fit in with the more adult resistant to change, is that for is therefore a question, context of how someone's life all the negative judgement and sometimes of adding resources important problem has developed. Often these consequence the behaviour(s) to the situations where these where you’re not doing patterns are laid down as a might evoke, at a level of choice, learnings were first made, the things that a result of childhood trauma or it is easier for the person to prior to the problem behaviour at times abuse, and will often stress, use drugs, get into fights, becoming habitualised or reasonable person be embedded in the way that self harm, etc, than it is to face normalised as a lifestyle would consider are reflects the developmental the emotions attached to the choice. likely to help solve/ personality stage at the time. original attention seeking behaviours, such as abandon- How do we determine whether improve the problem” People may choose to ‘act out’ ment, aloneness, fear of we have secondary gain behaviours their conscious punishment etc...whatever that issues? Many of us do not want deem appropriate and safe for might be. to admit that we've been them and in some cases the standing in our own way. Writing it down will help hold it You may have more than one join a support group, write or in consciousness for you. reason. Perhaps you're afraid keep a stress diary or journal of the responsibility plus the on it, meditate about it, do all Here's how it works. Start whole idea of reality creation, the things you would do with a coming up with ideas of what deep down, is a little scary. It conscious issue to heal it. your secondary gain *might* be. happens. But your subconscious You may have more than one Of course if you've got mind won't be willing to give it secondary gain and it will need glimmerings of what it actually up unless you treat it with to be dealt with as well. This is, note it down. But, be respect, that is, accept that doesn't make you a bad person. speculative. An excellent way of deep within you lies a real issue viewing this is to ask yourself the that must be resolved. On the contrary, it shows you above questions. as a courageous and aware Get the reason(s) on paper, Once you have your issue, go to individual, willing to face the spoken to your friend or on tape. work on it. Get therapy for it, truth that lies within.
  • 4. Page 4 The Stress Diaries we have available The Stress Diary Journal This 4 week programme to complete stress mastery, is an invaluable tool to effectively manage your stress - to gain insight and explore self understanding. The Stress Diary Journal allows you to record your daily stress incidents & to monitor these incidents and analyse them – on a daily basis, for a period of 4 weeks. Divided into 4 weekly sections for you to master your stress progressively and more competently, it helps you review your initial appraisals, stress responses, your reactions & to identify your stress triggers, to then restructure your thoughts, your attitude and subsequent behaviours. You will be able to easier identify negative behaviour patterns, to increase your stress awareness, to learn new coping skills and to let you adapt new & alternative strategies. You will learn renewed self management skills, inner control, effective goal setting, time management skills, to overcome obstacles and increased perseverance to complete set tasks and to instil newfound routines, competencies and behaviours. It helps you to know yourself and manage your life more completely. This is an invaluable tool to gain unique insight, explore self-understanding, learn stress management skills and effectively manage your stress – in 4 weeks! With a purchase of any of these Diaries, you get full Stress Management Support @ Stress Diary: Daily Recorder Journal A companion guide to the Stress Diary Journal in a handy size to carry about , and for you to easily record your daily stress entries. Each Stress entry is individually presented for ease of recording ‘on the go’ and to then transfer these entries to your Stress Diary Journal, or this Stress Diary: Reflection Journal, at the end of your day. Making remembering these Stress incidents/events much easier and keeping you in touch with managing your stress more effectively. Get a FREE Relaxation Music MP3 ! With your purchase of any of these Stress Diary: Reflection Journal This Stress Reflection Diary Journal is a companion guide to the Stress Diary/Journal and used as an additional tool to further enhance your insight and understanding of your stress. You are to choose 1 significant Stress Entry per day, from your Stress Diary Journal for the length of your 4 week programme, that you may want to elaborate and focus on. Using the guideline questions and answer spaces that are provided, and you can add your personal notes or thoughts about your day or progress. Weekly summaries of your progress are included, to advance and monitor your progress and by answering these questions and adding your own observations, you will increase your skills at understand, managing your reactions and responses to your daily stress triggers and stressors. The Reflection Journal is an easy way to record and focus on how to reflect on your experiences and how you can learn from it. Get these Stress Diary Journals at Copyright ©